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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
To everyone stuck in the snow, this is the thread for Hot Chocolatte! And for the rest of you guys not in snow, I'm going to try and will it into you're part of the country (or world [Wink] ).

So Greybird and Saturn Girl (who I see at the top of the page), how about a Hot Chocolatte?

[ December 14, 2003, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
And I have a feeling that Stu might show up soon, so here's your Hot Chocolatte waiting for you buddy [Wink] !
Posted by STU on :
Cobie, are you from Titan? [Wink]

Thanks, I'd love some of that... and I'll just help myself to some of these home-made marshmallows also. (They're not as poofy as the store-bought kind, but just as tasty.) [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
Ohhh!! Got any hot chocolate left? We're pretty cold (no snow though)
Posted by STU on :
Here's a big mug for you! I took fresh chocolate shipped overnight from Switzerland, shaved the chocolate flakes myself into steaming hot, farm-fresh milk, and produced a premium beverage just for your enjoyment!

Hope you like!
Posted by Varalent on :
Ummmm Ummmmm Ummmmmm!!!!!

That's wonderful!, STU! You have real talent for this! Thanks! [Big Grin]
Posted by Sonnie Bloke on :
We haven'tgot snow yet but I'm just in and it wouldn't be wrong to say it's a bit crisp outside so I'd love a hot chocolatte....


[Big Grin]
Posted by STU on :
Here's a home-made, premium hot chocolate for ya, Sonnie!

(Hmm... I think I may set up a chocolate store around here... maybe between SHAKES and Cramer's...)
Posted by Arachne on :
Any of that hot chocolate left? It's chilly up here tonight.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
It's beyond chilly here, so if you don't mind, I'll just help myself to a cup.
Posted by Satan Claws Cramer on :
I could sure use a morning chocolatte. All our snow is turning to rain, then it's supposed to go back to snow... which means a nice layer of solid ice in between. [Frown] Major wind, but not that cold, though.
Posted by Sonnie Bloke on :
Hmmmmmm.... Chocolatte....
Posted by Greybird on :
We're getting cold rain tonight. About as close to wintry as we get, that brief hailstorm a month ago notwithstanding.

So fire up the chocs. Works better in the middle of the night.

No marshmallows, though, please. I absolutely LOATHE marshmallows. And those Rice Krispies Squares made me nauseous when I got them as a kid in Trick or Treat. (No sane parent would allow them now anyway. Those were the innocent days *sigh*)
Posted by deanlegion on :
We keep a canister of that instant hot chocolate in the house, available 24/7, so it's nice to have the gourmet chocolate shavings and whole milk concoction once in a while.

Thank you.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Hot Chocolate sounds great right now.
Posted by STU on :
Wow! I didn't realize this stuff was in such high demand!

[hands out several mugs of delicious, warming chocolate drinks]

That chocolate store sounds like it might be do good business... rich fudge, moist brownies, fresh fruit dipped in chocolate while you wait... not to mention all the varieties of chocolate... milk chocolate, premium unsweetened, and our specialty of the house, SemiSweets! [Smile]

Maybe Cobie (who thoughtfully started this thread) might be interested in a joint venture...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Sounds good to me Stu! The bi-laws of the Security Office allow for side ventures! After all, we write the laws! What should we call it?

Glad everyone is enjoying the Hot Chocolatte! It's still freezing outside, so the Hot Chocolatte is still necessary. And after shovelling snow all morning, I know I need one!

Grey, I'm not really big on Marshmellows either, but I do sometimes put a candy cane in my Hot Chocolatte. As for Rice Krispy treats, I practically lived on those and combos as I told Stu, another Rice Krispy Treat fan!
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
As for Rice Krispy treats, I practically lived on those and combos as I told Stu, another Rice Krispy Treat fan!

The homemade ones are nice, but I also like the premade ones with chocolate Krispies and also the peanut butter ones!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Me too Stu! Especially the Peanut Butter ones!

So, what are we going to call this joint venture? Cafe Cramer and SHAKES have the atmosphere, we'll just take care of the chocolatte [Big Grin]
Posted by STU on :
How about just chocolatte (italicized, with a lower case "c")?

