This is topic Steve Lightle, whats "Legion Outpost", you rascal...? in forum Visionaries of Tomorrow at Legion World.

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Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Steve, whats legion outpost?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Steve, whatcha doin' on legion outpost?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Steve, Whatcha doin' on Legion Outpost?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Does it have something to do with Cargg?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve?

(You realize i can keep this up all day, right?)

Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Rick, this ISN'T a chatroom, Steve hasn't been on the recent visitors at any point tonight, and even if it were and he was, the deliberate multi-posting would still be annoying.

As it is, it's plainly (insert current favoured word of strong insult here).
Posted by Blockade Boy on :

Don't mind the guy behind the curtain, he's Scotish a.k.a. genetically grumpy. [Big Grin]

Steve? Steve? Steve? Steve?
Posted by Pov on :
I'm sure Steve will be around to pimp his work eventually... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by UTS on :
[Tommy] Stevie, can you hear me...? [/Tommy]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Communications with the Outpost have been temporarily interrupted due to a space-malfunction. Service technicians are currently working on the problem. Please be patient. Your business is important to us.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
This thread actually refers to the LITG bon mott that Steve is supposedly working on a project, something called "Legion Outpost".

And don't worry, Madness definately has the upper hand on Sanity, lol. "I pay no heed to the humanoid behind the computer screen!"
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
This thread actually refers to the LITG bon mott that Steve is supposedly working on a project, something called "Legion Outpost".

[Wink] We're not childish idiots that need everything spelled out for us.

Oh wait.....
Posted by SteveLightle on :
I wouldn't want to appear to "pimp my work," as some so sweetly call it.

It's cool that a few are interested though ...

Rick! Rick, Rick!, Rick! ... thanks.

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Hello? Steve? We must have lost the transmission from the Outpost again. You were about to explain, in considerable detail, I hope!, what your work on the Outpost is about, weren't you?
Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
my guess is that the Legion Outpost will be an LSH Who's Who guide published to coincide with the new series relaunch. a concise guide on the members, powers, h.q., worlds, etc. for making it easy on new readers and returning old readers. all drawn by Steve Lightle {drool}. [Big Grin]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
*Rickshaw1 breaks out his 70's funkadelic mirrored ball on a necklace and swings it slowly back and forth in front of Steve*

You are getting very sleepy...sleepy...sleepy...zzzzzzzz


sorry, what? Oh, yeah... are asleep in a very warm place now, quite feel the strange desire to come to legionworld and tell all of your fans about your work on Legion will awaken with an incessant drive to tell all your fans everything you can about Legion outpost...and buy me a Sub-Station 2 large #19 with spicy mustard, hold the tomatos, onions and hot peppers....
Posted by Kid Quislet on :
Awww, now I'M hungry!

I hope Legion Outpost turns out to be like those short stories done by Cary Bates and Dave Cockrum back in the old SLoSH days. That kind of story did more for Legionnaire character development than any of the large arcs (until Levitz).
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I like Gorilla's idea but think it more likely that Steve will be doing some kind of back-up. Maybe (and this is how I understand it and may be totally wrong) since Barry may need some help keeping a monthly on time, Steve is the back-up man.

Come on Steve. Just a morsel. Something to keep our strength up until the new series starts. [Smile]
Posted by googoomuck on :
How about a non-denial denial?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
or even a plausibly deniable post-it.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Oh Stevie-pooh, where are you?

C'mon, gotta give a little bit...
give a little bit of your life to us...
c'mon an' give a little bit...
give a little bit of legion outpost to us...

H'mmmm, y'know, occasionally i get stuck on words. No real reason, i just do. I once spent two hours going over the word "charleston" just running through different permutations. Possible ways of saying it, possible different reasons as to why it came about and why it was pronounced the way it was. Yeah, i know the origin of it. It was just fun to explore the word.

As i typed the first few posts on this thread, i kinda got stuck on the word "steve". It just looked like an odd word when typing it. Stevedore came to mind, etc...

Anyone else have this happen to them? And yeah, lol, i have gotten stuck on "rick" before, or as my wife's lil' cousins call it, "wick".
Posted by Greybird on :
If you ever want him to answer, first, stop wheedling it out of him.

Second, remember that DC may have -- no, probably has -- instructed him not to talk for now.

Third, refrain, from ever, EVER calling him "Stevie." Only someone as close as Marianne gets to call him "Stevie."

Trust me.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :

Okay, just in case it hasn't been made clear by the tone of the posts....

This is all tongue in cheek.

Yeah, i know that he has restictions on what he can say. half the fun is just throwing things out there in a ridiculas manner.

Who didn't think of a blonde bimbo air-head when reading "Oh Stevie-poo".

