Nighty, I was trying to change back to Dev Em, but I am blocking myself somehow.
Help me're my only help.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Did you send him a PM?
Were you Dev Em or Dev-em previously? Because you could make your name slightly different that way. i.e. using the one you didn't use before.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
or just "Dev"
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Changed. It's actually something any admin-level user can do (Me, LL, SG, KP, Spell, or Pov).
The user who signed up as "Dev-Em" years ago never posted. I'm willing to disable that account and give the name to you, Dave, if you'd prefer it.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev Em is fine. I have never used the hyphen before.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :