This is topic Wax Poetic in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by MLLASH on :
Turtle wax
Ear wax
This is a thread

To post
Only things that rhyme
Or you'll wind up dead!

Don't wreck the flow
Don't be a skank

Get really creative
Hop in your think-tank!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Will this thread be a bomb?
Will it drop to page 2
Faster than I can say
"Look out! Rabid space-gnu!"
Posted by MLLASH on :
The Mission Monitor Board is empty
And I force back a *choke!*

Fortunately, tomorrow will bring
More Vee, EDE and Sonnie Bloke!
Posted by MLLASH on :
My how time flies
When I'm on my ass
Making lots of posts
Full of class and sass

But as it always does
My head gets so light
And the time has come
To bid you goodnight!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Imra wore red
Then hemlines were shrinking
So she donned thigh-high boots
And a bikini so pinking!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Salu was quiet
Violet would shrink
But after the sens-tank
How she'd say what she'd think!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Roses are red
Violets draw bees
The planet of Inshar
Sure makes me sneeze
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Tarik the Mute
Started the poetry
Most of his works
Came out incoherently

He sought good students
For his Academy
I tried to fit in there
But they just got mad at me.
Posted by MLLASH on :
The sun is up!
It's another day!
I'm feeling sorta rested
and *tee hee!* gay.

I would love to sleep
For 2 more hours or so.
But alas, I cannot
So off to work I must go.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
My ability to rhyme sometimes gets stuck. It
is then you could say I am out of luck. It
has been quite fun
But I like a pun
Should I write about the Man from Nantucket?
Posted by The Mighty Quinn M. on :
Eyebrows were raised
Offworlders did hoot
The Ranzzes undressed
Except their transuits
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
They all soon were naked, and had lots of fun
The weather on Winath let their genitilia soak up sun
But everyone stopped when out came Tyroc!
Because of all the males, he had the biggest...
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Of course!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
All in verse
Or Lash will get terse!
What could be worse?
Posted by MLLASH on :
If anyone out there
Could turn my thread to smut
I'm not surprised it's Cobie
'Cause he is such a slut!

But naughty posts are welcome
and even encouraged too!
Just make sure it at least sorta rhymes
Or I'll make mincemeat outta you!
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You make me tingle
Like medicated shampoo!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I sure am up early
And don't even feel surly
Because I went to bed at 10

So now I have extra time
To play online
Before my workday starts again!
Posted by JT.Hawk on :
Sitting here in my lab
Just a queer feeling drab
Trying hard to make the most
Of every single thing I post
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I'm surprised
J.T. likes guys
But also glad
cause that's SO rad!
Posted by Varalent on :
Te He! Te He!
Who's the best nominee?
Don't know quite yet
But it's my bet
A close race it will be!

Te He! Te He!
Who's Leader Two to be?
One choice is Cru
There's also STU
And Wanderer makes three!

Te He! Te He!
Who shall the winner be?
KP's on fire
Vee's got desire
And shortly we will see!

Te He! Te He!
New leader soon to be!
From five choose one
While it's all in fun!
Soon one of them 'twill be.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I campaigned my gay ass off
For a chick who coulda won
but she must have decided
Politics isn't very fun!

Do I hold a grudge? You silly!
Of course not, that's not my way
But you'll forgive me if I bring it up
At least once or twice a day!

Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Typeface was white
Background was blue
Two years ago
Teeds made her Debut!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The LMBP was the best
But we still had some needs
For a new personality
Like our wonderful Teeds [Smile] !

Now we have even more fun
as the months slowly pass
and we always give thanks
For Ms. Leap Year Lass!
Posted by MLLASH on :
OMIGOD, Cobie, that poem really rocks!
With it you have knocked off my socks!

I'm almost speechless and that's hard to do
I love your poem because every word is true!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
When I wrote my previous poem
I also had Lash in mind
since I think of him along with Teeds
cuz two posters that close are hard to find

And since I wrote the poem
in all this brief while
I really can't wait to see
if I made Teeds smile!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Teeds is a fan of verse
Of this I am fairly certain
And when she reads yours she'll
Smile so much she will be hurtin'
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
That's really good to know
To make Teeds smile
I admire her wit and humor
and her grace and style

I look forward to see her smile
because I know it'll be heartfelt
and when this young man sees a pretty smile
he can't help it that his heart melts
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
On a road trip long ago
I met my one true love
and nothings been the same
she's all i've been dreamin' of

although she's gone away
and i miss her soft caress
i know that somewhere Space Tart
has finally earned her rest

but in all the places i'll go
and in all the places i've been
i still hold a candle for Spacey
and I hope to see her one day again
Posted by The Mighty Quinn M. on :
Nura polished her nails
A most fabulous sheen
Now all they need
Is a polymer screeen!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
I like the boards best
When they're goofy and squirrelly
And as for *tee hee*-ing
Well, I started early.

