This is topic Legion Of Message Board Super Heroes!!! (Updated 7/25/05 Chapters 15 and 16) in forum Bits o' Legionnaire Business at Legion World.

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Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
I decided to write a fanfic using some of the wonderful people in the LegionWorld.

I may have altered your powers to fit the storyline (sorry)

I had fun writing, I hope you have fun reading.

[ July 26, 2005, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: Luna ]
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Legion of Super Heroes

Mllash (leader): Mllash the ability to form red energy whips of great strength. He can control the level of power his whips posses, allowing him to bind people in energy or slash through steel, as a result of these powers, Mllash can sense energy fluctuations

Cobalt Kid: Cobalt Kid is able to manipulate the magnetic field to his advantage, a power based solely on his willpower. With it, he can attract and repel objects using magnetic forces, he can fly, he can create a magnetic shield around him, and he can use his magnetic power to increase his strength incredibly, by focusing on the forces he is hitting. His power works on most anything, but especially well around water and metal objects, the best conductors
Info: Cobalt is the ladies man, but that has gotten him into some trouble, he has dated Princess Crujectra and Priestess. He recently was dating Miss Terious. The two had a bad break up and now their friendship is on thin ice. Cobalt has angered Miss Terious even more by flirting with enemies Thora and Pagan Lass.

Loser Lad: Loser Lad harnesses the residual Loser Energy in his system to create self doubt. The Loser Power can be focused on a single opponent, causing extreme uncoordination, lack of confidence, absent mindedness and misfortune. Loser Lad can negate the force of gravity allowing him to gain flight and lift heavy objects. Loser Lad can also dampen energy, allowing him to low the potency of energy attacks
Info: Loser Lad joined the team as the protector of Princess Crujectra. The two have blossomed into a romantic couple.

Princess Crujectra: Princess Crujectra is a low level telepath. She also possesses low level telekinetic powers, which she mainly uses to enhance her physical strength. Her main power is the ability to cast remarkably powerful illusions. Her illusions that can not only fool the eyes, but can affect the other senses, too. They appear to have smell and substance, and can even fool many electronic surveillance devices

Miss Terious: Miss Terious original power was precognition, but after feeling like she wasn’t as useful in the more physical missions, she decided to go through a deadly procedure to allow to gain new powers. She took with her the Hero-Dial and had it grafted into her body. By the act of will, Miss Terious can turn into a super powered for, for at least one hour and no longer than 48 hours

Priestess: Priestess is highly skilled in the mystical arts of magic, being an adept at magic since birth, she was born with the Sight. Priestess can use magic to it's full extent, convert the elements, control and create weather
Info: Priestess had recently seduced Abin Quank so that she could bare his child, she recently gave birth and is on pregnancy leave from the team

Future: Future has enhanced strength, he can fly, and he has the ability to project electricity through his eyes
Info: Future is from the future, he came here by a spell cast by Priestess. He has found the Priestess very attractive, but his opinion of her has changed for what she did with Abin Quank.

Kid Prime: A transformer of great power and strength, he has vast amounts of blasters and technology built in him


Sketch Lad: Sketch Lad has the ability to create beautiful illusions
Info: Sketch Lad has helped out in a few of the Legion’s missions, but he mostly likes the peace and quiet, that way he can work on his art.

Legion of Super Villains

Abin Quank (Leader): Abin Quank owns a powerful ring, which gives him the abilities of flight, the ability to release a powerful concussive blast, super-strength, and the ability to lift objects
Info: Abin Quank has an extreme hatred for Mllash. Abin does not know where his daughter (Priestess’ child) is and will do anything to find her.

Pagan Lass: Pagan Lass is skilled in the mystical arts, she is fond of using a spell to animate her hair
Info: Pagan Lass is out to kill Priestess, she hates her for what she did with her husband, Abin.

Invisible Brainiac: An incredible intellect, he has the ability to render himself invisible and create a force field

Faraway Lad: Faraway Lad has the power to create slipstreams of great distances only, he also has ability to disperse a powerful energy blast

Thora: Thora posses great possession powers, allowing her to overtake minds
Info: Thora hates men, she follows Abin Quank because she sees him as a means to an end. She has recently found herself attracted to Cobalt Kid.

Glorith: Glorith has the ability to temporarily slow down time
Info: Glorith is a humble servant of Thora.

Hrun the Barbarian: Hrun is a skilled warrior with enhanced strength and senses
Info: Hrun was brought to the present date, from the past, by Pagan Lass. He has found himself growing in attraction for her. Because of his lust for her, he has developed a hatred for Abin. Whenever he gets out of control, Pagan Lass can calm him down.

[ October 15, 2004, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: HighPriestessViviane ]
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter One

It’s been an easy week for the Legion. They haven’t had any disturbances. Miss Terious, Cobalt Kid and Kid Prime have all decided that they should visit their friend Sketch Lad. And so we see them on their way to Sketch Lad’s home.

