This is topic Answering Questions with Questions: Mark VIII in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Was it a stretch to follow me here from the other thread?
Posted by future king on :
Could it have been any easier?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
As compared to what? Quantum Algorithms?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Wouldn't I have been a bad Mission Monitor Board moderator if I'd made it difficult?
Posted by future king on :
Well, do you have to ask the question?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Might he be looking for reassurance?
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
Maybe he just wants to purchase some insurance?
Posted by cleome: secret ozone incense addict on :
Is [Policy Pam] our new moderator?
Posted by Policy Pam on :
Did somebody call me?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Yes, Are you and Progressive Flo friends?
Posted by cleome on :
Or could one of them be the other's time-tossed clone?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't that be something?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Hasn't that sort of thing been done enough?
Posted by cleome on :
Don't the marketers prefer giving us more of what we've already had a thousand times before?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't Ronald McDonald proof of that?
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
But hasn't he served billions and billions?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is his name "McDonald"?
Posted by future king on :
So does that make him obese? [Gasp]
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Could it just be that outfit making him look that way?
Posted by future king on :
Do chickens have lips?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is that a non sequitur?
Posted by dedman on :
Isn't there a thread for that?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Isn't there an app for that?
Posted by cleome on :
Do people still use the expression "app" as shorthand?
Posted by dedman on :
What would you suggest they use instead?
Posted by future king on :
Couldn't they just type out 'application'?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Posted by future king on :
Apple Lover??
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
How does one love an Apple?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Isn't it obviously better than loving a PC?
Posted by future king on :
There is something better than a PC?
Posted by cleome on :
How about a nice brisk walk outside in the sun?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Or how about on the Sun?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Wouldn't that be impossible?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Are you afraid of burning your feet?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are your feet that sensitive?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Are only sensitive feet in danger from intense heat?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How intense a heat?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
a solar heat, perhaps?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't that also depend upon the distance?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Aren't we talkin' the surface of the sun?
Posted by future king on :
How did we start to talk about sun surface?
Posted by cleome on :
Have you got a better topic waiting in the wings?

Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Wouldn't that require moving to another thread?
Posted by future king on :
Who would want that??
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
People who don't post here, perhaps?
Posted by Jerry on :
Why would they care?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Shouldn't we all go out of our way to care?
Posted by Jerry on :
Wouldn't that be nice?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Or could it cause a sever decline in economic activity?
Posted by future king on :
I don't think that would happen, do you?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Didn't it already?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't it better not to try and predict the ecomony?
Posted by Power Boy on :
I'm not sure, what would jane jacobs do?
Posted by future king on :
Ah, what does she know?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Could she tell us what the afterlife is like?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't that be something?
Posted by cleome on :
Won't we need to get it on tape before anyone else believes us?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Can you take tape with you?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
In the afterlife, you mean?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
How can you take tape to the afterlife?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you want to know the easy method or the most effective method?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Which costs less?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Does that mean you want the cheapest method?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that kind of like calling him cheap?
Posted by cleome on :
What's wrong with being cheap in the current economic climate?
Posted by future king on :
Sure but what's wrong with today's climate?
Posted by cleome on :
D'you want to come spend the holidays in New Hooverville with me and see for yourself?
Posted by future king on :
Does a monkey not fling his own poop?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is that the new way to say 'Does a bear shit in the woods?'?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Can't a bear shit anywhere it likes?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is a bear a 300lb gorilla?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Did you not learn your animals as a child?
Posted by cleome on :
Shall I break out the Animal Crackers?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Will there be chocolate milk with those?
Posted by future king on :
And lots of it too?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Can we have ice cream, too?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Can one really ever have enough of Ice Cream and Chocolate Milk?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't this why there is an obesity epidemic?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Can one not eat what they wants as long as they hug it out later?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Hug what out later?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Poop,Can one hug out poop later?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Are we allowed to say poop here?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Wouldn't it be more effective here to type it rather than say it? [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if he has a voice recognition computer?
Posted by cleome on :
Does that give a whole new meaning to the phrase "Info dump"?
Posted by future king on :
I think that speaks for itself no?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Poop speaks now?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Does poop sing now, too?
Posted by Power Boy on :
what'll they think of next?
Posted by cleome on :
Can we hope for something a bit more tasteful than the "Billy Bass" craze this time?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Do you think our cultural standards are slipping?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What were our cultural standards in the first place?
Posted by future king on :
If you have to ask the question then it wasn't that important, right?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are only unimportant questions worth asking?
Posted by cleome on :
Isn't it more fun that way?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Shall we try it?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Do you want to be hated by Leo Tolstoy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Who doesn't Tolstoy hate?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Did he not love the Russian peasants?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
But...isn't he dead?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Does the hate really end with death?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why should I fear Tolstoy's undying hatred?
Posted by cleome on :
What if he comes back as a Black Lantern?
Posted by future king on :
Or even worse, a zombie Black Lantern??
Posted by dedman on :
If he is a Zombie wouldn't a whack to the noggin still take him out?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would a zombie Black Lantern Tolstoy eat only Russian brains?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Was there ever a more bizarre question?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Have you read this and the previous Answering Questions with Questions threads?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are these rhetorical questions?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Aren't they all?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Posted by cleome on :
Is the Chief posting with his mouth full?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you really want to look there to find out?
Posted by cleome on :
Can't I just fob all of life's unpleasant but necessary tasks off on somebody else?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Who can we sucker into doing those tasks?
Posted by dedman on :
Posted by cleome on :
Is Pov an independent contractor?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can one contract something from Pov?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Is that possible over the internet?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't everything possible over the Net these days?
Posted by cleome on :
Doesn't that depend on whether you're a Mac or a PC?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Does that mean my Commodore 64 will never come back into style?
Posted by cleome on :
Can't you just keep it around long enough so that it transcends the very concept of style altogether?
Posted by Jerry on :
Isn't that your job?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
How is Style a Job?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
You don't see much TV, do you?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is anything worth watching?
Posted by cleome on :
And does it have to always involve zombies? [Shudder]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are we back to zombies again???
Posted by cleome on :
Is it safe to turn your back on one, ever?

[Shudder] [Shudder]
Posted by future king on :
Are these dirty, rotten, no-good zombies?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
[Jack Nicholson]Is there any other kind?[/Jack Nicholson]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Haven't you ever played Plants vs. Zombies?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
No. Why should I play it?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Don't you want to find out just how many types of zombies there are?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Couldn't I just look it up on Wikipedia?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Will it matter in the end?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Is the end nigh?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is it 2012 yet?
Posted by future king on :
Can Jessica Simpson act?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Just because she hasn't thus far, does that mean it's impossible?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Would it help if a zombie ate her brain?
Posted by cleome on :
Is a mindless creature eating a mindless creature's brain kind of like creating a positive number by multiplying two negative numbers?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is it just coincidence that I was pondering that negative number conundrum only yesterday?
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Hrista Spjóti:
Just because she hasn't thus far, does that mean it's impossible?

So, her portrayal as Daisy Duke in the "Dukes Of Hazzard" remake can be unanimously considered a flop then?
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Legion Tracker:
Is it just coincidence that I was pondering that negative number conundrum only yesterday?

Or could it be a case of "Fools seldom differ"?

Posted by He Who LSHes on :
[M. T]Who you callin' a fool, fool?![/Mr. T]
Posted by future king on :
Is this a case of mistaken identity?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How many mistaken identities are in a case?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is there a twelve-pack of mistaken identities?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Doesn't drinking a twelve-pack often result in mistaken identity?
Posted by cleome on :
Do I have to drink the whole thing by myself in one sitting?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would you like a drinking buddy?
Posted by cleome on :
Do you really want to travel across two or three time zones just to score a few free beers?

[Gates] [Kono]
Posted by Jerry on :
What kind of beer?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Mistaken Identities' Best?
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Is that a real brand?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Perhaps it's a Durlan stuck in that form?
Posted by future king on :
Can we really trust it then?
Posted by cleome on :
Aren't we to judge primarily the content of one another's character, rather than one another's super-powers?
Posted by future king on :
Do you mean to tell me that YOU have a super-power as well?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Don't we all? [shrug]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
If everyone has superpowers who will we save?
Posted by dedman on :
The super pets?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can't they save themselves?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Don't they have amnesia?
Posted by Jerry on :
When did that happen?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Does anyone remember?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Why isn't there a Super Elephant?
Posted by future king on :
Wasn't he being hospitalized at that time for depression?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Are people too depressed to continue this thread?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Doesn't this thread cheer you up?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Can't we ask questions about cheerier subjects?
Posted by future king on :
Why don't we all try harder?
Posted by cleome on :
Does it require wearing some stupid t-shirt with a cheesy "110%" emblem on the front?

[I Dunno]
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
do you have to be so negative about efforts to be positive?
Posted by cleome on :
You didn't know that Negative Man is my favorite member of Doom Patrol?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Just wondering.... do you consider Rebis to be the same character?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is Rebis's last name McEntire or Philbin?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't it Philbin?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Do you mean Phil bin Laden, the fake id that Osama's been using for the past five years?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are you sure it is a fake id and not that Osama has multiple personality disorder?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Could he be just an evil SOB?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, should we have been looking for mpd's instead of wmd's?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Should we organize a search party?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Where should we search?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Couldn't we just skip to the 'party' portion?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Does a party always follow a search?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Doesn't one have to find the beer and/or cake before the party?
Posted by future king on :
You mean there is cake?? [Smile]
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Does someone want to volunteer to bake one?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can't we just go to the bakery?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are you buying?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can you distract the baker while I take the cake?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Don't you always take the cake?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Where does he take the cake to?
Posted by dedman on :
Marie Antoinette?
Posted by future king on :
Didn't she lose her head?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Did she ever use it for anything other than supporting large wigs?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
She was Cher?
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain:
She was Cher?


Isn't everyone a little like Cher sometimes??
Posted by cleome on :
What if I like Tina Turner's wig better?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you prefer Tina Turner's wig to Cher or to Cher's wig?
Posted by cleome on :
Can I say "yes" to both without hurting the feelings of either Cher or of Cher's wig?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Does Cher's wig have feeling that can be hurt?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't "Cher hair" a seperate species now?
Posted by cleome on :
Has it been recognized as such by any prominent biologists or wildlife groups?
Posted by future king on :
Won't we know if we just Google it?
Posted by cleome on :
Is it safe to consider the sites with the highest page rankings to be the most reputable?
Posted by future king on :
Is there a way we can find out safely for sure though?
Posted by cleome on :
What if we hired a specialist?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Anyone know a Cherologist?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is a Cherologist related to a Sonnyographer?
Posted by cleome on :
Did anyone else besides me misread that as "Cheeriologist"?

Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Doesn't that sound like a fun field to get into?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Which, Cheeriology, Cherology or Sonnyography?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do I have to choose?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Are you pro-choice?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Are you a mono-choisist?
Posted by future king on :
Don't we all have a bit of that inside us?
Posted by cleome on :
Wouldn't we all need x-rays to know for sure?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Should I use my penetra-vision instead?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is that really one of your powers?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Has Chief ever given us reason to doubt his word?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Would he bother to give a reason?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Does he know how to use this so call penatra vision?
Posted by future king on :
Do you really want to find out?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Can we volunteer Abin as a guinea pig?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Does Abin have a Green Lantern Ring?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Or does the Green Lantern Ring have Abin?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Could it be an equal partnership?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Does the state of Rhode Island recognize equal partnerships between humans and jewelry?
Posted by cleome on :
Should we ask some Rhode Island Red Lanterns?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you want some sort of chicken $h*t answer?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Does my arse look fat in these Santa pants?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
How does one look thin in Santa pants?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Could you use a hologram?
Posted by future king on :
Or one of those Projectra-like illusions maybe?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
What if life itself is but a Projectra-like illusion?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would that mean that God is an Orandoan?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Why wouldn't She be?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
What would you say if I claimed to be Her avatar?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Would we really be all that surprised to think of you as divine?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Should I title my one-woman show "Divine Madness," or did somebody already beat me to that?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Since it seems to have only been used for concerts/albums (, wouldn't you be a pioneer for using it as a one-woman show?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Isn't there the danger that might make me become even more vain than I already am?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Are you so vain that you think this post is about you?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Do you have enormous lips and sing like a horse?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is this a date-matching service?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Isn't everything online these days a date-matching service?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Then why doesn't your profile list the qualities you are looking for in a potential match?
Posted by cleome on :
Isn't the fortuitous sequence of icons in the last three posts enough of a sign that you three are all meant for one another?