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Who knew she'd be a fan one day
Of Imra's pink bikini?
The picture maybe does foretell
an interest in fashion swell
( But Lester's still a weenie!)
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
As campaign man Lash was so good
I might have made Dictator
But I shall be
A loud-mouth commentator.
Posted by Pov on :
(Aw, Cramey, you're one of my favorite loudmouths! [love] )
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
One more time
In rhyme
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Teeds, if you'll turn
your attention to page two
you'll see a nice little poem
that I wrote just for you

[ December 04, 2003, 12:46 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Is Eric Hobsbawm History?
They asked in the New Yorker.*
I never would have known the man
If Cobie hadn't been a fan.
(Or were you goofing off again?
Instead of reading your school books
You're frequenting your Trophy nooks
Get back to work! or you'll flunk out!)
Though, honestly, without a doubt,
The message board is more fun than
A communist historian.

* Sept. 29, 2003

[ December 04, 2003, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Fat Cramer ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
If you want to see Cobie
end up insane
assign him a twenty five page paper
for it is his bane

If procrastinating at Legion World
to escape from writing is a sin
that I gladly call myself sinner
instead of writing that historian

Yes Eric Hobsbawm in interesting
and I admit I'm a fan
but I can only take so much of Marxist history
after all, I'm only but a man

So I come to Legion World
to escape my terrible plight
because writing papers has suddenly become my life
except when I escape to here day and night [Smile]

So thanks to beautiful Ms. Cramer
for being concerned
I'll try to balance writing papers and posting
at least that much I've learned!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Earlier I went out for beer
But now I must fear
Because it's getting late
In the morning I'll feel irate

In a dart tourney I played
And I just feel dismayed
Because I did not win
But I took it on the chin
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Reading this thread is quite great
But, alas, it is getting quite late
If I don't get some sleep
Then I'll feel like a creep
When tomorrow I'll become quite irate.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
I'm a poet and didn't even realize it!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Cobie will see
At the top of page 3
Little Miss Teeds
All smile-y
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
When looking at that picture
a smile did it bring
becuase a smiling baby Teeds
is the absolute cutest thing!
Posted by MLLASH on :
At long-last it is Friday eve
The best night of the week I do believe
For it heralds the start of the weekend
Time for 2 days off from work again!
Posted by Umber & the Boyz on :
Cammy Johns is a skanky ho
She dated Ashe but I'm not bitter
It would be my delight
to kick her ass tonight
and I just might! *amused titter*
Posted by STU on :
Roses are red
Daisies are yellow
That alternate ID --
Is it a gal or a fellow?
Posted by MLLASH on :
I've been so domestic today
Not like I normally seem
Now I have an odd desire
To get the dishes so clean they gleam!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
A travesty! A blight!
Nothing good on TV tonight!

The Guide tells all, take a look.
Guess I'll just have to read a book.
Posted by MLLASH on :
What Teeds needs is cable
Then she would see
Road Rules and Real World
Duke it out tonight on MTV!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Oh, sweetie, if I had cable
I wouldn't be ready or willing, just able.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I cringe every month
When I pay that cable bill
but without MTV, VH1, E! etc.
I'd be feeling so very ill!
Posted by MLLASH on :
The day has long-since expired
My eyes are heavy and tired
To my bed I must go
With teddy bear in tow
A good night's sleep is required
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
reject [CalamityKing]
deflect [Brainiac5]
detect [InvisibleKid]
trisect [TriplicateGirl]
Mekt! [LightningLord1]
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Oh what rhyming fun
You Emily Supermobydickinsons.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Cream of the crop
Rises to top.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Up today at 4am
And though I'm happy to be alive
I'm a little pissy too
Because I could have slept 'til 5!
Posted by The Mighty Quinn M. on :
Was Jan's scary permed hair
The result of a dare?
Posted by MLLASH on :
With re: to Jan, probably not
But it IS true Of Jeckie's plunging top!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
After a week of not going out
I went out to drink
and now I'm so hungover
that I can't really think
Posted by MLLASH on :
I too last night had beer
After a week of sobriety

I had so much fun
I might do it again tonighiety!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posting hungover
causes spelling mistakes
but this is but a mere side affect
compared to my poor head that aches...
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
So bored. The reason?
'Tis TV re-reun season.
Posted by MLLASH on :
No need to dwell
TV Show-less in your abode

Simply turn on FOX
to see a SIMPLE LIFE episode
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
There are many things I hate
but being sick is what I hate most
so I'm going to keep on drinking and partying
and finding time to post!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
It ain't healthy
Trying so hard to get into the top 40
I'd better stop posting already
I haven't taken a bath and I'm smelly!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'm surprised no one's said it:
The question needs to be asked
About this guy named "Poetic"
And why he needs to be waxed.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
I see Lallor, I see Kathoon
I see oversized pantaloons!

Wail and knash and rend no more!
It's the return of Widebottom, Senor!
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
She started in blue
And wowed 'em in red
But chose greater coverage
With the crown on her head
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
He was the bravest of heroes
Who longed for battle all his life
and in the end for Val Armorr
He gave up everything for his wife
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Bored at work - What to do?
Maybe post a thread or two.

Do you think my boss got sore
And that is why she is showing me the door?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
An inkling of art in your veins?
Please, then show it
I eagerly look forward
to the words of a fellow poet
Posted by MLLASH on :
I admit with some dread
I forgot all about this thread
So imagine my delight
That Cobie remembered it tonight!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I've eaten a yummy salad
And washed up all the dishes

Think I'll get all decked out later
Go out and see if I can get some kisses [Love]
Posted by The Mighty Quinn M. on :
This thread's return
Is really great!!
It's just on time
To be fashionably late!!

