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» Legion World » LEGION OUTPOST » Mission Monitor Board » Rockhopper's Rookery: Now With Extra Sparkle (Page 46)

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Author Topic: Rockhopper's Rookery: Now With Extra Sparkle
Cobalt Kid

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--Incoming Call--

Rocky, it's Cobie...I'm in some real trouble and so are a bunch of us...

We have nowhere to go and don't think we're safe. The Security Office is out of control and there is a real danger on Legion World.

Could we come to the Rookery...Ranger, Furball, Ex, Power Boy, and a young kid named Question Kid?

I'm sorry to put this burden on you...

<Rocky can tell that not only is Cobalt out of breath, he is generally worried, something he almost never let's on>

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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<arrives at the Rookery in a tattered costume with cuts and bruises; with him Exnihil and Power Boy>

Rocky! Tim! Are you come! We are in need is safe haven!

Let them follow us here...it won't matter. Only one person has the diplomatic and moral sense to stop them now and he's a Prince. We'll be safe.

Things spun out of control too quickly. I won't let us fight our fight our friends if I can help it. All a distraction anyway...there is far greater danger afoot.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
back in black (and white)

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<Ex, quite out of breath, nearly staggers in>

Those Security Office guys play for keeps. That archer - I think I heard Lardy call her Red Arrow - could have killed me if it wasn't for Dev-Em.

And speaking of Dev... I couldn't tell whose side he was on in that fight! If there was one guy I thought would have Lardy's back it was him, but I think we just saw the turning of the tide.

See Here for the latest update on the 2013 Chicago Gathering (now including tentative attendance list)

Registered: Feb 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Emily Sivana
Ask Question Lad

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"Emily can be very violent when she's frustrated," Question Kid mused. "And I took her out during the fight so I know she's really angry at everyone. Her mind is constantly like a house filled with moving-in boxes, and there are so many gaps in her memory. I think a decent telepath could take her out of battle." He nodded towards Powerboy.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb

From: Illinois | Registered: Jun 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rockhopper Lad
Kills Threads Dead

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<Rockhopper Lad, Time-Teller Lad and Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle enter>

Here we are, guys! If you're seeking asylum here, of course you have it. The Pyngwyn Colonies always welcomes those who need refuge.

Please, tell me what's going on and how I can help.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."

From: The Pyngwyn Colonies of Planet Hyustyn | Registered: Aug 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
back in black (and white)

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Rockhopper... uh... sir... uh... your majesty... <Ex letting his nervousness get the better of him, and only realizing after the fact he's not sure how to address royalty>

... we seek temporary sanctuary within your borders. I'm not sure how much you've heard of the recent fighting, but a schism is forming on Legion World, and our group has fallen on the opposite side of that headed by the Chief of the Security Office.

I'm sorry if that creates any conflict of interest. I know the two of you are very close.

See Here for the latest update on the 2013 Chicago Gathering (now including tentative attendance list)

Registered: Feb 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Timber Wolf
LMB Black Ops

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Furball walks in.

"Rocky. Thanks so much for your hospitality. I need a place to clean up a little. Shark Lad is packing a mean bite nowadays. Hey Hywie...how ya doin boy."

From: Doing the things that need to be done | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rockhopper Lad
Kills Threads Dead

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<Hyvvie shows Furball to the washroom>

*Sigh* We were very close, Ex. Past tense. I guess I don't blame him for giving me the cold shoulder, but I've...Well, the last time we spoke, he was very cold--and not in a way I like cold.

No, don't worry about conflict of interests, Ex. Whatever there was with Lardy and me, that was a long time ago.

And, please, call me Rocky. Everyone else does.

I'll have Sffenyskus get five rooms ready. Can I get anything for anyone? Tea? Something stronger?

[ March 01, 2011, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."

From: The Pyngwyn Colonies of Planet Hyustyn | Registered: Aug 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Power Boy
Kick Nass Leader

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<Power Boy has been quiet the whole flight. Perks up when Rocky enters!>

"Where are my manners ... I hate magic ... it boggles my mind ... and it's the only thing that seems to work on those in my power class. "

"Well ... How do you do Rockhopper Lad? Pardon my babbling"

< Everyone looks around at each other, worry on their faces ... Power Boy out of sorts after a fight IS troubling >

From: Ninja Land | Registered: Nov 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Space Ranger
Private Dick

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<Places a hand on Power Boy's shoulder>

Calm down, Kid. Yeah, magic can effect us. But we can also effect the magic user. This Tempest seems to be verey similar to Cobie's old flame, Viv. Loads of power but very little control. Burn her buns a bit and she'll lose it. Remember that.

Rocky, I won't be staying here, which I think you already guessed. I've some business elsewhere.

Cobie, I've activated security protocals at the tower and restricted access to list 17. ASTRA owns most of the building nowdays. I doubt Lardy wants to bring Kent in to this against him. But...

I'll see you guys in a few hours.

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Just as soon as the Check Clears!)

From: The Back Office in Abin's Fixit Shop. | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
back in black (and white)

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<At Rockhopper's words, "Whatever there was with Lardy and me, that was a long time ago," Ex involuntarily bristled. There it was again; that deja vu he had experienced before. He had already seen a snippet of this scene play out in his mind at the Midnight Lounge.>

<It was all coming true, and if these harmless snippets of conversation were coming to pass, what of the more violent scenes he had seen?>

<What of the Lard-Bots... and of Sir Roy?>

[ March 01, 2011, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: Rockhopper Lad ]

See Here for the latest update on the 2013 Chicago Gathering (now including tentative attendance list)

Registered: Feb 2008  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rockhopper Lad
Kills Threads Dead

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It's quite all right, Power Boy. I understand.

