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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Other than Supergirl that is. We all have heard the reasons why she wasn't included, mainly as a editorial dictate back in the Silver Age.

Back then the DCU was primarily:

Side (A): Superman Family + Legion

Side (B): Justice League + Titans

Somewhere in the middle as a bridge: Batman Family

Coincidently, that is why I feel that there is no "BIG 3" in the DCU, rather, Wonder Woman should be lumped in with Aquaman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, etc. rather than Bats and Supes.

Obviously, that’s changed in the last thirty years with E2, SHAZAM family, Charlton and other heroes entering the main E1 DCU. But if it all started out together, who else would be included?

Mary Marvel
Captain Marvel, Jr.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Golden-Age Sidekicks/Teen Heroes that weren't around during the Silver Age, such as:

Dan the Dyna-Mite
Star-Spangled Kid
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Captain Marvel Jr was a member at one point wasn't he?

Didn't Judo Master have a sidekick?

Power Girl? Huntress?

Also don't know how young some of the Outsiders were?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I always wondered what it would've been like to have Firestorm (Ronnie, of course!) as a member of the Titans. He's about the same age as Cyborg, so it would've made sense.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
On a unified earth, it would might have made more sense for the Infinitors to try to join the Titans rather than the JSA or form their own group.
Posted by Vee on :
Freddie and Mary definitely would have fit, so would the original Star Spangled Kid. Sandy would have been a natural as would Wing, both being sidekicks. Geo-Force should have been somewhere along the line but never was. And Kid Eternity (Kit Freeman) would have made for some rather interesting adventures.
Posted by Set on :
Karate Kid, during his visit to the 20th century.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Miss Arrowette, Girl Archer, Queen Arrow!

(They maybe have been in their early 20s, though.)

And Mon-El. Why not?
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
since he has sort of tied in with the animated DCU i always thought that Static would eventually make it over from the milestone U to the reg DCU and join the Titans.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I really like the idea of Mon-El. It would have been hella-kewl to see him in 'ghost' form helping out via the Phantom Zone, somehow communicating with them.

I wish Static could have come over too, and I know many at DC wanted him too. He was a cool character.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
The Wonder Twins, Zan & Jayna.
Aw heck Wendy & Marvin too.
Posted by Caliente on :
Aren't Wendy and Marvin members now? Or "OYL" or whatever.

Also, I would've loved to see Static (and Gear) come over. [sigh] I liked that show.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Other Titans that should have joined the original team

Janu the Jungle Boy - where once Janu was side by side with Congo Bill, by the Silver Age, all he did was play with his hair and watch Bill's body while Congorilla was off bustin' heads and being awesome. Surely he could have found something better to do with the Titans!

Jimmy Olsen - He was practically Robin's best friend, and his celebrity status could have really upped the anty when things got all groovy and far-out as only the 60's could do!

(Young) Tommy Tomorrow - kind of like the reverse of Superboy and the Legion!

(Young) Cleopatra - Donna can't hog *all* the guys! Surely Young Cleopatra would have attempted to force Robin to marry her. Years later when she realized she was stuck with Mark Anthony and not the Boy Wonder, she might just kill herself!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Young Gabby Hayes!
Posted by Beast Boy on :
I agree with Jimmy Olsen (SUPERMAN #13, 1941), Janu (ACTION COMICS #191, 1954), and Tommy Tomorrow (REAL FACT COMICS #6, 1947 - as a teenager - ACTION COMICS #255, 1959)(great idea, btw!).

I'll add the following DC Characters who appeared before the Titans debut in 1964 -