[Insect Queen]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Quinn's return is also
a sight for sore, sore eyes

I wonder where she's been?
And please-- no stupid alibis.
Posted by The Mighty Quinn M. on :
Mr. Mllash knows my passion
Is in all things fashion
I was so into my research
I didn't notice time passin'!

And this month, at last,
Has the super fat-assed
issue of Vogue!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm quite overjoyed
after reading poetry from Lash and Quinn
I hope to read more
again and again and again!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
"I demand more poetry!"
He said, slamming his glass with a thump

And so he composed a quick little ditty
and gave this thread a bump!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Woe is me, Oh woe is me...
I wish I could read more poetry...
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
Do you need refresher classes?
Or perhaps some Space-Glasses?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
With your words, my dear, I'm smitten,
But I have read everything you've written!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
He is woe and woe is he,
Disaster is where he may be.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
A little romance
is not what this board needs
but I wouldn't mind seeing
EDE try to place a kiss on Teeds!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I think her response
Would be a kick to his shins
To remind him that
They work better as friends!

A kick to the shins
Maybe a few broken toes
With friends like that
EDE certainly doesn't need foes!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
A kick to the shins
would be just the thing
to remind poor EDE
why he's called 'Calamity King'

If I offered Teeds a kiss
it would probably be a miss
but I can't help myself no matter how hard I think
so "how YOU doin'" I say with a smiley faced wink [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
In the years after college
there is a sense of despair
as you wonder where you're going
and what you're doing here

Although this feeling
often weighs on my mind
There are always more laughs
that I can easily find
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
It seems that the point you are missing
In all of this talk of kissing
Is that it does no good to pester
One whose heart belongs to Lester

So you're stupid, all of you stupid
If you keep trying to play Cupid
For it's fruitless to try to fester
Romance between Teeds and Ester.

[ March 19, 2004, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
My heart is light this summer day
Worries and cares vanish in thin air
As on my comfy snug bed I lay
Dreaming about my lady fair

My heart is soaring this fine summer day
The wind runs through my messy hair
As I look out the window hoping that I may
Have more fun than I can bear
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I love the posters of Legion World,
that much I know is true,
but the place seems a bit empty these days,
what i mean is, I really miss Stu!
Posted by Harbinger on :
there are a few
who've not posted lately
and I'll tellyou this
I miss them all greatly
Posted by The Mighty Quinn M. on :
Outfit too tight?
Colors not right?
Time to call the Athramites!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Too much talk of politics
tends to make my stomach sick
I try to escape it when I'm at home
I'd rather talk about Ancient Rome

The glorious empire that they said would last forever
Would it one day fall? No! Never!
It had honor and dignity, a history of glory
But their cruelty to the rest of the world is a different story

The Romans were terrible at times, they were barbaric and mean!
They wished to give the gift of Roman enlightenment so that everywhere it could be seen
Thus, Roman brutality provides a lesson that we all know in our souls
That any empire that wishes to rule all the world has evil goals

For no state has the right to dominate and say "all the world is mine"
For it logically must follow that the state will then fall and decline
So please Mister Bush and those with the power
Remember glorious Rome and the dream that went sour

Although Rome had beauty, art, glory and honor
The Romans forgot about hubrus and were consumed by their lust for power
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Leave the politics to us
And go read Suetonius.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Suetonius is fun,
although he exaggerates a bit
But I'm really enjoying Plautus
I can't get enough of it

As for the politics
I glady take your advice
To be truthful FC,
the world of politics just isn't very nice [Smile]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Spring is sprung
The grass looks fried
I wonder where
Mekt Ranzz did hide.
Posted by Mekt Ranzz on :
hello miss cramer,
you delightful lass!
i assure i was not
out smoking the space-grass.

[Lightning Lord - Post]
Posted by Doctor Mayavale on :
If you're feeling down
Or maybe just gruff
I've the perfect solution
Some mist you can huff!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Blither and blather, talk and talk talk,
All day long i walk and walk,
but at the end of the day,
when the work is done,
I love comin' home to my red-headed Hon.

With Witch red hair,
gorgeous green eyes,
she loves me greatly,
and tells me no lies.

She's sweet and kind,
A love and true,
and after a crappy day,
she gets rid of the blue.

So on this day of infinate jest,
A loving wife is no pest,
Kind and sweet, a smile just for me,
I love her so much, my lil' sweet pea.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
That was a wonderful poem that made me smile,
an amazing tribute with great class and style,

I hope I can find such love in my life,
Cuz you're a lucky guy, but she's also a lucky wife!

And in closing, it needs to be said,
Welcome Rick, to the Wax Poetic thread!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Thank you, thank you, thanks for the applause,
I'll try not to give you cause,
to throw me off, to kick me out,
I'll try not to behave like a borish lout.
Posted by Hi-Risk Von Tingle on :
Triplicate Duplicate or Single
No sentient can resist a Von Tingle!

Send away
for your catalog TODAY!
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
Such a problem
such a bother
my L* box overflows
and I must start another!
Posted by MLLASH on :
stumble from the bed
saying, "What the shuck...!"
collapse upon the couch
sighing, "Man! Mondays suck!"
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Wakes up out of bed,
at quarter past eleven,
so that even poor job-searching days,
let sleeping late be heaven!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
The LMBP was the best
But we still had some needs
For a new personality
Like our wonderful Teeds [Smile] !