I remember Tempest from when I arrived on Legion World. Yes, she is very powerful, but she is unfocused. Remember that my powers are magic-based as well. I'm quite happy to keep their limit at what it is.

But no harm can come to you here. The Rookery has the status of an embassy. Anything they try would cause an interplanetary incident that I can assure you Lardy does not want. Besides Tempest, who does he have with him?

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."

From: The Pyngwyn Colonies of Planet Hyustyn | Registered: Aug 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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<Cobalt re-enters, putting on a new uniform shirt>

As usual Rocky, everything you have at the Rookery is the only the finest. Thanks for having your staff put together a new uniform for me.

More importantly, thank you for letting us stay here. Things had begun to spin out of control and I really didn’t know where else to turn. I’ll back up and give you the quick version:

Through my own investigations with the Quank Family, we began to uncover an illegal drug ring where narcotics and illegal tobacco substances were being imported into Legion World. We ultimately learned they were coming in through the Venturian Casino, ‘Zaryan’s Palace’, which is really a front for those operations.

<Cobalt glances at Ex but leaves his role in this out of the summary>

As we investigated it became increasingly clear that this drug ring was importing far more than narcotics. It’s point of origination was the Dark Oval and they were also importing their own brand terrorism. Specifically, one particular individual who up until now has remained a mystery. Once these facts became increasingly clear, Exnihil and I began to find ourselves under attack be an unknown assailant. This caused all kinds of property damage on Legion World during an incident at the aforementioned casino, which brought the security office in.

Which brings us to Lardy. <Cobalt pauses a moment; if anyone else on Legion World knows Lard Lad as well as he does, or perhaps even better, its Rockhopper Lad>

Rocky, he’s starting to lose control again. I thought those days were behind us, but his loss of powers has him over-compensating and pushing his role as Chief of Security harder than ever. His entire attitude and purpose with the Security Office seems to be more hard-nosed and detrimental to the citizenry than I would ever have allowed. He believes what he’s doing is right…but he always does. I think you understand what I mean. He’s brought in some real wild cards like Red Arrow, who was prepared to murder Exnihil; Tempest, whose motives and huge power base are suspect; and someone named Hot Chick who seems to have his ear. Sir Roy, who I’ve clearly never liked but realized the steps he’s taken is reverting back to his Royal Inquisitor form, and that is being entirely enabled by Lardy. Shark Lad remains a member of the Security Office but now I’m beginning to worry about him too—who knows if Lardy will encourage the ferocious side of his nature when he’s worked so hard to curb it. Dev Em was the final member, and Lardy’s top guy. But he had enough.

You see, as I was investigating it was clear that Lardy and his Security Office were working a protection scam on Exnihil; he later claimed this was all a ploy to get more information, but there was no way I could know that—based on his recent actions, it was entirely reasonable to think he was overstepping his bounds. Regardless, I still think it was a bad decision whether a ploy or not. So I fled from the Security Office to protect Ex because he was essential to my investigation. And whoa, did that cause problems. It must have offended Lardy because they began hounding us. I called in Furball for help, realizing the danger on Legion World was going ignored while they chased us, and Power Boy joined us when he realized the Office of Security was overstepping its bounds so greatly it was endangering the citizenry of Legion World. Question Kid was originally with the Security Office but came to realize he was on the wrong side. And Space Ranger, of course, has always been working with me. They chased us through the streets, to Vee’s Villa, to SHAKES and finally to here.

It was only really because Dev Em realized this was all a mess and totally unnecessary that we escaped. I realize now I pushed things a little too far—as is my nature. But I felt going to Lardy in the first place would have meant handing over my own investigation to him and letting him run with it and I don’t trust his Security Office right now. So I had to do it myself. Besides, I have my own interests in intergalactic politics with the Dark Oval that need protecting.

<sits down>

I have no desire to fight the Security Office. Far from it—what I really want is to be left alone to finish my investigation as I now believe I have a suspect but need a final piece to confirm before I send Legion World into a panic needlessly. This all started so I could protect Exnihil, whose become essential to this investigation; and I was right because Red Arrow was prepared to murder him if not for Dev Em.


Sorry for being long-winded. I figure you deserve the full story for putting yourself on the line for us.

One thing I neglected to mention is Lardy has initiated a program creating hundreds...perhaps thousands...of Lard-Bots as a back-up for the Security Office. You weren't here during the Dark Stu Saga, Rocky, all those years ago, but a similar thing happened...and the results were disastrous for all of us.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Rockhopper Lad
Kills Threads Dead

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<Rocky sits down as well>

That's a lot to take in, Cobie.

I know my breaking up with Lardy hurt him. At the time, it really was only because of his loss of powers, according to Pyngwyny law, but then I realized that even with me as an anchor, Lardy was...unstable. I really didn't want to hurt him and I tried to reach out to him, but was rebuffed every time.

And Sir Roy! Remember that I was there on the Path when he changed from the Royal Inquisitor to his present form. And I knighted him! He is a knight in the court of my father, the Emperor Pyngwyn. This may well cost him his title.

This is all very sad.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."

From: The Pyngwyn Colonies of Planet Hyustyn | Registered: Aug 2005  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Emily Sivana
Ask Question Lad

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"I don't understand this universe sometimes. You have people without superpowers who desperately want them, and then you have people like me who desperately want to be normal," Question Kid said.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb

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