This is topic ROLL CALL: LMBers head count! in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Check in! Good ta see ya have a beer, sign the guest book and stick around to pose for the group picture, will ya?

The current running fanfic NEEDS every swingin' ready to boot up and rumble, every alt, every primary, every super power that has ever popped out of our fevered fanboy imaginations..and I mean EVERYBODY with a roleplay LMB account needs to sign up and go WHOOP UP ON SOME BADGUYS!

Oh yeah. Bad guy bashing and snappy patter, you know you wanna write some, yeah you know.

The battle plan and roster is being made up here even as you read this.

Sound off!

the Yellow Kid - onboard and ready to boot nass!
Posted by Triple G on :
Triple G - badguy beatdown day - crush, fold, mutilate or otherwise severely discomfort any dozen badguys and receive a coupon for a free stay in the newly completed Superman3D theme park complete with a happy ending!

I'm in baby!
Posted by LardLad on :
Already there, dude!
Posted by Lard Lad Prime on :
As am I--the real Lard Lad!
Posted by MLLASH on :
LASH LAD here and ready! I haven't participated in a tag-team in AGES, but I feel my creative juices uh-FLOWin'!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Great! Happy to have you aboard Lash!
Say hi and make grand dramatic pronouncments at the Security Office thread.

Join the raging battle-to-be and freely engage in outlandish super heroic hyperbole!

The more the messier!

Don't be late!
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod, me and like the rest of my family are so here...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Cobalt Kid present!

And let me reveal to you now the grave threat we face. He's a menace from the darkest corners of the LMB's past. He blames us for once destroying his Remarkable Worlds!

He is the one who once caused the terrible Dark Stu Saga!

He has returned!


Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Rockhopper Lad, present I am here to stand with my friends in this dire hour.
Posted by Time Teller Lad on :
Time Teller Lad is here, along with Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle. Old Dutch the Super Cow is on call at the Rookery, assuming she can find her omnicom.
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
Jailbait Lass also here and ready!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Fuddle? You were serious?
Oh man! This crisis goes all the way back to our origins..maybe even as far back as the white out.

Posted by Blockade Boy on :
I remember the white out. I'm still trying to clean that stuff off my computer screen.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Dah ta da dah! *PLORP!* [Frown]

Oh well, I'm here too.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I love a large group, where's George Perez when you really need him?

Daily updates here at the Security Office.

'course you gotta be sharp and watch for the new thread (whatever it's going to be)

I'll keep this updated for late comers..
Posted by Space Tart on :
"head count"? Oh my, you people are just BEGGING for it...
Posted by LardLad on :
I hope this means we can expect your awesome, gorgeous blue self to participate in the upcoming battle, royale, Spacey!

(hopefully, Deds will return as well, so we can have him to appear as the obligatory cannon fodder! [Big Grin] )
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
OK, well we're still in dissaray and it may be time to make our move. There's no longer a need to gather at the Security Office--this is a full on LMB issue now, and no longer just Legion World security.

I've used the chip in my head that monitors all of Legion World's satellites and hacked into footage taken not long ago in the Hills of Legion World. I was able to pinpoint where Exnihil had gone off to--it was here. I have no idea if he's still there, but we should all begin there and see if we can find where Phineas B. Fuddle is now--and whether poor Exnihil is still with him now that Fuddle no longer needs to have him under his control. Once we get our friend back, I'll feel a lot better.

<shakes head more quietly>

Poor Tomahawk was seen there too. If my theory is right, I think we've seen the last of both he and Liberty Monkey now...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Space Tart:
"head count"? Oh my, you people are just BEGGING for it...

Hey Spacey...this should make things more complicated [Big Grin]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Wow, another tag team thread. I so love those. Hadn't realized how much I missed them.

Real world's been busy though. But feel free to use me in any way you want. Especially you, Jailbait Lass [Wink]

Have fun guys!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
IBby! You've been missed, my friend.

I generally don't have time for any tag teams, but I'd be flattered if I and my Bureau of External Affairs (tm) fit into the story somewhere.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Its more of a roleplay than a tag team fellas, but the invite is just the same (and I kind of assumed you meant roleplay anyway). Either way, welcome back Ibby! And Kent, I've been glad to incorporate a secret backstory involving the Bureau and myself all along for this story! [Big Grin]
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
OK, well we're still in dissaray and it may be time to make our move. There's no longer a need to gather at the Security Office--this is a full on LMB issue now, and no longer just Legion World security.

I've used the chip in my head that monitors all of Legion World's satellites and hacked into footage taken not long ago in the Hills of Legion World. I was able to pinpoint where Exnihil had gone off to--it was here. I have no idea if he's still there, but we should all begin there and see if we can find where Phineas B. Fuddle is now--and whether poor Exnihil is still with him now that Fuddle no longer needs to have him under his control. Once we get our friend back, I'll feel a lot better.

<shakes head more quietly>

Poor Tomahawk was seen there too. If my theory is right, I think we've seen the last of both he and Liberty Monkey now...

Yes if we were to gather at the Security Office you might have to explain why you just decided to destroy it on a whim...

And why you needed to break an admitted mass murderer out of jail...

And why you're convinced that both you and he are above any and all laws, rules, or regulations...

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(And why I let Pagan Lass talk me into promising not to throw both of you into jail until after this Exnihil thing is over with...)
Posted by Dyvud on :
Dyvud, reporting for duty!

I have two heads! The other one's kind of an idiot, though!

Good thing he's asleep right now, or you'd have to listen to his big mouth!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Ranger, you know as well as I that a much larger threat is at large now. Everything I've done thus far will be shown to have been the right decision to help work against this threat.

And Lardy is innocent of all murders. The real culprit is indeed, Phineas B. Fuddle. You'll have to trust me, old friend. You were dead when all of this started, and I would probably have taken another route had I known Dr. One and I would be successful--er, had I know you would actually come back. But I didn't, and so I did what I had to do to keep Legion World safe.
Posted by Frenk on :
Bah! My stupid other head just woke me up so I guess I'm reporting for duty too!

At least now we'll have some good looking Legionnaires around.
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
Originally posted by Space Tart:
"head count"? Oh my, you people are just BEGGING for it...

Oh great...just what we need...

(And just what I need too! Of all the times for a major crisis, its when I need to talk to Cobie the most about what the future holds...)
Posted by Sir Roy on :
Sir Roy reporting for duty as well! Glad to see so many LMBPers coming out of the woodwork, as well. Mayhap we can end this once and for all!
Posted by Gladys The Sentient Disco Ball on :
I'm here too.

