This is topic LMBer One on One! in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So its kind of boring here tonight--let's kick it up a notch. Which LMBer would like to be interviewed by the one and only Cobalt Kid? It'll be like the Tonight Show--if Errol Flynn hosted it!

We can go back and forth and ask each other questions. Others can join in.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Don't know if I have anything meaningful to say, but interview away.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Alright! Welcome HWW! I have questions I've wanted to ask just about everyone--they just might have no rhyme or reason.

First off: longtime LW posters know you've been a mainstay poster here at Legion World as well as the old school DCMBs. Was there a specific thread at the old DCMB's (Legion related) that you particularly loved and can remember all these years later? And why?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
One thread that stands out in my memory was a storyline featuring 20th century versions of the Legionnaires. I think Lash started it, and each subsequent poster added a chapter, taking the characters in wildly divergent directions. (Lash even worked in his Buster Gonads character! I remember Buster making the moves on Tinya, so I had Jo give him a trouncing.)

We got quite far into the story before Rob Kamphausen, DC's mod at the time, shut it down. It seems the thread violated the rules against posting original stories. [No]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I had to have high at the time, I don't remember this...
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I had to have high at the time, I don't remember this...

Good reason not to do drugs. [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You know, I remember hearing you guys reference that thread a few years later. I never got to see the original though. Yet another reason why the DCMB's sucked then just like they do now.

Were there any other forums you would visit regularly on the DCMB's? Other than the Legion forum, I visited the Batman and Other DCU ones but that was only in the early days for me--after 1999-2000, I only went to the Legion forum as part of my interaction with the LMB.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lash, feel free to jump in here, asking questions, providing answers, etc.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I'm sure I visited other DC forums--particularly JSA, which I was reading at the time. I also visited the Titans forum. I remember interacting with Barry Kitson there, while he was drawing the title.

Backatcha Cobie: What standout thread on the DC forum do you remember?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Other than "Who Are You?" which basically kicked off the LMB, a Legion-related topic I specifically remember was a thread about Leviathan started by none other than Blacula, who lamented Gim's treatment during the reboot--something I sympathized with at the time. That means Blacula has been sticking up for Gim for more than 10 years on message boards. [Big Grin]

I remember I was talking about Dirk Morgna and spelled his name Dyrk and a poster went out of his way to correct me in a kind of mean way. Being 18 at the time, I took note and made sure whenever he posted to any thread for like a month, I said something snarky. I was much more vindictive then. [Big Grin]

I also remember starting a thread about what Ferro Lad saw in the Evillo storyline and how it might have foreshadowed his death. A poster known as Continuity Kid had a great dialogue with me--I always wondered what happened to him.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Oh, here's another question: when the old DCMBs basically died out, did you make the long journey from there to Rob's to Ships & Giggles to LW? Were you active on all those boards? What was that like at the time? Forgetting about the drama at Rob's, I can only imagine the chaos at the time when it seemed like there was no way for everyone to keep track of where everyone else was.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I had to have high at the time, I don't remember this...

Good reason not to do drugs. [Big Grin]
I'm drunk right now, actually... [Smile]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Lash, feel free to jump in here, asking questions, providing answers, etc.

I'm sure I won't be able to help myself, but this is really fascinating!
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
When DC announced that the boards were being rebooted in May 2003, I had been posting for two years and four months. I had posted to a few newsgroups and one mailing list before this, and they all had run their course after a time, so I thought of the Legion board as just another temporary stop in my adventures on the Internet.

I was delighted then, when Rob invited us to join his board. However, that invitation turned out to be a mixed blessing as our more organized and friendly form of chaos didn't mix with total anarchy. When LMBers made a mass exodus from Rob's board, I again thought it was the end.

Then, a week (I think) or so later, I received an email from Scott (Lightning Lad), inviting me to a new forum that he and Gary (Nightcrawler) had created called Legion World. I checked it out and saw several familiar names. Joining LW was like coming home. I guess that was the moment I realized that there was and is something special about the LMB/LW.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I remember when I got to LW in Sept 2003 and the feeling of community and friendship was just so strong. Even though I recognized a ton of people from the LMB, there seemed to be just this limitless supply of posters posting regularly on the Legion forum and MMB. If Legion World had not existed, I certainly would have only posted again for a few weeks and probably called it quits. But I was immediately hooked on logging on at least once a day.