Now we have even more fun
as the months slowly pass
and we always give thanks
For Ms. Leap Year Lass!

Here is a poem that knocked off Lash's socks
about Leap Year Lass, who really space-rocks!
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
A rerun, Cobie?
You think that you're so suave.
Get your ass to writing
We know you got no job!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The writing shall continue,
a poetic resonse shall be quick!
But the question on my mind is
what movie do I want: comedy or a B grade horror flick?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I know EDE is busy,
But I still demand and want more,
so in addition to MEL:TS,
I want more of "Crisis on Earth 4!" [Big Grin]
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
We're gonna break out the hats and hooters [Happy Birthday!]
when Shady comes home!
We're gonna rev up the Legion Cruisers [Cool]
when Shady comes home
to post!
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
Well, well, what have we got?
I spy me a Super Lash Tot!
Posted by MLLASH on :
And now instead of the Tot so sweet

You see an avatar of hot manmeat!

Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
I know you like
to shake what you got
but I better see soon
my Super Lash Tot.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Of all the avatars that Lash has amassed
the silliest of all is Tenzil super-fatassed!

[ August 06, 2004, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Miss Terious on :
[Dreamer] My favorite Legionnaire might be Jo Nah
Hot - how even his vision can 'penetra'! [Dreamer]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Some like running,
some like biking,
but what I like best
is rollerblading and hiking
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The first to say it, is what I'll be
welcome to "Wax Poetic", lovely Ms. T
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Whether it comes from your senses
Or apprehension noetic
If you got the idea, babe
Just wax poetic
Posted by Future on :
I'll give it a whirl
Just don't judge me too much
Waxing poetic isn't my strong suit
Unlike eating, sleeping, and such
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I figured I'd add a quick one,
before I hit the sack,
so Future don't fret,
it seems you've got a knack
Posted by Future on :
A google thanks
Oh poetic one
Once you get the hang of it
It's really quite fun
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm afraid that lately, things have gotten complicated,
There's another girl in my life, in addition to the one I've dated,
I'm not sure how I feel, or even what to do,
When it comes to love at age 23, I haven't got a clue
Posted by MLLASH on :
I didn't either at 23
But got hitched anyway
He was patient for 5 long years
But I finally drove him away

And now in my 30s
There's much I've learned, it's true
But the ways of love, Cupid, amore?
I *still* don't have a clue!
Posted by Miss Terious on :
I have no poem to share, per se,

But the stories of your hearts take my breath away.

Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
23 or 32
there's nothing i can do
love's as elusive then
as now

23 or 32
still alone with no hope
and nothing's new
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lash and Drake, you're both great guys,
and I know one thing that'll be true,
that sooner or later, again and again,
love will be good to you
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Two weeks ago, I wrote a poem,
about the girl who took my breath away
It's what I'd want her to read,
if I couldn't find the words to say

I'm proud of the poem,
I wrote it when I felt passionate--at my best,
It speaks what I want to say better than usual
I'll try and enter it in a contest

Whether you'll like it, I can't guarentee it,
but in the next post is where you can see it
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
"In My Dreams"

It’s a strange and awful thing to feel,
When it’s what you feel that’s forbidden,
As hard as you try to push it back
Those feelings just don’t remain hidden

It’s like you’ve had too much coffee,
And your throat keeps staying dry,
You want to tell her, you want her to know
You want to hear the same reply

But too many lives would be ruined
Including hers and yours,
So thoughts of running away together,
Are forced back behind closed doors

But you know when you see her smile,
And she’s knows when you smile back,
That you have a connection between you,
And that’s something nothing will crack

The feeling remains and does not go away,
So I say don’t even try,
Although some lines may be uncrossable,
Refuse to say goodbye

It’s hard to label a connection
Or a moment with staying power
But whatever it is, while it’s here
Don’t allow it to go sour

To everyone else who doesn’t know,
Nothing will be what it seems,
Although they can’t know, I’m telling you now,
You’re with me in my dreams
Posted by MLLASH on :
It's very lovely, Cobiekins
Totally heartful prose
About someone new you might like
I've sure been there, Lord knows.

Curiosity kills a lot of love
In our younger days when we're meaner
The unknown surely is tempting
But that grass is seldom greener.

I know I'm not your big brother
Or the boss of you
But be really really REALLY sure
When you decide what to do.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I always leave poetry to the professionals.

Thou wast all that to me, love,
For which my soul did pine-
A green isle in the sea, love,
A fountain and a shrine,
All wreathed with fairy fruits and flowers,
And all the flowers were mine.

Ah, dream too bright to last!
Ah, starry Hope! that didst arise
But to be overcast!
A voice from out the Future cries,
"On! on!"–but o'er the Past
(Dim gulf!) my spirit hovering lies
Mute, motionless, aghast!

For, alas! alas! me
The light of Life is o'er!
"No more–no more–no more-"
(Such language holds the solemn sea
To the sands upon the shore)
Shall bloom the thunder-blasted tree
Or the stricken eagle soar!

And all my days are trances,
And all my nightly dreams
Are where thy grey eye glances,
And where thy footstep gleams-
In what ethereal dances,
By what eternal streams.

