1 to change the light bulb but ... after posting that light bulb .
14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently
7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs
27 to point out spelling/grammar errors in posts about changing light bulbs
53 to flame the spell checkers
41 to correct spelling/grammar flames
6 to argue over whether it's "lightbulb" or "light bulb"
... another
6 to condemn those 6 as anal-retentive
2 industry professionals to inform the group that the proper term is "lamp"
27 to post URL's where one can see examples of different light bulbs
14 to post that the URL's were posted incorrectly and then post the corrected URL's
12 to post to the group that they will no longer post because they cannot handle the light bulb controversy
4 to suggest that posters request the light bulb FAQ
44 to ask what is a "FAQ"
4 to say "didn't we go through this already a short time ago?"
143 to say "do a Google search on light bulbs"
1 forum lurker to respond to the original post 6 months from now and start it all over again
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
And various posters to say that their favorite lightbulb changing era was: the Adventure era, the Levitz era, The Five Years after era, The post-boot era, or the DNA era.
1 to say none of that matters because of the three-boot
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Jillikers! If that were really Legion World, you'd have to mention the 40 people it takes to make every conceivable light bulb pun!
Not to mention every obscure light bulb reference in Legion history!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
"Space is dark! Too dark! I must not leave my homeworld!"
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Not to mention obscure references to characters not even related to the light-bulb, but their so obscure only a handful of us get the joke anyway!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Not to mention references to the Light Brigade, Antler Lass's giant rack, and the hypertime bar sewn into a pair of speedos!
Posted by Lad Boy on :
and then there'd be a whole thread about the great Legion World Darkness era when the light bulb was being changed, and a "Kiss this limerick writer in the dark" thread.
Light Bulb Changer Lad would be revealed to be one of Cobie's alternate ID's.
There'd be a poll about whether Kitson or Cockrum drew better all-darkness panels.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
quote:Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester: ...the hypertime bar sewn into a pair of speedos!
no I was just happy to see you
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I wonder if Myron Marks ever hung around Menlo Park?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
And then sex-crazed poster would return the discussion back to Antler Lass's rack...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Then some poster who's been around along time will bring up the days when the Light Brigade had their own board on the DCMBs!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Then a minimum of a dozen posters would gripe about how the new DCMBs suck and at least one would complain about how he can't even log into the DCMBs anymore.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Hey I have a friend who sold some lightbulbs to the company that catered the bar mitzvah of the neighbor of the man who claims to be the voice of the new Legion animated series. According to him ... let's just say "Matter-Eater Lad: the Motion Picture!"
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Then 16 of us would thank Gary and Scott for creating a place where we can discuss light bulbs.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Then someone would mention how they once brought up light bulbs on the DCMBs, and how rude and mean and uninterested in discussion of light bulbs all the posters there were.
Then we'd thank Gary and Scott some more.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
One person would bump any past threads containing the words "light bulb".
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Light bulb graemlin!
<--- this will do in the meantime
[ March 10, 2006, 02:29 PM: Message edited by: Thriftshop Debutante ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
quote:Originally posted by Lightning Lad: Then a minimum of a dozen posters would gripe about how the new DCMBs suck and at least one would complain about how he can't even log into the DCMBs anymore.
Hey! I resemble that remark!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
quote:Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
quote:Originally posted by Lightning Lad: Then a minimum of a dozen posters would gripe about how the new DCMBs suck and at least one would complain about how he can't even log into the DCMBs anymore.
Hey! I resemble that remark!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
8 blogs to link to the original "Lightbulb Controversy" post as proof that Legion World is full of 'lunatic fringe die hard Bouncing Boy fans' and 7 other blogs to link to the same post and proclaim the brilliance and creativity of the posters on LW.
Then Steve wacker sends an e-mail to Scott and Gary asking them politely to remove the "Light bulb thread" because the art hasn't been okayed for release over the internet yet.
Posted by disaster boy on :
and this is all assuming that this discussion dosn't take place in "Kill This Thread"...because if it did multiply everything said previously by 3. (4 during the high posting season)
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
And at least three posters would somehow relate their character's "hook" to light bulbs.
BTW, penguin scientists have learned that the light bulb in the refrigerator does indeed go off when you shut the door.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I think I'm mostly amazed at the fact that penguins use refrigerators...
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Squid spoils easily.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
quote:Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad: And at least three posters would somehow relate their character's "hook" to light bulbs.
BTW, penguin scientists have learned that the light bulb in the refrigerator does indeed go off when you shut the door.
