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Posted by Sketch Lad on :

[ January 29, 2009, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: Sketch Lad ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Hello and Welcome!

You all remember Janice Warren, right? Let's find her a new friend to prance around the universe with. Money's no object!

Please fill out the following....

1. Who do you think would be a great new Best Friend... of Space for Jan?

2. Why?

3. What would you like to see a holo of them doing together?

4. Where should they go?

5. What prop should they mess around with?

6. What creature should they encounter?

7. What else?

Be creative. Dig into your Legion comic collections for inspiration. Have fun!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Okay, I am totally being serious here, because I think it would be hilarious.... does that make sense?

1. Who do you think would be a great new Best Friend... of Space for Jan?


2. Why?

Because there's always the one contestant who's a total ass that all the other contestants HATE and wish would get voted off and is so fake and stuff.

3. What would you like to see a holo of them doing together?

Destroying a planet.

4. Where should they go?

Daxam post-Great Darkness. They could hang out on Darkseid's nose, or mouth.

5. What prop should they mess around with?

6. What creature should they encounter?

7. What else?

I will return to answer the rest... and if this idea is too lame, I will think of someone else!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1. Who do you think would be a great new Best Friend... of Space for Jan?

Zoë Saugin aka Kinetix

2. Why?

Because Zoë is a fun loving girl (plus Janice's father's money can finance lots of expeditions to find power artifacts)

3. What would you like to see a holo of them doing together?

Enjoying the night life, dancing with the 31st century equivalent of the Chippendales

4. Where should they go?

Kathoon (Night Girl's home world that is in perpetual darkness)

5. What prop should they mess around with?

See above mention of Chippendale dancers. If you are going for a series of pictures, Zoë might also take Janice on an archeological dig. Maybe finding Starman's gravity rod.

6. What creature should they encounter?

The mounts of the Starburst Bandits

7. What else?

Nothing that I can think of now.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh yeah, I forgot to post my own ideas....

1. Who do you think would be a great new Best Friend... of Space! for Jan?

I was thinking of lots of B List Legion supporting characters, but during the Bad Girls Club Holo Model competition, I had Janice and Kono and Englenna and the Eye Stalk sentient in the background of the night club contest. So, I think Janice and Kono could have a real Paris & Nicole vibe.

2. Why?

I guess I answered #1 and #2 together.

3. What would you like to see a holo of them doing together?

Shopping, swimming, dining, flirting, being weird, pranking, fashion modeling, laughing

4. Where should they go?

Spiffany Jewelers, Legion HQ, 9 Planets Ice Cream Parlor, Superman Museum, End of Time

5. What prop should they mess around with?

Planetary Chance Machine, Legion Flight Rings, Brainy's Force Shield Belt, Anywhere Machine, Computo

6. What creature should they encounter?

Super Moby Dick ... of Space!, Every Ten Years Monster, Bandarkat, Koko, all the Super Pets

7. What else?

Lester Spiffany, Zaton Glissand, Fruit Boy

... incorporated into the competition somehow.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh, add Princess Elwinda to my "What Else?" section. Because she looks exactly like Janice and they both "dated" Cham.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Please enjoy a few images of Janice from previous Holo Model presentations....

Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
This was from the very recent "The Holo Model Strikes Back" competition.

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
1. Who do you think would be a great new Best Friend... of Space for Jan?

I'm going to indulge my inner Caargite and proffer three choices.

--Chemical King

2. Why?

- 'Cause every girl needs a cuddly nonhumanoid best friend, doesn't she? Janice seems a bit hippie-do-dah to me, and that'd spark nicely with the 31st century's most famous teen socialist.

-- 'Cause every girl needs a handsome, nonthreatening, always-available-but-not-*that*-way, gay best friend. And his green uniform would go nicely with her hair.

--- 'Cause Janice reminds me of the Mod Squad, and I'd love to see Quicksand's persona stretched a bit to include a bit of blaxspoitation-era attitude. And an afro.

3. What would you like to see a holo of them doing together?

Stealing a time bubble and crashing the wedding of Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel. Leading to the revelation of the *real* reason only a handful of Legionnaires pursued Starfinger...

4. Where should they go?

Inside that ring that Starlight and Starbright lived in (hmmm... bit of a Starfinger theme developing).

