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Posted by Director Lad on :
Now that the wildly successful ComiCon '08 gathering is fading into a nostalgic haze, it's time to start bandying about ideas for our next get-together. The two general options available to us are Con or Not Con. So, to start, here is a list of the major US comic conventions in the next year or so:

Baltimore Comic-Con Baltimore Comic-Con Sept 27-28 (too soon, I know, but think of this as a placeholder for next year)

New York Comic Con Feb 6-8 (this one might coincide nicely with Kent's hope/plan to tour the DC offices)

WonderCon (San Francisco) Feb 27-Mar 1

Emerald City ComiCon (Seattle) Apr 4-5

HeroesCon (Charlotte NC) Jun 19-21 (this was the one Kent suggested in the 101 Things I learned at Comic-Con 08 thread)

Comic-Con International (San Diego) July 22-26 (I know lots of people said that this year was their last for this con, but I'm willing to give it a second go; despite the size, it worked out really well for us I thought)

And then there's the Wizard World bunch:
Texas Nov 7-9 '08
LA Mar 13-15
Philly Jun 19-21
Chicago Aug 6-9 (this year's Chicago con has already happened)

I've heard good things about all of the independent cons listed above; not so much for the Wizard World cons. Every one has advantages and disadvantages, so let's hear some pros and cons (no pun intended) people!

As for Non-Con options, here's a quick list of some of the thoughts I've heard already:
Any other ideas? It's brainstorming time people!

[ September 20, 2008, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: Director Lad ]
Posted by Vee on :
You mention Disney World/Orlando but didn't mention the possibility of combining it with MegaCon in Orlando. Not sure of the dates but it's normally mid January.
Posted by SharkLad on :
East coast would be ideal for me ... (would hate to have to swim through the Panama Canal)

New York, New York ... a hell of a town ... though any chance to go to WDW sounds good to me ...

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Not sure when we'll be able to make another as this one pretty much wiped us financially for a bit. But I'm up for saving for Baltimore for next year. Close to home base for work and anything that gets me closer to visiting Poe's haunts sounds good to me.
Posted by Saturn Girl on :
Wow, I've never been farther east then New Orleans, so does that meant I can see Baltimore too??? I will try not to get cellulitis in my legs this time....
Posted by Saturn Girl on :
Hey, if we gather in Vegas, can we please make it during the winter? My high blood pressure just couldn't take walking in 108 degrees. I'd love to do as much walking around the strip, or even more, but not when it's so hot I feel like I'm going to melt. And, for anyone that hasn't gotten to see the performance of 'BITE' the vampire show at the Stratosphere, it was fabulous. Scott and I would see it again in a heartbeat!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd like New York, with or without the con.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Here's a decent listing or most major conventions:

I can vouch for Wondercon, Emerald City, and Heroes being good shows. And Wizard World LA is...a con. I'd love to hit up New York Comic-Con some year, maybe when they start Spider-Man the musical?

Wondercon has the flavor of Comic-Con but isn't nearly as crazy. Lots of stuff to do and tour in SF - and I and be Tourguide Leader Lad again since I'm local to the area.

Emerald City is a great up and coming con that I had a good time at, and that I have heard nothing but good things about. Great guest list and great surrounding city activities.

Heroes is an awesome show, Charlotte is quaint and peaceful.

Wizard World LA is uh, meh but being is LA, there's lots to do and explore.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I liked the idea of Disney World without a con, but not next year. If I don't go somewhere nice with my hubby, I think he'll kill me.

In SD, I threw out the idea of Disney World the week after Thanksgiving 2010. It's the second least busy week of the year, so it will be a bit cheaper. I've been during that week and can vouch for the nicer weather and much smaller crowds.

Without a con, spouses are more likely to be interested and won't feel like con widows. We can also get a block of rooms in one of the cheaper on-site hotels. There are the parks during the day, and Downtown Disney has plenty of clubbing for nights.

The only thing I don't know about is visiting Universal for those interested. I'm sure, though, something can be arranged.

Just my two cents.

Chicago is an easy drive for me, so if a large enough group wants to attend next year, I could probably swing that, but nothing that'll take a big travel budget.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I like the idea of big blow-outs every five years (maybe at a con), a big gathering every two to three years in between (probably not at a con) and multiple smaller, regional gatherings every year.

Like maybe if the folks here in Texas wanted to meet at the con in Dallas most years, that would be cool.

Then, at least once in between the big five-year meetings, having something like what Seymour suggested at Disney World or another place where people can come with significant others who may not be con-type people. Washington, DC, or New Orleans would be other possibilities.

And, every five years, have a really big celebration like the one we just had.

I think that would be a nice balance of different things and would have enough variety (and geographic diversity) for most people.

Don't get me wrong. I'd love it if we could all get together all the time; unfortunately, this wonderful Web community that brings us all together, brings us together from all over the world, and I don't think we can all afford that kind of travel every year (I know I can't).

[ August 07, 2008, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Vee:
You mention Disney World/Orlando but didn't mention the possibility of combining it with MegaCon in Orlando. Not sure of the dates but it's normally mid January.

I did the MegaCon/Disney World combo the first time I met Vee. I stayed in a hotel on I-Drive that was only a 10 minute walk from the convention center where MegaCon was being held. There was shopping and food another 10 minutes' walk past the center in the other direction. I think the Bahama Breeze where we ate was only a short drive away as well. Disney World would be about a 20 minute drive without heavy traffic, I think.

Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
In SD, I threw out the idea of Disney World the week after Thanksgiving 2010. It's the second least busy week of the year, so it will be a bit cheaper. I've been during that week and can vouch for the nicer weather and much smaller crowds.

Disney World right after Thanksgiving is one of the best times of year to go. It's not that crowded; the weather is nice; and all the holiday decorations are out. Also, if you're going to stay at a Disney hotel, their "low season" rates are in effect at that time as well.

I think Orlando/Disney either for MegaCon or post-Thanksgiving in 2010 would be a cool idea. (It's also good timing because Space Mountain should be back up from its long refurbishment.) Also, keep in mind that 2011 is Disney World's 40th anniversary, so some of the festivities might have started already if we go toward the end of 2010.

Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
There are the parks during the day, and Downtown Disney has plenty of clubbing for nights.

Unfortunately, all the Downtown Disney clubs (including the very cool Adventurers Club) are closing soon, so we'd have to go somewhere in Orlando or try the bar at one of the Disney resort hotels.
Posted by Director Lad on :
Here are some of my thoughts:
I like the idea of gathering somewhere where there's lots of activity, so I favor any of a con, a big city, or Disney. I'm leaning more toward cons or Disney, rather than just getting together somewhere like Vegas or NYC. Seems to me that just meeting somewhere to meet, without a background activity, will require a lot more day-to-day scheduling, instead of the spontaneity we had in SD. I feel like one of the things that made San Diego such a success (for me anyway) was that it offered easy opportunities for us, on the spur of the moment, to do things in big groups, small groups, trios, pairs, or alone. Having a "home base" helped a lot with that too and I think whatever we do or wherever we gather, we should try to replicate that somehow. That would probably be most easily accomplished in a con setting, but I'm open to suggestions for how to do it elsewhere.

I love Seymour's idea of booking a block of rooms at a hotel at WDW. Whatever we do, we should definitely look at staying, if not in a localized block of rooms, at least closer together. And I like the idea of going somewhere that includes members' spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, or whatever. I think if we do gather at WDW, I'd rather do it not in conjuction with MegaCon (mostly because I'll spend all my time at Disney and miss the con anyway, so why split focus?).

One of my questions is, how far are people willing to travel? I know that some folks here are not keen flyers, which probably steers us in certain directions, but then, I don't want to assume anything.
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Haven never been to WDW, I think that would be great to meet there. If the Hogwarts/Harry Potter theme park is open, even better!
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by rtvu2:
Haven never been to WDW, I think that would be great to meet there. If the Hogwarts/Harry Potter theme park is open, even better!

Wow! I just Googled it. It looks amazing! Such good timing too! I usually have no interest in going to Universal, but this would definitely pull me over for a day.
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Director Lad:
One of my questions is, how far are people willing to travel?

I'll go anywhere! Obviously, the farther the travel, the more expensive the cost, but I think planning things this far in advance is a good idea because it gives us more time to save up.

I believe the "Wizarding World of Harry Potter" at Universal is set to open sometime in 2010. If we go for MegaCon in early 2010, it likely won't be open yet, but if we go after Thanksgiving, it probably will be.

Also, by next summer, Sea World will have debuted its new coaster, Manta, which looks cool.

Another time of year that's good for Disney World (if we don't necessarily want to coincide a meet-up with MegaCon) is late September. There's a very small window of time -- about a week -- in late September/early October where it's still low season for WDW hotel rates, plus there are several special events going on: the Halloween party at the Magic Kingdom (separate admission fee, but great for atmospherics, fireworks, short lines, and free candy), and the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot, which features lots of great edibles and potables from around the world.
Posted by rtvu2 on :
I am in then if we can do that and go to Universal.
Now if we can get them to open a DC Theme Park...
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Originally posted by STU:
Unfortunately, all the Downtown Disney clubs (including the very cool Adventurers Club) are closing soon, so we'd have to go somewhere in Orlando or try the bar at one of the Disney resort hotels.

Well, that's a huge bummer. I loved the Adventurer's Club.

As for the Harry Potter spot at Universal, wow. I'd forgotten that was in the works. It sounds pretty incredible. I hope it can live up to its ambitions.
Posted by QuietDarkness on :
Is Mid Ohio Con still in business? It used to be a con where you could hang out with the creators in a pretty informal environment. The bad news is that it's usually held over Thanksgiving weekend.
Posted by Pov on :
The worse news being it was the only convention John Byrne attended. [Razz] [Wink]
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by rtvu2:
Now if we can get them to open a DC Theme Park...

It's called Six Flags! A.k.a. Land of Teenage Delinquents and Line Cutters... [Mad]
Posted by STU on :
Mod's note on this topic being featured:

Some of the potential meet-ups discussed in this thread are still a ways away, and I don't anticipate that this thread will necessarily see daily traffic for the next two years solely for the purpose of planning a big meet-up in 2010 or later.

However, I thought this would be a good, central location for LWers to check in to arrange for all potential meet-ups, including those smaller, more local, and/or impromptu ones that might happen from time to time.
Posted by Lard Lad on :


Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by STU:
Mod's note on this topic being featured:
However, I thought this would be a good, central location for LWers to check in to arrange for all potential meet-ups, including those smaller, more local, and/or impromptu ones that might happen from time to time.

Cool! It's sort of my hope that this thread will serve exactly that purpose.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Originally posted by QuietDarkness:
Is Mid Ohio Con still in business? It used to be a con where you could hang out with the creators in a pretty informal environment. The bad news is that it's usually held over Thanksgiving weekend.

It was about to fail but got bought at the last minute. It's moved from its hotel home near that cool shopping center to the Greater Columbus Convention Center Oct. 4-5. I don't know how any of that will affect the con.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Originally posted by QuietDarkness:
Is Mid Ohio Con still in business? It used to be a con where you could hang out with the creators in a pretty informal environment. The bad news is that it's usually held over Thanksgiving weekend.

It was about to fail but got bought at the last minute. It's moved from its hotel home near that cool shopping center to the Greater Columbus Convention Center Oct. 4-5. I don't know how any of that will affect the con.
"For 2008 we’ll once again be hosting MOC in the Greater Columbus Convention Center, located in the heart of Columbus’s vibrant downtown area."


Their word, not mine (or most anyone elses).
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Director Lad:

One of my questions is, how far are people willing to travel?

I'll travel anywhere.

The only really bad times for me are January and Feburary, for work reasons.
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
ok Wondercon i would be down for,..if i start saving now,...was thinking about NY Comic-con,..but i might pass for SD next year, first i was gonna pass but Frak it,..i'll be there by hook or by crook.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I'm up for another gathering... be it con related or not. I was thinking of the NYCC in Feb, but I know that's a bit soon for everyone. Disney would be fun, as would Vegas- plenty to do if it's not about a con.
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Vegas baby!

I traveled to Vegas one a month of over a year for work. I got to know the city pretty well. I need to go back and gamble!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, I probably can't commit to anything at all until at least after the start of 2009, as by then I hope things will have settled down money-wise after getting married (did I just hear every married persons say 'ha!'?). Another trip to California may not be doable, but I don't want to count anything out.

If air-fair every drops back down really low, lets all just buy lots of tickets somewhere so we don't miss the opportunity [Big Grin]

Also--maybe not next year, maybe not even in (2) years, but I think a huge plethora of we Americans should make the trip to London/UK and meet our brethen across the pond. Something to consider...but maybe one day...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<----------------shotgun rooming with CJ again for next meet-up! Cali is welcome too! [Big Grin]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I don't think I'd be up for anything until spring, either a long weekend, or during my spring break in mid-March.

next summer's up in the air for me.

I like the post-Thanksgiving idea for WDW, but I have no idea where I'll be by then.

I would suggest we spread these gatherings around so as to best allow those who usually cannot make them to attend.

Summer, outside of a specific con/event, might be best avoided given high-season travel costs.

Maybe we could get into a spring/fall trend?

Spring 09 - Pacific NW?
Fall 09 - WDW?
Spring 10 - Vegas?
Fall 10 -Mid-Ohio or Baltimore?

There's nothing to stop individual/spontaneous Con and non-con meet-ups as well, of course, but a tough schedule might help people who need more lead time to plan.
Posted by Caliente on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
<----------------shotgun rooming with CJ again for next meet-up! Cali is welcome too! [Big Grin]

I'm there! [Big Grin]
Posted by STU on :
Another idea for y'all...

Two words:


w00t w00t!

[roof-raising motions]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Caliente:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
<----------------shotgun rooming with CJ again for next meet-up! Cali is welcome too! [Big Grin]

I'm there! [Big Grin]
You did notice that you are an afterthought to rooming with CJ?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Is that really surprising? [Hmmm?]

Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Iron Rat:
Another idea for y'all...

Two words:


w00t w00t!

[roof-raising motions]

Count me in with the Rat!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
<----------------shotgun rooming with CJ again for next meet-up! Cali is welcome too! [Big Grin]

This goes without saying for every Legion World meet up!
Posted by Ravenette84 on :
In theory I'll go just about anywhere for a meet up, considering my last one got cut super short and I had to miss all the good stuff.
(btw thanks for the care package nightcrawler and kent Shakespeare)

But I'd love to a see a con or part of the country I've never been to yet. (basically most of the mid-west and east coast is open). With that in mind it's mostly a factor of when, where, and how much are plane tickets going to go up in the mean time?

WDW would be oh so awesome if we did a non-con thing. Mostly for afore mentioned reasons of: we would have other things to see and do but all in a centralized location where we can split up. Also you really can bring other people and they would have fun too (who doesn't like an oversized mouse).

I'd also like to throw the idea for a non-con thing of maybe doing a cruise somewhere.
Yes this would in fact be a bigger undertaking, however a lot of the smaller issues would then be taken care of.
Fun for the whole family (check)
Rooms in a block area (check)
centralized meeting area (check)
Yummy food/drinks (check)
entertainment/nightlife (check)
stuff to see and do alone or with the group (check)
things we can do in groups big and small (check)
semi-cost effective (half check.. but if you plan in advance you can start saving now)
seeing things we haven't seen before (check!)
and fun filled memories to be had by all (big freakin' check)
Oh and if we have actual group of more than 10 people going we can get the discount group rate (basically the more people going the better discount you get). So just throwing the idea out there.

