This is topic Thora's Throneroom in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Thora on :
It is here that I --Thora of Taltar-- shall plot my eventual domination of the males of Legion World.

Only females and males who support being dominated by females may enter.

All others will be flogged unmercifully!

First order of business:

Campaign Promises

1. I promise that, if elected leader of Legion World, any male who acts cretinous will be publicly flogged.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Thora, I thought with our past that maybe I could enter. I like it a little rough myself after all, don't you remember [Wink] ?
Posted by Thora on :
You may enter, handsome male known as Cobalt Kid.

However, I must insist that you sit in the corner and remain silent as I-- Thora of Taltar-- continue to outline my plan to ensure your complete and utter enslavement!

And stop staring at my chest or its to the Witch Wolves with you!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I thought maybe I'd just rub your shoulders?
Posted by KOKO on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<rubs back, slowly downwards>

So, when should we tell Umber that she's our lovechild?
Posted by Magic User on :
Didn't I turn you into a frog already?

*zaps you back into frog-form*
Posted by Umber & the Boyz on :
I'm no one's love-child, Cobalt Kid! And certainly not yours! Good grief, we've been out on a date!

You're a, like, pre-vert!

*huff of anger*
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Look out Magic User, you nailed Koko!

If Thora catches these alt ID's running rampant, there'll be a lot of eunuchs running around!

(Can't a guy go anywhere without being c*ckblocked? [Wink] )
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Umber & the Boyz:
I'm no one's love-child, Cobalt Kid! And certainly not yours! Good grief, we've been out on a date!

You're a, like, pre-vert!

*huff of anger*

I'm going to need psychological help. Damn time-traveling, inter-dimensional travel!
Posted by Thora on :
BAH! No daughter of Thora of Taltar would ever become a male-pandering insipid twit like this Umber girl.

OUT of my Throneroom, ALL OF YOU!!!

Except for you, Cobalt Kid. We have my election to discuss, and I know ways to ensure your support...

<locks door>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by Magic User on :

*turns everyone inside the throneroom into a frog*
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

[LOL] Humans are fun to watch sometimes. Now, where did I leave that bucket of water?

Posted by Umber & the Boyz on :
Originally posted by Thora:
[QB]BAH! No daughter of Thora of Taltar would ever become a male-pandering insipid twit like this Umber girl.


OH MY GAW!! I do NOT pander to males!
Posted by COMPUTO Jr. on :
Be advised, after running the equation several times using a multitude of algorythems, I, the great Computo Jr., have determined that, while I am naturally constructed to be superiour to all carbon lifeforms, the female carbons are unquestionably inferior to the male carbons.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Jeepers! All that just to figure out that girls are better than boys? I could have told you that...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Does that mean Computor Jr. will go on missions that are too dangerous for female carbons?

All this nonsense in Thora's throne-room is going to get somebody flogged!
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Thora Scary!
Posted by Thora on :
You delightful little cretin! I-- Thora of Taltar-- am not scary at all!

Many consider me quite loving and giving.

And now that I am officially in the running for leader, I intend to show how loving and giving I can be. Witness my first campaign giveaway:

Free floggings for cretins!
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, does it?
Posted by rokk steady on :
Thora of Taltor, I have been looking for a serious public flogging for quite some time now, to curtail my cretinous ways. Do you have any suggestions?
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Originally posted by Thora:
You delightful little cretin! I-- Thora of Taltar-- am not scary at all!

Many consider me quite loving and giving.

And now that I am officially in the running for leader, I intend to show how loving and giving I can be. Witness my first campaign giveaway:

Free floggings for cretins!

Woooo-Hoooooo Thora FUN!
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Scuse me. Anybody here seen my thigh master?
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :

Is it true that you will not accept the votes of males?

If this is indeed your policy, how do you think that will affect your chances of being elected?
Posted by ActorLad on :
Good luck!
Posted by Thora on :
Bah! Thora of Taltar has no use for luck!

Male known as Quislet, Esq,

Untrue. I will accept votes from males because a male that votes for me is obviously not as cretinous as his idiotic non-Thora-supporting brethren.

Males who vote for me will find themselves flogged, but not unmercifully so.

