This is topic 1001 Things That Go Wrong In Kent Shakespeare's Absence in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by cleome on :
aka: "Hang Down Your Head, Kent Shakespeare!"

1. Nobody eggs me on when I make snide remarks about my state of origin.

[ March 02, 2010, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by cleome on :
2. Zardi won't post when Kent's not here.
Posted by Exnihil on :
3. Negotiations for the "Legion of Camelot" film break down and, instead, it gets adapted as an episode of "Smallville".
Posted by Stealth on :
4. Nobody's around to remind us that when it comes to food, we don't have to settle for lesser quality, no matter how limited our budget.
Posted by cleome on :
5. There's nobody who can karaoke all of Slade's songs at LMB parties. At least, there's nobody who can do it while sober.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
[LOL] nice to be missed! wish I could be around more.
Posted by cleome on :
[Confused] Around more of what? [Razz]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
6. Cakes don't come as airy and moist and pie crust doesn't come as flaky.
Posted by cleome on :
7. We try and get "that feeling" back again, but nothing happens.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
8. No one remembers where the LMB Constitution is.
Posted by cleome on :
9. ...or where the good Shepherd's Pie recipe is.
Posted by cleome on :
10. No one bids for my Zatanna action figures on anymore.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
11. The far right wing takes over all discussions.
Posted by Candle on :
12. There's no one for my role-playing character to protect or have a secret crush on.
Oops, I told!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
13. Unregulated use of the word "anal" becomes more prevalent
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
14. The toaster burns the toast, regardless of the setting.
Posted by cleome on :
15. Those damn German pancakes get into EVERYTHING!! [AHHHH!!!!]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
16. It becomes harder and harder to find the peach-flavored yogurt.
Posted by dedman on :
17. All the goldfish turn to silver
Posted by Lardi on :
18. Active roleplays suddenly grind to a halt.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
19. Leopards change their spots.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
20. Cobie fathers an illegitimate mixed-species baby.

21. The accelerator sticks on the Legion World Lexus Cruiser.
Posted by cleome on :
22. Every day feels like your first Monday back to work after two weeks off.
Posted by Lardi on :
23. Tom Selleck's mustache starts dating Hitler's!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
24. Bad hair day all around.
Posted by cleome on :
25. Klordny is duller than a Wednesday night in the Christian Science Reading Room.
Posted by cleome on :
26. The dieters order the "Lite 'N Healthy Snack Assortment" for the big game, and yet this is what arrives at the door.

Posted by Lardi on :
27. Peyton Manning is so distraught over Kent's absence he throws a game-clinching INT.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
28. That's why the Patriots weren't in the Superbowl this year.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
29. The party on Bourbon Street starts running out of booze.
Posted by Lardi on :
30. Porno guys just can't get it up.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
31. Anal bead sales plummet
Posted by Lardi on :
32. Salad Tosser Lord loses interest.
Posted by dedman on :
33. The LWMB Top 40 thread almost asploded!!
Posted by cleome on :
34. My steamy recurring dreams... about...

Click Here For A SpoilerHIM!!

Posted by dedman on :
35. Skynet becomes selfaware
Posted by cleome on :
36. Constant confusion of Skynet with Skype, and vice versa.
Posted by Lardi on :
37. The general public (i.e. me) has neither the knowledge of nor the desire to learn what "Skype" is.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
38. Kris Kross wear their clothes the right way.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
39. Snoopy sleeps inside his doghouse.
Posted by Lardi on :
40. Garfield prefers Meow Mix.
Posted by dedman on :
41. All new release video games become first person shooters
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
42. The word penis stops being funny.
Posted by cleome on :
43. [I Dunno] Sand! Sand in the spinach! [I Dunno]
Posted by cleome on :
44. Tag trouble like you wouldn't believe!

Posted by dedman on :
45. Hide and seek goes horribly wrong, no one gets found for days
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
47. The number 46 takes a holiday.
Posted by Lardi on :
48. 7 ate 9 and 10!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
49. Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, Bloom County and Doonesbury all disappear from our time line.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
50. The US East Coast is covered in snow
Posted by Lardi on :
51. Weapons of mass distraction are set off.
Posted by dedman on :
52. Wile E. catches the roadrunner
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
53. Un-Deux-Trois Cat sank.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
54. Insurance rates skyrocket.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
55. AIG Bonuses skyrocket even farther than before.
Posted by dedman on :
56. Cats begin eating dog food and dogs eat cat food.
Posted by Lardi on :
57. Dogs become disinterested in other dogs' butts.
Posted by dedman on :
58. various 101 threads go to 103 posts!!!
Posted by Lardi on :
59. ...while others are cancelled before the topic even appears on the MMB.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
60. ...Ben Bernanke was reappointed.
Posted by cleome on :
61. All flavors of ice cream just taste like vanilla.
Posted by cleome on :
62. Imitation vanilla, even.
Posted by dedman on :
63. Nickelback, Micheal Bolton, and Anne Murray collaberate to release a tribute to Zamfir album
Posted by Lardi on :
64. Said Zamfir tribute album used by terrorists as potent WMD.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
65. Terrorists take proceeds, buy NBC and keep Jay Leno on indefinitely.
Posted by Lardi on :
66. Mass suicides ensue as news of immortal Leno gets out.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
67. Illegal human cloning lab in Thailand unleashes 200 Jay Leno clones and proceeds to make more.
Posted by Lardi on :
68. Leno clones mate with countless women and produce hundreds of thousands of Leno bastards.
Posted by dedman on :
69. Plastic surgeons make a fortune doing chin jobs
Posted by Lardi on :
70. Dedman whiffed a perfect opportunity to insert a "69" joke into this list.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
68. Leno clones mate with countless women and produce hundreds of thousands of Leno bastards.

Jay Leno is... Cobie?!?!?
Posted by Lardi on :
71. People begin to inexplicably mistake Jay Leno for Cobie?!?!?!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
72. Yoko Ono breaks up Phoenix, Interpol, Death Cab for Cutie, Green Day, Modest Mouse, Radiohead, Gorillaz, Muse, The Bravery, Gnarls Barkley, and The Ting Tings.

73. She takes a pass on Limp Bizkit.
Posted by Lardi on :
74. New cable network debuts: Emo-TV
Posted by dedman on :
75. All pizza orders automaticly come with anchovies
Posted by cleome on :
76. All the good pots and pans get burnt beyond salvaging.

Posted by dedman on :
77. White Castle becomes the dominant fast food chain
Posted by cleome on :
78. It's impossible to purchase phonograph needles without access to a Time Bubble.
Posted by cleome on :
79. Daily fistfights over the correct pronunciation of the word "Winath."

[Lightning Lad - Animated]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
80. "Throat-Warbler Mangrove" becomes the most popular pronunciation of "Winath".
Posted by Ram Boy on :
81. The Association of Planet Describers downgrades Winath from a "Regular/Okay" planet to a "Freaky Twins!" planet.

Holiday Inn Express pulls out.
Posted by Lardi on :
82. A candlelight vigil is held for Booger of "Revenge of the Nerds" just in case he's the next to disappear after Boner of "Growing Pains".
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
83. The Tufted Tit-Mouse becomes the Legion World National Bird
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
84. It gets harder and harder to find Cool Whip.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
83. The Tufted Tit-Mouse becomes the Legion World National Bird