I don't know what I can do with so many of my facets smashed... but I'll do what I can...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<heals Gladys>

Here, Gladys, let me heal you. Its the least I can do...its a magic-based ability and knows no limits among different types of sentients.
Posted by Gladys The Sentient Disco Ball on :
Oh Thank You, Mr Cobalt sir...

Course I wouldn'ta needed healing if you hadn't dropped half of a building on me and the others.

Are you going to visit them at Medicus Tower and heal them too? I mean Kenny Ketchem is still in intensive care wit a punctured lung and poor little Holly Honey with both legs broken and her in traction...

She only joined the Security Office so's she'd have half a chance o' meeting you, ya know...

And you went and dropped half a building on us...

Why did you do that Mr Cobalt, sir? Why?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Trust me Gladys, it was for the best of Legion World. All will be revealed soon.

And shall be going over there shortly to bring them good health.
Posted by Caliente on :
I counted-- I still have only one head. (Bah-dum-chi!) Looks like I'm pretty late to this party, though...
Posted by Gladys The Sentient Disco Ball on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Trust me Gladys, it was for the best of Legion World. All will be revealed soon.

And shall be going over there shortly to bring them good health.

Trust you... Just trust you...

It seems to me that we was trusting you when nobody challenged your right to be in the Security Office that day... Cuz we trusted you...

How'd that work out for us, eh?

Trust you... Hah!

If I had hands I'd slap your smug face I would...

Trust You...

<Spins away from Cobalt in a huff.>
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Originally posted by Caliente:
I counted-- I still have only one head. (Bah-dum-chi!) Looks like I'm pretty late to this party, though...

Oh this party is barely started. Welcome back Security Officer Caliente...

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(This is gonna be an interesting adventure...)
Posted by Caliente on :
Thanks, Space Ranger! It's good to see you again... um, by the by, weren't you dead or something?

Whatever! I'm just glad that icksome Lonestar Ranger's gone. Er, he is gone, isn't he?
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Ranger, you know as well as I that a much larger threat is at large now. Everything I've done thus far will be shown to have been the right decision to help work against this threat.

And Lardy is innocent of all murders. The real culprit is indeed, Phineas B. Fuddle. You'll have to trust me, old friend. You were dead when all of this started, and I would probably have taken another route had I known Dr. One and I would be successful--er, had I know you would actually come back. But I didn't, and so I did what I had to do to keep Legion World safe.

Sorry "Old Friend" but you used up all the trust the Security Office had for you when you broke a Self-Confessed Mass Murderer out of jail and dropped half a building on the Security Force Duty Roster!

Then you and he combined to beat me down instead of explaining anything!

Now you want me to "Trust" that Lard Lad didn't commit the murders that He confessed to committing and that the "Real" killer was someone named Phineas B Fuddle whom I've never heard of and the Security Office has no record of, largely because your latest grandstanding stunt destroyed most of the files!

Trust You? Trusting You gets my people Half Killed, Maimed and FREAKING Hospitalized!

No More Trusting You Cobalt! I want Straight Answers, And I Want Them Right Now.

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(And if I don't get them...)

Post retroactively toned down by the Magic of Pagan Lass

[ March 22, 2009, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: Space Ranger ]
Posted by Pagan Lass on :
Ranger... Bart... I thought we discussed this and came to an agreement.
Posted by Caliente on :
Yinkies! I don't want in on this fight...

*makes a discrete exit*
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Pagan... I...

We did...

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Oh Sprock!)
Posted by Pagan Lass on :
Then I trust you'll put everything on hold until Phineas B Fuddle is dealt with?
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Yes, I will...

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(But I won't like it... I Won't!)
Posted by Pagan Lass on :
And I trust Cobalt Understands that he and I will have... words... if his answers do not sufficently justify his actions.

Oh and welcome back Caliente, dear. I appologize for subjecting you to that little bit of unpleasentness, but sometimes...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yay Cali is back! Welcome back hot-stuff!

Gladys, don't forget you owe me for that time I helped you deal with the 'baby' situation. That alibi didn't exactly help me out either.

And Ranger, you should remember Phineas B. Fuddle. He was "Dark Stu". You must remember that. Don't forget we began the Security Office together. I still see it as much of my own as it is yours, and the duty it serves to Legion World is of evermost importance to me.

And I told you--Lardy is no murderer. No matter what he said. Fuddle is able to control people's minds, actions and memories. Thats part of his powers. Lardy was innocent, even if he was convinced of his own guilt.

Like Pagan said, there are much more important matters. When this over you'll see that, and no one is going to be facing any charges at all. We're all on the same side here.
Posted by LardLad on :
<to Ranger>

Look, "Bart" need to cut out this "mass murderer" crap! The cases against me for Mordra, Hrykos and Mordru are all dead legal issues! I've been exonerated of ALL charges! Those cases are all CLOSED and cannot be reopened!

As for Clive...yes, I did kill him. And Cobalt killed me over a year ago. But he and I now know that we were being controlled by Phineas when we committed those acts! We bear NO responsibility! And after we hand Phineas' ass to him, we'll have him TELL you!

Now--we've got a friggin' EVIL BASTARD to take down, and I'm now the LMB's leader! Now, LET'S GET TO WORK!!!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Originally posted by Caliente:
Looks like I'm pretty late to this party, though...

Of course not. It's never too late when the beer's still cold.

Ranger - of course the Security Office doesn't have any files on this, The Phineas Incident happened several years BEFORE LegionWorld even existed. In fact there are only a few of us hard-to-reboot types that even remember it, but I can tell you it was real. I don't know anything but what the archives say about Dark Stu but if B.Fuddle is loose as himself we have real problems.

In fact - and this goes for everybody - be alert for things that are outside continuity, items, objects, people, anything that doesn't belong in this time or this universe. Report 'em they may be important clues. Fuddle's machinations could mean that anybody, anyplace, anything could be altered in ways we don't even recognize so speak out if something's funny.

[ March 22, 2009, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<as others argue, Cobalt reflects on what Gladys said to him>

She is that we've got some time during this gathering, its long overdue that I heal the other Security Officers. I regret they were injured, but I specifically told them all when I hired them that they would be called upon to make great sacrifices for the security of Legion World.

<sees Lardy arguing with Space Ranger, Jailbait Lass staring daggers at Space Tart>

Maybe its a good time to get this accomplished...

<flies off suddenly at top speed to Medicus Two without an explanation to anyone of where he's going>

*Flies off to Medicus Two*

[ March 23, 2009, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Jailbait Lass on :
<watches Cobie fly off>

Hm...Cobie's left and without a word. Something tells me this could be important. And I want to talk to him before Space Tart does...or Crujectra...

