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Posted by Lance's realm on :
Is there one of these threads going on anywhere? There were so hysterical!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Is that the kind where we trade stories of conquest, or where we take turns singing lines to the song?
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Naw, he means the greatest tag-team thread of all time! [Big Grin]

Man, I loved that thread...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Check out Life on the Streets, over in the Bits forum, for the current ongoing tagteam.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
Naw, he means the greatest tag-team thread of all time! [Big Grin]

Man, I loved that thread...

Actually, I've told this to Eryk before, but I think the follow-up, 'Doom of the Super-Heroes' is even better that 'Hot Summer Nights'! It has even more in it than you might remember, Kippers.

Lance, as Eryk said, check out "Life in the Streets" in the Bits forum and jump right in! It needs more authors!

I have my own thoughts on the best tag threads ever, but both HSN and Doom are two of the best...
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Hot Summer Nights!
Posted by Bevis on :
Just skimming through it again there's so much in there I'd forgotten I really do need to go back and read the old tag-teams properly (those that survive anyway). I had, for example, completely forgotten teh cameo at the end of SHN from our very own Mark Waid. I'm not sure he'd want to read it though...
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Hey, I think I actually wrote that post! [Big Grin]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Since you guys found your thread, I'm co-opting this one. [Big Grin]

"Summer lovin', had me a blas-ast."
Posted by Vee on :
"Summer lovin', happened so fa-ast!"
[Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I met a girl ker-AAAAZY for me (literally!)
Posted by Vee on :
"Met a boy cute as can be!"

[Big Grin]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Summer days drifting away
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Gee and i thought you were talking about that song by Van Halen for the 5150 album,...oh well
Posted by cleome45 on :
Very few hot summer nights to report here this year. In fact, tonight will be the last night of summer, officially. Daytime temps are a mere 68 F, with intermittent clouds. This is typical for 2011's summer in Portland, but not typical of Portland's summers as a whole.

My final "hot" summer night will include (hopefully) a bike ride at dusk, some cold beer (thank you, Trader Joe's) and perhaps a take-and-bake pizza if I'm feeling super extravagant and can find a coupon in the paper. (We bought a plain cheese pie last week and smothered it before baking in fresh garden herbs and fresh veggies raised by mr_cleome. It was a roaring success.)

What are the rest of you doing on this last night of summer?
Posted by Dr. Tot Rocket on :
Summer 2011 can kiss my diapered ass! Good riddance!!
Posted by cleome45 on :

Care to elaborate on that, Herr Doktor?

(The only thing this summer that I'd give a real thumbs-up to was our local weather. Everything else pretty much blew chunks.)
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by cleome45:

What are the rest of you doing on this last night of summer?

Gym and then some sleep. Well, hopefully some sleep. It's been interrupted a lot recently by our dog growling at things she hears outside the open window. It's a soft rumbling growl that doesn't wake my other half, but it's still just enough to wake me (if she wants to wake us both, she shakes her collar).

Regardless of whether I get a full eight hours, the days have been temperate and the nights have been pleasantly cool.
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
It's been a rainy day here, which is so unlike the rest of this summer. I don't think I've ever heard so many people happy for a damp, cozy day.
Posted by future king on :
Last night was definitely NOT a "hot summer" night! [Shudder]
Posted by cleome45 on :
Of course, today it's in the 80s again.

Go figure. [shrug]
Posted by Dr. Tot Rocket on :
Cle-- highs of 109 and higher with heat index... 'nuff said!

I'm enjoying the current 80 degrees weather but can't wait for the highs to dip to 70 or less for awhile.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
I have nice cool 59 degrees right now.

Posted by Dr. Tot Rocket on :
That is PERFECT!
Posted by future king on :
I was born in Asia Minor in July.
As long as I live I will never, ever get used to Canadian winters!
Posted by Dev - Em on :
I love the cold.
Posted by future king on :
The cold serves it purposes, but by and large, I'll take a steady, subtropical-Mediterranean climate any day.
Guess I should move out of this country then! [LOL]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I left the Philippines to go to LA towards the end of our summer (end June), and managed to hit LA at the start of theirs.

Two summers this year. Awesome!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
so... shall we start another tag team thread then? i'm not sure if there are any ongoing right now.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Let's see if we can get another one going...

new tag team thread here, since the March 2011 one ended with a "The END!!!" all caps and multiple exclamation points!

Goo Goo Ga Ga
Posted by future king on :
Well, today is probably going to be the last hot "summer" night for a while. I hear it will turn rainy and cool later tis week.
Looks like Fall has arrived. [Frown]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
We're actually experiencing a typhoon right now in the Philippines. Rains were so bad that government employees were told to stay home.
Posted by Dr. Gwen Roil: Girl Psychiatrist on :
Yikes!! Stay dry, Ibby!!

It's a FAB windows-wide-open 57 degrees here this early AM!
Posted by future king on :
That's like 14 degrees C here .... that's what we have to look forward to later on this week ... *heavy sigh*
Posted by old-sk00l MLLASH on :
It's gonna start cooling off starting tonight here!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Thanks Lash, but I figure a good soaking will do me good. I'll get to call in sick, yahoo!

Seriously though, it wasn't as bad as that time I had to wade waist-deep through flood water... Ah, good times.
Posted by future king on :
Tonight is still going to be warm. It will REALLY drop by Friday night though!!
Posted by cleome45 on :
Wha--?! Poor, IB! I'm glad you're okay!

I worked in the cool part of the warehouse the last three days, but tomorrow I'll be sweating in the main room like everyone else.

Posted by Dev - Em on :
Originally posted by future king:
That's like 14 degrees C here .... that's what we have to look forward to later on this week ... *heavy sigh*

That's about where I am at.
Posted by cleome45 on :
Ugh. Came home today hot, sticky, and covered in crud, despite it being drizzly and cool outside.

I have never in my life been so grateful for a hot shower, let me tell you... [sigh]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Originally posted by cleome45:
Wha--?! Poor, IB! I'm glad you're okay!

I worked in the cool part of the warehouse the last three days, but tomorrow I'll be sweating in the main room like everyone else.


Thanks cleome [Hug] I do recommend everyone play in flood water at least once - makes you much more grateful for the hot showers.

Are you going to have to sweat it out in the main room from now on?
Posted by future king on :
Ok so last night we could have started a new thread around here entitled "Cold Autumn Nights"!
Posted by cleome45 on :
La-de-dah, future king!

Posted by cleome45 on :
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:

Are you going to have to sweat it out in the main room from now on?

Probably for a while, at least. But hopefully only on Saturdays. Yikes.
Posted by future king on :
Ok, so not so HOT and not exactly SUMMER, especially today [Shudder]

But I can dream can't I???

That's it then .... It's time to book another vaction! [Sun Boy]


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