This is topic Dev's Home/Office in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Dev Em on :
Come on in my fellow Legion Worlders.

What can we do for you as the big day approaches?

Straight ahead we have a fully stocked Kitchen and bar.

Over to your left is the massage area...guaranteed to satisfy even the most stressed out voters. Male and Female massueses available.

We have a theatre to your right. Your favorite holo is avalaible at all times.

In the back is a heated pool and sauna area. Personal trainers [Wink] are available is desired.

What else do you require, my staff is ready to assist you.

[ March 02, 2011, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Hmmm. Though my first choice was Ram Boy, that was before I knew Dev, a poster I've 'known' for years, was running.

Now I'm wondering what plans if any Dev might have for celebrating MLLASH Day next month should he win the election... [Big Grin] Perhaps some recognition and celebration?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Good luck, sir!

I look forward to a healthy debate of issues that matter to all Legion Worlders.

For instance, the recent upswing in illness caused by unsanitary pools and saunas.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Please feel free to have any nuetral inspectors come in and test the waters. They're sanitized after every use.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Hmmm. Though my first choice was Ram Boy, that was before I knew Dev, a poster I've 'known' for years, was running.

Now I'm wondering what plans if any Dev might have for celebrating MLLASH Day next month should he win the election... [Big Grin] Perhaps some recognition and celebration?

Does "Lash World have a nice ring to it?
Posted by MLLASH on :
A VERY NICE ONE. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Lash World?

Sort of sounds like a generic makeup store to me. One where the sign has a couple of burned out letters and reads L sh orld. Maybe it's even next door to Planet Hair Care Products.

My motto is, "If you're gonna name something after our beloved MLLASH, make sure it's not called L sh orld!"
Posted by Dev Em on :
Did I fail to mention the Infectiuos Lass and Matter Eater Lad forumnes?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Ram Boy:
Lash World?

Sort of sounds like a generic makeup store to me. One where the sign has a couple of burned out letters and reads L sh orld. Maybe it's even next door to Planet Hair Care Products.

My motto is, "If you're gonna name something after our beloved MLLASH, make sure it's not called L sh orld!"

Now he's saying that a gesture to our beloved Lash is somehow beneath us. On top of that...he gives no suggestions as for alternatives.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Come on in and sit a spell.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Oooo! Phillipe has magic hands. I've never had a more relaxing massage.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Our Motto has been added to the Neon sign.


And Quis...that ain't the only thing Magic about Phillepe.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm thinking Security Chief just isn't powerful enough anymore for my ego. If you're elected LMB Leader Dev, what can I get?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Cobie promoted to Grand Moff Cobalt. In charge of the most destructive security force in the Galaxy.

Unlimited expense account, and choice of two Alpha LMBP security personel.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Would you neuter Furball if elected?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Already been done. Healing factor replaced them. Sorry.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Deddy almost got me off the front page...but I do not see that happening soon. I'll soon be plastered all over the front page as your new Leader!
Posted by cleome on :
I hope it's the kind of plaster with a small carbon footprint.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Deddy almost got me off the front page...but I do not see that happening soon. I'll soon be plastered all over the front page as your new Leader!

Knowing you it will more likely be just plastered at the Hoochie Hut
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by cleome:
I hope it's the kind of plaster with a small carbon footprint.

No carbon footprint in a figure of speech. [Wink]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by dedman:
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Deddy almost got me off the front page...but I do not see that happening soon. I'll soon be plastered all over the front page as your new Leader!

Knowing you it will more likely be just plastered at the Hoochie Hut
You say that like a person should not celebrate victory.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Nothing will stop me from claiming Leadership!!!
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Boom Boom Boom. The war drums sound across the Galaxy.
Posted by cleome on :
I was hoping for war marimbas, personally. But you know, being just the lame duck deputy, I'm not really in a position to force the issue.

[shrugs, collects second Pina Colada of the day and goes back to the pool]
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
A huge splash erupts in the pool causing Cleome to spill her drink. And, much worse, messing her hair.