<flies off but towards the Security Office>
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Originally posted by LardLad:
<to Ranger>
Look, "Bart" need to cut out this "mass murderer" crap! The cases against me for Mordra, Hrykos and Mordru are all dead legal issues! I've been exonerated of ALL charges! Those cases are all CLOSED and cannot be reopened!

Isn't that just lucky for you that those cases are dead legal issues. How many people died in the war you pretty much highhandedly started?

Originally posted by LardLad:
<to Ranger>
As for Clive...yes, I did kill him. And Cobalt killed me over a year ago. But he and I now know that we were being controlled by Phineas when we committed those acts! We bear NO responsibility! And after we hand Phineas' ass to him, we'll have him TELL you!

You seem to be pretty much alive to me... In fact you've got at least two lives that I know of... How many "Lard Lad's" are there anyway?

And I'm going to need a bit more than I'm innocent and Phineas B Fuddle is guilty because Cobie and I said so... Show me some hard PROOF of his guilt!

Originally posted by LardLad:
<to Ranger>
Now--we've got a friggin' EVIL BASTARD to take down, and I'm now the LMB's leader! Now, LET'S GET TO WORK!!!

You might be the LMBP's Leader but the Security Office is completely independent. Cobalt and I set it up that way knowing that someday the LMBP might make a huge mistake in who they elect leader...

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Now don't let your glass jaw get your hummingbird ass into a situation it can't handle!)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
*An exhausted but eager Cobalt Kid returns from a secret mission*

More and more LMBers are arriving...good. We need to be united now. No Security Office, no RMB, just one united LMB.

<smacks Poverty Lad on the back>

Even the crazy's are coming out, eh?

<keeps walking and joins Lardy>

I've been getting updates on whats been going on here, Lardy. Don't worry too much about what the Ranger is saying. We'll have all the proof we need--once we find Exnihil. Whatever he's going through, everything he knows--it'll exonerate you for all the crimes you're accused of. So long as Ex is lets hope for Mort's sake that he is.

The one real crime committed was me freeing you from the Security Office. But as longtime Chief of Security, the tough judgement calls have always been mine to make.

<looks to see whose listening in; then, comfortable with those that are, speaks more quietly to Lardy>

I've found something of grave importance old friend. You're not going to believe this...but Exnihil has been leaving me clues all over Legion World for weeks--maybe even months! I know how weird that sounds, so hold on before you respond. I believe he's traveling backwards through time.

He left me information--which I've now destroyed. But now before I memorized what he said. I think he's given me the secrets to what Phineas B. Fuddle has planned!
Posted by LardLad on :
Crap on a stick! Uh...<quiets his voice down> I take it you're reluctant to share it with everyone yet? Is it because roll call isn't complete...or is there someone here you don't trust?
Posted by Triple G on :
Brobdignagion Bob and his cohort of colorful hench-persons extraordonaire, standing by and ready to stomp boo-tay.

Now, if the Clubhouse is ok for this little(?) gathering I can have the Red Chef send over something to gnosh on. Super-heroing is hungry work.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<aside to Lardy>

That's exactly it Lardy. Ex left me two things. But most important is that it appears there is still one LMBer in Phineas' employ. But who? I thought we had cleared us all out by now--with Ex being controlled by Traveler, and Gary Concord having made the ultimate sacrifice for our side, and even Tomahawk's apparent demise, it would seem that was every suspect.


<eyes Lard Lad Prime>
Posted by LardLad on :
...yeah. <looks at Prime, as well>

I must say, though, I'm flattered that you haven't been thrown by his appearance as many of the others have! Only you and Rocky have remained unswerving. But...<hushes voice even more> can you be so sure he's the fake and I'm not? Even I've had my doubts! There's so much about my resurrection I don't understand, Des--and he does bear the scars I had when I died...and inexplicably came back without!

Can I...can me? What if I'm a sleeper or something?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You're not, Lardy. Don't ask me how I know, I just know. Its 10 years of instinct. From being an LMBer, from being Chief of Security and from being your friend.

Having you around like old times...well, its keeping me upbeat. Because times are tough right now. We've been suspicious of each other, divided and on the defensive for months. Some of us have been sent elsewhere and possibly died. And you and I are in major trouble with the law. Not to mention my personal life has taken a turn for the worse the likes of which haven't been seen in years. But I can feel the tide happened when Concord showed he was heroic after all. That changed things...its shifting back in our favor, even though I fear the worst is yet to come.

You're you--and that gives me trust that we'll make it through this. Otherwise who knows what I'd be doing right now (and what the consequences would be...)
Posted by LardLad on :
I hope I find out what the deal was that brought me back from the dead, Des. It's the not-knowing that's feeding all this self-doubt I'm having. I think Dru had something to do with it...but there's more to it, I'm sure.

Well, pal, you're faith is good enough for me! (I can't begin to describe how awesome that feels!)

So...<looks around>...what do we do next? And do you have any idea who this other Lardy is?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I don't have the faintest clue. Everything tells me I should know, but I've just been so focused on solving this Phineas dilemna...

I've literally been fighting against him for over a year, whether I realized who he was or not. I'm so glad its almost all coming to an end. Retiring from the Security Office, leaving the was all a public front while I figured it out. Good ol' Mayavale gave me that advice.

But that is why I'm reluctant to reveal Phineas plans just yet. Though perhaps the time for secrets is over. We need to be ready to move, and soon...
Posted by Sir Roy on :
<stands with Lard Lad Prime>

You seem unusually quiet, Lard Lad. I can tell thou art anxious, but we must wait until the forces have gathered. Yellow Kid is doing a good job, and tis best we await Space Ranger's return.

Notice the return of Lash Lad and Caliente, two much beloved and strong members of the LMB. They shall be extremely useful in the upcoming struggles.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<rubs brige of nose>

That's odd...I just had the oddest feeling. As if someone just... stepped over my grave or something. Weird, eh?

Anyway, as I said, things are rough, but hey, are personal lives seem to be on the upswing these days, and I can't remember the last time that happened for us both at the same time!

So about Phineas plans, Lardy...
Posted by Lard Lad Prime on :
<to Roy> I've been keeping an eye on Cobalt and the imposter, Roy. It is clear that Cobalt believes that one is truly his friend and that I am the one not to be trusted. All of the wayward, suspicious glances the two cast my way--and the others, too. Clearly, they recognize the imposter as their newly-elected leader. Why can no one see that he will bring about our ruin? Why must they reject all the glaring evidence against him?

<motions toward Space Ranger> Even the Ranger is backing off on him! He was my best hope to protect us, and now, he's backed off because of a woman's admonishment!

<looks back at Roy> Roy, you and I must keep an eye on the imposter and his dupe Cobalt. I've foreseen that the feaux Lard Lad will turn against them all! We must be vigilant!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
My agents back at HQ have been scouring the 'the google' for useful information and the first 6 pages show absolutely NO Phineas B. Fuddle message boards anywhere.