Now you're being ridiculous. Does my ass look fat in the light of the new bulbs?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
quote:Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester: I think I'm mostly amazed at the fact that penguins use refrigerators...
And the refrigeraters they used in the 60s were much better than the ones they used from 1994 to 2004. Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
The sixties, seventies, and eighties all boasted some classic refrigerators. And some of my favorite models were produced from 1989-1994, though they were a bit over-ambitious for their own good. Fortunately, the refrigerator manufacturers have brought back enough of the classic elements to keep me satisfied, if not completely happy, with the current models. Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Then there's this beauty here! Posted by Lad Boy on :
How many Legion Worlders would it take to carry that refrigerator to my basement?
Posted by minesurfer on :
Has it been six months already? Did that light bulb ever get changed?
~The Forum Lurker
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
It's easier to wait for the demise of the old bulb to be retconned away.
Posted by Seth Gaterra on :
quote:Originally posted by minesurfer: Has it been six months already? Did that light bulb ever get changed?
~The Forum Lurker
No, I just use my hand as a light. Posted by minesurfer on :
Almost a year later... and two questions remain.
1. Did that light bulb ever get changed?
2. How many Legion Worlders did it take in toto?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Are long-life compact fluorescent bulbs making light-bulb changing jokes obsolete?
Posted by Caliente on :
I dunno but...
quote:Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester: I wonder if Myron Marks ever hung around Menlo Park?
If it's the same Menlo Park that I've been to, then yes! And I think I saw him there... several times, actually. I remember the cute glasses all round and thick. If only he were taller.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Geoff Johns was starting to change it, but he pushed it back... the upcoming Action Comics storyline might get around to it.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
quote:Originally posted by minesurfer: Almost a year later... and two questions remain.
1. Did that light bulb ever get changed?
2. How many Legion Worlders did it take in toto?
In Toto? Dorothy's dog had a light bulb inside him?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
no. Toto needs Rosanne (Arquette) or 99 (Barbara Feldon) to change lightbulbs while they are down in Africa.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Which, of course reminds me of the famous Groucho Marx quote: "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read."
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
"That's the craziest thing I evah hoid." Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
"You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff."
Posted by Jerry on :
Well, if Levitz would get off his duff and let Legion Academy graduate, Lamprey, finally join the main team this whole puzzle would be much easier to solve.
Posted by cleome45 on :
A. I don't see what difference it makes, since DC will just reboot the light fixture in a year's time anyway.
Posted by Jerry on :
Relaunch, not reboot.
How many Legion Worlders does it take to relaunch a light bulb?
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Does it matter when DC keeps turning off the switch?
Posted by Jerry on :
I don't have to answer that with a question, do i?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Which question, the Ditko one or the O'Neil one?
Posted by Jerry on :
When did DC turn off Ditko's switch?
Posted by cleome45 on :
It was after he insisted on singing all the verses of "Here's To The Ladies Who Relaunch" at the Didio Celebrity Roast.
Click Here For A SpoilerDidio hates Sondheim. Posted by Legion Tracker on :
"Little do they know that the light bulb is me, Chameleon Boy."
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
^ so if we flip the switch, Cham bites it but Lightning Lad comes back to life.
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
quote:Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare: ^ so if we flip the switch, Cham bites it but Lightning Lad comes back to life.
LW should totes convince DC to grant us the rights to produce a mirror Legion. We are a prime talent pool for Legion...Only Better. Posted by cleome45 on :
"Mirror, Mirror" Legion?
I don't think we can afford to buy off DC/Warner and whoever owns the rights to Star Trek. Posted by He Who Wanders on :
We'll just change the names and the costumes . . . you know, make it original.
Posted by cleome45 on :
They say there's a broken heart for every light on Broadway, but I think we should go for it and do a musical anyway.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Legion: the Musical!
Act I: Amongst a number of Legion try-outs, Melody Maid and Lyric Lad meet and fall in love. Neither make the team, but both are accepted into the Academy, along with Proty and one or two.
Act II: Melody Maid is wooed by Sun Boy, and Lyric Lad, in a jealous huff, leaves, suspecting the worst about her sudden promotion to the main team. He in turn is courted by the LSV.
Act III: Amidst a mega-battle, Lyric Lad has the opportunity to kill Sun Boy, but doesn't. His failure infuriates Lightning Lord, who slays him, but the distraction lest the LSH win the day. The finale is lifted from Adv 312, with the lightning rods, Melody Maid trying to rig the outcome and sacrifice herself, and Proty saving the day.
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Can we get that ferro-cious Andrew Lloyd Nolan to compose the music?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :