The FEMS Edition is almost complete and the Auburns are getting there, but I want to get the competition for those with black hair organized. As always, there's a form to fill out. Things are just a TAD different this time...
There will be 5 male contestants and 5 female contestants competing. Normally, all characters from Legion comics are invited to join, whether they are villains, actual Legionnaires, supporting characters, etc. This time, though, I really want to limit the number of actual Legionnaires included, so...
1. Which 2 male Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
2. Which 2 female Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
3. Which 3 male non-Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
4. Which 3 female non-Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Answering "why" will be very important. Please include that part in your response! YOur reason may be more compelling than the popular vote.
Note- if less than two Legionnaires are voted in, that request will stand. So, if NO Legionnaires are nominated and voted in, that is acceptable. (I think that'll be unlikely, but we'll see.)
5. I would like to have the first judges come back for this competition; Saturn Girl, Emerald Empress and Marte Allon. However, Ms. Allon is often busy. Is there another person who might make a good fill-in?
6. Dream Girl is the obvious choice for host, but popular opinion can definitely change that. Is there someone else that you'd like to see host?
7. We at Pinup Models, Inc. already have some interesting ideas for challenges, but is there an idea, location, prop, etc. that you'd like to see used in this competition?
8. Anything else?
Thank you!
[ November 27, 2006, 03:02 AM: Message edited by: Sketch Lad ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Me first!
1. Which 2 male Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
I think it'd be fun to take Superboy out of his normal look. Do something kinda wacky with him.
Tyroc is a historically misunderstood character, so I'd like him to see some spotlight.
2. Which 2 female Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Dawnstar and Kid Quantum II I LOVE Dawnstar and miss her, so she could use a boost. KQII is a bombshell, and I'd love to see her work it.
3. Which 3 male non-Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Phantom Lad because it's fun to bring a fairly obscure character into the forefront.
Jungle King, because he's pure male model.
Dynamo Boy because he's a totally different type.
4. Which 3 female non-Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Laurel Kent, because she is the most beautiful character in Legion comics, ever!
Captain Frake. She's evil and mean!
Mystelor because she's glamorous and beautiful and I'd like to see her compete with Laurel Kent.
5. Winema Wazzo seems like a natural replacement for Marte Allon, though she'll surely be tougher.
6. Long live hostess, Dream Girl!
Posted by Doctor One on :
Male Legionnaires: -Rokk. To me he's the quintessential black-haired Legionnaire. Even if he dyed his hair in the threeboot. -And I support your nomination for Superboy
Female Legionnaires: -Violet. I especially like the short-haired, scarred version of her from the 5YL period. Tough and beautiful. -Danielle Foccard, alias Computo
Male non-Legionnaires -Dragonmage. A bit of East Asian exotism... -How about Color Kid? I'm sure you could do good things with him. -Here's a ball from left field: the Prophet (from the Omen storyline)
Female non-Legionnaires -Winema Wazzo: I want her as a contestant, not as a judge! -Captain Frake would be great. -Ivy, from 5YL. I suppose she was a Legionnaire for a short while, but I think she fits better in this category. And she'd be different allright.
As for judges, how about Tellus? Or Blok?
Personally, I'd like to have another hostess. In my opinion Dawnstar would be much better as a hostess than as a contestant.
Posted by Set on :
So I made a list, for ease of reference, 'cause I hate reading through other people's reccomendations after posting my own and thinking, 'Oh! I forget them! Can I change my vote?'
Legion Male – Cosmic Boy, Tyroc, Superman, Invisible Kid II, Star Boy (threeboot), Mon-El, Bouncing Boy, Chemical King, Matter-Eater Lad,
Other Male – Rond Vidar, Blockade Boy, Color Kid, Dragonmage, Kent Shakespeare, Karate Kid II (Myg), Kid Quantum I, Magnetic Kid, Cosmic King, Visi-Lad, Ron-Karr, Phantom Lad, Ol-Vir, Tyr, Aviax, Re-Animage,
Female – Night Girl, Life Lass, Laurel Kent
quote: 1. Which 2 male Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Cosmic Boy and Mon-El.
Cos, because not since the day's of Grell and the nip-exposing-man-kini have we seen Cos letting it all hang out. There was a time when he *wasn't* known for talking too much, and actually was the quietest of the founders!
Mon, because we've *never* seen him doing anything frivolous and it would be interesting, and perhaps scary, to see him doing something like this. (Perhaps with Shady pushing him out on to the stage?)
quote: 2. Which 2 female Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Phantom Girl just seems like a natural showperson for this sort of thing, with the 'hip' clothes and the great hair. Plus, if Winema is a judge, there can be conflict-of-interest drama in the judge-box.
I'd love Shady, but I think I'd like to see more of Kid Quantum II instead. Jaz was hot with her short hair, legs-accentuating costume and purple lips. If Tinya becomes the host, I'd go with Kid Quantum and Shady.
Gosh, and I just noticed that I nominated a bunch of couples (Mon and Shady, and, even better, Cos and both KQII *and* Night Girl! Fight!! Get the whipped cream!).
quote: 3. Which 3 male non-Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Rond Vidar. Even before the little green accessory of space, he was an interesting character.
Ron-Karr. 'Cause he's gonna be flattened by the competition, and that's his specialty! Mr. 'I can cut you in half with my pinkie!' gets no love.
Myg (Karate Kid II). I loved the Timber Wolf & Sensei on Lythl issue. Legion storytelling at it's best, and Myg has a strong look, and, ever more fun, a great overconfident / arrogant attitude.
quote: 4. Which 3 female non-Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Night Girl. One word. Beehive!
Laurel Kent! I love Laurel, I really, really do. Space-poncho!
And, uh, there weren't a lot of choices I could find, so I'm gonna leave it at Night Girl and Laurel Kent for now, until other people propose some raven-haired 'others' for me to say, 'Oh yeah!' about...
quote: 5. I would like to have the first judges come back for this competition; Saturn Girl, Emerald Empress and Marte Allon. However, Ms. Allon is often busy. Is there another person who might make a good fill-in?
President Phantom Mom, definitely, with at least one appearance of the severe eye-goggle things that make her look like a hit-woman.
quote: 6. Dream Girl is the obvious choice for host, but popular opinion can definitely change that. Is there someone else that you'd like to see host?
If she doesn't make it as a model, I think Phantom Girl would make a terrific host. She's never lacked personality, even if not being portrayed as 'glam' as Dreamy.
It's fun to imagine Tinya done up in the sorts of outfits that Cher uses to shock and awe her fans.
Don't get me wrong, I like Dreamy, but Ayla was a breathe of fresh air (and my, how perky and globular one looks under anti-gravity!), and I think it would be fun to continue that trend.
quote: 7. We at Pinup Models, Inc. already have some interesting ideas for challenges, but is there an idea, location, prop, etc. that you'd like to see used in this competition?
Uniforms? Not the same uniform, 'cause that would be boring, different types of Uniform of Space!
Less action shots, more 'posing.' I'm a huge fan of action shots and fight scenes, but they don't always show the model in the most flattering light (or pose, or whatever). I think the posed photo-shoot shots end up being the best ones, while the 'fight shots' tend to not end up as flattering for anyone involved.
quote: 8. Anything else?
Have fun! I know I will, with my arduous task of clicking the thread multiple times a day to see if it's been updated!
[ November 17, 2006, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thank you Doctor One and Set! With only three of us making nominations, we already have some characters that have been seconded:
Judge Winema Wazzo
Male Legionnaires Superboy and Cosmic Boy
Female Legionnaire Kid Quantum II
Female Non Legionnaires Laurel Kent and Cpt. Frake
Obviously, this is only the beginning, so things will change a LOT, but I appreciate the early returns. I LOVE this part of these competitions!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
That was just counting nominations. The reasons "why" definitely matter, and could alter the outcome...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
1. Which 2 male Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Mon-el - for the muscles,man, for the muscles. And we really need a Mon-el fix. I'd prefer him to Superbo--er man (we don't want to start a lawsuit )
Cosmic Boy - Rokk can really work the mojo. And despite rumors/evidence of B-slapping, I think Rokk also has a sensative side that doesn't often get shown.
2. Which 2 female Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Shrinking Violet - Under-appreciated, this could be her chance to shine like the star she is.
Phantom Girl - Well, it was either her or Shadow Lass and having had Lady Memory in the Fems competition, I would prefer Tinya to Tasmia.
3. Which 3 male non-Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Color Kid - no particular reason Rond Vidar - ditto Jungle King - (I looked at the other nominations and said "Oh yeah")
4. Which 3 female non-Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Night Girl - Because of the Beehive baby Life Lass - Just because Laurel Kent - (I looked at the other nominees and went "oh yeah")
5. I would like to have the first judges come back for this competition; Saturn Girl, Emerald Empress and Marte Allon. However, Ms. Allon is often busy. Is there another person who might make a good fill-in?
Winema Wazzo
6. Dream Girl is the obvious choice for host, but popular opinion can definitely change that. Is there someone else that you'd like to see host? Will we see Nura with raven locks? Would she look good with black hair?
The only other potential host, I would have Triplicate Girl. 3 hosts in one.
7. We at Pinup Models, Inc. already have some interesting ideas for challenges, but is there an idea, location, prop, etc. that you'd like to see used in this competition?
They all should go Goth (I'd leave this for one of the middle competitions and not the first one - if used at all)
8. Anything else?
Nope, that is all
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Still with the counting of the nominations...
Cosmic Boy is the leader for male Legionnaire. Supes and Mon tie for second place.
Kid Q, Vi and Phantom Girl all tie for female Legionnaire.
Jungle King, Color Kid and Rond tie for male non Legionnaire.
Laurel Kent is the leader for female non Legionnaire. Capt. Frake and Night Girl tie for second.
Winema has 3 noms for judge.
Host has no current leader....
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
1. Male Legionnaires
Invisible Kid II (Jacques). Zut! I like that stripe. And if Drura digs him, he's got to be mighty fine. If endearingly uptight at times.
Star Boy (current version). Well, all the chicks seem to dig him. Don't argue with all the chicks. (And don't have sugar or bombs as props/on the space-craft services table.)
2. Female Legionnaires.
None! See #4.
3. male non-Legionnaires
Color Kid. He's got a strange/cool visual going there. Not to mention his powers. Go, Ulu, go!
Rond Vidar. Smart! Brave! Cute! Humble! He'd never enter of his own accord, so we need to deploy some of his female friends to drag him out of his lab and into this contest!
I ditto Dean on Dynamo Dude. Uh, Boy.
4. female non-Legionnaires
NIGHT GIRL. Because she is Night Girl. That hair! Those heels! The skintight black outfit! Because any Girl who was "the muscle" during the Silver Age is fabulous! Lovely sans beehive as well... see LSH 297 for a primo example. Okay, maybe questionable taste in sentients (please, Lydda, let me introduce you to Rond!) but you have to respect a girl who goes after and gets what she wants. And because there's sure to be trouble if she's not in this.
Life Lass. Such nice kids, those Lallorians. She may be a bit shy, but I think Somi has great potential.
Leung. The young presidential candidate from Baxter 10. Although she did not win the election, she seemed to be headed into a life of government service. Let her have a little fun! Also, I think it's good to have some of the less prominent characters in the mix
Mystelor. Stunning. Excellent costume. Gave villainy a try, didn't care for it. Interesting.
