This is topic this thread brought to you by... THE LIBRARY! in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by MLLASH on :
It may shock some of you to find out I'm posting at the library right now....
Posted by Pov on :
What the hell, are you lost?!?! [Confused] [Wink] [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm looking for hellmouths...

No, roomie needed to buy a plane ticket online and webtv is no good for that. So here I be (temprorily).
Posted by Pov on :
Cool. [Cool] [Hug]

How are you? You got today off?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yeah.... took a vacay day so I'm gonna PLAY!

i think we're going to eat now.... so I'm heading away! But please continue while I'm at the buffet!
Posted by Pov on :
OOH! I hope it's a Chinese buffet... I'm jonesing for Sweet n Sour Chicken and crab Rangoons... [Drool]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Cobie told me he once got crabs in Rangoon.
Posted by Pov on :
Sheep, cows, horses, now crustaceans... [Hmmm?]

Has the boy no SHAME?!?! [No]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'm also posting from the library. I'm on my lunch break and posting from my office. [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Well, I'm back home now but all talk of the library, chinese food and Cobie's crabs should continue unabated!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
On a side note, I've also passed on those crabs at the library! The Dr. Suess section gets me so hot!

(PS - Yay! Lash posting in the daytime!!!)
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
(Yay! Lash posting in the daytime!!!)

Yeah, it HAS been too long, huh? [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
On a side note, I've also passed on those crabs at the library! The Dr. Suess section gets me so hot!

Hop on Pov is your favorite, right?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
LW needs more daytime Lash!

As a gentle down time from naughty nighttime Lash!
Posted by LardLad on :
Feh! LW don't need no stinkin' watered-down daytime MLLASH!!! [Mad]

Lash, let's reclaim the night!!!
Posted by MLLASH on :
It shall be done! But not tonight, I'm tired...
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Posting from the library?


(One of those guys looks like a certain penguin I know.)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I wonder if Lash will post in the daytime again, and if so--will it be from the Library? Or somewhere more erxotic?
Posted by MLLASH on :
This post brought to you by... MY LUNCH BREAK!

Which is now over... [choke] Gotta leave, see you tonight!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
So what section of the library would we fine the Lash biography?

Romance? - they don't have THOSE kind of stories

Cultural Studies? - can he bu summed up in a petrie dish?

History? - celebrating his 5th term of 21, he's not old enough yet.

Philosophy? - the Way of the Lash
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<enters the library>

Ah, I feel much better now. Time to get these returned books back to the stacks.

What's this? The collected works of Lord Byron? Oh, I just have to read this during my lunch hour!


Guess not that many visitors today. Just the same old guy who keeps checking out books whom I've never had the chance to meet. "Desmonius Cobaltus"? Hm, I wonder who that could be...
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<looking out the window>

Oh Dear! Look at all those Legionnaires! This can't be good for the normal citizens of Legion World.

Why, I'm too scared to even go outside.

*sigh* is rather exciting!
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<sometime later>

Hm, what's this in the pocket of my dress? A...locket...?

How odd! I don't remember ever recieving such a thing. Its beautiful, but also very exotic looking. I could probably research it right here in the library...

<goes searching through old books regarding the locket, all the while fighting any urges to go outside and see what all the commotion is about>
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
Hello! Is there anybody here? I need a cookbook on tubers.
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
Hello Moley! Glad to see you've dropped by! I've got your cookbook right here.

Say, it sure is exciting out there! What's with all the Legionnaires in the streets? Some sort of cosmic crisis, or such? You know I don't really know most of those types of people on Legion World, other than the kinder, gentler types like yourself.
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
Thanks Mary!

Exciting is one word for the streets of Legion World. Noisy, too. Bright! I prefer a nice quiet burrow to all these shenanigans, but ... but you know ... hmmm, that's funny, I can't remember how I ended up on Legion World.

Oh well! Say Mary, how about once I delve into this cookbook, you join me for a nice quiet dinner?
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
Why, that sounds lovely! I do get tired of eating alone these days. We can discuss that nice cookbook you're borrowing.

