This is topic March 2010 Election Debate Thread in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by The Election Tyrant on :
This is the thread in which you are to ask whatever questions you will of candidates once they have declared their candidacy. (Please take into account the limited IQs of the candidates when formulating the questions. [Wink] ) The candidates are commanded to answer the questions as untruthfully and/or as self-servingly as is appropriate.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Here are my questions:

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Candidates: In addition to the LMB Leader and the LMB Deputy Leader, what is your idea for a third seat of power--with even less power and possibly even lamer place in the structure of the LMB?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Security Chief?

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Bah! I might end up running in this election, in which case I'll help make Thora the new Security Chief!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Personally I think the top three vote getters should get seats. That way the randomness is better.
Posted by dedman on :
I have Mearl's cupcake recipe.
Candidates...what would you do for a cupcake?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

My question has to do with whipped topping products. Do you prefer that stuff that comes out of the spray can or the fresh, delicious taste of a certain product available in plastic tubs in a variety of sizes and flavors?
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Candidates: In addition to the LMB Leader and the LMB Deputy Leader, what is your idea for a third seat of power--with even less power and possibly even lamer place in the structure of the LMB?

That's easy...we need a new Guv'na!
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Here are my questions:


Lindberg Baby
Rob Leifeld comic
In Alan Moore`s beard
yesterday at 12:03 pm
because Kent is absent
with two donkeys and an ice cream cone
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

My question has to do with whipped topping products. Do you prefer that stuff that comes out of the spray can or the fresh, delicious taste of a certain product available in plastic tubs in a variety of sizes and flavors?

The stuff in the tubs is far better for taste in my opinion.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Here are my questions:


Excellent questions, Quiz!

Who? Myself
What? Leader
Where? Legion World. Canada, shortly thereafter (wink, wink)
When? sooooooon
Why? because when I was growing up in a little one room cabin on the prairie, I had a dream! A dream about doing what's right and what's good for the denizens and/or people of Legion World. (I would also frequently dream that I was the captain of a naked men's volleyball team...but that's a different matter)
How? By voting for Ram Boy! Because I dream BIG!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

My question has to do with whipped topping products. Do you prefer that stuff that comes out of the spray can or the fresh, delicious taste of a certain product available in plastic tubs in a variety of sizes and flavors?

While I fervently believe that every man and woman has the Divine Right to decide which type of whipped topping they prefer, Rocky, I have to say that, for myself, the tub variety is more appealing. Besides, I once knew a guy who would squirt the spray stuff into his dogs mouth just for fun, and I've never really been able to shake that image.

[ March 08, 2010, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Ram Boy ]
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by dedman:
I have Mearl's cupcake recipe.
Candidates...what would you do for a cupcake?

I'm assuming that since you've thrown your hat into the ring, dedman, you've withdrawn your question. It's hard to know if that's the case, though. I once knew a crazy guy who asked himself questions all the time. (That's not to imply that you're crazy, dangerous or unstable, of course...because I'm guessing that you're not...but that is just a guess)
Posted by Dev Em on :
What incentives are there for voting for you dear candidates? Hmmmm...
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Here are my questions:



Why, you of course dear voter,


Eternal happiness by knowing you eles

Wherected the proper with the desire to do right by you.


In less than a week is when.


I have the desire to take this Legion to places it has never seen before. Just look at what I brought recently...a curious investigation into the mystery that is Alan Moore's beard.


One poster = one vote for truth justice and an increased credit account.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by dedman:
I have Mearl's cupcake recipe.
Candidates...what would you do for a cupcake?

Since you are also running, I will say nothing to this obvious attempt to bribe our illustrious voters with sweets and treats. Really now...
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

My question has to do with whipped topping products. Do you prefer that stuff that comes out of the spray can or the fresh, delicious taste of a certain product available in plastic tubs in a variety of sizes and flavors?

For using as a topping on foods, you cannot go wrong with the satisfying goodness that iis Cool Hawhip...but if you want easy use in other areas of your life, the nozzle does have it's advantages. [Wink]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
What incentives are there for voting for you dear candidates? Hmmmm...

I will answer this since I posted before I gave in to my consciense and decided to run for the good of all the Legion World posters.

Every voter receives a one night everything is free pass to the Hootchie Hut with a gift bag full of cre--prizes on their way out.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Candidates: In addition to the LMB Leader and the LMB Deputy Leader, what is your idea for a third seat of power--with even less power and possibly even lamer place in the structure of the LMB?

Sorry I missed your question earlier, Cobalt Kid. I was distracted by a potential crazy person. To answer your question, though! I think this would make a wonderful 3rd seat of power. -


Construction could begin immediately upon my election and would provide countless jobs for LMBers who would need them (like, say, dedman).
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Ram Boy:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Candidates: In addition to the LMB Leader and the LMB Deputy Leader, what is your idea for a third seat of power--with even less power and possibly even lamer place in the structure of the LMB?

Sorry I missed your question earlier, Cobalt Kid. I was distracted by a potential crazy person. To answer your question, though! I think this would make a wonderful 3rd seat of power. -


Construction could begin immediately upon my election and would provide countless jobs for LMBers who would need them (like, say, dedman).

Dear voters,

Do you really want your future in the hands of one that surrounds himself with crazy, or even potentially, people? He says that someone else was the crazy one, yet his big idea of a third seat of power is a giant toilet.

If this is what he thinks of his fellow candidates, that they are only worthy of working on a toilet... then what does he really think of you? Those that would potentially vote for that honorable third place candidate. I shudder to consider the possibilities...
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Originally posted by Dev Em:
What incentives are there for voting for you dear candidates? Hmmmm...

I will answer this since I posted before I gave in to my consciense and decided to run for the good of all the Legion World posters.

