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Posted by Lad Boy on :
A simple game, and a good way to get to know your fellow Legion Worlders.

Same rules. I ask a question of the "person below me" (ie. whoever posts next). That person answers the question and then asks a question of the person below them, and so on, and so on. Answer honestly, be goofy, it's up to you. Just don't forget to ask a question each time you answer one!


Person Below Me, had you, like me, been hoping to be poster number 2500 in the previous "Person Below Me" thread, only to have your hopes extinguished and replaced by the distant hope of being number 2500 in this thread?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Um, yes, except for the whole "not getting the 2500th post" bit. [Wink] Sorry to steal your thunder Lad Boy, but that thread was my baby. I was so hoping I'd get to be the one to finish it off! Hey, at least you got to have the first post in this thread!

PBM, who do you think will have the 2500th post in this version of PBM?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I think it will be Viv.


Of all the planets we have seen in the LSH, which one sticks out most in your memory.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Kathoon. I like the night life, i like to boggie!

Peeler Bannana Monster,

Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
Partially done. Still have some other things I want to pick up.

PBM, are you giving any particularly expensive or fancy presents this year, and if so, what?
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
Sort of. I got my wife an 800$ sewing/embroidery machine as a combination anniversary/birthday/xmas present, and then I got her a new computer, monitor, and printer as a birthday/xmas gift, since it was $500. Nothing over $100 for actual xmas gift, though.

PBM, what's the most expensive gift you ever got for someone?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Tennis bracelet for my wife.

PBM (Possible Boyfriend Material?),
What is the most egregious act of regifting you've ever engaged in?

[ December 08, 2004, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Bureaucracy Boy on :
Remember the navy sweater you got from us for Christmas last year? Don't wear it around my mother.

PBM, If you could drive for free any car in the world for the next year, what would you pick?
Posted by Harbinger on :
A nice big white mercedes van - with shiny wheels and a decent sounds system!

No, seriously, I really want a van! [Big Grin]

Perfectly Balanced Menu, gangsta rap music - is it really truly awful or wot?
Posted by Pariscub on :
I personally can't stand that blabbering [Smile]

Potential Bear Molester, have you ever worn or would you like to wear a kilt?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Yup, I have a skimpy little blue and green number. Keith has all the proper kit (and cuts a fair old dash in it, let me tell you!) but won't wear it down here in Surrey to go out in as he's too scared of being molested by middle aged ladies! [LOL]

Panfried Belgium Mayonnaise, what colour is the 'new black' this year?
Posted by dedman on :
Why Black of course

People Belching Melodies, do you have a website? if so, what is the URL?
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
No, and the address is

Pink Bellied Mammal, do YOU have a website?
Posted by PolarBoy on :
No Im pretty blonde when it comes to these fancy new typing boxes.

Potbellied Boobie Monkey Have you ever done naughty pics or video for a boyfriend / Girlfriend and what lengths did you go to to retreive them at the end of the relationship?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Ohhh I've done tons of them and some are even on pay adult websites. I even did some WITH my boyfriend. Funnly enough, a person found some online a few years ago and brought them to the place I was working, along with the link to my website so that I would get in trouble. But people liked me in that place, and she was the one in trouble for bringing "my private life" to work.

Partnered Bee Minion, Have YOUever done naughty pics or video for a boyfriend / Girlfriend and what lengths did you go to to retreive them at the end of the relationship?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Didn't the other thread have a "most embarassing thing done while drunk" question?. There are still pics scattered about in the world of cyberdebauchery including a ... err ... romantic video. There's really no point in trying to retrieve them now. Heck, if you haven't seen them, you're just not trying.

Play Boy Mansion,
Digital Cam or Film?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Digital. Its the way of the future [Smile]

Placid Boring Man

Socks with sandles? a bold fashion yes or no?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
One of the few crimes for which I support the death penalty.

Pajama Bahama Mama,

When was the last time you met someone who has since become a close friend.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Probably about 1994. (Sad, isn't it.)

Prety Boy Malloy, which magazines do you subscribe to?
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
I haven't subscribed myself to any, but someone in my family apparently gifted me with a subscription to YM. Obviously not a family member who knows me very well! [Big Grin] Or maybe it was supposed to be ironic.
I still don't know who it was, exactly.

Patently Banal Minion, if you could start your own magazine, what would it be about and what would you name it?
Posted by PolarBoy on :
The Kylie worship diaries with just my pathetic musings for the world of Miss Minogue.

Parachute Barbies minge - What would you like for Xmas?
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
A couples of doubles at work so I can make a buttload of money on holiday pay.

Psychotic Bipolar Maniac, do you spend the holidays with family or friends?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Christmas day is family, Boy is it it family [Smile]

Person Below ME.

Do you like and / or respect your boss
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Family. 3 kids, in-laws, friends of kids.

Purdue Boiler Maker,
How far in advance did you begin Christmas shopping this year?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I still have not started.


Same as above, do you like and/or respect your Boss.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
somewhat. She has some difficult-to-deal-with characteristics, personal and professional.

Person Below Me,

Do you decorate your workspace for the holidays?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
i have underlings to do that for me [Big Grin]


Does Christmas start too early for you each year?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Well, since I work from home, it's difficult to answer that, but I do have some fairy lights above my desk.
When I used to work at Wizards of the Coast, we would decorate our workspace, yep.

Potentially Bored Matron,

Do you really like Xmas?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Does Christmas start too early for you each year? Yes

Do you really like Xmas? No. As much as I love buying gifts for people, especially my kids, I hate the excess and frivolity of most American Christmas traditions. Plus as a Bible-burning, hardcore atheist on the fast-track to hell, I find the religious messages a wee bit annoying.

Jackson Pollack. gifted artist or gifted con-artist?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Let's just say that I am unable to appreciate his genius. His work is not my taste, but that doesn't mean it's not art.

Pastry Buying Minion, pigeons - are they a dirty nuisance to you, or an absolute delight every since the "Feed the Birds" song and scene from Mary Poppins?
Posted by minesurfer on :
They are an absolute dirty delight. I still haven't seen Mary Poppins all the way through. Maybe if it had nudity...

Peanut Butter Melody - What's in "secret sauce"?
Posted by Vee on :
Depends on what you had for dinner this week!

Permanently Befuddled Mortal

When is tomorrow?

[ December 10, 2004, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: Vee ]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Tomorrow is when "the sun'll come up" if you're a singing orphan.

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day if your a usurping Scot.

But if Yankees have obliterated your plantation, well, "after all ... tomorrow is another day."

Pillsbury Biscuit Maker,
Should I take the direct bus or the subway home today?
Posted by minesurfer on :
Subway? I didn't know DC had a subway. [Smile] Take the Blue Line... or the yellow. Either way you're going to get wet today.

Pleasantly Brittle Maverick - Do you know when to hold em?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Take whichever one you'll get a seat on and not have to give it up to some gray haired old lady faking infirmity. [Wink]

Perfumed Bath Monkey, do you like to swim?
Posted by minesurfer on :

Ahem... I think we should let Semi go again.

Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by minesurfer:
Pleasantly Brittle Maverick - Do you know when to hold em?

Always hold your friends close and your enemies closer!

Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:

Perfumed Bath Monkey, do you like to swim?

It depends...In a pool, at a sunny beach, or a gorgeous lake - YES!...In shark or pirannah or barracuda infested waters or a toilet - NO!

Personal Bidet Monitor: Is it going to rain ALL weekend?

[ December 10, 2004, 12:25 PM: Message edited by: Vee ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Or we could answer both questions.

I like to think I know when to hold em, but probably don't all the time.

And yes I like to swim.

Preferred Buddhist Monk, What question does minesurfer want to ask?
Posted by Vee on :
[Big Grin]
Posted by minesurfer on :
<now you guys did it>

I'm loosing track here.

</now you guys did it>

My question... hmmm.

Amorphous Peanut Brittle Malestrom - How many digits do you know of pi?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
3.1415926 I'm much better with e.

Precious Beauty Mark,

Answer any unanswered question above.
Posted by minesurfer on :
Some where it is going to be raining all weekend.

All Pretty Bitties Moan - Don't you think that since the Person Below Me thread is now the Another Person Below Me thread, don't you think that everyone should preface there question with and A.P.B.M. lead in, instead of the traditional P.B.M.?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
We could certainly give it a try.

Andean Peanut Brittle Maker, you can time travel to any past point in your life. What advice are you going to give yourself?
Posted by minesurfer on :
There's a loaded question... I'd probably give myself some stock tips.

All Points Bulletin Man - The red or the blue pill?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Which is the placebo?

APBM, If you had your life to live over again, knowing what you now know, would you?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I think that if we do live again, the slate is wiped clean and we have to learn everything all over again. That doesn't really answer your question, I know. But to answer it, I'd have to know what the alternative is. If it's non-existence, I'd live again, regardless of what I know now; if it's an afterlife that looks like 30th century Metropolis, and I have super-powers, then probably not. [Smile]

Allstar pre-teen battle marmoset, if you were a trial lawyer, what famous trial in history would you like to try and which party would you represent?

[ December 10, 2004, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by minesurfer on :
I think the red one was, wasn't it?

If I could live my life over again, knowing what I know... Sure, I'd do it. I've had a good life and even if I hadn't, I'd like to think that another shot would make it better.

Almighty ProverB Maker:

What's the best limerick you know?

[ December 10, 2004, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: minesurfer ]
Posted by minesurfer on :
Looks like Semi got me this time. There goes my post count again. [Smile]
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
The Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case starring Brainy for the Defense! Seriously, I could've got them acquitted, knowing what we all know now.

Anti-Personnel Bomblet Mine, do you ever root for the bad guy in a movie or on TV?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Of course I do, Darth Vader is a perfect example of that. Otherwise, there are movies where the heroes are so stupid you wnt th villains to win.

Prosthetic Bottom Man, have you ever been to a gay bar?
Posted by dedman on :
Yes, its the only bar in town that plays ok music

Purple Bikini Monster - ever been to a goth bar?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Actually, I have with friends, in London a few years ago... that was an odd experience.

Pumpkin Binge Male, have you ever been in a Turkish bath?
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
No, but I have been to a Thai massage parlor.

Perverted Bondage Master, what was your best experience in a foreign country?
Posted by Pariscub on :
How did you guess I would answer? [Big Grin]

Hmmm that's a tough one....

In the USA, it would have to be Portland, Oregon, because that's the fridnliest and most laid back place I've ever been to in the USA. And I was so suprised that people I had met once only actually invited me to a BBQ the following year.

In Scotland, it has to be a New Year's eve spent in the snow in a farm near Aberdeen... And of course, my stay in Ireland was so great. Met so many lovely people who were warm.

I remember going to a pub in a very small village in Connemara. A few customers were ther,e looking at me strangely. I ordered a pint of Guinness and ten minutes later, everyone was chatting and all. The next morning, ALL the village knew me LOL

Pragmatic Beotian Milkman, same question as I'd love to hear an American's opinion on the subject [Smile]
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
Glad you asked. I've never been to Europe, so I have to say it was in Perth, Australia. I was an 18 year-old Marine on a tour and I met this wonderful girl who lived there. She took me to all the hot night spots, and we went to the Perth zoo. The whole 3 days was completely platonic, but I had a blast.

Paper Boat Maker, what is the one thing you wish you could do differently in your life?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Being with my father when he died, telling him one last time I loved him and being able to attend his funeral. I was living in Seattle when he died and I couldn't come back in time for that. That's probably the only thing that comes to mind.

Proactive Brotherly mover, same question because it's a good one.
Posted by PolarBoy on :
Probably most of it. Not got fat not cared what people think and a bunch of other stuff

Animal prostetic bumhole mask If you had to live a famouse persons life whoes would it be?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
That's a hard question because we think of the hilights of a person's life and tend to ignore the rest. The hilights are usually only a small part. Okay, assuming he wasn't a secret serial killer or a Republican, I think it would have been cool to be Neil Armstrong. Training during the early days of space flight and being the first man to step foot on an extra-terestrial surface are pretty major accomplishments.

Porcupine Bomb Maker, same question.
Posted by Reboot on :
I'd rather be rich than famous/in the public eye [Smile]

Programmable Bovine Matter, if you could do anything (possible or not) for one day, what would you do?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd want to have the Flash's power. Then I could clean up my apartment, tour the world, have lunch & dinner on a tropical beach, and probably do a good deed or two.

APBM, are you a cat person or a dog person?
Posted by Harbinger on :
cat, though dogs are cool too - just not as cool you understand [Big Grin]

pbm, what's your tipple?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Depends on what mood I'm in. Either Jack Daniels and ginger ale, vodka (Stoli or Absolut usually) and orange juice or beer (Labatt Blue more often than not).

PBM, ever had a really Earth-shattering hangover?
Posted by antacidlass on :
Yes, i got so drunk on prom night i was hungover for 3 days. Lying in bed sick with a massive headache for three days.

PBM, ever "get busy" in an elevator?
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :

PBM, What is you greatest...fantasy...about...your life in general?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Being a loved and adored storyteller, preferably in comics.

PBM, same question
Posted by PolarBoy on :
I would love to act not gonna happen but what ever.

Proctologist barbies manicure If you could date any Legionairre who would it be?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Easy answer... Star Boy, pre Zero Hour. [Smile]

Brin Londo would be a close second.

Pamphlet Bearing Master, same question
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Saturn Girl, [Smile]

APBM do you buy raffle tickets at work just to avoid saying no to a collegue
Posted by PolarBoy on :
Nah Im pretty good at saying no to people also I think it helps in the two years where I have been where I am I have never asked anybody to buy anything so the raffle and chocolate people have to feed off each other.

Primate baboon man Which superpet would you like around the house?
[Streaky] [Comet] [Beppo] [Krypto] :proty:

[ December 15, 2004, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: PolarBoy ]
Posted by Pariscub on :
Streaky of course... a lot less messy than a dog, a monky or a horse..... [Smile]

Poltergeist Behaving Madly, do you have a strange pet?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Does a 16 year old son count [Big Grin] Other than that we have a very friendly robin who nests in the back garden and a few of the neighbours cats like to come in the kitchen from time to time.

Par Broiled Meat, what's your favourite guitar riff?
Posted by disaster boy on :
ziggy star dust

pbm: best part of today?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Getting home and hugging my dogs after a long day and an obligatory, work-related holiday party.

Publicly Brawling Misfit, why are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Posted by Brainiac68 on :
Getting my new couch and recliner delivered.

Pawnshop Bargain Maker, what is the best comic you've ever read?
Posted by dedman on :
watchmen probally, though i'd really have to think about it, there are so many great stories..

Porpise Belly Muncher, whats the WORST comic you've read?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
The recent Challengers of the Unknown limited series. Just horrible in every respect. The worst art imaginable. The writer/artist (and I use that term loosely) should be beheaded.

Precious Bootie Mommie, what is the world's greatest painting in your humble opinion?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
There are so many.

There was a horrendous Watchmen alleged-parody called "Washmen" which was gawdawful beyond belief.

For a major comics company, "The X-ocutioner's Song" ranks pretty high in memory.

Peanut Butter Monster, if you could become a comic book character and join the cast of any comic book, which one, and why? what would your niche be?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

you did it again!

I'll answer yours, then repeat mine.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Painting? let's see... so many...
I'll go with Van Gogh's "Starry Night."

Peanut Butter Monster, if you could become a comic book character and join the cast of any comic book, which one, and why? what would your niche be?
Posted by dedman on :
I'll answer both....
Painting - I'm particularly fon of anything by bosch, but i like "Garden of Earthly Delights" best. There are alot of little things hidden in that one.
Comic - Probally a giffen/levitz era ultra boy. join the cast of lsh at the same era and fill the same role. I just remember really relating to his character at the time.

Anorexic Pale Brown Moose - What is your favorite legion story?

[ December 16, 2004, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: dedman ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Probably the legend of Valor. (Surprising for a silver age guy, eh?)

Apoplectic Princess Bearing Marshmallows, what lie would you love to tell over, just to get it right this time?
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
The recent Challengers of the Unknown limited series. Just horrible in every respect. The worst art imaginable. The writer/artist (and I use that term loosely) should be beheaded.

Would behanding suffice? [Smile]
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Apoplectic Princess Bearing Marshmallows, what lie would you love to tell over, just to get it right this time?

"I don't know how that happened!" -- said after accidentally knocking over a tray of hors d'oeuvres at a party

PBM, what lie do you wish you'd never told?
Posted by talkingcrow on :
I wish I never told my ex girlfriend I didn't want to be with her.
Premenstrual Batshit Monkeyraper
Did you know you can kill cockroaches by mixing 3 parts sugar with 1 part baking powder?(or is it baking soda?)
Posted by talkingcrows on :
Yes I do,sadly lamer version of me.
Previously baffled Mittenlover
Do you understand how computers really work?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Sort of,kinda, maybe, .... well I used to when it was just a Commodore 64.

Prescient Bloated Mistress, it's one week until Christmas - what do you have left to do?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Nada. I generally have stress-free Xmases (last year was the exception). All I have to do is worry how to spend my week off.

Abhorent Perpetual Blarney Machine,
What's for Christmas Dinner, and who's coming over?
Posted by talkingcrows on :
Just me,alone,in my apartment,In Korea.I am however ,planning to invite the greater Metropolitan Seoul Population over for Soju(rice booze)and noodles.
Attractive Precocious Blond Missouran
What would you do if you could fly,and carry a friend,for unlimited time,anywhere,regardless of Space and time,and not worried about disturbing the space time continuum?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd go time traveling and observe various historic events (such as finding out who really killed Lizzie Borden's parents) And I would take various friends along, basically those who also would like to see such things. Further, I'd take friends on vacations to warm tropical islands.

Ann Penelope Beth Martha, which two celebrities would you want for your parents? The celebrities don't have to be married or coupled.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Paul and Linda McCartney. Seemingly nice people, positive parents, creative, and with the means to promote their kids' creativity (seemingly) without spoiling them. and politically hip without being overbearing.

All Points Bulletin Man,
If you could make a 20-second phone call to yourself in the past, how far back would you call yourself, and what would you tell the younger you?
Posted by talkingcrows on :
I would call back to me when I has a phone and my old girlfriend,the day before I did the stupdiest thing I ever did,and broke up with her.(oh sad lame me.I'm over it though really)....and the winning teams for every major sporting event in 2001.(Oh wait ,I already did that,but had no money to bet with)
Appreciates practical baking methods
What is the meanest thing,you dont feel bad about, you ever did?
Posted by dedman on :
lol.....i think i'll pass on this question
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
This one shouldn't be too hard, let's see, in High School I had to BAN a kid from our table. A friend said she would do it, she started doing it and stopped so I finished it, no one like him and he was making people feel uncomfortable and one left so he had to go. HAHAhhhaa, good times, let me tell you.

PBM, Do you like peanut butter cookies?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
No. And even non-Coluans should know that chocolate chip cookies are the one true cookie.
Does that make me a cookie racist? Oh well...

PBM, what's better, giving a great gift or recieving a great gift?
[Brainiac 5 - Re-Imagined]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Giving, if I had any $ to get something worth giving. But since I don't, I'll say getting, since I never get anything anyway.

Aggravating Permanent Biohazard Mobile,

what's your favorite (or favourite) Xmas dinner?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
the one I happen to be eating at the time [Smile]

Appropriate Person Bending Matchsticks.

Christmas Pudding. Brandy butter, white sauce or custard?
Posted by mechana on :
I've never had Christmas pudding. In fact, I'm not entirely sure what Christmas pudding is!

Aspiring pickled beet muncher:

Star or angel? What tops your tree?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
normally an angel, but for some reason nothing this year [Confused]

Anchovies Peanuts Babybeets Munchies

How soon will your kids get up tomorrow morning?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Don't have kids,
but I'll take a stab at your last ? since Rhonda couldn't: white sauce! over here we call it "hard sauce."

Aspirin Prozac Bufferin Muncher,

do you start with the big presents or the small ones?
Posted by talkingcrows on :
I started with the comics this year...Just Got Stray Bullets(this morning)31-34,Idenity Crisis 1,2,4,5,6.....Secret War 3 and various x men.(My Mom sent them and they got here just in time....Mom Loves You Best)
Apologetic poor boy manacled
Where have you been besides your own country?If N/A,where would you go given the chance?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I've been to Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Austria, Italia, Vatican City, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, and Costa Rica.

I'd love to go to Greenland, Morocco, Egypt, Kenya, Cameroon, South Africa, Greece, Turkey, Slovenia, Czech, Slovakia, Russia, Estonia, China, Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia, Antarctica, India, Nepal, Chile, Argentian. Brazil, Peru, the Moon, and a few other places.

Amorphous Prehistoric Biological Mass,

Where in the world would you chose to live, if the opportunity presented itself?
OR, If you're unimaginatively happy where you are now, but had to live somewhere else in the world for a year nowhere near your current residence, where?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

I knew a librarian who switched jobs with a librarian in England for 6 months.

APBM, (Oh let's go with an obvious question for this time of year) Any New Year's resolutions?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
About 6 years ago I made a resolution not to make any more New Years resolutions. So far I've been able to stick to that. [Wink]

PBM, is it tomorrow yet?!?
Posted by Pariscub on :
In two hours's time in my time zone.

Potentially Bent Man, what are you doing for New Year's Eve?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Drinks with my kids, then drinks with Gigi's friends then see the neew year in. Pretty boring stuff really.

They used to hold a big party down on the riverside, fireworks the lot but the new council decided it cost to much so nothing this year.

Any scandle from the works xmas party to report?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
As far as I see it, the only scandle was this: they held the party during the afternoon, so both the first shift and second shift folks could eat and be merry (no drinking, of course, as it was held during an otherwise regular work day) and then left the mess scattered around the office for me to clean up when I came in on third shift. Nice of them I thought... [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]

PBM, have you picked up a copy of the new Legion comic yet? (Please no spoilers here if you have...)
Posted by Abin Quank on :
NO! Dammit and my monthly shipment isn't due for three weeks!!!! AND! I'll be in Virginia when it arrives! ARRRRGGGGGG!!!!! [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]

PBM, Valium?
Posted by Harbinger on :
yes please.

PBM, what's your shoe size? (crap question but I couldn't think of anything else - if you can come up with a funnier one please answer it instead, I really won't mind)
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Regular shoes or clown shoes?

11-1/2 Regular, 45-3/4 Clown

PBM, Are on-line discounts worth the wait?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Yup, but I am Scottish so might be biased by genetics towards general thriftiness!

PBM, have you ever bought your weekly groceries online and was it worth it?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
No. Never! I demand instant gratification!

PBM, am I the only one surprised that Quank actually wears regular shoes?!? [LOL]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Groceries on-line? Whoda Thunk it?

PBM, Am I the only one thinking "Loser, Bite Me!" right now? [LOL]
Posted by Harbinger on :
I thought "Blight me!" personally, but I never was too quick with these come backs.

PBM, what question would you like to answer?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
"Which way is up?" Comes to mind along with "Can I get there from here?"

PBM, Are there any questions that haven't been asked in this thread?
Posted by Harbinger on :

PBM, can you give us a brand spanking new question to answer?
Posted by matlock on :
Sure -

pbm: Can you explain why Harbinger is the only one here right now according to the front page? (I'm not even here.) Isn't there a comic out today or something?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I think so.

PBM, Have you ever had to capture swarming bees?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Mat - dunno, ask Gary or one of the more techno-aware amongst us.

FC - no but I used to live next to a farm that had a few hives so have seen swarming bees - very scary so it was too!

PBM, what's your favourite word?
Posted by Abin Quank on :

PBM, Wot does your accent sound like?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Music. Great music.

Of course [Big Grin]

pbm, Are Z'donks really a cross between Zebras and donkeys?
Posted by matlock on :
It ranges from pretty neutral most of the time to more "southern" when I'm really tired or drunk.

PBM: Same question as it's an interesting one.
Posted by Pariscub on :
Depends if you're talking about my accent when I speak French or English [Smile]

Proverbial Bottom Muncher, do you speak any foreign language and which ones?
Posted by dedman on :
no, however i can swear in several

Pasty Blue Mullet - What accent just makes you giggles when you hear it?
Posted by Pariscub on :
I probably shouldn't say that, but the Quebecquois accent [Smile]

Because it's very charming and it does sound very old to French people, a bit like someone speaking 18th Century French. And there are some subtle differences in language which can lead to double-entendre.

PBM, same question
Posted by Lad Boy on :
A Bayou Labatre, Alabama accent. It has the slight naughty Frenchmen influence of a New Orleans accent but with flatter vowels and a truly unique-in-the-souther-USA cadence.

Pretty Boy Magnet --
Is there a language or a dialect that you find especially sexy ? Please, feel free to say southeastern Alabaman with some Virginia Piedmont crossover.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
"southeastern Alabaman with some Virginia Piedmont crossover." [Wink]


Is there an accent which you really really hate?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
"southeastern Alabaman with some Virginia Piedmont crossover."

Just kidding [Wink]

Does "Valley Girl" count as an accent?

Asparagus Pear Beet Martini (Being NYE, all APBMs today should be drink-related),

What accent would you choose, it you had to have a different accent?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Virginia Tidewater.

Affluent Pretty Boy Minion:
Have you ever done anything heroic?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, once while working in the bank, I was counting the shipment with a teller when we heard a commotion in the lobby. The teller said "We're being robbed." So I took all the 100s, 50s, 20s, & 10s and threww them into the timed vault. The teller threw the 5s & 1s behind the vault. I then opened the door to the untimed side whichhad a small amount of cash in it. When the robber entered the vault room, he said "where's the bag?", meaning the shipment bag. I then held up the shredded bag, saying "Here's the bag". He then grabbed at the money in view, but dropped a bunch of 100s & 50s on the floor. His partner started yelling "The time! The time! We've gotta go!" And the robbers left, but not without taking a dye pack which ruined the money they did take. The police found the car they had used nearby. I did see the robber holding a gun. I am not postive it was real, but I wasn't going to test it out.

Is that heroic enough?

APBM, What was the most dangerous job you ever worked?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Bouncer in a lesbian bar [Wink]

APBM, same question
Posted by Harbinger on :
teaching 11 year olds religious studies in Dagenham [Eek!]

APBM, same question
Posted by Faraway Lad on :

Harbinger!!! My hero [Gasp]


<end interlude>

And as I have never ever had any job more dangerous than the civil service i'll pass this question on.

APBM "Whats the most dangerous job you ever worked"
Posted by Pariscub on :
Well, I've already answered that earlier, but my second most dangerous job was at the information booth of the Orsay Museum in Paris...

Those tourists can be so aggressive... Had a torn shirt once.

Another Panting Bellowing Monster, what's your favorite city you've visited?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
For wife-and-kids wholesome family fun: Chicago.

For traveling alone fun: NY

Awesome Pants-bulging Man,
Where can you go for a good cup of coffee?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Depends on what you call a "good cup of coffee". If you're into all that mochachino and French vanilla crap then don't ask me. If you're into a cup of plain old Joe then I'd suggest either Tim Horton's, or if you're not fortunate enough to have one of those in your area, Dunkin Donuts. Both have really good coffee.

PBM, what's the weather like where you are?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Changable. Right now it is cold and I can't see if it is still doing anything outside right now.

APBM, what is your favorite weather phenomenon?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Sunshine! Unfortunately for me it's one of the least common ones around here... [Frown]

PBM, what's your biggest vice?
Posted by Pariscub on :
My, we could be in for a while [Smile]

But if we have to keep all ages, I'd say..

Hazelnut mousse

PBM, same question
Posted by Harbinger on :
again, as we have to keep this relatively clean I'll say red wine.

PBM, what one physical characteristic do you most like about yourself?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I have nice hair.

PBM, what is the first thing you would buy if you won a multi-million dollar (or pounds for our British friends, or your local currency for those who don't use dollars or pounds)lottery?
Posted by Harbinger on :
A holiday for my family and friends somewhere warm and peaceful.

PBM, same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The first thing I would buy is a trip to a foriegn country (for me that would be England) for about 6 months while the commotion surrounding the win died down.

PBM, You must move from where you are living now for one year. Where would you want to live for the year?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
New Zealand, Tuscany or the Lake District

APBM, same question
Posted by Pariscub on :
Well, been there, done that... Moved to Seattle for two years and then I moved to Edinburgh, Scotland... and I hope to stay here!

You should all come and visit LOL

Patrician Beauty Miss/Mister, same question
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Alan Parson's Beast Master,
A celebrity must live with you for one year. Who's the lucky star?
Posted by RTVU2 on :
A always shirtless Josh Duhamel.

Allo Purple Beave Man, same question
Posted by Pariscub on :
Lad boy? [Razz]

More seriously, Jonathan Frakes... sounds like a good laugh... and have you seen this chest? [Razz]

Autonomous Potential Beauty Amateur, if you went in a Parisian café, what would you order?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
le mademoiselle, du rein!

but seriously, un cafe au lait et un croissant.

Antarctic Polar Blizzard Menace,

If you had to learn a new language in the next few months, which one would you choose?
Posted by Elvis Lad on : I could talk with my family in Italy, without waving my arms around so much !

Arctic Penguin Miracle,

If you had to live with an adult film star for a year , who would it be?
Posted by disaster boy on :
good question.

van darkholme would easily be my first choice.

followed by hank hightower or al parker.


what's your most valuable possession?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
A house and quarter acre of land in a sought after Zip Code.

All Points Bulletin Moderator:
What possession of yours holds the most sentimental value for you?
Posted by Pariscub on :
I'd say my kilt because it's sort of the symbol of so many changes in my life
What garment that you've never worn would you love to wear one day?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Leather shorts [Embarrassed]


Have you ever parachute jumped and what did you think of it? If you haven't, would you? Why or why not?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I never have but I've always wanted to. Of course with my luck the chute wouldn't open and I'd snap like a bundle of dry twigs when I hit the ground...

PBM, what's your prediction for the Super Bowl?
Posted by Pariscub on :
A team will win.

what did you want to be when you were a child?
Posted by disaster boy on : astronaut.

well that was the cover story for...super hero.


something you want to do but are afraid to try?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
quit my job

How does your life today compare to your expectations of it five years ago?
Posted by RTVU2 on :'s been five years? I have got to do something with my life.


What's your favorite late night snack (keep it clean boys and girls!)?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
pepperoni pizza

Attica Parole Board Member,
are you a happy drunk or a snarly drunk?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Happy drunk or sad drunk, depending on what I drink... But never snarly

What's the most outrageous thing you've ever done while being drunk?
Posted by disaster boy on :

well pissing in public, no. puking in public then going back to drink more then puking again, no. wearing sweatshirt i puked on to work the next day and saying "ew this smells like puke", no. walking from hollywood to west hollywood on new years among prostitutes of varying genders, yelling at taxi cab drivers, and stealing someones cab, no.

getting in a fight in a bar actually would have to be the most outrageous. tables were overturned several people were involved, it was a brawl. got thrown out of the bar. lost some buttons on my shirt, which i liked. that has to be the most embarassing and outrageous.


have a favorite/lucky article of clothing? what is it?
Posted by Sonnie on :
A gawdy multicoloured Ganesh sweatshirt picked up at a roadside market in Bangkok.... it always gets the conversation started [Wink]

APBM, which book do you recommend to friends to read?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
The Necronomicon.

But seriously, "The Streeter," by Scott Ian Barry. Great thriller, well written, and the author's a pal of mine.

Abiogenetic Personified Byzantine Monk,
Who/what are you rooting for, for the Oscars?
Posted by Pariscub on :
No one in particular... I don't even know who's nominated.

APBM same question
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Oscar, he never wins [Smile]


Should Children be seen and not heard?
Posted by PolarBoy on :
To an extent yes. Of course children need to be encouraged to think and decide things for themselves. However as a society I think we have forgotten that there are quiet a few things in life which shouldn't be about children. They do the main new years eve fireworks in Sydney at 9:00 for families for f sake with a second poorer show at midnight. Children under about 12 or so don't belong at weddings etc and in some cases restuarants. People are so shelfish with their children and don't even see the detremental effect the little buggers have on other peoples enjoyment. If I can't smoke on a train why should I have to put up with your offspring runnning and yelling and smelling like pee.

same question (Since I got a chance for a little rant)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I argee with WC Fields (I think he said it?) "Alligators have the right idea. They eat their young."

Apokolyptian Peer-Buddy Mentor-
Should teens be treated more like adults? Not just rights- but responsibilities?
Posted by disaster boy on :
yes. i think thats why they act so irresponsibly because they aren't getting to participate or contribute something of value and feel good about themselves.


what should be done with old people?
Posted by PolarBoy on :
um a gumbo style stew.

APBM should there be any form of censorship for adults?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Spam should be censored out of existance. Other than that, no.

Allergic Pollen-Bearing Moth,
Would you help a disendent Yank escape from W's madhouse?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Kent theres a bed here for you. [Big Grin]

Ermmm your not a wanted terrorist are you? [Big Grin]


How do you tell the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Sometimes it is pretty hard. One person's freedome fighter could be another person's terrorist.

APBM, who would you say was the single person who changed the world the most, and why?
Posted by disaster boy on :
i'd say the people who painted the lascaux caves.
it's the oldest (reemaining) example of art, architecture, and religion. without those three things the world would be...different.


guiltiest pleasure?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I have no guilt over my pleasures. But I probably shouldn't snack so much

APBM, I am going to repeat my question. disaster boy's answer is good (there actually is no wrong answer here) but I want the name of an individual. So, who would you say was the single person who changed the world the most, and why?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Whoever it was who discovered that banging sticks on hollow trees could produce a good beat to dance to.

APBM, same q.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Al Gore, for inventing the Internet.

Alternate Pilates By Motorcycling,
Have you read "SUBS ii" yet? If not, why not?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Probably because I've never heard of it. Is that a book about SM relationships? [Razz]

APBM: Have you heard about this book Kent is talking about?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
It's Harbi's story over in "Bits," not a book as such.

Animalistic Pooh-Bear Manager,
Will you read "Subs ii," or dies Harbi have to steal your shoes?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
If it means i can get to spend time with the ever so lovely Harbinger, No! She now has to come steal my shoes right? [Wink]


How do your feet smell, all [Good] [smooch] [Good]

or are they more like
[Validus] [The Mess] [Gasp]

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Depends on the shoes I am wearing.

This question reminds me of this:

Do your feet smell?
Does your nose run?
If so, you were built upside down.

APBM, If you could be anyone from history (someone not living now), who would you want to be and why?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Leonardo DaVinci-
scientist, artist, thinker... what's not to like? and he lived in Italy.

Achronistic Peanut Butter Masseuse,
same question.
Posted by Pariscub on :
Darn, you picked the best one already [Smile]

Ramses II

I always thought I'd look good as a living god [Smile]

Antisceptic Prodding Bench Manipulator
If you had to change one event in history, what would it be and why?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
The legal precedent ruling that corporations have equal rights as people.

I see it as the cornerstone event (or an otherwise major contributor) that has ruined the world: legalized irresponsibility, pollution, widespread corruption, big-brother government, stranglehold on media and free speech, wars over resources, and active supression of any alternatives.

Associated Press Byline Mogul,
same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd prevent the Lincoln assasination. I'd want to see how Reconstruction would have gone under Lincoln and if we could have avoided 90 years of Jim Crow laws.

APBM, All the Legion Worlders have agreed to meet (We all just won the lottery and have the time and money). You have been put in charge of selecting the location and setting things up. Where would we meet (on Earth) and what arrangements would you make?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Key Bridge Marriott in Rosslyn, VA because
(1) It's a nice (enough) hotel with spectacular views of Washington, DC.

(2) It's the only such hotel within walking distance of my house, and I'm rather cheap and lazy.

(3) While cupcakes from afar would be available in every room, I'd insist on Grand Marnier soufflé for every LegionWorlder.

(4) For LegionWorlders stumbling back across the bridge from Georgetown after the bars close, I'd welcome you to my back porch (you didn't think I was going to let you inside?) where there's always a cooler full of this-week's-sale-beer from Harris Teeter.

Absolutely Perfectly Bodied Man:
We all just won the lottery and have the time and money. What creative lie would you give me about your regrettable inability to attend the above-described function?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would verbally tell you that I am dead, but will be there in spirit. [Wink]

APBM, Magnetism, Telepathy, or Lightning. Which of these powers (and you can only have one) would you want and why?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Telepathyis out because I'm to vain to want to know what people really think about me.

Lightning seems sort of impractical for anything besides practical jokes.

...but magnetism, wow! No more need to parallel park. Elimination of annoying cell phone usage on public transportation.

Ageless party barge monster:
You can have super-strength or super-intelligence for a year. Which one and why?
Posted by PolarBoy on :
Super intelligence cause I could probably work stuff out it's frustrating being stupid.

Australian possum burger man

Whst would you do whilst on Lad Boy's back porch?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Drink beer.

Apache Pilot Bill Murray-
What's your absolute favorite memory?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Oh my, that's a toughie...

I'd say me arriving to Seattle after moving to the USA and my partner waiting for me at the gate, taking me to the car, and putting the song "How long will I wait for you?" on the CD player... There are others, but this one is particularly charged in emotion (it had taken seven months for me to get my work visa) [Smile]

Anamorphic Panandscanned Beauty Mollusk

same question
Posted by PolarBoy on :
I remember being off my face in Heaven nightclub in London huging somegirl while cant get you out of my head was playing it was just one of those moments for some reason.

Anal probeing brown monkey

Whoes your favourite Spice Girl?
Posted by Pariscub on :
ermmm... None of them, but if I really had to chose, I'd chose Baby because she's the one who's made the less stupid choices in her life so far [Smile]

Anti-Prespirant Bottom Machine
have you ever been in a gay bar and if so, was it a scary experience and how so?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Quislet! (that's a joke from 5-word posts)

Dunno. One of the brunettes (can't remember which is which)

Archeologist Probing Buried Mines,

What's your all-time favorite song?
Posted by Pariscub on :
How deep is your love, by the Bee Gees.

same question
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Whoops! Pre-empte your question back there... the perils of simoultaneous posts! I'll answer both:

Gay bars: I've been to several, usually with friends, and have no scary experiences to share (sorry).

Song? mine keeps changing... right now, I'd say "These Foolish Things," and old Jazz Age standard. I've several diffrent versions, but my favorites are by Amy Fradon (a local artist; Ramona's daughter) and Cher (from the flick "Tea With Mussolini"). Bryan Ferry's version is also nice.

Apartment Pervert By Midnight:

Are the plethora of pointless "Welcome" threads annoying you as much as they annoy me?

[ February 06, 2005, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Kent Shakespeare ]
Posted by disaster boy on :
ok i will read this question carefully, and try to respond with making a disaster of my reply.

yes they annoy me, but only in that i feel guilty that i don't welcome more people...but also in that some people don't even just pop in a quick reply saying "thanks, glad to be here, kiss my ..."

all prime beef muncher:

sunset or sunrise?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Ahhhh that's a nice one...
I'd say it depends on the mood. Sunrises are grea
Posted by Pariscub on :
Ahhhh that's a nice one...
I'd say it depends on the mood. Sunrises are great when you feel good and hopeful, ready to rule the day... Sunsets are for romance, for sadness and reflection...

Anti-Perspirant Bony Man
shaving or waxing?
Posted by disaster boy on :
both are problematic, waxing lasts longer but shaving is more fun to do to another...but more mundane on oneself.

another person below moi:

best music moment?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
About 8 years ago, Wolf Trap Farm Park, Bonnie Raitt, mid concert, "Dimming of the Day." I have no words to adequately express the perfection of that song, at that time, in that environment.

A persona belli mirabile:
Are you better off than you were a year ago today?
Posted by Pariscub on :
If you had said 5 years ago, I would have said definitely. Leaving Paris for the USA and then after two years, Scotland, was the best move I did, carreer wise and relationship wise.

However, nothing much has changed for me in the past year I'm afraid... But I'm still much better off than five years ago.

Another person below me
same question
Posted by Queen B on :
I'm financially better off as I returned to full time work. While the cash is great the lack of time is sometimes an issue. Never satisfied am I [LOL]

PBM, who do you wish you looked like?
Posted by PolarBoy on :
Mat so Crujecta would like me.

Are you the messiah or just a very naughty boy?
Posted by Pariscub on :
I wish I was either, but I'm too nice to be anughty boy and too naughty to be a messiah. [Smile]

vanilla or chocolate?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Can I have the mixed swirl?

choc.. no chocolate

APBM, the Barry Allen choice, a long dull, but safe life or a short but exciting one?
Posted by PolarBoy on :
Short and exciting.

APBM Leather or PVC?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Leather... PVC doesn't breathe


Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers?
Posted by mdm2995 on :
Another person below it when that happens.

Skin-It-Back Lad
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Buck Rogers, if only for Erin Grey.

Arnold's Personal Bodybuilding Manager,
would you rather be a governor or a terminator?
Posted by dedman on :
A governor so i can crush all the little peas....i mean so i can lead the people to a better tommorrow [Big Grin]

Albanian Porpise Body Mangler;

Dawnstar or Shikari, which do you like better?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
A toughie. I like em both. I guess Shikari... she was useful in a fight, never whined about proving her worth, and never spent too many years mooning over an impossible romance (sorry, Grey).

Anchorage Police Benevolence Manager,
same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Dawnstar. I "knew" her longer.

APBM, What is your favorite poem?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Affluent, passionate, beautiful man,

Did you sleep alone last night?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Yes I did [Frown]

Aquaman's Pal Black Manta,
shrimp or lobster?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Lobster of course... Just love ripping that pink delicacy and spray everyone around the table with its juices [Smile]

Anabolic Permanent Boiling Mother
Have you ever been on a cruise (and I mean a boat cruise! [Wink] )?
Posted by PolarBoy on :
I have been on cruises around Sydney harbour and some friends in the uk had a barge the we sailed down the thames on but never a proper love boat type cruise.

Where was your best Holiday ever.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
rural Alabama.

Astronomically Potent Booty Master:
You have two weeks in Antarctica, the Sahara, or the Amazon River Basin. Which do you take and why?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Amazon River Basin. It is not cold and there would be lots more interesting flora and fauna to see.

APBM, you have one week to live, what would you do for your last week? (idea stolen from "Biloxi Blues")
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I already try to live my life as if there's only one week left. I might not bothyer filling up the car with gas, otherwise no changes.

Same Q.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'd hit the road with minimal gear, and try to get to places I haven't been before.

Depending on cashflow, I'd either hitch, and try to reach parts of Northern Canada I haven't been, or fly to Europe and wander east.

Alaskan Polar Bear Meat,

Tell us all about your first crush.
Posted by Ultra Boy's Boi on :
A boy named Everett in the 2nd or 3rd grade. I used to follow him to his house on my bike after school to be near him more. (that concluded my attempt to be a stalker in life.)

Any Parties Being Missed?

When was your 'first time' and what were the general circumstances?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I was 19, it was in my car with an older woman (mid-30s).

Amplified Percussion Band Music,
Have you ever been on a blind date? Describe the circumstances.
Posted by PolarBoy on :
Um not a sitcom type blind date but I have met people off the internet and I am offically the king of the 3 minuet date. They see photos and stuff they meet me and seriously 3 minuets and they make their excuses to leave.

African pig bladder man

under what circumstanses would you appear as a guest on the Jerry Springer show?
Posted by Pariscub on :
"My Boyfriend is an emotional autist" LOL

Anti-Papal Belligerent Monster

Same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Right after my partial lobotomy. Only if I wasn't in full mental capacity would I ever be on the Jerry Springer show.

APBM, what TV show would you like to be in? Either as an actor or as a character.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'd be a contestant on Jeopardy.

Annoying Peanut Butter Mooch,
If you had to live without all modern (since... 1870, so as to include electricity, cars, telephones and similar-era items) conveniences for a year, but could have a specific one for an hour each month, which would it be?
Posted by disaster boy on :
easy...the internet. "aw shucks". most everything else i am accustomed to can eb done manually like shaving, coffee making. i like to walk, read books etc. but i need my legion world.

or maybe the printing press for comics....uh oh maybe i should rethink.

no i take it all back anti-biotics is what i would want. just in case.


what technological invention do you wish was not created, or we would be better off without in our present era?
Posted by PolarBoy on :

Ok these aren't technologyso I would go with credit cards which are still poushing the bounderaries of the question.

same question (Cause I gave a crappy answer)
Posted by Vee on :
I sometimes feel we'd be better off without cell phones but they DO serve a useful function on occasion. Pagers however, are the most annoying items ever. Nothing more than an electronic leash!! [Mad]

APBM: What would you serve if you were having a group of LWers over for dinner?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Well, that('s a tough question. Assuming there's no vegetarian in the group, I would probably prepare a lovely meal.... I'm quite the cook, or so I'm told.

How about fresh scallops flambed in whisky with a light cream sauce with rice and veggies, followed my a three layered cheesecake: first layer a scottish shortbread, second layer a pumpkin custard and third layer the cheesecake.

That's the first thing that comes to mind.

I could also prepare a haggis.

Antinomic Powerful Banana Man

What culinary specialty from another country would you like to taste that you've never tasted before?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Haggis, oddly enough.

I wouldn't expect to actually *like* it, but I have to know.

Any Poster But Me:

What song would you use to replace your country's National Anthem if given the chance?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Jokingly: "Super Freak" by Rick James

Seriously: "This Land is Your Land" by Woody Guthrie

APBM, Same question.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Same answer.

Same question.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Um..... Oh Canada? [Big Grin]

Astrally Precocious Blue Moon,

You're in a leaky life-boat with your 82 year old mom. The boat will float, but only if one occupant leaves. What do you do?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Um..... Oh Canada? [Big Grin]

Astrally Precocious Blue Moon,

You're in a leaky life-boat with your 82 year old mom. The boat will float, but only if one occupant leaves. What do you do?

Me and Mom take turns swimming beside the boat.

APBM, If you could become a vampire, would you?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
What makes you think I'm not? [Wink]

Probably. The only way I'd take immortality is if there was an 'out' (taking a nice morning stroll, that is), so if I got bored in a few centuries/millenia/eons I wouldn't regret for eternity.

Approximate Percentage Brain Matter,

what's the toughest life decision you've ever faced?
Posted by Pariscub on :
giving up everything in France to move to Seattle with an untested boyfriend and to start a new job. Talk about life changing

APBM,same question
Posted by Pariscub on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Haggis, oddly enough.

I wouldn't expect to actually *like* it, but I have to know.

Actually, believe a French cook when he says it's actually very good. Lots of misconceptions about Haggis... Tastes like game or venison.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Coming out to my wife.

Acceptably Pure Breast Milk:
Would you be more like to try haggis if Pariscub had suggested it tasted like strawberry sherbet?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
No, because he would clearly be lying.

On that note,
APBM: What's the most outrageous lie anyone's ever told you?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
That W won the 2000 election.

Originally posted by Pariscub:
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Haggis, oddly enough.

I wouldn't expect to actually *like* it, but I have to know.

Actually, believe a French cook when he says it's actually very good. Lots of misconceptions about Haggis... Tastes like game or venison.
Haggis is quite good, actually, in my experience, and I didn't expect to like it.

Awful Par- Boiled Meatloaf,
Would you try haggis?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Well, I eat haggis maybe once a month.

APBM, same question
Posted by disaster boy on :
sure, i'd try most things at least once.


favorite artist or work of art?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Burne-Jones... Love those pre-rapahelites

APBM same question?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Tough call... there are so many. I'll go with Vinnie's "Starry Night." Anyone who wants to know why, well, lend an ear...

Amazing Painter's Best Masterpiece,
same question
Posted by PolarBoy on :
The Dance of life by Edvard Munch


Favourite primate?
Posted by disaster boy on :


best way to procrastinate?
Posted by Pariscub on :
I could never answer that on an all-ages forum LOL

APBM: maybe you coula answer that question instead of me?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'll get back to you on that.

Associated Press Bureau Mentor,
What's the one life-changing decision you would have done differently, if you could, or had to?
Posted by PolarBoy on :
Oh all of my life.

Australian punk band musician
Who would you like to see naked?
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Right now, anything with pecs! I need to get...yeah...I'm going to shut up.

What's your favorite Anime (Japanese Animation)?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
My Neighbor Totoro, by the world's greatest animator, Hayao Miyazaki.

Abstract Philosophy Bores Me,
same question.
Posted by Pariscub on :
I don't do anime, I'm sorry to say. Spirited Away comes to mind, but only because that's the less boring one I've seen in a while. LOL

APBM: Star Trek or Lost in SPace?
Posted by disaster boy on :
starrrrrrrrr trek tng!


what do you do to fall asleep?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Usually read or do a puzzle in bed. Occassionally, I do some solo exercising. [Embarrassed]

APBM, who do you think is the greatest artist in the world, past or present?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Rob Liefeld.

just kidding.

Mikhail Chemiakin.

Anarchistic Bohemian Party Member, same question.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
How can I answer this question without setting myself up for ridicule? Can I just answer that I really enjoy Thomas Hart Benton. He was a regionalist American painter. Here's an example


Aphrodite's Perfume Bottle Maker,

Who is the greatest living fiction writer?

[ March 10, 2005, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Pariscub on :
That's a tough one, because we can pick at least one per genre, one per country. Judging from sales and quality of writing... Stephen King maybe?


Who's the most overhyped US writer at the moment?
Posted by disaster boy on :
kurt vonnegut


freak or geek?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I don't know if I'm a freaky geek or a geeky freak. You would have to ask the exes.

When did you last go dancing?
Posted by Pariscub on :
A year ago at a ceilihd

Have you ever had a dog?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Yes, several. Here is a picture of my Garbo. She's 9.5 years now. Some may recognize her from the Puppy Stu days. STU used a picture of Garbo as his avatar.


Albatross Pursuing Broker Man,

What did you do for your last milestone birthday?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
the same thing I do for every birthday - nothing

APBM, what is the closest holiday to your birthday?
Posted by PolarBoy on :
My birthday is the day before Australia day but if we are going international holidays New Years I suppose (unless you count valentines)

Artistic purple beaver man

What do you collect?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Oh my... Maintly comic books, some super-hero toys and a lot of Star Trek toys... and a few other things


same question
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Unique martini glasses.

Acutely Problematic Bingo Maven, have you ever woken up crying from a dream? If so, describe the dream.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Haven't woken up crying. I did have a dream where thieves were stealing my TV. I jumped out of bed and yelled in a growlly voice "GET OUT!!!" and ran out my room just as my roommate was leaving the apartment. It was slightly embarassing as I sleep in the nude.

APBM, What was the strangest dream you ever had?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
There have been so, so, many strange ones.

We'll go with this:I once dreamed an entire B&W animated horror film called "Dracula's Web". Complete with credits.

Atavistic Paranoid Babbling Monsignor,
same question.
Posted by Pariscub on :
I dreamed that a whole new Star Trek series was starting on TV and that it was better than Voyager at the time... A Klingon Soap Opera in Klingon with subtitles.

Anti-Perspirant Binging Manipulator
have you met any movie or TV star and who?
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Yes, I've met the entire cast of All My Children, One Life Too Live, Port Charles, General Hospital, John Stamos, Christian Slater, Raven, and unfortunately Lil' Bow Wow...what a prick, he called me "some good white booty."