5. What prop should they mess around with?

The Master's helmet.

6. What creature should they encounter?

A leftover Computo robot with a big ol' domehead chamber ready for 'em.

7. What else?

Switching the programming between that Kissing Machine and a school-a-tron.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, so far the BFN nominees are:

Darkseid - I imagine JanJan trying to soften him up, make him smile or giggle.

Zoe - I thnik they'd have a lot in common. I assume we are not talking about post anomoly Zoe.

Kono - They'd be kinda mischeivous together.

Gates - I'd need further aid in figuring out their dynamic. Cuddly is taking me a sec to visualize.

Chem - he was so serious all the time. Maybe she'd bring out his fun side.

Quicksand - I like ML's idea of her being rather militant. Jan would be a bit scared of her, but also get a rush from the danger.

I'll leave nomination time open for a while longer.

The activities should be interesting to depict.

Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Zoe - I thnik they'd have a lot in common. I assume we are not talking about post anomoly Zoe.

You have assumed correctly.
Posted by Exnihil on :
1. Who do you think would be a great new Best Friend... of Space for Jan?

Element Lad, himself, Jan Arrah

2. Why?

Apart from the Jan/Jan aspect, I get a very "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (or Spiffany's [Smile] ) vibe from this matchup. In fact...

3. What would you like to see a holo of them doing together?

Attending raucous cocktail parties, where Janice is a whirlwind of fun, and Jan's a bit of a wallflower, admiring her joie de vivre from afar.

4. Where should they go?

Horseback riding... perhaps on an annoyed H'Hrnath

5. What prop should they mess around with?

The Audrey Hepburn sleep-mask with the painted-on eyes (perhaps Janice wears it as an attempt at adopting a Super-Hero ID of her own)

6. What creature should they encounter?

Janice's pet parakat, who, of course she names, "Parakat."

7. What else?

In a rare moment of poignancy, Jan spies Janice on her balcony singing, "Kathoon River"
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I have one more idea.

1. Who do you think would be a great new Best Friend... of Space for Jan?

Thora of Taltar

2. Why?

Because Thora wants to.

3. What would you like to see a holo of them doing together?

Janice trying to get Thora to do girlie things, like trying on lingerie.

4. Where should they go?

Thora would bring Janice to a Matriarchal Society meeting

5. What prop should they mess around with?

Pots and pans. Trying to bake a cake.

6. What creature should they encounter?

frat boys

7. What else?

What else more do you need when you have Thora?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
All great ideas, and I like Darkseid because Janice looks like his wife Tiggra. I don't know what her status would be at this point, he probably killed her at some point, but I could see Darkseid obsessed with Janice.

Gates - at first, with cuddly, I had a vision of Kermit the Frog sort of cuddly but Gates would probably give Janice lectures about her capitalist, robber baron lifestyle. He'd love her anyways.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'll keep nominations open all weekend, then get the competition started next week.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Okay, I am totally being serious here, because I think it would be hilarious.... does that make sense?

1. Who do you think would be a great new Best Friend... of Space for Jan?


2. Why?

Because there's always the one contestant who's a total ass that all the other contestants HATE and wish would get voted off and is so fake and stuff.

3. What would you like to see a holo of them doing together?

Destroying a planet.

4. Where should they go?

Daxam post-Great Darkness. They could hang out on Darkseid's nose, or mouth.

5. What prop should they mess around with?

Cellular Trim-Ray (to reduce Darkseid's unwanted thigh cheese)!


The Anti-Life Equasion (they can practice it on mostly-reviled characters like Jamm and Fortress Lad!

6. What creature should they encounter?

That pet-thing the Emerald Empress had, the one that talked... Twinkle? Tinkle? Tweaky? (Janice loves it and of course Darksy hates it)

7. What else?

Give Granny Goodness a makeover!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Heh! Lash, your Darkseid idea threw a twist into this thing that I never would have anticipated and I love it.

Again, I'll keep nominations open all weekend, but I'm quite looking forward to getting started on this.

I wish Teeds was around!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :

Thora - The stern super feminist meets frilly girly-girl.

Jan Arrah - Wallflower Cool Guy lets beautiful, flamboyant friend girl take center stage.

Darkseid - I imagine JanJan trying to soften him up, make him smile or giggle. He tries to impress her by exhibiting great power.