Kid Prime: It’s been a while since we’ve seen Sketch Lad.

Miss Terious: He doesn’t even know that Priestess is on maternity leave.

Cobalt Kid: Here we are.

~knock, knock~

The door opens.

Sketch Lad: Hi guys, come on in.

The three enter, they see a beautiful illusion in the middle of the room.

Miss Terious: It’s glorious, Sketch.

Sketch: Thanks, it’s my latest creation. So how have things been?

As the friends get to chatting, right outside Sketch Lad’s home, burst out blue energy flares out, when it fades away, it leaves behind it’s creator and his allies. Outside of the Sketch Lad’s home stands, Faraway Lad, Thora, Glorith, and Invisible Brainiac.

Faraway Lad: I told you I could get us here.

Thora: Do not sass me cretin!

Invisible Brainiac: Put a sock in it. We’ve got work to do, let’s get down to it.

The four of them walk to the door of Sketch Lad’s home. Faraway Lad blasts the door down, before the Heroes have any chance to react, Glorith throws up her arm. It glows an eerie white and everyone in the room is decelerated.

Invisible Brainiac: Good Job, Glorith. Go!

Thora attacks Cobalt Kid, forcing her will upon him.

Thora: Cretin, your coming with us.

Faraway Lad release blue blasts at Kid Prime, knocking him unconscious.

Invisible Brainiac releases his force field on Miss Terious, taking her out of the game.

Invisible Brainiac: Open a portal, Faraway Lad.

Faraway Lad opens a portal, the Super-Villains carry out the three Legionnaires, leaving Sketch Lad behind. Glorith drops her hand, returning time to it’s natural pace. They enter the portal, leaving Sketch Lad. Sketch Lad runs to stop them, attacking Glorith with an illusion.

Glorith: AAAAHHH!!!

Sketch Lad: Stop!!!

Faraway Lad blasts Sketch Lad, throwing him back into his home.

The portal fades away. Sketch Lad begins to stand up. His home begins to tumble, the building collapses on him.
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Feedback is welcomed!
Posted by Future on :
Viv, love the backstory you've given on all the characters so far. It's interesting to see which side you put some of the LMBers on as well as power changes! Surely Far and IB aren't THAT evil...or are they? [Wink]

By the way, thanks for the mad 'futuristic' power upgrades. The Future of this LMB reality sounds far more competent and interesting than the genuine article!

More, please!
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Thanks, nobody's evil not even Abin. I just thought the way I was going to use their characters was better placed the way they are. Yeah.

[ September 23, 2004, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: HighPriestessViviane ]
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Two

Sketch Lad’s home is in ruins. Then a woman covered in light blue robes, with deep crimson hair that hangs little bit under the bottom of her rib cage, she has a faded tattoo of a hollow crescent moon, with the points aiming towards the sky on her forehead, it is Priestess.

Priestess: I’m too late.

She raises her hands into the air and lifts the rumble that was once Sketch’s home up from the ground. She hears heavy breathing. She rushes over and finds Sketch Lad.

Priestess: By the Goddess! Your still alive. I have to get you some help.

Priestess puts her hands over the body of Sketch Lad and releases a blue light over him. She starts his healing process, but his wounds are too severe.

Priestess: It’s going to be ok.

[ September 23, 2004, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: HighPriestessViviane ]
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Three

In the Headquarters of the Legion of Super Heroes sits Loser Lad and Princess Crujectra. Across from them is Mllash and Future talking. The Legionnaires are enjoying their leisure time when in walks Priestess holding up Sketch Lad.

Future: Priestess.

Princess Crujectra: DEAN!!!

Princess Crujectra runs over to Sketch Lad, Loser Lad follows.

Mllash: Get him in a med-unit.

Princess Crujectra and Loser Lad leave to take Sketch Lad to the med-unit. Mllash walks up to Priestess.

Mllash: Are you alright?

Priestess: I’m fine.

Mllash: What the hell happened?

Priestess: I was back home when I received a vision. I was too late to prevent it from happening.

Mllash: Why didn’t you warn us!?!

Priestess: There was no time! I had the vision and I used the Magic of the Stone Circle to teleport me here. I had the vision but only a few moments ago.

Mllash: I need to know what happened, exactly.

Priestess: The Legion of Super Villains ambushed them.

Mllash: Them? The others.

Priestess: The Villains took them.

Future: Why didn’t Miss Terious have a vision like you did?

Priestess: Pagan Lass. It’s why I had my vision so late. She cast a spell to keep the visions from coming. The only reason I was able to see my vision was because I was in Avalon.

Mllash: What are they going to do with them?

Priestess: I don’t know?

Enters Loser Lad and Princess Crujectra.

Princess Crujectra: We’re not going to find out.

Loser Lad: We’re going over there, tonight.
Posted by Bushido Kid on :
[Karate Kid] I'm skerred! More please! [Karate Kid]
Posted by Abin Quank on :
Hmmm... So I'm the Leader of the LSVP? And I have Vassals?

