This is topic Getting Involved in Roleplaying on the MMB: 101 in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
A very smart Legion World poster gave me the idea for this thread and I think it's a great idea that could be very useful to lurkers and new posters, particularly if we're getting an influx with the new oncoming series. In the past, the method has basically been "jump in and figure it out on your own" and then we of course wonder why some people don't do that.

So: on the Mission Monitor Board, there is often a large degree of "roleplaying" going on; this is very cyclical in nature, with some points in time where it is very prominent and some points were its almost non-existent. Everyone who gets into the roleplaying side of things is very open for new posters to jump into it and would be grateful for a new viewpoint and some new creativity.

Roleplaying for this group began 10 years ago as part of the foundation of the “LMBP”, which you can view this history of here, in The History of the LMBP. I recommend you check that thread out but if you don’t feel like wading through a multi-page thread, I can summarize: a group of posters who loved the Legion began acting “in-character” based on their usernames and basically created a fictional universe in which we are a Legion-like group of superheroes. Usually, in the roleplaying side of things, we are a bit sillier than our comic book counterparts.

In 2003, we moved to Legion World and that is the setting for the roleplaying and it is exclusively done here on the MMB forum. You will notice on the MMB that sometimes posters will post “in-character” rather than their normal voice—this can be slightly confusing at times.

There is also a plethora of Alternate ID’s on the MMB that come out and play and you should take them for what they are: often silly characters looking to increase the level of fun.

While its good to be aware of the 10 year history of the group, do not let that get you bogged down. It’s more for fun and whimsical reasons and you’re certainly not expected to know it all (though we’d be delighted). For instance, Pov, a prominent poster joined in Year 2; Eryk Davis Ester, joined us around Year 3; Kent Shakespeare in Year 4; Stealth and Rockhopper Lad in Year 5/6. The list goes on and on but the point is most of the posters here did not start out all the way back in the early days and part of the fun is the growing number of posters interacting.

So, how to get started?
A great way to start is to introduce yourself here (the real you). Welcome to Legion World!

If you’re a lurker on Legion World (have visited but not posted), many of us would be delighted if you “de-lurked” on this thread, Lurkers Reveal Yourselves!, in which several longtime Legion Worlders first joined us.

If you’re creating an LMB persona, you can start your own thread and give hints to your origins (species, backstory, etc.). There may be a catch-all thread for this, but damned if I can remember.

A great way to further introduce yourself is to list your powers here: LMB Powers

There are a broad variety of threads where Roleplaying has taken place where you can begin to interact with people. I will not list them all, but at the risk of insulting an Alt ID or roleplaying Legion World proprietor here are 3 of the more prominent ones that have been in existence almost since the beginning of Legion World:
Cafe Cramer
The Office of Security

I also will gladly answer any questions or concerns in this thread, or in a private message you may have about roleplaying on the MMB. A lot of the time, I will tell you “don’t worry about ___, I don’t even understand it myself but am just winging it”. That is the general attitude of many posters—you’re only as “lost” as you pretend to be.

The Golden Rules of Roleplaying
Just because roleplaying can get crazy, that does not mean any rules of Legion World change. All of the Rules of Conduct are in effect. Though each one is equally important, the first one needs to constantly on all our minds: RESPECT.

Following that notion, it should be clear that you cannot do something to someone’s character that they would not want to happen. So don’t be surprised if you try to kill, assault or embarrass someone’s character and they simply undo it in their next post. It is completely up to them whether they will allow these things to have occurred.

I would also reiterate to roleplaying posters the following golden rule: There is no story ownership in a roleplay; by engaging with other posters on the MMB, you are giving up your right to dictate the outcome of a roleplaying story—this is a shared ownership ongoing event. So be prepared to be open to new ideas, new twists and allow others to engage.

I welcome any further advice some posters may want to add that I left out, and any dialogue people would like to have on the topic.
Posted by Dev Em on :
The only other thing I would mention in regards to role playing is that there are other non-roleplaying threads in the MMB forum that our "characters" can bleed into. Thus if Officer Taylor and I are calling each other out in various threads in this forum, it is 100% in good fun and not taken seriously.

There is alsoo a lot of flirting done in good fun here as well. None of it is too serious and should be a fun light hearted thing.

Like Cobie said, it can seem very daunting the first time, but it is a lot of fun, and because it is a team "sport" you never know where the next poster is going to take the story.
Posted by dedman on :
just taking this little snippet from your post Cobie
you cannot do something to someone’s character that they would not want to happen

If you want certain things to occur for the storyline YOU are advancing, PM the individuals involved. We are a pretty nice group here and will probably play along
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Great idea for a thread, Cobie. In the past, I've actually considered pming members to ask about how the role playing works here, but was to embarrassed/timid to do so. As a result, I've tended to sidestep role playing just so I won't get in the way.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Very nice primer, Cobalt. Come clean, though... you drew this up to clear up the classic newbie mistake of thinking roleplay step #1 is... Shoot Cobalt Kid. [Wink]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Shoot 'em or sleep with 'em!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Some do both...just sayin.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Often one leads to the other (and then the cycle repeats) [Yes]
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Roleplay with us, n00bs! All the cool kids are doin' it! Here's a golden opportunity to jump right in and be a frickin' Security Officer!!
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
If you're lurking and wondering what the sprock's goin' on with my character, here's a little background on his motivations:

Chief Taylor was an extremely powerful hero called "Lard Lad" who recently lost all his powers as the result of an assassination attempt by an unknown assailant. Feeling inadequate without his formidable powers, Lardy (as his friends know him) threw himself into his work in the Security Office (LW's police force).