[Poke Joke]
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
But what if I always wanted Tasmia to swing to the other side and get together with Lydda?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't that about as likely as my wish for Rokk to hook up with Jo or Gim?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Perhaps we should collaborate on a fanfic where such things do happen?
Posted by cleome on :
Will there be pictures, too?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Will it be Pg or R Rated?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Would you believe what little fanfic I've written has mostly been "G" rated?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Does The "G" mean graphic or general?
Posted by future king on :
Can we just wait and be surprised when we read it?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Is it even written yet?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Should we be surprised if it isn't written?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Given my track record, wouldn't it be more surprising if it doesn't go unfinished after posting one or two installments? [Embarrassed]
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Isn't a taste of honey better than none at all?
Posted by cleome on :
Where did you ever get that idea?

[Insect Queen]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't a taste just a tease if you can't have more?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Can't you handle a tease?
Posted by cleome on :
Wouldn't the bouncers have us ejected for that sort of behavior?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Are you speaking from personal experience?
Posted by cleome on :
How do you know that Quis didn't put me up to it?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Does that really matter, if you were the one actually doing it?
Posted by cleome on :
Wasn't I obligated to indulge his whims, given that he was the one paying for all the booze?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Quis was buying booze, and you didn't invite the rest of us?!? [Evil]
Posted by cleome on :
What if we just wanted a chance to talk about all of you behind your backs?

[Gossiping Girls]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is this a reality show confessional?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do we really need another "reality" show?
Posted by cleome on :
Is entertainment ever inherently needs-based?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
You find "reality" shows entertaining?
Posted by cleome on :
[shrug] Couldn't watching them just be something to do when nobody else is posting?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are you that desperate for something to do?
Posted by cleome on :
Don't desperate times demand desperate measures?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are the times so desperate?
Posted by future king on :
Why is gas so expensive these days??
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are we desperate because gas is expensive?
Posted by dedman on :
Doesn't eating cabbage rolls make gas free?
Posted by future king on :
Is the gas in the cabbage leaves?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Could bean and cabbage soup fill your gas tank?
Posted by future king on :
LOL, could you please be the first to try that out for us first K.E.N.T.?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
How many "firsts" does K.E.N.T. have to do?
Posted by cleome on :
Isn't he already first in the hearts of all LMB posters?

Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't that me Lash?
Posted by cleome on :
What if K.E.N.T. and LASH alternated weekdays, and we gave you Saturday, Sunday, and most major holidays?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do "most major holidays" include Christmas Eve?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
If so, why were so many stores open today?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Don't you know that the way to celebrate Christmas Eve is to buy, buy, buy?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Could I substitute eat, eat, eat?
Posted by cleome on :
Are you stopping by tomorrow for the ginger snaps I'll be baking?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Are you still three time zones away? [Frown]
Posted by cleome on :
Isn't there somebody who could teleport you over for a couple of hours, or until the cookies run out-- whichever comes first?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can't we bake more cookies while we're there?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do we have enough cookie dough?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
If we have teleportation, wouldn't it be easy to get more supplies as we need them?
Posted by cleome on :
Which United Planet is best known for its high-quality cookie dough?
Posted by Jerry on :
Which planet is Proty from?
Posted by future king on :
Can you believe the name of that planet escapes me now?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would that be Antares?
Posted by future king on :
Can I just take your word for it?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Wasn't it Antares II? Isn't Antares (sans number) a star, not a planet?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Who wants to check?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
There is bill for Antares II?
Posted by cleome on :
Maybe you should look over here?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can we get back to the cookies?
Posted by cleome on :
Would you prefer ginger-spice-pecan or chocolate walnut?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Are Chocolate Chips a no go?
Posted by cleome on :
Wasn't Chip Kid going to bring some of those along?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Doesn't he always eat them all himself?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why do we continue to invite him then?
Posted by future king on :
Why don't we ask him that question?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How would he know why we invite him?
Posted by future king on :
What if he feels his invitation is assumed?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Doesn't he know the problems of assuming?
Posted by future king on :
Aren't U making an ASSumption yourself with that statement?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Aren't you making assumptions about my possible assumptions?
Posted by future king on :
I guess I am aren't I?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Can we assume that you are? [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do we have to?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Don't we all have free will?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you still believe that myth?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are myths necessarily false?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Aren't they kinda hit or myth?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
And prone to myth-takes?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Why am I expecting that woman from The Muppet Movie to pop out and say "yeth?"
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Did you know that Janice the Muppet was a parody, in both persona and appearance, of Carly Simon?
Posted by cleome on :

Did anyone besides me hear that she was actually patterned on Mary Travers?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Could she have been pattered after both?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are Carly Simon and Mary Travers actually the same person?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Peter, Paul, and Carly?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
What about Peter Gabriel, Paul McCartney and Carly Comando?
Posted by future king on :
What about them?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What should their group be called?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
If they can get organized before Carly Simon makes up her mind, mightn't they be able to snag the Peter, Paul, and Carly name?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
If the two groups merge, should they be PC for short?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Or C2P4? Too Lucasian?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What is the fascination with abbreviating names to their initials?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Texting form, QE?
Posted by future king on :
Who know's for sure, right?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Am I the only one who feels like he needs an internet abbreviation glossary?
Posted by cleome on :
Given how many old-timers frequent this board, why would you think that?

[Glorith] [TimeTrapper]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What perccentage of us are pre-www?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Since we're all using the World Wide Web, what defines "pre-www"?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Does that refer to people who used the Internet before the Web or does it refer to people who were alive before the Web?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Was there a usable internet before the Worldwide Web?
Posted by future king on :
Would that be a neighbourhood library?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Hasn't the telegraph been called "The Victorian Internet?"
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Wasn't it more of a precursor to texting?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Did teenagers send hundreds of telegrams a week?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are there any records of how many telegrams were sent for certain periods?
Posted by future king on :
Where could we check for this interesting information?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Could we google it?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Have you tried?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Is there a such thing as "try"? I thought there was only "do" or "do not"?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should we look to movies for philosophies of life? [Hmmm?]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Where else should we look?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Philosophers? Faith?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Is faith really a philosophy-of-life, or merely an absence of it?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Doesn't belief in a higher power suggest a philosophy of some sort?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
What does believing in Girl Power suggest?
Posted by cleome on :
Uh, either a penchant for Nineties-style garage rock or else for styling one's hair like Thora's?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Are those really the only two examples of what 'girl power' could mean?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Have you checked the dictionary?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Which one?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
The Girl Power Dictionary?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Who publishes that dictionary?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Thora, perhaps?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Didn't Sun Emperor fry her?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Wasn't that a different Thora?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
There are different Thora's?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Aren't there at least two in LSH lore?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Couldn't "Thora" be a common 30th century name?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Was there anything common about Thora?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Wasn't she common for 60s DC man-hating feminist villains?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Wasn't the second Thora a common waitress/victim?
Posted by cleome on :
Am I the only one who wonders to this day if that was accidental name duplication, or merely the pros' idea of a little in-joke designed to keep overly obsessive fans up late at night?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Since Levitz wrote the second story, isn't it hard to believe that he was unaware of the first Thora?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Perhaps the truth is even stranger?
Posted by cleome on :
Should we send LASH over to FB and have him ask Levitz about it?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Would Levitz even remember?
Posted by cleome on :
Couldn't he just wing it, given that he probably gets asked way weirder stuff than that by well-meaning but overly obsessive fans?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
There are fans obsessed with the Legion? [Confused]
Posted by cleome on :
You had a better obsession in mind?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Um...feet? [Embarrassed]
Posted by cleome on :
Anyone's feet in particular?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do I really want to ask you to clarify that question?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Do feet scare you, Quis?
Posted by future king on :
Don't feet scare most sane people??
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Why would they?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Are webbed feet scarier than hairy feet?
Posted by future king on :
How how you possibly compare the two?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Have you been following the "glaring" thread?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Isn't it glaringly obvious he hasn't?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is glaringly obvious more obvious than obvious?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How long should we glare at Quislet?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Don't you know that your glares do not affect me?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Is glare invunerability your superpower?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
If he is really unaffected by glares, why would he say he was unaffected? Didn't it affect him at least to the extent of prompting a response?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
To Quislet, then, are they all glancing glares?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Does Quislet have a force shield?
Posted by future king on :
He always did have one didn't he?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
If he doesn't what happened to it?
Posted by cleome on :
Maybe it's in the shop being tuned up?
Posted by future king on :
Maybe there's a special at the force shield shop, fix one at full price and get the next one fixed at 50% off?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Can you recommend a good force shield shop?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
The Science Police Surplus Store?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Where's that?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Have you tried to locate it using Google Maps?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Why not use Mapquest?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is there a difference?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Have you tried comparing the services?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
How would you go about doing that?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Driving around to see if their directions are accurate?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
What if you don't have a car?
Posted by cleome on :
Can you get a ride with someone, in return for purchasing some of the fuel?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Anyone got a ride that runs on farts?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Wouldn't that be a blast?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Wouldn't you have to keep the windows down all the time?
Posted by cleome on :
And refrain from lighting cigarettes in the car?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
You do know that smoking is bad for your health, don't you?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Doesn't everyone know?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you think this kid's father knew?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
Could that be the most genuinely disturbing thing I've seen all year?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What else have you seen?
Posted by future king on :
You mean in this new year already?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't this the best thing I've posted in this thread all year?
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Do you really think it is?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should we vote on it?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Who has the ballot box?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Is that what I just took a dump in?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Were you making a political statement?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Wouldn't it be more effective to wait at least a year for that?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you mean in addition to making a mess?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Maybe he just couldn't wait?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Were there no toilets nearby?
Posted by Jerry on :
Is there ever one around when you really need one?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are toilets like police officers?
Posted by Jerry on :
Didn't we have that debate on another thread?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Can you remind us of the highlights?
Posted by future king on :
What was the outcome of that thread?
Posted by Jerry on :
We all parted as friends, didn't we?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Did you have us mindwiped so we wouldn't remember any more than that?
Posted by Jerry on :
Do you remember being mindwiped?
Posted by Power Boy on :
if i don't does it mean i just don't remember, or i'm not special enough to have been mind wiped?
Posted by Jerry on :
Good question. Do you feel special?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Aren't we all special in our own way?
Posted by cleome on :
Are you wearing a cardigan and sitting next to a miniature trolley right now, Rocky?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Is he debuting Mr. Rocky's Neighborhood?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Ooo, is it on cable?
Posted by Lad With Glasses on :
Do you receive decent reception in this sector of space?
Posted by future king on :
How do we know if we do or we don't for sure?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Should we take a poll?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How many are in favor of a poll being taken?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Where are you taking it to?
Posted by cleome on :
Maybe to the next level?
Posted by Jerry on :
Should I be afraid now?
Posted by cleome on :
Of what?

Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Does this mean you are fearless?
Posted by cleome on :
Couldn't I just be trying to help Jerry confront his fear?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Was Quislet implying that Jerry was implying that Jerry has not yet been afraid?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can you say that any clearer?
Posted by Jerry on :
Why am starting to feel better about all this?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Were you afraid?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Were there any sharks?
Posted by Jerry on :
...of Virginia Woolf?
Posted by future king on :
Are sharks related to wolves?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Don't they have at least one common evolutionary ancestor?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that wolves and whales ?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Could it be worms,wolves and whales?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Or lions, tigers, and bears, oh my?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Where do you think you are, in Oz?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't that be so cool??
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
What's so cool about Australia?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Have you been there?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do dream vacations count?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Don't dreams count extra here on Legion World?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Extra what?
Posted by future king on :
If you've never been to beautiful Melbourne Australia in January, don't you think you should go?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Is it more beautiful in January than in other months?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Isn't January Typhoon season in Australia?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can't typhoons be beautiful?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that an oxymoron?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Who're you calling a moron? [Wink]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Does the shoe fit? [Razz]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What size shoe do you take?
Posted by future king on :
Is it true that the bigger the shoe the bigger the heart?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Isn't that just a myth?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't there always a hint of truth in every myth tho'?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
And what is the hint of truth in this myth?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't you like to know?
Posted by Lad With Glasses on :
How many sizes is this knowledge available in?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
How big is your head? [Hmmm?]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can you check my hat for the size?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Which hat is yours?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Does he wear many hats?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Originally posted by future king:
Isn't that an oxymoron?

We missed a great opportunity to say, "Don't you mean an Aussie moron?"

<Back to our current programming....>
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How many heads does he have?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Do we count the one...down there?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would that head be absorbing knowledge?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Isn't it less of an absorber and more of an...emitter?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Emitter of knowledge?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Yours emits knowledge?!?!
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would that make me a smart f***er? [Big Grin]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Would "let me inject you with some knowledge tonight, baby!" be a good pick-up line for you?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should I try it?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Will you let us know how well it works?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why? Do you want to try it, too?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Isn't that dangerous?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What are the potential consequences?
Posted by cleome on :
Maybe a sitcom where one of you ends up being portrayed by [shudder] Tony Danza?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Can one ever get enough of the DANZA?
Posted by future king on :
Can we at least try to go on without him?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
People actually LIKE Tony Danza?!?!
Posted by SharkLad on :
People actually LICK Tony Danza?
Posted by future king on :
Can we stop talking about him just for a moment?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Has enough time past so that we can start talking about [Love] Tony Danza [Love] ?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Didn't Elton John sing about holding him closer?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can I say how much I enjoyed that pun?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Is anyone stopping you?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't it be cool if Danza was a LSH fan and a LWer and is already aware that we're all posting about him on here?
Posted by cleome on :
So was it Danza's posse that comprised the 88 guests who visited us here Friday night?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Who else could it be?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Couldn't it have just as easily been Scott Bakula?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Scott Bakula signed in on 88 different computers?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Couldn't he have Quantum Leaped in order to do so?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Hasn't he reached a certain age where Quantum Leaping just isn't as good an enterprise as it once was?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should we ask Dean Stockwell? Jolene Blalock? Andre Braugher?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Or the other guys on Men of a Certain Age?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Aren't Braugher, Bakula, and Ray Romano the only guys on Men Of a Certain Age?
Posted by future king on :
Are you assuming that all of us know what "Men Of A Certain Age" is?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Well don't you?
Posted by cleome on :
What if I've been diagnosed with a severe allergy to [shudder] Ray Romano?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't that be hilarious??
Posted by cleome on :
Must you laugh at my pain?

Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Would it help if I told you I share your pain, because Ray Romano's voice reminds me of Nicolas Cage in "Peggy Sue Got Married"?
Posted by cleome on :
Should I stretch out a ball of twine from here to the moon, so I can demonstrate the scale of my deep, deep dislike for that blasted movie?

Click Here For A Spoiler(But could I exempt Marshall Crenshaw's cameo from my dislike, since Marshall was/is godhead...?)
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Are you sure it would be worth the cost of all that twine?
Posted by cleome on :
Couldn't I just have been saving old bits of twine and tying them all into a ball for years, in anticipation of a proper occasion such as this one?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Where do you store such a ball?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
When cleome says "twine" does she really mean "threads" (as in her LWMB posts that could stretch to the moon)?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are you implying that cleome posts a lot? [Hmmm?]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Wouldn't a check of the LMB Top 40 thread confirm that?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should I post a link?
Posted by future king on :
If you wouldn't mind would you?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Will this do?
Posted by future king on :
Oh, how can I ever repay you?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Do you have some Venturan Walking Money?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
I did, but does anyone know where it went?
Posted by future king on :
Don't you think I would tell you if I knew?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would you tell us if we bribe you?
Posted by cleome on :
Is Cobie out buying tacos to use as the bribe?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do tacos make an effective bribe?
Posted by cleome on :
Wouldn't that depend on both the quality of the tacos in question and what the recipient was in the mood for?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Is Taco Bell now mob a subsidiary?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Or is Chipotle one?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can I get three bribe-ritos, please?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Would you like sauce with that?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What kind of sauce goes with bribe-ritos?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Have you tried the palm grease flavor?
Posted by cleome on :
Is that made from palm trees? [Confused]
Posted by future king on :
Would you believe the Chief if he told you?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't that depend on what the Chief tells her?
Posted by cleome on :
Should I pretend to believe even if I really don't, just so I can avoid disappointing The Chief?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Does that mean you care about the Chief's feelings?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Doesn't everybody?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Do you mean everybody on LW or everybody everywhere?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that being a bit too presumptuous?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What is he the Chief of?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Is it the Doom Patrol?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Have they died more times than Maclean Stevenson's career?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Hasn't any other actor had more failed shows than Maclean Stevenson?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What about that guy whose name we can't remember?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Ted McGinley, perhaps?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Did he portray me in that sitcom based on my Chiefness?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Wasn't that role played by George Clooney?
Posted by future king on :
Is there any way would could find that out?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Isn't Clooney around seventy years old? Doesn't he look it?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that subjective?
Posted by cleome on :
And isn't age only a number, anyhow?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Isn't it how you actually feel?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How should she feel?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
With her hands, perhaps?
Posted by cleome on :
Is that the most widely accepted means hereabouts?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Can't you feel with your skin?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What, you don't have skin on your hands?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Has someone been shaving hairy palms down to the bone?
Posted by cleome on :
How did this once-lighthearted thread end up taking such a grisly turn?

[I Dunno]
Posted by Jerry on :
Doesn't that always happen?
Posted by cleome on :
Could we prevent this by petitioning the mods to lock threads the threads up sooner?
Posted by Jerry on :
Wouldn't that alter the natural order of the universe?
Posted by cleome on :
Is that really a problem, so long as there's plenty of old-school, un-reordered universe left outside for anyone who wants it?
Posted by Jerry on :
Who would want it?
Posted by cleome on :
Have you tried craigslist?
Posted by Jerry on :
Are those ads real?
Posted by cleome on :
Which ads in particular do you doubt the veracity of?
Posted by Jerry on :
Just some of them are real, then?
Posted by future king on :
Who can say what is truly "real" in this world?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Have you talked to Glenn Beck?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Does Glenn Beck actually listen to anyone?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
He's not deaf, isn't he?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Maybe he's just deaf to reason?
Posted by future king on :
Well, wouldn't that be convenient for him?
Posted by cleome on :
What was he doing hanging around craigslist in the first place?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't we all want to know the answer to that question?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Isn't reality all in the beholders perception? Or is that just malarky?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Shouldn't we all get back in touch with malarky?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would that be a good touch or a bad touch?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
wouldn't you think malarky is stinky?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
If your larky is stinky, wouldn't washing it help?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Don't know about Rick's, but what about Sharky malarky?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Did Sharky starkly buffer Barkley's Berkeley malarky?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Might Reginald Starkey know if Sharky starkly buffered Barkley's Berkeley malarky, and could he tell us without getting all sarky?
Posted by cleome on :
And has anyone seen the car key?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Could it be in the ignition?
Posted by future king on :
But wasn't it placed under the door mat?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't that be the first place a robber would look?
Posted by future king on :
But wouldn't the robber not bother because that's what everybody does, so therefor noone does anymore?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Posted by future king on :
What, you think even I understand what I say?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Can't I hold on to my fantasies?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are your fantasies trying to get away?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Don't all fantasies occasionally get out of hand?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What if you used both hands? [Eek!]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
He Who, have I told you lately how brilliant you are?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would you tell that to my employer? [Wink]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Haven't they met you? Wouldn't they know if they had?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Could they be waiting to hear from an impartial source? [Big Grin]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'd be glad to talk to them, but if they don't know brilliance when they see it, will they believe me when I tell them?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can you show them your credentials?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Do you mean wearing my master's hood or do you mean something suggestive?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can a master's hood be suggestive?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Mine, being green and gold with lemon velvet, is vaguely suggestive of an ad for Sprite, isn't it?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Speaking of lemon-lime sodas, anyone remember the 7UP ad from the 80s where Pac-Man and the four ghosts take a break from chasing each other so that each can enjoy a bottle of 7UP?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
You mean this one?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Isn't the internet amazing?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Without it, would any of us even know of one another's existence?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Aren't all things possible?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Even round squares?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Remember the square candies that look round in the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What happens if I don't remember?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Are you repressing your memories?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How would I know if I am?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Have you tried psychotherapy?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Are you implying Quis needs psychotherapy?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Don't we all need help from time to time?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What time is it?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are we in the same time zone?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Should we all zone out?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
I wasn't paying attention -- did you say something?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can't we, like, trap time or something?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Would we use a live trap?
Posted by future king on :
Why couldn't we if we wanted?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
What happens once we trap it?
Posted by future king on :
Do we dare to find that out?
Posted by Lad With Glasses on :
Isn't it more traditional to save time in a bottle?
Posted by dedman on :
How big of a bottle should we use?
Posted by cleome on :
Do you plan on having enough left to enjoy the next day after the party guests have gone home?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Shouldn't Deddy and I personally make sure there are enough rum bottles emptied, in case we need them?

[ January 19, 2011, 09:26 PM: Message edited by: Kent Shakespeare ]
Posted by cleome on :
Will you be needing to borrow my Captain Morgan costume?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Will mine do?

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is anyone else having the vapors?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Where can I get a shirt like that?
Posted by future king on :
More importantly than that, how the heck do you know Adam Ant Rockhopper Lad???
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't it possible that Mr. Ant got his inspiration from me?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Don't drink, don't smoke - what do you do?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Does laughing Count?
Posted by future king on :
Or Standing And Delivering? [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What's being delivered?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Did you order anything?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I've got money, can I have some?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Can we all thank Rick for buying the pizzas?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Pizzas? Didn't he order cigars?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if I don't like pizza?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Do you like cigars?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Would he still feel hungry after a cigar?
Posted by future king on :
Can't he just eat a cigar and find out?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
What was it Freud said about cigars? [Wink]
Posted by dedman on :
Wasn't similiar to what he said about trains?
Posted by cleome on :
Was he fond of using train tickets to light cigars?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
or using cigars to bribe his way onto trains when he didn't have a ticket?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is a cigar an acceptible bribe for not having a train ticket?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
What if the conductor doesn't smoke?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't that be a reason to not offer a cigar as a bribe?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What, then, should you offer the conductor as a bribe?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do we even know if the conductor is bribable?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
How will we know if we don't try?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
What's the fun of being a conductor if you don't take bribes?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What will it mean if I dream about cigars, pizzas, and trains tonight?
Posted by cleome on :
Perhaps it means that you need to start a dream journal?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Are you smoking the pizza, riding in the cigar and eating the train in your dream?
Posted by future king on :
Doesn't that sound like a Freudian nightmare?