Serious i was not. Hell, i call myself Rickshaw here. The closest i ever had to a real nickname other than "rick" was "skeeter" as a nine year old for two weeks by the members of my baseball team.

Steve seems to have a pretty good sense of humor.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I just think it's great that DC is continuing Lightle's association with the Legion -- His work is always an event. I'm greatly looking forward to his take on Wildfire in #34 and I'm sure Legion Outpost will look amazing -- Go Stevie!! -- I mean, Mr.Lightle... Steve! [Smile]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Greybirdie-poo has a gene block on "tongue-in-cheek." Doesn't recognize it without help so we go easy on him that way. [Smile]

However, he does seem to claim to know that only Steve Lightle's wife can call him Stevie-poo so maybe Grey is "connected?"
Posted by Greybird on :
You wanna know how I know? Check my Who's Who posting, and that might give you a clue.

We're not nine years of age around here. (Some intelligent pre-teenagers should be here, if the Legion concept is to have a future. But I digress.) Rickshaw may be acting with tongue in cheek, but he's also spamming the board. I'm sorry, but it's just not appropriate.

Yeah, right, I have no sense of humor, blah blah blah. Well, here's some news: As Lightle himself has announced, he's limiting his more intense fan interaction -- for the immediate future -- to his LegionUP Yahoo! Group. It isn't, I'm gathering -- as a co-moderator of that Group -- solely from being limited as to posting time.

Care to connect the dots?

No, I'm not always this cranky. (Memorial Day, and associated thoughts of waste, are part of it.) It's just that after a while, the sheer silliness does have a limit -- when it's aimed at less frequent or immersed guests.

It takes personal invitations and frequent persuasion to get some of these comics professionals to post here. Just one thread like this can drive them away. So let's be careful out there.

[ May 29, 2004, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: Greybird ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Jeepers! This thread took a negative tone. Let's all just love each other, or pretend that we do! [Big Grin]

My guess: As I understand it, the Waid LSH will be 30 pages.

My prediction: 22-page action-heavy leads with 8-page character-driven backups called LEGION OUTPOST by Waid & Steve Lightle.

Very late-70s!

Sounds like a winner to me.
Posted by UTS on :
I'm a little puzzled at Grey's reaction here.

Rick's comments aren't qualitatively different from comments numerous others have made on this board toward Barry Kitson, Steve Wacker, and others. In general, we seem to be treat creators and editors about as informally as we treat each other -- that is to say, casually, but not necessarily without respect.

I wonder if Grey takes issue with other threads on this board where people make "demands" of creators to do things that they have no obligation to do, and, thematically, are unlikely to do even if they were personally inclined. If so, I've not seen any Grey comments to that effect so far.

P.S. I always thought "Rick Shaw" could have been a real name. "Shaw," after all, isn't an uncommon surname.

P.P.S. To find distasteful a certain nickname, and to assume that anyone who's similarly named would automatically share that distaste, is a bit of a stretch.
Posted by Greybird on :
{[...] Rick's comments aren't qualitatively different from comments numerous others have made on this board toward Barry Kitson, Steve Wacker, and others. }

Yes, they are. Read the first page again. Rickshaw spams a thread in the manner of a petulant child. Yes, it's shown at some length to be tongue in cheek. Yet it's also suggesting something inaccurate about the level of maturity possessed by the vast majority of those using this site.

And Lightle does come back in good humor, true enough, but Rickshaw then doesn't let up in openly begging for information.

Public trust runs both ways: People who are professionals, and don't have any shortage of ways to spend their time, aren't going to stand for very much "informal" wasting of their time. Put forward something coherent, in a paragraph or two, about why not giving details may hurt fan morale and sales -- that, they might respect. Keep squawking "Steve?" like a parrot -- that, they won't.

{ In general, we seem to be treat creators and editors about as informally as we treat each other -- that is to say, casually, but not necessarily without respect. }

Well, this showed Lightle no respect, even with his taking it -- before Rickshaw resumed -- in apparent good grace. Why should he have to respect such wheedling?

{ I wonder if Grey takes issue with other threads on this board where people make "demands" of creators to do things that they have no obligation to do, and, thematically, are unlikely to do even if they were personally inclined. If so, I've not seen any Grey comments to that effect so far. }

When you show me such a thread, where the wheedling or "demands" are in earnest, I'll comment to the same effect. I haven't seen one -- that is, where the satirical effect (such as EDE talking about a third-string Calamity King) wasn't quite obvious.

Rickshaw was showing bad manners, nearly unmodified by smilie tags, that are not anywhere near common around here. That's what I find so offensive. What if Mark Waid did pop his head in? If he saw such wheedling, would he consider the general run of us to be worth listening to? Or would he save his time for another forum?

