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Author Topic: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
Emily Sivana
Ask Question Lad

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Red Arrow whispers the time in his ear. She then says in a normal voice, "Well, Question Lad should have finished fixing the oven by now. I will show you where the library is."

She takes him to a beautiful room. Red Arrow says, "We sort them by Library of Congress system. I usually spend alot of time in this section over here. I like to study chemistry and physics when I'm not in costume." She steers him towards the science books. Red Arrow picks up the latest issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. She blushes, hoping he won't think she's a total nerd or worse intimidated by her intelligence.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb

From: Illinois | Registered: Jun 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Master of the Arcane

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Arcane Lad took in the library, in awe of the radical amount of knowledge available in one pace. THe walls were lined with solid oak shelves and filled to the brim with various kinds of books. Books on science, medicine, magic and fiction were just the tip of the iceberg.

"Absolutely amazing. I could spend the rest of my life here and I don't think I'd read everything."

He ran his finger down the spines of several books until he found, Atomic Sciences for Dummies and smiled shyly, "Looks like I need to keep up with you."

From: Lewiston, ID | Registered: Mar 2011  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Emily Sivana
Ask Question Lad

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Emily continued to blush, "You read what you want. I'm a Chemistry Major with minors in Physics and Math." Emily paused and realized that was rare. I am such a nerd. Must find an excuse before I tell him that I want to name my future son after Linus Pauling.

She flips through a book and quotes, "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One... I am become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds."

Red Arrow sees she has Arcane-Lad's attention. She's unsure if that is fear or amusement in his eyes. She explains, "Robert Oppenheimer said that after the first atomic bomb was tested. One of my ancestors worked with him on the atomic project. I would love to explain atomic theory to you, but I have to go. See you in a little bit," Red Arrow turned and began walking away. She checked out the magazine and left the library.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb

From: Illinois | Registered: Jun 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Master of the Arcane

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Arcane-Lad picked up the latest copy of Law&Order Legion Sector 1321 and sat down to read hoping that eventually he'd run into someone else.
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Dev - Em

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Dev landed on the roof of the Office of Security.

He looked around, scanned a bit with his vision and sighed. "She just is not going to make this easy is she?"

He removed his jacket and shoulder guards. The sun felt good on his back. Which had healed quite well, leaving only the scars from his encounter with the Red Bee. Not sure those will ever go away, either will the pain. not unbearable, but always there...as a reminder I guess.

He sat on the edge of the roof and looked out at the city.

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Master of the Arcane

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In the shadows lurked the Magus.

From the far reaches of Misterya he had followed Arcane Lad through the reaches of space in hopes of a new conquest. A new world to torment and call his own.

The Magus was going to destroy Legionworld and everything in his path.

From: Lewiston, ID | Registered: Mar 2011  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Emily Sivana
Ask Question Lad

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The party had been a great success and Question Lad had decided to leave. Sebastian wanted to ask the candidates a question. Emily simply wanted to go swimming with Arcane-Lad. Her bathing suit was purple with green trim around it. The staffer Jose Jimenez handed her some towels and she waited for Arcane-Lad.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb

From: Illinois | Registered: Jun 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Master of the Arcane

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Arcane-Lad looked up from his magazine at the clock, "Oh no! I'm gonna be late!"

He put the magazine down, concentrated and said, "ROPA!" His outfit transformed into a t-shirt, swim trunks and sunglasses.

"Can you point me to the pool?" He asked the Librarian who pointed him in the right direction with a smirk "Thanks!" He said and made his way to the pool area.

From: Lewiston, ID | Registered: Mar 2011  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Emily Sivana
Ask Question Lad

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Emily said, "I'm glad you came. I got us some lemonade, from Alpha Centauri of course. If we get hungry we can always order some food." She paused when she heard a boom in the distance.

"Election week is a time of endless parties. I think we might be able to see fireworks from here," Emily says excitedly. She touches the water water with her foot and finds it to be a perfect temperature. Emily gives a thumbs up and decides to jump in.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb

From: Illinois | Registered: Jun 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Emily Sivana
Ask Question Lad

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"The third page is just not acceptable," Emily said aloud. Where did that thought come from? Better not be another pocession storyline, I've been in way too many of those. She then looked up in the sky to see a beautiful blast of fireworks. The light reflected on the water, enhancing it's beauty.