And you can tell me about some of these Legionnaires I always read about.
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
It's a date! I mean, not a date, well, you know what I mean. Um, I'll call you ... here, at the library. Oh dear, I must go.

Posted by Mary Hatch on :
Well, this should be a lovely evening!

<looks at self in mirror, fixes hair>

Oh stop it, Mary, who are you kidding? Hm, maybe Moley would be interested in this new book I'm reading? Oh, probably not...

<tosses aside latest book she is reading, entitled "The Watchmaker's Timepiece">
Posted by Cobaltus on :
*up in the skies over Legion World, Cobalt Kid races from the Rookery, now aware that something awaits him at the library--some form of destiny*

Wh-who is this girl...?

None of this makes any sense. But I must know! Nothing else matters now...

<rips off military decorations on his superhero costume, loosens clasp around the collar of his costume>

And answers I shall have...

<magnetically opens both doors and enters>
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
<phone rings but Mary Hatch doesn't pick up and the call goes to voicemail>

Hello Mary, it's me Naked Mole Rat Lad. I guess you're busy. Anyway, I just wanted you to know I'm on a LMB mission, and I may be a little late for dinner. I'll call you as soon as I know what's going on. By the way, do you know anything about someone called Phineas B. Fuddle? Bye for now!"
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<quite suddenly, Mary's locket begins to feel very cold; she is alarmed by it, but more intrigued than anything; at first she feels like a voice is calling to her>

Who is Lolita?

<suddenly she hears the double doors of the library slam open, rather rudely; the loudness of the slamming scares her>

Hello? Who is there? The library is now closed!

<she comes down the isle, annoyed, fixing her hair again>

I said, who is there--

<she sees the Legionnaire often in the galactic newspapers: Cobalt Kid, the general known as Cobaltus. Not a man she'd go out of her way to meet. But something about him...something excites her>

Can I help you?
Posted by Cobaltus on :
<sees her for the first time; she is beautiful, but obviously very reserved. And timid...or perhaps just near him>

I' name is Cobalt Kid. I,...sorry about the abrupt entrance. A seance with a ghost told me to come here, and well...I...

<looks around>

Who are you? Do we--do we know each other?
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
I certainly think not. Seance, did you say? Ghosts? Well, I must admit, that sounds very exciting, but I don't really know what that has to do with me.

Are you okay? You look very ill. My name is Mary. Mary Hatch. I'm the librarian.
Posted by Cobaltus on :
You look so familiar to me. But that couldn't possibly be.

<smiles, embarrassed>

Okay, so I'm not sure why I'm here. It felt so right at the time. Mary, you said? Well Mary, its been nice to meet you, but--

<and suddenly, as he gets closer, Cobalt Kid smells Mary Hatch for the first time, and it is the sweet smell of Jasmine. He's smelled it before, a thousand times. Every day for so many years. Its reliable, it makes him at ease. Its breathtaking in its beauty. And it stops him dead in his tracks>

No. No, I'm here for a reason.

Mary Hatch...

<gets even closer to her, so now their faces are almost together>
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<suddenly very nervous, she moves backwards away from him>

I'm not sure why you're here, Cobaltus. I know you're a great hero on Legion World, but I'm not sure what I can help you with...

<starts picking up loose books to be put away>

I've got work to do before I go home, so I really wish I could stay and talk...

<and the amulet goes cold again, and she hears that odd voice calling to her. Protecting her? It's urging her to do something>

...My? Who is My?

<looks up at Cobalt>

Why are so many odd things happening right now?
Posted by Cobaltus on :
<magnetically pulls the books out of Mary's hands and puts them onto the shelves>

Let me help you, Mary. You...this may sound have a funny way about you.

Mary, I live quite a crazy life. I see things everyday that make no sense. Angry deities coming to life to snuff out the universe. Friends who have died and returned from the dead. People from the past and the future coming to our present time. I've come to believe that all things are possible. That when you have an instinct, you've got to trust it. Mary, do you believe in fate? That some people are destined to know one another?

<knows the question is very odd to a perfect stranger>

I feel like I know you. Don't you feel the same thing?
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
I'm sorry Cobalt, but I don't know what you're talking about. All I know about you is you are a legendary hero in the LMB. But that you're also a war-monger. That you're cold and unkind. I don't know you, and I don't want to know you.

