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Posted by Varalent on :
I've been fondly remembering the old Legion Outpost letter columns and that section called "Bits o' Legionnaire Business". Legion fans use to send in suggestions for new Legionnaires all the time and some where actually used! With so many talented writers on these boards, I've decided to stir your creative juices.

The Legion Academy has just been rebooted in the series and YOU'VE been given a plum're the new Legion writer!

Besides handling the monthly writing chores on the Legion series, you've also been allowed to launch a new spin-off series called "Legion Academy". You get to populate the Academy with you're own creations of new heroes and potential Legionnaires. You'll also be able to add members to the main team since you'll be scripting them both.

So tell us about your Academy students (preferably new characters, not rebooted former members) Name, where from, powers, back story, etc.

I'll wait to see some posts before I start adding my own.

PS: Maybe some of our talented resident artists will be inspired to draw some of these future Legionnaires for us!

[ January 22, 2004, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Ger on :
I created a Legionnaire a few years ago -right when the SW6 batch got their own book.
I was devestated by the death of Dove so I had a whole storyline where Hawk and Dove came back as Legionnaires -they're agents of Chaos and Order so its not un-fathomable to see them re-incarnated.
But there was another Legionnaire in the story named SKUT'L. He was a very tall, slender bug-like creature, Bipedal but not remotely human. His powers were flight and super-speed and his personality was kind of innocent like Blok or Tellus, but very intelligent. Oh, and he was only a couple days old. I had a sketch of him somewhere.
Posted by STU on :
Karma (no, not the New Mutant!)

His power is a bit different from most, in that it works reflexively -- kind of like Devlin O'Ryan's.

Only instead of deflecting attacks, he automatically redirects karma: when someone intentionally inflicts harm upon Karma, that person will shortly suffer misfortune to the same degree. If, however, someone does a good deed or extends a kind gesture toward Karma, then that person will shortly reap a reward to the same extent.

Needless to say, those who attack Karma in battle better hope they don't wound (or, worse, kill) him...

[ January 22, 2004, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: STU ]
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Houdini - This young man takes his name from the famed magician of the 20th Century... He is the son of Grimbor and an unidentied meta woman.

His abilities - well hes an amzing escape artist on a superhuman level, similar to Mister Miracle. This is ironic since his father is the master chainsman.

Plus, he has gained the ability of hypnosis. He can make you believe that you are a chicken if he so desires...

He's very theatrical. And seems to always be "on", as in "on stage"
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :

A young woman/man who is rumored to be a descendant of the 20th century heroine Doctor Light. (I wanted to add more Orientals to the Legion.)

He/she was just a young student from Earth out for a joyride in space, when Universo decided he wanted to gain control of every sentient mind. He/she thought he saw Apokolips attacking Legion World, and like any sensible non-powered human, high-tailed it out of there to warn Earth. Of course, since Universo was focusing on the people ON LW at the time, he neglected to make sure our young friend got the correct details.

He/she overshot Earth and drove straight into the Sun.

Luckily, instead of getting fired, his/her latent powers were activated by the Sun's energies. Finding himself/herself with the power of a star, he/she joined the Legion cadet program.

Powers: Has the potential to gain complete mastery over light energy, and maybe even heat energy, but is still learning to control these powers.

As of now, s/he can fire laser blasts, absorb light to strengthen him/herself, turn his/her body into pure light energy, and by passing through a prism, can divide into seven duplicates, each manifesting a different personality. Can also play around with colors, and is learning to create hard light constructs.

(Yeesh, I think I made him/her too powerful...)
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I created a character called Telekinetic Lad and sent him in. My uncle drew a picture for me, but I can't find it anywhere. (I was looking for an APA thing recently.)

He had orange tights with green boots, trunks and cape -- pretty basic look. They symbol on his chest was a circle with waves coming out (that looked too much like a sun when my uncle drew it, but I didn't give him much to go on as my art skills are fairly lacking).

I don't remember his real name, but he was from Earth. He was naturally telekinetic and had honed his skills to such a great degree that he could duplicate powers like Element Lad's besides just moving things around.