[ January 22, 2011, 05:21 AM: Message edited by: future king ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Was there pizza in Freud's time?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't pizza timeless?
Posted by future king on :
Would you eat pizza more than 3 days old??
Posted by cleome on :
Can I have it, since I'm thinking that Quis would prefer a burger instead?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Now why would you think that?
Posted by cleome on :
Could I just have been hoping, given that there's nothing in the fridge right now but burger fixings and three-day-old pizza?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
How long is pizza good for?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't it around 2-3 days?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Can't we just order a fresh one?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Since Rick's still paying, isn't the sky the limit?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is Rick paying for the sky, too?
Posted by Jerry on :
What does the sky cost?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Can't we just charge it to Rick, and then find out when he gets the bill?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Since Rick doesn't post to this thread, does he know he's paying for all this stuff?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Won't he figure it out when he gets the bill?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Should we lock this thread now so he can't find out what we did?
Posted by cleome on :
But the truth will always come out in the end won't it?
Posted by Jerry on :
Which end?
Posted by cleome on :
Are you a write-your-own-ending sort of reader?
Posted by future king on :
Why does which end it comes out of matter?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
So we can get out of the way?
Posted by cleome on :
Did you learn the importance of that from attending a lot of Gallagher performances, back in the day?
Posted by future king on :
Should I Google the reference if I didn't catch on?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Do you really need our permission?
Posted by dedman on :
Should we give him a note?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Can't we just send him a PM?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if his mailbox is full?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would it be illegal to clean out his mailbox for him?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Are you working for a secret agency?
Posted by future king on :
Can you see thru my suit??
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is that a mole or a birthmark, FK? [Eek!]
Posted by cleome on :
Am I the only person who thinks it's kind of shaped like Baffin Island?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't it more like Sumatra?
Posted by cleome on :
In what sense?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Aren't we getting rather personal?
Posted by cleome on :
Would you prefer to discuss the weather, or perhaps Classical music instead?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
How about Ralph Vaughan Williams?
Posted by cleome on :
Which work of his are you most partial to?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Do I have to pick just one?
Posted by cleome on :
Will your list of works be in any particular order?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Would it be any surprise that I am most partial overall to his choral work?
Posted by cleome on :
So you're saying that "A Sea Symphony" would be on that list somewhere?

Posted by Legion Tracker on :
And how about his "Hodie"?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Couldn't we listen to it all and say "O How Amiable"?
Posted by cleome on :
Live or Memorex™?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Would you believe that I was listening to Vaughan Williams' "O How Amiable" on a Memorex disk earlier today?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Were you singing along?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Doesn't everybody?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Don't some of us prefer to hum?
Posted by future king on :
Are you putting humming words in our mouths?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
What if those words are "Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house"?
Posted by cleome on :
Was she able to get a decent interest rate?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are home interest rates mentioned in any choral work by Vaughan Williams?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Was Vaughan Williams known for writing chorals about financial transactions?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Is any such obscure figure really "known" for anything?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
If they weren't known for anything wouldn't they be unknown rather than obscure?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Is Vaughan Williams (generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of the 20th Century) really that obscure?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would the average person on the street recognize the name?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Doesn't that depend on the street?
Posted by cleome on :
How many people on the street should we poll in order to ensure accurate results?
Posted by future king on :
Would 100 street people be an optimum number in order to derive a percentage?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
wouldn't that still give a wider margin of error than 1,000?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Don't we just need one average person?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Aren't most people average?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you mean that I am not a unique and special individual like I was told?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
But you're not most people, are you?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Wouldn't most people want to be like you?
Posted by cleome on :
Could I transform on a trial basis, just in case it didn't end up meeting my expectations?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What are your expectations?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Do you have Great Expectations, like Pip's benefactor?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't Kent a Dickens?
Posted by future king on :
No way ... is he really???
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
well, isn't he cute as the dickens?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Which Dickens?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What other Dickens do you know?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
At second thought, isn't he more of a Shakespeare? [Wink]
Posted by cleome on :
Shall we brush up our Shakespeare?

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Shall we start quoting him now?
Posted by cleome on :
"How now, brown cow?" [Poke Joke]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you really think I am a brown cow?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Is that udderly beyond belief?
Posted by cleome on :
Is Quislet any kin to Old Dutch the Super-Cow?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Or might he have jumped over the moon?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How in shape do you think I've gotten?
Posted by cleome on :
Can you post some updated pictures?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Whose moon did you jump?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Haven't we already determined that I have not jumped any moons?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Whose moon pie did you jump?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't you rather eat one?
Posted by future king on :
Couldn't that question be interpreted is so many different ways?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Could you give us an example?
Posted by cleome on :
At your age? Should that be necessary?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Couldn't it be a matter of amusement rather than necessity?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Couldn't we go to an amusement park instead?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Will you buy me some cotton candy?
Posted by Lad With Glasses on :
Would Six Flags be both affordable and to everyone's liking ?
Posted by future king on :
Sure, can I bring my wife along?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Does she mind hanging out with lots of geeks?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Who are you calling a geek? Don't you know I am a nerd?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Who said you were even invited to come along? [Razz]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How else are you going to get there when I have the car keys?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Who knows?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't the Shadow know?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Or the Shadow Lass?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are we finding amusement by asking shady questions?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would Shady find amusement in such questions?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't Shady pretty down to earth(man) these days?
Posted by future king on :
Oh, she likes shopping downtown?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Does that sound dirty to anyone else but me?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Wasn't it fairly tame for this board?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should we "dirty" it up then?
Posted by future king on :
You mean I wasn't suggestively dirty enough with my last post?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't whether you were suggestively dirty enough be subjective?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Can we move on to a more interesting topic?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Do you think that's possible with this crew?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't "interesting" subjective?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Could "subjective" be subjective?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't that obvious?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't "obvious" subjective?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should we add "isn't" to the list?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Doesn't it depend, ultimately, on what the definition of the word "is" is?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Are you marginalizing the difficulty in understanding the meaning of negation?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are you being negative about margarine?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't margarine two molecules away from being plastic?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Only two?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is "I can't believe it's not plastic" the new brand phrase?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
But what if it really is plastic?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are you trying to get it past the airport metal detectors?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Do they have margarine detectors now?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is margarine a deadly weapon?
Posted by cleome on :
Are you using it directly from the freezer?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Can you stand there, look me in the eye and tell me that trans-fats can't hurt you?
Posted by cleome on :
[Grimbor] Are you so sure that I'm not the kind of person who really digs pain? [Charma]
Posted by future king on :
Who can really know for sure, right?
Posted by dedman on :
Her favorite sadist?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Wasn't he deported?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Or promoted? [Wink]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Couldn't being deported be a promotion, depending on where you're being deported from?
Posted by future king on :
Maybe he was imported instead of deported, no?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
In...out...does anybody really know?
Posted by future king on :
Do you know what this means??? [Big Grin]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Doesn't "this" mean something like "the thing right in front of me"?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Well, sometimes I call it "this" but it usually has other names, doesn't it?
Posted by dedman on :
Can you give me some examples?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How many do you need?
Posted by Ann Hebistand on :
How many of them are family-friendly?
Posted by future king on :
How many lips on a chicken?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
are you planning on kissing them?
Posted by dedman on :
Would you like me too?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Could I really stop you?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Why in the world would we want to stop deddy from kissing a chicken?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Don't you remember what happened the last time we left him alone with a farm animal?
Posted by dedman on :
was that the zombie sheep episode?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
hmmm, was that the most recent one?
Posted by dedman on :
Can you remember a different one?
Posted by future king on :
Who in their right mind would want to?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
wouldn't we be obligated to, in order to warn future generations?
Posted by dedman on :
Can we just leave them a note?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if they don't see the note?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can't we leave them a note telling them to be sure to see the note?
Posted by future king on :
That would be a good second step, wouldn't it?
Posted by cleome on :
Do we have any of the nice notepaper left, or should I just use the back of this expired bus pass?
Posted by future king on :
Why can't you use whatever paper you want?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
if we want it to last, shouldn't we laminate it?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Is the laminator working after the zombie sheep incident?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Aren't you thinking of the lamb incubator?
Posted by future king on :
Are you guys salepeople at the copy centres in Staples stores?
Posted by cleome on :
Who do I have to take down in order to land such a lucrative position?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
cleome, how easily could you give Copy Kid a misfeed?
Posted by future king on :
The question is how much waste usage can she handle?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Hasn't our Cleome proved time and again that she can take whatever is thrown at her?
Posted by dedman on :
What if we threw a pie?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What kind of pie?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What kind would you like?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is French Silk available?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Does she like French Silk?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Who doesn't like French Silk?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Why would we throw a pie that she LIKES at her?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
For sheer comedic pleasure?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is there any other reason?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Wouldn't it be funnier to throw a slug-and-crawdad pie at her?

[ February 11, 2011, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: Legion Tracker ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Why don't we share a good pie with her, instead of throwing a pie at her?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are you trying to spoil our fun?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Wouldn't it be more fun to eat pie with cleome?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
cle is a good sport - can't we do both?
Posted by future king on :
Do you think she would mind?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do pigs fly?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Do they have their boarding passes?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can we fly a pig pie to cleome?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Are you calling Abin a pig?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
If so, who should be more insulted, Abin or the pig?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't that obvious?
Posted by future king on :
Is anyone else feeling sorry for the pig?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Sorry enough not to make bacon out of it?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that going a bit too far?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Don't you like bacon?
Posted by cleome on :
Could we use those bacon-like soy bits instead, since the real thing gives me heartburn?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
wouldn't immodium or some such drug solve the problem?
Posted by cleome on :
Have you got any handy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Have you looked in the medicine cabinet?
Posted by cleome on :
Are you sure you won't find that an intrusion on your privacy?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Aren't we all friends here?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do friends look in each other's medicine cabinets?
Posted by cleome on :
Shouldn't even friends have respect for one another's boundaries?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Does that mean I shouldn't have perused your porn collection?
Posted by cleome on :
How do you know that I wasn't just storing that for somebody else?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Like who?
Posted by cleome on :
How can I disclose that without compromising somebody's privacy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Couldn't you just whisper it to me?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
How do how whisper on a discussion forum?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't that what PMs are for?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Why didn't you say PM instead of whisper?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would a rose by any other name not smell as sweet?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Yes, but would you want to buy your significant other a gerfuggle for Valentine's Day?
Posted by future king on :
Why not?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Do you really need to engage in crassly commercialism just because of a date on the calendar?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't that what our corporate masters wish?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Are you questioning the will of our masters?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Who me?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Are you the Master of Puppets?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do Puppets rule the universe?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Should we ask Metallica?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't Geppetto be a better person to ask?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Is Geppetto who "Master of Puppets" is really about?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't that be cool?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Should we examine the lyrics?

End of passion play, crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths construction
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Master, Master, where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, Master, you promised only lies
Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughter
Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries
Fix me!


Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, Drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season
I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you too

Come crawling faster
Obey your Master
Your life burns faster
Obey your Master

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Posted by future king on :
Did you just copy and paste this?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Would you believe me if I told you I wrote it from memory?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would you like to buy a bridge I have for sale?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What county is it in?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are you hoping for Madison county?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Is that in Wisconsin?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Didn't you know it was in Iowa?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Iowa, Wisconsin, what's the difference? [Wink]
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't Radar O'Reilly from one and That '70s Show set in the other?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Didn't you know there are counties called "Madison" in 19 states (Wisconsin not being one of them)?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why should I have known that?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that general information?
Posted by dedman on :
Is it on Wiki?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can Wiki be trusted?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How far can you throw Wiki?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Did he eat his Wheaties?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Could we look on WikiWheaties to find out?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Who has the laptop?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Didn't you hear that Wiki leaks?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Isn't that the point?
Posted by future king on :
Is the point of the real point ever really that clear?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Did you try using Windex?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Do corporate chemical cleansers really solve issues of intellectually unclear subjects?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would independent chemical cleansers work better?
Posted by future king on :
Did you try using Wikipedia for the answer?
Posted by cleome on :
Why not just apply a little white vinegar mixed with some baking soda instead?
Posted by future king on :
Doesn't that sound nice? [Yes]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Does it work as a mindwipe too?
Posted by dadman on :
Can we use Shamwows for mindwipes?
Posted by future king on :
Don't you need to own a brain first for said mindwipe?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would it be OK if I just lease a brain?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
If you want a used brain with very little mileage on it, why not try one from a politician?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't a lawyer's brain have less wear and tear?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
But what good is wiping a little-used brain?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that the truth?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Will the truth set you free?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Free from what?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is "What" keeping you in chains?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if I want to be kept in chains?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Would you want us to care?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't it better to care?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Isn't caring sharing?
Posted by future king on :
You mean it isn't???
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Did you misinterpret me?
Posted by cleome on :
Can we get back to deciding whether to order the standard goldtone chain, versus paying extra for the Chain of Fools?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Did I miss something?
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Did you swing at anything?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you want to swing with me?
Posted by cleome on :
How far must we walk to reach your swingset?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Do you want a push?
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Are you a pusher?
Posted by cleome on :
"Want some coke? Want some weed?"
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
If you don't want a push, can I be the swinger?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can't you be anything you want to be if you just put your mind to it?
Posted by cleome on :
Is this now the Norman Vincent Peale Commemorative Message Board?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Why is it that every time Quislet, Esq responds to an emergency, Norman Vincent Peale is suddenly nowhere to be seen... until the emergency is over, after Quislet flies off and is out of sight again?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Are you on drugs?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Did you spike my drink?
Posted by cleome on :
Wouldn't it be obvious if there was suddenly a large, ferrous piece of railroad equipment sticking out of the drinking glass?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Mightn't it have been a Rusty Nail?
Posted by Jerry on :
Did Cleome leave enough scotch to make one?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Would butterscotch work instead?
Posted by dadman on :
Do you have butterscotch candy for us to try?
Posted by cleome on :
Aren't you worried that such candy would contain an abnormally high percentage of orange-y fur ?

Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is that a bat-cat?
Posted by cleome on :
Is seven years old in human terms enough to classify the subject in the photo as an "old bat"?
Posted by future king on :
Can I just tell you how much I love that picture? [Smile]
Posted by cleome on :
So you're saying that you're a cat person?

[Fat Cramer]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Or is he a keyboard person?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Where does a keyboard-person keep his mouse?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't you like to know?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Is it really any of your business?
Posted by future king on :
Were truer words ever spoken?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Do you know all the words that were ever spoken?
Posted by cleome on :
Does that include the ones that were likely lost in translation?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Did those ever turn up?
Posted by cleome on :
Should we call that private eye we hired and see how s/he's progressing?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is our private eye a transsexual?
Posted by cleome on :
Is that germane to the investigation?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
He/she was German?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Was? Is he/she dead?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
If the PI is dead, then wouldn't an autopsy confirm the gender?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Who wants to perform the autopsy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is there a doctor in the house?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is Doctor One in the house?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Where has Doctor One gotten to?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Should we call for Doctor Two?
Posted by cleome on :
Is Doctor Two employed by BBC Two?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
To do what? Perform autopsies on their shows?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What would be the ratings for televised autopsies?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
About the same as Jerry Springer's?
Posted by cleome on :
How many would tune in to watch Springer's autopsy?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Would you really be surprised if it attracted a huge audience?
Posted by cleome on :
Can we all watch over at your place, to avoid the crowds at the bars?
Posted by future king on :
Is anyone else excited that we've reached page 69 on here, or is it just me? [Big Grin]
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do numbers excite you?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Didn't the Count on Sesame Street get excited by numbers?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Did the Count ever count as high as 69?
Posted by cleome on :
Wouldn't the show have had to run past its customary hour for him to manage that on camera?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Weren't there many segments that cut away with him starting to count something and returned with him up in the thousands?
Posted by cleome on :
What manner of things did he count in this fashion?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Am I supposed to remember the details of every TV show I saw as a child?
Posted by future king on :
You mean you don't have God-like memory? [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would a photogenic memory do? (I may not remember something, but I know I looked good at the time)
Posted by SharkLad on :
When have you ever not looked good?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
In the morning with a hangover?
Posted by future king on :
Are you just asking us?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't asking questions the point of this thread?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is there a point to this thread?
Posted by future king on :
Does a bear sh_t in the woods?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are you trying to protect the little kiddies by censoring your post?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Don't they hear worse than that on television?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
But really, how many kids watch television?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Shall we conduct a poll?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
You mean one like your solid gold telephone, pole?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Did you know that "solid gold telephone pole" is actually a reference to a Woody Woodpecker cartoon?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What don't I know?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Both the exact position and momentum of a quantum particle, perhaps?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Who would want to kow that?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Wouldn't Heisenberg?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Does anyone know his number to call him?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Would Avogadro's number do?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is Avogadro Heisenberg's message service?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
What's that about an avocado and a Heineken?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can we make some Heine-mole?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Were you talking about Kendra's Heiny?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are we surprised that rickshaw shows up when someone says "Heine"?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Aren't we all jaded and nothing can surprize us?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Not even Quislet's spelling?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is Quis taking lessons from Cobie? [Smile]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Aren't we allll?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Does Cobie charge by the our?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Doesn't he charge by the error?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Wouldn't that make him quite wealthy?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What if he counts like he spells?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Don't you think 3 should be half of 8...or maybe two-thirds?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why would I think that?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are you looking at a 3 and an 8?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Why can it not be done?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Why should it be done?
Posted by The Flying Fool on :
Is this all that there is or ever will be?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Where is your faith?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Where is your fifth?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Right after my fourth?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is that fact or faith?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why can't it be both?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't it that wherever three or four are gathered, there is always a fifth?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
So, the fifth is God?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't that the Episcopal translation, not the Baptist version?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What is the difference?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't it a fifth?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
And what is the Disciples of Christ translation?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Wasn't Mr. Welch a Methodist?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
If so, isn't this a good example of ecumenism?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can you think of a better one?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do I have to?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What would you rather think about?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Can I go back to my own flavor and having a fifth?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is that Beethoven's Fifth?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Would it be more like Vaughan Williams' fifth? Or maybe Healy Willan's?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Did all those guys drink that much?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Do they play any Britney Spears stuff?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
If they did, would that cause them to drink more?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can there be any doubt?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in "Britney Spears", you get "Presbyterians"?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Would Lady Gaga cause them to smoke pot?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in "Britney Spears", you get "Presbyterians"?

Even more ecumenism?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't Britney Spears a religion?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in "Lady Gaga", you get "A Glad Gay"?
Posted by future king on :
Doesn't everybody know that?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
She's still alive? Why?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Why not?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Would you rather have old skin-and-bones Madonna?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Would you LIKE to see me throw up?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
If you did, would it be like that restaurant scene in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Would you belive... no?
Posted by The Flying Fool on :
Can you handle the truth?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Isn't the answer to that particular question staring at you in the face?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Do you have to have your eyes open to see the truth?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
I do u believe the truth needs to be seen and heard?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Isn't the truth true whether it's neither seen nor heard?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
why should I?
Posted by Dev Em on :
You have a problem with that?
Posted by cleome on :
Maybe you guys could settle this outside?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Isn't it cold out?
Posted by cleome on :
Wouldn't the heat of the moment tell you what to do?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is being guided by your emotions always the best thing to do?
Posted by cleome on :
Do you prefer to always let your conscience be your guide?
Posted by The Flying Fool on :
Can it guide you as to what is right and what is wrong?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't that Jiminy Cricket's job?
Posted by future king on :
How should I know?
Posted by cleome on :
Are you unfamiliar with Walt Disney's oeuvre?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Are you saying you;re familiar with his oeuvre?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Walt Disney had oeuvre-aries?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Did you have to go there?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Was it Dev's thread that he wanted us to ignore soo long ago?
Posted by cleome on :
Can you give us a hint as to what forum would have housed the thread in question?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Was it somewhere in Legion Whirled?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Is this love?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't it a message board?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't all Legion World love? [Love]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Even the lust parts?
Posted by cleome on :
Are we talking about a lust for life?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Doesn't that depend on whose pictures are in Life?
Posted by future king on :
One would think so, no?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Don't you think that thinking is overrated?
Posted by cleome on :
Is it more or less overrated than drinking?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
is it better to think without drinking, or to drink without thinking?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't the latter kinda stupid?
Posted by cleome on :
Would drinking more help us comprehend the stupidity a bit more readily?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Or would it make us think we can comprehend it better?
Posted by cleome on :
Will there be a comprehension test at this thread's conclusion?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Will this thread have a conclusion?
Posted by cleome on :
Shouldn't that be up to a mod?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Mods have never intervened in this thread before, have they?
Posted by cleome on :
But wouldn't they, if it became necessary?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What kind of questions might make mod intervention necessary?
Posted by cleome on :
Isn't it more an issue of how many questions ensue, rather than an issue of questionable content?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Does my status as both an MMB mod and a regular poster to this thread count as mod intervention?
Posted by future king on :
How can we know the answer to that question for sure?
Posted by The Flying Fool on :
Should you ask the same question twice?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Should Question Lad have a question mark on his costume?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Am I gonna have to seperate you kids?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why? Are we Siamese twins?
Posted by future king on :
I dunno, why are you siamese twins? nyuk nyuk!
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
We're not all duplicates of each other?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
could you expound on that theory?
Posted by future king on :
Can you please explain what "expound" means?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Don't you have a dictionary?
Posted by cleome on :
If we have to get the dictionary, what will we use to steady the wobbly computer desk?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
The phone book?
Posted by cleome on :
Are those still being manufactured in the Internet age?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why does one show up at my door every January and July?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Why ask why?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
żPor qué pregunta por qué?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is that one of them thar foreign languages?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do you need a translation?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are you going to use Babelfish?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Couldn't I just tell you what it means?
Posted by future king on :
Would ya please?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't it Spanish for "Why ask why"?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't you know seeing how you wrote it?
Posted by cleome on :
Is his phonebook printed in more than one language?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
who could read it?
Posted by cleome on :
Isn't basic terminology, as seen in the average phonebook, pretty easy to grasp based on what we already see on a daily basis in our native tongue?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Posted by cleome on :
Should I just have said, "Can't we use the context plus the pictures to get the meaning?"
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is there a clearer way to say it?
Posted by cleome on :
Should I leave and try again tomorrow morning?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why not wait an hour?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How long does it take to drink a margarita?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
It takes you more than a second and a half?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Don't you like to savor the flavor?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
It has flavor?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Did you lose the salt shaker?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is the pepper shaker safe?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Can you shake your money maker?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Which one?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Don't you know?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Shouldn't everyone have more than one money maker?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Rick only has one?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
why would you need more than one when its as good as mine?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
That explains a lot, doesn't it? [Wink]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Rick is shaking his computer mouse?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
... naw, i have a short rod...