Hey! I thought I was Legion World's National Bird! [Wink]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
you're our interstellar bird.
Posted by Lardi on :
85. LWers begin to lose interest in alcohol and sex (but not food, yet).
Posted by cleome on :
86. The expression "eighty-six" sounds filthy even though it's not.
Posted by Lardi on :
87. Canada starts sounding like a sexy place to visit.
Posted by cleome on :
88. The first new Legion story-arc centers around a villain named "Piano-Dropper Kid" and his/her murderous killing spree across the galaxy.
Posted by Lardi on :
89. The story referenced in 88 features the induction of Acid-Dropper Lad.
Posted by cleome on :
90. It takes me over three months to post 1,000 times.
Posted by Lardi on :
91. Fart Girl becomes our most prolific poster.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
92. Posters actually start threads using "Rejected Ideas for Inane MMB Threads" as suggestions.
Posted by Lardi on :
93. Posters actually start threads using "Rejected Ideas for Inane MMB Threads" as the bases for new religions.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
94. His ne'er-do-well kid brother, Kip Shakespeare, is brought in to pick up the slack.
Posted by Lardi on :
95. Kip brings Scrappy Doo and Gleek along for the ride.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
97. People stop being able to count.
Posted by Lardi on :
98. 96 would have lead to permanent economic recovery, darnit!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
99. Lardi starts using mild expletives lie "Darnit".
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
99. 99 occurs twice in the number system.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
100. The girl members REVOLT!
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
101. This entire thread gets rebooted.
Posted by Lardi on :
102. People suddenly start wantonly breaking thread rules!
Posted by cleome on :
103. The same post gets recycled to more than one thread, causing no end of confusion to newbies and old-timers alike.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
104. People lose the ability to count and don't realize it until they're well past where they were supposed to stop.
Posted by cleome on :
105. Emergency editing/retitling of posts, months after the fact.
Posted by dedman on :
106. 1000 monkeys typing for 1000 years produce a copy of "The Legion of Camelot"
Posted by dedman on :
107. Monkeys now live for 1000 years
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
108. Dr. Zaius becomes our patron saint.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
109. Nobody uses the icons on their posts anymore.
Posted by Lardi on :
110. Some never even bother to learn how to use the icons on their posts. [shrug]
Posted by Dev Em on :
111. There are talks to devote a complete forum to the works of Rob Leifeld.
Posted by Lardi on :
112. Rob Liefeld starts posting here under the psuedonym of Fart Girl.
Posted by dedman on :
113. Sketchy starts drawing like Liefeld
Posted by Lardi on :
114. Pov starts...wearing pants. [Elastic Lad]
Posted by Dev Em on :
115. Lardi starts a fast from eating and posting.
Posted by Lardi on :
116. Dev goes crazy and, er, destroys the moon.
Posted by Dev Em on :
117. Lardi sits on the super pets. Beppo is never the same.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
118. Lardy and Dev battle like Superman and Batman in Dark Knight Returns. A one-armed Cleome acts as Green Arrow.

(Cali is Robin)
Posted by Dev Em on :
119. Dev starts looking out into space and winking after he says things. >wink<
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
120. The Lindbergh Baby takes his place in LMB continuity
Posted by Lardi on :
121. Whose place did the Lindbergh baby take?!?!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
122. Either Kent's or the second clone of the Lindbergh Baby.
Posted by Lardi on :
123. Kent WHO?!?!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
124. Kent = first clone of the Lindbergh baby!
Posted by Exnihil on :
125. Posters feel the need to point out that their entry's number is a perfect cube
Posted by Lardi on :
126. What should I do for lunch tomorrow?
Posted by dedman on :
127. The Anti-Moderator returns
Posted by Lardi on :
128. I mean it! What should I do for lunch tomorrow?!?!
Posted by dedman on :
129. Lardi takes up Soylent Green for lunches
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
130. No "Wherefore art thou" questions.

No, wait that's WILLIAM Shakespeare. Hmm.
Posted by Dev Em on :
131. Obscure literary references happen.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
132. Wayne Chaucer arrives on Legion World with intentions to kill Kent and takes his place in the LMB.
Posted by cleome on :
133. The cat runs up 30K in vet bills in just one week.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
134. This thread is starting to feel right
Posted by dedman on :
135. 135 goes looking for 96.
Posted by cleome on :
136. 136 cries 96 tears.

Posted by dedman on :
137. "Dallas" is retconned so that Kent shot JR
Posted by Dev Em on :
138. Barney Fife takes over the Security Office. Ousting Cobie and the rest of the crew.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
139. A roleplay is begun but only gets through its introduction phase
Posted by dedman on :
140. Scooby Doo stops liking Scooby snacks
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
141. Scrappy Doo is recognized as the great character everyone knows he really is.
Posted by dedman on :
142. Alan Moore shaves
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
143. The Care Bears follow in the wake of Exnihil
Posted by Dev Em on :
144. Rob Leifeld takes art lessons from a 5th grader...and improves.
Posted by dedman on :
145. The Smurfs give up communism and become a monarchy.
Posted by cleome on :
146. High-fructose corn syrup becomes the new worldwide currency.
Posted by Lardi on :
147. The study of Sir Fartsalot books replaces the study of William Shakespeare's works on all levels of academia.
Posted by Dev Em on :
148. Furball found the razors.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
149. Wal-Mart completes global takeover.
Posted by cleome on :
150. Wal-Mart is revealed as the true Brande assassin.
Posted by Lardi on :
151. Wal-Mart revealed to be run by Lindbergh baby clones and Alan Moore's beard.
Posted by cleome on :
152. Wal-Mart buys Marvel AND DC. The Supreme Court refuses to step in.
Posted by dedman on :
153. Despite owning Marvel and DC, Wl-Mart still doesn't carry thier comics
Posted by Dev Em on :
154. It's revealed that Wall-Mart is actually run by the clone of Frederick Wertham.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
155. Scary things are seen following Exnihil into Wal-Mart.
Posted by Dev Em on :
156. Scary things are never seen again after following Exnihil into Wal-Mart.
Posted by cleome on :
157. Legion World's Chameleon Boy is revealed to be the long-lost child of Sam Walton.
Posted by dedman on :
158. People CAN eat just one Lay's potato chip
Posted by cleome on :
159. Dick Cheney impersonators flood all the LMB roleplays just in time for the weekend.
Posted by Lardi on :
160. People start finding Alan Moore and his beard sexy.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
161. People start finding Dudley Moore and his beard sexy.
Posted by cleome on :
162. cleome goes into business as an undisclosed alt's "beard."
Posted by Lardi on :
163. People start finding Tom Cruise and his 'beard' sexy.
Posted by cleome on :
164. Scientology seizes control of the new Legion creative team.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
165. Scientology and the Star Trek fandom formerly merge at the Diet of Worms VI.
Posted by dedman on :
166. Celebrity Survivor: Heroes vs Villians guest starring Darth Vader
Posted by cleome on :
167. I start unwittingly breaking up imaginary marriages, just by uttering the words "Fr*nk M*ll*er."
Posted by cleome on :
168. Postings become overloaded with doubled/duplicate consonants, driving up internet costs worldwide.

[Duo Damsel - Animated]
Posted by Stealth on :
Originally posted by cleome:
167. I start unwittingly breaking up imaginary marriages, just by uttering the words "Fr*nk M*ll*er."

Awww, not to worry, Cleome. Deirdre knows when I'm kidding. I do love you, just as a friend. [Smile]
Posted by cleome on :

[Hug] <--- [chaste]
Posted by cleome on :
169. LMB's Innuendo License is revoked for a month. Thousands of once-loyal participants drift off to 4Chan out of boredom and are never heard from again.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
170. They run out of the really good brand of peanut butter.
Posted by Dev Em on :
171. Furball coughs up a...well, you know.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
172. Britney Spears joins the cast of Smallville as Lulu Lane (Lois' pop star cousin) and she performs two musical numbers each week.
Posted by cleome on :
173. Superboy Prime: The Movie

Posted by dedman on :
174. Porn becomes illegal
Posted by cleome on :
175. Superboy Prime: The "Adult" Movie

Posted by dedman on :
176. Freezers stop cream shortages world wide!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
177. Ice cream shops in Boston stop serving jimmies and offering Marshmallow Fluff on hot fudge sundaes.
Posted by Dev Em on :
178. The Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man destroys all the Whip Cream factories in the northern hemisphere.
Posted by cleome on :
176. Freezers stop cream shortages world wide!

179. Warm beer.

Posted by Dev Em on :
180. Cold Pizza
Posted by dedman on :
181. The flying spagetti monster crash lands in Central Park
Posted by cleome on :
182. The flying spaghetti monster mates with a flying spaghetti squash and then-- you don't even wanna' know!!

Posted by Dev Em on :
183. Cats and together.
Posted by Lardi on :
184. Cobie gives up sheep--FOREVER!!!
Posted by Abin Quank on :
185. Disregard 184, that's not happening...
Posted by cleome on :
186. "Sheep apnea" ravages the wool industry.
Posted by Lardi on :
187. Sheep lose their wool and are covered in Alan Moore's beard instead.
Posted by dedman on :
188. Beard sweaters become 'THE" gift to give this coming xmas
Posted by Ram Boy on :
189. The "Love That Dare Not Speak It's Name" bleats it instead.
Posted by cleome on :
190. Didio gets caught on tape referring to Legion fans as "Those cute little sheep I count at bedtime."
Posted by Lardi on :
191. People start to fap to the National Anthem.
Posted by dedman on :
192. People stop saving more with Gieco
Posted by cleome on :
193. More dead kids in superhero comics as a misguided attempt at "depth." Oh, wait...

