This is topic 27 Signs that LMB Members Have Lost Touch with Reality in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Fat Cramer on :
1. Despite financial trouble, refuse to sell invisible corporate jet.

2. Contact Architectural Digest to do cover article on old Security Office.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
3. Inertron plated toilets
Posted by Lad Boy on :
4. Still partying like it's 2999.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
8. Can no longer count correctly.
Posted by SharkLad on :
5. Throw their underwear out after one use
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
6. Look forward to the next Keanu Reeves movie.
Posted by Exnihil on :
7. Keep meaning to send a Christmas card to Reality... but it's been four years now and it would just be a bit awkward.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
9. Reality hasn't even sent a postcard to US!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
10. Encourage Reality to stop lurking and start posting.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
11. Remain unaware that Stealth is an alt-ID of Reality.
Posted by Pov on :
12. I drink real tea with breakfast.

Get it?


Get it?

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
13. Jeepers! Everyone's losing touch with Realty now that housing bubble has collapsed!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
14. When they realize they've also lost smell with reality too!
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
15. When they sit around waiting for Reality to call.
Posted by LardLad on :
16. The desire of some of their number to remain blissfully ignorant about ocelots.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
17. Begin worshiping molybdenum.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
18. Looks for Reality on Facebook.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
19. They've lost the true meaning of Repeal Day (December 5th)
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :

Ohh, crap Quis, don't do that to me!
Posted by Lad Boy on :
21. Space cruiser still has Kerry/Edwards sticker on the starboard nacelle.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
22. Expect DC "continuity" to make complete sense.
Posted by Set on :
23. Has the surreal notion that LMB members ever had touch with reality in the first place.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
24. EDE and Cobie make FC choose between the two of them:

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
25. EDE and FC make Cobie choose between the two of them.
Posted by cleome on :
26. Spends entire Unemployment check on one issue of "three worlds."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
25. EDE and FC make Cobie choose between the two of them.

Those who know me realize that I DEMAND THEM BOTH
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
27. The fact that this wasn't 101 reasons.
Posted by cleome on :
28. Uses random LMB people as references on job apps. Gives best confused look when employers ask, "Can you list anyone who'd actually provide us with a phone number ?"
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
29. Totally ignore the numeric limitations of "27 Signs that LMB Members Have Lost Touch with Reality."
Posted by cleome on :
30. Obey voices in head that say "he means '27 signs per person... Trust us...'"
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
31. Get into debate with mods over whether this thread should be locked or moved to Spaceopoly.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
32. Get into debate with the voices in my head over whether this thread should be locked or moved to Spaceopoly.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
33. Write to United Planets to petition to keep thread open, but don't use sufficient postage.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
34. Asks He Who Wanders "What thread?"
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
35. HWW answers.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
36. Prepares cruiser for vacation to Second Life.
Posted by cleome on :
37. Sniggers at suggestive use of the word "cruiser."
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
38. EVERYTHING seems to have a suggestive meaning to one person or another.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
39. LMB members fail to find a suggestive meaning in any post.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
40. Seek approval of Comics Code Authority for this thread.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
41. Disapproves of any authority not founded by Jenny Sparks.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
42. Thinks all people name Jenny should have phone number 867-5309.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
43. Is such a geek, resents that post #42 had nothing to do with Douglas Adams.
Posted by cleome on :
44. Resents only being a camp-follower of the original resentful commenter.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
45. Frequently uses Wikipedia as the be-all, end-all source for truth in the universe.
Posted by MLLASH on :
46. Taking summer off work in favor of being Legion World Goodwill Ambassador and Facebook junkie.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
47. Envies him. ^^
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
48. Greenland
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
49. Blueland, Indigoland and Mauveland
Posted by cleome on :
50. Sewing Legion costumes for everyone's pets.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
51. Pics of Hyvvie in a Cosmic Bustier and Pickles in a Saturn Bikini.
Posted by Dev Em on :
52. Cobie posts from a bar bathroom.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by cleome:
50. Sewing Legion costumes for everyone's pets.

Although, a Projectra costume for your pet snake is perfectly fine.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
and a Blok costume for your pet rock.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
53. Revives a long dead thread.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
54. Considered calling into work to up my post count
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
55. And did so.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
56. Names a wooden bird Tizzles and talks to it while making dinner every night.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
57. Names a wooden bird Tizzles and talks to it while making love every night.
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
58. Makes love every night to a wooden bird he or she named Tizzles.

59. Has splinters in unmentionable places... [Eek!]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
60. Cheats on Tizzles with stuffed animal bird nicknamed Parah Salin.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
61. Starts a list called the Bottom 40.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
62. Sees the appeal of being part of the Bottom 40...
Posted by cleome on :
63. Lies, begs, borrows and steals just to make it into the Bottom 40.
Posted by Dev Em on :
64. Tom Fatsi posts and throws the entire thing into a tizzy.
Posted by Dev Em on :
65. Legion Worlders then become obsessed with finding all living letter writers and getting them to post here.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
66. Tom Fatsi turns out to have been posting as MLLASH all along, in hopes of using this incident to relaunch his letter-writing career.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
67. Wants to relaunch a letter-writing career.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
68. Missed the wit of Outdoor Miner.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
69. Totally miss any innuendo that could be made from a particular number.
Posted by cleome on :
60. Sends another poster a box of Epsom salts with which to soak loose the latter's imaginary, er, love splinters.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
61. Revives this thread.
Posted by cleome on :
62. Encourages insomniac thread revivals.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
63. Doesn't consider the previous 62 posts to be signs that someone has lost touch with reality.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
64. 1st annual Legion World Prettiest Tin Foil Hat Making Contest.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
8,000. If we're going past 27, why bother doing the low numbered ones?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
77. Become totally OCD about numbers.
Posted by Kent on :
77. bothers to check and see that Rocky's post above should have been #76.
Posted by Power Boy on :
78. writes monitor duty on his resume.
Posted by cleome on :
79. Writes "LMB" on all the dishes with china marker before sitting down to eat.
Posted by Kent on :
80. Cites LMBP role-playing as work experience on resume.
Posted by cleome on :
81. Attempts at forwarding resumes to the 31st Century, in hopes of finding a more hospitable economy.
Posted by dedman on :
68. continuely uses time bubble to go back in time to setup lame jokes
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
69. continues to answer inane questions.
Posted by dedman on :
13035. Totally ignores previous numbering system
Posted by Kent on :
84. there is no sign #84.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
-3. Starts to consider sleep a luxury item.
Posted by dedman on :
86. attempts to start the bedtime don`t pay, you don`t sleep!!!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
86.5 djkel mwlele jkkkei eeankc.
Posted by cleome on :
87. Starts work on: LMB: The Musical
Posted by cleome on :
88. ...And fully expects to get a Federal grant for it.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
89. Names every the fish in aquarium after a different LWer.
Posted by Kent on :
90. ^^ ...and makes them wear costumes.
Posted by cleome on :
91.Describes upcoming summer getaway locale as "Great Mother Ocean."

Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
92. Wonders why more people don't have conversations with plates of ravioli.
Posted by cleome on :
93. Pickets the White House demanding that the sentience of ravioli be recognized via Federal legislation.
Posted by Jerry on :
93. Time spent pondering the feasibility of a Legion of Super-Turtles.