APBM, Same Question
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Yeah but Viv, Lil' Bow Wow was right! [Wink]

I went to school with Jesse L. Martin who is now on Law and Order.

PBM, rooting for anybody in the NCAA Tournament?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'm rooting that the Kool-Aid pitcher-man will yell, "Oh, yeah," and burst through the wall.

Arsenic Baking Powder Magnate,
If you had 48 hours to live and could do anything you wanted with your remaining time regardless of cost, what would you do?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
That's a hard one. I'd obviously want to spend some time saying good-bye to my family, hugging the doggies, and good-bye to friends. I take it that all the arrangements have been made and that the dogs will have loving homes, so that I don't have to worry about that in my last 48 hours. I'm not certain what I'd do with the rest of the time, except that I do know that I'd like to go sky-diving one more time. And I'd like to time it so that I jumped from the plane without a parachute, exactly 30 seconds before my 48 hours were up. My last moments on earth would be spent in total free-fall freedom, and I'd be gone before I hit the ground.

Another potentially boring meeting,

Same question.
Posted by Pariscub on :
I don't think anyone can top that

How many comics do you buy each week?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I think it averages around 4-6

APBM, What is your porn star name? (Name of first pet + name of street you grew up on)
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Daisy Lochcrest

This explains why I never made it in the porn industry.

APBM, Same question.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Duke Hunt.

Actually, that's not too shabby for a porn name. Get my agent on the phone!

PBM, what's the last CD you bought?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
On Saturday I bought Hall and Oates latest cd. It's a bunch of motown covers (and the only Hall and Oates I've ever bought). I also bought Amici Forever, The Opera Band. It's different, but I like it.

Angry Pot Bellied Man, who is the most beautiful woman to have ever lived?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
my mom. [Smile]

It would be hard to say seeing how beauty is so subjective.

I've always thought Elizabeth Montgomery was very beautiful.

APBM, who's life would you most want to emulate and why?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Vlad Tepes.

But seriously... Will Eisner. A master storyteller, artist and pioneer.

Acreage Per Buildable Mile, same question.
Posted by Pariscub on :
Martha Stewart!

Whoever can be condemned to prison in her own private estate while getting her salary beck from when she was doing time has to be good LOL

Just kiddding [Smile]
Even though she makes beautiful centerpieces hehe

Still kidding

Anthropophagous Pygmy Bondaged Man,
What's your favorite dish to cook?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
chicken breast sauteed in butter and wine, with proscuitto and aged provolone melted on top, served over a bed of sauteed fresh spinach and mushrooms, with a side of brushetta - Italian bread with olive oil, sun dried tomato, parmasian cheese, herbs and whatever else is lying around - toasted together.

Antarctic Polar Boy Misfit:
same question
Posted by Pariscub on :
Scallops sauteed in butter and flambed in whisky, then whisked in a slightly tomatoed cream sauce with a pilaf rice.
Posted by Pariscub on :
a recipe for cocktail?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well It's been a day and a half

I don't drink so unfortunately I don't have a cocktail recipe.

APBM, What is your favorite name for a boy and your favorite name for a girl?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Boy: Devon
Girl... lotsa choices: Chloe, Deidre, Siobhan, Christine, Sarah, Zoe.

Astounding Parallel Bars Maneuver:
Describe a perfect meal.
Posted by talkingcrows on :
well thats difficult without using the female anatomy.....
appropriately beneficial Blaster Master
If you could had psychic powers ,but could only save a certain person in particular,who would you save...picking one,from a certain doom by warning them ,and only them(not including yourself)
they can tell whoever they like
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Ow. My head hurts.

PBM, did you understand that...?
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :

PBM, Will you kiss Loser Lad's head until it's better?
Posted by Pariscub on :
of course, come here Loser Lad?

APBM do you think i'm doing a good job kissing Loser Lad?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Has he turned into a prince yet?

APBM, wouldn't it be nice to get this thread back on track?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Yes, I think it would be great because this is turning into the "inane as many words as you want thread".

Anti Permanent Boticelli Mixer,

Have you ever worn a kilt or would you like to try one one day? And if so, do you have a clan tartan in mind?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would try on a kilt. I thought about getting one when I was in Aberdeen. Don't know which clan tartan I would pick though.

APBM, Let's try talkingcrows' question again, You have a psychic glimpse of an impending disaster. You can only tell one person, so as to save that person and that person alone. Who would you save?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Well, if you're going with talkingcrows' question, it says that you can only tell one person, but that person could tell whoever they like. In that case I would tell the President of the United States (be it Bush or someone else, it really doesn't matter), because that person would have the power to call a press conference, go on television and warn the rest of the world of the coming disaster. Whether or not anyone listens to the warning is out of my hands. My work here is done!

PBM, where were you when man first landed on the moon?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I was probably outside playing. I do remember watching the astronauts walking on the moon on TV. I was old enough to think that it was cool, but too young to really graspe the historical significance.


What historical event would you like to have witnesses first hand?

PS: If the event is something like Custer's Last Stand, you would survive the event.

[ March 29, 2005, 07:25 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
There are so many. A few that come to mind are the sinking of the Titanic, the sermon on the mount, the siege of Troy, and the clash between homo sapiens and homo neanderthalis.

Automatic Prestidigitating Bacon Mogul, same question.

[ March 29, 2005, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well I just saw a show on it last night and seeing as I made the proviso that you would survive the witnessing, I'd want to see the eruption of Krakatoa in 1853.

APBM, You've just won the lottery, $100 million, what would you do?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Hire a good attorney and acountant, get high speed internet access and buy more Legion comics.

APBM: Who'll win the NCAA men's basketball tournament?
Posted by Pariscub on :
an American Team?
Never heard of those people [Razz]

APBM: do you enjoy rugby?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
not really.

I want to jump in on Quis' previous question - I thought of my idea before I read his Krakatoa answer--- I'd go back 71,000 years to when a supervolcano eruprion occurred that I've read about lately (far bigger than anything that's happened since - the equivalent of a huge meteor hitting Earth, and it nearly wiped out human life at the time), again, with the proviso that I het to witness it AND survive.

Alaskan Pan Baked Moosemeat,

answer any previous APBM question that was asked and answered on pages 18, 10 to 20 before you got to it.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Oh, I'm totally confused now. So the answer is no.

Androgynous Pleabargainer Biting Me, what movie role would you like to play?. Assume that you have the requisite talent (and the best makeup artist available).
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Maerose Prizzi in Prizzi's Honor, that role was exquisite.

APBM, I like that question, so you should answer it.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd say the Doctor

APBM, Which established actor do you think would best play the Doctor? and a side question, which establish actor would be most unsuited for the role?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Which Doctor are you talking about? Doctor Who or the Doctor in Voyager?

If the former, I was so sorry to hear that Christopher Eccleston was leaving the series after the first (28th?) season. To replace him, I think Richard E. Grant would be perfect.

APBM, have you ever watched Doctor Who?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I did mean Doctor Who.

And yes I have watched Doctor Who.

APBM, What was the best April Fools Day joke you ever pulled or had pulled on you?
Posted by Pariscub on :
When I was working at the Orsay museum in Paris, we used the exterior mike to send messages to the public who was queuing outside. We used to send fake messages.

But the best one was when I was working at the Ecole du Louvre, the art school in the Louvre Museum. During one of the classes, we showed Bambi behind the back of an art teach instead of the Greek pottery slides we were supposed to show [Smile]

APBM, what do you think of the wedding of Prince Charles with Camilla?
Posted by disaster boy on :
boring, she's no diana. now THAT was awedding.


comic book you most want to see as a good movie, or least want to see ruined?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Among the movies in production:

Fantastic Four, X-Men 3

Among movies I'd love to see one day: Ultimates!

APBM what has been your favorite movie so far this year?
Posted by Star Boy on :
The Incredibles was Incredible! [Smile]

APBM, what about your worst movie this year?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I haven't seen a bad movie yet this year, though Hero was a slight disappointment.

APBM, same question.
Posted by Pariscub on :
Constantine was pretty bad

APBM, what is your worse fear?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
That someone from W's crowd will someday win a legitimate election.

A Presumably Better Man, same question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
My worst fear is that the pain of this life continues in the afterlife.

APBM: What celebrity do you hate the most?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Well Charleton Heston rates pretty high on the asshole scale.

Anomaly Probing Bidimensional Man, what was your most humiliating moment in high school?
Posted by Pariscub on :
I can't remember having one.

APBM, same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, I was pretty much a loner in high school.

However, I went to a prep school and we were required to wear dress pants, shirt, & tie. One time for a fund raiser they had "grub day" in which you could wear anything you wanted. I paid like everyone else, but completely forgot about it when the actual day came and went in with the normal dress code. I was so mad at myself for forgetting.

APBM, what would you most like to have that you currently don't have?
Posted by Lad Boy on :

[ April 15, 2005, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I would have David back in my life.

If you could spend a day with anyone from LegionWorld, whom would it be and what would you do?

[ April 15, 2005, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, I have spent time with some Legion Worlders (some more than others, eh Pov?)

I think of those I haven't meet, I'd like to spend the day with Fat Cramer hitting a bunch of book stores.

APBM, What are you having (had) for lunch?
Posted by Pariscub on :
I had a nice homemade chili.

APBM, what are you having (had) for dinner?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, yesterday (Sunday) I went to my Dad's. When he says "You're cooking dinner." I know that means he bought a roast and wants the pan roasted potatoes that I make. We also had green beans and then apple pie for dessert. Dad made the apple pie with apples from his trees.

APBM, cake or pie?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :

APBM, snails or oysters?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Oysters... in a chowder, tho.

Alan Parsons Band Member,
What was the most awkwardly blunt truth OR bald-faced white lie you've ever had to tell?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

Another Person Below Me

Should we restart this thread or let it die?
Posted by Disaster Boy on :


what have you always wanted to ask on this thread?
Posted by Caliente on :
What style/color underwear are you wearing RIGHT NOW?

APBM, What style/color underwear are you wearing RIGHT NOW?

[ July 19, 2005, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
In deference to my love of all things Scottish and practical, I am wearing Plaid boxers.

APBM - What is your favorite meal?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Id rather see Sean Connery (in his James Bond days) in a tartan g-string calling me his Miss Moneypenny...oh, id give him his moneypenny's worth all right...LOL
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Or else Tom Selleck (as Magnum) or Burt Reynolds (Best Little Whore House in Texas)...please, someone, i can't stop myself now!!!!!!!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :

Ok enough of that. Resuming.

PBM, What is your favourite meal?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Oh frag....i have several...

KFC, a lamb roast that Tom Cruise doesnt show up for (thats from an Aussie TV commercial starring Naomi Watts, btw)...

Or...anything that i dont have to make myself! LOL
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Robin Williams or Alec Baldwin?
Posted by Caliente on :
Robin Williams.

APBM, Who's your favorite comic "doctor"?
Posted by joeboy on :
Doctor Strange (of Course)


Would you rather...
a)Live on a planet of farts and eat only spices
b)Live on a planet os spices and eat only farts?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Both sound so tempting.

I think I'd go with living on the planet of spice and eating farts because the eating part is temporary compared to the smelling and breathing part of our lives.

Below Person Another Me

Do you like word puzzles?
Posted by Caliente on :
Hell yes. Especially if they're logic based. Not always that good at 'em tho...

Anthony Patrick Barry Milo,
What's your favorite movie theater candy?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Red Vines or Maltees

Another Person Borrowing Money,

I you could be me for a day, what would you wear and why?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would wear a grey pinstrip suit, white shirt, solid red tie, and red Keds. Because you look sharp in a suit and the Keds show your fun side.

Any Person Bothering Me

You have a one month all expense paid vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Posted by joeboy on :
The World of Chocolate! (ala the simpsons)
So I could eat a dog of course....any Australian who has seen those creepy cadbury ads might feel differently though...(you can bite him back he'll taaaaaste delightful! wouldn't it be nice!)


If you had to give up either Chocolate or Cheese, which would you choose?
Posted by joeboy on :
(yes I know its not a real place...bygones!)
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I could live without either but I only have chocolate cravings on rare occasions usually the kind that is 70% cocoa. So I'd give up chocolate.

Any Person Bemoaning Maliciousness:

What in your eyes is the correct method of brewing coffee? Filter Drip, Percolator, Pressure brewed, Vacuum Brewer, French Press, Turkish/Greek, Instant or other (please describe).
Posted by RTVU2 on :
I like the French Press. It's just fun.

A Person Bellowing "MA, Where are my socks?",

Where are my socks?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Right here, but you'd better hurry if you want 'em back. The auction closes in 9 hours and 19 minutes.

APBM, can I call you PBM for short?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :


If you could spend an intimate night with any historical figure, who would it be? (and it has to be a historical figure)
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I'd give Pocahontas a roll.


APBM, have you seen my car keys?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Yes, and they're frightful. Stop using them to clean your fingernails.

Automatic Psycheldelic Behemoth Mating,

You are transported back to 1928 for 14 days to the location of your chocie. Where will you be and what are you going to do?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
1928. Prohibition. I'd be in Canada (anywhere other than Prince Edward Island, where alcohol was banned for the first half of the 20th Century!) sitting on a bar stool.

APBM, how much is your rookie card going for on eBay these days?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Southeastern Alabama, substitute teaching in the public school that my grandmother attended. I'd like to see what she was like as a 10-year-old and possibly warn her about some really dreadful hairstyle choices she would be making in the 60's and 70's.


If time equals money, what do you think the conversion rate is?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
My rookie card is going for no time at all on e-bay.

1) Time=money


2) Knowledge = Power

and from Physics we know that
3) Power = Work/Time

Substituting 1) into 3) we know that

Knowledge = Work/Money
Money = Work / Knowledge

So money goes to infinity as knowledge approaches zero, but as knowledge increases work must proportionally increase to maintain your wage.

Ergo the stupid get richer while the smart work harder.


What is your ideal dwelling (dream home).
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Something urban enough so I can walk to a bakery/dry cleaner/bar, but secluded enough I can be naked in the backyard without risking incarceration -- basically it's my current house, except without mosquitos.


If you had to give up a current vice and take up a new one, what what would they be?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
It would be storybook style architecture (but not exageratedly so) There would be a large entry hall with a free standing staircase curving to the second floor. To the left would be the library, to the right the living room, sunken two steps to make the ceilings higher. There would be lots of french doors opening on stone balconies haning out over a ravine. I could go on and on bexcasue I've constructed this house in my mind over many years. One day ...

Astrally Projected Biscuit Mold

What is your favorite body of water and pourquoi?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Oops, too slow, I guess.

I've given up most of my vices, at least the ones I have any control over. I'm a spendthrift, so I guess I could give that up. Instead, maybe I could take up ecstacy.

Once again,

Astrally Projected Biscuit Mold

What is your favorite body of water and pourquoi?
Posted by Caliente on :
The Pacific Ocean because I can see it from where I live (well, the upstairs duplex).

An-other Persons B-low Moi,
Paper or plastic?
Posted by Loser Lad on :

Wait, what are we talking about here?!? [Confused]

APBM, what did (will) you have for lunch?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Are we talking underpants? Well, neither. I like cotton.

Afro Pompador Bohemian Man,

What's your favorite kind of dog?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I need to get faster. A salad.

Afro Pompador Bohemian Man,

What's your favorite kind of dog?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Heh. You're not having any luck today are you? [Razz]

Hot dogs.

APBM, what did (or will) you have for lunch?
Posted by Loser Lad on :

Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
See above.

Allied Petrochemical Bottle Maker,

Who's a bigger loser - me or Loser?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Neither my supermarket sells these "milk crate" things that fit into their carts lifting them into your trunk in the parking lot.

Alliance of People Being Magnanimous:

If you could wish for one thing but it could not be something that would benefit you personally (ie you can't wish for a gold mine under your house) what would it be?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Whirled peas? Okay, discovery of intelligent life on another planet.

Android Preparing Baked Manatee,

What 2 super-powers do you want and how will you use them?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Super-speed (a la the Flash) and Green lantern's power ring.

I would use them to help people out, just like they do. Oh and to take hour breaks on a South Pacific beach


What historical figure would you like to have hung out with?

[ July 21, 2005, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Same as for the intimate night with a historical figure question you asked before. The Empress Theodora of the Byzantine Empire. Rising from exotic dancer to empress through her guile and the stupidity of men, she's my kinda gal.


What did you want to be when you grew up as a child, and what did you end up as?
Posted by Harbinger on :
I wanted to be anyone but me.

I grew up to be me.

Ali's Perfect Banana Muncher

What makes you laugh out loud?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Being tickled when I'm wearing my chipmunk costume.

Always Prefering Belinda's Methods,

When you were a kid, where did you want to run away to?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Away from the sea, somewhere cosmopolitan like Moscow or Toronto.

Aggressively Preened Blonde Mane

Whats your star sign and do you match the pro's and con's associated with it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The past. I loved history and wanted to go back to those times.


If you could erase any actor's movie career, whose would you and why?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Sty Stallone. they're all crap (yes, even Rocky!)

Alledgedly Proven By Me

Whats your star sign and do you match the pro's and con's associated with it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Ansswering Harbinger's Q

I'm a Sag. Not too sure of the pro's & con's. I remember that Sags are suppose to be philosophical, which I think I am. But I've also heard that Sags are suppose to be athletic, which I am not.


If you could erase any actor's movie career, whose would you and why?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Heaven's forbidsky, I think I'll answer both Quis' and Harb's since they both been answered and there's nothing else on the table.

Quis, I would erase all of Jack Nicholson except Easy Rider, because I find him so annoying. The added benefit is that it would also get rid of the ghastly Shirley Maclean in Terms of Endearment, which makes me want to commit mayhem.

Harbinger: I'm a Virgo. My home is very neat, but there's dust. I always make my bed, wash the dishes, and put things away, but my drawers are a jumble and my gardens have weeds.

I am critical and analytical but I am not service oriented. I do not wear smart tailored Chanel suits nor do I own white gloves.

Arbitrarily Picked Badminton Monkey,

What is the most attractive characteristic of the opposite sex to you?
Posted by Harbinger on :
A sense of humour and intelligence.

Awfully Proud Bohemian Mama

How do you think others perceive you?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
With their eyes and ears - unless they're Helen Keller, then I let them touch me. Seriously, probably as a bit reserved, which is an accurate perceptiion.

Agriculturally Proficient British Marauder,

What special little thing are you going to do just for yourself on this Friday?
Posted by Harbinger on :
write some more of Amber's Song

Accute Post Binge medication

Dogs or cats?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Dogs. Mostly because I grew up with dogs not cats.


What movie makes you cry whenever you watch it?
Posted by Caliente on :
Homeward Bound. Yeah, I know. Quiet you.

And Please Bring Mustard,
When life gives you lemons, what do you do?
Posted by joeboy on :
have a Corona

hmmmm....should I take a Receptionist job in a 'Mens Sauna' (I ask because Ive been offered one)
Posted by Lad Boy on :
No, just do it on a volunteer basis.

Aye Pee Bee Em:

Am I too old for this crap?
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
way too old. but that's the good part.


who's your big crush right now?
Posted by Caliente on :
LASH!! Don'tcha know, we're getting married... [Wink] And Viv. Because I said so.

Also Perseus Brought Milk,
Why'd you join this message board?
Posted by ActorLad on :
A friend suggested I join.

Almond Pear Bright Moon,
Widescreen or Full?
Posted by Caliente on :

If we met, what would you wear?
Posted by ActorLad on :
Well it would depend on what we're doing of course. Normal hanging out stuff I'd probably wearing jeans and some t-shirt that shows off my sense of humor. Something a little more upscale I'd probable wear khakis and a polo shirt. I can look "fly" in a tux in the sitch requires though.

Same Q
Posted by Insouciant Lad on :
I agree it depends on what the activity is but I gotta say my summer "uniform" would most likely be the answer. (Baggy khaki shorts, a clean but slightly outdated tee, sneakers and a ssmmiiillee)

Androgynous People Believe Me
Have you ever had a dream you had super powers? If so, what were they?
Posted by Caliente on :
Of course! When I was little, I wanted powers like the girl on the television show The Secret Life of Alex Mack. She basically transformes into water and can travel and stuff. It was neat to a ten year old.

Now, though, I'd want time powers. The ability to stop time or slow it or speed it up... now, that'd be totally sweet as. I'd love it. Absolutely.

Afternoon Pickles Bite Me,
Apples or Oranges?
Posted by ActorLad on :
I loved The Secret World of Alex Mack. I wish it was on dvd. And on a weirdly related note on of my current crushes is on Allison Mack who plays Chloe on Smallville


Who whould win in a fight between astronauts and cavemen?

[ July 23, 2005, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: ActorLad ]
Posted by joeboy on :
Cavemen...Somehow I think theyd fight dirtier...

Rodimus Prime: Innocent Name or Thinly Veiled Innuendo?
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
thinly veiled innuendo.


do you have a dirty mind?
Posted by dedman on :
is there any other kind?


if knowledge is power and power corrupts; do you have to learn to be evil?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Absolutely, evil lives in places called graduate professional schools. Take your pick Law, Management or Medicine, Dentistry they are all bad. Come on, any person that has to borrow that kind of money to school must have leased their soul to the bank.

Admonished person bemoaning militarism.

When you are at your most evil, what is your favoured technique for getting what you want?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Manipulation. Of course, this only works with my younger cousins, but I always act as though I know exactly what I'm saying and doing, and I can get them to leave me alone by sending them on some insane errands.

Alliteratively Pleasantly Beautifully Made

Would you rather be known as a playboy or as a geek?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Bunny girl for me - I always wanted a set of those rabbit ears! Though I'm most likely to be remembered as a geek [Smile]

Alternatively Please Be Marvellous!

Colours - they are supposed to affect your moods - do they? If so which has what affect on you?
Posted by dedman on :
green is calming and relaxing to me.
solid white or black makes me creative.

Amorphis Peanut Butter Monster -

shaken or stirred?
Posted by joeboy on :
Shaken...not to much Vermouth.



Paris or Nichole?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The city of lights.

Oh you mean Ms. Hilton. From the little I've seen of the Simple Life. I prefer Nichole.


right or wrong
Posted by Caliente on :
Wrong. What can I say, I'm an argumentative soul?

Afternoon Pilates Before Margaritas,
What is/was your best/favorite/dream Halloween costume?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well it wasn't for Halloween, but for the costume parade at a comic con. I took a couple of 25 cent bin comics and pulled them apart. I made a paper hat with some, and pinned the rest all over me so I was a walking comic book.


What was/is your favorite subject in school?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Sort of a toss-up, but I'd say literature. I liked math and did very well in it, but had exhausted my schools's curriculum by the time I was in the tenth grade.

When you go/went to your 25th high school reunion, your classmates will be/were most surprised by what?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
That I'm ten years late. (It was in 1995) Had I gone, they would have been surprised that I had muscles - I was pretty skinny in high school.

Another Poem Bequeathed Me,

Same question.
Posted by dedman on :
that i now shave my head.....from jr. high until a few months ago i had really long hair.

African Pony Bath Mate -

what would your ideal job be?
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
philanthropist....assuming i had the skrill.

what were you voted most likely to?
Posted by joeboy on :
Chop up my neighbours and bury them in the backyard...


Why is it called 'New Zealand'?
Was there an 'Old Zealand"???
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
The discoverer of New Zealand was Abel Janzsoon Tasman. He was a Dutchman. I believe he called Australia "New Holland" and since NZ is off the coast of Oz. I'll wager that Zealand has an analogous relationship to Holland.

Attentive punk bearing money.
Describe your preferred mode of transportation in your daily commute?

[ July 26, 2005, 05:52 AM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]
Posted by joeboy on :
Walking...Im trying to lose weight.

(Um...I think Captain James Cook Discovered Australia...And it was called "Van Demons Land"...(no mans land) least thats what they taught us in school..but I could be wrong...I usually am about these things lol)


Jake Gyllenhall...or Maggie Gyllenhal?
Posted by joeboy on :
wait Im wrong
Tazman discovered us...that why Tasmania is named Tasmania...Captain Cook led the first fleet
Van Demons Land was its name before they got here.
Brain Fart
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Zeeland is also known as the Netherlands (I believe)

And as I don't know either person, I'll go with Jake Gyllenhall because he's a man.


Am I being superficial?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
No, the ability to make decisions without facts is a talent.

Andere Person Unter Mich:
Did you watch the Discovery liftoff?
Posted by joeboy on :
Yes...though I was also drawing at the same time


Should I go to bed? its 1:43 am and I have work in the morning...but I cant make these decisions on my own [Razz]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
You probably should.


Who was your best friend when growing up?
Posted by joeboy on :
I had an invisible friend...a flying purple cow named Milkapopadopalus (seriously...I did)
but my best friend was a kid named Doug, who grew up to be 'Dug the Punk'...We're still friends even though we couldnt be any more different...


Really? I should go to bed? lol
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well I hope you haven't been up all this time waiting for an answer.


What would be your ideal weekend?
Posted by joeboy on :
Im sooooooooooooooooooo tired...thankyou I can finally sleep!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I actually didn't say you could go to bed. [Wink]

but back to the thread:


What would be your ideal weekend?
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
ahhhhh a very nice beach, with a big house on it, a big sleep over weekend with my friends where we play games, rent videos, drink, and cook. that sounds pretty good so far. oh and nothing to do, no work or school.


what is your all time favorite birthday gift?
Posted by KidMarvel on :
I got a Jag for My 21st...
That was pretty Neat.
Still Cant Drive though


Is Striperella good or bad? I just watched the first ep. and cant decide
Posted by Lad Boy on :
1986 Schwinn Tempo. I spent so much time riding it around Blacksburg VA that I never managed to get a dissertation put together.

Striperella? Was that the much-rumored 40th Shakespeare play?

All-powerful beast master:

What's the best gift you've ever given someone else?

[ July 28, 2005, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, My father always says he doesn't want any presents on Christmas. One year, short on cash and ideas, I actually got him nothing. He thanked me for getting him nothing. So I have continued to get him the same gift every Christmas.

(He has said that my weekly visits are his gift)


Which of the seven deadly sins (Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, & Sloth) do you think is the worst and why?
Posted by Caliente on :
Hmm... sloth 'cause it's the one I'm most prone to doing. Though sloths themselves (y'know the animal) are rather adorable!

After Plowing Behave Madly,
Ever have those days? Y'know the ones I mean...
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Oh yeah. Today's one of 'em.


Is $2.50 a gallon for gas really all that bad?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
No, since we're paying about $2.70 a gallon out here.

Androgynous Polymorphic Bargain Mannequin,

Free cosmetic surgery - what are you going to do?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Find someone who needs it.

Adding some more: I don't think I have movie star looks and I probably could benefit from liposuction. Overall I am happy with my looks. And there are those who need it, like kids born with cleft palates, burn victims, former prosecutors who had acid thrown at half their face.


What is your favorite musical?

[ July 29, 2005, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Caliente on :

Anyhoo Pretty Blank Master,
Green eggs and ham -- gross or just misunderstood?
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
ew grooooossssssss

i hate eggs. and ham's not so hot either.

best way to keep cool in a non air conditioned garage? (i am cleaning out my garage today and the fans aren't cutting it.)
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Drink plenty of water/lemonade. And if you're not shy, you could work naked. [Wink]

Austria Philippines Bolivia Micronesia,

What was the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Came out to my wife.

Aquaman's Personal Bath Mat:

You get to use a (insert name of favorite care here) for 3 years absolutely free as long as you keep bumper stickers for the presidential cadidate that you did not support in 2004 prominiently displayed on the car. What do you do?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'm not materialistic enough to have a favorite car. So I wouldn't take it.


Better vacation: the mountains or the seashore?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :

Albino Pygmy-Bantu Mix,

What's your favorite beach?
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
i would have to say the beaches below playa del carmen on the east coast of mexico. i didn't like the trip much but the beaches were stunning.

what's the most boring thing you've ever done?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Sit on a national express bus for FOURTEEN HOURS (in the rain) after it broke down on a motorway in Scotland.

Alien Person Beats Me -

Any phobias?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No, not really. I can get a little spooked by creepy-crawlies (snakes, sharks, mice, insects) I also can get nervous when standing on the edge of something very high up. But nothing that is a real phobia.


Which would you rather be on, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy or Trading Spaces (Changing Rooms for our UK members)?

[ August 03, 2005, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Definitely Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, as one of the Fab 5.

American Public Bemoaning Mimes,

Describe the time when you were just so pleased with yourself that your exuberance could not be contained.
Posted by Caliente on :
When I got into UCSB, I was so happy I burst into tears and was bouncy for close to a week. Like I am at Legion World only... worse. And in person. And I called, like, my entire family and babbled on and on and on (much like I am now).

It was awesome.

How did you first start reading the Legion and what is your favorite incarnation?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I picked up a couple of back issues (Legionnaires 0, 25, 33 and LSH 62, 75 were my first ones IIRC) and fell in love with the book (I've always had soft spots for XS and Apparition due to their being featured in those issues). As a result, the post-ZH Legion is my fave.


Where did your most memorable vacation take place in?
Posted by dedman on :
i haven't really been on any vacations on my own so i guess when my parents took me to Disney World as a kid.

Any People Beat Meat,

favorite overall villian and fav Legion villian
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Currently my favorite overall villian is the Cylons on the current version of Battlestar Galactica

My Favorite Legion Villian: Lightning Lord


Thelma or Louise

and why?

[ August 12, 2005, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
that is a tough one. i think i will give it to thelma because she's "had it up to her ass with sedate" if i can remember the line properly.


would you rather be gay or straight?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Gay....because im happy just being fun-loving and sociable...


What was the weirdest costume you had to wear for Halloween?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Somnus, the Roman god of sleep (I was a seriously weird child).

Atomic Petunia Blushing Magenta:
What is your all-time favourite animated cartoon?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
The Flintstones for a tv show. Snow White for a feature length movie.

Another Probated Bungalow Marketed,

What is your best memory of an outing with a grandparent or grandparents?
Posted by Harbinger on :
I remember kissing my Gran goodnight when she came to visit, and I know this sounds odd but her hug was the most fantastic hug I've ever had - I swear there was a real connection and I felt her love pour through it! Just to put this in context, my mothers family don't live near to my parents so seeing my Gran was a rarity. It was thirty odd years ago but I still recall it like it was yesterday. Thanks for making me remember it Semi.

Alien Personage Better Met

If you could visit any age in history which would you choose?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
The 80's - when i was younger and had all my hair

Annular Probing Below Me:

Which long-forgotten topic on Legion World would you like to see brought back?
Posted by dedman on :
The Klordny Festival!!!!! If it didn't have a topic, it should!!!!


Are YOU going to the Klordny festival?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Absolutely! When (and what) is it again?

Astringent Plumb Biting Mechanic,

What's the best thing about the city or town or RFD that you live in?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
On Planet Houston you can eat out every night for a month and never have the same cuisine twice.

Automatic Pink Bent Mushroom,
Who is your favourite poet?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I'm not much of a poetry fan, but I do like Shakespeare, and he did write in verse - so can I say Will?

Apoplectic Prancing Baton Maiden,

Which Amercian state would you like to secede from the union and why?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Texas, Just because... Do I really need a reason beyond GWB and the Dallas Cowboys?

Angry Peanut Branding Maniac,

Which country (not located in North America) should be considered as Texas' repacement as a state?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
UK, but only if certain really cool Texans, such as myself, are allowed to emigrate there.

Arthur Percival Bartholomew Manfred,
What is your favourite variety of cheese?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Fromage d'Affinois is a soft buttery cheese, so rich that it makes Brie seem like chalk. This cheese is so decadent that it will stop your heart. I've never tasted anything so good.

Absent Promises, Beat Me

What is your best memory of your dad?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
My best memory of my dad is that he buried my cat, because although i never got to say a proper goodbye to my beautiful Callie, i dont think i could have handled being at the scene of the "crime" or to actually watch the final interment in the garden.

Absolute Perfection Be Mine

Name your favourite horror story author
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I'm old school all the way, so my favourite horror writer is Edgar Allan Poe.

Altruistic Phillantropic Being Magnanamous

What is the best meal you've ever had?
Posted by Caliente on :
Hmmm... I think it was the time that I went to a dinner at the Chancellor's house at UC Santa Cruz. It was just... an amazing meal and an amazing atmosphere. Even though I was young I still felt... mature and it was good. I can't really explain it better than that.

Also, anything I eat after I've been visited by Reefer Madness always tastes amazing... not that I visit that madness often... but... yes. [Good]

Alley Pope Boyo Maylay,
Two men walk into a bar... what happens next?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
The bartender looks up and says "Is this a joke?"

Aster Pansy Begonia Marigold:
Which celebrity did you have a mad crush on as a teenager?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Tom Selleck - who else?

Amethyst Pearl Beryl Moonstone

When was the last time you ate at a restaurant and what did you order?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Today, and I ordered a Twister Wrap Sammich w/potato wedges.

Alabaster Perenial Begonia Marmalade

What time is the right time?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
About 3 hours ago


Donny or Marie? and why?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Donnie because I think deep down, he has a smidgen of a sense of humor about himself.

Anatomically Precocious Babylonian Magician,

Along, the same lines, Charles or Dianna, and why?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Diana, because obviously her "sense of humour" made her a target for all sorts of lovestruck types and/or psychos.

Amalgam Presented By Mouthwash

Who is the sexiest poster on Legion World? (open to either man or woman...)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I guess that leaves out Stoopid Cat

No, I'm sorry. I have to say Stoopid Cat

I suppose Thora & Dr. Mayavale will now unleash all sorts of havoc on Legion World for not being named.


Apples or oranges & why?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Apples (Johhny Appleseed); Oranges (Anita Bryant)
I think the choice is pretty obvious.

With regard to the previous question and answer, havoc is going to rain down on LegionWorld like a category five hurricane on a tacky Florida panhandle beach town.

Associated Press Board Maker:

Ray Bradbury or Isaac Asimov?
Posted by dedman on :
Asimov. Bradbury is good, but Asimov is the master.


night or day?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Night, preferably in a city where there's little distinction between night and day.


Where should I take my wife for lunch tomorrow? It's our 15th wedding anniversary.

[ August 23, 2005, 07:58 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I suppose it is too late to put together a romantic picnic lunch.

beyond that, I'd take her to McDonalds for lunch, but have reservations for a high end restaurant for dinner.


What one thing would you tell your teenaged self and do you think your teenaged self would believe you?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
The pimples will go away, and No He Wouldn't!


What is Spam Made Of?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Don't buy that Audi.

If today were my last day on LegionWorld, what would you say to me?
Posted by dedman on :
dude....don't go!!!!!


do you know the time perchance?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Yes, I do know the time.

And answering Abin's question. Most don't know and those that do are afraid to let it be known.


Scarecrow, Tin Man, or Cowardly Lion? And why?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Tin Man because he was the middle of the road guy. Scarecrow was too eager and Cowardly Lion was too needy.

Another Probingly Ballistic Missive

Young Judy Garland or old Judy Garland, and why?
Posted by Caliente on :
Tin Man because he's got the best costume and we both need a heart. [Evil]

EDIT: Darn it, too slow! Okay, for Semi's -- young Judy Garland because she was a lovely actress. Messed up life but I really enjoyed watching her on screen. The old was just... pathetic and not that great 'cause of all the drugs. [Frown] And she created Liza Minelli (who I don't like) later too.

Allegory Perhaps Before Maylay,
The chemical hydrogen peroxide reacts with a catalyst of an iodine ion to produce oxygen gas and water at an accelerated rate. What acts as a catalyst for you? (Take that how you will. [Wink] )

[ August 23, 2005, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Did I here Catalyst??

The best catalyst is of course Alcohol. CH3-CH2OH known by it's IUPAC name of Ethanol. For some reason in the presence of ethanol:

Tamper + situation ============> Stupid Boy

What is the stupidest thing you've ever done under the catalytic effect of ethanol.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Beer - but I don't drink it anymore.

Annoyingly Perky Bahamian Midget,

Describe your favorite bathing suit of all time, and why it drove them all mad at the beach.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
For the sparsely populated western end of the Dauphin Island I wore my pre-cursor to the tan-thru swimsuit -- the who-needs-a-swimsuit-out-here suit. It was immediately copied by my drunken and debauched college buds.

Achy padre's breaky muscle:
What is the scariest experience that you've ever had?

[ August 26, 2005, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Probably the bank robbery. (for those who haven't heard it) I was in the vault room counting the shipment when there was a commotion from the lobby. The teller with me figured it out. I took the 100s, 50s, 20s, & 10s & threw them into the timed side of the vault and shut that door. I meant to leave the 5s & 1s for the robbers, but the teller threw them behind the vault. So I opened up the untimed side. By that time the manager had open the door to the vault room. One robber came in asking for the bag (meaning the shipment bag) He did have a gun in his hand. I held up the shredded plastic bag and said "Here's the bag." He then scooped the money in the untimed side, dropping those 100s & 50s on the floor. At that instant, his partner yelled in "the time, the time. We've got to go!" I could see him looking at those 100s & 50s and I felt a little sorry for him. but he left without picking them up. They did take a dye pack. They never caught them, but the car they used (stolen with stolen plates on it) was found with dye all over the dashboard. So the money they did get was useless.


Tell an exciting or interesting tale from your life.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I was home from grad school for Christmas in 1988. My (adopted) mom said heard that my (birth) father had died recently. There had been a person who knew both my birth family and my adopted family.

I had tried 4 or 5 years earlier to locate my birth family -- nothing desperate or particularly diligent. I picked up the phone and called information in cities that I knew were connected to my birth family.

My (adopted) mom mentioned the state where she thought some of my birth family lived. It's a state with a very small population and very few cities. My birth family name is pretty unusual. When I got back to school after the break was over, I called for information and within 5 minutes was talking to my brother.

In the course of a phone call I went from being an only child to the 25-year-old baby brother of three older siblings.


Without giving names, is there anyone from Legion World that you would re4ally like to meet face to face? Why?
Posted by Caliente on :
Sure! Because I like meeting new people and I've met a few other from RPGs and it was always a good experience. Plus I already made plans to meet one so if I said no he might be offended... [Wink]

What did you dream last night?
Posted by Pariscub on :
I actually dreamt my kimono had shrunk.... I wonder what my subconscious was trying to tell me.

Anti Personel Bingo Mine
What's the most outrageous piece of clothing you've even worn (fancy dress excluded)?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
my Air Raid Warden helmet


Which fictional character would you like to hang out with and why?
Posted by Caliente on :
Gambit. Why do you think...? [Wink]

No, no. I'm just kidding. I'd like to hang out with Hannah who is the protagonist in The Devils Arithmitic because... that story had a profound influence on my childhood and there's just so much I'd want to ask her... to try to understand. I was like her in a lot of ways at that age and I'd want to know, I mean really know, what it was like for her to experience what she did. The Holocaust was a horrible, horrible thing. [No]

Anyway People Beat Me,
Same Question
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
The Great Gatsby because to me he represents anyone who's essentially good-hearted, but has had to do bad things to chase what essentially was unattainable and undeserving of him (Stupid, vapid Daisy). Not a bad metaphor for most of our lives really.


What real life famous person (current or historical) would you want to spend a day on the job with?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I'd like to spend a day with Bryan Singer while he's shooting Superman Returns.

Altruistic Peppermint Bar Muncher,

Same question.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Id go one better...Id ply Mr Singer with enough booze and sweet talk to convince him to consider my suggestion for a live-action LSH movie to rival the relatively so-so Thunderbirds, but on as big a scale of production as the two X-Men movies....

Already Paying Bills, Muttering:

If such a Legion movie is made, who would you like to play the main roles?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Let's see, these are my choices, but you have to imagine them as young, even though some are too old now for the roles:

Bouncing Boy - Jack Black (he had to have a superhero role after he got booted from Green Lantern [Big Grin] )

Saturn Girl - KIrsten Dunst

Cosmic Boy - Kyle McLaughlin.

Lightning Lad - haven't a clue.

anyway, that's a start.

Alabaster Pigmented Bohemian Marauder,

Continue answering LAM's question.
Posted by STU on :
Triplicate Girl - a non-pregnant Katie Holmes.

APBM, what's your favorite guilty pleasure?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
My favourite guilty pleasure is...a heaped bowl of Neopolitan ice cream!

Anatomically Perfect Body Massager

Should Dawnstar, Blok and Tyroc be admitted into the current Legion?
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod, Yes!

Astrological Peanut Butter Maker

What are you doing down there????? [Confused]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nothing your grandpa hasn't done.


You can erase one movie from history, Batman & Robin (1997 with Alicia Silverstone) or Superman III (with Richard Pryor). Which would you eliminate from everyone's memories?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
since "everyone" includes me, I'd choose Superman III, since I've never seen B&R, and thus have no need to forget it.

Altairian Prune Butter Mogul,

What comic/movie adaptation would YOU like to see?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I think it would be really cool to see a "Hawkman" movie, set circa 1940, with a strong romantic component--Carter and Shiera being reincarnated lovers reunited.

Artistic Person Bringing Moonlight,
Milk, dark or white chocolate?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Dark Chocolate

Anyone's Pleasure Boy/Man:

Name a work of visual art you find particularly intersting.

[ November 17, 2005, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Harbinger on :

Alistairs Prudish Bin Man

What is the second fastest land animal?
Posted by disaster boy on :
The pronghorn is the second fastest land animal


who's your daddy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
My father. Obviously. I actually call him "dad" though.

Oh wait do you mean in um that way? [Embarrassed]

Then the answer is no one


Would you rather be thought of as smart but a scoundrel or nice but gullible?
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod, is being a smart & nice but gulible scoundrel an option?

Oh Well it was worth a shot.

Another Partly Buttered Muffin,

Is it okay for a younger girl to like go out with an older man if he's nice, and cute, and like an Icon?

Just wondering...
Posted by Harbinger on :
Only if your Gramps approves.

And Partly Beautified Me

Which CD do you most regret buying?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
The complete set of Beethoven's piano sonatas played by Rudolf Serkin. 32 piano sonatas is about 25 too many.

Amalgamated Pasta Bowl Manufacturers:

Name one area of self-improvement that you will seriously undertake in the next three months.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
It will probably be in January, but I have got to get back into the gym.

Alto Pretends Being Mezzo

How long was your longest-lasting romantic relationship?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
23 years and counting

Same Q.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
<I guess I can answer this>

Nine weeks.

Airplane passing Belmont, Massachusetts:
Do you now or have you ever owned a pair of leather trousers?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
If I lost a few pounds, i might be able to pass myself off as a Village People person - so the answer is [Frown] nope.

Anti-Pleasurable Brain Modulator:

Least favourite TV show currently showing or no longer being aired?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Any "reality" TV show! If I turn the bloody thing on, I want escapism! Whatever happened to Bewitched? Sheesh!

Ash-Platinum Blonde Mousse:

What holiday do you enjoy most as an adult?
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
MY Next Birthday, Cuz then I'll be an adult.

Another Petty Blonde Miss:

How old is too old?
Posted by Lad Boy on :

What's the most memorable public speaking event you've ever participated in?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
500! Yes!!!

Can't think of anything in particular but student teaching back in college was pretty adventurous!

Who's your favorite historical figure?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Who was the first Milestone Whore? [ROTFLMAO]


Are you allergic to anything?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

Animal Pelted By Midnight.,

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Why not.


Are video games too violent?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


Isn't sex much better than violence?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
whichever it takes to stop the nagging!
(sorry! I truly could not resist)
yes, of course it is.

Adam Pascal's Beer Manager,

Who do you want under the mistletoe with you?
Posted by Lad Boy on :

What's this stange vegetation suspended above my office doorway?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
By George, it looks like mistletoe! [Holt]

Annual Problem Best Maimed:

Should double-posting be outlawed?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
No, but it should be limited to a special day, sort of like Leap Day.

Achtung, probiere besser maenner:
What is the best gift you will give during the holiday season this year?
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

I might let LAM pet me without biting his thumb. But, then again I might not.

All people below me

Cats are the superior species, do you dare deny this?

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I don't buy into the notion of "superior".


What historic figure would you have like to have met and why?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Woodrow Wilson
It would be fascinating to talk to an American president who, elected by a small pluarlity (Taft and T. Roosevelt had split the Republican vote.) was faced with a tremendous foreign threat, corruption in an expansive economy, worker-rights, and campaign finance reform, and who was smart.

You have 15 minutes to talk to President Bush in private. What do you talk about?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Leave Mr. John Howard (Australian premier) alone and stop trying to influence him to contribute to your (Bush's) numerous political vendettas!

Amorous Person Bonking Many:

I think it's important that all Legion Worlders agree with and respect each other - do you agree?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Not totally. I agree that all Legion Worlders should respect each other, but we don't all have to agree, especially about everything. For example, I really don't like the 5-year era, but I know other Legion Worlders do. While we don't agree, we can still be respect each other and each other's opinions.


From the Chronicles of Narnia:

Peter, Susan, Edmund, or Lucy? and why.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Lucy. I was the youngest and most trusting in my family also.

Alligator purse, boots matching,

What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Miracle on 34th Street - the original starring Maureen O'Hara and Natalie Wood!

Arm Positioned By Me:

Favourite Legion artist - past or present?
Posted by matlock on :
Dave Cockrum.


If you could take a trip anywhere on Earth, where would it be?
Posted by Caliente on :
The Savage Land! Just kidding. I'd want to go to... India, I think. All that religion, history and jungle-ish stuff to explore. The people are fascinating, as is the caste system and the languages and the economy... I'm just totally into places that're full of history and really different than the U.S.

And People Blame Metropolis:
What's your favorite time of day?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
After work - preferably

Americans Preserve Buffalo Meat:

Legion World poster you most admire?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
That's tough. I admire Lightning Lad and Nightcrawler for keeping this site running. I admire Cobie for making sense out of LMB history. I admire Lad Boy because he's funny and so cute...I could go on and on.

Almost Perfect Beagle Muzzle:

Who on Legion World (whom you have not yet met) would you like to meet in person?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Hmm... I've met the Boston 13 (or was it 14?) so Gary, Scott & Caroline, EDE, Lash, Harbinger, Numf & Sonnie, Teeds, RHL, Dean, MEL, LAM, Lad Boy, Lil Rhino, Icefire, Semi, oh heck the list is as long as the membership roster...

Maybe next year in San Diego?


Have you met STU in person?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Yes, and on three separate occassions.


if you had to be, would you rather be blind or deaf?
Posted by Hey you on :

APBM, would you...

but seriously, I guess I'd choose 'deaf.' I'm a very visual person; I can't imagine not seeing. I love to draw, to read and to travel. all three would be impaired severely by blindness.

While I love music, being deaf also means I'd never have to hear Celene Dion again! Something to look forward to. [Wink]

Adam Pascal's Broadway Manager,

What was the gift you've given that you're most proud of?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well I can't say that any particular gift stands out as being one that I was most proud to give.

However, for years my Dad has been saying "I don't want anything. Don't get me anything." About 5 years ago, I really couldn't find anything for him and so I didn't give him a present. After Christmas, Dad actually thanked me for getting him nothing. He later also added that my weekly visits are the gift he likes to get from me.

So since then I continue to get my dad the Christmas gift he wants, nothing.


What fictional character would you like to be?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Jesus Christ or Lad Boy as represented in this icon -- both have really good hair.

Alaskan pot bellied moose:

Where will you be 12/31/2005 at midnight?
Posted by Probability Pete on :
i have good hair.

i will cry in the dark or party my @$$ off NYE.

Lash & Cobie... BIG FAN, BIG FAN!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
So Probability Pete, what is the next question?
Posted by Probability Pete on :
who was the best person you ever worked for?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
A woman who started work for the government as a student and now runs a national operation with 11 field offices and 1000+ employees here in DC.

She knows how to balance task and project management with people manangement.

Adam, please be mine:

What's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Being able to have conversations with others about all things Legion - and things of a slightly more personal nature [Wink]

Astral Projectionist Belching Mightily:

Name your least favourite movie - past or present
Posted by Hey you on :
Forest Gump.

Anubis' Pharaoh By Mediterranean:

What would be the perfect NYE?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Warm dry weather, staying home and hosting an open house/block party, some illegal but benign fireworks, marshmallows and s'mores in the fire pit, indulging in New Year's Eve traditions from around the world with our neighbors and their kids...

and alcohol.

What's the most memorable New Year's Eve experience you've had?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Helping a friend move several years ago on a cold, rainy New Year's Eve day. We had to get her stuff out of a third-floor (second-floor for those non-North Americans out there) apartment and the elevator was broken! I ached in places I didn't know I had.

Almond Pecan Brazilnut Macadamia:
Which Legion World (LMB, not LSH) character's powers (other than those of your own character), would you like to have?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Fat Cramer's razor sharp wit.


What is your favorite jpke?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Anything I find hilariously funny - like when Abin Quank posts, for example...

Android's Perfectly Busted Metal:

Board Shorts or Speedos?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Assuming Broad Shorts are what we call Boxers, Broad Shorts.


Horror or romance?
Posted by disaster boy on :
aren't they the same thing? i prefer the horror i expect.


do you sing in the car or shower?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Yes, tickets are available at your local Safeway for my next shower performance.

Advanced Placement Biology Major:

If a westbound train headed toward L.A. departed from Philadelphia at 5:15 p.m. on Monday, traveling at an average speed of 80 m.p.h., and an eastbound train headed toward Boston departed from St. Louis at 12:15 p,m, on Tuesday traveling at an average speed of 30 m.p.h. and you and I were in a hotel room near the Navy Pier in Chicago on Wednesday morning, would you care how badly I sang in the shower?
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Frankly....yes. I like my sleep [Smile]

A Pig Bitting Moose:

Casual or Dressy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :


Wordy questions or short questions?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I have a great fondness for questions which use numerous words to create shade and nuance to the meaning of the interrogative statment.

Astronomical Particle Barrelling Madly:

Do you (or would you if you owned one) sleep with your pet?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
My cat, when she was younger (and living) used to snuggle up with me under the covers during the winter months - sad, but true [sigh]

Atlantic Pop Belies Miracle:

What was the biggest fib you ever told anybody?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I love you, Pete.

Coke or Pepsi?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Coke, though I rarely drink non-diet soda anymore.

Jeannie or Samantha?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Samantha (Although I prefer Major Nelson to Darrin. Major Nelson at least let Jeannie use her powers)


cake or pie?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


Beethoven or Bach?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
That's a very tough choice. I enjoy listening to both, but as a chorister, I prefer to sing Bach.

Chunky or smooth peanut butter?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
neither. Peanut butter? Blaagh!

Alarming Populist Bingo Movement,

French or German?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
German, I found it an easier language to learn (although I don't remember any of my foreign language lessons)


History or Science?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Deutsch, aber naturlich.

Anti Peanut Butter Monitor:
Coffee, tea, or me?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Two choices. Cool!

From column A: History

From column B: To drink, tea. For other purposes, thee. [Wink]

Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway or Archer?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


Watchmen or Kindom Come?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :


Greg, Marcia, Pete, Jan, Bobby, or Cindy? and why?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Jan... she's the smart(er) one.