She noticed Arcane-Lad was hesitating to enter and wondered what was wrong.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb

From: Illinois | Registered: Jun 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Emily Sivana
Ask Question Lad

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Tales of the Security Office
It was a relatively quiet evening at the office. Question Lad was working late yet again, and this was starting to worry some of the staff. He was running diagnostics on the Office of Security's main server, only for it to be interrupted multiple times. It was at this moment that someone tapped him on the shouldar.

"Did you forget your appointment?" A skinny man with glasses said. He was a wearing business casual outfit complete with a green tie.

"Yes...yes I did," Sebastian said. He didn't want to go to the annual employee mental evaluation. He had so many conflicting memories that he didn't want his boss to know about. He followed the man into a small office. This was some sort of U.P/Legion World government psychiatrist.

"Now Sebastian, we got your records from Sousa Telecom. The problem is things are a bit vague, especially in terms of date. Now, you went to St.Felix's School for Boys?" The man sat down and took out a Benten Notebook, a Sivana Technology product.

"Yes, my mother arranged for me to attend shortly before her death," He said.

"And when did your mother die?" The man asked.

"I think I was about seven," Sebastian said.

"Okay," The psychiatrist was clearly switching tabs and filling in information. "I won't ask you anything your employer wouldn't want to know. Now, when did you start working for Sousa Telecom?"

"I don't know," Sebastian said. This is going to get hard. Sousa hated psychiatrists, he referred to them as parasites that leech off hard-working members of society.

"Now, you don't mean that do you? That's just neoconservative conditioning from Sousa Telecom," The psychiatrist said.

"You are a telepath," Sebastian said aloud. "Why not just read my mind? Why bother asking questions?"

The man looked up from his notes and pushed his glasses further up on his nose. "You aren't the only one who likes asking questions. And pardon me, but it is alittle rude to answer questions with questions."

"I honestly don't know. I was in tons of tournaments when I started working for Sousa Telecom, absorbing tons of other people's memories. I got a massive migraine due to heavy use, and was pulled for awhile. I moved from being decently skilled at computers to highly skilled at computers during that time, working mostly in the stats department," He stated. "Rinse and repeat and that was my career at Sousa Telecom."

The psychiatrist was writing this down furiously. He asked, "Why do you care so much about justice? Do you really think you can make a difference in the world?"

"I don't know much about what I am right now. I guess I am a realist with hope. I remember this story I heard as a child about the starfish. A man is on a beach throwing starfish back into the water. A second man asks him why he does that, you can't save them all. He answered what he does makes a difference to each of the starfish," Sebastian explained.

"Good," The man wrote this all in his notes. "Do you think all the violence you have seen in your life is also a factor?"

"Yes," He says. "You really can't know injustice unless you have seen it firsthand. Impunity, impunity is a problem."

The psychiatrist had no response, and simply noted it vaguely in his report."What do you think about government?"

"I am glad to live on a planet where the government takes care of it's sidewalks. Where I'm from the government doesn't even do that. Salvador has pretty much given up except for...except for..." He struggles to say the words.

"Except for those who believe government should be above the law. Except for those who look back to the days of Thaal Sinestro and Augusto Pinochet as inspiration," The telepath weeded out of him. He was writing everything down, making a note to Dev-Em to look up Our Guerillas, Our Sidewalks by Herbert Braun. It explains the "Third World", and now the "Third Universe" pretty well.

"Yes, so I am grateful to be on planet where it is possible to have justice. I don't believe in utopia in this life," Question Lad finished.

"Very well," The psychiatrist finished. "We are done here. You can go now."

"Good," Question Lad said. He was about to close th door to the office, when the psychiatrist shouted.

"One more thing. Get more sleep, you are going to work yourself to death," He said sternly.

"Will do..." Sebastian said before walking away as quickly as he could.