Zoe - I think they'd have a lot in common. I assume we are not talking about post anomoly Zoe.

Kono - They'd be kinda mischeivous together.

Gates - From different worlds & points of view, but affectionated and caring.

Chem - he's shy and serious, she's loud and effervescent. It's good for him.

Quicksand - I like ML's idea of her being rather militant. Jan would be a bit scared of her, but also get a rush from the danger.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Where the hell IS Teeds anyway?

I'm totally digging the Thora thing. Quicksand as drawn by Sketchy = always a treat for the eyes. I've decided that I have a crush on Chemical King, so go team Chem. I'd like to see Gates be all scandalized by Jan's upper-class ways! And nobody doesn't like Mr. Arrah, Zoe & Kono!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
6. What creature should they encounter?

That pet-thing the Emerald Empress had, the one that talked... Twinkle? Tinkle? Tweaky? (Janice loves it and of course Darksy hates it)

I'm pretty sure it was Tizzles. Shvaughn Erin had a similar one in 5YL named "Boofer" and there was a flashback of Celeste McCauley being given one by cousin Leland. Popular pre-boot pets.
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Fat Cramer: (snip)

Gates - at first, with cuddly, I had a vision of Kermit the Frog sort of cuddly but Gates would probably give Janice lectures about her capitalist, robber baron lifestyle. He'd love her anyways.

I'm temporarily overcoming my customary indecision about everyone and everything to select this one.

Posted by Sketch Lad on :

I need one more male character to try out to be a BFN for JanJan.

Whoever posts a male applicant next is in.

I've begun drawing the first round. Pretty fun ya'll!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1. Who do you think would be a great new Best Friend... of Space for Jan?


2. Why?

Because Ron wants to prove, finally, that he is good enough.

3. What would you like to see a holo of them doing together?

Ron teaching Janice origami

4. Where should they go?

Nine Planets Ice Cream Shop

5. What prop should they mess around with?

Old Legion Flight belts

6. What creature should they encounter?

An Eye Monster Eye Monster image

7. What else?

To be clear, this is super-flat Ron-Karr from the comics and not shape-shifter Ron-Karr from the animated series.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks, Quis!

Stay tuned for the first round.....
Posted by cleome on :
Quislet, Esq.:

4. Where should they go?

Nine Planets Ice Cream Shop

And a gaggle of Bismollians walk in while R-K is impersonating a cone ? Oh, the carnage !

Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, the 10 semi-finalists have appeared in "promo" holos with Janice. Now, please choose whichever 5 contestants you think should be REJECTED.

The remaining 5 will become the finalists and will go on fabulous holo adventures with Jan.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The worst part of these holo competitions is eliminating entries, but here goes...

Princess Elwinda
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

Is Princess Elwinda the tenth? The list of nominated contestants you made before you asked for the last (whom I made with Ron-Karr) only had 8 characters listed.

They be:

Zoe Saugin aka Kinetix (pre-anomaly)
Chemical King
Element Lad
Thora of Taltar

My choices to keep:
Thora of Taltar
Chemical King

Element Lad
Princess Elwinda

[ January 29, 2009, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
It's time to ditch:


and even though I suggested him....


Janice's true BFN should ultimately be a lass, I'm thinking...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Woo -HOO! Off to a great start....

So far, Ronn-Karr is in the most trubbs.
Posted by cleome on :
Posted by Sketch Lad on :


...each have 3 votes to be dropped.

Thora and Quicksand don't have any votes to be dropped.

The others are somewhere in between.

Polls open!
Posted by Set on :
My favorite pictures there are of Quicksand (awesome!) and Jan/Jan. Jan and Zoe look like they're having a lot of fun, as well.

Voting to drop;

Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Darky and Elly are in most jeopardy at this point.

Polls still open, though.
Posted by Exnihil on :

Ronn Karr
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Ron Karr
Posted by Sketch Lad on :

Thank you to all who voted.

Here are the results...

Who cannot become a BFN?

Elwinda & Darkseid - 6 votes each for rejection
Kono & Ron-Karr - 5 votes each for rejection
Gates - 4 votes for rejection

Who gets to attempt to become a BFM?

Jan- only 3 votes for rejection
Zoe,Condo & Thora - only 2 votes each for rejection
Quicksand - no votes to be rejected!