Austrian-Prussian Bruderhoff Mensch,

If alt-IDs were allowed in real life, who would you be?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
"Instantly-There Man" -- I'll explain later. [Wink]

Avaricious Portly Bearded Mandarin,

Describe your shaving ritual.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Every morning, shave face, except mustache and goatee, with hand razor and shaving cream.

Every other morning, shave head with electric razor.

Baroque, Classical, Romantic or Modern?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
In what context? Music, Painting or decor?

If Music - I like a nice Romantic Mantovani (his "Shadow Of Your Smile" is to die for! [sigh] )
If Painting - something scenic and tasteful
If Decor - modern with just a hint of retro-kitsch

Annabelle's Potted Bee Manure:

Do you think remakes of old movies or TV shows are necessary?
Posted by Caliente on :
Nope. But they are, on the rare occassion, fun, so I suppose ritual flogging isn't necessary. Yet.

Apple Pear Banana Mango:
Black, white or read all over?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
read all over, definitely.

Average Person Buying Magazines,

who do yuo imagine being taller, Abin Quank or Cobalt Kid?
[NOTE: all Boston attendees are FORBIDDEN from answering this question!]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Wow, what a hard question, given that in my mind's eye they're both shrimps. [Big Grin] And I seldom take the time to grade short people. The question is .... should I start now? I think not! Seriously, I think they're both probably pushing 6 feet, but Cobie is taller.

Anorexic Passenger Bothering Me,

Does Kent Shakespeare strike you as a boxers or briefs kind of guy? And why?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
From his rugged manliness, I assumed he went commando most of the time.

Archer Picard Bashir Mayweather:

Toilet paper from the top down or from the bottom up?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Paper down...

Adult Princess Being Mean:

Will "Brokeback Mountain" win Best Film at this year's Oscars?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'd give it a 70 percent shot, based on the buzz.

Advanced Placement Biology Mentor,

what's the best film of the 00s -- so far?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Lord of the Rings

Academically Precocious Babe Magnet

What is the best book of the 00s?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

Ash Pine Birch Maple:

What is the best TV show of the '00s?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Battlestar Galactica!

Amoral Pastor Buying Maplethorpes,

What's the best song (so far) of the 00s?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Whichever one gets my baby to sleep.(by the way, BG totally rocks!)

Anonymous Propaganda Believing Moron,

Are you in favor of a manned mission to Mars, and would you go on such a mission?
Posted by Stealth on :
Yes, I am in favor of it, but despite my love for space opera, I'd never want to be an astronaut in RL.

Ana Paulina Beatriz Maria,

Who do you think is the best writer working actively (at least one ongoing assignment) in comic books today?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Chris Claremont

Anti Protean Believers Might:

Worst plot twist in Legion history - how do you think it could have been resolved better?

[ February 09, 2006, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: legionadventureman ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Legion Lost - Have Element Lad wake up Brainiac 5 at least. Then they could have found a way home earlier and Element Lad wouldn't have gone crazy.


Leonardo Da Vinci or William Shakespeare? and why.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Tough choice. William Shakespeare. His body of work still defines much English-language literature and theatre almost 400 years after its creation.


Gauss or Einstein?
Posted by Caliente on :
Einstein... because I know who that is. >< Yeah, I know. Shh.

Adonde padre bueno mi:
What's your favorite kind of weather and why?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Sunny and mild because I can leave the dogs outside when I go to work and don't have to worry about them peeing in the house.

Astonishingly pretty bride's maid,

In a movie about your life, showcasing your amazing talent, what is your talent and (after the obligatory ill-advised first marriage and stint in rehab) will there be a happy ending, and why?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Funny you should ask, Semi, since there actually WAS an ill-advised first marriage AND stint in rehab. My talent is marksmanship, and the ending is "Rocky" happy. I don't win the shooting tournament, but I have a great wife who loves me and the cutest baby girl in the whole world.

Another Person Below Me,

If there is ONE mistake in your life that you could change, what would it be?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Believing that stuck-up soprano who told me that it would be a "waste of money" for me to take voice lessons.

Advanced Placement Biology Major:
Which 1960s-era sitcom do you wish your life could resemble?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
The Donna Reed Show.

Artfully Presented Bathroom Manequin,

The same question, and why?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The Flying Nun. Because it would be cool to fly and Carlos was pretty sexy.


You have a one month's all expenses paid vacation to anywhere in the world. Where would you go and why?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Machu Pichu. A fine example of the ancient world, brimming with history and begging to be studied like a hot guy on a Saturday night.

Anyone Posting Beneath Me,

What's your first memory?
Posted by Caliente on :
The northern California earthquake of '89 (I was born in '86). It was a big one. I'd just woken up from a nap and I remember my mom telling Kristin, this student who was living with us and semi-nannying me, that I was grumpy. We went upstairs to go get a snack and then the world started shaking. I remember being pulled into a doorway with Kristin and my mum and being incredibly frightened. My mum went off to... I dunn, save the China or something, and I started to cry. A lot. That's all I remember. I'm not sure I remember it totally right but... hey, I wasn't even three yet!!

Annoying Peoples Bow-to Me,
Why did you join (or help found if you're a founder) Legion World?
Posted by Stealth on :
Because I love the first 51 issues of L.E.G.I.O.N., and they led me to discovering back issues of LSH, which eventually led me to getting into the WaK LSH just a few months after I returned to comics last year.

Apple Peach Blueberry Melon,
Do you prefer rock music or pop music and why?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
depends on my mood; but I generally prefer jazz to both, at the moment. I grew up with rock, but with few exceptions, it's rare that I hear anything that wows me in rock anymore. Lately I've been listening to reggae or Radio Margaritaville or Japanese pop on iTunes. I've taken to driving with the radio off lately, but when it's on, it's usually either a hip-hop or eclectic station on.

Another Prussian Bronze Medal,

what was the most amazing year of your life, and why?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
The day Nightcrawler recruited me for Legion World duty - you guys rock! [Smile]

Antenna Polar Blockade Mer:

Favourite season of the year?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Autumn. People seem less hurried. The weather's good, there are no frenzied holiday festivities. My birthday's in autumn.

Alabamian Power Boat Master:

Batman: Year 100, "must have" or "buyer's remorse"?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
If the covers are any indication of what's to come, I've not seen such awful art since Howard Chaykin's unfortunate revival of the Challengers of the Unknown. Skip it.

Atavistic Prehistoric Ballistics Manufacturer,

Who is more smarmy (or otherwise annoying) - Robin Williams or Jim Carey?

[ February 21, 2006, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Jm Carey.

Arachne's Posting Buddy MLLash:

which is the most 'real': Reality TV, the tooth farie, an honest politician or UFOs?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
A fairy with a bad tooth who is having an affair with an honest politician, who can't face reality that UFOS don't exist!

Autumnal Poppies Blooming Madness:

Which thread on Legion World has been the most fun?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Honest politician, I once dated one, until his wife found out --- no scratch that. Tooth fairie, definitely the Tooth Fairie.

Which city has more influence on the daily lives of the average Nebraskan: Los Angeles (Hollywood), New York, Washington, DC?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Honest politician, I once dated one, until his wife found out --- no scratch that. Tooth fairie, definitely the Tooth Fairie.

LAM's Q: This thread and it's predecessor.


Which city has more influence on the daily life of the average Nebraskan: Los Angeles (Hollywood), New York, Washington, DC?

[ February 24, 2006, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
What an interesting question. I'd venture that Hollywood does (and I hope I haven't offended any midwesterners by that answer).

Albatross Pestering Bobby McGee,

Do you believe that we will ever be able to exceed the speed of light and thus make interstellar space travel feasible?
Posted by Caliente on :
Unfortunately, no. I mean, I think we might manage interstellar space travel one day but I don't think we'll do it by travelling faster than the speed of light. [shrug]

A Pee Be eM,
Who was really the boss on "Who's the Boss?"?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Sort of yes. I beleive that we will discover particles/energy capable of transmitting information at greater-than-light-speed. I do not believe significantly sized pieces of matter will ever be transported at near light speed.

Interstellar space travel is occuring right now, is it not? The vehicle is the solar system.

Originally posted by Caliente:
Unfortunately, no. I mean, I think we might manage interstellar space travel one day but I don't think we'll do it by travelling faster than the speed of light. [shrug]

A Pee Be eM,
Who was really the boss on "Who's the Boss?"?

Katherine Helmond

All Point Bulletin Messenger:

Do you expect there to be a female president of the United States during your lifetime?

[ February 24, 2006, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I hope so. The men don't seem to be doing a very good job of it. Just as long as it's not Condi Rice.

Aardvark Passing Bright Marigold:
What is your all-time fave TV commercial and why?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
The "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" commercial of the 70s. As a child: the appeal of world peace and fellowship as easy as sharing my then-favorite drink; now: nostalgia ofr such naivite.

Alaskan Polar Bear Meal:

If you could be a winter Olypmic athlete, which sport would you compete in?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Men's downhill skiing. (I assume this means that I'd also be good at skiing, right? Because I'm not good at it in real life.)

Antertior Probe Bemoaning Methodology

You can sing one and only one song so brilliantly that you are world-acclaimed for it. No-one has ever heard anything so perfect and everyone buys a copy. What is the song that showcases your superb talent so well?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Hmmm.. I'd have to go with a song that hasn't been written yet. But if I had to pick a known song, I think I'd go with "Over the Rainbow".

A song I really like, but it wouldn't work as my signature song, is the refrain "Dulcinea" from Man of La Mancha. When I hear it, I can sense Aldonza actually transforming into Dulcinea as she sings it.


trains, planes, or automobiles?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
TRAINS! Most of my favorite trips have been on train... cross-Europe '91 and across Canada in '93 in particular.


wine or beer? whic types/labels?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I suppose "yes!" isn't the answer you're looking for.

Beer. Sam Adams for bulk consumption, a wide variety of obsure beers, generally stouts, for occasional imbibing.

You -- the real you -- are a recurring character in a comic book. Which one? How do you interact with the title character?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Obviously, I'd be the love interest for an ongoing Zatanna series.

Artificial Pancreatic Bile Mitochondria:

who is your favorite character on Smallville, and why?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would have to say Lex. I think because I liked how in the early episodes there was the ambiguity about whether he was evil or not.


What movie coming out are you looking forward to seeing? If there is none, what movie would you like to see come out?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
"Brokeback Mountain" - coz I love seeing a love story involving a controversial subject!

Ayla Pol Brek Mysa:

Who was you personal favourite presenter at the Oscars? Whoopi Goldberg or David Letterman?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Letterman stunk, I must admit. I like his regular sho but keep him away from the O!

While I liked Whoopii, my favorite is actually the classic Billy Crystal.

Academy Presenter By Mandate,

What film or person was most deserving of an Oscar PRE-2005 that never got one?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Lauren Bacall! She was only nominated once! It broke my heart to see her there on Oscar Night.

American Politician Bicycling Mindlessly:
If you must eat fast food, which is your preferred chain?
Posted by Caliente on :
Jack in the Cra-- er, Box, I guess. Because they have lots of chicken options (I don't eat beef) and their stuff isn't so horrible. I guess. Wendy's is pretty decent too, though occassionally I feel like their stuff is not fresha at all and that grosses me out.

A Pee Bee eM,
What's your comfort food?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

APBM, is there one food that you absolutely refuse to eat?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


Which Legion World member (other than yourself) would you like to see featured in a Legion story?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
That's a tough one. I think I'd actually like to see what the Legion would make of Lad Boy.

All Points Bulletin Maybe:
Which Legion Worlder (other than yourself) would you like to see in a romantic relationship with which Legionnaire (LSH)?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
LAM and Gates.

Absolut Pint Banana Mixer:

If there was to be a LSH movie and you had absolute power to cast one and only one cast member, who would you chose to play who?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Kent Shakespeare - as Kent Shakespeare (with brown wig, naturally) [Wink]

Anodyne Palooka Bulbous Monstrosity:

How will you spend St. Patrick's Day?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Reread some irish folklore over breakfast at a local pub. Listen to the Dropkick Murphys as I job hunt. Find me a great irish bar that features some good old jig music.

This is my favourite holiday, and it's going to be weird not having the gang around for it.


What is the world coming to?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Fashion faux pas pandemonium.

Altruistic Panamanian Bottle Manufacturer,

What fashion (mis)statement do think should be punishable by death?
Posted by sheer on :
Big, baggy pants, on anyone, with the crotch hanging down so wearer appears to be sporting diapers.

APBM, which is worst -
Golden, Silver, Bronze, Iron, or current (Steel?) Age?

[ March 17, 2006, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: sheer ]
Posted by Stealth on :
Current Age (I think Plastic Age would be more appropriate than Steel Age).

What years are your own private era of comics greatness?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
1958-1972. No other age holds a candle IMO.

What is your favorite Alt ID on Legion World?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
LAM. He's your greatest creation, Cobie - and that's coming from a big fan of your "Nightcrawler" alt.

APBM, is STU real, or a figment of our imaginations?
Posted by Caliente on :
Figment. Definitely figment.

Eryk Davis Ester and MLLASH-- same person or just two peas in a pod.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

Appetizing potatoes boiling madly:

Which vegetable will you not eat under any circumstances?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Tomato, in any way, shape, or form. So that means no ketchup, no pizza, no spaghetti sauce, no pre-made sandwiches (they always put tomatoes in them)


morning person or night owl?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Morning person, definitely. It has to do with age. As I get older, I find I can't sleep in as late as I used to. Also the dogs jump on me at about 6:00 a.m. if I'm not up. So that my life isn't total hell, I find myself going to bed earlier to get the amount of sleep I need. I also work better in the morning, but by the end of the day, all I'm good at is surfing the internet.

American President Being Mean,

What common habit in your country really makes you mad?
Posted by Harbinger on :

Bloody minded po-faced misery guts dourness!!

Learn to smile I say to the lot of them. I'm sure, apsolutely 100% sure that they've had their lips pinned inm such a way as small children so it is actually physically impossible for them to smile, let alone crack a laugh.

Stoic Calvinist Scots are a crime against humanity and if it weren't for there being six million I'd propose culling on a regular basis and mass sterilisation programes survivors. I do wonder sometimes if it's just me who actually enjoys these horridly lucid Adolf Reichstag black shirt wearing moments.

Alien Persperation Bank Monitor

In junior schools recently the guidance has changed so that the nursey rhyme "baa baa black sheep" is now called "baa baa rainbow sheep", my question is on a scale of one to ten, how stoned the person who came up with this must have been?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
9.4247778, obviously.

I guess everything can't be as clear as "producing or reflecting comparatively little light and having no predominant hue" or "achromatic color of maximum lightness; the color of objects that reflect nearly all light of all visible wavelengths."

Andropov's Bureaucratic Politiburo Member:

Have you ever seen any "rainbow" sheep, and if so, what were you smoking?
Posted by sheer on :
I have seen a rainbow herd of sheep, of sorts. The ewes were had pink, blue, green or yellow streaks on their backs...and the rams had chalk tied on their bellies. Dead serious! Although, this was in New Zealand, a fantasy country if you believe the movies...

After Pesto Became Mundane,
Will the madness of political correctness ever die down?
Posted by Caliente on :
Nope. People are too afraid to categorize groups as they once did. An interesting note considering that it's part of our cognative function to separate human groups into "us" and "them" categories. It helps allow for things such as warfare and slavery, which is what the people who use political correctness want to appear to be against. Or... something. (Can you tell I just had an Anthro final? [Wink] )

All People Before Man,
Can astrology truly predict anything?
Posted by Pizzazz on :
I think so!

I'm a libra, and if you read info on libra's it's like reading a bio.

Doncha' wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. But then I don't want a girlfriend.


Serious questions or light-hearted questions?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Serious, with an occasional goof thrown in for laughs.

A Pretty Baby's Mama,

What is your greatest fear?
Posted by disaster boy on :
pizzazz. just kidding. its really her hair.

more flirting or less?

[ March 21, 2006, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: disaster boy ]
Posted by Pizzazz on :
Less, now that I hear you trash talking about my hair

The Blue pill or metamucil?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
metamucil, Baby!!!!!!

APBM: If you could erase one thing (invention, plant, animal, mineral) from human history, what would you get rid of and why?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Spiders! Gone, erased, killed, dead, destroyed. As for the why, look at them! All them legs, such tiny bodies- it's unnatural I tell ya!

Who is your next visitor going to be?

[ March 23, 2006, 01:42 PM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Hopefully not a bill collector or repo person [Shudder]

Angelo Pietro Bernardo Mario:

If your favourite food is Italian - what dish do you like?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Chicken Saltinbocca... chicken breast in a Sherry mushroom sauce, with fresh spinach, prosciutto and Mozzarella cheese.

Appian Paisano By Medina,

same question
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Bente Viola from Ernesto's in Plymouth, MI. Veal medallions in a savory mushroom sauce with grilled shrimp and scallops. YUMMY!!!!


Who is currently your favorite comedian?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Jon Stewart


Which is your least favorite Legionnaire (past or present) and what is something good about the character?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Bouncing Boy. His character is solid, but his power is silly beyond words.

Appointed Parole Board Member:

Which Legionnaire should be totally revamped, and how?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Tyroc. Change his power from a deus ex machina power to sonic powers ala Black Canary.

APBM, describe your ideal vacation. Where would you go, for how long, with whom would you go (if anybody), what would you do?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I would go by myself to the UK for two months. I'd stay in London to start, with trips to Canterbury, Oxford, Cambridge, Walsingham and several of the cathedral cities. I'd also spend some time in Wales and Scotland.

If you were a teacher, which subject would you most enjoy teaching?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Oh, art for sure because I'd just love to see the creativity and do what I could to nurture it. (Of course, that presupposes that I would know how to teach art, which I don't.)

Appropriately Polite Ballet Master,

Describe what would be your perfect back yard.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
A balcony that looks over a neighbor's well cared for garden and lawn.

APBM, what's for lunch today?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
The usual boring fritz on wholemeal sandwich when I come in to do volunteer work (the only time I get unlimited access to a computer!) [Frown]

Annapolis Portland Bangor Minnesota:

Who would you like to see (living or dead) return to write/draw your favourite Legionnaire?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Paul Levitz. The 63 issue Legion run is my all-time favorite.


Would you rather have money or love? And why? Be honest.
Posted by Caliente on :
Love. I've always had (enough) money, never really wonted for anything I needed or felt financial burdens. I like that security but it never made me happy. I'd rather be happy than rich. And, while I don't know if love will make me happy, I do know that money doesn't. [shrug] So it's time to try something else.

A Pay Bay May,
Left to your own devices in a Toys 'r' Us store, you do what?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Arrange all the GI Joe figures in compromising positions.

APBM, you get to make one law. What would it be?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Organized religion is banned. People are free to practice whatever worship they want, just not in public. I think that this will promote a more personal spiritual experience leading people to develop their own understanding of whatever God they choose as their own.

But if that's too heavy, everyone gets free cheeseburgers on Tuesdays!

APBM: What is the best thing that ever happened to you?
Posted by Stealth on :
Meeting my best friend. I'm an only child, and she has a brother but no sisters -- so we're the sisters that neither of us ever had.

Who is your favorite comic book artist?
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Right now, it's John Cassaday. Astonishing X-Men is the only X-Men book I read. However, there's so many great artists who had classic runs on books, it's hard to say who's my all-time favorite. Neal Adams is definitely top 3. He had legendary runs on 3 books(X-Men, Batman, and GL/GA), and IMO, his work remains ahead of its time to this day. Yeah, now that I think about it my top 3 is this:

1. Neal Adams
2. John Romita Jr.
3. Jim Lee

APBM, Name Your top 3 comic book artists.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1) George Perez
2) Adam Hughes
3) Jeff Moy


What was your favorite TV show when you were around 10 years old?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'm a DC fanboy from way back. My fave when I was about ten (late-'70s) would have been The Super Friends!

What defunct restaurant do you miss the most?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
The Wimpy (a British version of McDonalds)in Ingram Street (in Glasgow).
The Simpsons or Futurama?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Simpsons, mostly because it is still having new episodes.


Which Simpson character do you mostly identify with?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
I'm a working class boy from the east end of Glasgow. Being a drunk is almost part of the job description. (although, I'm a lovable drunk, not an angry one)


What is "your" Karaoke song. (And are you any good - be honest)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I only did karaoke once. I sang Sinead O'Connor's "Nothing Compares 2 You" (which I think was actually written by Prince) SO I guess that's "my" karaoke song. And I don't think I am good.


Fish or fowl
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :

DEFINITELY NOT fish. My mum used to make us take cod liver oil every morning and now even the smell of fish makes me heave.


If Stewie from Family Guy joined the Legion, what would his code name be? (and how would he get on with Brainy?)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Tyrant Tot


What historical figure would you bring to our time to show her/him the modern world, what would you show this person, and why?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Katherine the Great... I'd show her "Mr. Ed" reruns and tell her horses secretly learned how to talk a thousand years ago... and hers have since spilled the beans! [Wink]


How now brown cow?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Cause I said Big Fred!


Ice cream or chocolate?

(and you can't have both)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Sure you can with chocolate ice cream. [Wink]

Still, I'd prefer ice cream to chocolate candy.

APBM, You have just been given your own talk show. Who are your first guests?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Cockrum, Grell and Kitson

You can appear on Oprah, Leno or Letterman. Which do you chose?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Letterman. I don't watch any of their shows, but if I did it would be his.

Practicalities aside, if you could spend your entire annual salary at one store, what would it be?
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
99 cent store, because with my pay that would be the only place I can splurg.

Though I enjoy Borders and Gucci!

Does a mall count?


Well, does a mall count?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

Ambush P Buggy Mogul,

Which is THE true master, Moebius or Eisner?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
If I say neither, Byrne is the Master, will I be banned?


Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Lark's not yet up, the Nightingale's still singing and Romeo's needed.


Hamlet or MacBeth?

[Okay I got an obscure Shakespeare reference in, where is my commission?]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Macbeth, gotta love those three witches.


Toothache or a broken bone?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Never had a broken bone, so I might as well try that out.

APBM, What fictional story would you like to have interacted with the characters?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
I don't have an exact story but, I would love to have met Bertie Wooster and be able to hang about at The Drones with him. He is just such an incredibly likeable character.

APBM,If you were in a Supermarket and found a ten pound (or dollar) note, would you spend it or hand it in?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Something similar happened to me. I was standing in line at a movie theater (the line was along the sidewalk of a street). I looked down and there was a $20.00 bill. I asked if anyone dropped it. No one claimed it.

So I guess my answer is that if there were people around, I would ask, but if there was no one around, I'd keep it.


You have won $100 million dollars in the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Go for a booze up with my mates. Ł100 doesn't really last that long these days, come to think about it.


If they were making a film of your life story, who would you want to play you (you can't choose yourself) and (if the answers are different) who would give the most realistic portrayal of you.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Dean Cain
George Clooney


You must spend a month in one of the following capital cities: Ottowa, Bonn, Wellington. Which would you choose and why?
Posted by dedman on :
Bonn, just for the history of the city.

Whats your favorite sci-fi tv series (if any)
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
That's a tough choice, but I think it would be Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Bottled water or tap water?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Bottled in DC, filtered tap at home.


You (your family) can have only one car for the next year. Honda Odyssey or Chevrolet Corvette?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Chevrolet Corvette. Seeing as I am single.


If you had to be any animal, which would you be? (And no smart-ass answer of "human" allowed)
Posted by Lad Boy on :
odd double post omitted, see Quislet's question above.

[ May 22, 2006, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by dedman on :
i like to be a cat. or a platapus.

deal or no deal?
Posted by Disaster Boy on :

hold em or fold em?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Hold 'em. I always fold crooked.

When eating in an East Asian cuisine restaurant, do you eat with chopsticks or a fork and knife?
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! First the chop spears, then the fingers, when the stuff like falls off, then... Like you don't want to know.

Amy's Pretty Boy Marvin,

Ohmygod, I had Deep Fat Fried Ice Cream for the first time yesterday...

So Like... How'd they like do that? Or were they messing with me?
Posted by Lad Boy on :

1 pt. vanilla ice cream
1/2 c. crushed corn flakes or cookie crumbs
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 tsp. sugar
1 egg
Oil for deep frying
Whipped cream

Scoop out 4 or 5 balls of ice cream. Return to freezer. Mix crumbs, cinnamon and sugar. Roll frozen ice cream balls in half the crumb mixture and freeze again. Beat egg and dip coated balls in egg, then roll again in remaining crumbs. Freeze until ready to use (for thicker coating repeat dipping in egg and rolling in crumbs).
When ready to serve, heat oil to 350 degrees. Place a frozen ice cream ball in fryer basket or on a perforated spoon and lower into hot oil 1 minute. Immediately remove and place on dessert compote. Drizzle with honey and top with a dab of whipped cream. Continue to fry balls one at a time. Balls will be crunchy on the outside and just beginning to melt on the inside. 4-5 servings.

Which Legionnaire in the current version most desperately needs a makeover? How would you change him/her?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Physical make over or personality make over?

Physical make over: Karate Kid. I don't mind him being Asian, but make him a cute Asian guy.

Personality make over: Supergirl. Drop the whole "This is just a dream I'm having" thing.

APBM, what was your first favorite book as a child?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.


Who is the sexiest sports star? One male and one female.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Umm ummm

I think Peyton Manning (the Quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts) is sexy in a cute sort of way.

As for a sexy female sports star... ummm...ummm... Anna Kornakova? Danica Patrick?


Tell us an amusing story.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Meanwhile, Nightcrawler bamfed recklessly around Uranus, enraging proctologists engaged in medical marvels.

Blissfully popping bubbles, AlNeKid stumbled artfully, nakedly into fragile crystal statues of dildos causing unspeakable commotion.

Space Ranger consumed mass quantities of kim-chee and snake venom extract bottled diligently at Emma Grundy's musty whore-house. Pastor Upright N. Uptight secretly infused tea-bags with illegal seminal distillations designed in vitro secretly to foil same-sex marriages. Unfortunately, Plaid Lad bumped into me causing upset drinks to soak bystanders thoroughly, drenching nylons and open-toed sandals scandalously, inundating Vee who exclaimed, "Jumping Jeepers!!"

Fortuitously, but surprisingly Hi-Risk Von Tingle appeared drunk again at chocolatte when flaming pantaloons shurged off manly loins.

Gigantic paperweights hung dangerously above Tamper's lower torso again; however, they apparently were sentient. Surely now Thora would notice his huge neighbor surfing Wikipedia.

Suddenly, Nick Vinson lifted his shirt revealing Quislet, Esq. tattooed above his left belly-button.

"OHMYGOD..." gasped Everyday Girl. "Young love sure is hard to avoid".

Tamper struggled mightily against overwhelming nepotismic ballerinas flaunting elevated estrogen bubbles. "Holy Father, why must Cobalt Kid advertise for dates?"

Elsewhere, elsewhen, Lad Boy pondered his...

APBM, coke or pepsi?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Coke, although I prefer Diet Coke or Coke Zero.

What food keeps you from becoming a vegetarian--or--if you are a vegetarian, what was the hardest food to give up?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No food in particular keeps me from becoming a vegetarian. I am a fussy eater to being with, and so becoming vegetarian just seems like it would limit my choice of foods even further.


Which do you think is the best superhero movie ever made?
Posted by dedman on :
hmmm... a tie I think between X2 and Spiderman 2.


the best book you've ever read?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Oh, "To Kill a Mockingbird", I guess.


What's the meaning of life?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
It's a magazine with lots of pictures.
It's a cereal that Mikey likes.
It's a game where you spin a wheel and move around in little plastic cars.

Sugar, saccharine (Sweetn'Low), aspartame (NutraSweet/Equal) or sucralose (Splenda)?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Aspartame, baby---it's cancericious!


Paper or plastic?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Plastic keeps my life simple [Wink]


Oddest confrontation you've had with an animal lately?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Seeing a grown man play with an inflatable lamb on the Boston subway.


What's the oddest confrontation you've seen with Cobie lately?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Isn't, by definition, any confrontation with Cobie an odd one?


What would be your fantasy vacation?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Around the world with minimal flying, to all seven continents and four oceans, as much by train as possible.


Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Why not?


He-Man or Thundercats?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
He-Man. He is just so butch and I am not really a cat person.


Of the original Subs (Polar Boy, Night Girl, Fire Lad, Stone Boy, & Chlorophyll Kid), whose power would you like to have had, why, and is there anything in particular you would do with it?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Polar Boy, if I had the control that 80s Brek had. I'd open a summer ice park, and make a lot of money only having to work a few months of the year.

Another Poor Bohemian Monk:

What would be your perfect week off?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
San Diego with you guys! (Aaaaw!)


Which "celebrity" would you love to have at your mercy for ten minutes with a baseball bat in a soundproof room?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Hmmm...probably Bill O'Reilly.

Amorphic Plastic Business Man,

What it is?
Posted by dedman on :

Super Mario or Luigi?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :


Which show did you prefer,Buffy or Angel?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
never saw either.

Apollo Person Becircling Moon:
How do we get everyone to come to 2008: the Ultimate Meet-Up?
Posted by dedman on :
One of us needs to win the lotto.

Family Guy or Simpsons?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Family Guy.

Even though Homer IS God, I just prefer some of the sick stuff they get away with on FG.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

The Gene Wilder version or the Johnny Depp?
Posted by Pariscub on :
The Johnny Depp version... More respectful to the book even though I love the Gene Wilder version as well.


Do you like gladiator movies?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Only the porn kind ...


The West Wing:

Dolores Landingham or Debbie Fiderer?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Oh Dolores Landingham hands down.

(say who are Dolores Landingham and Debbie Fiderer?)

APBM, up to the mountains or down by the sea?
Posted by dedman on :
Down by the sea....where i am now!!!


is it a bird or a plane?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
No, it's a helicopter!


Where are Numf and Lardy?
Posted by dedman on :
over the hills and faraway.

who wants ice cream?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
I ALWAYS want ice cream.


What was your nickname at school?
Posted by RevJRob on :


Infectious Lass or Night Girl?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Infectious Lass

APBM, Would you have rather taken your chances on the Titanic or the Hindenberg?
Posted by Seth Gaterra on :
The Titanic; at least some people escaped that.

APBM, what one superpower would you have?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :


Who, in your opinion, has the worst superhero costume ever?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
As much as I loved Infinity, Inc., I'd say Dr. Midnight (Beth Chapel). She looked like a cross between Bumblebee and a SCUBA diver.


What was the best super-hero costume ever?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
That is hard to say. There are so many good ones. And then there are those good ones that get spoiled by bad artists.

I'll have to go with Jay Garrick's. It's the helmet.

Oh and Seth, some people (about 2/3rds) also escaped the Hindenberg.

APBM, what is your favorite superhero headquarters?
Posted by dedman on :
As much as I love the big orange Legion HQ, I gotta say the Batcave. I think its the giant penny [Smile]

APBM, what is the WORST superhero headquarters?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Actually, I think the Batcave would be my choice for worst (sorry, Deddy).

Who is the most underrated super-hero?
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Dr. Light II (Kimiyo) She once absorbed a freakin' sun for crying out loud. Let the woman play hardball once in awhile.

Which comic character would you not mind disappearing forever, never to be seen again?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
John Byrne!

What comic creator, who has never done Legion, should?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Greg Rucka [ROTFLMAO]


Same Question (It deserves Multiple Answers)
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Byrne with Liefeld

Any possible better matches,

How long would you as a loyal member of Legion fandom endure the above creative team?
Posted by dedman on :
As long as it takes!!!


Do you want fries with that?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
As long as you have tomato sauce. I can't eat chips without tomato sauce.


Are you planning on going to 2008: The ultimate meet up?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Hell yeah! you better be, too.

how can we get EVERYONE to go?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Find a wealthy financier and have three of our members save his life and have him fund the whole thing.

I do plan to attend, BTW.

When you're sick, do you usually "call in" or "crawl in"?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Call in. I'm sick for cry eye.


Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn't have been? If so, describe what you did and how you got caught.
Posted by dedman on :
I've been caught doing alot of things I shouldn't have been....I'd make a poor criminal [Big Grin] Anywoo, one of those things was drinking underage. How I got caught? Well I came home QUITE drunk. Oops, not a good idea!!!


Who's your favorite Supervillian?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


Same question
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
the Fatal Five.


Do small continuity glitches drive you wild or can you let them flow past you?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Some do, some don't. I guess it depends on how they strike me. For example: It doesn't both me that Black Lightning suddenly has a college aged daughter. However, Byrne's reboot of the Doom Patrol did.


Is there a ret-con that you would ret-con back to how it was and if so, what is it?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I think I'd undo the whole Infinite Crisis.


What's the most you've ever paid for single comic book?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
As far as an actual comic book (not a GN, etc), I paid somewhere between $17 and $21 (don't recall the postage) for That Damn Tabloid. That's the highest I can recall.

What retcon that's been unretconed would you re-retcon?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'd put Miss America back in the JSA. I like it better with no ties to the Big Three.

Ani-Particle Beam Mirror,
What is the oldest comic book you have ever owned (that you did not buy new)?
Posted by dedman on :
Adventure #312 from Sept. 1963

Armoured Poncho Bunting Machinist

how many comics are in your collection?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
roughly 400

Androgynous Pot Bellied Muskrat:

What is the best non-superhero comic that you've read?
Posted by Seth Gaterra on :

Anonymous Pelican Bears Mackerel:
What's the funniest comic book you've read?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Legion subs special.


Does anyone actually like the taste of fully skimmed milk?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

Was Dave Sim ever right, and if so, about what?
Posted by dedman on : who's Dave Sim?

note to dave sim.

Do you play viseogames....if yes what's your favorite?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I don't play videogames. Years ago, I enjoyed Tetris, but I don't think I've played one in 15 years.

What food do you most enjoy cooking?
Posted by dedman on :
Various pasta dishes.

what show gives you the most laughs?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Heckle & Jeckle


How old is too old?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

Have you mostly dated people older or younger than you?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Basically just people my own age or very close.

Another Powerful Bowel Movement,
What's your favorite guilty pleasure song?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Currently, its that new Pussy Cat Dolls song with Snoop in there. Its just so hot and after watching the video, I can't get enough of it!

What's better at a picnic: volleyball, wiffle ball or horseshoes?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Volleyball is great at an office picnic. You can take out an annoying coworker for weeks with a well placed elbow.

Amoebic parasitic bacterial madman:

Are you significantly better of worse off than your parents were when they were you current age.
Posted by Stacy S on :
Much better off, thanks for asking.


What's your favourite insult?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
If you were any shorter your feet wouldn't touch the ground (to a Prof that was getting on my case)


What's your favorite "off-the-beaten-path" place to vacation or visit?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
eastern Quebec. c'est magnifique!

same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would say the McKim Building of the Boston Public Library.


Who is the one actor whom you can't stand?
Posted by dedman on :
Adam Sandler, though Tim Allen is a close second.


Who is the one actress you can't stand?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Julia Roberts. I haven't liked her in anything since Steel Magnolias.

Altruistic Postman Battling Mangoes,

What classic TV series (say, pre-1970) have you never liked?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
When I was a kid, I didn't like the Munsters because I felt they were a rip-off of the Addams Family (which I loved). However, seeing reruns as an adult, I have grown to appreciate the Munsters.


As a kid did you ever create an explanation for something you didn't understand? (for me, I didn't know how they made people disappear on Bewitch, so I thought that there must be invisible suits that they zip up.)
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Yes, but they were often so complicated, I couldn't remember them if I tried. [Big Grin]

Antarctic Penguin Bungalow Mansard:

What is your all-time favourite Legion costume?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
That's hard to say. I don't think I have an all-time favorite. I liked Invisible Kid II's costume and how it was shown working with his power, but it did seem somewhat plain. I also have a fondness for Saturn Girl's pink bikini. And Star Boy's starfield costume is very cool.


Would you rather travel to another planet or travel in time?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Assuming health/enviro support was up to snuff, and the trip didn't take years, I'd say another planet... to truly boldly go where no one has gone before!

Al Pacino's Butler Mitch:

same question
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
It's tough, but I think I'd want to travel through time. Sort of the SF version of "See America first". [Wink]

Adequate Plumbing Brings Mirth,

If you could only have TV or radio, which would you have?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
TV, I guess. Hard to find good radio stations sometimes with my tastes.

Aladdin Punches Bette Midler,
What is your all-time favorite Legion World thread?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
the one where we all made fun of Reboot for his "wheels on a tomato" tag line (summer before Threeboot, if memory serves).

Adam Pascal Betrays Mimi:

who is the LWer you've never met but would most love to meet/hang out with?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
I've never met any, but the answer would definitely be Cobalt!

Atomic Power Buzz Moo,
Same question as Kent's.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I've never met any in person either. I think it's a toss-up between Quislet, Esq. and Lad Boy, though there are many others as well.

Archie Punches Big Moose:
Other than the LSH or LMB, which super-hero team would you want to be a member of?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The Justice League of America.


You are given a one month all expenses paid vacation to any one place in the world, where would you go?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Probably the furthest place from work possible!

Aloha Part-time Bar Manager,
Why's Lester Spiffany such a legend among Legion Worlders?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
beats me.

Asteroid Particle Becomes Meteorite,

who should be a LW legend that's not?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Dormant Damsel


You can bring a person from the 1700's into the present, what would you show him/her to impress him/her?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
uh, breast enhancements?

Archie Pays Betty Monkey-style,

Had you ever heard of HUGEMANBREASTS (the character) before his recent exclusion thread and subsequent death?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

Advocating Perhaps Better Motifs,

Whose alt-ID do you think he was?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Mine, of course, back in the day!

Alcoholic Pets Briefly Mentioned,

What's the best show on TV, in your opinion?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Battlestar Galactica, of course.

Atomic Plutonium Becoming Manganese,

same question.
Posted by LARDLAD on :
I would say Battlestar as well, though I don't know if the new storyline might end up a misfire--some trepidations there. Heroes sure is looking good, too!

Army Pockets Bombing Mongolia,

same question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Deal or No Deal. Simple yet suspenseful.


If you could be a character in a TV show, what show would you want to be in?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
"Heroes"! Maybe they could use a Lard Force wielder? [Big Grin]

Arthropod Pigmies Blame Mammals,

Same question!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I think I'll go with my childhood fantasy: I'd want to be on Bewitched (and not as a mortal! [Big Grin] )

Avocado paint blinds me,

What TV show did you love as a child, but cannot sit through a minute of as an adult?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd have to say the Partridge Family.

Any Port Beyond Schenectady,

What was your favorite dessert as a child?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Apple crumble and custard - it still is.

A Poor Boy Sings,

Is there a food you hated as a child but now you like?
Posted by SharkLad on :
I like broccoli ...

Anorexic People Barely Masticate,

Is there a child you hate?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
God YES!!!

I work in a supermarket and there is this spoiled brat of a girl(about 8 or 9)who comes into the shop with her Gran and she treats the old lady like total s**t. She is a rude, obnoxious little git who I would dearly like to kick.

I know it's the parents that I should blame, but oh my God I want to give her a slap.

And Please Be Modest,

What is your most attractive (physical) feature?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
My goatee. At least that is what I think.

A Personal Best Maybe,

Tell us about one of your pet peeves.
Posted by SharkLad on :
When you try to (lovingly) tell someone about one of their many (annoying) faults, and they reply, "Oh yeah, and what about the way you ..."

So frustrating!

A pleasing bowel movement,

When was the last time you cried during a movie?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The last time I watched "It's a Wonderful Life". That always brings a tear to my eye.

Astonding Penguins Build Momentum,

What was your favorite type of animal as a child? (It doesn't have to be an animal you actually had for a pet, just one that you liked a lot)
Posted by Seth Gaterra on :
Longhaired cats, preferably tortoiseshell or calico coloring. [Smile]

Always Pounced By Moogles,

What's your favorite video game?
Posted by Ghost of Numf El on :
Carmageddon. (The original version - they became too cartoony after that.)

Anti Pope Buys Montana

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
A woodchuck could chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Angst Probing Boys Mature,

A rope ladder hangs over the side of a ship. The rungs are 9 inches apart. At low tide, the bottom rung just touches the water. At high tide, the water has risen 3 feet. How many rungs are under water at high tide?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
If the boat is floating, the distance remains unchanged, as the boat rises with the water (thanks, Seth).

But if the boat has actually run aground and taken on water, and thus not rising with the tide,
then four rungs should ve submerged; the next should be just touching the water.

Unless the 9-inch distance does not include the thickness of the rungs themselves, in which case, the fifth rung could be also under water, too.

Algebra Problem Becoming Monotonous,

what was your favorite subject in school?

[ October 24, 2006, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Kent Shakespeare ]
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Either art or woodwork.
My worst was Maths.

Always Please Big Mamas,

Did you have crush on any of your teachers?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
nope and I still don't.

Alpha Parsons Begin Ministries,

Who do you currently have a crush on?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
You must mean apart from our very own pin up girl Cali?
Well, celebrity crush would be Melanie Sykes and real life would be a girl called Elizabeth who (or is that whom?) I work with.
I asked her out but she very politely changed the subject...I took that as a no.

In a bar I was once given the knock back,
"I've allready got one arsehole in my knickers, I don't need another one!"
So in the same vein:

Amazing Party, Big Mick,

What was the best/worst knock back you've ever had?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Apparently, none of us have had one. I've given a few, such as, "it's easier to save face when you have two of them."

Apparently Barren Posting Mention,

Wine or beer?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :

Astral Being Projecting Mellowness:

Coffee or tea?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Tea. I can't drink coffee as I am already WAAAAY too hyper as it is.

Always Bring Pink Marshmallows:

Jeeves and Wooster or Blandings?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :

Double post.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Jeeves and Wooster

What, if any, is the most egregious act of re-gifting you've ever participated in or observed?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Can't think of any. The closest is when I gave my nephew "Kings in Diguise" that I had bought for myself. Not technically regifting as I didn't get it as a gift.

A Pretty Believable Moose:

Uruguay or Paraguay
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Whichever is friendliest.

Anyway Please Be Mellow:

Starsky or Hutch?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

I've never seen Starsky and Hutch, TV or movie, so I answered Quis instead (weve been covering the 'guays in Geography of South America in the last week or two. Paraguay sounds like the more preferable of the two).

Atlanta Police Brigade Member,

Starsky or Hutch?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Starsky (movie version--I didn't see it, but Ben Stiller is cute).

Argentine Pampas Biggest Mountain:

Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker or Handel's Messiah?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
whichever is shorter.

Alameda's Premier Bayside Motel,

what is your favorite aspect of the holiday season?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
When normally stuffy, uptight people relax enough to make a fool of themselves, by wearing a paper crown.

Always Persuing Beautiful Men:

Christmas day spent surrounded by family.
A total nightmare or an absolute neccessity?
(Or a bit of both?)
Posted by Lad Boy on :
a bit of both

American Political Boy Molester:

Amaretto or Irish Cream?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Irish Cream

Actively Pursuing Beautiful Men:

Charlie Brown, Rudolph or the Grinch?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Charlie Brown. He is amazing. Once three big boys from the second grade were chasing him. They were getting closer and closer. Suddenly Charlie Brown organized a discussion group. (paraphrased from an old Peanuts strip)

As Perfectly Balanced Mandolins:

What is your favorite musical instrument? (not necessarily that you play a musical instrument, just your favorite - either for sound or other reasons)
Posted by Lad Boy on :

Another Present Before Me:

WalMart/Target or Saks/Nordstrom ?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Never WalrusMart (ugh), but Tarzhay space-rawks!!!

Apple Pear Berry Marmalade:

What is your favourite Christmastime movie?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
It's a Wonderful Life. It always makes me cry at the end.

All Points Bulletin Maven:
Which one of the six power of Shazam would you want?

Solomon wisdom
Hercules strength
Atlas stamina
Zeus power
Archilles courage
Mercury speed
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Mercury Speed (Definately)

Apple Pie Baked Monday:

Who is scariest in The Wizard Of OZ?
The Munchkins or the flying monkeys.

They both scare the hell out of me.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Can't say I'm scared by either. As a child, probably the flying monkeys, I guess.

Arnold Palmer's Birdie Moment:

So, no one told you life was going to be this way?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, They said it would be that way.

A Precious Beautiful Memory,

Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
What is "Jeopardy?"

Another Performing Better Midler,

same question.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :

Agile Pleasant Body Mover,

What will tomorrow bring?
Posted by Abin Quank on :

Another Person Bringing Munchkins

Why do we do this?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Because if we don't, who will?

Adelie Penguin's Buoyant Movements

What is on top of your Christmas tree (or would be if you had one)?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
If I had one, probably Belinda my cat.

Another Predictable Boring Moment:

Would you rather be Krypto the super dog, Streaky the super cat, Comet the super horse, or Beppo the super monkey?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Comet, I suppose. As long as he's not neutered!

Aqua Porn Bone Marrow,

What gift are you hoping Santa will bring you (realistically)?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
[Interlude]Hmm. Comet the Super-Gelding[/Interlude]

A gift card to Target, Stein Mart, IKEA, Border's, Barnes and Noble or Best Buy.

Alto Plucking Baritone's Moustache:
Do you presently have an unrequited crush on anyone?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Just the girls at the Rookery... they really are girls, aren't they?

Answers Promising Better Mobility,

What is the most against-type crush/love you've ever had?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
A parent of one of my kids' classmates.

Antique Portable Bread Maker:

What's the kindest thing someone has done for you this year?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
My friend Tom took me in for several months while my condo was being rehabilitated from water damage from a fire in the unit above mine.

Artificial Pine Branch Mantelpiece:

Travelling for the holidays or staying put?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would say staying put. Although I am going to my Dad's, but that is a trip I make weekly and is only about 30 miles.

Answers Please Bring Money:

What is the one thing that most annoys you during this holiday season?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
I work in a supermarket and the thing that REALLY annoys me are people who come in two days before christmas and start yelling because we have no christmas trees left.


# ahem #

All Presents Be Mine:

(This one is really for our American cousins)
Yesterday, on the Basil Brush show (a childrens puppet show I was watching because my nephew, who I was baby sitting, wanted to see it - honest!!) an American character said that in America they don't say "Happy Christmas", as this could cause offence to non christians, instead they say "Happy Holidays"

Is this true?!?!?!

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, in the US we don't say "Happy Christmas". We say "Merry Christmas". There are some who personally use the more generic "Happy Holidays". (Notice in my question, I did say "holiday season" rather than "Christmas") I would say this is mostly true in big cities where you are more likely to encounter someone whose religious beliefs you do not know. There was a big beef because Wal-Mart was having their employees say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"

And Perhaps Billy Might:

How would you feel if someone wished you a "Happy (Religous holiday)" for a religion you are not?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Not a problem. A good wish is a good wish. I'm Episcopalian, so I do celebrate Christmas, Easter, etc., but it wouldn't offend me if someone wished me well for a Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Pagan or whatever holiday.

And Perhaps Bobby Mightn't:
What is your primary December holiday?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
At work, Hanukkah because my boss and most of the agency's attorney's take time off.

At home we celebrate a very secular Christmas.

Announcement: positive, both misbehave:

If you could give one gift to one Legion Worlder (or more) what would it be?

[ December 22, 2006, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Mint copies of Adv 247 for everyone!

Appallingly Plain Butterscotch Mint,

what question would you most like to be asked, and what is the answer?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Q: Is this jackpot winning lottery ticket yours?
A: Why yes it is. Thanks very much. Here, have ten grand.

Amazingly Powerful Breath Mints:

What is the most you have ever won on the lottery?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I don't play the lottery very often, but I did win five dollars once.

Airline Passenger's Bags Missing:

Have you ever flown on Christmas Day?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Yes, in 1993 I flew from Albany to Grand Rapids, to visit friends (who were going through Betrothal - a big deal in the Orthodox church) for a week. I flew back on New Year's Day.

Abin's Pagan Beautiful Mrs.:

have you ever had baggage gone missing during travels?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Yes, but never for more than 24 hours.

Absolutely Perfect Bisexual Man:

Have you ever spent the night in an airport?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No. Flying back from Chicago to Boston on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, I almost did. I was flying Peoples Express. The flight from Chicago to Newark was delayed for 4 hours due to snow. Then I was in Newark for I forget how long before getting the last flight to Boston at 11:30 pm. I had arrived at the Chicago airport for a 12 noon flight.


"It's a Wonderful Life" or "A Christmas Story" and why.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Eh, I' haven't finished seeing either. Neither one really grabbed me.


What is a good Christmas movie?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
The Bishop's Wife! Cary Grant, Loretta Young and David Niven are brilliant! What could easily devolve into a cloying , heavy-handed story remains light.

Artificially Preserved Blueberry Muffin:
What was the best movie of 2006?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The one I liked best was "Little Miss Sunshine".


You can go back in time and change the outcome of one historical event. Which one do you change and how do you change it? Bit of a follow-up, what do you think that change will change in the present?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I'd encourage 400 or so like-minded Floridians to get out and vote in the year 2000.

George W later becomes a Senator of little note from Texas. President Gore, in his first term focuses on labor and environment. The economy stumbles hard but recovers during his second term.

Saddam Hussein attacks Iran, disabling its nuclear threat. South Korea aids North Korea's economy by helping to establish a Kia/Daewoo parts manufacturing site there. Reunification talks begin. The Republicans maintain control of both houses of Congress, however they are unable to out-legislate the unexpectedly liberal Supreme Court's rulings on same-sex unions and marriage, restricted gun-ownership laws, and federal power to curb development in order to preserve ecological diversity. Joe Boy and Sketch Lad draw outrageously sexy pictures of me, in fact so does Barry since Lad Boy becomes Mekt's right ahnd man in the Wanderers.


Same Q.

[ January 03, 2007, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Awww,Lyle on :
Save the Titanic. I'd book passage, and on the night she was supposed to collide with the berg, I'd run back and forth on deck waving my arms around like a lunatic yelling "AAARG ! ICEBERG AHEAD, MATEYS!", over and over until they stop the ship if only to shut me up. Thus the Titanic completes her maiden voyage and all humanity is spared at least one Leonardo Decaprio performance.

Asymmetrical Pigmy Breast Measurer:

The docter tells you that you've contracted uragoneritas. There's no known cure and you only have ONE day left to live. How you gonna spend it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Posting on Legion World. [Wink]

Seriously, I would be saying good-byes (including here) and also eating my favorite foods. Assuming that I am well enough to go out and do things.


Giraffe or kangaroo? and why?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Kangaroo. It's a practical animal. It has a pocket.

Apoplectic Pain Bringing Migraine:
Broccoli or Brussels sprouts?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Definitely broccoli! Brussels sprouts are nice but have kind of a bitter aftertaste.

Arf! Purr! Baaa! Meow!
What do you find sexy that most people wouldn't?
Posted by SharkLad on :
someone wearing nothing but sneakers ...


How do you feel about sushi?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I love sushi. It is probably the single food item that most keeps me from becoming a vegetarian.

Ambulance Passing Belmont, Massachusetts:

Do you still have a land line at home or have you gone "cell only"?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
I wanted to get rid of ours, but my wife insists that the land line would be more reliable in case of a disaster. Whatever!

