This is topic Varalent's Variable Villa in forum Mission Monitor Board at Legion World.

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Posted by Varalent on :
Boy oh boy! Am I glad I found this little corner room with a window! Everyone else kept telling me it was an unused closet that's just been accumulating dust. All it took was a little "groshrin" here and a little "groshrin" there and...well, just look at this place!

Beautiful floor to ceiling windows!

Cavernous Master Bedroom with private bathroom suite including jacuzzi, sauna, shower, HUGE whirlpool tub, and, look!!!! even a bidet!

Spacious entertainment center & wet bar with plenty of room to accommodate hordes of LMBPers all at once!

Enourmous food center so that my rather wolfish (or rodently) friends can find plenty to eat whenever the urge strikes!

And best of all, when it's time to clean up, I just have to do a little reverse "shringro" and it's only the size of a broom closet again, really easy to mop and wax!

Hmmmmm!!!!!! Now what should I do with that empty space over there?


[ August 22, 2007, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: Vee ]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hi Varalent!

I brought you some beanbags as your moving-in present! They're all the rage here on Legion World!
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks EDE! They'll go perfect in that empty space I was just wondering about.

I just love beanbags, too. They remind me of when I was younger and me and C....

Ulp! Ahem! Maybe I'll tell that story another time!

Thanks again for the present!

Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Just stopping by for a visit! Nice beanbags!!! I thought I would bring you a bottle of wine as a Welcome Neighbor gesture!

Enjoy and Drink up!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Hey I'm supposed to bring the Pluberry wine as a welcome gift! Dagnabbit! [Wink]

Nice place you got here Varalent. You'll find Legion World has plenty of room to grow so everyone is comfortable thanks to Brainy's tessaracts.
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
You can never have too many bottles of wine!
Posted by Varalent on :
You can never have too many bottles of wine!
Or too many friends to share them with!
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
V, tell me about your avatar.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Wassup, Vee-Dawg?
Posted by Rody the Super-Rat on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
Enourmous food center so that my rather wolfish (or rodently) friends can find plenty to eat whenever the urge strikes!

<squeak, squeak!>

Translation: Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated, Varalent! We rodents are perpetually hungry!
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Hey, V! Glad you found a room to unpack into! We'll ahve to have a christening party over here some night!
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Knock, Knock...
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey guys, finally made it back with the rest of my stuff. Took all day! God I hate moving but it's great to have all my stuff here.
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey TD! Sorry I just saw your question. What did you want to know about my avatar? I designed it using HeroMachine and I really like the way it turned out.

Posted by Varalent on :
Early morning for me tomorrow guys! Time to call it a night!

Have fun y'all

Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
Hey TD! Sorry I just saw your question. What did you want to know about my avatar? I designed it using HeroMachine and I really like the way it turned out.


Thanks - I had been wondering if it was a Legion character that I didn't recognize or a Legion Worlder (namely you!).
Posted by Varalent on :
I'm cheating by logging in from work but it's dead as a doornail here today.

Posted by Varalent on :
Just hanging out, relaxin a bit.
Posted by LABRADORIAN on :
wheres the music and the chicks?
Posted by Varalent on :
Chick'ns are in the freezer. Music was playing. WHO TURNED OFF THE MUSIC WHILE I WAS GONE?
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
I think someone was complaining about the noise.
(not me of course. I would never do that. Of course it wasn't me!)
Posted by Varalent on :
The world is your stage SB!
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
Raise that iron curtain, flick on those fresnels, get make up ready.... here I come!

....ummm what should I do now then?
Posted by Varalent on :
Just a suggestion mind you, but you could pick up where you left off before.... [Razz]
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
sure.... you didn't just lure me here just to perv now did you?

marvellous!!! [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :

Why of course not, this is art appreciation at it's finest!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
well so long as it's in the name of art I believe my back still needs drying after that shower.....
Posted by Varalent on :
Why, how insesitive of me! Please, allow me! [Eek!]
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
v nice of you too........... much better

now where did you get the name Varalent from?
Posted by Varalent on :
Well boys & girls, tonight sure has been a frustrating one for old Varalent. Between the multiple attacks of the Fatal Five on Legion World and the multiple thunderstorms that have rolled over my house causing immediate loss of power, I've spent the better part of the evening trying to log on.

Since I should have been packing for my trip instead it was probably an omen!

Just wanted to let y'all know that I'll be offline after tonight until Sunday late night. I need to be at the airport by 6:00 AM for an early morning series of flights to Nebraska. Since my laptop is on the fritz I won't be able to check back in here until Sunday night.

Really not looking forward to this trip but that's life I guess. After all these years, I'll be staying in the dorms again! AAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

(Wait a minute, on further reflection, staying in the dorms will mean hangng out with all those college boys that will be there. Hmmmmm, maybe this won't be so bad after all!)

SB, I'll let you know if there are any new moves with a towel making the rounds in the dorm showers.

See ya!

PS: It really would be nice to come back and find some progress has been made on the Super-Jailhouse of Space!!!
Posted by MLLASH on :
have fun Vee--- you'll be missed but greeted with lotsa affection upon your return, no doubt!

re: The Super-Jailhouse... DAMN what a complicated story... I couldn't even get through page 2 today before my head started pounding... but I promise (as I promised EDE earlier) that I'll try...!
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
I'll always have some towel action for you Vee, sorry I kinda faded out but this damn bucket of Sh*t 'puter died on me last night and it's taken me all day to resume normal service.... I'll keep your space warm foryour return on Sunday
Posted by Varalent on :
*sigh* Finally home! Time for a quick nap and then ... my it's gotten dusty around here! And my plants are screaming for water.

Note to self: Next time I go out of town I'll have to remember to ask someone to keep an eye on the place.
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey, feel free to come on in and make yourself at home. I may be down the hall visiting some of the others but there's food in the fridge, beverages in the bar and bounce in the bed! [Cool] I'll check in every little while so you're not left alone for long. Wouldn't want you to pass out on the bed or anything!
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
hey there Vee, hows it hangin'?
Posted by Varalent on :
Well hey there Oh Pendulous One! Interesting new look you've got going there. At work so I can't chat but I'll be on tonight for the duration I think. CU Then!

Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
Hey there Lash's cheatin' bitch, sorry about the work situation - how inconvenient! I'm several time zones away so I'll probably be off in the land of big ZZZZZ's by the time you get around to here, but rest assured I'll be dreaming sweet dreams of my fave shrink.....*aaaww*

speak to you at the weekend no doubt


ps the new look is a detail of one of my sleeping Buddha paintings, glad you like it
Posted by Varalent on :
"Everybod's workin' for the weekend!..."

Enjoy the ZZZs Sonnie, get plenty of rest so we can ahve some FUN this weekend!
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
Hey there Vee, howz it goin'?

I've just come in from the sun (its hothothot!!! out today) and thought I'd share this jug of sangria with you... fancy some?

[ August 06, 2003, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: Sonnie Boy ]
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey Sonnie! I'd love some, I'm really parched today myself.
Posted by Varalent on :
Think I'll do some unpacking since I've got some time on my hands today. There's just so much stuff in boxes! When will I ever get finished?
Posted by Varalent on :
PHEW!!! Almost done. Just a few more boxes....hmmmm? What's this?


Oh man, I forgot that I had packed these! If anyone finds them I'll never live it down!

Where? Where can I hide 'em?

Aha! I know I'll put them behind these books.
Posted by Varalent on :
While I'm thinking of it I'd better put out a saucer with milk. Jinx may stop by and want some.

Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
'Evening there Vee, I'd watch out for streaky stealing that milk you're pouring there, he's an awful milk thief doncha know....
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey Sonnie! No I didn't know that about Streaky. Gosh the things you find out about people here! [Eek!]

Looks like we're neck n' neck!
Posted by Varalent on :
Where is that DVD? I know it's around here somewhere! [Confused]
Posted by Varalent on :
That's why I couldn't find it. It wasn't on DVD after all. It's one of those ancient visual recording modes called a VHS. Here it is.
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks for stopping by but I'm over at Starman's Suite because...


Posted by Condo on :
I'm sorry I missed the party yesterday. I'm just bouncing around LW trying to figure the place out. I saw your room here and stopped in to visit since you had invited me to do so.

Nice place you have here. I't got plenty of room. How'd you manage to get your own room?

By the way, I noticed the reference to me and Lyle [Invisible Kid] in your signature line! Cute!
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey Condo! Glad you stopped by! You're always welcome to come in and hang out! There's plenty of food in the fridge and drinks at the bar so make yourself comfortable.

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
You know, when Condo the LW member appeared, it struck me that your sig might have a double meaning. I was just focussed on condo vs villa before. Clever Varalent!

It's your villa, I know - but I picture Lyle as someone who would have an Italian villa as a vacation home. He's got the $$, and, because I like him, I'm sure he appreciates fine food, fine art and beautiful surroundings.

By the way, Kid Prime needs his room expanded. Can you help?

[ August 12, 2003, 03:02 AM: Message edited by: Fat Cramer ]
Posted by Varalent on :
FC, I agree completely with your visualization. Lyle would very much enjoy all those things I think.

Nice to have you stop by and BTW, I took care of KP problem already [Big Grin]
Posted by Condo on :
Lyle definitely likes the finer things in life. When he was training me to control my powers, he showed me all kinds of places, and yes Fat Cramer, I think he would spend lots of time in an Italian Villa or maybe in one on the Costa del Sol!.

Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Hey Vee! I hope Condo & I are still welcome to move in. Or do you think that's what caused the system wide crash and wiped me out of the system completely.

(Reboots are never good to me, it seems [Invisible Kid] )
Posted by Varalent on :
Sure thing MK. The doors programed to recognize the two of you so move in anytime!


PS: We'll need to reboot the name for the villa I guess. Let's give it some thought.
Posted by Condo on :
Great! I'll start bringing my stuff over now! Thanks again Vee.

About the name? How about the TriVilla (get it? Trivia?) [Laugh Out Loud]
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey Condo, welcome HOME!
Posted by Varalent on :
Now about a new name...
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
We could just call it Boystown

hehehe [Laugh Out Loud]
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Hey Vee, how did you upload the pic for your avatar? I'm looking for a pic of Pol to use instead of my "big bro" and when I do I want to know how to get it set up. I don't see any way of doing it though.

[Cosmic Boy]

[ August 27, 2003, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: Magnetic Kid ]
Posted by Varalent on :
MK, you can't add them directly yourself. You can either email them to Nightcrawler or Lightning Lad, or you can post them in a thread and ask one of them to creat an avatar for you. There is a thread somewhere called "Avatars" (I think in Science Police HQ) that provides more info.
Posted by Condo on :
Thanks for the info Vee!

MK, I've been looking for some pics of CK and finally found some at another site. While there I saw a great one of you so I emailed all of them to Nightcrawler earlier today. Hopefully he'll get them uploaded soon and we'll be able to use 'em (that is of course if you like the one I found of Pol. If not that's cool)
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Thanks Condo! Can't wait to see it!
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey guys, looks like Gary's got them all ready for you! CK, he's got 3 of you and he's got a great one of Pol.

 -  -  -  -

[ August 28, 2003, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Cool! Thanks, Condo!
Posted by Condo on :
You're welcome MK, looks great!

Now I need to decide which one of mine to use. I think I may try out each one for a little bit and see which one I like best.

Which one do you guys think looks best?
Posted by Condo on :
How's that?
Posted by Varalent on :
Lookin' good guys! Condo, I think that's the one I like best but you should definitely try the others out also.

Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
nice avatar there Condo
Posted by Condo on :
Thanks Sonnie Boy! It's the first one I've tried. Of the three, which is your favorite?
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Hey Condo, I like that one too although the first one isn't bad either but I see that MLLASH is using that one at the moment. Boy he changes avatars like they're going out of style. I can't ever keep up with who he is!

[Cosmic Boy]
Posted by Varalent on :
You're right about that MK. I think he's changed avatars two times since you posted this message!

Posted by Varalent on :
Hmmmm! Guess I'd better do some cleaning around here!
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
My first time at the Villa. I know I didn't quite receive an invitation, but I was in the neighborhood and the door was open.

Nice furnishings -- you pick this out?

Does need a little dusting, though. Perhaps if you had offered to help Danny with the laundry, he might have lent a hand.

Oh, well, as long as I'm here, where's the Windex?

Oh, and put something on -- I'll never get any work done with you walking around like that. [Invisible Kid]
Posted by Danny Blaine - Starman on :
Oh my...
Posted by Varalent on :
Semi, you're always welcome at the Villa. I would have put something on but you were invisible and I just didn't see you come in.

Since you've got the Windex, let me show this this little trick....
Posted by Danny Blaine - Starman on :
[Laugh Out Loud] [Laugh Out Loud] [Laugh Out Loud]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
Semi, you're always welcome at the Villa. I would have put something on but you were invisible and I just didn't see you come in.

Since you've got the Windex, let me show this this little trick....

Oooh, you are a smooooth one, aren't you!
Posted by Varalent on :
Just years of prcatice finally paying off.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
Just years of prcatice finally paying off.

[Big Grin]

I'd like to put my years of practice up against "yours" -- that might be kinda fun.
Posted by Varalent on :
Yes it would! And you know they say practice makes perfect!

Posted by Varalent on :
Here you go Jinx, some nice milk.
Posted by Jinx on :
Posted by Varalent on :
Did you want more Jinx? Gosh you really looked famished earlier today! Aren't you getting enough to eat and drink at home?

[ September 17, 2003, 12:53 PM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Jinx on :
Posted by Jinx on :
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Vee, please I need your help!!!!!
Posted by Jinx on :
<enters, curls up, and takes nap>
Posted by Condo on :
Where the hell could Vee be? I've been looking for him all over Legion World and can't find any trace of him.

<Pets Jinx who's curled up on one of the chairs asleep>

[ September 18, 2003, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: Condo ]
Posted by Condo on :
I just don't understand where he could have disappeared to!
Posted by Jinx on :
Have you seen my human?
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Condo! I can't find Vee anywhere! Have you seen him?
Posted by Condo on :
Sorry Jinx, I sure haven't have you checked the Palace?

MK, I've been looking for Vee also. There's lots of bad stuff going on. I heard on the street that the Space Ranger is looking for him. Sounds like he suspects Vee of something! And Vee is missing!
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Well I'm going back out looking for him. Why don't you stay here in case he sends a message of some kind.
Posted by Condo on :
Okay, but let me know right away if you find him or find out anything!
Posted by Space Ranger on :
<in his cruiser high above Legion world, Space Ranger adds another name to his list of missing prolific posters. Where will it end he wonders>
Posted by Condo on :
Hmmm, I don't understand what's going on but whatever it is isn't good!

<As Jinx jumps of the chair she was sleeping on, he spots a sheet of paper on the cushion.>

What's this.........

Vee, I'm in trouble and need your help! Meet me at the Academy as soon as you read this! M

Oh man, I don't like this! I'd better go...!
Posted by Emerald Empress on :
Hmmm, curiouser & curiouser!
Posted by Varalent on :
You know, I'm starting to get a better understanding of what Mon-El felt like. If I get starnded in the Buffer Zone ONE more time I may go bonkers!
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Condo:
Sorry Jinx, I sure haven't have you checked the Palace?

MK, I've been looking for Vee also. There's lots of bad stuff going on. I heard on the street that the Space Ranger is looking for him. Sounds like he suspects Vee of something! And Vee is missing!

Well it's nice to be missed but it sure sounds like I missed out on quite a bit.

What am I suspected of?
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Condo:
Hmmm, I don't understand what's going on but whatever it is isn't good!

<As Jinx jumps of the chair she was sleeping on, he spots a sheet of paper on the cushion.>

What's this.........

Vee, I'm in trouble and need your help! Meet me at the Academy as soon as you read this! M

Oh man, I don't like this! I'd better go...!

Wait a sec! I never saw that note before! What the heck is going on around here? It's like I've been transported back to Bizarro Legion World or a parallel universe or something! [Urk!]
Posted by STU on :
What happened?

The suspense has been killing me for weeks!
Posted by Vee on :
Good question, MK and Condo seem to be missing now for quite some time
Posted by STU on :
[quickly dons his Sherlock Holmes outfit]
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
A mystery is afoot...
Posted by STU on :
Quick -- to the STU-mobile!

(Or the STU-pole, your choice!)
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
I prefer the Pole...
Posted by Vee on :
Sherlock, looks like we have another mystery to solve on LW!
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Danny Blaine:
I prefer the Pole...

"I like the pole... and the hole."
- Jerri Blank (paraphrased)
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Gee I forgot that we left things like that! Guess it has been much longer than I thought since I posted.

Vee, can I move back in to the Villa? My current habitat is getting a bit "uncomfortable" and my only other option isn't appealing at all!!!

PS: Thanks to Condo for bringing me back here.
Posted by STU on :
Hey, MK -- good to see you again! [Smile]

Don't mind me... I'm just here to borrow Vee's dictionary... need to look up a word or two.

Originally posted by Varalent:
Oh man, I forgot that I had packed these! If anyone finds them I'll never live it down!

Where? Where can I hide 'em?

Aha! I know I'll put them behind these books.

Hey, what's this? Looks like someone put some stuff here behind the reference tomes.

It looks like...

[Eek!] [Eek!] [Eek!]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Nice to see the Villa open again.

Wow, looks like there's some people here decorating for a party ... or an inaugural ball....I wonder what that secret material was that Stu found?
Posted by STU on :
[STU furtively runs past, carrying something in his arms, and looking nervously from side to side]

Shocking, simply shocking. I can't believe Vee would have things like these...

I wonder whether I should let him know I found them... or maybe I should go straight to the LMB Enquirer! [Eek!]

Decisions, decisions...
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Originally posted by STU:
[STU furtively runs past, carrying something in his arms, and looking nervously from side to side]

Puppies have arms????
Posted by STU on :
I bought them cheap from Sensor. She doesn't need 'em anymore.
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by STU:
I bought them cheap from Sensor. She doesn't need 'em anymore.

[lol] [lol] [lol]
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by STU:
[STU furtively runs past, carrying something in his arms, and looking nervously from side to side]

Shocking, simply shocking. I can't believe Vee would have things like these...

I wonder whether I should let him know I found them... or maybe I should go straight to the LMB Enquirer! [Eek!]

Decisions, decisions...

Just be careful while running around furtively & looking nervously from side to side, you could have an accident and break both your arms. We wouldn't want that to happen, now would we?
Posted by STU on :
"Hello, Legion World SPCA? I'd like to file a formal report...

Yes, that's V-A-R-A-L-E-N-T...

Oh, how did you know?... An entire file, really...?"
Posted by Varalent on : entire file full of humanitarian activities including puppy rescues & kitten adoptions? Imagine that.
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Varalent: entire file full of humanitarian activities including puppy rescues & kitten adoptions? Imagine that.

"And you say that all those hundreds of puppies that were rescued and kittens that were adopted were never seen again? Oh my..."

[ November 28, 2003, 06:07 PM: Message edited by: STU ]
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by STU:
Originally posted by Varalent: entire file full of humanitarian activities including puppy rescues & kitten adoptions? Imagine that.

"And you say that all those hundreds of puppies that were rescued and kittens that were adopted were never seen again? Oh my..."
...goodness! You mean they were mauled to death...
by a rabid pup that looked like HIM?? =========>  -

[ November 28, 2003, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Wierd, but I dont' spend much time here. I think I'll straighten up a bit, just in case there's a victory party.
Posted by Varalent on :
Hmmm! Probably should rearrange thins a bit!
Posted by Kara on :
Nice place you got here Vee!
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks Kara! Stop by any time!
Posted by Varalent on :
...pace, pace, pace...
Posted by Dark Cramer on :
Nice little colony of rodents you've got here in your wine cellar, Varalent. Don't mind if I help myself, do you?
Posted by Varalent on :
Umm..actually FC, I mean Dark Cramer, some of my good friends here ARE rodents so I would prefer that you left them alone.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Hey, Vee. Nice place you got here. Mind if I stop in and celebrate my 350th post? [PorcupinePete] [PolarBoy] [NightGirl] [InsectQueen] [InfectiousLass] [FireLad] [Nardo]
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey SLK! Congrats on post 350! Glad you stopped by to visit. Come on in and grab a seat.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Hey, Varalent, come a little closer. < SLK begins to whisper > My *cough* cousins Ultra, Mega, and Hyper Lad Kids are thinking of becoming citizrns of Legion World in the next couple of days. Wattya know, there's an election going on. Now they just might be persuaded to vote for a certain candidate we all know and love if only they were given the right *cough* incentive, ifyaknowhatimean. < holds out his hands waiting for said incentive >
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Super Lad Kid:
Hey, Varalent, come a little closer. < SLK begins to whisper > My *cough* cousins Ultra, Mega, and Hyper Lad Kids are thinking of becoming citizrns of Legion World in the next couple of days. Wattya know, there's an election going on. Now they just might be persuaded to vote for a certain candidate we all know and love if only they were given the right *cough* incentive, ifyaknowhatimean. < holds out his hands waiting for said incentive >


Well, ahem, there was something I've been wanting to discuss with you.

Because of your tremendous qualifications I would like you to consider Accepting a promotion to Director of Covert Operations in the Security Office.

It would include a significant raise in pay and, because of the nature of your duties you would report only to me as the need arises.

You would of course need to keep a very low should never go to the office, of course, since that would blow your cover.

Needless to say this all depends on my getting elected Leader which looks very tough to predict at the moment. But if that sounds appealing and if I'm elected...

What do you say?

Posted by Vote FAT CRAMER on :
You're caught red-handed, Vee! You're going DOWN!
Posted by Varalent on :
So you're finally taking me up on my long standing offer? [Cool]
Posted by Vote FAT CRAMER on :
Perhaps it is time for a Vee/MLLASH (and by extension, Vee-Fat Cramer) alliance after all!
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Mr. Varalent, I accept your offer. This is a difficult decision and I understand that there may be risks involved, but someone has to do it, and I would hate to see anyone involved with Legion World see harm come to them. Therefore, I will take the position if you are elected. This may be difficult. I may have to put up with boredom from the extra free time I will have. I may also have to face the temptations of materialism and greed that will come with the raise in pay. But I would gladly take that sacrifice than have to see one of my fellow citizens suffer the same fate.

It will be a pleasure working for you, sir.

Now let's see if I can find my cousins' numbers...
Posted by Varalent on :
The pleasure is all mine Super Lad Kid. I believe in identifying talent and putting it to work where it will do the most good. I'm glad you understand the danger and are still willing to take on the challenge the position offers.

You've helped put my mind at ease about this position. I'm trying to be prepared to assume the responsibilities of the Leader position in the event I'm elected. One way of doing that is by making decisions about those I would like to see working in my adminsitration.

There is so much to do in advance in order to be able to hit the ground running!
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Vote FAT CRAMER:
Perhaps it is time for a Vee/MLLASH (and by extension, Vee-Fat Cramer) alliance after all!

But I thought you had a KP/Cramer alliance going?
Posted by Vote FAT CRAMER on :
I heard that Kippers attempted to crawl into bed with Crujectra! politically speaking of course

Plus it looks like Jeffey's not gonna get that nomination he desperately needs.

Therefore, the FAT CRAMER camp throws its full support behind VARALENT! Cramey's gonna need a good, dependable deputy leader!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Congrats SLK! Nice job!

But Vee, you can't bribe my security officers with positions of the office that I run! Unless you wanna give everyone a big raise!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Vote FAT CRAMER:
I heard that Kippers attempted to crawl into bed with Crujectra! politically speaking of course

Ummm... but isn't Vee staying in KP's room for the next few days or something!

Jeepers! It's getting hard to untangle this complex web of political intrigue!
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Congrats SLK! Nice job!

But Vee, you can't bribe my security officers with positions of the office that I run! Unless you wanna give everyone a big raise!

Cobie surely you know that significant raises for all your trusted employee are guaranteed in a Varalent admistration. Meritorious service in these trying times shall always be justly compensated.
Posted by Vote FAT CRAMER on :
Perhaps with all this political bed-hopping, now is the time to have an ALL-CANDIDATES SLUMBER PARTY.

Kippers, Vee, Cramey, HWW, Stu and Cruey can don their favorite PJs, frolick on a pillow & blanket covered floor and discuss the issues in a televised press conference!
Posted by Varalent on :
This all reminds me of that 20th Century game...Twister
Posted by Varalent on :
Vee drags in to his Villa, exhausted from the past few days. Heading into the spare room, he quickly turns down the bed and then retires to his own room. There he quietly undresses and slides into bed.

Good night SemiSweets, where ever you are!

[ November 30, 2003, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Vote FAT CRAMER:
Kippers, Vee, Cramey, HWW, Stu and Cruey can don their favorite PJs, frolick on a pillow & blanket covered floor and discuss the issues in a televised press conference!

Great idea, but what of those of us who aren't into the whole PJs thing?

(And a good night to Semi from me, too...)

[ November 30, 2003, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: STU ]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Originally posted by Vote FAT CRAMER:
I heard that Kippers attempted to crawl into bed with Crujectra! politically speaking of course

Plus it looks like Jeffey's not gonna get that nomination he desperately needs.

Therefore, the FAT CRAMER camp throws its full support behind VARALENT! Cramey's gonna need a good, dependable deputy leader!

[Eek!] [Eek!] [Eek!]

You... shameless hussy!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Originally posted by Vote FAT CRAMER:
Perhaps with all this political bed-hopping, now is the time to have an ALL-CANDIDATES SLUMBER PARTY.

Kippers, Vee, Cramey, HWW, Stu and Cruey can don their favorite PJs, frolick on a pillow & blanket covered floor and discuss the issues in a televised press conference!

That's a good idea! In fact, I'll start it!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Hey, Varalent - if you're elected, would you consider renting me the Villa for the duration of your term?
Posted by Varalent on :
FC! Good to see you back in control! You had us worried there for a while.

As I've told you before, my fair lady, you are always a welcome guest at the Villa!
Posted by Condo on :
Hi Vee! Congratulations on making the cut! Good luck in the election.
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks Condo! Say hello to MK for me.
Posted by Crujectra on :
Just wanted to drop in and wish you luck in the election, V. I know you'd make a great leader!
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks Cru. If I'm elected I'll have huge shoes to fill but a great example to follow!
Posted by Varalent on :
<Better straighten up a bit in here. With all these guests popping in and out don't want them thinking I'm a slob!> [Cool]
Posted by Emerald Empress on :
Don't worry yourself about it, Vee darling, I can take care of it for you...bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttt!

There, all done!
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
If I'm elected I'll have huge shoes to fill but a great example to follow!

I already have huge shoes, if you get what I mean.

(And if you say that means I have extra foot odor, I'm gonna be [Mad] ...!)
Posted by Varalent on :
Nope, it just means your a funny looking dog with big ol' feet! [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Emerald Empress:
Don't worry yourself about it, Vee darling, I can take care of it for you...bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttt!

There, all done!

Thanks Empress! That saves me a lot of time!

[ December 01, 2003, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Hi Varalent - I brought some white poinsettas for the Villa. (White goes with everything; red can clash.)
Posted by Varalent on :
They're gorgeous FC, thanks! They make the Villa look great.

[ December 02, 2003, 03:03 AM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Great news, Vee, I'm staying!!!

(Awesome! Finally got my own smilie!)
Posted by Varalent on :
I heard MK! Good for you!
Posted by Varalent on :

Glad you guys were available! I need your help in redecorating!
Posted by Varalent on :
The Villa seems like a good place to relax and bask in the glow of reaching another posting milestone... #3100!!!!
Posted by STU on :
Congrats! I'll meet you in SHAKES for a celebratory drink!