Some old reviews.

A few entries mentioning "merchandise".

And one ancient Jules Verne message board where there's a brief 30 post discussion about PBF that ended waaaaayyy back when in the year double-0.

This guy is here to stay. He has nowhere else to go and that makes him very ..very ..dangerous.

Also he's a time traveler, it's his shtick.
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad Prime:
<to Roy> I've been keeping an eye on Cobalt and the imposter, Roy. It is clear that Cobalt believes that one is truly his friend and that I am the one not to be trusted. All of the wayward, suspicious glances the two cast my way--and the others, too. Clearly, they recognize the imposter as their newly-elected leader. Why can no one see that he will bring about our ruin? Why must they reject all the glaring evidence against him?

<motions toward Space Ranger> Even the Ranger is backing off on him! He was my best hope to protect us, and now, he's backed off because of a woman's admonishment!

<looks back at Roy> Roy, you and I must keep an eye on the imposter and his dupe Cobalt. I've foreseen that the feaux Lard Lad will turn against them all! We must be vigilant!

<Walks over to LLP and Sir Roy>

My hearing is very acute Lardy, so I'd like to correct something you seem to believe.

During our time in the Banned'em Zone there was only one individual who couldn't put his personal issues aside and work together with the others for the good of Legion World.

<Jabs a finger into LLP's Chest> YOU!

Now we face the same type situation...

This time you better throw down with the enemy when the time comes, instead of attacking someone on our side...

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(When you have super-hearing, people can't talk behind your back)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
(Hm, the Ranger seems to be calling out Lard Lad Prime. I think he's got the right idea...we need to get this all out in the open now so we can focus on Phineas. I need to reveal his plans, but if Lard Lad Prime is finally about to reveal himself...)
Posted by LardLad on :
Man, Des...<motions toward LLP>...he seems to be geeting more fidgety by the moment, like he's seething. He's getting closer to...something...and I don't think we're gonna like it very much when he gets there!
Posted by Lard Lad Prime on :
Originally posted by Space Ranger:
<Walks over to LLP and Sir Roy>

My hearing is very acute Lardy, so I'd like to correct something you seem to believe.

During our time in the Banned'em Zone there was only one individual who couldn't put his personal issues aside and work together with the others for the good of Legion World.

<Jabs a finger into LLP's Chest> YOU!

Now we face the same type situation...

This time you better throw down with the enemy when the time comes, instead of attacking someone on our side...

<as Ranger walks away, LLP thinks> How DARE he?!?! Who does that insignificant maggot think he IS?!?! Does he know not who I am? I am--! Wh-what was I going to say? Not sure...but it wasn't going to be "Lard Lad".....

[ March 25, 2009, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: Lard Lad Prime ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<motions his head very obviously towards Lard Lad Prime, almost as if he's inciting LLP's anger on purpose>

I think you're right. This volcano is about to blow...
Posted by Lard Lad Prime on :
<notices gesture, storms up to Cobalt> WHAT?!?! Have you got something to say to ME?!?!?

<shoves his shoulder> Say it to ME--like a man!!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<feels burning feeling with Lard Lad Prime's touch>

Easy "pal"! Seems like you're the one with a lot to say!

Look, whoever you are, you're confused, and you're unsure, its obvious. We can help you. Obviously, you're not Lard Lad, but there must be a reason why you're stuck this way.

<puts hand on Lard Lad Prime's shoulder, knowing the reaction likely will be volatile>

Let me help you. You can trust me--I'm the legendary hero Cobalt Kid [Wink]
Posted by Lard Lad Prime on :
I AM Lard Lad you sprocking IDIOT!!! YOU are supposed to be my best friend!!! Instead...<looks at Lardy with burning purple eyes> stand by HIM!!!

<grabs the fabric on either side of the neck of Cobalt's costume and lifts him up in the air> WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU!!! HOW COULD YOU HAVE LEFT ME TO BE TORTURED BY THE ANTI-MODERATOR ALL THOSE YEARS!!!! How...could...what?

<drops Cobalt>

Wha-what in the I talking about?

<grabs his temples as they begin to throb>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<eyes Lardy, Space Ranger and everyone else and waves them off to let them know he's okay and in control>

That's it...let the information process...don't run from it...

You are not Lard Lad. But you're angry, and you've been missing for a long time. Anti-Moderator, you say?

<gets closer to Lard Lad Prime once more>

What have you forgotten? In the immortal words of the real Lard Lad: Who Are You?
Posted by Lard Lad Prime on :
<massaging his temples, as if to milk them of memory> I...I died. Not once, but twice. I died in the fusion powersphere...came back...and some time later--I died again...but I didn't.'s all so confusing.....
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Keep going...its starting to come back to've died twice you say. When was the second time...?
Posted by Lard Lad Prime on :
...something about 'spoiled lettuce'? No, no Entropy Spinach! I..I gave my life to take out the Entropy Spinach, yes. Did it place of a friend...a pet?

<thinks> But...didn't die...was thrown into...into pocket universe? Yes...was comatose. That's when...that's when Anti-Moderator found me.....<shivers>
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Could Lardy be a Carggite?

What if this is just a distraction engineered by Fuddle?

Bob! Take the Orange Agents and set up a perimeter and a teleport scrambler. Get some transport out there too. I get the feeling that once things start poppin' we're going to be pretty busy and I don't want anybody to have to drop whoever they're punching to take an injured Legionnaire to Medicus.
Make sure there are a few extra bikes please, not everybody can fly.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The Anti-Moderator is long dead, friend. That means you've been lost all these years...?

But--entropy spinach?

Posted by Lard Lad Prime on : Anti-Moderator reincarnated! Don't you remember? It happened not long before Legion World...was...des-destroyed? <looks around, haunted> What? How can this be here? It was gone...without even a trace? When did it--?

Arrgh! My head!!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<stumbles backwards>

Who...? Who are you...?

<eyes Lard Lad Prime quite differently now>

Are you even of this world...or this time?
Posted by Lard Lad Prime on :
I...I'm YOU!!! <points at Lard Lad> And you're ME!

<looks around> This has all happened before--and will happen again!!!

<looks at all the people encircling him> So many of you in this room will die! <his gaze lingers on certain of them> And all of THIS...<raises both arms up>...will be GONE--sooner then you think! The LMB will be no more...for nearly five years! And when it comes back, it's not enough! You will need...ME! Only I can bring order to a universe gone chaotic!

<smiles madly> You will ALL bow to me! And whoever doesn't will die by my hand! By the hand of Lard Lad! I will reign over the universe and you will call me by a different name, a name that will instill fear throughout the cosmos!!!