Ahh! I truly enjoy watching you QUESTIONING YOURSELF, sir. It reminds me of a tale passed down from my great-great-great-great grandfather, who might very well have been General George Washington. He too knew of a man who QUESTIONED HIMSELF all the time. That man's name was Benedict Arnold. Who knows? Maybe "Treacherous Ben" was your great-great-great-great grandfather.
Posted by Dev Em on :
This coming from someone that has no idea who his ancestors are...really people, are you going to vote for someone that does not know who he really is.

I on the other hand asked a perfectly legitamit question before the draw of office hit me. I answered said question for you dear voters...not because I question myself "all the time" like some would have you believe.

I would also point out dear voter that said candidate has yet to answer this question himself...maybe because there is no incentive to voting for this the type of man you want in charge?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Dev Em: this the type of man you want in charge?

Yes it is!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Ram Boy:
Originally posted by Dev Em: this the type of man you want in charge?

Yes it is!
Quick to vote for himself...but not answer the hard questions.

And where, where is the Deddy?
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I need to know what your hairstyles are like before I make a choice. I do know that Dev is bald, which is a look I respect. So, what do you others look like?
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh wait, scratch that! What I meant to ask was related to your stands on the hard issues! Um, what are this election's issues?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
I need to know what your hairstyles are like before I make a choice. I do know that Dev is bald, which is a look I respect. So, what do you others look like?

A look and person that you can respect. I am bald, and have been for the last 37 years. Alopecia Areata my friends.

[ March 08, 2010, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
How do the candidates feel about those prudish posters who would try to make prostitution illegal again?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Oh wait, scratch that! What I meant to ask was related to your stands on the hard issues! Um, what are this election's issues?

The important issues are this...

New Legion series coming poster posting here. Recruitment all over the internet!

Legion World becomes Lash World for the illustrious Lash's birthday. All Tenzil and Drura all the time.

Cobie promoted to Grand Moff Cobalt. In charge of the most destructive security force in the Galaxy.

Lardi can relax and become Lardier!

Sketchies Salon opens.

Feedback from the people to put more dreams into action.

The posters come first.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
How do the candidates feel about those prudish posters who would try to make prostitution illegal again?

All opinions must be respected...if ultimately ignored by the prostitution loving poster populace at large.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm thinking we should all go evil at once instead of one at a time who ends up being stopped by the rest. If you're leader don't you think we should at least have the discussion?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Um, what are this election's issues?

Sketch Lad, one burning issue is Election Debate Reform! How long are we going to stand by as certain candidates ask and then answer their own questions?

Yet another issue is the never ending battle between those free spirited hookers and the uptight spinsterish types who oppose them! Check it out -

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
How do the candidates feel about those prudish posters who would try to make prostitution illegal again?

This is a MAJOR concern to me, Cobalt Kid, and I'm glad you had the COURAGE to bring it up. Let me state clearly for the record that I feel strongly that all prostitutes should be screened in order to keep the uglier ones from wearing fishnets and leather miniskirts. However, I feel just as strongly that many of the prudes would not be doing us any favors by wearing fishnets and leather miniskirts, either.
Posted by Dev Em on :
At least I am answering questions. Answering them clearly and concisely without double speak to avoid the actual issues being addressed.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
7. Have fun with this. The point is to be goofy and silly and make absurd campaign promises and preposterous allegations against your opponents
Posted by Dev Em on :
I am! [Wink] Just trying to make it interesting.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Candidates, please describe, in detail, the last time you broke reins and went all... "Mavericky".

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Dev Em on :
Under advice of legal council and threats of lawsuits, I cannot comment on my Mavericky ways. Or my Goose ways either. Now ask me about Iceman or Jester...then we can dish.
Posted by Dev Em on :
But it does involve a fly by of the LMBP Tower...
Posted by Dev Em on :

If I win...Pardons for all past rule violations guaranteed.

Been taken down to Cobies office? Never you worry about that flying while intoxicated charge again.

Been caught stealing a free drink once when you were visiting the Hootchie Hut? Wiped away.

Been caught with your Alt. I.D. flying in the wind? Go back to heckling your friends again in peace.

All for a small donation of 1,000,000 credits
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
I am!

Oh, you are, sir! You most certainly are! [tease]

Originally posted by Exnihil:
Candidates, please describe, in detail, the last time you broke reins and went all... "Mavericky".

Exnihil, I love Ma Kettle!

Let's see, the last time I got "mavericky" was my campaign for student body treasure in the 7th grade. Sure, the little girl in the wheel chair might have won if I hadn't taken down her posters, but they were just so damn tacky! I really was doing everyone a favor!
Posted by Dev Em on :
JMS and I have been in negotiations and he has just signed on to do the writing of the LMBP web Comic. Artist to be named tomorrow.
Posted by Lardi on :
Candidates: What can you do to become an even greater leader than The Greatest Poster Ever to Hold the Office of LMB Leader?

(yes, I refer to myself, of course)
Posted by Dev Em on :
The first week of May will be Lardi appreciation week. A week devoted to food, busty women and the Flying Buttress.

Aside from that, I'll get Adam Hughes to come over to your residence and paint a mural of your choice.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Lardi gets a week?!?!? All I got was a crappy day, and no one ever remembers it except EDE!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Who ways that the name will ever change back?
Posted by Dev Em on :
And people WILL remember this year.
Posted by Lardi on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Lardi gets a week?!?!? All I got was a crappy day, and no one ever remembers it except EDE!

Well, you also get the title "Most Beloved of All Posters", right?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Lardi gets a week?!?!? All I got was a crappy day, and no one ever remembers it except EDE!

Well, you also get the title "Most Beloved of All Posters", right?
Cobie assigned it, iirc. Okay, I'm down for LardWeek!!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Lardi gets a week?!?!? All I got was a crappy day, and no one ever remembers it except EDE!