Stiletta. Evillo's short-haired daughter. Feisty & kinda naughty, but a good girl!
5. Judges. I would like the original judges back too! Have Marte make time, dang it! Oh, and I want more Hate Face.
6. Hosts. Why isn't Tenz in my model noms? Because I think he'd be an even better host. He has the gift of gab...really, check those Sourcebooks. MEL either by himself or with Dreamy. They'd have a good time!
7. I resubmit Inshar (world of giant flowers) as a location.
[ November 17, 2006, 08:38 PM: Message edited by: Thriftshop Debutante ]
Posted by Doctor One on :
Er, can I second Leung's nomination? Even if I probably have used up all 'my' nominating spots? (that's the trouble of going first...) And a combo of MEL and Dawnstar would rock as hosts, Tenz making fun of everybody and Dawny trying to keep things serious. As a matter of fact, in an ideal universe Tenz would wear a ridiculous version of whatever the challenge is about. Dawny would also do the challenge, but 'seriously', sort of out of competition.
[ November 18, 2006, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Doctor One ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Of course, Doc! But I'm taking away your nomination of Winema as a contestant. She's a shoe-in for judge, so it's not a total loss.
Here's a summary of those with more than one nomination...
Legion males: Superboy, Cos, Mon
Legion fems: KidQ, Vi, Tinya
Non Legion males: Jungle King, Dynamo Boy, Color Kid, Rond
Non Legion fems: Laurel Kent, Cap. Frake, Mystelor, Night Girl, Life Lass, Leung
Judge: Winema
Host has no front runner....
Remember, reasons why someone should be a contestant will factor.
We've only just begun....
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
1. Which 2 male Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Bouncing Boy -- His ex-girlfriend won, why not give him a chance?
Cosmic Boy -- He's proven he's not afraid to show some skin, though he should stop the body waxing.
2. Which 2 female Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Phantom Girl -- Anyone who can make bellbottoms work deserves a shot.
Kid Quantum II -- She should be given the chance to look sexy without resorting to butt floss.
3. Which 3 male non-Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Color Kid -- His powers could be visually dynamic, plus he was left out of Chlor's swimsuit/supertot picture, and this is your chance to make up for it.
Jungle King -- Hello, leopard-print bikini!
Rond Vidar -- Nerds can be hot, too (see Michael Shanks in "Stargate SG-1," though, again, leave the trimmer at home).
4. Which 3 female non-Legionnaires would you like to see in this competition? Why?
Night Girl -- TD got it.
Other two -- no real preference, I'll leave it up to fate.
5. Is there another person who might make a good fill-in?
Keep the drum beating for Winema.
6. Dream Girl is the obvious choice for host, but popular opinion can definitely change that. Is there someone else that you'd like to see host?
I second (or third) the Tenz idea!
7. We at Pinup Models, Inc. already have some interesting ideas for challenges, but is there an idea, location, prop, etc. that you'd like to see used in this competition?
Models get sent to the anime-verse and all have really big eyes.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Actually, it seems that the popular vote coincides with the best reasons...that makes sense...
Right now, the top 4 guys are Cos, Rond, Color Kid and Jungle King. Supes, Mon and Dynamo Boy are tied for the fifth spot.
The top 4 girls are Lydda, Laurel K, Kid Q and Tinya. There are 5 other nominees tied for the fifth spot; Vi, Cap Frake, Mystelor, Life Lass and Leung
Winema is pretty much set as a judge. I suppose she and Marte Allon can share that seat next to Imra and hail the return of the Emerald Empress.
Tenzil has stepped ahead of the pack for host!
Things can change very readily...
Posted by Set on :
Ah ha! I left myself an open slot because I couldn't think of a third nominee for non-Legion femme, and Thriftshop Debutante comes through with Presidential nominee, Leung!
Leung was gorgeous, and so modest, she *so* deserved to be President.
So instead, let's make her a star!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'm very concerned about how similar Lydda, Laurel, Tinya, Life Lass and Mystelor look. Lydda has the most votes, so I'm tempted to keep her and cut the rest.
She represents the "pretty" dark haired girls. Leung and Jazmin are the exotics. Vi is the "hard" dark beauty with a scar, and Frake is the older, tougher woman.
What does the group think? I'm not saying this is the cast, but it's what I like...
As for the men, I like the top four...Rond as a geeky, caterpillar type. Color Kid as the unusual looking one. Jungle King as the B-movie star, hunky type. Cos, Supes and Mon could each do the job as rep of the establishment, but Cos has the most votes, so he gets it. I would like to add current Star Boy, too.
Summary... Women: Lydda Leung Jazmin Vi Frake
Men: Cos Star Boy Jungle King Color Kid Rond Vidar
The polls are still open, but I do wanna get started...
[ November 19, 2006, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: Sketch Lad ]
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Sounds like a great lineup! I'm looking forward to seeing badass bescarred Vi show us her stuff. I'm no fan of Cos, but this ain't a spokemodel competition so we don't have to listen to him. Yaaaay!
(I don't know about exotic though; it's a relative term. Leung and Jaz seem to be fairly typical of Earthlings/Xanthuans. They don't look like everyone from their planets, but plenty of people from their respective planets look like them.)
[ November 19, 2006, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Thriftshop Debutante ]
Posted by Doctor One on :
I like most of your choices, but I really would prefer either Supes or Mon-el to Star Boy. You want to make an eliminatory round between the three of them? (as if you didn't have enough to do already)
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'm just saying that Leung and Jaz present some visual diversity. They're exotic when compared to all those girls that look alike...Lydda, Laurel, Life Lass, etc...
As for Supes or Mon, well, I really do feel like Cos is filling their role in the competition. Again, Star Boy brings that diversity that I find neccessary.
Still, this isn't settled. If people *really* want Superboy or Mon-El in there, I can flex.
Let's see what happens on Monday...
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Please, boy. Dreamy says she "kind of" likes Star Boy which means she totally likes Star Boy. And we know you will heed your absolute tippy-top favorite Legionnaire.
Fine with me, 'cause current Star Boy is a cutie-pie*. (Looks- and personality-wise!)
*made with Splenda
Posted by Doctor One on :
quote:Originally posted by Sketch Lad: As for Supes or Mon, well, I really do feel like Cos is filling their role in the competition. Again, Star Boy brings that diversity that I find neccessary.
Hm, I see what you are saying... Anyway, I just know that you'll do an excellent job whatever the lineup.
Have I thanked you for doing this yet? I'm really having a lot of fun with this: you are forcing me to check into Legion World several times a day.
Posted by Caliente on :
To be honest, I'd rather have Tinya than Vi. I know Violet's fun, but I feel like Tinya's the fashion-forward one. And she seems like she'd be more fun to have in the competition than the shy Violet.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I must insistthat TENZIL be involved! As the handsomest Silver-Age Legionnaire* and the kewlest latter-day Legionnaire**, he deserves this!
*There is a thread somehere on the LSH board confirming this!
**Though there is no confirmation thread on the LSH board, can it really even be in doubt?
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Cali, it's 5YL Vi. She's only shy an eye and a leg.
Posted by Caliente on :
Really? That's... creepy.
But I still like Tinya better.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
These opinions ALL matter, no decision has been made, yet.
Here's a thought... I've said that I think Tinya, Laurel, Lydda, Life Lass and young Vi look so much alike, maybe I need to come up with some way of making them more distinctive?
Any ideas?
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Add Mystelor to that group...
Posted by Doctor One on :
How about using Jacques Foccard instead of Star Boy? I think his white strip and his longer hair from 5YL could make him quite interesting, visually. (If it seems like I'm in a one-man campaign to not include Star Boy, rest assured, I'm not. I actually like the guy quite a lot).
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Doc and Cal have made cases for Supes and Tinya, so a decision has been made! The introductary round will be an elimination round.
Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the cast you can look forward to seeing in the Search for the Next Top Pinup Model: Raven Haired Edition...
Host: Tenzil Kem
Judges: Saturn Girl, Emerald Empres, Marte Allon and Winema Wazzo
Female Contestants: Night Girl, Kid Quantum II, Leung, (adult)Vi, Captain Frake, Phantom Girl
Male Constestants: Cosmic Boy, (current) Star Boy, Jungle King, Color Kid, Rond Vidar and Superboy
Thank you for participating in the nominations. Stay tuned for the actual competition!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Dear Sentients of the Legionverse, We at Pinup Models, Inc. recently received the following holo from this raven haired beauty...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
We would love to send a response, but she left no contact information. I suppose she figured we'd know who she is by her picture, but unfortuneately, despite it's loveliness, we do not know.
Does anyone know who this girl is? We would like to give her another chance, because we ARE that kind of organization.
Thank you!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I'd like to think she's a grown up Stiletta, although we can't see her horns. (Poor girl - her sister got the graemlin here , she must be looking for some attention herself.)
[ November 21, 2006, 04:11 AM: Message edited by: Fat Cramer ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Well, Stiletta's eyes were solid black, though glossy, weren't they? Not this pretty blue.
I'm thinking Laurel Kent, but it could be Mystelor... Life Lass had those blunt bangs (Ultra Matt would call it fringe...). This could even be Grell era Violet, yet her 5YL look is being used. It could be Tinya but she's already IN.
I won't be able to work on this challenge until after the Thanksgiving weekend. So we'll just have to ponder til then!
Take care, everyone...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Actually, I was able to do a TON of pencilling. In fact, I pencilled all the intro portraits, as well as Tenzil's and the judges' intros. This is going to be another awesome competition! I just need to wait til after this weekened to do the scanning and coloring.
I guess we're going to just have to let that lovely lady who sent the holo go. We have our contestants and we need to move on...
Just popping in for a moment... see ya later!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Actually, I found some time today, to pencil the first challenge...meaning the intro round is NOT an elimination round! I also pencilled the judges' commentary...
Imra, Marte, Winema and the Empress were all there to judge. This is a hilarious grouping! Dynasty and Fashion House have NOTHING on this group! Stay tuned...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, we've had a greeting from Tenzil! Looks like before we start meeting the RAVENS, we need to identify Mystery Girl! Stay tuned!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
oh boy oh boy oh boy
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
.........???........ ..... ...... ..........
.............. ...............
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Who is Mystery Girl?
I know who each of the lovely raven haired girls are, but do you?
Please list who you think each one is. The person who is identified correctly the most often wins the title, "Mystery Girl."
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Teeds, your answers are noted.
Thank you!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Hey! Where's everyone else's guesses?
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I wonder, is this simply a slow posting time, or is there little interest in Mystery Girl?
Update... I'm currently coloring the intro pictures of the contestants. Looking good!
Can't wait for the first challenge!
Posted by AlenaCal on :
My guesses: Night Girl (sans beehive), Laurel Kent, and Life Lass.
Posted by Language Arts Kid on :
I think they are all three Laurel Kent, that way if any of them are Laurel that would be one correct vote for her...
and we might get to see her poncho.
Posted by Doctor One on :
Mystelor, Life Lass, Tinya
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Mystery Girl??
Hey, I've got a sidekick!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Well, I'm sticking with Stiletta (she can wear blue contacts can't she? ), Lydda with the biggest hair and Mystelor.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I can't tell who is who.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
It looks like we are getting the more easy-going Saturn Girl of the 70s as a judge.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Yes, the judges have been intro'd. Obviously, we've just skimmed over the whole Mystery Girl thing...