Edgar Allan Poe - To One in Paradise
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
In the last five years,
we've come to know each other,
and I like to think of you, Lash,
as something of an older brother

I take your words gladly,
and will consider your advice,
I'm happy that I can talk about it here,
it's really kind of nice

As for my current situation, don't worry too much about,
I'm sure that eventually I'll figure it out [Smile]
Posted by MLLASH on :
And I'm confident that you
Will make the right decision

For not only were you blessed with looks
But some serious smarts were you also given!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Of course, there's this old standby
It's very true, I'm certain:
"I can do anything I want;
What they don't know won't hurt 'em".

This was true for me for a long while
Of that you should have no doubt
But I really got stupid with it
And was eventually found out.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
loneliness kills
i believe
no hope exists
in this place

mind in flux
rolls the dice
loses again
i'm not surprised

pain of mind
pain of heart
nothing is there
in the night
or so i think
since i'm deaf and blind

walls of mind
of heart of soul
protect and shield
and kill
i know
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Love comes and goes,
a long time it may take
but your too great guy,
so hang in there Drake,

It sucks to be lonely,
this I know too,
but I'm relatively certain
that it'll be love that finds you
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
love's a duck
it quacks and quacks
i don't understand
what the F**k???

i wait for this duck
to make me whole
but it's just a friggin duck, y'know?
so what am i, a schmuck??

quack quack quack
quack quack quack
i'm just being a fool
thinking a duck gives a F**k

Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
Jumped by goons?
Counting his dubloons?
Chasing the raccoons?
Eating Lorna Doones?
Where is that wide-bottomed Senor
And his famous pantaloons?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Had quite a bit to drink?
But not quite feeling sick?
In that fun mood when your tipsy,
Like Frunt-o-holic?
Posted by Miss Terious on :
Had a tryst.
What a kick!
Now I'm jist
Morning sick!
Posted by Future on :
Sisters, sisters everywhere!
Pregnant Miss T in Cobalt's hair?
Just what is really going on here?
And which lass should Cobie no longer go near?
Posted by Varalent on :
Sadly Cobie didn't heed warnigns nor listen
And now Miss Terious will often sicken.
While enjoying ladies' pleasures completely at random
In the future perhaps he'll try wearing a condom.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
If EDE's new doo has a life of it's own,
It must be sent to the Phantom Zone,
and as punishment for all of it's sins,
Leap Year Lass gets to kick EDE in the shins!
Posted by Miss Troia on :
[Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark] We know you space-rawk,
but don't rest on your laurels.
In fact forget your morals,
and let's make people talk! [Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark]
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
Projectra, battling a deadly plague
Wears her suit so glam'rous
I'm a much more practical lass
I prefer my space-pajamas.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
It's not the same when Teeds is out of the loop,
If I knew how to make it, I'd send chicken soup
Posted by MLLASH on :
Does anyone else watch SEALAB
On Cartoon Network?
It gets blown up every episode
And the characters?
Each one's a jerk!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I've seen an episode or two,
and laughed hysterically of course,
but my favorite cartoon show
is Aqua Teen Hunger Force!
Posted by Trysexual Girl on :
[Triad] An Ode to Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz)

Hotblooded young man,
You leap head first into danger's maw.
Devoted husband,
Your love stands the test of Imra's flaw.
Posted by MLLASH on :
One thing I find oh so droll
is a poem written
Wherein the words all scroll

Posted by SorceressMorgause on :
And for good measure...

Violent Violet, where have you gone?

Violent Violet,
Where have gone.
You were just a meek little poster,
Where did you go wrong?

You listened,
You listened to the voice.
Everyone’s sad,
Only I can rejoice.

Now hear me,
This is where I gloat,
I needed your body,
So I cut your throat.

Your soul is gone,
With the puddle of red.
Your soul is gone,
Now you are dead.

But your body is used,
So do not fear.
By the spirit of Morgause,
Posted by MLLASH on :
Now twice I'll yell...
I think Geoff Johns is HOT
Can you tell?

Posted by MLLASH on :
Quislet never told me
Which thread he would pick
Does choosing this one for him
Make me a bit of a... ?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
As a thread to highlight
This one was inspired
I'm sure it'll meet the approval
Of Quislet, Esquire!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
MLLASH likes pantaloons,
And a cellular trim ray,
But mostly he likes,
When he gets things his way!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
This thread is beloved
By Thriftshop Debutante
But I bet she want like it
When I use 20 point Font!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Once there was a poster
By the name of Kid Prime
We enjoyed his term as leader
Because he's easy to rhyme!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Eryk knows me too well
For if things aren't as I like
I'll pitch a major hissyfit
Or go on a hunger strike!
Posted by Future on :
Glad to see this thread again
Its one I've missed the most
But now I have to wonder when
I'll find the time to post!
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Or go on a hunger strike!

*Tee hee!*
So unlikely.
Posted by MLLASH on :
If the hunger strike
You are going to erase
I'll stick with smashing
The priceless Ming vase.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
To pick a thread, MLLASH must be amused.
"What will do it?", I mused and mused.
I thought and I thought.
A winning entry I got.
But at prize claim time, I snoozed.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Quis, move quick
You've got another chance to pick!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
A formidible task
which one to pick
How can, I ask,
I do it quick?

