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Posted by Furball on :
Furball moves through the city streets to a seemingly random alley. Entering, he activates a hidden doorway.

He descends the stairs and and says. "lights."

The lights illuminate a cross between an office and an armory. This had been set up years ago by Cobalt Kid and Furball, shortly after Furball confided in Cobalt because he saw a need that needed to be filled.

They used the Bunker to house weapons that mostly Furball used on his missions. There were also files that they had assembled from a wide variety of places.

Furball changed his outfit after showering. He threw his old clothes out as they were mostly scorched anyway. He pulled a chair up to one of the terminals and typed in a few keywords.

He grabbed some water form a mini fridge near the desk and scooted back to the computer. "C'mon...stupid slow thing," he said as he tapped the screen. "there we go." He viewed the file and made some mental notes.

He shut the terminal down and went over to the weapons room. He started grabbing various guns and knives, placing them in seemingly hidden slots in his outfit. "Gotta get back quick before something else happens."

He went to the exit, "Shut down." As he left, the room went dark and the sound of locks closing was all he heard.

He exited out into the Alley again and headed back to the Rookery.
Posted by Red Arrow on :
I have come for what I am looking for. Now comes the easy part. Red Bee is going to die today. Even if it means I lose myself. He picks up a few items and leaves as quickly as he came.
Posted by Furball on :
Furball and Hot Chick enter the Bunker.

He immediately realizes that someone has been here.

"What the hell? They break into this place but they can;t help while the six of us are getting slaughtered?"

He rumages around the weapons room looking for something.
Posted by SharkLad on :
SharkLad enters the Bunker, finally catching up with Furball, who it seems has been two steps ahead of SharkLad since last following him to the Rookery. SharkLad immediately senses Furball's anger at his presence, and braces himself for an attack.

"Before you say or do anything, hear me out," SharkLad implores. "Obviously, we've had our issues, but there's something larger at stake here... something your brother, you, and I need to explore once this Red Bee crisis is over. Until then, I'm here to offer a truce. Together, I think we'd be nearly unstoppable."
Posted by Furball on :
Furball looks at him. Pure rage already in his mind, he calms himself and realizes that for the first time, he and Shark Lad have something in common that can be used to an advantage.

"Alright Shark Lad. The thing're right, Dev told me a little about what he's come across...and...crap. I need to get to the morgue to check on something before we do anything else. Expecially before Dev wakes up."

He looks at Hot Chick. "You don't need to come with us there. It's gonna be a scene that most people don't like to even imagine, let alone think about, but I have to find out if someone is there. I caught a scent at the that should not have been there."

She looked at him and told him that there was no way she was leaving him.

He continued to get things ready, and finally turned back to Shark Lad and said, "Let's go."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<after almost an entire day healing, Cobalt finally ventures back out into Legion World>

Before you go, wait up. Opening up the Bunker to the rest of the LMB was smart, Furball. But I'm thinking you should open up about a few more things, like the official codename you use on our ops: Timberwolf.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<And to Shark Lad>

By the way, Lolita told me if I see you to tell you, 'be safe'. I think she really cares for you, Sharky.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Despite himself, SharkLad blushes.

"Yeah, well, Lolita ain't so bad... I guess"

SharkLad kicks at the ground absentmindedly.

"Alright, Furball, let's get out of here."
Posted by Furball on :
He looked at Cobalt. "Yeah, mascot time is over," he looked at Hot Chick and smiled, "way past time too."
Posted by SharkLad on :
"Trust me, Furball... it's been a long time now since anybody thought of you as a mascot"
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
The three of them moved through the streets towards the morgue.

Lon stopped and looked at Sharklad. "Look, since we're playing nice...Dev told me about what you two found out. Whoever that witch is that has the kids is going to pay."
Posted by SharkLad on :
"She'll pay alright... starting with her guts when I eviscerate her for keeping me in the dark all these years."
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
They stop about a block from the morgue. There are makeshift stations set up for at least three block past where they were now, and several buildings had obviously been taken over to store bodies. Bodies were in the streets, on the sidewalks, and on trucks, stacked like wood. The only thing visible were the toe tags, identifying the area.