Alternate spellings are always so enticing... [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
Umm! I think I'll have a nice hot mug of cocoa before calling it a night. It'll help put me right to sleep! [Smile]
Posted by STU on :
And a hot mug of cocoa is just what I need on this chilly morning!
Posted by Varalent on :
Why don't you call it..."Sweet Dreams"
Posted by Varalent on :
...or "Lotta Choco-latte" [Big Grin]
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Someone needs to invent Wonkavision, pronto [Razz]
Posted by Crujectra on :
Mmmmmm... this is MUCH better than what you get from the food replicators.

Thanks Cobie Cakes!
Posted by Arachne on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Grey, I'm not really big on Marshmellows either, but I do sometimes put a candy cane in my Hot Chocolatte. As for Rice Krispy treats, I practically lived on those and combos as I told Stu, another Rice Krispy Treat fan!

I put cherry brandy in my hot chocolate and top with whipped cream. That'll warm you up in a hurry.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Arachne, that sounds delicious! I might have to try it soon, I just need the cherry brandy!

Hope you guys all enjoy the assorted Sweets [Smile] ! Stu and I will stop in to replinish the stock of chocolate and chocolattes, whenever our responsibilites as Security chief and Leader (yay Stu!) don't take too much of our time!

[ December 09, 2003, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, it's snowing again! Everyone stop on by and grab a Hot Chocolate or Chocolatte! As part of Legion World tradition, Stu and I are giving them away for free!

And I really need to get some cherry brandi to try out that little trick Arachne!
Posted by STU on :
After those two Sweet Carolines and the VaVaVaVee, I think I'll have a brandy-fortified chocolatte to prepare me for the chilly weather out.

(And then head over to Danny's for more chocolatey goodness...)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Sounds good to me Stu! We haven't stopped by our establishment in awhile, so I think I'll keep it open for the New Year! Anyone who wants a Hot chocolatte or a chocolatte, just grab one!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Have the brownies arrived?
Posted by STU on :
[STU looks up, startled -- with his mouth full and chocolate all over his face]

Er... no, um... they never got here...

Guess I'll have to check on the status of that shipment... heh... [Embarrassed]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Bad stu. Reminds me of a time that I had a danish in my brief case. I put the brief case down, went into the kichen, and the next thing I know, Garbo (my dog) is dragging a cellophane wrapper around. The danish was no-where to be found.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
[lol] [lol] [lol] [lol]
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Bad stu. Reminds me of a time that I had a danish in my brief case. I put the brief case down, went into the kichen, and the next thing I know, Garbo (my dog) is dragging a cellophane wrapper around. The danish was no-where to be found.

It was the day after a big storm. I was walking across City Hall Plaza, a coffee roll in my hand. The next thing I knew a sea gull swooped down from behind me, missing my head by about 4 inches. The coffee roll and the sea gull were gone in mere seconds.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
We used to have a crow that lived in the civic center square in San Francisco. The square is surrounded by the Court House, City Hall, and Library. Maybe the crow was protecting a nest, but for several months it would dive bomb people's heads. It got me one day. It's pretty startling when you don't expect it. (Shades of Hitchcock's, The Birds).

[ January 02, 2004, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by Harbinger on :
I've been attacked by a sea gull as I came out of a fish n'chip shop. I found it very scary as it squawked like a fiend as it dove into my chips. I've hated them ever since.

Sea gulls = b*stards!
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
You must look just like Tippi Hedren.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
[Wink] Remind me to watch out for birds when the spring comes around! That's three bad bird stories in a row! I have a feeling that I'm next!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Mine happened in the winter
Posted by STU on :
I've been crapped on by birds a number of times.

One such incident happened in London. (Terence and Seahorse were actually on hand to witness it.)

Stupid avian gits! [Mad]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Haha! [lol]

My brother and one of my best friends have been crapped on three times together, all three with me right there. I get so goofy each time it happens that I can't control myself. And I ALWAYS make sure to tell them with a sarcastic smile that "it's good luck"
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Don't get me started on crapping birds.