Posted by Legion Tracker on :
And you don't question that?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Why would I?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Because this is the question thread?
Posted by cleome on :
Is rickshaw1 able to keep track of which thread he's posting to?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are any of us?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Does he even try?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Am I lost?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
If you have to ask, then isn't it probably true?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Who can tell?
Posted by Dev Em on :
There are people around that can, don't you know them?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Do they can tomatoes?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Tomatoes or Tomatoes?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can we call the whole thing off?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
are you going to pay us to?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Where's the fun in that?
Posted by cleome on :
Are we to be paid in funny money?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
We get paid?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Didn't you ask to get paid?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do you think we're all doing this for free?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
We get a fee? Does that rhyme make me have ta pee?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't that more info than we need to know?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Wouldn't you like to know.
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Has Rick lost track of his threads again?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Did I miss a question mark?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Made you look, didn't I?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Or did I just guess?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
I dunno, did you?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
How should I know?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do you not know your own mind?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Is it required?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Required for what?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
your philosophy?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What does my philosophy have to do with whether or not you're required to know your own mind?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Does everyone have to know their own minds to be alive and enjoying life?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
If you don't know your own mind, does that mean you're insane?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
And thats different from normal life how?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Who said it had to be different?
Posted by future king on :
Is being so different so different?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Could it be thet differn't is normal?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
So normal is different?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Isn't normal abnormal now?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is it Opposite Day again?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Yes? No?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Don't you know?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Know? No?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are we deconstructing language now?
Posted by future king on :
Who can know for sure, right?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are we dealing with our own postmodern uncertainty?
Posted by future king on :
Is that relevant?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is it redolent?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
What's the big animal with the trunk that's always in the circus?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What kind of trunk?
Posted by future king on :
Is that its trunk or its ....?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Isn't that irrelevant?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Should we move to the Irrelevant thread?
Posted by future king on :
Who can we ask for confirmation of that?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is there a thread-moving confirmation panel?
Posted by future king on :
Why wouldn't there be?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Too much bureaucracy?
Posted by cleome on :
How much would be too much?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't any bureaucracy too much?
Posted by cleome on :
How do you run things without it, though?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Couldn't we give it a try?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Which department eliminates bureaucracy?
Posted by future king on :
Where did all this SNOW come from all of a sudden?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
From your friendly neighborhood cocaine dealer?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is your NCD friendly? (Mine's rather surly.)
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
I wonder if he dabbles into his own supply?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Does cocaine lead to excessive friendliness or excessive surliness?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Don't those forced smiles on television come coated in coke residue?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Or could it be Enzyte?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Could this be the first reference to Enzyte on the LMB?
Posted by future king on :
Can I go look it up maybe?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
If it is the first reference to Enzyte, do I get a prize?
Posted by future king on :
And if so, what would that prize look like?
Posted by cleome on :
How about a dozen of these?

Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Got any Chocolate Parisian Macarons?
Posted by cleome on :
Can you come back first thing tomorrow morning?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What time do you open?
Posted by cleome on :
Are you going by Pacific Time?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What time would it be in Central Time?
Posted by cleome on :
A hour between Mountain and Eastern time, right?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
After years of having to subtract one from all the program times announced on television, wouldn't it figure if people from the Central Time Zone are good at math?
Posted by future king on :
Do you accept personal cheques? [Smile]
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why do you want to send us money?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Why would you turn down money? Are you mad?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Does he look mad?
Posted by future king on :
Might he be insane instead?
Posted by dadman on :
Should we ask a psychiatist?
Posted by future king on :
Do you know of a good one? (answer carefully [Wink] )
Posted by dadman on :
I do, care for his number?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can't you just ask him to join the LMB?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't it possible he's already on here??
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Which one of yous guys is he?
Posted by future king on :
Do you think he would ever reveal himself?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
I'm sorry, Quislet, isn't your hour up now?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Didn't I pay for two hours?
Posted by future king on :
How did you pay?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you want a demonstration?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Did you pay with a cheque or a check?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Does it matter as long as you got paid?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can cheques be cashed in the U.S.?
Posted by future king on :
What about a loan?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What's the interest rate?
Posted by future king on :
Doesn't it vary?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Why should I care?
Posted by cleome on :
If you didn't secretly care, why would you show up here?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Could he just be passing time waiting for a bus?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Do buses go where I need to go?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Have you checked the bus schedule?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Did you really miss the train?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How can I miss you when you won't go away?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Does my never-ending presence cramp your style?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Do you think we are unprepared?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are we Boy Scouts?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Did you win your Eagle Badge?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Couldn't I just buy one?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't that be cheating though?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
What is cheating on the evil scale?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that obvious?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can't we use the good scale?
Posted by future king on :
Is it free?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can't you afford the fee?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Why you wanna know 'bout mah money? Whar's mah gun?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Didn't you leave your gun on the bus?
Posted by future king on :
Wasn't that a bit irresponsible of you?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Why do you have to judge?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Because he's a king?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Have you seen proof of his royalness?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
And is he a king *of* the future or *in* the future?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Do you trust the future to someone like him?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Do we have a choice?
Posted by cleome on :
Aren't most elections sort of like choosing between Coke and Pepsi anyway?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Is Coke Zero an option?
Posted by cleome on :
Have you considered it as a write-in?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
So our next USA presidential election could be between Obama, Trump, and Coke (write in: Zero)?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
So our next choice is between sludge, swill, and sleaze for Pres.?
Posted by cleome on :
Is that so different from the usual fare we're offered?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Are we just supposed to ... THREAD HIJACKER!
Posted by cleome on :
Can you rephrase that in the form of a question, please?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is this Jeopardy?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
...thread ... Hijacker?
Posted by cleome on :
Can somebody please take rickshaw1 outside for some fresh air?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
But with all the pollen in the air, won't he just get, you know, fertile-brained?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Isn't that prefereable than taking him to the reservoir and getting him all fertilizer-brained?
Posted by cleome on :
Is that a common occurrence near reservoirs?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Well, poo is poo, is it not?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that subjective?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Poo is an object too, isn't it?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :

How do you prefer your poo?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Do you do the poo?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Doesn't most modern dancing look like people who have to go to the bathroom?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Why didn't you go before we left?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
'cause we went right?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
How does it feel to be on your own with no direction home?
Posted by future king on :
Can I let you know when I get there?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Can you get there from here?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Don't you have a GPS?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can you tell me how to get here from here?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Have you tried opening your eyes?
Posted by future king on :
What if he lost his eyes in a cat fight?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
yeah, well, what if I didn't?
Posted by future king on :
And what if he bashed his head on the door frame cause he was wearing platform shoes, hey???

Posted by Legion Tracker on :
And what if I come up there and take a shoe to someone's head?

Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Legion Tracker:
And what if I come up there and take a shoe to someone's head?


Aw shucks dude... i didn't know you cared! [Big Grin]
kicks dirt while blushing, hands behind his back...
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Has anyone seen my shoe?
Posted by future king on :
Did you look in my closet?

ok, I'll stop now. [tease]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
So the closet is where you hide stolen weapons?
Posted by future king on :
Doesn't everyone have something dangerous hiding in their closet?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
How would I know when I haven't been in the closet for 20 years?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Is it a walk-in closet or is there a door?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Don't some walk-in closets also have doors?
Posted by future king on :
Can I see the specs for your home?
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
How would I know when I haven't been in the closet for 20 years?

How do you get to any of your clothes then??

Posted by rickshaw1 on :

He doesn't. He runs around nekkid. Thought everyone knew that.

Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is there a question in that post?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Was rickshaw trying to hijack this thread...again?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is he of the philosophy of "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again"?
Posted by cleome on :
Would you consider such a philosophy more of a hindrance than a help?
Posted by future king on :
Is there freedom of choice at play here?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is freedom of play a choice here?
Posted by SharkLad on :
What do you want to play?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can it be an indoor game?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Why not?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't it too nice outside?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Oh, so you like doing it outdoors?
Posted by future king on :
Doing what?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Posted by future king on :
Is?? [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
If you don't know, should I really tell you?
Posted by future king on :
Would you really THAT from me? [LOL]
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is a word missing from the above post? [Confused]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Are you that concerned about it?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Shouldn't we all be concerned about communicating clearly?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
You're asking this crew?
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by He Who LSHes:
Shouldn't we all be concerned about communicating clearly?

Keep? KEEP???? [LOL]
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is that the missing word? [Wink]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't that the old guy who hangs around with Kid Eternity?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Isn't Kid Eternity the punching bag of the DCU?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Wouldn't he have to fight Hector Hall for that title?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Can a dead man fight?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Has anyone seen it happen?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would anyone who has seen it admit it?
Posted by future king on :
Why wouldn't they??
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Fear of being declared insane?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is anyone on reality TV afraid of that?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't you be surprised if they were?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can anything surprise me?
Posted by future king on :
I don't know, can it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What will you try to surprise me with?
Posted by future king on :
Wouldn't you like to know?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Would you be surprised if we don't surprise you?
Posted by future king on :
Can you start from the beginning please? [Wink]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
You mean "Once upon a time..."?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Or do you mean that "When you read, you begin with 'ABC'; when you sing you begin with 'Do Re Mi'"?
Posted by future king on :
Aren't those special? [Smile]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Don't you know your Do Re Mis?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Didn't we all learn that from Julie Andrews?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Did Julie Andrews kill this thread?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What would be her motive?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Professional jealousy?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
She's Julie Andrews; of whom could she possibly be jealous?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Justin Bieber?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What type of animal is a Justin Bieber?
Posted by future king on :
What's a "Justin Bieber"?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Haven't we asked that question before?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Does it really merit a reply?
Posted by future king on :
What would happen if we chose to keep quiet?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Posted by future king on :
Ah, but what if some of us don't know how to keep quiet?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Have you considered stuffing a sock in your mouth?
Posted by future king on :
How did do you know I put things in my mouth? [Confused]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Haven't you read the bathroom stalls?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can I just look at the pictures there?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is a picture worth a thousand words?
Posted by future king on :
Can you really put a price tag on something like that?
Posted by cleome on :
Is the artist well-known to collectors, or do they at least have an agent?
Posted by future king on :
Who can we ask to find this out?
Posted by cleome on :
Doesn't Sketch Lad know a lot about art?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Who else knows a lot about art in bathroom stalls?
Posted by cleome on :
Are we still confining ourselves to that particular venue?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Aren't we investigating Future King's confession?
Posted by future king on :
Do that many people really care how many jellybeans I actually fit in my mouth?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Oh, those were jellybeans in the picture?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What did you think they were, elephants?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can one get adult elephants in one's mouth?