Notes about the contestants...
These intro shots basically give you the "version" of the characters I'll be basing my drawings on. As we've seen in past competitions, just because someone looks a certain way in the intro doesn't mean they'll keep looking that way throughout.
I feel I'm presenting a classic Superboy, not too young not too close to Superman. Somewhat like the cartoon version.
My Phantom Girl is kind of an amalgamation of all the versions of her. Simple beauty.
I give Jungle King more of an "ethnic" look of some kind. Bigger muscles than in the book and more of a tan. Seemed right to me.
This is Vi from the TMK era, or maybe right after. She is a harder, tougher than ever Vi, but she still has the basic features nature provided. I like to imagine how Grell or Cockrum might have depicted her in this era.
Ever since the Subs special, Color Kid has had filled-in-black eyes. Then, in TMK, he had those stripes added. I couldn't help it, I had to put in those white pupils.
This might not be the most flattering picture of Captain Frake. Trust me, she'll redeem herself in the first challenge!
A very basic picture of Rond Vidar. We'll see what he comes up with as we go...
I think Kid Quantum is gorgeous!
Kind of a geeky picture of Cosmic Boy, but you definitely get the idea of his type.
At first I drew Leung without looking back at the issue she appeared in. I did pretty well. I gave her "bangs" or "fringe" across her forehead. So I fixed that. I think she's lovely.
The dashing Star Boy picture was easy to do.
I love Night Girl's hair! She's great fun to draw!
Looking forward to coloring and posting the first challenge. I'll need a bit of time to get it done....
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
HOW did I miss the intro photos when I looked in Bits a few hours ago?!?!?
Commentary comin' up!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
My favorite three:
Vi commands your gaze.
Ulu. I nominated him for his "strange/cool visual" and I am NOT disappointed.
Leung. I love the pleased-and-flattered smile-with-closed-eyes.
Jungle King looks like he knows what he's doing. I wonder if he's done holo-commercials or something?
There's a bit of an earringathon!
Jaz looks like she has breakout potential.
Rond, you're the rep for non-powered lads. I want you to throw yourself into this like the Earth's water supply depends on it.
The Mystery Girls have the makings of a fine espionage squad. Maybe they could play a prank or two on Dev-Em in their downtime. Ha, ha, ha!
Posted by Doctor One on :
Great introductory pictures, Dean. In general, I liked the women much more than the men: Tinya, Vi, Frake and Leung are excellent. Jungle King is the best of the men. Cosmic Boy, Rond, Star Boy and Superboy are OK, but a bit boring (something does seem to be going on with Superboy's hair, though...) Hopefully they all will step it up once the competition starts. Color Kid looks weird, but good. Night Girl, of course, has great potential with that beehive hairdo of hers, but I hope she doesn't use it in every single competition. And Jazmin... I don't think she made it for me this time. Something about her mouth, I think.
If this was an elimination round I would have voted to eliminate Superboy and Jazmin.
If you need a guest host, or a guest judge, how about Jacques Foccard? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks for the comments, Doc! Jacques has been requested at least a couple times, so I do feel like that rates an appearance (irony!) of some kind.
I am VERY excited about the upcoming challenges! I've pretty much worked out what's going to happen all the way through. I learned a big lesson on the Auburns competition not to do what I consider "repetitive" challenges. I mean, if I have to draw and color the same thing 10 -12 times, I get VERY bored with it! Suffice to say, I think the upcoming imagery is not dull.
So, the first challenge is totally pencilled and written, I just have to scan, color and post. That does take some time. I actually can't wait for the Top 10 challenge now.
Posted by Set on :
Wow, I never would have recognized mystery girl Laurel Kent with the long hair. Has she ever had long hair?
(And technically, shouldn't she *always* have long hair, or does she have some sort of Kryptonian invulnerable-hair-cutting scissors? Huh, I just found a job for Persuader, he can be the hairstylist to the various Kryptonians and Daxamites, since he's got the one thing in the universe that can cut their hair...)
Anywho, enough rambling. Leung is gorgeous. Kid Quantum is also a fave, although I'd like her to look stronger, maybe even with a bit of attitude or sass. I'm kinda partial to the Superboy's Legion take on Tinya, all dark and mischievous, but this works, too.
Captain Frake? Eh. I have no idea who she is.
As for the dudes, Jungle King is working the, uh, leopard-sash-thing-of-space. He's got a bright future ahead of him decorating sleazy romance novels, methinks, staring resolutely into the distance as the sun sets over the carribean seas behind him, wind tousling his hair, ruffly shirt blowing off of him, fair damsel swooning in the foreground.
Until Captain Frakes shows up and shoves fair damsel into the ocean, and sweeps him up so they can go pirating together, anyway.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Some Captain Frake info for those of you who missed that glorious chapter of the Legion saga.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh, I'd meant to add that the judges' commentary is never written until after the challenge pencilling is done. The discussions *always* go their own way, I feel like I'm just channelling something.... I can't wait to see how they'll react to the second challenge!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, BLACK AND WHITE BALL has been intro'd! Stay tuned for the actual contest...
Posted by Caliente on :
That is one sexy picture of Tenz. Like, whoa. I'm really excited for this challenge!!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Wait til you see the top 4's challenge! *tease* tease*
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'm officially 1/3 of the way through coloring the first challenge!
Posted by MLLASH on :
There can no longer be doubt that we need an all-shirtless Tenzil thread, if said doubt ever truly existed in the first place, which I really cannot fathom! Leapin' Jeebus!
Gearin' up for the event here....
I predict early exits for Superbore and Cosmic Cad unless Dean really makes them shine. I'll have to drive the fantastc brown-haired image of Jungle King Dean drew a while back out of my mind (see the LSH board) to get used to this raven-haired King, it shouldn't be too difficult.
Chickwise, I'm looking forward to what Dean's "lens" can make of Frake and Tinya. We already know Jazmin is going to work it.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Glad you're here, Lash!
I'm very nearly done with the first challenge! Whew! There sure are a lot of characters in this thing...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, the Black and White Ball is underway! Please name the male and the female who should be REJECTED from this competition!
Thank you!
Posted by Caliente on :
I've got to vote out KQ2-- the head thing just doesn't suit her-- and... Star Boy, who reminds me of John Stewart just a bit too much. His style ought to be his own.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Reject Cosmic Boy (he looks good, I just don't like him much lately) and *aarrgghh!!* Jazmin. She was really unique, but I want to see the others continue more. I would really have preferred to reject two guys and keep all the ladies!
Jungle King GGRRRREAT!!
Loved the way the judges had similar looks! Maybe they're competing with one another? The TOP MODEL judges' interaction is as exciting as the models themselves.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
So excellent. Dean, This bunch is great.
Well let's do them in order.
Tinya is looking very hip and sophisticated. Although I wonder if she borrowed this dress from Duo Damsel.
Superboy- who doesn't look good in a tux? Can't help thinking that Clark is looking a little awkward and uncomfortable though.
Captain Frake - She is looking a little stiff here. That could be nerves from her first shot at the glamerous life of a top model. Still her outfit is stunning and fitting.
Isn't Thom the hip cool suave dude that all the ladies like?
Lyddia looks like a fabulous debutante. I can see her out on the dance floor in no time doing the Electric Slide and still looking good.
My name is Krinn, Rokk Krinn. I'd like my martini stirred, not shaken, thank you. Psst Kal-el, see how being comfortable in the clothes you are wearing really makes you look so much better.
Vi - Can she look any more butcher? Very crisp and clean with a military feel. It takes the negative of her scar and makes it a positive.
Jungle King - Phew! is it hot in here or is it just me? I can see why you went for just the vest.
KQ, Are you going out on the town or out to clean up an old nuclear reactor?
Color Kid, Work your bad boy self. Can I get you anything?
Leung, Another debutante dress. Very nice.
Rond, Ah going for the period piece to show your time travel prowess. Nice. If you can get Captain Frake to loosen up a bit, you two would make a nice couple.
Oh now to reject. Superboy. He just looks too awkward in his tux. So let's get him out of here so he can slip back into his overalls.
Kid Quantum. Maybe she can help Brainiac 5 out in his lab. She looks dressed for that.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
(Edited to include Quis' vote...)
Fun! Immediate response!
Thanks for the comments. The way I was thinking... there was a new hair stylist on staff for the judges, and they didn't even think about how the ladies might feel if they all looked alike. Got away with it, though!
I guess Jazmin's "different" look that pleased the judges isn't helping her much in the vote!
Who should be REJECTED? So far....
Ladies: Kid Quantum 3 votes
Gentlemen: Star Boy 1 vote Cosmic Boy 1 vote Superboy 1 vote
[ December 01, 2006, 05:31 PM: Message edited by: Sketch Lad ]
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
For this challenge, it feels like the shatshots taken of celebrities as they walk down the red carpet onto an event. It's all in the variety of postures and expressions, I suspect.
Hmm. Reject Superboy, who was just so *tense* under the spotlight, and Jazmin, whose outfit was interesting, well-done, and unique... and so painful-looking I had to wince in sympathy.
Tinya looks a bit nervous, but I guess it's to be expected, since her mom is judging. Cos has sort of a Krinn, *Rokk* Krinn thing going on there... but his expression is just too *earnest*. And Rond is lucky he's got such pretty eyes to distract us from his somewhat uncertain pose.
Everyone else seems to be having much fun with the challenge. Leung especially, who I think looks great. Lydda looks so natural, like you've caught her momentarily distracted by a new arrival, and Vi's got a michevious glint in her eyes to offset her militaristic look. Jungle King is so confident! so shirtless! so... *defined*. And Colour Kid doesn't look scruffy, he looks like a J-pop star.
And I loved the judges, as always. Looking forward to see how this plays out
Posted by Caliente on :
You know, I was thinking the same thing about Rokk, Pizza Delivery Girl. Taken from The Legion--
It was only a matter of time.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Kid Quantum 4 votes for rejection
Superboy 2 Cosmic Boy 1 Star Boy 1
Posted by AlenaCal on :
Wow, fabulous drawings! Love the matching hairdos on the judges, but like someone else, it's a good thing they didn't notice. I've noticed this in other challenges, I really like how Saturn Girl seems to keep cycling through her various looks (even the animated version).
Nice tan lines on Jungle King! Reeow! I actually think Kid Quantum looks quite sophisticated in her outfit. My votes for rejection will have to go to Leung (not a fan of the hair), and Star Boy.
Posted by Set on :
Oh Tinya, very smooth lines, and the black and white contrast for a woman who stands between two worlds, very interesting! No, wait! Boring!! Off with her kneecaps! (And I disagree with mom, the straight hair totally works.)
Superboy. Meh. He's no Mon-El, that's for sure.
Captain Frake looks mighty uncomfortable in that outfit, but I love it!
Star Boy is looking, um, I’m not sure, is ‘swank’ the appropriate term? Either way, he’s got a Miami Vice bad-boy vibe that works here.
Lydda is smashing. Very retro, just like her big hair. Love it.
Cosmic Boy looks like he’s about to get married, and has no clue what he’s walking into. Poor kid.
Vi’s outfit is very Navy of Space. I like it. Ramrod posture there, too.
