This is topic So...anyone picking up the Titans relaunch? Sound off here! in forum Oh Yeah, That Forum: The Titans at Legion World.

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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

Looks terrible.
Posted by Set on :
The only guaranteed buys from this relaunch are the LSH and LL titles, which doesn't really change much, since all I'm getting from DC right now is LSH and Adventure (I dropped Superboy when it went into the Doomsday crossover, and haven't been terribly motivated to pick it up again).

I'll probably pick up a few random issue 1s, just to see how they approaching some of these characters, and Teen Titans looks like one I'll check out.

I don't remember the comic, some time in the 90s, I think, but a female member of some superteam is fourth-wall breaking and describing how they'll just form a superteam the 'traditional' way with an established guy in a leader role, a couple of B grade heros who usually work solo, a new guy, 'and two random bimbos nobody's ever heard of.'

It was a sarcastic poke, at the time, at groups like the Outsiders (established Batman, B-grade Black Lightning, B-grade Metamorpho, a new guy Geo-Force, 'and two random bimbos nobody has ever heard of' Katana and Halo), or the Wolfman/Perez Teen Titans (with Kory and Raven (and Vic) being the new characters).

That's kind of how I feel about the two other female figures on that Teen Titans cover. We've got established heroes Robin, Superboy, Kid Flash and Wonder Girl and two female characters that seem to have just been thrown onto the cover to 'add more girls.'

That being said, DC can use some good new female characters, so maybe these two will be more than quotas and will 'stick' the way that Kory and Raven 'stuck' and hang around for awhile, even if the relaunch ends up being re-re-relaunched a year from now...
Posted by Pov on :

Honestly... Superboy's stoopid "tattoo" and "S" taped to his back like a "kick me" sign... [Confused] WTF??
Posted by Pov on :
Posted by doublechinner on :
The artist (Booth?) explains that Superboy's taped on sign IS a joke from Kid Flash.

The tattoo CAN make sense -- if, for example, it was designed into the clone from the start, as a serial number if you will. Booth confirmed the bar code effect is intentional.

I honestly don't know if I will read this. I'm far from a teen, and these really aren't my Titans. I read the original Wolfman/Perez run, and those are MY Titans, and I've never stopped grieving for what's been done to them since. The friendship between Dick and Donna and Wally and Gar and Vic and Raven, it was special. It transcended the comics page. It was REAL, even though it was a 2 dimensional, 4-color printout on newsprint. And I will always cherish it.

I'm a broken record, but I think the biggest mistake DC has made with these characters was letting them grow up, even a little, and leaving a vacuum that HAD to be filled with another generation of sidekicks, the Tims and Barts and Mias and Cassies. You just can't DO that if you want Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman to be 29.

So I have to say I'm surprised and perhaps disappointed (but keeping an open mind) that Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake AND Damian Wayne ALL still seem to exist in the DCnU, as does Roy Harper. Still no sign of Donna and Wally. I don't think you can have a DCnU that persists for the long run with so many Robins, Kid Flashes and Wonder Girls running around.

Having said all that, I do wish Lobdell, Booth and DC nothing but success with Teen Titans. I hope it does catch lightning in a bottle and manage to present an authentic, new and youthful voice on superheroing in 2011. And if it does, I will read it someday. And I'll still be thinking of Dick, Donna, Wally, Vic, Gar and Raven. My friends, whom I miss.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Pov:

LOL!!! I totally borrowed that!!

Actually... I *am* going to try it... enforcing my strict 1,2,3 policy... we will see... I am kinda intrigued by this new "Insect Queen" type character...
Posted by superboymddjr on :
i am gonna buy that.. heh. just for curiousity's sake.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Scott Lobdell wrote Generation X. I, LOVE Generation X. I will give this a try.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
I'm a broken record, but I think the biggest mistake DC has made with these characters was letting them grow up, even a little, and leaving a vacuum that HAD to be filled with another generation of sidekicks, the Tims and Barts and Mias and Cassies. You just can't DO that if you want Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman to be 29.[/QB]
There was a Plastic Man comic where Woozy is looking at a series of JLA picnic photos. One picture has Grayson as a young Robin, one as an older Robin, and one as Nightwing. Woozy comments, "We have a problem. Robin ages but Batman never does!"

I know Marvel has a sliding timeline which explains alot of their continuity. Does DC have something similar?
Posted by doublechinner on :
I'm not sure I follow the sliding scale--the older you start out, the less you age? I thought the guy who got it right was Alan Moore in things like Tom Strong--tell different stories from different times in the characters' lives, regularly do current stories that rely on past events revealed for the first time, and so on. It created a feeling of time passing and rich history without aging the characters. I think DC used to be really good at that (since a lot of Moore's talent is riffing on stuff from classic DC). I remain convinced you can tell contemporary stories with those techniques.
Posted by Emily Sivana on :
Marvel's sliding timeline basically states that all stories set in 616 modern era (i.e after Fantastic Four) occured in the past 10-20 years. This keeps the characters relatively the same age without great explanation. There are a few notable exceptions Magneto and his children.

Discussion of timeline:;Sliding_Timeline34;?pg=3

Blog that explains said timeline very well:
Posted by Dev Em on :
Have no interest in this title really. I loved the Wolfman/Perez stuff, really liked the Johns Titans...this batch...looks like a bad Image comic from the 90's to me.
Posted by Jerry on :
Tim's new costume looks great. I'm a fan of the Tim, Conner, Cassie, and Bart dynamic. Unfortunately, I can't buy as many titles as I would like due to budget considerations. Titans won't be making the cut.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Emily Sivana:
Marvel's sliding timeline basically states that all stories set in 616 modern era (i.e after Fantastic Four) occured in the past 10-20 years. This keeps the characters relatively the same age without great explanation. There are a few notable exceptions Magneto and his children.

I guess a big part of Marvel's thing in comparison to DC is that they don't really have a successful next generation of characters. They have some that can be popular for relatively brief spans of time, like New Warriors, Generation X and New Mutants but none that can sustain a book for decades and that have a large, outspoken following.

DC has long had successful 2nd and 3rd generation characters that stick around and who lots of fans want to see more of. Teen Titans being the blockbuster hit it was in the '80s really underlines this.

Marvel has more trouble marketing anyone who didn't debut in the '60s with the (re)birth of their line (and some later characters like Wolverine and Punisher) on a sustained basis than DC has. I suppose if New Warriors and the like were more blockbuster hits, Marvel would have more of the problem DC has by having top develop their next generations more and more to appease the fans. Instead, they've been able to keep, say, Franklin Richards a kid forever (who only recently looks like he might at least be approaching middle school) because the interest and development has not been there for the younger characters like it has for DC.
Posted by Reboot on :
Posted by Pov on :
Oooh, I sorta like this bit aLOT:
Imagine how much more boring a football game would be if the cheers of the crowd dictated who scored a touchdown, rather than the crowd cheering because the touchdown was scored. That would be a game of who cheered the loudest, not a game based on the skills and luck of the players involved.
--and THAT encapsulates everything that's wrong with, say, AMERICAN IDOL... [LOL]
Posted by Set on :
Neat interview here.

I particularly like his thoughts about 'writing to trade.'
Posted by Set on :
Ooh, I hate lag. Have to click 'post' five times to get it to go through once, but if I get presumptuous and click it that *sixth* time, I get *two* posts!

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