Please...please leave.

<again the locket speaks to her, this time more clearly. It tells her not to let him leave. Mary whispers to the locket>

please stop...I don' t know any Lolita...
Posted by Cobaltus on :
...Lolita...? Did I hear you just say that?

<the name seems to hit him like a bucket of cold water; and again, he starts to recall things>

I'm sorry Mary. But no, I will not leave.
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<puts books down, now annoyed>

Really, Cobalt, I must insist, please go...I'm rather busy. I'm perfectly happy not being involved in these strange goings-on that occur on Legion World.

<stares into his eyes and suddenly her feelings of anger and disgust seem to change for a moment. There is something warm behind those eyes, almost afraid to come out. But she ignores it, afraid of how she might feel. For that instant, as the locket continues to feel colder yet with more energy, she wonder if she does know him somehow.>

I-I'm not one of those starlets you're always seen with, and I don't approve of your politics--you're warlike ways. There is no reason you should bother me. Please!
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
<Outside the Library>

Why am I doing this?

Boss Witch says your BFF My is here somewhere...

The Library? My wasn't the bookworm type... that was more Lo's style.

Who's Lo?

I don't know...

(Why don't I know? Lo? I know she loves to read those silly girl porn romances and she always wears jasmine... But I don't know who she is...)
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
<Naked Mole Rat Lad continues on his way to the Library, having made an unintended stop at the Orrey>

I hope Mary doesn't mind my showing up unannounced. I wonder if she got my voicemail.

<NMR Lad burrows right under the unsuspecting feet of Everyday Girl and into the lobby of the Library>


Mary? Mary, are you here?

<NMR Lad hears voices>

Who could be here with Mary? It's not like her to have visitors. Gosh, is that Cobaltus' voice? What's he doing in the Library? I didn't know he could read!

<NMR Lad contemplates his next move>

Maybe I should just wait this out a bit. I'm sure Yellow Kid and the others in the Terresect system won't mind if I'm gone for a while.

Jeepers! Mary doesn't sound happy.
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Okay I'm pretty sure Cobalt Creep is in there... but who else?

Nobody, No One, scout... I want to know everyone inside the library, what they're doing, and how they're armed if at all, including any magical artifacts or devices, like a locket... GO!

Yes! We go! It's been so long... fun times are back!
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
hmmm ... I wonder how long I should wait around?

<continues to listen to Cobaltus' and Mary's conversation>

Huh? It also sounds like someone is outside. Who could that be?
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
<Nobody and No One, are searching the inside of the library per EDG's instructions>

Look it's Moley... How ya doing Moley? We ain't seen you in forever... Hey where'd ya tunnel in from? Can we check out the other end? Cuz like Brit's got her guns back and we like gotta make extra sure she's safe...
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
Um, well, sure, but this particular burrow goes all the way to the Terresects. Well, first I did stop off at this really peculiar observatory kind of place. Is it really necessary for you to check out the other end, because it goes for miles and miles and miles?
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
<Nobody and No One, are searching the inside of the library per EDG's instructions>

We can go fast... Very super fast! And yes cuz she told us to make sure... and if we don't check the other end we won't be sure...
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
well, alrighty then. I'll just wait over here by the card catalog.

hmmm ... Cobaltus and Mary seemed to have stopped talking. I wonder what's going on? Maybe I should take a peek ...
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<backing farther away from Cobalt>

Please Cobalt, I’ve asked you twice now. Please leave me alone. There is no reason for you to be here. I’d really like you to go.

<again, the locket grows extremely cold and speaks to her>

Why is all this happening…?

<though Cobalt Kid is a total stranger to her, again she feels something else. She feels an excitement in her stomach…she feels satisfied that he is here. And she is very afraid of those feelings>
Posted by Cobaltus on :
<Cobalt continues to walk forward towards her, ignoring her wishes to leave>

Mary…I’m…starting to remember I think…

What I saw in Pagan Lass’s vision. Not actual memories…but emotions…feelings.

Mary, I know you, and you know me. I don’t know how, and I don’t care.