I had just gotten the latest Scott McCloud book (Reinventing Comics) and was standing on the platform. Just as the train pulled in - SPLAT - right on the book. Initially I was glad it didn't get on me, but then later I was pissed that it got on the book. I could have been easily cleaned while the book got permenantly stained.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Aw, that sucks! I never noticed how much birds were a menace to society before...
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Just remember, it was a bird that saved Frodo and Sam after Frodo gave his finger for Middle Earth.
Posted by STU on :
You spoiled it! [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
You saw it.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Frodo gave Middle Earth the finger????

What did Middle Earth do? Cut him off? I hear the traffic at Mount Doom is killer.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The King of the Eagles doesn't count [Wink] !
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
He sure did.
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
You saw it.

Well, regardless... I just like using this graemlin: [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]
Posted by STU on :
From chocolate to bird poop in one afternoon -- only on a Legion World thread!

(Or in the digestive system of a bird, I suppose...)
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
can we throw a bidet and golden dildo in here.
Posted by STU on :

Wil(l) do!
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I just knew you'd have a spare.
Posted by STU on :
[Mad] [Mad] [Mad]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Originally posted by STU:
[Mad] [Mad] [Mad]

Oh don't give me that. [Razz]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Can I give you this: [Super-MobyDick]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
A moby dick? I don't think so.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Whenever I can't think of a reply, I try to post a graemlin, like this: [Meglaro]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
That's the first time I've left you speechless. I must get a prize.
Posted by STU on :
How about a Sir Prize?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
That'll do.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
It's good to see that Chocolatte didn't suffer any damage is our recent contretemps - because I plan on doing some serious chocolate consumption for Valentine's Day. [love]
Posted by STU on :
I've seen a bunch of Valentine's Day ads for chocolates recently... and they all refer to "buying chocolates for her."

[Frown] Men like to receive chocolates too...

[ February 12, 2004, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: STU ]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Depends on who her refers to. [Frown] I don't have anyone to give to...
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Well, I'm baking a chocolate cake for "him" today, so it does work both ways.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Oh well, I guess I'll sit this day out. Maybe next year... [Smile]
Posted by Varalent on :
Don't sit it out IB! Strut your stuff with head held high. Make 'em see what they're missing out on. You've got a lot to offer and it really is they're loss, so make 'em sorry! Attitude is everything!
Posted by STU on :
[STU locks himself away in the kitchen of chocolatte to bake chocolate treats for his friends at LW]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yum, a nice chocolatte would be perfect for Valentine's Day!

Nice to see that Stu and I can still run this business despite being so busy during the recent upheavels on Legion World!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Not "them", just "her", but thanks, Vee. [Respect] [Smile]

Give Vee anything he wants, my treat!
Posted by Abin Quank on :
And a nice cup of hot chocolatte pushes that Damm Statue even further down...

God I love this...
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Hmmm...not as busy as Café Cramer in here...
Posted by Abin Quank on :
So I'll Just [bump] it up for more business.
Posted by Greybird on :
Is this a chocolatte bar?

If so, I hope everything is free, as at SHAKES, since the only difference I can see between "chocolatte" and "hot cocoa" is ... about $4 per cup {g}
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yup, everything is free Grey! Being a firm believer in neither communism or capitalism, I've decided to just give away the chocolate for free!

And a "chocolatte" is an excellent hot cocoa/latte drink that was created by accident when Stu called me out on a spelling mistake [Smile] ! Thus, we decided to open this store up together [Smile]
Posted by UTS on :
Nothing like a steaming mug of hot chocolate on a cool, brisk day like today!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Perfect with breakfast on a cool, damp & foggy morning, too.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :

I have nothing better to say than...

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
There are indeed few words better than chocolate. When it warms up, I could go for a nice frozen chocolatte on a stick.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Hot or cold, warm and gooey. Drink it, lick it, eat it, and kiss with it (use your imagination.) There's not much else in this world that tops chocolate.

Nope, no way no how.
Posted by STU on :
Since the weather is turned cooler in many parts of the country already, I thought it might be nice to open this place up for business again!