[ August 14, 2008, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Ravenette84 ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Ravenette84:
(who doesn't like an oversized mouse).

A restaurant owner when the health department is in the restaurant?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Originally posted by Ravenette84:
(who doesn't like an oversized mouse).

A restaurant owner when the health department is in the restaurant?
Don't spoil Ratatouille for people who haven't seen it, Quis! [Evil]
Posted by Blue Battler on :
Hopefully I can make a gathering next time. [Big Grin]

I've always wanted to go see Las Vegas.

I haven't been to Walt Disney World in about 32 years, so I could do that too. [Big Grin]

I'm not too far from Chicago, so I could swing that as well. (Think I could actually take the train to go there.)
Posted by Saturn Girl on :
Tell you what, since it put me in the hospital when we got back to Salt Lake (from cellulitis in my legs from swelling) I will NEVER walk around Las Vegas in 108 degree heat again. I love Vegas, and I will not regret getting to see the musical BITE at the Stratosphere, but the heat and strain of walking the strip in that temperature was sheer hell. Lucky Darden and Jen didn't melt, being from the UK....

Scott, Stacey and I want to go to Disney World. We absolutely had a ball at Disney Land, although by that point I was starting to limp and to slow everyone down. Anywhere we go I can rock it if we do it in the colder months, I promise!

So Blue, what else does Chi-Town have to offer besides urban chupacabras???? Kidding, I've wanted to visit Chicago since 1990 when I wanted to meet my favorite vampire/singer and his band, Vlad and the Dark Theater, at the Vampire Circus and Horror Con. I wonder if they still even have that?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Chicago has a lot of interesting architecture, if they haven't torn it down to build big ugly condos. I just got a glimpse of it when I was at the Wizard Con two years ago. It certainly appeared to be vampire-worthy!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Director Lad:
[QB]Here are some of my thoughts:
I like the idea of gathering somewhere where there's lots of activity, so I favor any of a con, a big city, or Disney. I'm leaning more toward cons or Disney, rather than just getting together somewhere like Vegas or NYC. Seems to me that just meeting somewhere to meet, without a background activity, will require a lot more day-to-day scheduling, instead of the spontaneity we had in SD.

Small gatherings of six or less have worked well without cons - Vegas 06 (can't speak for 08) and Niagara 05 come to mind. But the higher we go into the double-digits the more your points will take on additional validity.

then again, a camping trip (or cabins) where there is deliberately little to do also solves that problem.
Posted by Saturn Girl on :
Individual cabins, and I'm thinking more like small homes, not a one-room 4-wall shed, or one big lodge where everyone has their own bedroom and bathroom but share living space and kitchen areas.... This idea of a gathering would be a dream for Scott and I, and our friend Stacey would love it too I think. I would love to accept responsibility for cooking for the group and/or organizing the grocery and supply buying and sharing chef duties with other Legion World chefs. That would be so much fun for me in and of itself. Leaving others free to immerse themselves in all things comic (that I don't get all the way, even after all these years with Scott, LOL)

For most of my life I have seen movies where extended family and friends gather at these cabin-lodge type homes and share vacations and holidays and it always looked like a lot of fun. (Except for the ones where the basis of the movie was a horror situation! Let's not recreate one of those please) Admittedly most of these took place in the Hamptons, which has a vague dreamy, happy feel to me since 'Dirty Dancing.' But there must be such places scattered all over the United States. Not that anyone would want to come to Utah, but specifically here I know there are lodges in Park City (home of the 2002 Winter Olympics) and in the southern end of the state (near the 4-corners area) adjacent to Zion National Park. At the Zion location there is a lodge that they promote for family reunions and business or religious retreats. It offers ten individual bedrooms, five full bathrooms with tubs and showers, and a huge kitchen area with four stoves. This place runs about $700 a night during peak season (summer of course) but split that up between however many Legion Worlders, and that's nothing!

Basically Kent, I totally dig your idea of getting back to nature and focusing on each other and not on the host city itself.
Posted by Iron Rat on :
We could rent a polygamist compound while they're on vacation. Each Legion Worlder would get his or her own sister-wife cabin! [Big Grin]
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Sounds like a plausable idea SG. if you can get around the whole idea of it sounding like the setting for a slasher film.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
(apologies for being anal: Dirty Dancing was set in the Catskills (but filmed in Virginia oddly enough) not the Hamptons, but plenty of cabin-ish Hampton settings have been filmed. the reality is beyond most of our price ranges)

There are lots of cabin-y areas worth going to all over the continent. Summer, of course, is high demand season (and the buggiest! in many places). I'll toss out the Adirondacks in October or the Canadian Rockies in May as suggestions.
Posted by Iron Rat on :
Nobody puts Cali in a corner!

[takes Cali and flings her into the air]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Dallas was GREAT fun and the huge Superman "S" standing high above the Six-Flags theme park is an appropriate symbol for a gathering, don't ya think?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I say we do Legion World Tokyo in 2013!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
We all could just crash Cobie's wedding.
Posted by Caliente on :
Yinkies, did somebody catch me??

I did the family cabin thingy once with my family in Yosemite and it was awesome fun. Seriously. So cool.

And I bet it'd be even better with friends and booze. (I was only thirteen at the time of my fam's outing.)

P.S. NEXT TIME, CAROLINE, WE WILL MEET. Or I might just cry my little fangirl eyes out... *sniffle*
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
Originally posted by Caliente:
Yinkies, did somebody catch me??

Catch --? D'oh!!

** THUD **

Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
Anyone planning a trip to Wizard World Texas?
Posted by Pov on :
I wish... [choke]
Posted by mechana on :
Originally posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus:
Anyone planning a trip to Wizard World Texas?

I am!!
Posted by Pov on :
I'll have to ask Beaz next time he calls. [Hmmm?]
Posted by Acid Digestion Lad on :
I thikn the next big thing I'm goin to is prolly gonna be wizard world LA or the next Sandeigo Con xD. It sorta sucks bein in LA only but then i've found advantages to it. I would like to meet up with some o' ya'll one day at a con however.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I love the title of this thread. Everytime I see it I think, "There can be only ONE!"
Posted by Pov on :
I hate it... reminds me of all those Magic, THE... gaming kids. Such geeks... <said the comic geek> [Wink]
Posted by Director Lad on :
WonderCon seems to have firmed up the dates again. I've edited my first post to reflect that.

I love the idea of getting out into the great outdoors. I get to do that so seldom these days. I'll echo what Kent said about shooting for mid-Spring or mid-Fall for that, though if we're in the Sierra Nevada somewhere, Summer isn't that bad.

[ September 20, 2008, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Director Lad ]
Posted by Stu on :
I'm retiring from posting tonight, but I hope to keep in touch with my LW homies -- and I'll look forward to seeing everyone at the next meet-up!
Posted by ActorLad on :
So I went ahead and bought my plane tickets for SDCC09 today since it was the last day for a discount promo here. I bought the con tickets as well.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
If I were you, AL, I'd be more worried about snagging an early discount freighter, given all the swag you like to bring home!

don't get lonely without us next summer.
Posted by ActorLad on :
I should have a few friends there even though it won't be as large as our group this year.
Posted by SharkLad on :
NYCC gave me the convention bug ... who's looking to go to SD this year?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Originally posted by Stu:
I'm retiring from posting tonight

Again? That trick never works.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Just so everyone knows 4-day passes have sold out again.

See here:

Not that missing preview night is really that big a deal if you do end up joining us. Last year it was so crowded that night you could barely move/get anything done.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
I know I'm in the minority here, as I'll likely never go to SDCC, so I keep plugging my local convention.
FYI, The Heroes Convention in Charlotte NC, June 19-21 has just announced former LSH'er Colleen Doran will be a guest there. For complete guest list go here.
Posted by LardLad on :
Hmmm...perhaps AFOB emerges as the dark horse to finally be the first to meet yours truly in person... [Hmmm?]
Posted by SharkLad on :
I bought a weekend pass to Wizard World Philadelphia, June 19 - 21 ... Phil Jimenez is going to be there ...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'm unlikely to do either of those.

If I do anything this summer, late August looks like the best time... but if I'm not in Alberta in early August, WorldCon in Montreal might be tempting (Aug 6-10), as I know at least one non-LW friend will be there.

I'm a little comic-conned out right now, myself. Worldcon is more general SF... but even a non-con meet-up could be a lot of fun. We've done some in the past (Vegas, Niagara, and small gatherings).

A while back we talked about a camping/cabin gathering. Does late August look good for anyone else?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Lardy, just wear the same outfit as in the "famous picture" and I'll know it's you! [LOL]

My son and I will likely be there all day Saturday.
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Arm Fall Off Boy:
Lardy, just wear the same outfit as in the "famous picture" and I'll know it's you! [LOL]

My son and I will likely be there all day Saturday.

I don't know for sure that I'll be there, but it's more likely than my going to any other con, at least.

(Say, did we ever formally brand that as LW Picture of the Year for 2008? [Big Grin] )
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
I'm unlikely to do either of those.

If I do anything this summer, late August looks like the best time... but if I'm not in Alberta in early August, WorldCon in Montreal might be tempting (Aug 6-10), as I know at least one non-LW friend will be there.

I'm a little comic-conned out right now, myself. Worldcon is more general SF... but even a non-con meet-up could be a lot of fun. We've done some in the past (Vegas, Niagara, and small gatherings).

A while back we talked about a camping/cabin gathering. Does late August look good for anyone else?

I'd love to get together with folks this summer, if people are interested. Heading up into the mountains might be a cool way to bring the westerners together.

Though I'm not planning on attending the San Diego con per se, if a bunch of people are going and are planning a dinner on Saturday, let me know. I'd love to drive down for the evening.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
cool! Sierras or NorCal could be a lot of fun. Yosemite looks a little too touristy. How about up in Redwoods territory?
Posted by cleome on :
Whoa. Stumptown is only a week or so away (4/18-19/09). It always catches me by surprise. I always try to go at least one day, since several of my buddies have exhibits/tables there. Let me know if there's a chance that I might see any LMB-types there, too.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I'm gonna be in Tampa Monday and Tuesday, Vee you home?

Wed to Saturday is Jacksonville, any LMBPers around there?
Posted by ActorLad on :
I finally booked my hotel for SDCC this year.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
tres bien.
Posted by mechana on :
Hey everyone! I haven't been around in a while-- has there been a roll call for SDCC this year?

I'll be there!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Yay! Me too! [Wink]
Posted by ActorLad on :
Sweet! It will be nice to see you both again!
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Just a reminder if anyone's interested, HeroesCon in Charlotte NC, June 19-21. DC and Marvel are actually going to have setups there. That may not be much for you NY or SDCC guys, but for us in the South it's like getting color TV all over again.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Alas, a trip this year to San Diego is not in the financial cards, even the credit type. Would someone please, please, please be able to pick up the Wonder Twins and Gleek for me? I'd be ever so appreciative.
Posted by Caliente on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Alas, a trip this year to San Diego is not in the financial cards, even the credit type. Would someone please, please, please be able to pick up the Wonder Twins and Gleek for me? I'd be ever so appreciative.

I can try! (I'm going to comic-con free of charge, woo!) But I'm going to need very specific instructions because I pretty much fail otherwise. ><


Anyone going to be in the Bay Area in two weeks? Because there is a Blackest Night Party in San Francisco on July 18th!! And Geoff Johns is going to be there!! And I really want to go, but I'm feeling kind of shy to go by myself. (I know, me? Shy? Go figure.)

So, if anyone is interested, let me know!! [Big Grin]
Posted by ActorLad on :
My spicy soul-mate is going to make it? Wicked-Sweet! Are you going to be there for the whole con?
Posted by Caliente on :
No idea. I'm sort of juggling things and, honestly, this time around I just wanna hang loose and maybe catch a few things here and there. I refuse to stress myself out. [Big Grin]
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Caliente:
(I'm going to comic-con free of charge, woo!)

And how did you manage that, clever girl?
Posted by Caliente on :
My cousin works for Universal, so he can get me a ticket free and another cousin lives in Carlsbad, so I can stay there for free. [Smile] I'm still working out the details but yeah! Pretty stoked. [Big Grin]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Originally posted by Caliente:
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Alas, a trip this year to San Diego is not in the financial cards, even the credit type. Would someone please, please, please be able to pick up the Wonder Twins and Gleek for me? I'd be ever so appreciative.

I can try! (I'm going to comic-con free of charge, woo!) But I'm going to need very specific instructions because I pretty much fail otherwise. ><
Thanks so much! I'm so dying to get this pack, and Gleek won't be available anywhere but the con.

Mattel is going to have two booths, one for display and one for selling things. The Twins will be at the retail one. They should be there Wednesday through Sunday, but the earlier the better, of course, in case they sell out. The eBay scalpers will be especially on top of this one, I think.


I hope you all have a blast! I'll miss you!
Posted by Raging Bull on :
I can't believe it's been almost a year since the last San Diego Comic Con. Good times...
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Yeah. That was a blast!

I don't know that I've mentioned it except in the shoutbox, but I'm in Boston for a week for my cousin's wedding. I'm getting together with Quis and some other friends on Tuesday night (July 21st). If anyone else is in the area and would like to join us, please PM me and I'll give you the details.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Unfortunately, I'm heading in the other direction for a few weeks but if you guys happen to find yourselves in an Irish Pub with an Aussie Waitress and an "L" shaped table...

Posted by mechana on :
I'll be working the Red 5 Comics booth at SDCC for a couple of hours each day if anyone wants to come and say hello!
Posted by Pov on :
*SO* wish I could... [choke]
Posted by ActorLad on :
I'll try to stop by and visit Ronda!

*is currently posting from his hotel room*
Posted by Acid Digestion Lad on :
I'm down to go, I know I can go thursday but I'm not sure about any other days. If you see a guy with a white green lantern type shirt, gl hoodie and a legion insignia pin that's me XD
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
hey all i know its been ages but i'll probably see some of y'all in the convention hall (or beer halls). see ya!
Posted by ActorLad on :
I just got back a little while ago from taking a 4 hour walk downtown. I ended up meeting a nice young couple spending their honeymoon at SDCC, talk about our kind of people!
Posted by ActorLad on :
Spent most of the day checking out the aircraft carrier with some friends. Picked up my badge after but decided to skip the preview night after thinking about how little I was able to get done last year on it, among other reasons. Looking for the real start of the con tomorrow.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Man, I didn't think I would, but I'm really missing San Diego this year. Two years in a row spoiled me. Though, once I sat in that massive line again for several hours, I'd probably be all "I'm never coming again!" again. [Smile]

I hope you all have fun!
Posted by ActorLad on :
Had a very productive day today. I went to the Farscape 10th Anniversary panel, won some cool stuff at the Marvel gameshow, hungout with friends (including Cali & MEL), and got more sketches.
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Man, I didn't think I would, but I'm really missing San Diego this year. Two years in a row spoiled me. Though, once I sat in that massive line again for several hours, I'd probably be all "I'm never coming again!" again. [Smile]

I hope you all have fun!