 -  -  -  -  -

[ December 05, 2003, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: STU ]
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks, STU! [hug]
Posted by Varalent on :
&^@$^@%^%%%$@@ #*&^&#@^$&@!!!!!!!!

<Cursing and standing amid a pile of discarded clothing in front of the spacious walk-in closet>

I'm supposed to be the Damn Chief of Staff! Have to look right! But what the hell am I supposed to wear!
Posted by Varalent on :
I sure hope SemiSweets gets my message real soon! He'll know what would be appropirate! I have to put in an appearance soon! It wouldn't be proper for me not to be there before Stu arrives!
Posted by Varalent on :
Well, at least I know enough to wear the official SHAKES silver thong as the foundation for the evening's attire! You can never go wrong with that! [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
I wonder if this golf shirt goes with the thong? [Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Here I am. Let's get to work.
Posted by Varalent on :
Thank god!
Posted by Varalent on :
I was starting to get a little desperate. You know I have no taste in clothes, I'm a throw back to the days of the chinos & Izods!

[ December 13, 2003, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Ok, everyone expects you to wear something tropical. Do you want to meet their expectations, or mess 'em up a bit?
Posted by Varalent on :
I want to exceed their expecations, after all I'm going to be there with you! [Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Ok, given that you are the chief of staff in a dictatorship, what do you think of the Naltorian Barbarian look?
Posted by Varalent on :
Hmmm! What exactly would that require?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Faux fur (undectable from the real thing), leather straps holding the fur together, wildebeest boots, and a bow-tie
Posted by Varalent on :
Don't know if I have anything "barbarian" looking in here.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I kinda see you more in the Robin Hood formal attire. Doe skin breeches and chemise, jaunty cap and swell boots. Very Errol Flynn.
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Faux fur (undectable from the real thing), leather straps holding the fur together, wildebeest boots, and a bow-tie

If you think it works with what you're wearing...suits me!
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
I kinda see you more in the Robin Hood formal attire. Doe skin breeches and chemise, jaunty cap and swell boots. Very Errol Flynn.

That could be interesting!
Posted by Varalent on :
<============ How about this?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
OK, the doeskin breeches, the silk leggings, the doeskin Peter Pan boots, the silk chemise with the iridium laces. A neutronium amulet around your neck. The taltorian rose in your lapel. Finish it off with a jaunty step and an award winning smile. You're set for the ball.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Get serious here. I'm trying to help. first impressions will mean a lot.
Posted by Varalent on :
Okay, sorry! [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
I do like your suggestion. It sounds perfect!
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Ok, change the avatar, post what you are wearing at the inaugural ball and then charm the pants off the crowd. Now get your butt over there.
Posted by Varalent on :
OK, the doeskin breeches...check!

silk leggings...check! (they sure are snug fitting!)

doeskin Peter Pan boots...check! (umm, comfy!)

silk chemise with the iridium laces...check (should I lace it all the way up or leave it partially unlaced?)

neutronium amulet around neck...check!

taltorian rose in lapel...check!

All set! How do I look?
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey I reached 3300 while I was getting attired! Bet no one's ever done THAT before! [Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
If you'd have been a little more needy, I would have reached 2800 helping you. Damn, the first time in my life I wanted anyone to be more needy.
Posted by Varalent on :
Come here and give us a hug! I feel needy at the moment! [Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Ok, (((((((((((((((((((((((Vee-ber-dee-ber-licious))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Posted by Varalent on :
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Isn't it about time for you to make your entrance at the ball? You have to arrive before "HIs Grand Imperiousness STU".
Posted by Varalent on :
I'm on my way! But first, here's to your milestone

 -  -  -  -  -
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Well thanks Vee. But as the LW Official Arbiter of Taste, I absoultely love and revel in the recognition. Yay me!!! (oops, sorry, momentary lapse of decorum.) Ignore this please.
Posted by Varalent on :
I'm off right after work today to spend Christmas with family and friends. Since I won't be back until Sunday night and don't think I'll be able to find access to Legion World, let me wish each and every one of you a most happy and healthy holiday.

I hope you each receive the gifts you most desire and are able to enjoy them surrounded by those people you most treasure in your lives!

Merry Christmas! [hug]
Posted by STU on :
[hug] Vee! [hug]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Have a great Christmas Vee. Hope it's a very happy one. [Smile]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hope you had a great Christmas Vee!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Belated Merry Christmas, Vee! Good to see you'll be back soon!
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
let me wish each and every one of you a most happy and healthy holiday.

Well, I got the happy part right anyway! Seems I received a special gift (a really bad cold!) from one of my nieces or nephews. I feel miserable UGH!

Made it home okay Sunday night but by yesterday AM I felt like what the dog dug up. Guess I'll take two more hot toddies and maybe see you all tomorrow morning!
Posted by STU on :

Hope you feel better soon, Vee.

Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Vee, I'll send some chicken soup right over. Hope you're feeling better soon. [Frown]
Posted by Varalent on :
<groans as he crawls out of bed for the first time in days>

Cough, cough!

Good lord, I can't remember the last time I was THIS sick. Shame on me for not making time to get a flu shot. Cost me what should have been a very fun trip to attend the Orange Bowl (my Chistmas present)

Hopefully, this cold/flu has finally turned a corner and I'll start feeling better quickly. I've never been one to stay in bed and I have way too much to get done, but I'll need to take it easy for a bit.

Posted by Sonnie Bloke on :
Hey Vee, hope you're alright there....

If you need anyone to rub some Vicks on your chest just ask.... [Smile]
Posted by STU on :
Good to see you're up and about, Vee. [Smile]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Sorry to hear you're feeling so poorly, Vee. We sure missed you here. Hope you're as good as new soon.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Good Lord, Vee-- I'd noticed your absence but hoped you were off having fun somewhere!

[Frown] [Frown] [Frown]

Get better quickly, I'm pulling way ahead of you in post count!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Vee, I'm dispatching a couple of very competent, handsome nurses with chicken soup and flowers right away! (Drink the soup, enjoy the flowers.)
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Vee, I'm dispatching a couple of very competent, handsome nurses with chicken soup and flowers right away! (Drink the soup, enjoy the flowers.)

Thanks everyone! I'm going to attempt going in to work today. Still not 100% but I have way too much to do with the end of the month & year to contend with. Need to try to get caught up before I have to leave on a trip this weekend to NY and then on out to a meeting in Vegas.

Hope I'm well by the weekend because I relly hate travelling when I'm not up to speed.

Cramer, What should I do with the nurses?

[ January 05, 2004, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by STU on :
Maybe you can bring the handsome nurses with you to help you... recuperate. [Wink]
Posted by Varalent on :
Uggh! One more hour to go before I can head home to bed (& maybe those nurses FC sent me [Big Grin] ) Don't know if I'll make it.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Well, at least you're back. You must have been really sick to stay away for so long. Hope you're all better for your trip this weekend.
Posted by Varalent on :
You have no idea. All I can say is I will NEVER miss getting a flu shot again!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, I hope you really feel better Vee! You are definately missed around here!
Posted by STU on :
I wonder if there's anyone lurking around here, hoping to catch a glimpse of Vee in his birthday suit... [Big Grin] [Wink]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
We have hidden cameras for that! [Wink]
Posted by STU on :
Oh WOW! [Eek!] [ElasticLad]

Good thing those hidden cameras have panoramic lenses...! [ColossalBoy]

[ January 07, 2004, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: STU ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Of course, those tapes are for security reasons only. [Wink]
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Of course, those tapes are for security reasons only. [Wink]

Who's security? [Embarrassed]
Posted by Varalent on :
I feel terrible that I haven't been putting out milk for all my little kitty cat friends while I've been sick. Hope someone have been feeding you guys. Here's a nice big bowl of milk for all of you! [Big Grin]
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

More milk? Like this Place!

Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Of course, those tapes are for security reasons only. [Wink]

Who's security? [Embarrassed]
The security of the LW populace.

We need to feel secure in the knowledge that we have a Vee-rile Chief of Staff. (And, as the tapes show, boy do we ever! [Big Grin] )
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Who's more virile, Vee or Cobie? From what I've seen, they're kind of head-to-head in the standings.
Posted by Varalent on :
Head to head is okay, but head to toe could be so much more fun! [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Stoopid Cat:

More milk? Like this Place!


Here you go Stoopid Cat, lots more where that came from.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Vee? Vee? Are you okay? Are you here?

Guess not. Well, maybe he got fed up with cold Florida and went for a vacation on some tropical beach. With Semi...
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Yes, they must have. Some of the video cameras have disappeared, so I'm sure they'll be sending us word soon.

Seriously, where are they? We can't have two of the top five posters shirking their posting responsibilities now, can we? Hope you two are alright!
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Well, maybe he got fed up with cold Florida and went for a vacation on some tropical beach. With Semi...

And those handsome nurses you sent over last week too, no doubt... [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Not having Vee and Semi around is like a twilight zone Legion World! They are sorely missed!
Posted by Varalent on :
Sorry to have worried everyone. I had one of my trips this past week. Went up north *brrrrrr* to meet my new greatniece and then on to Las Vegas for some meetings. Got back late last night.

PS: The new look of LW is great!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Good to have you back, you have no idea how much trouble we've had in this villa without you. Or how much trouble we've been up to. [Big Grin]
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
Or how much trouble we've been up to. [Big Grin]

Fortunately, we dismantled the security cameras beforehand, so there's no evidence of what went on.
Posted by Varalent on :
The Villa is here to provide fun & frivolity for all LW residents so I'm glad you all put it to good use while I was gone. [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Welcome back Vee! And don't worry, I had secret cameras installed anyway, so we can watch all the shanagans that went on in here! [Wink]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Fun and frivolity is okay. The cheerleaders were okay. But when the sheep arrived, Stoopid Cat and I called it a night. There's only so much frivolity one can take.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
And I was unceremoniously thrown out of the villa before aything started. Everybody says I'm too young... And I couldn;t sneak back in either, cause STU kept sniffing me out... Darn!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Fun and frivolity is okay. The cheerleaders were okay. But when the sheep arrived, Stoopid Cat and I called it a night. There's only so much frivolity one can take.

Pov could sure take a page out of your book, FC! That poor sheep may never walk right agian!
Posted by Varalent on :
Sheep? They had sheep in here? In my Villa? Goodness and they didn't leave any mutton for me?
Posted by STU on :
Kid Prime took all of it away.

They don't call him "Mutton Jeff" for nothing! [lol]
Posted by Varalent on :
Where is KP? Haven't seen him around in a while! [Frown]
Posted by STU on :
He's here! The Kid is back! [Smile]
Posted by STU on :
While Vee's away, I'll just review these stacks of old security tapes.


That's... er... educational! [Eek!]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Gasp! Is that the one with Abin Quank and Koko? Yuck!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
You're one to talk, Cobie! I seem to remember there was one of you with a Vyrgan and a Hykraian at the same time!
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Gasp! Is that the one with Abin Quank and Koko? Yuck!

No, worse! It was STOOPID CAT and KOKO! [Eek!]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
[Eek!] Now THIS I have GOT to SEE!
Posted by Varalent on :
*Sigh* My beautiful Villa has become a den of iniquity (or is that inequity ~ everyone seems to be getting some in here but me!) [Big Grin]
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
(or is that inequity ~ everyone seems to be getting some in here but me!) [Big Grin]

Nice try, Vee.

These steamy security tapes prove otherwise! [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, we can never tell when you and Semi are being naughty since you're powers allow you both to be gentlemen [Wink] !
Posted by Varalent on :
X-traordinary gentleman, of course! [Big Grin]

Well, good night all! It'll be nice to spend the night in my comfortable bed here in the Villa for a change!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Sleep well, Varalent? No fear of knives in the black night? As Chief of Staff for the STU administration, are you supporting his claim to imperial powers?

By the way, has STU been having any meetings with suspicious looking characters lately? The sort who might exercise mind control over him for their own nefarious ends?
Posted by Varalent on :
Didn't you notice the bolt holes I had installed in the walls of the Villa? I figured we would need a secure and defensible HQ when the revolt gets under way.

No meetings that I noticed although some of our former nemeses have suddenly turned up again, I noticed.
Posted by Varalent on :
Whew! I wasn't sure if we'd make it out, Jinx! But here we are and now you're safe. Here's a nice big bowl of milk for you.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm glad to hear that Jinx is alright.

The next step is to get organized. Bevis has opened up a new Boutique shop and there is a back room there where we can have secret resistance meetings.

The next big step: the rescue of Kid Prime. Enough said. We'll need everyone's help on this one. So get over to the Resistance meeting when you get the chance Vee!
Posted by Varalent on :
Wonder how KP and Armi are "making out"! snicker
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

Vee's such a nice guy, always leaves me a bowl of milk.

Posted by STU on :
With that dastardly Mysterious Cloaked Figure running around, I don't feel safe in the mansion.

Think I'll bunk here at Vee's for the night! [Smile]
Posted by Varalent on :
Gosh! I was so tired last night I didn't realize I had sleep over guests! Hope you all made yourself at home. You know you're always welcome at the Villa!

(And here's a fresh bowl of milk for my furry friends. [Big Grin] )
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Hi Vee, Is Stoopid Cat still here, he's got an appointment he needs to keep.
Posted by Varalent on :
He might be, Abin. He was sleeping on the divan last I saw of him (with a full tummy!)
Posted by STU on :
Good thing you put that little extra something in his milk -- it knocked him right out! [Big Grin] Now he can be taken safely to the vet for that special appointment... [Wink]
Posted by Varalent on :
I put nothing special in his milk, STU. Trying to get me in trouble, huh?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
No trouble Vee, SC just needed to go for a shot this time, Knocking him out always helps and saves stitches for the Vet's Staff...

[ February 12, 2004, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: Abin Quank ]
Posted by Varalent on :
After what he's been through I don't blame him one bit!
Posted by minesurfer on :
Excuse me, but could you tell me if there is any evil going on here? Thanks.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Evil? Well, you could always check the security tapes. You might find some evil there. Or maybe just Cobie and Vee with Evillo [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
There are security tapes of me with Cobie? How did I miss that? [Frown]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Sorry Vee, but that was two durlans that Evillo was trying to use for some type of sexual debauchery! However, in the room over, there's a tape of his daughters and I that might be too hot for Legion World!
Posted by STU on :
What tape? I didn't see any tape.

[STU secretly slips a videotape into his pocket, and hurries back to the A/V room of the mansion, a giant grin on his face]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Vee, just a suggestion - but maybe this "Mia casa est sua casa" policy for the villa has gotten out of hand. There seems to be a lot of unauthorized taping of unauthorized activities. When you start letting Evillo types hanging out here, well, next thing you know there's empty vodka bottles in the garden, cigarette burns on the couch and potato chip crumbs everywhere.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
[bump] To move this back on top of that dumb statue!
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Vee, just a suggestion - but maybe this "Mia casa est sua casa" policy for the villa has gotten out of hand. There seems to be a lot of unauthorized taping of unauthorized activities. When you start letting Evillo types hanging out here, well, next thing you know there's empty vodka bottles in the garden, cigarette burns on the couch and potato chip crumbs everywhere.

Hmm, FC just might have a good point here. But how can I tell friends they can't visit. Maybe I should post "House rules"
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, I don't know who keeps letting these strangers in, but now there's another tape going around the internet of me and Evillo's daughters! Stu, you don't know anything about this, do you?

It's not me, I swear it!
Posted by Varalent on :
Very Verboten at Vee's Villa
10 rules to be followed
Yes, this means you!!!

1. Please do not skinny dip in Sharky's guest pool ~ he might bite off more than he can chew!

2. Please do not host secretly video taped wild sex parties ~ without inviting the owner!

3. Any video tape filmed on the premises becomes the sole property of the owner. An original copy MUST be submitteded for filing in the Villa's archives before exiting the Villa.

4. Please do not toss empty vodka bottles on the Villa's lawn ~ toss them over the hedge onto the Mansion's lawn instead! [Big Grin]

5. Never leave empty bowls lying around ~ please fill them immediately so all our feline and other furry guests have milk & food whenever desired.

6. Potato chip crumbs are to be swept into a pile and disposed of immediately ~ over the hedge works here also!

7. Unsavory characters such as Evillo, Nardo, Royal Inquisitor, etc are not welcome as guests at the Villa...or even as guests of guests! (see #8)

8. Exceptions for hotties such as Nemesis Kid will be issued on a case by case basis after a thorough inspection, review, (and audition) by management.

9. Cigarette butts are to be swept up and disposed of immediately (see #4 & #6)

10.Clothing optional except on special occasions as posted by management.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Urgent message to Varalent:

COME POST IN THE NEW TAG THREAD IN THE BITS FORUM!!! C'mon Vee, you've posted some of the funniest posts I've ever read in the other tag threads, and this one is new, starting from the ground up!

This goes for everyone else too! (More posts from FC, posts from Quis, etc. [Wink] )!
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Urgent message to Varalent:

COME POST IN THE NEW TAG THREAD IN THE BITS FORUM!!! C'mon Vee, you've posted some of the funniest posts I've ever read in the other tag threads, and this one is new, starting from the ground up!

This goes for everyone else too! (More posts from FC, posts from Quis, etc. [Wink] )!

Ummm...didn't you see my post from earlier today? [Confused]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I saw it! And I loved it! And I crave more... [Wink] !

(I'm having too much fun with it, but don't want to hog the thread by posting too much!)
Posted by STU on :
Vee's like Pringle's. You can't have just one! [Wink]

(Or is that... "once you pop, you can't stop"...?) [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by STU:
Vee's like Pringle's. You can't have just one! [Wink]

Wasn't that lays? as in potato chips? [Wink]
Posted by Varalent on :
Quiet night on LW tonight. Guess I'll sit on the balcony and relax with a brandy & cigar while watching the water in the bay ebb & flow.......
Posted by STU on :
[pulls up a chair and joins Vee -- nice sunset!]
Posted by Varalent on :
Yes it was rather interesting wasn't it? Care for another cigar? or brandy?
Posted by STU on :
Don't mind if I do!

[STU teleports himself and Vee to an island in the South Pacific]

Now, we can enjoy cigars, brandy, and the infamous "Green Flash" that is rumored to appear at sunset in these islands!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Where did everyone go? I don't usually have the pool to myself...
Posted by Varalent on :
Hi FC! Glad you enjoyed the pool.
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
Quiet night on LW tonight. Guess I'll sit on the balcony and relax with a brandy & cigar while watching the water in the bay ebb & flow.......

That's my kind of night...
Posted by Varalent on :
You're welcome to join me any night, Danny! I've got a lovely view from the Villa.
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Count me in...
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Hi Vee! I left you a message at the office but guess what? I'm going home!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!

I'll talk to you later.
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Ummm, can I move back into the Villa? Pretty please?
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Magnetic Kid:
Ummm, can I move back into the Villa? Pretty please?

Heh, as if I could stop you if I wanted to! Of course you can, but late night parties (us old timers need our rest); and don't let Cobie get you & Condo into any trouble or bad habits (he's good at that, just see what he's done with IB [Big Grin] )
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Is it alright then if I get Cobie into trouble? I'm pretty good at that too!
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Posted by Varalent on :
Oh boy! I have a feeling things are going to get interesting around Villa!
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

Why do you say that?

Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Stoopid Cat:

Why do you say that?


Read Pol's last post! [Big Grin]
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
Of course you can, but late night parties (us old timers need our rest)

[Roll Eyes]

[lol] (Yeah, right!) [Wink]
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
Originally posted by Stoopid Cat:

Why do you say that?


Read Pol's last post! [Big Grin]
If he needs help, I'll volunteer...
Posted by Varalent on :
I have a feeling he's going to have a cohort of cronies now that he's back! [Big Grin]
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
I have a feeling he's going to have a cohort of cronies now that he's back! [Big Grin]


What's a Cohort? Is it good to eat?

Posted by STU on :
It's Cobalt's sidekick, Cohort Kid -- a.k.a. Cohie.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Sounds like I might have to take Condo and Pol out for a few fun nights of trouble! And any trouble you guys can get me into is always appreciated [Wink] .

Better have some rooms prepared at the Villa Vee, it looks like we might be bringing back company!
Posted by Varalent on :
Posted by Varalent on :
I shudder to contemplate what trouble Cobie, Pol, Condo, IB and Bedlam Lad can get themselves into. The Fatal Five may have met their match on LW! [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
I'd better tidy up a bit after gettting Pol & Condo moved back in. Plus I want to rearrange the furniture a bit so that there are plenty of seats out on the sweeping balcony overlooking the wide expanse of the bay. I'm sure that anyone who stops by to talk politics will absolutely love the tropical breezes (and tropical drinks) that the Villa has to offer. Of course the view of the gorgeous locals in their tropical attire (or lack thereof!) doesn't hurt matters any either.

[ February 24, 2004, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I'm digging my tropical shirt out of the trunk now!

With all these youngsters running around and sowing general mayhem, perhaps you could confine them to the lower level after 9 p.m. - you did install sound-proofing, didn't you? Then these evenings of quiet contemplation of the sunset can continue....
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

It's nice to know that Vee is such a gentleman - Inviting his campaign rivals over for a quiet evening after a hard day of campaigning.

Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Don't worry Fats Cramer. Hopefully I'll be out there with the locals checking out the "lack thereof" [Smile]
Posted by Condo on :
Me too! I'm a big fan of scant attire! (and tropical drinks, do you think we could get some of those too?)
Posted by Condo on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
Originally posted by Magnetic Kid:
Ummm, can I move back into the Villa? Pretty please?

Heh, as if I could stop you if I wanted to! Of course you can, but late night parties (us old timers need our rest); and don't let Cobie get you & Condo into any trouble or bad habits (he's good at that, just see what he's done with IB [Big Grin] )
Don't woory Vee, we won't keep you up with late night parties (at least not without inviting you [Wink] ) and I'll try to keep Pol out of trouble but you know what that's like!
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Originally posted by Condo:
Originally posted by Varalent:
Originally posted by Magnetic Kid:
Ummm, can I move back into the Villa? Pretty please?

Heh, as if I could stop you if I wanted to! Of course you can, but late night parties (us old timers need our rest); and don't let Cobie get you & Condo into any trouble or bad habits (he's good at that, just see what he's done with IB [Big Grin] )
Don't woory Vee, we won't keep you up with late night parties (at least not without inviting you [Wink] ) and I'll try to keep Pol out of trouble but you know what that's like!
Ohh, like that's going to make him worry any less. After all you've been SO succesfull all this time!
Posted by Varalent on :
Yes I feel so much better now! [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Sounds like my kind of party! Fatal Five it is then [Big Grin]

Let the debauchery begin...well at least begin anew [Wink] !
Posted by Varalent on :
It appears I may have to put in sound proofing as suggested by FC. Maybe I'll just add on a wing for the Festive Five to hang out and have fun.
Posted by Varalent on :
Hmmm...Festive Five, League of Youthful Debauchers, Band of the Hand, so many potential names come to mind!
Posted by Varalent on :
Hmmm...seems like just about everyone but me has gotten a campaign manager lined up. I'd better get on the ball! Lots of planning to do if this is going to be a successful and V-ictorius campaign!
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

Hi Vee, I've got an Idea, since I also am searching for a Campaign Manager (Abin offered, but... well... you know...) How about I manage your campaign and you manage mine?

That should make for an interesting election!

Posted by Danny Blaine on :
LOL... I don't have one either. How about I manage you both...
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Hey, Vee. Just dropping in to wish you luck on the campaign trail.
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
BTW, I don't know if I have the time to spend as a campaign manager, but I'll be your number one cheerleader for awhile. Check out my V is for Victory post. Umm, don't forget the promotion we were talking about last campaign.
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks SLK!
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Originally posted by Varalent:
Hmmm...seems like just about everyone but me has gotten a campaign manager lined up. I'd better get on the ball! Lots of planning to do if this is going to be a successful and V-ictorius campaign!

I don't have a campaign manager (I think) But then I am doing most of my campaigning from my porch, so what's to manage?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Campaign manager or not, can the Festive Five continue the debauchery in certain sections of your Villa?
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Campaign manager or not, can the Festive Five continue the debauchery in certain sections of your Villa?

Of course Cobie, campaigns should never interfere with the important things in debauchery.
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Hey Vee! Congrats on being the top nominee!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Jinx? Are you here?

Good. Just stay out of the mansion. Things are a bit out of control right now. Vee must have a hose around here somewhere...
Posted by Varalent on :
Haven't seen Jinx in a few days Cramer, although he might be sleeping in one of his little hiding places around here.
Posted by icefire on :
Okay Vee looks like I've officialy joined your campaign!!!!
Posted by Varalent on :
Yayyyyyyyy! Glad to have you Icey!
Posted by Varalent on :
Time to move this campaign into high gear! So, what can get everyone's attention and help gain their support?

Posted by Varalent on :
I know!!!!!!

Campaign Work Days!!!
Posted by Magnetic Kid on :
Vee, can we have a small party at the Villa tonight? Nothing major just a few friends. [Smile]
Posted by Condo on :
Not a party really, more of a..umm...a campaign rally to get out the college vote! [Wink]
Posted by Varalent on :
A "campaign rally", huh? Well I suppose it's okay as long as it doesn't get too loud and ends at a reasonable hour. I'm holding both of you responsible for anything that happens, though!
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Go, Vee!!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Must have been a great party - and they cleaned up after! Or hired some of A. Quank's janitorial service droids.

It sure is pleasant to threshold out of winter and relax over a poolside breakfast here at the Villa!
Posted by Varalent on :
If I'm elected Leader, FC, I plan to have breakfast meetings of the Cabinet every week out there by the pool where you like it. [Big Grin]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Well, if you're not elected, perhaps you could host breakfast meetings for the loyal opposition!
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Well, if you're not elected, perhaps you could host breakfast meetings for the loyal opposition!

Only if you promise to attend.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Mmmmmm... I love the soft, silky bedsheets and the fluffy pillows...

Posted by Condo on :
IB, you need to wake up man! When Vee gets back into town later today I don't think he'll be thrilled at finding you passed out in his freshly made bed!

Just how much did you have to drink at the party anyway?
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
<takes pictures>

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

Exactly what DID I do while I was drunk, anyway?

Posted by Varalent on :
Well now, WHAT have we here?

Pol! Condo! Cobie! Front & center! You have some 'splaining to do!

*this should be interesting! [Big Grin] *

[ March 07, 2004, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Boy, am I glad I'm still asleep!

Vee should be back to his old happy self by the time I wake up!

Posted by Varalent on :
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Is it safe to wake up now?

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yeah, so let's go find Condo and Pol and test out this new jungle juice that I made!

This should get everyone riled up just a bit more [Wink] !
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
This is going to be a lot of fun! Hold on, let me get my camera!
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Yeah, so let's go find Condo and Pol and test out this new jungle juice that I made!

This should get everyone riled up just a bit more [Wink] !

Oh now there's a great idea!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I'm sure a lot of people will want to watch this. Maybe we can sell tickets.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I think the barbarians have breached the gates. Hope the lock on the wine cellar is a good one.
Posted by Varalent on :
Not to worry FC, it the best! I plan on locking myself in there and drink the wine if the barbarians come back. Care to join me? There's plenty of room & wine!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
But what if they teleport in? Not that I'm accusing any of our resident teleporters of siding with the enemy, but you never know.

