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» Legion World » LEGION OUTPOST » Mission Monitor Board » Inside the Legion World Tesseract System (Page 16)

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Author Topic: Inside the Legion World Tesseract System
Sam Pureheart
Everyday Girl's Boy Toy

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Which one of you humans thinks he's in charge of this party?

Where and when do you want to go? You tell me and I lead you there...


When you're in Danger or in Trouble I will be there on the Double.

From: Medicus Two | Registered: Dec 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
between boots

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It's your baby now Mr. Duly Elected Leader Man.

From: Smallville Sector : Greater Metropolis | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Lard Lad

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Hmmm...before we mobilize any huge strike force, we need to let Pagan, Des and the rest finish their business.

Meanwhile, YK...I suggest you let Stoopid Cat guide you through the Tesseracts nooks and crannies. If you have an idea how to counteract Phineas with some time travel of your own, there's absolutely NO one who knows these Tesseracts like SC! I'm not a great four-dimensional thinker, so I have to trust your instincts there.

As for me, I may need to accompany Naked Mole Rat on his date...I sensed something earlier just before DARK LARD attacked me, and I suspect his date might be a major anomaly here.....

"Suck it, depressos!"--M. Lash

From: The Underbelly of Society | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
between boots

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"Ok, kitty. Looks like it's you and me on recon. If we get out of this alive and in one piece (one that I recognize that is) I'll buy you all the cream you can lap up at Shakes when we get back."

He reaches into a pouch and removes a scanner. He taps out a sequence of keys and pauses for a moment, looks around and taps a few more keys.

"There." Looks at the cat, "It's a temporal scanner. I just set us a baseline 'here and now' so we can find our way back if things go wrong."

Settling the scanner back in his pouch he takes a deep breath.

"Let's go watch Lightning Lad and Nightcrawler make this place."

From: Smallville Sector : Greater Metropolis | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Abin Quank
Except when I'm someone else...

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<A door opens in a side tunnel near where the LMBPers are huddled.>

I thought I'd find you guys here...

Stoopid! What are you doing? Take YK to the nearest view center and show...

<Watches in disgust as Stoopid Cat leaps up onto a ledge and curls up facing away from him>

Never mind...

Yellow, come with me.

<Abin grabs a silver bar from the ledge next to Stoopid Cat and walks a short distance down the corridor>

See these notches? <Points with the bar to an indentation in the wall at approximately eye level> They're the markers for view ports... <He inserts the silver rod into the hole and a section of the tunnel wall becomes transparent. On the other side is the back room at SHAKES. The android Troy is cataloging and restocking shelves.>

These viewports are all over Legion World... On this level they show and open into what we consider the present...

But <Abin turns and points to a stairwell that neither Yellow or Lardy noticed a moment ago...> if you go up the stairs you go into the "Future" and down the stairs leads to the "Past."

Nobody knows how far the stairs go in either direction...

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...

From: Westerly Rhode Island | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sam Pureheart
Everyday Girl's Boy Toy

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You finished showing off how much you don't know Abin?

<Leaps down from the ledge and struts past YK>

Grab the control rod and follow me, Yellow Kid. You said you want to see Lightning Lad and Nightcrawler creating this place? That's eight and a half floors down...


When you're in Danger or in Trouble I will be there on the Double.

From: Medicus Two | Registered: Dec 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
between boots

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"Yes I do."

Taking out his Omni-Com the Kid punches up Triple G's code.
"Bob! I need you in the tesseract. Bring the boys and hustle!"

A strange voice answered YK's summons "Yellow Kid? I thought you were still in prison. Is this a prank? What do you want with gay Bob?"

Puzzled he asks, "Uh, who is this?"

"You know damned well who I am old man. MetroMicro-Man sent your ass to jail before and if you busted out I'll do it again."

"Damn." Yk closes the comm and turns back to the others. "He's done something to the PCG. That wasn't the Giant. We'd better get on with this cat. Lead the way."

From: Smallville Sector : Greater Metropolis | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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This is taking longer than I hoped. I better call Mary at the Library.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

From: The waters off eastern Long Island | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
between boots

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Down, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step,

down step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step,

down step, step, step, step, step, step,
"Hey, Action-Adventure Man. I remember him."