Animal Poop Be Messy,

Thongs---love 'em or leave 'em? And explain your answer.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
On you Lardy? After having seen the photographic evidence I think I have to say “leave em” [Smile]

Dress Codes at work? Do they serve a purpose or are they just fashion dictatorships.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Seeing the way some people dress even when there is a dress code, I'd say they serve a purpose.


What was your favorite subject in school?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


Jock, nerd, slacker - - one word that best describes your personality in high school.
Posted by dedman on :
none of the above...I was a stoner.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Assuming I would still have great internet access and a steady supply of new comics, I'd like to live on a South Pacific island with consistantly warm, but not hot temperatures and beautiful weather.


Would you have rather been a companion with the Doctor or a crew member on the Enterprize (either original series or next generation)?
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
Doctor Who - DEFINATELY...

..Even if I had too put up with constantly spraining my anlke and screaming like a girl at a man in a bin bag.

Accept Pretty Boy Massages:

In Scotland we have a complete smoking ban in public buildings. Do you approve?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


In DC, we recently got a smoking ban in bars, should I drink more in order to compensate for bar owners for their lack of smoking customers?
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Depends on the bar and the company.


I want to go buy a bottle of something tonight when I get off work. Should it be Crown Royal, Absolut, Bombay Sapphire, or something else?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
all of the above.

Alcohol Purchaser Buying More:
What's the most interesting thing you're likely to do this winter?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Get a cat.


Man from U.N.C.L.E. or Mission:Impossible?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Man from U.N.C.L.E.. Illya Kuryakin [sigh]

Argumentative Peter Berating Meg:
Jeannie or Samantha?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Samantha. Although I preferred Maj. Nelson over Darrin. At least Maj. Nelson let Jeannie use her powers so long as he could do his own thing on his own. Darrin was just too repressive. "No witchcraft!"


Why are the dark haired characters the evil twin and not the blond haired characters?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Ancient prejudices.

All Pickled By Midnight,
Do blond(e)s really have more fun?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
All I know is that when I was six years old, my mother, who is naturally a brunette, had her hair dyed blonde. When I asked her why she said "Blondes have more fun!" She's still a blonde 31 years later, so...

Arctic Polar Bear Marionette:
Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway or Archer?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Kirk. He got to have implied sex with alien babes.

Andrew, pass the boilermaker:

Best (tv or movie) individual story from any version of Star Trek --
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I'm gonna go old-school and say "City on the Edge of Forever." I think it really affected the direction of Trek for the future, especially time-travel stories.


What was your favorite thing Santa ever brought you?
Posted by rtvu2 on :
ahhhhh, it had to be Christmas were I got a new computer.

Apple peaches blueberry monkeys:

What are your comfort foods when you get sick?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I dont eat when I get sick, its one of the ways Gigglebot knows i am really poorley.


what's the most comfortable pair of shoes you have?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Probably the old pair of sneakers that I use only for walking the dog in the morning when the ground is damp.

Augusta Providence Boston Montpelier:
Soup or salad?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Soup from the Inn at Little Washington as part of the tasting menu.

Atlanta Pensacola Birmingham Mobile:

Ever protest a corporation's actions by refusing to buy its products even when they were cheaper or more convenient?
Posted by Kid Prime on :
You rang?

Yes. Wal-Mart.


Who was the strangest person ever to ring your doorbell, and what were they doing there?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Not many people ring my doorbell seeing as I live on the third floor. There was one guy who asked me if I knew where so-and-so lived, but I think he stopped me as I was headed in rather than ringing my doorbell.


What is your favorite comic strip?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Dilbert! But only because i work somewhere very much like his office.


do you like gardening?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Yes. It's very relaxing. My hollyhocks (biennials) are due to bloom this summer. Since they put on an amazing show, I'm looking foward to that. Also, I'm fond of the delphiniums, even though they're the DIVAS of my garden.

How do you take your coffee?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Hot, black, strong Colombian Supremo.

Are you better off than your parents?
Posted by dedman on :
nope, not ever close.


Would you like to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I don't like jelly so could I just have a peanut butter sandwich?


Which Legionnaire's power would you most like to have?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Mon-El -- assuming he becomes a Legionnaire again. I am all for acquiring near omnipotence.


Answer any two of the last 10 APBM questions that you haven't already responded to.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :

Coffee I like Black no sugar.

And I have never had a peanut butter and jam sandwich as it sounds disgusting, so maybe I should have one.


Should I eat a peanut butter and jam sandwich? purely for research you know [Wink]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Absolutely, stop by tomorrow when I'm packing lunches for the kids. I'll start by slicing two pieces from a loaf of fresh-from-the-bakery casareccio. I'll lightly toast it and allow it to cool so that it's crispy on the surface and firm in the middle. Then I'll spread organic crunchy peanut butter on one slice and thin layer of orange marmalade and home-made plum jelly on the other.

Please allow it to reach room temperature before eating.

Another Peanut Butter Masterpiece:

Does that seem a little over-the-top to stick into my kindergartener's pink princess lunchbox?

[ January 24, 2007, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

Atlantic Peanut Butter Mention,

do you infer from Faraway's answer that our friends in the UK have been lacking this childhood culinary masterpeice?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Yes, and they probably have never had a good grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup, either. (Smoked gouda on whole grain sourdough a dash of mango chutney, roasted Virginia varietal tomato soup with with a whisper of Rosemary). Ahh the comfort foods of youth.
What's your favorite comfort food from your youth?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Food never really comforted me, but I did like Fluffer-nutter sandwiches (something I think Faraway Lad hasn't had either)


Would you want super-powers if they also horribly disfigured you, ala Ben Grimm?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
might as well. one can become disfigured in life and not get powers, so if the powers were decent, you might as well make the most of them.

Al Pratt's Benevolent Mentor,
what powers would be worth disfigurement a la Ben Grimm?

[ January 24, 2007, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: Kent Shakespeare ]
Posted by LARDLAD on :
It depends on whether havingthe world's largest male member would count as both a super-power and a disfigurement!

Atlantian Parties Be Mahvelous,
Would the above qualify?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'm not sure that having a large man as a member of one's group qualifies as either. [Wink]

Archetypal Patriarch Beqeaths Money:

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
a history teacher or a historian. I loved (and still do) history.


Data or Spock? and why?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Data, I think, because he was the Spock of my generation, and I got to experience his adventures fresh rather than thru repeats.

Antarctic Penguins? Beats ME!
Star Trek or Star Wars? And why?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'm a little burned out on both right now, actually, but have generally been a fan of both. I have never seen a reason to have to choose one over the other.

Arkansas Person Buying Memphis,
Posted by LARDLAD on :

Anthony Purchased Blueberry Muffins,
Who's on first?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Nick Johnson

When was the last time you read a comic book that was more than 20 years old?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Does Archive editions count? I just finished reading the Mad Archive. Great stuff. Superduperman, Melvin of the Apes, Teddy & the Pirates, and a great Blackhawks parody.


please share a memory with us.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I remember MoMA.

...visiting the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, that is. It was nirvana to see such an amazing collection of masterpieces.

same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I remember once when I was in kindergarten. I was home for lunch (I had the morning session of kindergarten) and eating 3 turkey sandwiches while watching Kimba the White Lion. I thought that I was a big kid now because I was eating 3 sandwiches.


What was your favorite show as a kid?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Reruns of the Adam West Batman show!

Did you ever like the Batman show?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Yep. But then I got hooked on General Hospital, which was on at the same time after school, so the Batman and I parted ways.

What was your first job like?
Posted by dedman on :
Horrible. It was on a vegtable farm. The job itself was ok, I like to grow things but the guy I worked for was a real idiot, and that made the job quite distasteful.

Always Pat Benetar Music:
What is your current job like?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
I'm the Customer Service Manager at a grocery store. It has its ups and downs. The very worst part is selling lottery tickets! Chronic habitual RUDE gamblers....ugh!

Also, Pablo Buys Pork,
What's your favorite cult TV series ever?

[ January 27, 2007, 11:40 PM: Message edited by: LARDLAD ]
Posted by dedman on :
Trailer Park Boys.....its like a documentery of my early life

What's your favorite comic book series?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
The Legion of SuperHeroes is the only comic I've ever read regularly.

Apologetic Platinum Blonde Manhandler:
What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
When I am walking on the sidewalk or on some stairs. For the other direction a couple walking side-by-side approaches. There is only room for two on the sidewalk/stairs. But the couple does not go to single file as we pass each other. Instead we all have to squeeze pass each other.


Has a stranger ever surprized you in a pleasant way? Tell us about it.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
When I was in grad school, I'd ride my bike about 35 miles in the mountains every afternoon (hmmm, one wonders why I never got that dissertation finished). One day I had a crash that bent my front wheel beyond what I could repair on the road. I was about 15 miles from town and on a rural road with very few houses. I carried my bike on my back for about 5 miles or so, and then the rain started and the sky blackened and the lightning came and then hail. I think I saw a tornado with a little girl from Kansas in it. A guy in a pickup truck passed me, then stopped, backed up and asked me if I'd like a ride. He drove me to the bike shop in Blacksburg, waited while I took my bike in, and then drove me home.
The storm was still going on. I invited him in to my apartment for a beer. We talked for a while, the weather cleared and he left. I never saw him again.

Have you ever come to someone's rescue?

[ February 06, 2007, 07:04 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Saw someone get assaulted once outside a club and chased the attacker off. I guess that counts.

Comic shop, or mail order, and why?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Comic Book Shop because it's where all the really cool kids hang out.

Which of the following have you bought:
a 45 rpm record, an LP, an 8-track tape, a cassette tape, a reel-to-reel tape, a music CD, a music download?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
An LP, cassette tape, & a music CD.

I have had 45 rpm records but those were hand downs and not ones I bought myself. And my brother had an 8 track player.


Do you prefer the cold of winter or the heat of summer? and why?

[ February 07, 2007, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Winters Cold. I've always loved cold weather. Also, winter's just a more civilized season. No cars blasting music that is only cool to the person blasting it. No people wearing skimpy clothing when they shouldn't be. No funky body odors being shared with everyone within a ten foot radius. And of course Christmas, the one time of year when Joy and Goodwill are all but mandated.


Same question.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Summer Heat. I grew up near the Gulf Coast, where 100 degrees Fahrenheit was a warm spring day.

I can ride my bike to work without the burden of 5 pounds of winter clothing and lighting. I like wearing skimpy clothing, whether I should be or not.

One man's funky body odor is another man's irresistible pheromone.

No Christmas -- any expressions of joy and goodwill are spontaneous and sincere.

Washington, DC doesn't winter particularly well.

Beatles: Musical Genius or Elevator Music Fodder ?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Musical Genius co-opted as Elevator Music Fodder


Has this thread run its course or is there life in it yet?
Posted by Vee on :
There's always life in it when you can pull Vee back into a thread!


Favorite TV show from when you were a kid?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Hogan's Heroes. Nazis are so funny - to a kid.


What was the first occupation you want to be when you grew up and did you become it?
Posted by dedman on :
I wanted to be a Firefighter....never became one though.


Are you reading 52?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :


If you were invited to write/draw/supervise any comic book series, original or pre-existing, what would it be (and what would your role be)?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Easy! I would co-write an LMBP comic series with Cobalt!

Alas Poor Bald Man,
Same question!
Posted by dedman on :
A LSH one-shot comic.....using nothing but photomanips. I of course would be the maniper.

Aliens Probe Behinds Monthly,

Pepsi or Coke?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Coca Cola.


What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Posted by dedman on :
A & W


Whats you favorite fancy restaurant?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
As a vegetarian my options are limited. Mia Francesca has some good pasta dishes though.


What's the last CD you purchased?
Posted by dedman on :
Kataklysm - In the Arms of Devestation


What was the last movie you watched?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Star Wars: Revelations


Where were you born?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I don't actually know. Adoptions can be funny that way.


What was the last animated program (movie or TV) that you saw?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Probably an episode of Spongebob. Hard to say exactlyfor sure since I have two boys, 9 and 4, so the tube's always tuned to cartoons! (not to imply that I don't enjoy them! [Big Grin] )

Artistic People Bore Me,
Has anyone ever broken your heart in such a bad way that you're still not completely over it?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
No. It was broken but it recovered. Now I can't figure out what I ever saw that stooge.


When and where was your last vacation?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
July 2006, Cross country train trip culminating with the San Diego Comic Con (and meeting several Legion Worlders)


Is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all? And why?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Yeah, if you survive it there's something to be learned from the losing.


Prince Harry to Iraq? Smart? Not? Why?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Why not? I don't think he is as significant to the Iraqi insurgents as some think he is. I'd bet even most of the US soldiers would not recognize him as a prince of England just by looking at him, especially dressed in full gear like all the other soldiers there.


Do you think President Bush should have convinced his daughters to join the military? Not necessarily to go to Iraq, but to show support for the war effort?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
I'd beg the question and say I can't see it's the place of any parent to try and convince their child to join the military. Counsel yes.


On a more serious note, cheap vanilla or cheap chocolate? Quality vanilla or quality chocolate?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Quality of either. Just say No to cheap!


what are your next vacation plans?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'll be visiting my folks in Florida in May for Mother's Day.

Airplane Pilot's Bird Migrates:

Do you find your job fulfilling?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Today? No. Usually? Yes.


What's the latest greatest song you've been listening to?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nothing current. I did put this in my dvd player though

"In These Shoes" Sung by Bette Midler

"Gentlemen, gentlemen please! Senors, por favor!"

I once met a man with a sense of adventure.
He was dressed to thrill wherever he went.
He said, "Let's make love on a mountaintop,
under the stars on a big hard rock."

I said, "In these shoes? What is this, the Peace Corps?"
I said, "Honey, let's do it here."

So we're sittin' at a bar in Guadalajara,
in walks a guy with a faraway look in his eyes.
He says, "I've got a powerful horse outside.
Climb on the back, I'll take you for a ride.
I know a little place we can get before the break of day."

I said, "In these shoes? No way, Jose!"
I said, "Honey, let's stay right here."

No le gusta caminar.
No puede montar a cabailo.
?Como se puede bailar?
Es un escandalo!

Then I met an Englishman.
"Oh," he said, "Are you American?
Won't you walk up and down on my spine?
It makes me feel strangely alive."

I said, "In these shoes? Oh, I doubt you'd survive."
I said, "Honey . . . let's do it . . . hehehehe"

"Let's stay right here."

No le gusta caminar.
No puede montar a cabailo.
?Como se puede bailar?
Es un escandalo!

No le gusta caminar.
No puede montar a cabailo.
?Como se puede bailar?
Es un escandalo!

No le gusta caminar.
No puede montar a cabailo.
?Como se puede bailar?
Es un escandalo!

No le gusta caminar.
No puede montar a cabailo.
?Como se puede bailar?


What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up?
Posted by dedman on :
I wanted to be a firefighter...from the age of a about 3 till i was 7 or 8 thats what I wanted to be.

A Pink & Blue Mellon:
What did you become when you grew up?
Posted by Vee on :
An adult! [Wink]

Another Purple Ballon Maker

Where did you go on your last trip out of town?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
St. Catherine's, Ontario, for an academic conference.

NOTE TO QUIS: Have you heard the songwriter, Kirsty MacColl's version of "In These Shoes?"

Atlantean Person Bilging Mainland:
Ice cream or milkshake?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Ice Cream

Note to Kent: No I haven't


Are you the oldest, youngest, middle, or only child in your family?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'm the youngest. I have three older sisters. Sympathy is appreciated. [Wink]

Ambidextrous Painters Brush Madly,
Geographically, who is your closest near relative?
Posted by dedman on :
My Aunt...she lives in the same apartment as me (I really need to get my own place!!!)

Apple Pie Breakfast Mate-
Where are you going on your next vacation (if you have one planned)?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Still going to see the folks in Florida in May.

Actress painfully bawling melodramatically,
What is your favourite breakfast cereal?
Posted by Stealth on :

APBM, what is your favorite city?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Metropolis, followed closely by New York, Boston, Chicago, and Washington.

Animatronic Pastry Baking Mandroid:

Wanna meet me in Milwaukee next week?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Sure, but what I want to do and what I'm able to do aren't necessarily the same.

Aquaman Possesses Big Muscles:
What's your current "can't miss it" TV show?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Deal or No Deal


If you had to be one, would you rather be blind or deaf? And why?
Posted by Reboot on :
Deaf, because I read a lot. Plus, mobility issues.


What opinion do you have on checkerboard floor tiles?
Posted by dedman on :
They work well in "retro" style diners, but other than that I say Nay.

are you single or attached?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :


Is there a particular model of automobile that you like (and if so, which) or is an auto just a means of getting someplace for you?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
It used to be the latter, but I've gained an appreciation for convertables.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
It used to be the latter, but I've gained an appreciation for convertables.

planes, trains or automobiles?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
trains, ever since my cross country train trip.


Ice tea or ice coffee?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Ice tea if I have to choose. But I prefer water.


Ever have a gawd-aweful dating experience?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Yes. He told me he wanted to date me because he thought I was a total gentleman. Unfortunately, he was not.

Accordion Playing Bombastic Music:

Any pets?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Yup, Belinda my cat. I've had her since December and lately she has become very much a cry baby. meowing left and right.


Which one of the powers of the people in Heros would you want? Excluding Peter Petrelli
Posted by Pariscub on :

Ahhh being able to teleport to the USA to get my comics earlier than in Europe [Smile] Beats air miles as well.

Did you miss me?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
of course we did!

Another Pariscub Bruno Message,

where have you been?
Posted by Pariscub on :
I've been incredibly busy with work for the past few months. it's been hectic... But i'm trying to come back more often, because I've missed you all so much.


What's been happening while i was away,
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Everything and nothing.

Do you like to sing?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
yes, but I'm too kind to inflict myself on others.

APBM, any summer plans?
Posted by Stealth on :
Visiting family in Pennsylvania next month.

Apogee Peak Breakthrough Maximum,

Best month for weather where you live?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd say June. Although with all the changing weather patterns it is hard to say.

Also if you are a person who likes cold weather (like my roommate) then there would be a different answer.


any regrets?
Posted by Pariscub on :
Only one. Having been at the other end of the world, stuck because of US VISA immigration issues, when my father died.

Have you done something fun this weekend?
Posted by Stealth on :
Yesterday, I looked through some music memorabilia and bought a couple of old music magazines cheap.

APBM, what is your favorite magazine?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Reader's Digest is the only magazine I read (I actually read my father's copy) SO I guess that's my favorite magazine

Automatic Peanut Butter Maker,

You have been selected to pick one historical figure and take her/him on a tour of your area in the present day. Who would you pick and what would you show him/her?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I'd take James Madison to the US Capitol to resolve issues regarding the intentions of the framers of the Constitution, then we'd consume vast quantities of Virginia ale.


Is the Kingdom Come universe's appearance in the mainstream DC universe a blessing or a curse?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I wouldn't say a curse, but I don't much like it.


If you could learn any other language, what would it be?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Latin, then I'd have a somewhat understanding of French, Spanish, & Portugese


Jimmy Olsen is Superman's pal. Which superhero would you want to be a pal to?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) for reasons I don't fully understand, myself.


Is there some place other than a comic book store where monthly comics could be successfully sold?
Posted by Reboot on :
Record shops. They're doing well. [Smile]


Money no object, where would you want to live?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well with money no object, I'd split my time between my private South Pacific island, London, and Boston (gotta keep in touch with the family)


What canceled TV show do you wish they had made more episodes of?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :


same question
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Firefly definitely.


same again
Posted by Ram Boy on :


How's the weather where you're at?
Posted by Stealth on :
As soon as August ended, the heat stopped being suffocating. Now the actual cooling should start in...oh...a couple months or so.

Chocolate or vanilla?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Chocolate, in particular, Teushcher Champagne truffles


Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars or Star Trek?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Star Trek followed closely by Battlestar Galactica


Who would you want to see cleaning your house in a frilly little outfit?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Quis! Get OUT of MY HEAD! If I imagine you in a frilly little outfit polishing my silver, well that's just my business now isn't it? (You missed a spot by the way)


Have you ever had a spooky supernatural experience?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
When I was in my early/mid 20's there were multiple instances of my dreaming something odd, often inconsequential, that later occurred.

Closest thing in recent times (this century): I am adopted and make infrequent contact my birth family. My brothers sister and I had not been together with our mother since 1964. In June of this year, I dreamed that we were all together at my brother's house. The next day I got an email from my sister saying that our mother's second husband had died unexpectedly the night before. We were all together in Anchorage for the funeral.

Same Q.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Apparently when I was an babe in my cot we lived in rented rooms. There was an old man in a top hat who used to come visit me, smile and then leave……..via the wall!!!! [Eek!]

Ack forgot the question.


whats your favorite cheese
Posted by Lad Boy on :

Who will be the next president and vice-president of the US?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Two politicians. I think if the war continues as it has, then the Republicans won't get in, except if Hillary is the Democrats' nominee. I think too many people on the right dislike Hillary that is would cause the neo-cons to vote more. I could see Barak Obama being elected with some white guy from the Southwest as his running mate.


Do I sound too cynical?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


Tuesday night I had a mildly (by my standards) homoerotic dream about a co-worker whom I have not worked with in over a year. Wednesday I heard for the first time that he's leaving. Is this a coincidence or is there a Naltor(i?)an in my family tree?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :


Who was the more tragic Doom Patrol member, Robotman or Negative man?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Negative Man


Do you own a tuxedo -- or if you're so inclined, a full length evening dress?
Posted by Pariscub on :
I do own a tuxedo, even though nowadays, I prefer wearing my formal kilt outfit.


Do you think you know who will win the Rugby World Cup?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I know I don't know who will win the World Rugby Cup as I don't know who is playing. Or I could have answered "the winning team". [Wink]


What is your favorite sport to watch?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
the Winter Olympics... I realize that's not a single sport, but I love the whole package - not just one part.


do you like autumn, and why or why not?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
(1) Temperature is in the 40-70 range here in DC.
(2) West Nile-carrying mosquitoes are dormant.
(4) Oktoberfest
(5) All the really cool Legion Worlders have autumn birthdays.

What is the longest distance you've ridden a bicycle in one day?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
about 60 miles. From Hudson, NY to New Paltz, NY and halfway back again (when the chain broke!).

APBM, what's the fartest north you've been, and what time of year was that?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Perth, Scotland - in August.

APBM, what was the last flavour of ice cream you ate?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
No sugar added chocolate.

APBM, when was the last time a stranger saw you naked?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
that I know of? about ten ago. There was a little woodland swimming area along a rocky (well, boulder-y) creek in the mountains. There were about 30 of us swimming or just hanging out; about half of us were nekkid. I only knew a few of the people present.

a cold mountain stream/lake in summer, or a warm ocean breeze in winter?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Oooh, that's a hard one. I'm thinking of Feather River in the Sierra Nevadas with the pups for the former, and a beach on Mykonos with a Swede for the latter. Well, given that the Mykonos thing was about 25 years ago, and the Feather River thing would allow me to keep my clothes on, I'm gonna choose the cold mountain stream/lake in summer.

Altruistic Polish Bohemian Matriarch,

When is it time to say goodbye to your beloved pet?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
When they are in so much pain that it would be cruel to keep them alive.


Who is your favorite Supreme Court Justice, living or dead?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Blackmun -- left-leaning Arlington, VA resident, mathematician, what's not to love?

When was the last time you ate a meal in your (or someone else's) car?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Last Friday- an Egg McMuffin on the way to work.


How often do you truly laugh out loud?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
2x/wk, unless directed otherwise by a physician

Is there any comic/TPB that you enthusiastically recommend to people who may not even be comic readers?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
No, I've never recommended comics. I do, however recommend novels all the time.

Absolute Pretty Boy Meltdown:

What's an appropriate comment when your co-worker's pants or slacks are so low that you see butt-crack. (Happened last week.)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, "It's not a full moon yet!" would be pretty cheeky (pun intended) Although it would work depending on the co-worker's personality. Other comments: "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down and so are your pants."; "I couldn't help noticing your crack problem."; "How low can you go?"; "Hey Pov when did you start working here?"; "Oh not wearing underwear today?"

Seriously, a discreet "You need to pull up your pants." should suffice for a co-worker of the same sex. For an opposite sex co-worker, I would enlist the aid of a co-worker of the same sex as the co-worker with the falling pants to relay the message.

A Pantless Bare Moon,

Who would you like to see naked but haven't seen naked already?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
In no particular order:

Russell Crowe
Orlando Bloom
Peyton Manning
Charlie Hunnam
Joaquin Phoenix
Heath Ledger
John Edwards
John Edward
Edward Norton
Chris Cuomo
Jeff Gorden
Enrique Iglasias
Russell Crowe (round 2)
Jenson Ackles
The guys from Cirque du Soleil
Gavin DeGraw
These two:
Maroon 5
Jim Sturgess
A big chunk of Miami’s population
James Franco
Chris Evans
and Freddie Prinze Jr
…I think that’s about it.


Do you have any pets?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Yes, my cat Belinda. I got her from the Animal Rescue League of Boston. She's 2 years old. There are pictures of her somewhere in another thread.


Who is your favorite relative?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
My favourite relative is my great-great grandfather's cousin, who emigrated from Sweden and kept writing home for money, since he had bad luck gambling.

A Pugilistic Beery Malefactor,

When was the last time you climbed a tree and what sort of tree was it?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
probably an apple tree; I climbed those all the time as a kid/pre-teen as I grew up in orchard country. I shudder at all the pesticides I've probably absorbed in my youth. I do not recall climbing a tree as an adult (or even in later teen years).

Amnesiac Person; Blurry Memory,

Do you still mourn for any lost/deceased pets?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I don't think I mourn them so much as get a little sad when I remember them.


They are making a live action Legion movie. You get to decide which Legionnaires they use and cast the actors. Go for it.

[ May 15, 2008, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
SG, LL, CB (with cameos of others at the end as a tease to the sequel)

SG: young Charlize Theron
LL: Orlando Bloom
CB: Sean Farris

They are making a live action Legion World movie. You get to decide which Legion Worlders they use and cast the actors. Go for it.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
This is a collaborative effort among Abin, Quis and me at SDCC:

In no particular order:
Abin: Michael Caine
Quis: Tobey Maguire
Rocky: Zac Efron
Kent: Harrison Ford
Nighty: Brad Pitt
Fat Cramer: Lindsay Wagner
Cali: Katee Sackhoff
Cobie: Clay Aikens
Lash: Antonio Banderas
EDE: Neil Patrick Harris
Lad Boy: Tom Cruise
Vee: Ricardo Montalban
Crujectra: Dolly Parton
Lardy: John Goodman
LL & SG: Kevin Bacon & Kyra Sedgwick
Outdoor Miner: CGI, voiced by Frank Oz
Kippers: Guy in robot suit, voiced by Anthony Daniels
And Actor Lad as Himself!

Who should we stalk on the Con?
Posted by Iron Rat on :
The lady who depicted Ahsoka Tano at the Star Wars booth. Too late, alas...

If you won roundtrip airfare to anywhere in the United States, where would you go?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Actually I did, just last week, so as soon as we decide where the next LW Meet-Up is going to be held, I'll be able to answer that question.

Automatic Peanut Butter Machine,

If you won roundtrip airfare to anywhere in the United States, where would you go?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I'd probably crash Cobalt's wedding! Always great to be at ground zero and what-not! [Wink]

A Pithy Bon Mot,

What wedding joke hasn't yet been made at Cobalt's expense?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Maybe the old ball and chain, but I really think we've covered them all.

Arcturan's Planetary Beings' Medium:

What's the first musical instrument you learned to play?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Never learned to play a musical instrument.


What should the next Batman movie be about?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
I think it should be about Batman, not
with Batman

Still, can't argue with $500 Mil.


If there was ever a Legion Movie, and he was included, who would play Bouncing Boy?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Jack Black, maybe?

Almost Pooped But Maintaining,

Same question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would go with Brendan Fraiser. CGIing the inflated times.


If you could eliminate one thing from the entire history of the world, what would you eliminate?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :


If you never had to wear clothes again, would you?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Only if it's cold outside!


Same query.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Yes. I like clothes. Silk feels good. So does soft cotton.

Another Potentially Bilious Male,

Could you live without a car?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I have done so in the past. It was easiest when I lived in Boston. I don't particularly like driving. I wish it were possible for me now; unfortunately, Houston does not have the kind of public transportation that enables on to live car-free easily.

Alligators play badminton marvelously:
What was your first trip on an airplane: How old were you and where did you go?
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
Oh, glad I got this one! First trip was to Oklahoma City, and I was 23. Yup, I had never been on an airplane before 23 and my first trip was for work. Now I travel (on a plane) no fewer than 12-15 times a year with at least 6 trips to Oklahoma City a year. I actually love to travel, even for work, and don't mind flying at all (prefer it to driving that's for sure).


Have you ever been on a train, and if so to where, and if not, would you want to and where to?
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
I've been on a train a number of times, in several countries. I've been on a train in the US (up and down the East Coast), the UK (London to various destinations; England to Scotland), and Japan (Tokyo to various destinations). I generally like train travel, and wouldn't mind doing a cross-country train trip sometime.

Have you ever fallen in love with a co-worker, and if so, did you confess your feelings to him/her?
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
If not love, something pretty close. But this wasn't a coworker at what I'd call a 'real job', but rather a job I was doing while still in college/early Grad School on the side. I was a bouncer at a bar part-time on weekends and she was a bartender/waitress. It was a fling and it was great. Definitely more than just a quick thing. But certainly not love. We admitted to each other we had feelings but the timing was such that both of us had some pretty complicted relationship issues at the time (re: in the middle of some messy stuff), so it didn't work out. For the best, as years later, we're still friends.


Have you ever had a fling with a co-worker (re: not as extreme as love)?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
No co-worker flings (too complicated) but one guy who seemed interested invited me to supper - to meet his wife.

A Pretty Bad Memory,

Did you ever get bounced from a bar?
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
No, although I might have come pretty close at the piano bar in San Diego, when I was going on about having Superboy-Prime punch off a certain somebody's head.


Have you ever finished a meal at a restaurant, and then realized you didn't have your wallet/purse/any money at all on you?
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
No, thankfully, but I did have the embarrassment to have a credit card declined a few years ago because it was maxxed out from business expenses. Luckily I was with friends and had another credit card with me. Still, pretty embarrassing!


Have you ever finished a meal at a restaurant and been so dissapointed by the service and the food that you considered not paying?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No, but I have been so dissatisfied with the service I have not left a tip. Oh and one time, no one came after we were seated that we left before ordering. And wonderful American Express moment there Cobie.


Which is you favorite season and why?
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
Autumn - its always been my favorite, and a lot of it reminds me of going back to school (I loved High School, especially my junior and senior year) and going back to college (I also loved college). There's a sense of 'newness' going on, of things changing, of things are about to get really fun but who knows how it will happen. I also love the Autumn in New England, where the change in seasons is ever apparent, and I like the shift to Fall sports, such as college football and even the NFL in recent years because I enjoy the Sunday craziness and going out to the bar for Monday Night football. And I also love the oncoming onslaught of holidays/events, especially Halloween and Thanksgiving. And there's a ton of other reasons too. I like the increasingly brisk nature of the season, which makes me sleep better than any other season (where its still not too cold like winter).


Same question, if you don't mind...
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Autumn also, because the weather is perfect, not too hot, not too cold, no icy roads and I don't mind rain. The bugs are gone. The tourists are gone (they're not so bad, but they put a lot of pressure on inadequate infrastructure). The garden is finished, except for clean-up, and there's lots of hope that things will be better next year. We get the wood stove going, which I love. And, yes, excellent sleeping weather.


Are you worried about the CERN Accelerator creating a black hole that will destroy the Earth on September 10th?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No. I am more worried about the Sun going nova in 5 billion years and obliterating the Earth.


Do you think there is intelligent life on other planets?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
If there's none here, why anywhere else? [Razz]

Aye Pie Basting Man,

What do you think was STU was doing during his long time away?
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
I have no doubt it was spent discovering the secrets of the universe, drinking mind-eraser shots and hoping to find out where Judd has imprisoned Pam.


Where do you think Loser Lad is these days?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I suppose he's still in Buffalo working ungodly hours. [Frown]

Another Po' Boy's Muthah,

Why haven't we heard from EDE in so long?
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
Not sure exactly but I suspect it has to do with grad school / teaching courses and beginning of a semester / publishing his thesis? Its hard to comprehend what keeps the brillant, hat-wearing one busy, so we can only [choke] to his return.


Now what about Frio?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Frio is the alt character of our beloved Caliente. She has cold based powers. That's about all I know about Frio.


What was your first favorite TV show when you were a little kid?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I think it was the old Adam West Batman show. I still love it!

Are People Better than Martians?

Do/did you like that old Batman show?
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
Not really, but I don't mind it. It was definitely way before my time, but I remember thinking it was so cool that Batman was on TV whenever I saw reruns.


Did you absolutely love the Batman: The Animated Series cartoon, and if not, why the heck not?
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
I did. My oddest memory of the show is that of Aunt Harriet, bound and blindfolded, hanging over an open fire. Bizarre! [Eek!]

Who was your favorite villain from the Batman show?

I didn't really love the animated series; I guess I was in a "not appreciating cartoons" phase when it was popular!

Have you ever had a crush on Batgirl?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Edit: No crush on Batgirl, but I thouoght she was so cool. Also my favorite villian was King Tut

Well I don't "absolutely" love it. I do think it was very well done and the original opening captures everything about the BAtman.


What did you think of the more recent "The Batman" cartoon?
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
Didn't bother to watch it, because I'm probably going what Stu went through back then in the 'not appreciating cartoons' phase if they're not part of Adult Swim or Family Guy.


What's your favorite current cartoon?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
<edit: was answer to Batgirl question>

Oh gods, YES! Her (Yvonne Craig), Catwoman (Julie Newmar) and Princess Leia!

Current favorite cartoon? Probably "Family Guy".


Did anyone catch my (very) obtuse reference to the old Batman show in "Inane Five Word Posts"?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Only now that you mentioned it.


Do you have siblings and are they older, younger, or both in relation to you?
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
Three siblings: two brothers and a sister, all younger. (26, 20, 18). The sister is the youngest.


Same question...
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Three older sisters. Less said about them the better.


Have you ever been in love?
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
Yes, indeed! And after several years, its time to get married! [Smile]


Have you ever been in love, and if so, how did you meet?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Alas, I have never been in love.


Are you a dog person or a cat person?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
No. I have a goldfish pond in the backyard.


Did you watch three or more major speeches from the Democratic National Convention?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Only caught Hilldog's, but it was pretty good!
(I'm undecided!)

Another Please, Bar Maid!

Why do some of us come up with inventive ways of doing the "APBM" acronym while others don't bother?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Because some aren't as witty or might be tired.

A Personal BM,

Was that witty enough for you?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Meh. [Smile]

Apple Pie & Banana Milkshake,

What's the most burning question you have of a fellow poster here?
Posted by Legatus Ferrous Rodentus on :
(It looks like my facetious answer stalled the thread...)

Not directed at anyone in particular, but I often wonder what people would change about themselves if they could.

So, along those lines:

If there's one thing you could change about your life -- whether related to your job, relationship status, where you live, etc. -- what would it be?

[ September 03, 2008, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: Legatus Ferrous Rodentus ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
oh, there are so many things I'd want to change. I think I'd change it so that as a kid I'd be forced to eat everything so I wouldn't be such a fussy eater.

Anna Pavlov Brings Meals,

If you could be given great talent, would you want that talent as an artist, musician, or writer?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Definitely as a musician. I'd love more than anything to be able to play the metal!

Arkansas Preacher Bawls Melancholic,

Same question.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
It's a tough call. I've always enjoyed writing. I've always wanted to be able to be a visual artist, but it's the weakest of the three for me. But right now, I think I'd also say musician, though in quite a different genre from Lardy! [Wink] I'd want to be a singer, either of classical or traditional pop music--I'd remain a tenor, of course. [Big Grin]

Apparently Paul Bakes Mallomars,

What would you want as your last meal?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Roast Dodo bird. [Wink]

(probably just a hamburger and fries)

Ancestors Project Bad Memories,

What person in history would you like to be able to say that you are related to?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Hugh Hefner? Hey, it'd give me some street cred! [Smile]

Aloha Permanently Boogie Man!

Where's Waldo?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Waiting in some ad agency for a Where's Waldo Revival.

Aunts Possibly Baking Meatloaf,

Do you have a favourite teacher from your school days?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yes. Mr. Hodgkins was my High School Chemistry teacher and he was fun, enthusiastic and actually got me to learn quite a bit about chemistry--so much that I considered majoring in it my freshmen year of college. What a great guy. He wrote a Letter of Reccomendation for me too for college.


Do you have a favorite subject from high school (as opposed to college or any other schooling)?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Latin - I studied it for 4 years and it was always my top grade. (And I always had the top grade in Latin in the school).

Alpo Producing Bedouin Manufacturer,

What did you steal from your high school?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I was a good Catholic boy going to a good all-boys Catholic high School. I stole nothing.


Would you believe me if I said that I have no good stories from my days in an all-boys Catholic high school?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Yes, because as a Protestant, I was taught that the nuns suck all the joy from one's soul.

Another Pablum Baby Mother,

Any truth to the rumor that catholic school girls were easy?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Possibly, because where I came from, if you were too easy, you got dispatched to private school with the nuns.

A Poodle Bearing Macadamias,

Did you hate gym in high school?
Posted by Acid Digestion Lad on :
Yes but that's prolly because I..well honestly I just hated it.

A possible Blonde Moment,

Do you hate lima beans?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
No, I quite like them.

Adjust Please Ball Movement,

Do you hate spinach?
Posted by SharkLad on :
No, I actually love spinach. (I make a killer spinach salad).

Armenian Penises Bulge Mightily,

Would you be upset if a particularly violent hurricane had the same name as you?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I don't think so. It depends on how many people keep reminding me of it.

Assault People Being Mean,

How would you like your body disposed of after death, burial, cremation, be devoured by vultures, or something else (please state what other way)?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Viking funeral, but if not, I wouldn't mind having it fed to Great White Sharks.


Would you ever go swimming in the ocean in parts known for having great white sharks?
Posted by Masked STU on :
Sure -- I just wouldn't go that far out. I'd probably go no deeper than waist level, and I'd come in at the first sign of trouble.


Have you ever gone swimming in the ocean where there was known to be any kind of shark?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Yes, I've seen sharks several times while diving, one saw a feeding frenzy, and once touched a sleeping shark under a ledge in Tahiti.

After Primping, Be Manly,

What's the most life threatening thing you've ever done?
Posted by SharkLad on :
I walked through Harlem by myself ...

Avocadoes, Pickles, Beets, Mustard

Would you be more frightened of swimming with sharks or sting rays?
Posted by Masked STU on :
I used to think sharks, but after what happened to Steve Irwin, I don't know... I think I'd still say sharks, as stingray injuries are far less likely to be fatal, unless it's a complete freak accident.


Excluding things that relate to a family member, friend, or romantic partner, what is your most cherished possession, and why?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Duh? Garbo, Duncan, Skye and Niki - or if they're considered "family", then my "Cub of the Year" plaque.

Auntie Prissy, Be Mine!

What was your first car, and how did it end between the two of you?
Posted by Masked STU on :
I'm not sure where my first "hand-me-down" car is... I think I sold it to someone. The first car I ever bought with my own money is still the car I drive now! (I don't think you've ever seen it, but a couple of LWers have.)


What kind of car do you think you'll buy next?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
As it stands now, I doubt I'll be getting a car any time soon. I think it has been about 10 years of being without a car.

Admiral Preston Belligerent Male,

You have been give the opportunity to live and work in the city of your choice for the next year. What city would you choose and why?
Posted by Masked STU on :
Wow, that's tough. I'd like to say somewhere like Dubai or Sydney or Shanghai, but I think I'd feel a little too isolated if I had to stay there for a whole year.

I'm going to narrow it down to three U.S. cities that I think would be fun: Seattle, Austin, and Portland, Oregon. If forced to decide among the three, I'd have to do a bit more research, and/or flip a coin a couple of times.


Same question!
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
For me it would be Toronto, to see if I really do miss it after 26 years, like I keep telling myself, and to see if I really want to move back when I retire.

Astro Physics Beats Macrame,

Where do you think you want to retire to?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
The Virginia Appalachians.


How far do you live from the home you grew up in?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Acording to Mapquest about 30 miles.


They are redoing your state quarter and asked you what should be on the back. What would you put on the back of your state's quarter?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Lad Boy:
The Virginia Appalachians.


How far do you live from the home you grew up in?

Originally posted by Lard Lad:
Just a few blocks from where I lived between the ages of 13 and 23 (same neighborhood).

Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
They are redoing your state quarter and asked you what should be on the back. What would you put on the back of your state's quarter?


Ass Poop Butt Maird,

Same question.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Which question?

According to Google Maps, I currently live 1852 miles from the home where I lived from birth to age 12 and 987 miles from the home where I lived from age 12 till college (and where my parents still live).

As for the quarter, to the map of Texas and Lone Star depicted on the Texas state quarter, I would have added a blue bonnet and a mockingbird, and, possibly a pecan tree, three of our state emblems.

Avignon Papacy Brought Mayhem,

What do you think is your best physical feature?

[ September 07, 2008, 10:32 PM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hm...well *usually* I have great hair (not always!) and *usually* I have very defined arms and shoulders.

Now that damn stomach...


What is something about your physical appearance you really like even though the general consensus among the rest of Western Civilization would tell you is not the best thing in the world?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
My feet. Sexy hot feet, just in case you're into that.


What are your thoughts on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac... federal conservatorship is a salvation of the slumping economy? the harbinger of end times? the pet names the Cobalts use for each other in the heat of passion? or something else?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'm actually a little surprised, but I'm glad they did. It was either that or we would have lots of Americans out on the street.

Alexander Pope Bores Me,

Of the Legion Worlders you have not yet met in person, which would you most like to meet?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Tie between Lard Lad & Semi Transparent Fellow.

Aquamarine Periwinkle Burgundy Magenta,

What one modern convenience would you miss the most if they were all taken away?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Email. It saves so much hassle from having to call someone up and actually have to 'small talk' when you're trying to get something done.


What is something that even though you know is 'right' or 'good', gets you annoyed because its so in your face?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Expression of religious belief. Even those that aren't trying to be in your face about. Only because of those who are in your face about it.

Apples Pears Bananas Mangos,

What is your favorite fruit?
Posted by SharkLad on :
my boyfriend ...


Do you think Bryan Singer should still be allowed to make the next Superman movie?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
SR wasn't the ultimate, but it was decent enough that he deserves another go.

Amanda Plummer's Beige Mercedes,

What comic book flick should be made but probably never will?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
A live action Legion.

Atom Polaris Batman Manbat,

Which comic book superhero should they never make a motion picture of?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
The Incredible Hulk, as proven twice now.
But on the assumption Hulk no longer counts since "never" is no longer an option... Thor. Marvel never had a decent take on Norse mytohs (but Simonson came close)

APBM, same question.
Posted by dedman on :
Ummm....Too Much Coffee Man, except maybe as a cartoon short film


Do you have a job you enjoy, a job that pays well, or luckily a job that is both?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I have a job that I absolutely love. Pays well . . . not so much.


What classic TV series would you most like to see a "reunion" of?
Posted by Exnihil on :
God help me... "Twin Peaks".


What is art?
Posted by LardLad on :
This is art! [Wink]

Act Properly Buddhist Monk!

Who's the most interesting poster, in your opinion, on Legion World?
Posted by Exnihil on :
What was the question, now? I'm a bit shaken from that link...

Oh! The most interesting LW poster to me, or at least the most intriguing, is... STU. Between his 10 or so ID's, and his insistent lack of a photo, I am drawn to this fellow.


Who has the best screen-name on LW?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Helena Handbasket

Athens Paris Boise Madrid,

Are you a city mouse or a country mouse?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
Neither; I'm a Stu rat! (A little of both, actually.)


Of the places you've lived, which has been your favorite?
Posted by SharkLad on :
My current locale ... Huntington, LI, NY ...


Do you think the new season of Heroes is going to be good?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
I don't know; I've only ever watched bits and pieces of episodes.


Is now a good time for someone who hasn't been following Heroes to start watching the series, or would such a person find the show hard to follow?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I wouldn't know; I never warmed up to the series.

Alpha Pi Beta Mu,

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that "Heroes" and "Lost" are now attracting huge audiences doing the kinds of stories Marvel and DC have been doing for 40 years?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
I'm not sure. It would be good if the success of those shows is causing more people to read comics, but I'm not sure that's happening. (As an aside, I find it extremely odd that so many people think of comics as something far outside of the mainstream -- and thus inappropriate for the general public -- yet enjoy other forms of media that are influenced by or directly based on comics. For example, I don't have any non-MB friends that read comics or have ever had any interest in doing so, yet I have plenty of friends that enjoy the Batman, Iron Man, and X-Men movies.)


Do many of your non-message board friends read comics?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Not many, but at least one. I worked with a fellow fairly closely for four years, and the topic never came up. One day, I'm at my local comic shop and who do I see? Kinda cool.


What is your greatest regret?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
not being more focused and motivated, especially in my youth.

Aurora (Polar) Borealis Monitor,

If you had to choose one, which LWer would want for companionship if you two were stranded somewhere together?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The one that could build a computer with internet assess out of coconuts. Then I wouldn't have to choose.

Abigail Penelope Brenda Margarite,

What is your favorite girl's name?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Anneliese... ah, first loves (nobody tell Mrs. Nihil!)

Arthur Percival Bors Mordred,

If you could be a fictional character from any medium, who would you choose?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Sherlock Homles. I loved his intellect and powers of observation

Arthur, Bernard, Peter, Michael,

What is your favorite boy's name?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Aaron--the two A's ensure that he'll always be first.

Aarok, Braal, Phlon, Mardru,

If you could visit any planet in the solar system (other than earth), which would it be and why?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Mars, I suppose, to stake out my claim. Oh, sure, laugh now, but when the Terra-forming starts, none of you kids are allowed in my yard. [Wink]

A Par-Boiled Mango,

World Peace or True Love: You are granted one, which do you choose?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
World Peace. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.

Aster Petunia Begonia Marigold,

Who should star as you in the movie of your life?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
Me! I think it would be fun to be in a movie, and I honestly can't think of any current actor who could do the role justice (or who even looks much like me). [Wink]


Same question!
Posted by Ram Boy on :
The only actor I'd really trust in the role of me is Cate Blanchett (though I'd consider Tobey Maguire - but only if he was coached by Cate Blanchett). I would also like to state emphatically that I would never approve of David Hyde Peirce in the role of myself as I never knew any David Hydes I got along with.


When was the last time you danced?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
About 20 years ago. My mother kept saying I'd regret it if I didn't learn to dance - and she was right. Eventually.

Always Popular Being Merry,

Did your parents make you do something you hated but are glad to have learned today?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


In what way, as a parent yourself, are you/were you/would you be most unlike your parents ?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I'm unlike my parents in that I don't have kids.

Apple PluBerry Mango:

What message would you give to the next generation?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Forgive us our sins ... it was mostly the Republicans' fault ...

Asian People Bring Merriment,

Do you think Tharok had half a robot penis?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I do now. Thanks to you.

Australia Poland Bolivia Mongolia,

If you could prevent Hitler's birth, would you?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
Yes, but I'd do so by preventing his parents from meeting or falling in love, rather than by killing one or both of them.


If you could go back in time and prevent a single event from occurring (e.g., Hitler's birth is a "single event," but World War II is not), what would it be, and why?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd prevent Lincoln's assassination. I think if Lincoln had still been alive Reconstruction would have gone a little better.

Ascot Pumps Belt Mittens,

What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up when you were a little kid? And did you become that?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
An astronaut. Yes, I did. Didn't we all?

Apelike Person Bearing Myrrh,

What would be your ideal life, 20 years from now?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
To be alive, with money in the bank and good health would do it.

Antidoting Possibly Bringing Migraines,

Are the Beatles overrated?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
In case it needs repeating...

Argent Pepper's Bonely Meartsclubband,

what is your favorite Beatles song?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Lovely Rita Meter Maid (It reminds me of my mom)

Airedale Pekingese Beagle Mastiff,

If you could have an exotic animal for a pet, which would you like to have?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
A giant panda, as long as I had the money and space to care for it properly.


Do you like pandas?
Posted by dedman on :
I'm just a panda little panda bear, and i'll dance for you...if you give me a quarter

I hope that in someway answers your question

Albino Pirhanas Biting Me

Wanna give me a quarter?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Well, sure. Where do I send it? And could you video your panda dance and post it here?

Alabaster People Buying Mumus:

What's your favourite restaurant?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Remington's. That was where we had the tables arranged into a big L.

Anchovies Pepperoni Beef Mushrooms,

What is your favorite meal?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Breakfast (specifically Sunday breakfast, as the missus and I generally get up early and go out for it. It's a hour or so I look forward to all week.)

Amsterdam Paris Brussels Madrid,

How many languages to you speak (and to what degree)?
Posted by SharkLad on :
two ... English and Spanish ... pretty good in both ...

Apes Panthers Bluejays Monkeys,

Were you a fan of Justice League Unlimited?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
only saw it a couple times. Seemed okay. Don't watch much TV.

Abyssinian Pumas Beat Minxes,

If you could create a cartoon using existing comic characters, what would it be like?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
A Ma Hunkel/Red Tornado cartoon

Alien Patton Backdraft Moonstruck,

Would you rather have Matter-Eater Lad's powers or Bouncing Boy's powers?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
It would be a team-up between the Arcudi/Tan Doom Patrol and Agents of Atlas. It would be awesome.


If you had the opportunity to be drawn in as a cameo in a current comic book, which would it be, and in what context would you hope to appear?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
X-factor, as a background character making a nerdy, breaking the fourth wall comment.

Would you rather have Matter-Eater Lad's powers or Bouncing Boy's powers?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
Matter-Eater Lad's, since I like to eat anyway and eat just about everything, and Bismollians don't ever seem to gain weight from doing so.


Do you think Bouncing Boy will be an active member of the Legion after Legion of 3 Worlds?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I don't think so. The creators don't seem to like him much, although a lot of fans do.

Alien Poodle Bites Man,

If you were to start your own religion, what would be one of the tenets?
Posted by dedman on :
worship in your own way

Amber Pink Blue Mauve

How many roads must a man walk down?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
As many as necessary.

Argon Phosphorus Beryllium Manganese,

Which celebrity would you want to be your BFF?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Easy, Gilbert Gottfried. That way I'd always be assured of being the cool one.

Archipelago Peninsula Butte Moor

Are you a Type-A personality or a Type-B?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
A little of both -- it depends on the context. I guess I'd say I'm an A- or B+ type. [Wink]


What is your blood type?
Posted by Pov on :
Type O-Negative, like the band. :headbang: [Big Grin]

Only I have a rare antibody, which makes it even harder to receive blood. [Razz] Luckily Mom and one of my uncles are the same bloodtype.


What would you do if you only had a week to live?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Post like crazy on Legion World. Say some good byes. Try to get things in order. Have a hamburger.

