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Posted by Hate Face O'Malley on :
Maybe you have heard of Klordny, one of a mighty handful of APAs devoted to the Legion. I've posted here a couple times about the APA, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to do so again, what with the reboot recently hitting the stands and the fact that this is a forum devoted to fanfic and the like. Did I mention that we're looking for fanfic (as well as all your other Legion commentary, life stories and whatnot)?

If you're anything like yrs. truly, you might be asking yourself, "Okay, tough guy, what is a 'Klordny, one of a mighty handful of APAs devoted to the Legion'? And why would I want to check it out?" Oh, but I am glad you (or in my case, me) asked. Yes, I am.

Why am I glad you (or, I) asked? Well, because I've been thinking. And I've been thinking, "Oh, wise Methusula, (because that is what I call myself when I am talking to myself-wise Methusula) anyone with the temerity and, yes, I'll say it, intestinal fortitude to ask themselves 'What is a 'Klordny, one of a mighty handful of APAs devoted to the Legion'? And why would I want to check it out?' is the kind of sass and panache and ongoing conversation that we NEED in Klordny."

I know, I know. I know what you're thinking right about now-"Wise Methusula," your thinking, "More like freak-@$$ crazy Methusula, more like. What in the name of the Super Moby Dick of Space is Klordny?" Well ... buck up, soldier! Wise Methusula is here to answer your very question and put your weary mind at ease.

Klordny is what we like to call an APA, or "Amateur Press Association," in this case devoted to the adventures of the Legion of Super-Heroes, in all their incarnations. Let me quote one of our members in describing Klordny in a little more detail: "Published bi-monthly and devoted to comic books in general and the Legion of Super-Heroes (LSH) in particular, Klordny is a publication put together by a collection of friends and fellow enthusiasts. We put together a 'mailing' of Klordny every two months by having each member contribute enough copies of his or her contribution so that all members will get a copy. Each member sends his collated contribution (or "zine" [short for magazine]) to the Central mailer (CM), who collates all the zines into a single stapled mailing and sends the mailings out to the membership."

It's kind of an antiquated notion. In an APA, you don't get the immediate feedback that you see here on the Legion World message board or the Yahoo! LSH-List group, for instance. But there's something -- special, less ephemeral about words on paper. There's something about receiving your copy of Klordny in the mail every other month. Kind of like Christmas. Or your birthday, if people aged as quickly as dogs do. An APA is different than online communication, somehow. But don't let old Methusula wax all nostalgic now ...

We're not the only APA devoted to the LSH. Interlac was founded, oh, a long time ago, It's the original Legion APA, credited with helping the LSH get back into the (back) pages of Superboy, after they had been booted from the pages of Adventure and Action Comics. Interlac is what you might call the grand old man of Legion APAs. Then there's APA-LSH. APA-LSH was founded by Tom and Mary Bierbaum back when they were writing the book-when was that? Back in the early 1990s, '92, something like that. Understandably then, their more into the latter-era Legions. APA-247 is a Britain-based Legion APA.

And Klordny? Klordny was a'born back in the early 1980s. And, yes, our title is the ultimate bit of Legion trivia-Klordny is the name of one of those futuristic festivals depicted in an issue of Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, written by Gerry Conway. Not that we're Conwaymaniacs in Klordny (the APA, not the festival). Oh no. Not us. But we do like to think, of all the APAs devoted to the Legion of Super-Heroes out there, we have the most fun. We let our hair down the most. And we're not afraid to talk about Keith Giffen in our APA. Nosireer bob. We've got our Giffen-lovers, our Giffen-haters, and our Giffen-indifferenturers. It makes for interesting conversation.

In the pages of Klordny, you'll find original fan-fiction. (See, this is where YOU might come in!) You'll find fanciful flights of imagination envisioning various alternate world Legions or "What would the Legion be like if The Five-Year Gap/Zero Hour/Gerry Conway had never happened?" You'll find theorizings on Legion members' homeworlds.