"Good God. No matter how many times I see something like this, it never ceases to amaze me. Wait here," he says to Sharklad and Hot Chick, and he enters the zone.

The attendant at the first checkpoint nods at him as he passes. It is obvious to Sharklad and Hot Chick that Lon Talbot Em is someone that these people know.

Several more attendants acknowledge him and point him the direction that he needs to go in. He finally stops at the building that has a hastily made sign that says "Unidentified."

He walks into the building, and emerges about ten minutes later, two attendants carrying a body behind him. He turns and says something to them and they nod in agreement, and carry the body off in a different direction.

Furball approaches them and has a very stunned look on his face. "Whoever did that was good. Looked like a bee attack victim, but she's been dead for years...killed by the same thing, but there are some things that don't change. The smell of stasis being one of them. Hold someone in there long enough and you cannot get rid of it naturally." He brushes his hair out of his eyes. "Dev is not going to be happy, but it does explain some things. Why she's been pushing him away for years, why she wanted to move away from here. Too easy to be caught if you stay near people like us for too long. Also explains what we saw on that video Dev got hold of, and what he's feared for a while now...but it's worse than even he thought."

Sharklad and Hot Chick looked at him totally clueless.

"Sorry, it's just so much to absorb at this point. Short version then," he said knowing that that was an already pointless statement, "look, that body is Dev's real wife. Whoever took over for her and is on that vid we saw has been in place for years, and the mother of his children. This is gonna be more complicated than it seems though..."does this remind you of anyone?" he asks Sharklad as he hands him one single coarse hair from a pouch in his belt. "Found it on the body. It belongs to someone you know."

He walks over to Hot Chick and hugs her. "This is so screwed up sweetie. Me, my brother and Sharky here have some things to take care of as soon as we take care of this mess here. Not sure how long it'll take, but..." he stops and just kisses her.

"We got to get going."
Posted by SharkLad on :
SharkLad gives a low growl.

"Yeah, it reminds me of someone."

'More family drama,' he thinks to himself. 'I thought I was done with it. Still, Furball is no PsychoticBeaver. When all is said and done, this may be the key to shedding some of the darkness I've been carrying around since the day I found my mother's body. Damn! With Beaver coming back from the dead all of the time, I don't know why I never figured the same could happen with Mom. Bah! Shake it off, Bruce. Stay in the moment.'

"Any thought how this all plays into the game Red Bee is playing?"
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"My guess is that if they are involved somehow, it's enough to use this as a distraction to get the kids. Not sure why, and I know they're okay somehow...just one of those things. Always known when they were in trouble or far nothing to suggest that."

Hot Chick looked at him. "What do you know?"

He grinned. "Dev's daughter has some level of telepathic ability...enough to give off general feelings of her mood, and relay small messages if she concentrates really hard. She's a tough kid, but really sensitive. The boy is a trip altogether too. Can absorb knowledge, and remember it. Got a photographic memory. He ever sees a machine and can really look at it...he can probably duplicate it. If he meets the guy who built something, he can do it better. Kinda weird."

He looks around for a few minutes.

"To be honest, I got nothing here. Too many scents mixed with the stench of death to get my bearings. We might as well head back to the Rookery to see if the others have recovered yet."
Posted by SharkLad on :
"Alright, I'll meet up with there in a little while. I need to go to my tank. I need to think some things over. Call me if anything happens."

SharkLad smiled at Hot Chick.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but make sure you don't let anything happen to him."

SharkLad looked over at Timber Wolf.

"Listen up, Furb-- I mean, Timber Wolf. If I find out that any major action goes down without me, you and I are going to go round 17 of 'Fin vs. Fur,' you got it? Don't be a hero. You've got more than a couple of friends now."
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Wolf just looked at him for a second...and then laughed.