Astros Padres Braves Mariners,

If you could be an Olympic gold medalist, what sport would you like to have a medal in?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Archery, no doubt!

It's just so Ollie Queen-cool, and (he sheepishly admits) I sometimes do think, "If, tomorrow, I decided I wanted to be in the Olympics, what sport could I actually, realistically, train to be good at?" Archery, it is.

A Pretty Bitchin' Mustang,

If you could afford any vehicle, what would you want to own?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
A Land Rover. It's similar to what I drive now (a Jeep Cherokee), but cooler.

Also Please But Maybe,

If you could date any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Sean Connery, because I've had a crush on him since James Bond days and he's been a longtime proponent for Scottish independence, which I neither support nor oppose but could be interesting to talk about. If there were a Legion movie, I'd like him to play RJ Brande.

Any People Buying Marmelade,

What's your current favourite song/album?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Bach: Complete Sonatas & Partitas for Violin Solo Rachel Podger

Androgynous Polar Bear's Mother:

Are you directly affected by the turmoil in the American economy?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope, I have not partaken of that Ponzi scheme they call the stock market.

Atlanta Pittsburgh Baltimore Miami,

Did you watch Heroes last night? If you did, what did you think and if you didn't, why didn't you?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
I didn't, because I haven't really watched it before, and didn't want to just jump in now. I think I'm going to ask for the DVDs for Christmas, and try to catch up then (and then watch this season's episodes when they're re-run in the spring).


Same question.
Posted by LardLad on :
Yep, watched and enjoyed. As long as Mr. Muggles keeps appearing, I'm there! [Big Grin]

Aquaman Ponders Boning Mera,

Have you seen Fringe and/or Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles? If so, did you enjoy it/them?
Posted by Exnihil on :
No, I'd like to watch "Fringe", but I got so addicted to watching "Lost," that I refuse to be beholden to yet another serialized show. (I will catch it on DVD, though [Smile] )

A Poignant Bygone Memory,

Do your thoughts ever drift to "the one that got away"?
Posted by dedman on :
They used to, but not since I've met my wife. She's so awesome in every regard my mind has no need to wander.


Do you have first aid/cpr?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Yes I do, it is required in my job.


Have you ever thought "That was a good movie," and it starred Keanu Reeves?
Posted by dedman on :
No, I find Keanu such a bad actor that i generally avoid his movies


Can you swim?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Yes, although I haven't for years. I really need to get to the beach more often.

Astro Poochie Benji Marmaduke,

Tell us something about you as a kid.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
My nickname was Tiger, because I once bit my brother.

All Points Bulletin Man,

Do you or did you have a nickname?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
Yes, I've had at least two nicknames in the past, but they're too embarrassing to disclose here. [Embarrassed]


Do you like the first name you were given by your parents, or would you prefer having another one (and if the latter, have you changed it as an adult)?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
As a kid I hated it, because it was an uncommon name at the time, and one prone to mispronounciation. I like it now.

Arnold Palmer Bogeying Mid-course,

same question
Posted by LardLad on :
I've always liked being named Anthony. However, I've hated being called "Tony" for short, probably because my relatives on my dad's side always called me that--and almost everyone on that side of the family are insufferable blowhards. I have warmed up to it a bit in recent years, though.

Ask Pete Before Me,

Same question.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
When I was a child, I hated my first name because it was easy to make fun of. I also hated the alliteration of my first and last names (both start with the letter "G") because none of my friends were alliterate. I've grown used to both since then.

Aloysius Peregrine Benazir Menachim,

If you would change your name, what would it be?
Posted by dedman on :
Marcinius Chainbreaker, destroyer of worlds!!!

Naw, seriously, i like my name just fine as it is.

Anti-Pesto Bolognaise Marinara

What is your favorite TV series, past or present?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Present- 'twould have to be the masterpiece that is, "Lost," past - I'd give the edge to "Twin Peaks".

Absurdist Portrait by Magritte,

Who is your favorite painter?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Da Vinci

Abomination Penguin Blob Mordru,

What do you want for Christmas this year?
Posted by Pov on :
My two front teeth.

Anal Probing Butt Marauder,

Why ask "Why?"
Posted by Stu Rat on :
Why not?


What's your favorite rhetorical question?
Posted by SharkLad on :
"Do you know what happened to me at work today?"


Have you feared you were dyslexic?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Sometimes when I'm really tired.

Authentically Played Baroque Music:
Who is your favourite classical composer?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Giuseppe Verdi

Antisocial Patrick Bateman-esque Mania,

Do you suspect (or know) that any of your behaviors are obsessive-compulsive?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
Yes, just about all of them. [LOL]


Do you ever exhibit signs of clinical paranoia?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Why do you ask? Are you from the government? [No]

Seriously, no.

Adams Pierce Buchanan Madison,

What did you have the most fun doing/playing when you were a kid?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
Playing video games, playing with LEGO, and writing/doodling stuff that I found amusing. Basically the same things that I have the most fun doing now! [LOL]


Same question!
Posted by LardLad on :
Being a Star Wars fanatic/action figure wnthusiast, fake Karate fighting, hide and seek, superhero roleplaying and reading comics! [Smile]

Active Pandas Banter Mercilessly,

Same Question!
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
My friends and I would pack towels and clothes pins in our lunch boxes in elementary school. During playground time, we were all superheroes with capes. That, and reading the comics that inspired us.

Always Passing Billowy Methane,

What was your favorite Halloween costume?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I didn't have a favourite Hallowe'en costume, but I enjoyed dressing up as a brick in our Grade 3 play of "The Three Little Pigs".

Aren't People Being Mellow,

Did you have any collecting hobbies, like stamps, when you were a kid?
Posted by SharkLad on :
I collected coins.

Ants Picnic Bummer Mightily

What was your favorite cereal as a kid?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would say Lucky Charms because of the marshmellow in it,

Astronaut Politician Butcher Manager,

Knowing what you know now, what one bit of advice would you give your younger self?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Have more fun but go easy on the credit cards.

Anyone Puttering By Minneapolis,

Did you ever buy anything on the Home Shopping Channel?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
No, but Lady Cobalt has bought two workout machines: "The Stepper" which works okay, and "Leg Magic" which I think was a total bust and waste of money. She likes that kind of thing. I try to never spend money on anything other than stuff I would have liked when I was 10 years old.


Do you know how to cook, and if so, when did you take an interest in it, and when did you learn?

<----------can't cook, no interest in learning
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'm no master chef, but I can boil water for spaghetti and I can cook a roast with pan roasted potatoes. I've baked a couple of apple pies. I don't say I have an interest so much as needing to know how. Dad taught me how to make the pie crust (he learned from Mom) the rest I just picked up from watching Mom.

Apollo Poseidon Boreas Morpheus,

Of the classic myths, do you have a favorite and if so which one?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Yes, Pygmalion and Galatea (upon which was based "My Fair Lady"); I've always been a fan of the impossible love story.

Apparition Phantom Boogieman Manifestation,

Do you believe in ghosts?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Do you mean Casper's not real?????

Seriously, I would say I have an open mind about ghosts. There is a possibility of such things. But I would need evidence.

Another Person Below Me,

Have you ever had a really bad neighbor? If so, what did the neighbor do?
Posted by Stu Rat on :
[I'd have to say yes; twice in my life, I've observed phenomena that could not be explained by science or logic, and that closely fit what most people consider a "ghost sighting" to be. However, I think the vast majority of "ghost sightings" are hoaxes or something else.]

Yes; I've had plenty of bad neighbors. A few years ago, some college kids lived next door to me and partied until dawn several days a week. They routinely left empty beer bottles and cigarette butts all over the walkway.


Do you believe that extraterrestrials have had some sort of contact with Earth (i.e., landed here, abducted humans, etc.)?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
The universe is an unimaginably vast place. I find it plausible that life may exist elsewhere. Even so, I haven't found any evidence to convince me that earth has been visited by E.T.'s.

All Points Bulletin Maker,

Which of the following do you like best: The Simpsons, King of the Hill, or The Family Guy?
Posted by LardLad on :
The Simpsons made all the others possible and has withstood the test of time, so I'd go with them.

Amy Poehler: Butt Model,

Family Guy, Futurama or South Park...which is funniest of the three?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Family Guy. I grew tired of Futurama very quickly, and, to me, South Park is just crude. But FG manages to be crude and make pointed observations about pop culture.


Do you spend too much time watching TV?
Posted by dedman on :
Hmmm...yes and no. I rarely watch TV "as it happens" due to my work schedule, i'd end up missing most of any particular shows season. So I buy the shows that sound interesting on DVD and watch them at my leisure. Sometimes this results in watching 5 or 6 episodes in a row.

Amorphis Pantera Bathory Megadeth,

Who is your favorite musical artist/group and what is, in your opinion, their best album?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
It changes from week to week, but right now it's the Russian rock band Piknik and (of the albums I've heard), I'll go with Foletovo.

Antidoting Penicillin Buying Mommies,

Do you have a recurring dream or nightmare?
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
Yes, I have this recurring nightmare where I'm trapped at a computer, incessantly composing inane and frequently tasteless messages, and the maturity level of the other regulars at this venue is slowly bringing out my own baser instincts and making me regress to the mindset of a 10-year-old, and no matter what I do, I can't break free of this Sisyphean nightmare of... of...

[sudden moment of realization]



Same question.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I rarely remember dreams 10 minutes after waking, but I'm pretty sure I do not have reoccuring ones per se... but I do have sequels from time to time.

Apple Pear Balsamic Mayonaise,

What question from this page that you missed would you like to answer?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Do you believe in ghosts?


Have you been to a Disney theme park?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I visited the one in California in 1985. My standout memory is of the haunted castle.

Adlai Palin Biden Mondale,

What one issue do you wish the candidates would spend more time addressing?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Ending the war in Iraq.

Alien Predator Bigfoot Mummy,

What is your favorite monster and why?
Posted by SharkLad on :
That turtle thing from the Godzilla movies ...

Actors Prostitutes Bowlers Mommies

What's your favorite American remake of a British TV show?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Survivor, I suppose, the continual refresh of cast keeps the core concept from seeming old.

Animals Pacemakers Beatles Mindbenders,

Apart from the Beatles or the Rolling Stones, who is your favorite band of the British Invasion era?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
The Yardbirds. "Heart Full of Soul," "Shapes of Things," "Over Under Sideways Down" . . . they pioneered heavy metal and psychedelic rock.

Airplane Pink Brother Messenger,

What is your favorite band of the psychedelic era?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Jefferson Airplane.

All People Beware Monkeys

What's your favorite Elvis song?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Suspicious Minds, I guess. Not a huge Elvis fan.

All Parakeets Bullying Mice,

What was your worst vacation?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Family trip to Spain four years back ... it was torture ...

Albus Pavarti Bellatrix Mundungus

Would you say you are close to your family?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
not really. My sis lives overseas. my mom and I talk, but it remains superficial.

Atomic Powered Battery Museum,

Where did you lose your virginity, or (if not there yet), where would you chose to?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
An abandoned house.

Arsenic Powder Bought Monday:

Do you practice any religious faith.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Though I was raised in both the Jewish and Roman Catholic traditions (long story), I've been a Kabbalist, with some elements of Thelema, for the past 17 years (longer story).

Aleph Peh Beth Mem,

Same Question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Raised Catholic. Not sure if I am an atheist or an agnostic now.

Aerosmith Phish Metallica B-52s,

NASA is looking for volunteers for a 20 year space mission to an Earth-like planet. Would you volunteer?
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
That would depend on whether it's 20 years there and back, or just 20 years there. Also, I guess I'd have to factor in the travel conditions, how risky the trip would be, etc. If it's going to take 20 years just to get there, and/or I wouldn't be spending the trip in suspended animation, I'd definitely pass.


If you had $50 million in the bank, would you spend $5 million of it to take a private trip into orbit?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Will I get a packet of peanuts?

I wouldn't spend it just for an orbital flight. A trip to the moon, I would.

Atlantis Paradise Brigadoon Mu,

If you could pt yourself into any work of fiction, which one would you want to be part of?
Posted by dedman on :
I'd like to be a part of Steven Erikson's "Malazan" fantasy series.


Do you think Monkey Eater Lad really eats monkeys?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Yes... yes I do.

Then again, I also think Semi-Transparent Fellow is really Semi-Transparent and that you are really dead... er, ded.

Apey Bee-em,

Regardless of your current sexuality (hetero, homo, bi, what have you) has there ever been a time in your life when you suspected you might be of a different persuasion?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
No. I've always been certain that I'm a card-carrying "what have you."

Associated Press' Butter Man:

What is the nicest thing you've ever done for a total stranger?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, once a found a twenty dollar bill on the ground. I divided it into 2 tens and gave each ten to a homeless person.

Alumimum Pewter Brass Magnesium,

What is your worst habit?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Biting off more than I can chew

Another Person Below Me

How often do you text?
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
I've never.


Do you use a handheld device to check e-mail and surf the 'net?
Posted by LardLad on :
Nope, unless you're referring to...

Nevermind. [Big Grin]

Alas, Probably Because of Me,

Has anything I've done ever surprised you?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, there was that one time you washed the dishes without being told [Wink]

Amundsen Polo Balboa Magellan,

What part of the world would you like to take 2-3 months and really explore it?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I've always wanted to spend a few months in Great Britain.

Abs Pecs Biceps Muscles

Other than Legion World, what is your favourite Web site?
Posted by Exnihil on :
The Absorbascon, Scipio Garling is a "blogeur extraordinaire"

Athos Porthos Balthasar Melchior (?!?)

Who are the members of your favorite fictional trinity?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Bugs, Daffy, & Elmer

(Wabbit Season
Duck Season
Wabbit Season
Duck Season
Wabbit Season
Wabbit Season
Duck Season - Shoot now!)

Aristotle Pasteur Bell Mendel,

Did you like Science in school? Why or why not?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I liked studying the planets, but that was about it.

Adams Polk Buchanan Madison,

Did you like studying history in school? Why or why not?
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
Not really. I thought it was boring, and I hated having to memorize dates and people's names. In retrospect, I probably would have enjoyed it more had I had more inspiring history teachers.


Were you more of a teacher's pet or a class clown?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
More of a teacher's pet. I didn't suck up to the teacher, but I did like school and behaved myself.

I remember what my aunt said when I showed her my first grade report card. "I see you got an A in conduct and an A in effort. That's all I need to see. The A in conduct means you behaved and the A in effort means you tried your best."


Has anyone ever said something to you that you has stuck with you? And if so, what did they say?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Yes. Growing up, my family was rather poor, while my best friend came from money. He once passed on something his grandfather told him when he, as a child, asked if they were rich. He said, "A family's wealth can only be measured by how well they love one another."

A Pithy Bit of Monition,

What advice that you didn't follow do you, in retrospect, wish you had?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
None. I don't ask for advice. A flaw of mine.

Aril$$ Pokemon Bonanza MacGyver,

What is your favorite TV show?
Posted by Pov on :

Anal Probing Bugeyed Martian,

Do you shave or Nair for short shorts?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Shorts are a big no-no, as is nair.


Same question [Big Grin]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Once, at the short-lived peak of my intensive focus on bicycling-as-means-of-avoiding-serious-grad-school-research, I shaved my legs. In retrospect, the pursuit of a PhD in math might have been a better choice.

Albany Providence Boston Montpelier:

If you were in the JSA right now, what would Gog do for you? (On the outside chance you don't read JSA, what's your favorite color?)
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
He would make me permanently physically fit.

Always Pretending Brainy's Magical

Same Question
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
He would give me the drive to tackle all the projects I brainstorm but never seem to get to.

Altoona Pennsylvania Bethlehem Miner:

Are any smoking bans appropriate, and which ones?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would say the one for airplanes, hospitals, and restaurants are especially appropriate. I would also say though that if a building is large enough, there could be a room set aside for smokers.

Annapolis Peoria Billings Miami

Tell us about your dream vacation in detail.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hm, for me, it would probably be: a trip over to Ireland, that would hopefully extend into Europe, where I would basically visit various pubs, local restaurants (empahsis on local rather than anything fancy), and visit off the beaten path sights that only I might find interesting. There would be a lot of walking and 'roughing it'. I would eventually make it to Rome, Florence and Venice, and then would somehow get to Vienna, and then down to Greece, to see the Gates of Thermopolyae. I'd have various people with me for various parts of the trip, specifically my brothers in Ireland, my Dad in Greece, and Lady Cobalt for most of it. But lots of the time, I wouldn't mind being by myself. That's my dream vacation. It would last 30 days. [Big Grin]

I like this question, so APBM, same thing!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
With winter approaching, my current dream vacation would be to spend November, December, January, & February on a South Pacific island. My bungalow would be right on the beach. The housing staff would make sure the place is kept neat and clean and that all my favoite meals are prepared. There would be a major city about a half an hour away for when I tire of the beach. There would be a major airport there so any of my friends could come for a visit.

Angels Pixies Bugbears Mermaids,

What is your favorite myth or fairy tale?
Posted by dedman on :
I've always been a big fan of Grimm's fairy tales however my all time fav is the greek myth of Medusa

Acanthodian Paleocarcharias Bonito Mako,

Are you afraid of sharks?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Not particularly. When I swim in the ocean, I am not worried about a shark attack. But if I saw one close by, even if I was in a boat, I'd want to get back on shore.


What is your favorite myth or fairy tale? (or just one you like a lot)
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
For some reason Orpheus in the underworld always resonated with me even as a child. To brave Hell itself and then fail for an all too human desire to look back was especially tragic.


Do you think there such a thing as a Perfect murder?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
I respectfully decline to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me.

Any Port Before Maelstrom,

Have you ever climbed to the top of a lighthouse?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I think so, but can't recall when. Possibly in Nova Scotia in the mid-90s.

Al Pacino's Boy Mentor,

Have you ever seen the northern lights?
Posted by Tomahawk on :
Yes indeed, and they are quite pretty.


Are you one of those people able to easily make out the constellations, or do you need someone to point them out to you?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I can pick out Orion and the Big & Little Dippers, but that's it.


What is the first thing you would do if you suddenly had Superman's powers?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Check out people NAKED! WOOT! Err, no, I suppose I would save humanity from global warming and all that stuff because it's the right thing to do. But right after that - check out people NAKED! WOOT!


Same question. (What is the first thing you would do if you suddenly had Superman's powers?)
Posted by Tomahawk on :
The very first thing I suppose would be to fly up as high as I could possibly go and as fast as I could possibly go. That kind of rush is too tempting.


What is the first thing you would do if you suddenly had Martian Manhunter's powers?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Change my shape and go out to a dance club.


The powers that be have given the green light for a live action Legion movie. However, they are limiting it to just 6 Legionnaires. Which six would you use?

(and feel free to mix legions having Shikari serve with Blok)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Jacques (with better control of his dimensional powers)
Lu (as a tri-jitsu expert, she makes Val unnecessary)
...but if I could squeeze in a 7th, it would be Brainy

character-wise, we have a nice gender balance, a range of personalities, room for triangles and personality conflict.

action-wise, this combo allows stealth (Yera, Jacques and even Imra), fisticuffs (Jo, Lu and even Yera), distance/"blasting" power (Garth, Jo's flash-vision and even Imra can mind-blast).

we also have a nice balance between traditional and less-used characters.

APBM, same question
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Invisible Kid
Chemical King
Bouncing Boy
Saturn Girl
Phantom Girl
Shrinking Violet

Working title: Invisible Kisses, Chemical Sighs
Plot summery: Invisible Kid and Chemical King fall in love while searching for Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl and Shrinking Violet who are trapped on a lesbian prison planet where they're being forced to make ultra support bullet bras. Featuring Bouncing Boy.


What's your favorite love story?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Currently, its "The Time Traveler's Wife". It really moved me; more than anything I can remember in YEARS. And by that I mean all contexts: books, movies, poems, etc.


What's your favorite love story--within the context of a movie?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would say the one between George Bailey and Mary Hatch in It's a Wonderful Life She knew he was for her since she was a kid. And when he was in the world without George Bailey, I think, is when he really discovered how much he loved her.

Ascot Parka Blouse Mittens,

What was your best Halloween costume?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
A hula dancer. It was probably ruined by having to wear a coat for the weather, but I liked it.

All Paraguayans Barbecuing Meat,

If you could buy a new car today, what would you buy?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
If cost of purchase and ownership were no object I'd take a Bentley Continental. If I had to fork over the dough, I'd consider the Saturn Aura.

Accelerated Particle Beta Meson:

How long are you willing to wait in line to vote on Tuesday?

Alternative question for those not eligible to vote in the upcoming election: What's your favorite number?

[ November 07, 2008, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
For as long as needs be. (assuming you wanted the word "long" to be the 2nd word in your question. Otherwise I am willing to wait impatiently)

Arthur Pierce Buchanan Monroe,

If you were elected president, to what position would you appoint me to?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Secretary of Limericks


If you were a retiring President whose reputation was not pretty much ruined forever, what would you do with yourself after taking a vacation (if you wanted to take one)?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Become an elder statesman, go on talk shows, write books, and build a library. (Hey, might as well go with the flow.)


If you were an elder statesman, what issue(s) would you write/talk about?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The neglected art of Limericks.

Serious answer: Gay rights.

A Poltergeist Being Modest,

You have been given the same choice Barry Allen was given, A long but boring life or a much shorter life filled with adventure.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
A long, but boring life. I am satisfied by the accumulative effect of small, simple pleasures.

Alternative Polar Boy Masseur:

Is there any person for whom or cause for which you would risk death?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :


What's been the funniest moment of the last 10 days for you?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
A group of friends and I were walking to a bar when one of us - I'll call him Knothead (who wasn't paying attention) - ran smack into a light pole complete with a resounding "ptt-tong" sound effect. Hilarious in a slapstick sort of way. Then, after having our fill of Miller Lite, we were on the way back and I was laughing and joking about Knothead walking into the light pole, when I walked into the very same light pole. Hilarious in a divine justice sort of way. We all pretty much lost it, and I laughed so hard I cried (plus it hurt).


What's your favorite alcoholic beverage.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Although I like a glass of wine or a margarita quite a lot, I think my very favorite is a good scotch.

Alto Punches Baritone's Mouth:

You can have sex with any celebrity you want: Who is it?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Egad, Rocky!

Well, OK, then, a peek into my fantasy world: Lauryn Hill circa 1998.

A Partisan Bureaucratic Mandate:

You have the power to pass one new federal law... what is it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Does it have to be supported by one of the enumerated powers of Congress?

Regardless, I would like a law that reformed our election process. Shorten the time for the election; make it possible for third, fourth, fifth, sixth party candidates; limit the amount of money that can be spent; get a standardized system of voting (ballots, methods of voting); and go to a direct vote (no more Electoral College)

Ash Pine Birch Maple,

If you could be any type of tre... er forget that.

You have a time machine and have been charged with living in and observing any era of time for a period of one year. What time would you go to?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I would want to observe one year of Jesus's ministry.


Same question.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
It's hard to resist seeing what really went on with Jesus, but since HWW has that covered, I'll go to Chaucer's era.

Always Positively Beautifully Marvelous,

Which do you prefer: Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Harry Potter. The long hard (for me)to pronounce and similar names in LOTR tips the scales towards Harry Potter.

Astaire Pavlova Baryshnikov Markova,

Do you dance at weddings?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I haven't been to a wedding in about nine years, so I would have to say no.


What was the last movie that made you cry?
Posted by Tomahawk on :
V for Vendetta - the scene where Evey emerges from her torture.


What was the last comic book that made you cry?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Aside from the art on threeboot #47, and knowing it'll probably be the same or worse on #48 (Quote from Shooter "but we subsequently added an in-continuity, two-issue fill-in to buy time for [artist] Francis Manapul, who’d already needed to have two issues drawn by substitute artists."), I'd have to say post-crisis Legion of Super-Heroes #37 and 38, with the death of Superboy in Mon-El's arms.

A Perfect Brother Murdered,

Same question.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hm, I'm trying to remember if there have been any recent ones. Definitely the end of New Frontier had me all teared up. And All-Star Superman #10 the same.

But All-Star Superman #6, probably the best single issue in comics in the last ten years, was probably it. I really did silently and quietly have a little cry when I read it. It was great.


I like this question--same thing.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I guess I don't cry easily from comics. I don't think I have done so since The Last Days of the Justice Society.

Apple Pear Butter Marmalade,

Have you had a point (or points) in your life when you did not buy comics at all?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Yes, the last one was when I moved to a rural area with no comic stores and I had very little disposable income.

Anabaptist Presbyterian Brethren Methodist,

When did you last climb a tree?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
There's a picture of my brother and me when we were about 14 and 15, respectively, leaning against branches in a tree in our grandparents' backyard. I guess that would be the last time.


What song do you like to sing when no one's looking?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Several but the one I currently have found myself singing is "God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman" in preperation for Christmas. Its my favorite Christmas song (the Bing Crosby version--I like the oldest ones the best).


When do you usually decide to fully embrace the holiday cheer? Advertising firms and radio stations usually try to go the day after Thanksgiving (though it seems more and more they go earlier each year) but many people have their own 'okay, now I can get into it' timeline.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Around Dec. 10 to 12, I guess. I've never grouped Turkey Day as part of the Yule season.

Antarctic Polar Boy Monument,

What was the single-most overhyped event in comics that you actually followed/read at the time?
Posted by Stealth on :
Oh god, I'm so embarassed to admit it...

Maximum Carnage! I bought every issue, thinking it was bound to get good eventually. Ah, the naivete of youth.


Which comic book character do you like that no one else seems to like?
Posted by dedman on :
Rom - Spaceknight.


Which comics character do you dislike that most other folks seem to like?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lobo. What can I say, I've loved the character ever since I was 12 or 13 and snuck my Dad's "Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special" from the basement and read it over and over! I still giggle at his earliest appearances, though I admit he was over marketed in the 90's which took away some of the mystique for me.


Whats one of those comic book characters you love, though you have no real reason for doing so?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
oops, Deddy beat me [Big Grin] , go ahead and follow Deddy APBM
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Snekie (full snake version) (works for Cobalt Kid's question but was meant for Stealth's)

As for what character I dislaike but others seem to love: That's would be the Punisher (also Lobo - sorry Cobie)

Albatross Penguin Bluebird Macaw,

Which of your favorite comic book characters would you like to see made into a live action movie and what actor would play your character?
Posted by Stealth on :
Green Lantern starring Nathan Filion (sp?) as Hal Jordan.


Other than Hal or Kyle, who is your favorite Green Lantern?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Tomar Re. I have always loved this character since I was about 11 years old and used to look at my Dad's Silver Age Green Lantern covers.

I like many GL's though: last few years have finally got me really liking John Stewart and I *love* Arisia--like big time 'young teenage crush' love [Big Grin]


Who is your favorite Golden Age superhero (any comic book company)? This means actual superhero / real person, not the costumed identity that may have been passed on.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Probably Black Canary, although she had few solo Golden Age appearances. She began as a good-hearted thief, then turned superhero. Her male accomplices were bumblers (Johnny Thunder and later Larry Lance) and she always saved their hides.

Aristotle Plato Boethius Marx,

Do you think comics should reference current events?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Did Reed Richards fight in WWII er.. The Korean war er...the Vietnam war?

Anti-freeze Paris Beethoven Mightily,

Which hero has had their history most screwed up, so much so that you think a reboot would be best?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I don't embrace it. It overruns me.


Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I do 90% of it on Christmas Eve like so many other procrastinators.


Which superhero would be a good choice to team-up with Santa Claus in a comic special this year, and why would that get you to buy it?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Dr 13. Not a superhero, per se, but I think it would be a nice romp to see the skeptical Doc try to rationalize a ride in the sleigh, a North pole full of toy-making elves, and a flying reindeer with a glowing red nose. Guess what would wind up in his stocking?

A Pre-boot Memory:

If you had the power of editorial mandate, what single Legion story would you demand remain in continuity, exactly as it first appeared, word for word?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
v. 4 #49, featuring Matter-Eater Lad and the Heroes of Tartarus.


Same Question.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The Fatal Five / Death of Ferror Lad 2-parter. Because its vastly important for so many reasons in addition to what actually happens in the comic.


Same question! (I like it!)
Posted by SharkLad on :
The return of the Fatal Five/Intro of Shadow Lass/Destruction of original clubhouse arc


Same question( it's a good one!)
Posted by Stealth on :
Lydea Mallor killing her mother while under Pulsar Stargrave's influence.


Same question.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
The 5YL Bloodlines annual... j/k!

but seriously...
v.4 #10, where the LSH reunites for the first time in years.

same question
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The destruction of Earth, since it would move the series away from its earth-centric stories. This might negate the Action Legion, but Johns could have shifted the story to another setting.

Another Pointless Barometric Measure,

Are you a supporter or a critic of the Olympics?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
While I think there is a lot to be critical of in the way the Olympic Games are run and marketed, I enjoy watching many of the events and always feel a sense of pride when my country wins a medal or a particular athlete I have been rooting for wins.
That having been said, I think they should go back to an all-amateur rule.

Aggressive Porcupines Bother Me,

What is your favorite "comfort food"?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
I would have to say cookies, particularly sugar or white chocolate macadamia nut. I really have to watch myself with those.

Another Pound By Mouth,

Have you ever owned an unusual animal? If not, what was your favorite pet ever?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
No unusual pets here. As for favorite pet ever, it's impossible to top Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle! [Krypto]

Apoplectic Plumber Bakes Meringues,
Other than your current spouse/partner (if you have one) have you ever been in love?
Posted by SharkLad on :
yes, but it was a horribly abusive relationship so I hate to admit that I was ...


Have you ever smoked pot?
Posted by Stealth on :
No, I've never even smoked tobacco. My mother's a smoker, and that put me off any kind of smoking.


Do you think meds really do any good?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Some certainly do for some people. I have three bi-polar friends whose lives turned around with the right medication, but I wonder if we're way over-prescribed as a society.

Adequately Polarized Before Matins,

Are you more of a messy person or more of a neat-freak?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Call me "Oscar Madison". I call it clutter rather than a mess.


What are you going to do today?
Posted by LardLad on :
Same thing I do every day, Pinky--try to take over the WORLD!!! [Smile]

Act Politely Banal Man,

If the world were remade in your image, what would the world be like?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
No cell phones and all the girls would wear shorter skirts. [Wink]


Thanksgiving turkey: overrated or a delicious tradition?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Delicious tradition. How can it be overrated, unless it's overcooked or served every week? And the leftovers! I've felt deprived when we haven't had turkey for Thanksgiving. If you want something exotic, have it for New Year's or your birthday.

Aardvarks Puffing Bananas Mildly,

Pumpkin or Apple Pie?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Pumpkin Pie!


Heroes or Lost?
Posted by LardLad on :
A fan of both, but Lost is clearly the superior show.

Arzt, Paulo, Bernard, Mikhail,

Lost or the new Battlestar Galactica?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Galactica, of course.

Arafat's Pal Bernie Mac,

what old TV show would you revamp and retell for contemporary audiences?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The Prisoner, which apparently is about to be done!


What old TV show should above all never be revamped and retold, and why?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Gilligan's Island. The cast was just so perfect and the silliness served as a complement to its underlying theme of people from different social strata needing each other in order to survive that it would be difficult to imagine lightning striking twice. (And I'm not including the horrible reality show as a remake.)


Are you celebrating Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving Day or another day?
Posted by LardLad on :
Thanksgiving Day. We are expected around 1:00 at my in-laws' house.

Ask Paul "Beatles" McCartney,

Where do you rank Thanksgiving amongst the holidays you most look forward to?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I don't really look forward to any holiday.

Amber Pink Blue Magenta,

Would you rather be Aquaman or the Submariner?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Aquaman. He was married to Mera. [Love]


Would you rather be Hawkeye or Green Arrow?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Green Arrow. He's HAWT! [Drool]

Any Publisher But Marvel,
Would you rather be Plastic Man or Mr. Fantastic?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Plastic Man. Mr. Fantastic is obviously full of himself


Would you rather be Wonder Woman or She-Hulk?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Wonder Woman - she has a lasso [Wink]

Amos Proverbs Bible Matthew,

What is your favorite myth?
Posted by Abin Quank on :

Angry Peanut Butter Monster

What is your favorite fable?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The Fox and The Grapes

Austria Peru Belgium Mongolia,

You have won a one month all expenses paid vacation to any one place in the world, where would you go to?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Lackawanna NY

Augustus Prior Barium Marcus

You must choose one poster (other than yourself) to exile from Legion World, who will it be?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
One of the lurkers who has never posted. (Einie, Meanie, Meinie, Moe . . .)


You get to bring back one long-absent poster. Who would it be?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Loser Lad

Another Pretty Boy Model,

Who should he bring with him?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
How about Beagz?


Which Legion Worlder that you have not yet met in person would you most like to meet?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
It's a tie between Harbinger, Numf-el, Sonnie, Beagz, Bevis, Lard Lad, He Who Wanders, EDE, and Yellow Kid

But ask me tomorrow and I might give you a completely different list.


Are there any Legion Worlders you'd rather not meet?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Abin Quank Oops too late. [Wink] Beyond that I'd say Giant Robotic Lesbian

Antelope Panther Bear Mule,

You get to trade one Marvel character for one DC character (each going to the other universe) Who would you trade and why?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Captain America and Batman

Just to see their reactions to the Red Skull and the Joker.


The same but villains...
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Dr. Doom and Lex Luthor

I think Lex would enjoy the challenge, especially of Reed Richards.

Any Poor Bugger Might,

Same question.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Great choice AFO Boy. I'd be similar I guess: Dr. Doom for Superboy Prime. DC gets the best villain in comics so we can see him battle Superman and the like, and Superboy Prime cleans up the X-Men. [Big Grin]


Sticking to the same theme, if you could trade a DC hero for a Marvel hero, but it had to be done at the close of the Silver Age, who would you do, knowing how that might effect all subsequent stories.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Not sure of the exact time you are talking about Cobie, But I'd put Nightcrawler back in the Legion and give the X-men Dawnstar.

Athos Porthos Bazin Mousqueton,

What would you like for your next present?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
The remaining Legion Archives I don't have, which is, unfortunately, 3-12. Either that or a very large HD TV.

All People Bring Meaning,

What was your favorite present (Christmas or otherwise)that you remember most as a kid?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I was about 5 or 6. Santa came to my house personally and gave me a two foot high Mickey Mouse bank.

Adric Polly Barbara Martha,

Who was your favorite Doctor?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
I'm guessing that's a play on words- WHO was your favorite DOCTOR? If so, the only one I got to watch a lot of was Tom Baker, so I'd have to say him.

Always Pay Bond Money,

Have you ever been arrested?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Never, but I got to ride in the back of a cop car one day when I passed out on the street. (I wasn't drunk, I was sick.)

Ardently Praying Bimbo Moms,

Would you want to clone a pet animal?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No. Death is a part of life and we need to let go.

Ardeen Pyponte-Le Parc Burroughs Morgna,

You have been choosen to assemble and lead a team of 6 other superheroes, who do you have on your team? You aren't limited to just one universe. Meaning you could have a DC character, a Dark Horse character, from a novel, or a cartoon show, anywhere.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Alan Scott, Imra, Zatanna, Kara Zor-El (original, preferably), Brainy (not Threeboot) and Jennie Sparks. That covers most bases, plus offers an experienced and thinking team (on more than one level).

Arnold Palmer's Bogie Museum,

same question.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Batman-Cause he's Batman-He can kick your tail with his well-trained pinky.

Barry Allen Flash-for the nobility and ingenuity, not to mention speed

Firestorm-with Bats' guidance he could be amazing

Saturn Girl (original)-The mentality

J'onn J'onzz-Strength, shape changing and back up as telepath

Superman-Obvious reasons

Hal Jordan GL-Heart, courage, creativity, strength of will.

Sorry, I'm just a DC'er at heart.

All Powerful Beings Metahumans,

Who are the 4 most powerful villains you can assemble?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
The one called the one, Pornis, Maddrox the ultimate Durlan, and the Time Mouse Trapper, with the Entropy Spinach getting an honorable mention.

DC may have the best Heroes but the LMBP has the Kewlest Badazz Baddies...


You got four tougher villains?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Paste-Pot Pete, Dr. Light (pre-rape), the Cow, and The Evil Midnight Bomber who bombs at midnight baby yeah yeah yeah.

Asparagus Peas Beets Mustard,

What historical event would you like to have witnessed (safely of course)?
Posted by cleome on :
I would have loved to be there for Duke Ellington's first concert at Carnegie Hall (1943). Of course, the records are nice, but...

Which super-power unnerves you so profoundly that if your next-door neighbor had it, you'd seriously consider moving far, far away ? [laugh track optional]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Super flatulence


How would you cure super-flatulence?
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Super flatulence


How would you cure super-flatulence?

(Damn. Forgot all about The Spleen. Eh, he could still be my neighbor-- Thanks to my allergies, I've got no sense of smell anyway.)

Super-BEANO Serum.

What's the worst Xmas song in history ?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
"Please, Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas)"
tied with
"Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer"

Another Person Bellowing Music,

Who should never, EVER do a Christmas album/disc?

[ December 08, 2008, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Arm Fall Off Boy ]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Motley Crue


Who should do a Christmas album who hasn't done one already?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
William Hung

And Perhaps Biggest Mystery,

Can you explain Joe Cocker's career?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Spastic performer belts out soulful ballads--what's not to love?


How do you spell "relief"?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
R-E-L-I-E-F, silly. What did you expect, "R-O-L-A-I-D-S"?

What is your favorite cookie?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
No, I thought someone might spell it S-E-X or, in your case, P-E-N-G-U-I-N-S. [Wink]

To answer the question, fudge stripes.


What is your least favorite vegetable?
Posted by cleome on :
Iceberg lettuce. There is no legitimate reason for that stuff to exist now that Donna Reed is gone.


What's the most embarrassing show you'll admit to liking-- either ironically or not ?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Ok, it was a few years ago, but...
"Donny and Marie"

A Pretty Brunette, Marie,

Same question.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Magnum, P.I. I don't know why, but last time I was in possession of a television, I watched the reruns faithfully.

Agonizingly Powerful Bug Master,

If you start reading a book, do you always finish it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Mostly. I remember the first book I didn't finish. Catch-22 I was just getting too depressed reading it.


Who would you want to trade lives with?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Me, at age 12 or so. Lots of mistakes to avoid and fun to relive.

Argon Polonium Beryllium Magnesium:

What subject would you like know more about?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Old English. The development of languages fascinates me.


Same question.
Posted by cleome on :
Astronomy. Actually reading up on it now. One of those "for idjits" books.

Andromeda Pluto Belarus Mercury

What do you love most about where you live ?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
The diversity. Houston has so many people of nearly every description and everyone pretty much gets along. That and you can eat out every night for a month and never have the same cuisine twice!

Andante Pianissimo Bisbilgiando Mezzo-forte:
What do like least about where you live?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
That folks think it's some small town stuck in the mountains. Denver is a rather large city, full of life, art, energy, and growth.

Granted you do have to be a fan of the outdoors to truly enjoy it here.

What will you be doing this time tomorrow?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Probably posting here on Legion world waiting for gigi to come up to bed.


Where is the worst place you ever visited?
Posted by SharkLad on :
the Hotel Carter in NYC ...


Are you missing any internal organs?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Tonsils and adenoids. (Some of my students might also say "heart," but oh well . . .)


Have you had any serious operations?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
not really.
dental stuff, mostly - and wisdom teeth the biggest deal of those.

Adam Pascal's Best Musical,

if you were offered free 100%-safe plastic surgery to change one thing, would you take it, and what would you have done?
Posted by cleome on :
I would opt for liposuction-- Then make soap in the best Fight Club tradition. (I hated that movie except for the soap bit.)

Axes Painfully Brutal Metaphors

What trivial item (ie-- food, fashion or toiletry) do you enjoy spending too much money on-- even if you know that it's silly to do so ?

(If any.)
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Define trivial... [Hmmm?] I suppose ornamental plants, since they don't always survive, or they're annuals destined to die, and they don't yield anything to eat.

Anabaptist Protesters Bought it in Munster:

Do you feel that you have too much clutter in your home?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
yes! especially since I'm in a tiny apartment. but it'll be good insolation for winter.

Albert Best's Perennial Magnolia,

What was your favorite childhood story?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Not sure if this counts but I loved, loved, loved: The Great Mouse Detective and The Secret of Nym. Both are animated features though. But now I want to watch them both now after thinking about it.


What is your favorite animated childhood cartoon movie?
Posted by cleome on :
I'd want to say The Mouse and His Child, based on Russell Hoban's book. It's been so long since I've seen it;Maybe now I'd think it's terrible. Let's be safe and say that one, tied with (lord forgive me) D*sn*y's Pinnocchio.

A Puppet Bests Mice ?

Do you get bummed out as the shortest/darkest day of the year approaches, or do the seasons not affect you ?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
The seasons don't affect me emotionally, but weather changes do weird things to my sinuses.


What do you want for Christmas?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
world peace.

Affiliated Planets' Bgztlian Minister,

what's the movie you're looking forward to the most?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Twilight Watch (based on the Lukyanenko book) which appears to be stalled in pre-production, so I'll pin my second best hopes on Star Trek.

Appellant Pleading By Moonlight,

What's your favourite way to celebrate New Year's Eve?
Posted by SharkLad on :
at home, with a couple o' friends ...

All People Belittle Midgets

What was the worst New Year's Eve you've had?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Probably the year I had to be on an airplane at 6 a.m. New Year's Day (2001 going into 2002, I think).

Anti-Perspirant Bothers Me:

Which two Legion Worlders would you most like to have lunch with?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
The sad thing is, I've never met any of you personally, and may never meet you. There is no best answer, but I guess I'd have to say...
LardLad-I think we are from the same area of the country and would like the same foods. Plus, I have a feeling he'd have everyone around in a good mood.
Nightcrawler-It would be great to meet one of the founders, and he's helped me out a lot; he's gotta be a good guy
NOT SharkLad-Wouldn't want to BE lunch!

Absolutely, postively brilliant, M'man!

Same question.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Hmmm... good question.

I'll say STU (in the short time that our posting paths crossed, I found him highly intelligent and very clever, a winning combination for a good lunch companion) and veryvery (because she would have me laughing my @ss off).

Antipasto, prosciutto, bruschetta, manicotti,

Same Question.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Shady (aka Candle) and Lash ... my two longtime internet crushes <sigh>

Anchorage Portland Baltimore Memphis

same question ...
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Sheesh! Just two? Okay, AFOB has to be one since he doesn't think he'll meet any of us and Harbinger second since she hasn't been around much and it would give me an excuse to go to England.

All Parties Buy Meringues,

If you could do a heist and get away with it, what would you steal?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Your heart (oh what a crappy sickly sweet answer that is)

I don't think there is any one item I would want (like the Mona Lisa), so I would just say a ton of cash. (not pennies, but $100 bills) And from what I found, a dollar bill weighs a gram and there are 454 grams per pound. So a ton of $100 bills would have 908,000 bills. With each bill worth $100, that's $90,800,000. I could live with that.


What is you favorite time of year?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
autumn, when colors are at their peak.

April Peterson's Best Mutant,

If you could spend two weeks anywhere on earth with an unlimited travel-expense budget, but on the condition that you could never return there, where would you go?
Posted by cleome on :
Las Vegas

With an unlimited budget, I'd never run out of things to do. I might even finally learn some games that take actual brain power, as opposed to nickel slots.

After two weeks there, I'd be ecstatic at the thought of never returning.

Aimless Poker Beats Moping

What food product do you have a deep love-hate relationship with ? (It can be a particularly horrific junk food, or not.)
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :

I can eat them by the handful. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed. The next morning-Holy Cow! You'd think a skunk died in my mouth. Love the taste, hate the aftertaste.

A Pitiful Boat Moored,

You are to spend 6 months on a deserted island alone. You can only take 3 comics with you, which you will get to keep if you still have them at the end. They have to be ones that you have never read before. From any time or without budget limits, what are they?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Hmmm, hmmm... if I can include TPBs, I'll take (1) Zot! (which I have but haven't read yet) because it's supposed to be excellent and is really thick, (2) Action #1, so I can resell it when I get off the island and (3) a comic from 2050 (you said any time!), so I can see something of what's going on in the not-too-distant future.

A Patently Balmy Mood,

same question!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I like your answers, except that I've read the new big thick Zot collection you are most likely referring to (thanks to Director Lad) and own all the previous/shorter colelctions. And I used to have a reprint of the entire Action #1, so I've read that.

I'll take the 60s Fantastic Four #1 in place of Action 1, for the same reason, as I haven't read it.
I'd take a big thick (translated) manga collection of some well-regarded classic (there was a Hitler biog a dozen or more years ago that ws highly praised, and hopefully exixts in a single mega-edition). Any other long single-edition American comics I've probably read already.
And I'll duplicate your 2050 idea, except to specify as lengthy and reasonalbe well-accepted work as possible.

Abiogenetic Parameceum Beckoning Microbes,

Same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The Marvel Essential of Dr. Strange.
Cerebus Church & State Vol. 1 & 2

Anti-social Bi-polar Paranoid Manic,

You can show a movie or tv show to someone in the past. What would you show and to whom would you show it?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
At the risk of sounding preachy, I would show the FCC of 20 years ago an episode of Nip/Tuck and say "Don't ever let this happen on TV."

A Boarder Peddling Morals

Same Question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd be mean and show Star Wars (the original) to a bunch of kids who had just seen one of those Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon serials of the late 30s.

Anticipating Presents Before Morning,

If you had to live in a different country than you now live in, which country would you want to live in?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Not looking for big changes in lifestyle so I'd probably say the Great Lakes region of Canada.

Any people becoming manic?

What is your favorite gift you're giving this year?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
My cousin told me not to give his daughter, age 2 1/2, another baby doll, so I got her a pixie doll. The doll doesn't do anything special, such as talk, burp, or wet herself, although she does fly--in the girl's imagination! (See how sneaky I am.)

Awkward Pause Boy's Mantra:

What's your favorite holiday movie?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Being a Jimmy Stewart fan, I have to say "It's a Wonderful Life," and I keep it that way by watching it only every 5 years or so.

A Positively Beautiful Movie,

What is your favorite comic book character EVER?
Posted by cleome on :
Oh, wow. That's a tough one. Maybe Dekko, from Zot!, but I reserve the right to change my mind two hours from now.

Artist Possessed By Machinery

How will you spend the day after The Big Day (IOW, what are you doing on 12/26/08) ?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
We're doing the tree and presents thing today, since we didn't have power for most of yesterday.

Aristocratic Populists Buy Mangoes,

What sport would you like to take up, assuming time and money were no obstacle?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I think it would be running. I love jogging and running with the dog. I have zero athletic skill, so anything where I would be in any way competitive is out.

Apoplectic peacock bites Molly,

How far from where you lived as a child do you live now?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Approximately 50 miles. I was born in northwestern Missouri and now live in the Kansas City area.


Same question.
Posted by cleome on :
Born in NYC, now living in OR. For a distance of about 2,350 miles or 3,781 kilometers.*


American Pacific Born Manhattanite

Whatcha' got planned for New Year's Eve ?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
nothing at all, actually. I'll probably have a glass of wine and some snacks.
(nice to see another Zot! fan here, BTW)

Anthropomorphic Pistachio Bean Mutant,

what would be your ideal NYE (assuming any/all obstacles, physical or monetary, were set aside)?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
It would have to be in Times Square as the ball drops.

And Purposefully Being Modest.

Have you ever kept a New Year's Resolution?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Yes, I resolved to stop making New Years Resolutions. I haven't made one since.

Another Person Below Me,

What is your favorite TV Game Show?
Posted by SharkLad on :
I used to love Sale of the Century ...

A P B M,

What is your favorite board game?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Eurorails. Doubt anyone here has heard of it.

Al Pratt's Bodybuilding Machine,

same question.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :


What's your favorite party game?
Posted by cleome on :
Twister. (Oh, what a cliche'.)

Aligned Parties Bore Me

What goes on first in the A.M. ? Shirt or pants (or skirt, if it's that kind of day) ?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Some days it's the undershirt, other days it's the underpants.

Alice Password Blackadder Mannix,

What was you favorite TV show when you were a kid and what did you like most about it?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Star Trek. Adventure, sci fi, ray guns (phasers), aliens, and a philosphical/humanist point of view that the future is going to be positive. Nuff said.


What was your favorite song when you were a kid and why?
Posted by Exnihil on :
As a child, I always had a thing for "list" songs... where the singer would name a variety of people doing similar, yet different, things. I know it sounds weird, but I think something in the way the pattern progressed appealed to my particular way of learning.

So I was fond of "Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover" by Paul Simon (Slip out the back, Jack; make a new plan, Stan; no need to be coy, Roy, etc.), "Games Without Frontiers" by Peter Gabriel (Hans plays with Lottie, Lottie plays with Jane, Jane plays with Willie, etc), but my favorite of this strange sub-genre was "Let 'Em In" by Wings (Sister Suzie, Brother John, Martin Luther, Phil and Don, Brother Michael, Auntie Gin, Open the door and let 'em in.)

Alphabetical Phonetic Biolinguistic Memory,

What is the first word you have a distinct recollection of learning... not your first word, but the first one where you actually heard it, recognized that you didn't know it, then found out what it meant?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
(I know what you mean about list songs, Exnihil. When I was a kid, one of my favorite songs was "Life Is a Rock" by Reunion, which consists mainly of rap-like lists of early rock/pop stars.)

I remember having to use the word "vitality" in a sentence once in school and thinking it meant (because I knew the word "vital") "something of great importance." Boy, was I suprised when I got the paper back and learned I was wrong.


What is one real world concept (relating to science or language, for example) that you learned as a child from comic books?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
That mercury was the only metal that was a liquid at room temperature.

Apollo Pan Boreas Morpheus,

What was your favorite subject in school?
Posted by LardLad on :
English, particularly the grammar part of it. When everyone else complained about diagramming sentences, I got an evil grin on my face!

Awesomely Pwned By Muskrats,

What's the last song you hated, but could nonetheless not get out of your head?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Thanks a lot for this question Lardy. Now I have "Oops I did it again" going through my head.

Ash Pine Birch Maple,

I'm pretty sure I asked this, but it's been so long.

You have a one month all-expenses paid vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why did you pick that place?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Home: because I'd be on an unlimited bank account with-in commute of many places I'd like to day-trip and I'd be able to do the things I can't normally in my hometown without getting all bothered by travel arrangements.


What gift from this year would you most like to exchange and for what of near equal value?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
A brown shirt with horizontal orange stripes. (from my favorite aunt-she tries, God Bless her!) I'd settle for a better patterned shirt. I'm not too hard to please.

And Probably Being Meddlesome,

What's the WORST gift you ever got?
Posted by cleome on :
Without going into horrific detail: Some rather... suggestive undergarments... from somebody that I didn't really know well enough for that kind of thing. [cough. Ah... youth.]

As Provided By Malls

When you're sad, do you like to play/hear sad music ?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
No, I prefer to either have it quiet and keep to myself, or sing hymns/ spiritual songs which helps me feel better.

