This is topic SharkLad's tank in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by SharkLad on :
come on in ... the water is fine ...

[ April 01, 2009, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: SharkLad ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yo, Shark-Pimp, waddup.

You gonna stick AROUND awhile this time or make off like a carnivorous thief in the night again? I and your other numerous fans hope you will stay and play on Legion World, the grooviest of all Legion MBs!

But I'll thank you to stay away from Matter-Eater Dog, thanks!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Welcome, Sharklad!

I'd offer you some beanbags, but, uhh... I don't think you need 'em!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Nice tank. Just remember the cardinal rule, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." [Smile]
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
Finally! It's safe to go back in the water [Smile]
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
You gonna stick AROUND awhile this time or make off like a carnivorous thief in the night again?

here to stay Lash-dog, here to stay ...

yo, where Shady at?
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
Finally! It's safe to go back in the water [Smile]

Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
Finally! It's safe to go back in the water [Smile]

grab on to my dorsal fin and we'll party, cru, LMBP-style ...
Posted by SharkLad on :
LL, EDE ... thanks for stopping by ... try the spinach dip ... it's got real bite ...
Posted by MLLASH on :
YO shark-dawg!

Glad t'hear you might be hanging with us awhile!

Many of us have missed Shady.... we all hope she'll put in an appearance ASAP...
Posted by SharkLad on :
Has Shady been on these boards at all?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Not yet... it took her a while to get to LHQ too... I'll bet she shows up one day soon...
Posted by SharkLad on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Not yet... it took her a while to get to LHQ too... I'll bet she shows up one day soon...

what's LHQ?
Posted by MLLASH on :
oh, that was some other Legion board... nowhere NEAR as cool as this one... and she's not THERE anymore either...

Where the fragizzle is Shadyizzle?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I PM'd her over at LHQ, in case she came back, but she's never read it.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Incidentally, our own Thriftshop Debutante is kickin' some ass in the favorite LHQ moderator poll over there.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Bait is appropriate for the shark tank, ain't it?
Posted by SharkLad on :
what sorta bait ya got in mind? Any riff-raff need taking care of?
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Naw, Sharky, EDE just dropped some for my benefit. Clumsy as ever.

I could cook up a tuna melt for ya though if ya want.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
But you are winning the poll, TD. (At least last time I checked).

Jeepers! You'd think the girl didn't appreciate my attempts to artificially overinflate her popularity for my own amusement!
Posted by SharkLad on :
this place needs some music ... any requests?
Posted by Varalent on :
Mack The Knife might be appropriate. [Laugh Out Loud]
Posted by Varalent on :
[Embarrassed] Ooops! (Hit "add reply" before finishing.)

Just let me add my own welcome to the "dorms" Feel free to cruise over to the Villa for a visist when you get a chance.

Posted by STU on :
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

Posted by SharkLad on :
well golly, I forgot all about this place ... seems like a lot of algae has gathered on the sides of the tank ... where's Lucien to help me clean it up ...
Posted by SharkLad on :

aaaahhh ... that's better ... maybe I'll chill here for a while ... I hope Lolita is alright ...

Posted by SharkLad on :

yeah ... definitely feeling better ... time to get back to work ... wonder what everybody else has been up to?

Posted by Exnihil on :
<suddenly projected forward in time from last September, Exnihil materializes at a point thirty feet in the air above Shark Lad's tank>

<for the briefest fraction of an instant, the thought crosses Ex's mind that this, his latest projection, is different than the others. There is a distinct sensation of crispness... of awakening... when a time traveler reaches his natural present. But before the thought can fully register, the panic of hurtling downward sets in>



Help!!! Somebody help!!! I can't swim!!!

<ex thrashes around, desperately trying to propel his body forward... to reach the edge of the tank... but to no avail. Flailing, he sinks below the surface>

<he tries to kick his legs to push back to the surface, but the tension of his muscles continues to pull him toward the bottom. Suddenly, he has a moment of clarity: just complete the mission. He knows why he's here. If he can find Phineas's ninth timepiece, he'll be automatically sent to his next destination>

<calm... OK, Ex, he thinks... stay calm>

<slowly... deliberately, ex rights his body downward and kicks toward the bottom of the tank. It's got to be here... the drain grate. Even as he feels his lungs begin to involuntary contract, desparate for air.. he continues to feel along the bottom of the tank>

<ah! There it is. He claws at the grate and it comes loose. with his last push of waning energy he reaches elbow deep into the drain and pulls his target loose... the ninth timepiece. He winds it and, even as he starts to feel his mind go black, he bubbles the words...>

Ni(bubble)ne o'(bubble bubble)clo(bubble)ck!