I think we should hurry up and finish all the wine before that happens. Last one in the wine cellar is a rotten banyo peel!
Posted by Varalent on :
Sorry IB, you'll have to wait a few years before getting wine from me. I don't want to run afoul of the law! (Even if the law IS Cobie and HE gets you drunk!)
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Better be careful then, Vee, because Cobie might confiscate all your wine when he gets back! [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

So... have the barbarians returned yet?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Don't worry IB, I'll grab a bottle from Vee and when "he isn't looking", I'll pass it to you!

What Vee doesn't know is that we laced his drink with all kinds of good things! He should be seeing fun stuff we can't imagine soon enough!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
All right, Cobie! Here's to you! [Cheers]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I hope you didn't knock Vee out with anything too powerful. I'm still looking forward to our chatty poolside breakfasts.
Posted by Varalent on :
And those we shall surely have! Any excuse to have the Villa graced with your presence!
Posted by STU on :
There's nothing more pleasant than sharing a drink or two, and some delicious island cuisine, with Varalent. [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, a foot massage from one of the lovely Villa workers kind of makes things better [Big Grin]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

Ah, nothing like sleeping on a comfy bed here at the Villa!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
We're going to have to start calling him "Sleeping Beauty".
Posted by Varalent on :
FC, we'll probably start having those poolside breakfasts this week. I'll let you know when the first one will be.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Well, it may be a bit ungracious of me to invite myself, but at my age, some social gaffiness should be tolerated.

Everyone else can hang out in the spiffy new office towers or the underground bunker - but I prefer the Villa.
Posted by Varalent on :
FC I'd love to have you join me for our first poolside breakfast tomorrow (Thurs) morning. I'd love to get your advice on appointments to the administration as well. Hope to see you then!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'll quietly join you two as well [Wink] . And by quiet, I mean drinking a large margarita and diving into the pool in an attempt to get others to join me [Wink] .

Don't worry, I'll stay just far enough out of ear-shot to disturb any peacefullness [Wink] !
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Just one margarita, Cobie? You know you shouldn't skimp on breakfast!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
But I didn't say how BIG it was [Wink]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
It's a beautiful morning at the Villa - that climate control technology works perfectly! The chef is preparing breakfast in the kitchen, and it smells fantastic - so I'll just go for a swim until everyone else arrives.
Posted by Varalent on :
Oh, it really is a gorgeous morning! Cramer, how was your swim? Was the water temp to your liking? You know, of course, that you can have it adjusted up or down via the special voice activated controls.
Posted by Varalent on :
I think I'll make myself a Mimosa, would you care for one, FC? And then I'd like to hear your thoughts & suggestions on the adminsitration while we wait for that breakfast.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Wow, those mimosas pack a wallop! I must have dozed off after that delicious breakfast and slept all day.

As former Chief of Staff, you should have a good idea of what positions need to be filled. New blood is always invigorating, so you'll probably want to choose among those who haven't held a position before. I'm surprised you haven't been inundated with offers, but people tend to be shy about self-promotion.
Posted by Varalent on :
Excellent advice Cramer and much appreciated! Glad you enjoyed our first Breakfast @ The Villa!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I don't mean to butt in, but could I please have a couple of extra pillows? Thanks.


I never want to sleep in a bed that isn't as soft as this one!
Posted by Varalent on :
Glad to see you accepted my invitation IB. A growing boy like you needs to get his rest when he can.
Posted by Varalent on :
PS: Here are the extra pillows. Are four enough or would you like more?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Oh, they're definitely enough! They're even more than I expected! Thank you for all your hospitality, Vee! Now, if you don't mind...

Posted by Varalent on :
Here you go Cobie. You can sleep it off in a nice comfortable bed here at the Villa. Satin sheets and extra pillows should let you sleep like a baby.

You'll be happy to note when you wake up that all your cohorts in the Youth Brigade made it safely back to the Villa after a night of drinking and carousing. IB is in his bed next door, Condo & MK are just up the hall, and I think that's Bedlam Lad in the other room. The only member of the Six Pack I haven't seen yet is Super Lad Kid but I'm sure he's around here somewhere.

Sleep tight!
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Posted by Varalent on :
It's a good thing I had the Villa sound proofed! All that alcohol induced snoring (off key, I might add) would get a bit annoying after a while [Big Grin]
Posted by Varalent on :
Ahh, peace and quiet! I think I'll sit out by the pool, enjoy and nice cool drink and watch the sunset.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<taps keg and starts mixing shots>

Oh sorry Vee, we decided to have a bash at the Villa tonight! Hope you don't mind [Big Grin] !
Posted by Varalent on :
Not at all. I've enjoyed my sunset and my Pina Colada, so now I'm ready for a little Rumba in the Villa! Got any Mudslides ready? No? How about a Stop Light? [Big Grin]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

The guys got me drunk again! Anyone else wanna dance on the roof?

Yeah, shake it, shake it!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Wake up IB! You're blocking the diving board.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

You could always push me in, you know. Just a suggestion.

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Not without your waterwings, kiddo.
Posted by Varalent on :
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Okay, I know you can swim, Vee, so in you go ////PUSH////.

He's so easy to knock off balance when he's giggling.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I sure hope Sharky isn't in THIS pool.
Posted by Varalent on :
He's not but if I get my hands on FC, she better watch out! Wow! The water's wonderful!
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

Collar... Must get off...

Posted by Varalent on :
Stoopid Cat, where have you been? What's the matter? Come here, is that collar bothering you? Let me take it off for you...
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Sentient I'm looking for a linked metal collar you may have removed from Stoopid Cat. I need to deliver that collar to Dr. K. Nine's research facility so it can be examined. It may be the root cause of Stoopid cat's recent problems.

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(And it looks so good on him!)
Posted by Harbinger on :
Thank goodness Stoopid Cat has the wonderfully brave and noble Spaced Ranger to look out for him.

We can all sleep well now in the sure knowledge that our favourite feline deputy leader will be taken good care of.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
This is confusing. Now Space Ranger seems to be trying to help Stoopid Cat. Is this a feint to dull our suspicions?
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Ladies, ladies, I'm so glad that you are taking such an interest in Stoopid Cat's welfare. Please be assured that he is resting comfortably in Dr. K. Nine's fine facility. In fact the last time I saw him he was sleeping rather soundly and comfortably.

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(a little chloroform in the catnip will do that!)
Posted by Queen Connie on :
Ha! I'm on your tail Mr. Ranger! Watching my human all these months on Legion World has certainly paid off in this emergancy!

I must say, he has a very nice place here! I may have to claim the Villa as my permanent residence here!

Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Again, I don't know what the hell is going on again, but I'll give Stoopid Cat some praise, your so cute and I would worship you on hand and foot, if I knew where you were.
Posted by Queen Connie on :

Whew! We made it! Boy, it's nice to be in safe and comfy surroundings. You know, Stoopid Cat, when Vee redecorated, I made sure he put in lots of wonderfully comfy furniture, purrrfect for catnapping on.

Of course, he doesn't realize I made him pick these. He thought for sure I wouldn't go on them since I refused to stay on them when he tested me by putting me on them. Reverse psychology is so easy to use on humans. [Streaky]

Anyway, make yourself comfortable. I'm going to nap until FC and Jinx get here. Escaping and rescuing you was hard work!

hops onto couch...circles three times...sits and cleans self...streatches...lays down & yawns. (Ceremony complete!)

Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

Connie, thanks for getting that collar off of me, **Rawl** It was designed to inhibit the higher functions of the feline brain. **Rawl** I'm still a little fuzzy, but I think I know what the Ranger is up to. I need to get to FC's statue and retrieve something I hid there. You stay here and warn Vee when he shows up. I'll be back as quickly as I can.

Posted by Queen Connie on :

I don't like the sound of this. He's going to get himself into trouble again and I'm going to have to break another claw getting him out! I'd better go after him.

Posted by Varalent on :
<enters Villa carrying Jinx in one arm and Cramer in the other.>

Okay you two, stay here! You'll be safe. I'll try to get a message to Dr.Juan to come and doctor both of you.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Arf arf arf (pant pant) rrrrrrrarf....
Posted by Varalent on :
Sorry FC, I'm fluent in feline but can't understand canine at al. Let's see, do you need a drink? Water? Or maybe some fresh cream?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Actually, Vee, I seem to be back to normal but I'm afraid it might just be temporary. This Species Transformation Germ is like malaria - it just keeps coming back.

So a good stiff drink would be in order - thank heavens this oasis of peace has remained undisturbed.
Posted by Varalent on :
What will it be? A Rin Tin Martini? A Scr-owowowdriver?
Posted by Queen Connie on :

Make it a bowl of purr-fectly fresh cream for me, Vee. Please!

Empress and I gave that nasty Ranger fellow a good chase but he got away from us. I came back to see if anyone else was having any success while Empress keeps searching. Boy I could use a nice tongue bath and catnap!

Posted by Varalent on :

It's so nice to be back at the Villa with nothing to do but be lazy, relax by the pool with a drink in my hand and watch the beautiful sunset.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

Wow, last night's party was great! But where did Cobie, Pol and Condo go?...

...and why am I hanging upside down from the ceiling? I don't remember anything that happened last time!

Um, guys? You out there? A little help, please? Someone? Anyone?

Vee is not going to be happy about this!
Posted by Varalent on :
IB, what are you doing up THERE?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I wish I knew!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So where has the rest of the festive five been lately?

I'm planning an all-weekend kegger at Vee's Villa--but he doesn't know yet!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I won't tell, if you get me down from the ceiling.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Lovely morning to linger over breakfast by the pool. I'll just push these unconscious bodies behind the rose bushes.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Oh my... isn't there a cactus behind the rose bushes?

Or was it a venus fly trap? I can't quite remember which...
Posted by Varalent on :
Both actually, but I think the snoring scared the venus flytrap.

At least now I know where the boys have been. I was starting to wonder what kind of mischief they were up to INSTEAD OF STUDYING FOR EXAMS!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Maybe we could stage The Little Villa of Horrors with that Venus Flytrap.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Looks like the boys are already at work staging Porky's.
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Maybe we could stage The Little Villa of Horrors with that Venus Flytrap.

I'm sure Seymour would love that! Lets!

OM: We can always feed Porky to the flytrap [Wink]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Oh, you don't have to go that far, I mean, my exams are over anyway, so I can slack off a bit if I want.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Wherever has Vee gone off to? It's been so long since we've last seen him!
Posted by Varalent on :
Sorry to say I just had an extended stay at the hospital. I'll explain more tonight if I feel up to it but I'll just say for now that I'm okay but still not 100%
Posted by Pov on :
[Elastic Lad] !!!

Sorry to hear you've been ill, Vee. [Frown]

I'm glad you're back-- you've been missed. Hope you're up to speed in no time!
Posted by Future on :
Yes, best wishes to you, Vee! I hope you get better soon. Come around when you can, we'll be here rooting for your full recovery all the way. Do take care!
Posted by UTS on :

Posted by Arachne on :
Get well soon, Vee. We miss you!
Posted by Frostfyre on :
I miss you Vee!!!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Get well soon, Vee!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Get well soon Vee, you're really missed around here!

Posted by Kid Prime on :
OH, gosh, Julio...

I sure do hope things are okay...
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

[Hug] [Hug] [Hug]

Get well soon! I'm sure everything will turn out okay.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Aaack!! Don't be sick! Get all better soonest!
Posted by Harbinger on :
Vee, in case you need any more hugs, and in fact even if you don't, have a great big [Hug] from me too.

You know you deserve it!
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks everyone! I've really missed being here but it's still tough to spend more than a few minutes up an about. Hopefully I'll be back to full posting strength soon! [Big Grin]
Posted by Juan on :
Get well soon!
Posted by Querl Dox on :
It's not cool for you. I hope you will get well soon!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Think I'll dispatch those handsome male nurses to serve you breakfast in bed - and stay in case you need anything else during the day.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Sorry to hear you haven't been well, Vee. I'd been wondering what happened to you in the "City of Heroes" thread.

I hope you feel up and at 'em very soon! Take care!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Haven't been to the Villa for a while, but it seems like the perfect place for a quiet Saturday breakfast - and to get away from that pushy Glorith creature. I'll just lock the gates behind me, if you don't mind.
Posted by Varalent on :
FC, I'm so glad you decided to stop by this morning! Now that I'm a former Leader, I can come back to my Villa and enjoy it's quiet comforts and splendorous views.

Relax while I'll make some Eggs Benedict and Mimosas. We can sit out by the pool and enjoy the glorious morning as it traipses into our lives.

Care for some canteloupe?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<starts loading kegs around pool>

Oh, don't mind me guys, I'll try to keep the noise level down [Wink]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Oh, that's right. Former Leaders get a Security detail.

Of course, it's a Legion World Security detail, so the days of a peaceful night's rest are pretty much over.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Well, it's quiet enough this morning. Just a bit of breeze rippling the pool and spreading the scent of roses around.

I'll have some of that cantaloupe, then I'm going to spend a few hours here reading comics.
Posted by Varalent on :
FC, I'm planning the menu for our brunch this weekend. Anything special you'd like?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
What I'd like for brunch is to lie by your pool while you send a gardener over to weed my garden and reseed my lawn. Weekends shouldn't be taken up with yard work. [Frown]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
V As promised. [Wink]

In order to protect your body and maintain order, please accept this gift of 12 of my finest Varangian guards. These 6 ft tall, blond, perfectly formed spearmen will do your every bidding.

[ July 15, 2004, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Faraway Lad ]
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks Dardenus, they look just ... wow! That one on the end stands at attention so rigidly!

Hmmm, I'm going to have to schedule personal inspections everyday to make sure they're always in perfect shape. Maybe personal workout sessions with each one as well! [Big Grin]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Maybe I'll be spending a little more time here too...
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Most noble lady, that torque looks wonderful on you.

Varalent! my friend.

Bring me Mead. Come sit next to me and tell me of your adventures with these valiant Varangians.
Posted by Varalent on :
Welcome to my Villa, Hrun! By chance I happen to have a cask of our special golden Mead from SHAKES here, so I'll go get you some.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Mead? When did we start carrying Mead? Vee, have you been falling for the sweet-talk from the liquor distributor again?
Posted by Varalent on :
SemiSweets, since I now have a guard unit of Varengian Spearman in my household I felt I should at least provide them with the appropriate libations. Since SHAKES always has exactly what the customer wants, I made sure we started stocking it. Just in time too, because Hrun seems to favor it. Besides, have you tasted the Mead I ordered? It's "strangely enticing" [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislette, Esq on :
*posts on wall by the front gate*
Help Wanted: Receptionist

Must fit in with office decor, answer phones, greet clients, and other tasks.

Position requires flexability.

Apply at Quislette's Super Law Firm of Space
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Hrun, if you're still here, you might want to apply for that receptionist job. You could do the barbarian thing on weekends.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Fair Lady, Hrun waits on no one. As you would find out if you would deign to be my guest one time. I could offer you the fairest sweetmeats and golden wines from the southern plains. I would rest your noble body on cushions and sheets of finest silk and a hand picked body of my finest warriors would protect you. Tall males would stand over you with fans and provide for your every need.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Varalent, noble brother!

More mead I find its taste strangely enticing.

(throws diamonds on table) Here take these a gift from one warrior to another.
Posted by Varalent on :
Why thank you Hrun! And here's your mead. Let me know what you think of this one, it's supposed to be the masters special brew. My Varangian spearmen all semed to get really excited when they tasted it!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hrun, your experience in pillage and plunder is equally as impressive as my own (in my compacity as Triumvir). Perhaps we can share war stories?

Besides, I'm planning on throwing a bash at Vee's Villa anyway [Big Grin]

And Vee, are those the jewels from Lash's statue? I think we may need to bring those back...
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Hrun will bring much mead and many women to this "bash" you speak of. and we shall sit and toast those who did not come back, and you shall tell me of the rich places you have plundered
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Better bring lots of handsome fellow barbarians as well Hrun. Do you have a bard in your entourage to sing sagas?
Posted by Future on :
A bard would be interesting! Please do ask around for one, Hrun.

Vee, the villa looks great! You and FC certainly have been keeping it clean.

Cobalt, need any planning help? The office is rather slow lately with everyone working on the germ and thievery issues, so I have some spare time.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Hrun has a bard and will make him sing the great love song of jorvik should you ever grace my halls with your presence fair lady.

Many warriors sing in my halls, they tell tales of the gods and of Hrun's many victories
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I will have my own troupe of bards join them, Hrun, so that new ballads can be created to memorialize the meeting of great warriors!

And Future, you are more than welcome to step in if you like! But there is no need, since I've commissioned the majority of SoM's personnal to personnally administer the party--and for double overtime out of his budget!
Posted by Varalent on :
I'm glad to see the Villa has become the epicenter of the social circle here on Legion World.

And wait until you see what I've had my Varangian Spearmen working on. It's taken hours of hard practice but I think they've finally gotten the swing of things! [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm glad the Villa is so big, Vee.

I'm thinking of having all the great heroes from my armies, and maybe even those of my fellow triumvirs EDE and Greybird, come and join us for a great feast!

We'll need to have a larger import of wenches though, both male and female.

Luckily, I'll fake SoM's signature and use his budget!
Posted by Future on :
VERY crafty, Cobalt! Just be careful, we know our fearless leader has an obvious madness side that may come out if he catches on!

Vee, just what HAVE you been doing with those Spearman? Attending the upcoming feast will be worth the answer alone. [Wink]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I'm sure he has been drilling them very hard for whatever it is. I just hope that he hasnt over done it and they can still keep their end up on the night.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Is the party at the Villa tonight?

Think I'll go for a morning swim to wake up then indulge in Vee's delectable Sunday brunch. Those Spearmen have managed to put on quite a spread. Don't know where they found the time with all this drilling activity.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Is the party suitable for minors?

Because if it isn't, then I'm definitely going!
Posted by Varalent on :
FC, brunch is ready! The Mimosa bar is bubbling, the honeydews and canteloupes are sparkling, Stenholm the Spearman makes a heck of an omlette and this roast is perfectly turned. So when you're done with your swim let Sven the Spearman know and he'll serve your plate for you.

IB, as a quasi-permanent member of this household, you are always welcome at the functions here. Just remember ~ until you are of age, NO DRINKING!(That's like the fine print for legal purposes [Big Grin] )
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
(In other words IB, just ask me when Vee *conveinently* turns his head [Wink] )

And the party will kick off tonight and last for two whole days! The Bards will sing of it's majesty!
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
I have brought the Mead, where are the wenches. ?

Throws axe in a friendly way at Cobaltus head
Posted by Varalent on :
Well, Glorith & Thora should be here soon (they always show up uninvited after all [Big Grin] )
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Wenches, enter!

<hundreds of wenches, male and female, all scantily clad, enter>

Let the party begin!

<Catches Hrun's axe, throws it at a wench's ripped outfit, ripping it apart>

Clothing will not do here!
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Hrun sits at a high table, his canopied chair covered in furs. At his feet in chains two scantily clad maidens.

"Ha, we shall feast tonight as never before"
Posted by Varalent on :
Must have been one hell of a party. The place is a mess and I don't remember anything! [Big Grin]
Posted by Future on :
All I know is that since the party, I haven't seen any wenches around either! Must've been a regular Independence Day.

Let me help you clean up the Villa, Vee. At least until Hrun recovers. [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
All I know is that there is a steady pounding going on in my head and it hurts when I pee.

Exactly what I was hoping for.
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
... it hurts when I pee.

Calling Dr. Gym'll! Emergency on Legion World! Yes it's that Cobalt Kid again. Sheesh

[ July 31, 2004, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
If only I can remember which wench gave me these burning feeling!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I think all of them did Cobie [LOL]
Posted by Future on :
Speaking of missing people, where DID the rest of the Spearmen go?

There seems to be a few missing, Vee. [Big Grin]
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :
<Slips in silently through Queen Connie's private entrance and begins sniffing around, carefully avoiding the notice of the various humans in the Villa, which is very easy to do because they are all rolling around laughing at Cobie's Plight!>

Hmmm, She's been here within the last few hours, but she's not here now.

<Leaves through one of the various tesseract connections>
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Future:
Speaking of missing people, where DID the rest of the Spearmen go?

There seems to be a few missing, Vee. [Big Grin]

Actually Future, they're still in bed recuperating. The mead drinking and "other" strenuous late night excercizes I put them through has made it hard for them to get "up" this early in the morning. [Big Grin]
Posted by Future on :
Ah, I see!

Well, they certainly deserve their rest if that's the case. [Wink] Wouldn't want them over-taxing themselves so early in their careers.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I can remember my own body being put through that strenous activity and remembering how it felt the next day--believe me, they'll be in bed for a solid day [Wink]

At I was able to cure whatever it was that I was infected with...

...time for another part?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Part of what Cobalt? are you missing something after all the exertions of the last party [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Now it seems as if I may have gotten an STD that doesn't let me use the letter "y" in my words!
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
"Cobalt my friend, how goes it?

Did you get a fair price for those damsels you took on our last voyage?"

<throws axe in a friendly way at Cobalts parts>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<catches axe, hurls it at whoever is in Vee's pool>

Aye, I did, although they refused to leave my side! I've decided to keep them on, and have hired them all as personnal assistants for matters of Security.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Fishes axe out of pool.

"tis a mighty number of slaves you now have Cobaltus"
Posted by Future on :
The villa sure is hopping with all of Cobie's new 'security officers.'

Time for a mid-week pool party yet?
Posted by Varalent on :
Ummm, I think that last axe toss into the pool punched a hole in it and let the water drain out. Probably not a good idea to think about a pool party at the moment, until I can get it repaired.
Posted by Future on :
Hey, we don't have to swim to have a pool party..or a party in the pool! [Smile]

Let's wheel a beer cart down there, a few tables, and call it an underwater shin-dig without the H2O.
Posted by Varalent on :
Those area ctually kind of fun [Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I haven't been to the Variable Villa in quite a while. As usually, it has varied somewhat from the last time I was here. I like the new view. Perhaps you could describe it for us, Vee.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Are inhabitants of villas called villains? Just wondering. [Big Grin]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Just lately.
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Are inhabitants of villas called villains? Just wondering. [Big Grin]

No, we're usually refered to as villans [Big Grin]
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Hrun walks in and sees the pile of cat poo stoopid cat has left in the recently repaired pool (see other thread)

"Ah ha, I draw close to my quarry"

and pausing only for a moment to batter two varangian guards unconcious he moves on
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Oops, almost stepped in that cat poo. I'll just clean it up cat poo and sends it through a Tesseract portal to Hrun's Hall of Valhalla.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Hrun Stands the other side of the tesseract portal, and simple throws the cat poo back. It lands in the swimming pool.
Posted by Varalent on :
Vee sees the cat poo coming through the tesseract from Hrun's Hall. Enraged at this slap in the face, Vee's eyes narrow to slits that seem to glint in the setting sunlight. Picking up the cat poo, Vee uses his size varying powers to increase the pile to enourmous proportions.

Hurling it back through the portal, Vee blasts it once more, doubling and redoubling it's size to that of a small SUV. This now huge pile of poo suddenly materializes above Hrun's head and lands on top of him with a might thud, leaving him chest deep in a malodorous mound of cat poo.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
The Emerald Empress's protection spell instantly rejects the poo and sends it back whence it came splattering on Hrun's forehead and dripping down into his beard. Unsure of what has just hit him, Hrun licks his lips. [Big Grin]

[ August 12, 2004, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Hmmm, Hrun must have flung more cat poo than we thought. Vee was even faster than the Empress's spell. But what he missed, the spell took care of.

(Revisionist editing)
Posted by Varalent on :

Licks his lips?

Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Stoopid Cat runs quickly through the Villa.


Just wait till I get that @&*% barbarian


Hrun chases after him, A pungent odor following him

"varalent friend" he shouts. Playfully patting Vee on the back, and unfortunately leaving a large brown hand print on Vee's newly pressed costume. "the hunt goes well"

And Hrun too is gone.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :

No Beard on Hrun.

So the Abassador from the Dwarve mines is going to be really Pee'd off with you lot.
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

The TIGER GOD AVATAR leaps out of a Tesseract into Vee's pool and swims for a few moments (unlike most other large cats tigers are good swimmers and enjoy the water) then hauls himself out of the pool and shakes himself dry - in the process drenching the smooooth one and cleaning the brown hand print off of his back.

The TIGER GOD AVATAR then places a small hurricane protection talisman in the center of the Villa and leaps into a second tesseract to continue his Barbarian Hunt.

Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks Tiger God Avatar (Avitar?) Appreciate the cleaning and the talisman. It will be put to good use.
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :

<A tesseract opens and the TIGER GOD AVATAR's massive head emerges...>

Do you really want to argue spelling with a TIGER GOD, Smoooothie?" [Razz]

<Tesseract and TIGER GOD AVATAR dissappear.>


[ August 13, 2004, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Stoopid Cat ]
Posted by Varalent on :

Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Originally posted by Hrun the Barbarian:

No Beard on Hrun.

So the Abassador from the Dwarve mines is going to be really Pee'd off with you lot.

Sorry Hrun, in the dim candle light of the hall, I mistook your dirt-encrusted wrinkles and flapping jowls for a beard. (Dwarf ambassador indeed! That's good one.)

[ August 13, 2004, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :
Originally posted by Varalent:



Vee, you little smoothie, just in case you hadn't noticed, I'm a fricking CAT! A rather large cat but a CAT!

And as a species, us Cats, we don't really care much about Spelling! (or grammer neither, so there!)

Just ask The Queen. [LOL]

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
That talisman seems to be working - nothing but a gentle breeze here and a **faint** smell of cat .... the pool looks clean enough for a swim. I'll take a chance and just keep an eye on that tesseract portal.
Posted by Future on :
The ever variable villa seems to invariably repair most of the damage...and smells...faster than the rest of Legion World! The pool already looks better. How's the water, Cramer?

Vee, hope your real life home is as resilient as the online villa. Do play it safe if you're dealing with any damages and take care!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The water's perfect, as it usually is - barring the occasional flying axe and dollop of cat poo that we've had in the past week.

Have a seat, once and future Future, and we'll wait for news of the other storm-tossed Floridians. At least the mimosas are still flowing here.
Posted by Future on :
Thanks, Cramey. I'll just sit at the edge and stick my feet in the pool while we await the villa's prodigal owner.

Hurry back, Vee!
Posted by Stoopid Cat on :
Vee (& Queen Connie), I'm starting to get a little worried... Hope you two are all right...
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks for keeping the Villa in such fine shape guys. SC, the the hurricane protection seems to have worked splendidly. Just some missing roof shingles and downed trees and some water damage in the screened porch is all. Now if the Legion World Power & Light would get off their tookus and get me some power running again, all would be right with my world.

(Queen Connie says hello. She's convinced that I turned the power off so she couldn't pester Gary about doing Whizzy smilie! [Big Grin] )
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
LW P&L were taking so long Vee, that I slapped a ticket on them for blocking traffic. I told 'em to get hurrying to your humble abode before I start bringing them in for smoking grass on the job!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
LW P&L didn't send out Cheech & Chong again, did they?

Good thing you're always on the job, Cobie!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I aim to please!

They should be lucky I don't send Shark Lad after them!
Posted by Future on :
It should serve them right if they delay fixing Vee's place any longer!

Let Sharky spring on them from the villa pool once they're done. Their just desserts, after all.
Posted by Varalent on :
See I knew I could count on all of you on LW! LWP&L managed to get my power back on (between puffs apparently! [Big Grin] )

So everything is just about back to normal. But, grife, I don't want to go through THAT again any time soon!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
LWP & L got off easy this time...