"As long as I can ignore this urge I have, you might not be that bad a guy...or fish...or whatever the hell you are." He grinned at Sharklad.

"Hot Chick put her arms around Timber Wolf. "C'mon Lon, I'll fly you back."

Sharklad looked at him and raised an eyebrow."

Timber Wolf laughed again. "My mom had a strange sense of humor I guess...named me after some olf movie she loved as a kid...Lon Talbot. Dad added the Em portion on after I went to live with him, but...I mean who the hell names their kid after some 1000 year old movie star?"

He leaned his head back a little, "Let's go sweetie."

With that they were off to the Rookery.
Posted by Question Lad on :
This little shack was deserted when Red Arrow entered. She was glad to share intelligence with Sebastian, there was no question he was good at this undercover work. The space was big enough for her to set up her wireless communications device. She implemented the codes one by one:


She would have to see her grandfather sometime soon. She would do what it took to get that equation in her hands.


Red Arrow made a mental note to check the Security office's bank accounts after this was all over. She might have to pull some connections and maybe do a few favors, but they could see some serious cash.


The controls and systems were beginning operation. She examined the data and found it satisfactory. Legionworld would survive yet.


The initiation sequences began to run through their courses. Red Arrow forced herself to focus through the computer run-through until it was complete. Then she whispered, "Yea for science." In quick moments she unplugged everything and made her way over to a normal place.

Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Timberwolf lays Kalla on the bed in his room and locks the Bunker down.

"Cobie won't be happy if he comes here and sees I have it locked down, but oh well."

He moves to the supply cabinet and pulls out a med kit.

"Let's see how bad it is."
Posted by Hot Chick on :
I...I think I have a mild concussion. Would've been worse if I hadn't got a shield up in time. No use hiding your arm from me, though...I noticed it immediately.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
He grins at her.

"Sorry, not used to having someone that cares at all. It'll heal fast enough...I;m more worried about you," he says as he brushes a little hair off her bad do you think it is?"

His face grows concerned, "for your own safety, will you beable to mantain your illusion?"
Posted by Hot Chick on :
I... {her features waver slightly but don't change}, can't concentrate enough to make the change at the moment. Will we not be safe here for a while?
Posted by Dev Em on :
OOC - getting too tired. [Wink]
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Yeah...but if we're gone too long, or I leave this on lockdown too long, there;s going to be a lot of explaining to do. I wish Cobie would react better...he could probably heal you quick like."

Timber wolf sighs..."We got a little time to figure that out...right now, you need some sleep. Dont worry, I'll stay right here and watch over you to make sure you're okay tonight."
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{drifting off as the concussion meds take over}

Lon...think I...think

{falls asleep}
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Lon Talbot Em watches her drift to sleep and replays those words over and over in his head.

"I've never had anyone say that to me before..."

He couldn't fall asleep now if he tried.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Timberwolf waited for Kalla to wake up before getting himself cleaned up.

"I'm going to have to go to Cobie with this you know," he says aas he sits down again next to her. "He's not going to be happy about who you are and the fact that you've been in the midst of them for so long now, but I'll eplain things to him. First though, I need to sleep for a little bit. Have not had a chance in about 4 days."

He closes his eyes after squeezing her hand gently, "It's going to be alright..."

His last thoughts before falling asleep sitting next to her were I wonder if she knows what she said to me...
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{wakes up and is pleasantly surprised to see Timber Wolf lying asleep beside her}

Mmmm...alone in bed with a guy I really like in a locked down bunker....

{starts kissing him}
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<just as the action starts to get hot, the reinforced metal door comes flying off the hinges>


<Cobalt Kid and Dev Em stand before them>

Timberwolf! Are you in here? Dev is worried about you and I have some matters to discuss of the utmost importance.