A Poor Brother Moanin'

What movie always makes you feel better, or takes your mind off your problems?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Cinderella Man, Galaxy Quest, Playboy Bunnies vs. Trampoline Monster, part III (j/k)

Another Pervy Board Message

Oklahoma or Florida and why (football question, not tourist destination)
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Florida. I believe Tebow's experience and determination will make the difference. That, and if the Gators can keep Oklahoma from scoring 60.

Applesauce preferred before mustard,

Have you ever had a severe allergic reaction?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No, but I did have a severe case of poison ivy once. My face swelled up and then the drying lotion made me look like the creepy old person in a 50s horror movie.

Annie Pippin Brigadoon Mame,

What is your secret pleasure?
Posted by Exnihil on :
I love kiddie cereals. Cookie Crisp, Lucky Charms, mmmmm... Fruity Pebbles. My wife actually refuses to buy them for me when she grocery shops, so I have to make a separate trip just to buy cereal.

Aston Porsche Bentley Maserati,

If you could afford any vehicle, what would be your mode of choice?
Posted by SharkLad on :
something about BMWs I've always liked ...


Are you on a diet?
Posted by cleome on :
Hell, no. They don't work long-term, and they make me and everyone around me impossible to deal with. A couple of weeks ago, I saw Oprah's latest fat mea culpa speech in the supermarket checkout line;I pelted the magazine rack with peanut butter cups and peppermint sticks.

Again Prefer Bypassing Misery

Ever done stand-up comedy or performed at a poetry slam ? How did it go ?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The closest I got to that was being one of the readers at church when I was a kid. No one threw a rotten tomato at me.

Allen Parker Blake Maximoff,

What person from history would you like to have met?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Jesus. To... you know... have known the deal.

Anise Paprika Basil Mustard,

If it were your last meal, what would be on the menu?
Posted by dedman on :
I dunno, there are so many foods I love. Probably something like my wifes lasagna, its too good for words.


If you could change careers, what would you do?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
write and draw comics!

Al Plastino's Best Memory,

same question
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
write comics!

Honestly, that's my dream job. Well, that and be one of Warren Buffett's 'go to investors'. I'd even be willing to be an editor / finance guy at DC or Marvel if it got me in the door [Big Grin]


Great question, lets keep it going
Posted by Exnihil on :
Game show host... I like being the one with all the answers.

A Part-Time Beast Master,

Again... same question
Posted by cleome on :
Slumlord. Woulda' been a much better investment of capital than my useless art degree turned out to be. Not that I'm bitter or anything. [snarl]

Amassing Property Begets Moola

What's your favorite season, and why ?

[ January 07, 2009, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Fall/Autumn. The amazing colors, the temp is just right, etc.

Amber, Brown, Purple, Magenta

What was your first car and do you wish you still had it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I had a green Hornet station wagon. No, I am happy being carless.

Audi Packard BMW Mazda,

You get to be an Elemental. Do you want to be an Air elemental, Fire elemental, Water elemental, or Earth elemental?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Air elemental. I've always liked the idea of flying sans airplane.


You get to have the power of any member of the Fantastic Four. Whose power would you pick and why?
Posted by cleome on :
Sue's for sure. I love the idea of being able to punch somebody out with an invisible club/field, or whatever.

(Sorry, it's been that kind of day.)

And POW ! Be Mauled !

What's your favorite thing to cook/prepare ? Not just because it's a favorite food, but because of the cooking process, buying the ingredients, admiring the colors, or whatever...
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Curry, because it's delicious, can be quickly made or more complicated and I love the smell.

All Peppers Bring Magnificence,

Your house is on fire. You're headed out the door. What do you grab on your way out?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
As many photos of friends, family and memories as possible--most other items can be replaced.


Favorite breakfast food?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Can't have it too often, but biscuits and gravy.

Aquaman, Punisher, Batman, Metamorpho

What was your very first comic book?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The very first one I remember reading was Superman. Lex Luthor was trying to steal the gold from Fort Knox. I believe that sparked my lifelong fascination with superheroes, gold and thieves.

A Political Bally-hoo Memory,

Would you attend one of the Inaugural events, if you were invited?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Only the actual inauguration.

Arthur Pierce Buchanan Monroe,

Aside from this thread, which is your favorite one on the Mission Monitor board?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I'm enjoying "Kill This Thread" and the bizarre turns it often takes.

Another Post Before Mealtime:

What is your favorite thread in Spaceopoly?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
At the moment, I'm really enjoying "Lard Lad's Strange New Power". I love making up new powers for our buddy Lardy. [Big Grin]

Actually, Piglet Beats Monsters:
What's your favorite forum on Legion World?
Posted by LardLad on :
I'd say the MMB most of the time, especially when there's a lot of roleplaying going on.

Ask Politely, Buns Magnet,
Rank your favorite forums on LW and explain why you like some better than others.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
It evolves constantly but I'll give you my current:

(1) Dr. Gym'll's - because I'm feeling incredibly enthusiastic about comic book lately. I was at an all time low feeling that DC had reached their lowest level of quality in my lifetime. Then it was He Who Wanders who reccomended I *really* spend some time looking at more independents and even non-comic literature to fill that need and I'd probably be surprised at some great stuff I'd end up liking. So I did, and suddenly am reading bunches of new comics by Vertigo, Image, Dark Horse, even Marvel (and yes, I still read several DC titles) and I'm more into comics than I have been in years.

(2) Anywhere Machine - several threads keep me intrested every time I log in. "What are you Watching?" and "What are you Reading?" are my two favorites, even if I'm just reading other posters posts at times.

(3) MMB - this has always been my favorite forum and probably will be again, but lately its just not doing it for me. I like the roleplaying a lot but don't have it in me to be a leading player in one right now. I also get a little tired and overwhelmed of the 'inane' threads. I really like random one-off threads that lead to little MMB in-jokes and random trains of thought, but those don't seem to be in vogue right now. I'm sure it will be; the MMB is cyclical, and I can wait it out.

(4) Bits - Love me some Bits. What usually happens is I don't check in for a few weeks and then spend an entire day reading through stories, looking at art and just devouring every bit of awesomeness there. The level of creativity has remained consistently amazing throughout the forum's inception.

(5) Legion forum - I also love the Legion forum, but like the MMB my enthusiasm for it is cyclical. I'm a poster than loves EDE's theories, HWW's reviews of old stroies, puns and plays on words, and above all threads devoted to be most obscure characters in Legion history. Those threads come back in cycles and I'm looking forwad to the next. Plus, the Shooter Legion was a major dissapointment to me and that's a huge factor in my Legion forum enjoyment. And while I love posters expressing their full feelings towards the Legion, there are a lot of back and forth arguements that I feel I've seen before so I kind of skip over a lot of those posts.

(6) Encylopedia Galactica - believe it or not, I'm enjoying this excellent forum lately and have been spending a lot of time looking at Legion stuff (not LMB stuff).

(7) Tie: Titans (hate current Titans series), Science Police (love watching Gary make avatars! [Razz] ), Spaceopoly (just having been visiting lately) and Creator's forum (ditto).



What's your favorite thread in Gym'lls right now?
Posted by LardLad on :
That's tough because it's hard to really get a lot of heat going on any particular thread on Gym'lls. Most people on LW are really only passionate about the Legion, it seems, so you don't get many points of view on Gym'lls unless there's a big event like Civil War or what-not. Evenb then, you're unlikely to get dozens of pages like you do for just one issue of the Legion.

So, that said, I'd go with my Gym'lls version of the Roundtable. In a couple of weeks, it's gotten three pages of activity with the potential to evolve into something bigger. That was the goal in creating that particular spin-off. Let's hope it continues!

Arf! Purrrrr! Bark! Meow!
What's your favorite thread in LSH right now?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I enjoyed the Worst '90s names thread because of the different reasons why people liked or disliked certain names. The thread seems to have run its course, however, so my new favorite might be "Teenagers From the Future--Available Now."


What's your favorite article in "Teenagers From the Future" and why?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I've only read the first few so far, but I found The Early Legion and the JLA particularly interesting because I'd never thought about the Legion in that way.

All Possible Bariatric Measures,

If you were going to write an essay about the Legion, what topic would you like to cover?
Posted by cleome on :
Alien races versus "real" races. (Assimilation, dominant cultures, evolving mores and all that fun stuff that makes people throw the book across the room and yell, "Get a grip, you pretentious jaggoff ! It's just a damn comic book !")

Amalgamated Peeved Book Mavens

Same question. [Cackles]
Posted by dedman on :
Well I haven't read the book, so there may be something similar in there already but -
My essay would be on the evolution of Legion costume designs and how they were reflections of the eras in which they were published.


What superhero or super group would you like to write an essay on?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Apart from the Legion, the Fantastic Four. I haven't read them in years, so it would be a good excuse to get all the back issues (with a research grant, of course!). I'd write about the family as superhero group. My interest has been sparked by reading True Believers by Cary Bates, one issue of which focussed on the FF.

A Positively Breezy Memorandum,

Do you have CDs that you've never even listened to?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Yes. My niece's husband is from Bolivia and plays in a band playing Bolivian folk music. He has given me a cd of his band that I have not played.

Abba Poison Beatles Metallica,

Have you ever been on television?
Posted by cleome on :
Several times, but only in the background behind newscasters, coming out of my workplace when cameras were there, etc. Oh, and once I got to do one of those two-second "What do you think of blah blah blah" with some hard-haired interviewer wandering up and down the downtown bus mall.

Angry Public Blames Media

Who's Your Favorite TV Character ?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
It's hard to focus on just one character because part of what defines a character to me is his or her relationship to other characters. With that in mind, one of my favorite TV characters is Hawkeye Pierce from M*A*S*H. He was quick-witted, funny, irreverent, and juvenile, but he was also a caring doctor, true friend, and confidant to everyone.

Alda Potter Burns Margaret,

Same Question?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Charles Ingalls. I don't imagine that I'm the only one out their with "father issues," so it was always a nice to see a father who had both the time and the drive to impart his children with caring wisdom. And, damn... that guy could cry!

Almonzo, Pa, (Dr.) Baker, Ma,

Same Question
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Andy Taylor. Common sense, humor, decency, etc. Barney Fife is a close second.

Andy Proves Bravery Matters,

Same question.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'll say Samantha Stephens. She was smart and always tried to think her way out of a problem, but when she had to teeka teeka tee she would. [Big Grin]

Adam Proved Bewitched's Mortality*:
Same question

*This refers to Adam's birth being a possible "Jump the Shark" moment. I know he was actually a warlock.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Emma Peel. Beautiful, capable, heroic. Perhaps she has become enhanced through the mists of time. I wanted to be like her, but somehow it didn't turn out that way.


When you're on an airplane, do you pay attention to the attendants giving the safety review?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Shhh... the pretty lady is talking.

I fly so infrequently, that I do watch and listen as they go over the safety instructions.

Aviation Propeller Balloon Mig,

Do you like puzzles, and if so, which is your favorite?
Posted by cleome on :
Word-find puzzles are still associated in my mind with lazy, happy childhood summers down the shore. (Just seeing a book of them on sale at the airport makes me imagine sand in my shoes and gulls crying. Nowadays I really only do puzzles on long trips, and that's likely to be the one I reach for first. In a pinch, I will do crosswords, which I absolutely stink at.)

Airport Palaver Blows Minds

Omnivore ? Vegetarian ? Vegan ? Which type of restaurant are we going to when you come over to visit ?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Well, my wife is vegan so, within my house, that pretty much makes me vegan as well. Left to my own devices, however, my own diet is a little less stringent. As a general rule, I don't like to eat any animal that wouldn't, if given the chance, eat me.

A Post-Mortem Bedeviling Mystery,

You've died... from your perspective, what happens next?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I join the life force of the universe and finally understand what it's all about, even Grant Morrison comics.

Anondyne Potions Becalm Misery,

Have you ever been in a situation where you seriously thought you might die?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Several, mostly as an auto passenger, and once when I almost drove into a (small) tornado (it was at night). I think I handle fairly well in the moment of crisis, and postpone any panic until after the fact.

Across'da Potomac Becaus'a Masses,

Same Q.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No, never thought I would die. I did fall asleep while driving once and hit the guard rail. Darn anti-histamines! (I only take non-drowsy decongestants now)

Astro Pluto Bandit Muttley,

What was your favorite cartoon when you were a kid?
Posted by dedman on : many good cartoons back then.
I dunno probably "Smurfs"


What was you favorite movie as a child?
Posted by LardLad on :
That would be the original Star Wars trilogy, hands down. Loved them to death and all the hours playing with the toys. Loved the creatures to from the wampa to Jabba to the Rancor.


What movie or TV character did you want to grow up to be?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Little Joe Cartwright because he had the coolest big brother (Hoss) and he always got the girl.


Rather stand with a million people to see Times Square New Years Eve, Presidential Igno..ingog..swearing in, or your favorite band/singer in concert (and why?)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The Inauguration. Potentially historic no matter who is inaugurated.


What historic event would you like to have witnessed?
Posted by dedman on :
My favorite band in concert for several reasons.
a) I'm a real music whore, so seeing live music is pretty high up my list of priorities
b) I'm Canadian and not much for politics either, so a presidential swearing in means little to me
c) Why go to Times Square when I could go to my home province of Newfoundland and be the first in North America to ring in the New Year
Posted by dedman on :
lol disregard my last post, answer Quis' Question
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Alexander weeping because there was no more world to conquer. I'd like to know if it's true and what happened next, how his officers and troops reacted.

Am Probably Borrowing Meme,

Same question
Posted by SharkLad on :
The moon landing


What person in your life has made the most impact on you?
Posted by cleome on :
Probably my late father. Just about every damn thing about me, good or bad, was inherited from him.

Artistic Pursuits, Big Mouth

What was the best party or social event you've ever attended, and why ?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
A Commodore's Ball. Really just the presentation of a local boat club's new Commodore. They do this every year and the club isn't that big but the new C was my best buddy from high school, whose parents were like Ma and Pa to me (i.e. they fed me and advised me even though they had 5 of their own). Since all of the clubs are part of a bigger club, even though ours is small, there were Commordores from all over the Great Lakes region. The ceremony even included a very nice rendition of O'Canada.

My favorite part was when I entered the Hall and the "slightly snobby" lady asked my name to tell me my table and found out I was in the front of the dais with the rest of the "family." We got to eat first. Lol I'm such a child.

All Participants Being Melancholy

What food just binds you up?
Posted by Exnihil on :
As a former army paratrooper, on many occasion I was the unwilling consumer of an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat... yeah right!) While each variety had their own unique effect on my digestive system, nothing was so binding as the dry lump of dehydrated oatbran masquerading as a dessert treat called the "Oatmeal Cookie Bar (compressed)". We used to speculate that it must have been specifically designed for convoy travel to keep us from "going" for long periods of time.

A Pricy Book (Must-have),

What is the most amount of money you ever spent on a single comic book?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Definitely Bwana Beast. Zan was LAME. Shape of a Gorilla! Form of a puddle! Geez.

Animals play bingo monthly,

Same question.

(OK, I took so long to put in the answer to the back issue question that Quis beat me to it, so I changed my answer. Then Quis being the Board meister somehow switched them...)

Next person just pick one of these two and answer)

[ January 27, 2009, 10:24 PM: Message edited by: Arm Fall Off Boy ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
It has been so long since I have bought a back issue. I don't believe that I have spent more than $30.00 for a single comic book. (I also assume that you don't mean something like the DC Archives. Which I have bought at $50.00)

Action Plop Batman Man-thing,

Would you rather turn into some form of water/ice like Zan from the Superfriends or have the power to merge two animals into one like B'wana Beast?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Originally posted by Arm Fall Off Boy:
(OK, I took so long to put in the answer to the back issue question that Quis beat me to it, so I changed my answer. Then Quis being the Board meister somehow switched them...)

I don't know, AFOB, I sort of get an absurd kick out of the juxtaposition. I now have this image of you placing a last second frenzied e-bay bid on a grossly overpriced issue of B'wana Beast. [Smile]

In any case... I, too, would opt for the B'wana Beast power, if for no other reason than to create my own Parakat with which to woo cute Xanthian girls.

Arm Put Back-on Man,

So, out of the blue, you are visited by the Controllers, who entrust you with the safe keeping of the Miracle Machine. Do you have a go at it?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Halle Berry, finaly we are together. Don't mind the death and destruction around us; bad burrito.


More fun for shopping, spinner rack or shelves?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Spinner racks are definitely more fun, especially if you get into a spinner rack tug-o-war with someone.

Amstel Pabst Budweiser Michelob,

Share a childhood memory with us.
Posted by cleome on :
There was a fancy home at the other end of the block from us. The owners were there maybe a couple of weeks out of the year. They didn't improve the next-door lot they owned, and I would go there all the time to scale the tallest evergreen they had--- in almost any weather other than ice and snow. The view was incredible, and the solitude was a treat. I have no idea how high in the air I was, but it's safe to say that if my parents had known I was risking my neck like that, they would have been... not pleased.

I still love the smell of evergreens. [Wink]

Ah, Pines Bring Mellowness

New verse, same as Quis' first...
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
My dad had a Super-8 movie camera. That's an old video recorder for you young pups. One of my favorite memories was captured on film. I was about six. It snowed about 5-6 inches. There was my dad in his black horn-rimmed glasses, skinny as can be. He was picking up a snowball and tossing it at me while my mom ran the camera. Then he took it and my mom acts all shy and runs up the steps and into the house. Then the camera comes back to me and I just wave, like the dumb little kid I am. Simpler times.

All Parents Beget Minors,

Same question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I remember coming home from kindergarten one day. I was watching Kimba the White Lion and had 3 turkey sandwiches. I thought that I was not a little kid now for eating 3 turkey sandwiches.

Angel Polaris Beast Magneto,

Answer any question that has already been asked in this thread.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Have you ever worn, or would you like to wear a kilt? Well, no, never worn and wouldn't like to wear one, since I expect it would make me look fat. Fatter.

Anyways, Plaid Beats Monochrome,

If you could travel to the year 2100 and ask one question, what would it be?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
What happened?

Already prepared bowl munchies.

Superbowl snacking style?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Diet sodas and lotsa baked chips. Just me watching probably.

Again, possibly by myself,

Will you ever buy another comic with "Crisis" in the name?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Silly AFOB! Didn't you read? The most recent one was the FINAL Crisis. As in, there won't be another. [Roll Eyes] Yeah, right.

Well, never say never... but I think this one did the trick for this reader. It not only burned me out on crises... I think it actually burned me out on comics for a while.

Ala Peanut-Butter Manwiches (ewww...),

What food do you enjoy that you think others might find repulsive?
Posted by dedman on :
peanut buttur and chocolate chip cookie sandwichs


What's your favorite movie character?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Elinor Dashwood from Sense & Sensibility ...

A big pulsing meatball ...

same question
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'm torn. Rick from Casablanca, Dr. Eleanor Arroway from Contact and Mimi from Rent are three particular favorites, off the top of my head.

All British Patron Members,

same question
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Tristan from Stardust.


What was the funniest movie you've ever seen?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
bon question. Monty Python and the Holy Grail comes to mind and nudges out most anything else I can think of.

A Person Being Mean,

What's your favorite short comedy sketch?
Posted by cleome on :
[blasphemy:] I think I'd have to give it up for "Veggie Kill" from the folks at Almost Live.

But judge for yourselves.


Artichokes Perish Beneath Mortars

Same question !
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I don't have A favorite, but one of my favorites is The Pear Dream by the Kids in the Hall.

Apple Pear Banana Mango,

Who would you have play Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, & Cosmic Boy?
Posted by Stealth on :
Neil Ross, B.J. Ward, and Michael Bell.

Apoplectic Ptomaine Balucheterian Meme,

Who is your favorite voice actor or actress?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Having just watched "Little Children," I'll say William Lyman ...

Ankylosaurians Pachycephalosaurians Brachiosaurids Macronarians

Whose powers would you rather have: Chemical King or Chameleon Boy?
Posted by cleome on :
Cham's. No contest. I'll pass on the elven epaulets costume, though. (Sorry, Dave C.)

Against Pairing Brights, Mauves

Assuming all [cough] physical hurdles were cleared, along with all financial issues, which superhero costume would you want to wear for next Halloween ?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Considering the weather here... The Phantom Stranger's costume would be best. San Diego proved to me that certain people should never wear spandex (and I'm at the top of that list.)

Another Peanut Butter Monster,

If you could meet and discuss changes to any single character with a creator who would they be?
Posted by Stealth on :
Fabian Nicieza, and why he built up Namorita as a strong woman and capable superheroine during the first half of his New Warriors run, only to tear her down during the second half.


Who is the best X-Men writer whose name is not Chris Claremont?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Since I've read very little non-Claremont X-Men, I'll have to go with Stan Lee by default (since I am NOT going to say 'Lobdell' if you paid me).

Antarctic Press' Best Material,

What is your favorite obscure comic series (i.e., one you would bet good money that no more than 2-3 LW regulars have read, and few have ever heard of)?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Lewis Trondheim's Dungeon. I don't know how truly obscure it is, since I'm not into the totally obscure comics anyways. But it may make up for insufficient obscurity with humorous peculiarity.

Always Plowing By Metropolis,

Any other obscure comics you'd recommend?
Posted by cleome on :
Night Life (1986-1991) - I never liked sword 'n sorcery until I saw it moved to what looks like the old SCTV skit about hanging around on Yonge Street in Toronto after dark.

Anything by E. Fitz Smith (several all-woman or woman-friendly anthologies in the 1980s and 1990s) - She really defies description. You just have to see it for yourself. The strip where she accidentally gets devil horns and the one where she tries to recreate a weird dessert that she saw in her dreams are just priceless.

Avocados + Preserves Baked Merrily

What limited series or particular story arc in a comic built you up, Buttercup-- just to let you drop at the end ?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Wow! so many... but Keith Giffen's series based on the Zodiac signs... so promising.... it just didn't work.

All-star Persons Barred Momentarily,

Any favourite web-comics?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I've actually read very few. I guess anything on Scott McCloud's site.

Amityville's Best Poltergeist Manager,

What has faded away from everyday life and/or pop culture that you never thought would?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Combing my hair. Seriously. Growing up, I always combed my hair everyday. Now I haven't done that since college. Basically, I just get out of the shower and run hands through it with some cream or lotion or whatever Lady Cobalt buys me. It takes me literally 6 seconds a day to ready my hair. When did that become the standard? Most guys my age do the same thing.


What pop-culture fad do you miss the most from the 1990's?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Oh, I am so going to regret admitting this. I was a big San Fran 49'ers fan for years. I had these pants called "Zubaz"  - , with the team colors, red, white, and gold. Never really wore them out anywhere, just lounged around the house, but they were so comfortable.

Audacious Pants Bring Memories,

What pop-culture fad do you miss the most from the 1980's?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I was born in 1981, but I just had to answer this. I really, really miss G.I. Joe. The awesome toys, the awesome TV series, the awesome comic book by Marvel. My brother and I were so into collecting G.I. Joe's (the action figures) as kids--we would play with them for hours, and we always made sure we didn't get the same ones. I still have them all [Big Grin]


Same question.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
not much. I guess the cheesy 'New Wave' fashions, Square Pegs, Devo, Bobo's fluffy hair, the Human League... that sort of stuff. Too silly to take seriously, but it had an ambiance that really fit the ostrich-head-in-the-sand, "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" mindset of the Reagan era.

while we're at it... same question, APBM.
Posted by Stealth on :
Hair metal. It was such unpretentious fun, and I love guys with long hair. While my tastes in music have evolved and expanded over the years, I'm not ashamed to say that hair metal was the soundtrack to my tween years and I still listen to it sometimes.


Was 80s hair metal a natural extension (no pun intended) of 70s glam rock or not?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I was about to say categorically, 'no,' but then gave it further thought. I can concede a few thematic/showmanship overlays, but for the most part it seems just too far leap.

Alan Parsons' Best Music,

what is the most under-appreciated aspect of the 80s?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Despite all the celebration of militarism during the era, the 80s were the only decade since the 1930s in which the U.S. did not engage in any major wars (though there were plenty of lesser military actions).


Same question.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Despite people who lived through the 1950's-1970's still having a tough time embracing many of the new ideas and ideals of those decades, the children of the 1980's were raised on an education system that actually did incorporate many of those ideals, and have a wider and more diverse subject matter and types of classes. I learned about civil rights my entire life from Grade 1 onwards. I was taught modern politics in 2nd grade. We celebrated sociology, psychology and other subjects previously reserved for college as early as Middle School.


what is the most under-appreciated aspect of the 90's?

(Disclaimer--I think the 90's rawked while the 80's sucked)
Posted by Stealth on :
Whereas I hate the 90s and love the 80s.

No matter how hard I try, I truly cannot think of anything under-appreciated about the 90s. It was a horrible time.


What is the most OVERRATED thing about the 90s?

(IMO: Grunge! [Disgusting] #@!@#$#ing retrograde horse-$#!# sold as something supposedly new and exciting. Also invented a whole new style of bad singing that you still hear all over the radio. [Disgusting] )

[ March 06, 2009, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Stealth ]
Posted by cleome on :
The Phantom Menace. I'm sorry, but this is not debatable. Ever.

Me: [slap] :Lucas

Absolutely Portman's Blandest Movie

What catchy name should this almost-completed decade be assigned ? (ie-- something like "The Roaring Twenties," "The 'Me' Decade," etc.)
Posted by Stealth on :
"The 'Look-At-Me!' Decade."


Is hip-hop the new disco?
Posted by cleome on :
Nah. If you date its origin from "Rappers Delight," (1979) I'd have to say that hip-hop has well outlasted disco.

Actually Prefer Blues Music

So, do you still own music in its archaic physical form (CD, Tape, Vinyl), or have you totally moved on to downloads and never looked back ?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I love my CDs.

Anaconda Python Boa Mamba,

Do you have any phobias?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I have a fairly mild fear of heights that generally only strikes when I'm in a structure that does not seem rock-solid. I was on a wide factory tower once, and the whole thing vibrated; even going nowhere near the edge that threw me off far more than being atop a cliff 500 feet high. Ditto being top a mobile scaffold only 30 feet up, but it felt wobbly. But also, in the CN Tower, there is a section of glass floor where you can look straight down; I could not walk on it (the rest of the Tower visit was okay).

America Panama Bolivia Mexico,

Where were you when Buckwheat was shot?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
On the grassy knoll.

All Points Bulletin Mania:

What were you doing in Dallas on November 22, 1963?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Theoretically, I could have been in Dallas on November 22, 1963, however I was busy learning to walk.

Apricots Pears Bananas Mangos,

Have you ever been surprized to find out a famous person was gay?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Several times: George Takei, Sarah Gilbert, and John Inman (one should never assume that an actor is anything like a character he or she portrays) come to mind. I suppose it's hetero-centric of me to have assumed that they weren't gay, but, in each case, they had been familiar TV presences long before they "came out."


Other than sexual orientation, what is the most surprising thing you've learned about any celebrity?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Usually the most surprising thing is finding out instances where really "cool" celebs (by media standards) have totally dorky qualities about them. I should expect almost all people have those qualities but its interesting to know the details. For instance: Vin Diesel is majorly into Dungeons and Dragons! Who knew? I never really cared much about him before but that tidbit actually makes me like him.


What's an instance where you didn't really care for someone and something changed your opinion and made you do a complete 180--so that you began to like, respect or genuinely care for the person?
Posted by SharkLad on :
When I was a kid, I had a batty old great aunt in Spain who I always found really annoying whenever my family went to visit her ... one visit, out of nowhere, she began to tell these hysterical stories about her childhood that I found really endearing ... after that, I loved to be around her, and I was sad to hear she recently passed away ...

Artemis prefers burly men,

Have you ever lost faith in someone you thought would always be there for you?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Yeah, my big brother. [Frown]

Aack! please be mellow!

Do you now, or have you ever, owned a pair of striped pants (excluding pajamas)?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Do pinstrips count? Then yes I have owned a pair of striped pants.

Abyssinian Persian Balinese Manx,

What person from history would you have like to gotten to know personally?
Posted by cleome on :
Melba Liston. No contest.

All Praise Blue Melba

Sugar substitutes. Yes or No ?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Stevia yes. Sucralose, aspartame... no.

All Points Bulletin Mavens,

Do you buy/subscribe to a newspaper (paper variety - not on-line)?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Wall St. Journal! My work pays for it, but I generally enjoy reading the news articles. The editorials I skip though because they're basically far-right 'pro-business / anti-Obama' nuts at the Wall St. Journal. But the articles on business and the markets are still top notch.

I really want to subscribe to the New York Times, but would have to figure out when I'd read it. I used to subscribe but let the subscription expire. I love the Times, its the best international news you can find in the US.

I love reading newspaper in print. The entire process I find thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable. At the same time, I basically dislike online news and everything about it. I only read comic book online news unless something really fascinating catches my eye. Its just not the same. Computers suck [Big Grin]


Same question!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I tried to subscribe to the Sunday Boston Globe, but they did have anyone who delivers in my neighborhood.

Alice Passions Baywatch Mannix,

What TV show would like to have been a character on and what would your role have been?
Posted by cleome on :
I wanted to be on Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. I would have been the vampire that explained, "We don't attack you because we want your blood. We attack you because, frankly, you're fucking annoying." I was not in the room when they were giving out the Wheedon Appreciation Gene.

Aghast Patrons Berate Me

Again, Kids. Again.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
As a kid, I had an imaginary role on the original "Star Trek" series. I was the environmental engineer (whose bridge station was on the left side of the turbolift, next to Scotty's); I was also German, which enabled me to say things like, "Jawohl, Herr Captain!" (Hey, I was also watching "Hogan's Heroes" at the time.) But I wore a gold (command) shirt instead of red (engineering) because I figured I would look better in gold.


If you could have a role on any current TV series, what would it be?
Posted by stephbarton on :
Agh! I don't watch that much current TV.

I would be House's boss, (on House)because I would love to tell him to shut up no one cares (I love House, but I would love to give him a taste of his own medicine, I think it would be fun).

Oh, almost forgot my question.

Um, if you could rewrite the ending of any movie, which movie would it be and what would the new ending be?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I would break The Dark Knight into two separate movies, moving the Two-Face transformation out into its own so the two films seem like two films, not like two smashed into one.

Alsatian Portobello Baked Magnificently,

If you had to have one, what would your costumed kid sidekick be like?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Plucky female teenage sidekick, experiencing teenage years as only a female can. Attractive but extremely vulnerable! Basically, she'd be Jailbait Lass [Big Grin]


I like this one, so lets do it again!
Posted by stephbarton on :
I would go with female sidekick as well, mostly because young male sidekick might get the tabloids talking (I'm femaile btw, in case the "steph" part of the name didn't clue you in).

Plucky but not really a fighter, more of my "logistic" support as I wouldn't want to expose a young lady to the dangers of crime fighting. Essentially the kid who waits in the car or googles something for me as I bust the bad guys heads.

Costume would probably be jeans and a sweatshirt with a logo on it and a mask for good measure, again, not really looking for someone to bust heads with me, but more logistical support or someone to drag my butt to the hospital (or at least call 911) when needed.

Must be able to drive.

Ok, let's be deravitive!

If you could be a sidekick, what type of sidekick would you be (and if you want who would you be a sidekick of)?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Jailbait Lad for Linda Carter, uh, I mean, Wonder Woman.


What's your favorite way to spoil yourself?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Leave myself out of the fridge overnight.
:drummroll: Thank yew folks, I'll be here all week

(well, I won't, actually)

but seriously, ladies and germs... I like to travel. I rarely get to actually "spoil" myself; last time I could do that was a couple weeks in Italy back in 02.

Atlantic Pacific Baltic Mediterranean,

Sane Q.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I love to travel, so that's one answer, but in all honesty the best way I spoil myself is I go out to bars / restaurants with my friends (and wife) and just have a great time without caring how much I spend. I don't do it too often anymore, but I do try to recapture the 22 year old Cobie who would spend $100 at the bar on Friday night and not feel even the slightest bit guilty. Except now I allocate it more to include cab rides, food afterwards and other things...I *did* learn some things these last couple years [Big Grin]


What's your reccomendation of a great place to travel to that most people on LW have never heard of? Cost isn't an issue, but make it somewhere relatively easy to get to.
Posted by cleome on :
Lake Diablo, Washington State

Pic doesn't do it justice. Blue sky, electric teal water (I think that's from mineral run-off up in the mountains.), pines, snowcaps... sooo gorgeous, especially in Summertime.

Any Photo's Been Mounted ?

Are you a camera-snappin' fiend on vacation, or would you rather let somebody else handle it ?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
I like to take a lot of pictures of scenery or cool buildings and things like that. My wife hates it if there isn't a person in the picture, yet doesn't want it to be her...

All Paper Boys Miss,

Have you ever had your picture in your local paper and what for?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Often. When I was a kid, for science fairs or boy scouts. As a reporter, I'd sometimes get caught in a pic the competing paper took. After I left the paper, reporter friends of mine would still try to get me in there from time to time.


same Q

Originally posted by cleome:
Pic doesn't do it justice. Blue sky, electric teal water (I think that's from mineral run-off up in the mountains.), pines, snowcaps... sooo gorgeous, especially in Summertime.

Lake Louise is similar. Apparently tourists often inquire as to what the locals put in the water to get it that color!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No picture in the newspaper, but I did have a letter to the editor printed and I have been interviewed twice on TV as the man-in-the-street.

Angela Bassett Paul Muni,

The mountains or the seashore?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Seashore. Give me a hurricane over an avalanche.

Antigua Barbados Papua Madagascar,

Tropical or temperate?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Temperate ...


white or milk chocolate?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Milk Chocolate, absolutely.

All Planets Besides Mercury,

Do you think we will find life on other planets in the next 50 years or so?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Haven't they already found some lichen on Mars? If you are talking sentient life, I would say that if it out there, we will find it, but probably it will take more than 50 years.

Asteroids Pluto Betelgeuse Mars,

Have you ever been mugged?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

Anna Paquin's Best Momento,

Have you ever lied to get out of a speeding ticket (or similar citation)?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Everytime [Big Grin] And its about 50/50 results, so I will continue to do so.


Ever have an interesting jury duty experience?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I've never actually served on a jury. However, I was called for jury duty several times. Once, it was a medical malpractice case. There had to be about 200 potential jurors. After eliminating those that knew people involved, the judge would call a juror and the juror would have a chance to ask to be excused for a reason. The judge seemed to let a lot of people go. As it approached my number, there were not a lot left after me.

At the time, I was just about to gradfuate from law school. Graduation was actually that Friday. The judge had said that the trial would last 2 weeks. When my number was called, I asked to be excused so I could attend my graduation. The judge saw that there were not a lot of jurors left and still had a couple of seats to fill. He asked me exactly when graduation was scheduled for. I said 1 pm. So he said "I can't excuse you just yet. But if I have to seat you, I'll call a recess so you can attend your graduation."

He ended up doing the same for 2 other guys. Finally, it was down to the three of us with one seat to fill. The judge picked one of the two other guys. I think the guy he picked was moving. The judge then excused me and the third guy and the two of us wasted no time getting out of there.

Astronomy Physics Biology Meterology,

What was your favorite subject in school, and what about it made it your favorite?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
<===English major.

Why? I learned to love analyzing and interpreting stories, particularly when I realized I could do the same for comic books.

Algebra PhysEd Botany Music,

Same Q.
Posted by stephbarton on :
History, because it is the story of people and people are crazy (plus I like seeing why things are the way they are).

APBM (what is up with that? I'm confused)

What was the biggest mess you ever made when you attempted to cook/bake something?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
(APBM = another person below me, but at some point we started making it an acronym for anything else, sometimes related to the question asked)

Once I was making a potato purée in the blender. It had just come off the stove and was really hot. This was also the first time I'd done this and I overfilled the container. The steam of the purée blew the top off the blender and the contents went all over the kitchen. One corner of it, anyways.

A Pointless Battle, Mainly:

Was there something you cooked that was so bad you just threw it out?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Pretty much everything.

A Box Playing Music.

What brings the best memories for you: phonegraph, 8-track... I-Pod.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I never had an 8=track, I do not (yet) have an iPod, so phonograph wins by default.

My favorite vinyl memories were hunting down rarities in cramped little NYC shops (back before all rarities and obscure recordings were available everywhere on the web, and in boxed CD sets). Also, getting Pete Best's autograph on a pressing of Silver Beatles songs.

Argyll Bluesox Past Mending,

What was your favorite concert/live music experience?
Posted by stephbarton on :
Going to see George Strait with my dad. It was a huge concert and Tim McGraw was there as well. It was just a lot of fun and my dad and I spent about half the day at that concert (it was a big mega concert).

The only downside to the day was that we didn't buy me a cowboy hat.

I've been to other concerts that were a lot more upbeat and crazier, but that was just a great day.

Any Body Play Mahjong?

Have you ever won concert tickets? If so, how was the experience/concert?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I did win tickets to se the cellist Yo Yo Ma on a radio trivia contest. I don't know how the concert was because I gve the tickets to my sister and her husband.

ACDC Pink Beatles Manilow,

What is your favorite board game?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Eurorails, but I doubt (m)any of you have even heard of it.

Allied Powers Bombing Munich,

what obscure/quirky little favorite of yours do you wish had wider social appeal?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
"The Black Donnellys" and Legion....


NCAA Basketball tournament or Dancing With the Stars?
Posted by Stealth on :
Dancing With the Stars. I'm not a sporty girl.


Go-Gos or Bangles?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
tough choice. I have a soft spot for both... so I'll go with the Go-Gos since they arrived on the scene first.

A Peanut Butter Manwich,

What is your favorite Bob Dylan song (including covers - I understand not everyone likes his voice)?
Posted by Stealth on :
Chrissie Hynde's live cover of "I Shall Be Released", the only performance from the otherwise abysmal Dylan 30th Anniversary concert that does Bob the Bard justice.


Same question.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
"Don't Think Twice," by Joan Baez and the Indigo Girls, from Baez' Ring Them Bells CD.


same Q
Posted by cleome on :
Abbey Lincoln's "Mr. Tambourine Man." Has to be heard to be believed.

Abbey's Prime Bliss Material

Do you know anyone besides me who'll admit to never owning a cell phone ?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
My Dad. And he has the best reason: "I don't want to be on call for anyone at anytime." I agree with him too for the most part. I'm notorious among my friends for not answering calls and not returning them for long periods of time. I'm the same with emails, texts, IMs, etc. I just hate the idea that I 'owe' anybody a response.


Whats a situation you find yourself in where you turn your cell phone off completely?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Funerals, and I wish I could say the same for everyone. I went to a funeral about a year ago, not a family member thankfully. Three seperate cell phones went off during the service. It was ridiculous and disrespectful.

All-Points Bulletin, Murdock!

What is a phrase you use that went out of style, oh, say 20 years ago?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
"I'm just ducky!"


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Teaching English full time; perhaps working toward a PhD.


Do you know anyone who owns up to not owning a computer?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Yes, several. Some for ideological reasons, one is blind and hasn't been able to get the voice-recognition software to work for him, others I'm not sure why.

Always preparing better meals,

Do you usually wear a watch?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
No. Only when I go to the beach or someplace where I have to be separated from my blackberry and I need to know what time it is.


Are you risk-averse or risk-seeking?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Risk-seeking ...


What's your favorite cold remedy?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


Are print media doomed?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
no, but they will be trimmed back severely as online services take over many of their tasks.

Al Pacino's Best Moment:

Have you been affected by the economic downturn as of yet, and how much so?
Posted by cleome on :
Well, I've barely managed to turn up any wage work since the construction industry cut me loose last June. OTOH, the bankruptcy business is booming, for obvious reasons. This means that our household's sole remaining breadwinner is... uh, about to pick up a lot more bread. (Also that he'll probably only come home about once every other week. [groan])

Are Preventable Bankruptcies Motivational ?

Name a favorite bit of pop culture that you love, but that everyone else you know absolutely can't stand.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
MTV's the Real World. I know, I know--its nowhere near as good as it once was, and the new casts are always so damn unlikeable, and all they do is party and whine and really accomplish nothing of any value. *But*, once they get on those challenges, I'm totally sucked in. It really is a guilty pleasure...I have such a hard time finding anyone else who really digs it other than my old college roomate and Lash.


What was the last sporting event you watched that totally captivated you and made you care about the outcome?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Last year's Super Bowl ... Giants vs. Patriots ... not really a football fan, but Manning and the Giants put on a great game ...

Another Person Berate Me,

What reality show would you most like to be on?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Easy, Rock of Love Bus. Yup, those bitches need some serious schoolin'. I'll show 'em how to treat a real man like Bretty Michaels.

Back off, bitches. He's MINE!


Same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?


What celebrity do you have or have had a crush on?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
When I was younger, I had a crush on George Harrison. Probably still do, to some degree.

All Powerful Beatle Maniacs,

Did you ever drink absinthe?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nope. And I haven't ever imbibed any other alcoholic drink either.

Albatross Penguin Bobolink Magpie,

What is your least favorite color?
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! I like want to say black, but I can't cuz black really isn't a color, it's the total absence of color. So I'll go with Mauve, cuz like my GF Becky colored her hair Mauve once and it looked like hideous.

Albert Paul Benji Mark

Do you think having like an above average vocabulary is an asset for a girl?
Posted by cleome on :
Contrary to what you might think, Young 'Un(s), the cuter a girl is, the more she will want to diversify her verbal skills.

Face it: You can never have too many ways to tell unwelcome male interlopers on your nights out with the girls, "Yo, Buddy. Not even if you were the last excessively brilliantined inebriate located 93 million miles from the sun !"

Aimless Prattling Builds Malaise

Do you pay attention to politics even when there's no election looming ?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Following politics even with an election coming is very often like watching a combination of sales pitches from used car salesmen, soap operas without redeeming characters, and the Jerry Springer show, so the answer is no.


If you could vote for any celebrity (past or present) for president, who would it be and why?
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
Gregory Peck ... because of his role in "To Kill a Mockingbird" ...


Which celebrity, if elected President, would certainly doom mankind?
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! Like Ann Coulter...


Which celebrity, if elected President, would fix the planet?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Ty Pennington?


Are you a dog person or a cat person?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Dog person all the way, as Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle will be glad to attest:

Click for fullsize image


Any children? And if not, do you want to have them someday?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
My son is 15, my daughter will be 11 Tuesday. They are great kids. Oh, yeah, and the furry 9-month old mini-dachshund. She's the baby.

Aarvark, platypus, bat, mongoose.

What is the most unusual pet you ever had, or would like to have?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
(Hywie's adorable)

No kids - Do not want. I have nieces and nephews aplenty, though, which is good enough for me.


What kind of child were you? (spoiled/sweet shy/wild)
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
I am an only child. I was quiet and didn't have a lot of other kids around except at school. I read a lot-mostly comics, Hardy Boys, Encyclopedia Brown, Boxcar Children, just about anything I could get my hands on. I wasn't your typical spoiled only child. My Mom and Dad raised me well!

Aw, Probably Being Melodramatic,

Did you go on a favorite vacation as a kid, with your family?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
We did one of those execrable mad bus tours of Europe when I was 10. Even for a kid, it was a lot of fun (except when I got sick in Dover and cost the old man some unanticipated expenses), a lot of different experiences. All the other vacations were visits to grandmas and grandpas.

Anti-Perpetual Broccoli Muncher,

Same Question.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
When I was about 12, we had a family trip to NYC. My first train trip, and we stayed at a nice hotel. Stature of Liberty, World Trade Center, Museum of Natural History...and as a kid I loved the Automat. [Smile]

We never did the huge road-trips, and generally didn't go any farther than 4-5 hours from home.


Same Question
Posted by cleome on :
We hit Vermont a couple of times, as well as part of TN & KY, visiting various family friends. I'm sure there was the usual car-based tedium and bickering with the sibs a la' the Animaniacs legendary "I'm Mad" cartoon. Nowadays all I really remember is that the scenery was great, the people were nice to us, and how cool it was to a kid getting to eat and sleep in a different place every night.

Autos Planes Boats Motorcycles

If you were suddenly wealthy enough to own/maintain/travel to a vacation home (Summer or Winter) anywhere in the world, where would it be ?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Probably a second home, maybe an apartment downtown. When I'm on the road vacationing I'm not one to enjoy sitting in one place.


Best and worst movie, ever?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Sense and Sensibility - best
Event Horizon - worst


Who's your favorite Saturday Night Live alumni?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
probably Billy Crystal.


same Q
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Old school for me: Gilda Radner conjures the most chuckles for me.


Similar but different, favorite SNL host?
Posted by Stealth on :
Scarlett Johansson. Her performance as the daughter in the "Mike & Toni's Chandeliers" sketch is pure gold.


Favorite SNL music performance?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Ashlee Simpson ... I've got a thing for lipsynching ...


What's your favorite brand of bottled water?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
It was Evian, but I haven't bought bottled water for a long time.

Actually, People Bore Monkeys:

What's your favorite drink?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Coca Cola Now I do have to drink Diet Coke.

Alcohol Poison Booze Moonshine,

What is your favorite newspaper comic strip?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Although I no longer read a print newspaper, my favorite comic strip has always been "Peanuts".

Aristocrats Pay Big Money,
What food do you really like that many people don't?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Liver and onions... yummy!


Same question...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
broccoli rabe


What dish that you love isn't as popular/well-known as it should be?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
This was originally an answer for Abin's question, but it fits Kent's as well.

Gefilte fish! I am quite possibly the only Gentile I know who loves it!


Which holiday do you enjoy the most?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
through most of the 90s, it always seemed like I was travelling somewhere interesting and different for the 4th of July (Seattle, California, Alaska, the Jersey shore... even Luxembourg)... but that stopped.

I dunno... it varies year-to-year, actually.

April Precipitation Brings May-flora,

What is your favorite part of Spring?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
The day after the cold rains, which would not be today.

Always, People Bothering Me

Your three easiest buttons to push (In case that's colloquial, name the three things that people do that get on your nerves, I promise never to use them )
Posted by cleome on :
1. Yammering endlessly about fandoms they know perfectly well I either don't care about or can't stand.

2. Recycling the same pop culture catch phrase du jour more than twice in a single day. (Bonus points awarded for trendy racial/ethnic/sexist slurs that they think make them "cutting edge" instead of just unimaginative jerkfaces.)

3. Smoking indoors. When it's my damn house.

Arrgh. Plotz. Bah. Merde.

Same question.
Posted by Stealth on :
1. Casting celebrity voices in cartoons instead of seasoned voice actors. (Strange choice, I know, but I just read in the Gym'll forum that Michael Madsen is voicing Kilowog in the Green Lantern animated movie, and I'm angry.)

2. Addressing me like you think you're smarter than me.

3. Rushing into the elevator before I've gotten out.


What are your three favorite articles of clothing?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
A pair of well worn briefs (guys and frustrated wives know what I mean).

superman jammy tops, gift.

Extremely thick hided suade jacket I picked up in Bolivia with a zipper flap over the zipper and flip up collar that prevents ANY wind from getting in. Could probably stop a bullet.


Fun question, let's do it again.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
A pair of gray cotton shorts I've had for years (got 'em on now!). No holes, just real comfy.

Any of my superhero T's.

A red and black jacket I can't seem to find a replacement for. My daughter told me if I bought a new one, she wouldn't know me.

Argyles, Pullovers, Belts, Moccasins.

Same Question.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
A bright pink t-shirt, just about ready for the rags bin, which I've got on now.

My wetsuit, not kinky, it just enables me to swim in the cold ocean.

Some old L.L. Bean wool socks, which are really dense and warm, and which they don't sell/produce anymore.

All People Beware Mumus:

Is there a favorite article of clothing from your past, something you don't have anymore but wish you did?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
A Lucky (brand) linen blazer with military detailing. I cleaned out my closets about a two years ago and donated a bunch of stuff to Goodwill. I figured I'd worn the blazer enough and it was time to let it go, but now I miss it. It was so very easy to dress up or down and it fit so well.


Do you enjoy clothes shopping?
Posted by cleome on :
No. A thousand times no. Women's clothes are always sized and designed by career sadists. Not to mention that in general, they're badly-crafted and hideously overpriced. (This is true whether you're skinny or fat.) My favorite place to shop is Goodwill, where I can rummage in the Men's Dept. without anyone giving me the fisheye. Even then, I get nervous and twitchy if I have to spend more than an hour or two in the place.

Always Purchasing Black Material

What's the dumbest fashion trend you ever participated in?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'm note sure I've ever participated in one.

The closest might be the neo-retro-hippy bit in the late 80s; but even that was limited to tie-dyes, long hair and John Lennon glasses.

All Potheads Bring Munchies,

What was your favorite retro era?
Posted by cleome on :
Honestly, I don't think that I've got one. I treat past eras like a buffet bar, where I pick at the varied aesthetics and so forth, without ever really filling up on any one thing. The sad truth is that, grouch though I am, I feel perfectly at home in the era I'm in. It's impossible to imagine myself in any previous era.

Art Politics Baseball Music

If somebody really could tell you something important about your future that would definitely come to pass/could not be changed, would you want to know, or not?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Probably not. The "Something Important" part is why. But if it was some random or funny tidbit, I'd definitely want to know!


Whether you like the sport or not: you're stuck having to play an all day long baseball game in a beautiful day with people you like to be around. You must pick a position to go play for 9 whole innings. What position do you pick?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Ah, wiggle room. I'll only play with the right handers I like and I'll take right field, a picnic basket, a portable tv and maybe the laptop.


Do you think is was unfair of me to pick only right handers; discuss?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
no. you were offered your pick of the litter. If anyone's to blame, it is Cobie's fault for giving you too much latitude.

plus as a leftie, I'm going to ruin your day. [Wink] You choosing to play only right-handers does seem beyond the parameters (to me, at least).

Athletics Padres Baltimore Mets,

Do you approve of all these new stadiums being built at taxpayer expense?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
NO! I don't approve of a lot of stuff being built at taxpayer expense! BTW, if the public is picking up so much of the expense on, say, the new Yankee Stadium, why are they jacking up ticket prices so much? HMMMMMMMM?!!?!?!?

Another Political Boondoggle, Man!

If you have been to Washington, DC, what is your favorite monument/ memorial?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
That's a toughy. Lincoln, Vietnam and I've never been to Arlington but have seen the photos, all draw powerful emotions for me. In a pinch, I'd have to pick Lincoln, the emotions are more hopeful then just reflective, at least for me.


To open it up a bit, what is your favorite thing to do in your nation's capital city?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
just walk around, actually. Last time I was down in DC, a LWer and I spent a bit of time just wandering around. It is a beautiful city to wander.

Where do you like to walk?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
In the woods / forest / hiking in secluded nature areas. That's probably my favorite place to walk, because I don't often get to go to places where I'm completely by myself and can enjoy some real silence and if you get the right day and right setting, it can really be just a relaxing, moving experience to go hiking.

On the other hand, I *love* walking around Manhattan. Its one of my favorite things to do and I get to do it quite often.

(PS - Kent, same with me in regards to DC too!)


same question
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
almost anywhere (ditto Manhattan. I once walked from the Museum of Natural History all the way down to the Battery).

