Topic: The Titan Most Likely To...?
Thriftshop Debutante
Terrifyingly On-Topic.
1. have library fines?
2. have a hard time remembering his/her phone number?
3. read junky magazines while waiting at the laundromat?
4. drink 8 glasses of water a day (not counting the Atlanteans)?
5. sleep with Aqualad (not counting the Atlanteans)?
6. be allowed to hold onto his/her original origin?
7. be the next to change his/her costume?
Registered: Jul 2003
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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!
1. Gnark: "Gnark not understand how library system work!"
2. Strung-Out Speedy!
3. Wonder Chick!
4. Robin: "Holy FDA Recommendations, Batman!"
5. Strung-Out Speedy!
6. Dick "My origin was so standard, Jason Todd even had it for awhile!" Grayson!
7. You are what you wear! Donna's costume changes almost as often as who she is!
From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003
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Honoring the Primary Color Gang
1. Rose-- she's a rebel without a cause.
2. Gnark-- does he know how to use a phone?
3. Argent-- she's ditzy like that... though she was cool in the cartoon...
4. Dick (as Robin)
5. Donna (as Wonder Girl)
6. Wally! It's part of why I love him, after all.
7. Flamebird... since she probably just did, anyway.
-------------------- Abin: You know what to do with a Cali sandwich? No but neither do Cobie and CJ! CJ: Yeah, we do. She's smiling, isn't she?
Context... who needs it?
From: Sunny Cali-- er, Planet Earth? | Registered: Jun 2005
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