[ June 24, 2010, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: Jerry ]
Posted by cleome on :
94. Pitches the Legion of Super-Turtles to Time Warner.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
95. Highlight of the pitch about the Legion of Super-Turtles involves an epic battle against a sentient ravioli.
Posted by cleome on :
96. Reunites Wang Chung for the sole purpose of having them write the Legion of Super-Turtles cartoon theme song.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
97. Reunites Culture Club to get them to record Wang Chung's Legion of Super-Turtles theme.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
98.Forms cover band with cleome on drums, Outdoor Miner on bass, Rockhopper Lad on tambourine and Fanfic Lass handling vocals in order to cover Culture Club's cover of Wang Chung's Super-Turtles theme.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
99. Joins the above band on keyboards.
Posted by cleome on :
100. Spends millions to breed a variety of grape that grows orange, purple, and white all in the same bunch. Christens it the "Triplicate Girl."
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
101. Discusses Godzilla in each thread.
Posted by Kent on :
102. complains about the lack of tomato, Nosferatu and flying lemur references in this thread.
Posted by cleome on :
103. Invents the highly successful "next big thing" in fad diets: featuring tomatoes, flying lemurs, and a chef named Nosferatu.
Posted by Klar Ken T5477 on :
104. Thinks this is 21st century Earth.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
105. Takes "flying" belt into RadioShack to see if they can do anything about its faulty propulsion system.
Posted by Red Arrow on :
106. I keep wondering where Kree-Lar is. Did Galactus visit when I was gone?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
107. Wonders if Klar Ken is from Kree-Lar.
Posted by cleome on :
108. Asks Mapquest to give proper directions to yard sale in Kree-Lar.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
109. Calls the Mapquest chick Irma.
Posted by Klar Ken T5477 on :
110. Just realized that 27 x 42 = 666!
Posted by MLLASH on :
111. Convinced that ridonkulous is the new ridiculous.
Posted by Exnihil on :
112. First thought upon seeing a sign indicating that a store is open 24/7: "Otto Binder". (True Story [Shrinking Violet] )
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
112. First thought upon seeing a sign indicating that a store is open 24/7: "Otto Binder". (True Story [Shrinking Violet] )


113. Ashamed to admit to having never drawn that connection before. [No]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
114. Suggests the names Garth, Rokk and Imra to friend expecting triplets.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
115. Suggests the name "Luornu" to a friend expecting identical triplets.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
116. Suggests "Mekt" to a friend expecting a singleton.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
117. Ignores household chores to be the next post on the One Word Posts Thread
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
118. Sees the above as a sign of sanity.
Posted by cleome on :
119. Starts calling one's coffeemaker "Computo."
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
120. Refers to the coffee grounds as "Lu".
Posted by cleome on :
121. Sculpts a statue of the top ten posters entirely out of coffee grounds.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
122. Sees an image of Lightening Lad on a potato chip and calls the Enquirer.
Posted by cleome on :
123. Bids on the LL potato chip on ebay. Retirement funds? Pah! Who needs 'em!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
124. Tries to figure out how many lists of 27 it will take for this thread to be on 27 pages
Posted by Red Arrow on :
125. You think about the romantic life of your character.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
126. You agonize over whether your character should hit on the new character.
Posted by Dev Em on :
127. You think about beating your friends to the hitting on of said character.
Posted by cleome on :
128. You think about taking said character aside and giving her a motherly warning about those sorts of "gentlemen."
Posted by Dev Em on :
129. Start thinking about offering someone else another foot rub. Cause the last one went sooo well.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
130. You wonder if your character should also hit on the character giving the warning. [Smile]
Posted by Red Arrow on :
130. Your complicated character, born in one dimension and raised in another, begins to look simple.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
132. You wonder which character Dev's character gave a foot rub?
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
133. You wonder if your character looks fat in this speedo.
Posted by cleome on :
134. Running out of booze after feeling compelled to take a drink every time somebody mentioned CT's Speedo.

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
135. Devote all of their energy to releasing a #1 album. In Sweden.
Posted by Red Arrow on :
136. Fantasizes being with Thor "that nice Swedish boy".
Posted by cleome on :
137. Writes a fanfic depicting an epic battle between Reboot Matter-Eater Lad and Jim Henson's Swedish Chef.
Posted by cleome on :
138. Plagiarizes said fanfic from another LMB-er and submits it to Dan Didio.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
139. Fantasizes about naked Dan Didio.
Posted by Red Arrow on :
140. Posts on this thread when I should be in bed.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
141. Buys cupcakes that look like flight rings.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
142. Thinks eating the cupcakes will make him fly.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
143. Demands birthday cake resemble Legion Clubhouse
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
144. Steals ingredients to make lifesize Clubhouse Birthday Cake.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
145. Canvases neighborhood after lightning storm to make sure Soljer didn't wake up.
Posted by Red Arrow on :
146. You will not stop until you win at Solitaire in the Spaceopoly section.
Posted by Kent on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
135. Devote all of their energy to releasing a #1 album. In Sweden.

ah, you're just jealous that the only place "EDE's Greatest Hits" even charted was in Malta (and even then barely).
Posted by Ram Boy on :
YES! I'm Kent's first Legion World groupie! -

Kent you ROCK the Swedish music scene like Ozzy Osbourne, Eminem and Lady GaGa COMBINED!

You're ABBA-licious!

U bent een DIER van de Rock, Kent!! (sorry, Bablfish didn't have English to Swedish, so I substituted Dutch)
Posted by cleome on :
147. Get into a vicious hair-pulling fight with Kent's groupie.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
148. Learn to fart Kent's greatest hits.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
149. Strenously maintain that the artistic cred of massive influence on Malta's underground scene trumps selling out to the tastes of the Swedish masses.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
150. Point out that most Swedish rock stars are Satanists and cannibals.
Posted by SharkLad on :
151. Begin camping out on line now for tickets for the Broadway musical based on Kent's greatest hits
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
152. Begin camping out on line now for tickets for the Broadway musical based on Chief Taylor farting Kent's greatest hits
Posted by SharkLad on :
153. Send CT a lifetime supply of Beano
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
154. Campaign to have Science Police Headquarters renamed "The ALL-Eryk Davis Ester forum", in the hopes of attracting more Maltese posters.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
155. Visit Malta for the gambling and prostitutes but tell Eryk it was for his concert.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
156. Stow away in Cobie's luggage
Posted by Ram Boy on :
157. shows up at poetry slam with a 3,010 line epic poem entitled Timbowolf.
Posted by cleome on :
158. Masters Thesis is titled, "The Origin of Consciousness In the Breakdown Of the Bicameral Mind As Explicated In Contemporary 31st Century Epic Poetry"
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
I was never in touch with reality in the first place.
Posted by cleome on :
159. Wonders why a rigorous search through the Social Security Index doesn't bring up anyone named "Fanfic Lass."
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
160. Parody lyrics posts run rampant.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
161. Non-parody lyrics posts run rampant.
Posted by Kid Charlemagne on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
17. Begin worshiping molybdenum.

Heretic! Blasphemer! The One True Metallic Deity is NIOBIUM! HAIL NIOBIUM!!!