[ June 18, 2004, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Thora ]
Posted by Frostfyre on :
I love Thora!!!!!!
Posted by Thora on :
The male you call "Frostfyre" is obviously not as cretinous as other males on Legion World.

Be expressing his love for me, he is on the fast-track to a position of leadership within my harem.

As all Taltarians know, the males in my harem are among the least-flogged, happiest males on Taltar... as long as they are able to do their jobs correctly!
Posted by Frostfyre on :
VOTE THORA!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Thora on :
Male known as "Rokk Steady",

Your desire to flogged pleases me, as do your comely features.

You will be stripped down to a tattered loincloth. Your arms and legs shall be manacled in an "X" position, and my slaves shall cart you around at my side everywhere.

That way, I can flog you whenever the desire strikes. And that pretty male face of yours certainly fills me with desire!
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Thora where are you we need your Goddess like presence here at Legion World!
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Can't have this on page 2!
Posted by Giant Robotic Lesbian on :
Thora, are you a lesbian?

If so, I would consider voting for you.
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Thora H-E-L-L-O Do want to win this election or not? Well girl you gonna have to show up occasionaly!
Posted by Thora on :
Originally posted by Giant Robotic Lesbian:
Thora, are you a lesbian?

If so, I would consider voting for you.

I am a female supremacist. There is a difference.
Posted by Thora on :
Originally posted by Frostfyre:
Thora H-E-L-L-O Do want to win this election or not? Well girl you gonna have to show up occasionaly!

Watch your tone, doltish male! Perhaps a flogging session would calm you down!
Posted by UTS on :
I am proud to be a man.
Posted by Thora on :
And a cur is proud to be a cur. Your point, male?
Posted by UTS on :
How can you claim to be superior if you can't even understand my point?
Posted by Thora on :
The point of males is to serve females.
Posted by UTS on :
[UTS plants a big, juicy kiss on Thora's unappealingly dry, grey lips]

There, how was that for service?
Posted by Thora on :
Perhaps a repost of my initial statement in this thread is called for, male dolt!

Originally posted by Thora:
It is here that I --Thora of Taltar-- shall plot my eventual domination of the males of Legion World.

Only females and males who support being dominated by females may enter.

Posted by Frostfyre on :
Thora Scary! Vote Thora!
Posted by UTS on :
Originally posted by Thora:
Perhaps a repost of my initial statement in this thread is called for, male dolt!

Originally posted by Thora:
It is here that I --Thora of Taltar-- shall plot my eventual domination of the males of Legion World.

Only females and males who support being dominated by females may enter.

You're so cute when you make threats!
Posted by Doctor Mayavale on :
Originally posted by Frostfyre:
Thora Scary! Vote Thora!

Scary? Thora? Bah! You should be more frightened of he who has devoted his energies to mastering the art of pure evil, in order to rectify the cosmic balance and seeking justice on those that harmed him in past lives. Look upon Mayavale, and know true terror, my friend!
Posted by Doctor Mayavale on :
But don't forget to drop by the Campaign Meditation Tent and take a puff off the sacred pipe of Loolakanda!

[ June 22, 2004, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: Doctor Mayavale ]
Posted by Doctor Mayavale on :
Or jump on the newly installed magic trampoline!
Posted by Varalent on :
Good luck Thora.
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Thora will you protect me from the evil Doctor?
Posted by Thora on :
Fear not. You shall be safely hidden away with the other fortunate males of my harem.
Posted by Frostfyre on :
How about that Giant Robotic Lesbian she kinda scares me?
Posted by rokk steady on :
Originally posted by Thora:
Male known as "Rokk Steady",

Your desire to flogged pleases me, as do your comely features.

You will be stripped down to a tattered loincloth. Your arms and legs shall be manacled in an "X" position, and my slaves shall cart you around at my side everywhere.

That way, I can flog you whenever the desire strikes. And that pretty male face of yours certainly fills me with desire!

Well, I'm certainly glad that my "comely features" show through the bubble helmet in my avatar! I also find the tattered loincloth quite pleasing to imagine, not to mention being carted around... how soon can this be scheduled, Mistress Thora?