I think I'm gonna like this story!

So who do I get to Cluck Over?
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
I'll write the next part tonight.
Posted by Jargonmage on :
[Dragonmage] I bet that swine, Cobalt, will try to seduce Pagan Lass. [Lester Spiffany] [Dragonmage]
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
I know what's going to happen, it's very ME!!! That's all I'll say.
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
I like it and In-Brainy's* evil??Hmmm well it makes sense.I'd like to see what you would do to me
*In-Brainy is my nickname for Invisible Brainiac
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Four

Mllash, Loser Lad, Princess Crujectra, Future and Priestess have located the Legion of Super Viilains base after many hours. Mllash devises a plan of action.

Mllash: We have to get in there and come out with our teammates. So here’s the plan, Loser Lad will dampen the force field. We’ll then enter and once in we’ll separate. Priestess and Crujectra will enter from the back. Future will enter from the side, Loser and I will come in the front.

The team lands away from the headquarters of the Villains and take their plan into action. Loser focuses his powers on a portion of the force field surrounding the building. The purple energy spreads and creates a gap in the force field, allowing the team to enter. The team separates going there separate ways.
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Five

Princess Crujectra and Priestess enter from the back way, through the ventilation system. They come out in a room, that appears to be empty.

Princess Crujectra: Well, that was disgusting.

Priestess: We must proceed.

Voice from behind: You’ve gone as far as you’ll go.

Princess Crujectra and Priestess turn around to see Pagan Lass and Hrun.

Pagan Lass: Welcome to my humble abode.

Priestess: Hello, Pagan Lass, how’s Abin?

Pagan Lass: Shut up and die. Hrun! Attack!!!

Hrun launches himself at Princess Crujectra, knocking her down. She use her tactile telekinesis to enhance her strength and knock him off of her.

Princess Crujectra: Filthy pig!!!

Meanwhile Pagan Lass casts her favorite spell and animates her hair to ensnare Priestess. Priestess struggles and gasps for air.

Princess Crujectra: Priestess!!!

Princess Crujectra stands up and throws her hands up. Pagan Lass and Hrun are thrown into an illusion of being in space without any air. They begin to act as if the are suffocating. Priestess is freed and she gets on her feet. Pagan Lass begins to lash out, her eyes begin to glow green and her sends random energy beams from her eyes. One hits Princess Crujectra’s arm, throwing off her concentration.

Pagan Lass regains her posture and her whole body begins to shine. She releases a blast that sends Priestess and Princess Crujectra through the wall, into Invisible Brainiac’s laboratory, where they see a shocking sight.

Priestess: By the Goddess!!!

Princess Crujectra: Oh no.

They see Miss Terious locked up in a test tube, and Kid Prime on the operation table.

Princess Crujectra: You MONSTER!!!

Princess Crujectra sends Invisible Brainiac an illusion that he’s on fire. She then rushes over to Kid Prime while Priestess rushes over to Miss Terious.

Princess Crujectra: It’ll be fine.

Pagan Lass: Like sprock it will.

Pagan Lass sends an electric blast at Princess Crujectra, knocking her unconscious. Priestess runs out of the room and down a hall.

Pagan Lass: Hrun! Get her!

Invisible Brainiac: NO!!! She won’t get far.

Priestess runs and finds a dark crevasse to which she hides in.

Priestess (thinking): I have to focus my Sight.

Priestess focuses with great determination and projects and astral projection to Miss Terious.

Miss Terious: Viviane?

Priestess: What’s going on?

Miss Terious: I’m not sure.

Priestess’ astral projection abruptly fades away.

Miss Terious: Priestess. Priestess!

Back in the dark crevasse, Priestess finds herself at the mercy of…Cobalt Kid! Cobalt Kid projected blue magnetic rings to warp metal bars around the Priestess body.

Cobalt Kid: Hello sweetheart.

Cobalt Kid takes Priestess back to the lab.

Invisible Brainiac: Ahh, Cobalt Kid, I told you, Pagan Lass, that she wouldn’t get far.

Cobalt Kid: Don’t you have faith in my abilities, Pagan Lass?

Pagan Lass: Perhaps you can privately prove yourself.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Holy creepy Alias spy plot, Batman!
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Yeah, that was a reference to that Alias show right?

[ September 26, 2004, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: HighPriestessViviane ]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Wooh! Things are getting very interesting!
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Six

Future has made his way into the compound. He searches for his teammates. All of a sudden Future can hear Priestess and Princess Crujectra screaming. He takes to flight and soars through the building, when from nowhere he is under a psychic assault. The power overtakes his thoughts and he is forced down from the sky. He comes crashing down. He raises his head and sees Thora and Glorith.

Thora: The cretin of the future. Glorith!!!

At the sound of her name, Glorith throws her arms at Future. Before she can use her powers, Future’s eyes spark blue and he electrifies Glorith to unconsciousness. Future then flies behind Thora and sends an electrical beam her way, blasting her in the back.