You'll find people asking the age-old question, "Mano, what is up with your head?" You'll find detailed histories of Hate-Face and other denizens of Shanghalla. You'll find fans of Chief Parker and The Weirdo Legionnaire, of the Legion of Super-Pets and the Legion of Substitute Heroes. And the Legion of Super-Villians, natch. You'll find people who have developed whole elaborate mythologies based on the secret history of Calamity King and the belief that King Juan Carlos of Spain is the antichrist. Well, not so much the latter, but ... And you'll find people commenting on each other's thoughts about all of the above. Basically, if you can have a fan-boy or -girl/geek/obsessive conversation about it, or even imagine having a fan- boy or -girl /geek/obsessive conversation about it, we'd love to mix it up with you.

This board's fatcramer is a member. Ask fatcramer about Klordny! She likes it, I tells ya.

Some of the other personalities you'll encounter in our pages:

We've got one member (let's call him "Member 1") who likes the Dawnstar. And American History. And Star Wars. His manner of dress, like his politics, conservative. Probably our most politically astute member, his comments have prompted many a political discussion in our pages, whether that discussion concern the competence of certain Civil War generals, the fascist undertones of both Star Trek and the 31st Century DC universes, or the fact that ole wise Methusula perhaps ain't so wise as everyone thinks he is. Perhaps Member 1's main claim to fame is that he works alongside T. Casey Brennan, onetime Vampirella scripter.

Let's call our next member, Member 2: Have you ever wondered, "What would it be like if Jason from the Friday the 13th movies ever met up with Mysa Nal in some weird, twisted love story?" Well, too bad, because Member 2 has written that story already. And it rocked. He is the number one fan of the White Witch. And a font of horror movie knowledge.

Oh, why not? How about Member 3? Member 3 is a scientist. And a folk-singer. And you've never heard someone explain 31st Century science until you've heard a folk-singing scientist explain it to you. Seriously. Take my word on this.

Let's break with tradition and call our next member, Member 4: I have no real idea who his favorite Legionnaire is, to tell you the truth. But I can tell you this: Member 4 has every episode of Thundarr the Barbarian on tape, he digs the surf rock and he's a fan of Roger Stern, comics writer.

You guessed it, Member 5: She provides a little sass and a little bit of worldly traveled saviness to our little APA.

Dagnabit, here's Member 6: If you've got a Legion poster that needs characters identified, Member 6 is your man. If you need to talk to the person that has been a member of Klordny throughout its entire history, Member 6 is your man. If you need a fake passport quickly, no questions asked -- well, I've said too much already ...

I would call fatcramer Member 7, but I've already revealed Member 7's identity as fatcramer, so I've probably said too much already in her case, too ...

As you can see, we're a varied bunch. But we don't bite. Very often.

And did I mention, we're fans of the fanfic?

It's true.

We are.

If you check out Klordny, I can promise you this. All the members listed above? They all have real, honest-to-goodness names. NOT just numbers. (I gave them numbers to protect their privacy in this public place. I'm silly that way. Not silly enough to protect the privacy of either fatcramer or the following member of Klordny, though. The following member? He's our central member.)

What do you think? Interested in giving Klordny a shot? Write or e-mail our current Central Mailer, Carl Fishman, at or e-mail me at: and I'll make sure Carl gets you a copy. Or at least more information on what we're all about. Let me know if I can get you any more information about Klordny or if I can answer any questions you might have about us. Just shoot me an e-mail. I'll get right back to you. Promise.

Would wise old Methusula lie to ya? Of course not.


Your friend,

Hate Face O'Malley
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I did, I did! I swear I joined (the Yahoo group anyway)
Ok, I haven't checked back to see if anyone responded to my message and said "Hello Yellow Kid58!! You space rock and we're happy you've shown up to save RJ Brande, save the the day and rescue Brainiac-5 from the brink of madness (again)! Glad to see you here." or anything like that yet.

I'll do it right away.
Posted by Vee on :
Just signed up for the Yahoo group as well. Look forward to finding out more.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
They seem like a fine bunch of folks, Vee. I saw a few other names from here that are new members there as well.
How cool is that?

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