Topic: Comic Book Cover Girl Discussion Thread
Sketch Lad
posted March 16, 2007 04:33 PM
This one is going to happen differently... 1. Nominations. First, please nominate any female character who you think would have a nice face to put on that cover. 2. Semi finals. We will narrow the nominees down to five semi finalists! That's the quick part. 3. The semi finalists will submit face-shot pinups before the judges. The judges have been pre-determined, but will be surprises. 4. Voting will determine the winner! So, please start off by listing your beauties.... --------------------STARSEARCHERS WEBCOMIC
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Sketch Lad
posted March 16, 2007 04:42 PM
Charma Laurel Kent (I *still* haven't got to put her to the test!) Yera Allon Supergirl Wave --------------------STARSEARCHERS WEBCOMIC
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Quislet, Esq
Great Calamity Kittens!
posted March 16, 2007 04:44 PM
Princess Projectra Lana Lang Dream Girl Phantom Girl Triad Supergirl -------------------- Five billion years from now the Sun will go nova and obliterate the Earth. Don't sweat the small stuff!
From: Boston | Registered: Aug 2003
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posted March 16, 2007 04:55 PM
Dream Girl White Witch (Baxter era) Charma (Grell era) Princess Projectra (not Sneckie) Saturn Girl (Grell era) Kissandra (ok, that's a weird nomination, I know!)
From: Somewhere in the Multiverse | Registered: Apr 2006
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Fat Cramer
Rich and flaky
posted March 16, 2007 05:01 PM
Andromeda Monica Sade Phantom Girl -------------------- Holy Cats of Egypt!
From: Café Cramer | Registered: Jul 2003
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Sketch Lad
posted March 16, 2007 05:07 PM
Oh! I second Kissandra! That means I have to take away one of my other noms... Wave. --------------------STARSEARCHERS WEBCOMIC
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Doctor One
posted March 16, 2007 05:41 PM
White Witch Shikari Shadow Lass Charma Monica Sade Projectra (current)
From: Vancouver, BC, Canada | Registered: Jul 2003
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There's not a word yet, for old friends who've just met.
posted March 16, 2007 05:50 PM
I want people with interesting faces; Shikari White Witch and some people we don't see enough of, as contestants! Saturn Girl Emerald Empress Dream Girl
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Sketch Lad
posted March 16, 2007 05:58 PM
Current leaders: Charma Jecky Dreamy White Witch Second string: Supergirl Phantom Girl Saturn Girl Kissandra Sade Shikari On the team: Laurel Kent Yera Lana Andromeda Shady Emerald Empress --------------------STARSEARCHERS WEBCOMIC
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Thriftshop Debutante
Terrifyingly On-Topic.
posted March 16, 2007 06:00 PM
Sun Woman Eyeful Ethel (first appearance) Dawn Allen Laurel Kent (with short hair!) Brita An'nan (Kono)
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Sketch Lad
posted March 16, 2007 06:03 PM
Current leaders: Charma Jecky Dreamy White Witch Second string: Supergirl Phantom Girl Saturn Girl Kissandra Sade Shikari Laurel Kent On the team: Yera Lana Andromeda Shady Emerald Empress Sun Woman Eyeful Ethel Dawn Allen Kono --------------------STARSEARCHERS WEBCOMIC
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Hunt Drouin
posted March 16, 2007 06:35 PM
Sade Quicksand Calorie Queen (Circa her first appearance) Projectra (Current) Kid Quantum II
From: Sacramento, CA | Registered: Apr 2004
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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!
posted March 16, 2007 07:26 PM
Calorie Queen Ethel Phantom Girl Kono Theena
From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003
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Pizza Delivery Girl
Fighting world hunger for glory and tips!
posted March 16, 2007 08:26 PM
Theena Supergirl Lana Kissandra Marte Allon (let her out of the judges arena for a change!)
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