Farewell to the rejects, hello to the finalists!

It's gonna get fun!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
<---- Testing the new Janice Warren avatar!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Only one of my keepers go rejected.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Just wanted to mention that I've organized a zillion ideas (extracted from the discussion thread) for the competition. I think this is going to be really fun! I've also done a zillion rough sketches, which need to be polished a bit, even by Sketch Lad standards, for posting.

The first round is nearly ready, though. It'll probably get posted mid-week.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Gah! I haven't had any time to make these party pictures be as good as I want.

Please, have another complimentary glass of sparkling pluberry wine. We'll be right with you.....
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
So, I've penciled each holo and have colored 3/5ths. Nearly done. I'm hoping to post Friday night.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
don't close the polls until Monday when I'll have a chance to vote.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Whooo!!! Par - TAY!

So, please rate these parties from 1 (lame) to 5 (awesome, dude!). Keep in mind that the holos only feature Janice, the contestant and the featured guest (whenever applicable). Naturally, there were dozens of other party sentients there, too, just not everyone was shown in the holos.

Think about:
Do you like the contestant?
How creative was the party?
Was the holo nice looking?
Anything else?


[ February 06, 2009, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Sketch Lad ]
Posted by Set on :
1 Lana - Hrm. Everybody's fully clothed? Where's the fun in that? No energy. They could have at least gone to a sockhop! What could be more adorable than Lana, Janice and some boys dancing around in their socks?

2 Thora - Points for the Darkseid tiki torch and the nice beachside setting. Thora looks like she's having fun, which is an unusual look for her. She usually looks grumpy.

3 Zoe - Zoe is smoking hot and I have an unreasonable love for Kathoon and Lydda. Janice, um, dear, unless you're eight months preggers, and the father's Winathian, that dress needs to be shot...

4 Condo - Ooh, best environment ever. The whole Arabian belly dancer theme totally works, even better than Kathoon for me, because it's all colorful and active!

5 Quicksand - Was there an environment? My eyes couldn't get past Quicksand, all lean and flowing and lost in the motion. I imagine that Janice was in the picture somewhere, but, whatever. Quicksand, Quicksand, Quicksand!!!
Posted by cleome on :
1.Zoe- Clever idea, but the outfits aren't doing anything for me.

2. Lana- Not bad. I do like Jan A. as Andy Hardy. I don't know why, but I do.

3. Thora- Darkseid's "cameo" is cute. As are the girls, but-- no leis ?!

4. Condo- Poses, costumes, colors-- So sweet (even if Jan's pose would break a normal girl's spine;A wealthy lady probably has lots of free time to work out.)

5. Quicksand- I'm a sucker for wine-y reds. Great poses, lovely, simple costumes. Win.

(Very tough to choose between 4 & 5.)
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
1. Lana - more static than the others but mostly I don't like Lana Lang in anything

2. Thora - I got a good laugh out of this, especially with the Darkseid tiki. I want one! But smaller....

3. Zoe - loved the Kathoon setting, Lydda singing and the party dresses

4. Condo - great exotic setting and outfit for Jan. Who knew Condo was pals with Starfinger? Or is Starfinger renting out his ring for parties?

5. Quicksand - beautiful, and we never see enough Quicksand. But what clinched it was the Time Trapper's robes - what audacity! Did the girls steal them?
Posted by Exnihil on :
These ratings are based solely on the degree to which I'd actually like to join that party.

1. Quicksand at the rave: Ugh. Thumping techno, spaced out chicks, pretension abounding... count me out.

2. Jan at the social. OK, the folks are friendly enough, and sure, I like me some ice cream, but gah! Is this something out of a 50's musical? Are we in Gary, Indiana?

3. Zoe at the Kitty Cat Club. Now we're cookin'. Retro-kitschy! I need to grow out my sideburns and brill-creme up that pompadour. Damn... if only I could swing-dance!

4. Thora at the luau. Loving it! Nothing better than kicking back on the beach as the sun goes down while two gorgeous chicks sway for you in the cool evening breeze... unless, of course, it's:

5. Condo at the Moroccan Belly Dance party. Yes!!! Wonderfully exotic. Serve me up some mint tea, as the intoxicating aroma of jasmine sends me back to the untamed Sahara of bygone days. I want to be there now!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1. Jan. He is hidden in the picture. For a bit I thought Lana was competing (and some other people thought so to) and that Jan was actually Pete Ross.

