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Posted by Dev Em on :

This had been going on too long. Dane Whitman, the Avenger known as The Black Knight, was beginning to think he might not gain the advanatge.

The man facing him was sweating and seemed to be wearing down a bit. They had been at this for about three hours now, with neither one giving any ground, at least for long.

Dane wiped his sweat soaked hair off of his forehead. "Gotta get this hair cut really soon," he said as he threw his shield to the side.

His opponent smiled, licked his lips a little and feinted to Danes right.

Dane brought his sword around and twisted the sword out of his opponents hand. It landed well behind dane and had embedded itself into the ground.

"You think that's the end of me?"

"No, not at all. But this will be," he said as he threw his sword to where the other one was. His too embedded itself into the ground.

The two faced each other and started circling. Dane made the first bounce in and out move.

"You really wanna do that Knighty? You know what I'm capeable of..."

"It's already done. There's no turning back now..."

Clint Barton, the Avenger known as Hawkeye, grinned like a cheshire cat. "Alright then, lets rumble!" He said as he charged at Dane.

Dane moved with Clints' lunge and threw the man about ten feet past him as he turned.

Clint landed on his feet and was already bounding back towards him when he realized his mistake.

Dane had already pulled out a weighted net and thrown it.

Clint twisted with an amazing amount grace, but the net still caught his right arm and pinned it against his body. he hit the floor, and began to work his arm free, but it was too late.

Dane had used the seconds to grab both swords and pin Clints free arm to the floor by criss crossing the swords above his arm guard.

Hawkeye sighed and shook his head. "You've gotten better."

"So have you. Your swordsmanship has come a long way."

"Yeah, but you could have taken me about fifteen times during that fight with your sword."

"Maybe," Dane grinned, "but where's the fun in that. I wanted to outthink you."

The door to the training room opened and Steve Rogers walked in.

"You know I don't normally bet people Clint...but pay up," Steve said as he helped his friend to his feet.

"How'd you know..."

"He's a better physical fighter than most of you give him credit for. Plus, I had a feeling he would wear you down with the sword and leave you open for a moment of being overconfident."

Clint pulled his wallet out of his bag on the floor. "Overconfident my as..."

Dane and Steve started laughing even louder.

Steve looked at Dane with a much more serious look. "I wish you would reconsider."

"I'll be back at some point Steve. I just need some time for myself."

Clint walked up to hand Steve his money. "What did I miss?" He asked looking from one to the other.

Steve and Dane both looked at him.

"I'm resigning. Maybe for a long time, maybe not," Dane said.

"I tried to talk him out of it," Steve said woth a slight sigh.

"It's that I've never really given myself time to absorb everything that's happened to me over the last several years as an Avenger, amongst other endeavors. I need time to work on a few things as well, I've been neglegting my science."

Hawkeye shrugged. "He'll be back before you know it. We always are...not even..."

Steve shot Clint a glance, but that wasn't about to stop him.

"...death can keep us away."

Dane picked up his bag and laughed. "I really hope it doesn't come to that."

Steve put his hand on Danes' shoulder. "Call us if you need anything."

Clint grabbed Danes hand and shook it. "Besides, I want a rematch soon."

Dane looked at him, and with a completely straight face said, "We'll have an archery contest next time."

Steve grinned. "Double or nothing Clint?"

"You're on!"

Dane laughed out loud as he walked out of the room.

[ June 10, 2010, 06:56 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
Awesome start, Dev!

Just one question -- is this out of continuity?
Posted by Dev Em on :
I have not decided when it diverges yet, but it'd pretty recent. I'm not 100% up on everything in the modern Marvel Universe...but I figured this exchange was a pretty safe one.
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
Divergent timelines are fine with me. I did a series of Avengers fanfics that diverged at the point where Roger Stern was fired.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Dev, Dane Whitman is one of my all-time favorite comic book characters and I could wait to read this—you’ve helped get me back to checking out Bits.

The above is a great exchange between Dane & Clint, as well as Steve, and nails all three of their personalities really well. I’ve always liked how Dane had one foot in the Avengers and the other as an outsider among them, and you captured that here. You also reiterate that Dane is a superb fighter, reminding me that for a time he was akin to the Avenger’s Wolverine. I wish he’d get his due once more among the Avengers titles, and it’s great seeing you showcase him here.

