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Author Topic: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)

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Back when I was still in training, I used to hang out with these girls and we'd get together at the lake at night...it would be so cold and we'd get into the water. With no clothes on and have pillow fights.

You should see your face.

(Rolls her eyes.)

Actually, I was close to some family members and this one other girl, we gave each other our names. And for short, they just called me "Temp."

If you need a name so bad, deal with that one.

Chief Pervy.

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...

From: The Mansion | Registered: Mar 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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<grins widely> I like you, "Temp".

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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(She shrugs her shoulders.)

Why wouldn't you?

(She grins and releases the doors, she touches the scale in her bag.)

Silly me, could imagine me being of any use in this. I best go find something more suitable to wear.

(She walks outs and heads to her room.)

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...

From: The Mansion | Registered: Mar 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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<watches her exit> Mamma mia!

<spins slowly around in his swivel chair in an infatuated daze>

She's "invested" in me! She's gonna "be there" for me!

<laughs and spins faster> WHEEE!

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dev - Em

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After several stops along the way, Dev Em had finally made his way back to Legion World.

His first stop was at the Lighthouse. He stayed there for quite a while, over an hour, just watching the Ocean, and thinking about the last few weeks. It had been a dificult time for him, but his life seemed more in order now than it had for quite a while.

He bounced on the balls of his feet for a minute to test his legs. They felt good, still a little sore, but healed and recovering nicely. He took a running start and jumped into the air and began flying widening arcs out from the Lighthouse. He loved the feel of flying, especially when he wasn't chasing someone or rushing form one emergency to another.

He checked by his home, and was glad to see that the belongings were still in place. The front door had been repaired, and he knew that his time living there was at an end. He would need someplace new to live, probably closer to headquarters.

He flew low over the city and was impressed that the repairs had gotten as far as they had this quickly. He rose above the streets and spotted his next destination. The Office of Security.

He arked and descended so he landed in the front of the building. The repair work here was still in process, and the building still looked pretty beat up.

He entered through the front doors and waved to the support staff that he saw as he headed towards the Chiefs office.

He knocked on the door as he opened it and said, "Lardy, we need to have a talk."

[ March 23, 2011, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]

From: Turn around... | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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<looks up>

Oh, uh, hey...Dev. Uh, how's it hangin'?

Look, man, this may not be the best time...

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dev - Em

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"Why not? You got someone coming in to 'pay some dues?' Someone lucky lady coming over to satisfy your urges? You ordering a new round of Lard Bots?"

Dev was obviously getting annoyed.

"Well, when exactly would be a good time 'Chief'?"

[ March 23, 2011, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]

From: Turn around... | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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<a little shocked> Dev? I thought we settled all this nonsense. Speak your peace, man.

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dev - Em

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"What exactly did we settle...honestly?"

Dev closes his eyes and sighs.

"Look Lardy. You have abused this office left and right. You exxtorted money from the people of Legion World to stroke your own ego 'in the name of defending Legion World.' You created those sprockin things to look just like you! You also had them programmed to form into a giant freakin monster. What the hell were you thinking about?"

Dev stepped a little closer.

You brought people into the Office that could be great one day...but they're unknown quantities at this point, and one of them enacted the protocols that started those things up...and all that accomplished was more of us and the citizens of Legion World getting hurt."

Dev was at Lardy's desk now.

"You were so into your self justified plans to extort money from Ex, that you used this Office to hunt them down. You're Sprockin lucky that nobody got hurt any worse than they did during that whole thing. If you had had one ounce of sense during that, you would have tried to actually talk to Cobie...who has his own frakkin stuff to answer for. I saved Ex's life that day. I reallyy do not think it was her intention to kill him, but sometimes in the heat of battle mistakes can be made."

Dev turned from him.

"Look. We've been friends for a long time, but you're out of control. Maybe it's because of your power loss...but you're using your position to overcompensate for it."

Dev turned back around.

"We didn't settle anything. I quit because there was no way that you or Cobalt were going to listen. I did what I had to for the good of Legion World. I have had everything that I hold dear taken from me in the last month or so because of the good of Legion World and its citizens. I saved your damned life with the Red Bee...Not because I wanted to resolve anything with you, but because you're my friend...because that's what we do whether we agree on everything or not."

Dev closes his eyes.