Thora: You will pay dearly for that.

Future: I don’t have time for this.

Future’s eyes light up once more, but before he can blast her, Thora’s head glows pink, she sends her mind on Future, causing there to be a pink radiance emitting from his head. He discharges his electrical blasts on her, but he cannot focus the energy correctly under her attack. He feels her presence tear at his brain, he realizes that she no longer means to control him, but her anger makes her want to kill him. Fearing for his life, he rushes her, sending her in the air. Future begins to take off when he just stops, he’s frozen in Glorith’s power.

Glorith: Annoying twit.

[ September 29, 2004, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: HighPriestessViviane ]
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Seven

Mllash and Loser Lad head in the front way. Before they have anytime to make any headway, they are barraged with an energy beam. Loser Lad projects a purple sphere around himself that dampens the energy, allowing him to not feel the full force of the attack. Mllash creates one of his red energy whips and projects it around himself, shield him from the bluntness of the attack. After the attack has passed the heroes look up to see Faraway Lad.

Faraway Lad: He knew you would come.

Mllash: If that was so, he would have sent more than you.

Faraway Lad becomes angry at the statement, he throws out his arm, but before he can attack, he finds himself coated in a purple energy. Loser Lad is using his power to nullify gravity on him, sending him to the roof. Faraway Lad then teleports. He pops back right behind them, but before he can attack, Mllash has already sent a whip at him, hurtling him across the room, taking him out.

Loser Lad: How did you know where he would reappear?

Mllash: My powers allow me to sense energy fluctuations, I could feel where the energy that he uses to teleport was originating from, allowing me to determine where he would reappear.

Loser Lad: I knew you could sense energy, but I didn’t know you could use it like that.

Mllash: It was only because we were in such close distance of him, now let’s get moving.

Before they even have a chance to walk five feet, Abin floats down and releases a powerful blast from behind them. Loser Lad lays unconsciously, but Mllash appears to have been diminished.

Abin: One down and one out! Bwa-hah-hah-hah-hah!
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Eight

Abin Quank enters the center room with an energy field around the unconscious body of Loser Lad. Faraway Lad is right behind him, and waiting for them in the room is Pagan Lass.

Pagan Lass: Where’s Mllash?

Abin Quank: I blasted him, and nothing was left to pick up.

Pagan Lass smiles. She runs over to her husband and places her hands on his bulging pectorals.

Pagan Lass: Things are falling into place.

Abin Quank places Loser in a cell that then becomes suspend in the air. Pagan Lass leaves the room.

We return to Thora and Glorith. Glorith pull out a heated dagger.

Glorith: This is going to be fun.

Thora: Make the cretin scream.

Future feels the heat of the blade, he summons all his strength and makes a spark from his eyes. It startles Glorith and she jumps back and falls on Thora, breaking her hold on Future.

Thora: You fool!

Future stands up, Thora rises, but before she can react Future electrifies her. He swings around to Glorith.

Future: Lights out.

He swings his fist and sends her hurtling to the wall, taking her out.

Pagan Lass re-enters Invisible Brainiac’s lab, Invisible Brainiac, Hrun and Cobalt Kid are in there.

Pagan Lass: Loser Lad has been neutralized, and Mllash is no longer a problem.

Pagan Lass then feels what is happening to Thora and Glorith.

Pagan Lass: Future is escaping. Get him, all of you!

Invisible Brainiac, Hrun and Cobalt Kid leave. Pagan Lass makes sure they are gone. She turns quickly and walks over to the unconscious Priestess strapped on the gurney.

Pagan Lass: I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.

Pagan Lass animates her hair and begins to strangle Priestess. Then, Priestess abruptly opens her eyes and a light blue glow comes from her body, ripping the straps and sending Pagan Lass through the wall. Priestess then gets up and walks over to Miss Terious. Priestess blasts the test tube releasing Miss Terious.

Priestess: What happened to Cobalt Kid?

Miss Terious: Invisible Brainiac. He placed a chip in his head.

Priestess: Help me get the others out.

Miss Terious then summons her H-Dial powers and changes into Somber Lass, the shadow weaver. She stands in front of Kid Prime’s shackles and sends a dark blast to destroy them, setting him free.

Kid Prime: Finally!

Priestess release a light blue blast on chains on Princess Crujectra. Priestess then removes the psychic inhibitor from her head.

Priestess: You heard about Cobalt Kid?

Princess Crujectra: Yes, my telepathy alone can’t override the programming.

Priestess: You are not alone.

Kid Prime: Let’s get out to where the action is.

With that, the team leaves to aide their comrades.

We then enter on Abin Quank. He and Faraway Lad wait for the return of Pagan Lass.

Abin Quank: Where is she?

Then from behind and red energy flash hits Faraway Lad from behind. Abin Quank turns his way. Then from behind Abin Quank, Mllash jumps down.

Mllash: Looking for me?