I do plan to get around to your Legion fanfic, but it will take me a bit of time as I’ll probably be reading in at work when I’m ‘in transit’. But that will be coming shortly…
Posted by Dev Em on :
Thanks cobie. I have loved Dane since I first saw him in an Avengers comic. The whole Knight thing. Was never a huge fan of the "lightsaber" he carried around for a while, but I understood why they did it.

I have some pretty wild ideas to go with, and I had a fun time writng him and Clint, so he'll be showing up from time to time...sparring and chatting. Gonna explore some other Knight weapons as well. I have some thoughts as to where he's going to end up...but he may drift for a while.
Posted by Dev Em on :
The Adventures of Dane Whitman: Part One

Dane Whitman sat in the airport waiting area. He had another half hour before the plane began loading it's First class passengers. Yeah, he knew he could have had Clint drop him off at his destination, but he wanted to take the time to try to be a normal person for a while, and not rely on the recognition he got for being an Avenger. There were things, like obtaining a job, that were going to make that completely impossible, but travelling...that he could do.

He was looking down at the ground and absentmindedly fingering the amulet he still wore around his neck. The amulet that The Lady of the Lake had given him some time ago. It no longer worked, but he still wore it. He finally tucked it back underneath his t-shirt when he noticed that there was someone staring at him.

"Hello," he said as he looked up at the blonde woman watching him from across the seats.

"I'm sorry," she said with a genuine look of embarassment on her face, "I was just..."

"It's alright," he said with a warm smile.

She was blushing now, and fiddling with her carry on bag. Pretending to look for something.

He looked at her. Was it possible that she didn't really know who he was? He did wear a helmet most of the time, and whole his name was public record as being The Avenger The Black Knight...Dane Whitman was not exactly a household name.

"Stop it Dane," he mumbled to himself, "a pretty girl looks at you and you start going all romantic."

He leaned back in his seat and ran his fingers back through his hair. "Still need that haircut."

"It looks fine sweetie." A older womans voice said, coming from his left. "You should go talk to her, she's very pretty."

Dane looked over at the older woman and smiled. "I don't have much luck with women," he said thinking back over the years with the Avengers, "not much luck at all."

"A man with your looks and build shouldn't have much trouble at all, unless you mean you're..."

"No, I'm not gay. I just tend to fall to hard too fast for the wrong ones."

" would be a shame for the female community if you were...but insteaad it's a loss for the males of that persuasion."

While Dane wondered about this old woman talking so oddly next to him, he noticed a man come and sit down next to the blond, put his arm around her and start talking to her about something.

"See, that's what I mean. They're usually involved, married, or too good to be true."

"Ah...doesn't look like it's working too well over there for him though."

The blonde had moved forward in her seat and moved his arm back. From the way they were both whispering back and forth, it was obvious they were arguing. He shook his head and told himself that it was none of his businesss.

"Why are you going to Detroit honey?" The old woman asked him. Obviously not caring if Dane wanted to talk or not.

He chuckled a little to himsself. "Actually, I'm headed for the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, got a job interview."

"I didn't think they was looking for a new coach of anything?"

"Actually," he grinned, "it's for a science instructor position."

"Brains to go with them looks?" she said as she turned herself to face him even more. "You are the whole package son."

Dane was almost laughing out loud at this point. The little woman from Detroit put her hand on his knee. "I know who you are son, and you're gonna make this old woman happy and come over for dinner. Some real good home cooking tomorrow night."

"Um..." Dane started in hopes of declining, but realized how futile that would be. If she did indeed know who he was, there was really no...


Dane and the little old woman from Detroit both whipped their heads in the direction of the slap.

The pretty blonde was holding her cheek, tears coming down her face. There was a look of astonishment on her face as well.

Dane felt his arm muscles tense instinctively, but resisted the urge to get involved and sat himself further back in his chair.

The man had grabbed something out of her carry on bag and was yelling something about something that made no sense to Dane...or his biggest fan in the airport. They looked at each other with puzzled faces.

"Seems she did something to upset that man, but he has no place slapping her like that."

"No, but it's better to let the authorities handle this," he said nodding his head in the direction of the airport security officers walking that way.

The security Officers walked up to the couple and asked them to kindly ste off to the side so they could talk. The man started shouting at them and getting in their faces.