I know how you feel. I keep catching pictures and blog posts about the con and I really wish I could have afforded it this year. Well, there's always next year...
Posted by ActorLad on :
Finally was able to catch-up with Ronda today. As for what else I did today was mainly panels. I made it into Chuck, Dark Reign, and True Blood.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Sounds like you are having a great time - even without us. [Wink]
Posted by Exnihil on :
I know... now that I know you guys, I totally want to go back. Time to start saving those frequent flier miles for 2010...
Posted by Yk on :
I watched the G4 San Diego Comic Con special today and it looked insane! I want to go SO bad.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Took in the Phineas & Ferb panel, it was probably the most entertaining panel I've ever been to. Got some more sketches, some t-shirts, and gifts for friends. Back at the hotel now using my mad Tetris skillz to pack for the flight(s) back tomorrow.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
I know... now that I know you guys, I totally want to go back. Time to start saving those frequent flier miles for 2010...

Hmmm... We had a good sized group there in 06, the largest LW gathering ever in 08, and 10 is just eleven months away.

I'm just sayin'...
Posted by Otto Plastino on :
Time flies when you need to save, save, SAVE!!
Oh and thanks for the heads up Quank! So LW's how should we coordinate meeting up at the con. Any suggetions for locations and times?
Posted by rouge on :
Just booked my flight and hotel for SD '10. Is it too early to start a countdown?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Otto Plastino:
Time flies when you need to save, save, SAVE!!
Oh and thanks for the heads up Quank! So LW's how should we coordinate meeting up at the con. Any suggetions for locations and times?

in the past, we've traded cell #s in advance, and those driving have even helped in airport pickups. We've also shared hotel info (and even rooms).

This is the Con Of All Cons - choosing a meeting space on the floor is like trying to find a quiet place to smoke on an aircraft carrier that is hosting every high school band in the known universe - it's bigger than big, there ain't no reliable/constant quiet space, there ain't no reliable/constant uncrowded space, and it can be very difficult to navigate within the crowds. We pulled it off in 08 because we chipped in on the table.

I suggest an off-site meeting point at the outset, perhaps the hotel lobby of whoever is staying closest to the Con. Once one has fought one's way inside the lines, you can try to find a common meeting point out on the back deck/back steps, once people have the lay of the land and can figure out how to get to/from there.

If you plan a Wednesday meet-up, make it early enough in the afternoon, as some people will want/try to get into the preview night. With all floor and no programming that night, meeting inside will be impossible.

Having helped with logistics for several LW meet-ups, I can assure you San D is the hardest, simply because of its magnitude. But it can be done.

a few thoughts:
-do not try to drive/park anywhere near the Con site. It ain't worth the price or aggravation. There are shuttle buses, city buses and the trolley; all work fine.

-The Outdoor Miner rule: eat a big breakfast and plan to skip lunch. The pickings inside aren't the best (nor the worst), and ain't cheap. If you're like me and cannot skip a meal that easily, avoid the nearby restaurants at lunchtime (they'll be packed) at hit the grocery store about a half-dozen blocks diagonally north. Best prices and the prepared foods are not bad at all. Short lines, too.

-do not plan to meet up anywhere within 45 minutes on either side of the floor closing; your plans will not work. Do not plan meet-ups at the DC booth; they will have their own lines and events, and it can get very crowded at unexpected times.

-keep an eye on the Padres home-game schedule; the stadium is right next door. They try nor to have home games during the Con, but it can happen anyway. The extra foot and vehicle traffic further complicates meet-up plans.

-keep your cell phones charged and on, or at least check your messages a 1/2 hour prior to planned meet-up times, to see if there are any changes. Other people may become aware of complications you haven;t encountered.

-if you chose to meet up for an evening meal, choose restaurants at least 6 blocks from the Con Center.

-do yourself a favor and take at least a half-day to see something other than the Con. San D has lots of attractions (the Zoo, Balboa Park, Old Town, SeaWorld, among others), and Mexico is an easy trip down the trolley line.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:

-The Outdoor Miner rule: eat a big breakfast and plan to skip lunch. The pickings inside aren't the best (nor the worst), and ain't cheap. If you're like me and cannot skip a meal that easily, avoid the nearby restaurants at lunchtime (they'll be packed) at hit the grocery store about a half-dozen blocks diagonally north. Best prices and the prepared foods are not bad at all. Short lines, too.

All good advice. The grocery store in question is open 24-7, I believe, though the prepared foods section closes at some point at night.

Those of you who also can't skip a meal could consider bringing meal bars of some kind in your bags or backpacks. Also remember to drink lots of water as both the SD air and proximity to the masses will suck the moisture right out of you.

The basic con rules for looking after onself tend to go like this:

- eat at least 2 real meals a day. A handful of chips and a soda does not count as a meal.

- take at least one shower a day.

- get at least six hours of sleep a night, or whenever. I find this one to be the hardest to adhere to, especially if the con is rockin' (like this year's Dragon*Con was). Do your best.

- also consider bringing cold medicine or whatnot just in case. You'll be spending a lot of time in rooms with hundreds if not thousands of other people. Washing your hands after each trip to the bathroom should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway.
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
...there ain't no reliable/constant quiet space, there ain't no reliable/constant uncrowded space, and it can be very difficult to navigate within the crowds. We pulled it off in 08 because we chipped in on the table...

For me, having the table as a "safe haven" was what made the '08 con work. It was a place to come back to, a place to stash stuff, and a ready-made meeting spot. Anyone seriously organizing a LegionWorld meetup at the '10 con should seriously consider doing a fan table. I'm going to try to go next year and would definitely be willing to kick in some money on the table again (especially since it got me an exhibitor's badge!)
Posted by Exnihil on :
Well, I'm definitely down for a LW 2010 gathering. I'm not much on the whole organization side of things, but (as Sudro states above) if someone were to step into that role, I'd gladly contribute to the table costs, as well.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Hmmm.... should I go? If I do go, it is mainly to meet up with other Legion Worlders.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'm with Quis on that. The Con was interesting for people-watching, but it was overwhelming for almost anything else. Meeting up with my LW folks would be the most important thing for me too. If we decide to do it, I'll also contribute towards a table.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
An LW meetup is the only thing that would even get me to consider SD again at this point.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Count me in for a LW Table...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
with a table, one also gets Exhibitor badges - which mean you get in without having to stand in the long lines.

if memory serves, two come free with the table, plus you can buy more at regular membership rates. I was rather surprised how few people jumped at this last time 'round; people actually rushed to buy regular memberships instead.

there is a little bit of paperwork that goes with it, but it's not a hardship by any means as long as one keeps track of 3 or 4 simple deadlines. it's more convoluted if you are having materials shipped to the con center, or require certain display materials.

As I recall, our biggest hardship was the prohibition on stickers, that we'd get charged for any that needed to be cleaned up. we got around this by applying the stickers ourselves - not giving them out to be stuck anywhere by the recipient.

whoever applies/coordinates, please remember to note that we had a table in '08 - that gives us extra points as a repeating exhibitor. In other words, if Con is swamped with applications for the fan table section, we'd get priority over a bunch of first-timers.

Deposit deadlines/initial applications are due in winter, I seem to recall. If selected, there are subsequent deadlines.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I'd be willing to work on this. But, since the first deadline is in December, let me get my finances in order first.
Posted by Director Lad on :
Who was it who took point on this for '08? Was that Kent? Does that person remember whether we had to submit the standard exhibitor form or did we use something for just fan tables?
Posted by Otto Plastino on :
Just to let you all know you can now go onto the comic con website and register for four day passes.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
with a table, one also gets Exhibitor badges - which mean you get in without having to stand in the long lines.

if memory serves, two come free with the table, plus you can buy more at regular membership rates. I was rather surprised how few people jumped at this last time 'round; people actually rushed to buy regular memberships instead.

Kent, to clarify, are you saying that if LW winds up having a table in '10 that, after it's confirmed, when those affiliated with it buy their passes, they would specify their affiliation to be labeled as an exhibitor? Secondarily, do you recall if those passes are sold apart from the regular pool of passes, or are they part of the general count? I know you might not know the answer to that, but I figured I'd ask.

What I'm basically asking is, would you recommend holding off on purchasing passes until after word comes back on whether or not the table is a reality, or is to do so running the risk of finding out that they've been sold out?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Director Lad:
Who was it who took point on this for '08? Was that Kent? Does that person remember whether we had to submit the standard exhibitor form or did we use something for just fan tables?

it was a standard form, but as we weren't selling things, there were sections we didn't have to fill out.

It wasn't a hard form at all, especially without having to worry about California sales tax or using the official con shipping/set-up service.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
with a table, one also gets Exhibitor badges - which mean you get in without having to stand in the long lines.

if memory serves, two come free with the table, plus you can buy more at regular membership rates. I was rather surprised how few people jumped at this last time 'round; people actually rushed to buy regular memberships instead.

Kent, to clarify, are you saying that if LW winds up having a table in '10 that, after it's confirmed, when those affiliated with it buy their passes, they would specify their affiliation to be labeled as an exhibitor? Secondarily, do you recall if those passes are sold apart from the regular pool of passes, or are they part of the general count? I know you might not know the answer to that, but I figured I'd ask.

What I'm basically asking is, would you recommend holding off on purchasing passes until after word comes back on whether or not the table is a reality, or is to do so running the risk of finding out that they've been sold out?

exactly. I tried to make that point last time, but most people rushed to buy passes. There *might* be a problem adding on the last few weeks right before, but I recall +ing our count possibly as late as June.

It is possible that there is a maximum; whoever coordinates it this time will have to look into that. Unfortunately, I, assuming the table was a one-time thing, made all my paperwork part of spring cleaning earlier this year.

As I recall, we had table confirmation long before the point of passes selling out.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
and no, I'm pretty sure Exhibitor badges don't count towards the general pool, since the whole point is to ensure that vendors/exhibitors can adequately staff their tables. one can theoretically lose one's allotted space if no one is staffing their spot, so there is responsibility to it. luckily for those of us with badges in 08 (especially, me, as everything was in my name), we have enough of you guys so that the table was always staffed.
Posted by SharkLad on :
If all goes well, I'm going to SD next year ... if all goes unwell, I'm going to sit on my arse next year ...
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
same here if everything goes as planned i'm deffinately going next year
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would be more apt to go if there was a table. How much was the table in 2008? I'll chip in for the table whether I go or not.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Cool, a potential Sharky-John-Quislet-Ex reunion.


(So sorry... it's Friday and I'm full of beans... won't happen again. [Smile] )
Posted by SharkLad on :
I like the sound of that ... except for the beans ...

I will also chip in for a table ... chairs too ...

[ September 18, 2009, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: SharkLad ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
I would be more apt to go if there was a table. How much was the table in 2008? I'll chip in for the table whether I go or not.

I think it was somewhere in the $350-500 range. If I recall right, fan tables were $350 while vendor tables started at $700.
Posted by Director Lad on :
I was just looking at the Application for Exhibit Space on the Comicon Web site and there doesn't seem to list "Fan Table" as an option. It lists the standard 10x10 $2,200 booth, the Comicon Table ($850), and the Small Press Table ($350). (The application requires that Small Press applicants submit a copy of their publication and the deadline for them is much earlier: October 23).
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Yeah. I didn't see the fan table listed either.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
you seem to be correct. There is also the ComiCon table option (G), $850, or $700 if prepaid by dec, 31.

If you want to go Small Press route, you might be able to piggy-back on a printed APA, of which there are several Legion-related: Klordny, APA-LSH, and Interlac, that I know of. I'm current prez of Klordny, and Suddenly Seymour is involved with APA-LSH.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I would try to contact those listed in the 2009 fan tables, and see if they've been informed of discontinuation, and if/how they plan to proceed.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
If we go that route, will we be downstairs?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
most likely. Unless they are redeploying the mezz somehow.

it's not awful to be on the floor. in the mid-90s I hung at a friend's small press table. it is a different environ than being on the mezz, tho.

Perhaps you can request to be on the mezz.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
you can also look up the contact info on the Con site; maybe it was just an oversight not to list fan tables. or maybe there's a new/separate form.
Posted by Director Lad on :
I'll email the con exhibitor contact later today to inquire re: the status of fan tables for 2010.

Edit: email sent. I'll post again when I get a reply.

[ September 21, 2009, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: Director Lad ]
Posted by Director Lad on :
Here's the reply I got:


On the application, please mark the selection Comic-Con Table. Then on number seven, indicate that you are a Fan Club and would like a Fan Table. There is no charge for the table and it is located on the Mezzanine Level. However, if you did not have exhibit space from CCI ‘09, you will be placed on the waiting list. There is a three to four year waiting period before you actually get into the show. I have 600+ people on a waiting list that goes back four years for any booths or tables to open up. Of these 600+ people, some have exhibited in the past, skipped a few years, and are looking to get back into the show. Space availability is based on cancellations. Since I cannot predict when someone is going to cancel, I cannot give you an ETA of when something becomes available for you. Once space becomes available, I have to fill the space as fairly and appropriately as possible. Please complete and send me the attached application form and I can get you on the waiting list. Also, please send in an application form every year until you do get a spot onto the floor so that you do not loose your place on the waiting list. Feel free to contact me if you have further questions.


Rod Mojica
Comic-Con International
Exhibits Sales
619-414-1022 fax

It doesn't seem to quite jibe with our experience two years ago, does it? (The attached application form he mentions is the one that's on the Comicon Web site.)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
wow, free tables? not the case 2 years ago.

re: waiting list: Maybe we got bumped ahead on the list because of the LSH's 50th; San D does like to emphasize anniversaries.

no harm in applying; be sure to mention our prior table. I'm guessing the two free exhibitor badges are gone, but that doesn't mean they can't still be bought.

I say go for it!
Posted by ActorLad on :
I was planning on going for my 3rd year in a row anyway so if we do get a table I'd like to help out again. TBH I'm hoping to get an exhibitor badge again, you have no idea how much I missed that this year.

Oh and I was finally able to get some pics from this year up on my Facebook:

More to come!
Posted by SharkLad on :
To paraphrase Lando Calrissian, I've just made a deal that'll keep anything from getting in my way of going to San Diego next summer ... so when do I need to start making plans?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The email reply seems unclear to me in this respect. Is there a waiting list for fan tables or a waiting list for exhibitor booths/table?

Plus remember that table beside ours, It was empty for pretty much the whole con.

As Kent says, go for applying. So, who is going to fill out the application?
Posted by Otto Plastino on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:
To paraphrase Lando Calrissian, I've just made a deal that'll keep anything from getting in my way of going to San Diego next summer ... so when do I need to start making plans?

NOW! And no I'm not kidding.
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Wow Otto you weren't kidding,..i just took a look at the site and Preview night is totally sold out, and the 4 day memebership prices are going @ $100 for the 7/22-7/25. i had no idea that could happen i usually brought my tickets for SD around January but looking at the way things are progressing i wouldn't be suprised if they sold out before christmas,..i guess better get on the ball if i want to go next year.

[ October 15, 2009, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
To go or not, that is the question. Ah what the heck, you only live once.

And the die has been cast. Now I probably should look into a hotel room.

[ October 15, 2009, 01:24 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by SharkLad on :
alright, well I bought a 4 day membership ... guess I should look into hotels now too ... where have folks stayed in the past that was reasonable?
Posted by ActorLad on :
As I recently got my PFD I shall be buying all variety of tickets soon.

So was anyone going to fill out that fan table form? I'd do it myself but I'm not very good at those types of things and it sounds rather oddly worded compared to last time we had one. I know if I did I'd likely mess it up.

