101. She changes her name as often as I do and each one space-rawks!
100. She's got good taste in shoes.
99. She sees dragons, people.
98. She's been very nice to me.
97. She's very supportive of all the writers & artists on Legion World
96. She puts up with Abin
95. She's got the 411 on Sonnie Bloke & Numf-el. Posted by CM3 Vee on :
94. She plays an awesome piano!
93. She TEACHES music!
92. She came up with the funniest shout EVER on LW. (Got MIlk, Sonnie?) Posted by Future on :
91. She's honest and to the point!
90. She genuinely cares for everyone on Legion World!
89. She sets the atmosphere just right at SHAKES with her piano playing!
88. She's clever and can craft incredible tales and stories!
87. She isn't afraid to put dinner on the line to get a few more posts in!
86. She tells us where we can stick our trumpets!
Posted by Semi Radiant Fellow on :
85. She's huggable.
84. You can tuck her under your arm and carry her when she's too drunk to walk. (just kidding)
[ September 17, 2004, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: Semi Radiant Fellow ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
83. She's got a hell of a singing voice!
82. She's got a hell of a right hook!
81. She always makes this place more enjoyable whenever she's posting
80. She's got this young lad anxiously awaiting Numf-El's contributions to this thread... Posted by Fat Cramer on :
79. She can do object-appropriate things with trumpets as well.
78. I can hear her laughing when she posts.
77. Her stories have a bigger cast of characters than the Legion itself.
76. She's written the all-time great shower scene.
75. But I'm still waiting for all the back stories to be filled in....
74. She actually holds a paying job, so she must be responsible and sensible.
Posted by Numfwing on :
73. She gives great hugs.
72. She can take a joke at her expense - as long as it's funny.
71. She can give as good as she takes.
70. Oh, and she gives great hugs (I know its been said once, but if anything's worth saying, it's worth saying twice.)
69. Nope, I can't make any comment at all here.
Posted by Slobo Bloke on :
68. She hasn't put my rent up in three years....
67. She won't take the previous post as an idea to put my rent up....
66. see number 84 Semi you don't know how true that is
65. she enjoys ironing shirts....
64. she has stopped teaching from home.... (peace and quiet are so underrated!) 64. s
Posted by Abin Quank on :
63. She not only puts up with Abin but she also puts him in his place when necessary.
62. Stoopid Cat Adores Her! (and that nasty cat is very discriminating!)
61. She writes the bestest future Legion soap operas ever!
60. She's Gorgeous!
59. She walks softly but carries a BIG Trumpet!
Posted by Numfwing on :
58. She appreciates a good rowie, and even knows the best shops in the NE of Scotland to buy them.
57. She has the best shoe collection.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
56. She leapt into the tag thread fray when Abin, Numf and I were at our tag-team posting peak at the same time! Talk about brass ones!
Posted by Mrs C B H.I.V.E. on :
several of them are very true, thankd you lot to all