Along the way, he also lost his latest great love, Rockhopper Lad because Rocky's Pyngwyny tradition forbids him from marrying anyone without powers.

So Lardy became even more depressed and obsessed with his job until suddenly his pal Cobalt Kid resigns from the Office out of the blue. Lardy lobbies HARD to replace Cobie as Chief. LWGov (with presumably some pressure from Cobie) agrees and makes Lardy the new Chief in light of his accomplishments in his recently-concluded LMB leadership term, particularly some behind the scenes crime clean-up he and Cobie spearheaded.

So Lardy's in charge and, well, Lardy's best intentions always seem to go awry. You can bet that down the road he's gonna mess up and probably do some questionable things. A Lardy attempting to overcompensate for his loss of power just might be as potentially dangerous as a Lardy overflowing with the limitless power of the Lard Force he wielded as Lard Lad! That's what I hope to explore in his role as Chief.

Lardy has a hugely checkered history that has been explored most notably in past roleplays, three fanfics I wrote and one particularly awesome tag-team story several of us contributed to. In sequence they are:

Turning Point Pt. 1
Turning Point Pt. 2
INVASION! (roleplay)
Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis (the tag-team)
Smoke and Mirrors
Five Faces of Death (roleplay)
Thyme Crime (roleplay)

None of these are absolutely necessary to understanding Lardy, but if you have some time on your hands... [Big Grin]

What'll happen next? I have no idea! What makes it fun is seeing other posters join in and throw their own wrinkles in. Random as it sounds, what often happens is a whole much greater than the sum of it's parts.

I'd encourage some of the other roleplayers to give some of their characters' backgrounds here to help anyone who might need that extra push that only knowledge can bring! [Yes]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm thinking since Teed's "YOU'RE EXCUSES FOR NOT POSTING ARE UNACCEPTABLE" thread contains a link to this thread, I should de-headline it.


Is it taking up too much room? Or is it pretty useful to have up at all times?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
There hasn't been much in the way of roleplaying recently, so I would go ahead and deheadline it.

You can always bring it back should situations call for it.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
A new roleplay is kicking off now--so I hope posters new & old join in!

Originally posted by Ram Boy:
Great idea for a thread, Cobie. In the past, I've actually considered pming members to ask about how the role playing works here, but was to embarrassed/timid to do so. As a result, I've tended to sidestep role playing just so I won't get in the way.

Ram Boy, hope to see you jump in! As LMB Leader, you have a natural fit. Use this thread, PM posters or just jump in on our own. [Big Grin]

Future King, everyone else in the MMB who may be a little unsure of how to proceed--here's hoping you get involved!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
I'm beginning to think this current roleplay should be called "Love and War"! [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Haha, it fits!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
I'm beginning to think this current roleplay should be called "Love and War"! [Big Grin]

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Haha, it fits!

Yeah, it fits,,,but we usually come up with something more clever! [Big Grin]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
"Love and Loss", maybe? Is there another "L" that would make for some nice, solid alliteration?

Other suggestions?
Posted by Dev Em on :
"Love Leads to Loss" maybe.

Or "Love, Loss and Lessons"

[ March 06, 2011, 07:11 AM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by Question Lad on :
Yes, it is getting quite complicated. Red Arrow and Question Lad are heroes, but they are very Post-Watchmen and Post-Starman. I go out of my way to write three-dimensional characters.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I suppose "Love's Labour's Lost" has been taken, but something similar would be interesting. "Love, Labor and Loss" or "Love, Loss and Liberty" perhaps?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Like having liberty in the title!
Posted by Question Lad on :
I vote for "Love, Loss and Liberty" because that is what it is all about.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Sounds good to me too.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
After I logged off I was thinking "Seeds of Destruction". The reason I like this one is because every single plot element is about some things from the past coming back to bite the LMB in the ass! In some cases it's long-simmering plots. In other cases it's backstories of the characters suddenly coming to a boil. And a lot of it is simply character flaws. I suppose you could argue that's true of many of our major roleplays, but it seems especially true of this one somehow.

I suppose whether the "Love, Loss and Liberty" name is perfect hinges on whether the romace/love aspect is as key as I perceived it last night. There were a number of quiet scenes last night that struck me that way.

Of course a more catchy name might be "Bees, Bots & Despots", which would encapsulate the threats pretty well. (Kinda like that one the more I think about it! [Yes] ) It's kinda on the whimsical side but also entirely appropriate.

(If everyone's in love with the LLL title, though, I'll shut up!)
Posted by Dev Em on :
Seeds of Destruction sounds like a Hellboy title... [Razz]

I do like the "Bees, Bots & Despots" one though.
Posted by Question Lad on :
If you use "Bees, Bots, and Despots" can I have Question Kid mock it? He is (if you couldn't guess) highly based on Steve Ditko's creations, and getting increasingly angry with the management decisions of the Security Office.

Oh, and make sure to read this thread if you are involved in the Lard-Bots plot:;f=4;t=004397Just ask the right questions (love this name to death) and it should be easy.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Seeds of Destruction sounds like a Hellboy title... [Razz]

I do like the "Bees, Bots & Despots" one though.