I feel your pain, voter! But just remember: Voting for Ram Boy is like taking a Great Big Happy Percocet and following it up with an MMM, MMM Good Valium. You'll be so numb with happiness you won't care how many days are in a Lardi Week!
Posted by Dev Em on :
You see it here folks...he's a pusher!!!!!!!!!!

Drinks are on me!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Don't look now, Scotchy McDrunkerton. But it looks like your skeletons are stumbling out of the closet, too. And what's that? Oh, they're wearing a heap of dirty laundry!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Gawd, I love election time!! [Big Grin]
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
I need to know what your hairstyles are like before I make a choice. I do know that Dev is bald, which is a look I respect. So, what do you others look like?

I like the worthy Dev, am also bald.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
What incentives are there for voting for you dear candidates? Hmmmm...

Mearl Dox's cupcakes of course...

also as I am now running the Fusion Powersphere, free power for all for the lenght of my term
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Oh wait, scratch that! What I meant to ask was related to your stands on the hard issues! Um, what are this election's issues?

I think the issue formost on everyone's mine is the Lindberg baby clone problem. I propose we shoot them into the sun. Alternitively we can begin producing Soylent Green.

Also, Alan Moore's beard is getting out of control. Under my leadership, we will assemble a team to full explore and map out its expanses. Sketchy will be put on retainer to keep it from expanding.

A search and rescue team will be put together to bring back Kent, as he has been AWOL for some time.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
How do the candidates feel about those prudish posters who would try to make prostitution illegal again?

We will institute free hooker week. All prudish posters will have a full week to enjoy a prostitute. I'm sure after that they will no longer be prudish. The men and ladies of the night shall be paid directly from my personal funds
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I'm thinking we should all go evil at once instead of one at a time who ends up being stopped by the rest. If you're leader don't you think we should at least have the discussion?

This exactly the kind of forward thinking I encourage. If elected I will make July "everybodies Evil" month
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
[QB]Candidates, please describe, in detail, the last time you broke reins and went all... "Mavericky".

I believe that would be when I watched the movie 'Maverick' and then shot some stuff up
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Candidates: What can you do to become an even greater leader than The Greatest Poster Ever to Hold the Office of LMB Leader?

(yes, I refer to myself, of course)

I pledge to post more, eat more, embezzle more and possibly turn evil.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Ram Boy:
Don't look now, Scotchy McDrunkerton. But it looks like your skeletons are stumbling out of the closet, too. And what's that? Oh, they're wearing a heap of dirty laundry!

No. That was just Furball running out of the room.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
For years now, there have been questions as to whether Lard Lad and Eryk Davis Ester are in fact, alt Ids of one another. One brillant poster even suggested this is a terrible scheme created by Lash Lad.

As LMB Leader, what horrible punishment should be inflicted upon all three posters? Some might suggest spankings and others might suggest forcing them to have their genders changed for your entire term. Personally, I think that isn't quite harsh enough. What are your thoughts?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

What is your position on the following important issues of our day:

Flying lemurs: Disruptive to flight patterns of other creatures or friendly furry folks?

Cool Whip: Should it be declared the Official Whipped Topping of the LMB or do we forgo this great honor?

Fabric softener: Do you prefer dryer sheets or liquid?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
For years now, there have been questions as to whether Lard Lad and Eryk Davis Ester are in fact, alt Ids of one another. One brillant poster even suggested this is a terrible scheme created by Lash Lad.

As LMB Leader, what horrible punishment should be inflicted upon all three posters? Some might suggest spankings and others might suggest forcing them to have their genders changed for your entire term. Personally, I think that isn't quite harsh enough. What are your thoughts?

Cobalt Kid, since we can state assuredly that they'd enjoy the spankings a little too much, and because putting Lardi in a dress might be considered an act of aggression by our current allies, I'd suggest hoisting them on their own petards. So, if elected I'll appoint a committee to -

A) explain what a petard is
B) hoist them on it!

[ March 09, 2010, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Ram Boy ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
For years now, there have been questions as to whether Lard Lad and Eryk Davis Ester are in fact, alt Ids of one another. One brillant poster even suggested this is a terrible scheme created by Lash Lad.

As LMB Leader, what horrible punishment should be inflicted upon all three posters? Some might suggest spankings and others might suggest forcing them to have their genders changed for your entire term. Personally, I think that isn't quite harsh enough. What are your thoughts?

While the idea of Lash posting as three high level posters makes me giddy, the fact of the problem remains the same.

If this were found out to be true, there would have to be full cavity searches performed by Dr. Scissorhand Lad. Followed by a trip through the
Undercarraige scrubber. Once fully cleansed, the guilty parties would have to listen to Awful Ethel sing the hits of Milli Vanilli.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

What is your position on the following important issues of our day:

Flying lemurs: Disruptive to flight patterns of other creatures or friendly furry folks?

Cool Whip: Should it be declared the Official Whipped Topping of the LMB or do we forgo this great honor?

Fabric softener: Do you prefer dryer sheets or liquid?

Ahh! Very important issues, Rocky!

Flying lemurs: They're actually both disruptive and friendly, Rocky. Which is exactly how I'd describe my opponents Dev Em and dedman (but substituting "friendly" with "batshit crazy"). So, it's my belief that flying lemurs, like my opponents, need their own planet far, far away from Legion World where they can live in peace, without disrupting either flight patterns or my chances of winning!

Cool Whip: I'll appoint a committee headed by you, Rockhopper Lad, to study the matter!

Fabric Softner: I don't touch the stuff, Rocky. I prefer things Rough & Hard!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

What is your position on the following important issues of our day:

Flying lemurs: Disruptive to flight patterns of other creatures or friendly furry folks?

Sharklad and Furball assigned to correct this issue.

Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
Cool Whip: Should it be declared the Official Whipped Topping of the LMB or do we forgo this great honor?