Posted by dedman on :
194. The Walking Dead gets cancelled
Posted by Lardi on :
195. The annihilation of all types of guitars from existence
Posted by dedman on :
196. Rock is dead
Posted by Lardi on :
197. Guitarless country and rap are the only music left
Posted by dedman on :
198. the moon explodes
Posted by Lardi on :
199. hyphens disappear from existence
Posted by Dev Em on :
200. Banjo's are the new popular instrument.
Posted by cleome on :
201. Sodam Yat's name is changed to "Banjo Boy."

Actually, that might be a step up, now that I think about it.
Posted by Lardi on :
202. Malvolio seen outside of "Miscasting Classics"

(or would that be 'go right'?)
Posted by cleome on :
203. cleome appears in the trivia threads. (And you thought that Blackest Night was grisly...)
Posted by Dev Em on :
204. Dev runs for Leader.
Posted by cleome on :
205. Lardi and cleome dust off their old "Florida Handbook" and refuse to surrender power post-election day.

[Saturn Queen] [Lightning Lord] [Cosmic King]
Posted by Dev Em on :
206. Possible end to the Furball/Sharklad feud has been mentioned...
Posted by cleome on :
207. Blackest Night: The Broadway Musical
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
208. Rockhopper Lad actually understands a musical reference from a popular work written in his own lifetime.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
209. There are 1,001 Things that neither go right or wrong but also occur and some insane Legion Worlder starts a thread about them.
Posted by dedman on :
210. The robot uprising begins
Posted by Pov on :
211. The $CAN becomes more valuable than the American Dollar! [Shudder] [sob]
Posted by cleome on :
212. Marshmallow Peeps achieve sentience, and they want revenge for all their slaughtered/ingested/microwaved brethren, too.
Posted by Lardi on :
213. Bunny Peeps go to war against the ducky Peeps. There's yellow and pink sugar and marshmallowy goo all over the place! Oh, the humanity! [Frown]
Posted by SharkLad on :
214. Cadbury Cream Eggs take advantage of the Peep chaos and overthrow the government
Posted by cleome on :
215. McDonald's starts selling "McBrei" at Passover, leading to the instant heat-death of the entire universe. Also, really bad stomach cramps.
Posted by Lardi on :
216. McDonald's starts selling McPizza.
Posted by cleome on :
217. [Eek!] McPenguin burgers [Eek!]
Posted by dedman on :
218. Rocky goes on the run, avoiding a knife weilding Ronald McDonald
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
219. A knife-wielding Ronald McDonald is mysteriously found encased in a block of ice. [Good]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
220. . A knife-wielding Ronald McDonald thaws out and joins the Avengers.
Posted by Lardi on :
221. a knife weilding Ronald McDonald marries a Lindbergh baby clone
Posted by dedman on :
222. A knife wielding Ronald McDonald and his Lindberg baby spouse go on to join Insane Clown Posse
Posted by Lardi on :
223. A knife wielding Ronald McDonald and his Lindberg baby spouse go on to join Insane Clown Posse dressed in drag
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
224. A knife wielding Ronald McDonald and his Lindberg baby spouse go on to join Insane Clown Posse dressed in drag, after winning on American Idol
Posted by Lardi on :
225. A knife-wielding Ronald McDonald and his Lindberg baby spouse go on to join Insane Clown Posse dressed in drag, after winning on American Idol by murdering all the other contestants,
Posted by Dev Em on :
226. Lardi becomes obsessed with something...involving Lindburgh baby clones.
Posted by dedman on :
227. Lindberg baby clones become obsessed with Lardi
Posted by Dev Em on :
228. Lardi replaced by Lindburgh baby clone.
Posted by dedman on :
229. Lindburgh baby clones replaced by cheese
Posted by Lardi on :
230. cheese replaced by Lindbergh baby clones
Posted by Lardi on :
231. everyone gets Lindbergh baby clones on their Whoppers
Posted by dedman on :
231. The cheese clone people demand equal rights
Posted by cleome on :
233. All the car air-fresheners smell like Limburger.
Posted by cleome on :
234. All the fine cheeses smell like fake pine.
Posted by dedman on :
235. All the real pines smell like Doritos
Posted by Lardi on :
236. All the Doritos smell like Madonna's cooch.
Posted by cleome on :
237. The couch is possessed by evil spirits that suck up all the loose change and keep grabbing at guests' butts. [Embarrassed]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
238. Everything smells like egg salad after its been sitting in gasoline for three days.
Posted by Dev Em on :
239. Lardi sits down to watch a telethon of All My Children.
Posted by Lardi on :
Originally posted by Lardi:
236. All the Doritos smell like Madonna's cooch.

Originally posted by cleome:
237. The couch is possessed by evil spirits that suck up all the loose change and keep grabbing at guests' butts. [Embarrassed]

240. cleome mistakes a "cooch" for a "couch"! [LOL]
Posted by Lardi on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
239. Lardi sits down to watch a telethon of All My Children.

(Not too far off from reality actually--used to be really into CBS soaps, but never AMC)
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
241. to 246. Ohmygod, like some obscure nonsense and junk that everyone will forget as soon as they read them...

BUT, like Oh My God! Next is...

247. Superboy joins the Legion

(Ohmygod, It was like right there so I like had to...)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
248. Superboy kills the Legion. [No]
Posted by cleome on :

Originally posted by Lardi:
240. cleome mistakes a "cooch" for a "couch"! [LOL]

Rest assured: that was no mistake. [sigh]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
249. Superboy [deleted] the Legion!
Posted by Dev Em on :
250. Superboy leaves what's left of the Legion.
Posted by dedman on :
251. Rob Liefeld draws the Legion
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by cleome on :
252. Kent gouges out his own eyes after seeing the brand new Liefeld Legion book.
Posted by cleome on :
253. The collection fund to replace Kent's eyes is embezzled by roving bands of insurance lobbyists.
Posted by dedman on :
254. Insurance lobbyists rule the world
Posted by cleome on :
255. Insurance lobbyists add insult to injury by constantly running ads that say, "Stupid! You're all STUPID!!"
Posted by dedman on :
"Stupid! You're all STUPID!!" becomes Paris Hilton's new catch phrase
Posted by cleome on :
The chopsticks are all mismatched.
Posted by cleome on :
James Garner turns vegan and gets a cooking show on PBS.
Posted by Exnihil on :
His "1001 things" stop being individually numbered round about page 18.
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
270. Numbering returns but 10 from the list are mysteriously skipped.
Posted by cleome on :
260. Peer pressure runs amuck on the LMB!

261. The damn cat won't stay off the freakin' counter!

262. Paul Levitz retires to Florida without completing his first story arc

263. The first story arc in the new Legion comic is turned over to Mark Millar

264. Mark Millar won't stay off the freakin' counter!

265. The Lard Force is summarily banned by the First Lady as part of her bogus "family wellness" program

265. cleome is tossed in the clink for threatening to hit the First Lady in the face with a pie

266. National ban on pie

267. McDonalds rebrands its pies as something called "McPockets"

268. Hostile forces overthrow the U.S. Government and install a sentient "McPocket" as Supreme Overlord

269. The Legion tries to go back in time and recruit Superman to help take down Supreme Overlord McPocket, but nobody remembers to charge up the Time Bubble beforehand
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Posted by cleome on :
272. Worldwide palindrome shortage
Posted by dedman on :
273. Dinosaurs are cloned and take over the world
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
274. The cloned dinosaurs receive a "Queer Eye" makeover and become metrosexual cloned dinosaurs.
Posted by cleome on :
275. Sleet and hail in April.
Posted by cleome on :
276. The market is flooded with poorly-made trombones.
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
277. The word "trombones" is banned from television for sounding vaguely sexual.
Posted by Exnihil on :
278. ...and yet the clearly obscene "tuba" continues to litter the airwaves.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
279. "Band practice" becomes slang for crazy sex orgy.
Posted by cleome on :
Ram Boy:
279. "Band practice" becomes slang for crazy sex orgy.

