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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lard and Pov.

We, of Legion World, hereby sentence you to multiple spankings from Giant Robotic Lesbian and Anti-Lad.

You're perversity could be your greatest asset or your most dreadful downfall! You must learn to harness it, less the MMB become as rotten as the smell emanating from you both when you think no one is near you.
Posted by Pov on :
I said "excuse me", for Pete's sake... [No]

Of course, I asked you to pull my finger first... [Good]
Posted by Iron Rat on :
You know what's perverse?


[Ze Tongue]

One of the tongue configurations looks exactly like a... like a... well, you know! [Embarrassed]
Posted by Pov on :
Yeah! [Eek!]



A spiderweb...! [Shudder]
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
[Robin - Tim Drake]

Time to accept the punishment boys.
Posted by Pov on :
Batman was always punishing Dick, but apparently takes it from Master Tim... [Embarrassed]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus:
Lard and Pov.

We, of Legion World, hereby sentence you to multiple spankings from Giant Robotic Lesbian and Anti-Lad.

And this is a [Love]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
You all wouldn't mind if I took a video, would you?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Originally posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus:
Lard and Pov.

We, of Legion World, hereby sentence you to multiple spankings from Giant Robotic Lesbian and Anti-Lad.

And this is a [Love]
That was my thought too.
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
I was spent a night with GRL after several buckets of bi-beers and machine oil. After a period of melancholy at SHAKES, now when she sees me her rage is so great that babies cry, dogs pee and super-villains abide by the law for several hours.

Is that what you really want?


And that was before Anti-Lad came back to Legion World...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus:
I was spent a night with GRL after several buckets of bi-beers and machine oil. After a period of melancholy at SHAKES, now when she sees me her rage is so great that babies cry, dogs pee and super-villains abide by the law for several hours.

Is that what you really want?


And that was before Anti-Lad came back to Legion World...

Psst... Cobie

I hate to tell you, but that whole think was a holographic joke Giant Robotic Lesbian played on you. It never really happened.
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
Jillikers! No wonder I didn't get a stomach ache from all that machine oil!

I guess then she just goes into a rage whenever she sees me for no reason. Wouldn't be the first... [choke]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Figures Clive would start his "cherry club" right as mine and Pov's hedonism is at its height.

Little weasel! [Mad]
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
The sentence for you two Perversity Lads may have to be community service at Clive's 'cherry club', as you called it.

Every time you have an impure thought, you'd both have to mow the lawn, clean the gutters, rake the leaves and other such good, moral chores.

And why, if you ever happened to have found something suspiciuos, like a stash of pornography in the basement, why, you'd have no choice but to share it with Legion World. After the two you purveyors of perversity made several savory jokes of course.
Posted by Lard Lad on :

<secretly jots down this idea>
Posted by Lard Lad on :
The Perversity Lads present:

Our all-new, all-exciting...

Pocket Universe!!!

Yep, all ya have to do is reach down deep into our pockets! And, boom, you're there!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
And for ultimate perversion!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

Can you play pool in the Pocket Universe?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
And you know the type I mean, don't you?
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
That variety of self-gratification is strictly forbidden by imperial decree!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I don't respect your authoritah!
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
[As an apt punishment for his defiance, LFR causes hair to sprout profusely from Lard Lad's palms.]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Hey Lardy, with a proper combover no one will notice your bald spot now. [Wink]
Posted by Pov on :

But I don't have any pockets...! [Frown]

The perils of posting nekkid, I guess... [sigh]

( [Evil] )
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Pov:
The perils of posting nekkid, I guess... [sigh]

( [Evil] )

There are...advantages...

Posted by Pov on :
Easy access! [Holdur]
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :


[tries to scrub mind clear of that image]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by Pov on :
Oh, like you're really shocked... [Roll Eyes] [LOL]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
:guilty: :coy:
Posted by Masked STU on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Oh, like you're really shocked... [Roll Eyes] [LOL]

I didn't say I was "shocked." "Disgusted" and "shocked" are not mutually exclusive, you know! [Razz]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Easy access! [Holdur]

Originally posted by Masked STU:


[tries to scrub mind clear of that image]

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

You guys have dirty minds!!! There coulda been, like, a zillion innocent explanations for that!!!

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Masked STU on :
Such as...?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Well...uh...easy access to being able to constantly check for suspicious moles and stuff. Er, you never know when a suspicious mole might pop if you're already naked, you won't have to, like, constantly undress to check for them!

Er, yeah...

Posted by Masked STU on :
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Posted by Masked STU on :
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Posted by Masked STU on :
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Posted by Pov on :
:cantstuffwithoutpantson: [Evil]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Posted by Masked STU on :
Posted by Pov on :
Posted by Masked STU on :
Posted by Pov on :
:bendsforwardwillingly: [Good]
Posted by Masked STU on :
Posted by Pov on :
:youknowmewell!: [Wink]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
:mayihaveanother?: [Yes]
Posted by Hot STU on :
Posted by Lard Lass on :
Posted by Hot STU on :
Posted by Pov on :
Posted by Hot STU on :
Posted by LardLad on :
<holds thermos>

So...when I was a hot chick for a coupla days, for some reason I was lactating from my hot chick boobs.