The cat rolls it's eyes [Roll Eyes]
"I thought you were one of the smart ones."


"Humans. Keep moving."

Down down down.

From: Smallville Sector : Greater Metropolis | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sam Pureheart
Everyday Girl's Boy Toy

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Okay we're here... That viewing window will let you witness the birth of Legion World...

Just a word of caution... the images are... Intense!


When you're in Danger or in Trouble I will be there on the Double.

From: Medicus Two | Registered: Dec 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
between boots

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In the distance a tiny bright spark is moving. Moving closer to the observers it appears to grow in size, larger and ever larger. Now revealed to be a giant sphere bristling with weaponry and wrapped in unknown technology the sphere continues to grow as it approaches the watchers.

Waves of energy ripple across it's surface, the weaponry begins to withdraw from sight as they watch. Dragging along in the wake of the sphere, almost like the tail of a comet, a string of metal ore asteroids trails out behind it marking the path of it's long journey.

Together the two observers watch as the enormous sphere begins a slow rotation and settles itself into orbit around the ancient home world of Terra. The trailing asteroids following the laws of inertia begin to impact the sphere ripping across the surface creating immense fires, debris scattering in every direction. The newly orbiting sphere is devoured in flame and destruction as thousands of meteors large and small crash to the surface.


Rising from the surface of the planet circling far below, a group of brightly clad humans attack the swarm of meteors that missed the sphere and speed their way toward Earth. Together they swarm the falling rocks and using a variety of super powers combat this threat to their home.
Magnetism sends then careening off in new directions, bursts of magic disintegrate many, psionic force shatters a number of the stone and ice engines of deadly destruction, a great number of them fall into warp zones to disappear.
A few of the smaller balls of ice and rock are missed and get through the swarm of heroes.

Every LMBer pushes himself (or herself) to the very limits of their power. Some are struck by fragments, the chaos is horrible to behold. On the surface of the planet below the heroes that do not fly are pushed just as far as they spend every bit of power and energy rescuing people from the destruction that's raining down on Earth. A powerful figure races through the water moving ships away from the impact sites, a cat like creature searches through the rubble of homes for survivors.

The awesome spectacle of the birth of Legion World unfolds before them.

From: Smallville Sector : Greater Metropolis | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Golly! This is truly spectacular! You need who would really appreciate this? Mary Hatch the librarian! I've got to get her and bring her here!


Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

From: The waters off eastern Long Island | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
between boots

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The rain of debris continues for days. Exhausted Legionnaires are beginning to make terrible mistakes. Dev Em struck by a kryptonite fragment was last seen falling back to the planet in a fiery blaze, the Crusader suffering from broken ribs and a shattered arm continued to fight through the pain his concentration fading as the loss of blood takes it's toll, Lash Lad grimly fights on shattering large rocks with his powerful energy whip. A powerful wave of energy washes over a large area as Sketch Lad uses his creative force to instantly clear square miles of debris. Cobalt Kid, Lard Lad, Princess Crujectra and EDE continue to lead the battle against this juggernaut of nature.

Deep within the structure now identified as the ancient construction know as War World two figures appear in a flash of smoke and a stink of brimstone. One hand held high, electricity crackling from his fingertips Lightning lad lights the immediate area showing his companion, a hunched over figure nearly invisible in the darkness that surrounds them.

Following maps they'd secured from the old Fortress of Solitude the two men begin to weave their way through the mountainous machinery inside the moon sized machine.

"We're almost there Scott." whispered Nightcrawler.

"Why are you whispering?"

"I don't know. It seemed appropriate."

Together they approach an intersection where the walls seem to climb for miles above them. Scotty points the way toward their goal. As they turn the corner he stops and yells, "Get back!" as a lightning bolt strikes.
"Validus! NO!"

LL dives across the open intersection as another bolt strikes, the power leaping from wall to wall. He throws a bolt of his own at the mindless giant forcing Validus to counter with yet another bolt.