Abin Quank turns around. Mllash then throws a red energy whip at Abin Quank which lashes him across the chest.
Posted by Gold_Leader on :
This is awesome! Great Jorb, Vivi! [Cool]
Posted by Future on :
Wow! Excellent, Viv!

Glad to see I pack a punch and that Lash is getting some combat action!
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Thank you, I appreciate your comments.
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Nine

Future had made a great headway in taking down Thora and Glorith, but when their allies came to help them it was futile for him to fight back. Now he was subdued once again. But hope was not lost for in that moment, his allies came to the rescue. Miss Terious (in the form of Somber Lass) surprises Hrun by casting him in darkness. She enters the field and throws him a few kicks and punches. He is stunned, but he quickly recovers.

Miss Terious: A tough one, huh?

Hrun: I destroy blue lady.

Hrun launches himself at Miss Terious and thrusts her against the wall.

Miss Terious: WAAAYHH! Get off of me!

Kid Prime comes from behind and grabs Hrun and hurls him across the room.

Kid Prime: Are you okay?

Miss Terious: I’m fine.

Then Kid Prime is sent into the air by the magnetic powers of Cobalt Kid.

Miss Terious: Kid Prime!

Cobalt Kid: It must be terribly uncomfortable in my magnetic grip.

Miss Terious sends a dark blast at Cobalt Kid, but it doesn’t phase him. Then Invisible Brainiac becomes visible and it becomes apparent that he has projected a force field around Cobalt Kid. Princess Crujectra then graces the scene and sends Invisible Brainiac and Cobalt Kid on a mental roller coaster with her illusions.

Cobalt Kid: AAAHHH!

Invisible Brainiac: AAAAHHH!

Princess Crujectra launches herself at Invisible Brainiac, knocking him to the ground. Kid Prime falls to the ground. Hrun jumps up and launches himself at Miss Terious.

Miss Terious: BACK OFF!!!

Miss Terious then releases a dark blast that send Hrun hurtling into the ceiling. She then runs over to Kid Prime.

Miss Terious: Are you ok?

Kid Prime: I’m fine.

Princess Crujectra has pinned Invisible Brainiac to the floor.

Princess Crujectra: Tell me how to fix Cobalt Kid!

Invisible Brainiac: Sprock off, mind-witch!

Invisible Brainiac then releases his force field, sending Princess Crujectra to the floor. Princess Crujectra stands up.

Princess Crujectra: That is no way to talk to royalty.

She the places her hands on the head and let’s her mental powers rip.

Invisible Brainiac: AAAAAHHHH!!!

Invisible Brainiac then stumble to the floor. Princess Crujectra runs up to him and launches her left leg at him, kicking him in the head and taking him out of the fight.

Priestess: AAAHHH!

Cobalt Kid launches a magnetic attack on Priestess, send her to the ground. Princess Crujectra turns around and places him under an illusion. Kid Prime and Miss Terious take this opportunity to attack him. Kid Prime pops out a blaster from his arm and releases a yellow energy blast, while Miss Terious releases a dark blast. Cobalt is sent plunging to the wall. Princess Crujectra runs over to Priestess.

Priestess: I’m fine.

Princess Crujectra: We need to take him with us.

Priestess stands up and waves her hand and cast a light blue field around the unconscious body of Cobalt Kid. He then levitates.

Princess Crujectra: I can sense Loser Lad and Mllash. We should get to them.

With that, Princess Crujectra, Future, Miss Terious, Kid Prime, Priestess, with Cobalt Kid in hand, hurry to the center room.
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Ten

We re-enter the center room where Mllash and Abin Quank have been battling, Mllash is showing signs of fatigue, but the highly powered Abin Quank has only mild signals of battle. Mllash forms another red energy whip and leaps at Abin Quank. Abin Quank is thrust to the ground by the formidable powers of Mllash. Abin Quank gets up and equilibrates with an energy blast, hurtling Mllash. Abin Quank then flies over to Mllash and uses his super-strength to launch a fist onto Mllash.

Mllash: AAAHHH!

Abin Quank: Give up. You’re nothing compared to me. I may have been an easy win before, but now that I have this ring, I beyond your comprehension. Wait, before you try to zing me with another witty comeback, let me save you the trouble of your rant on what’s good and bad. Now I can incinerate you here or you can give up willingly.

Mllash then looks past Abin Quank and sees his team members. Mllash feels relieved that they have made it out okay. He receives a mental message from Princess Crujectra of Cobalt Kid’s status. Mllash then takes his attention back to Abin Quank.

Mllash: Cluck you.

Abin Quank becomes frustrated with the cool and collected Mllash, he raises his hand, signaling that he is going to attack. Before he has a chance to, Kid Prime and Miss Terious (Somber Lass) flight over him and release energy blasts at him, pushing Abin Quank back.

Kid Prime: How’s it going boss?

Mllash looks over and sees that Faraway Lad is awake.

Mllash: I’m fine, take care of Faraway Lad.