<And at last, confirming his suspicions, Cobalt sees Kalla Hrykos sitting before him with Timberwolf.>

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Before anyone can react, Cobalt magnetically pulls two of Timberwolf's knives into his hands and re-shuts the magnetic door so no one else can get in other than these four.>


There have been many crimes against Legion World and yours remains one of the most heinous.

Either you've tricked your way here and now stand revealed...or worse.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Timberwolf reaches and grabs two other blades from next to the bed.

"Don't try it Cobie, these aren't metal...and they're sharper than those. Back off, and nobody has to get hurt here. I was going to come and get you as soon as I could...she needs your help."
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev stands behind Cobalt Kid in shock at what is transpiring.

"Everybody needs to calm down."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You know about this then, Wolf?

<Cobalt thinks for a moment.>

So Lardy probably knows too.

<he lowers the knives, seeing Kalla is obviously in pain; if Timberwolf is willing to defend her against him, who he's always trusted implicitly, there is much more going on here.>

You care about her, then? I assume you did your homework on her...even during all this calamity these last few weeks. She's a murderer, you know. In my opinion, crazy as a loon too when she engineered the deaths of all those people.

<he walks closer to them, throwing the knives to the side of the bunker, thinking he has no further use for them.>

I began to suspect there was more to her but have been too distracted to put it together. It's her light powers obviously that made me realize. And the Dark Oval connection to the Red Bee. If he found his way to Legion World, she could have as well.

<sees she is in immense pain>

I suspect she has knowledge of the Bee, which we need.

Lon. I'm of the mind to extract that knowledge any way I can. But the way you were ready to protect her--fight me even--after all the times we've saved each other's lives makes me wonder. I knew you too grew close but not this close. Where an infamous killer would confide in you. Where you'd protect her.

Do you love her?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Timberwolf relaxes his stance and sheaths his knives.

He looks back at Kalla, "yeah, I do Des. I love her." A small grin creeps onto his face. "Can you help Lardy Kalla?" He says as he walks over to her.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Cobalt sighs>

It matters to me that you love her.

I can heal her wounds but in return I need every bit of information she has on the Red Bee, and then anything she can give us to help us cure Lardy--and I mean fast. He's on the verge of death.

But after that, I need your word Timberwolf that you won't let her escape Legion World. She deserves to rot in jail for her crimes, which include murder. And if Lardy knows about this I think I (and others) are owed an explanation.

And then even after that, I want information on the Dark Oval.

But we'll get to that all eventually. The only thing saving her from my using my powers to overwhelm an already hurt opponent is you telling me you love her and the fact that she can help Lardy. I'm still unconvinced why she should't be locked up in a dark hole somewhere where no record of her exists.

<walks over to check her wounds, still internally fighting with himself on whether he should heal her.>

Kalla. Can you help us heal Lardy? Do you know anything that could help?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Timberwolf puts his hand on Cobalt Kids shoulder and whispers, "she's not going to be your little plaything wath your step. As far as your self rightuous posturing, you know as well as I do that there are places out there that people would say these exact same things about us..."
Posted by Hot Chick on :
I...You're saying it is the Red Bee's toxins that are killing him?

{Cobalt nods grimly}

Then, I may be able to help. One of the Oval's primary powers, The Hive, did some research on the Red Bee's toxins. While they weren't able to develop an inocculation...or a cure exactly...they came up with something that treats it. It helps about a third of his victims on average. If he's lucky, it'll help him.

{pulls out an Omnicom and accesses some of her personal files}

Here's the one you need. It has the ingredients and the proper procedure for the formula....

{tosses it to him}

Don't bother with trying to hack it...I just erased every other file in it.

{watches him study it and moves toward Lon, embracing him from behind}

{whispers} Oh Fuzzy...I love you, too!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Cobalt reviews it to make sure it looks on the up and up; he's soon convinced.>

Dev, its on the up and up. You should take it to Lardy with your super speed, and let's hope it saves him.