[ October 16, 2009, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: ActorLad ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I have bought a 4 day pass and booked a hotel room. Looks like I'll be bunking with Shark Lad.

So, any word on a table? Did anyone submit the application?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I've filled it out. Just haven't sent it in yet.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Cool. I didn't want to duplicate the effort and cause confusion.
Posted by rouge on :
SD 2010 4 Day passes are sold out! In November!!!

Posted by ActorLad on :
Grife! I was just about to buy a 4-day now and noticed that. Now unless I can get an Exhibitor's Badge I'm pretty much frelling slagged!
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Originally posted by rouge:
SD 2010 4 Day passes are sold out! In November!!!


well looks like i'm out for SD [Frown] have fun guys
Posted by Exnihil on :
Major Bummer. I still plan on going on individual day passes or if the exhibitor thing pans out... but sheesh!

Sold out in November... at this rate, soon you'll have to buy a ticket for the following year as you exit for this year.
Posted by Exnihil on :
....aaaaaaaaannnnnd... I'm in!

Single day passes went on sale today for SDCC so I registered for Fri & Sat.

If anyone else was thinking of going, it looks like even the single day passes are going like hotcakes (must be all those "Twilight" girls [Mad] ).

In any case, glad to be onboard and looking forward to seeing Sharky, Quis, et. al.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
Major Bummer. I still plan on going on individual day passes or if the exhibitor thing pans out... but sheesh!

Sold out in November... at this rate, soon you'll have to buy a ticket for the following year as you exit for this year.

I'm sure some peopl would buy them too.

Glad that you'll be here for at least 2 days.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Geez, 1 days for Saturday are already close to sold out.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Well I'm not sure I can afford the trip (& still hope I can get an exhibitors badge somehow) but I just bought a pass for Saturday.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
....aaaaaaaaannnnnd... I'm in!

In any case, glad to be onboard and looking forward to seeing Sharky, Quis, et. al.

Posted by rouge on :
Is it too early to start a countdown?? [Wink]
Posted by Raging Bull on :
I don't think I'm going to be able to make San Diego this year, but I'll probably still meet up with a Legion Worlder or two elsewhere over the course of the year.

And I still think a LW meet-up at Disney World would be pretty cool.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by rouge:
Is it too early to start a countdown?? [Wink]

I'm pretty gosh darn excited enough to say a countdown may be in order ...
Posted by Exnihil on :
184 days... and counting!
Posted by mechana on :
Looks like I'll be at Heroes Con in Charlotte in June if anyone is interested in stopping by.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
The only convention it looks like I'm going to besides the Comic Book Marketplace on the 27th is the one in October, unless I can convince my mom to go to San Diego in July.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Well, I've decided not to go to San Diego.

But I am saving up to have commissions done there by Francis Manapul, Joe Prado, and Nei Ruffino.
Posted by rouge on :
Wow, I just looked at the "Special pricing" for the Hotels using the Comic-Con rate starting March 18th, and my Hostel is cheaper AND closer than most of them. Should I be worried I'm in a real dive (Although as long As I can sleep for a few hours, that's all I need it for).

Anyone know anything about the 500 West Hotel?
Posted by ActorLad on :
A friend of mine stayed there for SDCC'08, while I didn't spend much time there myself, it just seemed "no-frills". I could ask them more if you want.
Posted by rouge on :
Thanks Actorlad.

"No Frills" I'm fine with. Vermin carrying me away in the middle of the night, I may have issues with.
Posted by mechana on :
Going to be at Calgary Expo, April 23-24, in the artists alley. Come say "hi" if you're in the area.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by rouge:
Thanks Actorlad.

"No Frills" I'm fine with. Vermin carrying me away in the middle of the night, I may have issues with.

So no Happiness Hotel for you then huh?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Countdown update... 133 days to SDCC!

Perusing this thread, it looks like definites for attendance were:

Actor Lad
Otto Plastino
with Director Lad as a strong maybe

Are there any other LWer's going?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Well, I know I can't, but does anyone know if Frank Quitely's gonna show up?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Man I wish I could afford to join you guys.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Can I make a suggestion to those going there?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Sure, all ears...
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Well, not so much a suggestion, more of a request. Actually both.

If you guys are there, could you stop by the Zenescope Comics booth, ask for Nei Ruffino, and tell her "Jude" said sorry he couldn't come.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
So, Big Apple Con's now the week before NY Comic Con.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Not according to their websites ...
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :

I just checked. I thought NY was 16.
Posted by rouge on :
97 days!!!
Posted by mechana on :
I'll be in Toronto on June 4-7 for the Toronto Comicon Fan Appreciation Event, if anyone wants to hang out. Free admission on Sunday!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'll be there!

C'mon, Ontario LWers! We know there are a bunch of you!
Posted by rouge on :
Ok, if I wasn't already ridiculously excited about San Diego, I just got a call back from Morgan Spurlock's Documentary people. After an e-mail submission and phone interview, they now want an audition tape from me to see if they want me to be one of the folks they follow around the Con! I guess the story of me wanting to meet Paul Levitz and have him sign LSH #298 was a good hook to lead with.

Still a long ways to go, but surely they don't ask for tapes from everyone, right?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Good Luck rouge
Posted by SharkLad on :
Awesome, rouge ... good luck
Posted by rouge on :
Thanks. Video posted. We'll see what they think. Chalk full of Legion goodness:
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Wow, that's awesome rouge! Keep us updated!!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I love your audition tape, rouge!
The part with your kids is especially endearing!!
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Wonderful video, rouge! Abigail and her evil brother, Brady. [LOL]
Posted by rouge on :
Thanks all!

Still waiting to hear back (and waiting... and waiting...). I understand they are taking seven, which is good because I've seen some of the other audition reels and 3 or 4 are really, really good.

I figure I'm middle of the pack with the rest, so I might squeak out slot 6 or 7. [Wink]

I'll keep you posted.
Posted by Exnihila on :
Best of luck, rouge! Your video is great: "He's not Flashlight, he's just Flash." [LOL]
Posted by MLLASH on :
LOVE the Alan Scott/GL shirt!!
Posted by rouge on :
Posted by rouge on :
2 Weeks!

Full Schedule should be up shortly. Should we start planning a Legion World, get together soon?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
yes we should.

I know that you will be there rouge. I'll be there as will Shark Lad. Nightcrawler will be there. And Power Boy said he will be there Friday & Saturday.

Anyone else will be there?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Exnihil is going to be there too ...
Posted by Exnihil on :
Yup. Friday and Saturday. Thursday night, too.. but not at the Con.
Posted by Power Boy on :
me too!! friday and saturday!!

it's my first comic con!
Posted by rouge on :
So far it looks like Friday is the commonality. Any ideas? Any locals with suggestions?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Power Boy:
me too!! friday and saturday!!

it's my first comic con!

Ooooo! A virgin!!!!!

You have to go to the Marvel booth and yell at the top of your lungs "Long Live the Legion!".
Posted by Power Boy on :
I plan on it!!
Posted by Kent on :
there is usually at least 1 LW gathering at Buca de Beppo. Italian, but still plenty of choices for tomoatophobes like Quis.

relatively cheap, good, and you can order 3-5 dishes to sate 5-8 people.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Is anyone planning on doing Mattel's SDCC voucher pre-sale next Tuesday? There's a piece I want, but I'm not going, and you have to show your credit card. Otherwise, I'd just get it and address it to my benefactor. If you are doing it, if you could grab something for me, too, I'd be much obliged -- just PM me.

After all the nightmares of past cons, I'd never ask anyone to do it just for me, so only PM me if you're doing it anyway. It's not that important.
Posted by rouge on :
Originally posted by Kent:
there is usually at least 1 LW gathering at Buca de Beppo. Italian, but still plenty of choices for tomoatophobes like Quis.

relatively cheap, good, and you can order 3-5 dishes to sate 5-8 people.

Is that you agreeing to organise, Kent?
Posted by Kent on :
I won't be there. I'm just a 5-time vet making a suggestion.
Posted by Kent on :
Guess who else is coming to Sandy Eggo!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Maybe you guys can sell him on that "Gay is blase!" slogan!
Posted by cleome on :
Maybe a Batwoman cosplayer will show up, point at his bits, and laugh loudly.

Speaking of costumes, I've got mine already picked out, so to speak...
Posted by rouge on :
So the Schedule is out at Looks like Saturday is actually my lights day in terms of Panels I'd want to see, but most nights have early evening activities that look cool (Penn & Teller, Grant Morrison movie, Kevin Smith, etc). When would people like to get together? Diner, Late Diner? Drinks? Brunch?
Posted by SharkLad on :
I haven't looked at the schedule yet but I'm definitely game for dinner whenever works best for everybody ...
Posted by Exnihil on :
Why do I have misgivings when the shark says he's "game for dinner"? [Wink]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Hey, c'mon ... I didn't bite anyone at NY Comic Con last year ... and that was in my own territory ...
Posted by Exnihil on :
Aw, Sharky. I tease 'cause I love. We'll always have Mongolian stir-fry. Next round of lychee fruit drinks on me. [Wink]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Nice! Hopefully, there's a good greasy spoon diner near the convention center too ...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
So, shall we agree on dinner Friday night?
Posted by Mattropolis on :
wish I could be there!
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
So, shall we agree on dinner Friday night?

I'm in ...
Posted by MLLASH on :
Pictures, please. And if someone could be a dear and snag one of Sharky in a towel, I'd be ever so appreciative.
Posted by rouge on :
I'm tentatively in depending on the time (the Grant Morrison Doc preview is something I really want to see, so depending on the time, I may arrive late or leave early).

I'd offer to help plan more, but I leave for Cape Breton tomorrow and Internet will be sketchy. I arrive home on Tuesday and fly out for California Wednesday morning. Someone post the final plans and I'll take a peek when I get back.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
And if someone could be a dear and snag one of Sharky in a towel, I'd be ever so appreciative.

Anyone even think of doing that, and I'll give them suuuch a pinch ...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Pictures, please. And if someone could be a dear and snag one of Sharky in a towel, I'd be ever so appreciative.

How much is it worth to you?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Et tu, Quislet?
Posted by MLLASH on :
In fact, I really need pics of all of you in towels, If I'm ever to get the "ALL-LMBers in Towels" thread rolling.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
To all those going to be in San Diego and wanting to meet up, give me a pm and I'll provide you with my cell phone number.
Posted by Kent on :
...just make sure to have it on once in a while this time, Quis! [Wink]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
In fact, I really need pics of all of you in towels, If I'm ever to get the "ALL-LMBers in Towels" thread rolling.

Maybe that's the incentive I need to get my butt to the gym. [Wink]
Posted by Mattropolis on :
LMBers in towels? I'd rather watch then participate in that!
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Officially the next gathering starts in about an hour, when Abin meets cleome in Portland OR.

The Alemeda Brewhouse will never be the same!

Film at 11.
Posted by MLLASH on :
AAAH!!!! You're meeting Cleome??? Yay!!!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I always thought cleome was an alt-id, like Policy Pam or Portfolio Boy! [Wink]
Posted by MLLASH on :
No, she's a real poster, like Ram Boy and Dr. Mayavale!
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Mission Accomplished!

Click for fullsize image
cleome displaying the latest in Time Trapper Fashion, Clock Earrings.

Click for fullsize image
Abin & Mr. cleome who I hope will be joining us soon.

Click for fullsize image
Abin & cleome, the expressions tell it all.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Legion World needs a LOVE button to click! Great pictures!!!! [Cool]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Mission Accomplished!

Click for fullsize image
cleome displaying the latest in Time Trapper Fashion, Clock Earrings.

Click for fullsize image
Abin & Mr. cleome who I hope will be joining us soon.

Click for fullsize image
Abin & cleome, the expressions tell it all.

[ July 19, 2010, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
The last two captions were mixed up on the initial post, it's been fixed.

Fixed in the repost. You could have done that yourself, Mr. Moderator.

Edit: [Razz] [Razz] [Razz] Mr Super Moderator!

[ July 19, 2010, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: Abin Quank ]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
This girl is ready to be a time trapper, she's got clocks all over her body...

Click for fullsize image


Click for fullsize image
Posted by MLLASH on :
AWWWWW!!!!! BIG HUGS to Lord and Lady Cleome! I wanna go have nachos with them!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :

She's... ravishing.
Posted by ActorLad on :
I also wish I could be there, which reminds me I still need to put in for my ticket refund. Have fun everyone!
Posted by cleome on :

[clutches head]

Ugh... too much beer. Wha'd I...

Wait. 'S'it awready Monday?...

[squints at pictures]


[runs away]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Good morning, sunshine! [Smile]
Posted by cleome on :
[Eek!] [Eek!]

[Elastic Lad]

Posted by Exnihil on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Click for fullsize image
Abin & cleome, the expressions tell it all.

Ah... the tranquil euphoria of the Quankian mind-meld.

(Either that, or someone just played "Freebird" on the jukebox [Smile] )
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Great pictures. So, cleome, I hope meeting Abin in person won't scare you off of Legion World. [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
OK, Legion Worlders going to San Diego, shall we firm up the Meet-up? I have Shark Lad's & Exnihil's cell phone numbers and they and rouge have mine.

Friday night dinner? Any suggestions for a restaurant?
Posted by Exnihil on :
I'm not really familiar w/ restaurants in the area, so I'll defer to your suggestions. I'm a vegetarian, but I'm generally able to fend wherever (and I imagine it would be easier in California in any case).
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I've still got your cell no from last time Quis. I'm trying to figure a way to make it down there for Saturday night.

No Promises, but...
Posted by SharkLad on :
I don't know the area either, but I eat just about anything ...

I hope you can make it, Abin!
Posted by rouge on :
Saturday is better than Friday (especiallty if it means Abin can make it), but I'll make it work regadrless. Is anyone leaving Saturday?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'm up for Saturday. Not being from San Diego, I have no ideas about restaurants.
Posted by rouge on :
The link Kent gave two pages ago let's you make reservations on-line. Should we go with that (it's halfway between my "Hotel" and the convention centre).
Posted by Director Lad on :
If dinner is Saturday, I may try to make my way down there.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by rouge:
The link Kent gave two pages ago let's you make reservations on-line. Should we go with that (it's halfway between my "Hotel" and the convention centre).

Unfortunately, I don't do Italian. I did check out their website menu to see it there would be something for me to order, and I didn't see anything. Sorry
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I have done some checking of restaurants in SanDiego. Here are a couple I found. Link goes to their menu. I have also tried to have them near the Convention Center.


Urban Bar & Grill
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Okay, I'll be flying down Saturday morning, arriving at 11:37. Anybody got a spare pass?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Abin, You should check the Comic Con site. They are putting return passes on sale as they become available. Nothing is avaiulable right now
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Nothing available.

Something will turn up... It always does.
Posted by Power Boy on :
that's how Abin rolls ....

private jet, last minute, passes smashes

Posted by ActorLad on :
Well I'm about to fill out the form to get my Sat pass I bought refunded, so there's going to be one.
Posted by rouge on :
OK, going Off-Grid. I've got Quis' cell #. I'll check in at the con and get the final plan. Sounds like Saturday night, which is cool by me.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
So long Legion Worlders for a time being. I'm headed to bed. I have to get up early for my flight tomorrow. Unless, my hotel has free computer terminals, I won't be here until I get back home next Tuesday. (I actually get home on Monday, but my flight arrives at 10:40 pm, so when I get home, I'll be going to bed.)
Posted by Kent on :
bon voyage!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
To add to Quis' list of possible eateries (I've yet to eat at any of them, just looking for possibilities - we rarely eat downtown - links to menus)-

The Local Eatery & Drinking Hole
1065 Fourth Ave

Quality Social San Diego
789 Sixth Ave

O'Brothers: Home of the 100% organic beef burger
188 Horton Plaza

Bare Back Grill
624 E St

Wolffy's Place
844 Market St
Posted by Exnihil on :
Drinking Hole, eh?... now that's something I can get fully behind!