Good to hear that your power is back, Vee!
Posted by Future on :
Yes, glad things are back to normal (for the most part).

Can we feed the LW P & L people to Shark Lad anyway?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Vee, I'm glad you're safe. But if the (secretly) most powerful superhero of LW wasn't safe, I guess no-one would be. Maybe the Emerald Empress could pathc up the villa for you. She always does wonders at SHAKES.
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
[QB]Vee, I'm glad you're safe. But if the (secretly) most powerful superhero of LW wasn't safe, I guess no-one would be. /QB]

Shhhhhhh! Don't let anyone hear you say that! [Big Grin]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The villa may be variable, but it's inviolate. Not even a bougainvillea leaf out of place!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Thank heavens those of us who live in foggy lands can escape to the villa for some morning sunshine.
Posted by Future on :
A little bit of fog doesn't sound half bad, though one could always use that sun!

The villa's pool is quite refreshing today! Anyone care to join?
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Believe me, the fog gets old pretty quick. We haven't had summer here in San Francisco. It's the same every year. You start to feel cheated.
Posted by Varalent on :
Hey Future! Glad you're enjoying the pool. Brunch should be ready in a few so have a mimosa while you're floating.
Posted by Future on :
Thank you, good sir! But when do YOU get to have a day off?

Let me finish the mimosa and in a moment I'll get out and help set brunch up for everyone.
Posted by STU on :
Hey Vee!

Did you have those young, strapping, shirtless workers come fix your roof yet? [Big Grin]
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
And if they haven't can I come over and watch?

[ August 23, 2004, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: KinetixgreenZoe ]
Posted by Varalent on :
Not yet, but I'll let you know when they arrive.

Right now it looks like I'd better see to the security systems here at the Villa. Make sure everything is in working order. It's amazing that the Villa has withstood all the recent barbarians bashing; hurricanes howling; and posters protesting.

Looks like we've got another LW Uncivil War in the works!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Can I watch KGZ watching the workers?
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Ahh...I'm taking you home.
Posted by Future on :
Uh oh. I'll watch the Villa while you two are gone helping the workers 'fix' Vee's house. [Smile]
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks Future, although I'm hoping that I don't just get to watch the roofers. I plan on insisting that I get to play with their tools before I sign their contract. [Big Grin]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Be careful with those power tools Vee. You might take somebody's eye out!
Posted by Future on :
One last spin in the villa pool, then it's time for me to get my mind out of summer and into autumn.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Vee my freind there appears to be a sense of unrest on LW. Do you mind if I station a few more Varangians here so as to offer the Villa some protection?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Vee, to vent off a little steam over recent events on Legion World, I'm throwing a kick-ass bash at the Villa.

Right now.

I just need to add a little more Spanish fly to this jungle juice...
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
I just love kick-ass bashes.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Did somebody say "party"?!?
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
I just love kick-ass bashes.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Can I at least wait until this one's over until I have to go to rehab?

Posted by Loser Lad on :
[Queeg] [Doctor Mayavale] [Metal-Eating Worm Thingies] [Queeg]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Why when we have a party does someone allways kick my ass?????
Posted by STU on :
They just don't want your ass to feel left out, that's all. [Big Grin]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Well as long as my ass gets felt
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Drink all you want Lou, just stay away from the little pills.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Woot! But I thought you liked it when I took the little blue ones?
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Shh...I'm not counting those.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Okay sweet!
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
I thought it tasted a little bitter.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
You get used to it.
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
That's what they all say.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
And it makes your hair nice and shiny!
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
It better not even touch my hair. Hey, did I tell you what I did in my Theatre Class.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
No, not that I know of.
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Okay, there was this really cute guy named Mike. I mean this guy was absolutely gorgeous. He was like the male God of Beauty. And he had an ass that wouldn't quit.

[ August 29, 2004, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: KinetixgreenZoe ]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Is this a serial? Will we have to wait for the "Next Exciting Episode" to find out what happens?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Same KGZ time, same KGZ channel!
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Tease [Razz]
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
I really find this guy attractive, but I'm very shy around new people. So, I don't talk to him. Then Cindy and this strange girl, whom I just met, tell me that he's out of my league. I blushed, no one ever told me that I'm pretty and meant it sincerely.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
That's nice. Why not talk to the guy though? What's the worst that could happen?
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Then Cindy, says (and I quote)"Your 5'10", you weigh 120 lbs., a 36 C (she pokes my boobs, she always does that), Your face outstanding in the good looks department, you just need to be more assertive." I tought about what she said, after I cried (she's never said anything so nice to me before). I went home and decided to be assertive.

[ August 29, 2004, 01:39 AM: Message edited by: KinetixgreenZoe ]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Last post before I go to bed.

Look, most guys like it when a girl comes up and talks to them. It doesn't have to be any more than a "hi, my name is". If he's interested, he'll take over from there. If not, then hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained. If you're in the same class, chances are you'll have to interact at some point. In an acting class the interaction is likely to be frequent and intimite. Why not try to get it off on the right foot. If nothing else you might end up with a new friend out of the deal.

Okay, that's enough seriousness out of me for the night.

Goodnight all!
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Goodnight and no, I couldn't do that,I'm fragile.

So I got my little white lace short skirt dress. Total clevage and legs. Accompanied by my white lace stilletoes. This isn't my style, but it worked. His jaw dropped. I know this is silly, but I have never been able to interact well until a few years ago and I never consider dating because I was too busy, with school and my work. And now I have my very first boyfriend. I'm so excited, my friends say I'll lose my virginity in a month, I told them to screw themselves. And you wouldn't believe the reaction of the other men whe I dress...skanky. I'm so jazzed.

[ August 29, 2004, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: KinetixgreenZoe ]
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Anyways, let's forget about the gossip and get back to the kick ass bash.

Where's the punch?
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Well congrats anyway Zoe. I hope you and Mike wil be happy. Just don't let him pressure you into doing anything you're not ready for. There is a time and a place for everything, and there's nothing worth having that isn't worth waiting for until the time is right.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Terry, that's great! You should be proud of yourself. I hope things work out too, and even if they don't, you've still proven to yourself that you can get assertive when you need to be!
Posted by Varalent on :
*Hmmm....seems like it was a rather docile party for a change. Nothing a few cleaning bots won't have cleaned up in an hour. [Big Grin] *
Posted by Varalent on :
Now I have tofigure out where I'm going to put the extra spearmen. Can't wait to start training them!
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Wait 'til you see what Cobie did in the upstairs closet Vee. You might want to hire on a few extra cleaning bots for the night...

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
She did it to me is more accurate...
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Stoopid Cat! Better reactivate that anti-hurricane talisman! I hear the Villa may be in for some heavy rains later in the week.
Posted by Varalent on :
Yeah, sure does look that way. Just hope Frances turns north soon or we could be getting visited by another nasty hurricane this coming weekend. The current projected pat has it making a beeline towards us.

Posted by Abin Quank on :
Stoopid cat wants you to know that the Hurricane Protection Talisman is a permanent charm. It never needs renewing.

Be safe and let us know how it worked...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'll also be spending my time at the Villa trying to make sure nothing is damaged.

(Keeping fingers crossed for Vee too [Smile] )
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :

It was Loser's fault, he kept chasing me around the table with the nice lamp.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Oh, sure. Everybody always blames it on me...

I wouldn't have had to chase you if you wouldn't have slapped me and stolen my wallet.
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I didn't buy them. They were free samples!
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Oh well, then that just makes the biggest difference.

(Slaps him and steals his wallet, again)

What? I want to buy a coke.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
You coulda just asked. I would have scored you some if I knew you needed a fix.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Sheesh! will you two just get a room [Big Grin]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
The only one open is that upstairs closet. And I don't think the cleaning 'bots have gotten that far yet... *shudder*
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
I said A COKE, not some coke. You damn pothead.
Posted by Loser Lad on :

I was wondering if you'd catch that or not... [Smile]
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
You'd be so lucky if I decide to just slap you.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Oh, you mean there's more than that...?
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Yeah, I could hit you, kick you, stab you, hit you with chains...

[ September 01, 2004, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: KinetixgreenZoe ]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Ooh yeah! You know I love it when you play rough... [Big Grin]
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
How about if you stand on a chair and I tie a rope that's hanging from the ceiling around your neck.

Then I can kick the chair from under you.

Would you like that, babe.

[ September 01, 2004, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: KinetixgreenZoe ]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
You know some people actually do get off on that sort of thing...
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Would you like it if I did, set the room on fire and left with your car.

Does that turn you on.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
You can take my Jeep, but ou have to take over the payments.

And the insurance.

And the repair bills.

And fill the tank with gas. Mid-grade or higher only please.

Oh, and your right front tire is getting a little low. Make sure you put some air in there.
Posted by Future on :
Don't forget that the leather seats need replacing and that the oil needs changing, Lou!
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
I was just going to crash it and collect the insurance.
Posted by Loser Lad on :

Good luck there. Hope you've saved up enough to cover the deductible...
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Alright, I'll just drive it into your house and blow it up, that was when you get out of the noose, you'll get hit by the car, which will explode. Then you will have the deductible and be indebt with hospital bills.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Now that's anyone's idea of a bad day!

Ah well, I don't mind hospital food and I was looking towards buying a new house, and I'm already in debt up to my eyeballs, so hey, what's a little more, right?

Could you at least wait until after I get the Security Officer job? That way I'll be able to knock out a quick vanishing act during my hospital stay! Kill two birds with one stone!
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Allright, but as a trade-off (in her most demonic voice) NO SEX!!! HA HA HA!!!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :

You know its sweet little tiffs like this that let you know love is in the air [LOL]

Almost sound like your married there Loser [Devil]
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
I'm too busy for marriage.
Posted by Future on :
College has to end eventually, KGZ! [Wink]
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Give it 12 or 14 years.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Almost sound like your married there Loser [Devil]

Sounded pretty good right up until the no sex part. [LOL]

No marriage for me either please. If I wanted to give away half of my money to somebody who doesn't really care about me I'd start paying taxes again!
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Ah, you can have sex, just not with me, I saw what you did with that girl.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
She won't be seeing much out of her right eye after it...
Posted by KinetixgreenZoe on :
Eww, that's disgusting. And the right eye's the best one.
Posted by Jesse Future on :
Just helping the Villa batten down some hatches for the upcoming hurricane. Good luck, Vee!
Posted by Loser Logan on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
She won't be seeing much out of her right eye after it...


She does look good with that patch though... [Love]
Posted by RavenArcanna on :
Well, I supposed she could have fun with an eye patch, fashion wise.
Posted by CM3 Vee on :
Originally posted by Jesse Future:
Just helping the Villa batten down some hatches for the upcoming hurricane. Good luck, Vee!

Thanks Jesse Future! Good to know others are helping keep the Villa safe.
Posted by RavenArcanna on :
Is the party still going on in here?
Posted by Loser Logan on :
I think everybody passed out.

Vee, I hope you're safe out there! We're all keeping an eye on the Villa for you in the mean time!
Posted by CM3 Vee on :
Well so far the Anti Hurricane Talisman has worked like a charm! Very little damage to speak of. Now the question is will be hold steady for our next vicious visitor?

(Yes, sigh, it looks like Ivan the Terrible will be here late this coming weekend unless it changes course! Probably a good thing that we haven't removed all the shutters, plywood and tape huh?)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
LW P&L were taking so long Vee, that I slapped a ticket on them for blocking traffic. I told 'em to get hurrying to your humble abode before I start bringing them in for smoking grass on the job!

There'll be another ticket in the works if LW P&L don't make sure that the Villa is taken care of as quickly as possible when Ivan hits...
Posted by Miss Troia on :
[Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark] Hello, virtuous Vee! Please consider me as your Leader when at the polls! [Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark]
Posted by Miss Troia on :
[Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark] How fares the Villa, Vee? [Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark]
Posted by CM3 Vee on :
Safe & sounds thankfully. [Big Grin]

Here's hoping that Jeanne decides to journey north into the Atlantic, followed by Karl

Posted by Semi Radiant Fellow on :
You guys sure are getting the bejeezus kicked out of you. I hope it lets up soon.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
"Hah, Vee my little friend, your villa looks like a horde of Barbarians have just been through here"

Grabs hold of a varangian guard and absent mindedly knocks him out and throws him into the pool.

"Where are the dancing girls"

Throws axe from hand to hand in a playful way
Posted by Future on :
Hrun! Good to see you again...

*notices the drowning guard* I'll be right back.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Vee is like a high ranking Roman Senator on Legion the return of any great warrior should lead to a major party at his Villa.

Let's have our armies fix the Villa up for him, Hrun, as a tribute to our great friend. Then we can eat, drink and wench till our hearts are content.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
"I shall send a Dragon Boat of fair haired boys from the northern shore. I hear tell that they are good with their hands.

Here, catch"

Throws an entire leg of mutton at Cobalt.

"eat I shall go see why the serving wenchs are so slow with the Mead"
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<large bite>

If they continue to be slow, discipline them as you see fit!

<throws another leg of mutton at Future>

Eat young warrior!
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Aloha Vee, nice to see you.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Guess the party's over. At least there's nobody passed out by the pool, and here are the fair-haired boys with towels and orange juice. Don't they ever sleep?
Posted by CM3 Vee on :
Well look what the wind blew in! [Big Grin]

Thanks for the fair haired boys Hrun, I can certainly use thier help in cleaning up the Villa from Hurricane Jeanne.

Someone please tell me that dealing with three of them in a little over a month is enough.
Posted by Future on :
Adding Bonnie to the mix makes it a nice four, too!

Perhaps one of SoM's last acts in office can be to send a repair team over to the Villa.
Posted by CM3 Vee on :
That would be nice. Be sure to send electricians, roofers, drywall specialist, & AC repairman. [Big Grin]

On a serious note, I consider myself very lucky. Only lost power for a couple of hours. When it came back, however, my Central AC unit caught fire! Fortunately I was home (I was supposed to be in NC from Sunday until this coming Thursday) I smelled something odd and went searching only to discover 3-4 flames consuming the interior of my AC unit. I quickly got them put out and turned off the unit until I can get someone here to see what the problem is. The AC unit is in the garage next to the dining room wall (and my car!) so I'm very lucky that I discovered it quickly before I had a major house fire going.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
GAH! I'm so glad you're not up in flames, Vee, but I hate to hear that about your AC! [Frown]
Posted by matlock on :
Geez Vee, that stinks but I'm very glad you were at home and able to catch it. I'll be glad when this season is over with, doubly so for all you down there.
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
I'm just gald that are Vee is safe and sound.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Thank God you were there to catch it, Vee! We're worried about you down there [Frown]

Stay safe!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Good catch, Vee! Glad to hear you're OK.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Hrun will help put out flames. After all he has huge watering can from Miss Belinda.
Posted by Vee on :
Oh, I'm more than okay right now! You should see the three shirtless hotties in shorts doing temporary repairs on my roof right now! [Big Grin]

Edited because I was too distracted to remember to add my trademark grin! [Big Grin]

[ October 02, 2004, 08:16 AM: Message edited by: Vee ]
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Edited because I was too distracted to remember to add my trademark grin! [Big Grin]

It was implied. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Selected by Future to be FEATURED FOR A DAY!
Posted by Future on :
'Cause it space-rawks!
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Definitely! I need asprin.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
shirtless repair guys are a good thing...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<throws shirt onto grass>

It's hot doing all this repair work...
Posted by Vee on :
Got plenty of it to do, so don't bother wearing one from now on on my account ! [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

Is the villa totally clothing optional or just shirts?
Posted by Vee on :
Clothing optional of course! [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Great! I'll option of Cobie's pants [Wink]
Posted by Vee on :
Quis, you can have his pants, I'll take the rest of him! [Big Grin]
Posted by Future on :

[Cheers] , Vee!
Posted by Vee on :
Future, allow me to repeat myself.

You are awesome! I have set aside a waterfront suite in the Villa for your personal use whenever you feel like staying. Has a beautiful view of the sunsets as well. You shall always be an honored guest at Vee's Variable Villa

Just my little way of saying thanks for the great work on the bumpersticker! [Big Grin]
Posted by Miss Tricks on :
He did a great job as usual! That's a beautiful background, Future. Where'd you find it and what is it a pic of?
Posted by Future on :
Thanks, Vee!

Since I'm not sure whether Viv or anyone will want to party after performing on-stage at SHAKES tonight, I wouldn't mind a nice getaway to clear my head and let the Future Fizzes work get out of my system.

I can't wait to catch the sunrise, since I already missed the sunset!
Posted by Future on :
The picture is actually something I googled up with the word "villa." [Smile]

I believe it was mentioned as being somewhere near the Dominican Republic.
Posted by Vee on :
See, I knew it was my place! Florida IS near the Dominican Republic! [Big Grin]
Posted by Future on :
Good eye, Vee!

Today was the first time in my two years of school up in Idaho that I felt this cold in 50 degree weather. Normally I love it!

Florida must have maladapted my body this summer. I miss the place already!
Posted by Vee on :
Just wait, it gets worse as time goes by! By the end of this winter you'll be fully Floridated! [Big Grin]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Wasn't it warmer in Alaska than Florida some days last winter? Maybe Vee will be moving the villa to Idaho!
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
Wasn't it warmer in Alaska than Florida some days last winter? Maybe Vee will be moving the villa to Idaho!

[No] Not likely [Big Grin]
Posted by Vee on :
Umm, ummm, ummmmmmmm!

There that takes care of everything in preparation for Cobie's holiday season. The fire pit is flaming merrily and the pork is roasted perfectly (and seasoned with the Vee family's secret Cuban spice recipe!) The spearmen have been scheduled and admonished to make sure that there is always a fresh pig on the secondary spit.

That's it I think!
Posted by Vee on :
Ooops! Almost forgot!

Gungnir, have the special secluded private suite that overlooks the pool and beach prepared for Cobie. Remember, no one is allowed to bother him when he's in his room. I want the security details doubled so that none of his adoring fans here on Legion World are able to sneak in and cause him any problems during this most sacred holiday week.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I just came by for some roast pork. I brought a basket of papaya to make a nice salsa for the pork.
Posted by Vee on :
Thanks Semi! Let me get you a plateful! Tell me what you think.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
This is delicious. Is is Slobovian Piglet?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Vee and Semi, the food is delicious!

Thanks for giving me a place to crash for this holiday season! I was worried about my adoring fan constantly hounding me and tempting me with their bodies! Now I can rest sound at the Villa and know I won’t be disturbed during this time of abstinence.

And the cool breeze from the ocean combined with the bourbon will keep me nice and relaxed as I contemplate my new found chastity…
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Well, we know you won't be tempted by our finely muscled forms. And we're old enough to manage a modicum of decorum around you. Right Vee? Vee? Vee?
Posted by Vee on :

[ October 15, 2004, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Vee ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I would love to see the pre-edit response. [Big Grin]
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
I would love to see the pre-edit response. [Big Grin]

Okay it originally read:


[Big Grin]
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
I would love to see the pre-edit response. [Big Grin]

Okay it originally read:


[Big Grin]

The truth is such a let down sometimes, isn't it? [Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :

[ October 15, 2004, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Vee on :
Okay, I showed you's your turn! [Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Hee hee! I didn't change it. I just edited it and left it the same. [Big Grin]
Posted by Vee on :
Tricky aren't you?

That's one of the things I like about you. [Big Grin]
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
Originally posted by Vee:
The truth is such a let down sometimes, isn't it? [Big Grin]

Which is why we'll probably just make something up and sell it to the LMB Enquirer.
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I was worried about my adoring fan constantly hounding me and tempting me with their bodies! Now I can rest sound at the Villa and know I won’t be disturbed during this time of abstinence.

Just to be on the safe side, we oughta take down those statues too, so your, um, "fans" don't have a constant reminder of your presence.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Perhaps we could just put paper bags over their heads. [Big Grin]
Posted by Vee on :
Actually I think we should put up more statues of Cobie during the holidays. His "fan" will be so busy running around from one to the other that she/he may never find him before the holidays are over! [Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Well at least sculpt chastity thongs onto the statues. With all this magic running rampant, you never know where Cobie's pent-up energy might be channeled.
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
Perhaps we need to dissuade the fans, then, as opposed to Cobie.

We could rig the statues to deliver little electric shocks.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Or big electric shocks - that would be fun.
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
I like how you think.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Hey Miner, have you noticed that this has been sort of All Miner Day, All Day?
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
I have.

I don't know why it's going on, but I'm touched.
Posted by DivineOpalJanell on :
Enjoy is why you can, but sure do love groveling at you feet.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Is the villa pool still open. I see the roofers are working on the villa, replacing the terracota tile.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Fortunately, the orange grove wasn't too damaged.
Posted by Vee on :
Yes, I had a force field installed around the pool deck to keep falling debris away from everything so enjoy!
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
And apparently, it's a heat shield as well. No need for woolen cover-ups around the pool! (Woolen cover-ups?)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think the party I was hosting while the repairs were still being done worked out pretty good too...
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
And apparently, it's a heat shield as well. No need for woolen cover-ups around the pool! (Woolen cover-ups?)

Now Semi, you know there's never any need for woolen cover ups (or any attire, if that's your pleasure) at the Villa! It's perpetual summer here. [Big Grin]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
That's because of your perpetually sunny disposition, Vee.

[ October 21, 2004, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Ah, a nice late evening swim in the pool and I have it all to myself.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Maybe if we start using the Villa again, Vee will show up.
Posted by ferroboy on :
I've never been here before. Looks nice. I'll have to pop in after work tonight.
Posted by Vee on :
Thought you'd all like to see how renovations are going at the Villa.


So what do you think?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think that puts me in the mood for a drink [Big Grin]
Posted by Vee on :
Bloody Marys or Mimosas on the south veranda at sunrise, Cobie! Mojitos, Margaritas, & Pina COladas at sunset on the north veranda, and other drinks late night in the pool.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Arriving shortly. Don't bother cleaning up, I'm not fussy. Just not too much ice in the drinks.
Posted by Vee on :
Drinks will be reaady & waiting for your arrival Milady!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
can i just sit here in the sun and dabble my toes in the water?
Posted by Vee on :
Of course you can Faraway. The Villa was designed for dabbling! [Big Grin]
Posted by Future on :
Vee! I've had enough of this snow and ice.

I'm going to spend the next few days at the Villa to remind myself what real weather is.
Posted by Vee on :
Got your suite ready for you Future, so get yourself settled in anytime and enjoy!
Posted by Future on :
Consider me settled! Glad to see the pool wasn't moved during renovations.
Posted by Vee on :
Future by any chance did you leave the door to Idaho open when you came in? It's gotten VERY cold here the past couple of days! Brrrrrrrrrr!
Posted by Future on :
More than likely I did! I'll try to weld it shut so it never happens again. It's safer for the world that way.
Posted by Vee on :
Knew I could count on you [Big Grin]
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Hrun leaps over the hedge and land with an almighty splash in the pool.

“Wha? By the gods! I am sure this pool was not hear the last time”

Pulling him self out of the pool, the water streaming from his hugely muscle torso; Hrun sets off towards the Villa. As he approaches the door, he reaches behind him and brings out a large battle axe and a short thrusting sword that looks well used. Setting his shoulders he approaches the Villa, a determined look on his face.
Posted by Vee on :
Hearing the huge splash in the pool, Vee glances out the window and spots Hrun. He strides over to the door and throws it open.

Hrun my friend! How are you? It's been a while since you dropped in for a visit. How about I order up some mead and we can catch up?

[ April 27, 2005, 05:55 AM: Message edited by: Vee ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<leaps over wall, into pool>


Hm…better take off this wet tunic…

<now shirtless>

I’ll join you two, Vee, as we discuss what to do next. The way I see it, Matlock has Café Cramer protected right now, but Viv’s island is still a problem, I don’t have my powers and there is the possibility of a mysterious enemy from within.

In addition to your potent power, your wisdom has always been useful in these types of emergencies…
Posted by Vee on :
Have a seat Cobie. I'll have one of my Vangerian Spearman bring us a meal and some mead and we'll discuss it.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
"Vee my comrade in arms, I bring worrying news from the Northern frontier. A strange prophecy and many portents of doom have been seen ".

Bites large piece of meat from the joint offered and drinks deeply.

“And now I hear my Lord Faraway lies at deaths door”

There is a loud clash. Turning the three see the Varangian serving man standing in Shock the tray he was carrying rolling across the floor of the Villa.

“We go to our Lord” he shouts running from the room. “Woe to this land if he should die”

As he leaves he raises a small horn to his lips and blows a sweet clear call. Hearing it answered from various parts of the Villa he heads off towards the armoury.
Posted by The Red Bee on :


<Members of Varalent's staff lie dead or in serious pain, clutching their wounds.>

<Faster than they came, like a Blitzkrieg, the Red Bee and his bees exit>

[ May 12, 2005, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: The Red Bee ]
Posted by Vee on :

Surrounded by sapphire blue light, Vee absent-mindedly SHRinks the few stragler bees to the size of dust motes

....Guess Red Bee didn't notice that my entire staff exited the Villa in a hurry about 2 posts ago.

I will make him pay for knocking over and damaging all my beautiful neo-Graeco and neo-Roman statuary! [Mad]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
B'Jeebers! How the heck am I ever gonna clean this mess up?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Just sweep everything into this tesseract, A.Q., and call in the decorators. Sometimes it's just best to start over from scratch.
Posted by Vee on :
Thanks for the help guys!

Got any ideas on a new deco style since I have to redo the Villa completely it would appear?
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Considering the location, overlooking the bay (Montego?), I'd go with a Carribean Motif.

But with the cast of characters who regularly show up here you may want to go with something a little more durable. Like maybe Stainless Steel?

[ August 22, 2005, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: Abin Quank ]
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Considering the location, overlooking the bay (Montego?), I'd go with a Carribean Motif.

But with the cast of characters who regularly show up here you may want to go with something a little more durable. Like maybe Stainless Steel?

Hmm, or maybe Institutional might be more appropriate! [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Vee, have you heard from Condo or Magnetic Kid in awhile?

I remember when them, IB, SLK and myself were dubbed 'The Festive Five' for our partying and all-nighters in the Villa...
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Weren't we calling Vee, ATM in those days?

(Someone had to pay for booze and repairs)
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Vee, have you heard from Condo or Magnetic Kid in awhile?

I remember when them, IB, SLK and myself were dubbed 'The Festive Five' for our partying and all-nighters in the Villa...

Thanks for asking Cobie. Both of them are doing fine. Tommy & Shawn (to be honest I forget which one was Condo ~ Tommy I think, and which was Magnetic Kid [Big Grin] ) both are back at school as of this past weekend for the start of their last year. Tommy is fully recovered and was able to make up some classes over the summer back home so he's not too far behind and should be able to graduate on time with his class this coming spring.

I'll let them know you were asking about them. Maybe they'll feel a wee bit guilty for not having popped in here in a while and put in an appearance before classes begin to take their toll.
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Thanks for the help guys!

Got any ideas on a new deco style since I have to redo the Villa completely it would appear?

I think you should redo it like Apollo's Olympian retreat - you know, lots of doric columns, marble, flying steeds, chariots and godlets-in-waiting. I'd like somewhere I can relax when I'm not at SHAKES.

[ August 22, 2005, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Vee on :
Yes, I like that.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I would too!

Plus it would kinda go with the notion that Vee is similar to a classical Roman Senator on Legion World!
Posted by Semi Transparent Fellow on :
I found this picture which might give you some ideas about how to integrate the pool into the main structure. Note the tropical vegetation which should make you feel right at home, Vee.