<turns back to Kalla and Timberwolf>

As for you...I stand by my word. It will sting for a moment and you will feel relief soon after.

<places hand on her, beginning the healing process, and braces for the intense pain he feels that accompanies his healing someone.>

...the what we right...

<Kalla begins to be healed.>
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Depends on your viewpoint I guess." He says quietly.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Timberwolf watches as his most trusted friend heals the woman he has fallen in love with.
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{when Cobie, finishes, she feels refreshed}

{to Cobalt} Listen closely...if you want to accomplish anything with me as far as my intel goes, you have to keep my presence on Legion World a secret! The Dark Oval thinks I'm on Hrykosia, right now. If they find out otherwise, I am useless to you! Any road I now have open will close! Do you understand?

{squeezes T-Wolf's hand, to hide hers shaking as much as anything else}
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
He gives her a hug.

Looks at Cobie. "Thank you. I owe more than ever. Catch up to us when you feel up to going to see how Lardy is doing? We're going to head up there to make sure everything is going alright."
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
After leaving Question Lad at Medicus 2 , Timber Wolf returned to the bunker. Letting Hot Chick know that he was headed there using his omnicom.

"Time to hopefully relax for a few hours," he said as he sat down to check out the latest information form his informants.
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{arrives and enters}

Hey, Fuzzy--guess who's getting amnesty? {smiles}
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Lon raises an eyebrow. "That's great. What you have to tell him to get him to agree to it?" he asks with a grin forming on his face.
Posted by Hot Chick on :
Oh...I gave them a taste of how I can help them. I'll tell ya all about it later, Fuzzy...

{takes off her top and tosses it on his head}

...unless you're not in the mood to...celebrate with me?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
He walks over to the door and makes sure it's locked, and then walks back to her. "c'mon, let's celebrate."
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{sex ensues...vigorous, sexy sex}

Posted by SharkLad on :
"Hey, did I leave my cell phone... hey now... um, sorry, I, uh, ok see you later..."
Posted by Dev Em on :
OOC:Dang it!
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
After returning home from his mission with Dev Em and Sharklad, Timberwolf was relaxing at the bunker. he had been home all of ten minutes and he was bored already.

I need to call Cobie and see what's going on...but I really need to call Kalla.

He grabbed his Omnicom and sent her a message that he had returned and was at the bunker.

Then he went and cleaned up.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{she rushes in, ignores the message Rick left ( [Razz] ) and embraces T-Wolf who has just gotten dressed}

Oh, Lon! I missed you so much! {kisses him}'d it go?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"It went okay. I think."

He shrugged a little.

"Devs' kids are safe and sound...and Royalty. Found out that in a weird sort of way, Sharky is our cousin...and that we were preprogrammed to fight each other. But that;s not an issue anymore."

"How about you? Did Cobie and the Chief behave themselves?"
Posted by Hot Chick on :
They stayed away from me if that's what you mean. Not sure when the mission's going down. Cobie'd be more likely to tell you, I suppose.

And I guess congratulations are in order for your brother?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Well, I think he's alright with how things turned out...according our father anyway. They're living with their mother and our dad is setting up an Embassy there to keep an eye on them."

Lon's face drops a bit, "he also lost his shape changing ability for the most part. Another 'gift' from our mother. That part of his DNA was slowly driving him insane. That;s been halted and somewhat repaired...Sharky's mother gave us a serum that muted those abilities majorly."

He looks at her and smiles, "enough about that...what's been happening? I got back, came here and haven't had a chance to check in yet...what did I miss besides you?"

[ March 26, 2011, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Timber Wolf ]
Posted by Hot Chick on :
Um, well, I guess you missed what I was referring to in regards to your brother? How Lardy's under disciplinary suspension and your brother's been named acting Chief?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Lons eyes opened wide.

"Grife that was fast. He can only have been back a day or two...I knew he wanted to confront Lardy on his actions, but wow. Yeah, I guess so."