280. And vice versa.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
281. Belly buttons deeper than one inch are considered security risks and must be puttied up.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
282. "Seraphicwise" becomes a word used in everyday conversation.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
283. Cobie reproduces.
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
284. A porno gets made parodying the old Batm--ah, forget it! [Razz]
Posted by cleome on :
285. Black-Eyed Peas: The Broadway Musical
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
286. "Ridonkulous" becomes the new ridiculous.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Possum becomes the new white meat.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
288. Beagle ears stop flapping in the breeze.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
289. Sunflowers don't follow the sun.
Posted by cleome on :
290. Nickelback becomes the UN house band.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
291. Our Goodwill Ambassador goes bats.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
291a. And the thread about said battiness starts going in very strange directions involving the moon, obscure TV series and Janet Jackson.
Posted by cleome on :
292. Everyone shows up for the staff meeting dressed as their favorite Care Bear.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
293. Someone makes decaf in the office coffee pot.
Posted by cleome on :
294. The breakfast pastries are all replaced with --shudder!-- Hot Pockets! [I Dunno]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
295. The dinner wine is replaced with Mad Dog 20/20
Posted by cleome on :
296. The evening string quartet is replaced with an 8-track featuring Muzak versions of 1970s boy bands.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
297. All toasts begin with "Over the lips..."
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
298. The general atmosphere of LW improves as the smell fades...
Posted by cleome on :
299. No more real ice cream in the milkshakes.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
300. 27% less Frenchness per post.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
301. No threads set up as traps so someone who screws up can be called a douchebag.

(well played Kent, well played)
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
302. The quickquote function slows down to a crawl.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
303. Glen Beck joins Legion World
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
304. After Glenn Beck is revealed as a Legion fan and he recommends the Legion on his show, Legion sales skyrocket. Unfortunatly the mass of the new Legion fans continuosly complain about how the current team deviates from Otto Binder's original vision for the Legion.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
305. Beck has a nervous breakdown and is reduced to tears upon reading "Soljer's Private War". Always emotionally fragile, he becomes the first real world casualty by the awesomeness known as Mike Grell's artwork.
Posted by cleome on :
306. The other Beck becomes a Legion fan, inspiring the Church of Scientology to become DC Comics' top advertiser.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
307. DC announces its next major event: Crisis on Infinite Battlefield Earths
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
308. High-fructose corn syrup is the only sweetener available.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
309. High-fructose corn syrup manufactures change their products name to "Non-toxic Magic Jelly Juice" in order to lull consumers into a false sense of magical jellied non-toxicity.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
310. The makers of "Non-toxic Magic Jelly Juice" underwrite a successful kids' TV puppet show. The moral of each episode is how eating sweets promotes unity and harmony.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
311. Sites streaming World Cup soccer impact Legion World!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
311-a. And NOT for the better!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
312. The Kill-This-Thread Thread actually gets killed!
Posted by cleome on :
313. All the surviving threads morph into inane one-word post threads.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
314. Vuvuzelas.
Posted by cleome on :
315. All the new rock bands have names that sound like rejected Scrabble words.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
316. The Parker Brothers get caught up in a real estate scam.
Posted by cleome on :
317. Century 21 goes into the board game business, with cringeworthy results.
Posted by dedman on :
318. Zombies attack
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
319. Drought.
Posted by cleome on :
320. Not enough peanuts in the Cracker Jack™
Posted by cleome on :
321. Starbucks starts mass-marketing its own abomination of the traditional egg cream. [I Dunno]
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
322. Lardy stung multiple times by yellowjackets!
Posted by cleome on :
323. Yellowjackets team up with fire ants and red bugs and take over the entire planet!
Posted by Kent on :
ha! a friend's young daughter speaks of radio-controlled fire ants. her dad says she's already scheming to take over the world.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
325.Some Hollywood executive decides to remake The Last Starfighter. Using Simon Willams, instead of Kent Shakesphere in the lead role.
Posted by cleome on :
326. All the Legion action figure orders are canceled and replaced with characters from Rocket Robin Hood.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
327. All nipples eradicated from existence.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
328. Joel Schumacher rendered comatose by the above.
Posted by cleome on :
329. Comatose Joel Schumacher continues to get all his projects green-lighted.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
330. Emerging from his coma, Schumacher decides to fixate instead on unsightly body moles, particularly ones with lots of protruding hair.
Posted by cleome on :
331. Shiny beads threaded through mole hairs is the next big thing in fashion.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
332. We wake up after having a nightmare about a global warming crises (in which Al Gore was a crazed sex poodle) only to discover that we're in the midst of a global freezing crises (and Al Gore is a crazed sex bijon frise).
Posted by Abin Quank on :
333. You discover that you are sharing nightmares with Ram Boy.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
334. Dogs and cats living together.....
Posted by cleome on :
335. Rolling blackouts.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
319. Drought.

Now that he's around more, we've been receiving adequate rainfall. The crops thank you, Kent.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
336. There's a sudden rise in the formation of single-member rain-god cults.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
337. Religion tax exemption denied for single-member rain-god cult.
Posted by cleome on :
338. Five hundred dollar fine for using the phrase "single-member" on the internet.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
339. Taxes levied for excessive pooping.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
340. Epidemic of excessive pooping.
Posted by cleome on :
341. Twenty-part History of Poop miniseries is the surprise cable hit of the new Fall season!
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
342. A sequel on diarrhea in the works.
Posted by cleome on :
343. Nothing available for the sandwiches but white bread. [I Dunno]
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
343a. ...and it's moldy.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
343b....and the mayo is green.
Posted by Kent on :
hey! Stay outta my fridge!

it's... a science experiment. yeah, that's it.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
344. We get an infestation of chiuauas
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
345. Legion World suddenly gets spammed with threads about Beverly Hills Chiuaua.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
346. Chief Taylor develops a sudden fascination with chiuaua poop.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
(^sudden?!?!) [Razz]
Posted by cleome on :
347. Chihuahua becomes the new basic black in the fashion world.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
348. PETA approves and supports New York Fashion Week.
Posted by cleome on :
349. millions of croutons are wasted in a futile attempt to soak up the latest massive oil spill.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
350. The St. Louis Cardinals make a run for the playoffs.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
351. Legion continuity goes all to hell. [Smile]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
352. Henry Kissinger's face on the 50 dollar bill.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
353. Alan Greenspan's ass on the 20 dollar bill.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
354. Pat Boone records chart-topping black metal album.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
355. Tuvalu joins the European Union.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
356. In mysteriously sponsored taste tests, the French prefer the "taste" of Wonder "Bread" two to one over fresh baked baguettes.
Posted by cleome on :
357. A sentient loaf of Wonder Bread™ grows to monstrous size and proportion, and seizes control of the White House.
Posted by cleome on :
357a. It's three months later before anyone notices the change.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
357b. Presidential approval ratings skyrocket.
Posted by cleome on :
357c. Vice President Biden is replaced by a giant, sentient jar of Velveeta™.
Posted by Cobaltus on :
358. Without Kent here this morning, I've decided from here on out, I will support all of Thora and Dr. Mayavale's plans for Legion World, regardless of how good or evil they are.
Posted by cleome on :
359. Thora forsakes her classic look and instead starts sporting a fancy-schmancy up-do. With strawberry blonde highlights.

[Eek!] [Eek!]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
360. Thora named the new American Idol judge.
Posted by Kent on :
(is that really a bad thing?)
Posted by Ram Boy on :
361. Thora introduces the "Sing For Your Life, You Fools" segment on American Idol.
Posted by Kent on :
(see? an improvement!)
Posted by cleome on :
362. I suddenly start caring about Madonna's birthday.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
363. A distinct lack of Yamaha DX7 synthesizers to destroy.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
364. Marie Osmond announces her new prog CD.
Posted by cleome on :
365. The Super-Pets do a PSA for PETA.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
366. Pets for the Elimination of Trite Alt-IDs runs rampant through Legion World.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
367. The cat didn't come back.
Posted by cleome on :
368. The old gray goose is zombified in the new Art Balthazar project: Baby Blackest Night.

Along with Old Yeller, Blue of "Old Blue" fame, and the dog that belonged to Mr. Bojangles.
Posted by cleome on :
369. Monsanto launches a new breed of kiwi fruit-- with the fuzz on the inside!

Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
370. Rejected LW screen names all start to sound appealing.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
371. Page counts drop.
Posted by cleome on :
372. Writer's block devastates the Bits thread.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
373. You recall what happened in the issue of ADVENTURE that corresponds with the number of your post.

(The Legion met the Tornado Twins.)
Posted by cleome on :

But... how could that be wrong?
Posted by SharkLad on :
374. the cottage cheese spoils
Posted by Kent on :
so that's what the smell is....
Posted by cleome on :
So I washed my socks for nothing, huh?

Oh, well... [shrug]
Posted by cleome on :
375. More spammers invade, and their grammar really sucks, too.
Posted by cleome on :
376. The birthday cake comes from [I Dunno] -- the MegaloMart™ "bakery"!!

Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
377. ...and comes with extra cheese instead of frosting.
Posted by cleome on :
378. Zombies serenade their victims with a pre-dinner barrage of Gallery's greatest hit(s).
Posted by future king on :
379. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences suddenly realizes that 'Battlefield Earth' starring John Travolta wasn't such a bad movie after all and decides to honor it by proclaiming it Best Picture of the Millennia at the next awards show.
Posted by Kent on :
hey! now that's one too far! I would never accept being blamed for THAT travesty!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
380. Kent's implied approval of Battlefield Earth gets the sequel greenlit.
Posted by SharkLad on :
381. Adam West co-stars as Catwoman in the sequel to the Dark Knight
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
382. Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf get the starring roles in the "Heathers" remake.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
383. ABC decides with the success of "GLEE" to bring back a "re-imagined COP ROCK" for a full season.
Posted by cleome on :
383a. The Starland Vocal Band reunites to provide all the music for the show.
Posted by Kent on :
at least it wasn't the Hudson Brothers.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
384. The Hudson Brothers reform with Kate Hudson as lead vocalist. They're now called Kate Hudson Plus Three.

First single - "Kent Get No Satisfaction"
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
385. In order to compete with the Hudson juggernaut commercially, R.E.M. sack Michael Stipe and replace him with Justin Bieber.

First single - "Kent Get There From here"
Posted by cleome on :
386. The stores carry only rhinestone-encrusted toilet seats in the fixtures depts. Ouch!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
387. Fish fly and birds swim.
Posted by cleome on :
388. Three words: ZOMBIE JOHN DENVER!

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
389. ZJD releases duet with Zombie Pavarotti.
Posted by cleome on :
390. The Walking Dead TV adaptation is scrapped in mid-season, and replaced with a remake of The Flying Nun.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
391. Reeses replaces peanut butter cups with vegemite cups in time for Halloween.
Posted by SharkLad on :
392. The Captain of Captain and Tennille attempts a violent overthrow of Cuba calling himself "El Capitan"
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
392. George Lucas decides instead of .
Star Wars and Indiana Jones in 3D, He remakes Howard the Duck in 3D with Lea Thompson .
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
393. Mike Myers launches comeback by snagging American rights to Doctor Who.
Posted by future king on :
394. Someone decides to take the failing Charlie's Angels franchise out of mothballs ... again!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
395. The Law Lords of the Judicial Committee of the Imperial Privy Council ruled that Women are "Persons" under the British North America Act.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
396. Canadian geese show up everywhere.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
397. Parliament prorogued, again.
Posted by future king on :
398. Niagara Falls starts to flow backswards.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
399. Up With People, the Unification Church and The Church of Scientology merge and form The Unified Church of Singing Scientologists.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
400. TUCoSS have #1 hit with remake of "My Sweet Lord".
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
CDI. Roman Numerals come back into vogue.

[ November 04, 2010, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Kent on :
(um.... shouldn't that have been CDI?)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
CDII. Cobie can't spell *or* count
Posted by future king on :
403. (I think?) Lightning strikes the same spot 3 times!
Posted by Kent on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
CDII. Cobie can't spell *or* count

Posted by Chief Taylor on :
404. Cobie suddenly learns how to spell and count--and takes over the world!!!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
405. In recognition of his accomplishments, Cobalt Kid is awarded the title Count Spellington. The title goes to his head and he starts abusing Legion World's cleaning staff.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
406. Legion World cleaning staff begins passive-aggressive revenge scheme, dosing the coffee and pastries at Cramer's with bleach and Windex.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
407. Bleach and Windex shooters become the latest rage!
Posted by future king on :
408. Top models around the world start to experience unexplainable weight gains.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
409. Truck-stop country music CDs mysteriously play "The Best of Celine Dion" instead.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
410.The official Legion Worlders Gone Wild DVD is released.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
411. No one knows the number to 4-1-1.
Posted by cleome on :
412. "Cotocient" and "Noncotocient" become the hot new slang words.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
413.Caprica is cancelled midway thru its 1.5 season.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
414. Penises become extinct! [Eek!]
Posted by future king on :
415. Shoulder pads and jodhpurs make a fashion come-back.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
416. All cultural exchanges now conducted via the banjo.
Posted by future klash on :
417. All I-Pods mysteriously turn into walkie talkies.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
418. All glue on envelopes now tastes like Spam.
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
419. All Spam now tastes like glue on envelopes.
Posted by future king on :
Cats start barking, dogs start meowing.
Posted by cleoMeLASH on :
421. Spam™ declared "America's Favorite Fixative."
Posted by Rockhopper Lash on :
422. Lucy Van Pelt actually gives Charlie Brown decent psychiatric help.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
423. Lucy let Charlie Brown kick the football. Universe ending paradoxes did occur.
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
424. Charlie Brown didn't get a rock!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
425. All anime now produced in Bulgaria.
Posted by future king on :
The "Facts Of Life" show makes a comeback.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
426a. The role of "Tootie" goes to Michael Vick.
Posted by Rockhopper Lash on :
426b. Natalie is played by Paris Hilton.
Posted by future king on :
The actress who played Tootie appears in a spread in Playboy.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
The guy from "Facts of Life" plays "Batman"( And Georgie did a Ok job in two sucky movies.)
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
426e. "Edna's Edibles" renamed "Edna's Fuckables"
Posted by future king on :
427. Horses start to devolve, slowly reverting back to multi-toed, leaf eating, forest dwellers.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
428. Cats and Dogs living together. Mass Hysteria!!!!!
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
429. "Edna's Fuckables" gets franchised and is now next to every Starbucks.
Posted by cleoMeLASH on :
430. Pov is seen hanging around Starbucks!

[Eek!] [Eek!]
Posted by future king on :
431. The unemployed actors from the "Facts Of Life" get jobs at the local Starbucks and Edna's F_ _ _ables.
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
431a. ...and they finally lose some weight. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
432.StarBucks and Edna's Merge and become StarF@&$ables on the West coast and Ednabuck's on the East coast
and Buckables in the Midwest.
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
Originally posted by Lucifer07:
432.StarBucks and Edna's Merge and become StarF@&$ables on the West coast and Ednabuck's on the East coast
and Buckables in the Midwest.

432a. This is cited as an indisputable harbinger of the apocalypse.
Posted by future king on :
433. Eddie Murphy wins an Oscar for best actor in a drama.
Posted by cleoMeLASH on :
433a. this year's Best Picture winner, directed by Adam Sandler. Who also won for Best Director.
Posted by future king on :
434. German women start shaving their underarms.
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
434a. The shavings are named Hans.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Chief Tay-LASH:
434a. The shavings are named Hans.


435. American women stop shaving their under arms!
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
436. ^Someone actually thinks I'm funny! [Wink]
Posted by future king on :
437. Jessica Simpson records a hit pop song.
Posted by Le Masque on :
438. The song is called "A Thousand Reasons to Sing!"
Posted by cLSHeome on :
439. Armpit hair dyed in neon colors becomes the big new thing on the Paris runways, Spring 2011.

Actually, I'd totally start doing that, just to scandalize all you lightweights.
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
440. Sentient armpit shavings conquer the world, and Hans is their leader!
Posted by future king on :
441. Justin Bieber's next big marketing campaign involves personalized monogram condoms.
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
Originally posted by Chief Tay-LSH:
440. Sentient armpit shavings conquer the world, and Hans is their leader!

This has to tie into the Lardy's Power thread over in Spaceopoly...
Posted by future king on :
442. Madonna has a big screen box office hit.
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
443. Kent revealed to be devoured by Hrista Spjóti .
Posted by future king on :
444. Jennifer Aniston is nominated for an Oscar for her mediocre work on yet another comedy drama.
Posted by cLSHeome on :
445. cleome's cats team up with Jerry's dogs and destroy the universe.
Posted by cLSHeome on :
446. With the universe destroyed, there is nothing after #445.
Posted by cLSHeome on :
Posted by cLSHeome on :
[cricket noises]
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
if there are cricket noises, there must be something to make those noises, yes?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
448. The universe reintegrates, but chocolate has been retconned out of existence.
Posted by cLSHeome on :
Originally posted by Hrista Spjóti:
if there are cricket noises, there must be something to make those noises, yes?

It's just spillover from the surviving 'verse next door.
Posted by cLSHeome on :
449. The 'verse next door complains to the super about all the noise you're making.
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
450. Second 'verse? Same as the first!
Posted by future king on :
451. People start using the slang 'verse.
Posted by cLSHeome on :
452. cleome suddenly "gets" the near-universal allure of Facebook, Twitter, and Batman.
Posted by future king on :
453. Cher falls off her chair at the premiere of the new movie "Burlesque" and breaks her face.
Posted by cLSHeome on :
453a. And revealed under the fragments of Cher's face...