{[...] To find distasteful a certain nickname, and to assume that anyone who's similarly named would automatically share that distaste, is a bit of a stretch. }

Any juvenile-aimed nickname can sound patronizing. As a "Steve" -- yes, that's what I link to above -- I can testify to that. The reasonable tack is to not assume that such nicknames are not offensive until someone is known extensively on a personal level. I don't believe that applies -- yet -- to any comics professional as he or she is known by anyone in this forum.

We don't take offense to Newcru's "Lashie Poo" and the like, because so many of us have known Michael for so long. And we know "Princess Crujectra" is a self-satirical send-up persona.

Rickshaw was addressing Steve Lightle, who has no such persona (or even pseudonym), in a way that was asking for an answer in earnest. And he was using childish persistence and patronizing terms, nearly unmodified by any smilie'd or similar alert to its being facetious.

I don't care if anyone continues to think I'm a humorless bastard, if you do, but these two cases are different. Disrespect can't be summarily excused simply by protesting that it's being done "tongue in cheek."

I've said all that I want to say about this, really. We shouldn't have to be exhorted to be courteous.

[ May 30, 2004, 04:11 AM: Message edited by: Greybird ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Grey, if you don't get the joke, if you can't understand that it was known by me from the beginning that he would not answer the 'question', then there really isn't much i can say to you that you will grasp and understand.

I have no idea what the hell this "spamming" is you talk about. I started a fun thread. FUN.

I hope you have a nice day.

Oh, Quick reply doesn't have the smilies, by the way. Just so you know.

*This was edited because i said some slightly unflattering things about grey in the original. I didn't like that. So, i cut them out.*

[ May 30, 2004, 06:43 AM: Message edited by: rickshaw1 ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:

Who didn't think of a blonde bimbo air-head when reading "Oh Stevie-poo".

Henceforth, I shall only think of rickshaw when reading (or hearing) that appelation. Just as I shall always think of Steve Lightle when I see a chainmail bikini, thanks to his lovely work on Red Sonja.

A backup story in each issue would be great! Or a mini-series...too much to hope for a separate book, I suppose.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Greybird:
I don't care if anyone continues to think I'm a humorless bastard, if you do, but these two cases are different. Disrespect can't be summarily excused simply by protesting that it's being done "tongue in cheek."

Grey, you're a humorless bastard -- but I think you've got a point [Wink] . It's easy to lose sight of the fact that someone who isn't immersed in the boards and the "feel" of the humor might be turned off by some of the antics even if it's understood to be tongue in cheek. Maybe it's more accurate to say that Rick wasn't being "disrespectful", but maybe he wasn't showing proper respect either -- especially since it doesn't seem like Steve comes here to goof around. Being "hall monitor" isn't a popular role, but sometimes I can understand the need for one Grey.
Posted by Pov on :
Fuck, don't encourage him, Drake... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Hey! Who you calling self-satirical? [Wink]
Posted by deanlegion on :
I'm sure that Steve Lightle is perfectly capable of deciding for himself how he feels about fannish silliness at Legion online forums.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
You know, i really wasn't going to say anymore on this. Grey has his assumptions, and his point of view. Nothing i say will change them. However, i just re-read some of his posts, and frankly, his ASSumptions pissed me off.

First...I have spoken with Steve several times, both here and on the Legion boards at DC. I have always been respectful of him, his art, and his person. I always will be, because he seems to be a genuinely decent guy who's work i admire and enjoy. I especially liked his short run on DP and told him so. He seemed, on his part, to be glad that some out there liked and enjoyed it. So you see, we have talked before, and our senses of humor seemed to coincide somewhat. make many ASSumptions about how i was thinking, with no KNOWLEDGE of what i was thinking. You also have no knowledge, unless you asked him, as to whether or not he even knows who i am. Admittedly, he may not remember those times or me, at all, in any way shape or form. That, however, is beside the point. He, Steve himself, answered in the spirit of the post.

Third...this is the second time on these boards you have taken it upon yourself to berate me over something that had nothing to do with you. Apparantly, you do this quite often. People continue to 'cut you slack'. Good for you. I, however, do not give a tinker's damn about you, your position on other boards, or what you think of me. keep piece on this board, as the real founders and moderators have asked all of us, i have stayed away from the more serious threads on my own accord. I have only been posting, or posting on, fun threads for some time. I honestly don't care if you are aware of this or not. They, the moderators, may ask me to modify my responses, or leave the board, or Steve may ask for an apology if he feels one is needed or warranted, but i have no reason to listen to your pompous, self-important drivel anymore.

So, to keep myself happy, i wont be responding to you anymore here. You, of course, may feel free to do anything you feel like, as i would not dare presume to lecture you on how to post, who to post to, or when to post.

