This is topic The TEN YEAR ANNIVESARY thread in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Dev Em on :
Happy Anniversary LMBP!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Thanks for all the memories LMBP.

I've been around in some form since the first week of it's inception and have made some great friends through this board.

Looking forward to making new friends as we continue forward!
Posted by Stealth on :
So many memories...and I've only been here for half the LMBP's existence!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I've also only been around for half that time, but I can't imagine not having this community around! In August 2005 I stumbled across a Legion fan site and never dreamed that the people I met there virtually would truly become friends. Ten thousand one hundred fifty-two inane and non-inane posts, an incredible trip to San Diego and countless memorable moments later, here I am and remain.

Thank you all!

[Hug] [Hug] [Hug]
Posted by Stealth on :
Thank you, Rocky, for helping make this one of the most pleasant places on the web, and for helping keep the great comic strip Peanuts alive in our collective consciousness. I'm very proud to be part of the same Class of 2005 as you, Caliente, and Tamper Lad.

Posted by Doctor One on :
Congratulations, everyone (especially Nighty!). Who would have thought that this would last that long...

I don't necessarily post all that much, but I've been around since the beginning and read a lot of what is here. Always a pleasure hearing about old friends.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Hear Hear!

A special thanks to Nighty for keeping this forum and the dream going from month to month.
Posted by Stealth on :
Yes. Thank you, Nightcrawler, without whom...?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Happy Anniversary Legion Worlders!! You all make this a very pleasant home.

A very heartfelt thank you to Nightcrawler!
Posted by Exnihil on :
[Bouncing Boy] [Bouncing Boy] [Bouncing Boy] [Bouncing Boy] Happy Anniversary, LMBP! [Bouncing Boy] [Bouncing Boy] [Bouncing Boy] [Bouncing Boy]

I've only been around for about two years but, in that time, this place has become my favorite online spot. The passion and creativity of the members makes it easy to see why a decade after it's humble beginnings the LMBP is still going strong.

Here's to another 10!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Happy Anniversary LW & Thanks Nightcrawler.

Back when I was a kid who was hooked on the Legion of Superheroes, I never imagined that I'd be part of a thriving community that actually "got it".
Posted by Stealth on :
That's one of the things I love about LW, the diversity of opinion. I honestly believe that I didn't really "get it" until I joined LW. Before that, I was a casual fan and my real passions were L.E.G.I.O.N. and the Marvel Universe. I'm very grateful that you've all helped me gain a greater appreciation of LSH and the DC Universe.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, well, well.

Ten years later.

Ten freaking years later [Big Grin]

I was there on Day One and though I was missing for a few brief spells in the earliest years, I’ve basically been around ever since. I really can’t express what the LMB means to me after all these years—I know I’ve tried on past anniversaries. I’m not much of a computer person, and certainly not an online social-networking person. But I’ve continually loved coming online to interact with the LMB steadily for a long time. Its become a part of my lifestyle—it’s a hobby in addition to my comic book collecting hobby (and at times, infinitely more enjoyable). My brother, my Dad, my wife…they all know that I come on to “…that website you always visit”.

When I first joined/co-founded the LMB, I was 18 years old. I was a freshman in college with no idea what I was going to do in life. I had never been on an airplane, I had barely ever spent any time online, I lived in my parents house when I wasn’t at school and I had never been in love. Now its 10 years later and the LMB has seen my grow up, graduate, struggle in relationships, fall in love, get married, get ready to have a baby, get a dog, buy a condo, get a job and now stay at it for several years so I’ve been promoted as a young executive, travel all over the country and so much more.

I’ve literally known Lash, Lardy, Cru, Far, Dev and so many others for 10 whole years. Stu & Pov for 9. EDE for 7. Kent for 7. Stealth and Rocky for 5. And many others in between and since. When you know someone that long you can recall conversations from years earlier. Friendship is an ambiguous indefinable thing that is unique for every two people and I’m thrilled I’ve got some great friendships through the LMB.

A huge amount of love has to go to [Nightcrawler] for creating Legion World and giving this group a home and really holding us together ever since. Also, [Crusader   Princess Crujectra - Newcru] gets as much love as possible for always being the “spiritual leader” of the LMB since just about its earliest days.

There’s been a lot of laughs and a lot of great friendships. Some real intellectual conversations and some really light-hearted fun. Even the weird, awkward and annoying things we dealt with are kind of funny years later.