<laughs in a manner that unsettles all and chills them to the bone>
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I don't think I like those choices. So lets add a few new ones...

<Abin is above Lard Lad Prime facing him from one point in a triangle, the other two points are Pagan Lass and Space Ranger. All three are ready for action...>

Your Call Cobie; You want him taken down?
Posted by LardLad on :
Shit! <to LLP> Calm down, man! Easy! You're NOT me! Legion World is right here, right now! maybe you're A Lard Lad, but you're in the wrong universe or something....

<holds out his hand> We can get you...
Posted by Lard Lad Prime on :
", man!" <LLP completes>

Was I ever actually that stupid?!?! I suppose I was! I remember trying that stupid gesture when I was you! I also remember how much THIS stung! <blasts Lardy into the wall>

Fools! All of you are FOOLS! And I will suffer your company no longer! The cloud on my memory has been lifted, and I have an appointment...with Phines B. Fuddle!!!

<grins as he sees Abin, Pagan and ranger closing in> I learn a LOT of new tricks in the years to come! <creates a Lard Forceshield and expands it suddenly, violently outward and stuns them>

It's time to rewrite history so that my reign may take place years earlier than it would have! The Reign of the...


<shrieks with laughter, then bursts out of the ceiling to the meeting hall>
Posted by Pagan Lass on :
<Pagan Looks down at Cobalt and makes a small gesture. Suddenly he can hear her clearly, despite the distance between them>

There have been a series of time disturbances across Legion World Something major has been altered in the time stream. I have no idea what it was but It affects You and Brit personally more than any other LMBPers...

Shakes, The Security Office, and the Tobbaconist Shop have all had time disturbances, there may have been other locations but I haven't seen them yet...

We need to end this and talk...

<Dark Lard's force field knocks her out of his way...>
Posted by Abin Quank on :


<Flies to Pagan Lass's side>
Posted by LardLad on :
Posted by Space Ranger on :
<Lands next to Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid>

Okay... I have to admit I didn't see that coming... Maybe I was wrong about a few things...

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(But not everything...)
Posted by LardLad on :
Shit! He..he's GOT to be some otherdimensional dupe, right? Like Lard Lord was? There-there's just NO SPROCKIN' WAY I'm gonna turn out like THAT!!!

<shakes his head> We've gotta stop that sunnuvabitch, guys! Phineas...and now some evil dupe of me? We can't waste any more time! <looks around> Hmmm...almost everybody's here...just a few stragglers missing...

Des, where the hell's Lolita?

<Cobalt and the others react with a total lack of comprehension>

Huh? Are there other Lolitas I don't know about?!?! You know: 'Jailbait Lass'?
Posted by Pagan Lass on :
Who is this... Jailbait Lass?

And more importantly who are her friends...
Posted by LardLad on :
We're her friends! Especially him! <points to Cobalt> None of you remember her?

<realization dawns> Crap on a stick! Phineas has wiped her out! <thinks> So why do I remember her?!?!
Posted by Pagan Lass on :
Hmmm... She was close to Cobalt?

Was she close to anyone else?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Cobalt takes it all in, all the while ducking from Dark Lard's attacks>

Lardy--wha--? Jailbait Lass? Never heard of her! We don't have time for this nonsense! Everybody move!

<flies down and scopes up Lash and Caliente to protect them from attack>

Pagan, I read you loud and clear. It would make sense with everything Phineas has done this far. He must have somehow caused this Dark Lard character to come backwards in time.

<looks at Lardy and sees his friend visibly shaken, much like he was prior to this entire saga beginning>

Lardy, you've got snap out of it! There's no way this guy could be you. It must be some alternate future!

<despite saying this, Cobalt Kid recalls some other events that once predicted a dark future; he also recalls his old assistant dealing with such things; what was her name? And why suddenly forgetting her?>

...jailbait lass...?

<a sudden yearning hits him; an emptiness>

No, gotta shake that off...Pagan, Brit and I are the most likely to be affected by this? Who knows what else he might bring forwards or backwards in time? Judging by this Dark Lard character, Phineas just brought forth someone of equal power to even him!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<at this point, Dark Lard has left>

<turns to Space Ranger>

Told you something was wrong with that guy! You've got to start trusting me again, Ranger. I know I probably screwed up when I ripped apart the Security Office. But it was always you who kept me in line. Now you're back--and I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong but I need you to trust me like the old days...
Posted by LardLad on :
<thinking> Damn! They really don't remember her! If Lolita never existed, there's no telling what the repercussions to the timeline might be! If I remember her though, for whatever reason, there's still hope!

<interrupts Cobalt and Ranger> Des, you're right...we've got work to do,'ve gotta continue to trust me, here. Trust me when I tell you that the timeline has changed! I don't know why, but I can apparently remember things about the true timeline that maybe no one else can. And something VERY important to you is amiss!

<to everyone> The traitor is flushed out--Des, tell us everything you've got, so we can get Phineas and this "Dark Lard" before he achieves his goal!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Okay, you’re right. The time for secrets has passed and its time to lay it all on the table. When I was healing the injured security officers at Medicus Two, I took the time to meditate and see if I could come up with some answers as to why my healing powers were not working on myself. And in doing so, I recovered some memories of when I was comatose. Apparently, Exnihil has been leaving me clues across Legion World—and throughout the last several weeks, if not months!

With Phineas now active on Legion World, he’s using his control over the forces of time and space—which are naturally strong on Legion World for whatever reason. Exnihil is still under his control, captured as his pawn. The good news is Ex is alive. The bad news is, he’s traveling through time, serving Phineas in various ways. So everything we can do to stop him has already happened and we were unsuccessful. But in doing so, he left me these various clues, which took me to the Security Office hours ago, where I uncovered his note for me.

<at this, Cobalt pauses, remembering that something very personal and emotional occurred at the Security Office, but the memory simply isn’t there; he must be overtired>

At 12 key places across Legion World there are buried old timepieces. Each one is a fragment of Phineas B. Fuddle's Universal Orrery... a type a clockwork engine in orbit above Legion World. Even now the Orrery exists, though it is impossible to see by normal eyes. When all 12 timepieces are activated, Phineas' plan will go into full effect. He intends to roll back time itself on Legion World, effectively regressing it back to its birth and, by doing so, recreate it in his own image. And from what we are seeing on Legion World, apparently he is begun to do this.

So far, Ex has captured a large amount of the 12 timepieces, but its impossible to say how many. As I said, all of this occurred in the past.

He’s likely been able to bring forth a future version of Lard Lad to do his bidding—and who knows what other damage to the time stream?