[ August 23, 2005, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: Semi Transparent Fellow ]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
<Peers around, looking for Vee...>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<fiddles with Chip in Head technology, people unaware of what he is doing>

Mm. Now that's interesting.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
<eyebrows raised to the ceiling>
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :

Hrun jumps into the pool and swims a few lengths.

After a while he leaves the pool and stands next to one of the pool chairs and towels his naked heavily muscled body dry.

He see's one of Vee's Varangian guards and challenges him to a bout or two of Greco Roman wrestling.

unfortunatly as the two attempt to defeat eeach other a number of statues are knocked over and smashed.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by Hrun the Barbarian:

Hrun jumps into the pool and swims a few lengths. After a while he leaves the pool and stands next to one of the pool chairs and towels his naked heavily muscled body dry.

Mmm...I like the idea of naked and heavily muscled denizens at Legion World...but with the rudiments of manners and good breeding, of course [Big Grin]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
(appears suddenly via the tesseract system)

Hm... Boy, it feels like a million years since Cobie, SLK, Condo, Magnetic Kid and I overran this place. Good times, those...

(scans the area quickly, then shakes his head)

Damn, still no sign of Vee.

(jumps back into the tesseract system)
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Oh my Lord, I know where Vee is!
Posted by Queen Connie on :

*Well? Where? Spill the beans.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
I remember...I was momentarily distracted by Hrun's cavorting in the pool, but Cobalt Kid and Kid Prime and myself were showing Vee a mysterious painting that Semi found...I have run a scan of the painting and find it is composed of properties which is capable of sustaining humanoid life....

Vee was swallowed up and now is a virtual prisoner inside that picture! That has to be the answer!
Posted by SCarlet on :
Originally posted by legionadventureman:
I remember...I was momentarily distracted by Hrun's cavorting in the pool, but Cobalt Kid and Kid Prime and myself were showing Vee a mysterious painting that Semi found...I have run a scan of the painting and find it is composed of properties which is capable of sustaining humanoid life....

Vee was swallowed up and now is a virtual prisoner inside that picture! That has to be the answer!

FOOL! you know Nothing! Nothing!!!
Posted by SCarlet on :
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Well... that can't be a good sign...
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
*sigh* The Office of Security can't even keep these interplanetary illegal aliens from arriving and causing havoc.

My hypothesis is that Vee was transported trans-dimensionally, since Connie told us she can't sense his presence anymore.
Posted by SCarlet on :
This...Tamper Lad...he knows things. something must be done.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
"Mmmm sounds intersting LAM, could you should me the picture again"

Faraway examines the picture.

"This is not good, not good at all" he turns to Tamper Lad, "I think we may need you, are you willing to help? There is a strong trail here. the Faraway force is being used by another"
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Let's go, though Cobalt Kid said he was onto something. All I can see him on is a girls' reformatory school dropout.
Posted by Frio on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
All I can see him on is a girls' reformatory school dropout.

You say that like it's a bad thing! [Wink]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :

Well that depends, where's your reform diploma [Wink]

[ September 06, 2005, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Let's go, though Cobalt Kid said he was onto something. All I can see him on is a girls' reformatory school dropout.

OK Tamper Lad, as I am part of the diplomatic corps not a security officer, I dont have high level acess to Security office records. We might have to take a two pronged approach to finding Vee.

"As I said, looking at the picture there is a strong sense that VEE has been taken somewhere Faraway. I can track a general direction but I dont think I can take us there. Using some of those secret government funds you have syphoned off, do you think you can get us a dimensional phase transponder together with a huge flash style treadmill?

Oh and whilst your out, can you get some peanuts, I'm feeling a bit peckish"
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Done, done and done. I detected a quantum spin inversion at the point of his disappearance, Consistent with Vee being faraway, timelost, or reality lost.

Oh your peanuts, here dry or honey roasted?

<Waves bye to Chilly, as the treadmill engages>

[ September 06, 2005, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]
Posted by Frio on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:

Well that depends, where's your reform diploma [Wink]

I will not put up with your mockery of my name you verbose wannabe!

That's it. I'm definitely finding Luna. We might not get along all the time but maybe she can teach me a few things about putting men in their place. Plus I have a few questions about my "creation"...
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Thanks Tamper, Dry roast will do just fine.

Now, we just need to aim this treadmill a bit to the left, then speed up a bit, over that quantum hill and down the reverse slope, thats it the trail is getting stronger, I think we might be onto something here.

Erm, just a thought, did you bring the communication devices, otherwise when we get there how are the LMB going to know where we are?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
we're all set FL.

<Starts the treadmill launching it on its journey. Set's it on autopilot following the trail detected by the tracking device.>

[ September 06, 2005, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]
Posted by Vee on :
Home! Finally.

It feels like eons since I've been back at the Villa and in a way it has been.

<Vee wanders around the Villa aimlessly, lost in thought.>

So much has happened since last I was here.

Well there is one last thing that must be done before I can take a little time to relax and recover. Empress deserves an appropriate memorial and its time she received it.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
We northerners could sure use a weekend poolside at the Villa. Vee? Are you home?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
52 pages of drunken revelry? Will this party never end? [Wink]
Posted by Vee on :
"Boy this place sure has gotten musty in the time I've been gone. I intended to take a short trip to determine just what would make an appropriate memorial for the Empress and wound up incapacitated for a number of months. Thank the stars we have such great medical facilities here on LW or I'm not sure I would even be walking on my own two feet!"

Throws open the doors and windows, letting in a luxuriant breeze and brilliant sunshine to refresh the compound.

"Now, where do I start the remodeling?"
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Hey now. Don't be doing any heavy lifting during the remodeling. Call on POV for that. [Wink]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Knowing Vee, he'll have a large crew of buff shirtless construction workers to do all the work around the villa.

I've offered to perform the job interviews.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<picks up stones>

Now where'd I put my shirt? And how'd I get giant stone detail?

<pours water over torso>

Ah, that's better...
Posted by SharkLad on :
any thought of adding a pool?
Posted by Vee on :
Already have one Sharky, see...


Plus the Villa sits right on the bay so you have your choice! [Big Grin]
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! Mr Vee, can I take a dip in your pool?

I like brought my bathing suit and everything!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Everyday Girl:
Ohmygod! Mr Vee, can I take a dip in your pool?

I like brought my bathing suit and everything!

Legion World Health & Safety regulations require someone of your age to wear this orange life preserver whenever you go swimming. Enjoy your swim.
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! Mr. Quizzy-Poo, I like know you're just like tryin' ta look out for my safety and all that like junk...

But I like wouldn't be caught dead wearing that... Thing!

So I'm just gonna go over here and like sunbathe...

In the like... NUDE!

Turn around and don't look!

<Splash> <Giggle>
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Legion World Health and Safety Regulations require persons (who are not exempted by the Broken, Somewhat Confused Grandfather clause) to sunbathe only under this UV shield made from the same material welding goggles are.
Posted by SharkLad on :

hello e-girl ...

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
My, what big teeth you have, Sharky! Here, have a croissant.
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Originally posted by SharkLad:

hello e-girl ...



Hi Mr. Shark... Fin... Ohmygod! That like fin is Sooo BIG!

Ummm... Uhhhh... You're not gonna like eat me or anything... Are You??? <Giggle>
Posted by SharkLad on :
depends ... if you're into that kinda stuff ...

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Oh FC, your buns are absolutely delicious!

Can I have a croissant too?
Posted by SharkLad on :
I'll share mine with ya ...
Posted by Calamity Monkey on :
Greetings Vee and Villa staff!

Though I have never been here before, I, like all of Legion World, have an immense respect for Varalent, renowned leader among the LMB.

I hope that following the elections, whether I win or lose, that I may stay here for some time, whether it is to have a small victory celebration, or to engage in self-actualization and great thought in the event that I am unsuccessful.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Calamity Monkey:
Greetings Vee and Villa staff!

Though I have never been here before, I, like all of Legion World, have an immense respect for Varalent, renowned leader among the LMB.

I hope that following the elections, whether I win or lose, that I may stay here for some time, whether it is to have a small victory celebration, or to engage in self-actualization and great thought in the event that I am unsuccessful.

Oh sure! Forget about Vee's co-leader! [Wink]
Posted by Calamity Monkey on :
Greetings Quislet, Esq.!

There is no need to worry friend, I have not forgotten your term as co-leader, and honor it equally as well.

Should I be lucky enough to win the election for leader, I would gladly call on you for legal advice if you would be willing to provide it. I would also gladly come visit and enjoy your company, should I not win, although I regret that I am not as well versed in limericks as you are.
Posted by Vee on :
Okay, I've got Liberty Monkey's getaway digs all ready for him...poor little guy. I know Actor lad and Kent will do a great job as Leader & Deputy but LM put everything he had into his campaign and he deserves a nice comfortable place to rest up
Posted by SharkLad on :
I'll give Liberty Monkey a foot massage, if he wants ... I use my teeth, if that's okay ...

Posted by Liberty Monkey on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Okay, I've got Liberty Monkey's getaway digs all ready for him...poor little guy. I know Actor lad and Kent will do a great job as Leader & Deputy but LM put everything he had into his campaign and he deserves a nice comfortable place to rest up

My good friend Vee, thank you kindly for your hospitality! Besides my mentor Eryk Davis Ester, never before have such kind words warmed my heart. You are truly a great prince of Legion World.

I hope to immerse myself in the life at the Villa to provide additional comfort to those that stay here, through any poetry, music and free-flowing thinking that I can offer.
Posted by Vee on :
You would be a most welcome addition to the Villa LM. Please make yourself at home.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<flies in>

Good morning Vee! I heard your speech to that new Space Ranger before, and I have to say I'm impressed as usual.

I have a feeling things might get rocky on Legion World again...there might be a need to find a place to gather people for tough decisions, and the Villa has always been perfect for that before.

I was also wondering if Queen Connie was around...? She's had some experience in diplomatic situations, and I was wondering if she's ever had any interaction with the Dark Oval ambassadors...
Posted by Queen Connie on :

*Did someone call me?

Meeooowwww!!! Mrow?

* Oh it's that lovely boy Cobie! Did you bring me some special cream to taste?
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! Miss Queenie! <Squeal of like delight!>

Here's some tuna and cream and a picture of that nasty new Ranger who's been saying all those like terrible things about Miss Emerald Empress and Uncle Spacey...
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
The Door to the villa smashes open.

A Battle axe flys though the air and hits a large barrel of double cream. A thick stream of cream falls to the floor next to Queen Connie.

"Hail majestic one" booms a deep voice from the doorway "enjoy this offering from a warrior recently returned from the Northern Frontier"
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
HRUN!!! Welcome back!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on : that same old place that you laughed about.
Posted by Queen Connie on :

Queen Connie takes one lick of the luscious cream...(then another and a quick third [Big Grin] ) the turns and bolts across the room, yowling a something that sounded like


Two bounds and one leap later, she launches herself into the air and hits the mountainous figure squarely in the chest, digging in the razorsharp claws on all four of her majestic paws. The force of here strike knocks the barbarian off his feet and onto his back. Parading up his chest until she is directly above his face, she opens her jaw......

...and begins furiously licking Hrun's face!

Meeeuuuu meeeuuuu meeuuuuuu!!!!*

*{instant translation} Welcome back you big lug! It's about time you stopped by to visit. Did you bring me any choice cuts of tuna? Well, did you?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Hey! Connie's back, too!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare: that same old place that you laughed about.

Well the names have all changed since you hung around,
But those dreams have remained and they're turned around.
Posted by Queen Connie on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Hey! Connie's back, too!


*What do you mean "Connie's back, too!" I live here and I've been here all along. Just because YOU haven't visited and brought me some tasty tuna or coolicious cream doesn't mean I haven't been here...waiting...all this time!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hello Connie! *smile*

I've wanted to speak to you. Mainly about this Space Ranger character, as well as some potential other unwanted visitors on Legion World. I have a feeling this is just the start of something.

<turns to Hrun>

Welcome brave one! I'm glad you recieved my secret distress signal...

<pats Hrun hard on the back>

I'm going to need that sword arm. Diplomacy is going to be extremely important in the coming weeks...but I feel that warriors will be all the more important...
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer:
HRUN!!! Welcome back!

"Most noble lady well met by moonlight" Shouts Hrun."Dost thou still provide fine provinder for hungry warriors"
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Originally posted by Queen Connie:

Queen Connie takes one lick of the luscious cream...(then another and a quick third [Big Grin] ) the turns and bolts across the room, yowling a something that sounded like


Two bounds and one leap later, she launches herself into the air and hits the mountainous figure squarely in the chest, digging in the razorsharp claws on all four of her majestic paws. The force of here strike knocks the barbarian off his feet and onto his back. Parading up his chest until she is directly above his face, she opens her jaw......

...and begins furiously licking Hrun's face!

Meeeuuuu meeeuuuu meeuuuuuu!!!!*

*{instant translation} Welcome back you big lug! It's about time you stopped by to visit. Did you bring me any choice cuts of tuna? Well, did you?

Pulling Queen Connie from his chest with a wet sucky sound as the claws come free, Hrun holds the regal pussy to his face.

"ah Connie dear friend, here indeed is Tuna" and he reaches into his pouch and removes a large fresh chunk of supreme tuna. Rubbing Connies head furiously he ends up filling her fur with static electricity making all the hair on her body stand on edge.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Now there's a barbarian who knows how to treat a cat.
Posted by LARDLAD on :
<<<Begin Transmission>>>

Well, Cobalt, I've got a suite for us here at the Villa to discuss what needs to be done about this Hrykosian thing. I've invited the entire Security Office and some other concerned citizens to sit in and share some ideas and intel about what we face. I've set up multi-spectrum security blocks here to ensure the meeting will remain private. Hope you make it soon.

<<<End Transmission>>>
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Welcome, one and all. Feel free to voice any specific concerns you have about this unpleasant business. Either Cobalt or myself will do our best to address them as best we can.

Also, if you have any intel to share with everyone, feel free to take the floor.

After it appears that everyone has arrived, Cobalt and I will share everything we know with you and give all of you a chance to help us come up with a plan of action.
Posted by PolarBoy on :
Im here in a sheer making up the numbers capasity
Posted by SharkLad on :
glad I got back in time to make this meeting ...

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
<arrives with donuts, bagels and several DD boxes o' joe>
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'm not with the Security Office, but I'm here in response to Lardy's message. As the Pyngwyny delegate to Legion World and as proprietor of Rockhopper's Rookery, I have a double interest in the well-being of the wonderful place.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
You're not alone as non-security personnel here.
I'm here as Deputy Leader.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
<Enters wearing a women's business suit, hair pulled up into a bun>

Hmmmmm... coffee. I didn't have time to swing by Cafe Cramer on my way here.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm glad there are non-security officers here, especially respected diplomats within the LMB and especially Kent, our deputy leader.

Here's what we know:

- LardLad and myself are being blamed for the murder of a high ranking official in the Dark Oval. The Dark Oval is a sector of space we know little about, save that it is highly dangerous and considers the UP its enemy. There are five clans, one being the Hrykosians, which is the clan instigating this series of events.

- The Dark Oval definately has plans to enter UP space in the long-term. There is no doubt we are something that would block there way in, should they use less than diplomatic means.

- We are expecting a D.O. ambassador to arrive within the next few days, possibly sooner. While I appreciate the chance for diplomacy, the cynic in me believes this is nothing but a clever ploy.

- There is a Space Ranger officer here on Legion World stirring up trouble. I'm unsure what his entire plan is, since he seems concerned about other things besides LardLad and myself, namely various Legion Worlders finances and the whole 'Good, Dark & Dead' and 'Infinite Crisis' incidents, which are a matter of public record (ha! like anyone could truly understand them [Big Grin] ).

Already we're here, united, making progress. I'm honored. But now, I'd like to hear all your thoughts, namely Kent Shakespeare's, as he is the deputy leader and ranking LMBer in attendance....

<sits back down next to Sharky, handing him a chum-filled bagel.>
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Before Kent speaks, let me add that the U.P. has been very unwilling to accept our view of what's going on. The truth is, they are scared to death of the Dark Oval and are very hesitant to intervene in this situation.

Bottom line: we can't count on any U.P. assistance here, even though it's clear to us that the Oval wants to expand into their territory. It doesn't help that LW and the U.P. aren't exactly on the best of terms in the first place. Their pride and their weakness of leadership will keep them out of this. Sure, they may send a diplomat of their own to give the appearance of trying to help, but it will only be for show.

If the entire Dark Oval attacks along with the Hrykosian clans, we won't be able to withstand for long.

We need allies in this! Either we find some way to convince the U.P. to help, or we need to find help somewhere else. The Psyonians may assist, but that won't be enough!
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Also, LW's citizens will be tempted when the Hrykosians offer to cease hostilities in exchange for myself and Cobalt being released into their custody. Don't be fooled---the Dark Oval wants Legion World out of the way! Taking the two of us out of the mix will only make our World that much more vulnerable a target!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Looks at Crujectra>

[telepathic link] It's worse than that. Ggrrgg has agreed to provide mass weaponry for the Hrykosians should they need it. Ggrrgg itself has a bounty on the heads of Crusader, Maxx, yourself, Abin and me, and are willing to help fund this little crusader of the Dark Oval...[/telepahtic link]
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Hmmm...Kent appears to be out at the moment. Does anyone have ideas about whom we might approach as allies? Even if it's a little "out there", just let us know what you're thinking. I have one idea, but I'd like to explore other ideas first. Besides, we may need more than a couple of allies in this...
Posted by Liberty Monkey on :
<walks in>

Greetings members of the LMBP!

As I listen to the membership speak its peace, I look forward to giving my own opinions farther down the line. For it seems that the path of a preemptive strike stands quite against the moral spirit of the LMB.

Posted by Spellbinder on :
I have spoken with my father on this matter, Lardlad, and I have his authority to offer both the Psyonian Fleet and his financial backing in this Defensive Endeavour.

The United Planets Council may have turned their backs on us, but the Psyonians control the finances of the UP, so technically they're still helping us, whether they like it or not [Wink]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
[telepathic link to Cobalt Kid] Cobie, my brother and Maxx are currently on a covert mission to prepare a number of safe houses around the neighboring galaxies. We will be able to use them should either you or Lardlad need to drop from site. Each safe house will have a Psyonian dimensional portal installed so that you can move from place to place without detection [/telepathic link to Cobalt Kid]
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Liberty Monkey, I understand completely how you feel. It goes against everything Legion World and the LMB stands for. But you must realize that Cobalt and myself, as founders of the LMB, know this better than anybody. Sadly, it goes back to the old saying about "desperate times".
Posted by LARDLAD on :

Hmmm....Cobalt and Jeckie look like they're linking telepathically. Does she know what really happened to Hrykos and Mordra? Can he hide that from her? Is he even trying to hide it from her?

What would Legion World think if they knew the truth: that I'm really guilty of murder...and I alone? And that the two of us have been lying about what really happened all this time? Would this defense we're trying to organize fall apart?

<end aside>
Posted by Danger Boy on :
(waits and listens from the shadows)

[i for one am all for premptive strikes.]
Posted by SharkLad on :
if need be, I can call in an army of my psychotic siblings ...
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
A holographic image of Faraway Lad appears. It shimmers and is faint, fading in and out of focus. Seen briefly in the background are many men in historical costumes of all ages and not a few buxom wenches with low cut tops.

“….Cobalt Kid….Cobalt Kid, can you hear me?” Said Faraway. “I am trying to contact you from this time prison that the Time mouse trapper has caught me in but the power drain need to break his cheese barrier of time is too great. I only have a few minutes”

The figure fades before returning.

“I am aware of events and know of the new ambassador, normally it is my task to deal with such ambassadors but I am stuck here. I will try to contact you at times to offer advice, but…”

After a few seconds the image reappears.

“Cobalt it is a few weeks since my last message, I have discovered much in my conversations here in the beer tent at the end of time. An ancient roman decurian warns of an attack on Legion world by the Barbarians of the northern wall, but this is just a diversion, he warns to beware of the circle. It is closing and may close on those we love. He says ………”

The image fades.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

Faraway trapped in time, two other senior members accused... classic divide-amd-conquer techniques.

In the absence of AL, I'm going to declare that Legion World has any and all jurisdiction over charges against its members and officers, and all extradition agreements are temporarily suspended, as we have goos cause to suspect treason and infiltration -- I will not name names, to keep diplomatic channels open - for now.

I am also declaring that this other space ranger has zero authority here, and if he persists in any investigations without the expressed permission and cooperation of the Security Office, he will be considered an enemy of the state.

My External Affairs (tm) operatives tell me that this Dark Oval may, in fact, be working with... Scientologists. Or rather, a sect of Scientologists who view Battlefield: Earth as their dacred scripture, so we may be facing religious fanatics as well.

I suggest each and every one of us lobby any UP authorities we know to stand with us, regatdless of the UP Council's actions. Diplomatically, of course. The best wexan hope for, I think, is a resolution reinforcing individual worlds' rights to self-defense (and by proxy, mutual defense - with us).

Any thoughts before I make auch a declaration?
Posted by Queen Connie on :

* Just let me at 'em. I'll round up the Super Pets and we'll tear them to bits like last time!!!!

Posted by dedman on :
I made it...did I missssss anything?
Posted by Vee on :
"Calm down Connie ", Vee smiles. "It isn't quite time to be tearing them apart, though I suspect your talents and those of the Super Pets will come in handy in the coming weeks."

"If I may, Kent.

First of all, welcome to my Villa. It's been a while since some of you have been here, but it's doors are always open to any friends of ours, particularly in difficult times.

Since it appears that Faraway Lad is currently unavailable to carry out his duties on the diplomatic front, I hereby offer to stand in his place. I have some diplomatic training myself and would treasure the opportunity to match wits with the Dark Oval emissary.

Many of you know little, if anything. about my beginnings, but I am heir to the Variable Realm. For those that don't know of it, the Variable Realm is unique in many ways, including the fact that we exist in multiple universes at the same time. In a sense, we are the single thread that ties all the varying existences together.

I can assure you that OUR existence is the key to the multiverse. This is the bedrock on which all the other variations are based and so it is the most crucial of all to be defended.

This threat from the Dark Oval is but a small piece of a multiversal danger. But it is a critical piece. Should we fail, the rest of the multiversal forces of truth and justice will fall, like dominos, and the evil we know as the Dark Oval shall reign supreme.

There is a Great Darkness that draws near. The enourmously powerful forces of evil are lining up against us. This will be the central battle and our forces are spread woefully thin throughout the multiverse because the great majority of sentinents would rather hide their heads in the sand and hope they are overlooked, rather than standing tall and fighting for all that is good a decent.

Let me assure you all, that the resources of the Variable Realm, throughout all existences, are at my disposal, but they will not be enough. It pleases me to know that the Psyonians and the Pyngwyns are already marshalling their forces. Two stauncher allies could not be found in any existence. But we need more.

I urge you to apply whatever pressure you may all have to sway the support of others. we will need all the aid we can muster in the coming days.
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Kent, I knew you would stand with us. It's great to have one of our current leaders onboard and being proactive. Hopefully, you speak for Actor Lad as well.

Vee, I trust you completely, and it's eye-opening to see the threat is even larger than I ever imagined.

And responding to Vee's urging us to find more allies, I have something controversial to put on the table---how would you all feel if I try to persuade Whordru, the LMB's old sorceress nemesis, to join her forces with ours as part of the coalition?

I know it's a little out there, but she has no love for the Dark Oval. And she has considerable forces at her disposal (in addition to her own considerable power) as she is ruler of her own planet. Besides all that, she owes me one.

I won't aproach her, though, if the consensus is against it. She's hurt us in the past but never caused the death of any LMBer or Legion Worlder.

Anyhow, it's on the table for discussion.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
<private aside to LL>...what if you did so under the old 'plausible deniability' ruse? You know, 'acting on your own,' and LW , to protect itself, denies all knowledge of such an alliegance, so as not to distance LW from her UP allies. Since you're already falsely being called a criminal, you have less to lose; and we have plenty of LWers who can descreetly help you if things turn sour.<end private aside>
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Well said, Vee.

I hereby deputize you as Acting Ambassador and Assistant Deputy Leader for Strategic Alliances.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Excellent, I'm beyond proud of the progress being made already. Well done Kent, and well done Vee. It appears we all are starting to become aware of how deadly the danger is.

I've done some heavy thinking these past few hours and believe Faraway being trapped in the past is no mere coincidence either. But I think I understand the motivation now. As many of you know, we have our allies on Earth-4, the SMB. However, it is impossible to access Earth-4 without Faraway Lad present. Perhaps our enemies ahve cut us off from the largest resource of allies we currently have, by trapping Faraway in the past, while he duels with the Time Mouse Trapper?

While we consider what allies to contact, I have it on good authority that the D.O. Ambassador is arriving soon, possibly even later today...good luck Kent and Vee in dealing with him. This dialogue here has been very productive so far, and I think it should remain open...
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Is there anything we can do to rescue Faraway, so we can gain access to the SMB? If not, are there any ideas for alternative ways to reach Earth 4? Are our hands tied?
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I wonder if there is any way that Reboot can modify the Psyonian Dimensional Portal technology to bridge the gap to Earth 4?
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Sounds like it's worth a shot anyway.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm not sure its such a good idea. Doing that could cause someone to be comletely lost in the multiverse--they could end up anywhere b/t Earth-1 to Earth-Infinity.

Still, I'm sure someone will try. Be careful, I warn you...
Posted by dedman on :
I've had some success with stepping from one location to another through the Poltergiest Area.
Perhaps I can make it to Earth 4 the same way.
I am willing to take a chance and try it.....
Posted by LARDLAD on :
I dunno, deddy...I agree with Cobalt that it's too risky to try something like that cold. We need you and every other hero we can get. I'd rather have our scientists research possibilities first and come up with whatever method has the lowest risk. Please hold off on that for now.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Maybe a magic limerick

There once was an Earth number 4
No one could ask for anything more
It would be
the place for me
Even though I've never been there before.

*People looking at Quislet, Esq. see him get all blurry and then fade out of sight*
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Well, so much for research......

Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Didn't the 'L' train used to run to Earth 4? I'll bet the tunnel under the Gotham River and the Earth 4 station on the other side are still intact...
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I was on a team that went to Earth-4 in the Infinite Crisis, right after I arrived on Legion World. Faraway sent us, of course, but while I was there I--I met someone. I know this is business, but if we send a team now, I'd like to go.
Posted by dedman on :
I tried anyways......
I'm afraid I was unable to pierce the dimensional barrier between here and E4.
Thats one option we can rule out.
Posted by matlock on :
It may be that if I can get a good read on Far at the end of the universe, his powers coupled with my forcefields might be able to force the Security Office Time Bubble through on the return journey.

Or, I might wind up stuck at the bar at the end of time too young to order legally.
Posted by LARDLAD on :
I've actually heard of the Lard Force being applied for time travelling before. However, those Knights were pretty well-schooled in temporal theory. That stuff's way over my head! And none of my contemporaries are currently applying the energy in that manner.

[ August 15, 2006, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: LARDLAD ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Latest intel:

The Dark Oval is a sector of space that is run by (5) cartels. Some of these we know next to nothing about. Among the five, we've identified the following:

1) The Black Sun, who I don't believe has much to do here. They are a religious sect that has plagued the LMB before.