[ June 04, 2011, 09:26 PM: Message edited by: He Who LSHes ]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How many jellybeans does it take to make an elephant?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
How big are the jellybeans? Is it a baby elephant or an adult?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Could someone get an adult elephant in their mouth?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Didn't I ask that question?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Was the word "adult" in your question?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should I go back and edit the post?
Posted by cleome on :
But what if that started a chain reaction which rebooted the entire LMB?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Oops! Should I just *remove* the post instead?
Posted by cleome on :
Do you want to borrow this container of stain remover that I'm using on the laundry?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Does stain remover work on message board posts?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
See what a mess you've made with the continuity of this thread?
Posted by cleome on :
But if it hadn't been me and HWL, wouldn't it just have been some other hapless fanboys [sic] ruining it, sooner or later?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
If one is hapless, how would one go about getting a/some hap?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Isn't it strange that the word "hap" has fallen out of common usage, while its derivatives "hapless" and "happen" haven't?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
The same thing happened to "whelmed," didn't it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you think this is a conspiracy to do away with certain words?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Who would benefit from such a conspiracy?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't there a club where members do nothing but reminisce about the way words used to be??
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is it the Hap & Whelm Club?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Could "gay" join?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is someone trying to exclude the gays?
Posted by cleome on :
But couldn't the whole world benefit from a little gaiety now and then?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What if we all were gay for a day?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Could we ever go back?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Why would you want to?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
To perpetuate the species?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
After what we did there, do you really want to go back?
Posted by cleome on :
Couldn't some of us just decide to bat for both teams?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are we playing baseball or softball?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Either way, can we have peanuts and Cracker Jacks?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you know how much peanuts and Cracker Jacks cost at a ballpark?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Do they even still sell them there?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you think they just give them away for free?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would they give them away if we asked?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What do you think are the chances?
Posted by future king on :
How can we increase our chances?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Get jobs as peanut and Cracker Jack vendors?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What training do you need for that job?
Posted by future king on :
Are you seriously looking for training?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't you rather be trained than untrained?
Posted by cleome on :
Is it hopeless to believe that somewhere there still remains an employer willing to train their employees?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that asking too much?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
If we don't ask, how will we receive?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't it better to give than to receive?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can't we do both?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are you that versatile?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do you want to try me? [Wink]
Posted by future king on :
You mean in a court of law?? [Wink] [Wink] [Wink]
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are there other definitions of "try"?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would you like to borrow my dictionary?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
When will you return my thesaurus?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can you rephrase that?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are you talking about that synonym thingy?
Posted by future king on :
What cinnamon thingy? Can I have some??
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Have you finished your dinner?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Is supper the same as dinner?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Does it have to be?
Posted by future king on :
Why would it have to be?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Wouldn't clear definitions facilitate communication?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Why does anything have to be?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are you responding to fk's question?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What would make you think that?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Aren't non sequiturs usually a good tip-off?
Posted by future king on :
Ah, but what about a really good rip-off?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is that another non sequitur?
Posted by future king on :
It does look that way doesn't it?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are these sequential non sequiturs?
Posted by future king on :
I don't know, what do you think they are? [Hmmm?]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Who? Me?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Am I looking at anybody else?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Hey, Good-Looking, what'cha' got cooking?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Why are you so interested in what I have cooking?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is cleome45 hungry?
Posted by future king on :
More importantly why is cleome now suddenly, overnight, called cleome45?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Could the number "45" represent how many donuts I've consumed so far this week?

[Matter-Eater Lad - Animated]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Where are the donuts? Can I have one?
Posted by Pov on :
Is answering a question with two questions against the rules?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Aren't we making this up as we go along?
Posted by future king on :
Why should we care about the rules?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are you an anarchist?
Posted by future king on :
Do chickens have feathers?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I thought the question was about chicken peckers?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do you need bifocals, Rick?
Posted by future king on :
What's a "bifocals rick" ?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Is that like "Glasses Malone"?
Posted by future king on :
Is what like "glasses Malone"? [Wink]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Would that be yet another avoidance question?

Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do you have avoidance issues?
Posted by future king on :
Are you looking to me for an answer to that question?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Are you still avoiding the obvious?
Posted by future king on :
Does it show?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
After all my responses, don't you think it does?
Posted by future king on :
Is that a trick question??
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
h'ain't ya loined tha dif'ernce?
Posted by future king on :
Get I please get a translator in here?? [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Why don't you use Babel Fish?
Posted by Pov on :
Did you catch that one from a Babbling Brook?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Does Brooke Shields babble?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Are you talking about her post partem or her attacker tom cruise?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't Tom Cruise a dreamboat?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Can one be a dreamboat while not having both oars in the water?
Posted by future king on :
Want me to ask him for you?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Posted by future king on :
Aren't we talking about Tom Cruise right now?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Not about Quislet, Esq.?

Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Do you often get them confused?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Why am I cursed to be as good looking as Tom Cruise?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are you as crazy as Tom Cruise?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Couldn't we just think of it as "charming eccentricity," when it's happening with one of our own?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Does this mean "You like me. You really like me."?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Just how many famous people can you impersonate?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Aren't Tom Cruise and Sally Field enough?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would you believe I can also do Don Adams?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can you prove it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Have you no faith?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Faith in God?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Are we allowed to discuss religion?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is anyone forbidding us?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Don't we have a poster who recently returned from the Forbidden City?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Posted by cleome45 on :
Have you visited the Anywhere Machine today?
Posted by future king on :
Would you belive me if I told you I did?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Is the Forbidden City now part of the Anywhere Machine?
Posted by future king on :
How can that be?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Is anything impossible on Legion World?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Have we cured cancer yet?
Posted by Pov on :
Isn't that what we have "Everybody Blow Pov Day" for? [Good] [Devil] [Big Grin] [LOL]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Does that include LMB characters with super-breath powers?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Which LMB characters would that be?
Posted by future king on :
Aren't there way too many to list?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Are we still doing this?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Doing what?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I don't know, don't you?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
What if I know but don't want to tell?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Are you afraid people will call you a tattletale?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do you care what people think?
Posted by future king on :
Would it be rude if I said "no"?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Shall we ask Miss Manners?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Is she still alive? Or was that rude to ask?
Posted by future king on :
Which question should I answer first?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Which do you know the answer to?
Posted by future king on :
Do I have to answer that?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are you pleading the fifth?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Has anyone seen my 45 of "A Fifth of Beethoven"?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Was Beethoven a German or an Austrian?
Posted by future king on :
Who wants to know?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wouldn't the person asking the question want to know the answer?
Posted by future king on :
What about if she were asking for someone else, hmmmm?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Doesn't the fact that she is asking the question instead of just answering this hypothetical 3rd person(s) indicate that she also does not know the answer and would like to know, if only to relay the answer?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Who's on my relay team, anyway?
Posted by future king on :
Would you believe I don't have the answer to that question?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Why would we believe you would?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Whats with all the questions? Is this the inquisition?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
You mean like the musical number in History of the World, Part I (Somewhat adult content here)?
Posted by future king on :
What's wrong with a little adult content every now and then?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Nothing; however; isn't it part of LW's rules that links with adult content should be labeled as such?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't this the proper thread for inquisitive people?
Posted by future king on :
You would think so wouldn't you?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What should I be seeing?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Which anime are you trying to watch?
Posted by future king on :
How do you know that that's what I'm trying to watch?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Don't you want to get up and dance to our Eastern European Funk (Could Be Mature Content) ?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
What if I don't like to dance?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Wouldn't that bring you one step closer to being this guy?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would I have to live on Electric Avenue?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Does Lightning Landlord own most of the buildings there?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
If so, would he give me a Legion World discount?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Have you checked any rental publications with his advertisements in them?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are advertisements to be trusted?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are the advertisements over 30?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
What if the advertisements are over nine thousand?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Years old? Did they have advertisements back then?
Posted by future king on :
Didn't they use ocher and manganese dioxide to paint pictures in order to convey their messages back then? [Yes]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Does anyone know what FK is talking about?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
How many history buffs are site members?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Where are Element Lad or Chemical King (Kid) when you need them?
Posted by future king on :
Would you like me to contact them and find out?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What, you have a Legion flight ring?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Doesn't everyone?
Posted by future king on :
"Doesn't everyone" what exactly?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Doesn't everyone read more of the thread than just the post above theirs?
Posted by rot-flam-mow on :
Aren't you ASS-U-MEing too much by asking that question?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Do we have any clues?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should we hire a detective?
Posted by Power Boy on :
Can we get Batman on short notice?
Posted by rot-flam-mow on :
Wouldn't he be way too overpriced??
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Does Batman charge for his services?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Would Elongated Man be cheaper?
Posted by rot-flam-mow on :
Does he charge by the yard?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Can we hire Jim Chee?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Which Legionnaire is Jim Chee?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't he Jo Nah's power-sucking arch-villain, Nultra Boy?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Is Nultra Boy a young Navajo Tribal Policeman that is also interested in becoming a spiritual leader?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Wouldn't his being a power-sucking arch-villain be a conflict of interest?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if he had a split personality?
Posted by rot-flam-mow on :
Then wouldn't he require psychiatric help?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What does Tom Cruise think about that?
Does anyone else feel that this discussion has come full circle?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Or is it a spiral?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Like a spiral ham?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Like a circle in a spiral? Like a wheel within a wheel?
Posted by future king on :
Is anyone else's head spinning right now? Does anyone else see stars??
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Or is it a carousel that's turning, running rings around the moon?
Posted by cleome45 on :
What kind of admission would I be charged to ride such a conveyance?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Was that in the song?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Could you sing it for me?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
But doesn't everyone know the Water Buffalo song?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
By "everyone" are you including the Sherpas of the Himalayas?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
But do they know "Windmills of Your Mind"?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Shouldn't that Don Quixote's theme song?

[ June 27, 2011, 09:30 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq ]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
was he in The Thomas Crown Affair?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't that a personal matter between him and Thomas Crown?
Posted by future king on :
Am I supposed to understand what you mean by that?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Don't you think an affair is a personal matter between the people involved?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't that assuming a lot?? [LOL]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What does a parking lot have to do with it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Could the affair have been carried out in a parking lot?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't this all getting a little too personal at this point?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Didn't Quislet ask that about 8 posts ago?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Who's counting?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Didn't the Count on Sesame Street love counting?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Or was he suffering from OCD?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is that Obsessive Count Disorder?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do you think the Count would be ecstatic over our post counts?
Posted by future king on :
How can we let me know?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Can't you just tell yourself?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are you advising him to talk to himself?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't that okay so long as he doesn't answer himself?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if he answers himself with a question?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Would that surprise you?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would anything on LW surprise us?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Are you saying that we've all been jaded and/or fatigued from an excess of reboots?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Don't we all wear Jade Colored Glasses ?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would laser eye surgery help us not need jade colored glasses?
Posted by future king on :
Would they or wouldn't they?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Or not?
Posted by future king on :
Is it not a known fact ... or isn't it?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What the hey you talkin' about?

Posted by cleome45 on :
Should we make hay while the sun shines?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Is the sun still shining where you are?
Posted by future king on :
Isn't the sun shining over most areas these days?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
If so, why did it get dark here last night?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Doesn't it get dark most nights?
Posted by future king on :
And isn't it sunny in some parts of the world while it's dark in others?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Is it always sunny in Italy?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should we ask Italian Boy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Whatever happened to Italian Boy?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Is he the guy whose face I always see on those canned pasta labels?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Isn't that Chef Boyardee?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Could Italian Boy have run off with Icefire?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
If they had a child, would he be Italianfire or Ice Boy?
Posted by cleome45 on :
How do you know the kid would be male?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Couldn't "Italianfire" just as easily be a girl's name?
Posted by cleome45 on :
If we called her "Lian" for short, would it be in incredibly bad taste?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should we start a petition to keep DC from killing her?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Have they ever heeded such entreaties from the fanbase before?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
They brought the Legion back from oblivion in 1971, didn't they?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How do I know that I'm not just hallucinating all of this?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Why would you be?
Posted by future king on :
How would he know if he was?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What if we assure him he's not?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if your assurance is just part of the hallucination?
Posted by future king on :
What if we could take this concept and turn it into a cool motion picture? [Smile]
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Who would play you?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Don't we need to work out a budget before hiring actors?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Who's going to produce? (Producers handle budgets, don't they?)
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
If I go to produce, what do you want besides lettuce and tomatoes?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can you leave out the tomatoes?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Where should I leave them?
Posted by future king on :
Why not just leave them on the shelf where you found them?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
So y'all want nothing but lettuce?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can I have some cheese?
Posted by SharkLad on :
The jokes around here aren't cheesy enough for you?
Posted by future king on :
Would you be upset if I said no?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
So you want more cheese?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Pepperjack, please?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Is there any fruit to go with all this cheese?