Miss Terious and Kid Prime fly over and begin to attack Faraway Lad. Up above the battle “field“, Princess Crujectra tries desperately to get her lover, Loser Lad, out of his cage.

Princess Crujectra: I don’t have the power to break these locks.

Princess Crujectra then uses her powers to place Loser Lad in an illusion, even though he is unconscious, he then wakes up.

Loser Lad: Princess!

Princess Crujectra: I can’t get you out.

Loser Lad: I’m going to try something, get away.

Princess Crujectra flees the cage. Loser Lad then creates a purple field, he nulls gravity and send the cage up to the ceiling, breaking to cage open, freeing Loser Lad. Loser Lad then rushes into the arms of his beloved. Down below, Priestess and Future guard Cobalt Kid. Then, the ground shakes. A green glow comes from the entrance of the room. The glow enters and it is Pagan Lass in a fit of rage.

Pagan Lass: AAAHHH!!!

She releases lightning throughout the room, blasting Loser Lad and Princess Crujectra out of the air. She blasts lightning at Future, Priestess, and Cobalt Kid, sending the men hurtling, while Priestess is still in front of Pagan Lass. Pagan Lass looks at Priestess.

Pagan Lass: You!
Posted by Loser Lad on :
This is awesome Viv! I especially like how you worked in Miss T's alts as a part of her power. Using the H-Dial was a really nice touch and fits the situation perfectly! I also like the amped up powers for Loser Lad, Lash, Future and the others.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Oh, yeah and Cobie with a chip in his head...priceless! [LOL]
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Thanks for your feedback, Loser Lad.
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Eleven

Cobalt Kid awakens from his unconsciousness, he sees Pagan Lass, Abin Quank, and Faraway Lad attacking the Legion. He is confused, he’s not sure what side he should help. Cobalt Kid just stands there looking at the fight, then Pagan Lass blasts the ground near him and sends him to the wall. Pagan Lass hovers above the ground, right in front of the fallen Priestess.

Pagan Lass: How dare you? Who do you think you are? I’m going to make you pay for all the pain you’ve caused me.

The air moans like that of an ancient cat, the sign that Pagan Lass has invoked the powers of Bast. Pagan Lass’ eyes become a jet black, her hair moves as if it has life of its own. Abin Quank looks over to his wife.

Abin Quank: What have you done to yourself?

Pagan Lass speaks, her words are spoken with a shrilled feline hiss.

Pagan Lass: I have become the woman of greatness that I was meant to be.

Pagan Lass holds out her hand and cast a green glow that conjures a mystical cage to lock up Loser Lad, Future, Princess Crujectra, Miss Terious, and Kid Prime. Mllash and Priestess look on in horror. Mllash throws a red whip at Abin Quank, it wraps around his feet. Mllash retracts the whip and throws Abin Quank to the floor. The two begin to fight once again. Pagan Lass turns her attention to Priestess.

Pagan Lass: Now, where were we?

Pagan Lass projects a green orb at Priestess. It hits Priestess in the abdomen, it causes pain and levitates her in the air.

Priestess: OWW!

Pagan Lass: You always act so superior, you think your special because you serve the Mother Goddess. Well, look at you now.

Pagan Lass closes her fist, magically forcing pain onto Priestess.

Priestess: AAHH!

Pagan Lass: Does that hurt you? Good! It will teach you. What am I saying, your not going to live long enough to be taught anything.

Pagan Lass holds out her hands and rushes Priestess with a wave of green energy.


Faraway Lad looks on as Pagan Lass slowly destroys Priestess.

Faraway Lad (thinking): This is wrong, this is all wrong. I never wanted this. Sure the offer for power was too hard to pass up, but this is murder, I can’t condone that.

Faraway Lad runs over to the mystic cage that harbors the rest of the Legion.

Faraway Lad: If you blast from the inside and I the out, we might be able to disperse the cage.

Kid Prime: Why should we trust you?

Faraway Lad: You don’t have much choice.

Princess Crujectra: He’s right, look at what Pagan Lass is doing?

Kid Prime and the others faces show signs of willingness.

Faraway Lad: Ready?

Loser Lad spreads a purple energy dampening field on the cage, the power of the cage is already show its strain on him. Miss Terious releases all her dark energy on the cage. Kid Prime opens up all his blasters and releases all the firepower he has. Future projects his potent electric eye blast on full power onto the cage. On the outside, Faraway Lad’s hands glow silver. He throws his arms out and releases all the energy he can on the cage. The energy mixture cause a burst of energy and the cage is no more.

Kid Prime: Why did you help us?

Faraway Lad: That’s none of your business.

With that, Faraway Lad teleports out of the building.

Loser Lad, lies on the ground, having exhausted his power. The rest of the Legion rushes after Pagan Lass. Pagan Lass’ new powers are too much, and before they even have a chance to attack, she waves her hands and sends them flying, at the same time dropping a now bruised and bloody Priestess. Pagan Lass looks at Priestess and smiles. The Legion looks on as well.

