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Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So, I picked this up, and was quite impressed!

Looks like Robin's gone all Brainiac Five on us!

But the new Doom Patrol sounds even more interesting than the new Titans team...
Posted by Pov on :
<Doin' the Click Here For A SpoilerHappy Dead Clone Dance> [Evil]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
At least he doesnt have the original in the batcave like our green boy seems to have.

I quite liked the issue. The new design for the characters look a little older which youd expect after a year in the life of a teen.

Lots of good set up here. One of the better OYL launch issues. Between this and Green Lantern you can really tell that Johns was one of the driving forces behind the OYL concept. Lots of tantilizing teases.

[ April 05, 2006, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: Tamper Lad ]
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Great issue!

Click Here For A SpoilerHawk and Dove are back! Aquagirl and Offspring? Zatara was a Teen Titan for awhile? Mia off with Conner? And Tim's own Batcave!

And Marvin and Wendy! Marvin and freaking Wendy!

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
So are Click Here For A SpoilerKid Zatara and Miss Martian pre-existing characters, or are they new?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
New. Although I assume that the guy is related to the Kingdom Come version, somehow, or at least inspired by him. The girl could be J'Onn's sister. J'Onn did have a younger brother named T'omm in the Silver Age (DETECTIVE COMICS #286, Dec 1960).
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
IIRC T'omm J'onzz was a singer whose act was quite popular with the ladies. He had a show at that gambling resort in the Martian desert, right?
Posted by Caliente on :
[sob] [sob] [sob]

Ohmigod. I am broken. I read Teen Titans #34 and broke. Broken am I. Seriously.

Okay, but onto the issue. It was good. Really good. I enjoyed the so-called team dynamic and the stuff from Vic's perspective. Some spoilerish thoughts...

Click Here For A Spoiler1) Why is Geoff evil???!?!?! Finally Raven and Gar get together and he just skips over the relationship straight to the break-up?!??! Grr...

2) Wtf?! Where is Bart?!?!?! Whyyyy are you torturing my YJ babies?!?!?! Whyyyyyyyyyy??????? [sob]

3) What happened to Mal? [sigh] Why must they hurt the Titans? I wonder if we'll see him when we see the Doom Patrol...?

4) So a new Zatara, huh? I wonder if he's reincarnated from Zantanna's father or something to do with the "9th age of magic" or... whatever. >.> Hmm.

5) Did anybody else get the vibe from the way Rose was draped over Tim that... something was happening there? Creepy as that thought is to entertain...

6) Does anybody else remember when the Titans went to the future and Tim asked Kon what changed him? And Kon said, "You did." Suddenly taking on a whooole new meaning.

[ April 06, 2006, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Click Here For A SpoilerWho is Wendy and Marvin's father? I assume this is supposed to a mystery to be revealed later on? Any guesses?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Caliente:

Click Here For A Spoiler

3) What happened to Mal? [sigh] Why must they hurt the Titans? I wonder if we'll see him when we see the Doom Patrol...?

Click Here For A SpoilerThat would be my guess. At least we know he made it out of IC alive...
Posted by Stratum on :
Click Here For A SpoilerCould he be the one left in space? Because barring Bart, he's the only one not accounted for.

And Cal, great point about the Tim/Kon relationship. You may be onto something there.

Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I think that Bart is accounted for. From IC #6.

Click Here For A Spoiler"The Flashes kept me imprisoned for years under red sunlight"

I'll speculate that we've already seen Bart in another title. THat the Flash in IC #5 was Bart having spent years in a time warp. This will allow Wally's kids to come out nearly full grown too when the new series starts.

Posted by rtvu2 on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Click Here For A SpoilerWho is Wendy and Marvin's father? I assume this is supposed to a mystery to be revealed later on? Any guesses?

Yeah who is the Dad? Click Here For A Spoiler Will they by Marvin and Wendy Jupiter?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
That was my first thought, Vu!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
So in the vid bits, we see Gar trying to rebuild the Titans, and then leave to join DP, right?

Anyone in the recruitment scenes a Titan when Vic comes to? Gar and Raven appear on the cover of #35, the DP team shot, and we know another member based on the video message. Who's a Titan and who's a DPer?

Come on, place your bets.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
so no word on Vulcan the child who was last seen in Son of Vulcan #6 on the Titans island was gonna join them?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You know this thread is funny to read when you don't click on any of the spoilers!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
yeah but I wonder if there is a mention of Son of Vulcan by someone like they mentioned the whereabouts of several Titan members.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
No mention of Son of Vulcan yet.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I just read this issue, and haven't decided yet what I think.

The Likes: Robin is still around, Kid Devil may grow on me, and I really enjoyed Marvin and Wendy.

The Dislikes: Rose Wilson (I don't see her character ever growing on me), no Gar and no Raven (but maybe Gar at least in the Doom Patrol)

The Whatevers: Cyborg (never been a huge fan), Cassie the Widow in Mourning OYL, "The Cave of Doctor Robin" (boy, he must be doing well in his high school science classes)

Overall: Gonna give it a shot, but not looking too promising unless they bring more to the lineup. When I'm only half interested in half the cast, that makes me nervous.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I finally got around to this last night; I'm actually kind-of excited about it all.

ROBIN's new look is actually really good. Interesting with the clone-bank developments. Very interesting.

RAVAGER, a Titan again for the first time? I enjoyed Rose Wilson's brief first stint with the Titans, and was excited when she made a return of sorts as Lian's babysitter during the mostly-unexciting Farber/Kitson era. I like her because I can sort-of identify with the identity crisis she went through-- she was searching desperately for a place to belong, and chose to check out her father's way of life for a while; glad that didn't work out for her apparently.