Yeah, but we've stolen from existing comics before! (See "Invasion!" and "LMB Infinite Crisis")

BBD's really growing on me.... [Hmmm?]
Posted by Dev Em on :
How about BVD's?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
How about: "Live Together, Die Alone"?
Posted by Exnihil on :
How about: "Cobie's a dirty plagarist!" [LOL]

Rather then send individual PM's I wanted to just give a heads up that I think I have to bow out from the remainder of this roleplay. I was pretty excited about hopping in at the beginning, but due to other commitments, haven't been able to contribute as much as I would have liked.

At last writing, the "Ex" character was felled by the Red Bee and shipped off to the hospital, so I think it best to just leave him there for a while. I'll pick up his story at a later date. It's a bit hard to accomodate a relatively low-powered character into action-based stories anyway (which just totally raises my respect for writers who are able to use Legionnaires like Dream Girl and Matter-Eater Lad well).

That being said, I do think this is one of the best RP's I've seen in my time here, and I'll be reading along. If I get a vote in the name, I dig "Bees, Bots, and Despots," as well... it sounds like a riff on "Bee Bop A Loo Bop". [Smile]
Posted by Hot Chick on :
Aw! I was hoping for some more psychic flashes that we could make come true! [Frown]

Anyhow, I understand, Ex. You will be missed, though.

Yeah! Isn't "Bees, Bots and Despots" the grooviest? [Big Grin]
Posted by Hot Chick on :
In case anyone missed it on the bottom of the previous page:

Originally posted by Exnihil:
How about: "Cobie's a dirty plagarist!" [LOL]

Rather then send individual PM's I wanted to just give a heads up that I think I have to bow out from the remainder of this roleplay. I was pretty excited about hopping in at the beginning, but due to other commitments, haven't been able to contribute as much as I would have liked.

At last writing, the "Ex" character was felled by the Red Bee and shipped off to the hospital, so I think it best to just leave him there for a while. I'll pick up his story at a later date. It's a bit hard to accomodate a relatively low-powered character into action-based stories anyway (which just totally raises my respect for writers who are able to use Legionnaires like Dream Girl and Matter-Eater Lad well).

That being said, I do think this is one of the best RP's I've seen in my time here, and I'll be reading along. If I get a vote in the name, I dig "Bees, Bots, and Despots," as well... it sounds like a riff on "Bee Bop A Loo Bop". [Smile]

Posted by Chief Lardy on :
I can't help but chuckle, by the way, at all the near-sex that has happened in this roleplay! Makes me think the climax will be a huge orgy! [LOL]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Aw, hope you're able to rejoin at some point, Ex! Even if only as part of a larger onslaught for the final battle. Definitely understand other commitments take precendence though. The way you play your character is so humorous yet full of weight (in terms of consequences and implications for LW in general)--it's really fun to read!

We'll have to give Ex some offensive capabilities.

I thought our scenes on the run were a ton of fun.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Maybe Lardy could give Ex some exo-armor! [Big Grin]
Posted by Question Lad on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
I can't help but chuckle, by the way, at all the near-sex that has happened in this roleplay! Makes me think the climax will be a huge orgy! [LOL]

Question Lad is probably going to make a yaoi reference to The Red Bee at some point.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
"yaoi"? [Confused]
Posted by Question Lad on :
It's manga/fanfiction that focuses on homoerotic relationships for the pleasures of a mostly female audience. Sometimes there is shipping between heroes, villains, and between heroes and villains. Some it's very dirty.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Guys, due to my work schedule today, I'm going to be offline 'til about 9 PM (EST). Cobie, if you need Kalla to reveal what she needs to reveal before then, go ahead and have her "talk" in one of your posts.

Rassin'-frassin' work interferin' in my roleplayin'!!!! [Smile]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
No worries! I'll actually probably be totally offline Friday myself, and tomorrow will be limited.

Sunday is a wash, as I'll be flying to London to meet up with a Faraway friend for his infamous ale house tour.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Is Saturday a good day to try and finish the current story?

It is the LMBP's 11th b-day ya know.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
The poster behind the Red Bee had a very busy day today. One thing I think he really wanted to happen before the battle concludes is for Power Boy to get his licks in, as he hasn't appeared in the final battle yet. Personally, I'd also like to see Rocky and Tim appear as they were in the roll call. So Peebs, Rocky, Tim--get postin'!

Also, when the battle with the Red Bee is over, we'll have at least a few days' worth of epilogue-type roleplaying. Lots of loose ends to tie up with Kalla, Lardy, Red Arrow and pretty much everyone else! Maybe we'll also find out if anyone will get some lovin' without being interrupted! [Big Grin]
Posted by Question Lad on :
I would be in favor of that, especially since I will have to step back alittle in a couple of weeks. I am reaching the point where I will have to start writing a fifteen page paper (it's about Brazil, which is why Sebastian's home system is alot like South America). I'm hoping for a bit of a cool-done arc next week, because spring break holds quite a bit of free time. I want to give Red Arrow a minor upgrade as well as give other characters a couple of options for future plotlines.
Posted by Dev Em on :
sounds good...I was hoping to get through the fight this weekend. I know that the Red Bee is pretty much gonna be the same tomorrow.

There's a lot to get through afterwards...there are a whole lot of things left open right now...people hurt or dying...lots of hookups happening...

I just guess I'll have to write some more Black Ops files.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Lots to answer with my characters and plotlines if they survive. Primarily:

What consequences will there be for Lardy's actions/failures as Chief? (specifically his Lard-Bot program and the shady means he used to fund them) Will Lardy face treason charges for his collusion with the Dark Oval/Kalla?