<stares into her eyes, as she walks backwards up a staircase and he follows>

I cared for you once, a great deal. It must have been a lifetime ago. I know you think I’m cold, and heartless. And maybe I am those things. But I wasn’t always this way. Maybe in some other lifetime, I never became such a rotten bastard. But I look at you, and I feel a fire in me. I feel happy, and I feel as if I can exhale after so many long years.

I think…I think maybe I loved you once?

<now is extremely close to her, so that they can feel each other’s breathing. He reaches his hand up to her face>
Posted by Ghost Girl on :
Yes... the moment is nigh upon us...
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<she stares into his eyes again, and closes her own. Something about the way he smells—like he’s clean, not like he’s trying to impress her. Something about the way he looks at her, as if he actually might understand her. Something about the way he talks>

…please…what you’re saying is…very lovely…but impossible…and I don’t believe it…

<as he moves to put his hand on her cheek, she suddenly has her senses kick back in>


Please, leave me be!

<runs down the stairs past him>

I’ve asked you, so now I’m begging! I don’t know you, and I don’t want to!

<in her hurry, the locket she had been grasping falls to the ground>
Posted by Cobaltus on :
<picks up the locket; as he does, his spiritual sense that is part of the magical healing powers he hardly understands seems to react to it; and suddenly, some thoughts he had that seems just beyond the brink of comprehension become clearer>

<he smiles>

Mary, you’re scared of me. And I don’t blame you. Were you always a little scared of me? Or scared of yourself? Or maybe I’m the one who was scared…? Scared of hurting you? Or simply just scared of being hurt once more?

What I know is this. I’m a person who believes in logic and explanations. Science. We face a foe now who can alter time and space; who travels through Legion World hurting us in ways perhaps we are only now beginning to understand. This enemy, Phineas B. Fuddle, hates me, as he hates several others. But if he can manipulate time, then perhaps he did something to me—by doing something to you.

You don’t know me, and I don’t know you, or at least, that’s what all sense tells us. But maybe I’m wrong, waiting for logic and explanations. Because I do know you. Somehow.

I’ve felt this tremendous guilt these last few days. This enormous weight upon my chest, as if I did something I regret. You called me cold-hearted before, and I have become that way, I know. But I do not feel guilt for my actions. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. So maybe this guilt has to do with something else. Some other lifetime? As if I had to tell someone something and now the chance to do so is gone.


<now he begins walking to her once more, to her dismay>

…Mary…don’t you feel it? You must! We do know each other somehow! Phineas must have screwed up the timeline. Because I feel it in my heart. You asked me to choose. To decide something that had been left unsaid for so many years. That maybe we both ignored, but you couldn’t ignore it any longer.

I…I remember more and more…this locket is helping…you told me you loved me, I know it. But I didn’t respond.

Mary, you must know me. Because I’m telling you. I love you, too.
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<as Cobalt grows ever closer, his words confuse her and make her increasingly uncomfortable. They make no sense at all. Yet part of her believes it, or perhaps wants to believe it. But every fantasy she’s ever had about leaving the library and being part of these grand adventures is likely coming into play. This simply is not how things are. But why does it all feel so familiar?>

…please…l said leave me be…

<and then she hears the words “I love you”, and her heart soars. As if she’d been waiting—no, hoping—but truly did not think she’d ever hear it. She feels uplifted, she feels euphoric. But why? Why would this complete stranger, this heartless monster, cause her such reactions? It makes no sense>

You…love me? You hardly know me. What sort of trick are you trying to play?

<wipes her forehead with her hankerchief; she feels as if she actually might faint>

Please Cobalt Kid…my name is Mary Hatch, and I’m just a librarian. Not some jailbait you walk around with and discard at your whim…

<she looks away, trying to get her bearings, and a tear rolls down her cheek; she hardly knows why she is reacting thus>
Posted by Cobaltus on :
<and now another smile goes across his face, but quickly disappears. More sure of himself than ever, he approaches her firmly, refusing to let this go. The time is now>

Mary, you can’t even look at me. Because in your heart you know it must be true. You’ve been my companion. You’ve been my friend. You’ve been everything to me I’ve ever needed. Mary…

<the locket she dropped again reacts in a weird way to Cobalt Kid; it obviously does not want him to be holding it. It wants Mary Hatch. He can sense that, but at the same time, he can sense a continuous flow of information to his mind>

Mary…Lolita. Lolita…<he smiles widely>

You’ve been everything to me. You have been my constant. I saved you from those Khundian pirates. I gave you a place to live, and a job when it was all you ever wanted. But you saved me when it really counted, and in a much better way. You saved me from myself. You loved me when it felt like no one else ever wood.