2) The Dominators, who I can confirm are involved in the proceedings here. A Dominator warship has been spotted making its way through the UP. And this current Ambassador, who has remained silent, appears to be working for the Dominators.

3) the Hrykosians, whom are leading this 'attack'. It is their former leader, Daemon Hrykos that LardLad and myself are blamed for murdering. This cartel is well-known for being involved in galactic crime, being the major player in financial support to UP terrorists and supplying weapons to the Khunds.

The Dark Oval has recently struck an alliance via a document called "The Affiliated Planets Treaty" that has made them allies of Khundia, Ggrrgg and Avalon.

I have reason to believe there are more fleets within UP space circling close to Legion World. They have advanced cloack techonology and I've had my triumvirate army, as well as Abin Quank, searching for them in space.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Quislet, Esq.:
Maybe a magic limerick

There once was an Earth number 4
No one could ask for anything more
It would be
the place for me
Even though I've never been there before.

*People looking at Quislet, Esq. see him get all blurry and then fade out of sight*

It looks like the trip to Earth-4 must be tried no matter what. Quis has somehow unlocked the passage with a magic limerick, and now someone needs to go get him!
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
I wonder if there is any way that Reboot can modify the Psyonian Dimensional Portal technology to bridge the gap to Earth 4?

Well, I COULD, but it would need to be magnetically reinforced from within to be assured of holding...
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Well, I can try. I'm pretty good at limericks myself.

There once was an Earth number 4
I visited it once before
It's home, you see,
Of the SMB,
So we read in Legion World lore.

<Rockhopper begins to fade, but sputters and comes back.>
Well, it was worth a try.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Well, I COULD, but it would need to be magnetically reinforced from within to be assured of holding...

Perhaps there is a device you could fabricate to reinforce it. Or would you prefer that Cobie go along, just in case the rescue team gets trapped there?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Too bad the Cobalt of Earth-4 is long since dead...

Would I need to go to Earth-4, or could I do it from here? I'd prefer not to leave Legion World during this crisis. Of course, with Quis and Faraway both now stranded off Legion World, it'd be good to start getting them back, as well as reaching our SMB allies.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Maybe you won't need to go, Cobie. Openly Gay Lad, that's my, ah, friend there has a sort of reality-warping power that he used to use to be Closeted Boy. He might be able to help get us back.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Originally posted by LARDLAD:
Is there anything we can do to rescue Faraway . . . Are our hands tied?

My hands are tied and . . . oh wait, wrong thread. Carry on.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Would I need to go to Earth-4, or could I do it from here? I'd prefer not to leave Legion World during this crisis. Of course, with Quis and Faraway both now stranded off Legion World, it'd be good to start getting them back, as well as reaching our SMB allies.

Well, let me put it like this - you wouldn't strictly need to go, but if you didn't it would be a "tell them to be in this place at this time" dealio with you waiting at this end so that the portal could be opened to get them back, and we all know how often they go right...
Posted by LARDLAD on :
<aside to Cobalt>

I've decided to go to Whordru's world and try to enlist her aid. As Kent said, I'll need to make this an "unofficial" visit. Anf if I persuade her, the alliance will be "unofficial" as well.

I'll need you to cover for me as my absence may be construed as flight from possibly facing charges. That's also why it's important that you don't accompany me, should my absence be discovered.

In any case no restriction has been placed on my comings or goings as yet. I'll leave before the day is over.

<end aside>
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Well, however we get to Earth 4 and however we get back, count me in. Quis is my friend, and, I sorta know the place.
Posted by PolarBoy on :
(Polar boy sits and watches, scratches his butt and watches some more, he then reaches a conclusion this villa looks a lot bigger on the inside then you think it will)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
We'll be looking to the ambassadors among us (Vee, Crujeckie, Connie, Rockhopper) to tackle the Ambassador Metternich problem. Diplomacy, of course, is the best avenue, but I'm partially convinced that we're already way past that. Follow Actor Lad and Kent Shakespeare's leads, but it'll be good to approach him in a variety of different ways.

Deddy and Rockhopper can lead the away mission to Earth-4 once we've gotten that set-up. Whoever you guy think you need, go for it. I don't think Kent would want to go on this mission, as he'll be needed here.

I plan on staying on Legion World in case things get rough. As always, we must refer to Actor Lad and Kent, but we should stay prepared.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I'll do what I can diplomatically before we leave the E4 mission. I suppose I should make an appearance before Ambassador Metternich. Let me know when we're ready to leave and I'll be there.
Posted by LARDLAD on :
Guys, don't let Metternich's "evidence" sway you...I didn't kill anybody. There are countless ways those vids could've been faked! Just stay the course--it's all a smoke screen for their true goals!

<aside to Cobalt>

Crap! I thought all that magnetic interference you were creating would've disrupted any recording devices! Crap!

We'll just have to stay the course and stick to our story...

<end aside>
Posted by dedman on :
OK rockhopper, we need to decide who to take with us. We obviously need Reboot to get there. Should we risk anyone else?
Posted by Spellbinder on :
<Crujectra watches Cobalt Kid and Lardlad, a look of sadness on her face>
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
As always, we must refer to Actor Lad and Kent, but we should stay prepared.

I only refer to Actor Lad and Kent when I use footnotes. However because they are the Legion World leaders, I will defer to their judgment. [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Hmm. I don't think any of the team I went with before would be available. Do we have any volunteers for Earth-4?
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I could swear that I just heard Quislet's voice, even though he is currently on Earth 4!

Is it possible that Earth 4 and Legion World occupy the same space, although at different vibrational frequencies?

Spooky! [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
<Crujectra watches Cobalt Kid and Lardlad, a look of sadness on her face>

<squeezes her hand. For a brief moment, genuine pain is seen on Cobalt Kid's face. Cobalt purposely does not let Lardy see it.>
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
A figure shimmers into view.

“Vee, old friend I know of your offer to act as ambassador, many thanks as I am still stuck here at the end of time with many many others. I have found a way to communicate through the Time Mouse Trapper's Cheese curtain of time but it means bouncing a signal off the St Malo, via the Leerdammer and through a particularly tough bit of Cheddar. It looks like the time delay in communication is about 5 to 6 hours but I’ll try to do my best to help and advise.”

The image of Faraway ducks as a large explosion if heard. “damn it the fly boys are early today, they normally bomb at noon”

Click for fullsize image

As the sound of warfare continues so does Faraway.

“Vee! You have got to arrange a formal diplomatic reception for Ambassador Metternich. Put on all the finery of Legion World and if you can persuade Spellbinder to put her sorrow behind her and really shine at the reception, well, whilst everyone is watching her in all her glamour, you can start to discuss things with the ambassador.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Its been quiet today. I assume this means Vee, Kent & Actor are engaged in further debate with the Ambassador.

In the meantime, I think we should proceed with the mission to Earth-4. B/t Reboot and my magnetism, not to mention Rockhopper's understanding of limerick technology, I think there's a way. Despite Reboot and myself having differences, we can both agree that the communiation b/t us and Earth-4 should remain open. Rockhopper and Dedman will take point on this mission and report back upon finding Quis.

I'd suggest sending people out to find Faraway, but its close to impossible to get there and we need everyone here on Legion World. I do, however, have an old LMB protocol in dealing with the Time Mouse Trapper that might help. I'd just need a volunteer...either way, it'll take a few days to get that up and running.
Posted by dedman on :
no volunteers? well Rockhopper, old chum, looks like its just us.

Now lets find reboot and get out of here.
Posted by Vee on :
Sorry I haven't been around much to play the last few days but I've been very concerned about Connie. She hasn't been acting normal at all...constantly crying and staying in close proximity, as if she was scared of something.

This morning, she didn't come to eat when I put down her plate for breakfast but she appeared to still be asleep on the couch so I thought nothing of it and went off to work.

Came home from work tonight and she has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. I'm going now to take her to the emergency pet clinic but I've had many cats over the years and I've seen the way she looks now before...saddly I don't believe she will still be with me after tonight.

So why stop to post this message? Seems very odd but I really needed to let LW know that I and it may be losing my precious companion of almost 10 years and one of the fiercest defenders of LW.

I'll keep you posted. :cry:
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
You need these:

[Hug] [Hug] [Hug]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Vee. I hope you are OK. I know how it feels to loose a very close friend like our pets become.

From a faraway friend have a few of these [Hug] [Hug] [Hug]

And remember we are here for you if you need us.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Aww, poor Queen Connie!

Lots of hugs and warm and fuzzy thoughts from me, too.
Posted by SharkLad on :
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Sorry to hear about Queen Connie.
Posted by Seth Gaterra on :
*lots of hugs to Vee* I've lost a couple of cats before, and one kitten. It never gets any easier to deal with it.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Oh God Vee. I truly hope Connie will be okay. We are all attached to our animal companions and even seeing them sick hurts. Remy, Kippy, Lucky and Sammy will all be saying their silent little prayers for their LW spokes-cat. Caroline and I were just remembering how often you had to stop in the middle of a mission on CoH to go and feed Connie. I don't think a game ever went by when you didn't have to go and do something for her.

A [Hug] from all of us for both of you.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
Oh man, Vee... [Frown]

I'm so sorry to hear that... [Frown]

I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you and Connie.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

I hope Connie is feeling better by the time you read this. You and Connie have my thoughts and good wishes.
Posted by PolarBoy on :
Polar does a very funkydance to a peice of classical music by the Spice Girls
Posted by ActorLad on :
I hope Connie gets better soon, it sucks to have to see our furry friends in pain.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Very distressing development, Vee. Hope we hear from you today - if not, we'll all be thinking of you & hoping for the best.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
best wishes, Vee. cats are people, too... when they ail, we ail for them.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
My thoughts are with you, Vee, and hoping for the best [Hug]
Posted by Vee on :
I've never seen a cat fight so hard to survive. Connie's been on antibiotics since the weekend and is hanging in there. She has moments of slight improvement & others where she gets worse but she refuses to give up.

Don't know how much longer this can go on. I hate to put her down as long as the vet continues to think there may be hope but I also hate seeing her suffer like this.

She's a fighter for sure.
Posted by Saturn Girl on :
Vee, Scott and I will continue to pray for a miracle for Connie. I know you'd change places with her if you could because that's what a pet parent feels for their sick loved one.

You must be exhausted from trying to help her fight back from the brink of crossing over. Let this be the day that the antibiotics take hold and she starts to gain her strength back.

Queen Connie sounds like one of those very special cats that come into our lives to teach us all kinds of lessons and to be there for us offering unconditional love during our dark times. Ten years old is just too young to leave you. You need her, and she needs you, and obviously she wants to fight to stay with you. We wish you both all the blessings of light and love and healing. Our hearts are going out to you and Connie both. Huge hugs for you and very gentle pets for Connie.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
Good luck to both of you, Vee...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Sorry to hear about this Vee [Frown]

I wish all the best for Connie and you. I know how much she means to you. [Hug] buddy.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Hang in there, both of you! Lotsa love is comin' your way.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I know Connie couldn't ask for a better nurse.

Keep us posted Vee.
Posted by Vee on :
[Frown] [Frown] [Frown]'s over.

My poor little Connie fought so hard to stay alive but in the end, the nemesis she faced was stronger than her and she lost her final battle.

But she sure made Death work hard for this one.


Rest in Peace, Queen Connie.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I'm so sorry Julio.
Posted by Reboot on :
Sorry to hear that V, I know how hard it is to lose a cat [Frown]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
My condolences. [Hug]

Rest in Peace Queen Connie.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
R.I.P. Connie. You will be missed by all of us. [Frown]

Julio, we are here if you need us. [Hug]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
She must have been an exceptional cat, Julio. I'm very sorry you've lost her.
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Rest in Peace, Queen Connie.

You will be sorely missed.

Julio, you have our deepest sympathy.

Chuck & Alice
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Our pets give us so much. I'm so sorry to hear about Connie.

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'm very sorry for your loss, Vee.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Sad news about Connie.

Be well Vee.
Posted by Blue Battler on :
Very sorry to hear of your loss, Vee... [Frown]
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
sorry Vee, that's terrible.
take care.
Posted by Saturn Girl on :
Julio, our hearts are breaking for you. It is going to be so quiet without Connie to share your space with and to lend her presence. I promise her spirit will always be with you, inside your heart forever. Especially in these next few months there will be times when you swear you catch a glimpse of her out of the corner of your eye, or hear her purring just as you drop off to sleep. Connie's tail will still brush against your pantleg or your bare skin if you are in shorts. She is resting now, but part of her spirit will stay with you to comfort you.

I'm so sorry you are going through this. Now I just want to gather my four cats together and give them all hugs and kisses and tell them about the passing of their brave Queen Connie, the reigning Feline Queen of LegionWorld. We are all going to miss her very much.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm so sorry to hear the news Vee, I know how much she meant to you.

[Hug] and much love
Posted by Spellbinder on :
So sorry to hear this, Vee. My thoughts go out to you [Frown]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Aww, Vee, I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear this news. My thoughts and best wishes go out to you, too.
Posted by Seth Gaterra on :
I'm sorry to hear about this. This may be a cliche, but least she's not hurting now?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Aw, man. Sorry to hear that, Julio.

If Ronda forgives me, I'm going to reprint something I wrote earlier this year, when her Leroy went on:

Somewhere is a realm with fields of catnip, where mice and balls of yarn are plentiful, and the doors open and close with the flick of a whisker. It is a place where no one dares to push a feline off of the table, which is always full of fish and meat. There is always a hand to scratch or rub - but only when a properly finnicky beast yearns it. The laps and comfy chairs are always available and warm, and there's always a comforting sunbeam to nap by.

Connie is there, and your soul will meet hers again someday.
Posted by ActorLad on :
My condolences, Vee. Losing a companion is never easy. Be well and think about all the good times you had together.
Posted by dedman on :
I'm sorry to hear about your loss Vee, I know how hard it is to lose a much loved cat.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'm so sorry, Julio.

Rest in Peace, Connie.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I am sorry to hear this Julio. There is little I can say to make it feel any better, but you know you'll be in my thoughts.

[Hug] buddy.
Posted by Vee on :
Thank you all very much for the kind words and support. The Villa seems kind of empty but I'll get use to it I'm sure.
Posted by Vee on :
Tomorow morning (Sun 12/24) I'm catching a plane north. Going to spend Christmas in Nags Head in the Outer Banks with some friends. None of us had anything special planned for the holidays so we decided to get together and celebrate friendship.

I won't have internet access while I'm there so I'll see you all either late on January 1st or on the 2nd.

Merry Christmas and the best of the holiday season to all of you here on Legion World. May the New Year bring each and every one of you great success, much happiness and lots of good times.

Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Feliz navidad, mi amigo.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
have a great, great holiday trip, Vee.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hope you are in the middle of a great holiday trip as of this post Vee!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Have a good trip!
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
A question for you on your return Vee.

(and pardon the ignorance) but where are the "outer banks"
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
the North Carolina coast, the part that sticks out farthest east in that part of the country.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :

Still not far enough north for a white christmas then?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well there was no white Christmas anywhere on the East Coast of the US this year.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I didn't miss it, to be honest.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
gosh durned global warming eh? [Smile]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I wonder if when Vee comes back he'll be glad that I'm throwing a bash at his Villa in honor of December 27th, Cobalt-oxing day, where all the people in England throw money at me!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
They better have a good long reach for the money to get to you.

In America, people throw banana cream pies at Cobie on Cobalt-oxing Day, but we trust they won't throw any in the beautiful Villa.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I wonder if when Vee comes back he'll be glad that I'm throwing a bash at his Villa in honor of December 27th, Cobalt-oxing day, where all the people in England throw money at me!

Sits weighing bags of copper pennies in his hands. Takes aim and throws at Cobalts head.

Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Well, in for a penny, in for a pound.

We got any of that walking money around here?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
*Throws special banana cream pie at Cobie. It only sticks to people, and vanishes like magic off of furniture, walls, & floors*
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
people of England throw money... that means we yanks get to throw anything at Cobie!

Heads up!

(tosses a bucket of green industrial slime at Cobalt Kid)
Posted by Vee on :
Hi everyone! I'm back!

Hmmmm...why are there so many Monopoly dollars scattered around here?

Something tells me Cobie had something to do with this. Thank goodness it wasn't any worse.

I'd better check the secret monitoring system to see what this was all about!.......
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :


A body of a comatose Varangian Guard flies down the corridor, and it is then followed by a helmet rolling gently after him. Outside in the pool another half dozen unconscious guardsmen lie draped over upturned furniture.

Drinking from a huge keg and carrying one of the serving girls over his shoulder Hrun leaves the Villa singing songs of battle and plunder.
Posted by Vee on :
Guess I'd better open up the windows and air this place out. Really need to get the locks changed too! [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Allow me to point you towards the earliest pages of this thread Vee (well, about the teens IIRC), to the days when an alliance of young, ne'er do well posters formed the Festive Five and threw all night ragers at the Villa! (Festive Five: Super Lad Kid, Condo, Magnetic Kid, Invisible Brainiac, myself).

This would be a great place for your 10,000 post!
Posted by Vee on :
I was sort of thinking along those same lines...lots of memories in the Villa of old friends long gone and fun times and of course of all the friends that are still here messing up the place regularly! [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'll be popping in for the Time Trapper party after a visit to the limerick thread for me.

2 more posts.
Posted by Vee on :
I'll have everything ready here!

2 more posts
Posted by Vee on :

Let the Time Trapper Party begin!

Grats to my buddy and Co-Leader, Quislet, Esq.

Glad we did this together!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
[Cheers] again!

Congrats Vee to you and Quis both! To all the fun here in the Villa and on Legion World!

[Smile] [Hug] [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Congratulations to you too!

Let the party begin!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Vee on :
Drinks are on me! [Cheers]

Strike up the band! [Band]

The Villa is having a Paaaaaaarty!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well I hate to post 10,00 posts and run, but I have to go get me some supper.

Have fun everybody.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
It's been a while since we've had a party here. What a wonderful occasion! Pass the hors d'oeuvres!
Posted by Vee on :
Here you go FC. Plenty more available when you want some. I've assigned one of the Vangarians to be at your disposal all evening.

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
FC, I wrote a special 10,00 post limerick for my 10,000th post. I hope you like it.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I'll go check it out right now.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Congratulations, boys!

I love a good party!!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Oh, pooh - you'll never have a swelled head. Nice limerick though. [Smile]
Posted by Vee on :
Welcome back to the Villa Princess. With you and FC here, it's no longer just a party, it's officially an occasion!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Hope I didn't get here too late.

Congrats again, guys! Any leftovers? [Smile]
Posted by Vee on :
There's always plenty of food and drink at the Villa, Miner. Help yourself and thanks! Looks like you'll be the next to be fitted for the purple robes! [Big Grin]
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
just popping in to say congrats!

I like what you've done with the place, Vee!
Posted by Gary Concord, the Ultra Man on :
Apparently, there's always a party, somewhere on Legion World.

Congratulations on achieving your new status, Vee and Quis. Enjoy it while you can.
Posted by Arachne on :
Originally posted by Gary Concord, the Ultra Man:
Apparently, there's always a party, somewhere on Legion World.

You're just figuring this out now? Real impressive powers of observation.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
That Gary Concorde sure needs an ass-whuppin'!
Posted by Rex Viridian on :
Well now! This is more like it! Looks like this Varalent has a bit of class. This Villa of his is luxurious eough to serve as my base of operations while I'm here.

I'll have to be careful since all the commotion seems to be centered around his disappearance so someone may decide to do some investigating here but they should be easily avoided.

More important however is the fact that I can feel it very strongly here. So this is where my search truly begins.
Posted by Rex Viridian on :

I don't think I've slept that well in weeks! This place really is wonderful. Another thing SHE was right about. [No]

Of course, I do feel a little guilty about taking advantage of Varalent's fabled hospitality while he apparently is in danger, but there really is nothing I can do about that at the moment. The success of my quest is of tantamount importance. I can't let anything interfere with that.

Maybe, once I've accomplished my mission, I can offer him some aid in repayment. Not only for unknowingly providing me with a secure and superb base of operations but also for all of his kindnesses to HER.

It's still very hard to believe the chain of events that have led me to this crossroad...yet I always knew it would come to this someday.
Posted by Lonestar Ranger on :
<walks out of secluded tent area of the Villa>

Eh? Another sentient here? With Varalent gone for weeks, I thought I'd be able to find a place where I wouldn't be disturbed, given the massive scale of this place.

This Varalent has done quite well for himself...<looks around at the massive Villa>...and I'm a person who respects wealth on this scale.

Something about this sentient seems familiar. I'll have to check my science police records about him.

Maybe I'll luck out and he'll have no love for the LMB like Concord. The more confusion on Legion World the better, and then I can be left to follow my own ends...
Posted by Caliente on :
Hmm... mostly empty. That's an uncommon sight. Even the staff seems to be out. Well, this still seems like as good a place as any to look for clues about what's happened to poor Vee.

Shame about that, though, this spot would've been ideal for a honeymoon. Ah well, c'est la vie. Now, let's see if I can find someone to answer some questions about what's going on in this place...
Posted by Lonestar Ranger on :
...and indeed, perhaps you shall?

<rueful grin>

Not the person you expected?

Oh, you didn't think I'd forgotten about you, dear Caliente? Or at least, you didn't think that I wasn't still one of your dear sister's closest friends and confidantes?

I remember our deal. And I see you've married your beloved Actor Lad.


Well, if you'd like to ever find your sister back among your Legionnarie ranks, you'll be divorcing him shortly. The honeymoon, dear heart, is over. I have Frio's ear, and I know she still has a place in her heart for you. I can do what it takes to make her rejoin you among the LMB so that you two are united once more. But only at the cost that you become *my* bride.

Once I've secured the wealth of the LMB as my own, you'll be a Queen on Legion World. So don't be too sad, it will be a great life. Unless you choose not to take it--and doom your sister in the process.
Posted by Caliente on :
(And here I'd thought I'd gotten rid of this sucker. Damnit, I just wanted to be married in peace. But no.)

You're right. You are definitely not who I was expecting.

(Or who I wanted to see. Ever again.)

Okay, so first of all, ew. Spitting is so rude. That'll be the first habit I'll break you of when I begin nagging you to death our life together.


She's been acting colder lately, you know. And I can't help it. I can't stop caring for her. She had no one before me-- I won't just let her down that way. She needs our help. Something just isn't right there.

But you, Ranger, are going to have to prove to me that you can help her. I won't just take your word again. Last time you gave it, she disappeared for months. How did that help either of us?

You want me, you prove to me that you can make a difference here. Otherwise, I'll keep my husband and continue my efforts in my own ways. That's my condition to you. Show me you can get results and--

<her voice breaks but there are no tears, only fierce determination>

--I'm yours.

(Oh, Actor Lad, I'm sorry. But she was my family first. I can't just abandon her... I know you'll understand. Someday...)
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Ah, I've missed this place. It's always fun keeping Vee up all night while we all get drunk [Big Grin]

HopeI'm not disturbing anyone?
Posted by Lonestar Ranger on :
<points blaster at Invisible Brainiac>

Back off, hot shot.

<lowers it>

Heh. My mistake.

<turns to Caliente>

Results you shall get, dear Caliente. And you'll get your sister, and I'll get what *I* want.
Posted by Caliente on :
And it's all about what you want, isn't it, Ranger? *looks vaguely disgusted* But, at any rate, we have an agreement.

<shakes his hand, then turns to Invisible Brainiac>

IB! I was just looking around for clues about who might've put Vee in his current condition. You haven't heard anything, have you?
Posted by Lonestar Ranger on :
Caliente, as an update, I can tell you this. Frio not only supports your marriage to me, she perfers it. Further, while she will never rejoin your beloved LMBP, she is willing to make amends with you.

You should join our trio, and as our riches come in, our plans of dominating Legion World will largely be abandoned. Therefore we could live in peace enough to satisfy you, while you and Frio are united once more.

What say you now? Good enough?
Posted by Caliente on :
*sigh* I know Frio never liked Tamper Lad but she seemed keen on Actor Lad in the beginning. That's just disheartening. I'm glad she's willing to make amends, though. Especially since I don't ever recall not being amended with her or why.

You should know I have no interest in leaving the Security Office or LMBP. I love my work, and I love my teammates. Frio might be my sister but I won't change for her-- I never asked her to change for me. She knows that. (She must know that.) And you should know it, too, if you want my hand in marriage.

But I will hold up my end of our agreement. As you continue working on Frio from your end, I'm going to go seek counsel from my space lawyer about-- *takes a breath* --the proper proceedings for a divorce.

And you remember what you promised me in return. My sister back among legionnaire ranks. You'll have me for nothing less. Especially since I really don't trust that Gary Grape fellow...

(A sister for a husband? Hardly seems a fair trade... but she's worth it. Helping her is worth it. It has to be worth it... please forgive me, Actor Lad. Please.)

IB, take over the search. I'm off to speak with Quislet.

<exits the Villa>
Posted by Lonestar Ranger on :
Very well...

<exits Villa>

Hopefully that Rex Veridian character didn't overhear us...
Posted by Rex Viridian on :
Originally posted by Lonestar Ranger:
Hopefully that Rex Veridian character didn't overhear us...

Sorry to disappoint you Lonestar but you'll soon find out that I have many unexpected talents particularly when I have access to so much energy as I do here.

But right now, I have someplace to be. I'll see what I can do about you and your friends later...
Posted by EEoE on :

* longer here....but here not long ago. The search must continue*

Posted by Vee on :
Better check to see how Pol is doing and to make sure that Condo & Rex got settled in okay.
Posted by Vee on :
Better check on how the fireworks display in honor of Spellbinder's birthday are doing. And while I'm at it I'd better make sure all the sheep are safely hidden before a certain "someone" I know makes his appearance.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Uncorks bottle of Absinthe>

Well, while Fay rages, lets rage on Fay!
Posted by Pov on :
I'd like to rage on Tina Fey ... [Love]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

I love me some Tina Fey! She's in my top 5 hottest celebs!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I heard Tina Fey refuses to appear at the same venue as TS Fay... in the meantime, pass me that bottle.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Hrun smashes open the door, knocks the heads of the two Varangians standing guard to the villa together and letting them slide to the floor rushes forward.

“My Lady Cramer I cannot stop but tis good to see thee again” he says enveloping her in his strong arms for a moment.

My Lord Cobalt” Slapping Cobalt hard on the back and sending him spinning into the polished bar “may I?” and grabbing the bottle of Absinth from Cobalt’s dazed hands he drinks the whole bottle in one go.

Belching loudly and noxiously into Poverty Lads face Hrun departs leaving behind naught but a strange giggle in the distance
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Ah, perhaps its time I follow the great son of the North...
Posted by Vee on :
Well, the renovations on the guest house at the Villa are finally complete. Let me know what you think.

The newly renovated Guesthouse at Vee's Villa

Too much? Not enough? [shrug]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I'd have to try it out for a month or two before I could give you my considered opinion.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Just right, but the butler wouldn't let me in the front door.
Posted by Legolas on :
Ah, now... this... THIS....

THIS is a more appropriate refuge!

(tosses faerie charms over the staff)

I shall need a bath drawn for me, after which I shall be in need of a repast. Nothing fancy; only seven course shall be fine.

And do fetch the finest wine you can find in the cellar.

well? snap to it!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<appears at the gate>

Ah, as a longtime customer of the Villa, I might as well check out the renovated guesthouse.