What secrets will Kalla reveal about the Dark Oval? What will those secrets lead to next? Will Kalla be imprisoned?

Do Kalla and T-Wolf have a future? Is she a hero now?

Is there a love triangle brewing with Dev and Lardy for Tempest? (assuming Dev and Tempest survive) Is Lardy's relationship with Rocky truly over?

Will Lardy regain his powers?

These are just off the top of my head!!!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Lots to answer with my characters and plotlines if they survive. Primarily:
Do Kalla and T-Wolf have a future? Is she a hero now?

I was actually wondering a few days ago if T-Wolf might not become a villian...
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Lots to answer with my characters and plotlines if they survive. Primarily:
Do Kalla and T-Wolf have a future? Is she a hero now?

I was actually wondering a few days ago if T-Wolf might not become a villian...
Well...if being with someone you love changes you...Click Here For A Spoilerwell, don't look for Kalla to be depicted wearing a halo for her sainthood any time soon. The woman likes power, and everything she's doing now with the LMB is serving that end. Though she's genuinely falling for Lon, she's got her eyes on another prize--supremacy over the Dark Oval. She's got a mountain to climb, but she's got plenty of climbin' gear! If T-Wolf's hitchin' his wagon to hers, we'll see if all that power starts looking attractive to him, as well...
Posted by Question Lad on :
What consequences will there be for Lardy's actions/failures as Chief? (specifically his Lard-Bot program and the shady means he used to fund them) Will Lardy face treason charges for his collusion with the Dark Oval/Kalla?
We might want to start talking about this stuff so we don't ruin eachother's plots. For my current characters, they are going to try to take the financial route out of the mess they got themselves into. Red Arrow has serious wealth and ties to the super-human community, and Question Lad does own stocks and mines (don't ask how he acquired them). The madness is driving him into Ozymandias territory.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Rocky has made his appearance and he's freezing bees!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Question Lad:
What consequences will there be for Lardy's actions/failures as Chief? (specifically his Lard-Bot program and the shady means he used to fund them) Will Lardy face treason charges for his collusion with the Dark Oval/Kalla?
We might want to start talking about this stuff so we don't ruin eachother's plots. For my current characters, they are going to try to take the financial route out of the mess they got themselves into. Red Arrow has serious wealth and ties to the super-human community, and Question Lad does own stocks and mines (don't ask how he acquired them). The madness is driving him into Ozymandias territory.
So you're suggesting they will pay off the damages caused by the Bots and pay back the citizens fined (or in Ex's case embezzled) excessively?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
Rocky has made his appearance and he's freezing bees!

MORE, Rocky! MORE freeze breath!!! [Yes]
Posted by Question Lad on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
So you're suggesting they will pay off the damages caused by the Bots and pay back the citizens fined (or in Ex's case embezzled) excessively?[/QB]

Maybe. They will definitely negotiate with Chief Lardy, make the right amount of donations to the right organizations. Red Arrow will probably get business contracts with her Knight and Sivana relatives. Sebastian will also use this opportunity to give contracts to people in his home system. People in Nasger don't give charity freely, they expected favors back. They give tons of money to religious activities because they want to go to heaven, not out of the goodness of their hearts.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Should be interesting to see how Lardy reacts to their proposals... [Hmmm?]
Posted by Question Lad on :
Especially since Red Arrow still has the Soul Gem, which has a set goal and has acquired the arrogant personality of Adam Warlock.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Loved the Dev sequence on Medicus Two today! Great job, Dev and Tempest!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Thanks Lardy.
Posted by Power Boy on :
hey all,

i missed this round i think, i had to go to SF this week, and didn't get any computer time in the evenings afterall.


Power Boy really wanted to hand the Bee his ass too. [Wink]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Get in there and get a shot's just about to wrap up...we could use the fresh mea...I mean someone new to pound on the bug.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Rumor has it the editors of this thing have purposely not finished it yet so you could join in! [Big Grin]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Got to love editors when they're right.
Posted by Power Boy on :
PB is fun to play. haha
Posted by Question Lad on :
You know, we should do a New Gods RP someday. Would love an excuse to revert back to my Little Barda username.

And yes, I am that Little Barda from those other comic book forums you may or may not have been on.

[ March 11, 2011, 08:25 PM: Message edited by: Question Lad ]
Posted by Power Boy on :
that would be cool. maybe a flash back story?
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Yes, there has to be someone on this board who would like to be Orion or Darkseid.

Edit: Did not realize how much work is involved in switching screennames until this morning. :blush:

[ March 12, 2011, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Emily Sivana ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Don't worry about it. Someone can always just post as one of them, or you can just direct them yourself.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
I have been toying with the idea doing a non-Legion RP here. It will have to wait until June though, as I am going to China in May. We could always use the color=character system I have adopted.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
We could do that in Bits probably. I would be kind of fun, and I'd be in. Cobalt Kid is always such a 'leading man' character that I'd like to try my hand at one of the more offbeat, weird characters.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Should be interesting to see how Lardy reacts to their proposals... [Hmmm?]