If that’s what Jungle King wears to a fancy formal dress party, I’m not sure I want to see what he wears (or, more to the point, what he doesn’t wear) while lounging around the house, or at a wilder sort of party. Oy vey, indeed.
Wow, Kid Quantum has borrowed Kid Psycho’s turban. Interesting look. I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but it’s definitely fresh.
Color Kid takes it away. It’s formal enough, but has personality.
Leung looks like she can’t stop laughing to sit still for her picture. I find that charming. (Although I liked her darker complexion and straighter hair in the last picture better.)
Rond Vidar cleans up nice. We should have more cravattes.
Honorable mention to ME-Lad, who could give Jungle King lessons on how to show some skin without looking cheap.
So who to vote out? Can I pretend Superboy is a girl and vote out him and Jungle King? No? Oh well.
Vote out Jungle King and Kid Quantum.
[ December 01, 2006, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Set ]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Well, I hate to do it because I so like the idea of him being included, but I vote to reject Star Boy. Neither picture of him did much for me, and he's got a bit of a lazy-eye thing going on that, while it sounds oh, so shallow, just won't do for a Top Model.
The women? I don't want to get rid of any of them. If you pinned me down, though, I'll reluctantly choose Jazmin. She gets extra points for actually covering her rear end, but unfortunately, someone has to go. Like Fat Cramer, I just want to see the others more.
Posted by Doctor One on :
Loved Frake's outfit, very appropriate for her. Vi's, Tinya's and Rond's also, I really like the way these outfits correspond to the wearer's personalities. That's not quite the case with Color Kid (at least not that I know of), but somehow he really pulled it off. I think he is my favourite male contestant. Jungle King and Leung are OK, but I've seen them look better. I have the same problem with Superboy, Star Boy and Cos that I had during the introductory round: they look booring! Cos is a bit better, but Supes and Star Boy look very stiff and uninteresting. As for Night Girl... meh. I also join the camp of those who really didn't like Jazmin this time around (she looks too intergalactic for my taste), but I won't vote for her, because I'd like for her to stick around, I think she really has great potential. Unfortunately, that means I gotta vote for Leung, the only other female that has got any chance whatsoever of getting the boot...(yeah, right...)
Allright, I vote to reject Leung and Star Boy
[ December 01, 2006, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Doctor One ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thank you all for the comments as well as the votes. I find it all very interesting....
The current standings on who should go:
Ladies: Kid Quantum II 6 votes Leung 2 votes
Gentlemen: Star Boy 4 votes Superboy 2 votes Cosmic Boy 1 vote Jungle King 1 vote
Polls remain WAY open.....
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Tinya. Tinya's not one of my favorites and this dress doesn't really appeal to me. No huge flaw but not a standout either.
Clark. From the neck up, fine. Kinda cute, even. Neck down? Standing in the window at the tuxedo shop in the mall. Eeek!
Captain Frake. Game face on. Bitchen skirt. Excellent use of accessory/weapon. Quite a lot going on style-wise, but that's true to Frake.
Thom. Miami-opolis Vice, B&W style. A bit too casual for a ball; you're cute, Thom, but you should have worn something else.
LYDDA. Pitch-perfect. Love the dress -- and way to work in your symbol. The hair is v. cute, a nod to your famous 'do but with a different flair. Setting sun color accent? Expression, pose...another Sub Supermodel in the making?
Rokk. Eh. Standing in the window of the other tux shop in the mall?
Vi. I don't care for her jacket, but it is her. Stand tall, shoulders straight, chin up, that's Vi too.
Jungle King. Straight-up cheeseball of space.
Jaz. I didn't care for this outfit either, ESPECIALLY the painful-looking waist. Too bad, because Jaz seems comfortable in front of the camera.
Ulu.Yes! I like the movement in the holo. Love the shoes. An "alterna" outfit that, to be honest, we've all seen before, but no one looks like Ulu. Another fine Sub showing.
Leung. Witness the power of the right dress on the right fem. She looks like she's having a great time! I'm not wild about the hair, but if she likes it that's the important thing. (Note to Leung: I've loved your two holos so far, but it would be good to show your eyes next time.)
Rond. He can show up at my door looking like that any time. (Well, any time I'm 15 or older.)
Where is Tizzles? Does JK know?
Best line goes to Marte. You know which one I'm talkin' about.
[ December 01, 2006, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: Thriftshop Debutante ]
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
"Most-successful-image" for Round 1 goes to Night Girl.
Continuing with the ladies: Leung is quite charming; Tinya & Vi: unspectacular, but decent; Captain Frake: she looks awfully stiff, but I like the outfit ... I hate to vote against KQ2, as I consider her quite attractive, but that outfit Just Doesn't Work.
As for the guys:
GAH!! White jacket with black lapels! >shudder< (I don't dislike the pose, but >sheesh< ) Star Boy: bland outfit, good pose. Jungle King, Color Kid: strectching the boundaries of the challenge with those outfits, perhaps, but the images just work. Rond Vidar: he does look like he's hunched forward a bit; something about the turned-up collar, I think. Other than that, I like the outfit. Rokk: bland outfit, bland pose; ordinarily, this would be the loser, but ...
Voting Off: Kid Quantum 2, Superboy
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
Caliente -- I *know* I've seen that icon before. This is going to bug me.
*guesses semi-randomly* Do you have a secret identity on livejournal?
Posted by MLLASH on :
WOW, what fun!
I've got to vote out Cosmic Boy because he bores me but if he continues, an entry of him getting slapped by someone might be fun.
Chickwise: Not super-impressed with Vi or Jazmin, but I'm curious as to what the future might hold for them.
Therefore, I'm voting out Leung.
Random comment: Looks like I might have an all-new all-now favorite Jungle King drawing.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'm voting KQ2 and Rokk.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Wow! Lots of activity! I'll give my comments on each piece after the rejection.
The update on who will be out...
Ladies: KQ2 8 Leung 3 Tinya 1
Gents: Star Boy 4 Cos 4 Supes 3 Jungle King 1
Posted by Language Arts Kid on :
Captain Frake
Posted by Insomniac Girl on :
*cracks knuckles*
Tinya: Cool, composed and classy. I like the dress, it’s simple, but very stylish, and the bracelet compliments it nicely.
Clark: Not much of a regular Tux wearer, is he? He looks stiff and doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands.
Frake: First thing that came to my mind was Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook. (Sorry. It must be the hair.) The suit is a bit too much on every front – too ruffly, too stripey, too in-your-face. The space pirate profession isn’t much about being tasteful and understated, though, and with her attitude she actually works that outfit.
Thom: Smooth, but not all that memorable.
Lydda: Totally gorgeous! That dress is really nice, and I also like her hair style – there’s still shades of the beehive in there, but altogether it’s a new, flattering look for her.
Rokk: I honestly have no idea what to make of his expression here. Did he have one cocktail too many? He seems to be happily off in his own world. With the way his arm is positioned, I expect a towel to hang over it, and Rokk making suggestions as to which wine to order with which course. Waiter, check please!
Vi: Wow, she must suffer from back pain if she’s always standing that ramrod-straight. Also reminds me of an action figure missing some points of articulation. Snazzy uniform, though.
Jungle King: The original hunky heartthrob. Looks gorgeous, but a bit underdressed when compared to the others.
Jazmin: Well, she looks …unique, and the butt floss is gone, which is nice. Her internal organs must be squished to mush, though, and that Victorian-dress-biohazard-suit-condom-outfit is just… erm…no.
Colour Kid: A much better kind of unique! He doesn’t seem to go with the stylish-and-classy theme most of the others sport, as well, but he looks so cool that you can’t say anything against that. What a pose! Somehow my eyes keep being glued to the shoes, and is that black nailpolish?
Leung: Ahsocute! Love the hair, the dress, and her sunny smile.
Rond: A bit too much Count Akwardposture, but he has really hypnotic, pretty eyes.
Reject (argh, it pains me to do that, I thought she'd just breeze through the contest) Jazmin and Clark.
Love the backgrounds to the contestants, and the matching outfits on the judges!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
The update on who will be out...
Ladies: KQ2 9 Leung 3 Tinya 1 Frake 1
Cos 5 Star Boy 4 Supes 4 Jungle King 1
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Alright, Jaz was the clear reject in the women's race, and the boys were much closer, but Cos is out.
There was tremendous turn out for voting, and the comments are icing on the cake. I love it! Thank you!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, now that the rejection is done, I can give some behind the scenes info....
First of all, the judges. It seems the bar has been raised! The judges demand a new look every time they are shown! The funny thing was, they were each so concerned about how they looked, they didn't notice that they all looked alike. Then, when it seemed like they might realize it, they were given different looks! I think the hair stylists and make-up artists are just playing a game.
(Hey ya''s ME, Sketch Lad. I'm preventing myself from dying of boredom when I draw and color the judges!)
I really appreciate the comments about the judges because that's my writing, my fanfic. To be honest, I feel like I'm hardly doing any writing. The characters seem to write themselves!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
The guys...
Color Kid and Rond were each given do-overs, meaning they each had a different sketch done first, which was rejected and re-done. According to the voting, it seems like that was a good thing.
We don't really know the current Star Boy all that well, really, but I've decided that he's a very casual kind of guy. I bet he's not wearing socks.
I'm having fun drawing the resident himbo, Jungle King. He's totally different than the rest!
Supes and Cos... I feel bad that the guys who went all out and wore tuxes got the most votes for rejection. I feel like it was my lack of skill as an artist that made them look "stiff" or uncomfortable. I wonder what would have happened if I'd drawn ALL the guys in the same tux, and let their faces be what made or broke them...
[ December 03, 2006, 04:31 AM: Message edited by: Sketch Lad ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
The girls....
Night Girl seemed to get the Best of Show award. I guess she benefitted from getting a re-do also!
I'd expected Vi to do worse! Not that I dislike how she was presented, I do like her military look.
I like Frake and Tinya's ensembles for totally opposite reasons, Tinya's because it's so simple, Frake's because it's so busy! heh! I've wanted to draw Frake like that for a LONG time...
I resisted the urge to draw Leung in a traditional Asian get-up. I'm glad I did. I wanted to depict her like a girl going to her high school prom, hair all curly in an up-do with hangy stuff.... I think she's adorably sweet, too.
I LOVE the way Jazmin looks! I know that waist-piece looks uncomfortable, but it's being exaggerated for the "camera." I just *couldn't* put her in a gown.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
If I was voting, I'd have rejected Vi and Rond!
I'm way off!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Guess what! The next challenge and judging is already pencilled and the dialogue is written! I knew Jaz was out, so I could draw all the girls. I went ahead and guessed that Cos would be out, but if more votes would have changed things, I would have adjusted.
Hints..... The next challenge is similar but different.
Nope.... I won't even hint at what goes on with the judges! Stay tuned....
Posted by Caliente on :
Yay for the next challenge!
But Cos!!! Noooooo! Le sigh.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Tenzil's intro is done and there is a new batch of judges!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Lester!!!!!Stop with the dye! You're gonna wind up a hair-hopper!!! Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Surely he's not really dyeing his hair. I bet he's using the finest in 31st century holographic technology to simulate other hair colors!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Yeah, "dye" might be the wrong word. Perhaps tint or color would be better, without truly giving away the technique.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Ester and Sketchy can split hairs all they want, but you heed my word, little Mister Spiffany! Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hair-hopping = bad. Hare hopping = good.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Oh dear, Teeds, what do you suppose Lester might do if there's a Bald Legion competition?