The body of a huge, hairy and not very clean Barbarian floats to the surface. He is very obviously dead (on account of not having a head)
Posted by cleome on :

Oh, like anyone ever stays dead around here for very long. Headless schmedless.

[refills drink glass]

MEDIC!! We could use a gurney over here, Stat!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev walks in the room, Furball directly behind him.

"Furball, get that thing out of the pool, While I get Cleome another drink."


Furball drags the body out of the door and towards the medical wing...for examination. A loud screeching sound is heard, followed by Furball yelling all sorts of obscenities.

Dev looks over at Cleome from the bar. "You want to come with me and check out what he's into now?"
Posted by cleome on :
[gets robe and flip-flops]

All right, but let's make it quick. I've got a fundraising lunch to leave for in about twenty minutes!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev hands her a drink and downs one himself quickly.

Once they finish, they enter the hallway and turn to see a scene of utter destruction and mayhem.

Furball is being held up against the wall by...
Posted by cleome on :
[cleome gasps]

Mariette! [the figure holding Furball by the neck is a blonde, athletic female perhaps six feet tall, wearing a dark blue "Acme Security" jumpsuit]

Put him down this instant! He's not the one the agency told you to-- Er...

[looks sheepishly at Dev Em and puts down drink glass. the goon reluctantly releases Furball.]

Sorry, Dev. Sorry, Furball. I don't have to tell you guys about Daxamites, though. [sighs, takes the security goon by one arm] We'll straighten this out on our way to the fundraiser, Mariette. Let's go.

[cleome and the goon depart]

[ March 11, 2010, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev goes over to Furball and sees that his freind is shaken but alright.

"Something strange is afoot at the Circle K old buddy. We need to get to the bottom of this."

Furball grunts and points towards where the empty body bag is laying. "Rhe's rone!"

"Great. Cleome is acting than usual; there's a missing dead, headless barbarian; and I'm getting the feeling that there is something worse coming."

Furball started sniffing at the air. "Ruh Roh!"

Dev had no time to turn around before...
Posted by SharkLad on :

Originally posted by Dev Em:
Dev goes over to Furball and sees that his freind is shaken but alright.

<sigh> so close ...

-End Interlude-
Posted by Dev Em on :
He heard Sharklad go walking by muttering something under his breath.

Furball let out a low growl as Shark Lad passed...but made no move to go after him. As they had so many times before.

"I wish you two would just get along, but I guess it goes back to that whole spear-gun incident."

Dev stood and looked around. "We need to get some backup here and go after Cleome and get to the bottom of this."

Furball started moving down the hall in the direction that the other two had gone, and Dev was following pulling out his communicator. "Cobie? Hey this is Dev...we have a situation by the pool."
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Is this a campaign or a murder mystery?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Not sure yet.
Posted by dedman on :
I think its a bit of both
Posted by Dev Em on :
<Dev returns to the pool room. Something has been bothering him since this first attack.>

Damn it. With everything that has happened, I completely forgot about Cleome and her Daxamite pal that roughed up Furball.

Plus the missing headless Barbarian corpse...but how in the heck is everything related?

<checks watch...where would Cobie be about now?>

There he is. Thanks trusty x-ray vision.

Posted by Chief Taylor on :
***Memo for Dev Em***

Dev, not sure if you're still using this office, but I've been trying to find you to see if you'll join my new Office of Security. Please contact me when you get this!


***End Memo***
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev lands outside his home.

The door is laying off it's hinges in the front yard and several windows have been blown out.

"Oh dear God. Who the hell would dare..." he says as he enters.

He sees the literal writing on the wall. Writen in bold letters is the following message: "It's time that the grandkids came for a visit...I know you won't mind. Love, Mother."

"You bit..." He scans the debris, and finds no trace of anyone. "Thank God for that, I know she wouldn't hurt them, they're too valuable to her. I've become too lax...been too distracted lately. It's time we had a reckoning Mother...and I am not going to be coming for you alone."
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev finally noticed taht the phone was ringing.

