This is topic My awesome Friday night (lame to the old Cobie) will entail... in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
...watching Season 1 of Game of Thrones with Lady Cobalt.

...enjoying a nice bottle of pinot noir (Picket Fence--I recommend it) with Lady Cobalt. The 2009 is very good and if you can find the 2008, lucky you.

...enjoying a few glasses of Laphroig single malt scotch.

...eating a nice spread of fresh mozerrella sliced on top of fresh sliced tomatoes, with calamata olives on the side. Also, some fresh Italian bread with a good olive oil to dip it in.

...wearing a t-shirt and jeans, or perhaps even...sweat pants?

...using my iphone to go on Legion World, the twitter feed for @dadboner and @imagecomics, Bleeding Cool and maybe even Facebook if I'm really bored.


...hang out with Pickles. He tends to want to cuddle with Lady Cobalt, but bribery is my friend.

...hopefully finding out what cool things the rest of Legion World is doing tonight on this thread!

There are similar threads started by me about 8-10 years ago that have a very different tone to them. I don't use the phrase "blackout wasted" anymore, I guess.
Posted by Anita Cocktail on :
Cobie, you're a treasure!
Posted by Power Boy on :
I had one drink with my colleagues for a 'happy hour' now i have stopped by home to get a sweater before going to a going away party later. It should be fun, some costumes may be involved ...

Hopefully it'll be fun but not blackout wasted fun!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I find that I'm enjoying beer less and less. Even the good stuff.
Posted by cleome45 on :
I'm gonna' fix some Quesadillas (marinated, grilled chicken) and then kick back with some show I haven't decided on yet.
Posted by Raging Bull on :
This Friday night will be spent like countless others in the recent past -- changing kids' diapers. (Not my kids -- someone else's. I've been a professional "manny" for a while now.)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
I find that I'm enjoying beer less and less. Even the good stuff.

Kind of went through that recently but two beers I really enjoy pulled me out of it: Harp, an old standby, and Lobster Ale, a new one I really like.
Posted by Power Boy on :
... party ended (bar closed) at 12 ... sigh!

then went for chinese food.
Posted by Nam'Lor on :
Peebs Friday night very lame ... Nam'Lor no approve .. Nam'Lor coming over now with booze and *%#@%$#!
Posted by Power Boy on :
Right ?!?! I'd much rather be eating Quesadillas at Cleomes, Sipping scotch and watching tv at CKs and Pickles, or changing diapers with Raging Bull (I love kids) ........ than having a dud rockin night out!
Posted by Future on :
My awesome Friday night will be spent doing .... whatever Nam'Lor wants to do ....
Posted by Power Boy on :
[No] Be careful what you wish for ! [Smile]
Posted by Future on :
I don't think its my wishes that have a say. [Wink]
Posted by Viridis Lament on :
...I currently at the in-laws awaiting my wife and daughter. They spent the last week in Saskatoon, so I've been missing them!
Posted by Nam'Lor on :
Nam'Lor is one bad boy!

so easy to be popular on Legion World ... just be bad.
[Monstress] (No one ever use Monstress gremlin ? )

[Super-Moby Dick of Space]
Posted by Nam'Lor on :
Originally posted by Viridis Lament:
...I currently at the in-laws awaiting my wife and daughter. They spent the last week in Saskatoon, so I've been missing them!

awwww Nam'Lor [Hug] Viridis Lament.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Bah! I'm currently annoyed because I cut my hair tonight, but now we're getting a thunderstorm and I can't get a shower!

So now I'm all itchy and stuff!
Posted by MLLASH's *glare* on :
Why can't you shower during a thunderstorm?

I myself this Friday have a major case of the inconsolables. I tried going out but was bored. I tried eating Taco Bell but remain unsatisfied. I even had a handful of "fun-size" Milky Ways... I found their fun-ness overrated.

Everything is blase'.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Fun-sized candy is the worst! It's okay, I guess...for hobbits!

Speaking of which, between scotches, I had a twix. Any you know I had both of those mother fuckers! That's 88% of the reason why you buy a twix...because it's two candy bars. It's the threesome of eating candy.