Exnihil’s other advice was that a traitor was in our midst. And apparently that was the Dark Lard. So now that leaves only us, the LMBP. And with Phineas’ plans laid out on the table.

We’ve been divided, turned against one another and harboring secrets and animosity for many months. We’ve been tricked, beaten and hurt. But here we are…all of us once more by each other’s sides. I think its time we came together once again. We need to find his Orrery, and we need to find what parts of the timestream he has changed. How we’ll do that, I haven’t the faintest clue, but we will. So long as we all stand together.
Posted by LardLad on :
Look, guys...I've been elected leader, and I know some of you have issues with that. <eyes Ranger> But the time for division is over! When this is finished, when we've finished doing what it is we do best, Des and I will answer whatever charges need to be answered for. But it won't mean a hill of beans if there's no Legion World or LMB to defend! Let's find Phineas and this "Dark Lard" and kick their asses!

<looks around> Agreed?

<looks toward Abin> Right now, your ring's our best bet. I need you to follow whatever trace that Dark Lard left and do some recon. If you need to, take someone with you and report back ASAP. Sound cool?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Well, leader...I'm ready to follow. It was an honor the first time, all those years ago...and its an honor again.
Posted by LardLad on :
Thanks, Des. Excuse me a moment...

Originally posted by Pagan Lass:
Hmmm... She was close to Cobalt?

Was she close to anyone else?

...sorry, got caught up in the moment. Pagan, Jailbait Lass was very important to the Security Office as a whole...and she was very close, particularly to My and Britney. I...don't really know you very well, but it's possible she was important to you as well. We've got to bring her back somehow. Any ideas?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I don't know if it's an honor... but if you want to know where that "Dark Lard" character is...





Okay Leader Man, what do you make of that?
Posted by Pagan Lass on :
Originally posted by LardLad:
Thanks, Des. Excuse me a moment...

Originally posted by Pagan Lass:
Hmmm... She was close to Cobalt?

Was she close to anyone else?

...sorry, got caught up in the moment. Pagan, Jailbait Lass was very important to the Security Office as a whole...and she was very close, particularly to My and Britney. I...don't really know you very well, but it's possible she was important to you as well. We've got to bring her back somehow. Any ideas?
Cobalt, Britney, and My... Interesting...

Cobie are you up for a seance?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
HQ is useless here, anything that's been changed will be in the records just as if it's always been that way.

Only a very few of us can time travel and of those I think I'm the only one who can carry passengers so I guess it's up to me once we identify the Fuddle's entry point into LW's time line.

Pick the team to go and I'll be transport on this once we have our coordinates.

Bob! What happened?
Posted by Triple G on :
Got me. Something blew through the teleport scrambler like it wasn't even there. Sensors indicate a Lard Force surge. Looks like we have to recalibrate the tech for this thing, right now it's worthless.
By the way, transport's here.

Jim-MEY! Over here boy, you stick with me like white on rice, you did a great job in the Tesseract so you get to be my sidekick for the rest of this issue. Take down the scrambler,call Blue and bring me some hardware and the special ops team. This one could get rough.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Pagan, you know I hate magic...but if you think its important and absolutely necessary, I can help with this seance.

Still, I feel I should be helping your husband more than anything.
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Okay Leader Man, what do you make of that?

Can we get more intel? Part of me wants to charage in like nobody's business, but my (considerable) gut tells me swooping in and kicking him in the face won't be good enough. I was thinking some in-person recon involving you and some of the sneakier LMBers. I want to know as much about this "Orrery" as we can before we go in.

Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
HQ is useless here, anything that's been changed will be in the records just as if it's always been that way.

Only a very few of us can time travel and of those I think I'm the only one who can carry passengers so I guess it's up to me once we identify the Fuddle's entry point into LW's time line.

Pick the team to go and I'll be transport on this once we have our coordinates.

YK, that's part of the key here, I think. Finding out exactly what points in time have been corrupted. <to Pagan> You've sensed some of the disturbances. Perhaps you and YK can figure some of this out together?

Also...Gladys and My--where's My? I'm thinking those two can get the historical and personnel records together. If I can spot anomalies like I did with Lolita, perhaps I can spot more and figure out what else has changed, so we'll know what needs fixing.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'll work with Pagan on this too Lardy. She says I'm connected to whatever it is she's sensing and she's our magical expert.

<pats him on the back>

Good luck.
Posted by LardLad on :
Thanks, man...<smiles>

<thinks, as Cobalt walks away> Gods...leader! I guess it's as constructive a thing to throw myself into after what I saw today....

Gladys! Where are those sprockin' files? And where's fairy-My? Who said gettin' turned into one of Brit's little widgets was an excuse for her to start slouchin'?

Hopefully, they'll be mad enough at me throwin' my weight around to stay focused on the job at hand! We'll need that focus!

<smiles ruefully>
Posted by LardLad on :
<sudden flash of insight> D'oh! Somebody find Time Teller Lad and get him with Pagan, YK and Cobalt! His skills are perfect for what they're investigating!
Posted by Triple G on :
Ok Leader man, There's a high speed, staffed and outfitted Medical transport sitting outside ready to bounce on a nano-second's notice, seven of my moderately armed and heavily armored Agents are guarding the perimeter, I got my Jimmy (smiles at the trim but awesomely muscled red head dressed in Orange Armor standing beside him), two Corvettes and three high-speed floater bikes fueled and ready to ride. (hey, don't knock it, the bikes are fun)

Yellow's carbo loading for an intense energetic time breach and we just brought him a freshly loaded equipment belt -Blue had this utterly fabulous nano-bot idea I'm dying to try out.

All that and if you don't hurry up with a plan I'm going to order take-out again...
wait a minute..take-out, the Security Office and ..umm..jail bait..why "jailbait"?..why does that ring a bell?


(reaching into his pouch 3G removes an oriental take-out dinner menu and stares at it for a moment)

Cobalt! Where's that underager in the striped mini-dress?
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Triple G:
Ok Leader man, There's a high speed, staffed and outfitted Medical transport sitting outside ready to bounce on a nano-second's notice, seven of my moderately armed and heavily armored Agents are guarding the perimeter, I got my Jimmy (smiles at the trim but awesomely muscled red head dressed in Orange Armor standing beside him), two Corvettes and three high-speed floater bikes fueled and ready to ride. (hey, don't knock it, the bikes are fun)

Yellow's carbo loading for an intense energetic time breach and we just brought him a freshly loaded equipment belt -Blue had this utterly fabulous nano-bot idea I'm dying to try out.

Good, 3G! That's another thing you've reminded me of--we're sittin' ducks here should Phineas and Dark Lard decide to attack, so that's a good start!