Question Lad sees himself like Caesar Augustus

or King Soloman from the Bible. He knows his connection to Chief Lardy is loose, but sees him as his father nonetheless. He wants to bring peace and justice to Legionworld.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Cobester, I'm about to go to work, but I'm off tomorrow. I'll plant a post or two tonight when I get home. Then, we'll see about some back-and-forth tomorrow and the next few days if we need 'em. 'Kay?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Sounds good. I'm in London so my posts will be when you're asleep and in the mid-afternoon your time.

Emily Siv--very cool about Question Lad and Ceaser Augustus. I'm not sure if you're aware but Cobalt Kid's history and planet (and really, his entire personality and all of his faults) are based on Ancient Rome (I went to Grad School for it). Not so much Augustus but the major figures who came before him in the 200 years prior. My onevisionis "The Psionic Spear" and the "Horn of Undoing" shed some light on it, as does the "Ggrrgg / Psyonia War", one of the roleplay tag teams from our Infinite Crisis event back in 2005.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Yes, I am on spring break so this week may be the most free time I have all semester. Things are getting serious in my classes, so I may not be able to post much in April.

I'm taking an Ancient Jerusalem class so I'm learning a lot about all kinds of people. I am doing a presentation on Rome's influence on Ancient Israel. Question Lad visited Jerusalem once and adores archeology, he'll definitely makes references given he wants to be pious.
Posted by Dev Em on :
I'm off the RP for a day or so to get my thing set with Sharky. Should post some of it by the weekend, and get back into the swing of things about then as well.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
^Looking forward to it, Dev (and Sharky)! [Yes]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
So, Tempest...who has the upper hand between Dev and Lardy in this developing love triangle? I know, I know...either that's undecided or you're not tellin'!

Maybe, at least, you could give inquiring minds some insight about what she finds attractive about each of them? [Hmmm?]
Posted by Tempest on :
Tempest: Seductress or Seductee?

A lady never kisses and tells.

But seeing as no one has yet...

Dev and Tempest have now shared a spiritual connection. Before that, Dev has shown that he can put up with her snarky behavior and he seems to be needing something that Tempest has. There is hurt within him, his family has got some issues and Tempest feels comfortable with someone with problems. If a man has problems, maybe they won't see her's. But can she give him all that he needs?

Lardy...well, there is definitely some animal attraction that started off with him...but not her. She knows what she's doing, problem is she started to care for him. She wants him safe, but he is a driven man, something that she finds hard to tame, but a challenge is always a good thing. He is looking for something to fill is growing inner voids, is she powerful enough to make Lardy full?

But now another woman is in the picture, it doesn't matter if it's romantic or business, Hot Chick is all over her potential territory. Jealousy pumps the blood hotter in this enchantress.

Tempest seems to be sitting on a secret, will these two men even find her remotely appealing if they find out what lurks in her tesseract? Only time will tell.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Hey...tryin to get the inside scoop? My super senses are listening too buddy.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Tempest:
Tempest: Seductress or Seductee?

A lady never kisses and tells.

But seeing as no one has yet...

Dev and Tempest have now shared a spiritual connection. Before that, Dev has shown that he can put up with her snarky behavior and he seems to be needing something that Tempest has. There is hurt within him, his family has got some issues and Tempest feels comfortable with someone with problems. If a man has problems, maybe they won't see her's. But can she give him all that he needs?

Lardy...well, there is definitely some animal attraction that started off with him...but not her. She knows what she's doing, problem is she started to care for him. She wants him safe, but he is a driven man, something that she finds hard to tame, but a challenge is always a good thing. He is looking for something to fill is growing inner voids, is she powerful enough to make Lardy full?

But now another woman is in the picture, it doesn't matter if it's romantic or business, Hot Chick is all over her potential territory. Jealousy pumps the blood hotter in this enchantress.

Tempest seems to be sitting on a secret, will these two men even find her remotely appealing if they find out what lurks in her tesseract? Only time will tell.

Looks like you've put just a little thought into this! [Big Grin]

[Hmmm?] Maybe Hot Chick's perceived intrusion into Tempest's potential territory will drive her toward Lardy? He'll probably have a heart-to-heart with Rocky, too, before long...will that also fire up her interest with so much perceived competition for his time and affection? [Hmmm?]

In any case it seems you've got a LOT of insight into Lardy's character! I think beyond the animal attraction (which is a big part of Lardy's romantic process), he sees a kindred spirit in Tempest that is drawing him toward her. He also is absolutely impressed by how strong she is and how unimpressed she seems by his legendary status and his aggressive nature.

This is fun!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Yeah, Lardy and Rocky do need to talk a few things out. [Big Grin]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
Yeah, Lardy and Rocky do need to talk a few things out. [Big Grin]

Indeed! Whenever his and Cobie's debriefing of Kalla ends, it'll be a big priority. I guess we'll have some idea as to whether Rocky and Lardy are really over and done with at that point... [Hmmm?]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Tempest:
Tempest: Seductress or Seductee?

A lady never kisses and tells.

But seeing as no one has yet...

Dev and Tempest have now shared a spiritual connection. Before that, Dev has shown that he can put up with her snarky behavior and he seems to be needing something that Tempest has. There is hurt within him, his family has got some issues and Tempest feels comfortable with someone with problems. If a man has problems, maybe they won't see her's. But can she give him all that he needs?

Lardy...well, there is definitely some animal attraction that started off with him...but not her. She knows what she's doing, problem is she started to care for him. She wants him safe, but he is a driven man, something that she finds hard to tame, but a challenge is always a good thing. He is looking for something to fill is growing inner voids, is she powerful enough to make Lardy full?