Switching gears for a minute: I've said this on several threads recently but am not sure if you've seen it. A few months ago (years?) I was on a major anti-DC rant and pretty much at my lowest point of comic book enthusiasm ever in my life. You gave me some great advice: I don't really owe it to any franchise or company to collect comics out of habit and I should really go out there and try to find some comic books I do like in other places and try to reclaim that sense of fun. Pretty simple advice but you telling me that seemed to click. I did just that and am now collecting a whole slew of comics I've gone out of my way to find. So--thanks! [Yes]

That being said--any comics you're collecting these days?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I'm glad that my advice helped you, Cobie. It sure took me long enough to come to that conclusion myself. Being a comics fan is a wonderful blessing, but it also has pitfalls. For one, buying titles on a regular basis becomes a habit, and, like any habit, it's hard to break.

I switched jobs a few years ago and could no longer afford to buy comics on a regular basis. However, that turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as it made me confront the fact that I wasn't really enjoying comics anymore and hadn't for a long time. I think this was partly because I was growing in a different direction and partly because comics just aren't as good as they used to be. I cannot justify spending three or four dollars for an issue that contains one sixth of a story, if that. I also no longer have the patience to follow stories for months or years on end. Few comics stories these days build up to a payoff that is worth the investment in time and money. I'd rather read a novel.

Comics still hold a special place in my heart. The potential of the medium has only been scratched. I also still enjoy reading the older titles in my collection, such as the 5YL issues I recently reviewed.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think so much of it has to do with editorial decisions such as how much story you get in one issue and how much you need to know about other comic books you're not collecting. You used to be able to buy random issues and be curious about other stories but not feel obligated to buy them.

One more quick question (and I'm heading off to bed!): lately there has been an almost revitalization of Legion World in a way. It began on the MMB, the Legion forum followed, then the Titans forum and then our trip to the DC Board. I really feel like the energy on LW is back to levels it was at some time back--not that the lull is anyone's fault, that's probably the lack of a good Legion comic slowing traffic. Any ideas on what the next step will be keeping things going wild on LW? Whether as a suggestion or even a theory about where things will naturally go. Message Board Sociologists are curious, after all. [Big Grin]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I remember when I got to LW in Sept 2003 and the feeling of community and friendship was just so strong.

It's sometimes hard for me to remember that you haven't been here all along or consistently throughout. I think of you as one of the wisened (but young!) founders and guiding lights of the LMB/LW. How many "leaves of absence" have you taken, and what brings you back?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
One more quick question (and I'm heading off to bed!): lately there has been an almost revitalization of Legion World in a way. It began on the MMB, the Legion forum followed, then the Titans forum and then our trip to the DC Board. I really feel like the energy on LW is back to levels it was at some time back--not that the lull is anyone's fault, that's probably the lack of a good Legion comic slowing traffic. Any ideas on what the next step will be keeping things going wild on LW? Whether as a suggestion or even a theory about where things will naturally go. Message Board Sociologists are curious, after all. [Big Grin]

Yes, it's past my bedtime, too!

What surprises me about LW is how our community manages to survive and flourish in spite of the lack of a regular Legion comic . . . in spite of reboots . . . in spite of multiple versions of the Legion that pull in different generations of fans. I think the Legion's underlying theme of a hopeful, optimistic future where one can find belonging and purpose, not unlike Star Trek's vision of the future, is what draws us in and sustains us. I have no idea where this future is going to take LW, but each moment of the present is a treasured gift.
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
What surprises me about LW is how our community manages to survive and flourish in spite of the lack of a regular Legion comic . . . in spite of reboots . . . in spite of multiple versions of the Legion that pull in different generations of fans. I think the Legion's underlying theme of a hopeful, optimistic future where one can find belonging and purpose, not unlike Star Trek's vision of the future, is what draws us in and sustains us.