Lon thought for a minute. "Grife, there's so much I need to to Cobie, go see my brother. The only problem is there's one thing I absolutely need to do first..." he says as he embraces her.

[ March 27, 2011, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Timber Wolf ]
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{smiles widely} I hope you're talking about what I think you are... {kisses him again} ...if you are, you'd best not be rushing through it to get to those other things you want to do.....
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Never. Nobody else knows I'm back have my full attention for the next few hours."

[ March 27, 2011, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Timber Wolf ]
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
hours later, Lon awakens and carefully slips out of bed, as to not wake Kalla.

He quickly dresses and heads out to talk to his brother.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
After Talking to Coblat Kid, Lon went back to the Bunker and slipped back into bed with Kalla and started rubbing her back.
Posted by Hot Chick on :

You're not fooling me, though...been out and about, haven't you? You that restless, or am I that unsatisfying?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Restless. I always get like this before a major mission. You are incredible Kalla."

He rolled over onto his back.

"Just needed to set a few things straight with Cobie. He needs to understand that I love you, but we're not people that will be told what to do with our lives...we will make that decision when it's right for us."

He looked at her and smiled, "you hungry?"
Posted by Hot Chick on :
Starved! I mean that, literally, by the way.... {winks} Well... {looks around} ....not in the mood for trail mix. Can we go out for dinner?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Sure...I know the owner at a very exclusive place."

He gets up and starts dressing.

"I can get us a private table away from prying eyes."
Posted by Hot Chick on :
Sounds fun! I'll still have to wear the Hot Chick glamour, though. Even though I have amnesty, the Dark Oval still thinks I'm in Hrykosia! {puts up glamour}
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"I like the real you better...but, let's go."
Posted by Hot Chick on :
*sigh* Some day, I won't have to hide... {walks out with him}
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :

Don't mind me. I'm just passing through.
Posted by Tempest on :
(Walks in and finds the nearest terminal chair.)

I think it's time for a little one on one with Ms. Chick.
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{hears someone} Lon? Is that... {sees Tempest}!

You...are not welcome here. Out!
Posted by Tempest on :
(Gets up)

I see how it is.

(Grabs Hot Chick by the throat and pushes her against the wall. Tempest's eyes glow white, her hand shines with energy that seeps onto Hot Chick. Her illusion flickers on and off a few times for a quick couple of seconds.)

I see all of it, actually, Kalla.

(Releases her.)

I want you to know that if I had it my way, I'd rip that spell off and throw you in the center of Legionopolis for all to see.
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{smiles and dissipates the illusion, so they'll see eye to eye} Yeah, but we know your two little boy toys wouldn't like that...would they?
Posted by Tempest on :
(Gives off a devilish smile.)

There is something about you that just deserves a manner of respect. All that power you have as a member of the Dark Oval, they way you have people here doing exactly what you want. Not to mention, you're not bad on the eyes.

We should be the best of friends.

Problem is I can't stand your bitch ass!
Posted by Hot Chick on :
Nope. There's a big difference between you and me, bitch. I've actually fallen for my guy. You? You methodically choose two of the most influential guys on Legion World--and incidentally, two of the most emotionally vulnerable--and you play them like a fiddle!

I applaud you! {fake claps} Most women like you would settle for playing one guy at a time! You're after some power, aren't you?
Posted by Tempest on :
You think you can read me like a book, don't you.

I'm a sorceress! I've lived my whole life looking for power! I know how to get it, too.

The difference between you and me is that I would never intentionally kill people to get it.
Posted by Hot Chick on :
You like to f*** killers, then? Is that different somehow? Lardy's murdered in cold blood, you know? {grins} You get off on that?
Posted by Tempest on :
(stands in front of Hot Chick.)

Haven't we all?

(Punches her in the mouth.)
Posted by Hot Chick on :

{wipes blood from mouth}

It's ON, bitch!