162. Takes bath in generic Dr Pepper knockoffs in ritual meant to honor Holy Niobium, blessed be Its name. [Confused]
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
163. Renounces niobium and molyndenum because Krypton is also on the periodic table. And, well, it's in comic books, dammit!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
164. Tastefully sets the periodic table for a dinner party for twelve. Now to chill the salad forks or not? That is the question.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
165. Proposes doing away with the periodic table in favor of the less restrictive commadic table.
Posted by Kent on :
166. Plans a Thanksgiving gathering; seating chart puts Lardy at the semicolonic table.
Posted by cleome on :
167. Brings space-pot to the party in case anyone wants a high colonic instead.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
168. Attended that party but don't remember the details, and suspect space-pot or mindwipe.
Posted by cleome on :
169. Always reaches the supermarket checkout with nine flavors of ice cream in the cart, but with no recollection of how they all got there.
Posted by Kent on :
170. attends the police academy, hoping to be a professional continuity cop.
Posted by Tempest on :
171. You believe Alt. ID. is the name of some sort psychological disorder
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
172. On your resume, you list "Threadkiller" as an achievement.
Posted by Kent on :
173. On your resume, you list "A Huge, Pulsating, Ever-Expanding Chicken Heart" as your address.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
174. You don't have a resume, because you think you run a café that serves everything for free.
Posted by cleome on :
175. Bringing a ring to the mechanic's shop for repair, instead of to the jeweler.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
176. You tell someone to freeze and, for a split-second you expect them to become encased in ice.
Posted by Kent on :
177. You use lingo like Sprock, Nass and Florg in real life.
Posted by cleome on :
178. Going to a department store kitchenware section and asking the salesperson, "Does this juicer work on Kono fruit, too?"
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
179. Wonder why Superman didn't show up when that dam collapsed.
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
180. You profess not-entirely-ironic admiration for Pamela Des Barres. [Eek!]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
181. You like her just because you like the name "Des Barres."
Posted by cleome on :
182. Calling the temp agency to inquire if you should report to work during Klordny, and if not will you be paid for your time off?

[ August 18, 2010, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
183. Not one but two -- TWO! -- George Michael karaoke threads!!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
184. You're disappointed in the lack of Andrew Ridgeley karaoke threads.
Posted by cleome on :
185. Drawing Legion tryout fan art where all the rejects look like Andrew Ridgeley, John Oates, and Art Garfunkel.
Posted by Kent on :
...and Jim Messina.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
186. Thinks that a band featuring Andrew, John, Art, and Jim might have enormous commercial possibilities.
Posted by cleome on :
187. Titles debut LP, "Sympathy For The Sidekick."
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
188. Quits job to follow The Sidekicks on their world tour.
Posted by cleome on :
189. Writes a Letter to the Editor demanding that square tomatoes be brought back on the market.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
190. inability to understand the relationship between the numbers 27 and 190.
Posted by Exnihil on :
191. Insistence that the LMB sandwich (lettuce, mutton, and banana) will one day supplant the BLT in the deli hierarchy
Posted by cleome on :
192. Launches campaign to market "The LMB" at St*rb*cks franchises all over the world.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
193. Expresses irritation that someone would choose St*rb*cks over Cramer's Cafe
Posted by cleome on :
194. Creates a brand-new take on the St*rb*cks logo featuring Pov as a merman.
Posted by cleome on :
195. Buys custom-made stopwatch, just to time the number of seconds that have to elapse between posts in order to avoid the flood warnings.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
196. Checks out Huffington Post for news of Time Trapper activity.
Posted by cleome on :
197. Submits articles to the Huffington Post regarding Time Trapper activity.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
198. Petitions President Obama to appoint a Time Trapper Czar.
Posted by Kent on :
199. Expects the landmark 200th post to have something to do with Chuck, Lu and/or Starfinger.
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
200. Everybody adopts Lu's Cockrum-era hairstyle for a day, whether it looks good on them or not.
Posted by Dev Em on :
201. Dev walks around in a replica of The Black Knights helmet.
Posted by cleome on :
202. Starts a support group for sufferers of fandom-induced helmet-hair.
Posted by cleome on :
202a. "Not just a member. I'm also a client."
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
203. Bumper sticker proclaims: "my other vehicle is a Super Moby Dick...of Space!"
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
204. Complains to local councilman about rowdy Khundish neighbours.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
205. Took vegetarian girlfriend to Korean Barbeque Restaurant.
Posted by cleome on :
206. Calls all the neighborhood cats "Streaky" and "Whizzy."
Posted by Kent on :
207. Refuses to join local VFD until they get a yellow upside-down rocket HQ.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
208. See a book on hold at the library for someone with the surname "Miner" and wonder if the first name is "Outdoor".
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
209. Ask why the Encyclopedia Galactica isn't anywhere to be found in the reference section.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
209a. Answer that it is only found online.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
210. Start imagining what your friends and co-workers would look like in Legion costumes...
Posted by cleome on :
211. Practices sucking in of gut and throwing out of chest in preparation for the Imaginary Legion Costume Visualization Hour.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
212. Ask female co-worker if she has a pink bikini
Posted by Mattropolis on :
213. Call same co-worker a "shameless hussy" when she admits she does.
Posted by cleome on :
214. Scouts the Lane Bryant and Junonia websites in search of something in a plus-size pink space bikini.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
215. Talk about Imsk and Colu as if they were nearby cities...
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
216. Pickets town hall because they won't recognize Klordny as a holiday.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
217. Tries or order Silverale at the bar...
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
218. Attempts to remove someone's "flight ring" as they leave the bar inebriated.
Posted by cleome on :
219. Mixes Lotus fruit juice with radish juice and carrot juice.
Posted by Kent on :
220. At nightclubs, asks DJs to play "Three-Eyed Sam From the Planet Wham"
Posted by Dev Em on :
221. Gets really weird looks at church when he retells the story of Jo Nah and the beast that swallowed him.
Posted by Kent on :
221a. Interrupt the sermon to ask whether this is the Pre-Crisis, Post-Crisis, 5YL, SW6, Reboot, Threeboot or Neoclassic Jo Nah.
Posted by Kid Charlemagne on :
221b. Interrupts the sermon to ask if Prince Evillo is the Antichrist. [Evil]
Posted by Kent on :
222. Expects LWers to look like their avatars in real life.
Posted by cleome on :
223. Undergoes costly surgical makeover in order to better resemble one's avatar and thus not disappoint the other posters.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
224. Wonders if the Mia Farrow wig he purchased looks enough like his previous avatar
Posted by Kent on :
225. Insists at her/his high school reunion that all the embarrassing moments are no longer in continuity.
Posted by cleome on :
226. Buys a truckload of late-summer melons at great expense, then painstakingly hand-carves the Legion logo onto each and every one of them.
Posted by cleome on :
227. Thinks they're still on #27.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
228. Calls 911 fearing that his poop might be a Servant of Darkness.
Posted by SharkLad on :
229. Wonders what Chief Taylor's poop looks like
Posted by cleome on :
230. Imagines an LMB version of The Road To Wellville, with Chief Taylor starring as Dr. Kellogg
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

With Rockhopper Lad in the Matthew Broderick role, Fanfic Lass in the Bridget Fonda role, Lash in the Jon Cusack role and He Who Wanders as Chief O'Brien.
Posted by cleome on :
230b. Searches the IMDB expecting to find CT, Rocky, FL, LASH, and HWW listed there.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
231. Searches all over the house for lost Omnicom.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
232. Continuously asks the neighbors if anyone named Mordru has been nosing around the neighborhood.
Posted by cleome on :
233. Clacks a couple of coconuts together and refers to them as "Comet."
Posted by cleome on :
234. Totally hooked on that new kids show: Where In The World Is Abin Quank?, despite not having any children of one's own.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
235. Annoyed that Abin Quank has not shown up to fix the leaky taps.
Posted by Kid Charlemagne on :
236. Falls asleep at computer in exhaustion after searching years of Billboard Top 40 lists for the highest position of "He's Three-Eyed Sam From The Planet Wham!" [Confused]

237. Forgets to put number in front of post 236 and has to use "Edit" feature. :headdesk:
Posted by cleome on :
238. Redraws the entire Legion as "Alternative" rockers.