And I can’t wait for 10 more years of it.

[Cheers] [Legion Flag]
Posted by Stealth on :
Bravo, Cobie. Well said.

Glad you mentioned Spellbinder. I miss him and his wonderfully flamboyant Princess persona. He does turn up now and again in the oddest places (the Snuggies thread??) but I'm sure I'm speaking for a lot of people when I say I'd like to see him a lot more.
Posted by Dev Em on :
I was just thinking that 10 years ago at this point I was Married, about to turn 30, and had just found out we were going to have a baby.

10 years later...I'm about to turn 40, still married, and we have two beautiful kids, who share my love for comics characters. My daughter (soon to be 10 herself) has read through all my Legion Archives and said that she cannot wait to join this group someday. My son is 2, and loves Spiderman, jumps up and down when daddy puts on his Flash t-shirt...of which he has the same one. Pictures as soon as possible on that one.

I cannot wait to see whee we all go from here.
Posted by dedman on :
Happy Anniversary LMBP and Legionworld.

Some of you I have known since before there was a Legionworld...
Others I have met in the almost 6 years I've been a member here.
All of you I consider friends.
I'd like to thak you now for being there for me during some difficult times, and for celebrating my happiness during some good ones.
And a special thanks goes out to Nightie who has provided this wonderful place for Legion fans, old and new to come together.
Looking forward to the next 10!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Gosh has it really been 10 years?

I think Des said it best with “And I can’t wait for 10 more years of it” . I was there at the start and i fully intend to be here until the end.

When I first came to the LMBP i was gobsmacked. Here was a group of people who knew of and loved the legion. (the fact that you were, in the main, colonials could be forgiven for that one thing alone [LOL] ) Now at last I could speak to mature sensible adults about a comic book that most of “real life” friends and family just saw it as strange and weird.

Then of course the friendships grew and grew and became stronger and stronger.

When I first came to the LMBP I was married my kids were growing up. The LMBP saw me through the subsequent divorce, the bad times and then the good times as I met, fell in love with and moved in with Jen. Saturnday night Sunday morning conversations with Lardy.

I remember the feeling of trepidation as I boarded that plane and headed across the pond to meet up with Stu and Pov and Cobie and Quis for the first time. And how soon that passed and I knew I had found a bunch of friends. Well, I say “found” but only after I had figured out which end of the subway stairs to stand at.

I smiled as that visit seemed to act as the catalyst and various road trips were organized to Cons around the States. Memories of subsequent visits include certain LMBP’ers being called “Bad Bostonians” Pov being chatted up after losing his driving licence. A very short side trip to Niagara Falls and just stopping myself from shouting across a crowded hotel lobby to Bill, “Hey Loser.....” Cramer bringing mint sauce for Cobies new Girl. Kent driving miles to pick us up from the airport. Then there was the walking tour of New York hosted by Stu. A trip to the DC offices to see the editors of the Legion comic. Then the big one and flying to San Diego for the 50th anniversary. Hearing Abins voice on the terrace of the hotel and that big friendly bear hug that said so much without saying anything. Cali sharing beers with me, CJ’s love of chocolate and pizza and beer on the roof in SD. finally meeting Nighty, after all the grief I gave him on the boards.

Miner, Monkey, Rrockhopper and so many others i may not have named but think so much of, So many memories, so many people to thank.

To those I have met, thank you for being a special part of my life. I hope you stay part of that life for a lot longer.

To those of you I have not yet met “Be afraid, be very afraid” [Eek!]
Posted by Stealth on :
Yay Faraway Lad! [Hug]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

And I can’t wait for 10 more years of it.

I'll drink to that!

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
*choke* Thank you, everybody, for being here, whether it's been 10 years or 10 days. You're one of the best parts of any day.

And Gary, for all your relentless hard work and all the hours devoted to keeping this place up and running - there isn't a thank you big enough!
Posted by Dev Em on :
I know one highlight for me was actually getting to meet Quis in Boston. Even though it was only an hour or two, it was like seeing an old friend. Conversation was easy, and I felt good that he took me to the same place to eat that you guys made the tables into an L at.

I've talked to several of the LMBP on line, through the miracle of mics and speakers. Beagz southern accent sticks in my mind. Talked to Suddenly Seymour on the phone a couple times, and he even got myself and both kids mentioned in an article he did about Free Comic Book Day.
Posted by cleome on :
One-Tenth Lass [Wink] says, "Thanks, LMB."