He picked it up. ", they're gone...SHE took them...yes, I know about the truce we, she decided to break it...Yes...Definately...someone else too...I'll tell you later...I'm on my way back."
Posted by Dev Em on :
It's been a while since he actually had entered his former home other than to glandce around. He is standing at the door, and is unsure if he wants to at this point.

He finally keys in his entry code and enters.

There are things missing, and he expected that. Princess Alyson had asked him to send their things when he returned, and he had obliged. He had sent a team over when he returned and they emptied all of her and the childrens things. The house was pretty empty.

He looked around at the rest of the items and started half heartedly sorting through them. You could have just had all this stuff sent to the Office...and saved youreself from this.

He sighed and kept going through his belongings. He ended up with a few boxes of things that he just couldn't bear to part with and left.

I'll send a clean up crew in tomorrow to throw the rest of this stuff out. Then, sell this place. I don't belong here anymore...I wonder if I even belong on Legion World anymore...the vote of confidence from the council aside. I don't know what Tempest wants, what's bothering her, or even how I can help. I hope she lets me...she's helped me so much already, aside from just getting me back and helping my physical pain. I really feel something for her...

Dev takes off with his boxes secured in a makeshift harness and heads back to the Office of Security.

She said something about wondering who she is now, and if she is the same person as before...or if she should have come to Legion World. Why would she be worried about that? Maybe someone else has an idea...she half mentioned that there was something going on with Lardy, maybe he has an idea...I should check in on him anyway. I feel bad about what happened, even though I think it's in his best interest to not be in this position at this point.

[ March 27, 2011, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by future king on :
Do I have to speak in the third person here, or can I just come in and say to all my friends from time to time. [Smile]
I'm not much of a storyteller otherwise I would.
Posted by Tempest on :
(She sits on the couch. She hasn't unpacked anything and the place if covered with her boxed stuff.)

It was kind of Dev to let me stay here. Not that I feels very comfortable here. This is where his family lived, he was happy here.

She holds out her right hand, a green glowing orb forms.

The guilt is so strong. What should I do? How will they look at me?

Curls up on the couch. The glowing orb returns to her.
Posted by Tempest on :
(Tempest comes out of the bathroom and heads to the couch. She has only the under part of her uniform on. She stops by a mirror on the wall, she slips on her opal ring on her right middle finger, then picks up her moonstone pendant and puts it on her neck. She runs her fingers through her hair and checks her make up.)

You're not going on a date, dumbass.

(She goes to the couch and picks up the purple robe that's on it. She puts it on and fastens the up turned moon crescent belt buckle so it cinches around her waste. She picks up a note she has written for Dev, it says two words on it, "I'm sorry.")

I'll never be the woman for him, it doesn't take foresight to see that.

(She shoots the letter out the window like a paper airplane, sending a little charm to make sure that it gets to him at the Office of Security. She then summons a green orb from her hand.)

I can't believe I am going to release their memories and leave. They're going to remember that their loved ones are gone, dead. That I was responsible in my way for it. I won't even be here for the fall out. What cowardice.

(The orb glows bright, a wave of green energy overtakes all those that had their memories altered by Titania, Leota and the others, no matter where they are.)

It's done. Time to leave.

(She takes to the wind and is gone.)

[ April 04, 2011, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: Tempest ]
Posted by future king on :
<future king enters the building>

Ohhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhh .... <eyes wide open and never blinking>

This is a GREAT place you have here Dev, a great place indeed!
Let me take a few moments and look around so I can take in all of its wonder and magic.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev landed and opened the door, almost taking it off the hinges.

"Tempest?" He said as he entered, knowing in his mind and heart that she wouldn;t be there.

"Damn it woman. Running away is not the spockin answer."
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev looks around for a while, finding no clues as to where she could have gone.

"Grife. Why can't..."

He exits and closes up the place.

"This is getting sold soon," he says as he takes off, heading towards the Office of Security.

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