Dane was beginning to become concerned. One of the Officers was unbuckling his gun, and that was not a good idea. Dane leaned down and started undoing the latched on the case laying at his feet...just in case. In some ways, being an Avenger had it's perks...keeping your weapns close at hand was just one of them.

The obnoxious man pushed the closest Officer away, and with an amazing amount of ease wrested the gun from the second officer.

"I hate being right," Dane said as his hand gripped the handle of his sword.

He was lifting the sword out of it's case when the man urned back toward the blonde and aimed the gun at her.


Dane stood and yelled "Put the gun down and you won't get hurt!"

People all over were diving for cover or just running away as fast as they could. A few peeked from behind corners or couners to see what was happening.

Dane started walking towards the man. Now that he had his attention, the gun was aimed solely at him and nobody else was in immediate danger...except for the little old lady from Detroit who was still right next to him. "Please go find cover."

"Are you kidding? I'm in the safest place in this whole damned airport right now,"she said.

Dane sighed. Truth of the matter is that she was probably correct.

The man was babbling incoherantly at this point and Dane could see the muscles onhis arm starting to quiver. He was going to fire.

Dane had no time to think about what happened next, he simply let the years of practice and training take over.

He dove toward the man as the gun went off, and the blade deflected the bullet harmlessly into the ground. Finishing the blades arc he was able to bat the gun from the mans hand and grab it from the air before it hit the ground and accidently discharged a second time.

The man had a look of amazement on his face as Dane;s fist met his jaw and sent him into unconsousness.

Dane looked around. Everyone was safe, and aside from a few people who had fainted...everyone was starting to emerge from their hiding places.

Dane put the gun and sword down and raised his hands over his head before the wave of approaching Security Officers even said anything.


Several hours later, Dane was finally boarding a flight to Detroit. Sitting next to him was Mrs. Franklin, his biggest fan and the one who shouted the loudest in his defense when the officers tried arresting him.

Across the aisle was the young blonde woman. Megan Anderson was her real name, as Dane had found out through the course of several interviews. It seems her boyfriend was being followed because he had been seen taking some sort of drug in one of the bathrooms at the resturant they had visited right before coming to the airport.

They had first class all to themselves, as a thank you to Dane's heroic actions that day.


When they landed, Mrs Franklin made them both promise to come over for dinner the next night. Both accepted and took the old womans address with them as they left.

As they were going their seperate ways, Megan stopped Dane.

"Thank you."

"It's what I do."

" I had no idea who you were. You were just..."

"It's alright. You've had a very upsetting day Megan," Dane said cursing himself inside, "you need to go home and relax."

"You could...I could give you a..."

"No. Not right now. I'll see you tomorrow at dinner."

He turned and headed for the car rental counter.

Megan stood there for a long time after Dane left. She finally went to her car and went home.


After Dane had settled into his hotel room for the night, he grabbed his cell phone and looked up a number.

"Doc, I need to talk," he said.

"Is it a good time?"

"Okay. I'll call you in an hour."

Dane hung up the phone and sighed. It was going to be a long night.

[ June 12, 2010, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
Very nice.

I wonder...could his new friends be more than what they seem?
Posted by Dev Em on :
Ya never know.

Things will pick up soon, although this chapter was a blast to write.
Posted by Dev Em on :
The Adventures of Dane Whitman: Part Two

Dane parked his Motorcycle in front of the house. He got off and stowed his helmet in one of the saddle bags., and threw his leather jacket in the other. He looked around and set the security system. He figured if someone could bypass a system designed by Tony Stark, they deserved the bike and equipment therein.

He smiled at the thought of how he had gotten the bike. The look on Logans face when pinned to the ground by a normal man was priceless, and the sound of Scott Summers laughing hysterically was always a good memory. Steve had made money that day too. Dane was going to have to talk to Steve about his apparent gambling problem...

He sighed and looked at the address one more time. This was it. Mrs. Franklins house. He started walking up towards the house and noticed a "cute" little smart car in the driveway. Megan was here. Dane started mumbling to himself, "stop it Dane...just stop, Samson said that you need to take things slowly here, and try to get away from the hero and women problems that seem to follow you everywhere you go."

He knocked on the door and it flew open. Megan had answered for Mrs. Franklin, and seemed extremely pleased to see Dane, as she flung her arms aaround his neck and gave him a huge hug.