Anyone want a hot chocolat(t)e?
Posted by Princess Perfectra on :
[Princess Projectra] More playscape for the Directory! [Princess Projectra]
Posted by STU on :
Would you like miniature marshmallows to go with your playscape?
Posted by Princess Perfectra on :
[Princess Projectra] I've seen mini-er. *tee hee* [Princess Projectra]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Ah, great job Stu in reopening our fine establishment! This is a joint-run business that both Stu and I run!

Stop by for a Hot chocolate, or even one of the famous chocolattes that we make here...
Posted by Kent on :

Un Chocolatte, s'il vous plait!

et une pour la mademoiselle Perfectra.
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
May I have a Devil's Chocolatte?
Posted by STU on :
Hot chocolattes for everyone!

I really need to see about getting some droids to help out around here. Maybe one of the Cob-bots that I secretly created a few months back?
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
What did you create them for?
Posted by STU on :
It's a secret!

(For now... [Big Grin] )
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I was wondering who created them! I kinda liked the girl one. (What? I'm not going to hit on it! Honest! It'd be too weird!)

In the meantime, I'll have a nice chocolatte...
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I said it before, but it bears repeating:

Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
Running this chocolate boutique with Cobie has been one of my most enjoyable experiences on Legion World -- right up there with becoming a power-mad dictator bent on subjugating the entire board (twice).

I'll miss the warm, rich aroma of chocolate that permeates the store, and the abundant cheer that I always feel here, whether serving our LW customers or enjoying a delicious, comforting mug of hot chocolate myself.

Since it's getting cooler in many parts of the country, I thought it would be a nice idea to open chocolatte full-time for business again. Hot chocolate, our signature chocolatte, and all manner of chocolatey baked goods and chocolate-dipped goodies -- come and get it!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
But... Cobie will have to run this by himself now, along with everything else he's doing! Maybe you should hire someone. In the meantime, some rice milk cocoa and a chocolate croissant, please.
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
Here you go, and I think I'll help myself to a flaky chocolate croissant as well.

I was perusing some old threads last night, and noticed that Cobie seems to be the proprietor of a half dozen or more businesses. I'm sure he'll manage somehow, though. I suspect that cheap (i.e., free) labor is the real reason he had all those illegitimate children, and then used magic to instantly mature them to working age. The kitchens and stockrooms of LW are teeming with Cobie's sullen, pimply-faced offspring.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Well, I just hope they don't spit in the cocoa.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Oh, so that's the "secret ingredient." [Razz]
Posted by Werezompire Stu on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Well, I just hope they don't spit in the cocoa.

Never! All our products are certified 100% all-natural, organic, and completely expectorate-free.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Free expectorates with every product!
Posted by Rody the Super-Rat on :
The chocolate level of the MMB has dropped to dangerously low levels lately.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
They don't realize we offer cold chocolattes too!
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Arm Fall Off Boy:
Free expectorates with every product!

Around this place, I'm impressed if that's ALL you find in there.

Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate

Sorry, I'm in a mood.
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
I had two DE-licious fudge brownies today... [Razz]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Ringing in the holiday season, chocolatte is back! Though my old pal Stu has left us for the great beyond, I'll continue the tradition of serving Legion World's favorite seasonal treat.

< going through some of the old business files>

Hm...what's this? Why haven't I ever seen this file before?

<A file sticks out, clearly labeled by Stu. It says "Cobie, don't open until the year 3013" >

Bloody Liberty...
Posted by Reflekto on :
Reflecto was feeling a bit down after returning from Valhangri-La.

"one Hot Chocolatte please."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
For rookie LMBers, the first one is on the house,


Something on your mind, kiddo?
Posted by Reflekto on :
< sips hot chocolatte > mmmmm everything just got a whole lot better!

It's a bit quiet with so many LMBers off world. Any advice for a new kid?

<stares at her shiny new LMB flight ring>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yea--enjoy it. Usually when it's quiet like this it's just the calm before the storm.

Sometimes the best way to relieve boredom is to put yourself to work, even if it's a job no one is all that anxious to have done.

Tell me, what do you know about Renly Fox? He's the former Red infamous for of the LMB. I've been wondering just what he's been up to on Legion World, and if it's on the up and up.

