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Posted by MLLASH on :
Twice daily (on workdays) I pass "T.D. Used Tire & Battery".

I think of Povvins near-daily. Our standard abbreviation for a patient's post-operative visit is POV. "How many POVs do we have today?" I'll ask.
Posted by Vee on :
One of the various facets included in my job is coordinating the shipment of material to customers' job sites. Whenever they place an order it is for a "Semi" load.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Aw, Lashie. [Embarrassed] [Love]

I think of Beagz whenever I see someone walking their dog.

NOT because the dog's relieving itself! [LOL]

But because I'm a frequent recipient (and beneficiary! [Love] ) of calls from The Beagster while he's out walking Wes. [Smile] [Krypto]

I think of Teeds whenever I get a banner ad for TD Waterhouse, also.

And of COURSE, I think of Cobie when I drive through UConn... especially the sheep barn... [Evil]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, the other day I heard a commercial with Gwen Stefani’s voice, and I immediately thought of Lash.

I download directions off mapquest all the time at work and go on meetings, and the second I get close to being lost, I think of Pov [Big Grin]

There’s actually loads of stuff that remind of LWers. All of the sayings that I incorporate into my daily routine, from “Jeepers” to “Groovy” remind me of people here, and I’ve been using a saying that I heard from Quis (I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy) for a few months now.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Those new Chevrolet Cobalt ads remind me of someone, but I can't quite figure out who...
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Hey, Quis-- "Right THIS way!" [LOL]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Those new Chevrolet Cobalt ads remind me of someone, but I can't quite figure out who...

I *almost* bought on of those purely for geeky reasons earlier this week... [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Pov of Nine:
Hey, Quis-- "Right THIS way!" [LOL]

That took me a minute. (and technically it was "Left this way")

Gee now everyone will want to know the story that goes along with that saying.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
That's right... I mean, "left THIS way"... [Big Grin] Whudevah, it was funny as hell!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I heard from Quis (I?d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy) for a few months now.

Hey! That's one of MY lines, too! Now I can think of Quis when I say it.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
My place of employment is changing to a new building and down the street is a shop called "Thrifty Boutique". Now I'll be reminded of Teeds every morning! [Big Grin]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Those new Chevrolet Cobalt ads remind me of someone, but I can't quite figure out who...

I *almost* bought on of those purely for geeky reasons earlier this week... [Big Grin]
I can't imagine why... [LOL]

but I gotta tell ya, that's pretty funny.

I owened a yellow car once [Big Grin]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Oh! I just remembered, there's a big white box truck that drives by on the street outside my office a few times each week that has a big PCG on the side as part of their logo.
I think of the Primary Color Gang every time I see it...which makes me think abourt LW...which usually makes me boot it up and I wind up reading a bunch of posts and I don't get anything done [Big Grin]

[ January 04, 2005, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
...which usually makes me boot it up and I wind up reading a bunch of posts and I don't get anything done [Big Grin]

I fail to see anything wrong with that! [Big Grin]

[ January 04, 2005, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: Vee ]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
My boss has this Sesame Street poster by her door so when I have to go see her I sometimes think of Lash's t-shirt [Big Grin]
Posted by Dr. Tot Rocket on :
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
My boss has this Sesame Street poster by her door so when I have to go see her I sometimes think of Lash's t-shirt [Big Grin]

Just remember that, despite appearances, I'm not stoned in this picture!

Click for fullsize image

[ January 05, 2005, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: Dr. Tot Rocket ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
That's the same look I get every Friday and Saturday night circa 11:00!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Settling into my new digs, I'm taking different walks around the new 'hood.

I found a "Cramer St.," and a few block away, a "Kent St."
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
A costume I'll be wearing in my next show features humorously oversized pantaloons.
Anybody seen Senor Widebottom lately?

(How do you get the ~ to show up over the n, BTW?)
Posted by Yellow King on :

[Big Grin]

It's some sort of language setting for the keyboard and I haven't got a clue how to use it.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
You have to have a 10-key on your keyboard to do it (most laptops don't have a built in 10-key).