<again, he disappears>

[ March 23, 2009, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: Exnihil ]
Posted by Phineas B. Fuddle on :
<departing from his Orrery, Phineas fades just outside of Shark Lad's tank>

<he closes his eyes and senses in his mind's eye the ninth chronometer, just inside the drain. He focuses his will and projects his energy toward it... righting a wrong by projecting it backward in time. He opens his eyes>

Hmmph... everything in it's right place... and time.

<He scans about for a sign of his quarry, not yet arrived. Closing his eyes again, he shifts his being one femtosecond into the future... and watches...>
Posted by SharkLad on :

<SharkLad dives into his tank>

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home ...

Hey, something's not right ... somebody's been here ... man, if Lard peed in here again, I'm gonna take a huge chomp out of his arse ...


[ March 26, 2009, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: SharkLad ]
Posted by Phineas B. Fuddle on :
<phineas pinpoints the the correct timeline when Shark Lad returns. He relaxes his will and lets the wave function collapse, emerging into the present>

Ah... the abomination returns...

<taps on the glass, smiling evilly>
Posted by SharkLad on :
Hey, you in the dork-tastic vest ... didn't anyone ever tell you not to tap on the glass ...

<SharkLad does a double-take>

Wait a second ... Fuddle? What the sprock are you doing here?
Posted by Phineas B. Fuddle on :
I think the question, my dear... oh, I apologize... it would be an insult to humans to call you "dear boy"... is:

What are you doing here?

Certainly you had your chance to die with dignity at my hands... but, now... you will pray for such release.

You see... in this timeline... you don't even exist.

<phineas meets Shark Lad's eyes and, at the speed of thought, the new timeline is imparted>
Posted by SharkLad on :
Nil actum reputa si quid superest agendum
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
What am I doing in this tank? I can't swim. This is so peculiar.
Posted by Phineas B. Fuddle on :
<closing his eyes, phineas slips back a femtosecond into the future. He breathes deeply>

That was... much easier than Jailbait Lass!

My strength grows!

The weaving was so simple. After his creator found the dead body of the fetal Shark Lad, I rewove it such that the genetic experiment continued, but with the most harmless creature I could think of... The Naked Mole Rat. Ah, Phineas... you are a clever one!

<feeling quite pleased with his work, Phineas fades again to the Orrery>
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
Ugh! I don't like this. I don't like this one bit.

<flops out of the tank>

I'd much prefer a nice, safe, dry burrow.
Posted by Phineas B. Fuddle on :
<as Phineas B. Fuddle activates his celestial mechanism in his Orrery, a whiteout of chronal regression begins to spread across this establishment>

<Legion World is dying>
Posted by Naked Mole Rat Lad on :
WHAT?!? Is nothing sacred?
Posted by SharkLad on :
<Following the battle at the Orrery, SharkLad lumbers into the underground vault containing his tank>

(A naked mole rat? What the sprock?)

<dives into the tank>

It never ends well ... Shady, Lash, Delilah ... now Mary, I mean, Lolita ...

<dives deeper into the tank>

(It could have been so ... nah, who am I kidding? I was designed to kill not to ... )

<SharkLad's mind wanders back to the library and all the times he [or Naked Mole Rat Lad] tried to build up the courage to ask the librarian out>

(Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur)

SharkLad, over and out
Posted by SharkLad on :
SharkLad is having a leisurely swim when his dorsal fin starts to tingle.

"What the?" he says, leaping out his tank.

"My sharky-sense hasn't go off since the last major crisis here on LegionWorld. Could something big be going on?"

SharkLad sloshes his way over to the door of his underground chamber.

"I better check things out."

SharkLad's communicator vibrates.

"One new message... from Dev-Em..."

SharkLad enters his password into his communicator.

"Sprock!" SharkLad exclaims as he listens to the message, "Furball is making a stink?!? I knew we should have finished our mediation..."

SharkLad hightails it out of his chamber...
Posted by SharkLad on :

SharkLad appears suddenly in the vault containing his tank from the rooftops and skyscrapers of Legionnpolis

SharkLad dives into his tank.

"Aaahhh... that feels better... I can already feel the wounds healing... the next time I get my claws on that sprockin' Furball, I'm gonna... I'm gonna... well, I gonna... SPROCK! Why am I feeling sympathy for him? He's been a remora on my hide for longer than I can remember... still, I don't even know if there's a good reason for us to be fighting anymore... Bah! You're thinking too much, Bruce... no good ever comes from thinking too much..."