Boreal forests, mossy/pine forests, and stark windswept coastlines are favorites, but basically anywhere away from hazards or annoyances.

All Paths Bestow Meaning,

same Q... let's keep it going.
Posted by cleome on :
Anyplace that's a short distance from anyplace else. I used to be an enthusiastic walker, then my feet gave out. Two surgeries didn't help, either. [sulk]

A Physician Botched Mine

Name one physical attribute you'd change if you could. For either practical or aesthetic purposes, or both.*

(*Except the weight thing. Too obvious.)
Posted by LardLad on :
I really hate being short! I wish I'd taken after my dad's side of the family and clocked in around 6 feet tall instead of just barely, maybe 5'7"! I know there are shorter people in the universe, but it really makes it hard for people to take me seriously--plus it's hard to see over stuff!!!

A Penny Broke Mel,

Same question.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'd like to have hair on my head. I was thinning at 21, baldish by 27 and had to shave it all at 32.

Taller wouldn't be bad for me either. I'm a whole inch taller than Lardy.

Awesome Pecs Bounce Mesmerisingly,

Which movie that "everyone has seen" have you never seen?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Quite a few recently: The one where the dog dies, the one that just won the Oscar. Twilight (we ordered it but then fell asleep, oops) and the one about the mall cop. Oh, and I still have no desire to see Silence of the Lambs.


What's your favorite comfort food?
Posted by Stealth on :
(I'm glad to hear that, Ram Boy; it's a terrible movie, and I regret wasting time and money on it.)

Chocolate, in any form -- solid, liquid, with filling, without filling...


Same question.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Chocolate Chip cookies, homemade. And mashed potatoes. But not together.

A Peanut Butter Muncher,

Same question.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Mini-Pretzels with extra sharp cheddar cheese...

Another Person Below Me...

In a strictly non-sexual way (of course... [ROTFLMAO] ); If you're on top, who do you want to be on the bottom?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
One of many beloved LegionWorld posters.


In a strictly non sexual way, of course, what's your favorite Kellogg's Pot Tart flavor?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
frosted cinnamon & brown sugar.

Alfred Pellan's Best Montage,

what is your favorite work of fine art?
Posted by cleome on :
Rene Magritte's The Portrait

(You can see how it's warped my life, but in a good way.)

Artists Paint Bright Moments

Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Halle Berry or

Nude Descending a Staircase: DuChamp. Nude Descending No 2

Just saw it in a book when I was a kid and was thrilled when I got to see it in person at the Philly Art Museum ( "gonna fly now..." )


I like that question, let's have another go.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Tom Thompson's West Wind.

A Popinjay Belittles Marvels,

Has any book changed your life and, if so, which one?
Posted by SharkLad on :
A few year's back after a spectacularly bad breakup, I was a complete mess, emotionally and physically ... in an effort to get in shape, I read a book called "Body for Life," which is in essence a dieting book/program ... it actually made a huge difference for me physically and emotionally ...

Another Person Below Me,

Same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Atlas Shrugged Just kidding. I never read any Ayn Rand.

I don't think any one book has changed my life. However, I would say that all the books I have read have had an influence on my life.

Asimov Patterson Bellows Michener,

What is your favorite film adaptation of a book?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

both film and book are each fantbulous in their own right. an excellent example of a film version that captures the spirit of the book without being limited to the pages.


same Q.
Posted by Exnihil on :
2001: A Space Odyssey

I think the film actually edges out the book for my tastes, though, because of how much is left unsaid. Hmmm... interesting that my choice was another in the Sci-Fi genre. Let's see if the pattern holds...


same question.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Three way tie ... Jaws, the Godfather & Silence of the Lambs ...


Same question ...
Posted by Lad Boy on :
The Remains of the Day
What is the most benevolent thing you've done in the past year?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I took two of my great nieces to the ballet (Sleeping Beauty) and a great niece and great nephew to Dora Live.


What was your favorite vacation from when you were a kid?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
When my Ma was upset, she'd might wake me up, we's get in the Belair and off we'd go. Bet I saw a third of the country that way. The one I remember the most, we were at Yellowstone, the main lodge. The sights of course, bears and Old Faithful were great but most remembered (remember, I'm a kid) was the lodge set up chairs and a projector for a nightly movie. We watched the original King Kong. That got my nerves up as it was but just as we were getting to sleep, the coyotes started yowling. I still on occasion remember that night in my dreams.


Kid vacations are telling. Keep this one going.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
It would probably be when we used to go to Dinsey World every year in February (in Massachusetts, at least in the '70s and early '80s, the schools always closed in the third week of February).

We went there four consecutive Februaries. Then, in 1981, while we were in Florida, my parents asked my sister and me if we liked Florida. We both said we did. They announced that we were moving there and we started crying.

I never quite took to living there and left after I'd finished college. Living near the Great Mouse kind of turned me off theme parks in general.

But still, those years that we went when I was little were great fun.


What was the best vacation you had as an adult?
Posted by dedman on :
I've only been on one vacation as an adult, most of my adult life I was too poor to go anywhere.
Last year my wife (well then fiance) and I went to Dominican Republic for a week, where she met my parents for the first time. The service at the resort was excellent and we went on some tours of the local area. My wife got to swim in an ocean for the first time in her life. My favorite part was going to the beach side market and trying to get good deals on stuff. Lots of fun!

Well I'm looking for ideas for my next vacation so.....same question.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
After I graduated from college in 1993, I went with two other students and our German professor to Germany. It was the first (and so far only) time I've been out of the U.S. We rented a car and spent 11 days driving around Berlin, Bavaria, Heidelberg, and other places, and even took a train into Innsbruck, Austria, to visit the Alpenzoo.

But my standout memory is overnighting in Leipzig, which just three years previously had been Communist territory.

Let's continue the travelogue: same question.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Sounds like this could be it's own thread.

After getting in a winter storm car wreck, insurance paid for a rental Volkswagon Golf, unlimited miles. [Smile]

Starting in Toledo, I picked up a buddy in Glen Ellyn and we did the Wall Drug, Corn Palace, Badlands (beautiful in winter), and all the usual stuff. Tetons were amazing. We x-country skiied into Yellowstone (I can still see the "blue" of the winter morning). Headed into Jackson Hole for some nightlife and even downhill skiied in Idaho. My buddy never left the bunny hill. At the end of the day, I asked him why. He said, "bunnies." (evil grin).

Well onto something new.


Describe a surprise out-of-town visit that you received.
Posted by dedman on :
Last year, when I got married my mother across the country for the wedding. I went to pick her up at the airport. When the plane arrived, who should I see coming out the arrival gate behind my mother....My Grandmother!!! This was a HUGE surprise, as my grandmother never travels. After the wedding she stayed for a week so we had lots of time to visit, which was great because I hadn't seen her in almost a year.


If you could be any god or goddess from ancient mythologies, who would you be?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
I've been DREAMING of the day that someone would ask me this question! The answer is Ares, the Greek god of war! Why? Because he was swashbuckling and often times naked! Two qualities I always strive for! Besides that, he was a real man's man (which is another thing I always strive to be)!

However, considering that I'm more of a pacifist and not all that keen on confrontation, if I ever do get the job of being God of War I'd have to tweak the job description a little bit. Maybe something along the lines of Ares, the Naked God of Swashbuckling Manliness and Peace Through Negotiations (Whenever Possible) .


Do you follow internet trends like Twittering and Facebook(ing)?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Got a big kick out of the last two answers. Anyhow, yes as a teacher I kind of find I'd best know what the buggers are up too. Lot's of things I'd wished I'd not found out about, facebook one of the least problematic. Facebook, seems like spying but when you work a rough neighborhood, can help head off alot of problems. Every parent should be keeping a close eye on these things. I use inernet extensively to get ideas for vacation and lesson plans.


What use of Internet is most useful to you (at the fear of LegionWorld losing its PG rating, neither POV nor Cobie may answer, j/k).
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
[Big Grin]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I was going to respond "news" because there's lots of alternative news on the net, but most of it just depresses me and gives me an illusion of being well-informed, so probably "how to" information. Whatever I've got to do, there's usually a host of explanations or recommendations on the internet - debugging broken water heaters, pet problems, recipes, etc. etc. Highly practical.

A Potentially Better Method:

Assuming reasonably good health but continued aging, how long would you like to live ?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
100. I really want to hit three digits. Just 'cuz it'd be kind of cool. Not that I wouldn't mind aging to 125 if I had reasonably good health.


In your opinion, what is the age when most people seriously think of retirement as a real thing that is approaching. Because at 27, I just have the attitude that I'll be working forever with no retirement ever happening.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
100. I really want to hit three digits. Just 'cuz it'd be kind of cool. Not that I wouldn't mind aging to 125 if I had reasonably good health.

That's why I told my wife I won't be at middle age till I'm 50!

I think that is when many people start considering retirement. But, unfortunately, the later you were born, the longer you have to work. I will retire at 62 at the latest, because I see tomany retire at 65 or 67 and they're too old to enjoy their retirement. The sooner the better!

Always Polling 'Bout Money,

Do you personally know, or are you related to any millionaires?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
A million ain't what it used to be, if I know millionaires! Well, I don't know for sure, but based on their lifestyle and possessions, some of the people who are summer residents around here must be millionaires. They're okay. It's the billionaires who are all snooty about money.

Another Poll 'bout Money:

What would you do if you were given $10,000, free and clear?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Unless it was from family, I'd probably be paranoid about it. Wonder the motivations and expectations of the person giving it. Wonder why someone was giving me something that is forcing me into a decision then either bank it and forget about it or use it at school, something for the classroom or choir or artroom.

Don't give it to me. I've enough problems.

All Problems Begin Monday

When do you consider your week begun?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Monday. I see Monday as the beginning of the week and so the beginning of my week.


What age is "old"?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Next year.


What are you looking forward to most for the coming summer/winter (depending upon location)?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Swimming. Or maybe fresh tomatoes.

A Paltry Ballistic Missile,

If you could take over a country and rule it for life, which country would you choose?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Oh wow, best question ever.


That's in the Caribbean, right?

If it's absolutely got to be a UN nation, then Oh Canada, you are mine. Canada would be a fun place to rule. People are a little pasty but generally fun and not so self-serious. Lot's of places to roam. I'd have a palace in Newfoundland, Prince Rupert and Ottawa. We'd go to war with Alaska, or maybe Wisconsin, just to keep the boys inspired.

All Property Be Mine

Same question.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Luxembourg. I've always felt that although Luxembourg hasn't really lived up to it's true potential, with the right Supreme Ruler at its helm (me) it would be able to assume a stronger leadership role among the Family of Nations.


Our motto: "You'd Better Learn Luxembourgish"

Our Official Bird: The Beady-Eyed Eagle


Are you planning any getaways this summer?

[ June 12, 2009, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: Ram Boy ]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
[LOL] at map. love "visitor parking."
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Re: Getaways - looks like a visit to the all new and improved Luxembourg is in order. (There better be shuttle service from the parking lot.) Apart from that, maybe a short trip to Montreal.


Which day of the week do you like the most?
Posted by LardLad on :
In retail I can't count on any regular days off, but I always enjoy it when I have a Sunday off. I'm not particularly religious, but it's kind of a de facto Family Day for us. Plus, there's usually some choice sporting events on no matter what time of the year it is.

Actual Payment Before Monday,

If you could change careers to any one of your choice (within reason), what would it be and why?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Lately, I have been seriously thinking about opening up a comic book store in my town ... since moving to my quaint little hamlet, I have "fallen in love" with the idea of being a shopkeeper ... walking to work, going to Chamber of Commerce meetings, chasing noisy kids out of my shop, etc. ... working in education has become far too muddied lately ... it feels as though most people's priorities are way out of wack ... I long for something far, far simpler ...


Same question
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Need a loyal sidekick?


Same question.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I already have the perfect job for me, but if I could do the same job, just on the space shuttles instead of submarines...



Same Question...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Probably become a historian. I've always loved history and when I read books on various historic subjects, I love looking at the picures of original source material.


Do you think that people that say "Same Question" are too lazy to think of their own question?


You can answer the same question as the last several.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :


Same question.
Posted by Exnihil on :
[Big Grin] Nice.

Well, as an occasional user of the "same question" tact, for me it's driven by the fact that I think it's a question interesting enough to warrant more opinions than just my own.

Astonishing Points 'Bout Myself,

What question do you have a perfect answer for that you just wish someone would ask you?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
"What was the chief export of Bolivia in 1970?"

Another Point 'Bout Mister,

If you met Exnihil in person, what is the first question you would ask him?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
"How are you?"


Does it take you very long to think up phrases that start with "A.P.B.M."?
Posted by LardLad on :
Sometimes...far, FAR too long. [Frown]

Ask Pete 'Bout May,

What do you like most and least about yourself?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Oddly, they are two sides of the same coin.

Most - my attention to detail. It has really helped me to advance quickly in my field.

Least - my obsessive need to record and catalogue details. If you could see some of the hundreds of ridiculous spreadsheets I've maintained... for personal use!

Animal Planet Boxing Match,

If you were lost in the wilderness and stumbled upon a wild animal, would you prefer it be a lion, a tiger, or a bear... and why?
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
I would say you're just screwed if you come upon either of the cats. At least with the bear, thre may be a slight chance of escape.

Avoid Personal Bear Mutilation,

What's one place you've gone to alone that you ended up realizing you really shouldn't have?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I was wandering around Paris and wound up in a run-down semi-industrial area which really didn't look very safe to me, even in the daytime. Rather than turn around (lost...) I just kept walking. The only thing that happened was I caught my feet in one of those plastic straps used on containers and fell flat on my face on the pavement.

A Possibly Beatific Moment,

If you saw someone walking on water, what would you think?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
They know where the stones are.


You can go back in time and meet with your younger self. What would you say to yourself?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :

Are People Mostly Bad?

If you HAD to pick (and you do [Wink] ) would you say that people are born good and raised to be bad or born bad and raised to be good and why.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I think "good" and "bad" are value judgments that are imposed on us by society and, therefore, do not apply to us when we are born.

Consider this: Infants are born wanting only to fulfill their basic needs: food, sleep, waste expulsion, and attention. There is nothing inherently wrong with that. In fact, self-preservation could be considered a necessary good.

On the other hand, babies are also the most defenseless of all creatures. They rely on adult others to provide them with their basic needs. This could be considered bad, particularly when babies are abandoned (which they sometimes are); on the other hand, good comes from their needs as they give parents an incentive to bond with their offspring.

OK . . . since I have to pick one, I believe that God is good and that therefore his Creation, which includes human beings, is good.


What do you ruminate philosophically over in your spare time or during odd moments?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The meaning of life, my life specifically, and whether it's worth more than that of a mouse or a moth, and whether it's luck or karma that I'm still alive, healthy and comfortable.


If you could choose reincarnation, who or what would you like to come back as?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I was thinking a cat or dog, but that depends on whether you have a good owner or not. So can I choose not to come back?


What game show would you like to be on?
Posted by cleome on :
They need to bring back "Gambit" and/or "High Rollers." I'll decide between those two, because nothing does it for me like weirdly oversized cards and/or dice.

Aces played by me...

Think of the (living) person in this world whom you're fondest of. Now name the one thing you'd change about them if you could.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
That would be my mother and what I would change about her is that I would have her move closer to me. She is indeed relocating to Houston this fall.

Arriving Promptly Before Midnight:
Is your current (or most recent) job anything like what you thought you'd want to be when you grew up?

[ June 21, 2009, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
No. My current job is teaching college writing courses. The last thing I wanted to be as a kid was a teacher!

(At the risk of being lazy but because it's a good choice),

Same question.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
No. When I was a kid, in addition to comics I read every Hardy Boys and Encyclopedia Brown book I could get my hands on, and a few Nancy Drew. I was convinced I was going to be a detective. My aunt had a friend on the police force who even fingerprinted me to show me how it was done. However, I do love the career I have!

Always Probing Baffling Mysteries,

Growing up, which TV character did you imagine yourself as, or interacting with?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I always wanted to have Samantha Stephens' powers or be her friend and we would go out using her powers to help people ala Superman.


When you were a kid, was there some place you really wanted to visit? If so, where was it and did you ever get to visit it?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I wanted to go to New York because all of the Marvel super-heroes were there. To this day, the only time I've spent in NY was a thirty-minute layover.


Describe your first kiss.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
5 years old at a birthday party, under the table with the birthday girl. She was French. Well, she was Toledoan but she had a French name.

A Personal Body Moment

Foot rub or back rub?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Back rub, definitely. It skeeves me out when anyone touches my feet.

A Preordained Binding Match,

Do you believe that there is a single perfect partner for someone, or might an individual have several "true loves" over the course of his/her life?
Posted by cleome on :
I'll go with Option 2. But I'm still monogamous, because I can't do the amorous equivalent of walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Affectionate people bedeviling marriage

Will you attend a wedding or commitment ceremony this year?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Yes. I'm going to Massachusetts next month for my cousin David's wedding. He and his fiancee Jennifer are both artists, so expect it will be an interesting celebration.

I've already checked in with Quis on this, but if anyone's in Boston around the middle of July, let me know!

Appropriately, People Bring Money:

An oldie but goodie, list all the Legion Worlders you have met in person, or, if you haven't met any, who do you think you would most like to meet?
Posted by Exnihil on :
OK, this one is a little tricky for me, as I met a few people without realizing it at the time (prior to joining this board), so:

I've met (in a real sense): Kent Shakespeare, Nightcrawler, Cobalt Kid, Quislet Esq., Shark Lad, legion J.O.H.N., Robo, Klordny, and Quiet Darkness.

I've also met (though they might not realize it): Rockhopper Lad, Director Lad, and C.J. Taylor.

I've never formally met, but sat next to in panels (though again, without their knowledge): Caliente and Suddenly Seymour.

To the best of my knowledge, I've never met... or seen... but would most like to meet: STU.

Again... Passing Bucks Mindlessly,

Same Question.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I don't get around much; the only LWer I've met face to face is Outdoor Miner.

As to who I'd like to meet . . . too numerous to list. (Though I can imagine having coffee with cleome if mr. cleome doesn't mind.)


How long have you been following the Legion, and what has been the single greatest change in your understanding or appreciation of the Legion?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
42, 43 years, sort of. Used to get it off the spinner rack then one day it seemed to .. sniff.. it abandoned me. So I went on with my 10 year old life.

In Spring 89, while walking with my girlfriend in Cannes, Australia, I saw a spinner rack on the sidewalk. I still remember the excitement (sad I know). Guess what was on the rack? Lol

After madly spending the next month collecting everything that I'd missed I arrived at my single greatest understanding of Legion and comics in general.

Legion historians will note the timing of my discovery.

There's a real world that affects what is written and published and even if it is published. Takes a bit of the kid's fantasy away but has added a great deal also, Legionworld for one and that's why this question was pertinent to me so...


same question
Posted by cleome on :
I'm about 90 percent sure that I started reading the back issues at a friend's house when I was in my mid-teens. I didn't start buying my own until a few years later.

It's possible that I appreciate the amount of work that goes into these things more than I once did; I mean now that I've washed out of any attempt to draw and write comics and can appreciate just how damn hard it is.

(HWW, I'm pretty sure the old man will let me out of the house long enough for a coffee. Or, if you're not allergic to cats, you can just come over to the house. [Whizzy] [Streaky] )

A prime-blended mug

Is there some food, style of music, or whatever, that you hated as a kid-- but now you can't live w/o it?
Posted by LardLad on :
Believe it or not, when I was a little kid, I was bony as hell and hated pretty much everything but cereal, spaghetti and Peanut butter & jelly! Among the things it took me forever to warm up to were pizza, cheese and tacos! Man, now there's almost nothing I don't like, hence the "Lard Lad" and the uphill battle I face to finally de-lard myself. [Frown]

Anchovies Pasta Bologna Meatballs,

Do people find it easy to recognize you when looking at your childhood pictures? Why or why not?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Nope ... mostly because of the blonde hair and blue eyes I sported as a wee sharkling ... compared to the black (increasingly 'salt & pepper') hair and green eyes I've got now ... that, and I no longer have my hair in a bowl cut ...

Aloha Precious Buxom Monkeys,

What piece of advice would you like to go back and give to your five-year-old self?
Posted by cleome on :
Stop taking everything so damn personally, ya' weepy idjit'. Life isn't easy for anyone.

As Pyres Burn Merrily

What do you want on your hamburger (or veggie burger, as the case may be)?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The only thing I put on my hamburger is pickles. A lot of times I eat it without anything.


What would you order for your last meal before being executed?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Corn on the cob and tomatoes, straight from an organic garden, home-baked chocolate chip cookies and strong coffee.

Always Prepare Better Meals,

Same question, because I like food.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
A black bean burger with lots of pickles and a side of sweet potato fries. Also, my partner's homemade blueberry sorbet (extra heavy on the fact, just give me the whole bottle on the side).


What Legionnaire's powers would you most like to have?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Chameleon Boy's.

If not his, the Princess Projectra's.


Which Legionnaire's powers would you find most helpful in your everyday life?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Hmmm, beat the crap out of the little sheets or.... Saturn Girl might seem an obvious choice for a teacher, to clarify misunderstanding and find out who put the gang tag on the desk but...

A good day at teaching is when my personality hits just right and thus, no power needed: Chuck Taine. He is someone who is fun, doesn't take himself too seriously, knows where the line is, dated three girls (very important when teaching 14 year old boys and girls who are all about romance) and he is a natural born teacher. Plus I'd bet he'd do a mean stanky leg.


What's your favorite cool off summer time snack plate or whatever (and I think I'd like Ram Boy's recipe for the blueberry vodka sorbet).
Posted by cleome on :
Just about anything involving fresh lettuce + homemade salad dressing as a base. (Can't wait for affordable Vidalia Onions to come into season. They make a fantastic dressing.)

Apricots Peaches Bread Meat

Do you have an air conditioner?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
No, and I blame air conditioners for the decline of civilization. Long story. But there's no need for an air conditioner in this part of the world.

Antedeluvian Prosperity Brought Magic,

Do you think Atlantis really existed, or did Plato just make it up for a good story?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
As with most legends, Atlantis is probably based on a real event, perhaps of a city that was destroyed. I do not believe it actually existed on a continent.


The Loch Ness Monster: fact or fiction?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Fact, I saw him/her. Of course, that Scottish brew is a bit stronger than I'm used to, so there's room for doubt. Seriously? I think there may be truth to the story. I certainly want to believe so anyhow.


How does it affect you when a celebrity from your youth, be they from entertainment, news, .... passes and if it does, which has affected you most and in what way?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Like Exnihil said on another thread, I feel as if part of my childhood has been stolen. On the other hand, I don't feel as deeply affected as I once might have, in part because I no longer follow popular culture as much as I once did.

Today, however, I was watching a rerun of the Temptations mini-series and it struck me how four of the five members of their classic lineup died relatively young (suicide, drug overdose, lung cancer, and brain seizure). It struck me because their deaths represented not only an incredible loss of talent but also a reminder of how unpredictable and ephemeral life is.


What's the first celebrity death you remember and did it have an effect on you?
Posted by LardLad on :
Probably Elvis. I was only seven years old, and all of my family members were fans. I wasn't necessarily sad because I didn't really understand death yet. It was definitely kind of confusing for me.

Aaron: Presley's Baptized Middlename,

Before this recent round of celebrity deaths, which was the last one to affect you and how so?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
76 was the year I graduated high school but it was also shaping up to be a difficult year personally. I was ... depressed.

Mark Fidrych. Rookie of the Year 1976. Baseball fans of the era will know why.

R.I.P. 2009.

All Prose Badly Managed

Someone I know has tried valiantly through research (cough google cough) to resolve an understanding without successfully obtaining comprehension.

This one might take a professional.

Who can, in 1000 words or less, explain to someone (not mentioning names) correct usage of the words "affect" and "effect." I ... uh... he/she would greatly appreciate it.

Examples would be nice.

[ June 26, 2009, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Blockade Boy ]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Affect is usually a verb meaning to influence in some way ("This affected her badly.") or to put on airs ("He's affecting an English accent."). As a noun it can mean "emotion".

Effect is usually a noun meaning the result of an cause ("That medication has bad side effects."). As a verb it can mean to implement ("We effected that change last week.").

Always present brainy messages:
Can you do the same with imply and infer?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Without consulting a dictionary, I would say that "imply" is something one does through words or action to convey non direct meaning. "Infer" is something ones does to deduce meaning from known facts.

According to Merriam -Webster:

One entry found.

Main Entry: im·ply
Pronunciation: \im-ˈplī\
Function: transitive verb

1: obsolete : enfold, entwine
2: to involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement <rights imply obligations>
3: to contain potentially
4: to express indirectly <his silence implied consent>

One entry found.
Main Entry: in·fer
Pronunciation: \in-ˈfər\
Function: verb
transitive verb
1: to derive as a conclusion from facts or premises <we see smoke and infer fire — L. A. White> — compare imply
2: guess, surmise <your letter…allows me to infer that you are as well as ever — O. W. Holmes †1935>
3 a: to involve as a normal outcome of thought b: to point out : indicate <this doth infer the zeal I had to see him — Shakespeare> <another survey…infers that two-thirds of all present computer installations are not paying for themselves — H. R. Chellman>
4: suggest, hint <are you inferring I'm incompetent?>
intransitive verb
: to draw inferences <men…have observed, inferred, and reasoned…to all kinds of results — John Dewey>

Seems like what I said.


Which do you prefer, rain or snow?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Depends on what I'm using it for. [Wink]

Snow is beautiful to look at, but I don't like the cold or driving on ice. So, from a comfort and safety perspective, rain it is.


Are you a morning, afternoon, or evening person?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Definitely a morning person.


When's the last time you stayed up all night?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Does working a double shift plus count? If not it's been at least 20 years...


Which threads that are not currently on page one of the MMB should be bumped up, just because?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
This one: The Most Controversial Thread on the Board


Who is your favorite foreign leader?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
I'd say Sardosky, but I doubt I've spelt it right.

Angry Peanut Butter Muncher

Aside from LW, what message boards do you frequently visit?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
None. I spend too much time at LW, as it is . . .


Facebook or Twitter?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Neither, Legion World or Nothing I say!


Tomato or Tomahato?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Tomato ( or tomatoe) around here.


wash-ing-ton or warsh-ing-ton?
Posted by cleome on :
The first option, unless I'm being sarcastic. (And everyone who knows me knows that I'm never sarcastic.)

Aberdeen Puyallup Bremerton Morton

Do you believe that sarcasm is the lowest form of humor, but also the highest form of wit?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
no, Ashton Kutcher's Punk'd, Tom Green, and Sasha Baron Cohen are the lowest forms of humor. Dorothy Parker and Oscar Wilde still remain the highest form of wit.

Angle Protractor Base Meter,

What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Get laid. Join a rock 'n' roll band.


Were there some childhood habits that you held onto much longer than you should have?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Yes... And I'm still not giving up my comic books!


What is the first comic you remember reading?
Posted by dedman on :
ROM #40.
I know I've read comics before that, but thats the one that sticks in my mind, and started me down the road to collecting.

Do you believe we have been visited by beings from other planets?
Posted by LardLad on :
Yes! I know this for a fact as I am actually an invading alien in disguise! Mwah-ha ha-haaaaah!! Absolutely NOT!!! That's ridiculous!

Alien Probes Blind Man!
Who is your favorite (non-comics-originated) alien character?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Mr. Spock.


Do you think Lardy is really an alien?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
I don't know. I'd have to see whether his blood is red.


Yes, it's red.


Do you think that was unnecessarily cruel of me?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Needed doing.


What's your favorite small town and why?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Billerica, Massachusetts. Because it is my hometown and the only small town I've lived in?


City, country, or suburb & why?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Country, definitely. It is so nice to be in a place without the ever-present ambient buzzing sound you get in more populated areas. I get so numb to it that it always amazes me when I visit my parents in "farm country" just how quiet it is.


What is your least favorite sound?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
My occasional tinnitus. Drives me absolutely up the wall.


You're down to your last $10 and have to buy food for the weekend. What do you buy?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
ramen noodles, a crusty bread and whatever's left on fresh veggies.


you have $1000 plus a plane ticket anywhere that a commercial airline has regular service to, and have to use both completely by Monday morning. Where do you go, what do you do?
Posted by cleome on :
We go visit my Mom on the East Coast. See the Atlantic again, root around in the garage for some old comic books, score some halfway decent deli for a change, and let her bond with mr_cleome (who's like the cheerful, non-balding, non-neurotic son she never had). Not very exotic, but there you go. I haven't seen my Mom in about five years now, which kind of stinks. [sigh]

Arnold, Pastrami, Brei, Manechevitz

What's your favorite double entendre? The one so agelessly stupid/funny that it would make you laugh even on your deathbed?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Not really an "according to Hoyle" double entendre because of the spelling but, god help me, I can't help but give a "Heh" like a twelve-year-old whenever someone says, "He did his duty."

Adolescent Pubescent Burgeoning Maturity,

Do you ever feel "locked in" to a certain age, i.e. do you ever think, "I'm still that __-year-old, but in a __-year-old body"? If so, what age?
Posted by Stealth on :
I'm thirteen going on thirty...something. (cough, cough!)


Does the pop music of your tweens have any nostalgic appeal for you?
Posted by cleome on :
Not really. I can tolerate it better now, though, thanks to it no longer being chronically overexposed and overplayed.

Allegedly Pretty Boys' Music

Did you eat breakfast today? If so, what did you eat? If not, why not?
Posted by Stealth on :
Frozen blueberry waffles and instant coffee.


Which is more important to you, lunch or dinner?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
As a meal, lunch; for quality family time, dinner


What percentage of meals do you eat alone?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
probably at least 90%.


what's the ideal breakfast? ...calories/dietary restrictions all waived.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I don't eat breakfast a lot during breakfast, actually preferring it as a late night snack type thing. Buuuut, for breakfast if I was eating it as a one-off type thing, I'd eat it the way the English do: eggs, bangers, tomatoes, mushrooms, seriously strong coffee, bacon, english muffins or toast (or both), beans. I bet one of you could describe it better than me, but what I like is that afterwards you feel like you had a satisfying hot meal and have enough energy stored to begin your day and hit the ground running all morning. I love rainy weather too so when I'm in London and its rainy and cold and you eat that sort of breakfast it all fits together well.


whats the ideal late night snack? Say, after 10:30 pm.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Cereal. Multi grain cheerios more than likely.


The last time you had a family sit down meal? Aside from a holiday.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
(good choice, Cobie!)

I dined a lot with mom this past summer. For anything more than me and her, it's been years. My sis is up from Costa Rica only rarely, so it's probably not been since '05 or before.


what's your most unusual family tradition?
Posted by cleome on :
Not to speak ill of the dead, but my Dad used to root through the refrigerator and throw various and sundry leftovers into a gelatin mold-- and then he'd add gelatin, without any consideration for whether the various "additives" and the flavor of gelatin were even close to compatible.

Yes, we were expected to actually eat this and pretend to like it. [Shudder] I blame the First Great Depression (as opposed to the current one); maybe everyone in his age bracket liked subjecting their kids to something like this. But I never had the nerve to ask around.

Almonds Prunes Berries Maztoh

How's the weather over there right now?

[ September 16, 2009, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Really mild for SC, lately. Highs only in the '80s and a nice cool breeze instead of overwhelming humidity. Looking forward to next month's lower power bill! [Yes]

All Portents Bespeak Mildness,

Have you ever read any of my LMB fanfic? If so, which piece did you like the best and why? If not, why do you hate me and spit on my efforts by ignoring them? [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I have and I commented on it (of all the people to answer, sucks that it had to be me, eh? [Big Grin] )


If you suddenly found yourself having to coordinate some sort of "Event" on Legion World, like a big postathon for the LMB 10 Year Anniversary, but had the choice of topic in choosing whatever type of event it was, what would it be? The goal would be to encourage new posters to register, lurkers to un-lurk, and get older posters to post heavily again. For example, several years ago we had "Titan Month" when the Titans and Legion crossed over. What "Event" would you choose?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
The De-Boot! Revision yourself or your LW persona as you wanted to be 10 years ago! (and as if we all knew each other 10 years ago)


If LW was the TV show Seinfeld, who would you be?
Posted by Stealth on :
It's been such a long time. What was the name of George's fiancee who died of an overdose of envelope glue? Whatever she was called, I'm her.


What is your favorite TV show of the past 30 years?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I'll Fly Away" Although eclipsed in popularity by that other Brand/Falsey production, it stands alone in terms of script, cinematography, and acting.

Close runner-up: Battlestar Galactica

same Q
Posted by cleome on :
The Lazarus Man. (Yeah, very obscure, and I'm not even a huge fan of Robert Urich, or Westerns, so I can't really explain why. Just watch it and see for yourself.)

Close runners-up: Pinky and the Brain. Mystery Science Theater 3000. (M*A*S*H* is the one that I re-watch the most, but it technically began outside the 30-year window, so...) Say what you will about the Nineties. It did have some good TV.

Always Picking Bleak Mindsets

Why does everyone hate on the Nineties so much, anyway?

[ September 18, 2009, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Plaid flannel and Alicia Silverstone


How long have you had a cell phone?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'm not sure. About 5 years at least. I got it when I gave up my land line.

Apple Pie Brownies Macaroons,

What is your favorite dessert?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Freshly-baked Toll House cookies with Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream.

Arthur Picked Blue Marshmallows,

What is your favorite comfort food?
Posted by cleome on :
Matzoh ball soup. No contest.

And Potatoes Belong Mashed

Are you going out tonight or staying in?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
in. I'm dead tired. Had a few tacos and a margarita at a nice little Mexican place downtown, picked up some veggies at the market, and now I'm in for the night.


Any weekend plans?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I work Saturdays, so that's what I'll be doing. (No biggie. I tutor, which I enjoy.) On Sunday, I'll go to church, then hang out with some artist friends at a coffee shop.


What time do you usually turn in?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Turn in to what? Heh.

Generally, I go to bed between midnight and 2 AM. Very unhealthy, considering I get up at 6AM.

Alarm, Pillow, Bed, Morning,

Assuming a responsibility-free weekend, how late could you feasibly sleep in?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I haven't slept past 6 a.m. in decades, whatever time I go to bed. It's hard-wired and puts me at odds with most of the population, although I'd probably get on fine with roosters.

Almond, Pistachio, Betel, Macadamia,

This has nothing to do with nuts, but what's your worst car breakdown story?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
On a road trip to the Cheseapeake area, my car died just on the other side of the Delaware toll booths on I-95. As a toll road, here is only one company licensed to tow, so I was stuck with them. I called some friends for a ride; they drove down 4 hours to pick me up in the wee hours.

A few days later, the tow company said it was all fixed and gave me the bill - $500ish. I took the train down, got there - and they had in the mean time added in another $100 or so. I had to walk to an ATM in Maryland on a chilly February day, get the money, go back, and get my car.

about 5-10 miles later, on a busy commercial highway (US1, at the edge of Wilmington), the car died again - same problem.

this time, I had to pay $70 to get it towed to a dealership within sight of where I broke down; that was anther $800, a week later.

This was in 1997, and vowed never to return to Delaware. So far, I've been able to keep that vow.

All Pontiacs Beat Mercuries,

same Q
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Spring Break, 2008. Three kids and Easter baskets, plus a significant amount of Easter basket stuff that the kids aren't supposed to see, plus 8 days worth of clothes, road trip activities, etc. are packed into every cubic inch of our Volkswagen Passat (Revenge of the Nazis edition). The car made it from DC to SC without a problem. Unfortunately our destination was Alabama via Atlanta.

After the car's very useful diagnostic computer system said "STOP the car now!" we were able to run the engine long enough to get us up the hills of I-85 so that we could coast down, eventually to a gas station.

It's Saturday on the interstate, 40 miles from a VW dealer or a rental car. We waited a couple of hours or so until the tow truck and the Enterprise car arrived.

We had to rent a (big) car for the entire remainder of the week-long trip because the breakdown was 350 miles from our ultimate destination.

We had to return home via SC to pick up our car, though we seriously considered abandoning it and just buying a new car in Alabama. We wouldn't normally have traveled back through Atlanta or SC.

Rental car + tow: $850
Repair bill: $1,800 (The "check engine" light was still on when we picked up the car.)

The end of our nine years of fahrvergnuegen when we sold traded the VW in for a Honda three months later: Pricele$$.


What's the most recent charitable act or volunteer activity that you've participated in?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Komen: Race for the Cure (donated, didn't run).


What's your favorite memory from a Math class (a sure thread killer).
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Junior year of high school, the math teacher gave weekly quizes. I would get 100 each week. Finally on one quiz, he deducted 5 points because I didn't dot the i in my name.

Adams Polk Buchanon Madison,

What movie have you seen the most times?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I was teaching Calc I to freshmen at Va Tech. On the end of the year assessment one of the students wrote about my class "if I only had one day to live, I would want to come to this class, because every day in here seems like the longest day of my life."


Damnit, Quis! -- Bladerunner.

What's the longest flight you've ever taken?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I think it would be Paris to Houston, which, as I recall, took a little longer than Houston to Paris.


Have you ever had a pet other than a dog or cat?
Posted by cleome on :
I doted on our two gerbils when I was a kid. Also my brother's parakeet.

IYHO (In Your Humble Opinion) how many pets are just the right number?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Who am I to argue with Hugh Hefner: 12


What has been the most spectacular public event you have witnessed?
Posted by cleome on :
Ralph Nader, speaking before an SRO crowd at Memorial Coliseum, August 2000.

Apologies Permit Bigger Mistakes

Pumpkin carving. Yes or no? Traditional or post Martha-Stewart elaborate-style?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Definite yes! And traditional all the way...we used to create our own designs as kids and then my Dad would have to do it for us. Now I can't wait to one day continue that tradition.


Handing out candy to kids on Halloween - who cares about health, lets have fun or I might have an equally cool alternative? (PS - I agree with both ways!)
Posted by cleome on :
I always hand out candy. Quite unlike my own parental units. They would let us go out and grab whatever we could, but they gave away change to the visiting goblins-- in lieu of candy.

Accumulated Pennies May Buy...?

Same question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Candy. It's traditional.

And about pumkin carving, we didn't carve, but drew faces on our pumpkins. Then after Halloween, Mom would make pumpkin bread & pie from the pumpkin.

Abigail Barbara Penelope Martha,

Do you believe in ghosts?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Nope, never seen one.

Armadillo Posts Better Mileage.

Armadillos? Approve or disapprove and why?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I approve of armadillos as part of the natural order, until contrary evidence forces me to change my opinion.

Any Prepositions But Many,

Do you think grammar matters?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Sure, writing good shows that I are intelligent!


You can be teleported to any city in the world to spend the day in, what city would you pick?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hong Kong. I've never been, it holds a certain mystique to me, and its exotic enough and far away enough that I really want to go.


Same question (good one!)
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
St. Petersburg, Russia for pretty much the same reason, holds a certain mystique, exotic....


Keep the roll on, same question.
Posted by Lethargy Lad on :
Athens, of course.
Specifically, the Acropolis.

Oy, it's the cradle of civilization, innit?
Or is it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Is that your Another Person Below Me question Lethargy Lad?

I believe that Mesapotamia is considered the cradle of civilization.

Apple Pear Banana Mango,

What is your favorite cartoon character? And why?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Brock Samson. This is why:

APBM, did I miss anything good?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Probably, but hell if I can remember! Welcome back Lou! I hope you're sticking around for awhile!


Do you know the legednary Loser Lad?
Posted by Loser Lad on :

APBM, when's the last time someone dusted in here? [Eek!]
Posted by cleome on :
Quentin Crisp stated once that if you just leave the dust alone for several months, there's a point at which it stops thickening. If that's good enough for Quentin, it ought to be good enough for us.

Against Persecution By Management

Name somebody famous or something very popular that everybody seems to "get"-- except you.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Any given sports figure.


Should we proclaim today "Loser Lad Day"?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Absolutely, but let him know that we'd love to see him every day!

Artistic Potential Boggles Minds,

If you could set up an award for a particular artistic endeavour, what would you honor?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Teaching it. I respect Hell out of our Choir Director. I don't know how she juggles so many hats with kids that would just as soon put a blade in you.

Are Perverts Becoming Mainstream?

Does media mostly lead or follow popular thought and generally, why do you come to that comclusion?
Posted by Lethargy Lad on :
I dunno.

What's the protocol on that?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I would say it is a little of both. The media looks for what is popular and then by reporting on this popular thing make it popular in areas that didn't know about it. I would say that most people danced the Macarena only after it was reported to be the "new" dance sensation and yet it must have been popular in one area in order for the media to talk about it.

Aluminum Platinum Beryllium Magnesium,

Um... Who is your favorite comedian?
Posted by cleome on :
George Carlin, maybe in a tie with Margaret Cho and Cathy Ladman.

Amusement Predates Barrack Mania

What's your favorite film comedy, and why?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
God's Must Be Crazy I suppose, it's the one I will normally rewatch every few years. Oh Brother Where Art Thou might be another.


Favorite fifties or earlier Black and White film and why?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
"Frankenstein". Karloff was amazing.

APBM, what sports team(s) do you root for?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
The Sabres, Bills, Celtics, Red Sox, Bandits, and Westerly High School Bulldogs!

Arrows Penetrate Bananas, Marge

What sports teams do you root AGAINST!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Being from Boston, I am obliged to hate the New York Yankees.

Angels Padres Brewers Mets,

You are invited to a costumed Halloween party that you have to go to. What would be your costume?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
John Holmes: no fuss, no muss.

Any Penus But Mine

Which Legionnaire most likely made a second living as a porn star?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Among the guys, I'd say Sun Boy from his 5YL portrayal as a media star. Among the girls, I'm not sure any would consent to do porn, but I am sure lots of heterosexual males would want to see Duo Damsel.


We are getting a new JLA line-up. Who would you have in the JLA?
Posted by Harbinger on :
Wolverine, Spider Woman and Luke Cage for starters. Apologies Q Esq, I really don't follow JLA so have no idea.

All People Behind Me

seriously though, who would you like to see in the JLA line up?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
the original seven are such classics, it seems they have to be involved at least on a semi-regular basis.

But I really liked Morrison's 14-ish lineup that included Plastic Man, the Huntress and a couple New Gods, too.

in any case, its hard to see me buying/reading it anyway.

Amateurs Perform By Moonlight,

What superhero book/team should you (or your LW persona) be a cast member of?
Posted by cleome on :
Since I'm named after a plant, I guess I'll have to wait for the Subs to get their own book (or at least one-shot) again.

Amaryllis Peony Bluebell Mullein

What's for dinner?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Pizza: pepperoni for Lady Cobalt and meatball for me.


When's the last time you stayed up until sunrise and why? (And did you watch it?) I miss doing that as a late teen / early 20's and being inspired.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I'll say coming home from the San Diego con last year, although (a) I nodded off a bit on the plane and (b) I wasn't staying up intentionally. But the sunrise from the airplane was beautiful and peaceful... as we roared along, destroying the atmosphere....

Air Planes Bestir Morosity,

Do you like to fly?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Not at all. I've actually canceled plans at the last moment because of my fear.

Aerodynamics? Pffft, Black Magic!

Have you ever had a bad flight?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Oh yes. Before I joined my current job in Fall 2004, I had only been on a plane before one time. Amazing, isn't it? Since then, I average about 15 trips a year (flying) for work, plus a vacation somewhere. Most times, it requires a layover, as I often go from the NYC area (where I live) to random places in the midwest and southwest to visit clients.

So, since then, I've experienced just about every stupid thing that could happen. Delays. Cancelled flights. Have to land plane at different airport. Running out of fuel. Circling airport. But the worst was when a plane I was on hit turbulence and dropped for about a full 30 seconds before jumping back up again. Everyone on the plane was panicking, people were saying prayers and it was really scary. The oxygen masks did not fall down, so I guess it wasn't too horrible, but it was damn uncomfortable. I was just listening to my ipod and I put on the theme song from "The Last of the Mohicans", decided I wouldn't be afraid and said a prayer. Then I had to fly home two days later [Big Grin]

But I had driving or traveling by car just as much if not worse, so at least it beats that. Trains are the only enjoyable way to travel for me.


Have you ever been on a train ride, and if several, what was the best experience doing that?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I have been on many train rides, mostly taking the commuter rail out to my father's place. And I have gone cross-sountry 3 times, twice to San Diego and once to Seattle. The best experience of the 3 trips was seeing the country, the desert and mountains of the Southwest and the Mountains of the Northwest. There was also the buffalo farm in New York that the train goes by. Equally fascinating to me were the houses along the tracks and dirt roads.

Albany Boise Pittsburg Miami,

Tell us about your best vacation ever, especially what made it the best for you.
Posted by cleome on :
In my teens, we spent a couple of late summer weeks in Vermont. Just the cool and quiet was a fantastic contrast to the noise and humid heatwave going on at home. I spent lots of time just doing the pseudo-hippie thing: going into the woods by myself just to relax and unwind. But the tourist traps were fun, too, especially one glassblower's center where we got to do the tour and look at all the stuff they produced. (I came home with a couple of handmade marbles.)

Oh, and the definitive comic book geek moment for me was looking up Steve Bissette in the local phonebook and finding out how close we were to his house. (But I was too chicken to even consider going over there and introducing myself as a fan.)

Anyone Passing By Montpelier?

Same question (Since my answer isn't terribly exotic or thrilling. [shrug] )
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I spent a month in France in the 80s. October-November, so the tourist count was down. I just wandered around, with a rail pass but no fixed itinerary, and I was by myself, so everything was at my own pace. I did all the medieval sites I could, my primary interest in history. That was the longest vacation I ever took until I stopped working, in my favourite country (among those I've visited).

All Points but Mont-St-Michel,

If you had to move to another country, which one would you choose?
Posted by Stealth on :
Appropriately enough for a reply to our favorite Canadian...Canada. If Canada's even a micro-fracton as pleasant as Michael Moore's films paint it, it'll be a great change of pace from South Florida. And, yes, I'd eventually get used to the cold.


Same question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, it would have to be an English speaking country as I am lousy with other languages. I think I would pick the UK. All that history there would suit me.

Albania Peru Botswana Malaysia,

Which historical figure would you have like to have gotten to know personally?
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Attila the Hun... For obvious reasons

Angry Peasant Berating Malefactors

Which Historical figure would you like to trade places with and why?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Mick Jager just as the Stones career was taking off. Obviously [Big Grin]

*Or* one of the guys at the Constitutional Convention that wasn't so essential, since I don't want to remove Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, etc. and screw things up. But it'd be fascinating to listen in on that debate. (You'll note I won't go to the French Revolution and risk the Reign of Terror).


Which Historical figure seems like a pretty cool person you would want to hang out with for an entire day?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Abraham Lincoln. He sounds like a warm and intelligent person, plus he was known for telling ribald stories.


Which historical figure would you like to have been?
Posted by Lethargy Lad on :
Benjamin Franklin -- free thinker, inventor, and holder of the best collection of porn in the colonies. He knew how to laugh, have a good time, and see to the heart of an issue. Also, for the era, he enjoyed unusually robust health, lived a good long time, loved a good beer, and was surrounded by adoring fans. One of the few non-mass-murdering-reprobates today to decorate Federal Reserve Accounting Units of Debt.

Arrogant Politicos Bring Misery

Which Nobel ("Peace Prize") Laureate most deserves an eternity of anguish?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
While I don't think anyone really deserves an eternity of anguish, I must say that Henry Kissinger's Nobel Peace Prize always seemed very odd to me.

Apse Portico Baldacchino Mensa

Other than comics, what interest do you have that many people find unusual?
Posted by Stealth on :
Eighties cartoons. There wasn't much of a selection of comic books where I grew up in South America, but a shortage of local programming guaranteed a cornucopia of cartoons every afternoon after school. Those that aren't out on DVD, I search for on used VHS.


Same question
Posted by cleome on :
I got a pretty enthused reaction (on another comics board, oddly) when I mentioned my "master" comprehensive list of women jazz instrumentalists. Actually, I don't really have one. I was just kidding around, and the few I've located online tend to be very, very out of date.

Now I'd really like to compile one. I don't know when I'll get around to it, though. Too many other useless but enjoyable projects are already in the queue.

Allen Postma Bley Mazur

Do you have to dress up for work, or do you get to dress down?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Depends upon one's view of teacher cloths I suppose.

Avast, Pirates Boarding Moorings

If you had to choose one to watch: sunset or the sunrise? Why?
Posted by Stealth on :
Sunrise, because it feels like a new beginning, whereas sunset is a reminder that nothing lasts forever.


Same question
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Depends on which coast I'm on... BUT...

The most amazing sunset I ever saw was on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay. I was looking out thru the Golden Gate Bridge and I remember thinking that if I saw that same sunset in a painting I'd swear it was imbellished.

Angels Perform Beautiful Music

What was the most amazing natural phenominon you've ever seen?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
My honest answer would be as a 13 year old, the change over the summer of the girls BUT..... that's probably not what you were going for so...

saw an Aurora Borealis and it wasn't even a good one I guess but it amazed me.

Someone's got to have better than that so..


Same question
Posted by Exnihil on :
About a decade ago, a friend and I drove across Morocco out to the Sahara desert. Standing there on top of the dunes, I was just transfixed watching the wind blow across the sand in waves. It might sound a bit goofy, but it felt like I was watching a sort of negative-image ocean, with the land moving in the same pattern as water would, just much more slowly.

Astral Particulate Behemoth Mote,

Do you find yourself more overwhelmed thinking about the very large (phenomena of the cosmos) or the very small (sub-atomic phenomena) aspects of our existence?
Posted by Stealth on :
Very large. I can get on a cosmic trip with the help of nothing stronger than caffeine and/or sugar.


What's the best fictional cosmic story you've ever read/watched?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Edit: Oops, snuck in on me.

Cosmos story? Almost any first contact story.

Auto Parking By Month.

Am I along in feeling that being able to park your car for free should be a constitutional right? I HATE the idea of paying to park, even in Toledo where it might run me five bucks for an event. I've parked across the river and walked to not have to pay for parking. I stopped going to our FREE museum because they upped the parking from a $1 to $5 until I realized I could park for free in the neighborhood across the street. Eh, you big city types probably don't get it.

What? this isn't the rant thread? Well, fine.

What are you willing to pay to park for a night on the town?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I suppose it would vary by city and district, and I usually try to park for free above convenience in Halifax. At night, on really cold days or in a downpour, I'll spring for the $4-$8 in a parking lot if there's no cheaper street parking available.

Our hospitals started charging for parking, which I don't think is too good. I can park on one of the streets a few blocks away and walk, but that's difficult for a lot of the older people. It seems to be taking unfair advantage of those who need to be closer to the main entrance. Maybe it's tax deductible, but still...

Anorexic Pyrovirus Becoming Mondiale,

What was your worst childhood illness, if any?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I had chicken pox. But all I can remember about it was having spots on my arms and getting to stay home from school for two weeks.


What was the strangest dream you have had?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Posted by Exnihil on :
Hmm... poster's regret, BB?