Nightcrawler disappears in a flash and a cloud of smoke, reappearing atop the monster's shoulders. He furiously beats at the casing covering the giant brain of the huge figure. A blast of green energy strikes and throws him from his perch.
He reappears, strikes the floor and launches himself at the Emerald Empress -bamf- missing the Empress he grabs for the eye -bamf- reappears above the surface and lets it go -bamf-

Scott throws lightning wildly at the giant as a skulking figure, sneaks up behind him reaching out with one hand. NC appears behind Mano, grabs him behind his breathing mask and with a deft flip launches the hapless villain at the enormous figure of Validus.

"NOOooo!!" Mano screams as he crashes into the monster and they both erupt in a titanic explosion.

The Empress screams at the dark figure and attacks furiously showing a level of speed and skill previously unchronicled. Nightcrawler leaps and spins evading her enraged assault striking and dodging he works her into a trap -bamf-

Lightning Lad strikes her down with a highly juiced bolt. She crumbles to the floor smoking from the intensity of the energy that felled her.

One remains. Stepping out of the shadows a half-robot half-man glares at the two men, he smiles as an energy net drops over the two.


Surrounded by the force of the net, grimmacing with pain the two watch as Tharok approaches. Scott reaches out and grabs the energy beams with his bare hands and forces lightning through the system. With a flash the net explodes into a sparkling wave of disconnected energy nodes. Nightcrawler leaps, flips and turns in a single smooth motion, he reaches into the half man's chest and rips loose the power source of his robot half.

The rogue freezes in his tracks glaring daggers at his opponents.


The two heroes race past the now static figure toward the control room. Unseen by the pair of heroes, the beaten villains left behind them disintegrate in a burst of digital static and fade away.

Above the surface the rain of asteroids begins to diminish. The exhausted heroes of the LMBP fight grimly onward to keep any more from making it through to endanger the planet below.

[ March 29, 2009, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]

From: Smallville Sector : Greater Metropolis | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
between boots

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-this might be a bit more accurate if I were to go dig through my comic boxes for reference material but what the hey Tally-Ho!-

They stand before a door the reaches higher and wider than the light, stretching into the infinity of the darkness. Barely seen by them are three more figures dressed much more brightly and colorfully than the apparitions they'd fought minutes ago.

Kal El, the best known of the historic Kryptonian heroes steps out of shadow and raises a hand, "What's your business here?"

Moving silently out from those shadows to stand beside him is the infamous urban legend know as Batman and on the other side the two men recognize the famous Queen Diana, ruler of the Amazonian Free State.

Lightning Lad's eyes widen at the sight of this famous trio of heroes.

"I've got this." Nightcrawler says to his companion. "Justice League of America zero two code one nine three nine action one."

The immense doors slide away from each other opening the way into the control room to the gargantuan machinery that powers and controls War World.

"How did you know that?"

Nightcrawler smiles at his friend for the first time, "I did my homework."

Above the surface the battered super heroes are winding down from their titanic effort to save their home on Earth from the battering of the meteor swarm that had followed the titanic artificial world from it's last location. Weary and torn several of the LMBP super men assist their fellows to the medical transport ships that now orbited along side them.

A great deal of the deflected and shattered debris stretches out along the path of the new orbit of the artificial moon now in orbit around the earth. For the first time in recorded memory the planet has a ring..and two moons. No, make that three moons as War World seems to have a small moon of it's own in a geosynchronous orbit above it.

The defenders that are still whole and healthy (though exhausted) fly downward toward the surface of the invading giant. Their recent exertions and the bombardment of the artifact by the trail of rock provides a layer of dust and rock across a huge portion of it's surface.

Princess Crujectra staggers as the surface moves beneath her feet. The whole surface seems to be retracting, folding in on itself to reveal a layer of real dirt and the remaining structures of a long past civilization.

"What's that? We never had a moon."

"That's your anomaly Kid."

YK brings out his temporal scanner and sets it to act as a beacon, a temporal galactic positioning device.

"Tell me kitty, is it possible to set this physically into the scene?"

From: Smallville Sector : Greater Metropolis | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Sam Pureheart
Everyday Girl's Boy Toy

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Take the control rod and stick it in the notch. Then rotate it to the right, a door will open...

You've got about five minutes before the door closes.

When the door closes you're history. <Silent Cat Laughter>


When you're in Danger or in Trouble I will be there on the Double.

From: Medicus Two | Registered: Dec 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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