Yeah so, I'm buzzed.
Posted by cleome45 on :

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by MLLASH's *glare*:
Why can't you shower during a thunderstorm?

Posted by cleome45 on :
EDE doesn't want superpowers... [No]
Posted by MLLASH's *glare* on :
Hmm, the lightning thing is news to me, but seems like there's no reason to tempt fate.

Cobie you KNOW it's bleah over here when I don't even want to get buzzed!

Thanks for the huggage, Cle.

I poured myself some lemon water and will now go lie in bed and watch WILL & GRACE. I texted my roommate to bring home some kielbasa sausage (I thought maybe something filling and meaty and super-bad for me might make me feel better) but am wondering if the heartburn will be worth the trouble.

Maybe I need to go shopping or something. Haven't bought any comics or DVDs for awhile. Maybe a zombie-themed novel or something.
Posted by cleome45 on :
My quesadillas are splendid, but I miss booze.

And I'm never taking oxycotin again. [No] Nasty stuff. Shoulda' made them give me vicodin like last time.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lady Cobalt did a late night homemade chicken tenders and buffalo sauce but I abstained. I'm trying to prove to myself I could not eat meat on Fridays during Lent. It suuuuucks.

We're now back to TV and I have Speed on. It rocked when I was in middle school. Went to see it with my 8th grade g/f and it was Makeout City, USA. Nowadays, my buzz is improving a Keanu / Sandea Bullock production.

I wonder if Peebs is still raging right now?
Posted by cleome45 on :
I love the Speed parody from Animaniacs.

Keanu: Hi! Uh, I'm looking for a bomb?

Slappy Squirrel: Check out your performance in Dracula!
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Tonight I put on a tux and sang in a concert. Afterwards, had refreshments with the choir and audience, went and got real food (a burger and fries at one of the best burger places in town), and came home to check on my medicated/blase/drunk homebody LW friends.
Posted by Anita Cocktail on :
Auntie Anita's feeling itchy... but not from a haircut or the half of a Oxyconton I accidentally dropped into my martini.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I got drunk last Friday night. Was with some of my closest friends. Awesome time.

And I had a nice dinner with Blaze last night. It's always nice eating Blaze eating with Blaze.

I know Blaze would say the same thing about me, but Blaze's mouth is full right now.
Posted by cleome45 on :
Who else was totally imagining LT sitting at the computer while still wearing his tux?

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by cleome45:
Who else was totally imagining LT sitting at the computer while still wearing his tux?


heh! yep, our LT is a class act all the way!
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Only the best for my LW friends!

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
And I bet LT always ends his LW sessions with a graceful bow for the audience. Such a gentleman.
Posted by Power Boy on :
I was out at a gallery opening ... and then I fled home ... for some LW ... some beer ... and maybe some West Wing and a bad seventies movie.

[Big Grin]

... I am also previewing Taylor Swifts new "contribution". [Chameleon]
Posted by Power Boy on :
I had more fun reading this thread than going out ....

except now I am really hungry for Quesadillas, Killbasa, Hotdogs, and ... scotch! but I have no scotch killbasa or hot dogs.

le sigh.

... and i am wearing a baseball hat for some reason. indoors.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
We should start a thread about the weird things people wear indoors!

I can't think of anything weird I'm wearing though...
Posted by Leap Year Lord on :
My awesome Friday night = cooking pizza rolls and wearing a new sweatshirt (insides still nice-n-fuzzy)
Posted by lowercase mllash on :
I had a TV and comic-thon Friday night. Tonight I am going to go out and this will be the theme song:
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Worked late Friday night, but Saturday was a lot better - got to finish a quick workout and had a swim, plus my favorite chocolate vodka with Blaze [Smile]
Posted by cleome46 on :

Where did Friday go...?


I could have sworn it was happening right now... Time Bubble needs to go into the shop... razza frazzin'...
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Wish every day were Friday Saturday!
Posted by Power Boy on :
*SIGH* The latest episodes of Glee and Gossip Girl.

Patsa, cookies, beer and sitting in front of the heater.

Its been a busy week.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'm already looking forward to hibernating this weekend!

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