<sees buxom young lady approach him>

Olivia, what a pleasure. Perhaps you can join me as I get comfortable. You look as lovely as ever, if not more so. How's school? Oh, you graduated, excellent. Still working with Vee for some extra money? You can't ask for a better employer. He even let you off the hook for that time I got sneaked you into the UP Presidential Suite. I know, I'm a cad, I get you into all kinds of trouble and then never visit anymore. We can change that now.

Pour me some of Vee's finest, and tell me--what other guests are currently at the Villa these days? Anyone particularly charming? Or with good taste? Tell me everything.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<after getting as much information from Olivia as possibly and leaving her very satisfied for having done so>

Well, Legolas appears to be really laying low. I thought he'd at least show his face these last few days but it hardly seems like the case.

I can't waste my time here much longer when there is work to be done. Perhaps if I have the Security Office send one of my officers here...?
Posted by Legolas on :
(watches Cobalt Kid leave from the hot tub cloaked from the eyes of visitors by elfin spells)

well, it's about time.

Cannot a fugitive lie low in peace, comfort and luxury anymore?

Celestia, please be a dear and fetch me another cognac.
Posted by MysticLuna on :
(teleports in looking for Cobalt Kid, she is wearing a bathing suit, but her body is completely drapped in layers of white chiffon.)


Where are you? I don't want to be parading around like one of your floozy girls for nothing.
Posted by Legolas on :

W-who has entered my refuge without my charms pre-warning me?


I.... I knew you once, did I not?
Posted by Lardi the Incorruptible on :
<appears before Luna can answer>

You! <points at Legolas> Explain yourself! You know the evil betrayer known as Zardi! Perhaps you have also seen my wife Myla!
Posted by Legolas on :
Oh, my.

First you two traipse into my squalid little subterranean refuge, and now you won't let me hid in peace!

This not how I plan to spend my fugitive-hood.

This is not Mr. Cobalt Kid's office. I did not issue an open invitation for the known universe to wander in and out without any sense of protocol.

Why, we now have everything but fire sirens and a barking dog!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Say, what's going on here!?
Posted by Legolas on :
[Roll Eyes]

Close enough!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Lardy? Is that you?

Cobalt had a hunch something was amiss here... what are you doing here, Legolas?
Posted by Legolas on :
Leaving, apparently.

Why, you three blundering right in here has probably led my master right to me!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
(grabs Legolas' arm)

You're not going anywhere until we get some answers, pal.
Posted by Lardi the Incorruptible on :
<to Kent> I...recognize you vaguely from this hosts memories. I am what you would refer to as a past life of your Lard Lad. He and this Luna brought me back in his body to help against the threat of Zardi.

<points at Legolas> This one stinks of Zardi's influence! He may know where to find my wife!
Posted by MysticLuna on :

Kent release him.

He shall not leave. There is something too familiar about him. Until I figure it, he is under my protection.
Posted by Legolas on :
(to Kent)

If I must.

As you might know, my master Zardi has decided to have me killed. For what, I'm not certain. It's not as if I borrowed an Elder Sign without telling him or anything. Why one time-

(sees Kent's reaction to his diversion)

Yes, well...

I found this magnificent Villa in need of a resident, and me, a poor wretched refugee, opted to solve two problems my taking up the task myself.

But as the continued presence here you three hastens my death my the minute, I shall be taking my leave.
Posted by Legolas on :
(upon Kent's release)

Thank you, my lady, but I must confess that your protection will not be sufficient against the creatures my master has no doubt sent after me. And he has menageries full of further beings yet to let loose.

I should know. I helped acquire a handful of them.
Posted by MysticLuna on :
(she grabs Legolas arms and clenches it very tight, she closes her eyes, green smoke comes from where she holds him)

I know what you are. Who is another matter...

(she releases him and regains her stance)

I will admit that in my current state I am not the most useful against strong creatures such as the ones after you. But I am no sapling, there is much I can topple over.

Besides, you have few friends.
Posted by Lardi the Incorruptible on :
<to Luna> Careful with this one, Luna. Any member of Zardi's court cannot be trusted! Do not assume this elf is being forthright to you.

<pushes Legolas to the wall>

I will ask you again: have you seen my wife Myla? She has been calling herself... <searches surface memories of host> ...Ghost Girl!
Posted by MysticLuna on :
(Luna pulls Lardi off, her strength much more powerful than before)


I don't remember casting any strength spells...

(looks at Lardi)

You should not be so forceful with my charge.

[ October 09, 2009, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: MysticLuna ]
Posted by Lardi the Incorruptible on :
Originally posted by MysticLuna:
You should not invade someone's mind, especially with such force.

(OOC: Actually, he was searching Lardy's memories. Sorry that I made that ambiguous. [Embarrassed] )
Posted by Legolas on :
(takes advantage of the moment to teleport, leaving only a cloud of pixie-dust)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

He's gone!

Luna, can you track him?
Posted by MysticLuna on :
Originally posted by Lardi the Incorruptible:
Originally posted by MysticLuna:
You should not invade someone's mind, especially with such force.

(OOC: Actually, he was searching Lardy's memories. Sorry that I made that ambiguous. [Embarrassed] )


(Sees that Legolas is gone)

Bad charge!!!

We needed him! (she yells to Lardi, then feels woozy)


I think I am not feeling well...
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Originally posted by Legolas:
(takes advantage of the moment to teleport, leaving only a cloud of pixie-dust)

Click for fullsize image

<Doom Bringer Appears, silently gathers some of the pixie dust in one hand, turns looks at Kent, Luna, and Lardi.>

He is my prey, mortal and immortal fools. Stay out of my way if you value your worthless lives.

<Doom Bringer Vanishes before they can react.>
Posted by MysticLuna on :
(Luna barely reacts the robed hunter and sits herself down)

I feel out of sorts...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :

Finding this Legolas character just became Priority Number One.




(rushes to her)
Posted by MysticLuna on :
(passes out)
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
(does a quick check of vitals)

Lardy! I'm taking Luna to the infirmary! Call Dr. One and let him know we're coming!

('ports out with Luna)
Posted by Lardi the Incorruptible on :


I fear these mortals don't quite get that I am not their fellow.

This is definitely no getting me any closer to finding Myla...
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Originally posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man:
Originally posted by Legolas:
(takes advantage of the moment to teleport, leaving only a cloud of pixie-dust)

Click for fullsize image

<Doom Bringer Appears, silently gathers some of the pixie dust in one hand, turns looks at Kent, Luna, and Lardi.>

He is my prey, mortal and immortal fools. Stay out of my way if you value your worthless lives.

<Doom Bringer Vanishes before they can react.>

] Click for fullsize image

<Doom Binger realizes that none of the LMBPers reacted to his presence in any way and reverses his spell, re-appearing directly in front of Lardi>

Truely these blind fools are beneath my notice... Unless... Can it be? After more than 10,000 years the spell the Master put on Lardi Still Holds!

Lardi is still blind to the Masters Armies!
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
No, Doomie. We LMBPers are just pretty jaded at the sight of flashlight-under-the-chin types coming and going.

We saw you; Luna just took precedence.
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

Bah, Understand this human... The only thing saving your worthless life right now is my Master's order that I obey your laws.

And I was refering to that clueless idiot staring off into the distance and muttering to himself...

Stay out of my way... I'm hunting Legolas...

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<slightly from afar>

Jillikers! The rest of the LMB are about as subtle as Kanye West! That didn't go well at all and I still haven't talked to Legolas. Maybe by the time I try to protect him it'll be too late.

<finishes martini>

looks like I'm done here. I find Legolas or something more useful to do...

Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

Yo... Cobie...

You're not very sneaky either.

Cute Yes... Sneaky, Not so much...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Hey, Carrie Ann? What's your game now? Can anybody play?
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Hey, Carrie Ann? What's your game now? Can anybody play?

Click for fullsize image

That depends on what game you'd like to play Mr Shakespeare...

Children's games bore me.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
When we were at school our games were simple. I played the janitor you played a monitor. Then you played with older boys and prefects. What's the attraction in what they're doing?
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

Old songs, sung badly...

You're actually quite boring, Mr Shakespeare.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Thank you!

I like you, too.

so... you're a Neil Gaiman fan, I take it?
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image


If he's a musician I've never heard of him... My taste in music runs more to the death adders, krush, heads in a bag, you know... Death Rock.

If you're talking about the writer/artist, I prefer Boris...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
ah. You have Gaiman's whole Death thing going on. I figured you were either a Gaiman fan or a Gothchick.
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

I'm just your average Winter Fay Princess.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'm glad there is a large enough sample in order to determine an average.

Might I ask your connection with Zardi?
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

I serve my Master as his Major-Domo's Fairie Friday... I do it all...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I am so glad Lardy is not here to imply innuendo over that.

If I may ask, what binds you to his service?
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

My mother sold me to my Master for three magic beans and a partridge in a pear tree...

Seen any Fae lately human? If it weren't for my Master the Fae race would have been extinct centuries ago.

I serve by my own free choice. My oath given by me for my reasons alone. I am bound by my honor alone.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
There are actually plenty of Fae left in the universe, and I've met many in my travels.

I have no doubt your master has been quite helpful in preservation, but I would humbly suggest that claims of potential Fae extinction might be a bit overstated. I will grant that there are many worlds where Fae once were but are no longer.
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

You've never met a Fae like.. me... before Mr Shakespeare.

And don't think that a few casual observations equal a thourough study Mr Shakespeare. Particularly when you had no idea that there was a problem when you took a quick glance at something beyond your ability to comprehend.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Perhaps. I have never pretended to know everything, and I fully concede you would seem to be in a more informed position than I.

I apologize if my questioning has touched upon any sore points. It's just... you seem different than the others of Zardi's crew.
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

<arches her back and smiles> Maybe because of these?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Well, those, too.

No, I just meant in terms of spirit.
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
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Spirit? You think I'm some kind of freaking Cheerleader? {Giggle}

Rah! Rah! Rah! Go Zardi Go!!! and crap like that?

No Way! The guys go for that big macho stuff. I've got my own ways of getting things done...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
heh. That's one way to define 'spirit,' I suppose.
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

You think that was good?

Watch this trick...

Click for fullsize image

Now would you like to find out first hand how I get things done my way?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
Depends on what your way entails.
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

Come back to the castle with me and find out. Nobody has to know you're there and I'll have you back here before you're missed.

But! The silly grin on your face for the next three days you've got to explain on your own...
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
well... I had a pretty hard time leaving there, last time I went. So I'm not in a particular rush to go back, especially without letting anyone else know where I am.
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

A simple glamour will take care of the compulsions, or don't you like me?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
"Like" is not the obstacle, my dear.
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

Well you tell me what the obsticle is and I'll remove it. [grin] Like maybe you don't like my outfit?
Posted by Candle on :
Candle flicks out of the light just behind glamour girl and injects her with a hypospray of antimagic sleep potion.

Carrie-Ann slips gracefully (with help from Candle,) as well as unconciously, into a deck chair.

Candle arranges Carrie the Fey's costume artfully around her and turns to Kent.

"Well, golly-gee-whiz, to quote your little office girl!"
She holds up her hand, "Gothe Girl will wake-up just fine in about 15 minutes, so relax, about-to-be-lover-boy/Kardi-captive!"

"I just thought you might need a break to get your head back on straight AND I wanted to try this hypospray that you included in my antimagic kit."

Kent looks at her rather sheepishly, but before he can say anything, Candle smiles and shifts to the shadows and disappears.
Posted by Candle on :
The shadows deepen, and Candle/Shady steps out and checks Carrie-Ann's pulse.

"I guess she's okay."

She shrugs and looks around, "Good. Kent used the time to get away with Luna. I hope the poor kid's okay."

Flicker and gone.
Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
<Carrie Ann reverts to her normal form>

Click for fullsize image

What... Happened...

Posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man on :
Click for fullsize image

I'm here little one.

<Pickes her up in one massive hand and they vanish >

[ October 11, 2009, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: Zardi, the Eternal Man ]
Posted by Mysa Nal 3 on :
[White Witch - Re-Imagined] appears and speaks briefly with Vee asking if she can drop off a couple of guests who are 'incognito' and are in need of a rather 'natural' type of space, removed from his other guests.

Vee walks across a huge lawn and through a small copse of fir and dogwood trees to a secluded English styled garden and a two bedroom guest house.

Mysa is quite impressed.

The two of them arrange for food and all of the utilities, with some interesting entertainment included and Mysa gives Vee enough jewels to pay for a new wing to be added to his villa.

Mysa whispers a word and Leathersnout and Sugarwing appear.
She and Vee both speak with them quietly for a time and the Fey types run to the house to choose their bedrooms and settle in.

With a sigh, [White Witch - Re-Imagined] disappears again.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
*From the untamed streets of Legion World...*

<from one of the side entrances--an almost forgotten common one from the very streets of Legionopolis--arrives five men; a little tired and worse for wear, but now in good spirits>

Follow my lead

<Cobalt nods to a servant who smiles and ushers them with him; warm bowls of water and towels are hold out to wash their faces as fruit and drinks are brought to them; before them lies the single grandest private residence on Legion World>

Is your master in?

<the reply is a 'No'; evidently Cobalt comes here often as thR staff know him well>

We'll take a private canopy. Bring some wine and a spread of meats, bread and cheeses. We have our own pipes and tobacco.

We're meeting some other.

<the servants nod in a way that implies they understand completely and will be very discreet>

It's a shame Vee is not here. You can see my friends by the architecture and statues, he is a man of refined tastes. But while I wish we could use the pool and introduce ourselves those Naltorian Ambassador's daughters, we have real work to do.

<Cobalt sits, overlooking the city as a peaceful breeze gusts over him>

I've been thinking it over quite a bit and I've begun to form a theory as to what is really happening. What I need now is every bit of available news from the last few days for clues that we've likely missed. If Jailbait Lass were here, she'd have analyzed this already.

So let's get to work while we wait for Space Ranger...

[ February 27, 2011, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Furball on :
Furball nods. "Yeah, too bad Lolita couldn't be here..." he says as he looks at Cobie and shakes his head.

"Do you think they're gonna be desperate enough to bring Sushi Lad in?" Furball says with a cockeyed grin on his face.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yes. I think it's inevitable. That's why we need to find out the true story before it comes to that.

Ex, you still have those papers from Gruertis Nyebif, right?
Posted by Red Arrow on :
"Sorry to interrupt," Question Kid said. "But I am in military intelligence for a reason. I can find in the important information quickly."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Excellent. I also noticed you noticed we specifically have taken the high ground. Some lessons can be leaned millennia after millennia.
Posted by Dev Em on :
OOC (oops...)
Posted by Space Ranger on :
<Enters from the pool, toweling himself off. Walks quickly to Cobalt and shakes his hand.>

Took you long enough to get here. <Glances at Power Boy, Question Kid, and Furball's human form> I'm assuming your friends are on the side of the angels. You going to introduce me?

The package is on the desk. It raises more questions than it answers, at least for me.

[ February 27, 2011, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: Space Ranger ]
Posted by Furball on :
"I know I am...and so do you, you just don't realize you know it. I'm Furball, this is what I really look and sound like. You, like most people have never seen me like this before. Can't really speak for this kid, but he's been helpful so far...or at least not a hinderance."
Posted by Red Arrow on :
"I am Question Kid. As for being helpful, my powers are more of curse than anything. If I were to shake your hand, you would probably wind up in a coma," He explained.
Posted by Space Ranger on :
Furball? The kid's gonna die laughing when I tell her this, unless you want this to continue being top secret.

<Eyes Question Kid speculatively then extends his hand.>

I'll take the chance Kid, I might be just a little tougher than you think.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Furball looked at Space Ranger, "Nah, this is pretty much out of the box now. and after all these years of operating in the shadows, it'll be nice to operate normally and maybe have some real long as I survive this whole thing."

Furball thinks for a second, "although, I may want to rethink my operative code name."
Posted by Red Arrow on :
"Alright," The boy expressed a slight smile. He accepted the handshake. The man did not fall right away, which gave Question Kid a bit of hope.Memories, skills, memories...and the powers...I think are controllable...

[ February 27, 2011, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: Red Arrow ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Once Cobalt shook Ranger's hand, he immediately began going through the package while the others introduced themselves>

You've come through like always, Ranger. I appreciate you getting this so quickly and having to do it without me. This is all the records of entrants to Legion World in the last two years, as well as footage from Grand Central Space Station--which you've signalled out as being noteworthy....

<nods to wine and food>

Help yourself.

Ex, keep going through those files from Gruertis. I know what need to do. Cross reference the exact dates of illegal shipments into Legion World which Nyebif had in his papers with the footage Space Ranged provided.

<sips aged Pinot Noir> to review those specific dates and that specific footage.

<begins viewing>

Posted by Furball on :
Furball is nibbling on some bread and watching the comings and goings of the patrons. Eyes darting from one person to another, studying their every movement.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<still viewing>

Interesting, here is the arrival of "Hot Chick" the woman hanging out with the Security Office these days. Coincidentally on one of the Dark Oval drug shipment days. That may or may not mean anything.

<looks at date had previously circled>

Ex, take a look. Here are the "business associates" of Nyebif delivering the illegal narcotics. I recognize them--they are Dark Oval terrorists, or at least, work for them. In other words, take a look at what you were supporting. Yeah, yeah, I know, lay off the boy scout routine. Well, maybe when all is said and done, you'll start thinking of opportunities where you not only get rich...but help Legion World.

<suddenly Cobalt's eyes go wide; he inhales deeply; without realizing it, he drops his wine glass and it shatters all over the patio; everyone stops immediately because Cobalt never loses his composure>

Bloody Liberty.

<Cobie rewinds the tape>

Ex, what do you see?

<they watch; there is nothing there. Ex replies 'nothing'>


<they rewind and rewatch; this time Ex notices it>

Once you see it, it's hard not to notice. The people, the guards, they're all reacting to someone. Saying hello, getting out of the way. But on the tape, there is no one there.

Someone is there. But they're invisible to the tape.


<holds up hand to others to block off questions>

If what I think is true I have to be sure. What else is in the package?

<scrambling through it>

Recent news. Yes, this is what I need. Exactly the thing Lolita would have given a girl My Whee Fem...(Lolita--I've got to check on her--no, have to focus)...

Okay. I see it. So obvious. But I know where we have to go next. And we have to go now. This is the only place he could be hiding! It makes sense.

<suddenly, a Villa servant comes over, a look of alarm on his face; he whispers something to Cobie>

Dammit, no. Not now.

<looks at them all>

The Security Office is going to arrive soon. They have us cornered.
Posted by Furball on :
Furball received a call on his com-link. After listening, he set put it away and his face grew grim.

"This is not good. That was my niece, Dev just got a new toy from his son. He's on his way...he at least has Sharky plus a few squads with him. We gotta move now if we're gonna make it there in time."
Posted by Power Boy on :
"Vee must have a secret entrance or two we can use for a getaway ... or a satellite uplink to all the major news networks we can broadcast incriminating evidence on ?? "

"If not it's me and a few hundred security officers while you guys run for it"
Posted by Space Ranger on :
<Hauls himself slowly up off of a couch. Question Kid's power effected him more than he'd let on>

Cobie, The slideway to SHAKES is still operational, that's how I came in. From there it's a short hop to just about anywhere. Power Boy, let's fight them when we're ready, on our turf.

This Way...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<follows Space Ranger>

...they're going to catch up with us sooner or later. We can't run forever, and while I'm not worried about anyone beating me in a fight, we can't fight forever either.

I have one final piece of information I need to collect but I'm not sure I'll be able to get to it. Not without first having a big throwdown.

I also don't want to be responsible explaining to Semi why a huge brawl is breaking out in SHAKES. We may need to take it to the streets if the Security Office starts showing up...
Posted by Exnihil on :
<Ex listened to Cobie and Space Ranger debate, feeling as though this situation was escalating beyond anything he could have imagined.>

<How could he have been such a dupe in Nyebif's schemes? Money is one thing... but Cobie's earlier words had hit hard. Ex had been so blinded by his own greed that he had opened a door for much greater evil. It was really time for him to take a hard look at himself>

<As he mused, however, that same strange feeling washed over him again and the Villa dissolved. Ex wasn't sure what this latest vision was showing him, but it was a scene of absolute chaos. A man with his fist raised high shouted, “…if this is my end, I die a hero, not a villain…”>

<This scene quickly dissolved back, and Ex finally realized what was happening to him. He was getting glimpses of the future>

Cobalt... <he interrupted>... who is "Sir Roy"?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Sir Roy? He's the guy I clobered with his own saber back in the Streets of Legion World. I'm not a fan, as you can surmise, but I don't want to bias you against him; apparently he is trying to change for the better.

<watches Space Ranger go through the slideways>

Well boys, its off to SHAKES, but we'll have to make a move fast after that...

[ February 28, 2011, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
In a more secluded area of the Villa, Cobalt Kid enjoys time in the hot baths relaxing, trying to clear his mind and find relief from all of his stresses. Up next, he will enjoy the infamous saunas offered at the Villa.

Ahead of him lies a dangerous mission with huge implications for the United Planets, and indeed, for all galaxies. This will not be the first time Cobalt Kid has undertaken such a mission—in fact, he’s done them quite regularly for the last decade. But some time ago he developed a routine before going on such as mission. Knowing he’ll spend weeks unshowered and unclean, and days on end eating gruel whose only reason is to stop starvation, he finds the time to enjoy the luxuries offered at Legion World. It makes the coming weeks all the harder but it gives a him reminder of what he’ll enjoy upon the completion of his mission.

A servant girl offers him a plate of cut fruits, almonds and cheeses. Cobalt gives her a smile and utters some quiet words to her, making her blush and she walks away smiling.

Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
A large battle axe flashes through the air, neatly cutting the straps holding the serving girls dress up. She can’t hold the dress up without dropping the plate of cut fruits, almonds and cheeses, eventually she decides modesty is better and drops the plate and runs from the room in embarrassment.
The axe lands with a splash in the bath showering Cobalt with hot water.

“Noble Lord” shouts a voice “tis moot we should meet at this hour”

Turning and whipping his hair from his eyes Cobalt see Hrun standing at the door, over one shoulder an unconscious Varagian Guard, in the other hand Hrun is slowly absentmindedly knocking another Guards head against the wall.

Hrun smiles, drops the two guards to the floor and dives into the pool.

“Well my Lord, lead on there are wenches to meet, drink to quaff, tis been too long since we caroused and you may need to honour Bacchus before you head off.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<rueful grin>

As always my friend, you speak words of wisdom!

<claps hands twice>

Bring us many flagons of mead and more serving girls than are needed to carry them! And we'll need Legion World's best bard to recite the glory songs of yesteryear to keep us in high spirits.

<grabs an apple and bites it>

To signify the indulgence we are about to partake in!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Suddenly appearing against their will are a drunken Lard Lad, an angry Tempest, Timberwolf & Hot Chick, Power Boy & a minotaur, a Villa servant girl (passed out) and Dev Em, who is especially annoyed at being teleported against his will.

Hrun, I've brought more mead & scotch!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev flies back at top speed to the Lounge to talk to Tempest who was out of range.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Wha--?!?! <looks around> Where's Porn Queen?!?

<watches Dev leave> Man, he needs to grow some cajones! *BURP*
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well jeez, Dev, at least say hello to everyone.

<Talokian villa girl walks by>


<quickly forgets about her as a tray of fruit is brought out.>

Ah, a nectarine is just what I need. One for Lardy too!
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Nice Des."

Turns to Kalla, "you know one of those lower life forms is my brother...ah never mind...he's acting like a sick puppy again. Let's go get you cleaned up."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Porn Queen climbs out of the pool>

She's right here, Lardy! I figured she needed to put that bikini to use!

Now let's have the Bards play a little of that 20th century Beatles you introduced me to years ago!
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{regards Lon}'re not gonna lick it off, are you? {grins}
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<bards play "All You Need Is Love">

Aw...not that one! <groans and droops head>
Posted by Dev Em on :
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Not that stuff...but I will scrub your back...and front. Then we can get something worth licking."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<sees Lardy>

I said play "Help", musical ones!

<motions for two green skinned girls to come over.>

Little darlings! Have you met the great hero, Lard Lad? Surely you were among the citizens who held a candlelight vigil in his honor during the Invasion? Well, I'll admit--I was worried sick too--but you know what he told me that day? "I wish I help clean up Legion World instead of being in this hospital bed".

Man's a true hero.

<hands them cups of mead>

Now finish these drinks and let's get everyone in these hot baths!
Posted by Hot Chick on :
Aw...I love you! {kisses Lon} I hope you didn't mind me having some fun back there. It was so obvious those three are in a triangle--I couldn't resist stirring things up! {scoffs toward Lardy} Can't stand Fatso, personally.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<is now talking with Hrun as the two jug mead>

...Bloody Liberty, I'm sure it's Vivianne, my second wife. What a woman! She was intelligent and sexy as hell, but the sexiest thing? Her temper.

<the two laugh and clink glasses>

I might have to get Mayavale to come over here with some wheeling mists!
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<to Cobalt> Damn, Des...I really like 'er. But she's all...I dunno. Tried to make 'er jealous t'nite...<shrugs>
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"No problem hon. Let's get out of here."

Takes her hand and they head out, stopping by Cobie for a second.

"Nice save Des..."

He turns and decks Lardy. "Don't ever say her name again in public again Fat Ass."

Walks out with Kalla.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lardy, I know you like her, but you've been through quite a bit these last few months. I wonder if you're just looking for a kindred spirit?

Don't go rushing for love, my friend! It will find you soon enough!

Whatever will be, will be. In the meantime, we won't have much time before the Dark Oval. Let's enjoy the camaraderie and the spirit of the night.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<sprawls, gets up, laughs> Least ya got someone ELSE to lick yer boys now! Ha-ha-HA!!!
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Lon turns around.

"You really want to start with me..."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well this should prove to be an interesting trip to the Dark Oval!

Finally get everyone together in one room (thread) and everyone keeps storming off! Bah, their drama bores me!

<hands Lardy a cup of herbal tea which looks like a drink>

Let's enjoy the night my friend!

Bring on the White Album, Bards!
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
You two could be the new Dynamic Duo--"Dog Boy and Barf Girl"! HAR-har-HAR!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Bloody Liberty.

Both of you, enough! We're all on the same side here! The Red Bee isn't threatening all of Legion World so the immediacy of our actions is gone--there is no need for violence among the LMB. Save it for the outsiders.

You've been allies for nearly 10 years. Let's enjoy a night together.

Laughing about new memories and toasting fallen friends. Surely we can agree that is a worthy way to spend the evening?
Posted by Hot Chick on :
{to Lon} Oh, how the mighty has fallen. Lardy used to be so powerful. Now...I pity him. Let's go.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Sure hon..."

Looks at Lardy, "you are really sad, and it wouldn't be worth it anyway."
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Suddenly appearing against their will are a drunken Lard Lad, an angry Tempest, Timberwolf & Hot Chick, Power Boy & a minotaur, a Villa servant girl (passed out) and Dev Em, who is especially annoyed at being teleported against his will.

Hrun, I've brought more mead & scotch!

.. and playmates HRUN!!

<PB, the Minotaur, and Hrun begin laughing and conversing away from the main crowd ... talk turns to weapons, drink, and battles>
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Originally posted by Timber Wolf:
"Sure hon..."

Looks at Lardy, "you are really sad, and it wouldn't be worth it anyway."

<mutters> ...says the guy who loves a mass-murderess... <rolls eyes>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
They've gone now, Lardy. Let's go join PB, Hrun and that Minotaur dude.

I've already asked one of the girls to prove my theory that my phallus is equally as large as his.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Lon lunges back in and takes Lardy down.