Care to do some investigating?
Posted by Reflekto on :
Sounds like a job for Reflecto!

All I know about Renly Fox is he has a smirk that is waiting for a gal with superhuman strength to wipe right off his face.


This should be fun, I haven't had much chance to flex my intellect around here.

<finishes the last chocolatie remains of her chocolatte>


<dosn't realize she has whipped cream on her face>
Posted by Kinetix (Zoe Saugin) on :

Kinetix drowsily looks at her Omnicom. She'd doved off on their trip to Rimbor. She raises an eyebrow almost imperceptibly as she glances at the screen.

"So... he's back. Heard bad things about him. I wonder if IB knows...?"

She taps a message and clicks send. Hopefully the network IB had arranged before he and Blaze left will be enough.

She thinks for a moment, then taps another message.

"IB... I think I've guessed what it is you and Angdar didn't want to tell me about. And I think Blaze knows about it too. I don't like it."

She thinks for a moment, then sends it off as well.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

Invisible Brainiac tosses his pack on the clean bed, then jumps on and crosses his arms behind his head.
"Aaaahhhhhhhhhh. Nice, clean air-conditioned rooms in this scorching heat. I couldn't ask for much better!"

Blaze laughs as he plops down beside IB. "I could. Like a cold shower. Especially for my sweaty boyfriend and "pretend" fiance... OW!"

"Okay, one - you sweat too. Just not as much as me. And two - we could have gotten engaged for real, why not sooner rather than later? But we talked about this for ages, and since we couldn't decide... because it takes us half an hour to decide what to have for breakfast..."

"Can you blame me for wanting to make sure we eat whatever appeals to us both?"

"Yeah, which is why we didn't get to eat anywhere during that first date we had on Xanthu."

"Okay, you know when you bring that up I can't say anything," Blaze fake pouts. "Especially since I was the one who wanted to eat there in the first place!"

IB raises a hand in victory. "And I'm off to the shower, though I know you'll join me in a bit... Just let me check..." He quickly thumbs through his Omnicom and frowns. "Uh-oh. Two friends have sent me messages about our ex-swashbuckler, but look at this."

IB hands Blaze the Omnicom and they both read through Kinetix's message. They share a look.

"I knew Angdar would let it slip eventually," Blaze says.

"Sigh... In our defense, this was BEFORE I caught Kinetix in Angdar's room! But I think I'll let Angdar handle the explaining."

"It IS his responsibility, after all. Will you reply?"

"... Later. I'll send her a generic "sorry" message telling her to bring it up with Angdar."
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Not Elsewhere.

"So Cobalt Old Friend, is there a cup of steaming coco for me as well. We have just had the first frosts and its colder than a tharrians shiny underkegs out there"
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
One hot coco coming right up!

How's life as a UP Senator? I don't envy you.

<lowering his voice>

I took care of our little problem on Earth. The Prime Minister will not be pleased...
Posted by Kinetix (Zoe Saugin) on :
"Zoe, we're really sorry if what you guessed happened between us and Angdar has upset you. But we want you to know that nothing happened after we found out you and he were seeing each other. Anything more than that... we think it's something you and Angdar should discuss yourselves.

See you when we get back, in case you still want to discuss?
- IB and Blaze"

Kinetix frowned as she read IB's message again. Then she sets her Omnicom down and stares out the window.
Posted by cleome46 on :
Penguin Biscuit advertisement. by totallymystified, on Flickr
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
P p p p Pick up a Penguin.

As they used to say over here.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
One hot coco coming right up!

How's life as a UP Senator? I don't envy you.

<lowering his voice>

I took care of our little problem on Earth. The Prime Minister will not be pleased...

"well old bean, you know how these things are. A meeting here a meeting there. Hands to shake, decisions to make" Said Faraway smiling.

Then lowering his voice as well

I am keeping an eye on our noble Prime Minister. If and when she steps out of line... whispered Far. well lets just say I know where quite a few of the "bodies" are buried so to speak. A few calls to friends in MI3 might put her back in the box.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Sorry double post

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