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
You better worry about what I might do in absence of the 'do.
Those that would impair the heir's hair, beware. Laissez faire. Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, the new theme is SKIN! Time to vote to reject a male and a female. As for the judges, isn't the Legion supposed to be space opera? Stay tuned!
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Love the stylin' this round! Nice threads, but I'm gonna say Rond and the Captain are out.
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
It was close, but boot out Superboy and Night Girl.
(Poor Clark. At this rate, he's going to think I don't like him.)
Posted by Fangirl Girl on :
Superboy and Phantom Girl
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
LOVE those instant returns!
Who should get the leather boot?
Women: Frake 1 Lydda 1 Tinya 1
Men: Superboy 2 Rond 1
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Leung. It's hard to resist touching fur (or furlike) to one's face.
Thom. Oh yeah, he's mister casual, sure. Ha! Someone's movin' on up to the luxe side. And does this someone also have a tattoo?
Tinya. The hat is the focus, so showing off your top (chest, arms) AND your legs TOO is too too much and too...well, never mind. I'd REALLY love to see this as a long-sleeved turtleneck minidress. Eek, I could have really loved this!
Ulu. I believe those pants are what they'd call editorial, meaning unwearable but photogenic.
Captain Frake. A good look.
Clark. He seems determined to do better this time. I wonder where the hat came from?
Lydda. Okay, I could take or leave the styling this time, but Lydda herself looks good.
Rond. Cute, cute, cute.
Vi. Badass! I like the makeup (except the lipstick) and hair. Scar? C'est chic.
Jungle King. Oh lordy. The expression, the swinging/hanging pose...very, very good. But the wrdrb (not enough room for vowels)? N_, n_, n_!
ON NOTICE: Jungle King, because there is entirely too much on notice.
[ December 04, 2006, 04:47 AM: Message edited by: Thriftshop Debutante ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Who should get the leather boot?
Women: Tinya 2 Frake 1 Lydda 1
Men: Superboy 2 Rond 1 Star Boy 1
Posted by Caliente on :
Lydda, babe, I hate to say it but I'm just not feelin' it. And, Star Boy my man, you are just not hardcore enough to pull off that look, dawg. Sorry but y'all are getting voted off the island this round.
I really loved Leung and the Cap'n this round. And, Superboy cracked me up. I was a tad disappointed in Color Kid's performance-- the pants were just a little much but I like his consistency and potential.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Now for the judges. What is up with my girl Imra? I luv Lester, but he's just not her type.
She hasn't seemed the same since she got into Winema's and Sarya's minds. I'm not sure she's seen the same either, hmm. Observation is in order.
And where is Tizzles?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Vote out Superboy and Vi.
Color Kid's pants make me laugh! Poor Imra - should she read Why Smart Women Make Foolish Choices - or is there just no accounting for true love?
Posted by Lurker Lass on :
I think you are having far too much fun drawing Jungle King.
As for the votes, oooh. Lydda, you're out in my book - everyone else used their fur/leather combo to dynamic effect. Seemed like you were playing it too safe, not using the guideless as well as you could have.
As for the guys... that's a bit harder. I'm going to have to go with Superboy too, if only because, well, he really doesn't have the style to pull that look off.
Ha! I love that Invisible Kid's so shocked his hair turned (partially) white. Awesome.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Phantom Girl was so striking last time, but the fur pieces are just too big for this smokin' minidress. I vote her off.
For the guys, it came down between Superboy and Star Boy. He's showing more personality (and skin), but I have to vote out Star Boy because leather pants are just too easy, and I've always thought guys in big fur coats like that look silly.
For Jungle King, keep doing what you're doing, Dean, and I'll have an impossible time voting for final winner between him and Color Kid. He just keeps getting hotter, though he needs to stop waxing.
If we were voting for winners this round, though, I'd have to be a rebel and vote for Tenzil. Wowsers! He's been working out!
Posted by Insomniac Girl on :
Leung: Aww, pensive into-fur-snuggling. She’s totally sweet again, and has such pretty eyes.
Thom: Heh. He comes across as trying a bit too hard here. At least black and silver really suit him.
Tinya: Oh God, she reminds me of one of those fancily shaved poodles, only in fishnets (sorry, sorry.)
Colour Kid: Continues to rock the “wild” theme. And it’s probably not easy to project such attitude in pants as fluffy as these. Respect.
Clark: My vision is filled with HAT and COLLAR. Apart from that… somehow he doesn’t leave a lasting impression.
Lydda: The dress is either too short or too long, but somehow it ends at an awkward place on her legs. Doesn’t matter much, though, since she can easily distract from that with her enormous presence, beautiful face and hair.
Rond: Just like last time, it doesn’t actually seem to matter much what he’s wearing. He has such a charismatic face that your eyes keep being drawn to it. I foresee a great future for him advertising shaving utensils, should he ever need to fall back on something like that.
Vi: Wow, is she ever cool. She’s so intense; she practically vibrates with pent-up energy. The make-up and those little purple highlights in her hair are really perfect.
Jungle King: *snicker* He sure doesn’t suffer from excessive modesty. Thank you, Sir, that will do. Go and find at least a loincloth now.
Out: Tinya and Clark.
What does the future have in store for Imra and Lester? Let’s just hope that poor Jaques' nerves can take it!
Posted by Doctor One on :
I have three favourites in this round: Frake, Rond and Vi. Rond's coat is (comparatively) simple, but he comes through as a very likeable person. Vi's make-up rocks. And Captain Frake looks just fabulous in that attire. I actually liked Superboy and Star Boy a lot this time around, they certainly are pushing the boundaries. At least THEIR boundaries. Didn't care much for Superboy's hat, though. Leung is OK, if a tad uninteresting (I couldn't tell at first that the longer bits on her right side were actually her own hair). Color Kid and Tinya...not so great. But I want to keep them on based on past performances.
Reject Jungle King and Night Girl. I agree with Insomniac Girl, Lydda's dress just ends in a funny place. As for Jungle King... no. I understand that he is also pushing boundaries, but... no.
Great to see Jacques in the jury. At first I was wondering why he didn't have his white stripe, but obviously that became clear later on. Hm, what on Earth is going on with Saturn Girl? Is this going to be an ongoing subplot?
[ December 04, 2006, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: Doctor One ]
Posted by AlenaCal on :
Out: Tinya and Clark. I'll be back with comments later, but I just have to say that I enjoyed this round much more than I thought I would! The feathering texture is beautiful!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Goodbye Leung and Superboy.
I think Vi has been my favorite so far amongst the girls and I think Starboy's been great for the guys.
Lester Spiffany speechless??? What?
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'm voting Star Boy and Leung.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Leung looks ok, but it looks like she stole Matter-Eater Lad's outfit.
Star Boy is going for the sex/rock god look. And he makes it work.
Is Tinya going for the Russian slut look?
Color Kid is still in his bad boy look. Normally I don't like the fur pants, but he is so hot looking I can overlook them. Or maybe just require him to take them off.
Captain Frake is going glamerous. Very stunning.
Superboy is very hot looking. And borrowing EDE's nelly cap.
Night Girl is sexy glam.
Rond looks nice and toasty in him coat
Vi still going for the butch look. She seems very threatening here though.
And Jungle King. Less is definitely more. Rejecting: I'd like to reject two of the women and none of the guys this round. I don't like Vi or Tinya. But it can only be one, so good bye Tinya.
As for the guys, they all looked good. I'll have to pick Rond and the least stunning of the group.
[ December 04, 2006, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Set on :
Leung, nice use of the posture, but this picture doesn’t stand out much. Still perhaps a bit too Caucasian looking for my tastes.
Star Boy goes for the glam. You’re the star, bay-be! Might want to pull it back, Thom, you're skating on the edge of too far, and any further and you'd need to have a pole and back-up dancers.
Phantom Girl in fishnets. Wowza. Girls got some nice muscle tone working on those arms, too! Definitely a ‘less is more’ kinda moment.
Color Kid, oh my. There are no words. Last round he also took a risk and it panned out. This time, not so much.
Captain Frake looks *awesome* here. She’s totally in command, and has an appropriately haughty, yet serene, expression. The Empress herself would likely have been impressed with her poise, here.
Superboy’s definitely attempting to project some attitude. Go Clark, with your not-very-bad-self, but at least you’re trying.
Oh Night Girl, elegant and, as always, loving the hair. Nice profile, and you manage to work even more with less than Phantom Girl. Great work!
Rond Vidar looks comfy and snug and happy. Go Rond.
Vi has some serious muscle going on, and that posture is pure restrained aggression, with a hint of a smile suggesting that she’d *like* that. Bring it, Vi! Teach that camera-man a lesson for telling you where to stand!
Jungle King, uh, yeah, I think a squirrel died to provide the leather and fur for your outfit. In fact, there might have been leather and fur left over… Still, if you’ve got it, flaunt it, I guess, and it’s not like anyone picked him for his fashion sense.
Voting out Leung is hard, because she's my favorite in theory, but she hasn't a prayer against the other femmes in this round, who all carried off their looks. (Although Tinya was a close second, since Lydda managed to trump her look).
As for the guys, it's a toss up between Color Kid and Superboy. Color Kid's outfit this round was a total miss for me, but Superboy's attempt at attitude made me wonder if Red Kryptonite was involved, since Clark just doesn't have whatever it takes to carry that off. Gonna have to vote Superboy off, because Color Kid at least has a chance of impressing me next round.
So bye-bye to Superboy and Leung.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Wow! Voter turn-out is amazing! Thanks, everyone!!
Current standings on who should go...
Women: Tinya 6 Lydda 4 Leung 3 votes Frake and Vi 1 each
Men: Superboy 8 Star Boy 4 Rond 2 Jungle King 1
Polls remain open...
[ December 04, 2006, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: Sketch Lad ]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
It seems like the race is practically over, but I'm not closing polls just yet... one never knows.
However, I have completed pencils and dialogue for the next challenge! Basically, there's really only one pinup I'd have to change if the voting goes differently than I thought.
The next challenge turned out to be very different than I'd planned, which I love when that happens...
Posted by Language Arts Kid on :
I wanted to be able to vote for Captain Frake again, because technically she is my least favorite character among the women, but I have to tell you Sketchy- She ROCKED this round.
As such it's a toss up between Lydda and Tinya as neither did much for me this round. Oh well, let's say:
Jungle King's outfit next round is going to have to be a lot like Jaz's from last round or people are going to vote him off as being too one dimensional. I wasn't that wild about either Rond's outfit or Superboy's. Thom and Color Kid are both going to have to show some variation, too. As much as I love him, let's say
Really excellent work, Sketchy. Thank you for entertaining us.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Women: Tinya 6 Lydda 5 Leung 3 votes Frake and Vi 1 each
Men: Superboy 8 Star Boy 4 Rond 3 Jungle King 1
Posted by Hunt Drouin on :
I love this competition. Gotta say I think Vi and Color Kid should be knocked out of this round.
More Jungle King, please!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Whoa, this round is HOT!!
I'll have to take some time to figure this out...
Posted by MLLASH on :
hooo boy, this one's a toughie.