[ June 28, 2004, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: rokk steady ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Thora, I hope you're throneroom remains a major part of Legion World after the election whether you win or lose. Besides, you needs this cretinous males anyway and their dumb testosterone election?

(And I really like the secret room to the side with the water bed...)
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Thora was robbed ROBBED I SAY.......
Posted by Thora on :
Bah! Thora of Taltar may not have won this time, but there shall be future elections!
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
Thora! Long live female supremacy etc etc. But you know -- this emphasis on sex is awfully reminiscent of...Earth politicians.
Posted by Thora on :
Sex, fellow female known as Leap Year Lass? I respectfully disagree. Thora of Taltar puts no accent on sex.

Some males might find being beaten unmercifully sexy... but what can one expect from cretins?
Posted by Glorith on :
Thora's Throneroom? None shall sit upon a throne except I. Bow before me Thora Bow before your Queen.
Posted by Thora on :
I will call you ally or call you enemy, blonde man-toy, but never shall Thora of Taltar call you queen.
Posted by Thora on :
Is it time for the next election yet?
Posted by Thora on :
Let this serve as advance notice that I-- Thora of Taltar-- am running in the next election for leader of Legion World.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Oh goodie [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I don't know Far, if Thora promises to leave our jobs alone, we might as well support her.

Besides, she has a cute butt and can flog all the cretins on LW that haven't admitted their cretins yet!
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I've admitted that I'm a cretin, but I still enjoy a good flogging! I'd vote for Thora!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
True. But can she bring herself to flog cute butts?
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] Thora it would space-rawk if you allowed me to flog Cobalt Kid. I'd flog him silly [Razz] [Dreamer]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Oh boy this looks like fun.

pulls up front row seat.
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] Watch out Far, I may ask GiGi for her permission to flog you silly too. A thorough, thorough flogging! [Dreamer]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Nah. If anyones going to flog me it'll be her. Mind you if the two of you want to join forces [Wink]
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] My mind boggles at the thought of us flogging you. Repeatedly flogging you. Never giving you a chance to rest. Keeping you erect for our flogging pleasure. *LOL!* [Dreamer]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Are you sure you don't know GiGi? [LOL]

I do have a fair bit of stamina though, think you two can keep up
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] Sounds like it's worth the effort - benefits for all. [Dreamer]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
oh I can promise you, I am worth the effort. [Wink]

But are you?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Hang on, don't start yet.

I still may be able to cut a quick deal with HBO.
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] *LOL* I was just going to beat him unmercilessly, OM. No hanky nor panky. Just good, clean flogging. Mind you, mindboggling flogging - but, still, just flogging. *wink, wink* [Dreamer]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
OK, understood.

I'll sell it to ESPN then.

Hey, everything's a sport these days.
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] Oh, Miner, you are the bee's knees! Oops! I hope that isn't insulting to an insectoid sentient. Only gots love for da bug! [Dreamer]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Ah cant I have the special dirty flogging like you give the others? [Big Grin]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Miss Terious:
[Dreamer] Oh, Miner, you are the bee's knees! Oops! I hope that isn't insulting to an insectoid sentient. Only gots love for da bug! [Dreamer]

I'd blush, but I don't think I'm capable.

Anyway, the deal's sealed. You may flog at your leisure.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Coming soon to ESPN: "The World Series of Flogging!"

Miss Terious takes on up and coming star KinetixgreenZoe for the right to face defending champion Thora of Taltor! It's sure to be a ratings bonanza!
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] I don't like televised sports but the phrase "up and coming" is nice. [Dreamer]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I thought you'd appreciate that...
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] What would you appreciate, Lou? [Dreamer]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I don't think I could say that on a PG-13 board. Why don't you have Sister Saturn read my mind and tell you... [Wink]
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] Maybe for your birthday [Razz] [Dreamer]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Awww. That's all the way in March! What am I supposed to do until then?!?
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] Pretend it's Palm Sunday? [Razz] [Dreamer]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I do that every Sunday... [Frown]

P.S. Congrats on 500 [Big Grin]
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] YAY! 501 posts! Only 9499 more to go. I'm going to change 'clothes' now, Lou, but I don't think you're going to like my 'outfit.' [Dreamer]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Not the purple mumu with the fish on it again?!? Gah. That thing's hideous even on your beautiful figure.
Posted by Cosmosis on :
[Cosmic Boy] Hi, Lou. C'mere and give me a kiss [Razz] [Cosmic Boy]
Posted by Frenk on :
Originally posted by Thora:
Let this serve as advance notice that I-- Thora of Taltar-- am running in the next election for leader of Legion World.