While holding down the ALT key type in 164 on the 10-key. When you release the ALT after typing 164 you'll have ñ.
Posted by Greybird on :
You can also use the Character Map applet, which in most versions of Windows is installed under the Accessories part of the Start Menu.

Click on the lesser-used character you want, which will display the ALT + 0000 code to generate it -- or you can tell it to copy said character to the Clipboard, where you can then paste (CTRL + V) it into your browser or editor.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I was listening to an interview with someone named Erik Davis and couldn't get the green nelly cap guy out of my mind.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Settling into my new digs, I'm taking different walks around the new 'hood.

I found a "Cramer St.," and a few block away, a "Kent St."

I forgot to mention back in those days there was a ubiquitous dry cleaning chain called Kem Cleaners all around the Albany area.

I've since noted in Troy, NY, the Bizarro Funeral Home (I kid you not). There's a Green Lantern motel in Colonie, NY.

the film-talk abbreviation for Point Of View always makes me tihnk of the Pantless One.

Any penguin reminds me of Rocky, of course.

[ August 06, 2010, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Kent ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
this weekend, I noticed a road in northern Vermont that matches Abin's real last name (which I recall him saying wasn't a very common name).
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I was walking in Chester (or Chestuh, the summer playground of wealthy Yank sailors) and saw a garden bed full of pink cleomes.

Also, I was listening to a podcast story (Errata by Jeff VanderMeer) in which one of the characters was a rockhopper penguin named Julia, escaped from a circus.
Posted by Exnihil on :
I started posting on LW before I had ever seen an episode of "Family Guy," so now, everytime there is an episode with that creepy old man that is used as an avatar here, all I can think is, "Hey, it's legionJ.O.H.N.!"
Posted by Kent on :

I actually had the same reaction a few years ago when I 1st started watching. But that's long since gone away.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Not far from where I live there's a mailbox with "Lash 6000" printed on it.
Posted by BatBoy on :
Originally posted by Dr. Tot Rocket:
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
My boss has this Sesame Street poster by her door so when I have to go see her I sometimes think of Lash's t-shirt [Big Grin]

Just remember that, despite appearances, I'm not stoned in this picture!

Click for fullsize image

Shouldn't you move this to the "Lies! All Lies!!!" thread?

btw, who the hell is Dr. Tot Rocket?
Posted by Cobaltus on :
This whole week on television has been Shark Lad Week!
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Cobaltus:
This whole week on television has been Shark Lad Week!

So it's also, in a sense, Quislet Week!

Posted by BatBoy on :
What are you implying, cleome?
Posted by cleome on :
Why, a man of the world such as yourself ought to know: Sharks are the animal/spirit guides to lawyers, barristers, and solicitors all over the world!

Posted by Exnihil on :
Over Christmas, one of the gifts I got was a newsboy/cabbie hat made by "Totes"... and everytime I see that label I think of the slang for "totally" that I've never seen anyone other than Lash use.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Someone's trying to establish that he hasn't been hanging out with high school girls in the last 15 years.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Dr. Tot Rocket is totes one of Super Lash Tot's aliases!
Posted by cleome on :
I wish I could drink Dirty Martinis every day, so I could say that I think about Ex every day.

[clears throat]

Only in a polite, sisterly way, of course.

[Spark] [Live Wire]
Posted by future king on :
Every time I pass those 3 thrift shops on my way home ... well you get the picture.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I bought some kippered herring the other day and thought of Kippers.
Posted by Exnihil on :
You know that "Target" commercial where that guy sings that cheesy song about "Denim"? In the background is a shirt with the Julius the Monkey face that completely makes me think of Monkey-Eater Lad.
Posted by dedman on :
Our safety meeting last night was about winterization (a little early!!)
Anyways one of the pictures in the presentation was a penguin, which of course made me think of Rocky
Posted by cleome45 on :
There are two black cats who live in the same house, about thirty blocks from my place. When I'm out riding my bike and see them lounging side by side on their front porch, I naturally think of deddy and his dual overhead black beasties.