SharkLad's communicator sounds.

"SharkLad, this is Chief Lardy... I need you at Rockhopper's Rookery STAT!"

SharkLad lets out a low growl.

'Why? So I can guard the door while you two play patty-cake?' SharkLad thought to himself. 'Bah! You're just being jealous, Bruce.'

"On my way, Chief!"


[ March 02, 2011, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: SharkLad ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Ummm, whadda'mi sposed ta do with this compressed air tank and gun?
Posted by SharkLad on :
"Smile, you son of a..."
Posted by SharkLad on :
Having left the bunker of Timber Wolf (the LMBer formerly known as Furball) SharkLad dives into his tank.

'This is getting too sprockin' heavy,' SharkLad thinks. 'There's no way she could be alive. I saw the body. I buried her. But then again, I buried Beaver too and she's come back more times than I can count. Sprockin's madden-ites. Just like they'll keep bringing her back to life, the parasites will keep making her crazier and crazier. If they're what's responsible for bringing Mom back (if she is back), well, that's gonna be a nightmare. We don't need no mad scientist who's speciality is creating perfect killing machines by combining animal DNA.'

SharkLad does a flip in the air, landing back in his tank with a splash.

'Sure wouldn't mind if that Lolita stopped by...'

"Just keep swimmin'... just keep swimmin'... "
Posted by Lolita on :
*Suddenly Shark Lad notices someone is in the doorway. Before he turns he recognizes her scent, of lilac and jasmine.* seem healed from the last battle. You rushed off so fast before, I-I admit it angered me a bit. But after so much has happened in the last few days, like Roy dying, I felt like I needed to be with someone I care about. And who I think cares about me.

It's not Cobie, Sharky. It's you.

*No sentient in their right mind would think to enter Shark Lad's tank while he is in it--his ferocity is infamous. Yet, Lolita comes to the edge of the tank.*

*She unzips her micro-skirt, revealing a small bathing suit bottom underneath. The matching top to her uniform, a matching halter top that covered her petite frame yet revealed her midriff also comes unbuckled, revealing a matching bikini top.*

I remember Phineas B Fuddle's reality Sharky. I longed to join you there. Can I join you now?

*Lolita enters the pool.*
Posted by SharkLad on :
SharkLad shakes his head. 'Oh sprock! I must be dreaming,' he thinks.

"Sure, Lolita, come on in," SharkLad growls softly.

A flurry of thoughts passes through SharkLad's mind, most of them note suitable for a message board. 'Maybe my string of bad luck is finally at an end.'

"I gotta admit, Lolita, I'm really surprised to see you here. I didn't think there was anything that could pull you away from Cobie's side. Speaking of which, does he know where you are?"
Posted by Lolita on :
I'm surprised as well. But after some time away from Legion World, whenever I'd think about what I missed the most here...I would always turn to you.

*She swims closer to Shark Lad.*

Cobie doesn't need to know where I am...he knows I have feelings for you. There is a lot unsaid between us but I think what hurt the most was missing my best friend. And we both hopefully can repair that friendship. But that's all it is.

*She's now very close, and the heat between them makes the water steam.*

You're renowned for your ferocity among the LMBP...but what I've always suspected is that when you wish, you have a more delicate touch. Am I right?
Posted by SharkLad on :
"As delicate as I can get with talons for hands. What say you swim the rest of the way over and grab a hold of my dorsal fin... let's see how the water is in the deep end"

Suddenly the lights in the vault go out.

"Hey, that's strange... wonder what--"

SharkLad is interrupted by the sound of laughter filling the darkened chamber.

"Lolita, I don't think we're alone."
Posted by SharkLad on :
Suddenly the lights come back on.

''That laugh... it was so familiar... Sprock! Dev was right!''

A message comes over the Security office communication system: ''Attention all security officers... the streets of Legion World are being overrun by Lard-bots! All available Security officers report!''

''<sigh> sorry Lolita, as much as you make my fin tingle, I got a job to do''

[ March 07, 2011, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: SharkLad ]
Posted by Lolita on :
*Puts body next to Shark Lad's for protection.*

Without my gadgets, I'll only be a liability. My only power is my analytical computer brain.

Who would come here?
Posted by SharkLad on :
"Sadly, I have an idea... someone who manages to creep up at the worst moments."

SharkLad looks deep into Lolita's eyes.

"As usual, my timing is way off. Sorry, doll, but I gotta get out there and tackle these Lard-bots."

SharkLad leans in and gives Lolita a kiss, before leaping out of his tank, leaving a very distressed (and hot) Lolita behind.

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