Princess Crujectra: She’s…no…

Future understands what Princess Crujectra is trying to say, he becomes furious, he launches himself at Pagan Lass, but she easily strikes him down. Priestess turns her head and looks at the Legion, tears roll down her face.

Priestess: I love you all…

[ October 15, 2004, 01:51 AM: Message edited by: HighPriestessViviane ]
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Chapter Twelve

Pagan Lass floats over to the Legion.

Pagan Lass: HAHAHAHA! She couldn’t stop me, and neither can you, make this easy on yourselves.


The entire team (save Mllash because he’s dueling with Abin Quank, and the unconscious Cobalt Kid) open fire on Pagan Lass. She feels nothing. She sticks out her hands and charges the Legion with electricity.

Pagan Lass: You could have made this easy on yourselves, now I’m going to do this slowly.

Priestess lifeless and crippled body lies on the ground, behind Pagan Lass and the Legion. No movement, except for the slight motion of her lips. Then, her bruises begin to fade, her wounds close and her body heals. She opens her eyes.

Pagan Lass: HAHAHA! Say hello to Priestess for me!

The room is no longer under the glow of Pagan Lass. From behind her come a clear light blue luminosity. Everyone turns to see. There is no visible body. Then from inside the intense light, a hand appears, and with it a body. The Priestess returns, he hair moving with the grace of a breeze, her eyes gentle and soothing, she ascends to the air, constantly beaming with the light.

Pagan Lass: Impossible!

Priestess begins to speak, her voice now echoes with the calmness of water.

Priestess: I am the Lady of the Lake. Those of you who have strayed will soon be set on the path of the true.

Pagan Lass: Like Bast you will!

Pagan Lass throws out her arms and releases a green energy blast. Priestess waves her hand and the energy turns into fairy lights. Priestess returns to the ground, she stands on her toes. She begins to spin, fairy lights join her in her dance. The entire room fills up with fairy lights. The Priestess begins to radiate light once more, the light over comes Pagan Lass. Pagan Lass doesn’t even have a chance to make a sound when she feels the power of Bast leaves her. Priestess ends her dance, she is no longer illuminating so brightly, the fairy lights are gone. Priestess stands over Pagan Lass. She then sits next to her. Pagan Lass no longer exists, only Alicine.

Priestess: Everything will be fine from now, Alicine.

Priestess consumes Alicine with a light blue glow, the glow fades and Alicine is gone.

Princess Crujectra: Where is she?

Priestess: In Avalon, where she’ll be safe.

Priestess points to Cobalt Kid, he then is levitated in front of Priestess and the rest of the Legion.

Priestess: Lou, Prime, Mllash needs your aide.

The two then join Mllash in the fight against the still powerful Abin Quank.

Priestess: We need to restore Desmond.

Miss Terious: How?

Priestess: I have an idea.

The rest of the Legion takes Priestess plan into action, Miss Terious turns into Shock Damsel, an electricity using form. Future protects the group. Priestess centers Cobalt Kid. Miss Terious fills the atmosphere with electricity in hopes to short circuit the chip. Priestess casts a spell of recognition on Cobalt Kid.

Priestess: Are you prepared, Princess?

Princess Crujectra: It’s now or never.

Princess Crujectra focuses her telepathic powers and scratches at the surface of Cobalt Kid’s mind. She realizes that she’s not getting any results. She focuses more so, her head then releases a pink spark and Cobalt Kid’s eyes pop open, while Princess Crujectra faints.

Cobalt Kid: I’m back. Priestess? What happened to you?

Priestess is on the ground, cradling Princess Crujectra.

Priestess: There is no time to explain, Miss Terious, Desmond, you must help Mllash. Future, I can’t not attack in this form, I need you to protect the Princess.

Miss Terious and Cobalt Kid spring into battle.
Posted by HighPriestessViviane on :
Remember, feedback is always welcomed, especially now that it's getting to the conclusion
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Wow over a month since I posted, well here's the conclusion:
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter Thirteen

Mllash is tossed into the air by the power of Abin Quank, Mllash falls on top of Miss Terious. Cobalt Kid continues on, pursuing to defeat Abin Quank. Cobalt Kid launches a stream of metallic objects at Abin Quank, but with a blast of green energy, the objects are destroyed.

Abin Quank: There’s no way to defeat me!

Cobalt Kid: I’m sick of your annoying smug ass!

Cobalt throws out his arms and releases blues rings of magnetism that charge the entire place. Then he stops and points to Abin Quank, he releases a magnetic pulse and the metal in the room rushes towards Abin and crushes him.


Abin Quank is covered in a heap of metal, then a green glow shines from the center and hurls all the metal from Abin Quank. Abin Quank then blasts Cobalt Kid and Cobalt Kid falls to the ground. Kid Prime and Mllash attack Abin Quank. The now weekend Abin Quank struggles to defend himself. Future, guarding over Princess Crujectra, watches with Priestess and the regaining his consciousness, Loser Lad.