[Plaid Lad] [Band]

238a. Doesn't understand why Fanfic Lass never calls/writes/messages anymore.
Posted by Kent on :
239. hates cake, tomatoes or some other praiseworthy food.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
240. Wears underwear on the outside of pants because it just feels so right.
Posted by cleome on :
241. Gets a notice from the bank that the mortgage is three months late and can't understand why that mindwipe didn't work.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by cleome:
233. Clacks a couple of coconuts together and refers to them as "Comet."

Posted by cleome on :
242. Skips a week of work to bake coconut desserts for everyone in the "How Many Posts...?" thread.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
243. Checks for passport before signing out.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
244. Plans massive "Restoring Legion Sales" rally on National Mall.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
245. Organizes Protean rights rallies.
Posted by Kent on :
246. Graciously yields the privilege of Sign #247 to another LWer.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
247. Graciously accepts that privilege.
Posted by SharkLad on :
248. Sends a pair of mohair thong underwear to Tina Fey
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
249. Thinks that Mohair Thong would be good name for a Green Lantern.
Posted by SharkLad on :
250. Immediately copyrights "Mohair Thong"
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
251. Takes seven months of a political campaign to connect that the combined names of the two candidates for governor in your state form a supporting character from Superman. Great Caesar's Ghost!

(And that this was my post #12121 and didn't post in the "w00t!" thread!)
Posted by Kent on :
252. Would've thought it that much cooler for Rocky's numeric palindromic milepost 12121 to have been on a numbered reason that is also a palindrome.... say, 252, for example. [Razz]
Posted by future king on :
253. Thinks that the names "Garth" and "Imra" don't sound too bad for names for their actual real children.

*Uh ... hope I didn't just offend anybody!*
[Big Grin]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Originally posted by future king:
253. Thinks that the names "Garth" and "Imra" don't sound too bad for names for their actual real children.

*Uh ... hope I didn't just offend anybody!*
[Big Grin]

I actually did suggest Garth, Rokk and Imra to a friend who was expecting triplets. Go back and look at #114. [Big Grin] I told said friend about posting reason #114 and the following #115 and he thought they were hilarious.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
254. Job resume written in Interlac.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
255. Calls in sick with Rigellian Fever.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
256. Compares the French to Khunds (often unfavorably).
Posted by cleome on :
257. Emails Good Seasons, Hidden Valley Ranch, Wishbone, and Paul Newman to ask why they don't sell Khund Dressing.
Posted by SharkLad on :
258. Bribes other board members for their votes to be elected treasurer of the Winona Ryder fan club
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
259. Tunes into election coverage on cable news hoping to see how Phantom Girl, Tyroc, and Gates are doing.
Posted by Kent on :
260. Writes letters to the editor in favor of Legion election candidates.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
261. Goes door-to-door campaigning for his/her preferred Legion election candidate.
Posted by Kent on :
262. Wonders why there is no televised debate for Legion leader.
Posted by SharkLad on :
263. Organizes a "Return to Sanity" rally when the Tea Party announces they are backing Command Kid for LSH leader
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
264. Point out that Command Kid's whole "demonic possession" phase was ages ago, when he was a teenager, and "Hey, doesn't everybody do crazy things when they're teens?"
Posted by Kent on :
265. Wonders if Christine O'Donnell was ever rejected during Legion tryouts.
Posted by cleome on :
266. Launches new election-season black ops group: The Scone Squad
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
267. Anonymously pays for a massive saturation ad-campaign criticizing Brainiac Five's record.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Kent:
265. Wonders if Christine O'Donnell was ever rejected during Legion tryouts.

They already had a white witch.
Posted by cleome on :
268. Is inspired by the... dry wit of certain posters to invent a "flight ring," that can generate rimshots at the wearer's will.
Posted by Kent on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Originally posted by Kent:
265. Wonders if Christine O'Donnell was ever rejected during Legion tryouts.

They already had a white witch.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
269. Googles Christine O'Donnell and LSV to check for possible connections.
Posted by Kent on :
270. ^ finds enough circumstantial evidence to form a conspiracy theory connection, and blogs about it.
Posted by SharkLad on :
271. Watches old Bill Maher shows for signs of the rise of Darkseid
Posted by Kent on :
272. Watches Jackass hoping to see one of those stupid stunts resulting in the acquisition of super-powers.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
273. Watches old Sonny and Cher Show for costume ideas.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
274. Watches Degrassi: The Next Generation with the volume off and dubs in dialogue from Levitz era stories.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
275. Throws out TV and tries to get shows to display on wall through flight ring.
Posted by future king on :
Writes angry letters to the major television networks complaining that shows like "Heroes" and "No Ordinary Family" are blatant copyright infringements to the whole LSH franchise.
Posted by cleome on :
277. Goes on a field trip to the hardware store to research the wide array of fascinatingly primitive nails, screws, tacks, and toggle bolts.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
278. Cites The Encyclopedia Galactica as a source in a research paper.
Posted by Jerry on :
279. Spends more and more time drooling over the hunk's pictures on the Legion Creator Photos thread, and less and less time on internet porn sites.
Posted by SharkLad on :
280. Makes paper mache figures of the hunk's pictures on the Legion Creator Photos thread in various pornographic poses for teammate ...
Posted by cleome on :
281. Tries picking up strange men in bars by pretending to be one of the dudes in the Legion Creator Photos thread.
Posted by future king on :
Becomes a respected astronomer in the hopes of one day discovering Winath, Braal, Cargg, et al.
Posted by cleome on :
283. Puts up roadside and yard campaign signs for the Legion election, to the great mystification of neighbors and passing tourists alike.
Posted by Jerry on :
284: Nervously suspects the "Curse of Darkseid" when opposing candidates' supporters vandalize the campaign signs in the dead of night.
Posted by cleome on :
285. Campaigns on the "All Variants At The Original Cover Price" platform.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
286. Campaigns on the "Restore Silver Age Values" platform.
Posted by future king on :
287. Writes letters to big-wig Hollywood producers asking for a remake of "Gone With The Wind" with the lead roles to be played by Nura Nal and Thom Kallor.
Posted by Kent on :
frankly my dear, I don't give a floorg!
Posted by cleome on :
288. Rewrites the famous George Carlin sketch, featuring Gates and "the seven naughty words you can't say on 31st Century television."
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
289. Puts Lester Spiffany as a reference on an employment application.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
290. Using oranges, Triple Sec, and a bathtub, attempts to make home "invisibility serum".
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
291. Exposes children to high levels of radiation, hoping to cause them to gain powers.
Posted by future king on :
292. Is afraid of getting mano, but for entirely the wrong reasons.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
293. Asks to be seated in the anti-gravity section at Denny's.
Posted by Exnihil on :
294. Wonders whether Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead in current continuity.
Posted by Kent on :
294a. Demands the grave be dug up to see.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
294b. Asks that the body in the grave be examined to prove it's not an LMD.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
295. Blames his/her unruly behavior on space fatigue
Posted by future king on :
296. Look in the yellow pages under "Morgna" for fireplace installations and repairs.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
297. Point to the fact that they've completed their senior year of high-school as evidence of their "12-level intelligence".
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
298. Wonders if that robo-vac he sees on TV might actually be Quislet.
Posted by future king on :
299. Thinks the next season of The Bachelorrette should showcase Dream Girl as the lead.
Posted by Rockhopper Lash on :
300. Wonders why no composer has ever thought to compose an opera about the Legion.
Posted by Kent LASH on :
301. Composes an opera about the Legion.
Posted by Kent LASH on :
302. (an actual one!) Composes a pantheon of gods based on the Legion for a D&D campaign.
Posted by cleoMeLASH on :
303. Celebrate one's adoption into the LASH clan by sending everyone a pic of oneself in a towel.
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
304. Writes a fanfic where he stars as LASH's towel.
Posted by future king on :
305. Insists that "Beauty and The Beast" was inspired by the true love story of Blok and the White Witch.
Posted by cleoMeLASH on :
304a. Plagiarizes CT's fanfic.
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
304b. Sues cleome for plagiarizing his fanfic.
Posted by He Who LASHES on :
304c. Trademarks the term "fanfic" so everyone has to pay me a royalty!
Posted by cleoMeLASH on :
304d. Tries to pay off all offended parties by transforming tinfoil into gold.