"Lardy...step down as Chief, or I will personally see to it that you are removed. You're time taking advantage of this Office is over. Nobody else seems to have the nerve to say this to your face...the fact that you're still sitting here is testimony to that, but it's time you finally did the right thing."

[ March 23, 2011, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]

From: Turn around... | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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<anger swells within him> Dev, don't you think I sprockin' KNOW how badly I f***ed things up?!?! Don't you?!?!? <winds back to punch Dev but stops himself>

Dev...I'v sprocking lost everything! EVERYTHING! Do you have and goddam idea what that's like?!?

And NOW you want me to give up THIS?!?! <gestures around> It's ALL I've sprocking got left, Dev!!! What the HELL do you expect me to do with myself?!?!

WHAT, Dev?

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dev - Em

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Dev's eyes grow with an anger that Lardy has never seen. His hands are clenched into fists, and kis knuckles are turning white under the strain.

"Do I have any godddamned idea! DO I HAVE A GODDAMNED IDEA...I HAVE A REAL DAMNED GOOD IDEA EXACTLY WHAT THAT'S LIKE! You have no SPROCKIN clue what I've been through lately! You think because life is tough, you can leech of of those around you and not have anyone say anything because YOU'VE HAD IT ROUGH! I'll go round for round with you on this...I have found out that my wife has really been someone else posing as her for the last 13 plus years. I found out my real wife...the woman I married is dead...and has been brain dead since that accident back on Earth. My children...by a woman I thought was my wife are now living on a planet that takes me three days to fly home from. I'll see them every so often if I'm lucky. I almost died...and had one hell of a weird experience...and only thanks to Tempest am I standing here today. I'm scared to death to open up to her because she'll probably think I'm a raving loon..."

Dev takes several deliberate deep breaths to calm down. "So yeah...rip your entire life apart and have nothing left to live for but the job...I got that one covered."

Dev get's back in Lardy's face and calmly says, "I repeat. Step down. I don't know what you do at this point...but you better start by figuring out what the hell you need to do to get yourself together. Legion World can't wait around with you here to figure that out...I know what I need to do, and this is the start of it."

[ March 23, 2011, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]

From: Turn around... | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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<as Dev and Lardy scream at each other, an alarmed secretary calls her friend to discuss; said friend tells her roomate; roomate tells her sister; sister tells her lesbian lover; lesbian lover texts her coworker; said coworker is in bed with Cobie>

Say what?!!

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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<contemplates what to say next for a long moment>

Look...I'm sorry about your wife...your kids...I had no idea. I...I've been there, too. Dru was murdered right in front of me, and I couldn't do anything about it. I...have two kids myself. Very few people know about them. I've...mostly stayed away from them and let a woman I care about raise them.

Listen...there are things we don't know about each other, and another thing you don't know id this: on this desk behind me is the paperwork for my own indefinite disciplinary suspension. It's self-imposed, Dev. I did some really shitty things in this job, and I'm very sorry for them. I dunno if I'll ever be on active duty again. I'm submitting it to the Oversight Committee.

You came in as I was dealing with it and getting up the nerve to make it official. It was...bad timing. This job and Legion World mean a lot to me, but maybe I was never really suited to it. It's not easy hearing someone else say aloud things about myself I know to be true.

I have plans to redeem myself, at least in my own eyes. I'm going to be leaving Legion World for an extended period of time. There's something that has to be done. Hell, it's dangerous, and I'm not entirely sure I'll survive.

But...in this paperwork is my recommendation for whom I think would be best to act as Chief during my suspension and a detailed list of reasons for why I feel he would be a good choice. <looks Dev square in the eyes> I recommended you, Dev.

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Dev - Em

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That stopped Dev cold. He shut his eyes for a moment, and contemplated how best to express his thoughts.

"I...thank you Lardy. I'm glad to hear that you are doing the right thing here. I appreciate the fact that you think enough of me to recommend me for the job...I will understand if you change your mind after this, but thank you."

Dev turned and headed to the door. "I have to go find Tempest and see how she's doing. The last time I saw her was a little odd, and I'm not entirely sure if everything that I thought happened...did."

From: Turn around... | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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<after Dev leaves...> Damn. No one's ever put it to me like that! I guess I picked the right guy for the job after all...

So Dev is free and single, basically? I guess I've got some competition for Temp, after all. Still, he doesn't know how close she and I are getting...or even that he's got competition!

Sorry, Dev. I'll concede the Security Office to you...but not Temp! <grins>

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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