Hmm... I wonder if there'll be lots of chicks running for political office? Maybe I should parlay my big victory in Legion World alt-ID Big Brother into a campaign!
Posted by Cosmosis on :
[Cosmic Boy] Two heads are most assuredly better than one. [Cosmic Boy]
Posted by Dyvud on :
BAH! Like your ugly mug is gonna attract 'em anyway! But maybe I'd make a good Legion World leader?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Frenk:
Originally posted by Thora:
Let this serve as advance notice that I-- Thora of Taltar-- am running in the next election for leader of Legion World.

Hmm... I wonder if there'll be lots of chicks running for political office? Maybe I should parlay my big victory in Legion World alt-ID Big Brother into a campaign!
Jeepers! That's a plot right out of Matter-Eater Lad: The Series!
Posted by Dyvud on :
That's where the stupid git got it from! He ain't smart enough to come up with something like that on his own!
Posted by Frenk on :
Watch who you're calling stupid, stupid!
Posted by Loser Lad on :
All right, break it up. Don't make me get Thora in here to flog the both of you.
Posted by Cosmosis on :
[Cosmic Boy] If you would like, I will insert metallic enemas into each of them and forcibly separate them. [Cosmic Boy]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Yikes. Let's not get carried away now kid!
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Don't be so hasty, Lu, I wanna watch this.

Umm... Cosmo do you think you can reassemble them if necessary?

[ August 28, 2004, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: Abin Quank ]
Posted by Cosmosis on :
[Cosmic Boy] Bring me metallic wire and a surgeon to stitch. [Razz] [Cosmic Boy]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
All right then, have at it Cosmo...
Posted by Thora on :
Thora of Taltar is pleased by the activity in her Throneroom.

Certainly I-- Thora of Taltar-- can count on your support and votes when election proceedings begin.

In return, should you do something cretinous in the future (and as most of you are males, it is definitely going to happen), Thora of Taltar will administer a merciful flogging instead of the standard, which some of my manservants have nicknamed "ballbuster".
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<opens beer>

Thora, I hope you don't mind, but I've informed your manservants that from now on they'll be calling me "King Cobalt".

What do you think about a throne for me in here?
Posted by Thora on :
You talk big, male. The bravado hasn't been flogged out of you... yet.
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Oh!!! Thora I'm so happy to see you!!!!
Posted by Thora on :
Ah! My favorite little cretin. I've missed you.
Posted by Trysexual Girl on :
[Triad] I would mention that Cobalt Kid space-rawks but I don't want to be the first girl flogged by Thora. [Triad]
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Originally posted by Frostfyre:
Oh!!! Thora I'm so happy to see you!!!!

Surely we must have you as our next leader!!!!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Thora:
You talk big, male. The bravado hasn't been flogged out of you... yet.

So the throne is a go? Great!

Here, try this drink I made you. It's called "jungle juice" and it should really ease your nerves. I know the cretinous males here can be so bothersome.
Posted by Thora on :
Indeed. Cretins enrage me, therefore I must make their lives harsh and difficult. <throws drink on Cobalt Kid> Cool off, cretin.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<wipes off drink from face>

Someone's in a mood...

Slave! Bring me a towel and get your mistress something else to drink. I'll take another beer while your at it!

Thora, you need to relax. Maybe flogging Icefyre a little will help.

<Throws own drink at Thora>

Why don't you cool off too. I can't wait to see your reaction, since you get so cute when your furious [Wink]
Posted by Tiffany Spiffany on :
You intigue me, Thora. How does a woman get to be so strong and able to order men around the way you do? I mean, men buy me lots of stuff, and are always doing what I want without my needing to flog them the way you do, but I still find something quite inspirational in the commanding tone you use around men.
Posted by Thora on :
One moment, Tiffany... I must first deal with the cretin in our midst.