[ October 02, 2004, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by SorceressMorgause on :
The sound of screams,
A tyranny to an end.
Result in her death,
Overthrow High Priestess Viviane!
Posted by Future on :
No, no, no...this just won't do
Can't have this thread on page two
Quis, whatever your choice may be
Choose a thread special to thee!
Posted by Morgaine of the Faeries on :
Originally posted by Sorceress Morgause:
And for good measure...

Violent Violet, where have you gone?

Violent Violet,
Where have gone.
You were just a meek little poster,
Where did you go wrong?

You listened,
You listened to the voice.
Everyone’s sad,
Only I can rejoice.

Now hear me,
This is where I gloat,
I needed your body,
So I cut your throat.

Your soul is gone,
With the puddle of red.
Your soul is gone,
Now you are dead.

But your body is used,
So do not fear.
By the spirit of Morgause,

My aunt even gloats about the people she kills.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Fall was alright
Winter was okay
But it's raining in April
And I'm dreading May
In June I'm not planning anything
Because I fear what Spring will bring
So I write these words to vent
Welcome to the Summer of my discontent
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Many things in this thread
will make us go *tee hee*
but one of the best
is baby Teeds on page three!

[ April 08, 2005, 09:08 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Element Lad must touch to transform.
His work lasts but for a minute,
and then it all returns back to norm
Except for molecules no longer in it.

He knows little of dating
and runs nude while on Trom.
Can I teach him 'bout mating
and such where I'm from?
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Whose board this is I think I know,
His house is out near Graceland, so
He will not mind me posting here,
To make my post count grow and grow.
Some friends of mine would think me queer,
Posting mostly nonsense here,
The silly words and thoughts this year,
Have made me grin and perservere.
You've made me think and smile and take
A moment's pause, that's no mistake.
Other places I could play,
Are much less bonnie, bright and gay.
These threads are fun. I can't convey.
How much I like to spend the day
With friends so close yet faraway,
With friends so close yet faraway.

[ April 08, 2005, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: Lad Boy ]
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Ta-ra-ra boom-di-ay
Coluans ain't so smart today
Firing up the arbeque-bay
And giggling about lingerie
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
it's late
i think i slept a bit
nothing to dream
it's a shoe farm team
my bips come humble down for slits and grits
bring me home for markings
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
The Kid of Karate
He has the touch
Except with Miss Tinya
There...not so much.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
To impress Wilimimena Morgana Daergina Annaxandra Projectra Velorya Vauxhall

By pitching poetic woo

Then good grief, try a sonnet

And give up on that haiku!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Mekt and Eve,
villains you love to hate,
But as for Cosmic King,
well, I bet he never pulled his weight!
Posted by legionadventureman on :
I be not much like Imra
Saturn Girl of the moon Titan
She always come out fightin'
But still too much grimerer
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
For Lash!

This season on Smallville:
The young Arthur Curry.
Played by cheeseball model
Alan from AI3.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
It's pretty sweet, a
Friday with pizza!
Posted by MLLASH on :
A question for those
who are in the know
And regular viewers
(because I'm SO not)

And all its seasons
To my wish-list
('cause the guy who plays Lex is WAY HOT!)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
This question will also serve me,
since I don't also don't watch the show
but I would like to watch Kristin Kruek,
since I'm such a big ho
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Tenzil's Mr. Eat
Gates does the jump
Dirk gives off heat
Me, I just bump.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Smallville is too weird
I guess I'm just peeved
Tom Welling's no Christopher Reeve
And Lana's too brunette to be believed
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Galactica's great
Smallville I see
but I really hate
reality TV
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Medium is cool
Patricia Arquette rocks
Lost would be lost
Without Matthew the Fox
Posted by MLLASH on :
Bah! You're all crazy!
Not right and wacky!
I love AI and Dancing with the Stars
I don't care if they're tacky!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Oh, there's plenty of good fun
With the singing and the dancing
But this week Project Runway
Featured 2 accidental near-depantsings!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
TV? What is that?
Some electronic suitor?
No other such for me
My heart's with my computer.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Computers are fun
When they work well
When my hard drive crashes
I just wanna yell!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
My PC or my TV
between the two I'm torn,
but when it comes down to it,
I side with the free porn [Wink]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Porn is good
Porn is great
Especially with Spam blockers
Coz Spam I hate
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lazy Sunday is the funniest SNL skit,
even though most only remember the chorus,
but if you think that's hysterical,
you need to try Young Chuck Norris
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Reflection on 31st Century Warfare

The one-day fray!
Hooray! Hooray!
(The subject of this poem)
No need to pee
Or break for tea
You're done at five
And still alive
You take the transmatter home.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Home is where the heart is
And the deer and antelope play
Not really realising
If either or both are gay!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Friday is here
almost quit-time
the hour is right
for one last rhyme
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Tuesday at work
My spark is fading
Unpaid labour
Can be so degrading
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
Don't just sit there
like a lump
break out a rhyme
and give a bump!