This thermos contains about a quart of the milk I made...


Mmmm...not bad!

Anyone else wanna try?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
No thanks, I already tried some when you were your former self... don't you remember? [Wink]

Speaking of which... most women don't lactate unless they're pregnant.

I wonder if it's possible that you were actually pregnant when you were Lard Lass? And that you were put into a time-compressed suspended animation, in which your baby was carried to term and delivered, without your conscious knowledge, in the course of a few minutes?

If so, who's the father? And where's your baby? The mind boggles!
Posted by LardLad on :
Y'know, I'm not really clear on whether my body was transformed into the hot chick or if my mind was transferred into some hot chick's body for awhile. I mean, she really didn't look like a female version of me at all, y'know?

So perhaps...PERHAPS...I was in the body of a hot chick who was either in the early stages of pregnancy or who had given birth fairly recently. Since GRL is gone, we may never know...

(but dammit, that post was supposed to gross everyone with its sheer mindboggling perversity, not raise STUpid questions!!! [Mad] )
Posted by Stu Rat on :
I think your body was transformed into a hot chick -- because if it was just your mind that was transferred into some hot chick's body for a while, then where was your original male body during that time?

Anyway, go see the "Where's STU?" thread for my speculation as to what was going on...
Posted by Stu Rat on :
Originally posted by LardLad:
(but dammit, that post was supposed to gross everyone with its sheer mindboggling perversity, not raise STUpid questions!!! [Mad] )

Anyway, sampling one's own bodily fluids (even if one was in a different body at the time said fluids were produced) isn't all that perverse.

Why, I remember a LW chat a few years ago, when some of the guys confided that they'd tried ingesting their own-- er, well, you can imagine! [Shudder]
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Stu Rat:
I think your body was transformed into a hot chick -- because if it was just your mind that was transferred into some hot chick's body for a while, then where was your original male body during that time?

Could've been anywhere, I suppose. GRL's not around to clarify.

Anyway, go see the "Where's STU?" thread for my speculation as to what was going on...
Not unless he has a particular super-power...
Posted by LardLad on :
By the way, Pov wins. I concede.

Okay, okay, maybe this wasn't a contest, but I concede I'm the Padawan to his Perverted Jedi!

The evidence? Pov's Reed Richards/Ben Grimm and Cheney/Dubya slashfic on Inane Five-Word Posts! [Shudder]

So, congrats, Pov!

(Excuse me if I don't shake your hand... [No] )

[Big Grin]
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
For the record, I first posted this on September 17, 2008:

Originally posted by Werezompire Stu:
Cheney porn: shoot in face! [Eek!]

Posted by LardLad on :
Yeah, that was funny, but Pov's imagination... [Shudder]
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
I guess it's a good thing he hasn't shown you any of the reams of Lardy/Cobie slashfic he's written...
Posted by LardLad on :
Oh, that's no big deal! EVERYONE here writes, or at least imagines, those!

(Yeesh, discourage people's dreams willya? [Wink] )
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
Originally posted by LardLad:
EVERYONE here writes, or at least imagines, those!

Not least of all, Lardy and Cobie themselves! [LOL]
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Werezompire Stu:
Originally posted by LardLad:
EVERYONE here writes, or at least imagines, those!

Not least of all, Lardy and Cobie themselves! [LOL]
Well, when I imagine those scenarios, one (or both) of us is on Pro-Fem. [Love]

(Can't speak for the Cobester, particularly after that photographic "evidence" Pov recently unveiled... [shrug] )
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
What photographic "evidence" are you referring to?
Posted by LardLad on :
The "evidence" that Cobie promptly deleted! Therefore, the "s.
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
Deleted... really?

I guess this "evidence" was pretty incriminating! [Eek!]
Posted by LardLad on :
Well, here's an edited version:

Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
Um... what?!? [Confused] [LOL]
Posted by LardLad on :
(It had a more realistic Cobie face on it before... [Smile] )
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
I'm just wondering how Pov happened to get the original image! [LOL]
Posted by LardLad on :
I imagine Pov has...quite the image archive. [Shudder]
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
More fodder for his slashfics, no doubt. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
You two need to broaden your Legion World horizons.

Gay/Lesbian: Who's Next?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
And as for where I got the image. The internet has this search engine called "Google" which has a search images feature.
Posted by LardLad on :
Yay! A link that didn't lead to my pic! [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Should we post your picture in that thread??????
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
I do post on The Anywhere Machine... I just didn't open that thread because I already know which gays/lesbians are going to be next!

It's all in this book I bought when I went back to the future to fix the problems that my kids are having.
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Should we post your picture in that thread??????

Nah, my sexiness would devour the thread! [Big Grin]
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Werezompire Stu:
Um... what?!? [Confused] [LOL]

Dude... You've got mail! [Wink]

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