{roundhouse kicks her in the stomach}
Posted by Tempest on :
(Tempest falls over the chair from the kick. She levitates the chair and hurls is at her.)

I've dared a lot more than beating a sloppy bag of trash!
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
(oops!) [Embarrassed]
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{deflects chair with light blast}

Struck a nerve, didn't I? You're desperate to use those two idiots--but you feel something for them, dont you?

{fires light beams at her}
Posted by Tempest on :
(Mystic shields block the light beam.)

What do you care, even, if for the slightest moment you actually cared for Timber Wolf, his brother, his friends, they mean nothing to you?

How can you say you love him, your shriveled little excuse of a heart doesn't know the meaning of it?

(Release a magic burst at her.)
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{erects light shield--her powers being magic-borne, the defense works}

You don't know a ****ing thing about love, witch!

{flies up and lands hard on Tempest, feet down}
Posted by Tempest on :
(Pinned to the floor by Hot Chick, she squirms but is unable to get up.)

You don't know a thing about TEMPEST!

(Tempest's body releases hurricane winds and lightning bolts, hurling Hot Chick off of her. She floats to her feet. She releases a suffocation spell on Hot Chick, pumping air from her lungs.)

The air is always on my side.

(She says as her eyes glow white.)
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{gasping for air, shoots the most powerful beams she can manage out of her eyes}
Posted by Tempest on :
(Tempest blocks the beams and stops her spell. The winds stop and the lightning ceases. She walks over to Hot Chick and pulls her hair up until Hot Chick is up to Tempest's face.)

I don't give a crap about you, but I do care for those guys.

You hurt Timber Wolf, you hurt Dev. You hurt Dev, I will end you. Hurt, Lardy, I will end you.

(Let's go of her hair.)
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{gasps} Wha-what's your...what's y-your game, bitch? Y-you must know y-you're more likely to h-hurt both of them th-than I am...?
Posted by Tempest on :
(Heads to the door.)

Whatever I do to them, won't kill them. Losing his brother, would destroy Dev, he's too fragile right now.

And Lardy, you know very well you'd kill him if you needed to.

What's happening with them and me right now, however it turns out, they'll survive.
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{catches breath}

Whatever. I see right through you. And this is not over.
Posted by Tempest on :
No. I suppose it's not.

(Leaves and mystically sees to it that the door slams.)
Posted by Hot Chick on :
I'll take great pleasure killing that one... {smiles}
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Timberwolf finally arrives at the Bunker.

He enters and looks around. "What the hell happened here?"

Sees Kalla, "are you alright?"

Goes over to her and embraces her, "who do I need to kill for this?"
Posted by Hot Chick on :
Oh, don't worry about it, was just a chick fight. I'll get the bitch back some day! {smiles}
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"I know you can take care of yourself Kalla, just know that you aren't alone anymore."

Still holding her, he looks into her eyes, " do I fit in to your long term plans? Is there room for me once we're done with this?"
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{pushes him back to arm's length} Lon, how can you ASK such a thing? Who put that thought into your head?!? Do you doubt my love for you?!?!
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"I don't doubt you love me. I don't doubt that I love you. I know we can have a future together..."

He lowers his gaze.

"I know what you want...I'm not sure how I fit in with all that ruling stuff. I don't like that much of a spotlight, I don't always play well with others. I just don't know if you can live with someone like that."
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{raises his chin and looks him in the eyes}

What I want to accomplish means absolutely nothing to me any more--not without you!
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"I'm sorry hon. I just worry sometimes that anything good in my life ends up going away...and I don't want to loose you."
Posted by Hot Chick on :
You will never lose me, my love! We...are forever! {kisses him passionately}
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"I like the sound of that."
Posted by Hot Chick on :
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"You know...we never did get dinner out...although, I think I might prefer eating in..."
Posted by future king on :
Aww, this is so touching. I almost feel bad because I have this overwhelming urge to, to, TO ............. THREAD HIGHJACKER!!!!!!!

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