But now another woman is in the picture, it doesn't matter if it's romantic or business, Hot Chick is all over her potential territory. Jealousy pumps the blood hotter in this enchantress.

Tempest seems to be sitting on a secret, will these two men even find her remotely appealing if they find out what lurks in her tesseract? Only time will tell.

Actually, I think Tempest should remember back to the astral plane as far as kisses go. But then again, nobody but the two of them has any idea what happened there.

What happens when Dev returns...will he have more issues - making him more attractive to her, or will he be more adjusted - becoming more of just another guy in the crowd?

And what does he do when he realizes that Lardy is interested in the same lady as he?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:

This is fun!

Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
And what does he do when he realizes that Lardy is interested in the same lady as he?

Does Lardy already realizing he has competition give him an advantage? Or will it bring out the side of him that's a little bonkers?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Tempest:

A lady never kisses and tells.

But seeing as no one has yet...

Originally posted by Dev Em:
Actually, I think Tempest should remember back to the astral plane as far as kisses go. But then again, nobody but the two of them has any idea what happened there.

Lardy would definitely be more likely to slip her some tongue on the first kiss! Turn-on or turn-off? [Ze Tongue]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Originally posted by Dev Em:
And what does he do when he realizes that Lardy is interested in the same lady as he?

Does Lardy already realizing he has competition give him an advantage? Or will it bring out the side of him that's a little bonkers?
Especially since it's someone he is already on tenative ground with friendship wise.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Originally posted by Dev Em:
And what does he do when he realizes that Lardy is interested in the same lady as he?

Does Lardy already realizing he has competition give him an advantage? Or will it bring out the side of him that's a little bonkers?
Especially since it's someone he is already on tenative ground with friendship wise.
Yeah, that adds a little something that might bring the crazy! [Smile]
Posted by Tempest on :
The plot thickens, dum dum dum!!!!!!!!

I'm not loose!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Tempest:
The plot thickens, dum dum dum!!!!!!!!

I'm not loose!

So she won't be bedding them both before she chooses? [Wink]
Posted by Tempest on :
When Dev told me that his character was finding himself drawn to Tempest, I thought that was interest at this point is Kalla. Tempest can smell the magic, and when Tempest can't figure something out right away, she has to keep picking at it. Is there a soul sister for Tempest or competition she will have to overcome.

OHHHHH!!!! The possibilities!!!

And what if Rocky and Lardy find themselves attracted to each other...shall the windy witch and the popsicle prince duke it out?

It's getting interesting up in here!!
Posted by Tempest on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Originally posted by Tempest:
The plot thickens, dum dum dum!!!!!!!!

I'm not loose!

So she won't be bedding them both before she chooses? [Wink]
Maybe that is the only way to make up her mind.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Tempest:
Maybe that is the only way to make up her mind.'s been well-documented that Lardy's really good in the sack! [LOL]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Tempest:
When Dev told me that his character was finding himself drawn to Tempest, I thought that was interest at this point is Kalla. Tempest can smell the magic, and when Tempest can't figure something out right away, she has to keep picking at it. Is there a soul sister for Tempest or competition she will have to overcome.

Interesting. Well, Kalla, Cobie and Lardy are building up to a mission into the Dark Oval, one that will likely be pretty extensive and time-consuming. Will Tempest's respective interests in Lardy and Kalla compel her to go with them?
Posted by Tempest on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Originally posted by Tempest:
When Dev told me that his character was finding himself drawn to Tempest, I thought that was interest at this point is Kalla. Tempest can smell the magic, and when Tempest can't figure something out right away, she has to keep picking at it. Is there a soul sister for Tempest or competition she will have to overcome.

Interesting. Well, Kalla, Cobie and Lardy are building up to a mission into the Dark Oval, one that will likely be pretty extensive and time-consuming. Will Tempest's respective interests in Lardy and Kalla compel her to go with them?
You bet your sweet ass sweet it will. And if Tempest has to get into a mud fight with Kalla, then so be that to. That Chick isn't the only one that looks great in a bikini.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Tempest:
You bet your sweet ass sweet it will. And if Tempest has to get into a mud fight with Kalla, then so be that to. That Chick isn't the only one that looks great in a bikini.

Lardy (and me) would LOVE to see that! [Drool] Been a good while since two hot ladies mud-wrestled over Lardy*.... [Hmmm?]

(*In all seriousness Space Tart and Hummer Lass did just that one time--no lie! [Yes] )
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Interesting. How can Cobalt use this love triangle to his advantage? [Razz]

His real interest right now lies within knowing whether Tempest = Viviane, who was kind of his 2nd wife (well, we at least got to the ceremony [Big Grin] ). I guess only 'revealing shades' will clarify!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Originally posted by Tempest:

A lady never kisses and tells.

But seeing as no one has yet...

Originally posted by Dev Em:
Actually, I think Tempest should remember back to the astral plane as far as kisses go. But then again, nobody but the two of them has any idea what happened there.

Lardy would definitely be more likely to slip her some tongue on the first kiss! Turn-on or turn-off? [Ze Tongue]

Total class all the way there for Mr. Lardy. [No]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Tempest:
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Originally posted by Tempest:
When Dev told me that his character was finding himself drawn to Tempest, I thought that was interest at this point is Kalla. Tempest can smell the magic, and when Tempest can't figure something out right away, she has to keep picking at it. Is there a soul sister for Tempest or competition she will have to overcome.