Click Here For A SpoilerABE VIGODA!!

Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by cLSHeome:
453a. And revealed under the fragments of Cher's face...

<font face="comicsans">?

Click Here For A SpoilerABE VIGODA!!</font f>


I couldn't have put it better myself!
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
454. Mr.C and Mrs Beaver have passed and FISH is still alive????
Posted by cleome: secret ozone incense addict on :
455. Green Lanterns in the 31st Century take to wearing uniforms made entirely of kale "chips." This leads to all manner of awkwardness when they visit planets populated with herbivorous natives.
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
456. People start finding Sandra Bernhard attractive.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
457. Spiderman 4 has gone from rumor to production.
Posted by future king on :
458. Abe Vigoda and Sandra Bernhard get married.
Posted by cleome on :
459. Legion World starts charging posters fifty cents U.S. per post, with all proceeds going to buy wedding gifts for needy celebrities.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
460. Washed up celebrities and minor villains, sensing opportunity, demand that the Legion World Wedding Levy be extended to a full-scale job creation program. Legion World posters now fund all reality shows TV starring washed-up has beens.

Premiering this week "How Thora got her Groove Back"
Posted by Ram Boy on :
461. Every episode of "How Thora Got Her Groove Back" features Cobalt Kid, Outdoor Miner and Lardy in the bottom right hand corner of the screen providing a running commentary on Thora's silly/frightening antics.
Posted by future king on :
462. Mustard suddenly becomes charming again.
Posted by cleome on :
463. The Fall Season's breakout comedy hit is something called: Everybody Loves Kirt.
Posted by future king on :
464. People find recent Steve Martin movies funny again.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
465. Steve Martin remakes "The Pink Panther"..... What? He Did? KENT THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!!
Posted by future king on :
466. Magenta suddenly becomes the new Black.
Posted by cleome on :
467. Magenta becomes the hot new unisex name in the U.S. for newborns.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
468. Except in certain areas of the U.S. where the A in Magenta is replaced with a O. And hilarity ensues.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by cleome:
459. Legion World starts charging posters fifty cents U.S. per post, with all proceeds going to buy wedding gifts for needy celebrities.

459a. Quis goes bankrupt!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Ram Boy:
461. Every episode of "How Thora Got Her Groove Back" features Cobalt Kid, Outdoor Miner and Lardy in the bottom right hand corner of the screen providing a running commentary on Thora's silly/frightening antics.

461a. While Cobie and OM commentate, Lardy translates them for the deaf with his expertise in sign language.
Posted by future king on :
469. People refuse to shop on Black Friday and start saving money they so desperately need.
Posted by cleome on :
470. cleome does hard time for hitting the entire Mal-Wart Board of Directors in the face(s) with a barrage of custard pies.
Posted by cleome on :
470a. And the mix for said custard pies was purchased at-- Click Here For A SpoilerCostco!

Posted by future king on :
471. Costco makes a fortune, and it's third quarter sales, from just custard mix profits alone.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
472. Jello stops jiggling and wiggling.
Posted by cleome on :
473. Jello Biafra stops ranting. [Frown]
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
ouch! that would be a tragedy.
Posted by future king on :
474. They cancel the new series "Caprica".

Oh, what's that you say? It's already been cancelled? Thank GOD!
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Hrista Spjóti:
ouch! that would be a tragedy.

It's true! He's my favorite of all my non-Legionnaire imaginary boyfriends.
Posted by cleome on :
475. Xmas fruitcakes are declared sentient in a 8-to-1 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, and it becomes a criminal offense to throw one away.
Posted by cleome on :
476. Everyone realizes that the ads fibbed all along, and that buying a new car/new cologne/new type of crappy beer won't actually get you laid by the finest physical specimens of your preferred gender(s).

Posted by future king on :
477. C-section births become the norm. Yikes!
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
478. True Grit and Tron legacy are released on the same day, Simultaneously setting box office records and sellouts across the country. As a result, Jeff Bridges crowned King Of Hollywood. Take that Tom Cruise.
Posted by cleome on :
479. Monsanto splices together Cabbage Patch Dolls and Furbys in an attempt to create a more evolved form of must-have Xmas toy. The results?... you don't even wanna' know...

Posted by future king on :
480. CP Dolls and Furbys become spliced together creating the world's first Olsen Twins dolls. [Yes]
Posted by dedman on :
481. The return of Beigeseid
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
482. ....and Plaidseid!
Posted by cleome on :
483. Uwe Boll remakes The Little Drummer Boy.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
484. Furball bonanza.
Posted by future king on :
485. Jessica Simpson stops eating.
Posted by cleome on :
486. Jessica Simpson plays Jessica Drew on TV.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
487. The Hardy Boys is remade starring the wrestlers.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
487. The Hardy Boys is remade starring the wrestlers.

Yeah, and then The Six Million Dollar Man is remade using Stone Cold Steve Austin!
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
488.Abe Vigoda is starring in the remake of the "Fall Guy"
Posted by cleome on :
489. Tom Petty writes and stars in a rock opera based on his own life.

Posted by future king on :
490. Someone makes an opera starring Abe Vigoda throwing rocks at Tom Petty.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
491. Tom Petty gets mentioned in three consecutive posts.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
492. Posters inexplicably start banging on the great Tom Petty. [shrug]
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
493.Darksied is caught listening to "A self made man."
Posted by future king on :
494. Chickens suddenly develop the ability to fly. Billions and billions of dollars in profits fly away in just minutes.
Posted by cleome on :
495. Chief Lardy's new job? Professional Tom Petty impersonator.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
496. Tom Petty surpasses Elvis on the Top 10 Impersonated Celebrities List.
Posted by future king on :
497. Tom Petty finally takes a bath, cuts his hair, brushes his teeth, and make a record where he doesn't sound half drunk/stoned.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
498.Danny bonaduche decides to get married again.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
500. 499 has been placed in quarantine.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Lucifer07:
498.Danny bonaduche decides to get married again.

498b) Yes but Bonaduchbag actually marries himself this time, his favourite person in the whole wide world.
Posted by cleome on :
501. Blue jeans now only available in ecru and taupe.

[I Dunno]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
502. Justin Bieber named one of the ten most interesting people of the year.
Posted by future king on :
503. Justin Bieber, as well as being one of the most interesting people, is also named one of the most intelligent of 2010.
Can a Nobel peace prize be that far off for this cutie? I think not!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
504. Bieber, riding this massive popularity wave, convinces his fans to overthrow the government.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
504a. Dictator Bieber's first act is to force all Americans to either style their hair like his or buy like-styled toupess to be worn at all times...or die!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
504b. Untold millions choose death.
Posted by cleome on :
504c. And rise up from the grave, of course.

(But their hair still looks great.)
Posted by future king on :
505. Justin Bieber zombie dolls become the next greatest thing for Christmas 2011.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
506. Justin Bieber was late to a sound check Saturday at the Metrodome, Just missing the collapse. Thankfully Daily Plaza, Fords Theater,and The Dakota Apt building are still on his itinerary.
Posted by future king on :
507. The cancelled "American Idol".
(thank God).
Posted by cleome on :
508. The snow is yellow BEFORE it even hits the ground!

[I Dunno]
Posted by Exnihil on :
509. There's not a lick of magic in that old silk hat I found.
Posted by future king on :
510. Girlicious starts to have hit songs in the States.
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
511. David Hasselhoff is cool again.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
512. As are Yogi Bear and Boo Boo.
Posted by dedman on :
513. Everyone's post count resets to 0!!!!!
Posted by cleome on :
513a. Except Rodney Allen Potts'. Proving conclusively that he's real and WE'RE all just alt-constructs.


(I feel just like that lady in Blade Runner when she found out that she was really a replicant.)
Posted by cleome on :
514. The Spotmaker shows up to despoil the annual holiday toast.

(See also: The All Dated Cultural References thread.)
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Since Future King hasn't said it yet I will , Stargate Universe has been cancelled. [Persuader]
Posted by future king on :
516. They cancel Jersey Shore. * gasp*
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
517 But the cast still walks the Earth.... [Persuader]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
518. ...and start a brand new show that also features Justin Bieber. [No]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
519. Deserts flood.
Posted by cleome on :
520. Christmas trees run amok, stabbing helpless humans in their thoraxes.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
521. Snagglepuss: The Movie
Posted by dedman on :
522. Hollywood decides Nanny McPhee should be a 10 part series.
Posted by future king on :
523. Jean Claude Van Dambadactor stars as "Karate Kid - The Movie".
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
524. Keith Giffen is hired as executive producer of "Karate Kid - The Movie."
Posted by cleome on :
525. The new Karate Kid action figure comes complete with a snazzy-looking funeral pyre and a revolving door. Batteries not included. Some assembly required.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by cleome:
525. The new Karate Kid action figure comes complete with a snazzy-looking funeral pyre and a revolving door. Batteries not included. Some assembly required.


