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» Legion World » LEGION OUTPOST » Mission Monitor Board » ROLL CALL: LMBers head count! (Page 7)

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Author Topic: ROLL CALL: LMBers head count!
Cobalt Kid

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<Cobalt takes it all in, all the while ducking from Dark Lard's attacks>

Lardy--wha--? Jailbait Lass? Never heard of her! We don't have time for this nonsense! Everybody move!

<flies down and scopes up Lash and Caliente to protect them from attack>

Pagan, I read you loud and clear. It would make sense with everything Phineas has done this far. He must have somehow caused this Dark Lard character to come backwards in time.

<looks at Lardy and sees his friend visibly shaken, much like he was prior to this entire saga beginning>

Lardy, you've got snap out of it! There's no way this guy could be you. It must be some alternate future!

<despite saying this, Cobalt Kid recalls some other events that once predicted a dark future; he also recalls his old assistant dealing with such things; what was her name? And why suddenly forgetting her?>

...jailbait lass...?

<a sudden yearning hits him; an emptiness>

No, gotta shake that off...Pagan, Brit and I are the most likely to be affected by this? Who knows what else he might bring forwards or backwards in time? Judging by this Dark Lard character, Phineas just brought forth someone of equal power to even him!

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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<at this point, Dark Lard has left>

<turns to Space Ranger>

Told you something was wrong with that guy! You've got to start trusting me again, Ranger. I know I probably screwed up when I ripped apart the Security Office. But it was always you who kept me in line. Now you're back--and I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong but I need you to trust me like the old days...

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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<thinking> Damn! They really don't remember her! If Lolita never existed, there's no telling what the repercussions to the timeline might be! If I remember her though, for whatever reason, there's still hope!

<interrupts Cobalt and Ranger> Des, you're right...we've got work to do, but...you've gotta continue to trust me, here. Trust me when I tell you that the timeline has changed! I don't know why, but I can apparently remember things about the true timeline that maybe no one else can. And something VERY important to you is amiss!

<to everyone> The traitor is flushed out--Des, tell us everything you've got, so we can get Phineas and this "Dark Lard" before he achieves his goal!

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Okay, you’re right. The time for secrets has passed and its time to lay it all on the table. When I was healing the injured security officers at Medicus Two, I took the time to meditate and see if I could come up with some answers as to why my healing powers were not working on myself. And in doing so, I recovered some memories of when I was comatose. Apparently, Exnihil has been leaving me clues across Legion World—and throughout the last several weeks, if not months!

With Phineas now active on Legion World, he’s using his control over the forces of time and space—which are naturally strong on Legion World for whatever reason. Exnihil is still under his control, captured as his pawn. The good news is Ex is alive. The bad news is, he’s traveling through time, serving Phineas in various ways. So everything we can do to stop him has already happened and we were unsuccessful. But in doing so, he left me these various clues, which took me to the Security Office hours ago, where I uncovered his note for me.

<at this, Cobalt pauses, remembering that something very personal and emotional occurred at the Security Office, but the memory simply isn’t there; he must be overtired>

At 12 key places across Legion World there are buried old timepieces. Each one is a fragment of Phineas B. Fuddle's Universal Orrery... a type a clockwork engine in orbit above Legion World. Even now the Orrery exists, though it is impossible to see by normal eyes. When all 12 timepieces are activated, Phineas' plan will go into full effect. He intends to roll back time itself on Legion World, effectively regressing it back to its birth and, by doing so, recreate it in his own image. And from what we are seeing on Legion World, apparently he is begun to do this.

So far, Ex has captured a large amount of the 12 timepieces, but its impossible to say how many. As I said, all of this occurred in the past.

He’s likely been able to bring forth a future version of Lard Lad to do his bidding—and who knows what other damage to the time stream?

Exnihil’s other advice was that a traitor was in our midst. And apparently that was the Dark Lard. So now that leaves only us, the LMBP. And with Phineas’ plans laid out on the table.

We’ve been divided, turned against one another and harboring secrets and animosity for many months. We’ve been tricked, beaten and hurt. But here we are…all of us once more by each other’s sides. I think its time we came together once again. We need to find his Orrery, and we need to find what parts of the timestream he has changed. How we’ll do that, I haven’t the faintest clue, but we will. So long as we all stand together.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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Look, guys...I've been elected leader, and I know some of you have issues with that. <eyes Ranger> But the time for division is over! When this is finished, when we've finished doing what it is we do best, Des and I will answer whatever charges need to be answered for. But it won't mean a hill of beans if there's no Legion World or LMB to defend! Let's find Phineas and this "Dark Lard" and kick their asses!