How is this not already on the books. First law I'm signing upon entering office. After I break the office in with Jen Em.

Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
Fabric softener: Do you prefer dryer sheets or liquid?

I believe in the old fashioned hanging the laundry out to dry in the back yard...but I have to say, if that's not available (kind difficult to put frozen spandex on) I go with what the lovely Jen Em buys...Fabric Sheets. The wife knows best.
Posted by Dev Em on :
One thing I want to make perfectly clear...If I win...a Lindburgh baby clone in every household that wants one. Trust me, there's enough to go around.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
For years now, there have been questions as to whether Lard Lad and Eryk Davis Ester are in fact, alt Ids of one another. One brillant poster even suggested this is a terrible scheme created by Lash Lad.

As LMB Leader, what horrible punishment should be inflicted upon all three posters? Some might suggest spankings and others might suggest forcing them to have their genders changed for your entire term. Personally, I think that isn't quite harsh enough. What are your thoughts?

Cobie, this is a very serious accusation. If elected I would leave it to the security office [Wink] to fully investigate.
Should it prove to be true, the on international talk like a pirate day, they will be costumed like the scurvy dogs they are and keel-hauled.
Posted by Dev Em on :
>rolls eyes<

Way to pass the buck right back to the questionnaire.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Actually, it's kind of a refreshing change of pace to see dedman passing bucks somewhere other than under a table.
Posted by Dev Em on :
True dat.
Posted by Lardi on :
Bah! My vote is still undecided as only dedman gave a semi-satisfactory answer as to how you exceed me in LMB legend as the greatest LMB leader of all time! Even his answer was apparently to be as much like me as possible! Ram Boy hasn't even answered the question and Dev proposed something that would only glorify me MORE!

IMPRESS ME PEOPLE if you want my vote!!!

Also, how will the three of you allay the fears of your constituents that they can depend on your posting presence for the duration of your term? ALL THREE of you have erratic posting records over recent years with Ram Boy probably offending less than the other two (but still VERY offensive compared to other recent office-holders)...

Posted by Dev Em on :
Leave your sausage at the door oh Lardirific one.

One way I plan to exceed you as leader is something I have already started. Bringing the classic LMBP "Sweet Ass Sweet" rally cry back to the boards.

I plan on organizing trips by several posters to other boards to recruit new posters, as was done back at our first home. Since we have been around in some form or another for ten years now, I think that gives us a lot towards attracting new members. The volume of posts and the variety of subjects covered here give us something to offer just about everyone. We just need to advertise.

Refurbishing the headquarters and Security offices are top priority as well. Some of us have outgrown our current quarters and have accumulated a lot of stuff over ten years and need more room.

Also mentioned earlier is that every poster that wants one can adopt a Lindburgh baby clone. We have more than enough to go around.

Getting old posters back is also a priority. For our ten year anniversary, we should have certain posters back amongst us on a regular basis.

More tag team threads and more Onevisions are needed. The legend that is the LMBP needs to groww.

Being as I have held a pretty good record over the last several months of posting again, I assure you that I will be a major presence on these boards...whether you fine folks elect me as your leader or not.
Posted by Dev Em on :
And if that doesn't work...the check is in the mail. [Wink]
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Ram Boy:
Actually, it's kind of a refreshing change of pace to see dedman passing bucks somewhere other than under a table.

Hey! I keep all my bribes above the table, thank you very much [Wink]
Posted by dedman on :
Lardi, in the last few months i have gone from regular poster to frequent poster to total post whore.
While my previous record is a bit spotty, I am striving to become a more frequent visitor.

Also I have brought some new blood to the fold, my wife is now posting her art on bits!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Gee...why didn't you just come out and copy what I posted? Geez...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Candidates, What is your favorite court case and why?
Posted by Dev Em on :
While there are many cases currently in the news in my area ( Ex-Detroit Mayor, and Ex-Detroit City Council VP) that have me attentive to their proceedings, one must go back further to find a favorite.

One that comes to mind is United States v. Nixon (1974), in which it was shown that nobody is above the law...Even though Judge Dredd says that he "is the law."

It was either that or the Hootchie Hut Dancers lawsuit against the collective LMBP for acyions that cannot be printed in there forums.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Candidates: What can you do to become an even greater leader than The Greatest Poster Ever to Hold the Office of LMB Leader?

(yes, I refer to myself, of course)

I'm not aiming to supplant you as the GPETHTOLMBL, Lardi. Any measure of Glory that I attain during my tenure as leader I hope will be the result of remaining true to myself and Spirit of Legion World.
[Legion Flag]
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Lardi:

Also, how will the three of you allay the fears of your constituents that they can depend on your posting presence for the duration of your term? ALL THREE of you have erratic posting records over recent years with Ram Boy probably offending less than the other two (but still VERY offensive compared to other recent office-holders)...


As you've already noted, Lardi, I've been the most consistent of the three. And I've no doubts that I shall only improve upon my posting record during my tenure as leader.

[ March 11, 2010, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Ram Boy ]
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Candidates, What is your favorite court case and why?

Quiz, I have to say with all honesty that I really don't have a favorite court case. I suspect that this is because I'm not a lawyer.

I did, however, find it kind of humorous when Anna Nicole took the stand the time she was attempting to fleece the estate of her late husband.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Candidates, What is your favorite court case and why?

I would have to say my favorite is "Kebler Elves vs Gingerbread Man"
We all won in that case.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Candidates, what is your opinion on inter-species marriage?
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Candidates, what is your opinion on inter-species marriage?

As long as both species are sentient, its all good with me.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Candidates, what is your opinion on inter-species marriage?