2. Zoe. She looked bored. Zoe should not look bored. ANd Janice looks horrible in that outfit and Zoe should have known better.

3. Quicksand. I love the rave. Janice seems to be watching Quicksand's moves in order to be as cool as Quicksand.

4. Condo. Janice is really getting into the I dream of Jeannie look. And Condo looks on approvingly. However, a BFF doesn't look on. A BFF takes part.

5. Thora. Janice seems to be having a heck of a time at the luau. At first I thought that the grass skirt and coconut brassiere were out of character for THora, but I suspect that in a matriarchy and at an all-woman party, one can dress for fun without being thought of as the sex object of a cretinous male.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I've done the math for the current ratings, but I'll keep the polls open for a while longer.

I do find it telling that Lana's name was used instead of Jan's a couple of times for that holo.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
With an average rating of 3.6, Quicksand is safe.

With an average rating of 3.2, Thora is safe.

With an average rating of 2.4, Zoe is safe.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
With an average rating of 4.2, Condo is the round winner!

With an average rating of 1.4, Jan Arrah is REJECTED!

Condo's bonus holo will be posted soon.

The next round is going to be SO CUTE!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Drat it! I knew I should've checked in here last night instead of watching the Westminster dog show!

Poor Jan didn't really get a shot, did he? Turning your back to the holocam is a signed permission slip for banishment. Ah, well- he's not the type for these reality-type competitions, really.

I would've voted like this

1. Zoe
2. Thora
3. Jan
4. Quicksand
5. Condo

My criteria was how happy I thought Janice looked in the holos. I really liked how relaxed and happy she lookied in the ice-cream shot one, but it really didn't showcase Jan too well.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks for posting even after polls closed, ML.

I'm so glad these contests are decided by majority vote, because if I was doing it all on my own, I would be way off.

When I rate my own work, it's based on the level of creativity that came to me as I pondered the challenge. Then, how would the characters really react to what was done. Then, how good is the art? If the art sucks, I blame the holographer and the models, certainly not the art director! ( [Big Grin] )

1. Thora - Maybe I shouldn't have picked her to be the one on Daxam. The original idea was supposed to be on Darkseid's Daxam, but somehow I translated that to Darkseid tiki torches at a Daxamite luau. I'm also sorta pushing her characterization to be more fun than she is. However, she is in competition mode, so winning is her goal.

2. Quicksand - the hot girl art saves this one. I think it was clever to make a toga party out of the Trapper's robes. I can see a rave taking place out in the desolate Entropy. I was happy with this one.

3. Condo - I never would have thought of a party in Starfinger's ring. It immediately made me think of having a party in a genie's bottle. That lead to the belly dancer theme. It really came together.

4. Jan - I immediately thought of Jan's classic pink uniform, and when the 9 Planets Ice Cream Parlor was the venue, it just came together that it'd be a pastel, bright 50's kinda party. Who better to invite than 50's icons, Clark and Lana? I figured Janice would think this party would be really sweet, and different than anything she'd done recently.

5. Zoe - This is the party I'd want to go to! Kitchy nightclub with swanky attire and fabulous Lydda on stage. I liked Janice's baby doll with sex appeal dress and giant flip hair!

Well, as stated before, the next round will be CUTE as can be (supposedly)!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Condo's bonus holo is posted. It's a very basic sketch of he and Janice together.
Posted by MLLASH on :
DADBLAST it, I've been missing ALL the fun! I promise to check in regularly now!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I've planned the next round, and did prelim sketches, but I still need to do them better, with a touch of reference material....
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Gah! I can't seem to get to this! Hang in there ya'll....
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
No more Facebook until you complete the next round
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'm SO busted right now!

Okay, I'll be spending some time in the waiting room today, so the sketches will get done!!!!!!!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, the sketches are done, now it's production time with scanning coloring lettering editing, uploading and posting.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Aw.... The Littlest Pet Shop... of Space! must have had a sale!

So, please rate which Best Friend candidate did the best job of picking out a pet for Janice and staging a cool holo for it.

1 is worst, 4 is best.