Safe travels to Quis,, see you on the other side.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Great pictures. So, cleome, I hope meeting Abin in person won't scare you off of Legion World. [Wink]

I plan on pleading blackout conditions. That is: my own state, not the state of the surrounding area.

Abin wrote:

This girl is ready to be a time trapper, she's got clocks all over her body...

To clarify: the "clocks" in question are merely decorative, but yeah. I did deliberately choose to wear them in honor of the occasion.

Hope you all have a good time in SD. Thanks again. [Hug]
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
So that was the first time anyone's met cleome, right? How many prominent posters (besides myself) does that leave that no one's met, I wonder? [Hmmm?]

Has anyone met up with Edie? Can't recall any anecdotes revolving around such an occasion. Anyone else?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
So that was the first time anyone's met cleome, right? How many prominent posters (besides myself) does that leave that no one's met, I wonder? [Hmmm?]

Has anyone met up with Edie? Can't recall any anecdotes revolving around such an occasion. Anyone else?

Since both of you are just altID's of Cobie, everyone who's met Cobie has met both of you.

Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Shh! Ixnay on the ecretsay! [Mad]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
So the question commes to mind, which Legion Worlder has acually met the most other Legion Worlders?

STU? Kent? Abin? Cobie? Quis? Faraway? Cali? Nighty? Who is it?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Kent... gotta be Kent:;f=4;t=003770;p=2#000022
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I'm at 30 or so, Kent's at 42+, but I think STU might be ahead of him.
Posted by Kent on :
Miner, STU and I were all pretty close, last I knew. But Miner may have snuck ahead.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Have arrived in San Diego... Quis and I have successfully avoided any Khunds... Am exhausted and am hitting the sack ...
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Enjoy. Oh, um, Shark, if you ever go by the Zenescope Comics booth, ask for a woman named Nei Ruffino and tell her "Jude says he wishes he could be here."
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Well preview night is over.

Kabir saw Kevin (MEL) in the Hasbro line and I came over to see him, but he was gone before I could say hello.

There are 4 fan tables not set up I'll be bringing my gear tomorrow just in case we snag a table.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I am just green with envy.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Well, um, actually, if any of you could... she IS the woman who colored the covers for Lo3W 5.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
Shh! Ixnay on the ecretsay! [Mad]

With all these alts in attendance, it's a wonder that SDCC's organizers manage to break even every year, much less turn a profit.

Also, I feel terrible for the hapless restaurant employee that has to watch a table full of alts bicker over how best to divide up the check.

Posted by rouge on :
First in line to get Paul's autograph. Art Baltazar did some awesoem coloured sketches for my kids, And I lugged Dr. Manhattaan around all night instead of checking him. Great first night.

Called both Quis and Exnihil, got no answer (avoiding me already).
Posted by SharkLad on :
Greetings from overcast San Diego ... sitting on the patio outside the mezzanine with Quis ... just sat through DC Nation panel ... Dan Didio was his usual manic self ... no mention of LSH ...

Rouge, try Quis again ...

Later ... S.L.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
We've snagged a table!

Tell all your friends...we're at MZ5!
Posted by Director Lad on :
Sweet! There's still a razor thin chance that a friend of mine will have a pass for me for Saturday. I won't know til Friday night. Regardless, I'm still hoping to drive down Saturday night for dinner.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Excellent, DL!

I'm using Mowgli's Ipad.

Rouge, I almost got your call. If I had found my phone in ti e...
Posted by MLLASH on :
Pics!!! [Smile]
Posted by rouge on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Greetings from overcast San Diego ... sitting on the patio outside the mezzanine with Quis ... just sat through DC Nation panel ... Dan Didio was his usual manic self ... no mention of LSH ...

Rouge, try Quis again ...

Later ... S.L.

I was there too! I was the guy asking about comics for my kids.

I'll give Quis a call in a minute....
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
We've snagged a table!

Tell all your friends...we're at MZ5!

Great! I'll be there Saturday. But, I still haven't been able to get a pass.

Maybe if I close my eyes, click my heels and chant "Help Me Mr Wizard, Help Me!!!"
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Rouge, I'm at the table on the mezzanine right now
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, I talked to one guy about Legion World. He had strong opinions about what he didn't like about the new series. Unfortunately I didn't have anything to give him. I did tell him to stop by. We will see.

oh and from the DC Nation panel, Lian Harper Is dead and will be staying dead.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
For now.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Oh, and someone mention the Bring Back Lian Harper group? I would myself but I'm still on the... ugh, East Coast.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Anti-Matter-Eater Lad stopped by. He was wearing the Legion T-shirt CJ had made.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
So what's the head count so far?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Just me, mogli, Quis, Sharky, and rouge have been to the table. I'm hoping MEL checks in and some surprise LWers find there way to the table.

Kabir is checking on possibly getting additional exibitor badges for Abin and DL as I type this.

I need to come up with stuff for our empty table. Kabir had flyers for VIVE.

So far that's all we've got.

[ July 22, 2010, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Exnihil on :
Howdy folks, just got into SD about an hour ago. I'm not hitting the con until tomorrow, but I'm showered, shaved, and ready to get my drink on. Have Quis or Sharky give me a ring if you guys have any post-con plans tonight.
Posted by Kent on :
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Kent:

Ordinarily I don't endorse arguing with idiots, but there are some pretty awesome signs there. "Satan' cake is a lie!"
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I heard about that! I love it!
Posted by Abin Quank on :
And the last piece falls into place! I have my Convention Pass or I will have when I get there!

Gary, Kabir, Rob, you guys are the best! Thank You!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Kent:

Best protest signs EVER!! "Death to Humans!" "Fags are Sexy Beasts!" "God Hates Kittens!"
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
And the last piece falls into place! I have my Convention Pass or I will have when I get there!

Gary, Kabir, Rob, you guys are the best! Thank You!

Seconding that! See you all on Saturday!
Posted by rouge on :
Signs I saw when I walked around the protest:

"All Glory Be... Darseid IS!"

"God just needs a good starship."
Posted by rouge on :
James Robinson was pretty surly in both panels regarding Cry for Justice. JT Krull was actually very good natured and seemed to have a sense of humour when the "Worst story ever" was brought up.

That Hawkgirl at the panel was crazy good (and smokin' hot)

After the panels I got Scott Shaw! to do a Pig Iron for me.

Very good day.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Was it Shiera or Kendra?
Posted by rouge on :
Kendra's costume, but Shiera's hair.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Got shut out of Batman: B & B cartoon panel... waiting for "Spotlight on Paul Levitz" ... he and Jeanette Khan gave a very cool talk yesterday about her tenure at DC in the 70's and 80's ... documentary on history of DC last night was excellent ... funny reference to LSH as Superman's childhood friends who popped up every once in a while to bother him ...
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
We got an upgrade to the convention floor 4619. So if any LWers are at the Convention and want to stop, we've moved.

Thanks to Thomas and Jim for stopping by and helping us relocate in a matter of minutes!
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
We got an upgrade to the convention floor 4619. So if any LWers are at the Convention and want to stop, we've moved.

Thanks to Thomas and Jim for stopping by and helping us relocate in a matter of minutes!

How are we doing for table decor? I still have the Phantom Girl poster board from '08. Should I bring it Saturday?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
You can. I printed some Legion-related images out and brought some figures for displays.

I'll post before and after photos later.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Kent:

A friend of mine here saw them and said there were only two people from the Westborochurch
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Kabir was in line to get Paul Levitz' autograph for Gary. Paul asked if he was from Legion World. When Kabir said yes, Paul asked where we were. kabir told him what booth we are at. Paul wrote down the number and said that he would try to get over sometime during the con.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Tell him I said thanks for finally revealing what the deal was with the Ranzz kids.
Posted by MLLASH on :
You guys sure have been quiet out at SDCC this year...
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
There's too few of us. [Frown]
Posted by Director Lad on :
Well, there will be at least one more today. I'm breakfasting in LA now then I'll be in the car on my way down the coast. I'm shooting to arrive at the convention center around 9:30 when the doors open.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

I may be able to get that picture of Shark Lad in a towel. we have been sharing a hotel room.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
You guys sure have been quiet out at SDCC this year...

It's not my fault! I'm not there.
Posted by cleome on :
If you're all sitting at the table in those low-cut tops of yours, it's no wonder everyone's so quiet. They're probably trying to stare without looking like they're staring.


I don't speak from RL con-related experience here. Nope. Never.

[Good] [Evil]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:

I may be able to get that picture of Shark Lad in a towel. we have been sharing a hotel room.

YES!!!!!!!!! ANd he can get one of you, too... the ALL-LMBers IN TOWELS thread lives!!!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Did Mr. Levitz make it by yet???
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Originally posted by Kent:
Miner, STU and I were all pretty close, last I knew. But Miner may have snuck ahead.

I tallied 42 myself. I was trying to find my pics from Dallas and Boston for the group shots, to see if I'd left anyone out inadvertently, but I'm not sure where they are at the moment. (I'm not counting creators I've met, like Barry Kitson, even if they've posted on LW before.)

So... who's met someone new at SDCC this year?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No Paul yet. I'll be meeting rouge and Power Boy for the first time.

Abin has arrived. The con is now being shut down. 5 minutes a new record for Abin.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Tonight is the big Legion World dinner. We will be discussing which one of you to ban.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Lash we are quiet cause the service Is slow in the convention center!!
Posted by Power Boy on :
Legion number one is a free giveaway at dc !!!
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Signed By Paul Levitz for a lucky few :grin:

And now that the con has closed for the evening Quis, Director Lad and I have retired to my room where Quis is attempting to put together a Road trip for next year's convention...

Details to follow, after a night of drunken debauchery, of course!
Posted by MLLASH on :
OH LORD wish I was there with you guys!!! Too bad about all my phobias (and,y'know, the crippling shyness...!)...

Posted by Exnihil on :
Back from the big Legion World dinner (unfortunately I have to take a rain check on the drunken debauchery because of a 7 AM flight) and as always, it was a blast hanging out with you guys.

It always occurs to me in such settings, looking around at a group of us otherwise divided by age, race, sexuality, geographic origin, education, backround... basically any of a number of artifical boundary lines... that it's so great we're brought together, not only by our interest in the Legion, but by the very idea inherent in the Legion of unity through diversification.

As corny as it is, I really feel that the community we've built here is, in a small way, the promise of the Legion made manifest, and these gatherings really reinforce that.

Thanks, as always, Nightcrawler, for having created this place, and thanks to everyone I met this weekend for a great time.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
OH LORD wish I was there with you guys!!! Too bad about all my phobias (and,y'know, the crippling shyness...!)...


Part of tonight's discussion O Mighty Kewlness Mentor... of Space, was how to get You, Lardy, Teeds, EDE, and a host of others out here next year.

Lets put it this way... We have a plan.

I'll let Quis present the plan, he's the lawyer. And this being an LMBP plan... well...
Posted by MLLASH on :

(OMG I know it will be so disappointing when I don't say things like "Great Space!" in real life....) ***crippling phobias kick in***
Posted by MLLASH on :
(although I do say things like "OMG"!)
Posted by MLLASH on :
(and "crippling phobias"!)
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Originally posted by MLLASH:
OH LORD wish I was there with you guys!!! Too bad about all my phobias (and,y'know, the crippling shyness...!)...


Part of tonight's discussion O Mighty Kewlness Mentor... of Space, was how to get You, Lardy, Teeds, EDE, and a host of others out here next year.

Lets put it this way... We have a plan.

I'll let Quis present the plan, he's the lawyer. And this being an LMBP plan... well...

Maybe Cobie could throw one of his trademark stag fundraisers--except this time the goal would be to raise funds for LMBers to go to SD next year! [LOL]
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
By the way...hope you guys steered clear of that attack that occurred in Hall H. Creepy stuff! [Eek!]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
It reminds me of something I heard, about a little boy who stabbed his father because he wouldn't give him chocolate icing on his birthday cake.
Posted by Power Boy on :
I thought Lardy ede teeds and lash were the same person ?!?!
Posted by Director Lad on :
And I'm home safe from San Diego. What a whirlwind day! I was halfway home when it hit me that I only went down there this morning! It really felt like a whole weekend.

A really great day thanks to Nighty, Mogli, Quislet, Abin, Sharky, Power Boy, Rouge, MEL, and Exnihil. No dithering for next year; I'm springing for the four-day pass as soon as I have the cash.

Almost forgot: I have pics that I'll upload to Facebook tomorrow, including one that should get a certain Lash Lad very excited...
Posted by rouge on :
Diner was great last night.

Talked to Paul (again) yesterday along with Shark Lad and said he likes reading the board and getting feedback from us. Go team!

Getting a Jeff Moy sketch of Gates today. Con has definitely been awesome.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
By the way...hope you guys steered clear of that attack that occurred in Hall H. Creepy stuff! [Eek!]

I'll go check the news, you guys know more about the Con than us.

Originally posted by Director Lad:
And I'm home safe from San Diego.

Glad to hear! Thanks for coming down and helping out!

Dinner was great! You guys are the best!
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Heading for the airport. I'll post some pics when I get back to Portland.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Thanks for stopping in Chuck!

Things are a lot more quiet without you.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Those crazy resident evil fans
Posted by Kent on :
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Lash, I got the picture of Sharky in a towel. I will post it when I get home, either Tuesday or Wednesday.
Posted by Director Lad on :
As promised, here are my pics from yesterday:

LegionWold at Comicon 2010
Posted by Dev Em on :
Hope that I can afford to come one of these years. Do not see it happening soon though.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
We're officially signed up for a table for next year!

I think we should use the oppurtunity to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Phantom Girl, Triplicate Girl, Shrinking Violet, Bouncing Boy, Sun Boy, Brainiac 5 & Starboy.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I sure hope somebody said hi to Nei.

And thank God the Ranzz kids aren't dead.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I'm glad everyone had a great time.

I, too, would like to go one of these years.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Back in Philly after a long day of weather induced flight delays.

Before I forget, I also wanted to mention what a nice guy former Legion artist, and sometime Legion World poster, Francis Manapul is. I met him over in Artist Alley, where he did a beautiful watercolor sketch of Gazelle from the 3-boot for me (pic to follow when I'm not so tired). He's just a really friendly, down-to earth fellow, and I wish him all the best in his career.
Posted by rouge on :
Had a great time. I was a pleasure to meet everyone. Capped off the Con in style with two beautiful sketches - Gates by Moy and Phantom Girl by Manapaul.

After I get home and sleep for a month or so, I'll post pictures of them (I also took close to 700 other pictures).
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Here are some blurry iPhone pics courtesy of mogli -

Click for fullsize image

The table that lasted only a few hours on Friday before we got to move downstairs...

Click for fullsize image

...and the table in our upgraded booth. This version was from Saturday after Sudro arrived.