As long as both are problems here.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Shark Lad, let me answer your question with a little story:

Once there was a farmer named Clem Dumblunki. Although he wasn't very bright, Clem still managed to grow the biggest rhubarbs in all the county. One day, when Clem was at the Big Trading Barn where he planned on trading some of his big rhubarbs for a shiny new shooting horn, he saw a beautiful pig named Genvieve being auctioned off. Clem couldn't take his eyes off of Genvieve; He'd never seen any pig so beautiful in all his grown days. Genvieve, realizing a sucker when she saw one, batted her eyelashes and wiggled her bacon suggestively. Clem was smitten. Without so much as a second thought he traded some of his best rhubarb for Genvieve, then, with the rest of it, he bought her a pretty blue dress and matching bonnet.

The two then hopped into his Isuzu and headed back to the rhubarb farm where they planned on living happily ever after (as it so happened, chocolate covered rhubarb was a favorite of Genvieve's). Unfortunately, on the way, they ran into some thugs who killed them on the spot because Clem didn't have a shooting horn with which to protect himself.

So, yes, I fully support inter-species marriage.

[ March 11, 2010, 09:39 PM: Message edited by: Ram Boy ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :

1) What would you choose as your official dessert for your term?

2) Would you encourage the establishment of embassies from other realms besides those of LMB members?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

1) What would you choose as your official dessert for your term?

Pie with Cool Whip of course. Pretty much anything with Cool Whip. But I prefer a good slice of Grandma Em's hot apple pie.

Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
2) Would you encourage the establishment of embassies from other realms besides those of LMB members?

I see no issue with embassies from other groups, as long as they behave as bad...I mean good as we do. [Wink]
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

1) What would you choose as your official dessert for your term?

2) Would you encourage the establishment of embassies from other realms besides those of LMB members?

1) Fat Cramer, I would choose my mother's delicious and wholesome apple pie for our official dessert. Now, in the likely event Mom tells me to get bent after I ask her to bake 3,000 or so pies, I'd hold a competition in the famous Legion World Test Kitchen to see who can come up with a new dessert. One that captures all the many diverse flavors of Legion World. For example; Sweet&Sour Chocolate Vanilla Pie Cake with Funyun Sprinkles.

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Gus the carpet guy. I've come to install carpets in all the new embassies your leader Ram Boy has established.
Posted by Stealth on :

"Challenge of the GoBots" -- as bad as most people say, or a perfectly good action cartoon unfairly compared to the godhead that was Transformers?
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:

1) What would you choose as your official dessert for your term?

2) Would you encourage the establishment of embassies from other realms besides those of LMB members?

FC, to answer your first question, Mearl Dox's cupcakes or course. I'm currently serving them in the Powersphere

For your second question, I see no problem with that. Legionworld is a very diverse place with a lot to capture the interests of many people. The more the merrier I say!
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Stealth:

"Challenge of the GoBots" -- as bad as most people say, or a perfectly good action cartoon unfairly compared to the godhead that was Transformers?

I'm afraid I've never seen "challenge of the GoBots" so I cannot answer your question.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
There are many who believe Mearl Dox doesn't exist and is in fact, a mythological figure created to control the populice.

Should these posters be savagely eradicated like the blasphemers they are, or should a more tolerant viewpoint be taken?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Stealth:

"Challenge of the GoBots" -- as bad as most people say, or a perfectly good action cartoon unfairly compared to the godhead that was Transformers?

A fairly decent cartoon (not terrible, but not great)put out against a superior product. The poster child of bad timing.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
There are many who believe Mearl Dox doesn't exist and is in fact, a mythological figure created to control the populice.

Should these posters be savagely eradicated like the blasphemers they are, or should a more tolerant viewpoint be taken?

I think that there is a certain doubt amongst a lot of posters as to the validity of some other posters realness. Tolerance should always be the rule in dealing with those who call into doubt the validity of others. Until such time as the populace at large decides to banish them to the Island of Misfit posters.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
There are many who believe Mearl Dox doesn't exist and is in fact, a mythological figure created to control the populice.

Should these posters be savagely eradicated like the blasphemers they are, or should a more tolerant viewpoint be taken?

Having known Mearl, I'm sure she would choose to shoot them into the sun with her sun-cannon.
I however am willing to ply them with her delicious cupcakes until they concede that the recipe could only have come from the Supreme Ruler of the Universe
Posted by Faraway Lad on :

Black pudding, A culinary delight or disaster?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:

Black pudding, A culinary delight or disaster?

Not my thing personally, but I don't think I'd call it a disaster, as I'm sure Sharklad would probably like it.
Posted by SharkLad on :
it's true ... it's also true that once you go black, you never go back ...
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:

Black pudding, A culinary delight or disaster?

Personally, I like it. It is a common dish in Newfoundland where I originally hail from
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Also, how will the three of you allay the fears of your constituents that they can depend on your posting presence for the duration of your term? ALL THREE of you have erratic posting records over recent years with Ram Boy probably offending less than the other two (but still VERY offensive compared to other recent office-holders)...


The other thing that did contribute to this was a lack of a my hard drive had fried. Now I have two active computers. One being a laptop that I can take with me to post away.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Candidates, It's been way too long since we've had a good tag-team story thread going over in bits, in fact the last one was years ago.

How will you revive this seemingly lost art form?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Candidates: In addition to the LMB Leader and the LMB Deputy Leader, what is your idea for a third seat of power--with even less power and possibly even lamer place in the structure of the LMB?

Traditionally the third elected seat of power on Legion World has been the position of Legion World Janitor, which I have held for many consecutive terms.

For some reason nobody ever runs against me and I keep the position by acclaim.

Is this the election cycle that it changes?
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Candidates, It's been way too long since we've had a good tag-team story thread going over in bits, in fact the last one was years ago.

How will you revive this seemingly lost art form?