The highest score gets a bonus holo, the lowest is rejected from the competition.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Gotta go with Bandar-Kitty = 4
Little Moby Dick = 3
Pony = 2
TIny Tizzles = 1
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1. Quicksand and tiny tizzles - You can tell that Quicksand isn't into this event. Plus it looks like Janice is a little worried aboout what the tizzle my do while on her head.

2. Condo and Bandar Kitty - What was he thinking with those claws?

3. Zoe and Little Super Moby Dick of Space - Little Moby doesn't look so good, but the girls are very cute in their space bikinis

4. Thora and the Starburst pony - You can see that Janice is absolutely thrilled by the cute little pony. And that is the point to thrill and delight Janice. And Thora looks good in her Western ensemble.

PS: Condo looks very sexy in his bonus pin-up. Back off Janice, he's mine! [Wink]
Posted by cleome on :
1. Thora & Starburst Pony - "Icky" is a little harsh. It's just that the pony doesn't look all that pony-like to me.

2. Condo & Bandar Kitty - A nice pose for the two humans, but... it's not the claws that get to me, it's the fear that Nermal from Planet Garfield is on the verge of taking over the galaxy here.

3. Zoe & Super-Moby Dick of Space - The bubblehead-swimsuit combo is just adorable. Okay, the real reason is that I just like saying "Little Super Moby Dick of Space" out loud as if I were an announcer for Saturday morning cartoon ads. [blush]

4. Quicksand & Tiny Tizzles - The ladies' expressions are priceless. Also, seriously, who wouldn't want an animated marshmallow Peep [tm] for their super-pet ?
Posted by Exnihil on :
1. Bandar Kitty - AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Stop staring into my soul!!!

2. Moby Dick of Space - True, he's a cute little green space-comma... but there's something a bit disconcertingly fetal about this little guy.

3. Tiny Tizzles - Aww. Finally, a little playmate for the Shmoo.

4. Starburst Pony - A little baby horse that looks as though he'd grant magic wishes if given half a chance... what's not to like? Besides, you can just tell he's totally up for some belly rubs. Thora, you done good.
Posted by Set on :
1. Quicksand and the tizzles - Quicksand, while totally my boo, is clearly not feeling this one.

2. Thora and the glowing pony - Thora gets points for dressing up like a cowgirl. Yeeh-haw!

3. Zoe and the mini-Moby Dick of Space - Bubble-helmets and bikinis, in space! What could be more fun?

4. Condo and the bandar kitty. Ooh, their hands are touching. I think there's magic in the air!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
4. Quicksand.

3. Condo.

2. Zoe.

1. Thora. Sorry girl. It just wasn't doing it for me.
Posted by MLLASH on :
First it must be said I cannot rate any of these as icky or even okay!

4--- Bathing suits + mini-moby = we have a favorite!

3-- Thora as cowgirl rates a close second!

2-- Condo's cute! The kitty's scary! [Wink]

1-- No one's gonna notice Tizzles with Sandy lookin' all smOOOOOOOkin'!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :

Thank you for all of your comments and ratings.

It was pretty close this time!

With an average rating of 2.8, Zoe and the Mini Moby Dick... of Space! win the challenge! Her bonus holo is coming soon.

With an average rating of 2.6, Condo and the Bandar-Kitty are safe.

With an average rating of 2.4, Thora and the Starburst Pony are safe.

Meaning Quicksand and her Tiny Tizzles are rejected, with an average rating of 2.1.

As usual, my votes would have been way off the majority. I would have cut Thora and made Quicksand winner and put Condo and Zoe in the middle somewhere.

The next challenge may take even longer than normal because there are a lot of details to include. That's part of why I closed polls so abruptly.

Keep your holo viewers tuned!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Noooo! Not Quicksand!

Ah, well- when you use a pink pet as a chapeau, that's what happens, I guess.

Pets *aren't* accessories, Ms. Thing.

You should've followed Thora's lead and accessorize to match the pet, not make the critter your headgear.

That space pony is adorable.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks, ML! I wish Quicksand wasn't gone, too.

I've done some sketching on the next round, and as I said, it's taking longer because there's a LOT more to it than just pretty faces! Hang in there!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh, and Zoe's bonus sketch is done. It's pretty groovy! I'll post that soon.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
The next round is almost done. I just need to reference some details. Frankly, I think it's pretty funny.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, the pranks are posted!