I'll update this post with more pics after Kabir wakes up and sends me the rest.
Posted by Power Boy on :

finally made it home after a grueling drive back to l.a.

had an awesome time at the con, and dinner. was great to meet everyone.

was really a cool experience.

more later ... very tirred, and i've got some pics too to upload.

[Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
The booth looks GREAT!!! How awesome is THAT?!?!?
Posted by Kent on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
We're officially signed up for a table for next year!

I think we should use the oppurtunity to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Phantom Girl, Triplicate Girl, Shrinking Violet, Bouncing Boy, Sun Boy, Brainiac 5 & Starboy.

I like the idea! Certainly LSH history is rich enough we can always have one or multiple themes most any year.

tables look great, too!
Posted by Kent on :
2011 is the 50th of:
(Thom cover date. Dec 1960 release date), Lu, Tinya,Querl, Salu, Dirk, Chuck, the Super-Pets, Mon-El, Pete Ross, Dev-Em, the adult LSV trio.

couldn't find any noteworthy 40th,30th etc anniversaries.

maybe we could do our own souvenir books, as the Con anniversary theme list probably won't get into specific legionnaires. We could contribute fan art, articles and maybe even interviews similar to the official Con program (but thinner), and give them out at the table?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Sounds perfect! That's what I had in mind. Too bad I didn't think of it for this year's Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, and Invisible Kid. Maybe do a retro booklet for them (2010) and the founders from 2008?
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm in if you want me, just holla.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Great idea, and the booth was really outstanding!

Thanks for posting pics, Sudro. Everybody looks good (but who is everybody? I recognize you, Chuck, Quis, Gary & Kabir).

The group definitely needs some fems next year, though!
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Yeah, I thought Beth was going again this year.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Glad you guys had a good time! I'm jealous beyond all belief that I couldn't make it this year.

I definitely want to be included in any grand plans to get certain LMBers to San Diego. I volunteer to show up at EDE's work unannounced to kidnap him! And then make him drive me to Lash's place!
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Glad you guys had a good time! I'm jealous beyond all belief that I couldn't make it this year.

I definitely want to be included in any grand plans to get certain LMBers to San Diego. I volunteer to show up at EDE's work unannounced to kidnap him! And then make him drive me to Lash's place!

Admit it! The waitress at Wolfie's was one of your operatives, wasn't she?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
My spies are everywhere. And they're all sexy as hell [Wink]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Quis and I came up with a daring and almost foolproof plan to get Cramer, Crujectra, Lash, Teeds, Chief Opie, Rocky, Dev, EDE, Pov, CJ, and Kent to San Diego for next year.

I'm not free to release details yet, there are a few minor legal issues to be worked out, but it involves an Animal House Style Road Trip mixed with Mission Impossible Stunts and Timing.

Stay Tuned...
Posted by Exnihil on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
... it involves an Animal House Style Road Trip...

"Now we could do it with conventional weapons that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."

"We're just the guys to do it."
Posted by Abin Quank on :
The second best thing about going to San Diego this year (After meeting up with old and new friends from Legion World) was getting to meet the guys who do this Web Comic.

Click for fullsize image

Turns out they're Legion Fans, and Lar DeSouza did a sketch for me of the stars of "Least I Could Do" as the Legion Founders.

Unfortunately I haven't seen the sketch yet, I had to leave before it was finished. Nighty has it and I'm hoping he'll post a scan of it here, so I don't have to wait until I'm back in RI to see it!

[ July 27, 2010, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Abin Quank ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I **LOVE** road trips...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I **LOVE** road trips...

You were the first poster mentioned for being kidnapped.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
Back in Philly after a long day of weather induced flight delays.

Before I forget, I also wanted to mention what a nice guy former Legion artist, and sometime Legion World poster, Francis Manapul is. I met him over in Artist Alley, where he did a beautiful watercolor sketch of Gazelle from the 3-boot for me (pic to follow when I'm not so tired). He's just a really friendly, down-to earth fellow, and I wish him all the best in his career.

Shark Lad also got a sketch from Francis. I will let him tell you the details.
Posted by Karie on :
The booth looks amazing! Sounds like you guys had a great time. I'm so jealous!!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
D'Oh! Sorry! I put the sketch in a safe place and forgot it. Here it is -

Click for fullsize image

The second best thing about going to San Diego this year (After meeting up with old and new friends from Legion World) was getting to meet the guys who do this Web Comic.

[ July 27, 2010, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Abin Quank ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
As requested, Shark Lad wearing a towel.

Posted by MLLASH on :
I actually was guessing the picture would be some sort of shark figurine draped in a towel, so this is actually better!

Nice shirt! [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I am keeping the one of him stepping out of the shower in a towel for my private collection. [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Awesome shirt Sharky is wearing!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Yes, they were selling like hotcakes at the Con.
Posted by rouge on :
EDIT: Well, that didn't work out. I'll re-post images of the sketches tomorrow.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
What's the issue?

You can email them to me to host. I'll let you know the codes to post them in your post.
Posted by rouge on :
Nah, I got them on Photobucket, I just copied the wrong links and had 2 minutes before I had to take to the field and coach my son's soccer game. Let's try this again now that I have a second:

Jeff Moy's Gates sketch:

Click for fullsize image

Francis Manapaul's Phantom Girl:

Click for fullsize image

[ July 27, 2010, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: Kent ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Quis and I came up with a daring and almost foolproof plan to get Cramer, Crujectra, Lash, Teeds, Chief Opie, Rocky, Dev, EDE, Pov, CJ, and Kent to San Diego for next year.

I'm not free to release details yet, there are a few minor legal issues to be worked out, but it involves an Animal House Style Road Trip mixed with Mission Impossible Stunts and Timing.

Stay Tuned...

If you're seriously considering this...I better start saving now. Oh, and Suddenly Seymour is in my area as well.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Ehh, they've seen me before. [Smile]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Ehh, they've seen me before. [Smile]

That doesn't mean we don't want to see you again.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Thank you...
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Quis and I came up with a daring and almost foolproof plan to get Cramer, Crujectra, Lash, Teeds, Chief Opie, Rocky, Dev, EDE, Pov, CJ, and Kent to San Diego for next year.

Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Um, for those of you who got sketches (which I am DYING to see), isn't there that Con Sketch thread?
Posted by Kent on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Quis and I came up with a daring and almost foolproof plan to get Cramer, Crujectra, Lash, Teeds, Chief Opie, Rocky, Dev, EDE, Pov, CJ, and Kent to San Diego for next year.

...says the guy who's been there so many times the Spanish still ruled the city when he started going.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Hey kids it was great meeting up/making out with everyone! I only took one Legionworld photo but its a pretty steamy one...

Steamy Legionworld action

The rest of my photos

I got Tyroc and Element Lad sketches but they're in a sketchbook that someone else is still working on so I won't get that back till later...

Posted by Power Boy on :
what up!

here's a link to my photos, blurry as they may be:

hope that link works.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The link works. Great pictures.
Posted by Power Boy on :
thanks, lots of toys and people dressed up .. and Rage Lantern Mera running away from me.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
As requested, Shark Lad wearing a towel.

What the ... ?!?

You said you thought my head was on fire when you threw that towel at me ...
Posted by SharkLad on :
Conner & Krypto by Francis Manapul

[ September 11, 2010, 09:34 AM: Message edited by: SharkLad ]
Posted by rouge on :
You look like a reasonably trustworthy bunch (or maybe I'm just drunk), so I opened up my SDCC galleries on FB for a limited time if people want to take a look.

Preview Night
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

[ July 30, 2010, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: rouge ]
Posted by Kent on :
...didn't work for me. [Frown]
Posted by cleome on :

Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Quis and I came up with a daring and almost foolproof plan to get Cramer, Crujectra, Lash, Teeds, Chief Opie, Rocky, Dev, EDE, Pov, CJ, and Kent to San Diego for next year.

Observe that some of us were not mentioned.

I scarred Abin's life with just one visit.

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by cleome:

Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Quis and I came up with a daring and almost foolproof plan to get Cramer, Crujectra, Lash, Teeds, Chief Opie, Rocky, Dev, EDE, Pov, CJ, and Kent to San Diego for next year.

Observe that some of us were not mentioned.

I scarred Abin's life with just one visit.


If you want, we can tie you on the front fender like a dead deer.

I think we will need two cross-country trips. One going the Northern route, the other going the Southern route.
Posted by cleome on :
You'll need the double-wide fender, Law Lad.

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Hmmmm.... Did cleome stumble upon my secret identity? I'll have to think of some clever but wildly implausible excuse to make her doubt herself.

Em... I couldn't be Law Lad. He parts his hair on the right and I part my hair on the left.
Posted by cleome on :
Yeah, yeah. And your necktie is fuchsia whereas his necktie is hot pink.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I heard (on the House to Astonish podcast) that 4-day passes for San Diego are already sold out - that they sold out at the show. True??
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Preview Night sold out at the Con, but the regular 4 Day passes should still be available to purchase online soon.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Conner & Krypto by Francis Manapul

Very cool! Reminds me of the painting/sketch of Lu I got from him at SDCC last year (or the year before). I really need to get scanning my sketchbook pics.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
So... Mike Grell's gonna be at Big Apple Con this year.

Yay for me!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
And now Paul Levitz is gonna be there, too!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Preview Night sold out at the Con, but the regular 4 Day passes should still be available to purchase online soon.

Good Lord, this early?!?!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
This past year, the 4 day passes went on sale in October and wre sold out by November. I'd say even if you aren't sure you'll be going, you should by the 4 day pass. You can always turn it back in for a refund.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
FYI, every Legion Worlder who comes to SDCC 2011 (and helps man the table hopefully) will get a really good, goody bag.

Since I know we have a table ahead of time, I'm going to try and create some cool giveaways and surprises.
Posted by SharkLad on :
I'm going to by a 4 day pass in the hopes I can make it again ... I had such a blast this year ...
Posted by rouge on :
"Honey, I had such a good time at San Diego this year I'm thinking about going again next... Hey! Wait! What are you doing with that knife.... ARRGHHHH!"

.... yeah that's about how it would go.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
This past year, the 4 day passes went on sale in October and wre sold out by November. I'd say even if you aren't sure you'll be going, you should by the 4 day pass. You can always turn it back in for a refund.

Get with me when you can, any plans solidified?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
So... is anyone going to Big Apple Con?
Posted by ActorLad on :
I'm planning on getting SDCC 4-day passes as soon as you can online. Oh and since Legion #1 was a freebie at the DC booth does anyone have any extra copies? I'd love to read it myself.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Money is my major problem with even contemplating going to this thing.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
So... is anyone going to Big Apple Con?

I'll be there on Sat.Oct.9, just ordered my ticket!!
If you wanna meet up, Sarc, call me-908.977.5150 I sleep til noon, so no morning calls!!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Oooh, I'm only going Friday (I hope)

Saturday is my brother's birthday.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Oh well. You'll have to come by the hotel I work at sometime, though. I'll buy you a burger or some chicken wings!!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Hey guys, I've been thinking about asking JG Jones to do a con sketch of a Sailor Moon villain at Big Apple.

What do you guys think?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Mini gathering this week!

Suddenly Seymour, Beagle Boy and I are meeting up for dinner on Thursday.
Posted by Kent on :

Posted by Dev Em on :
I've met Quis, and only talked to Eric before on the phone. So I am so geeked to finally meet some more Legion Worlders.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
It a wonder you want to meet more after meeting me. [Wink]
Posted by ActorLad on :
Wish I could join you all, have fun!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
It a wonder you want to meet more after meeting me. [Wink]

Oh, c'mon! It just took a few years... [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I just realized. I have met all three of you. Just at different times.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Cool, we can tell our very own Quis stories.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Huh. I didn't realize Dev had met other LMBers before. Where, when and who, Dev?

<==still haven't met anyone, btw [Frown]
Posted by Kent on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
<==still haven't met anyone, btw [Frown]

Probably safer for all concerned! [Wink]
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by Kent:
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
<==still haven't met anyone, btw [Frown]

Probably safer for all concerned! [Wink]
Yeah, 9 out of 10 doctors recommend wearing a hazmat suit (or a full body condom in lieue) when encountering me. [Razz]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
Huh. I didn't realize Dev had met other LMBers before. Where, when and who, Dev?

<==still haven't met anyone, btw [Frown]

Only met Quis so far. This week will change that.

Where are you at again?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
<==still haven't met anyone, btw [Frown]

I always find this surprisingly...
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
<==still haven't met anyone, btw [Frown]

I always find this surprisingly...
...? [Confused]
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
Huh. I didn't realize Dev had met other LMBers before. Where, when and who, Dev?

<==still haven't met anyone, btw [Frown]

Only met Quis so far. This week will change that.

Where are you at again?

Haven't you read my profile? "The Underbelly of Society"!

(a.k.a. SC [Big Grin] )
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
<==still haven't met anyone, btw [Frown]

I always find this surprisingly...
...? [Confused]
Because you're a LMB legend, dude... I'd love to meet ya...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Chief, Have you hiked the Appalachia trail?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Chief, Have you hiked the Appalachia trail?

That sounds like a euphemism for something dirty...
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Uh, no to both! (I think? [Confused] )
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:

<==still haven't met anyone, btw [Frown]

Let me see. Jennifer likes sitting in the sun by a pool or the sea with a cool g&t in her hand with nice views and good company. She wants a holiday.


So. Whats the south got to offer Chief?
Posted by Dev Em on : you like movies about Gladiators?
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by Dev Em: you like movies about Gladiators?

I liked "Gladiator" a good bit (though I've never felt the urge to watch it a second time). Otherwise, the only one I can think of is "Ben-Hur", but I've never felt compelled to watch it. So I guess the answer would be "no". I'm really more of a sci-fi (including horror and superhero in there) guy than anything.

Why do you ask?
Posted by cleome on :

(Yeah, I logged in just to post that. So sue me.)
Posted by Dev Em on :
gives Cleome a big [Hug]
Posted by cleome on :
When I come out of my coma, I promise to thank you and everyone else in this thread.

[falls over and sleeps for three days straight]
Posted by Dev Em on :
I cannot stop laughing.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Chief, have you ever been in a... in a Turkish prison?
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Dev, have you ever seen a grown man naked? [Razz]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Chief, Have you hiked the Appalachia trail?

This apparently inspired Dev on his train of thought, but it's not from Airplane. Where's this come from?
Posted by Dev Em on :
It inspired me, but not in any real quantifiable way. It just seemed like an out of the blue question that made me think of the Airplane real connection outside of it being a seemingly random question.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Had a greattime hanging with Beagz and Seymour tonight. Two great guys that I'm proud to call friends.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Chief, Have you hiked the Appalachia trail?

This apparently inspired Dev on his train of thought, but it's not from Airplane. Where's this come from?
You live in South Carolina and have forgotten the excuse given for your governor's disappearance?
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Not really, but I guess we SCers (at least me, I guess) are moreover Sanford's crap than out-of-staters are. He barely crosses my mind anymore, certainly not so much that the idiotic Appachian Trail lie came to mind when you referenced it. [shrug] Hooray for Jenny Sanford, however, for dropping him like a ton of bricks! [Yes]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
For what it's worth, I have hiked the Appalachian Trail.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Really? you like movies about Gladiators? [Razz]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Should we dress as gladiators at the next gathering?
Posted by Kent on :
Haven't we all done that enough?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
So... NYCC is tomorrow.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Should we dress as gladiators at the next gathering?