<he stops before, as the realization sets in that he can only bring her so far, and she must do the rest himself; he extends the locket>

You dropped this. Please take back your locket…
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<she extends her hand and takes it back, now looking at him once more, and considering everything he’s said>

Its like you’ve changed…right before my eyes since you came in here. Either you must be crazy…because it still seems so utterly ridiculous…or maybe…maybe I need to have a little faith.

<once more, the coldness of the locket hits her. The voice continues to speak to her, and its clear now that it is a girl, a teenage girl about her age>

You called me Lolita before…and that name sounds so familiar. You seem so familiar. Not Cobaltus the General, but the ‘you’ right here. Cobalt Kid…Cobie. That’s what your friends call, isn’t it?

I want to believe it, but wouldn’t anyone? Its crazy though.

<she is unable to break away from his eyes. Now she is simply just talking out loud, not even sure what she is saying>

Maybe I just need to have some faith in myself…

…everything is so confusing…I feel as if levy is holding back a flood, and I just need it to break…

I’m so scared…
Posted by Cobaltus on :
<indeed a change has occurred. In this timeline without Jailbait Lass, Cobalt Kid had increasingly become consumed by revenge and Cobaltus the General dominated his every action. But seeing Mary Hatch, he begins to feel as he once did. And he stops thinking like a general, and starts thinking like a man again>

I’m scared too. I know I must sound crazy. I probably am a little crazy. But whatever is happening on Legion World, its done something to throw far off track. But you can get me back there. You always have, Mary.

Now please…take my hand.

<extends his hand to her>

<he now also senses the presence of others outside, as previously he had been too distracted. He knows time is short>
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<Mary sees Cobalt Kid’s outstretched hand, and feels the quiet so loudly dominate the room. She feels herself believing more and more despite every effort not to. She doesn’t want to believe, she doesn’t want to be near him…but she can’t help but think it somehow feels so right>

…cobie…how can someone believe in something so crazy…?

<she staggers a little, almost on the verge of fainting. The locket has begun to hum now in her head, and the levy holding back the flood grows ever weaker>

…you told me you love me…but you don’t even know me…

…but maybe…maybe you do…

<she leans forward, and now she grabs his outstretched hand but only to keep herself up. The locket is speaking to her and the voice if much clearer: it is the voice of My Wee Fem. And as she speaks to Mary Hatch, Mary can hardly concentrate. She falls forward, grabbing Cobalt’s hand, and lands into his chest>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Cobalt catches the falling Mary Hatch, and holds her up in his arms, his face now inches from her own. She obviously feels faint, and he can only hope its because somehow she is remembering too>

You’ve got to trust you instincts, Lolita. Matlock taught us both that…you must remember the LMB, the Security Office. You must have been friends with Everyday Girl, or My Wee Fem. And you must have been in love with me. Because I can feel it in my soul. Even if you don’t remember knowing me, you must remember how you felt.

<he is now incredibly close to her, and realizes this is it. He’s made his argument and can think of nothing further to say. Now she must remember, or he failed>
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
We tried to get back quicker but... it's so far... Look Mistress LOOK!

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Oh... Crap on a Stick!

I can't wait around... <Runs into Library>

Cobie... You need to see this!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hold on Britney...I think about to happen...

<Cobalt still holds Mary Hatch in her arms, staring into her eyes>
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<she looks up at him, and feels him holding her tightly. Now his look has changed again; it has not hardened, but it has a fierceness about it. There is real conviction in his words. And as the spirit of My Wee Fem, who lives inside the locket, whispers into her mind, she feels her body tighten and her then a sudden explosion of tension is released from all over. She again loses her footing but Cobalt keeps her up. A plethora of smells rush past her as her senses heighten; her eyes go blurry, and her throat goes dry. Her memories of another lifetime are just beyond the veil, but the emotions she once felt…are there. And she remembers>

<looking up> Cobie…you…you say you love me…?