Chickwise, I find Lydda and Frake to be the most stunning this round, while Vi and Leung get "most improved" awards. Tinya looks great if a bit over-the-top.
Dudewise, I've been royally impressed by Color Kid both rounds. To be honest, I wasn't expecting him to do well at all. As it stands, I think he's Jungle King's biggest threat. Star Boy looked handsome, and I loved Rond's coat. My clear least favorite of the males this round was Superboy.
So, it's a vote for SUPERBOY out. The girl vote is a bit tougher for me, but I'm going with PHANTOM GIRL out, by a split end.
Posted by MLLASH on :
(oh, and Sketchy, your Tenz is hot enough to take the whole competition!)
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
Wait, someone voted out Jungle King?
You, Sir or Ma'am, have no soul!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Women: Tinya 7 Lydda 5 Leung 3 Vi 2 Frake 1
Men: Superboy 9 Star Boy 4 Rond 3 Jungle King 1 Color Kid 1
Posted by MLLASH on :
quote:Originally posted by Pizza Delivery Girl: Wait, someone voted out Jungle King?
You, Sir or Ma'am, have no soul!
Doctor One may have to change his name to Doctor Zero!
Posted by Doctor One on :
quote:Originally posted by MLLASH:
quote:Originally posted by Pizza Delivery Girl: Wait, someone voted out Jungle King?
You, Sir or Ma'am, have no soul!
Doctor One may have to change his name to Doctor Zero!
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
quote:Originally posted by Insomniac Girl: Tinya: Oh God, she reminds me of one of those fancily shaved poodles, only in fishnets (sorry, sorry).
I'm glad someone else said it first. Even fishnets can't save that outfit.
Frake looked terrific!
Voting off: Tinya, Color Kid (fuzzy pants are just too silly).
-------------------- "Braid the raven hair, Weave the supple tress! Deck the maiden fair In her loveliness! Paint the pretty face, Dye the coral lip, Emphasize the grace Of her ladyship!" -- The Mikado, Act II
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Out for Leung and Star Boy.
Captain Frake's striking ensemble reminds me of the costumes of Klarion the Witch Boy and his people in the 7 Soldiers miniseries if they took to a life of pirating at sea.
Color Kid's been a fun surprise! Who knew he harbored this in the recesses of his personality?
Lydda's great but she's been a tad... underwhelming, thus far. Time to release the va-va-Kathoon!
What would a Legion couple competition be like? (There hasn't been one, has there?)
Posted by Seth Gaterra on :
Tinya out. Though that outfit might work for giving Winema a fit that her little girl would wear that?!
Superboy out. While Star Boy and Color Kid's outfits were worse, I vote Superboy out because you had to label the pic for me to recognize him.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Women: Tinya 9 Lydda 5 Leung 4 Vi 2 Frake 1
Men: Superboy 10 Star Boy 5 Rond 3 Jungle King 1 Color Kid 2
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'm pretty much honored by the voter turn out! Amazing!
The polls have closed!
Thank you all!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, I've posted Tenzil's intro for the new challenge. Everybody find your copy of Adventure Comics #309!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
The I'm 1/4 of the way through coloring....
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Half way through...
Posted by Caliente on :
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Is someone keeping an eye on Imra? I think she took a blow to the head.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I'm beginning the posting of the next challenge...
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
YAY! Posted by Sketch Lad on :
'Kay, I'm done. Please name your male and female reject....
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
All right!
I love the smile on JUNGLE KING! This is his round, and there's no way he can loose.
VI! I don't like seeing you around eye-themed stuff generally! And that's a dangerous creature! Hello! It's called "Monster World" for a reason!
ROND? Trying to outshirtless Jungle King? Well, he at least chose a good setting!
LEUNG looks pretty cute! And who could avoid loving a scene with Walking Money?
That's one ferocious looking tiger in the STAR BOY pic! And the Borlat's looking pretty scary as well!
FRAKE's pic is mostly about the scenery, but it's once again a good choice!
COLOR KID, I'm not sure you're pulling off the schoolboy thing. And, uh, shouldn't you actually be taking notes? Those tenth-order equations of the fourth dimension can get tricky, especially when in the Rox-Url galaxy!
LYDDA, babe, I'm not really convinced that you're dressed for spelunking, but you look hot!
And, jeepers! I'm loving the judges subplot, but I also kind of liked it when they actually did some judging!
Oh, and I'm voting for VI and COLOR KID!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Considering Color Kid's other outfits, this one is a radical departure that indicates lots of confidence. If there was a bit more expression in his face that let us clue in to the fact that he was in on the 'joke' of the pic, it'd be perfect. Then again, deadpan can be a good thing, too.
But Jungle King's the star of the round, no doubt.
I vote for Leung and Star Boy (reluctantly-- I like this pic quite a bit, actually). I just like those of JK, Rond and Ulu more.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
I love that instant feedback! As you know, I rarely, if ever, discuss the pictures until the voting's over. But, I totally appreciate the time taken to note observations.
Who should be REJECTED?
Men: Color Kid 1 vote Star Boy 1 vote
Women: Vi 1 vote Leung 1 vote
So far...
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Jungle King. I like the pose/framing and expression,'s not love.
Vi. Just 'cause Vi is an ass-kicker doesn't mean she doesn't pat eye-beasts on the head (or whatever). But...see above.
Rond. Rond's lovely, and he's even trying something new and less expected for him. Strong pic.
Leung. Hey, Leung's the Tyra of Barak's Next Top Living Money Model! *tee hee*
Thom. Thom Kali, I presume? Nice coordination with the Borlat! (And, uh, Wonder Girl's pants.) Have you been to the Space-Circus?
Captain Frake. Another fine Frake showing. (I'm worried about that comet though.)
Lydda. She's in her element, you can see it in her face. That expression! Excellent. I really like her crop top, too.
Jungle King
And I predict Saturn Girl is gonna knock Sarya out. Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
quote:Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester: ...JUNGLE KING! This is his round, and there's no way he can loose.
How much looser can he get?
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Who should be REJECTED?
Men: Color Kid 1 vote Star Boy 1 vote Jungle King 1 vote
Women: Vi 2 votes Leung 1 vote
So far...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
quote:Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
quote:Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester: ...JUNGLE KING! This is his round, and there's no way he can loose.
How much looser can he get?
My point exactly!
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
Jungle King and ... Leung, NO! Vi. Wait! Leung. No Vi!Shit.
Star Boy and Captai Frake. Final Answer.
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
Vote out Lydda and. Damn. I've gotta pick one of the guys too. Be right back, after I... stare at them. For a little longer...
...Fine. Vote out Colour Kid, 'cause if he was *really* working the nerd vibe, his pants would be higher.
*crosses arms* Why d'you have to make this so difficult for me!
Posted by Set on :
Vote out Vi for the girls. I liked her in the last two challenges, but this one didn't play well with her militaristic bearing, cut, physique, etc. She should have been kicking that things polyocular backside all over space.
For the boys, Jungle King has found a way to wear even less than in previous challenges, I suspect, but at least we didn't have to see it. He's run out of clothing to take off, and this is a *fashion* show, not a 'how hot I look nekkid' show... Later man, don't let the space-door hit you in the space-caboose on the way out.
As for the rest, Rond looks surprisingly good like this, Leung looks spunky and full of life and innocence, even surrounded by cash-that-walks, Star Boy wins much respect for that retro star-on-chest outfit, Captain Frake is sultry and aloof and quite lovely once again, despite the impending cometary impact on cheekbone endangering her foundation, Color Kid needs to put some darn pants on (if I didn't dislike Jungle Jim and his sartorial lack-of-spendor so much, you'd be out Kid!) and Night Girl, as always, has great hair, and I even like the dangly owl-head wrist-charm!
Posted by Caliente on :
I'm sorry to say it, because he is a fine, fine man, but Jungle King is too much the same. Not enough unique.
And, Vi babe you bring variety, but this shot just isn't working with your hard arsed attitude. You're out, my friend.
On notice-- Star Boy, yet again. I just can't get into his look for whatever reason. And Color Kid-- I know you can do better, boy!!
Posted by Lurker Lass on :
Aw man, this is some of your best stuff yet. I love Rond's dazed, adorable expression (hey, if gold and platinums got to pose naked in the flowers, he could too!), and Captain Frake is once again, stunning.
But unfortunately, Jungle King's picture failed to dazzle me - the challenge wasn't a close-up, and though he had a lot of potential to take over this round (being a big player in ADV309), a profile mugshot doesn't cover it.
As for the girl... I'm going to vote Leung over Vi, because that badnass-but-sweet woman with an eye injury reminds me too much of Y: the Last Man, and I'm a sucker for BKV.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Yes, Jungle King was resting on his well-deserved laurels. He still looked good, but maybe the Chippendales of Space could use him now. Bye, King! Rond is the new heart throb.
I'll vote out Vi, although I admire her perfectly relaxed stance next the beastie. Lydda just had the edge stepping into that dark cave and the other ladies were even more stunning. Comet earrings!
Posted by Doctor One on :
Rond and Frake are again quite amazing. And Star Boy, I really like the colouring effect on this picture, the glowing star, etc. Leung is nice, too, and very different from the way we've seen her before. Color Kid...meh. I don't know, I don't think I buy his nerdyness. Vi and Night Girl: not so great. But Vi has been so strong in past competitions that I'd really like to keep her. Jungle King...well, the picture isn't bad, but it just doesn't say much...
As for who gets eliminated, Night Girl for sure. As for the men... Jungle King (because Color Kid has been amazing in the past)
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm voting out Star Boy and Vi.
Posted by AlenaCal on :
Some amazing pics! Rond is a hot-tay in his pic... love Star Boy's Wonder Pants! Captain Frake has been incredible throughout this whole competition... can I have her hair? Vi's pic has a bit of a Jim Mooney look to it, with the big eyes, but it doesn't really seem to fit with her theme in the competition so far. Night Girl is stunning! Color Kid's pic cracked me up, but that is just a hideous outfit! Eeurgh! Leung hasn't been my favorite in this competition, but this picture was very sweet. Jungle King got a little complacent for this one, didn't he?
OUT: Vi and Jungle King
[ December 06, 2006, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: AlenaCal ]
Posted by Insomniac Girl on :
Jungle King: He has a nice mischievous smirk going on there, but I agree with Set: JK's probably buck-naked, good that we're spared from seeing it, where's the clothes-modelling-aspect, go away, JK.
Vi: A kinder, gentler Vi? If it's done like this, I'm all for it. She looks really sweet when she's letting her guard down for once.
Rond: This is a really great picture. His eyes are striking again, and he looks so innocently surprised and nicely tousled.
Leung: No matter what she does, I just love her. Dig that retro-space-uniform-chic, the jewellery and the fancy braids. Keep cheering up everyone with your sunny personality, please!
Thom: He's really shiny. Hope this isn't the reason large predators are attracted to him. If I may be a bit sadistic; for that "Lookee here! Aren't I great" pose he's striking he might just deserve a bit of Borlat mauling. (Or does he know that thing's behind him and is all "Lookit my Borlat and what I taught it to do!"? That would redeem the pose. )
Frake: Very dynamic picture. Love the background and the colouring. Frake once again looks very commanding, seductive and cool. (I have to agree that the comet jewel looks a bit as if it's hitting her on the cheek, though.)