[ April 20, 2011, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: Emily Sivana ]

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb

From: Illinois | Registered: Jun 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Emily Sivana
Ask Question Lad

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Question Lad's Journal

Sebastian could not sleep. There were two many things happening at once. He he had absorbed the memories of thirteen people in the last three days, and his mind was not at ease. There were rumors of wars in the media, and by his assesment of various memories these rumors were true. He kept fighting the good fight against criminals here, and as Question Lad was gaining a bit of fame on Legion World. But they really had nothing to thank him for, they had an effective government. He was part of an effective government, one that actually prosectuted murderers and took care of the sidewalks.

Nasger had sent an apologetic envoy to collect the criminals. Suprisingly, Tertullian was happy to go back. But maybe I shouldn't question, after all it will stop the "fan-mail" sent everyday. Velasquez has been sent to hunt the pirate Tristan Ortega.

He was thinking back to his days at Sousa Telecom, where the goal was simply to make money in order to survive. Those days of living in low-rent apartments on Cabral swirled in his mind. He bet nobody else in the Security Office had ever lived without electricity and running water. But somehow he survived and thrived at Sousa Telecom. Joao Sousa said,"I am proud of you. You are now perfect," when his contract expired.

Pity that man had a heart attack in a board-meeting and died three days later. Sebastian bought mines from the government, mines confiscated when their owner was executed for high treason. That is how dreams of a republic die in Nasger.

To a dead king, a king crowned Sebastian thought about the proverb. He turned on his Susanno 3000 and clicked on the journal. Sebastian entered in the passwords and began to write random thoughts.

Power Boy: I am Ditko-derived and he is a Kirby-dervied character. We are opposites in nature. But I'm entering a Romita phase so maybe...possibly... Can we be more than friends?

Red Arrow: She falls in love with every boy she meets. I think she's too hard on Leonard Thawne, spending hours in the laboratory makes her happy too. Both sides of her family are very supportive and the Sivana family name is venerable. She's conservative, only natural for someone who inherited wealth.

Cobalt Kid: I understand what has been, but not where it will lead. Some sort of Utopia? His political leanings seem devoid of Orwell or Huxley, but that is more disturbing than comforting. On Nasger, politics are defined with words like communist, fascist, etc. I don't believe in Utopia, I believe in Heaven. But I still miss having an 'ism.

Sam Pureheart: The memories reveal something is not right with this person. I do not know how much of an actual threat he is, but the dangers of surrealism have been documented extensively in the 21st century.


I hope he must resists the delusions and gains self-control over their own mind. It's funny that Sam is a surrealist, because the other person I know who is into solipsism is a firm realist.

Timber Wolf- A fellow sufferer in this life. He trusts his instincts. He tends to favor Eastern Terran things, which funnily enough is what Red Arrow also shares. I admire his devotion to the United Planets and Legion World.

Zardi- What is he planning? As a fellow Ditko-derived character I can understand him better than most. He wishes to dominate others physically, mentally, and emotionally. But to what end? If he truly wanted to conquer or destroy Legion World he easily could have. There is something else that he wants, a greater goal.

After he wrote the last sentence he saved the journal and finally fell asleep.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb

From: Illinois | Registered: Jun 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Emily Sivana
Ask Question Lad

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Red Arrow woke up and looked at the calendar. It was Victory Day, and she had to remember to call her great-grandmother. Life was typical at the Security Office, with a few notable exceptions. She walked into the technical hub of the office and overheard this conversation.

"We never had this much work to do under Chief Lardy," one of the staffers said.

Another said, "Our boss left the office to a twenty-year old, what do you expect?"

"Then the workload should be less, not more. Seriously, that boy needs to get--" He stopped mid-sentence when he realized Red Arrow was in the room.

"Hello, Ms. Sivana how are you?" He asked.

"I am fine. We were just discussing Question Lad's leadership. He's quite serious, don't you think?" He said.

Emily replied, "He can take a joke..." After a lengthy conversation about Question Lad's personality, the security office concluded that they were going to pull pranks on Question Lad.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb

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Invisible Brainiac
Unseen, not unheard.

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Hmm, looks like the Office of Security has been quiet lately...

I wonder if Shark Lad will mind if I take a dip in his pool?


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