Well I would go ahead and start oe myself, but not being the best writer in the world, thats probably not a good idea.
So, barring that I guess I could ply some of the creative writers among us with booze and strippers to get them to start one.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Candidates, It's been way too long since we've had a good tag-team story thread going over in bits, in fact the last one was years ago.

How will you revive this seemingly lost art form?

I have already tried, but it gets buried. I will keep trying over and over and over.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
There are many who believe Mearl Dox doesn't exist and is in fact, a mythological figure created to control the populice.

Should these posters be savagely eradicated like the blasphemers they are, or should a more tolerant viewpoint be taken?

Cobalt Kid, I'm a firm believer that any group activity that involves pitchforks can only serve to bring a community closer. So I say, light those torches!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:

Black pudding, A culinary delight or disaster?

Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Candidates, It's been way too long since we've had a good tag-team story thread going over in bits, in fact the last one was years ago.

How will you revive this seemingly lost art form?

Abin Quank, the art of making stuff out of concrete was lost for centuries and centuries before it finally came back into "style". So, I firmly believe that, given enough time, tag-team stories will cycle back in as well!

No need to beat a dead horse!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

I'm well-known here on Legion World as one of the nice guys. A bit goofy and silly on occasion, but definitely a nice guy.

Having said that I want to know...

What's my vote worth to you?

What will you do for me, Eudyptes Chrysochome of Rockhopper, Prince of the Pyngwyn Colonies?

Posted by cleome on :

Pancakes or Waffles?

Thank You.

[Matter Eater Lad]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

I'm well-known here on Legion World as one of the nice guys. A bit goofy and silly on occasion, but definitely a nice guy.

Having said that I want to know...

What's my vote worth to you?

What will you do for me, Eudyptes Chrysochome of Rockhopper, Prince of the Pyngwyn Colonies?


Rockhopper, Legion World Senior Chief of Relations (New Embassies as they open here, and other things that you deem worthy of your atention...say, Lardi for instance.) [Wink]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by cleome:

Pancakes or Waffles?

Thank You.

[Matter Eater Lad]

Either one as long as we have plenty of whipped butter, fresh fruits and syrups of all flavors on hand. If you make me go with just one, honor of Grandma Em who passed away earlier this year...her faves.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

I'm well-known here on Legion World as one of the nice guys. A bit goofy and silly on occasion, but definitely a nice guy.

Having said that I want to know...

What's my vote worth to you?

What will you do for me, Eudyptes Chrysochome of Rockhopper, Prince of the Pyngwyn Colonies?


I will assemble Legionworld's finest choir for you to lead
Posted by Lardi on :
Candidates, how do you plan to celebrate mine and Rocky's love once the Lardi personality goes away?
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by cleome:

Pancakes or Waffles?

Thank You.

I think in honour of Oolong the rabbit, I would have to say pancakes, though I personally prefer waffles.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Candidates, how do you plan to celebrate mine and Rocky's love once the Lardi personality goes away?

Easy, we'll throw a sexy party!
I will also construct golden statues commerating the occassion
Posted by Lardi on :
Stewie style? [Wink]
Posted by dedman on :
But of course!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Candidates, how do you plan to celebrate mine and Rocky's love once the Lardi personality goes away?

With a donkey show.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Candidates, how do you plan to celebrate mine and Rocky's love once the Lardi personality goes away?

Lardi, I'm thinking we can borrow some of the quaint customs from Royal European Courts of Olde. First, after a really big party, we all get together and walk you and Rockhopper Lad to your boudoir. Then we ceremoniously stick the two of you in a fancy bed, at which point a big curtain descends protecting your modesty. We would then chat amongst ourselves while you and Rocky "make merry". After a doctor examines the two of you in the morning, we all go down and have waffles and coffee.

Pretty basic stuff, really.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by cleome:

Pancakes or Waffles?

Thank You.

Please see my response to Lardi, cleome. I think the answer is buried somewhere in there.

[ March 14, 2010, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: Ram Boy ]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Ram Boy, your running mate, the most beloved poster of all, and my former mentor in kewlness, dissed me pretty hard recently by responding to Lardi, in the Guess Who Thread, after ignoring my entreaties for several years.

As it stands now I cannot see myself voting for your ticket because of that.

How will you rectify this situation?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
What's my vote worth to you?

Rockhopper Lad! First off, let me commend you on your years of kindness. In fact, your name is pretty much synonymous with the word nice. Now, as far as you selling me your vote goes, I would actually discourage it. I believe you really can't put a price on something as valued as your integrity, Rocky.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Ram Boy, your running mate, the most beloved poster of all, and my former mentor in kewlness, dissed me pretty hard recently by responding to Lardi, in the Guess Who Thread, after ignoring my entreaties for several years.

As it stands now I cannot see myself voting for your ticket because of that.

How will you rectify this situation?

Abin, not only am I absolutely shocked, I'm also deeply saddened to here about this situation! Nonetheless, I will stand by my running mate and hope that it will be enough to convince you of my firm conviction that all of this simply a ghastly misunderstanding between two wonderful friends.

And if that isn't the case, how about an enforced group hug with some mild groping?
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Ram Boy, your running mate, the most beloved poster of all, and my former mentor in kewlness, dissed me pretty hard recently by responding to Lardi, in the Guess Who Thread, after ignoring my entreaties for several years.

As it stands now I cannot see myself voting for your ticket because of that.

How will you rectify this situation?

I think you should vote for dedman-stealth instead.
With our diverse range of interests, If I presonally cannot meet your needs, I'm sure my worthy running mate can
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

Do my feathers make my butt look big?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
This question is directed to the running mates.

As a former Deputy Leader of the LMB myself (under Joe Boy), I know all about the responsibilities of that office. If Legion World were at peril and it were up to you to rescue us all and the only tools at your disposal were a tub of Cool Whip, a thong and a 64 box of Crayolas, what would you do?
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

Do my feathers make my butt look big?

Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

Do my feathers make my butt look big?

No. Just poofy. There is a difference.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

Do my feathers make my butt look big?

Of course not, though they do tend too attractice even a decidely straight male like myself...

...come here!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:

Do my feathers make my butt look big?

No, but I'll bet you're a great pluck.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

Four questions:
1) Who put the bomp
In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?

2) Who put the ram
In the rama lama ding dong?

3) Who put the bop
In the bop shoo bop shoo bop?

4) Who put the dip
In the dip da dip da dip?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Ram Boy, your running mate, the most beloved poster of all, and my former mentor in kewlness, dissed me pretty hard recently by responding to Lardi, in the Guess Who Thread, after ignoring my entreaties for several years.

As it stands now I cannot see myself voting for your ticket because of that.

How will you rectify this situation?

Now Abin, this is the sort of thing that happens when one misses the biggest LMB gala since Thora's Sadie Hawkins dance... Surely I can't be held accountable for your no-show?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:

Four questions:
1) Who put the bomp
In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?

2) Who put the ram
In the rama lama ding dong?

3) Who put the bop
In the bop shoo bop shoo bop?

4) Who put the dip
In the dip da dip da dip?

I would have to say that it was Rhyming Roy, that master of rhymes everywhere. Now as to where Ram puts his Rama lama ding dong...that's a whole different ball of wax.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Candidates: with Spellbinder in galaxies far, far away on secret missins and Jailbait Lass no longer speaking to me, a newly single Cobalt Kid is feeling the itch to find new females on Legion World.

What new, exotic females of Legion World are you willing to introduce me to, and ensure they don't hear about my reputation?
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:

Four questions:
1) Who put the bomp
In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?

2) Who put the ram
In the rama lama ding dong?

3) Who put the bop
In the bop shoo bop shoo bop?

4) Who put the dip
In the dip da dip da dip?

I'm pretty sure that it was Shump Lapoof who done it all.
He is also responsible for putting the Bow in Bow chicka bow wow
and the raz in razamataz
Posted by Dev Em on :
Well, that will obviously have to be one of the main focuses of our trips to other boards to find new posters for LW. And if that doesnt work, we'll just ship in a bunch of new blood from the virginal planet Barlegal.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Candidates: with Spellbinder in galaxies far, far away on secret missins and Jailbait Lass no longer speaking to me, a newly single Cobalt Kid is feeling the itch to find new females on Legion World.

What new, exotic females of Legion World are you willing to introduce me to, and ensure they don't hear about my reputation?

While my access to the poltergiest area I can bring forth an never ending supply of Succubi for you.
I also hear that Ant-acid lass is available
Posted by Dev Em on :
In other words...he'll get you possessed and into his control. Just saying.
Posted by Lardi on :
Deputy candidates,

In the event you take over for your leader because he's been overthrown, assassinated, catapulted into the sun, impeached because of a sex scandal or just can't live up to my reputation for whatever reason unable to perform his duties, what will be a priority for you as leader that might be contrary to what your running mate will do during his abbreviated time in office?
Posted by Lardi on :
Oh, yeah...and handicap your running mate's reason(s), however unlikely, for not being able to complete his term!
Posted by Dev Em on :
I feel a little concerned right now...
Posted by cleome on :
Damn. I remember that day when Lardi couldn't make it to the Assistant Warden's Charity Tea Dance and I attended in his place... but I could've sworn he said it was just because his flyer had gotten a flat tire in the garage or something...

Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Candidates: with Spellbinder in galaxies far, far away on secret missins and Jailbait Lass no longer speaking to me, a newly single Cobalt Kid is feeling the itch to find new females on Legion World.

What new, exotic females of Legion World are you willing to introduce me to, and ensure they don't hear about my reputation?

Posted by Dev Em on :
Now who's pandering?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Deputy candidates,

In the event you take over for your leader because he's been overthrown, assassinated, catapulted into the sun, impeached because of a sex scandal or just can't live up to my reputation for whatever reason unable to perform his duties, what will be a priority for you as leader that might be contrary to what your running mate will do during his abbreviated time in office?

Ram Boy and I are very much on the same space-page when it comes to all major goals.

Some might wonder why I-- an LMBer from the first day and former leader myself-- would be interested in a Deputy position now.

I can state for the record that Ram Boy encompasses all that is good, true and extraordinarily attractive in the universe and I found myself drawn to him.

I plan to use my knowledge of how Legion World works to offer Ram Boy a firm yet gentle guiding hand in various areas, stroking his passion for bettering Legion World while preserving its fine traditions. But all the while, I will be aware of my place as his deputy and more than willing to do what the top office requires of me to make certain we come together as a unified whole!
Posted by Lardi on :
*ahem* MLLASH:

Originally posted by Lardi:
Oh, yeah...and handicap your running mate's reason(s), however unlikely, for not being able to complete his term!

So far, unimpressed with your toeing the party line, dude! [tease]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I swear I didn't do any lines at the party!
Posted by Stealth on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Deputy candidates,

In the event you take over for your leader because he's been overthrown, assassinated, catapulted into the sun, impeached because of a sex scandal or just can't live up to my reputation for whatever reason unable to perform his duties, what will be a priority for you as leader that might be contrary to what your running mate will do during his abbreviated time in office?

Glam makeovers for everybody! A Hello Kitty calendar on every wall! Lady Gaga on every CD player! Compulsory viewing of 80s action cartoons!
Posted by Lardi on :
Stealth, you may have just earned my vote for your ticket! Let's see how you address this:

Originally posted by Lardi:
Oh, yeah...and handicap your running mate's reason(s), however unlikely, for not being able to complete his term!

Posted by Stealth on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Stealth, you may have just earned my vote for your ticket! Let's see how you address this:

Originally posted by Lardi:
Oh, yeah...and handicap your running mate's reason(s), however unlikely, for not being able to complete his term!