"Nice to see you again," he said as she releeased her hold.

"I am so glad you came. I cannot believe how much has happened in the last 24 hours."

"I'm sure Mrs. Franklin would like to hear what we both have to say about our days."

"You're right young man," Mrs. Franklin said as she walked out of the kitchen.

"You're looking good," Dane said to her as she too gave him a big hug. Her hug was more around the middle of his chest, but a tight one to be sure.

"Come and sit down, have some tea."

Megan and Dane followed her into the kitchen. Dane did his usual sweep of the rooms and noticed that some of the furniture looked pretty well worn for it's seemingly new appearance. It was as if...

That's the couch my grandson uses. He's a big boy. Goin to University of Michigan now. Just started last semester. We moved here from New York.

Dane looked at her with an almost quizical look on his face.

"You're cute when you're figuring things out," she said as she pinched his cheek.

Dane was still standing in the doorway when Megan came over and handed him a glass of tea snd led him by the hand to the table.

They sat, and Dane barely noticed that she was still holding his hand in the two of hers.

He was still watching the little Grandmother bustling about the kitchen. He was also noticing little things. The larger chair in the corner of the room, that her grandson no doubt used when wating at this table. The state of the art appliances in a seemingly run down looking house from the exterior.

"Um...Mrs. Franklin," Dane said in a uncharacteristically weak sounding voice.

"That's not my real name, and you know it Mr. Whitman."


"You can call me Granny."

"Oh my..."

"Granny Staples."

"That means..."

"Elvin is my grandson, and he is attending college at UofM. I wanted him away from all those heroes in New York. After everything that has happened over the last few years, I just wanted him away, and Dwayne thought it was a good idea as well. I was dead after all, and it was easy enough to put me into a sort of Avengers witness protection. Elvin moved here last year, and we've been living quietly since."

Dane sat there stunned. He noticed that Megan was gently massaging his hand, and that he really liked the way she smelled.

"Why reveal yourself to me then? You could have just ignored me at the airport, and I wouldn't have noticed...until I eventually saw Elvin at the College."

"A Mr. Barton called me and told me you were going to be in Michigan for a while, and that it might be good for Elvin to have a mentor while you were here."

Dane used his free hand to run fingers through his hair as he laughed. "Clint called and told you that?"

"Yes he did. Seemed very insistant about it too."

"I'm sure he did."

"I know Elvin has a lot to learn, but I want him away from all that fighting and stuff. he's a powerhouse to be certian, but lacks in subtlety."

Dane sighed, "That is something I can help him with if he wants to be taught."

"Oh, he does. He wants to play football, but they say it's unfair if he does. This might give him something to feel better about himself."

Dane glanced between Megan and Granny Staples.

Megan smiled. "I'm not involved in all of this, but I have clearance in places that you wouldn't...okay, maybe you would believe me. I'm a S.H.I.E.L.D. recruiter. I had no idea who you were when I saw you at the airport, but I'm glad I did have you to save me from one of the worst mistakes of my life."

"You mean the guy you were with?"

"Kinda. I was getting my first shot at being a field agent, and it wasn't going well. Our relationship was getting too close to being something I didn't want, and there were supposed to be agents at the Detroit airport to take him into custody. he was an undercover Hydra agent that was trying to get things from me. It blew my chance at beign a field agent, but I'm kinda glad. I don't think I'm cut out for that kind of thing."

"Always better to find that out early. I suppose the New director was more than accomodating on getting you you're position back."

She blushed a little, and bit her bottom lip. "Yes. He said I should thank you for cleaning up a mess that the previous regime should never have gotten me into in

the first place,..and that..."

Dane sighed. "Did he at least pretend to be not amused by the next part?"

"No. Not really."

Dane gave her hand a squeeze, "You'll be ready by the next time you get offered a field position."


A Few hours later, as Dane and Megan were gettting ready to leave for the night, the front door opened and a giant young man walked in the door.

"Granny, why is there a motor...DANE!"

Elvin picked him up and Dane could have sworn he heard one of his ribs crack.

"Hi Elvin, how are you."

"I'm so glad to see you man. How come you at my house?"


After explanations and stories were again exchanged, Dane and Megan departed the house. Dane walked Megan to her car.