Interesting. Well, Kalla, Cobie and Lardy are building up to a mission into the Dark Oval, one that will likely be pretty extensive and time-consuming. Will Tempest's respective interests in Lardy and Kalla compel her to go with them?
You bet your sweet ass sweet it will. And if Tempest has to get into a mud fight with Kalla, then so be that to. That Chick isn't the only one that looks great in a bikini.
That may be enough to make Dev want to go with them.

[ March 17, 2011, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Has anyone given thought to how another party in this whole thing will react?

Just askin.

And I think I have an interesting conversation coming up with Cobie about his attitude, and throwing me out under the matrimony bus without even so much as a "Hey, in case this becomes an issue."
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Timber Wolf:
Has anyone given thought to how another party in this whole thing will react?

Just askin.

Who? T-Wolf? Well, no one else has a romantic interest in Kalla (or does Tempest? [Wink] )but Tempest perceives Kalla as a one for Lardy. Though Lardy and Kalla have had their dalliances, he'd now much rather push her off a cliff or something if given the chance!

Of course, T-Wolf also is protective of Dev, so maybe he'd be wary of Dev falling for someone so soon after his "wife" leaving him.

Or did you mean someone else?

And I think I have an interesting conversation coming up with Cobie about his attitude, and throwing me out under the matrimony bus without even so much as a "Hey, in case this becomes an issue."
Cobie did bring that up rather quickly, didn't he? [LOL]
Posted by Dev Em on :
I was thinking more of TWolf getting upset with Tempest if she attempts to do something to Kalla. But will Tempest loose interest in her if she sees her as not interested in Lardy?

Then there is the whole thing of Dev being interested in Tempest. Could that put he and Dev at odds, if the women they are interested in are at odds themselves...

Yeah...that threw me for a second and I had to reread it to be sure of what he said. Lon will be addressing that when he gets back.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Kalla can take care of herself, and hell, who doesn't want to see her and Tempest mud-wrestle? [Love]

But, yeah, history shows that their women being at odds bodes ill for the respective men. Bros before...fine, classy powerful women?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Interesting. How can Cobalt use this love triangle to his advantage? [Razz]

His real interest right now lies within knowing whether Tempest = Viviane, who was kind of his 2nd wife (well, we at least got to the ceremony [Big Grin] ). I guess only 'revealing shades' will clarify!

So if Tempest = HPV, will she have a third potential suitor? [Hmmm?]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I've been waiting for a reaction to the Twolf marriage comment!

Cobie is having a hard time seeing Timberwolf, who he considers his greatest black ops agent, actually being in love with Kalla, despite being told it to his face. So he keeps back-stepping in his mind and quasi-thinking TWolf's interest in Kalla is part of a larger plan. So a marriage would be a great black ops asset in his mind. Obviously, Cobie has spent the time between Thyme Crime and this latest roleplay too focused on "work" and its showing--Lon certainly has a reason to have a few words!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
As for Tempest & Cobie, we'd have to see if she was HPV. But I think Cobalt feels that the marriage basically ruined their great friendship, which had been an important part of the Security Office. I think he'd probably just want his friend back.

Cobie has always been the LMB's #1 ladies man, but you'll notice he has not engaged in any types of relationships in awhile, the last being when he broke Lolita's heart. Is it because of that--breaking Lolita's heart (and his reasons for doing so)? Is it because he still loves Crujectra and is waiting for her? Or is he just more screwed up than ever? Time will tell...
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
And you gotta factor in: Could Tempest be put off by possibly being Dev's or Lardy's rebound girl? Dev's "wife" just left him, and he's reeling from the truth about her. Lardy's still hurting somewhat from having been dumped.

Part of this presumes just what Tempest wants out of a relationship with a guy, I suppose. If it's something longterm, who would appear to be the better option? If she's primarily looking to have some fun and see where things go, would that affect her leanings?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
He's screwed up...that much is obvious. [Smile]
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
I take that back. They're all screwed up...
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Would you have it any other way? [Big Grin]
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Nope. That'd be too boring.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Cobie...go read the PM. Something to run by you in there.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

I'm also curious where the Lolita / Shark Lad romance goes since we're on the topic!
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
I am loving Sebastian's powerset, because I can move his history in and out of cannon easily. No wonder writers like Wolverine, you can do so much stuff with horrible memory.

But anyways, what is Legionworld supposed to be like? What is life like for normal people? I have been assuming they have crime and economic problems like all us on the other side of the fourth wall (and have been writing as such).
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Yeah, it's a big futuristic world with familiar problems. Overall, it's much more utopian than dystopian, though. Very low crime rate with no real internal wars or any poverty to speak of. Most of the threats are external.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Originally posted by Tempest:
You bet your sweet ass sweet it will. And if Tempest has to get into a mud fight with Kalla, then so be that to. That Chick isn't the only one that looks great in a bikini.

Lardy (and me) would LOVE to see that! [Drool] Been a good while since two hot ladies mud-wrestled over Lardy*.... [Hmmm?]

(*In all seriousness Space Tart and Hummer Lass did just that one time--no lie! [Yes] )

The odd thing is...he's right...they did. Although I think a certain person wrote that...
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
^Heh. Mea culpa! [LOL]
Posted by Dev Em on :

Hey, did you see my response to your question on FB?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Yeah, I did. I wanted to see what Des had to say as well before responding, but I'm generally in agreement.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Cool. More over there after Des chimes in. [Smile]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I have replied, Gentlemen.