[Element Lad]
Posted by cleoMeLASH on :
305. Logs in when one should be in bed just to post about broccoli.

Oh. Wait...
Posted by future king on :
306. Are designing another version of Monopoly but this time featuring the Legion and the 31st century as the theme.

(Actually that's a pretty cool idea!)
Posted by Rockhopper Lash on :
307. Wonders why the local CBS doesn't have the latest issue of All-Lash. [Lash Lad - MLLASH]
Posted by ExnihiLASH on :
308. Wonders why iTunes doesn't have that 80's classic:

"LASH! A...ah!

King of the impossible

He's for every one of us
Stand for every one of us
He'll save with a mighty hand
Every man, every woman
Every child, with a mighty...

Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
309. Stridently argues that the remake of Lash of the Titans was better than the original.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
310.Wondering why I agree with Outdoor Miner.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
311. Wondering when Lash will be Guest-Starring On Ghost Hunters?
Posted by cleoMeLASH on :
312. Sees an image of LASH in a grilled cheese sandwich. Puts said sandwich up for auction online, expecting to make a fortune.
Posted by future king on :
313. Has their name legally changed to "Condo Arlik" just because it has a cool ring to it.
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
313. Tells his son who just turned 13 that next birthday, he's an adult and must move out!
Posted by He Who LASHES on :
314. Tells same son that he must move to another planet and get a job.
Posted by Kent LASH on :
315. proposes a Moopsball pool down at the local bar.
Posted by cleoMeLASH on :
316. Starts researching how to properly predict the point spread on Moopsball games.
Posted by future king on :
317. Thinks Legionnaire's Disease is a term of endearment.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
318.Still against Megan Fox playing Wonder Woman
Posted by future king on :
319. Would be willing to write letters to Megan Fox's manager asking to cast her as Phantom Girl (starring in her own movie).
Posted by Chief Tay-LASH on :
320. Continuously tries and fails blowing a large enough bubble to enter and then time-travel in.
Posted by Le Masque on :
321. Goes door to door collecting money for the Shanghalla Beautification Fund.
Posted by future king on :
322. Rented "Apocalypse Now" hoping to see some signs of the Legion battling Darkseid.
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
323. still holds a grudge against Ralph Macchio, but not to the point of wanting to introduce him to Keith Giffen.
Posted by cLSHeome on :
324. Writes a letter to the Times editor about Tyroc's costume.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
325. Sees a friend wearing a barrette and thinks "She's so copying Dream Girl's look!"
Posted by future king on :
326. Thinks 'Lori Morning' is the name of a new morning talk show.
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Originally posted by Hrista Spjóti:
323. still holds a grudge against Ralph Macchio, but not to the point of wanting to introduce him to Keith Giffen.

327. Wants to introduce Ralph to Keith.
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
328. Wonders why the various Karate Kid movies have no apparent Legion connection.
Posted by future king on :
329. Was jailed in Las Vegas for trying to use Naltorian technology to predict the outcomes at various Blackjack tables.
Posted by cLSHeome on :
330. Launches chain of T.G.I.Klordny restaurants and doesn't anticipate being sued.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
331. Mandates that every member of the serving staff at T.G.I Klordny must not only memorize the entire contents of the LegionWiki, but also be able to sing it for patrons who are celebrating a birthday.
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
332. puts elected LW office on C.V., and asks LW founders for letters of recommendation for grad school.
Posted by future king on :
333. Never once questions why the "27 signs..." on this thread has now climbed up to 333 signs.
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
334. Used a neuralizer on future king to stop him from pointing out the obvious!
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
335. worries that if someone edits the name of a "27 signs" thread, if that constitutes a retcon to thread continuity.
Posted by future king on :
336. Sent an anonymous tip to the police claiming Tiger Woods' strange behaviour lately was due to his actually being a Durlan spy.
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
337. dates checks and documents with 3010 as the year.
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
338. Is afraid to enter tunnels because "The Blight" have corrupted them all.
Posted by cLSHeome on :
339. Looks online for a Starhaven resident who can help track down those lost car keys.
Posted by future king on :
340. Thinks Dream Girl's costume design might not make a bad contemporary wedding dress fashion statement.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
341.Wondering if 186,000 MPS isnt a law, but more like an agreement.
Posted by future king on :
342. Walks around with a giant L on his belt buckle and defends against people claiming he's a self-admitted loser.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
342a. does the same thing with my flight ring. (does not allow wearer to fly)
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
343. Pleased to see RJ Brande honored in parades this time of year, but wonders why he's grown a long beard and wearing a red snowsuit.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
344. Wonders when watching Star Trek why they keep calling the UP the "Federation" and they never run into Braalians, Imskians or Durlans.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
345. Has an invisible best friend named Lyle.
Posted by Chief Tay-LSH on :
346. Asks a girl to dance the shurg with him.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
347. Hoping to get a internship on Nullport.
Posted by cleome on :
348. Starts a Presidential draft pool.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
349. Advocates replacing electoral college with a planetary chance machine.
Posted by cleome on :
350. Cuts peekaboo windows into the front of all their formal wear.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by cleome:
350. Cuts peekaboo windows into the front of all their formal wear.