"I really want to thank you for everything," she said as she unlocked her car.

"I...dont think..."

"shutup," she said in a whisoer as she tiptoed up and kissed him.


A few minutes, and a few more kisses later, Dane was putting his jacket and helmet on.

He hit a button on his bike and a ring tone sounded in the helmet. "Dial Mr. Rogers"

The phone rang three times and then it picked up. "Steve here, how are you Dane?"

"You do not play fair Steve, and tell Clint I can hear him laughing in the background..."

Steve said something to Clint, and then came back to the phone. "He was just leaving anyway. So, what can I do for you?"

"How much did you have to do with the set-up of all this Steve?"

"The truth?"

"Yes the truth."

"Not as much as you'd think. I did give Clint the okay to inform Granny Staples about your impending arrival, she took over from there and came up with a way to get

you to go along with it. Agent Anderson just kinda happened without any kind of interferance from this end. Although, you did save her her job, and possibly her

life. She;s got potential you think you;re up to it?"

"Damn it Steve, tell Clint he should at least leave the room next time before laughing like that. Yeah, I can train her...but I think she..."

"Agent Carter."

"Okay. I'll take that for what it is. Thanks."

"No problem."

"Any more surprises...the Great Lakes Avengers gonna be at my apartment when I get back?"

"No more that I am aware of. Although, Clint did work with them for a while..."

"I swear to God Steve..."

[ September 06, 2010, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: Dev Em ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
The Adventures of Dane Whitman: Part Three

Dane had finished up his first class of Advanced Physics and was walking back toward his office. Students were milling about, as they were all excited to get to see

an Avenger amongst all the other instructors at the University.

Dane remained polite and smiled at everyone, hoping that the novelty would wear off pretty quick, and he could just get down to teaching. That thought in turn

reminded him that he was supposed to meet with Elvin this afternoon to go over the training plan he had worked out for him. Then off to dinner with Megan to go over

her sheduled work out regimine.

"You're getting too involved too quickly agian. Gotta take this one slower old man," he said to himself as he unlocked his office door.

His office was a pretty good size for first time instructors at the University, but he really didn't need much room. The fact that he got an office this size with a

window made him somewhat unpopular with some of the other staff in his field. He'd have to work on that. He stored his text books here, and a few weapons, to be he kept telling himself. Avengers had a way of attracting unwanted attention.

As if on queue, he heard a man yelling in the Diag. He walked over tot he window and opened it enough to hear what was going on.

"...dra doesn't take too kindly to wanna be heroes taking down their agents!"

"Wanna be hero?" Dane said to himself as he grabbed his sword and jumped out the second story window.

Standing in the middle of the courtyard was a pretty tall man dressed in a sleeveless tunic that fit pretty snug, as did his pants. He was obviously a fighter, or at

least wanted to be. He was also spinning a Kusarigama, which is a Japanese weapon that has a sickle on one end and a chain connecting it to a studded ball on the


"Great. They're sending themed mercs after me."

Students were standing way too close for Dane's comfort and he started yelling for them to move back. Some did, but others seemed more interested in becoming part of

the fight rather than watching what was about to happen.

"Come little man and face SCYTHE!"

Dane racked his brain trying to remember if he even knew who this guy was. Nothing was coming to mind, but this guy obviously knew how to use the Kusarigama. Both

ends were spinning around in varying arcs as he turned to face Dane.

Dane unsheathed his sword and tossed the scabbard to a student standing at a relatively save distance. "Hold this please."

He was not real happy with the outfit he had on, loose button down shirt and jeans were not what he liked to go into a fight wearing. Although, it wasn't like he was

anticipating this either.

Dane slowed and stopped just short of what he thought the range of the weapon should be. He was wrong. the studded ball came flying at his head and he dove to the

right to avoid it. He instinctively raised his blade and deflected the sickle end with a loud clanging sound.

The crowd was growing larger and encircling them. Dane was loosing control of this situation before it even started.

"Get Back!" he yelled as he regained his feet and backed away to a safer range.

Just past Scythe, why did that name sound familiar...he noticed a very tall young man moving towards the edge of the crowd.

Dane went for the attack and Scythe blocked using the chain between the two ends of the weapon.

"ELVIN! Get these people back! Now!"