A couple years later, Tellus appeared. Coincidence? Probably, but it was fun to think I gave them the idea that they needed a telekinetic character.
Posted by STU on :
Some really cool ideas so far!

So, Vee... what are yours? [Smile]
Posted by Varalent on :
I've created various Legionnaires over the years, (Varalent being one of them, of course ~ but we'll save him for later) Here's one of my favorites, which I actually sent in to the Outpost in the late 60's but it was never printed:


Justin Drew, called Jay by his friends, was born on Earth to the founders of Drew Industries, one of the biggest conglomerates in the UP (think Brande Industries or McCauley) Drew Industries gained its stature in developing weaponry (defensive & offensive for the UP military.

His parents, Mort & Anne were both exceptional scientist, but were killed in a suspicious space cruiser accident when he was still in his teens. At puberty he began to manifest abilities which could only be described as "Magic"

He doesn't need to memorize spells (a la Mysa), he simply needs to concentrate and wish for something. One of his first successful & dependable skills was the ability to create & project magical energy shields & restraints that are able to withstand any force thrown at them, including Persuader's Atomic Axe. He can project them around himself and others or around some villain to keep him penned in.

He has also learned to teleport himself and those he is in contact with to "someplace else" (anywhere he can visualize) and can "wish" up a great meal. Little by little he is learning other applications for his powers and it seems the sky's the limit. Potentially, he could do anything, constrained only by his imagination.

Although the possibilites are endless, his power requires a great deal of concentration and energy. He needs to be careful because he can overtax himself by attempting to do too much so he must used his powers juduciously.

Upon joining the Legion, the background check discovered that there was a well hidden, deep, dark secret that his family has guarded for ages. No one knows for sure what it may have been since his parents had no siblings but the Legionnaires are sure to discover the secret jealously kept by Anne & Mort Drew someday!
Posted by Varalent on :
Cool heroes! I particularly like Rainbow/Wavelength. Surely there must be more out there though...
Posted by STU on :

She has the power to discern an object's history just by moving into close proximity.

When she's a few feet away, she can sense strong emanations from objects that have been involved in important or traumatic events. For example, if a weapon has been used to kill, she can sense it even if it's hidden inside a locked container.

When she actually touches an object, she can discern its entire history, including how it's been used, by whom, and when.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Minus Lad

Senn Pokka was handed over to his homeworld's military when he was five years old in return for governmental benefits for his family (as is traditional on his planet). Also traditional were the genetic treatments military personel undergo troughout their adolescence. In Pokka's case it didn't seem to take -- while he's still stronger and faster than normal human standards, he was a runt by military standards.

And then his powers developed. Pokka emits a field from his eyes that drains energy from anything around him. If someone were to enter this field for long enough, they'd die. The special goggles help direct and focus this field -- he can fire it like a ray which seems like a harmless red light beam, until the target begins to weaken. It takes several seconds for the beam to incapacitate a normal person, longer for someone who has powers. He can widen the field to drain energy attacks. The energy makes him stronger, tougher and faster for short periods.

The "G-1" insignia is his military ranking - the highest class for a field soldier which he is proud of because he had been taunted for being smaller and weaker for so long.

[ January 31, 2004, 10:30 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3003 ]
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks guys! Flashback & Minus Lad are really unique. I think both would make very interesting Academy students. Drake, thanks for taking the time to include the pic as well.

Any more?
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I LOVE all of these ideas! Now THESE are powers and backgrounds you don't seee very often.
Posted by Varalent on :
How about some more ideas?
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
The Prodigal

A young 20th centruy novelist dreamed of the future. He didn't know it was the future of course, just a world protected by a Legion of Super Heroes.

Somehow, the young novelists dreams weren't really dreams at all. Young Mykal Corinthian's subconscious form somehow slipped through the time barrier. What's more, Mykal had amazing powers there. Any power he could envision, he would have, but he could only use it once.