351. I once has applied for the Royal Canadian Legion (but was disappointed to be turned down for various reasons).
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
352. Made a 10 ft replica of The Computo created Legion Hq in my living room. (A la Richard Dryfess in Close Encounters)
Posted by cleome on :
353. Skips out on the family Thanksgiving Dinner because "Lightning Lass is on vacation and I have to cover her monitor shift."
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
354. Plan on asking Legion Tracker to be my teammate on The Amazing Race, with his tracking skills nothing will stop us NOTHING. Bwahahahahaha.
Posted by Power Boy on :
355. has the flu so tries to google map 'medicus one' and looks through the yellow pages for Dr. Gym'll's number.
Posted by future king on :
356. Agrees with Ultra Boy's one-power-at-a-time philosophy and applies that at his job ... one function at a time. NO MULTI-TASKING ALLOWED!
Posted by cleome on :
357. Photoshops the football highlights so all the dudes are wearing bustiers with matching boots and gloves.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
358. Blames man-boobs on someone spiking the punch with Pro-Fem.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
359. Launching a new portable Storage Tesaract for Horders. It's a win win for everybody. [Big Grin]
Posted by cleome on :
360. Brings a casserole to the office holiday party full of something called "Elvabird a la Voxv."
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
361. Buys Legion flight ring, even though not really a member, but doesn't use it to fly so as not to attract attention.
Posted by future king on :
362. Is working on implementing a "mission monitor board" at work in order to keep track of his employees.
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
363. Insists on calling Facebook the Mission Monitor Board.
Posted by Power Boy on :
364. goes out in winter wearing nothing but a 'transuit'.
Posted by future king on :
365. Is planning a vacation to Thailand in hopes of meeting the mysterious race of nomadic humanoid insects, down by the river ...
Posted by cleome on :
366. Fully expects spam filter to net lots and lots of "amazing offer" emails from "friends" on Rimbor.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
367. Pickets Tennessee Titans stadium, yelling "Earth for Earthlings!"
Posted by future king on :
368. Thinks "Miracle Machine" would be a catchy name for a new line of washing machines.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
369. Worries that Wikileaks will release LW secrets next.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Paid a deposit on Virgin Galactic for their maiden voyage to Ventura. "What Happens on Ventura Stays on Ventura."
Posted by Power Boy on :
371. thinks the troublesome neighbors are Durlan infiltrators!!!
Posted by Power Boy on :
372. Planning on dousing them with radiation to disable their shapeshifting powers.
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
373. shows up in traffic court and insists to the judge that the infraction in question is no longer in continuity.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
374. Starts signing my name in Interlac
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
375. thinks that "get in shape" videos are training exercises for Durlans.
Posted by future king on :
376. Is fond of, and respectful of, all snakes.
You never know when one will turn out to be a princess with illusion-casting powers.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
377.Put cardboard sign saying COMPUTO under my CPU hoping for world domination.
Posted by cleome on :
378. Posts to craigslist's jobs listings as "Dyogene," in search of people who want to be Green Lanterns.
Posted by cleome on :
378a. Also lists with Jobdango, Careerbuilder, and Monster.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
379. Considered applying for Green Lantern job, but decided to seek work with The Doom Patrol instead.
Posted by future king on :
380. Thinks "Neon Rockfish" would be a pretty cool name for a new aquarium themed nightclub.
Posted by dedman on :
381. Starts a "Bring Back Lori Morning" campaign
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
382. Pioneers a cursive form of Interlac.
Posted by Dev Em on :
383. Suggests taking up a collection to get POV to actually wear pants.
Posted by cleome on :
384. Keeps looking over one's shoulder for Computo.
Posted by Dev Em on :
385. Wonders what level intelligence all his friends are, and if he is higher and can act aloof with a reason.
Posted by future king on :
386. Does searches on using key words "Lar", "Gand", and "Lantern" in order to find a compatible partner.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
379. Considered applying for Green Lantern job, but decided to seek work with The Doom Patrol instead.

387. Sees FC in line at Doom Patrol auditions, tells her he's thinking of applying for that Green Lantern job too.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
388. Wants brain put inside Robot body so no matter what being dead never sticks.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
389. Put ad on Match dot com. "Single Legionnaire looking for his Flying Buttress".
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
390. Talks to Christmas trees before chopping them down, just in case it's really a Durlan in disguise.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
391. Refuses to sit on Santa's lap because insists he's Mordru in disguise! It's a traaaap!!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
392. Is certain the dentist Elf in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is really a disguise used by the notorious and evil...



Posted by Chief Lardy on :
393. Calls CIA warning of an imminent terrorist attack by Mordru and Lindbergh baby!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
394. Follows CIA Director, Buck Hampants, home from work, believing him to be a secret Dark Circle spy working for the Mordru/CofLB alliance.
Posted by Power Boy on :
395. Begins planning a rescue from a secret CIA / Dark Circle holding facility, for Lardy and Cobes.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
396. Believing Criss Angel to really be Benn Pares I put in a call to enlist his help for Power Boy's Cockamamie rescue plan.
Posted by future king on :
397. Thinks a live-action TV show starring the Legion working in a hospital has a serious shot at making the top 10.

[ December 07, 2010, 06:55 AM: Message edited by: future king ]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
398. Feels like it would be safe to dress in Tyroc's old costume in the projects to "blend in for undercover mission."
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
398. Feels like it would be safe to dress in Tyroc's old costume in the projects to "blend in for undercover mission."

Posted by Lucifer07 on :
399. Put Super Stalg Of Space sign on the front gate of job. Hoping to find Blockade Boy to help with the escape.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
400. Spends hours on the phone trying to reserve an extra plot on Shanghalla.
Posted by Exnihil on :
401. Believes "The First Noel" is a song about one of Superman's Kryptonian ancestors.
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
402. Believes "The First Noel" is a veiled tribute to Noel Neill's role as the first Lois Lane.
Posted by cleome on :
403. Thinks sleep-building a robot copy of one's sweetie is a reasonable way to cope with the stress of a long-distance relationship.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
404. Considerately takes into account if girlfriend is allergic to kryptonite before purchasing an engagement ring.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
405. Long distant girlfriend comes to town for a visit. After making mistakes at work and at home you realize it's not your fault your a mess it's hers. then shout "Your too damn distracting."
Posted by dedman on :
407. Turns every post into some sort of sexual inuendo
Posted by future king on :
Did #406 slip into an alternate reality?
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by future king:
Did #406 slip into an alternate reality?

Probably. That was my childhood home's address until somebody bought the place and tore it down.

Posted by cleome on :
406. Promises to save a threatened landmark using one's elemental powers.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
407. Sings "Ballad of the Substitute Heroes" every morning in the shower!
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
[There already was a 407, so that makes Eryk's 408, which means:]

409. Thinks this number has the magical power to clean anything.
Posted by Power Boy on :
410: stares fiercely at enemies wondering why his heat vision isn't working. decides they must have some sort of anti-heat vision force field.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
411. Thinks abililty to acquire information from others by invoking the magic words "Give me the 411 on that" constitutes a super-power.
Posted by dedman on :
412. Tries to defeat enemies with the power of dance
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
413.^ and succeeds!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
414. Is also very proud of ability to turn traffic lights green just by staring at them.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
415. Produces a porn parody of "The Great Darkness Saga".
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
416. Looks for Christmas presents in Private Message box.
Posted by dedman on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
415. Produces a porn parody of "The Great Darkness Saga".