Colour Kid: Fun! The nerd couture outfit isn't conventionally fashionable, yes, but his entry really made me smile, especially because he looks so grim and scary (probably can't help himself with those eyes) while doing and wearing something rather unthreathening. Or do those equations drive you insane? Someone take that pencil away from CK before he stabs somebody with it.
Lydda: Her hair is overwhelming her head a bit this time. The bracelet is nice, but there's just something missing here.
Reject Jungle King (hmm... did he sic that Borlat on Star Boy? If he's been trying to sabotage competitors he doubly deserves to be voted out) and Lydda.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
OK Dean, I'm finally here! I apologize for my limited involvement up until now, but I've spent all morning getting caught up! . As always, I'm blown away by your talents, and you've really outdone yourself. The Tinya on page 2 was simply amazing.
As for the current contestants: vote out Jungle King and Star Boy!
My surprise faves are turning out to be Captain Frake and Color Kid, although I have a serious soft-spot for a Sketch Lad depicted Night Girl!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Again, excellent drawings by Dean.
I don't have time for a detailed analysis today. So stright to my rejects.
Jungle King - because it looked like just another headshot. Where is his background.
Shrinking Violet - Again, just a headshot. (And I never liked the scar.
I really liked Night Girl & Captain Frake. And Leung with the living money was great. Didn't like the nerdy Color Kid, but like the headshot Jungle King less.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Whew! What fun!
Okay, the current standings on who should go....
Women: Vi 8 votes Lydda 3 Leung 2 Frake 1
Men: Jungle King 9 votes Star Boy 3 Color Kid 2
Attention Cobie, I'm really glad you're here, but I did not count your votes because I need 1 male and 1 female. You may re-cast your vote, of course. The polls remain open for a while longer. (Though it's looking kinda clear who'll be out.) I have a few other things to do before the next challenge, so we'll wait and see how it goes....
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Interesting, it's the sentients with the L* flight rings that are the ones getting their walking papers.
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
Going with the consensus, here: nothing out-and-out bad, JK and Vi are the least interesting this round, vote off Jungle King and Vi.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Vi and Starboy, though at this point i think there's a consensus behind the eliminees to be.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Women: Vi 10 votes Lydda 3 Leung 2 Frake 1
Men: Jungle King 10 votes Star Boy 4 Color Kid 2
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Even if I wait for Cobie's new vote, I don't think the results will change.
Polls closed!
Thank you all for voting. I will post some Art Director's Notes soon...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Believe it or not, I was able to do almost all of the pencilling and writing for the next challenge!
I thought I'd catch up on my AD's notes....
Fur and Leather Challenge. First of all, I had intended on the challenge being a "leather straps and bits of fur" challenge. I did a sketch of Tinya dressed that way, then Jungle King. Those were fine, hot even. Then, I did the sketch of Star Boy as it appears and I liked the full coat. Hmm.... Leung in straps and bits. Can't do it. Put her in a collar and jacket. Superboy in straps and bits. Okay, NO! This idea is over! That's when things turned out the way they did.
I would have rejected Frake. I loved the way Vi looked, even with the whimsical fur on her shoulders. I actually wish I would have put Tinya in the giant furry hat and gloves in a leather bikini! I wonder if that would have been better or worse? I thought Lydda looked really pretty.
Jungle King was clearly being Jungle King. I got a kick out of my own idea for Color Kid. I was going for "handsome" if conservative for Rond.
I had a very good time doing the fur and leather challenge.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Note about the ADV309 Challenge later.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
quote:Originally posted by Sketch Lad: I actually wish I would have put Tinya in the giant furry hat and gloves in a leather bikini! I wonder if that would have been better or worse?
I was thinking the right bikini might work with the hat too, even though I thought her dress needed more fabric. It's the balance of skin and adornment, I suppose, where wild proportions can be excellent if they hit right. It's subjective, though.
Speaking of subjective: either way, it's probably a good thing Winema wasn't there for the judging.
Also, let me state for the space-record that I never ever want to see Superboy in anything remotely resembling "straps and bits".
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Isn't it nice to know that I can be merciful after all?
Posted by Set on :
quote: Also, let me state for the space-record that I never ever want to see Superboy in anything remotely resembling "straps and bits".
He's so cornfed and wholesome, it would be major cognitive dissonance to see him all S&M'd up.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Oops, don't worry Dean, next time I will vote the right way!
And Superboy in straps and bits? *tee hee*
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Oh, and wait'll Lash sees this!
quote:Originally posted by Sketch Lad:
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Sometimes I'm not as merciful!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Funny you should mention that.
Sentients, look at Saturn Girl in her new statement. The hair, the outfit: serious early Adventure going on there. You know what that means.
And you'll note what Tenz is wearing in the very next holo.
[ December 07, 2006, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: Thriftshop Debutante ]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
SOUNDTRACK - Ooooh for the Rockstar challenge you should tell us what song should be playing in the background of each photo!
Posted by Set on :
Saturn Girl's hair makes her look very much like Saturn Queen... I like it, gives her a sinister air.
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
But if Tenzil is...
What is *Jungle King* wearing!? Loser leaves the loincloth?
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Notes about the ADV309 challenge....
Some of you were part Titanian! I was, indeed going to push the envelope as far as I could with Jungle King during that round; I was going to do a not-so-tasteful nude picture of him, but still covered up. Instead, I went the other way and did the face shot. Got him rejected. I wonder what would have happened if I'd done the other? We'll never know.
For Vi, I could have continued her tough act, but chose instead to show her softer side. Got her rejected. I guess it doesn't work to change them up halfway through the competition!
I love Color Kid's pinup! I tried several different shoes and socks on him and settled on the penny loafers. I wouldn't change a thing about his picture! I love it and I think it fits right in with the others of him in this competition.
I think Leung looks cute but kind of dull. However, the living money does add the charm and her styling makes it very 30th century, maybe even 31st century. I ended up liking this more after it was posted than before!
Star Boy and the Borlat just happened. I don't even think I was in control of the process. I love that and I like the results. I was thinking "circus of the stars" as I drew it.
I thought Frake was the perfect candidate to handle the Comet-Jewels! I agree with the person who said that the picture worked because of all the elements going on, but I think she looked really pretty while wearing that thing on her ear! I mean, many other models would have lost it!
Yes, Rond took on the shirtless role... I liked his picture and the colors, but when I ramped up the exposure, I liked it even more.
I wasn't sure how to style Lydda for her shot, except that I wanted more of her hair down. I just did the pants and boots with crop top. Then, I needed a color scheme that would work with the earthen rocky cave. I was fairly happy, but became more happy when I added the shadows falling over half of her.
I agreed that Vi should go, but I thought Star Boy would go in that round. I guess his Borlat scene saved him!
As for the judges, I'm pleased to wrap up the Empress controlling Saturn Girl's feelings for Lester sub-plot. I agree that the judges should probably *judge* more. Hence, Imra's statement.
[ December 08, 2006, 05:35 AM: Message edited by: Sketch Lad ]
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
quote:Originally posted by Sketch Lad: Some of you were part Titanian! I was, indeed going to push the envelope as far as I could with Jungle King during that round; I was going to do a not-so-tasteful nude picture of him, but still covered up. Instead, I went the other way and did the face shot. Got him rejected. I wonder what would have happened if I'd done the other? We'll never know.
There's nothing saying you can't draw the picture anyway for all us new JK fans.
By the time I was able to see the pics and vote, it was too late to save him, and I liked all the girls, so I abstained.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, time to name the male rockstar and the female rockstar you want to REJECT! That means the remaining two from each group moves on to the finale!!
Posted by Doctor One on :
I can't believe I'm going to say this, but my favourite this round was Color Kid. Magnificent. Frake, Star Boy and Leung are also very good. Night Girl is easy to reject, she is really not doing it for me. And I guess I have to vote for Rond, although I really don't want to. But CK and Star Boy are just better.
So, reject Rond and Lydda
Posted by Hunt Drouin on :
LOVE Captain Frake!
I'd pick Star Boy and Night Girl to go. They just didn't do as much for me as the others.
Great job Sketch Lad!
Posted by Caliente on :
Wow. I'm honestly a bit traumatized by Color Kid. I hate to say it but this time my vote falls to him. The girl to go this time is going another that I usually love-- Leung. I just didn't feel it from her.
I have to give mad props for the Hendrix vibe from Thom and the Elvis vibe from Rond. Spot on, Dean. What an awesome challenge. I love it!!
Posted by Hunt Drouin on :
Oh, and another thing...what's with the Saturn medallions on everyone? What's Imra up to?
And why is Kono in every audience? My twitching nose smells a mystery...
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Ah hah, I knew it.
Is Imra trying to get everyone tossed?
Or does Lydda need to organize some search parties for those caves?
Either way...SOMEONE DIES! Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Hmm... I think my vote is influenced more by the musical era they represent than anything else, but I'm voting out Frake and Color Kid.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
...but until someone does, here's my holo commentary.
Rond. He finally gets some feedback from the judges. The dancing I do not get, but the lasses seem to like it. Rond gives good face, as usual. Okay, but all his others have been stronger.
Thom. Some weird proportions going on here, but I guess that's okay if you're getting Jimi-fied. Thom likes that pose, doesn't he? It's pretty much the same as last time. I like the spotlight effect. Say, doesn't that front Dominator dude have a Beavis & Butthead thing going on?
Captain Frake. When I saw this I thought oh, there's Tinya. Oops. Can a person sing and do that with her tongue?
Leung. Okay, I'm torn because her audience is clearly having the best time (and of COURSE the Sklarans luv Madonna). But I HATE the color combination. (Does Kono's shirt say Like a Virgin ?)
Lydda. Well, I like the lighting and ghostly effect of her dress. I think I would have preferred a grunge Lydda too.
Ulu. By now we know the Color Kid's gonna show us something different. Eeeeeven in showing us a certain costume we all know and remember (whether we want to or not). The Durlans are super-cute.
*Is Kono visible in every shot (except one) to hint that everyone's been partaking of fermented juice?
PS. If he'd been a contestant, Tenz would have won.
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
I think it's time for Rond to go, and take Lydda with him.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks for all the votes!
Who should go?
Sopranos: Lydda 3 votes Leung 2 Frake 1
Tenors: Rond 2 Star Boy 2 Color Kid 2
Polls remain open....
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Everyone's playing "Where's Kono?" right? She IS in every pinup. That was just a little something that happened spontaneously.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Reject Star Boy and Lydda.
That Color Kid! Dare to be different. And Nura looks fantastic in black. Imra unhinged? Is she the new crazy Brainy? Or is this another medallion plot?
Posted by Set on :
Oh Rond, the time traveller takes on the timeless. How I must despise thee.
Star Boy, that outfit does nothing for you. Sorry man.
Captain Frake as Cher, and she even picked an appropriate song! Perfect! Well, mostly perfect, the tongue action is a bit disconcerting… Is she channeling a little Gene Simmons there? (Oh, Star Boy as Space Ace Frehley of KISS, how perfect would that be?)
Leung is too cute, although she looks a little more Cyndi Lauper than early Madonna in attitude, which is even cuter!
Love how the judges hairstyles reflect the times / artist in question, with the Leung-critique done by three different generations of Madonna’s hair.