I think we should all go as Winathians!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Sarcasm Lad and everybody else going to NYCC, have a great time.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Originally posted by SharkLad:
Should we dress as gladiators at the next gathering?

I think we should all go as Winathians!
Sacre bleu! [gasp]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The tricky part will be finding a twin.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Oh my GOD the haul I got today!

I finally got my Riddler's Daughter commission from Todd Nauck and it's gorgeous!

I got to meet Gail Simone and talked to her about writing in comics.

I finally saw Nei after so long. We might be having lunch tomorrow.

Here's my con sketches so far, wait till you see them!

Aquaman II (Kingdom Come) by Jim Calafiore
Firestar by Jeremy Dale
American Vampire's Pearl by Rafael Albuquerque
Arsenal by Phillip Tan
Jeannette by Nicola Scott (and signed by Gail)
Batman by Andy Kubert
Lian and Red Hood (KC) by Agnes Garbowska
Dark Angel by Cat Staggs
Sumo Timber Wolf by Francis Manapul

And more to come! I haven't felt this good in ages!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Sounds like a great day for you Sarcasm Kid. This was the only day you were going, right?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Nope. I'm all three.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I'm meeting up with Tom Fatsi at the con tom'w.
Can't wait!!
Since Sarc is obviously trying to avoid meeting me, I won't push the issue.
Have fun anyway, Sarc!!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, honestly!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Yeah, yeah. Tell that to the puddle of tears I'm currently ankle-deep in!! [Frown]
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Just got home from the con. I had a great time hanging with Mr. Tom Fatsi!
I met Yildiray and gave him a cool tee-shirt I bought for him a couple of weeks ago. In return he gave my a copy of his sketch book, which is chock full of Legiony goodness!
I got to talk with Gail Simone, Nicola Scott & the incredibly fabulous Amanda Conner, who had one of the longest lines for sketches in artist's alley.
I yelled "J'taime" at Olivier Coipel, & he replied,"Merci".
I purchased a page of Legion original art from Adventure #2 from artist Clayton Henry( where Garth visits Mekt on Takron-Galtos ), but my special lucky purchase was a pretty decent copy of Adventure #300 for 25 bucks!!
I searched all day for fans dressed up as Legionnaires, but couldn't find even one!!
Posted by Pov on :
My Saturn Girl bikini was at the drycleaners, Alec... Sorry! [Wink]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Pov:
My Saturn Girl bikini was at the drycleaners, Alec... Sorry! [Wink]

Hey, if it's good enough for Sun Boy...
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
Just got home from the con. I had a great time hanging with Mr. Tom Fatsi!
I met Yildiray and gave him a cool tee-shirt I bought for him a couple of weeks ago. In return he gave my a copy of his sketch book, which is chock full of Legiony goodness!
I got to talk with Gail Simone, Nicola Scott & the incredibly fabulous Amanda Conner, who had one of the longest lines for sketches in artist's alley.
I yelled "J'taime" at Olivier Coipel, & he replied,"Merci".
I purchased a page of Legion original art from Adventure #2 from artist Clayton Henry( where Garth visits Mekt on Takron-Galtos ), but my special lucky purchase was a pretty decent copy of Adventure #300 for 25 bucks!!
I searched all day for fans dressed up as Legionnaires, but couldn't find even one!!

oooooooHHHHH! I'd have LOVED to have been there!!!! Why can't everywhere be New York?!?!!?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I got to speak to Gail Simone too. About writing comics, Lian, and why I want to write and what. She was a lovely lady and she remembered the Valentine I wrote her on the DC Boards.

I finally got the birthday gift I've been waiting for from Joe Prado since last December. It rocks.

My brother bought me a Camp Crystal Lake t-shirt.

I finally got to spend more time with Nei. We walked around for a bit with my brother and one of her friends. I bought her a pair of gloves. I only got like, eight comics, but my commission haul this year? The full mounty is:

*Riddler's Daughter by Todd Nauck
*Cartoon Lightning Lad by Nauck
*Black Lantern Dorothy Spinner by Joe Prado
*Green Lantern by Prado
*Cartoon Lightning Lad by Prado (My gift [Smile] )
*Sumo Timber Wolf by Francis Manapul (I can't believe he was willing to do this one!)
*Revolutionary Girl Utena by Manapul
*Gazelle by Manapul
*Queen Nehellenia from Sailor Moon by Matthew Clark
*Red Hood (Lian Harper) by Billy Tucci
*The New Teen Titan debuting in the series by Nicola Scott
*Demon Damsel by Mahmud Asrar
*Kingdom Come Aquaman (Garth) by Jim Calafiore
*Firestar by Jeremy Dale
*American Vampire's Pearl by Rafael Albuquerque
*Arsenal by Phillip Tan
*Jeannette by Scott
*Batman by Andy Kubert
*Lian AND Red Hood by Agnes Garbowska
*Dark Angel by Cat Staggs
*Mort from Gunnerkrieg Court (online comic) by Tom Siddell
*Leatherwing by Derek Fridolfs
*Kabrini from Kingdom Come by Jamal Igle
*Riddler's Daughter by Tony Daniel
*Shadow Lass by Greg LaRocque (for Candle)
*Darkstar (Robby Long) by Terry Dodson
*Joker by Dustin Nguyen
*Dawnstar by Amy Reeder
*Menagerie (Beast Boy from KC) by Justiniano
*Duela Dent by Mike McKone
*Superwoman from Crisis on Two Earths by Igle
*The Stand's Mother Abigail by Mike Perkins
*Liverwires' Cornfed by Reilly Brown
*FishEye from Sailor Moon by Dale
*Prosthetic Lass by Sean Galloway ("Cheeks")
*Catwoman by Scott Hanna
*Livewires' Stem Cell by Mike DeBalfo
*Aquagirl (Kingdom Come) by Karl Kerschl
*Batman by Cameron Stewart
*Arsenal by Georges Jeanty
*Arsenal by Sunny Lee
*Ragdoll by Scott (this is my brother's actually)
*Ravager by Yildiray Cinar
*Mon-El by Bernard Chang (for Candle as well)
*Queen of Hearts by Ebas
*Lightning Lad by Sean Chen

I can't believe how nice everyone was.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Oh! I also ran into Bill Walko, the guy who runs the Titans Tower website. I wouldn't have known it was him until I saw the portfolio he was carrying had the picture of the Titans in the band on the cover.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Really wish I could have gone to NYC Con. Maybe next year, especially if it isn't in Sept or Oct when traveling so heavily.

I plan to go in a suit & tie and act like I'm important and stuff. If someone asks who I am, I'll say I'm Rhino's agent.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Does anyone have any problem with my posting my sketches in the Convention Sketches thread even if they aren't all Legion characters?

Hey guys, I really hope I'm not spamming or crowding this thread, it's just I'm so glad I can finally show off some of the sketches I got this weekend and I'm really proud of this one (along with three others I haven't scanned yet). My exuberance is never ending.
Click for fullsize image

[ October 12, 2010, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: Sarcasm Kid ]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
And this was a birthday gift from Joe Prado I've been waiting for, for ever.

Click for fullsize image

[ October 12, 2010, 02:41 PM: Message edited by: Sarcasm Kid ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Maybe change them to Thumb sized images for us to click on. It'll make the thread a little less "big"
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Sorry. The truth is my brother scanned most of them because I kept screwing up. I won't post any more until I can figure out how to make them thumb-sized, kay?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
[thumb] instead of [img]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I posted more con sketches in the Convention Sketch thread.
Posted by future king on :
Those were awesome SK! Thanks for posting.
Posted by mechana on :
Not sure if I'm much of a draw for Legion fans anymore, but I'll be at the Mid-Ohio Con in Columbus next weekend, Nov.6-7. Come and say "hi" if you're so inclined!
Posted by Director Lad on :
You're a draw for any comics fan, even if some of them don't know it yet! I've always heard great things about the Mid-Ohio con. Hope you have a great time!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by mechana:
Not sure if I'm much of a draw for Legion fans anymore, but I'll be at the Mid-Ohio Con in Columbus next weekend, Nov.6-7. Come and say "hi" if you're so inclined!

The Eisner-Award Winning Ronda is always a draw! Which, incidently, is how I would write my signature if I were you [Wink]
Posted by ActorLad on :
FYI online tickets sales for SDCC'11 have been put off until November 22nd now.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Originally posted by ActorLad:
FYI online tickets sales for SDCC'11 have been put off until November 22nd now.

...and now they've been put off again (no new date, yet). Apparently, the servers of registration company that the SDCC goes through were overloaded with requests:
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
FYI, when they do become available again, we are definitely getting a table in the Mezzanine - M-16 to be exact.

I hope that many of you guys can make it.
Posted by Director Lad on :
Sweet! I'm planning to be there next year, so if anyone is interested in sharing hotel space, let me know.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Really wish I could afford to...just do not see it happening next year.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Alas, my kitchen renovation set me 'way back this year. I don't see any travel in my immediate future. [Frown]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
OK, everybody start playing the lottery.
Posted by Hrista Spjóti on :
yeah. despite the benevolent-conspiratorial musings of Abin et al over the summer, I don't see it happening, either.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Still hoping to make it some-how, just working-out some big kinks financial & otherwise.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Funny thing, Ive never gone to SDCC and Ive decided to go in 11 with my Anime loving son as a graduation gift, any tips on how to have a great time would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by Director Lad on :
1. Realize ahead of time that you won't be able to do everything. There's just too much to do. Accept that up front and take a relaxed approach to the con.
2. Plan ahead. Look over the list of artists attending and the panel summaries so you know who you want to try to see and which panels look interesting. Doing some advance planning can help with managing how overwhelming the con can be. Also, it'll help you plan items to bring to have signed.
3. Make a list of specific items that you want to look for in the dealer booths. You don't want to be at the con trying to remember if you have a copy of an obscure trade paperback or single issue.
4. Realize that you're going to want to buy things not on that list, so budget for more than you think you'll spend. Much more.
5. Don't be afraid to take a day off during the con. There's lots of other stuff to see and do in San Diego. (However, if I'm honest, I have to admit that I didn't take any days off in '08; I didn't want to miss a moment!)
6. Be prepared for crowds. Not every spot on the con floor is impassable, but there will be times when navigation across the floor will feel like it requires a map, compass, sextant, and a teleporter. The upshot of this is to never be in a hurry to get anywhere. Always give yourself lots of time.

It's an incredible experience and I've had a blast both times I've been. There are many who say it's gotten to big or too Hollywood, but it really is what you make it. If you want it to be a comic convention, then attend comic-related panels, meet comic artists and writers, buy rare comics and, like magic, you've just attended a comic convention. At the same time, if you want to see movie and TV stars, hear about the studios' new releases, etc., that's there too. Make it the convention you want to attend and ignore the griefers who don't know how.

Hope to see you there!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :

Purchase your passes as soon as they get back on sale. Right now registration is closed (it was suppose to start at the start of November but crashed twice) Best to periodically visit the Comic Con site to see if passes are on sale.
Posted by Lucifer07 on :
Thanks for the advice Diretor Lad and Quis
Posted by Power Boy on :
i might go again this year ...

one thing i found is i couldn't do back to back things.

something at 2-330 and expect to catch a show at 330 -5 (or whatever).

not only might it be far away but people line up for good things early. (maybe if you get lucky and know where you're going) in fact i kinda did one show a day. and then just wandered around. but i think thats a very low estimate cause i was pooped out from being around so many peoples.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Anyone going to the Philadelphia Comic-Con on the 12th?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Although I'm located outside of Philly, I don't think I've ever heard of that one. I've been to Wizard World Philadelphia a couple times and, if that is any indication, I would say that the best thing about Philly-based cons is the availability of tons of inexpensive Silver/Bronze age back-issues. That was something that I found was notably absent at SDCC.
Posted by Director Lad on :
Just posted on the Comicon site:

Registration test on Wednesday December 15
Short version: Comicon will test their new badge registration system Wednesday morning at 8 am Pacific by making 1000 badges available. If all goes well, they'll open the flood gates again.

Perfect timing; I get paid Wednesday...
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Thanks for the info
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Reposted for new page

Originally posted by Director Lad:
Just posted on the Comicon site:

Registration test on Wednesday December 15
Short version: Comicon will test their new badge registration system Wednesday morning at 8 am Pacific by making 1000 badges available. If all goes well, they'll open the flood gates again.

Perfect timing; I get paid Wednesday...

Posted by ActorLad on :
From what I hear the test went well.
Posted by SharkLad on :
and still no updates... frusteratin'
Posted by ActorLad on :
Very much so.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Is anyone going to WonderCon?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Guys seriously, is anyone going? I wanna try something.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Where is Wondercon? And why do no awesome cons ever happen down south??
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
There is Wizard World Miami.

WonderCon's in San Fran April 1-3. I can't go, but, like I said, I wanna try something.
Posted by Director Lad on :
I'm saving my pennies for San Diego.
Posted by Exnihil on :
You know, I don't mind the delay in registration for SD. I always thought it was ridiculous that I had to buy tickets in November for an event the following July.

Hopefully, the delay will mean that people who weren't prepared to make that commitment that far out will be more apt to go for it now that they can reasonably plan.
Posted by Exnihil on :
So, if internet rumor is correct (and if you can't trust internet rumors, what can you trust?) the new registration start date for SDCC is Saturday, February 5th, at 9AM Pacific Standard Time (so, yes, Sharky, you can sleep in. [Wink] )
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
(so, yes, Sharky, you can sleep in. [Wink] )

Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Where is Wondercon? And why do no awesome cons ever happen down south??

There is Dragon Con in Atlanta.

Wikipedia has this listing for cons in Tennessee.

TennesseeGeek Media Expo (GMX) (in Nashville in October)
MidSouth Con (in Memphis mid-late March, MSC 2011 slated for March 25–27)
ShadowCon (in Memphis first or second weekend of January)
Posted by ActorLad on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
You know, I don't mind the delay in registration for SD. I always thought it was ridiculous that I had to buy tickets in November for an event the following July.

Hopefully, the delay will mean that people who weren't prepared to make that commitment that far out will be more apt to go for it now that they can reasonably plan.

See I'm of the opposite opinion as I probably could of afforded had they gone on sale on schedule while now unless I get a windfall it's out of the cards.
Posted by Director Lad on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
So, if internet rumor is correct (and if you can't trust internet rumors, what can you trust?) the new registration start date for SDCC is Saturday, February 5th, at 9AM Pacific Standard Time (so, yes, Sharky, you can sleep in. [Wink] )

This is now confirmed on the SDCC Web site.
Posted by Yes, yes and YES on :
Posted by Exnihil on :
Don't forget, SD confolk, tickets go on sale tomorrow!
Posted by Exnihil on :
Good Lord, was that a painful experience! The ticket site was completely flooded beyond capacity, and when I finally did get through, I had to refresh each subsequent page of the purchasing process about a hundred times.