<looks around> Agreed?

<looks toward Abin> Right now, your ring's our best bet. I need you to follow whatever trace that Dark Lard left and do some recon. If you need to, take someone with you and report back ASAP. Sound cool?

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Well, leader...I'm ready to follow. It was an honor the first time, all those years ago...and its an honor again.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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Thanks, Des. Excuse me a moment...

Originally posted by Pagan Lass:
Hmmm... She was close to Cobalt?

Was she close to anyone else?

...sorry, got caught up in the moment. Pagan, Jailbait Lass was very important to the Security Office as a whole...and she was very close, particularly to My and Britney. I...don't really know you very well, but it's possible she was important to you as well. We've got to bring her back somehow. Any ideas?

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Abin Quank
Except when I'm someone else...

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I don't know if it's an honor... but if you want to know where that "Dark Lard" character is...





Okay Leader Man, what do you make of that?

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...

From: Westerly Rhode Island | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Pagan Lass
Sorceress/Table Dancer/Grandmother

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Originally posted by LardLad:
Thanks, Des. Excuse me a moment...

Originally posted by Pagan Lass:
Hmmm... She was close to Cobalt?

Was she close to anyone else?

...sorry, got caught up in the moment. Pagan, Jailbait Lass was very important to the Security Office as a whole...and she was very close, particularly to My and Britney. I...don't really know you very well, but it's possible she was important to you as well. We've got to bring her back somehow. Any ideas?
Cobalt, Britney, and My... Interesting...

Cobie are you up for a seance?

/ / ( . )Y( . ) \ \

What can I DO for you?

From: Legion World Security Office | Registered: Dec 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
between boots

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HQ is useless here, anything that's been changed will be in the records just as if it's always been that way.

Only a very few of us can time travel and of those I think I'm the only one who can carry passengers so I guess it's up to me once we identify the Fuddle's entry point into LW's time line.

Pick the team to go and I'll be transport on this once we have our coordinates.

Bob! What happened?

From: Smallville Sector : Greater Metropolis | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
If looks could kill..

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Got me. Something blew through the teleport scrambler like it wasn't even there. Sensors indicate a Lard Force surge. Looks like we have to recalibrate the tech for this thing, right now it's worthless.
By the way, transport's here.

Jim-MEY! Over here boy, you stick with me like white on rice, you did a great job in the Tesseract so you get to be my sidekick for the rest of this issue. Take down the scrambler,call Blue and bring me some hardware and the special ops team. This one could get rough.

I'm too sexy for my shirt.

From: Brightonopolis | Registered: Apr 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Pagan, you know I hate magic...but if you think its important and absolutely necessary, I can help with this seance.

Still, I feel I should be helping your husband more than anything.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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Originally posted by Abin Quank:
Okay Leader Man, what do you make of that?

Can we get more intel? Part of me wants to charage in like nobody's business, but my (considerable) gut tells me swooping in and kicking him in the face won't be good enough. I was thinking some in-person recon involving you and some of the sneakier LMBers. I want to know as much about this "Orrery" as we can before we go in.

Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
HQ is useless here, anything that's been changed will be in the records just as if it's always been that way.

Only a very few of us can time travel and of those I think I'm the only one who can carry passengers so I guess it's up to me once we identify the Fuddle's entry point into LW's time line.

Pick the team to go and I'll be transport on this once we have our coordinates.

YK, that's part of the key here, I think. Finding out exactly what points in time have been corrupted. <to Pagan> You've sensed some of the disturbances. Perhaps you and YK can figure some of this out together?

Also...Gladys and My--where's My? I'm thinking those two can get the historical and personnel records together. If I can spot anomalies like I did with Lolita, perhaps I can spot more and figure out what else has changed, so we'll know what needs fixing.

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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I'll work with Pagan on this too Lardy. She says I'm connected to whatever it is she's sensing and she's our magical expert.

<pats him on the back>

Good luck.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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Thanks, man...<smiles>

<thinks, as Cobalt walks away> Gods...leader! I guess it's as constructive a thing to throw myself into after what I saw today....

Gladys! Where are those sprockin' files? And where's fairy-My? Who said gettin' turned into one of Brit's little widgets was an excuse for her to start slouchin'?

Hopefully, they'll be mad enough at me throwin' my weight around to stay focused on the job at hand! We'll need that focus!

<smiles ruefully>

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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