[Streaky] [Whizzy]
Posted by Jerry on :
This song always makes me think of He Who Wanders (LSHes) because he posted a link to the video and made such eloquant points when Mr. Fogelberg passed.
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Thanks, Jerry. "Language of Love" remains one of my two favorite Fogelberg songs (the other being "Phoenix").
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
"FK" is short for French Kiss over here, so... let's just say I picture a glowing greenish hand motioning "stop" a lot.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I have a student this semester named Erica Lash!
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Confuse her by asking if she's ever considered spelling her name Eryka.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
And ask how her fragile psyche is.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Glare at her a lot!
Posted by future king on :
Ram Boy makes me want to go back to the mountains to see mountain goats in their natural habitat. [Smile]
Posted by old-sk00l MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
I have a student this semester named Erica Lash!

Well, guess who will be thinking of me every day. [Smile]
Posted by Pov on :
Like THAT'S anything different... [Wink]
Posted by cleome45 on :
So this pop ditty has been playing in my workplace for days now. Maybe it's been playing in yours, too... if the staff likes "Alternative" stations.

I can't be the only one who keeps hearing the first line in the chorus as:

"All the Yellow Kids..."

Can I?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Jeepers, it does sound like yellow!
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
While shopping yesterday I saw a "Rhino" folding plastic stepstool. It was kinda little, the way it folded up and all....
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Saw the Movie Bell, Book and Candle the other day, and it made me nostalgic.
Posted by cleome45 on :
I've been playing Ralph Vaughn Williams CDs all day, and Rocky told me (probably) the first week I was here that he's a big fan, too.

(Plus, I was on the phone with my sis today, and she does chorale singing as a hobby, too!)
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
^ Yay RVW!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
[Love] for Tracker, Cleome and RVW!

I saw this sign today:
Click for fullsize image

Turns out it's a boutique for eyelash extensions. [Eek!]
Posted by Power Boy on :
Posted by cleome45 on :
I was watching the movie Say Anything yesterday, and there's a product placement for...

Click Here For A SpoilerFUNYUNS!

So now I wonder if MLLASH is a fan of John Cusack... [Hmmm?]
Posted by Exnihil on :
OK, this one doesn't make me think of any specific Legion Worlder, but does initiate a chain of thoughts that eventually makes me think of LW in general:

The word, "supersede".

A loooooooooong time ago, I read one of the Superboy backup stories that ran during the Legion's Adventure run. In this particular story, young Clark has to pretend to be a bit of a dunce in order to infiltrate and break up a school cheating ring.

One of the examples used to show his ostensible "thickness" was the fact that he couldn't identify spelling errors that the teacher wrote on the board - one of which was "supercede" instead of "supersede". I remember Lana Lang condescendingly saying, "Can't you see the error, Clark?"

The fact of the matter, though, was that I couldn't see the error, either. It made young Ex run off to the dictionary to look it up, and remember the correct spelling from that day forward.

So now - everytime I write "supersede" in a work e-mail... I think of that story... which makes me think of the Legion... which makes me think of Legion World.

(Note: a quick google search reveals to me now that not only is "supercede" an acceptable variant but, in fact, seems more frequently used than "supersede," anyway. In your face, Lana Lang!)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
There's a Rhino pub a few miles north of my current residence.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
OK, this one doesn't make me think of any specific Legion Worlder, but does initiate a chain of thoughts that eventually makes me think of LW in general:

Yay! For a second I totally thought Exnihil had discovered my secret identity as super_ede!
Posted by Set on :
Superboy was totally thinking about Lana and his 'super-seed.'

High school is totally wasted on teenage boys. They're only thinking about one thing.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
"Supersede" reminds me of the song "I Before E" from A Boy Named Charlie Brown, which contains the line "Only one word in the language ends in S-E-D-E: Supersede." Anything Peanuts related reminds of my Peanuts Pal, Fanfie. [Big Grin]

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