The Prodigal teams up with the Legion on several occasions, finally agreeing to join the team. At this point, Glorith reveals her hand. It is she who is responsible for bringing Mykal here.

But why?
Posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire on :

Half Daxamite/Half Craggite

When she splits into three so do her daxamite powers.
Posted by insanelad on :

From an asteroid mining colony

Can manipulate personal gravity fields so he can walk on walls/ceilings and fly by reversing the gravitic flow (insert hilarious episodes of no fine-tuning of power control here)
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Fan Boy of Earth

Can cause others to like him.
Posted by Set on :
Len Debener of Dalice Four was born to a culture of millenia-year old silicate-based life-forms. Len's departure to explore the universe came as a relief to his stoic and stolid kinsman, who found his boundless energy to be exhausting.

He is composed of glossy black reflective crystal, and, despite his not entirely human appearance, is fairly attractive, in addition to being strong and quite durable. His crystal-edged fingers end in points, and can slice through most substances with ease, aided by the near-frictionless silicate coating he secretes constantly, and uses to 'skate' along the ground at high speed, and evade impact with superhuman ease.

His first attempt to join the team under the name 'Kid Silicon' ended with embarassment, as his hard-to-spot slicks caused a three-person pile-up at the tryouts, and turned the event into something resembling a Benny Hill sketch. He has since restrained his enthusiasm, and is no longer prone to 'leaking all over the place' when exited. In a fight, he slides through the fray at dizzying speeds, slamming into things and bouncing off of people with his rock-hard body, leaving them coated in his slick secretions, and criss-crossing the area with hard-to-spot trails of slippery lubricant that leave most ground-bound opponents fumbling and stumbling helplessly. When he's truly threatened, he can strike with bruising force, and his crystalline claws can tear into a metal wall, in extremis. Thankfully his teammates are all capable of flight, and are not impeded by any 'slicks' he chooses to leave behind.

Since Len doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, due to his silicate metabolism, he is also a common sight on the town, being an insatiable partygoer, out all night, dancing the night away.
Posted by Set on :
Deflecto! (Yes, the exclamation point is part of his name!)

Deflecto! has space-warping powers, which primarily are used to reflect incoming hostile forces and attacks back towards their sender at full force, although he can also concentrate and use them to teleport himself. Lacking any true offensive ability, and being as vulnerable as any other person to a surprise attack, he tends to wear a reinforced padded costume (that has the side-effect of making him look a bit more muscular than he really is), and carry a pair of stun-batons that fuse together into a single quarterstaff sized weapon that can project stunning bolts of electricity at range. It was initially believed that all of his powers stemmed from his devices, which was one of several factors that led to his not being accepted, initially.

Myces Sant is a member of the elusive Mycean species, which exist as a mercenary corporate structure. No one is exactly sure what the true species looks like, as their ‘representatives’ invariably appear as a member of whatever species they are sent to negotiate with. As a member of the Earth embassy, Sant is completely human, with the exception of eyes that resemble pools of liquid mercury, but his thoughts and actions are Mycean, making him both disturbingly cheerful, and calculatingly mercenary in thought and deed. It was expected that he would charge for his ‘services’ as hero, but he chirpily explained that his role was to generate good will towards his people, and that no fee was necessary (although tips were welcome, he hastened to add, if strictly voluntary!).

Unfortunately for the sentients of the galaxy, the Mycens have a gift for salesmanship, thought to be an almost preternatural intuitive ability to figure out what someone needs, and to them persuade them to purchase it. Even Sant, clearly not intended to fill a ‘sales’ position, is quite skilled at figuring out what another sentient is thinking, and ‘selling’ them on a particular course of action. (Surreptitious testing has shown that Sant has no special empathic gifts, and in fact is both somewhat obtuse, and doesn’t have a terribly commanding presence, nor does he have any sort of pheremones or other advantageous secret racial traits. It seems that the secret ‘Mycean advantage’ is that they train from birth in these techniques, but since no one wants to accept that their ‘big secret’ is that they actually work hard at their role, rumors persist about chemical cheats or neural disruptive signals or hypnotic trances.)

There are currently six known ‘species’ of Mycean, each centered around embassies on six different worlds of the United Planets, and each taking the form of that worlds dominant member species. They seem to share no racial traits, other than the Mycean ‘language’ which is chemical in nature (and the source of rumors about their psychogenic pheremones). Myceans typically communicate in Interlac, or some other shared language, but, regardless of apparent species, can communicate with each other by touching. The communication isn’t entirely subtle, since it’s obvious to anyone who knows that Mycean communicate this way when they are doing so. (A ‘human’ Mycean tends to go someone slack, and their eyes roll up in their head. Other species have similarly obvious signs.) While no one can eavesdrop on this form of communication (not even another Mycean in contact with one or both participants), it is limited to touch range, which balances it out.

The location of the Mycean homeworld is unknown, and their spherical ships, resembling great balls of liquid mercury, simply appear at their destinations via powerful space-warping engines. Their prime export is space-warping technologies, and Sant’s abilities seem to be related, but certainly not commonplace, as no other Mycen has been seen to demonstrate even rudimentary versions of such abilities without an assortment of bulky gear.

Sant was rejected from the original Legion tryouts for a plethora of reasons. First, the decision not to charge for his services had not yet been decided upon, and he tried to negotiate a salary. Second, his power was deemed to be ‘entirely defensive, and completely dependent upon the actions of foes.’ Third, he demonstrated his equipment with much enthusiasm, a salesman at heart, and gave the impression that all of his powers were based in his equipment. Finally, he refused to give any information about his people, and, at the time, they were new to the system, and strongly mistrusted due to a ‘cultural misunderstanding’ involving the concept of slavery, which the Myceans have since come to understand is ‘off limits’ in UP space...

Sant left the tryouts with a list of things he would need to work on, and later tracked down the other Rejects, whom he had somehow heard where gathering to form their own team, and offered his services. Free of charge! The team was somewhat leery of his more-than-generous offer, but he has since proven himself to be a brave and surprisingly selfless, if occasionally frustratingly obtuse, team-mate.

[ June 15, 2007, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by Matter Lad on :
Matter Lad
(Yes, my moniker is also my dream character)

I've had him thought up for some time. He is actually from the previous era of Legionnaires (he was a behind the scenes one, such as Shrinking Violet was in the new run). He started out from the far future, where his parents were "meta-criminals". The government hunted and captured/killed metas to instill peace and equality. To prevent such a death for their child, they sent him back in time to the legendary Legion of Super-Heroes, as they knew he would have friends, allies, and moral structure in his upbringing.

He can create objects out of nothing. Absolutely nothing. the problem is, when he started out, the objects created were completely random. This proved to be difficult, and pretty redundant in battle. He worked with Brainiac, learning to use his powers. Ultimately, they uncovered his photographic memory. Now, he can create anything from memory (he has to see it, or at least schematics of it, though).

Later on, he developed tech for Brainiac, and helping out in his lab, behind the scenes. Finally, he grew weary of this, and developed a device for crossing the barriers of time and space. He traveled alternate, parrallell, and even doomed dimensions, and jumped throughout the time-stream (eventually uncovering his real name, Garenn).

I'm a decent artist, and have pictures of him. I'll try to put some up in the future.

My ultimate dream is to work on comics in the future, where I would introduce him into the Legion. He would pop out of space and time, with two Ferro Lads in tow. (as part of a larger story that I would do, to be explained later) These Ferros are actually the twin sons of Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl, and have come to the past to save their parents from a villain. Along the way, Andy remains good, and Danny loses his hand, blames the Legion for it, and becomes a villain.

Matter Lad also serves to create Legion flight rings for new members, (Theela would be my first pick)and regularly joins combat now, after his adventures.

Don't go stealin' all this.

I'm goin' camping, but I'll check replies when I return in a week.

Thanks for your patience.

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams."
-Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder)
Posted by Matter Lad on :
Follow the link on my portrait on my profile, and it should lead you to an image of him.

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