Ranger, we may need a more secure location or better defenses in place for this one. You're probably already on this one, but just in case...

<in the melee, Lardy doesn't hear 3G's reference to Lolita>
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Big Bob's one of the best organizer's I've ever worked with.

Lardy, over here.

[YK pauses a moment working to overcome his natural tendency to keep secrets.]
Did you know that several of the Legionnaires personal quarters survived the Primary Color Gang's attack five years ago? The building is an empty lot now but the underground quarters and some other rooms are intact..including that damned bathroom that never worked right. Costs me a small fortune in plumbing fees to keep that booger open.
From the rubble of the clubhouse...
I think we can use it for a safe haven as long as we keep it on the quiet.

Keep this between us for the moment. When you can, you might want to sneak off to your old basement workshop, it's exactly like you left it when the old Clubhouse crumbled.

[ March 25, 2009, 11:53 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
What do you think YK? Is there anyway we can tell how close Phineas is to completing his plan?
Posted by Sir Roy on :
Lard Lad, Abin Quank, I'd gladly help in the recon work needed for the Orrery. I'd like to be of some use, but am not in the possession of any of the various flying devices on Legion World. If there is some way I can assist, I'll gladly join you.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Wish I could Cobes. I can get HQ to start scanning for chronal energy devices if that will help but if they aren't activated I don't know if they'll register.

Another idea is to use a cloaked passive data collection device placed in orbit but it would have to be transported back to the beginning of LW in order to get what we want. One problem there is the number of times Legion World has had to deal with outsiders invading, any collection system would have to be hidden and protected from the past battles and upheavals that occur periodically here.

Hey Roy, I have an original Legion flight belt back at HQ..well it's not really original, I bought it online and I was told it was Cosmic Boys actual real original belt but it turned out to be a cheap does fly though..don't ask what I paid for it, you really don't want to know.
Posted by The Stoopid Cat on :
** Meow**

Why do humans always miss the obvious?

The tesseracts not only connect everywhere to everywhere else but they also connect now to then...

Posted by Pagan Lass on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Pagan, you know I hate magic...but if you think its important and absolutely necessary, I can help with this seance.

Still, I feel I should be helping your husband more than anything.

I'll need you and two others for this Cobalt, Rockhopper Lad and my Granddaughter. I know that you and her don't get along very well since she quit the Security Office after My Wee Fem was killed by the Riddler...

But something tells me that this is all wrong, that someone else...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Okay, I'll do it, but you know Brit and I have our differences of opinion. I'm sure Rocky will more than willing to help.

Then we can see what all this trouble is that has to do with Brit and I. And this 'Lass' Lardy was referring to.

Maybe these distrubances will explain this gnawing feeling in my stomach I've had. Like I should feel bad about something but can't figure out what.

Shall we convene somewhere particular?
Posted by Pagan Lass on :
The Rookery, after I see if Little Miss Sunshine will come out and play.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Good luck. I'll come with you, I guess.

<to Lardy, Ranger, and others>

Good luck fellas...catch you after we solve this little mystery...
Posted by Gladys The Sentient Disco Ball on :
Originally posted by LardLad:
...Also...Gladys and My--where's My? I'm thinking those two can get the historical and personnel records together. If I can spot anomalies like I did with Lolita, perhaps I can spot more and figure out what else has changed, so we'll know what needs fixing.

I've found the historical and personnel records you wanted, Gov. But I'm at a bit of a loss trying to figure out Your What?

Where's your what? If you'd like me to go and get something for you then it'd be a real help if you were to tell me what it is.

I hope it's small, and light, 'cuz I've got no hands y'see...
Posted by LardLad on :
Oh, shit--Gladys, I think you just helped me figure out another time anomaly. See if you can find a file for a young lady named "My Wee Fem", so I can see if she ever existed and what the point of divergence is...
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
Greetings fellow LMBers! What's this about a time anomaly?
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad:
Greetings fellow LMBers! What's this about a time anomaly?

Huh?!?! Who the sprock are you?!?!
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
Such language! Silly LardLad, it's me! Your friendly neighborhood naked mole rat.

Why just last week you and I shared a lovely meal of tubers and feces. How could you not know me?
Posted by Gladys The Sentient Disco Ball on :
Originally posted by LardLad:
Oh, shit--Gladys, I think you just helped me figure out another time anomaly. See if you can find a file for a young lady named "My Wee Fem", so I can see if she ever existed and what the point of divergence is...

Don't need no file for that Mr Lard sir. My was a personal friend she was. Up until the day she died we was best friends... Well not like her, Miss Quank, and Holly Honey but...

It's a terrible tragedy the way she died, ripped limb from limb by that 'orrible Enigma creature. Right in front of her friends too.

Poor Miss Quank never recovered from that, I tell you. Hung up her guns, quit the Security Office, and to this day can't be in the same room with Mr Cobalt without startin' a row with 'im...

And that poor Holly Honey Lass... why the less said about her the better...

[ March 26, 2009, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: Gladys The Sentient Disco Ball ]
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad:
Such language! Silly LardLad, it's me! Your friendly neighborhood naked mole rat.

Why just last week you and I shared a lovely meal of tubers and feces. How could you not know me?

Crap on a stick! I remember the original timeline but not the altered one! I wonder who's place this guy usurped in history?
Posted by Gladys The Sentient Disco Ball on :
Well I don't know anything about timelines but that Enigma creature was called the riddle master or something like that before he got mutilated into a big Frankenstein creatue by the Red Bee...
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Gladys The Sentient Disco Ball:
Don't need no file for that Mr Lard sir. My was a personal friend she was. Up until the day she died we was best friends... Well not like her Miss Quank and Holly Honey but...

It's a terrible tragedy the way she died, ripped limb from limb by that 'orrible Enigma creature. Right in front of her friends too.

Poor Miss Quank never recovered from that, I tell you. Hung up her guns, quit the Security Office, and to this day can't be in the same room with Mr Cobalt without startin' a row with 'im...

And that poor Holly Honey Lass... why the less said about her the better...

Damn! So My is dead in this timeline, and Brit is suffering from sever PSD! So, already, we're down Lolita, My, Brit and <shudders> whomever this mole rat thing replaced.

<goes over universal communicator> YK! Abin! Pagan! Lash! Whoever! Is there some way we can create a chronal force field or something to protect the LMBers on roll call from further manipulation? We need some defense against Phineas before it's too damn late!!!
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Gladys The Sentient Disco Ball:
Well I don't know anything about timelines but that Enigma creature was called the riddle master or something like that before he got mutilated into a big Frankenstein creatue by the Red Bee...