I am SO glad KID DEVIL's recent cameo wasn't a throw-away scene. I had a feeling it wouldn't be. This looks to be interesting.

WENDY and MARVIN? I too am placing my highest bet on their surname being Jupiter, and MAJOR props for using them.

BUMBLEBEE, in the Doom Patrol, YEAH! What happened with MAL? He was at one time the Kinetix of the Titans, changing IDs like others change socks. Something's going on for real real there.

HAWK, DOVE, ZATARA-- yeah, I'm lovin' it...

Only gripe: Where's Duela?

So yeah, color me intrigued. WAY intrigued.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Hey so i'm not shway into Titans history but I was wondering if y'all knew who was holding Aquagirl back in that Aquagirl/Hawk n' Dove panel? And Zatara would be...Zatanna's magic-weilding paperboy?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Dunno yet who ZATARA is, but the plastic-kid is probably PLASTIC MAN's son (established in-continuity back in JLA a few years ago, but probably better-remembered from the KINGDOM not-necessarily-in-continuity event several years ago.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
or the guy from Hawaii - the hero who appeared in Superboy a few years ago...that goes by the name of "Mala" or something like that. ??
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
or the guy from Hawaii - the hero who appeared in Superboy a few years ago...that goes by the name of "Mala" or something like that. ??

Hula-Hula, maybe? [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So I finally read this and here’s my thoughts:

- Robin – as well-written as ever. I think I’ll end up liking the new costume.

- Wonder Gil – ditto. I really like the interaction b/t her and Robin and her and Ravager. The drama there was great to read and heart-breaking. The Cassie/Tim friendship should really be played up.

- The sense of ‘a ton of shit happened during the missing year’. It lended a sense of we’ve missed a lot and I want to know all about it.

- Cyborg is ‘back’ and therefore the Titans are ‘back’. That notion came across very strongly, that the minute Vic woke up somehow the Titans all knew that a dark period was about to end for them. Very nicely put across.

- Ravager – I really like Rose Wilson’s tragic and complicated story and I hope to see more of it. She’s a very dynamic character and I feel she brings a lot to the table story and character wise.

- Kid Devil – no real opinion right now, but always interesting to have new characters.

- Gar and Raven. I really like this romance and hope that this isn’t the end by any means. I want to see more interaction with them…they really deserve it and its nice that they found each other, despite us barely getting a chance to see it. I want more! And I want them both in the Titans, not the Doom Patrol (although the shitty Beast Boy moniker must go…I like ‘Changeling’ much better).

- Wendy and Marvin were cool. A good twist and I like supporting non-super characters hanging around. I definitely get the sense of a Mr. Jupiter connection too.

- the new Doom Patrol – I’m actually pretty excited about this! Mal and Karen’s addition is a nice dose of new blood, albeit with long-standing ties to the DCU. I’m really interested in seeing what Mal is like now.

- Other characters: cool to see Hawk and Dove, no clue who or what Kid Zatarra and Ms. Martian are, or the Plastic Man character, unless its his son. To be completely honest, I’d rather see the other Titans fleshed out OYL first, then get to these. I do like the addition of Aqua Girl though. Glad to see references to Speedy (who I really like and hope returns), Starfire (probably an Outsiders/Space Opera title will pick her up) and Bart (who may or may not be the new Flash considering he’s aged a few years with Superboy Prime).

Gripes: well, none really. This was one of the better OYL issues and I’m really excited about it. In fact, I’m probably even more excited for the Titans now than I was before IC or even the relaunch. The interaction b/t the heroes that Geoff shows is addicting and I want a fix sooner than I think I can handle! Also, the art was spectacular.

Now, I want Red Star! Raven! Gar! The New Doom Patrol! Actually, I’m really excited about Red Star more than anything…I want to know where his head’s at these days following IC. And I like the above mentioned [in this thread] Son of Vulcan idea…the more Charleton characters used the better!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Best OYL debut thus far, for me. Cyborg's memory flashes...

...the additions to the team and the formation of other teams...

...the reinvigorated Brotherhood...

...Wonder Girl's attitude (she's never seemed more 'real' to me)...

...Robin's little lab project (!)...

... all had me eager for One Year and One Month later, rather than learning about what happened in the meanwhile.

Which is a big accomplishment, as I find the time-skipping plot device off-putting at best. It's not whatever changes that are made that I object to (in most cases), it's the jump itself.

Loved the new-but-familiar-to-toon-watchers Bumblebee. Now, who else is in the DOOM PATROL? They're connected to Dayton Industries. Is Mento a member? Headquarted in Prague? Don't know what I think about that.

And what *did* happen to Bart, Mal and Starfire? No mention of Donna Troy? Or Roy Harper? Garth?
Or Dick Grayson? Do the Titans know about his ruse?

KID DEVIL: I know next to nothing about this guy, but I like him. So far.

RAVAGER: Geoff must like writing her. That eye... I'll always think that she's a nutcase one step away from betraying whoever's relying on her.

AQUAGIRL: Took me several seconds to figure out that she was on page two.

THE OFFSPRING/Plastic Man's son: I'm assuming, I guess. But, yeah! I liked that guy.

HAWK AND DOVE: blah, not my cup o' tea.

SPEEDY: Glad to hear that she survived. And that Connor (not Superboy) did, too.

ZATARA: Wha!!!???

Wendy and Marvin: Superfriends fans are probably peeing in their pants. Their scenes were entertaining enough, but I begrudge the panels to actual Titans characters.

SUPERBOY: Awww, man. Superboy. Maybe things aren't as they appear. Supernova? Thanks to Tim and his new Batletcave?

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