[Fruit Boy]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Ummm...You know this is Legion World, don't you? [Wink]
Posted by cleome45 on :

What pairing of fruit and cheese is most favored by the typical penguin?
Posted by future king on :
Can we start up a quick survey and find out?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Should we declare "fruit & cheese" to be the national food/emblem of Legion World?
Posted by Jerry on :
Where would that leave ramen noodles?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
In Ramenia? [Wink]
Posted by future king on :
Can you please show us that place on a map?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is it okay if I photoshop the map first?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Do you want to enlist Exnihil's assistance?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is he available?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
More importantly, what does he charge?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would he do it pro bono?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Is this going to lead to yet another U2 joke?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Have we pushed it to the Edge already?
Posted by future king on :
In the name of love people, can we please stop with the U2 puns?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Would you like to listen to One Republic?
Posted by future king on :
Who wouldn't like to listen to that?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you want the full list or just the top five hundred?
Posted by future king on :
Can you just surprise me with the answer?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are answers allowed in this thread?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would you be able to state the answer as a question?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Does this thread provide multiple-choices?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
If the answer is a question, doesn't that make it a question? Aren't multiple choices allowed so long as they're multiple questions?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Hasn't it been determined that you can't ask two questions?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Haven't we been asking multiple questions all along?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Do you mean the royal "we" or the plural "we"?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is there anything "royal" about me? [Big Grin]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Is that a crown in your pocket or are you just happy to see the next poster?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Am I finally Princess of Earth?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Why not go for broke and be Queen?
Posted by future king on :
Would the title of Queen put her in greater jeopardy as a target perhaps?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Who would want to harm Emily Sivana?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Perhaps a jealous queen?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Are you calling me a jealous queen?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Why would you be jealous of Emily?
Posted by future king on :
Could they have been mistaken about that assumption?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
What assumption?
Posted by future king on :
Is that a trick question?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would you rather the treat question?
Posted by cleome45 on :
What kind of treats are we talking here?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What is your favorite type of treat?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Have you got any Parisian macaroons?

Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Why would I share my Parisian macaroons with anyone?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Isn't happiness best when shared?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Are you equating macaroons with happiness?
Posted by Pov on :
Don't YOU???
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What don't I do?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Eat tomatoes?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Did you have to bring that up?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Didn't you submit that information earlier?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Can we go to Spain and buy tomatoes?
Posted by SharkLad on :
What will we do if they're run out once we get there?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Have you ever been to Land of Oz?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Are there tomatoes in the Land of Oz?
Posted by cleome45 on :
If there are tomatoes in Spain, why not in Oz?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is Oz close to Spain?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Weren't they college roommates?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
They were over in Rainbow Studies, right?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Did they somehow miss out on the pot of gold?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Were they searching for El dorado?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Or perhaps the Fountain of Youth?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is anyone else thirsty now?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Should I run out and get more sodas?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is anything open this late?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Would you be willing to settle for juice?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What type of juice is it?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Do you prefer pineapple or lemon and quamqot?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How about mango?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Does a combination of fruit flavors cost extra?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What doesn't cost extra?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Doesn't added value usually cost extra?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Can we get a better deal if we purchase wholesale?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
What would we do with 15 crates of mangoes and nanners?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Have a luau?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
How is the weather?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Would you believe that it's absolutely perfect for an outdoor event?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Luau...wouldn't we need a pig too?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Will there also be vegetarian options?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Mangoes and nanners...and vegetables?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Don't you want the vegetarians to have something other than fruit?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can the carnivores have something other than pig?
Posted by cleome45 on :
How about Poi?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Where can we get fresh poi around here?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Do you want to go to the Seychelles?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Could we go to Australia instead?
Posted by Pov on :
Are you planning on poaching koalas again?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Didn't we agree that we would never bring that up again?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Did you poach koala eggs?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Does anyone else find that image disturbing?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Would koalas find it disturbing?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Who really knows what those secretive beady-eyed little so-and-sos think?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do you hold a grudge against koalas? [Confused]
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
What is a koala?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't a koala just like a rat but not as cute?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Is there really anything that's as cute as a rat?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
The cat that ate the rat?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
You're being facetious, aren't you?
Posted by Lard Lad on : [tease]
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Is there anyone else in this thread?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Are you suggesting that only you and I have posted on this entire thread?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Are you insinuating that every other person who has posted on this thread is an alt of you or me?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Wouldn't LW management frown on two people having that many alts?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Maybe "LW management" is one of our alts as well?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
If it's not, shouldn't it be?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Is this the way to Belarus?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you want to go direct or take the scenic route?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
If we take the scenic route, can we stop by the Swiss Alps?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Is there an Alp for that?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Should we ask Microsoft?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Aren't you a PC?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Aren't I a HWW?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Didn't you change your intials?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can I be HWL then?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Who'll stop you?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Do you want me to be a super-villain or a super-hero?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can't you chose for yourself?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Arent' we all just shades of hero/villain anyway?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Are we the Legion of Relativists now?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are you saying we're related?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Don't you feel like fandom is one big happy family?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
You mean, like, just random fandom?
Posted by cleome45 on :
How can we be random while yet meeting for such a specific reason?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
So we're all here for the falafel?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Do you want some tahini sauce on that?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you have any ketchup?
Posted by cleome45 on :
[Eek!] [Eek!]

Are you the real Quislet, Esq or an imposter?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Do you mean tomato-free ketchup?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Do I look like the sort of person who goes around conversing with bottles of condiments?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Aren't you sure?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Would that mean I'm confident and secure?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What does your psychologist say?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Besides "Our time's up for today?"
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Isn't that a given saying of all psychologists?
Posted by future king on :
Are we just painting everyone with the same brush again?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Shouldn't we clean the brush first?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Must you take everything so literally?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
So is cleaning the brush a metaphor?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Have you ever metaphor you didn't like?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Are cliches a type of metaphor?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Like a metaphor for lameness?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Aren't lameness and redundancy mutually exclusive?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
If a writer writes the same story over and over again, wouldn't that be both redundent and laziness?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Are you listening, Grant Morrison? [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Does Grant Morrison ignore you a lot?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Did you ever read Morrison's New X-Men?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Why shouldn't he ignore a bitter little commoner like me, being as he is still comics' top self-made mystique man?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Would you like to attend D23, a major Disney event?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can I get ice cream instead?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What flavor ice cream do you want?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How about Ben & Jerry's Pistachio Pistachio?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would you settle for Neapolitan?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Why must we always settle for something less than what we really want?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Would you rather be disciplined by Mistress Dominique?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Can I get a free demonstration, so I can decide?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Shall I ask Mrs. Lardy if it is OK?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
What does any of this have to do with Oklahoma?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Is anyone else unlucky enough to have heard David Letterman singing "Oklahoma?"
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Could it be any worse that William Shatner's rendition of "Tamborine Man"?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Do you realize "tambourine" rhymes with "tangerine?"
Posted by cleome45 on :
Should we order both tangerines and aubergines?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Are they two great tastes that taste great together?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Did you know that Amber Jean enjoys an aubergine while Tammy Jean enjoys a tangerine?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Do they also enjoy guys with man-boobs?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
I don't know, should I ask them?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Isn't the technical term for that "pectoralis major"?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Should Fickles ask them if they like guys with "pectoralis major"?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
If I ask them that, isn't there the danger that their lack of education may lead them to assume I'm talking about another body part?
Posted by cleome45 on :
You mean their nose?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Which one would they assume?
Posted by cleome45 on :
You have more than one nose?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Would it please you to know that they actually knew which part I was talking about, and they do like men with man-boobs?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Doesn't everyone?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Would you be offended if they nicknamed your man-boobs "the Community Chest?"
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Wouldn't that imply that they were available for nursing?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Did I mention that Tammy Jean & Amber Jean are sweet, but not too bright?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Are they cute?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Haven't you heard that the townsfolk consider them "Cuter'n two li'l kittens each one playin' with a ball o'string?"
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Are the townsfolk easily impressed?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
What if I told you that Bobby Joe and Billy Joe came to blows because they couldn't agree on which one was cuter?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Amber or Tammy or each other? [Big Grin]
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Doesn't every small town have its naughty little secrets? [Big Grin]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Would we have to visit every small town to verify that?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Are we really that voyeuristic?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Is the LW/CCI cam bringing that out of me?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Perhaps this new wave song will enlighten us?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Well...did it?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
On second thought, isn't "Camera Camera" lyrically a bit...obscura?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Wasn't the old Candid Camera a funny show?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
May I answer that candidly?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Would your candid answer be offensive?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Can one answer diplomatically?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Do you have the proper credentials?
Posted by future king on :
If I said "no" what would be the penalty?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Won't you be detained?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Who is doing the "detaining"?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Who is chief of security these days?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Can it be me?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is "chief of security" like "tag! you're it"?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Wouldn't it be easier to just post in the jobs section on Craigslist?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is it ever safe to answer an ad from Craigslist?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Don't you want a security chief who won't turn away from danger?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How about Danger Mouse?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Didn't he get eaten by Danger Cat?
Posted by future king on :
Is Danger Cat a genuine threat that we all need to be aware of?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Where did I put that death-ray?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How are you going to learn to put things back in their place if I have to find them for you?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Weren't we playing hide and seek?
Posted by Future on :
It was my turn to seek again, wasn't it?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Can we play kickball instead?
Posted by Future on :
Would that get out of hand fast?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Would that be a bad thing?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Is it ever a good thing to get out of hand?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if you were getting out of the hand of a serial killer?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Would a network be a serial killer when it cancels a soap opera?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Can you kill something that doesn't live?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
We aren't talking about zombies, are we?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Did you know that the spell Cure kills zombies?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Would it save my life if I knew?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Do you want to take that chance?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What are the odds?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
If I've never met a real live zombie, wouldn't the odds be good that I never will?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Isn't "real live zombie" an oxymoron?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
See what I mean?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Is there a diagram so I can make sure we're on the same page?
Posted by dadman on :
Would the 579 page instruction manual do?
Posted by cleome45 on :
How much of that is relevant?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Who volunteers to read it all to find out?
Posted by future king on :
Can I get to you a bit later on that?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Are you reading the manual behind our backs?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Is there more light to read by back there?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Has Quis just discovered the origin of the word "backlight"?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
If so, what would be a proper reward?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Would he accept this Sweet Tomatoes™ Restaurant gift card?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Who wouldn't want all you can eat soup and salad?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Do they have some nice chilled soups at this time of year?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Wouldn't gazpacho or vichyssoise be nice?
Posted by future king on :
Can you nuke mine just a bit though? [Inferno - Re-Imagined]
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Would you settle for gamma radiation?
Posted by future king on :
Is there another option available?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How about sitting on it?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Are you from the planet Fonzarelli?
Posted by future king on :
Are you making an assumption based on the style of my black leather jacket?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
How do you think I would look all done up in leather?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Could you post a pic?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Is it wise to wear all that leather when it's so hot out?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Is fashion always sensible?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Would you want it to be?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Is fashion about what I want?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
*sob* Doesn't anyone in the fashion world care?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Would you like to borrow my hankie?
Posted by future king on :
When was the last time you washed that thing?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Isn't that too much information?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Don't you want to be omniscient?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
What's wrong with just being a powerless social misfit?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Can you get a best-selling memoir out of that?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Isn't it more fun just to write fantasy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What if I want to live the fantasy?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Are you prepared to deal with the consequences if you try to live the fantasy?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Aren't those covered in the fine print?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Should we contact my lawyer, Bumptious Q. Bangwhistle?
Posted by cleome45 on :
What does the "Q" stand for?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
What if it stands for "Quincy?"
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Like Jack Klugman's character?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Did you know my grandfather shared a stage with a very young Jack Klugman?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Do you mean a theater stage or a stagecoach?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Or were they just going through a stage?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't all the world a stage?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Whose amusement is it primarily staged for?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Do you find this amusing?
Posted by cleome45 on :
Shouldn't I?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
If Cleome were not amused, would she say "We are not amused"?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
How many cleomes are there?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Couldn't she be using the royal we?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
You mean the royal Wii?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Isn't that what the Queen uses for virtual bowling?
Posted by dadman on :
Can't she afford a holodeck?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Does one really exist?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
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