526. Jean Claude Van DamIhatethewaythisguytalks makes yet another movie! Oye!! [Eek!]
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
527."Dirty Jobs" is cancelled. (well if Kent Shakesphere doesn't hurry back it might be.)

[ December 25, 2010, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Lucifer07 ]
Posted by future king on :
528.All the cool Discovery Channel shows get the ax! Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!! [AHHHH!!!!]
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
529."Little Fockers" beat out "True Grit" for top Box office spot... expected but still wrong. [Frown]
Posted by future king on :
530. The next ice age arrives 14,500 years early.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
531.Whales become intelligent and land capable and keep repeating one word....... PAYBACK!!!!
Posted by cleome on :
532. All the Payday candy bars start to taste like... plankton!

[I Dunno]
Posted by future king on :
533. Earth bound whales give up plankton and become Candybarvores.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
534. People say "For all intensive purposes" and "Between you and I".
Posted by Ram Boy on :
535. Big Giant Falling Balls!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
536. Monkeys fly out of my butt.
Posted by future king on :
537. All of the legendary Medusa's victims return to their natural states. Aw, that's no fun!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
538. The Tick...pops. [Eek!]
Posted by SharkLad on :
539. San Diego Comic Con tix never go on sale
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
540. People don't add "... of space!" to the ends of phrases anymore.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
IBby's back! good to see ya, amigo! [Smile]
Posted by future king on :
541. You are only able to ask for one more sugar pack at Starbucks.
Posted by cleome on :
542. Bill Clinton publishes another book of memoirs.

[I Dunno]

And it's got twice as many pages as the last one, but it only covers about half as much time.

[I Dunno] [I Dunno]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
543. Dubya writes a best-seller.

Oh, wait... [shrug]
Posted by future king on :
544. Oprah Whinfrey loses all her money.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
545. V returns to ABC...... What? Oh Come On! I was JOKING!!!!!
Posted by future king on :
546. Snookie gets her own TV show.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
547.Kids start to think "The Twilight Zone" is a prequel to "Twilight" demand more episodes.

(Rod Sterling would be amused)
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
548. Dingleberries EVERYWHERE!!! [AHHHH!!!!]
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
549. Gliese 581 g is discovered to be a outpost for the Borg.

Steven Hawkings was right.
Posted by cleome on :
550. Funyuns are taken off the market.

550a. MLLASH is never the same.

[ January 04, 2011, 11:53 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by future king on :
551. People actually buy and read Snooki's book.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
552. Sentient poop invades...and it likes to hug.
Posted by future king on :
553. Selina Gomez actually has a hit song.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
554. Selina Kyle becomes a prude.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
555. Ming the Merciless gets his own reality show on TBS.
Posted by future king on :
556. Reality shows become extinct! *gasp*
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
557. Everyone becomes androgynous.
Posted by cleome on :
[wonders why #557 would be "wrong"]


Oh, well...

558. A revived Legion cartoon appears, but its animation is all done "Clutch Cargo"-style to save money.
Posted by future king on :
559. 2 + 2 would no longer = 4.
Posted by cleome on :
560. The hit new Nick show is Jim Henson's The Walking Dead Babies™
Posted by future king on :
561. Taylor Swift stops writing songs! *gasp*
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
562. Black Eyed Peas stop making music for white people.
Posted by future king on :
563. They cancel the newly revamped "American Idol" after only 4 episodes due to zero-to-none viewers.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
564. Idol replaced with "America's Next Fart Girl"!
Posted by cleome on :
565. The Heinz corporation withdraws from sponsoring The Chief's new show at the last moment. Even they draw the line at having Adam Sandler serve as a judge.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
566. While Kent is on his sabbatical some newbie takes his name thereby causing this thread to end.

Or does it?
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
567. War of the Kents.. (It could happen.)
Posted by future king on :
568. Snooki wins an Emmy award for best dramatic performance for an actress on a reality show.
Posted by cleome on :
569. Don Johnson comes out of retirement to make another music CD.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
570. Digital music is banned and Sony re-introduces the 8-track.
Posted by future king on :
571. Paris Hilton stops doing stupid things to try and capture the attention of her shallow-minded public.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
572. Paris Hilton meets Madonna, they get married and then divorced all in one weekend in San Francisco, setting the record for quickest gay divorce as well as first.
Posted by future king on :
573. Coke and Pepsi go out of business at the exact same moment, and I am forced to drink *cringe* orange juice. [AHHHH!!!!]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
574. In a horribly unexpected twist of fate, the people's of the earth get together and do the "stop global warming" only to have the earth's orbit wobble and shift, throwing us back into an ice age.
Posted by future king on :
575. Randy Quaid makes a break-through comeback as a leading man in Hollywood movies. [Gasp]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
576. Dennis Quaid eats something.
Posted by cleome on :
577. The entire United States --except a tiny sliver of the West Coast-- is frozen solid and buried alive under six feet of snow.

[Polar Boy]
Posted by SharkLad on :
578. The country is overrun by ill-tempered mutant penguins
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
(that's not necessarily a bad thing)
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Doesn't sound like a bad thing at all. I'm sure the ill-tempered thing won't last. My people have class! [Wink]
Posted by future king on :
"The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills" get their own motion picture.
Posted by cleome on :
I'm forced to post one of these again after the old link got broken:

Posted by future king on :
580... (adding to the most excellent picture above posted by the most excellent Cleome herself. [Smile] )

... Steelers could have actually taken the Super Bowl yesterday.
Posted by cleome on :
581. Too many sandwiches. Not enough Cheetos™.
Posted by future king on :
582. Throwing a party with lots of sandwiches and Cheetos and forgetting to bring the Coke and Pepsi.
Posted by cleome on :
583. "Edsel" becomes the hot new name for both boy and girl babies.
Posted by cleome on :
584. NO MORE toasted coconut bars available from the ice cream truck. [cries]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
589. The cocaine cake is replaced with the exlax cake.
Posted by cleome on :
590. Stale fruit roll-ups become the new worldwide currency.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
589. The cocaine cake is replaced with the exlax cake.

585. The exlax cake is replaced with a cake of pure psyllium.

586. The psyllium cake is replaced with a cake of pure psilocybin.

587. The cake of pure psilocybin is unknowingly consumed by the entire LMB, after having been acccidentally used in the cafeteria's mushroom gravy recipe.

588. It's at least four more weeks into the next roleplay before Nighty realizes what's wrong and calls the paramedics.
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
591. A new poster named Wayne Shakespeare begins posting.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
592. Conservatives take over... bwaaahahahahahah.
Posted by future king on :
593. Rick starts running for presidential office.

... and this would be a bad thing why???
Posted by Dev Em on :
594. It's declared Ugly Cosby Sweater day...every day.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
No no, FK, that'd be if things went right.

Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
595. Ann Hebistand finally gets her own reality TV show.
Posted by cleome on :
596. The Marshall Mathers Show is the new version of The Cosby Show.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :

(The thought of that pasty-faced moron in an ugly sweater dispensing supposedly sage advice...priceless)

597. Prince William leaves Kate Middleton for Grizelda Shea-Shea.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
No no, FK, that'd be if things went right.


That's MR. fk to you boy!

598. I start driving around southern states looking for exploding silos.
Posted by cleome on :
599. Naked mole rats start wearing rat-sized Cosby sweaters all the time.
Posted by cleome on :
600. Jim Henson's Lindbergh Clone Babies debuts to universal acclaim on Sunday Night FOX.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
601. Jim Henson's Muppet Babies is revived. (Love the Muppets, hate the Muppet Babies.)
Posted by cleome on :
(FWIW, FL, I feel the same way.)

602. A new bestselling Bismollian diet book causes hordes of alien invaders to devastate Earth's supply of cinder blocks and plywood, thus ruining cheap shelving prospects all over the globe.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
(Yay Cleome.)

603. People who should have better taste find themselves watching the Travel Network's endless Man versus Food reruns. I can't help it, I just crack up whenever he eats something really hot and spicy.
Posted by cleome on :
604. A new line of "multicultural" Hostess snack cakes features beondeggi* in place of the customary creme fillings.