(But note, I'm quite drunk thanks to a certain Faraway friend.)
Posted by Dev Em on :
Blame the other guy...niiiiiiice.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
To be honest, I think Gigglebot Girl was the one to blame!
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Since I keep analyzing and psychoanaylzing by characters because it's Spring Break and I'm board, I'm just wondering where Red Arrow falls in the super-hero class spectrum. I think I've raised her from a 1-point to a 2-point by the intangibility upgrade, so I'm thinking Spider-Man level?

And I'm wondering about her touching Hank Pym territory, and whether or not that is a good or bad thing. She wants to avoid it of course (who wants to be redundant or unpopular?) but there are alot of parallels at this point.

Lardy, are we Facebook friends?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Don't think so. My real name's the same as Lardy's if you want to friend me.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Just sent one of you a friend suggestion. Not sure which way it went though. [shrug]
Posted by Tempest on :
All this relationship talk...I dub this the "Oprah" thread.

Hmmm, Cobalt, you points of view are very appealing and something that has gone through my head more time than I care to recall.

What will Cobalt, of all people, think of Tempest once the truth is out!!?

(looks to camera)

We will be right back.
Posted by Dev Em on :
...and now a word from our sponser...
Posted by Dev Em on :
Coming soon to a message board near you:

LMBP Twovision: Truth and Consequences.

"Join us as three members of the LMBP learn the truths about their origins. How will it change them? Will they all return? Who is coming back significantly different?


...and now back to your regularly scheduled thread...
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
I am going to China at the end of May and will not be back until June. Just a heads up for the RP; I'll probably send my Red Arrow and Question Lad to shareholder meetings and other misc. things intelligent and rich characters do.
Posted by Dev Em on :
It's started in Bit's.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Can I be "the one that doesn't know whats going on?"
Posted by Dev Em on :
So not commenting on that one... [Big Grin]
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
I would like a little incite as to where we are going with the main plot or plots. We seem to have multiple threats at one time but are focusing on the Dark Oval. I like all the religious symbolism, what with Passover and Easter just around around the corner.

Is there an order we are facing these threats or are they all simultaneous?
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
I'm not sure what you mean, but as for what's going on right now:

1) "Truth and Consequences" takes place in the here and now, though that's strictly between creators Dev and Sharky.

2) "Beware the Octopi" appears to be taking place concurrently as well. It's a standard tag-team adventure and is intended to be more humorous than anything. Continuity may or may not be a little iffy. Keep that in mind, always.

3) MMB/Aftermath of Red Bee attack is ongoing with some loose ends to tie up. There can also be some random character-building interaction.

4) The upcoming Dark Oval mission will be neither a standard RP nor a tagteam like "Octopi". It will be a novella with contributions from as any who want to participate. There will probably be some editorial direction, but there will be lots of room for creativity. The start date is currently unknown.
Posted by Dev Em on :
From my perspective (or at least my characters):

Truths and Consequences will be wrapping up relatively soon...kinda...

There will be a side continuation of it though, as we're (Sharky and I) having fun rebuilding our characters relationships.

Dev will be returning to LW after the main part of T&C is complete, and will bring a bit of energy to certain threads that are still dangling out there.

Then my characters get wrapped up in the Dark Oval thread, as I have some ideas to flesh out there as well.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
I understand where you are going with your fanfiction, I scatter potential future plots/characters in my fanfiction too (who actually pops depends on others actions).

My multiple threats, there is at least two: Zardi and the Dark Oval. It seems too much of a coincidence that the later is showing up. Is there some sort of agreement between the two parties? Or is Zardi simply waiting for the LMB to be at it's weakest point in order to attack Legionworld?

That's what Question Lad is asking himself.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
To be honest, I think Gigglebot Girl was the one to blame!

Well thats the excuse I use. [Big Grin]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
And guys I want to get back into all this so if I can help shout out.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
There's some sort of Dark Oval mission coming up, but you can play with my characters in the The Tobacconihilist.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Watch out Chief...Dev's on his way back.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
And guys I want to get back into all this so if I can help shout out.

Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Watch out Chief...Dev's on his way back.

Really? We gonna throw DOWN?!?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Doubt it...but he is on his way back to talk.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Emily Sivana:
There's some sort of Dark Oval mission coming up, but you can play with my characters in the The Tobacconihilist.

Thank you M'dear, I need to do a lot of readign to get caught up and need to get a handle on the characters before I play with them tho.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Take your time Faraway...but not too much. [Big Grin]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Got caught up (I think)
Seen you in Cobies place Dev might have to drop in there some time
So pm me any place me and mine can’t go otherwise I think a bit of role play mayhem might be just what I need to relax.
Posted by Power Boy on :
a little virtual nass kicking can be cathartic.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
And if there be Mead to quaff, slaves to capture and blood to be spilt then thou and I shalt be content.

Posted by Power Boy on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So we really need a name for the recent roleplay. Any suggestions?

Some of the other ones were good but none jumped out at me to be honest.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Red Dead Redemption?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You know, best one so far! I'm into it!
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Originally posted by Exo-Lardy:
Red Dead Redemption?

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
You know, best one so far! I'm into it!


(Why does he always like the one's best that are swipes?!? [Razz] )
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
[Big Grin]

I thought it sounded familiar. I honestly can't tell you where its from though.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
I created a new super-villain:;f=4;t=002395;p=17

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