Dane continued pressing, even though he wasn't getting anywhere. Every thrust, jab, or swing was being blocked pretty handily, but that was just what Dane wanted.

Keeping him occupied while Elvin and, from what Dane could tell, the defensive line of the football team were moving the crowd back to a much safer distance.

Truth be told, Dane was gettting tired of playing around with this guy, although he had a feeling that Scythe could actually fight better than he was at the moment.

Dane went on defense to let Scythes attention be focused solely on him, and hoped that Elvin remembered enough of his Avengers training to know what he wanted him to


Dane took a blow to the arm, and had his shirt sliced under the arm, way to close for his own comfort. The next swing of the studded ball caught his open shirt and

spun him around. Dane hit the ground and rolled with his blade up to stop the next blow...which never came.

Elvin had snuck up, as best someone his size could and grabbed that ball end as it was going up fior another blow. Scythe spun to face the new attack and let the

scythe end fly, the chain wrapping around Elvins legs causing him to fall.

Dane flung himself into a standing position and tore what was left of his shirt hoots and hollars from the woman, and some of the men in the crowd.

"Great first day of work..."

Scythe was not looking as comfortable without his weapon and Dane figured that meant he wassn't that great of a combatant.

Then he remembered who this guy was.

"Not so tough without your Kusarigama are ya. Didn't you learn your lessons when Danny left you in that alley?"

That did it, remembering his defeat at the hands of Iron Fist caused Scythe to come unglued. He charged at Dane screaming something incomprehensable. Dane used

Scythe's momentum to pivot and face plant him into the ground; just missing a large rock, or was it a small boulder, by inches. Making sure that Scythe saw it all the

way down was the trick, as it made the man scream out in terror and pass out upon hitting the ground.

Dane motioned for the Ann Arbor Police Officer to come and take Scythe into custody and turned back to see how Elvin was doing.

Elvin was finally getting the chain unwrapped from his legs. "Couldn't get no leverage to break the thing."

"Besides that Elvin, breaking it might have sent a piece out into the crowd injuring someone."

"Oh...yeah, that too," Elvin said with a sheepish smile on his face. "You might wanna put a shirt on man."

It was Dane's turn to smile sheepishly. It was early September and cool weather had started to settle into Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dane felt the coolness once the fight

was over, and realized that he needed to get back to his office quickly. The fact of the matter was though that with police to talk to, and no doubt a visit from the

campus president, that wasn't going to happen soon.

One of the football players was laughing as he searched his duffle bag abd tossed Dane a practice jearsey to throw on in the interim. "Keep it man. You earned that


Dane thanked him and the rest of Elvins friends for their help and turned to see a Police Seargent coming his way.

"This is the part that they don't show on the news Elvin...the long boring part of being a hero."

Elvin just nodded and sat down on a large boulder. "Should I come back tomorrow to go over the stuff?"

"He's gonna want to talk to you too. But, yeah. Tomorrow morning is probably gonna have to do," he said and turned to begin the long process of explaining everything until the Police were satisfied they had everything.
Posted by Fanfic Lass on :
Great stuff, Dev. You've really got Dane, Steve, and Clint all down pat, and Elvin was truly the last person I expected to come back into Dane's life. I have to admit I only started liking Elvin after Fabian Nicieza mellowed him out and gave him some depth, and it looks like your take on him is along the same lines.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Thanks. I was trying to think of someone he could train...and while going through a Marvel Universe site, I came across Rage, and thought of his time with the Avengers.

I also thought that Cap especially would want Elvin to get some real training from someone he respects on multiple levels. I have developed plans for him, as well as a few for a new identity.

In regards to Clint, Dane and Steve. Their voices come weasy enough after reading about them for so long. Steve is not necessarily the big boy scout everyone thinks he is, but he is that guy that even the best of them look up to. Hell, even Thor admires the guy, and he's a god.

Clint is the one that will do things to get a rise out of you, while being extremely gifted on many levels. Kinda like the kid that is just that damned good at any sport he tries. His issues come in when he tries to lead, that's where he looses the full on confidence. He can do it, and do it well...just doubts himself inside.

Dane is the guy who works his rear off to achieve everything. Physical, mental and even spiritual. Unlucky at love most of the time, or at least constantly falling for the wrong one. How's this one gonna play out? We'll see...
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Gotta get back to this as well.

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