Either he starts missing his long hair and begins drinking too much even for him, or he injures his hand while shredding on the guitar and can't post for months.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Deputy candidates,

In the event you take over for your leader because he's been overthrown, assassinated, catapulted into the sun, impeached because of a sex scandal or just can't live up to my reputation for whatever reason unable to perform his duties, what will be a priority for you as leader that might be contrary to what your running mate will do during his abbreviated time in office?

In the words of Commissioner Thomas Wayne, I will make Legion World clean, strong, and self sufficient, and anyone who doesn't like it gets a bullet in the face.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
Oh, yeah...and handicap your running mate's reason(s), however unlikely, for not being able to complete his term!

Okay, so he kept coming in a little late because he was oversleeping, but how was he supposed to know that his new neighbors were a pack of genetically genengineered werewolf pirates?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
In case this got buried:

Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
This question is directed to the running mates.

As a former Deputy Leader of the LMB myself (under Joe Boy), I know all about the responsibilities of that office. If Legion World were at peril and it were up to you to rescue us all and the only tools at your disposal were a tub of Cool Whip, a thong and a 64 box of Crayolas, what would you do?

Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Stealth:
Either he starts missing his long hair and begins drinking too much even for him, or he injures his hand while shredding on the guitar and can't post for months.

I am drunk right now! I are of to a great start [Wink]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
In case this got buried:

Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
This question is directed to the running mates.

As a former Deputy Leader of the LMB myself (under Joe Boy), I know all about the responsibilities of that office. If Legion World were at peril and it were up to you to rescue us all and the only tools at your disposal were a tub of Cool Whip, a thong and a 64 box of Crayolas, what would you do?

I find the guy who's doing it. Stab his eyes out with the crayons and stick them in his ears. Stuff his mouth with the Cool Whip until he chokes to death, and then leave his body wearing nothing but a thong to embarrass him in death.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:

Four questions:
1) Who put the bomp
In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?

Hmmm, sounds like a stutterer, Quiz. And since John Updike not only stuttered but also wrote lots of things when he wasn't stuttering, I'm going to go with him. So my answer is John Updike put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp.

Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:

2) Who put the ram
In the rama lama ding dong?

Well, according to Exnihil, anyone who votes for ME will be the one who puts the ram in lama ding dong. (sounds a little kinky, if you ask me)
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:

3) Who put the bop
In the bop shoo bop shoo bop?

Now, I want to say that it was Peggy Lee but since it's probably a trick question, I'm going to outfox you and say that Mamie Eisenhower coined that particular expression.

Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:

4) Who put the dip
In the dip da dip da dip?

Assuming that "da dip da dip" is some sort of fancy serving bowl then the obvious answer is Martha Stewart.
Posted by Stealth on :
Deddy, [Wink]

Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
In case this got buried:

Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
This question is directed to the running mates.

As a former Deputy Leader of the LMB myself (under Joe Boy), I know all about the responsibilities of that office. If Legion World were at peril and it were up to you to rescue us all and the only tools at your disposal were a tub of Cool Whip, a thong and a 64 box of Crayolas, what would you do?

I'd put the thong over my...erm...Rubenesque figure, melt the crayons and rub the goop all over my skin, then put all the Cool Whip in my mouth, which of course will not fit and will start to dribble out the sides of my mouth, making me look rabid. That would scare away any potential threat, I think.
Posted by cleome on :

Ram Boy wrote:

...Assuming that "da dip da dip" is some sort of fancy serving bowl then the obvious answer is Martha Stewart.

Mmmm... homemade dip... [Drool]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Though many LWers have voted, I think there is still ample opportunity to diss your fellow candidates!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Okay. But probably tomorrow.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
What? Big night at the SWINGERS' SEX CLUB!, Dev.
Posted by Dev Em on :
I'm not the one out on the town...I was busy getting ready for the big debate that we were supposed to have this morning. But apparently Deddy was too hung over and you were...well God knows what you were doing...but screaming was heard coming from your room, and not the good kind.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Aha! Zinger right between the eyes!
Posted by dedman on :
I thought being hungover is a quality we look for in a leader?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Yeah...but not 2 days latet to the next party...
Posted by dedman on :
Actually that's why I wasn't around yesterday, BDay party for my father-in-law
Posted by Dev Em on :
So...matters of state can wait for your personal business.

(Happy belated b-day to him btw. hope a fun time was had by all.)
Posted by dedman on :
Yeah, it was a pretty good time.
NExt year he turns the big 5-0 so that'll be a bash for sure.

As to matters of state waiting for should have just messaged my Omnicom, I could have made arrangements.

Not that it would have mattered with Ramboy on the lam anyways [Wink]
Posted by Dev Em on :
True. but far be it from me to give my opponents any kind of help.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Isn't this thing over yet????

It's NOT?

Oh, okay--

Posted by Dev Em on :
Posted by Dev Em on :
and a Nancy Pelosi life size doll...if that's your thing.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Oh, I'm not running. But, er, I can still make arrangements for you.
Posted by MLLASH on :

I only need this one...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
While I used to think Sammi was the cutest, I have to admit thinking Angelina was hot in a bitchy way (sometimes bitchy is hot, sometimes its not, no one knows why). And J-Wow I warmed up to over time because she seemed like the coolest person to hang out with / casually hook up with if that's the kind of thing you're looking for.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Er, and this is quite relevant to the LMB leadership election so candidates must debate!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Jeepers! The LIGHT BRIGADE have thrown their support behind the Ram Boy/MLLASH ticket!
Posted by Stealth on :
Er...I saw a preview of a Disney spoof of Jersey Shore called The Real Princesses of New Jersey from an upcoming episode of Sonny With A Chance. Does that count?

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