Mmm, Night Girl, I have no idea what song you are singing. Looks Celine Dion-ish, from the outfit, which explains my lack of insight. Very torch-singer-y, less ‘90s and more roaring ‘20s. Which works for me, ‘cause of the hair.
Color Kid is a riot, in Cosmic Boy’s costume no less. Sometimes he hits, sometimes he misses, but this time, for me anyway, it’s a hit! Heh, the Empress thinks he’s a girl…
I’d love to pick two guys to kick out, but if I must, I’ll ditch Night Girl (I love her, but I liked Leung and Captain Frakes even more this round) and, um, flip a coin, Star Boy, I guess.
And I agree with whomever said that Matter-Eater Lad would have been the winner if he was participating with his Jim Morrison / Doors look.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Who should go?
Sopranos: Lydda 5 votes Leung 2 Frake 1
Tenors: Star Boy 4 Color Kid 2 Rond 2
Polls remain open...
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Sorry if this seems abrupt, but I'm closing the polls... I gotta move on!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Dang, missed it.
Well, my vote-out's would have been STAR BOY and LEUNG.
Rond was my far-and-away favorite of the group and I thought Lydda looked beautiful.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Can we just declare TENZIL the winner?
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
How'd I know you'd vote right after I closed the polls?
Well, your vote confirms Star Boy's oust, but didn't save Lydda.
I'm really glad Tenz was the host because he got to be there all along and really ham it up!
The finale is coming soon!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Okay, we had some Bits o' Modelling Business to take care of before the finale!
Speaking of which, the final contest is done, just waiting to complete judges' commentary.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Ah, the Great Raven-Hair Saga.
Oh, please, D-Boy. It's only totally obvious that what you wanted was to appear in a Pinup Model contest. Think we didn't notice all the extra VWM you dropped at the Space-Sears Photo Gallery for the special lighting and stuff? Couldn't you have just applied like everyone else?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I didn't get to vote.
I would have rejected Rond rather than Star Boy. I would have rejected Lyddia.
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
*gasp* Darkseid, Smarkseid - let's focus on the *important* things, here!
Lester, she *stole your line*!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Teeds, how would Darky look in bits and straps?
Quis, I'm sorry. I know that's happened to you a couple few times. I *really* wanted to get this competition finished before it cuts into my holiday time!
Yes, PDG, but obviously Lester understood the gravity of the situation. He stood behind Imra against Darky.
I honestly don't know why there have been these sub plots with the judges! When I'm writing/drawing their reactions to the pinups, this stuff just comes. I can't help it. Thanks for indulging me!
Seriously, the finale is *close*!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Quis, I suppose I could've gotten this done sooner if there weren't all those sub-plots to handle, huh? *sheesh*
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Maybe somebody is controlling your mind, Sketchy!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Fully possible!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
It's time to name the next top pinup models! Leung or Frake? Color Kid or Rond Vidar?
Please name your choice for WINNERS!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Frake and Ulu!
Ulu has been very daring throughout this competition, and his use of the thinnest strip of color in the shadows is very striking. Less is more!
With Frake, more is more. She's had a whole string of outstanding poses.
Although Leung and Rond looked particularly charming throughout... *sigh*... one must choose.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
I was hoping Lydda would make it to the finals. What she could have done here! Well, she can rest satisfied that her first holo is among the best of all in the series.
LEUNG for sure
The guys are rather evenly matched even though Rond's classical and Ulu's avant garde.
But if Rond wins I won't mind a bit.
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
Well, Leung gets my vote for the girls. Man, she rocked this challenge. And kudos to you - The red lipstick was everything that actually *worked* about Sin City.
Frake's was interesting, but it showcased the shadow pattern more than *her*. More a statement than a portrait.
The boys took me a while to decide. Of *course* Ulu has a good sense of how to work the light, and the definition in his pic is great... but I'm going with the other guy.
Rond's pic is just more *striking*. He knows how to use his best feature, that kid, what can I say.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Who should win?
Frake 1 Leung 2
Color Kid 2 Rond Vidar 1
So far...
(Thanks for the immmediate returns, TD,FC and PDG!)
Posted by Doctor One on :
Frake and Rond to win
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
I think this is your most striking set of portraits yet, Dean, from any of the competitions.
For the women, I'm voting Leung to win. I think PDG hit it just right, and I agree with her for my reasoning.
The guys are tougher. I'm tempted to vote for Color Kid because I wanted him to be in the competition so much, and it is a nice portrait. But I also wanted Rond in to represent the sexy nerds, and, well, in the end, I just find him more attractive. So Rond to win.
Posted by Copycat Girl on :
this is my first time ever voting but I just couldn't choose before. well, I think Color Kid and Captain Frank's are the best, or at least, I want them to win. I'm including all of their other pictures in this vote too.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I'm voting for Rond and Leung to win. Even though I liked the Frake pic a bit more this time, I think Leung has been consistently stronger. And Rond has rocked this whole competition.
Posted by Insomniac Girl on :
Team Leung and Rond for the win!
Posted by Set on :
Rond and Leung to win!
Same thoughts as the others, Rond's showcased his eyes, which was a smart move, and while Leung may not be as striking as Captain Frake in this last set of pictures, she's working with the shadows, while Captain Frake seems to be working against them.
I gotta say, the last person I expected to see in a model competition was Darkseid... Well, other than Tellus, bless his nasty wrinkled fish-butt face.
Posted by Caliente on :
Cap'n Frake and Rond to win!! I just love the way the color offset the black and white in their pictures. Great, great work, Dean. On all of them.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I don't care that he was only the host, in my book Matter-Eater Lad rocked the competition!
I'm doing a write-in vote for TENZIL to win for the guys.
I'm voting FRAKE to win for the girls because I've liked her pictures more on a regular basis (though I would have rather seen Lydda make the finale over either of them).
Posted by Hunt Drouin on :
Rond and Capt Frake for the win! This has been so much fun. Great job throughout! Thanks
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks for all the votes!
The current standings....
Frake 6 Leung 6
Rond 8 Color Kid 3 Tenzil 1
Polls remain open...
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
I'm tempted to write Tenz in as well...
But I'm going with Leung and Rond.
Posted by Lurker Lass on :
Oh my god. I'm off the computer for a few days and Saturn Girl goes INSANE. (That image of her projecting Spiffany was TERRIFYING.) Darkseid, you and your shenanigans.
While this round, Rond's picture definitely was more striking and exploited his eyes very effectively (Ulu could've done more, really - maybe with the rainbow stripe, seeing as his eyes are kind of... sunken in there or something), overall - like, throughout the entire contest, Colour Kid has been phenomenal.
Under the same guidelines, I'm going to have to put Frake over Leung, even though the presidential-potential had a beautifully done picture, reminiscent of, perhaps, Japanese geishas?
Colour Kid and Cap'n Frake for me.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well with the women it is pretty easy. Leung to win. Captain Frake looks like she is about to be diced. Frake needed a better shadow if she wanted to win.
For the guys. Going into this I really wanted punk Color Kid to win. But Rond's entry in this round is stunning. Ah what the hay. Color Kid to win. (Rond does have his patents to support him in his old age)
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Polls are closed!!! Thank you all for participating. Stay tuned for the announcement of the WINNERS!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
...and they've been posted!
This has been so much fun! I gotta take a break now. I have a lot to do for Christmas, so this ended right on time.
I'll be working on contributions to Dave Cockrum tributes, so watch out for that. (All you other artists and writers are preparing something for the January Museum exhibit, right?)
I DO plan on organizing another Pinup Model competition, just after the holidays.... it should be an interesting one!
Posted by Insomniac Girl on :
Yay Leung and Vidar!
I'm in awe of the enourmous amount of work you've put into those contests. Thanks so much for all that splendid entertainment. This has been like Christmas in advance.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Wouldn't you know Cos would manage to slip in one of his yabbering moment there! (Although how in the UP he was restrained during the judging I can't figure.)
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
So check this out:
First Supermodel (women only) competition): Drura, a Substitute Second Supermodel (guys only) competition: Ral, a Substitute Gold & Platinum: Mekt & Blaze, two LSVers Autumn Auburns: Lu & Garth, two Legionnaires Ravens: Leung & Rond, two non-powered brainy (but not Brainy) types FEMS: Theena, a lowercase legionnaire and XGF: the groovy Iresa
The Subs have done rather well for themselves. Drura and Ral won, Ulu got to the finals and made quite an impression even as the runner-up, Lydda made a strong showing. True, Staq was knocked out in the first Auburns round, but just getting to the competition is something. Oh, and the leafy hoody's just the icing on the space-cake.
Posted by Set on :
quote: The Subs have done rather well for themselves.
Everybody loves the underdog. And they deserve it, lovable mutts that they are!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
quote:Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante: Wouldn't you know Cos would manage to slip in one of his yabbering moment there! (Although how in the UP he was restrained during the judging I can't figure.)
My intention was for each of the judges to NOT act in the typical manner I'd assigned to them, in that final round. So, Rokk gave a one word response to the pinup, Elwinda didn't use the word, "pretty"... etc. I suppose the Empress was close to her characterization by raving over Rond's green eyes, but still, she wasn't irrational. The one character that I couldn't "control" was Dr. Mayavale. He just HAD to blurt out some past life experience ("I used to be a SAMARAI!")
I'm currently going through Pinup Model withdrawals, but don't worry, I have plenty of other stuff to do!
Insomniac Girl, thank you for your above comment, in particular. Very nice!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Teeds, I love your assessment of the Subs in these contests! They are a truly beloved part of Legion history and this proves it! Stone Boy never made it into a competition, but he was the one who would have been made an actual Legionnaire!
Here's another angle....*obscure characters* have found another place to shine. I mean, Iresa and Leung are about as obscure as they get and they both won. Pretty much all of the Ex-Girlfriends were obscure. Beauty Blaze, though a member of a major villain group, has only been in a handful of panels within Legion history. Azura is dang obscure. Ji Daggle! Jungle King!
I think it's great fun to make these minor characters into major players!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
It might almost be unfair to let Dag into a Supermodel competition. Posing is his power!
If there's a special cases competition for those with unusual "hair" (or some other where he meets the requirement) I'm going to push for P-Pete. He's quirky-cute, and I like that.
(Even the Subs Auxiliary has gotten into the act: Double-Header presented the final two in the Top Hat competition. Excellent holo, too.)
I'm beginning to think the Subs funded themselves with modeling jobs and such.
I won't be surprised to see Pinup Models Inc. and Ulu Vakk working together again.
[ December 17, 2006, 08:16 PM: Message edited by: Thriftshop Debutante ]
Posted by Set on :
quote: I mean, Iresa and Leung are about as obscure as they get and they both won.
I'll admit to thinking that Leung was a bit too pale and caucasian looking, being a bit more golden-skinned in the comic, but you knocked the Iresa pictures out of the park. Her winning shot looked great, and that's not always easy with what you had to work with. She's a big girl and yet confident and glamorous at the same time.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks for the compliment on the Iresa pictures. I have to confess that I only looked at Steve Lightle's pictures of Leung once or twice, and I didn't do any research into how to depict her ethnicity. I suppose I should have. How was I to know such an obscure character would WIN? I think it's great.
I'd love to get comments at the Fabulous Fortes thread!