That is all.

Posted by MLLASH on :
Love you guys, really I do. Screw Folgers, The LMB is the best part of waking up!
Posted by Mattropolis on :
Coming in here always feels like coming home in a way! Happy Anniversary!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Topic: The Legion of Message Board posters (from DCMB's "Legionnaires Forum")

Poster: MLLASH

Member posted March 12, 2000 09:47 PM

Charter members:
Cobalt Kid
Tsarin Kid
Shadowplay in Candlelight Lass
Lash Lad
Engine JoeBoy

Post here to earn full membership, including your very own replica Dream Girl barette and LMB walking ring which enables all LMB members to travel via the ground!

Our membership is strictly limited to 25 so don't delay!

Offer open to all posters on the Legionnaies board**** [Smile]

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
^with authentic typos! [Smile] [Hug]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Happy anniversary, gang!

I've had the honor of meeting several dozen of you.... a fraction of the number I'd like to.

to me, there's no differentiation of LW friends and real-life friends; as Dev said, even meeting someone for the 1st time is like meeting an old friend.

Because of school and depression, I haven't been around as much, but you're all in my thoughts and in my heart!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Happy Tenth Anniversary gang!

That's what- paper? aluminum? pepperoni?

To celebrate, I'm going to read some Legion comics while toasting you guys with a can of the finest beer I can afford, and eat some pepperoni pizza!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
I still don't love the Legion that much.

You guys are mostly OK though.

*tee hee*
Posted by Dev Em on :
As long as you're having fun.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :


Posted by MLLASH on :
OMG, it's almost 9:47pm my time...

I wonder if I was drunk when I started the thread...?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I've always assumed there was at least a joint or two involved!
Posted by MLLASH on :
probably so back then... see? Drugs aren;t ALWAYS bad... [Big Grin]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Happy anniversary, LMBP!

I've been around since 01/01, and I'm often surprised at how much this community has impacted my life. There have been times when I've worried about posting becoming an obsession or a pastime that distracts me from "more important" considerations; however, it's an enormous blessing to be part of this community.

At one time, I was reading upwards of 30 comic titles a month; now, the Legion is the only one I think about at all. The LSH has always formed the cornerstone of my love for comics, yet, for most of my life, I've had no one to share that love. Even my friends who are comics fans are not into the Legion. But this board has allowed me to share that passion with others, to engage in serious conversations and debates, and to celebrate the less serious aspects of the Legion. The LMBP has also sustained my interest in the Legion during the times when I haven't been following the current version(s) of the team.

This community, however, is much more than that. It's evolved into something beyond a shared fascination with a comic book. I cherish being able to hang out with friendly, considerate, intelligent, creative, and funny people. I've shared in the personal milestones and tragedies of many people here. The LMBP is quite unlike any other community I've ever been part of.

Thanks, everyone, for 10 wonderful years, and special thanks to Nighty for giving us a home!
Posted by Lardi on :
As the guy who started all this over ten years ago by creating a little thread called "Who Are You"......

Nah, not going there. Why? Because I didn't start anything. I was one of a handful of really exceptional people who all happened to converge with common interests on a comic book website just as the internet was really becoming a huge phenomenon.

What do you call that when it happens? Luck? Circumstance? Divine intervention? Magic?

You know what? I'm gonna go with "Magic". That's what the LMB is. Proof that magic (or whichever version you'd prefer to catalog it as) exists. Pure and simple.

I mean, how many things in life really last 10 years and still show no signs of ending? Businesses, marriages, friendships, jobs...on averages many of those things don't have that kind of staying power. But look--here we are 10 years later, and the LMB is still here!

It's not as if the LMB hasn't had to deal with adversity.

How has the Legion's publication record been the past 10 years? How many relaunches? How often has the discussion centered around whether there'd be a Legion to follow? How is it possible that our corner of fandom has positively thrived in what has unquestionably been the darkest decade in Legion history? How is that possible?

Is it because the LMB's membership has been consistent in those 10 years? Heck, no! Me, Cobalt, Lash and most of the old-timers could put our heads together and reminisce about countless posters who've come and gone over the years, many of which were at some point considered indispensable to our spirit. What happened? Why when others fall to the wayside, many for reasons never known, more have always come along from the ether and added something to the mix no one else ever had before! How can that happen?

In our first half-decade of existence, the LMB struggled and scraped constantly for a place it could call home as option after option collapsed, and it sometimes seemed inevitable that the LMB's days were numbered. How can you continue to exist for that long with that kind of instability at the core?