<she smiles>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You’re damn right I do.

<and Cobalt kisses her, like he’s never kissed anyone else>

<and the full memories of the real timeline truly begin to return>
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<she wraps her own small arms around his neck and kisses him back like it’s the only thing that matters right now in the entire galaxy; seconds pass and she doesn’t know how long. A lone tear streaks down her cheek and she continues to remember so much. Though she is confused, and the memories remain so hazy because of what Phineas has done, she knows in her heart this is what she’s always wanted. And now she has it.>

<at last, the kiss ends>

…well…well, that was pretty convincing…<she smiles>

Its all still so blurry…

<she fixes her hair, and the wrinkles on her dress>

<she suddenly sees Everyday Girl, who seems so familiar, yet the two have never met officially>

Cobie…you need to get back to the LMBP. Phineas…he needs to be stopped. So much needs to be done…
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<He smiles back>

You don’t miss a beat. But that feels right too. I think Lolita…Mary…you’re so much more to me.

<turns to Everyday Girl>

Britney...<he pauses>

I know you hate me...but I can't help but feel that you really shouldn't.

<sees she is anxious for him to see something>

Okay, show me.

<sees what No One and Nobody have shown her>

Bloody Liberty! We need to find Phineas--and fast!

<turning to Mary>

You need to help me find Phineas B. Fuddle. Right now we have no idea how to get to him.

<looks at the strange book she was reading before; it reads “"The Watchmaker's Timepiece". Maybe fate was part of this after all?>

He’s doing something all over Legion World. Exnihil—one of our LMBers—has been traveling throughout all of these various locations. But we hardly know what it all means. Maybe you can help us?

<he pulls her in closer>

But first, one more kiss. And then I’ll explain everything.
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
After Cobalt Kid has explained everything he’s done against Phineas B. Fuddle to Mary Hatch, including Exnihil’s trips around Legion World, she thinks it through, and gets to work.

Its so amazing, but I’ve been reading about something similar. Something about chronometers and the various usages of time.

<she pulls out a map of Legionnpolis, the main city of Legion World>

I realize you both must be in a terrible rush, but please be patient for one moment.

Some of the places you’ve described…the Security Office, Medicus Two…I can tell there is a pattern developing. I know Legion World quite well. In my time in the library, I’ve studied its demographics and the layout of the major city.

<suddenly she’s very embarrassed; first by the fact that she’s a librarian without much of a social life and second, because she’s not even sure how those memories could be true if she is this other Lolita person. But she continues nonetheless>

But if you look at this developing pattern, and consider that Exnihil is traveling backwards in time to layout chronometers for Phineas to use, he may be putting the necessary building blocks in place to do something drastic to Legion World with his powers over space and time.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
But Mary, the pattern is incomplete. We only know a handful of places Exnihil has been. It would be impossible to tell.

<looks over the map with her>

By the way, don’t be embarrassed about knowing about this stuff. I think its pretty cool.

<doesn't look at Everyday Girl as he says that, figuring she is likely rolling her eyes>
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
<she smiles, a little flustered>

Yes, well, thank you, but, well…anyway, I know the pattern is incomplete, but you see, I can naturally extrapolate the locations to come up with the pattern. You see, I’ve always had this gift to compile data, to analyze it and draw conclusions, and I’m generally always spot-on. So you see…

<Mary pinpoints all the rest of the places for the chronometers to be on Legion World>

There you go. Those must be the 12 places on Legion World where Phineas has placed his chronometers via Exnihil, as you said. Whats so amazing is an hour ago this would have seemed so crazy to me. But now…it doesn’t for some reason.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hm…that’s pretty damn impressive, Mary. Still, Vee’s Villa hasn’t had anyone there in weeks. Guess that could have been done months ago with time travel involved. You know, I think you did it!