[Tornado Twins]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Money's tight
And things are crazy
Bills come in
My mind's just hazy
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Work's a drag
it's lost its flair
I dont wanna go
my mind's elsewhere
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Elsewhere is where Id rather be
Away from responsibility or three
I wish I could stand up and say
Bye-Bye fellas, Im going on holiday!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Many comics
in a pile
Guess that it
is time to file.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Traditional ordering of comics by title,
is how we do it over here,
but I feel that its much to much work,
I'd rather file them all by year
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
How many comics
(be-mylared or bagless)
can you stack before reaching
that critcial mess?

[Lester Spiffany] [The Mess]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Why do I purchase
issues and trades?
when every week-end
My rec time just fades
Posted by MLLASH on :
Can't wait for Friday
When I get a check
And now I must confess

Before I send off the bills
And get my hair cut
I'm hitting the CBS!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
______ thousand and seven
it's a new year.
Now stop that non-rhyming
and start posting in here!
Posted by SharkLad on :
Sunday night at ten
Should be getting ready for bed
Just stuffed my face with chocolate
Got a thobbing in my head
Posted by dedman on :
Its half past Eight
starting to get late
but I just opened a beer
so I'll stay right here
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Nine fifty-one.
Just for fun,
I'll try to write one.
But when I do,
It's nine fifty-two!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I know I'm getting older
because on Friday I stayed in,
and I'm thinking of doing that more
to save money and get more thin!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Exhibit your taste
Post, haste!

[Calorie Queen] [Matter Eater Lad]
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Since you're posting all over
all of this week
gimme rhyme, Cobie
you little pipsqueak.

[Cosmic Boy - Re-Imagined] [Tyroc]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Why, just last Friday,
it seemed cool being poster number one,
but my attention span is fleeting,
so I must be off in search of new LW fun!

(Repeating there needs,
That Cobie loves Teeds!)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Each month I pay bills,
and let out painful moans,
but the most painful of them all,
is when I pay my student loans.

Gather all ye poets,
from the front to the back(s)
this thread has been [Bump]
so poetic ye shall wax
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
______ thousand and eight
it's a LEAP year.
Now stop that non-rhyming
and get posting in here!

Or, know this, you:
trouble will ensue.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Upon such words,
Cobalt Kids follow Leap Year Lasses,
because to do otherwise,
might mean they'll kick our asses!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Tis a Leap Year
That much is certain
Add your verse here
Else you'll be hurtin!
Posted by dedman on :
Holidays are over
I must go back to work
I missed Xmas with my Girlfriend
I feel like such a jerk
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Escrow account,
Property taxes,
confusing real-estate paperwork,
makes me want to cut off own head with axes
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
Since you're posting all over
all of this week
gimme rhyme, Cobie
you little pipsqueak.

It's the end of the week
And our favourite pipsqueak
Is posting all over again.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
thinking of members
missing their posts

where have you gone...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Over and over, its commonly been said,
but just to reiterate: I love this thread!
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
There was a lad soon to be married
and his life was rather harried;
She'll soon say I do,
and then Cobie will too,
and over the threshold he'll be carried!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
{AFOB! There's a limerick thread too, if you're so inclined..."}

Shouldn't there be Angtsy Middle-Age Poetry
Regarding our assorted moiety,
of debts, worries and responsibility?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Of various anxieties I feel no shortage,
but one newer one I really dislike is having a mortgage!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Bah! There's too much poetry here
and too little waxing!
Now, go spruce up my car,
or I'll give you a thrashing!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Sacre Le Teeds!
The MMB has needs!
A new style of thread
Could rise this forum from the dead
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
I took notice,
and got off my ass,
when I saw a recent visitor
named Leap Year Lass!
Posted by Cobaltus Primus Augustus on :
Where this thread will go is a mystery,
where its been is a glance throughout Legion World's history
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
20,000 times I looked forward to posting,
20,000 times I looked forward to friends,
I hope no one minds if I get nostalgic,
I also hope all the fun never ever ends
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Upon seeing You Don't Mess With the Zohan, I had only one thought:
When did Adam Sandler become so freakin' hawt??? [Big Grin]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Rocky, Rocky, with your verse,
how are you so witty?
Lardy Lardy, you're perverse
and now this verse is shitty

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So many posters
came and went,
but right now,
LW needs more Kent!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
I'm listening to David Bowie
the album with 'Fascination'
And doing a li'l message board posting.
What I'm really up to: procrastination.

Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
Legion World, how do I love thee?
Let me count the ways:
I love thy black and thy blue and thy starry skies
My soul doth rejoice and reach new highs
From Spaceopoly and the MMB
There is no other like thee
I love thee for thy Clubhouse,
and the Legion of Super Heroes boards
I love thee for thy posters,
which arrive in hoards.
I love thee day and night, night and day
You are always there,
My heart is glad to say.
Thy Lard Lad's prose, thy Kent's cutting barbs
Cobie's naughtiness, thy Fat Cramer's charms
I love our little Legion, though it ends at fifty
If it returns anon, well, that'll be just nifty.
Posted by Stealth on :
Walking through a magical world,

I suddenly lost my footing.