And after all that time holding it together by needle and thread, is it even imaginable that suddenly some of our ranks would step forward and find us a home? At long last, a real, sustainable place we can count on being there? Sometimes I still can't believe that actually happened! Wasn't that supposed to be a pipe dream?

My friends, I call it magic. And I thank each and every one of you, past, present and future, for being a vibrant, essential ingredient of that special mixture that I know would be impossible for anyone else to replicate.

I love you all and am proud to call myself an LMBer!

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Sweet Ass Sweet!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Posted by Thora on :
For a cretinous male, the one known as Lardi speaks quite eloquently.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

Lardy's right... it's magic. I've been blessed to see a truly wonderful grouping of friends come together, people forming a truly amazing bond, several times in my lifetime. None have remained as intact and as thriving for as long as this one.
Posted by The LMBP Spectre on :
I may have been created by accident 10 years ago during a road trip, but I'm still here too [Wink]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Happy Anniversary!

Thank you Gary (and our wayward Scott) and the too often missing Saturn Girl (how'd that date turn out anyhow, I really need to pay more attention to stuff?) but now's a time of rejoicing.

I snicker bar salute all of you.
Posted by MLLASH on :
It's 9:47pm my time!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by Dev Em on :
We're official.
Posted by Lolita on :
Happy Anniversary LMBP! [Smile]
Posted by Furball on :
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Ya know, I still haven't gotten my Dream Girl barrette and LMB Walking Ring. [Mad]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Loser Lad:
Ya know, I still haven't gotten my Dream Girl barrette and LMB Walking Ring. [Mad]

Blame Hi-Risk Von Tingle!!!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I was hoping you'd stop by!

There's a list of chores for you right there.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Yeah. That'll happen.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
(By list of chores I mean rolling papers)
Posted by Time Teller Lad on :
How could there be an occasion to mark the passage of time where I don't appear! One of the hallmarks of the LMB and Legion World has been more than one manifestation of a single person. You may call it an Alt-ID; I call it the realization that everyone sometimes needs to be someone else. [Wink]

Thank you Legion World (and especially Nighty) for a place where we can all be someone other than who we usually are--if we so choose! [Big Grin]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
(By list of chores I mean rolling papers)

Yeah. That one actually will happen.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Loser Lad:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
(By list of chores I mean rolling papers)

Yeah. That one actually will happen.
I wish i could still do that, but i have to settle for beer [Frown]
Posted by Lardi on :
beer = good
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
The passion and creativity of the members makes it easy to see why a decade after it's humble beginnings the LMBP is still going strong.

I had no idea the Archives were still online. I was sure they were gone once Yahoo shut down Geocities. Thanks for the link Ex! [Big Grin]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
[LardLad - LMBP]

^ If I missed something or misconstrued anything about your character, please let me know and I'll change it.
Posted by Lardi on :
Posted by Lardi on :
Omigawd, my own graemlin!

Posted by Loser Lad on :
That's fantastic!
Posted by Lardi on :
Lessee... [LardLad - LMBP]
Posted by Lardi on :
I'm struck by Lard Force...
Pro-D possesses me?
I don the headband...
Then I don the helmet...
Then I bounce...
Then I 'port away.

Is that what's going on, Gar?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Sort of. Basically. The Pro-D part was an attempt to show "Lard absorption," but I wasn't sure how to do it.

If there's a good descriptive topic or post for me to read, go ahead and link to it. Also, if there's more of the story you want depicted.
Posted by dedman on :
That is SOOOO awesome....i even saw my origins and powers page post FEb1 2001.

That totally kicks @$$, never knew those still existed!
Posted by Lardi on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Sort of. Basically. The Pro-D part was an attempt to show "Lard absorption," but I wasn't sure how to do it.

If there's a good descriptive topic or post for me to read, go ahead and link to it. Also, if there's more of the story you want depicted.

No-no-NO! It's friggin' AWESOME just the way it is!!!

Marry me, Gary!!! [Smile]

Seriously, that's just so incredibly awesome, Gary! Thank you so much!!! [Hug]

Best LMB 10th anniversary/40th birthday gift ever!!!!
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I have more Archives stuff on disc here that I never got around to uploading when I was putting the site together. Since Geocities is gone the old Archives site is out of my control, but Gary mentioned once before the possibility of getting those pages hosted here. I never got the chance to pursue that with him, but I'd still like to one of these days.
Posted by Lardi on :
Lou, you don't have "The Search for Lard Lad" somewhere, do you? I lost that when one of my old computers died.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Lou, you don't have "The Search for Lard Lad" somewhere, do you? I lost that when one of my old computers died.