Because of the Kacks we know where Phineas is, but his powers of space don't allow us to actually get there. Maybe this can help?

<once more he leans closely to Mary Hatch and the room almost heats up as the two get closer>
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
You really have your own statue? Really…<shakes head>

In any case, by mapping these out in this fashion...a clear pattern is shown. Even more, it seems to be pointing to something. Something beyond the city of Legion World. Its pointing beyond the hills outside the city. I bet you anything that is where Phineas secret hideout is. Or the best way to officially get there at least, since you say that’s what the problem is.

I think we’ve just found your way to Phineas B. Fuddle.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<now Cobalt smiles even wider>

I have no doubt now. You and I are destined to be together. So Mary Hatch…if you still believe, I do too. Its time to fix things, and stop Phineas B. Fuddle. And whatever happens to you and I, or the timeline, or who knows, I feel like in my heart we’ll find each other, whether in this lifetime or the next.

So in the meantime, I’m not letting you out of my sight.

<scoops her up into his arms>

Hope you don’t mind a little adventure. We’ve got work to do, and you’re coming with me.

Brit, where is everyone else? What No One and Nobody is far too critical, and I think we might have a shot at surprising Phineas after all. Its time to start moving this toward the endgame.
Posted by LardLad on :
<calls via Omnicom from the Tesseracts>

Des! Where are ya, pal! We need to kick Phineas' ass!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<grabs omni-com>

Lardy, I'm here buddy. And I'm with some others. I think we've got some important information too, which should help.

I'll join you in the Tesseracts in a few minutes...I know where all the entrances are on Legion World as former Chief of Security.

<turns to Everyday Girl and Mary Hatch>

I think Naked Mole Rat Lad is outside. We need to get him with us and all of us need to get to the Tesseracts immediately. I think its all about to come to a head.

Mary, do you still trust me? Because I believe it now more than ever. And once we beat Phineas, things will get back to normal.

<holds her in his arms, as he takes to the air>

Brit, looks like we're working together on more than just this one stop. Like the way it should be.

Lets do it, LMBers.

<opens door to the Tesseracts>


[ March 30, 2009, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Mary Hatch on :
I guess...I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

<puts arms around Cobalt's neck as he picks her up>

Everything in my brain tells me this is so crazy, so insane. But just feels so right.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I knew I shoulda taken that right turn at Albuquerque...

You guys didn't see me... right?
Posted by MLLASH on :
eerrr... I'm at the library again. AND I got a card-- first time ever for the public system!

AND I donated my DAZZLER ESSENTIALS! I'm told if they don't need it for the collection, they will put in the "GENTLY USED BOOKSTORE!" I plan to hit that after I'm done computer-ing.

I'm still too frightened to look for things to check out today... except for the hot guys...
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
[Bouncing Boy] Yay, Lash! Welcome to the fun-filled world of being a public library patron! [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Thanks, Rocky! That library is VERY nice!

Just got home-- and, GREAT SPACE!

At the Gently Used Bookstore, I found both Bloom County: TOONS FOR OUR TIMES and THE FAR SIDE GALLERY COLLECTION 3. My cost for both: $6!

That's right, LESS than the cost of many comic books. I'll be hitting the GUB regularly from now on!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Keep us informed! Everyone knows the Library can also lead to great adventures into parallel worlds as well as sexual debauchery in the cookbook section!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Be careful those cute boys aren't hellspawn trying to lure innocent young you into a deathly trap!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Aww, I'm too shy to actually approach the hellspawn!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Even a cute one with a great voice who likes burgers?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Keep us informed! Everyone knows the Library can also lead to great adventures into parallel worlds as well as sexual debauchery in the cookbook section!

In the biz, we call that a "Code 641". [Wink]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I may have a code 641 this week-- gonna hit the Gently Used Bookstore Thursday!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Just be careful you don't knock any of those cookbooks off the shelves. If you do, of course, please let the staff reshelve them. Debauchery in the cookbooks (the 641s in Dewey, hence the name) adds a whole new meaning to The Joy of Cooking.
Posted by SharkLad on :
I'm going to the library later to do some work... I'll steer clear of the cookbooks... I usually do anyway...

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