But... got 'em. See you folks in Cali in a few months. [Smile]
Posted by Director Lad on :
Yep. Took three hours, but I have my four-day badge. Can I shower and breakfast now?
Posted by SharkLad on :
I'm in too...
Posted by Power Boy on :
... are you really kidding me ... grrr.

they are all sold out already! it's the 6th.

too slow.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I was too slow also.
Posted by Power Boy on :
hopefully they'll release more like last year.

most likely.
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
I'm glad I got to attend last year as this year looked like a real hassle to get tickets. Hopefully this leads to a better system down the road (mostly as I plan to go back in a few years [Wink] )
Posted by Director Lad on :
Based on the information posted by the ticketing website, they know what the problem was, but were unable to resolve it in real time on Saturday. I do hope that Comicon sticks with them for at least one more year. It looks like they were able to learn a lot from the experience and should be able to do better next year.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I don't hear anyone mentioning the Comic Book Marketplace in Manhattan next week.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
I don't hear anyone mentioning the Comic Book Marketplace in Manhattan next week.

I'm going.
Tickets are free if you order them at their website!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I'm gonna go with my dad and brother, again.

Listen, I suggest stopping by Billy Tucci's table if you want to get a sketch. His rates are very reasonable and he's a nice guy.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Good to know.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I'm gonna try and get a sketch of someone's character on here.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
For any of you going to the comic book marketplace tomorrow, I'll be wearing my name on my shirt.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
So I didn't meet anyone from here at the Marketplace yesterday, but I still had fun, and I didn't spend as much money as I expected.

The next con in my possible future is Boston Comic Con.

[ February 20, 2011, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Sarcasm Kid ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Shouldn't these be in Bits? Or Visionaries?

This thread is about organizing meet-ups.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Removed. Sorry about that.

So, is anyone else gonna be at Boston in April?
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
So I didn't meet anyone from here at the Marketplace yesterday,

I was there but I made sure to avoid you, since you said you're not ready to meet any LWers yet.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Damn. I should've clarified. When I said I'd be wearing my name on my shirt, that meant that I was ready to meet you guys. The shirt said "Sarcasm: One of many features", and Sarcasm was in big words.

I'm sorry Rhino, it was my fault.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Anyone going to Wizard World Toronto?

I'm not sure I'm up for a con at the moment, but I'd love to meet up with some LWers for dinner or something afterward.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
No, sorry. Although I'd jump at any chance to get to a con with Francis Manapul.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
San Diego definitely won't be happening, but I'm mulling C2E2. I happen to have that week off anyway and may drive over if I get other stuff on my to-do list taken care of.

Anyone going and want to split a hotel room?
Posted by Director Lad on :
Put in my San Diego hotel reservation request this morning. Won't know til next week where I'm actually staying. Such suspense!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
You guys have a booth at San Diego, right?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So I was knocking back pints with Faraway Lad and Gigglebot Girl tonight, talking about all the great meet-ups we've had over the years--particularly San Diego 2008, which I had to leave early for--and I'm suddenly feeling quite determined that we should do another major LMB / Legion World meet-up.

Legion World's 10 year anniversary is 2013. It may seem far away but it really isn't. Perhaps we should all start considering a great meet-up for that the 10 year anniversary? I'm talking about ALL OF US. Everyone we can round up.

If the British contingent are going to be a major part of this, the middle of the whole thing may be on the East Coast USA. Something to think about.

I'm serious about trying to get everyone together because I've been reminded about how much fun it is. I'm already volunteering to drive to Memphis and pick up Lash. In an awesome-ass car, BTW. Then we're going to invade EDE's world--I'm not kidding either, Ester. We'll find you and we'll kidnap you.

Let's make this event, the 10 Year Anniversary of Legion World, what it really deserves.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Stu has talked about Disney World. We could rent a block of rooms in one of the cheaper hotels.

Maybe plan it for a week, and then people could come for however long they can stay.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Stu has talked about Disney World. We could rent a block of rooms in one of the cheaper hotels.

Maybe plan it for a week, and then people could come for however long they can stay.

Interesting. I have a time-share down there... [Hmmm?]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Stu has talked about Disney World. We could rent a block of rooms in one of the cheaper hotels.

Maybe plan it for a week, and then people could come for however long they can stay.

Interesting. I have a time-share down there... [Hmmm?]
"that's what she said!"

I'm interested...since it would give me time to save.
Posted by SharkLad on :
I loves Disney! Sounds like a good meeting place to me... of course, there's a lot to do in NYC too...

[ March 19, 2011, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: SharkLad ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Ah don't trust disney. He lost to Aahz.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Well we would need time to save up. Have to say from the UK, we can get to New York, Florida, or Toronto pretty easily and cheaply so would prefer that option.
Posted by Tempest on :
I wants to go to DisneyWorld.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
so people don't have to go back to last page to catch up:

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
So I was knocking back pints with Faraway Lad and Gigglebot Girl tonight, talking about all the great meet-ups we've had over the years--particularly San Diego 2008, which I had to leave early for--and I'm suddenly feeling quite determined that we should do another major LMB / Legion World meet-up.

Legion World's 10 year anniversary is 2013. It may seem far away but it really isn't. Perhaps we should all start considering a great meet-up for that the 10 year anniversary? I'm talking about ALL OF US. Everyone we can round up.

If the British contingent are going to be a major part of this, the middle of the whole thing may be on the East Coast USA. Something to think about.

I'm serious about trying to get everyone together because I've been reminded about how much fun it is. I'm already volunteering to drive to Memphis and pick up Lash. In an awesome-ass car, BTW. Then we're going to invade EDE's world--I'm not kidding either, Ester. We'll find you and we'll kidnap you.

Let's make this event, the 10 Year Anniversary of Legion World, what it really deserves.

We've talked about Disney in the past, and there are apparently off-season deals to be had (that will also ease the airfare budgets for many of us, too). Anyone with experience should chime in, so we can discuss the best time of year to aim for.

Personally, I'm likely to be on a somewhat academic schedule for a while, but if I could find a nice conference around the same time I could more easily justify a jaunt. And even if not, I might still be able to squeeze in a long weekend, depending on my teaching schedule at that time.

In any case, I am definitely in favor of a non-con celebratory gathering. Nothing against cons, but there is more to life, and many of us have known each other (whether or not we've technically met face-to-face) so long that we don't really need a con as an excuse to gather.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Poked around a couple sites, and they seemed to agree. The least-crowded times for Disney:

The second week of January to the first week of February (except Martin Luther King holiday weekend)
Third week of August to the start of October
The month of November (except for Thanksgiving weekend)
The week after Thanksgiving up to week of Christmas

When I went several years ago, I did the week after Thanksgiving after being told it was the second least-busy week. The weather was perfect (upper 60s/low 70s). Lines were minimal at most rides. I think the most we waited was half an hour at the Tower of Terror.

I definitely would NOT want to do Florida in that August-September range.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
while school schedules may favor late August (or even early Sept), I agree that is the least desirable time.

post-Thanksgiving/pre-Xmas might well be too difficult for many: those working in retail, family obligations and school finals, for instance.

Jan/Feb seems to me the most preferable: who from any northern clime would not want to escape that time of year?

November would be a good 2nd choice.

Of course, if 2013 is THE year, the difference between the two, in terms of overall planning, is whether we're looking at 1.75 years out, or 2.5ish. Both are far away now, of course, but those crossing oceans or facing other planning obstacles should give us an idea as to how much planning time they need.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I will be attending MoCCAfest'11 this weekend in NYC, as will L.E.G.I.O.N.John.
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
hey Rhino, i was down stairs volunteering with the panels, doing it again tomorrow.
Posted by Exnihil on :
I'll be going to the Comic Geek Speak Super Show in Reading, PA on April 30. It's a nice, small show that I like for back issue hunting. I don't know if there are any other active LWers in PA other than myself, but if there are, you guys should check it out. I know that the guys that do the "Legion of Substitute Podcasters" go to this one, as well.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I finally met l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN!!
Posted by mechana on :
Hi all!

I'll be at Hastings in Richmond IN for FCBD, the Calgary Entertainment Expo in Calgary AB Jun17-19, Derby City Comic Con in Louisville KY July 16, and Wizard World Chicago Aug. 11-14.

Please come by and say hi if you're in the area!
Posted by SharkLad on :
"Big Apple Comic Con - Spring Edition" is happening in a few weeks in NYC... the "Fall Edition" was pretty lame, IMHO, so I'm not sure about this one...
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I'm on the fence about the Big Apple con myself.
I'll go if Jim Sherman is there.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
He's going to be at a one day thing this Saturday.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
COOL!! Thanks for the heads up, Sarc!!
Hmm, NJ Transit has a train to Hawthorne...
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I might go. But I really wouldn't be able to spend any money, I'm trying to save for Big Apple. Still, an artist there owes me five dollars and I could probably score some free sketches if I turn on the charm. But I'd rather just go to talk to some of the guys there. If Louise Simonson shows up with Walt it'd be nice to talk about writing kids in a superhero comic.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
They have an impressive guest list for such a small con!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Should see Suddenly Seymour this weekend at the Motor City Comicon.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Woo hoo! I'll be wandering around this morning, then I'll be at the "Star Trek: Osiris" booth from 2 p.m.-close today and Sunday.

On the downside, I hear we're next to the booth of some fetish porn actresses, so be prepared to cover your kids' eyes.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Ivan Reis and Joe Prado are going to be doing a signing at Midtown Comics this Tuesday! In Manhattan!

Damn and I've got school!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
So who among yall is gonna be at that thar Biggity Apple Con?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
For those at Big Apple Con today, I'll be wearing a blue Justice League of America shirt. Bare in mind, this is a shirt of the JLA BEFORE it all went to hell and James Robinson lost my respect.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Dang it! I was all set to go & I was called in to work!!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
There's always tomorrow.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Five More Weeks 'til Comic-Con... do daaaaah... do daaaaah!

(and also five more weeks until Ex is strangled in his sleep by his hotel roomie after Shark Lad realizes just how much I snore. [Wink] )
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Both Exnihil & Shark Lad at Comic Con. Now I am really sad that I can't go.
Posted by SharkLad on :
I'm sad you're not going too, Quis... especially the more Exnihil brings up snoring...

'But, seriously,' I hope you can make it next year!
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
Both Exnihil & Shark Lad at Comic Con. Now I am really sad that I can't go.

... and POWER BOY!! [Wink]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Temporarily un-highlighting this thread in favor of the SDCC 2011 thread.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Okay, so, who amongst you LegionWorlders is going to be at New York Comic Con next month?
Posted by Shining Son on :
Well I live a few blocks from it, but usually don't go. Hope I can meet those of you who do though.
Posted by Shining Son on :
Posted by Shining Son on :
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Just a heads up regarding San Diego Comic-Con this year -

This year, people have to create a member ID before February 28th, otherwise they cant even purchase tickets... all they have to do is fill out their name, address and create a password at this webpage

The will receive a confirmation E-mail with a password, which they have to then retype on the same webpage to finish the procedure.... when the tickets go on sale, they will get another e-mail letting them know, cause only the people that registered get that e-mail.

I hope I see as many Legion Worlders as can afford it this year.
Posted by SharkLad on :
I signed up for an ID though it's looking pretty slim that I will attend...
Posted by Dev - Em on :
One of these years...
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I don't have enough leaves earned nor enough cash saved to make the trip in 2012. Hopefully 2013...

(by the way, nice tidbit - employers in Maldives are required to grant employees 70 days of leave a year! 30 days annual leave, 30 days sick leave, 10 days leave for family obligations...)

My very cool aunt wants to go this year, and she's going to register. But she tried to buy tix online last year and they were gone in a flash.

In case anyone here buys tix and can't use them, or registers and doesn't plan to buy any tix, would you be willing to sell them to my aunt in case she can't get any? She needs two day-passes each for four people. Money's not a concern, it's access to the tix that is [Smile]
Posted by Exnihil on :
I won't be going to SD this year, either.

As much as I like hanging out with folks, the venue is just too insane for the types of things I like in a con (you know... buying comics [Smile] ).

That being said... Summer of 2013 is Legion World's 10th anniversary. I know some folks had been talking about a big get-together on the east coast. Too early to start laying some groundwork to make that happen?
Posted by Director Lad on :
I can't see going this year. I'm thinking of going back to school in either May or September, so I'll either be in classes during the con or be furiously saving money for my year of unemployment while in classes.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I think it is never too early, as people coming from afar and overseas will need lots of advance notice. I vaguely recall discussing an off-season Florida/Disney gathering? Can't seem to find that discusion now.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
No one's coming to San Diego Comic-Con this year? Even if we give out Legion Flight rings at the table?

Come on! It can't just be me and Kabir.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
No one's coming to San Diego Comic-Con this year? Even if we give out Legion Flight rings at the table?

Come on! It can't just be me and Kabir.

I'd love to, but I have two settings;

1) I have a job, and am too busy.
2) I don't have a job, and am too poor.

Have extra fun for me!

(I went to the zoo on my last trip to San Diego. Freaking awesome!)
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I would love to, but I need a job first.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
[Bump] Please sign up for an ID before Feb 28th whether you ever plan to go or not. Pretty please!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
What do you mean by sign up for an ID? Where do I do that?
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
No one's coming to San Diego Comic-Con this year? Even if we give out Legion Flight rings at the table?

Come on! It can't just be me and Kabir.

would love to but with a baby on the way *due in May* and lack of funds SD is gonna have to go on the back burner for awhile.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I'm planning on attending this year. Just waiting on badges to go on sale. I've already got my ID.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq:
What do you mean by sign up for an ID? Where do I do that?

This year, people have to create a member ID before February 28th, otherwise they cant even purchase tickets... all they have to do is fill out their name, address and create a password at this webpage

The will receive a confirmation E-mail with a password, which they have to then retype on the same webpage to finish the procedure.... when the tickets go on sale, they will get another e-mail letting them know, cause only the people that registered get that e-mail.

And yay! Abin's coming! Now you all want to be there too!
Posted by Director Lad on :
Rats! I actually do! I missed him at the con last year. Hmm. Maybe just Saturday again...

OK. Member ID obtained.

[ January 20, 2012, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Director Lad ]
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
With my current income at next-to-nothing, SD is not even a fantasy option for me this year! Although I look forward to this year's swag to drive the Facebook page into a frenzy!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Member Id obtained. Now if I can get a job, I just might be there.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Alas, I'm a no-go this year. My NY trip wiped me out, and I'd really like to go to a work con later this year to step up my networking and maybe find a new job.

Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
I think it is never too early, as people coming from afar and overseas will need lots of advance notice. I vaguely recall discussing an off-season Florida/Disney gathering? Can't seem to find that discusion now.

I think that discussion's buried deep in this thread. I still think Disney's a great idea for next year. Cobie and I were talking about it when we were waiting for Rhino to arrive. Maybe start a separate thread on that?

[ January 20, 2012, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: Suddenly Seymour ]
Posted by Dev - Em on :
I say we all just go crash at Lashy's place.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I set up my flights & hotel today, now I just need the ComicCon Tickets to go on sale!

No rental car this time.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:
Alas, I'm a no-go this year. My NY trip wiped me out, and I'd really like to go to a work con later this year to step up my networking and maybe find a new job.

Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
I think it is never too early, as people coming from afar and overseas will need lots of advance notice. I vaguely recall discussing an off-season Florida/Disney gathering? Can't seem to find that discusion now.

I think that discussion's buried deep in this thread. I still think Disney's a great idea for next year. Cobie and I were talking about it when we were waiting for Rhino to arrive. Maybe start a separate thread on that?
sounds good to me.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Hi all,

If anyone has access to tickets, but can't go to the con, I have an aunt who's looking to buy more but can't. She's looking for people who can buy tickets for her, and she'll just pay for them.

Thanks [Big Grin]

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