Nope, Huey--it's Magic! [Yes]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
One more quick question (and I'm heading off to bed!): lately there has been an almost revitalization of Legion World in a way. It began on the MMB, the Legion forum followed, then the Titans forum and then our trip to the DC Board. I really feel like the energy on LW is back to levels it was at some time back--not that the lull is anyone's fault, that's probably the lack of a good Legion comic slowing traffic. Any ideas on what the next step will be keeping things going wild on LW? Whether as a suggestion or even a theory about where things will naturally go. Message Board Sociologists are curious, after all. [Big Grin]

Yes, it's past my bedtime, too!

What surprises me about LW is how our community manages to survive and flourish in spite of the lack of a regular Legion comic . . . in spite of reboots . . . in spite of multiple versions of the Legion that pull in different generations of fans. I think the Legion's underlying theme of a hopeful, optimistic future where one can find belonging and purpose, not unlike Star Trek's vision of the future, is what draws us in and sustains us. I have no idea where this future is going to take LW, but each moment of the present is a treasured gift.

*standing ovation*
Posted by MLLASH on :
Personally, I treasure a night 11ish years ago that I first read (possibly while high) the WIZARD forum posts of a young man named-- LARDLAD.

I even "all-capped" my MLLASH screename in homage to him.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Personally, I treasure a night 11ish years ago that I first read (possibly while high) the WIZARD forum posts of a young man named-- LARDLAD.

I even "all-capped" my MLLASH screename in homage to him.

LW secrets revealed! [Smile]
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Personally, I treasure a night 11ish years ago that I first read (possibly while high) the WIZARD forum posts of a young man named-- LARDLAD.

I even "all-capped" my MLLASH screename in homage to him.

Hee! On the Wizard Boards I was actually just a nice young chap who was trying to talk Legion on a board that didn't actually draw in very many Legion fans for some unknown reason. [shrug] This MLLASH cat was a pretty kewl customer though who stood out...and was rockin' the all caps, as well! Imagine my surprise when we both seemed to migrate over to the DC Boards simultaneously!

Strangely though, we both grew some odd character traits outta nowhere: him with the homosexuality and me with the sexual crudity! To this day, we still don't know what happened! [LOL] [Wink]
Posted by MLLASH on :
It's true. Wizard-- for some nonsensical reason I can't fathom these days-- maybe because I at that time enjoyed the sense of humor in their magazine?-- was the first message board I posted at, largely because LARDLAD's posts were so kewl and stuff. We seemed to quickly connect (probably becuase I'm so pushy!) and from there... well, y'know.
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
I remember posting something like: "Say, are you the same MLLASH who posted on the Wizard boards?" Truth!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
Yeah! It was in the midst of some normal Legion idea what it was. But I probably posted something like "....and blah-blah-blah, that's why Bounty wasn't a total travesty!" Then, I added that "Say are you..." parenthetically to Lash at the bottom. [Yes]
Posted by MLLASH on :
First EDE memory- the original Matter-Eater Lad: The series thread which I have printed out on paper!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Officer Taylor:
Yeah! It was in the midst of some normal Legion idea what it was. But I probably posted something like "....and blah-blah-blah, that's why Bounty wasn't a total travesty!" Then, I added that "Say are you..." parenthetically to Lash at the bottom. [Yes]

Man that takes me back...!
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
First EDE memory- the original Matter-Eater Lad: The series thread which I have printed out on paper!

Sometimes, I wonder if you STILL secretly suspect Edie and I are one and the same! [LOL]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Officer Taylor:
Originally posted by MLLASH:
First EDE memory- the original Matter-Eater Lad: The series thread which I have printed out on paper!

Sometimes, I STILL wonder if you suspect Edie and I are one and the same! [LOL]
I don;t anymore... but when I did... If we're being honest here, it's because you're both, well, brilliant!
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
Aw, flatterer! Still, I know that you and he are soulmates like you and I never were or ever could be! [Smile]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Well, it's true I totally adore EDE and will make no secret of it... but you never forget your first time... [Wink]
Posted by Officer Taylor on :

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