1 = worst
2= middle
3= best

Please rate 'em!

Lowest rated is rejected!
Middle is safe and goes to finale!
Best rated gets a bonus holo and goes to the finale!

Posted by Set on :
Oh dear, I'm stuck for a best and middle. Both Zoe and Condo's pranks are great. Thora, not so much.

I guess if I have to choose;

1 - Thora, this prank has the potential to get funny, but isn't yet... Janice doesn't seem likely to have as much fun as with the others, either.
2 - Condo, although the 'funny part' hasn't happened quite yet, it's definitely in media res.
3 - Zoe, 'cause Janice seems to be having the most fun with that one. Just make sure to keep running, girls! Computo is not famous for his sense of humor...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1. Thora - I was really rooting for Thora to win. Thora's prank is definitely in keeping with her personality, but poor Janice doesn't see the fun in it. And the point is to be Janice's BFF and Thora failed to take that in to account.

2. Condo - It was nice to see the two Legion horndogs having to kiss (could this be the start of a meaningful relationship?) And Janice seems mildly amused.

3. Zoe - Janice is having the time of her life. She looks happy and excited and just a little bit scared.
Posted by Doctor One on :
3. Zoe. It looks like they are having fun.
2. Condo. Love his mischevious expression.
1. Thora. A bit of a non-event. Although Lu and Chuck's wedding dresses look excellent (wedding dresses, there's an idea for a competition!)
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
3- Zoe... for the reasons Set gave.

2- Condo... if it weren't for the expression on Tinya's face, I think Janice would've been more amused.

Hmmm. Could Condo use his powers to A. 'read' people like the computer and B. make any two random people hot for each other?

1- Thora... well, she *is* a villainess, isn't she?
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Hmmm. Could Condo use his powers to A. 'read' people like the computer and B. make any two random people hot for each other?

I don't know if he's got the ability to sense chemical reactions as well as control them, but he could definitely do the second.

He's Chemistry King!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks for the ratings and comments!

Art Director's Notes...

Thora and Janice crashed the wedding, and created the reason so few Legionnaires were available to help with the Starfinger mystery. No, Jan's not so sure that this was a good idea, but Thora has no question.

Condo set up the program switch and just waited to see who'd come and start a "lesson." He seems to think it's perfect that Sun Boy and Ultra Boy would be his first "victims." Jan can't seem to believe what might happen...

Zoe was originally going to play dress-up with Computo, but at some point, she decided that just toilet papering it was enough. Jan's expression seems obvious... shock, fear, delight, laughter.

Polls remain open!
Posted by MLLASH on :

NEXT BEST, DESERVES TO STAY: Thora. Who knew that girl could be intentionally funny!

DESECRATING A SACRIFICE: Zoe! Shame on you! Your juvenile prank gets you the last spot and the boot too, if the fates (and LW voters) decree!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I know! I really gave very little time between the top 3 challenge and the finale. It's just a scheduling thing with me.

In the prank holo contest...

Condo was safe with an average rating of 2.2

Zoe was the round winner with an average rating of 2.6.

Thora was rejected with an average rating of 1.2.

I'd like to say that it seemed like Thora was really trying, she was ultimately too evil to be Janice's BFN.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
So, the finale holos are posted. Please look over all the holos and think about who you thought put on the best show for Janice, and name that person.

Who should be JWNBFN?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Condo. He looks serene, confident and happy in his final holo. I think he would be the better best friend. Zoe would get Janice into too much trouble.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Condo. Echoing what Fat Cramer said. Also I think Zoe went overboard with the make-up and she doesn't look good to me.
Posted by Set on :
Another for Condo, and the other two covered why. He's got it all locked up with that look, and Zoe's trying a bit too hard.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
3 votes for Condo to win
0 votes for Zoe to win

Polls remain open.....
Posted by cleome on :
All right. Sorry for missing a round, but can I jump back in long enough to pick Zoe for the win ?

Look, somebody's gotta'. Also A) The noir-ish lighting totally sends me and B) It's okay to get the fabulously wealthy into tons of trouble. They can afford the best lawyers, after all.

Posted by Sketch Lad on :

Condo 3
Zoe 1
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'm really sorry if this seemed rushed, but I've gotta move on... congratulations to our winner and thank you to everyone who participated!

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