Wing (DETECTIVE COMICS #20, 1938)
Sandy, the Golden Boy (ADVENTURE COMICS #69, 1941)
Star Spangled Kid (ACTION COMICS #40, 1941)
Dan the Dyna-Mite (STAR SPANGLED COMICS #7, 1942)
Little Boy Blue and the Blue Boys (SENSATION COMICS #1, 1942)
Stuff, the Chinatown Kid (ACTION COMICS #45, 1942)
Justin Valor (SENSATION COMICS #5, 1942)
Superboy* (MORE FUN COMICS #101, 1945)
Neptune Perkins (FLASH COMICS #66, 1945)
Jaguar Boy (ADVENTURE COMICS #106, 1947), plus ending
Green Arrow Jr. (ADVENTURE COMICS #107, 1946)
Little Miss Redhead (SENSATION COMICS #72, 1947) & page 3
Merry, the Girl of 1,000 Gimmicks (STAR SPANGLED COMICS #81, 1948)
Roberta the Girl Wonder (STAR SPANGLED COMICS #103, 1950), plus page 3, page 4, and the end
Squire (BATMAN #62, 1951)
Girl Archer (ADVENTURE COMICS #167, 1951)
Marsboy* (SUPERBOY #14, 1951)
Kral of Titan* (ADVENTURE COMICS #205, 1954)
Batman Jr. (DETECTIVE COMICS #231, 1956) and origin
Power Boy I (SUPERBOY #52, 1956), plus origin 1, origin 2, and ending
Scarlet Bowboy (ADVENTURE COMICS #226, 1956)
Superman Junior (ACTION COMICS #232, 1957)
Queen Arrow (ADVENTURE COMICS #241, 1957)
Krypton Kid* (ADVENTURE COMICS #242, 1957)
Junior Blackhawk (BLACKHAWK #120, 1958)
Dworn, the Super-Weakling* aka Super-Lad (SUPERBOY #65, 1958), plus origin and ending
Skyboy (WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #92, 1958), plus page 3, end 1, and end2
Supergirl (ACTION COMICS #252, 1959)
Vidal* (ADVENTURE COMICS #260, 1959)
Arrow of Alaska (ADVENTURE COMICS #260, 1959) and ending
Power Lad (SUPERMAN'S PAL, JIMMY OLSEN #39, 1959), costumes, 1st costume, 2nd costume, 3rd costume, and end
Aquagirl I (Lisa Morel - ADVENTURE COMICS #266, 1959)
Rrara, the Chameleon Girl (WONDER WOMAN #106, 1959)
Mer-Boy (WONDER WOMAN #107, 1959)
Mighty Boy* (SUPERBOY #85, 1960), plus ending
Solar Boy* (ADVENTURE COMICS #269, 1960)
Miss Arrowette (WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #113, 1960)
Marvel Maid (ACTION COMICS #272, 1961)
T’omm J’onzz (DETECTIVE COMICS #287, 1961)
Sea-Boy (DETECTIVE COMICS #297, 1961)
Logi of Durim (WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #124, 1962) and page 9
"Teen Lantern" (Billy Taylor - GREEN LANTERN #11, 1962)
Birdboy (WONDER WOMAN #144, 1964)

*Via Time Travel of some-sort

[ April 07, 2009, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Wow, what a list. I've never heard of several of them. But seriously, "Dworn, the Super-Weakling"?

My curiousity's aroused, I'll have to google Jaguar Boy, Roberta the Girl Wonder, Kral of Titan, Krypton Kid, Scarlet Bowboy, Skyboy, Marvel Maid, Mighty Boy, Power Lad, Solar Boy and
Aquagirl I (Lisa Morel).

Maybe these stalwarts could form a new FORGOTTEN HEROES team?
Posted by Beast Boy on :
Let me peruse my comics for pics and make some scans.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Solar Boy might be the biggest jerk of the entire 1950's! Seriously, who could be mean to Krypto?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Did anyone already list the Lieutenant Marvels? Not sure if that would fit, though.
Posted by Jokester on :
Inferno. Clearly.


They should bring in Red X to the ''realworld'' DCU aswell.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
And there is that Brit superteen from Bulleteer, Sally Sonic. I wonder how the Titans would've read if they had a 75-year old superhero stuck in a teenage body shamelessly seducing the boy members. Oh, wait, they already did that. Wouldn't want Terra spinning in her grave anymore than she has the last ten years.
Posted by Set on :
Dolphin always felt like an Aquagirl replacement, and might have made an interesting Titan.

And now that I've read what she's been up to since I last saw her, it looks like she became even more of an Aquagirl replacement, down to hooking up with Aqualad/Garth/Tempest.
Posted by Beast Boy on :
I'll also add the following DC Characters who appeared after the Titans debut in 1964 (up until Crisis ends and screws everything up), plus those characters from other companies bought later by DC -