<listens> Hmmm...all this crap that happened while I was away from Legion World...<strains to remember things he learned soley from now non-existent security files>...Okay, so My was killed by...the Riddler! That's right--Lolita saved her...but since there's no Lolita, there was no one to save My...damn! We've gotta bring Lolita back somehow...question is: is Lolita wiped out of existence...or has she been altered somehow?
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
Originally posted by LardLad:
Originally posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad:
Such language! Silly LardLad, it's me! Your friendly neighborhood naked mole rat.

Why just last week you and I shared a lovely meal of tubers and feces. How could you not know me?

Crap on a stick! I remember the original timeline but not the altered one! I wonder who's place this guy usurped in history?
Oh my! You are so funny, Lard! I'm going to go visit some of my other friends. See you around!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Outside my abilities Lardy. I can travel through time and generate a small stasis field but that's the extent of it. I can use my power to affect time a little but that's a side effect not the power itself.

The cat has a good idea. I'll bet the tesseract system is too spacially complicated to be temporally vulnerable.
What do you think?
Should we adjourn to the tesseracts?

Don't leave Mole rat Lad, we might need your super digging ability before we're safely out of here. Remember the escape tunnel you dug in Avalon?
Posted by LardLad on :
You're right, YK--the Tessaract system may be our best bet! Can you get Triple G to get the word out? We've gotta stop the bleeding before we lose anybody else!
Posted by LardLad on :
What's that? I sense a temporal disturbance or a divergence. That Mole's him, but it's like he's with someone else who's also one. Maybe I should investi--!
Posted by DARK LARD on :
<Lardy's train of thought is interrupted by a loud noise>

I'm baaa-aaack!!!

<DARK LARD starts blasting away with powerful green beams>
Posted by LardLad on :
Shit! YK--get everyone to safety! I'll hold him back! <erects Lardforce barrier between DARK LARD and the other LMBers>

You're not hurting any of them on my watch, @#$%er!!!
Posted by DARK LARD on :
<grins evilly> That's okay--they can wait! Especially because it's YOU I'm here to murder to prevent you from @#$%ing up the plans of my partner and me! <fires unbelievably powerful green energy beam at Lardy>
Posted by LardLad on :
<'ports out of beams way & reappera behind DL>

<boxes DL's ears, a favorite move of his>

<DL reels in pain momentarily>

You ARE crazy! You claim to be future-me, so how does killing past-you make any freaking sense?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Stretching his arms high and wide a glow of power surrounds YK. The formerly still air begins moving, picking up speed.

"Close In! We're out of here!"

The winds are now moving at cyclonic speeds the roar of high speed wind drowns out all other sound and the field begins to shrink around the gathered group of heroes, glowing ever brighter. In a FLASH of light and power the assembled figures disappear.

Inside the Tesseract Syatem
Posted by DARK LARD on :
Oh, it makes perfect sense if you have a partner who can bend time to his will! The appeal is endless to me as I won't have to go through all the angst to come in your that never-consummated heartache you had over Ro--oh, nevermind! Pointless to dwell on things that will never happen!

<manifests three green light duplicates of himself & all four surround Lardy>

Time to end your pointless existence!

<all four fire on Lardy>
Posted by LardLad on :
<throws up a force shield>

Huh? It's holding? This shouldn't be enough--

<sees YK teleporting everyone else out from the corner of his eye>

Good, they're safe! Should I 'port out to the Tesseract system with them--or see if I can take this loser out?

<grins> Yeah!

<expands forceshield out, knocking the four DLs back--the three dupes fade out>
Posted by DARK LARD on :
What the--?!?! That should have DESTROYED you! That was the power of one hundred Quanks!

<tries blasting him again>
Posted by LardLad on :
<blast fizzles as it reaches Lardy, this time with no shield up>

Dunno, D.L....maybe I'm just invulnerable to your bullshit! <laughs>

What the hell? Well, he obviously didn't have those powers earlier...maybe he's been chronally power-enhanced by Phineas somehow--and maybe I'm just as invulnerable to those enhancements as I am to Phineas' alterations! Sweet Ass Sweet!

<blasts DARK LARD with some Lard Force>
Posted by DARK LARD on :

<force of blast knocks DL into wall, which collapses>

Unh! Well, it's obvious these won't help me against him! <discards Green Lantern enhancements> But I won't be undone by one who is a comparative novice in his mastery of the Lard Force!

<blasts Lardy with a Lard Force beam so fast, Lardy can't hope to avoid it or deflect it>
Posted by Triple G on :
Outside the Agents load equipment aboard the transport and prepare to move out. 3G's bike roars to life and with a wave to his guys he streaks away headed for the remains of the old clubhouse.
Posted by LardLad on :
<blast his Lardy like a of bricks...only harder>

Shiiit!! Ungh--seems I've lost my advantage...time for the better part of valor, dammit...>

<'ports to Tesseracts just before a potentially lethal Lard Force beam arrives>
Posted by DARK LARD on :
Unable to sense where Lardy has 'ported, DL returns to the Orrery in frustration>
Posted by Ghost Girl on :
Odd... how one so attuned to All That Is Lard must battle another of his own kind...

But this is not my fight.

Does this Child of Yellow have the answers I need, as I hoped?

No, he is but a warrior who cannot see behind his war.

where shall i go next? There is so little time...

<fades away>
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
The Shadow Seed-

Inside the depths of Legion World a thought formed. It thought itself into existence with no form and substance was as yet inconceivable.

In the Banned'em Zone An indefinable sub-sentient force directed by a malevolent entity plucked a form from the mind of a hero and created a solid image, created life. That entity named itself and joined the battle fulfilling it's purpose.

Unknown to the malevolent entity the newly created life was an image of one very strong willed and fanatically disciplined warrior. It refused the direction of the entity and assumed the life and identity it remembered. Blackout had been reborn in the heat of a titanic battle for the life of the world, a weapon forged in the eternal struggle between good and evil.

The Shadow is a force that lives in the hearts and souls of the Mallors and it was no different here. Ard ti Mallor, past Commander of the Talokian Planetary Defense Force is a master of the forms of Shadow combat but newly returned to life he discovered a deeper understanding than he had ever known. He was no longer simply a master of Shadow he was now a creature of shadow, a shade that could choose substance and density. He no longer used the power he was the power.

Still, the power called to him. A sound, a feeling, a yearning deep in his soul drew him to a place. A place where the Shadows waited.

An insubstantial patch of darkness slid across the floor and out the door.
Posted by Ghost Girl on :
This Yellow Kid gleans much... but still not enough.

The game unfolds once more...
Posted by MetroMicro-Man on :
"Where is everybody? Princess Crusader? Whiplash? Kid Chrome?"

He looks around at the battered room where the LMB had recently gathered leaps into the air and shrinks out of sight.

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