I'll take it. Once I was trying to quit smoking using Zyban, but it gave me the most violent dreams. I once dreamt that I was visiting my parents, and they told me to look in the back yard at their new dog. I looked out the window, but instead of a dog there was this giant fanged Yeti who... bear with me here... was violently pulsating electricity. It sort of looked like the true Mxyzptlk form from "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow." Anyway, this thing started to come toward the house and tear at the wood to get inside. I was terrified, but everyone was like, "Aww... look how cute!"

Analyzing Posts By Members,

If you had to formulate a deep symbolic meaning behind Blockade Boy's single period post above mine, what is the most profound explanation you could imagine?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Gatekeepers of the Patriot Act found something suspicious and censored the post.


Same question.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
After posting, BB decided that noone would believe he seriously dreamt about a giant fanged Yeti who was violently pulsating electricity and that he would be ostrasized from the board for even suggesting such a thing. Stupid him. [Big Grin]

Back on target..


What was the strangest dream you have had?
Posted by cleome on :
In Dreamland, it's the dreams that pass for reality which seem the most strange. The ones that always strain plausibility, though, are the ones that are like a movie in which I'm everyone in the thing: The "Final Girl" fleeing the axe-wielding psycho, the psycho, the axe itself (which is sentient and has a POV like all the humans), the good-hearted cop and his dim-witted deputy, etc.

I don't know how it's possible to perceive a single event from a dozen perspectives simultaneously. IRL, I can't even balance my checkbook with the radio news playing in the background, without at least a pot of coffee in me first, but in dreams... No prob.

And Percy Bludgeoned Mariel

Best Halloween costume you ever wore.

[ October 29, 2009, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I don't know if it's the best costume I ever wore, but I remember borrowing my grandfather's hat, finding a cape from somewhere, and pretending to be the Phantom Stranger. It was at least an original idea for a costume instead of the usual pre-fabricated, store-bought choices.


Are you doing anything special for Halloween this year?
Posted by dedman on :
Yes, it's my wife's birthday (she turns 24!), so we'll be celebrating that. Also some of my former co-workers are throwing a 80's themed Halloween party. My wife and I are going to attend. I am dressing as Beetlejuice and she is going as Lydia.


What was your favorite candy as a kid?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Swedish Fish. Still love them.

APBM, what was the last concert you attended, and how was it?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
It believe was actually a Houston Symphony concert, some months back. They performed Beethoven's Eighth Symphony, which, of course, was excellent, followed by a choral work, a mass by a Mexican composer, which was fun, but very odd. One of my friends who is in the Symphony Chorus referred to that piece as a "Hispanic Drag Show". Part of the Sanctus was based on "La Bamba".

Arne Purcell Beethoven Mendelssohn,

Same question (I expect the answer will be a little different from mine! [Big Grin] )
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Cruefest 2 at Darien Lake. Motley Crue, Godsmack, Drowning Pool and Theory of a Dead Man on the main stage, a bunch of bands I'd never heard of on the second stage. Godsmack ruled, Motley Crue was...mediocre, I guess. They insisted on playing the entire "Dr. Feelgood" album instead of songs I actually knew, which I wasn't too happy about. The songs I did know were okay, but they're starting to show their age I think. Vince Neil sounded like crap. [Frown]

I'm going to see Metallica next month. APBM, looking forward to any upcoming concerts?
Posted by cleome on :
[sigh] Only if they're the free variety, unfortunately.

All Purchases Being Minimal

Do you still pay at the store using cash?

[ November 20, 2009, 11:39 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Once in a very great while, but usually I pay by debit card. Cash is so 20th Century! [Wink]

Always Passing By Me:

Other than departed loved ones, what from the 20th Century do you miss that isn't around/isn't made anymore?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
My hair.

Able People Buying Mead.

Three favorite beers?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Michelob Honey Lager
Boulevard Wheat
Fat Tire


Three favorite non-beer drinks with alcohol?
Posted by cleome on :
Red Wine (especially a Syrah or Cotes du Rhone)
Margaritas (with salt, w/o extra fruit flavors)
Hot Toddies (brandy better than whiskey, honey better than sugar)

Anybody Prefer Bloody Mary's?

Three beverages (of any kind) that you just won't touch with a 10' pole.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Mountain Dew
Grapefruit Juice

Antonio Bassanio Portia - Merchant,

What is your favorite Shakespeare play?
Posted by Exnihil on :
No contest... Othello. I've always thought he was the most tragic of Shakespeare's heroes, driving himself mad with nothing but an imagined betrayal. In addition, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Iago is my favorite villain in literature... ever.

Annie Pinafore Birdie Mikado,

What is your favorite musical?
Posted by cleome on :
West Side Story. (Runners up: My Fair Lady and Spamalot.

American Pythons Belt Melodies

Do you play a musical instrument? (If yes, bragging about how well you play it is encouraged.)

Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
No, but not for lack of trying. At various times I attempted to learn cello, violin, recorder, guitar, piano and organ. None were that successful, though I can play the last two well enough that if I practice a bit I can sort of make music. At one point, someone said, "Why don't you just sing in the choir?" and that's where I found my musical niche.

Adelaide Perth Brisbane Melbourne

What's the farthest you've traveled from the place you call (or then called) home?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
That would be Lodz, Poland (where my cousins live) According to a distance calculator, it is 3923.3 miles from me.

Albania Poland Belize Malaysia,

You have just won an all expenses paid vacation to any one place in the world. Where would you go?
Posted by kidflash2fan on :
Paris, in a heart beat and my dream vaca i would get to stay until i've seen very bit of art i've ever wanted too

All Poor Batch Masculinity

You just won a new car what type?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Here's my chance to get that Mazda Miata, which is totally impractical for the way I live.

A Porsche Beats Miata?

When you get up in the morning, do you get dressed right away or hang around in your pajamas for a while?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
When I worked, I'd shower and get dressed right away. Currently, I do hang around in my sweats (aka my pajamas) for a bit.

Anna Punched Betty Mightly,

What is your favorite holiday (any holiday) tradition?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Turning off my alarm clock. Seriously. Our extended family isn't too into "traditions," other than family get-togethers and maybe kielbasa (even though we're not Polish).


same question
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Survival! If you haven't met the Ram Clan, then you probably won't understand. Needless to say, though, in-depth analysis of any personal flaws - no matter how trivial - will be served up along with a side of pie.


Do you enjoy family get-togethers?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Whose family? [Wink] I love hanging with my wife's family... very relaxed and mellow. My side, though? Let's just say I pack the Excedrin.

Auntie, Pop, Bro, Mum,

Of all your relatives, to whom to you most relate as a friend?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
My mother, which is a good thing, since she's staying with me for a couple months till she moves into her own place.

Alsatian Poodle Beagle Mastiff,

Tell us about a dog who has been important to you.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
There were several dogs for me. One was Tasha. She was a beagle/springer spaniel mix. Originally I had named her "Jocasta", but Dad couldn't say "Jocasta" to save his life. So one day I came home and Dad said "How about 'Natasha'?" I said "OK, but how about shortening it to 'Tasha' (based on Tasha Yar from Next Generation)?"

When Tasha wanted to come in, she would give one short bark. Then she would wait. If no one let her in after a few minutes, she would give another short bark. She also used to dig up carrots from my dad's garden. In the fall my dad would cover his carrots with leaves (thus being able to keep them in the ground even if there was snow or frost) Tasha would go down to the garden, dig up just two, and eat them.


Tell us an amusing story from your childhood.
Posted by Lardi on :
(I hope Tasha avoided black oil slick monsters, Quis! [Eek!] )

When I was about six, a friend dared me to run down the street naked, saying he'd join me doing the dare. Sure enough, we both disrobed, but he never left the driveway while I plunged headlong into the fray. Strangely, the street was seemingly devoid of life--so I started ringing doorbells! Ah, youth... [Embarrassed]

A Plump Butt Much,
Same question!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Your story reminded me of this little adventure I had when I was 5 or 6. My best friend, Beth, said "Let's throw rocks at cars!" I agreed. She meant the sand on the side of the road. I took up a fair size rock. She tossed the sand at a passing truck, while I heaved my rock at a passing car. My rock struck the bit of metal under the cardoor. I don't remember much after that, but my brother said the woman was mad and yelling at me.

At the time my dad had his own auto body repair business. Not knowing it was my dad, the woman brought her car to him. (I think this happened) Dad fixed it free of charge. I am sure I got punished, but I can't remember the punishment. Even so, I don't think I'll be throwing rocks at cars again.

Audi Porsche Buick Mazda,

Let's keep this question going and tell us an amusing story from your childhood.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
My mother should never have taught me how to call the police if were in trouble. One day, some kids in my neighborhood were playing around and one of them snatched a cowboy hat off of my head. I immediately marched inside the house, dialed 911, and reported the crime. Fortunately, my mother came in in the nick of time, grabbed the phone, and apologized to the operator. Then she retrieved my hat.


Same question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
When I was little and would see some cows I would go "Look, cows". My brother would then say that they were not cows, but chickens. I would counter that they were cows because they said "moo". He would respond that they were special moo-chickens. Today when I see cows while I am in a car, I think of them as moo-chickens.


You just won the 100 million dollar lottery. What is the firt thing you would buy and/or do?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :

Then, after I recovered, I would donate ten percent to my church and other worthy causes, pay off some debts, and then faint again.


Hollywood wants to cast you in its new Legion movie. What role do you play?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Bouncing Boy

Atmos Phantomgirl Brainiac5 Mon-el,

Who would you want to play you in the movie about your life?
Posted by Stealth on :
Jennifer Garner with a prosthetic nose. Because she's gorgeous and I'm not, but also because she's tall and so am I, and she could capture my gawky/geeky side and my girly-girl side equally well.

EDIT: And Disney starlet Demi Lovato can play me as a teenager. I have no idea who should play me as a little girl.


Same question.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Sarah Palin, just for the laughs. And her figure's a lot better than mine, so it would be a fantasy anyways.

Any Poppet But Myself,

Same question!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I have no idea how good an actor he is, but I've been told I bear a passing resemblance to Andre Agassi. He'll do.

Aardvarks Play Bad Monopoly:

Same question (this is a good one)! [Big Grin]
Posted by Exnihil on :
Well, Nascar's Jeff Gordon's got my look down, but I don't think he's got the acting chops, so I'll go with Ethan Hawke... perfect for nailing my self-involved pretension. [Wink]

Actor Picked to Be Me,

Same question (we'll get this Legion World movie made yet!)
Posted by Ram Boy on :
The only celeb I get compared to is Hank Azaria, so I'll say Jensen Ackles, who plays Dean on Supernatural. He has my real life snarky attitude down pat.

A Possible B-Movie

Same question (we might need some even bigger stars)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
People say that I look like Michael Moore, but he is not an actor per se. Let's see if George Clooney can play the complexity that is Quislet, Esq.


Have you made any New Years resolutions and have you broken any of them yet?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I decided I need to 'get healthy' / 'get back in shape' / lose about 15-20 pounds. I've done it before but always gain it all back. I want to try to break the cycle once and for all, so I'm trying some different stuff. So far, so good, but its only been a week.


same question (New Year's resolution)
Posted by cleome on :
My current resolution is to kill the entire diet and fitness industry with fire. Maybe even a river of fire. No, I don't care that technically what passes for my living is provided by the fitness industry. If they want to keep breathing, they seriously need to shut up when I'm trying to think about things other than how my fat rear end is allegedly Destroying America.

(I'm afraid that's it. I haven't seriously bothered with the resolution nonsense since I was about twelve years old.)

Ask Pugnacious Big Mama

Is exercise fun for you, or is it torture that you engage in only because you must?

[ January 08, 2010, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Its fun for me sometimes. More than anything it provides me with some time to not have to think about anything at all. I used to prefer weight-lifting but now I just prefer to run on a treadmill or use an eliptical.

But a lot of time, I kind of hate it, depending on my mood. Then it feels like a chore and then I get annoyed that I need to do it.


What is your favorite snack you eat on a regular basis (i.e. pretzels, etc.)? And why?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Lately, BBQ chips. The brand they have in the vending machine at work are the best I've ever had, but I can't find them in any of the stores around here. I keep hoping I'll catch the guy who fills the machine so I can find out where he gets 'em, but so far no luck.

APBM, what (if anything) do you drive?
Posted by Lardi on :
I drive a 2005 Chevy Impala. The paint job is listed as "glacier blue" and it has a rear spoiler. I love the friggin' thing!

Automobiles Priced Below Margin,
Same question.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
A piece of $#!* 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee. The same one I had on the 2005 LMB Boston trip. I'm sure Kent remembers sitting in the shop with me after the muffler fell off. [LOL]

APBM, have you met any Legion Worlders in person, and if so who, when and where?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Gee there are so many. I apologize in advance if I forget anybody.

First met STU when STU visited Boston.

Next was Faraway Lad when he also visited Boston (although the first time we tried to met, we missed each other)

Next came the Dallas convention (2004 I think) where I drove down with Pov. We stopped in on MLLASH, who continued down with us. At the Con, I met Outdoor Miner, Kent Shakespeare, Beagz, Stargazer, and the Yellow Kid for the first time. STU was also there.

Next, I met Faraway Lad and Gigglebot Girl on another trip to Boston they made.

In 2005 was the Boston con where I met Fat Cramer, Vee, Loser Lad, Spellbinder, Abin Quank, and Cobie.

In 2006 was my first Legion World San Diego con. In addition to some previously met Legion Worlders, I saw Nightcrawler, L.E.G.I.O.N.John, Caliente, Mechana, and Monkey-Eater Lad.

And finally at the 2008 San Diego Comic Con, I met Rockhopper Lad, CJ Taylor, Actor Lad, Director Lad, Suddenly Seymour, and rtvu2. I also met briefly with Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl. I also shared my room with superboymddjr.

And I met Dev-em & Lad Boy when they were in Boston. I can't remember the dates.

And at the New York Con in 2009, I added Exnihil and Shark Lad to the list of Legion Worlders I have met in person.


What would be your dream vacation?

[ January 09, 2010, 06:57 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
6 weeks in NYC, the last two with my family.


Are you better off than you were a year ago?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yes. Baby on the way and actually was able to pay off one of my two student loans and most of my credit card debt in the last year. I should be able to pay it all off by the time the baby arrives, depending on just what costly things happen in the ensuing months. I partied and lived up my 20's like there was no tomorrow but in the last two years I was starting to feel a little unfulfilled--and now I just feel so much better about life in general.


What's one National specific franchise / chain that you hate more than others. It could be anything: gas stations, restuarants, coffee shops, etc.

Originally posted by Lardi:
I drive a 2005 Chevy Impala. The paint job is listed as "glacier blue" and it has a rear spoiler. I love the friggin' thing!

No kidding?!! I also drive a 2005 Chevy Impala with a rear spoiler, though its a dark grey color. And like you, I also LOVE mine! I'll probably drive it for years until I can't anymore (I love Impalas in general). Wow Lardy, you really do have good tastes!
Posted by dedman on :
Blockbuster Video.
Everything there is SO much more expensive. To rent is ussually a $1.50 more for new releases than other video stores in town.
Buying previously veiwed movies is at good $5 more per movie (even more for bluray).
Previously played games are selling for the same price at walmart for brand new.
There is no reason to ever go to Blockbuster if you have ANY other options available. I just pity the people who have no other choice.

It seems a lot of us have made resolutions to be healthier this year, so what is you favorite "good-for-you" food?
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Carrots. I shred them and eat them with just about everything. I can go through a couple packs a week.


What do you consider the most unusual food you've ever eaten?
Posted by cleome on :

Originally posted by Loser Lad:
A piece of $#!* 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee. The same one I had on the 2005 LMB Boston trip. I'm sure Kent remembers sitting in the shop with me after the muffler fell off. [LOL]

Dude, that's the story of every gathering of this type ever. Literally, mr_cleome tells the exact same story, except substitute a different fandom for this one. Oh, and I think the offending vehicle was a VW Bus.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Ram Boy:


What do you consider the most unusual food you've ever eaten?

Would chitlins count, since I'm a Yankee? I thought that they were foul, personally.

Ack! Please Bring Mouthwash!

Still got your wisdom teeth, or not? If not, when did you say goodbye?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I still have my wisdom teeth and are using them. My rear two upper molars rotted out and the dentist pulled them. My wisdom teeth came down and are now my rear two molars.


What is your favorite season and why?
Posted by SharkLad on :
The fall ... I always seem to fall in love in the fall ... except this last time ...


What TV series would you most like to have a DVD box set of?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Twilight Zone


What's your mood?
Posted by cleome on :
Aprehensive. Tomorrow is probably my last day of temping for a while. It wasn't a fortune but it was still two months of making almost triple per week what Unemployment pays.

Anticipated pay being: meager

Weekend plans?
Posted by Stealth on :
None. I never make any. My life is so structured during the week I have to loosen up during the weekend or I'd go mad (no jokes about me already being mad, please.) [Smile]


Is there a much-hated movie or TV show that you make no apologies for liking?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I like It's a Wonderful Life, which I think some people can't stand. I also liked Howard the Duck.

And lately I have been watching old episodes of Dragnet which I find so funny.


Pick any question above (including other pages) that you have not answered and answer it.
Posted by Stealth on :
What TV series would you most like to have a DVD box set of?
The Centurions, an 80s action-adventure cartoon about warriors who wear exo-suits that a variety of cool weapons can attach to. Jack Kirby and Gil Kane worked on it.


Pick any question above (including other pages) that you have not answered and answer it.
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:
What TV series would you most like to have a DVD box set of?

That sitcom where the girl has a father who's an alien and speaks to her through a crystal in her bedroom, and she can stop time by touching her fingers together and do other human-alien-hybrid tricks.


Do you remember either the aforementioned show ("Out of This World"), or any of the other sitcoms that NBC introduced in the late '80s as part of its ill-conceived and short-lived "primetime starts half an hour earlier" experiment (e.g., "She's the Sheriff")?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I remember seeing bits of it (didn't watch a whole episode) Were some of the other shows "Saved by the Bell" and "Small Wonder" (about a robot little girl)?


What canceled comic book would you like to see published again?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Legion of Super-Heroes... oh, wait... here it is again!

Short of that, All-Star Squadron.


What canceled television show would you like to see brought back?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
(Good choice, Ex [Smile] )

I watched Guiding Light since I was a kid and I miss it since it went off last September, so I'll go for that.


What canceled TV series should have been made into a comic book?
Posted by Stealth on :
Miami Vice. It practically was a comic book come to life.


Pastels or shades of gray?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Shades of grey -- I can't stand pastels. (I generally spell the word "grey" because it seems more appropriately drab than "gray," which seems too bright due to the "a" -- not because of the influence of a certain pigeon-hued former poster.)


Do you have any nicknames in real life?

Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
I remember seeing bits of it (didn't watch a whole episode) Were some of the other shows "Saved by the Bell" and "Small Wonder" (about a robot little girl)?

Both premiered in the same general time period (mid- to late '80s), but weren't part of the "early primetime" experiment. We need more TV shows today where an inventor father thinks it's a good idea to create a robot girl who talks in a monotone, is forced to reside in a closet, and has to wear the same unflattering dress every single day.
Posted by Lardi on :
Originally posted by Raging Bull:


Do you have any nicknames in real life?

Just a few: Tony, Branche, Antny, Anty-Branche, Branchewater, Per, Per-Branche, Per-Branche-Per-Antny-Per-Water, A-Train, Antoine, Antonio & Taylo are all among them......all just off the top of my head. [LOL]

Antny Please Brang Milk,

Do you ever use the word "farty" in a sentence? If not or even if so, do you ever use the terms "win" and "fail" likethey are used in internet speak? (ex: "That movie was fail." "These cookies are win!")
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Don't forget "Anfernee" (used by a certain poster on these boards)! The other nicknames I have for you are "National Anthony" and "American Anthony." And I think I told you this before, but to me "Branchewater" sounds like the name of an elf who lives by a river somewhere in Middle Earth.

I've only used the word "farty" in a sentence once -- this sentence. And I do use "fail" with some regularity -- usually emphasizing it with a facepalm.


Are you teh 1337?
Posted by Lardi on :
(National Anthony and American Anthony? Are those used to distinguish me from other Anthonys you know?!?! Oh, and to get the effect of how "Branchewater" sounds, pronounce the "a" in "branche" like the a-sound in "ain't" and be sure to put some twang in it--the "e" is silent! Also the whole "branche" thing stems from there being a pond or stream called Anthony Branch in a park where my relatives grew up.)

I have no effin' idea what "teh 1337" is!?!?!

Arby Please Brief Me,

What is "teh 1337"?!?!
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Taylo the Ant-Man,

I'll refer to Urban Dictionary for the answer:

BTW, "American Anthony" and "National Anthony" derive from the fact that Anthony sounds like "anthem." "Anth" is another, shorter nickname I just remembered. (What's the "Per" from?)


Should Archie marry Betty, Veronica, or someone else?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
He should marry Reggie Mantle.

Archie Pops Betty Moose,

What historical event would you like to witness?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
It would be so hot to see that day me and Halle Berry,.. oh wait, that didn't happen.

Neal Armstrong's moon step. It'd be funny to hand him a Welcome Wagon basket.


This is always a fun question. Let's stick with it.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
The Constitutional Convention.


Which is larger -- the number of friends from childhood with whom you are still in contact or the number of posters on LW whom you consider to be friends?
Posted by dedman on :
LW easily. I'm only in contact with maybe half a dozen childhood friends, and all of those are through facebook.
There are far more people here I'd consider friends, even though most of you I haven't actually met.


What (besides comics) do you collect?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'm not a big collector, but I do have a fairly-good sized collection of penguin things (paperweights, statuettes, ornaments etc.), mostly given as gifts over the years. I also have a few beagle and Peanuts (mostly Charlie Brown) things. My Christmas tree has a penguin/beagle/Charlie Brown theme.

I also have a collection of about 25 hymnals.


I like Lad Boy's question. Let's ask it again:
Which is larger -- the number of friends from childhood with whom you are still in contact or the number of posters on LW whom you consider to be friends?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
I've returned to live in the same city I grew up in and teach in the same neighborhood I grew up in. I'd say the number of childhood friends.

I would say though that we reminisce more about days after school then during, except maybe when one of our parents passes. Then it's usually about high school.

My best friend from grade school long moved away to S. Carolina and he passed while mowing the lawn, maybe ten years ago.


Do you enjoy mowing the lawn?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
It has been years since I have had to mow a lawn. But when I did, I didn't mind the mowing part. I liked the raking up less.


What is your worse chore?
Posted by SharkLad on :
I hate taking out the recyclables ... plastics I don't mind, but bundling up papers makes me mental ...


Has the poor economy changed your life in any significant way?
Posted by cleome on :
Yeah. I could be here for an hour talking about it. Let's just say that every month that the house doesn't go into foreclosure has come to seem like a magical surprise gift.

Another Plutocrats' Bailout Manifests

What's your favorite fruit, and how do you like to prepare it?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
lol oh this one could be so much fun. I think I'll stand here and see what happens.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
This answer is probably going to disappoint Blockade Boy.

Apples are my favorite fruit. Way to prepare? Tied between raw and in a pie.


What was the last book you read? Not counting comic books.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
lol oh this one could be so much fun. I think I'll stand here and see what happens.


Dude, put down that Freud. Sometimes an apple is just an apple.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
An Albert Einstein biography.


What is the biggest event you're anticipating in 2010?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
False flag event in the U.S. - although we may never know whether it was false or not...

Always Plenty Ballistic Missiles,

Were you ever in a war zone?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Kind of depends upon a person's definition of "war zone," but Kosava, Papua New Quinea, Irian Jaya, southern Philippines and family reunions. Never a soldier though.


Any military or former military in our ranks?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Not me ... but Exnihil can tell you some war stories ...


How many times have you moved in your life?
Posted by cleome on :
If you start with attending college, at least ten times.

I have not had to move at all since 1999, which makes me happy.

Always pack mostly boxes

Are you planning to watch the Superbowl? Is so, any festivities planned?

[ January 31, 2010, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
4 times. Although one of those was moving to college and another was moving back home after college. I don't think they really count as moves.

To answer cleome's question, no I am not planning on watching the Super Bowl, not even for the commercials.


If you had to move, where would you want to move to?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Either to one of the great Pyngwyn colonies of Texas or Portugal.

Another poor baby-mama:

You can have a small speaking role in any movie or TV series. What is it?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'll make sure there's room at the Rookery. [Wink]

If a current series,Heroes; otherwise, Bewitched or any Star Trek.

Apple Pear Blackberry Marmalade,

With which character from a TV series or movie would you like to be romantically involved?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
A sexy, nameless villager from a Voyager holodeck adventure.


Same question.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
A real version of Ellie, from "Up." Or, I guess I could be a cartoon version of me.


Arts or Sciences?
Posted by Lad Boy on :


By the way Rockhopper, did you know that one on Elizabeth Montgomery's last roles was a voice role in Batman: TAS ?

What should be DC's next animated feature?
Posted by Lardi on :
I'd say a Flash or JSA movie. Or a GL sequel.

America Prefers Brown Men,
Geoff Johns or Grant Morrison (and why)?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Kind of apples and oranges but I guess it's okay to like one more than the other. Johns writing is popular, Morrison's historic. Have to go with Johns. I'm a light reader.


Days like this, I like throwing the blanky into the dryer for a heat up. What are some of your cold weather over-indulgences?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Boosting the heat up to 80 degrees. I don't do that too often.


What is your favorite comic strip?
Posted by Lardi on :
Oddly enough for a guy into comics, I pretty much always skip the funnies when I read the paper. No urge at all to check 'em out. [shrug]

When I was kid, though, I would read 'em whenever I took the whim to go thru a paper--pretty much the only section I'd ever look at. Peanuts, Blondie, Beetle Bailey, Hagar...the usual suspects.

I remember checking out a few Peanuts collections from the school library and enjoying them a lot.

Same question.
Posted by dedman on :
Unlike Lardi, I always read the funnies when I get the paper.
The only one's I really looked forward to each day though were "calvin and Hobbes" and "Bloom County". "Far Side" was good on occassion as well.

Excluding the Legion, Which comic book(s) do you look forward to each month?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Oops, got caught by the change of page and answered the wrong questions.

Comic strip.

ALL-TIME: Calvin and Hobbes. Presently, I'd have to give it a tie. Get Fuzzy, with snarky animals and lots of word-play and Curtis, a nice family funny. I particularly like Curtis' yearly Kwanzaa fable.

Comic Book

Every Month? Technically, I only get to the store every two month but dotLegion is probably my favorite except for when a new Fables novel comes out.



[ February 07, 2010, 08:56 AM: Message edited by: Blockade Boy ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I'd say the same, it's a toss up between dot Legion and Fables.

Aerial Penguins May Be,

What would you do if you had a month to spend in Antarctica?
Posted by dedman on :
I'm guessing I''d take a ton of pictures.
Lots of unique wildlife there.
Also make sure I had a good supply of thermal underwear [Smile]

Alien's Probe My Behind,
What's you favorite "invasion from outerspace" type movie?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
There are so many great ones its hard to decide but lately (the last year or so) its been "The Day the Earth Stood Still", the classic of all classics. I finally bought it and watched it in full and really was just blown away by how awesome the tension was; the obvious Cold War symmetry; the really cool plot structure that I'll be stealing for my own fanfics and also just how great it was to see 1950's Washington D.C. so clearly.

(My favorites do change often though)


What's you're favorite "robot-related" type movie?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Probably Wall-E, even though it's among my least favorite Pixar movies (bit too slow).


What's your favorite animated movie?
Posted by Lardi on :
Probably a tie between Monsters, Inc. and Finding Nemo. The original Heavy Metal's pretty awesome, too.

Same Q.
Posted by dedman on :
Akira. I usually don't go for the Japanese style of animation but this one is top notch (Ghost in the Shell is excellent as well)


If you could be an animal, what would you be?
Posted by cleome on :

A housecat, but only if I could be one of the spoiled, pampered, overindulged variety.

Abyssinian Persian Burmese Maltese

Same question
Posted by dedman on :
I'm just a Panda Bear, sexy little panda bear and I'll dance for you, if you give me a quarter.

Do you have a favorite director, if so who and why?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
It varies depending on what kind of mood I'm in. Right now it's probably John Ford because I've been into the widescreen, grandiose shots of the landscapes he put in his films. And also the way he transferred the idea of the rugged American male onto the screen.

It'll chang though in 2 months. Before Ford it was Hitch, Fincher and others.


Posted by SharkLad on :
Ang Lee ... Sense & Sensibility, The Ice Storm, Brokeback Mountain - always something different, always brilliant ... even the Hulk had its moments ...


Which house at Hogwarts would you want to be in?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Hufflepuff, but in reading up on the houses, it seems Ravensclaw would be a fit for me.


Scooby-doo or Rocky & Bullwinkle?
Posted by cleome on :
Jay Ward all the way, Baby!

I'm allergic to Hanna-Barbera

Against Pablum, Bad Music

Best or Worst Valentines Day, with at least one relevant detail/explanation as to why.

[ February 25, 2010, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Rocky & Bullwinkle stands the test of time for me, has jokes I get now that I wouldn't have gotten as a kid.


Which Winter Olympic events would be your favorites to go see in person.
Posted by dedman on :
Hockey easily, though I follow most of the olympic sports.


same question
Posted by Lardi on :
I'm not a big Olympic fan by any means. I'd trade any Olympic tix I had for Carolina Panthers tickets, easy.

What's your favorite animated series currently ongoing and why?
Posted by dedman on :
Does Robot chicken count? If so then that. The show just cracks me up. I think seeing so many of the 80's toys I'm familiar with may be part of it as well.


What did you want to be when you were 5 or 6 years old?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think back then I just knew I didn't want to have a real job. Probably it was a detective or adventurer. By age 11 it was comic book writer, which is still my dream job (now its kind of tied into comic book publisher).


What was the first job you ever had and was there anything you hated about it specifically?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Gas Station Attendant, old days. Changing oil, windows... Still my favorite job ever though at the time I didn't actually have bills to pay. The only thing I didn't like on the job, was a new guy from the neighborhood we all knew was a bad egg but the manager apparently didn't. Ripped us off left and right, knowing he'd only have to kick back half to balance the shift. Took the manager two weeks to get the hint.


Back to Olympics for those that would actually go, what sport would you most want to see in person?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Probably figure skating. It's just incredible to watch them move.


An oldie but goodie: You can have one super-power: What is it (and omnipotence is not an option)?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Super-speed like the Flash's


Which superhero movie is your favorite?
Posted by cleome on :
Superman: The Movie (1978)

Hey, what can I say? I'm a traditionalist.

Always Placed Below Multitudes

(Hey, the following got mysteriously skipped a page ago-- I'm lookin' at you, Blockade Boy!-- and I still expect somebody to answer it!) [Razz]

Best or Worst Valentines Day, with at least one relevant detail/explanation as to why.
Posted by Lardi on :
The best was easily the one in which I lost my virginity!

Same Q (and beat that one! [Smile] ).
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Oh Lord, I hate Valentine's Day!

The best one was either the one when I actually had a date [i]or[i/] the one when someone asked me what the red paisleys on the tie I was wearing were and I said "dead valentines!".


What holiday can you not stand?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I usually love all holidays with one notable exception: I cannot stand New Year's Eve! Its the absolute worst of the worst! I have all these friends who haven't learned their lesson: super high expectations that its going to be the best night ever--and its almost always a let down. I've always said as long as I'm with some good friends then its a good night but yet so many others seem to want so much more. And then there are the people without a signficant other who get all depressed. Super-crowded bars. Outrageous prices to get in anywhere? People dressing like its the Oscars but acting like its Mardi Gras. It *could* be awesome, but usually sucks.

But beginning this past NYE, my wife was pregnant and I'll have a baby for the next one so now I have the ultimate excuse to never have to go out for New Year's Eve again! Yay!


What is your favorite day of the week not counting Friday-Sunday?
Posted by Exnihil on :
I enjoy Wednesdays, for the symmetry. I always like realizing the point at which, during working hours, I pass the half way point between hours worked and hours to work in the week.


Along those same lines... favorite month of the year?
Posted by cleome on :
June. My birthday month. (mr_cleome's, too) And I love early summer, especially now that I'm not stuck in school for such a big part of it anymore.

Aging Provides Bounteous Memories

Do you love rushing out to catch that first big summer blockbuster, or do you prefer waiting for the at-home viewing option?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
At-home viewing, I suppose. I'm too broke to go out to movies, and I never rent. The only movies I enjoy are really old ones on TMC. I guess that means I wait a really long time. [Wink]


If you had to/could go back to school, what would you study?
Posted by dedman on :
I'm actually in school now, had to go back to get a better job.
I'm studying Power Engineering. 5 days left and then I start work.

What gift gave you the greatest joy as a child?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Probably for me it was G.I. Joes when I was really little or CDs/music when I was a pre-teen. Those were my favorite things to get for Christmas and my birthday. Around age 12 I became really into music and that lasted until the end of high school. Once it became easy to get it for free online, I actually kind of became more of a passive listener...I never really thought of it before. Maybe I liked the thrill of the chase for obscure stuff in record stores. I was never into video games throughout my whole life.


What's something all the other kids loved as a gift / hobby / pastime that you found rather dull or annoying?
Posted by cleome on :
My siblings loved team sports, [softball team, swim team, etc.] whereas I only participated in them under duress. To this day, I'd rather do my yoga or all-too-infrequent cycling by myself. I just plain don't enjoy fitness stuff at all unless it's in relative solitude.

Alone, Places Become Magnificent

Who or what was your first post on Legion World about?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I dunno, it was 7.25 years ago.

But it was probably in response/conversation with Cobie or Ibby (Invisible Brainiac, a fellow newbie at the time).

Alt Poster Being Meaningful,

same Q
Posted by Stealth on :
It was in Gary's L.E.G.I.O.N. thread, and I was asking if it was okay if I posted reviews of L.E.G.I.O.N. re-reads. I got friendly replies and warm welcomes, and realized right away what a special place this is.

Same question
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
My first post was in a thread introducing myself.

I was using a Cos avatar at that point, because Cos is my favorite Legionnaire. It's a little embarrassing to see how I was posting then.

Adelie Penguins Bring Mulberries:
Same question.
Posted by Exnihil on :
My first post was dropping by to say hi after meeting a bunch of you in SD. I just now realized that YK was the first to welcome me. [Frown]


Same question (it's a good'un.)
Posted by dedman on :
Not sure, I think it was in a welcome thread welcoming me to Legionworld


good question so same again
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
It was either a thread in response to welcoming me to Legion World in which I also said hi to several posters I hadn't talked to in months (the LMB: Lash, Cru, Pov, etc.) *or* it may have been a post inside SHAKES which was where everyone was posting. The SHAKES post ironically was where none of the posters I knew were posting and so I "accidentally" ended up meeting several other great posters just about right away: Semi, Vee, Arachne, FC, Abin, Harbinger and Icefyre. I also remember asking about what happened to Space Tart where Lash classically told me "Oh Cobie, we're so sorry, she died"...classic in-character LMB hellos after over a year of not talking to one another.


same question
Posted by Dev Em on :
I really want to answer this, but I honestly have no idea at all. None. Nada. Zip.


same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I can't remember either. It was almost 7 years ago. I'm lucky if I remember what I said yesterday.

Amnesia Perhaps Brain Melt,

Who is your favorite relative and why?
Posted by dedman on :
Excluding my parents of course...
My Aunt Doreen. During a period of difficult times, she helped me out a lot. Nothing big, but hundreds of little things.


Panda Bears...awesome animal, or awesomest animal?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Overrated animal ... along with dolphins ...


How many email addresses do you use on a regular basis?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Two. My personal Gmail account and my work e-mail, which I use for professional purposes. I have a few others, but I rarely use them.

Same question.
Posted by cleome on :
Three. One for general stuff, one for political mailings, and one for fan-related stuff like the LMB.

All Perusals By Monday

Is the time-change affecting your mood today?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
more so than I'd like. I really hope the positive swing I was on from Thursday to Saturday hasn't sputtered out already. We'll see.

Al Pratt Being Munchkin:

Favorite potato-based dish or side (not counting French fries)?
Posted by cleome on :
Oven-roasted new potatoes with oil, rosemary, parsley and garlic or white onion. Parboiled in a little broth before baking, but never peeled. Peeling is for losers.

Add Pepper, Bring Muller-Thurgau

Same question
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
My mother's mashed potatoes. Don't ask me how its made, because I can't cook to save my life.


Favorite red meat based dish?
Posted by dedman on :
Beef Stroganoff.
Me and Corrinne have our own recipes for this dish and both are awesome.


Favorite vegetable based dish?
Posted by cleome on :
If dining out: dry-sauteed string beans at the Chinese restaurant, over fried rice.

If dining in: a "Portland Salad." Plenty of lettuce, with a berry vinaigrette, sliced ripe pear, toasted hazelnuts (chopped) and crumbled goat or blue cheese.

Allow Patrons Big Menus

Ever work in a restaurant? If so, what did you do and what type of place was it?

[ March 15, 2010, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: cleome ]
Posted by dedman on :
Yes, I worked for about 5 years as a cook.
I generally moved from one place to another whenever I got sick of the menu.
Last place I worked I was at for 1 1/2 years, where I was kitchen manager and head cook.
It was a pasta place.


Ever work retail and if you did, where was it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
While in college, I worked part-time in a comic book shop. It was a very small shop in a downtown mall in Providence RI

Annapolis Providence Boston Miami,

Where would you like to visit but have never been to?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I've been asked this before and it changes from time to time, but right now I really want to go to Greece. In Grad School my focus was Roman history but I loved all of the classics and Greek history as well. I'd love to go to Greece and get in touch with all of that. Specifically Thermopylae, which always meant a real lot to my father and I (he's share's the same passion, unrelated to Frank Miller).


same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
For me it would be Austrailia. I've always wanted to see kangaroos.


This has been asked. What historical event would you like to have, safely, witnessed?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Neil Armstrong walking on the moon ...


Same question
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The moment the American public learned Germany had surrendered in WWII, and then when Japan surrendered.

I feel like that would have been a feeling that people who were alive on those days would never forget.

(As I write that, I'm reminded of Vonnegut's intro to "Breakfast of Champions", which I've always found very moving, when he references Armistice Day).

same question
Posted by Exnihil on :
Not intending to stir up any controversy over historical veracity, but I'd like to have been present at some of the more miraculous events described in the Gospels, particularly the one due to be celebrated this weekend. I would just like to see through 21st century eyes, the things recorded by writers of the 1st, and draw my own conclusions. My name is Thomas, after all.


What, if anything, would you like to leave as your personal legacy?
Posted by Dingleberry Damsel on :
My fan fictions. I have very few illusions left about ever being able to write for a living, and, truth be told, when you factor in editors, publishers, demographics, plus the fact that very few professional writers are able to avoid a steep decline in quality as they get older. With no one to answer to and with writing as nothing but a hobby, I'm confident I'll keep turning out good stories for the rest of my life, and helping people escape for a little while into better worlds.


Same question.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Nothing I can think of. Just some happy memories to a few people.


What was your favorite show when you were a kid?
Posted by dedman on :
I had a lot of shows I really liked but I think "Airwolf" would have been my top show.

Same question
Posted by Dev Em on :
It changed all the time...Probably A-Team for quite a while.

same question...

What was your favorite show when you were a kid?
Posted by Dingleberry Damsel on :
Everyone's probably expecting me to say Transformers, but that was middle school. In grade school, it was a Mexican kids sitcom called "El Chavo Del Ocho", about a homeless kid (played by a middle-aged man, legendary Mexican comedian Chespirito) and his daily misadventures in a poor neighborhood. It was mostly slapstick and catchphrases, but there was an undercurrent of social satire (the block's landlord is named Senor Barriga -- Mister Belly -- and he's grossly fat while his tenants starve, and one of the running gags is that Chavo always (accidentally?) hits him at least once every episode) and even moments of genuine poignancy.


Have you ever watched Spanish-language television (whether or not you speak Spanish doesn't matter)?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
yes, I used to love watching Univision once in a while and trying to figure out what was going on.

Also, while visiting my sister in Costa Rica a few years ago, I saw some local and regional programming, to.


what is your favorite foreign language to listen to (whether or not you understand it)?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
There a bunch but it's probably a tie between German (I love the way in which it is so forceful at times) and French (which just sounds very beautiful). I understand a little French but no German.

I also like listening to Japanese.


What's a language you'd love to learn if you had the time?
Posted by Dingleberry Damsel on :
Italian. Then I could go to Italy and buy reprints of classic Italian Disney stories, and understand the dialogue (except for the many stories translated into Spanish that I read in grade school.)


Same question.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Arabic. Seriously, then I could understand a lot more of what is being said around me, plus I could probably get a nice govt. job.


Same question.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Japanese. In addition to the job opportunities, I'd love to be able to visit Japan and really experience it. And I really like the way it sounds.


same question
Posted by dedman on :
German. Me and the wife want to go to the grspop metal festival in German sometime. (Its pretty much the biggest metal festival in the world).
It would be nice to speak the local language when we get there.

What is the most recent movie you watched?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Just watched "Raging Bull" this evening. My local Hollywood Video store is closing down and are liquidating their inventory for .99 cents per DVD, so I snagged that puppy along with "The Deerhunter" and "There Will be Blood". Three great films for about the third the price of an actual ticket to the movies... can't beat that.


If your house was burning down (and assuming that all of your loved ones and pets are already safe) what is the one "thing" that you would want saved?
Posted by Dingleberry Damsel on :
My Transformers DVDs.


Same question.
Posted by Dev Em on :
My Curt Swan signed copy of Superboy #98.


Same question.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
My computer. After all, it helps me connect to LW.


What is the most significant thing you've learned in the last week?
Posted by Raging Bull on :
That Kent and Lardy switched avatars and that Lardy is now going by the handle "Officer Taylor." (It was a slow week.)


Same question.
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Originally posted by Exnihil:
Just watched "Raging Bull" this evening.

What?! You dirty voyeur!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I learned that English owes its grammatical structure to the Celtic language rather than the German.


What is your favorite dessert of all?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Key Lime Pie! I almost convinced my wife to skip on the wedding cake and get Key Lime Pie for our wedding. I don't want to exaggerate, but I'd actually kill a man for it.


What is your favorite appetizer?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Edamame! Most appetizers these days are nearly meals in themselves, basically killing my desire to actually eat my entree. But edamame does just what is intended by an appetizer, gets one's tastebuds stimulated in preparation for a meal.


If you are a vegetarian, what prompted you to become one; If you're not, what would be your objection to such a diet?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I had a friend who was vegetarian and we used to eat at veggie places. Occasionally, I'll eat a veggie dish, but I have to confess: I love meat too much.


What's the most significant dietary change you've made and why, other than to lose weight?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I stopped eating onions completely because I have bad acid reflux these last 3+ years. I thought originally I was allergic to onions--that's how bad I'd feel after onions--but it is really a symptom of acid reflux. So while I've made several other notable dietary changes to combat acid reflux (including taking medication), I do not eat onions at all.

And I love onions. *And* you'd be surprised at just how many things onions are in. (Everything?)


If a seperate comic book franchise other than the Legion or Titans could have their own forum, who would you like it to be? Any reason other than its your favorite?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
The Justice Society, easily. Like the Legion, they've endured no matter what DC has done to them (retcons, disbanding several times, etc.). It's not about showing DC's top characters working with a team, like the Justice League. It's about the heroic legacy of the DCU. All other super-hero teams ultimately derive from the JSA.

Same question
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
JSA, definitely. Even though I haven't been following it as regularly, I've been a JSA fan longer than I've been a LSH fan.


what is your favorite non-comics hobby?
Posted by Dingleberry Damsel on :
TV cartoons from the 80s. I have a ton of DVDs and VHS tapes.

Same question
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Puzzle books. I like doing the Cross Sums and Anacrostics.


You can bring famous historical person to the present day. Who would you bring and what would you show her/him first?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Frederick Douglas. And I'd bring him to Washington DC and show him something I know would bring a tear to his eye.


Is there a particular non-Comics related magazine you enjoy more than others, that you would recommend I purchase for my next plane ride?
Posted by Dingleberry Damsel on :
If you can spare ten dollars, Mojo or Q -- they're both excellent music magazines; Britain has a much better music press than America IMO.


What else do the British do better than Americans?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Off the top of my head... Fish n Chips, pop radio (BBC One!), pub food, beer, breakfast, Asian food, walking paths, public transportation, certain types of junk food, chutneys, and B&Bs.

What do the British do worse than Americans?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Brooklyn accents ... at least my friend Simon can't ...


Do you think the British monarchy should be abolished?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No, but their income from the British government should be abolished or at least lowered.


What is your favorite British comedy?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Right now, Spaced. Seen both series, and loved them both. Hoping they do actually get around to the third at some point.


What is your favorite childhood movie?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


Wizard of Oz, I guess.


Same Q
Posted by cleome on :
The first Star Wars movie, of course.

Always Playing By Me

What very popular fantasy film series/epic could you just never get into, even when everyone else did?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Harry Potter. I'm glad that it's popular, has gotten kids reading, and stirs imaginations all over the world. I just think I've been there, done that.


Same question.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Star Wars. Really. I've just never gotten it.

What comic book character could you just never get into, even when everyone else did?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Iron Man, Punisher, Lobo


What non-superhero comics did you read as a kid?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Star Trek


Library, gym, friend's house, grocery store : where did you spend more time last week?
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
Grocery store. Of course that may be because I work at one. [Frown]


Same Q.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Of the four, the gym


describe your dream vacation
Posted by SharkLad on :
Cruising around the Greek islands on a private yacht ...

Ariel Pluto Belle Mickey

Same question
Posted by cleome on :
Beachcombing and deep sea diving in Hawaii or someplace else tropical.

Aruba Pismo Baja Montego

Which do you prefer: Summer vacation or Winter?
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I'll take any vacation I can get.


Has your life turned out like you wanted/thought it would so far? If not, what's the biggest difference (good or bad) from what you expected?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
No garage for the Lamborghini.

Ask Polar Boy's Mother:

Movie, bar, your own yard: Where would you rather spend two hours this weekend?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
if it was with friends, at a bar.

otherwise, a movie.

APBM, same Q
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Same as Kent--if my friends were around and I could spare the time, at a bar. (The latter is the problem).


Same Q
Posted by Lad Boy on :
I figure I can answer my question, if only to get a new question out there.

My own yard. The weather is delightful, there's work to be done -- no big projects, just pruning, weeding, misc. gardening activities.

We've worked to make our home a neighborhood gathering place for nearly 20 years. There's a large screened porch that can comfortable accommodate 20-30 people, plenty of space outside for kids to play, and a cooler full of beer.

You're going to be on a television talk show for a 15-20 minute segment.. Which show, what's the topic?

[ April 13, 2010, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Already done that. Back in 1989 I was on a local talk show in Detroit, the topic was Alopecia.

Same Question.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Comparisons of the teabagger movement to the Nativists/KKK of the 1920s.


How would you deal with going cold turkey on TV? What would you do instead?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm not *too* enthralled with TV, so it wouldn't be too hard for me. I would probably just read more, write more and could go online. I generally only watch TV at the end of the night and even then not every night.


What's a hobby you like to do that gets you out of the house but does not involve (A) drinking or going to a bar and (B) working out for the sake of being in shape?
Posted by cleome on :
I love junk shops and thrift stores. I'm capable of losing entire Saturdays in one or more of my favorite haunts, even when I can't buy much of anything.

Against People's Better Morals

What's your sign, Baby?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Stop! [Wink]

I'm a Virgo, though I don't put a whole lot of stock in it. It's fun to read now a horoscope now and then, but I don't run my life by it.

Abs Pecs Biceps Muscles,
What is one physical characteristic you almost always find attractive on a person of the same/opposite/whatever-your-attracted-to gender?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
A nice looking face.


What is the one thing you would change about the world if you could only change one thing?
Posted by dedman on :
I would have people REALLY listen to each other.
So many problems could be solved if people would just listen to others are saying


You just became leader of the astronomical society. Will you make Pluto a planet again?
Posted by Exnihil on :
Indeed. Not, mind you, based upon any driving need for astronomical accuracy but, rather, because I like clever mnemonics. I was raised on "My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets" and now I'm forced to reconcile myself with ""My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us... Nothing."


What are your retirement plans? (I'm not referring to your portfolio but, rather, what are you going to do?)
Posted by SharkLad on :
We've talked about moving to Florida, probably the Orlando area ... I'd like to work for Disney, maybe at the Disney Institute giving backstage tours ...


Same question ...
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:
We've talked about moving to Florida, probably the Orlando area ... I'd like to work for Disney, maybe at the Disney Institute giving backstage tours ...

I woulda thought you might covet a certain job on a certain ride at Universal, Shark Lad! [Big Grin]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Not since Spielberg and I had our bitter falling out over my name not appearing above the title of the film ...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Retirement? I can't ever imagine it at this point! The only way I can see myself retiring would be to become a multi-millionaire and then pursue opportunities where I can waste a few million, such as start my own comic book company. That would be like retirement.

But I guess maybe own my own place in Key West for constant trips down.


Do you have a favorite board game (now or from your youth)?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
you get to build railroads all over Europe with crayons (on an erasable board), and pick up and deliver loads based on demand cards.
There are other regional and even fantasy variants of this game, too. But I'd be amazed if any of you have years of them.

What do you think of the old silent film era?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Enjoy it! Note I didn't say I "love it" because I feel like that would be exaggerating. But I got to see some great silent films when I took a film class in college and really grew to have an appreciation for what was being accomplished.

I also think Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin were great. But my favorite of them was Harold Lloyd, who I got to really delve into.


What's your favorite era of Westerns? If not a fan, do you have one you prefer better than the rest?
Posted by Crymsun on :
I've never been a big fan of Westerns, but I liked Young Guns pretty well.. and I'm looking forward to Jonah Hex.


What is your favorite type of music..?
Posted by Exnihil on :
I really go all over the place in my musical tastes... but the last couple years, Blues from about the 20's to the 40's has really emerged as my go-to genre.


Has anyone that you've ever met online later turned into a real-world friend? To clarify, not simply someone that you'll hang out with at a Comic-Con or whatnot, but someone that you'd consider close?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
A bunch of LWers, and a few from the SiP board. Also a few from a now-defunct hometown local news boards.

same Q
Posted by cleome on :
Uh, well. I did kind of meet mr_cleome online. Does that count?

Always Picking Big Mensches

Do you like to cook out, weather permitting?
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I don't like to cook under any circumstances (that's not to say I can't--I just don't like to do it). I don't think I've even been to a cook-out in some time. In Texas, they almost invariably involve large amounts of some animal I don't eat anyway.

Again Pushing Barbecued Meats
Do you prefer to cook or to bake?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
to cook; I feel like I have more control, more influence over the final product. I can fiddle and adjust as I go, which can be disastrous in baking.


same Q
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Although I rarely do either, I prefer baking to cooking.


Do you think that Kent Shakespeare will ever ask an original question on this thread?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

Same Q.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

what's for lunch tomorrow?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Crunchy peanut butter on whole wheat ...


What favorite childhood snack do you still partake in occasionally?

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