Thank you, however, for turning a fun post, meant to be nothing more than a running gag joke post, into yet another example of "semi-professional, outraged on behalf of others" theatre.

In the immortal words of Fez, "I say good day to you, sir!"
Posted by capt._dallas on :
Originally posted by Greybird:
It takes personal invitations and frequent persuasion to get some of these comics professionals to post here. Just one thread like this can drive them away. So let's be careful out there.

I can appreciate Greybird's concern. As much as possible, we DO want the industry professionals to feel "comfortable" posting on

However, looking at Steve Lightle's profile, I see he's posted here over 110 times in the 11 months since he's registered. That's frequent for a busy professional, and enough time for Lightle to understand the nature of this site. Obviously, I can't speak for Lightle, but I would hazard a guess that a "silly" thread like this isn't going to make him abandon posting here.

Are Rick's posts "badgering" Lightle to respond (even after Lightle already did on May 26th)? Um..., yeah, okay..., I can see that. Again, I can appreciate the substance (if not the delivery) of Greybird's objection here.

But I would be more concerned if Rick was "following" Lightle on several different threads chanting, "Steve, tell us about Legion Outpost!", "Steve, tell us about Legion Outpost!", "Steve, tell us about Legion Outpost!" instead of limiting it to this thread. I think that would have crossed the line.

Also, Rick clearly admires Lightle. If he had started a thread screaming, "Lightle, you piece of $%*! hack! Leave the Legion alone!", "Lightle, you piece of $%*! hack! Leave the Legion alone!", "Lightle, you piece of $%*! hack! Leave the Legion alone!", that would have crossed the line in my book.

What upsets me about Greybird's objection is that it is a bit hypocritical considering some of his other posts; he professes to be looking out for Lightle and scared that a thread like this will "drive him away," BUT he has no qualms loudly stating his displeasure about Legion Vol. 4 and how TMK ruined this and ruined that, etc. What if Giffen wanted to post regularly here and tell us why he, Al Gordon and the Bierbaums made the creative decisions they did during Vol. 4? Would Greybird's comments have "driven him away" because Giffen wouldn't feel comfortable posting here?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that Greybird (or anyone else) can't make a critical comment about a professional's work. This is a message board; we all state opinions. But don't be claiming that you're looking out for the professionals when your comments could also be dissuading some professionals from posting. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

I think the bottom line is this: some Legionworlders don't find Rick's "pestering" here amusing. Fine. Rick, as a registered user, still has the right to create this thread; Steve Lightle, I'm sure, is adult enough to ignore this thread if he doesn't care for it; and for the users who don't find it amusing, they











And, I thought it was Willy Wonka who at the end of the movie said, "I SAID, 'GOOD DAY', SIR!"? [Big Grin]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
He may have, Capt. But if you watch "That 70's Show", the line is a catch phrase for a miffed Fez, lol. Wilmer Vallderama (sp?) delivers it very well, and it usually leaves me laughing each time.

As for the 'badgering'... if any of you have kids, or even watch the simpsons, you will recognize that it is a thing silly kids do. It fit the vein of a silly post that expected no reply other than possibly a chuckle from the "object" of the post. In this case, i thought it would give Steve a nice smile. I fully understand that he may be in a position to not answer. But i have yet to meet anyone that doesn't enjoy knowing how well their craft is appreciated.

And i respect that. The 'fun' was in both of us knowing that, and the rather silly tone of the thread. Some folk got it, some didn't.

As to Steve's work, you are 100% correct. I find that his has been, is, and most likely will remain a professional that likes to keep in touch and enjoy the light-hearted fun of fandom. His art is clearly phenomenal (sp?), and he has been nothing but a gentleman.
Posted by UTS on :
Originally posted by Greybird:
{[...] Rick's comments aren't qualitatively different from comments numerous others have made on this board toward Barry Kitson, Steve Wacker, and others. }

Yes, they are. Read the first page again.

When debating, one particularly ineffective tactic is to tell someone to "read it again." I don't know whether you assumed that I'd reply seriously to a topic without reading enough of the background to establish a context, or that I'm simply so slow that I don't "get" something unless I read it many, many times.

Regardless, here's my answer: I'd already read the posts made by Rick and others on the first page. More than once. And even reading them a million times more is not going to affect how I perceive the situation.

Next time, before you ask someone to "read it again," think about whether you would honestly and realistically change your own opinion after reading something a few more times. If the answer is "no," then maybe you should assume that the answer is "no" for the other person as well.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Not that I have anything to add to what has degenerated into nothing more than a shouting match, but if I were still a moderator/founder, I would close this thread, as it has clearly lost all sense of whatever original purpose, whimsical or not, that it ever had.

(And don't be getting any funny ideas, Gary.) [Smile]

[Optimus Prime]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I agree.

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