To my astonishment and relief,

the ground was soft as pudding.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
A fine dessert has come at last
So soft as if a dream
Pudding, pudding, my repast
topped with fresh whipped cream
Posted by Stealth on :
Kent, I make no haste
To say that among your many fine qualities
Are your good taste
And your high standards for edible amenities
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Over the weekend, I went through old CD collections,
And found with great delight, my favorite 8th Grade selections,
When Thrash Metal was the focus of my being with every last breath,
And so now I'm re-listening to Metallica, Anthrax, Iron Maiden and Megadeth
Posted by My Wee Fem on :
Roses are red, some have a curse.
Removing it can cost big bucks.
This poem is shiny, I waxed the verse.
That didn't help, it still sucks.
Posted by Set on :
Only in a cold, dead world

do men speak in words of concrete.

A world so old that Death is dead,

and feeling proscribed.

This world is the perfect Utopia some seek,

with no crime or vice, no sorrow or villiany

no freedom or virtue, no joy or heroes.

God and Satan sleep together,

in matching boxes.

Here poetry is another word for nothing.

This world is coming too swiftly for me,

who do they think they are?

They've mechanized the magic out of my dreams,

and all my dragons are slain.
Posted by MLLASH on :
What are you all doing?

What have you got to say?

I've been on my ass for hours now

How did you fill YOUR day?
Posted by Mattropolis on :
Several things come to mind...
Glee returned... the fates are kind...

Just when I thought it couldn't get better
Sue Sylvester rocks out Vogue... have you ever met her?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I find this reinvigorated MMB
To be rather delectable
Now get those posts out there lurkers,
Your reasons for not are UNACCEPTABLE
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
If I should recall, in some quite casual way
a sonnet by Edna St. Vincent Millay....
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
With poetry, why does one wax?
Could we not alternatively fax?
Especially for us hacks.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
A conspiracy's a foot!

It's not a leg
nor an arm
It's not a pretty face
(with all it's charm)

It's a foot, I tell'ya!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Alas I didn't win; Powerball I played
How many more times before I finally get paid?
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
Whiners, screamers
Bleating goats
Nightmare dreamers
With tin throats
Grunters, growlers
Posers, too
Noise enfoulers
Make me blue
Posted by MLLASH on :
And nosferatu too
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Lash's comment makes me think
Of a vampire, dressed all in pink
On tiptoes may he dance ballet:
"Nutcracker II - Santa's Slay!"
Posted by MLLASH on :
I must admit
It makes me feel less a brute
That my nosferatu mention
has borne unexpected fruit!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
It makes you feel good,
From head to femur.
Do you think it would
If I mentioned a lemur?

[ August 17, 2010, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
I enjoy being misunderstood
It feels really good
Like I never thought it would
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
I gleefully rejoice
That the feeling doth agree
A thousand pardons, though
For I must take a pee
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
We all once holstered pistols,
We all once wielded knives,
In this life or in past ones,
We've taken Mayavale's lives
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
I am such a shallow gal!
Who would want to be my pal?
Posted by Ramble Damsel on :
I'll be your best friend
I'll be your lover
We don't need to comprehend
The things we'll discover
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I learned how to play for work,
And even though its not a sport, but a game,
the truth of the matter is,
Golf is pretty freaking lame.
Posted by Ramble Damsel on :
Breakfast at midnight
Sleep all day
Contrary, contrary
Or so they say
Wishing for freedom
Life on my terms
Despair, despair
I think I'll eat worms
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
If Scooby Doo would sing
Wouldn't he sound just like Sting?
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Goozy Googol takes no guff
Ethel Ether said, "Enough!"
Steffi shouldn't 'a said such stuff
Fifi folded, flung, and fluffed
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Zed, the youth,
Is so very uncouth,
He can't be bothered
To tell the truth
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Roses aren't silver
Which is probably good
Because that doesn't rhyme
And posts on here should.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I like gold
I like silver
Much like Cobie
Loves a chilver
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I once knew a girl
Who came from The Blorenge
Her face was pretty
But her teeth were orange!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
If you consider a Welsh place name satisfactory.
By the by, pedant is a rhyme refractory.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I occasionally wonder
About all those Legion World n00bs
And if they will be accepting
Of my hairy man-boobs.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Inanity, Inanity
It threatens my very sanity
Profanity, profanity
Results in a calamity
Totality, totality
Describes my personality
Normality, normality
Results in amorality
And so, when accused of obscenity
Retreat into serenity
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Tibby Tibbles wearily wobbled and wibbled
While being photographed by David Gribble
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
Who at DC is smoking crack?
I'm enraged by the end of OMAC...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
My flabby body infers the life of a wino,
Gotta get my act together in time to meet Seymour and Rhino!
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
It matters not if your bod's the pits
Everyone still KNOWS that you're tits!
Posted by Calm Yo Tits on :
When I look in yo eyes
So squinty they be
Chile is this real-real
Or is it a fanta sea
Posted by Calm Yo Tits on :
Quuurl somethin stanky
is something I smail
Oh it's just my homey
Anita Cocktail
Posted by Anita Cocktail on :
Calm Yo Tits' frontin'
'cause Calm Yo Tits knows,
that awful rank stank's
from Calm Yo Tits' toes
Posted by Calm Yo Tits on :
Qurl you so cray-cray
But I fixin to get some
Cause I hear the footsteps
of that broke-azz Jayqwuann
Posted by Leap Year Lord on :
Sentient, no excuses,
just amuses!
Posted by cleome46 on :
Deja vu
Drops on my beer glass like morning dew
Is it you
Who finished off the cheese dip
And all the pretzel sticks, too
Deja vu

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