<slaps Cobalt Kid>

Throw a drink on me, will you? I'll teach you not to get your superiors wet!

<slaps Cobalt Kid again>

Is the lesson sinking in yet, cretin? Or does Thora of Taltar need to get rough with you?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<catches Thora's hand>

If you want to play rough, all you have to do is ask.

<Lowers Thora's hand, and also makes sure magnetically that she doesn't intend to use her knees for anything>
Posted by Trysexual Girl on :
[Triad] Wow! This is hot! Who will submit first? [Triad]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I will!
Posted by Tiffany Spiffany on :
I find it amusing that not only is Cobie flirting with Thora on this thread and me on another, but he's engaging in two radically different styles of seduction! He's quite impressive.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Thanks [Wink]

I'm very versatile, and I like to be creative in my methods of seduction...
Posted by Thora on :
<spits in Cobalt Kid's face>

You going to take that from a little girl, male? You going to let a woman treat you like that? Huh, male? Big, bad male?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think you have me all wrong, Thora. I know you're not a little girl or a weak woman--you're obviously strong-willed and independent. But, so am I.

I'm no "big, bad male", but I am a male, and I'm not scared of you.

Now, I can let go of your hands if you promise not to slap me. Or you can kiss me right now like I know you want to.
Posted by Thora on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
See..that's not so bad.


Now let me show you the best way to be worshipped by a male...
Posted by Trysexual Girl on :
[Triad] Start vibing GRL! This is soooooooooo H-O-T! [Triad]
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Ah man where's my video recorder.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Sorry KGZ, I still haven't had a chance to clean it from the other night. What the hell did we do to get the lens so gummed up?

Ah well, if that's the worst thing to happen following a party at Vee's Villa then I guess we can consider ourselves lucky!
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Yeah, you could have knocked up another girl.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
See, now that would be worse than a sticky camera lens...
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Sticky camera lens or sitcky baby...hmm...
I'd say it is.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
At least the camera lens won't follow you around for 18 years expecting you to feed it and clothe it and TAKE IT TO THE MALL(!!!) and pay for it's college and...
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Look at this Mess... Good thing I don't have to clean any of Thora's threads anymore...
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
They have become thilthy.
Posted by Miss Troia on :
[Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark] Thora flogs cretinous males while they use club soda to remove any stains. [Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark]
Posted by Miss Troia on :
[Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark] [Bump] [Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark]
Posted by Thora on :
I wonder where I-- Thora of Taltar-- stand in current polls?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Domineering women always make the polls rise!
Posted by Thora on :
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
How about powerful, I'm not domineering all the time, but I am a demi-Goddess.

[ September 18, 2004, 05:35 PM: Message edited by: HighPriestessViviane ]
Posted by Cobaltus on :
I wonder if Loser Lad is still in the backroom here?
Posted by Thora on :
Sometimes I --Thora of Taltar-- let him come out and play with his cretinous friends here for short periods.
Posted by Cobaltus on :
I heard a rumor that on Taltar, when a male is flogged for two weeks strait and then forced to walk across hot coals, this is called a 'Loser Lad'.
Posted by BatBoy on :
I heard a rumor that on Taltar if someone clogs a toilet, it's referred to as "doing a Thora" ...
Posted by Kent on :
...only if one makes boastful idle threats while they're doing it. [Wink]
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Congratulations, Thora of Taltar! You've been selected by your friends at the Home Despot to receive a free throneroom make-over!

Home Despot: You will do it OR YOU WILL BE EXECUTED FOR FAILING!
Posted by Nam'Lor on :
Nam'Lor? ah nice room ... lots of hot ladies with whips!
Posted by Thora on :
Originally posted by Calm Yo Tits:
I'm no one's love-child, Cobalt Kid! And certainly not yours! Good grief, we've been out on a date!

You're a, like, pre-vert!

*huff of anger*

What witchery is THIS??? Calm Yo Tits and Cobalt Kid have been caught in a hienous lie!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Bloody Liberty! It's no wonder I can't keep track of all these kids and former flings turned archnemesis!

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