*It's canned silkworm pupae and you can google the pictures for yourself. I don't want to be banned.

[I Dunno]
Posted by future king on :
605. We discover that Fanfic Lady's alter ego is Rickshaw1.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
[Eek!] (That's too horrifying for words, FK!)

606. Green Arrow (who, coincidentally, Rick and I both like) continues to be written all wrong.
Posted by cleome on :
607. LMB election results are nullified by the Supreme Court, after anonymous complaints of too many votes cast by one poster's alts.

Sorry, Rocky. Sorry, FL. I was only trying to help.
Posted by future king on :
608. Birds fly north for the winter.

Sorry Rocky, sorry F.L.!
Posted by cleome on :
609. Click Here For A Spoilercleome posts 14,141 times, but is too drunk lazy to go and find the "W00t!" thread
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by cleome:
609. Click Here For A Spoilercleome posts <font face="futura">14,141</font f> times, but is too drunk lazy to go and find the "W00t!" thread

You're crazy doll!
But I love it.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
610. Future King apparently thinks Fanfic Lady is a bird.
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
611. Raindrops are on kittens and whiskers are on roses.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
612. Unshakeable earworms! (Thanks, Tracker! [tease] [Wink] )
Posted by Lard Lad on :
613. George "Goober" Lindsey posts his own video version of "Friday" on YouTube!
Posted by future king on :
614. The world population cancels pig bbqs!
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Originally posted by future king:
614. The world population cancels pig bbqs!

Quick! Find Kent NOW!!!
Posted by future king on :
615. Legion Tracker starts to make sense.

Posted by cleome on :
616. Ed Wood clones and Joel Schumacher clones square off in a battle to THE DEATH!!11
Posted by cleome on :
616b. Wood and Schumacher are portrayed in the film version of their epic conflict by future king and Legion Tracker.
Posted by future king on :
617. future king cannot respond to Kent's private message because Kent's mail box is TOO FULL!!!
Posted by cleome45 on :
618. No potatoes for frying on December 20th, due to massive global shortages!

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I won't be around much until sometime over the weekend. 50+ exams to mark by noon Friday, plus various social events. I'll be by briefly to check on the trivia Qs I have going over in Spaceopoly, maybe twice a day at most, but that'll probably be about it.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
619. Everyone's spectacles fog over permanently.

(eagerly waits for the weekend) Goodness, Kent! With 619 things going wrong, I don't know how LW can function without ya!
Posted by Exnihil on :
620. That also-ran, Kent Marlowe, starts trying to horn in.
Posted by Lad With Glasses on :
621. Flocked wallpaper returns.

(Heaven help us all...) [No]

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
622. The ice cream parlol closes down.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
623. Everybody stops making spelling errors, thereby ruining the atmosphere of the place.
Posted by cleome45 on :
624. Michael Bolton appointed national "Arts Czar."
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Posted by cleome45 on :
Let that be a lesson to you, Pal.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
625. Vomit yellow is chosen as the national color.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
626. The toast always burns.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
627. The coffee tastes bad.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
628. The reindeer go on strike.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Occupy the Sled!
Posted by cleome45 on :
629. Physically impossible sex positions become the norm.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
630. Posters change their names.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
631. Beagle ears do not flap.
Posted by cleome45 on :
632. The Euro is replaced by "magic beans."
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
633. Fermentation as a chemical process stops working.
Posted by cleome45 on :
634. Zombies give up brains in favor of curried tempeh!
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
635. Billy Crystal flaunts his hideous facelift by hosting the Oscars.
Posted by Viridis Lament on :
636. I solve the Lemarchant puzzle box [Eek!]
Posted by cleome45 on :
637. Green stamps return from the dead, mate with Twitter and create something called "Gritter."

[I Dunno]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Sometimes things go RIGHT! I have finished revisions and editting on my MA thesis, and should be defending it in April!

It's about 170+ pages in content, with a 20-page bib, and some misc pages for 196 in total. So far (a few more pages will be added to the post-defense bound copies).

Cleome, that means i'll be able to pop down your way at some point, too. Sorry i had to bail on you in feb.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Congratulations, Kent.
Posted by cleome45 on :
Kent, don't worry. It's great that you've been able to get so much important stuff done!


And I look forward to seeing you soon.

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
638. We all break out.

Wonderful news, Kent! Let us know how the defense goes [Big Grin]
Posted by Future on :
Congrats, Kent! Damn, that's a lot of writing.

639. A case of "twisted ankle" syndrome seems to befall every Legion Worlder in a perilous situation. When Kent's around, this simply never happens!
Posted by cleome45 on :
640. Worldwide epidemic causes ear infections that makes all music sound like it's got Katy Perry vocals!

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
if I was gone longer, it might've gotten worse... to Bieber levels!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
641. Legion World is taken over by Katy Perry and Justin Bieber. Every time we click on "Add Reply", we are forced to listen to a 30-second track from one of their songs.
Posted by cleome45 on :
642. The Election Tyrant is revealed to be Justin Bieber.

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
643. Legion flight rings are replaced with Legion mite rings.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
644. The new fad superpower becomes "poop vision".
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
645. All Durlans use giant penises to whack people on the head.
Posted by cleome45 on :
645b. And nobody ever sings The Frantics' classic "Boot to the Head" anymore.

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
646. We all run out of things to say, and sit in stunned silence while out drinking.
Posted by cleome46 on :
647. Romney decides to use Grand Theft Audio's song "Stoopid A$$" as his campaign theme, under a misguided notion that it will help him bring in the youth vote.
Posted by cleome46 on :
647a. Not to be outdone, Obama reunites Grand Theft Audio to write him a new campaign theme song, entitled "Eat the Screaming Worm, You [Sensor Girl] -ing [Sensor Girl] s!!"
Posted by cleome46 on :
647b. Jill Stein wins the election in a landslide, since it turns out that just about everyone hates Grand Theft Audio. But then she betrays America by selling it to China so she can pay all her gambling debts.

On the plus side, everyone agrees that at least something interesting finally happened during an election year.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
648. All fireworks stop working!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
649. The inane 5-word posts and inane 6-word posts threads die.
Posted by cleome46 on :
650. MLLASH quits fandango-ing in order to take over art chores on the Jack Chick franchise.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
651. The Legion World Establishments stop serving free food and drink.
Posted by cleome46 on :
652. Lard Lad publicly denounces nanner pudding and all other banana-related works.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
653. Violence erupts between the pro-tomato and the anti-tomato factions.
Posted by cleome46 on :
654. America's hottest, most profitable new fad in online "erotica": 50 Shades of Tomato.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
655. All men begin to act like Christian Grey.
Posted by cleome46 on :
656. Zippers all over the world stick halfway up/halfway down simultaneously, at extremely inopportune moments.

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
657. And little toddlers feel the need to point said wardrobe malfunctions out in the loudest voice possible.
Posted by cleome46 on :
658. Thanks to skyrocketing beef prices, fast food restaurants start selling Squirrel burgers.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
659. All politicians lose their ability to control their bowels during interviews, causing them to spurt excrement out of two orifices instead of just one.
Posted by cleome46 on :
660. Fat Cramer closes the Cafe to pursue a new career as Fuller Brush Salesperson in the Yellowknife Territories.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
661. Legion World is invaded by feces-flinging yellow polka-dot winged monkeys.
Posted by cleome46 on :
661a. And we all flee in terror to [Shudder] MySpace.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
662. Facebook and MySpace hack into Legion World and sell our data to greedy corporations who'll sell us penis-enlarging pills, mail-order brides and "college degrees from home"!
Posted by cleome46 on :
663. Frogs get into the ornamental fish pond and eat all the Koi.

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
664. The frogs that ate the koi are let loose in the women's locker room.
Posted by cleome46 on :
665. A Starbucks is installed in the women's locker room. (Can we have the frogs back instead, please?)
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
666. Everyone gets rubber devil tails permanently glued to their posteriors.
Posted by cleome46 on :
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
666. Everyone gets rubber devil tails permanently glued to their posteriors.

667. Usage of the word "p*st*r**r" is immediate grounds for [Banned!]

Do not pass "Go." Do not collect 200 space-dollars.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
668. @ll v0w3l k3ys st0p w0rk1ng
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Wow! 2/3s of the way there! I am quite impressed!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
669. Kent will stop being impressed at our list-completing accomplishments [Frown]
Posted by cleome46 on :
670. My cats (Jerkface and Devil Cat) suddenly get all cuddly, snuggly, and affectionate.

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
671. Drowning cleome in hairballs [Frown]

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