417. Buys copies of this for self and friends
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
415. Produces a porn parody of "The Great Darkness Saga".

418. Believes that one can Krazy-Glue one's own broken brain back together after a bad day on the internet.

[I Dunno]
Posted by cleome on :
419. Reports to the rest of the LMB that Chief Lardy is actually Kevin Smith.

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
420. Tries to pass off counterfeit Walking Money at Walmart.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
421. While in Traffic Court I yell to the Judge, No Cell on Takron- Galtos can hold me. By Damn.
Posted by cleome on :
422. Sees a friend who's obviously dyeing their hair now and wonders immediately if they're actually a Durlan spy.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Exnihil on :
423. Refuses to pay mortgage, insisting, "He's not a house, he's just a native of Fwang."
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
424. Repeatedly passes through airport security scanners over the holidays, hoping to absorb enough radiation to activate latent mutant abilities.
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
425. Lets TSA personnel discover his 'arms fall off boy' impression... the hard way.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
426. Accuses my nephews Dragonballz action figures of being Imskians.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
427. Goes shopping for "polymer shields" to use as contraceptives.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
428 Trying get NASA to use Intertron on the next-gen space craft.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
429. Writes letter to Obama suggesting "fusion powersphere" as the solution to our energy problems.

[ December 22, 2010, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by future king on :
430. Checks all current brands and makes of hair colours to see if any platinum colour exists so they can send it to Dream Girl in the future via a Time Bubble.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
431. Puts aforementioned Dragonballz/Imskians in a fish bowl to prove that Time Bubbles are Theoretically possible...
Posted by cleome on :
432. Claims own hair's white streaks were caused by a surprise encounter with a worlds-crushing supervillain.

Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
433. Barges into EPCOT, and when security catches him/her, demands to see Chief Zendak.
Posted by cleome on :
434. Asks the clerk in the supermarket's greeting card aisle, "Do you have any cards that say, 'Happy Holidays and BTW I Brutally Killed Your Loved One/Friend/Colleague Last Week And Assumed His Form And Faked The Signature Below'?"

(Poor Chief Zendak. At least you'll live on whenever Gigi yells at somebody.)
Posted by future king on :
435. Checks with Santa Claus to make sure all the reindeer have Brainiac 5's permission to wear Legion Flight Rings.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
436. Refers to all police officers as Officer Zendak. Well all male ones,females are refered to as Officer Erin.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
437. Marches into an observatory and announces, "we have 1,000 years to save Titan!"
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
438. Buys a lifetime supply of sky blue body paint.
Posted by future king on :
439. Doesn't own a Computo(er) for obvious reasons. You can't be too careful right Trip- ooops I mean Duo Damsel?
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
440. Since Lu has so many bodies, concludes that Computo was FRAMED by some government/corporate conspiracy!
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
441. Inserts a *breep* before and after every sentence spoken.
Posted by Karl Earl Nick Tain on :
442. Can't find Reality's telephone number or email, and doesn't get any response from Facebook friend requests.
Posted by future king on :
443. Decided it was safer to go to community college instead of Universoty. You can't be too careful nowadays.

[ January 03, 2011, 03:46 AM: Message edited by: future king ]
Posted by cleome on :
444. Quits job, abandons family, sells everything one owns, and moves to Nashville with dreams of making it big with pilot song-writing project: "Let A Glare Be Your Umbrella: The Emerald Eye Sessions."
Posted by future king on :
445. Re-reads his entire collection of Legion books once again ... this time, in an effort to humanize his heroes from the future more, tries to see if he can see any of them going to the bathroom at any point in the last 50 years.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
446. Told my Girlfriend the wedding can only be held on Mars with a guest list of The Legion, The Subs, Heroes of Lallor, The Wanders, Martian Manhunter, and Superboy and Supergirl. And All LWBM.

(I know, I know, went overboard with All LWBM!)
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
447. Misses Luci's wedding because someone has to stay on duty at headquarters. [Frown]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
448. Sets hair aflame because it looked so cool on Fire Lad.
Posted by Exnihil on :
449. When confronted with 4th quarter performance numbers, breaks down and confesses, "Yes, it's true. I am... Productivity-Falls-Off Boy."
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
450. Tells son that no college can match the experience he can get at "The Legion Academy"...
Posted by Tom Tanner on :
Still pathetically trying to recruit for the Substitute Legion of Substitute Message Board Posters:
Posted by Tom Tanner on :
Disappointed that Miraculin is not the generic for Miraclo.
Posted by Tom Tanner on :
Still insists this is the year 2011, despite the obvious lack of jetpacks, hoverboards, and sentient robots.
Posted by future king on :
454. Wonders if Lady Gaga secrectly gets her inspiration for all the different platinum blonde wigs she wears from Dream Girl.
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
455. Lists Scourge of a Distant Galaxy on resume.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
456. When filling out employment applications, when confronted with the question of whether one has ever been convicted of a crime, wonders whether being jailed for crimes one might commit in the future counts.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
457. Asks doctor to send him to the Phantom Zone until there's a cure when diagnosed with food poisoning.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
458. Won't let kids do homework for fear of their altering history.
Posted by cleome on :
459. Doesn't understand why they got called into the boss' office for THAT talk after repeatedly using the phrase "speed force" in front of customers all the time.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
460. Wants to call up his pet and talk to it. [tease]
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
461. Using shredded pictures of Chlorophyll Kid as fertilizer for my house plants. If successful will start my own company "Ral Lardy Benem Inc." our slogan, "We make poo work for you."
Posted by future king on :
462. Thinks a new reality show about contestants creating a new Legionnaire actually has a chance of making it in next fall's prime time schedule.
Posted by cleome on :
463. Writes tell-all, hard-hitting book about U.P. politics and social mores: Green/Blue/Orange Like Me.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
460. Wants to call up his pet and talk to it. [tease]

463. Refers to intelligent, compassionate animals as "it". [tease]
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
465. Becomes actor Ralph Macchio's bodyguard because "Giffen's after you next!"
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
465a. Also has some buddies keep an eye on Hilary Swank and Jaden Smith.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
466. Drafted a detailed request to move the United Nations Complex to the Dwarf Planet Ceres and rename it Webers World.
Posted by cleome on :
467. Butchers classic country tune so it's now called "Flight Ring of Fire."
Posted by future king on :
468. "Darkseid of Kathoon" cover songs for Pink Floyd tribute band.
Posted by cleome on :
469. Writes a grant proposal to Monsanto for help in breeding a newer, more delicious species of Elvabird.
Posted by cleome on :
470. Doesn't realize until it's too late that there was a hiccup on the previous page and now our numbering is off!

471.[restorative white noise goes here]
Posted by cleome on :
472. Writes FB entry bragging about having repaired this thread's count.

472a. Is not even on FB at the time the entry is written.
Posted by future king on :
473. Just got the Pepto "Bismoll" joke in the last week.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
474. Volunteers to moderate the Titans forum, but only if given a "Mad Mod" alt-ID!
Posted by future king on :
475. Is bust reading "The Dawn Star" book series desperately waiting for the part when the Legion approaches our romance heroine.
Posted by cleome on :
476. Throws away pruning shears and lawnmower, thinking that one's superpowers make them totally unnecessary.