"Look you sprockin'd be dead right now if it wasn't for Cobie."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<smiles> Truth hurts, eh?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lon, sacre le Teeds!

[whisper]You've got to calm down, my friend. You can't let yourself be drawn into this madness.[/whisper]

<suddenly fireworks go off and they all turn>

Bloody Liberty! Porn Queen and the Minotaur are performing a play! Er, that's no play! By the rims and tires of Kid Prime!
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"you sonofa..."

Lon lifts his arm to strike Lardy...and pulls back and gets off him.
Posted by Hot Chick on :'s okay. He's not wrong, you know. {her attention is drawn to PQ and the Minotaur} WHOA!
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Sorry Des. We're out."
Posted by Power Boy on :
can't take him anywhere .... everybody loves a minotaur.

I should never have rescued him from that labyrinth.

<cocks head to the right>

wow ... she is a .... professional
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Hrun starts a huge slow clap that begins erupting like thunder on top of the hills of Legion World>

They'll hear this Bacchanalia all the way in the boondocks!

<opens up new flagon of mead and tackles a girl into the hot baths>

Come now freckled one! Tell me a story!
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<gets up, wipes mouth, grins at the "play"> Man--much better than a donkey show!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev and Elle land and enter.

"Damn." Dev says as he sees the show.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Elle: "hey mister, thanks for the ride. Want to come join me in the hot baths? We could both use a little stress relief!"

<Cobalt gets distracted when talking to the freckled girl by the 'Show'>

Great gravy! You don't get that kind of hair-pulling and ass-slapping in a donkey show!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev looks at her...

thinks about his shoulder scars

"What the hell. My name is Dev by the way..."

Dev looks over to Cobie, "nice place my friend."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Cobie smiles widely>

Finally! Relax a little! It's not my place, its Varalent's! He can throw a party like no one else I've ever met. This is just a Monday night here.

Elle: "Boss, don't steal away my new friend! Come here, you!"

<Cobie cracks open a bottle of champagne and hands it to them.>

You're not going to believe this, but Giant Robotic Lesbian just showed up! Now its really a party!
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
WHOO! Minotaur's my new hero!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<nodding next to Lardy>

Mine too. I have to admit, that's most intense performance I've ever seen. I have a new personal goal in life. [Yes]
Posted by Dev Em on :
"Really, that's it?" Dev says and starts laughing.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<nudges Cobie> Man! That thing they're doing now? Me and Temp did that....last...night. <hopes Dev didn't hear that part>
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Elle: "OMG! They're playing my song! Come one, let's head over to the grotto! Bring that bottle!"

<Band is now playing "Come Together">
Posted by Dev Em on :
Looks at Lardy as Des is dragged off, "It's better at a couple hundred feet in the air."

[ March 28, 2011, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Exo-Lardy:
<nudges Cobie> Man! That thing they're doing now? Me and Temp did that....last...night. <hopes Dev didn't hear that part>

I think that's illegal in some parts of the UP. I did that once to Spacey and she threatened to pull a sailboat out of my ass.

BTW, don't ever marry a woman who can pull weird things out of your ass. Just don't.

Let's never mention this again. [Big Grin]
Posted by Exo-Lardy on : know we're prolly bein' played, right? (Did Des just steal your date?)
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev nods at Lardy.

"Don't care at the moment."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<triple kissing the freckled girl and Elle>

Ah! Well done! But now I've got to try to get Giant Robotic Lesbian to do it with me! You two go take care of those two gentlemen!

<points at Lardy & Dev>

Take care of them.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Originally posted by Exo-Lardy:
<nudges Cobie> Man! That thing they're doing now? Me and Temp did that....last...night. <hopes Dev didn't hear that part>

I think that's illegal in some parts of the UP. I did that once to Spacey and she threatened to pull a sailboat out of my ass.

BTW, don't ever marry a woman who can pull weird things out of your ass. Just don't.

Let's never mention this again. [Big Grin]

Yeah, Des...I slept with Spacey, too, remember? <grins but feels a painful twinge in his rectum remembering>
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<puts arm around freckled girl> Gotta name, darlin'?
Posted by Dev Em on :
"I knew Des was up to something."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Letcher self go, Dev. Makes it hurt a little less...
Posted by Dev Em on :

"C'mere Elle."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Freckled Girl: "Esmeralda. I'm studying to be a nurse! Tee hee!"

Elle: "Dev, you're awful rugged looking, you know that?"

Cobalt Kid: <rubbing chin> "Guess GRL didn't want that triple kiss after all! Wow, what a right hook!" <dives into hot baths again>

"Hrun, PB, more mead! They're bringing out the oyster trays--these things are to die for! Literally...Hrun's army decimated a Khanate merchant ship to get them!"
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<takes Esmeralda into the hot baths> I'll be your patient, then. Gotta big boo-boo needs tending...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Esmeralda: "On my home planet, they called me 'Finger Cuffs'"! <hungrily leaps at Lardy, disappearing below the water.>

Elle: "Want to see my tattoo?"

Calamity (the band): "And now for our next number, we want to call up...Cobalt Kid!"

Cobalt Kid: "Thanks folks! Okay guys, let's hit it!"

<Plays "Blitzkrieg Bop">
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev grabs another bottle of champagne.

"Want some more Elle?"

He proceeds to pour it all over her.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
In honor of Fanfic Lady joining us, the band will now be playing an all 80's set!
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Zut alors! <as Esmeralda works her magic>
Posted by Dev Em on :
"Let's see that tattoo."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You guys aren't going to believe this! Porn Queen and the Minotaur are about to get married, right here, right now! Hrun is officiating the event! Power Boy is the groom and were all groomsmen!

So get your rocks off and come join! I'm going to see if I can give away the bride!
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
In honor of Fanfic Lady joining us, the band will now be playing an all 80's set!

Oh, goody!

I'd love me some Dead or Alive, but not "You Spin Me", that one's overfamiliar. How about "Something in My House" or their Japanese Top 3 hit "Turn Around and Count to 10"?
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Zut alors!
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Let's see...I'm a teetotal, and I'm in a wonderful same-sex marriage. Soooooooo...what do I do for fun?

Why, DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY of course!
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Yay! Esmeralda's a Carggite!!! Nice one, Des!
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
^Zut alors! [Love]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Dancing with Fanfic Lady and the dozens of other people who rawk the dancefloor>

Throughout the night expect random Lady Gaga bits for you, Fanfie!

<stops dancing to grab a passing tray of grapes and a bottle of champagne>

Ah, a hot bath I've yet to partake in! This one's more secluded, but never let it be said I haven't tried them all!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Fanfic Lady:

Posted by Fanfic Lady on :

Posted by Dev Em on :
"Hells yeah!"
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<shakes his groove thang!>
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :

Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Okay, I admit it, someone dared me to put these goggles on...

Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Hey! Look who climbed on stage and joined in with the band:


There really is no end to Gisele's awesomeness. [Love]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The next morning the Villa is littered with bodies passed out from alcohol consumption, sex and partying. Bottles and fruit are everywhere. Lardy and Esmeralda(s) are sleeping on a couch while Dev and Elle are snuggling in a secluded area.

A few are still awake: Hrun, the Minotaur, Porn Queen, Cobalt Kid, the servant girls and Old Dutch, the Super-Cow are playing a game of strip poker. Cobie wears nothing but a Viking helmet and one boot; he's now drinking gin on the rocks.


Okay, Dutch, this is udder nonsense. You can't have a royal flush again.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<Lardy awakes in the buff>


<walks swayingly, stumbles, falls on poker table, smashing it>

Oop! Sorry...
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
Hrun laughs, and slapping Lardy heartily in the back, blows a loud blast on his hunting horn “to welcome the god of the Sun on this new day”

The noise echoes through Lardys hung-over head making his teeth sing in agonized harmony with the notes.

Here my friend, drink this and he passes a large mug of mead in Lardy’s hand together with a plate of fresh raw oysters.

“eat! Drink my friend, we must celebrate”

Lardy looked at the oysters and.....
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
...Cobalt got out of the way quickly!

"come Hrun, they are having a gladiatorial competition in the pool and I've signed us up as companions! We are battling the dreaded Amazonian sisters of Sappho and the stakes are high!"

Cobalt chugs the gin, bites into an orange slice (eating the skin and all) and heads off to battle!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev wakes up enough to look around.

Feels Elle snuggled up against him...

Work can wait.

He shuts his eyes again.
Posted by Hrun the Barbarian on :
"come Hrun, they are having a gladiatorial competition in the pool and I've signed us up as companions! We are battling the dreaded Amazonian sisters of Sappho and the stakes are high!"............

Unfortunately Hrun was sometimes a bit slow to understand the subtle nuances of Cobalt’s comments and had in a bit of a mead induced fuzziness thought it was a real gladiatorial competition and had aimed his Ephibian War Stakes high indeed and had managed to skewer all four Amazonian Sisters through the shoulders in to the walls of the Villa.

“bah!” he said disappointedly and headed back to the bar, stopping only to absent mindedly rob Dev of his money purse as he lay in the arms of Morpheus.

“but...but...there were four of them.........we were going to...........I was about to...............they were........” stammered a disappointed Cobalt Kid.

Just then Porn Queen turned and said..................
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<...something. She was so drunk by now that she was making little sense. Cobalt was cautious because it seemed to be turning the Minotaur on again.

Meanwhile, Cobalt set about healing all of the Amazons Hrun had skewered before they all ended up in jail.

Doing so, he used the scenario to get more intimate with them, naturally.>
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev finally got up and dressed.

"Cobie, thank you for getting me to relax a little. Tell Elle when she wakes up that I'll talk to her later."
Posted by Lolita on :
*As Cobalt Kid lies on a hammock with two girls listening to Calamity play a set of songs made famous by the Four Tops, Cobie looks backwards and sees a figure hovering over him. Trying to look stern, but unable to hide a half-smile, Lolita is there.*

*Ahem*. I trust you' this out of your system, now?

I've gathered all the materials we'll need and reconfirmed which of our...allies...will be joining us.

We should be ready to leave at a moment's notice.

*Band starts playing "Reach Out, I'll Be There".*

Must have been a fun night, or, I love this song.

*Grabs a glass of wine and listens to Calamity.*
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<wide smile>

Come and relax, Lolita. It's almost time now...and where we're going, there won't be much music.

<Surprisingly, Cobalt is now dead sober. He looks relaxed, almost melancholy, but there is a quiet determination in his voice.>

Remember this moment--it may get us through some dark moments in the weeks to come.

<ditches two girls and sits next to Lolita.>
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Timberwolf walks in (after leaving a note for Kalla as to his location). For the first time in a long time, he does not have any weapons on him.

Grabs a drink and sits down.

"looks like I missed a hell of a party boss."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yeah, <he smiles>, you sure did. If we all survive what's to come, there will be an even crazier one. But that's a big "if".

It'll give us something to laugh about once the loneliness of the road sets in. Nothing breaks the tension like a minotaur / porn queen story.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<sobering up somewhat> Hiya,, hey, Wolf.

<sits next to them>
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"No hard feelings Lardy?"
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<gives Lardy an incredulous look>

That was one of the most fun times we've had together in years. But I hope its okay. You falling off the wagon, I mean. This little quest we're going on will at least give you some time to get back on it.

<pats him on the back>

It was pretty fucking out of control, though, wasn't it? [Big Grin]
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<smiles at Lon> Nah. I was drunk and deserved to be clocked. I'm not gonna pretend that I think you and Kalla is a good idea, though.

Des, I alcoholic falling off the wagon is never a good thing---and I AM an alcoholic, for sure.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"I can live with that. Since I don't really care about your opinion on the subject."


Looks around.

"Is that my brothers jacket on that girl over there? What the hell..."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Yeah, Lon--pretty sure Dev got it ON last night!
Posted by Dev Em on :
"Yeah Lon. That's my jacket. I am allowed to have fun now and then." Dev says as he walks back in.

Sits down. "You guys are really doing this..."
Posted by Tempest on :
(walks in)

Everyone needs to a release now and then, including your brother, Wolf.

Sorry about the 'leg humping' remark, last night, heat of the moment.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Um, er, hey, Temp.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Who Elle? Yeah, I totally encouraged Dev to loosen up a bit. Elle's a good kid, she works at my club.

By the way Lardy, where's Esmeralda? Bloody liberty, she was hot.

But you falling off the wagon--let's just say this Dark Oval trip, and long nights with no booze, limited food and detox by proxy will be good for you. Probably all of us.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"No worries." He says to Tempest with a crooked smile. "Probably shouldn't have called you a witch..."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

The mistress of wind herself, at last.

<rises and reaches for her hand, kissing it.>

We haven't actually been formally introduced outside of battles in the skies and in the midst of some recent drunken shenanigans.

Cobalt Kid, at your service.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev looks at Tempest and smiles.

"Thanks for dropping her in my arms..."

Then to Cobie, "and thanks for all but smacking me upside the head to relax."
Posted by Tempest on :
Yes, I know you.

I mean I know of you. Your name is practically...a legend.

(pulls hand back, looks at Lardy and Dev, leans into Cobalt Kid so only he can hear her.)

You get around, how do you make this less awkward?
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

By the way Lardy, where's Esmeralda? Bloody liberty, she was hot.

But you falling off the wagon--let's just say this Dark Oval trip, and long nights with no booze, limited food and detox by proxy will be good for you. Probably all of us.

Esmeralda...was that her/their names? Oh, yeah...that gal or gals was awesome! Dunno where she went off to... <looks around>

But yeah...the Oval thing. I've lost my way again, Des. I need to find myself. Maybe that'll do the trick...if I survive.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Looks at Lardy, "Well...whatever doesn't kill ya, will make you stronger."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<sees Tempest's body language> Look, Temp--I can't speak for Dev, but I know what the other night was. You were clear about that from the beginning. It's my bad that I wanted to make something more out of it. I'm a big boy--I'll be alright.

<thinks> Yeah, I'm totally in love with you, but I won't throw myself at you and degrade myself--no matter how much I desperately want to!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev nods. "I understand it all better now."

Doesn't change how I feel though.
Posted by Tempest on :
Well, we really just need to focus on the matter at hand. There is a mission ahead of us...yet some of us have been left in the dark. You say it's life threatening. I'm going with you, I made that clear, now do mind telling me what's going on? I really think I should know what I am risking my life for.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<in low voice in response to Tempest>

Just take things slow at this point and see how it plays out, I guess. Good luck, though.

<now voice comes back to normal so Lardy, Dev and the rest can hear him.>

You remind me of someone quite a bit, you know. I think I may have accidentally even called you by her name the other night.
Posted by Tempest on :
(To Cobalt Kid)

Forgiven, let's not speak of it again.


Now, what is going on?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Lon starts laughing and shoots Cobie a 'not the best save in the world' look.
Posted by Dev Em on :
"Yeah, what's going on? I have a clue, but I need to hear this...and you need to tell me if you need me along."
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So, you know we're going on a mission and you've decided to join us?

...Excellent. We could use someone of your abilities, I think. Personal drama aside, the nature of your powers may be quite useful in battling one of the five threats we face.

<Cobalt realizes there are personal implications for Lardy and Dev but the implications for the galaxy at large trump them, so he pretends as if he cares little for the personal drama>
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
The Oval has enslaved Earth-4, along with all our friends in the SMB. They made us think it was destroyed, but it's not. It's been transported to our dimension and turned into the Evil Emperor Pyngwyn's throneworld. We're gonna liberate them.
Posted by Tempest on :
How do you know this? What reliable source do you have?
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Kalla. She's head of the Oval's Hrykosian district.
Posted by Tempest on :

Name sounds familiar?

I think I sneaked some information from one of you files, isn't she a murderer?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<As Lardy fills in Tempest, Cobalt goes over a list of things with Lolita for preperations.>

Gradually, the Villa begins to get cleared out and cleaned up. Calamity continues to play some lighter songs and guests enjoy the wedding cake from the ceremony between the Minotaur and Porn Queen that no one but Cobalt Kid and Old Dutch can remember.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Oh yeah.. <looks at Cobie sheepishly> ...she is. You know her better as "Hot Chick".
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Timberwolf just sits and waits for Tempests reaction.
Posted by Tempest on :
That little tra---

(Looks at Timber Wolf and holds back.)


I said something was going on with her. You're trusting that big breasted hooker?
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<smiles> Is that jealousy? She and I... <glances at Lon> ...have had an uneasy alliance that goes back a ways. I trust her intel because she has as much to gain from this op as we do.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"At least she came clean with who she is..." he says wiith a wink.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev says to himself, "maybe the idea of going along isn't sucha good one..."
Posted by Tempest on :
No she hasn't. I don't she the Kalla from the flies walking around. Tell her to grow a pair and drop the facade.

I'm not trusting you judgment, Lardy. I'm trusting his.

(points to Cobalt Kid)

He seems to be one of the few of us that actually has a head on their shoulders.

Timber Wolf. I like for one reason, your brother. So I pray the pain is minor when she rips out your heart for her throne.

That is what she's getting, power? She can't be doing this out of the goodness of her little black heart.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<looks at Dev> I think you should stay behind. Legion World needs a heavy hitter...and its Chief of Security. <at Temp> I think you should stay behind, too. I appreciate your nobility, but...well, it's not really your fight, is it? And I couldn't bear seeing you in mortal danger again...after what happened with the Red Bee.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Looks at Tempest, "First off,, the facade is the only reason that we have the information we have...and if she drops it now, we're dead before we even leave. Trust me, she's not happy about this facade thing either at this point...but it needs to be maintained."
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Exo-Lardy:
<looks at Dev> I think you should stay behind. Legion World needs a heavy hitter...and its Chief of Security. <at Temp> I think you should stay behind, too. I appreciate your nobility, but...well, it's not really your fight, is it? And I couldn't bear seeing you in mortal danger again...after what happened with the Red Bee.

"Yeah, you're right...I your back okay? I won't be there to save your ass this time."

He lowers his voice so only Lardy hears him, "and watch out for her too."

He pats Lardy on the shoulder.
Posted by Tempest on :
Fine, Timber Wolf. But Lardy, you're screwed. You know it, I know it. So I think you need all the people you can get to help you out. I don't care what Dev decided, I'm going. You can try to stop me, but if you do, I will go and find you and make you wish you took me.
Posted by Dev Em on :
"Trust me Lardy, you're not changing her mind on this one."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
I...fine, Temp. If you want in, you're in. But Cobie and I, we can take care of ourselves. So can Lon and everyone else who's going. With or without you, this could very well be a suicide mission. God, I'm loving you so much now, lady...
Posted by Tempest on :
I can take care of myself. I'm not some helpless little child. Despite what some of you may think of me.

So fit me into your plans, make some use out of me.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<excuses himself and takes Lon and Cobie to the side>

Look, know how I feel about Temp. And besides that, I'm impressed by what she did against the Red Bee. But the reality is, we know next to nothing about her. Are you two comfortable taking her along?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Windy'll be fine."
Posted by Dev Em on :
Originally posted by Tempest:
I can take care of myself. I'm not some helpless little child. Despite what some of you may think of me.

So fit me into your plans, make some use out of me.

"Wanting to help someone is in no way considering them a child. You need to relax a little bit when someone offers to help."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<Cobie shrugs but nods at T-Wolf's assessment of Tempest and they move back with the others>

<hears what Dev says> Yeah, Temp. We all want to be your friends (or more), but we would like to get to know you better. It's a two-way street.
Posted by Tempest on :
(Turns to Dev.)

Really, you're starting now?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<rejoins conversation>

This sure as hell isn't going to be easy. But it's worth doing.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Looks at Tempest. "Not starting anything...just stating a fact, no strings, remember."

Turns to Lardy, You guys call me if you need me...understand..."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Originally posted by Dev Em:

Turns to Lardy, You guys call me if you need me...understand..."

I...Dev, we're not exactly going to have a Bat-phone to you in the heart of enemy territory.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Sure thing pops," he says to Dev, "Why don't you take sleeping beauty over there home before you start another argument..."

Turns to Lardy... "I know what he means, and we will bro."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

This sure as hell isn't going to be easy. But it's worth doing.

Nothing worth doing is easy, Des! <glances over at Temp involunatarily>
Posted by Dev Em on :

Goes over and picks up the still sleeping Elle.

"I have things to do, and she needs someplace to finish sleeping. Let me know when you guys decide to leave."
Posted by Tempest on :
What exactly do you need to know?

How about how I followed your orders loyally?

Or got put in a coma trying to defend this planet?

What about pulling some stranger out of death's arms because he's an ally of yours?

(Points to Dev.)

Anything else, hmm?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Not to mention she slept with ya pally...didn't really care then did ya?"
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<smirks at T-Wolf> Damn! Does everyone know? <looks around and gets confirmation, shrugs>

<to Tempest, quietly> Temp, I don't question your nobility or your's your secrecy. I understand the need for it, trust me...but I've also seen firsthand the damage it can do. <takes her hand> You can trust me...feel safe with me. I can be your friend. <lets her hand go in an attempt to keep a certain boundary intact>
Posted by Dev Em on :
Dev shakes his head and flies off with Elle.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, I'm good with her joining us. The danger doesn't concern me, and neither do the secrets. Just so long as everyone on this mission knows to keep a low profile for most of it--and not just Tempest, but all of us--and I'll be happy.

There's only one person I distrust and she's a known murderess.
Posted by Tempest on :
(too Lardy)

I'll let you in, if I feel ready.

For now, trust that I'm watching your ass.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
There she goes again--is protecting ME the reason she's going along? Temp...powers or none, I can take care of myself.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Well, I'm good with her joining us. The danger doesn't concern me, and neither do the secrets. Just so long as everyone on this mission knows to keep a low profile for most of it--and not just Tempest, but all of us--and I'll be happy.

"I ain't got no problem there...not so sure about some of these people though. How we going in? In waves...or all at teh same time through different venues?"

"Also, do we want Kalla to resume her role, or stick with us for the time being as Hot Chick?"
Posted by Tempest on :
All right.

I guess I should put a little trust in you, too.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<wants to hug and kiss her like crazy, but instead gives her some dap>
Posted by Tempest on :
(Just stares and blinks at Lardy after getting some dap)

(Continues to stare and blink)

(Still staring and blinking)

Don't do that.

(turns to leave)

Keep me updated.

Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Originally posted by Timber Wolf:
"Also, do we want Kalla to resume her role, or stick with us for the time being as Hot Chick?"

I'm guessing Kalla can help us more as Kalla, but... <glances at Cobie> ...I'm leaving that all to General Grievous, over there.

[ March 30, 2011, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: Exo-Lardy ]
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<watches Tempest leave>

Okay, so was she offended that I made such a crude, familiar and, well, common gesture with the fist bump? Or is she disappointed that I'm holding back so much instead of fawning all over her? I honestly can't figure her out!

Oh,'ve never been able to figure out women!
<smiles but continues to watch intently in the direction Temp left>
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Damn...real subtle romeo. Drool much?"
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<smirks at T-Wolf> Laugh it up, Fuzzball.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Lon laughs.

"Just remember...let the Wookie win."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
...and please don't get me started on your girlfriend, okay? Not lookin' to add to my bruises from last night and all.... *groan*
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
Looks at Lardy and shakes his head...

"Don't worry about it. She actually talked a little sense into me last night..."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Huh? What do you mean?
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"She convinced me not to come back here and...well, let's just say that she calmed me down. I get a little protective's just who I am, and it's not a 'I think peple are weak' thing...just part of what I got from my brother. Mine is just a little more focused on people I care about instead of the whole universe like him."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
You're a good guy, Lon, but I know her. And I know she's bad news. When she made me remember our dealings from back in the day...I literally got sick to my stomach.

I...I know nothing I can say will make you think differently about her. I mean, you know all she did, and you're still with her. But you'll always play second fiddle to what she loves the most--that's power, Lon. When someone's in love with power...well, they never fall out of love with it.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"You're right, nothing you say is going to change the way I feel...and you would know all about that power thing..."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Yes... <with haunted eyes, looks Lon square in his eyes> ...I would.
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Good to know we all understand each other then...isn't it."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Yeah, Lon...I hope you'll prove me wrong. But I know better...
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"Stranger things have happened."
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
Indeed! <changes subject as he spots Esmeralda> Like having a four-way with a smokin' hot Carggite! Later, man! <gives him some dap, then runs after Esmeralda>
Posted by Timber Wolf on :
"What a man whore."

Get;s up and and says to Cobie before he leaves, "Let me know when you want to move."

He heads out and back to the Bunker.
Posted by Exo-Lardy on :
<chases after Esmeralda> Oh, well...she's a nice diversion, anyway...
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
As Cobalt Kid watches his friends leave a voice from behind says

“Well old Friend, you’re really going to go through with all this?, despite the danger that some of our friends may get hurt, or worse?”

Cobalt Kid turns, “It has to be done Far and you know that. And it has to be done soon”

“I know Des, it’s just I. Well I can’t help myself, I care for these kids, and for you, you young fool”
Faraway flips a hand to send a pile of crumpled clothes away and sits on the now clean chair.

“Still I can see you’ve made your mind up to go and I know that look, nothing I can say will change that. So I’m coming along too”

Cobalt stops looking longingly at the serving girls currently cleaning the villa and spins around to look at Faraway.
“You want to come, no way, uh uh, not gonna happen....your too.......”

“Old” smiles Faraway, “Probably”

Faraway stands and taking Cobalt by the shoulder walks him to the bar where Hrun is engaged in a very dubious drinking game with the Minotaur

“Cobalt Kid” continues Faraway, “there are many ways to skin a cat. I may not have the agility and grace of some of you but I do have a network of spies in LMBP Embassies across two thirds of the know galaxy. I’ve know about your little planned trip to the Dark Oval almost as long as you have, including your final destination. I have used the diplomatic bag to courier various ‘things’ you might find useful in your little jaunt to various points in the Oval. Here’s the map and the access codes” and Faraway passes over a small signet ring with the LMBP logo on it. “neat isn’t it” says Faraway, “Tamper Lad used all of his geek skills to make it for me”

“Now” says Faraway slapping Cobalt Kid on the back “Hrun here will come with you as a bit of extra muscle, I’ll make my own travel arrangements and will see you as on the other side so to speak”

Faraway Lad ports out leaving Cobalt Kid looking at the signet ring.

A few seconds later he’s back.
Opening the door from the gents he walks back into the Villa
“Damn” he smiles “always happens when I try to be mysterious; the Faraway force sends me some funny places. Remind me to tell you about that day I ended up in EDE’s bedroom just when he was about to .................ach, never mind that’s a story for another day. Toodle pip old Chap”

And this time he was gone
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<Cobalt Kid just stands there and smiles>

Still have more to teach me after all this time, eh? Looking forward to it.

<Cobalt's spirits immediately are raised and he turns to see Hrun walking to him>

Well, my barbarian friend, we've got a quest ahead of us! It'll require more subterfuge than beating of the war drums, but there will be glory enough for the both of us.

<grabs his friend by the shoulders>

Get together your weaponry and tool kit. We leave soon.

<Cobalt exits>
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
*looks around*

Well, where is everyone? I remember I used to get drunk here every weekend!

Ah, hell. If you drink, they will come.

*gets out a bottle of Bailey's, one of Tequila Rose and an Absolut Peach.

Cheers! [Cheers]

Posted by He Who Wanders on :
[HWW pops in for a drink. Sees Ibby asleep. Doesn't want to disturb him, so leaves.]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

Wha? Could have sworn I heard footsteps. Oh well.

*downs another shot*


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