Atom Blake, Boy Magician (WOW COMICS #1, 1940)
Roy the Wonder Boy/Super Boy (TOP-NOTCH COMICS #8, 1940)
Ty-Gor (Son of Tiger - BLUE RIBBON COMICS #4, 1940)
Buddy (NATIONAL COMICS #1, 1940)
Wonder Boy (NATIONAL COMICS #1, 1940)
Captain Marvel Junior (WHIZ COMICS #25, 1941)
Pinky (WOW COMICS #4, 1941)
Sparky (BLUE BEETLE COMICS #14, 1941)
Dusty the Boy Detective (SPECIAL COMICS #1, 1941)
Roy the Superboy (SPECIAL COMICS #1, 1941
Balbo the Boy Magician (MASTER COMICS #33, 1942)
Butch (CRACK COMICS #21, 1942)
Kid Eternity (HIT COMICS #25, 1942)
Bulletboy (MASTER COMICS #48, 1944)
Freckles Marvel (WOW COMICS #35, 1945)
Abigail (WOW COMICS #57, 1947)
The Fly (original, teenage version - THE DOUBLE LIFE OF PRIVATE STRONG #1, 1959)
Bobby Bell (ADVENTURES OF THE FLY #1, 1959)


Karate Kid (ADVENTURE COMICS #346, 1966 - in 20th century: KARATE KID #1, 1976)
Tiger (JUDOMASTER #91, 1966)
Bee-Boy (SUPERBOY #127, 1966)
Jerro the Mer-Boy (ACTION COMICS #334, 1966)
Supremo (SUPERBOY #132, 1966)
Ron-Avon (SUPERBOY #141, 1967)
Hyper-Boy II (SUPERBOY #144, 1968)
Mindgrabber Kid (JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #70, 1969)
Volar (ADVENTURE COMICS #384, 1969)
Prince Raynor (ADVENTURE COMICS #385, 1969)
Lanie Lane (SUPERMAN #215, 1969)
Karkan the Mighty a.k.a. Super-Savage (SUPERBOY #183, 1972)
Power Girl (ALL STAR COMICS #58, 1976)
Huntress (ALL STAR COMICS #69/DC SUPER-STARS #17, 1977)
Little Mermaid (SUPER FRIENDS #9, 1977)
Air Wave (GREEN LANTERN #100, 1978)
Firestorm (FIRESTORM #1, 1978)
Arisia (as teenage GL - TALES OF THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS #1, 1981)
Firehawk (THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #1, 1982)
Amethyst (LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #298, 1983)
Halo (BRAVE AND THE BOLD #200, 1983)
Geo-Force (BRAVE AND THE BOLD #200, 1983)
Brainwave Junior (ALL STAR SQUADRON #25, 1983)
Fury (ALL STAR SQUADRON #25, 1983)
Jade (ALL STAR SQUADRON #25, 1983)
Northwind (ALL STAR SQUADRON #25, 1983)
Nuklon (ALL STAR SQUADRON #25, 1983)
Obsidian (ALL STAR SQUADRON #25, 1983)
Silver Scarab (ALL STAR SQUADRON #25, 1983)
Jemm (JEMM, SON OF SATURN #1, 1984)
Windfall (BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS #9, 1984)
Onyx (DETECTIVE COMICS #546, 1985)
Princess Fern (CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS #4, 1985)
Moonbow (THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #48, 1986)

[ April 07, 2009, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Did anyone remember to mention Dorothy Spinner?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Did anyone remember to mention Dorothy Spinner?

and Fever, Kid Slick, Freak
Posted by superboymddjr on :
also I completely forgot a girl with telepathic who can rapport with the Gorilla in the forgotten John Byrne's Doom Patrol book....? what's her name?

Can't wait to see what Keith Giffen's Doom Patrol soon! I hope it's better than dreadful John Byrne's.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I believe they were Nudge and Grunt, but I can't remember which was which. Oh, and then there's Scott Fischer, and Lodestone before she became a faceless butterfly, and Karma.

Before I forget, anyone remember Aria and Thrust? Who thinks they could've been Titans?

Speaking of Dorothy, I'm paying for a commish of her as a BL, God rest her soul.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Because it is taking too long to find a "Dream Roster" thread, and since I don't feel like starting another one, here's my dream Titans West line-up (with characters who've never been Titans)

Arsenal (Roy Harper) - Leader
Black Orchid III (Suzy Black)
Dove III (Wiley Wolverman)
Flashback (Sara Quinones)
Hawk II (Sasha Martens)
Minion (Jarras Minion)
Mirage (Miriam Delgado)
Offspring (Luke O'Brien)
Prysm (Audrey Spears)
Rocket (Raquel Ervin)
Scarlett (Bly Pharis)
Terra III (Atlee)
Vox (Mal Duncan)
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I didn't realize Air Wave II was young enough to have been a Titan. He should have definitely joined post-Crisis!

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