[Chlorophyll Kid]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
477. Discusses the merits of various slash fictions, including Martin/Tim (My Favorite Martian), Ricky Ricardo/Fred Mertz and Arby's Hat/Hamburger Helper Helping Hand.
Posted by cleome on :
478. Names a series of casseroles after legendary LMB posters.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
479. You are developing a code for other LMBers using names from the Bible.
Posted by Dev Em on :
480. Are looking forward to cracking the code.
Posted by cleome on :
481. Writes a frothing letter to the CEO of a major supermarket chain, demanding to know why the toy-vending machines out front of the local store don't have any costume jewelery flight rings available.

481b. Also why that glass box where you can try to grab a plush toy with that big pincer-gizmo for a buck doesn't have any plush Proteans in it.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
482. Using a plasma torch, magnets and a beach ball full of hydrogen, spent the weekend trying to create a star. If R.J. Brande can do it then "By Damn" so can I.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
483. Answers by saying that strong nuclear reactions would be a better bet. I also want to note that an evil/mind-slave Element Lad would be the best way to go.
Posted by cleome on :
484. Wonders why prominent national job posting site has a zillion fly-by-night "universities" in its banner ads, but not a single one that advertises the Legion Academy.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
485. Wonders why there haven't yet been any news stories about the LMB Wiki.
Posted by cleome on :
486. Invents and patents instant alphabet soup with all the letters in Interlac.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
487. Wonders why no one ever stages plays by Kent Shakespeare.
Posted by cleome on :
488. Figures there's no point in getting that tax return in on time, since everything's just going to be rebooted again anyway.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
489. Startz speling liek won iz poasting inn thatt "Spel liek Cobatl Kidd" thred.
Posted by cleome on :
490. Invents the "Spelling Cee" game, in which one wins by incorrectly spelling more words than all of one's opponents.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
491. Sets doing everything listed in the "Today I (Imaginary Version)" thread as a personal goal.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
492. Searches tirelessly for all of those pornos that Lard Lad is said to have starred in.
Posted by cleome on :
492. Wonders if the real reason that Gym'll is missing an arm is because his people have had their genes spliced to the species that gave us Arm Fall Off Boy.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
493. Is thinking about writing an article by Question Lad.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
494. Thinks rhyming "zoo" with "poo" is clever.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
495. "Beware the Octopi" begins to make sense! [Wink]
Posted by cleome on :
496. Seeking a Federal grant to help Hot Pockets achieve sentience.
Posted by Dev Em on :
497. Have almost reached 500 signs in a thread that should have ended months ago based on its title.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
498. When reconnecting with an old friend, thinks "I'm so glad he wasn't retconned out of existence!"
Posted by cleome on :
499. Starts a new Facebook account for each of one's alts.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
500. Hijacks thread milestone number and talks about it.
Posted by future king on :
501. Stresses over the fact that another LMBer got the coveted 500th spot of the way-poorly named "27 Signs..." thread. [Mad]
* well played by the way Amigo *

At least my post number is one of my favorite classic jeans! [Smile]
Posted by future king on :
502. Number of times I've read "The Great Darkness Saga". Well... almost. [Wink]

[ March 23, 2011, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: future king ]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
503. Drives people crazy by insisting on calling bananas "banyo fruit".
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
504. Wonders how many fellow posters are "weeny weedy weeky" people and how many are "venny veedy veechy" people.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
505. Insists on bringing Julius Ceasar here in a Time Bubble to establish which is correct once and for all.
Posted by future king on :
506. Honest belief that "time bubble" and "Julius Ceasar" not only belong together in the same sentence but actually make more sense that way dammit!
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
507. Writes romance fanfiction.
Posted by cleome on :
507a. ...featuring characters who never even spoke to each other in canon, even if they were in the same frame/panel a couple of times.
Posted by cleome on :
508. Goes to the paint-it-yourself ceramics store and makes Legion-themed butter dishes and cake plates for everyone on the LMB.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
509. Thinks it was grand of the USA to name the location of the capital after the publisher of the Legion.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
510. Thinks it impressive to scale the side of the reflecting pool at the washington monument, which is only about four feet deep. And then stands at the end and shouts... "Mera...!"
Posted by cleome on :
511. Makes crank calls to friends, telling them all about the time-shares they can win at a fabulous luxury resort on Phlon, if they'll just attend this free seminar the first Thursday in April...
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
512. Notes when we hit a number in the geometric progression beginning with 1, 2, 4, 8.

513. Thinks Lady Gaga would totally class up her image if she went by Lady Ga-GAH.

514. Includes two totally unrelated examples in a single post.
Posted by cleome on :
515. Writes Paul Levitz, Keith Giffen, and Phil Jimenez a frothing email to accuse them of stealing idea for an annual that debuts Macrame Maiden and her home planet, Twineland.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
516. While doing research, finds Question Lad similar to Yitzhak Rabin.
517. If Emily was an animal she would be a rabbit, if Sebastian was an animal he would be a puppy.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
518. Has an irrational urge to go swimming in 50 degree weather with overcast, gray, dull, lifeless skies overhead.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
519. When people ask me how I am liking this cold weather I reply. "I hear Tharr is nice this time a year."
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
520. Makes references to Color Kid when people talk about playing the "Blues".
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
521. Wonders what would happen if certain LMBers were to date characters from classic sitcoms.

After Rickshaw/Gladys Kravitz, I think I may need to be institutionalized.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
522. Angry that I still can't see Medicus One with 5th my telescope. ( I don't think they will be taking this one back as defective.)
Posted by future king on :

523. Borrows his nephew's Tai Kwan Doe outfit just so he can see if he looks like Karate Kid in the mirror.

"Oh, if only my hair weren't gray now ...."

Uhhh... I was NOT talking about myself, ok??
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
524. Denies talking to self. [Wink] [tease] [Hug]
Posted by cleome on :
525. Nude snake wrestling in Jell-O™ Pudding.
Posted by cleome on :
526. Thinks every thread is the one that quotes lines from Bloom County.
Posted by future king on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
524. Denies talking to self. [Wink] [tease] [Hug]

Posted by cleome on :
527. Makes a list that sorts LMBers according to whether one sees them as traditional (avian), or bunny-shaped Peeps™.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
528. Asks the guy at the t-shirt kiosk at the mall if he got a shipment of Lard Lads or future kings in yet.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
529. Wonders why Disney hasn't been sued for copyright infringement for the Beagle Boys.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
530. Stalks Rebecaa Black and recruits her to join the LMB as "Meme Maid"!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
531. Joins Facebook as "Mayor McCheese."
Posted by cleome on :
532. Pays twice the going rate for a Mayor McCheese action figure at the online auction site-- just because it's supposedly been autographed by Kent Shakespeare himself.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
532. Thinks Sam Pureheart should have a rival called Ritchie Oak. We are in need of antagonists!!!
Posted by cleome on :
534. Worries about the pending worldwide shortage of numbers ending with "3".
Posted by future king on :
535. Never once questions why there are 535 posts on a thread that limits them to just 27.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
536. Looks on census form when asking how one commutes to work for "teleportation" and "self-propelled flight".
Posted by cleome on :
537. Decides to get married wearing only a black bustier and a long white veil.

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This site is intended solely to celebrate & publicize these characters & their creators.
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