No. Sorry. I don't think I do. That one got purged from the DC boards long before I got the idea to archive stuff off-site.

Cru had some of your OneVisions up at the LMBP Outpost but "Search" wasn't one of them.
Posted by Lardi on :
Hey, it was worth a shot. I actually emailed most of it to Cru before my computer died, but he doesn't have any recollection of it. Oh well.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Yeah. Unfortunately a lot of the earliest LMB threads got deleted before anyone started saving stuff. Who knew at the time that 10 years later we'd still be interested in reading them?

There's still some OneVisions and Tag Teams that Cru and I saved over at the LMBP Yahoo Group, but I checked, "Search" isn't in the Files there either. The only chance might be if you posted it in parts as messages on the Group, but the only way to say for sure is to go through the old messages there. I know all the groundwork you did before you started the story was done in the messages there, but I don't know if you actually posted the story there or not.
Posted by Lardi on :
Nah, I've looked there before, and there was nothing. I still hold out a slim hope that Cru will suddenly stumble upon them. I definitely DID email most of it to him. I should have taken more precautions, but as you say, who knew? [shrug]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
[Shadowplay In Candlelight - LMBP] [Cobalt Kid - LMBP]

[ March 13, 2010, 03:01 AM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by ActorLad on :
Grife! I forgot to post on our anniversary. I feel like such a fail-whale of space.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I was off on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan when my cruiser was overtaken by an Imperial Starcruiser. I've just now finished dealing with them (Power of the Dark Side, my royal ass!). On behalf of myself, Crusder (Newcru King), Foxy Roxy, Maxx the Sorcerer, Ample Cleavage Lass and Bob the Cat, I just want to say "Happy Anniversary, Legion of Message Board Posters!"
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Omigawd, my own graemlin!


Like there was any living with him before this... [Smile]
Posted by Stealth on :
Congratulations, Lardi.

Princess, good to see you, you look lovely as ever.
Posted by Señor Widebottom on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
And now it is our 11th anniversary.

Here is the traditional gift for the 11th anniversary.


In 2 more years we are going to have a teen-ager on our hands.
Posted by future king on :
Really??? Eleven years of Legion World? That's awesome!!! [Smile]
Posted by Dev Em on :
11 years of the LMB...less for LW. I think 8 years.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Surely LW hasn't been around for 8 years?!? (Yes, Dev, I called you "Shirley"! [Big Grin] )
Posted by Dev Em on :
Take away my lines will ya???
Posted by Lard Lad on :
'Least I didn't call ya late for dinner! [Razz]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Rassin Frassin!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Girl, please!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Nuh did not just go there.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Oh, yes I did! [Yes]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Bitch. [Big Grin]
Posted by Dev Em on :

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Boo-bies..... [Drool]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Click for fullsize image
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Isn't there a thread for tha--? Aw, screw it! Bring 'em on! [Love]
Posted by Dev Em on :
You're gonna complain?!?!?!

One last one before bed...

Click for fullsize image

I know what I'm dreaming about.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
You're gonna complain?!?!?!

One last one before bed...

Click for fullsize image

I know what I'm dreaming about.

You have exquisite taste in ahhh... my teenage fan-boy idol worship days! [LOL]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I hereby declare that I shall camp out in this thread so I won't miss the next anniversary party!

And thank you, all of you, for making my high school existence a little more bearable [Smile] though I haven't met a single one of you in person, you are all friends as much as the people I've met in "real life" are.

I think we all just... clicked.
Posted by future king on :
[Happy Birthday!] Well, Happy Anniversary that is!
Posted by cleome45 on :
Mazel Tov!



Thanks for being my own "Perfect 10", LMB!

Posted by Legion Tracker on :
^ Why is it I get hungry every time I come to Legion World?
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Legion Tracker:
^ Why is it I get hungry every time I come to Legion World?

It's cleome45 ...

Her need to feed the world, and us over here at LegionWorld in particular, is in her blood.

She must be part Greek! [Cool]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Jeepers! A birthday cake... of space! With stars and stuff!
Posted by future king on :
Hey, we don't do anything small around here! [Big Grin]

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