Loser Lad: What’s going on?

Future: They’re winning.

Priestess: NNOOO!

Just then Miss Terious changes her form from Shock Damsel to Energal, a form the has the ability to increase and restore energy.

Loser Lad: What’s that form?

Miss Terious: This is Energal!

Miss Terious then increases the energy in the atmosphere and directs it at Kid Prime and Mllash, sending them to the ground. She then focuses her powers on Abin Quank, restoring his powers.

Loser Lad: What is she doing?

Future: She’s betrayed us.

Miss Terious: No, I haven’t.

Abin Quank: She has been my spy since the beginning, how did you think I knew all your plans?

Abin Quank then focuses his powers and releases a blast of pure destruction. The blasts is reflected by Priestess’ light. Abin Quank erects a force field around himself, but Miss Terious is left undefended and the blast wipes her out.

Priestess: Now, while he’s stunned.

Mllash generates a red whip and wraps it around Abin Quank. Loser Lad’s hands glow purple as he causes Abin Quank to be uncoordinated, while dampening his energies. Future releases yellow electric blasts at Abin Quank. Kid Prime focuses an energy cannon, he begins to fire, Priestess then enhances the energy, thrusting Abin Quank into the wall.
Abin Quank begins to get up to attack, he then begins to get frightened for no reason. Then Princess Crujectra stands up, signaling that she has placed him under her illusions. Abin Quank flies into the air and blasts a hole in the ceiling and leaves the complex. The place then starts to collapse. The Legion has no time to get out.

Princess Crujectra: We can’t make it!

Priestess then glows bright, and the team is suddenly out of the complex, without Priestess.

Loser Lad: We’re outside.

Kid Prime: She’s gone.
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter Fourteen

The rest of the Legion returns to their base. All of them are depressed about the recent battle. They enter and find the place decorated beautifully, lavish and luxurious.

Mllash: Who did all this?

Sketch Lad: It was me, hope you don’t mind.

Princess Crujectra: Dean, your up and there isn’t a scratch on you.

Sketch Lad: Viv healed me.

Cobalt Kid: Viv? She’s here?

Sketch Lad: She’s outside.

Cobalt Kid exits while the others relax.

Cobalt Kid: Viviane.

Priestess has returned to her normal self.

Cobalt Kid: I…she…

Priestess: I know.

Priestess places her hand on his shoulder.

Priestess: Things will be fine.

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Great story Viv! This is kinda like "The Legion World Civil War"--I like it!

I like the codename "Priestess" too, which I think should be your LMB codename. And Abin as a villian is fun to read [Big Grin]
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Heroes for Storyline # 2

Mllash (leader): Mllash the ability to form red energy whips of great strength. He can control the level of power his whips posses, allowing him to bind people in energy or slash through steel, as a result of these powers, Mllash can sense energy fluctuations

Cobalt Kid (Desmond): Cobalt Kid is able to manipulate the magnetic field to his advantage, a power based solely on his willpower. With it, he can attract and repel objects using magnetic forces, he can fly, he can create a magnetic shield around him, and he can use his magnetic power to increase his strength incredibly, by focusing on the forces he is hitting. His power works on most anything, but especially well around water and metal objects, the best conductors
Info: Cobalt is the ladies man, but that has gotten him into some trouble, he has dated Princess Crujectra and Priestess. He recently was dating Miss Terious, who turned out to be a secret operative of Abin Quank, and as a result, died in battle, after her death Cobalt was comforted by Priestess, though she has shunned his affections

Loser Lad (Lou): Loser Lad harnesses the residual Loser Energy in his system to create self doubt. The Loser Power can be focused on a single opponent, causing extreme uncoordination, lack of confidence, absent mindedness and misfortune. Loser Lad can negate the force of gravity allowing him to gain flight and lift heavy objects. Loser Lad can also dampen energy, allowing him to low the potency of energy attacks
Info: Loser Lad joined the team as the protector of Princess Crujectra. The two have blossomed into a romantic couple. He has recently married the lovely Princess

Princess Crujectra (deputy leader): Princess Crujectra is a low level telepath. She also possesses low level telekinetic powers, which she mainly uses to enhance her physical strength. Her main power is the ability to cast remarkably powerful illusions. Her illusions that can not only fool the eyes, but can affect the other senses, too. They appear to have smell and substance, and can even fool many electronic surveillance devices
Info: Now married to Loser Lad, Crujectra has found herself growing more powerful in the ways of telepathy

Sketch Lad (Dean): A top level illusion caster, his personality and charm make him a great asset to the team, the original members are glad to have him back in the team.
Info: As a result of her fondness towards him, Priestess has cast a spell to give Sketch Lad various light powers, he is unaware of were this new power has come from, but he intends to use in for good

Priestess (Viviane): Priestess is highly skilled in the mystical arts of magic, being an adept at magic since birth; she was born with the Sight. Priestess can use magic to its full extent, convert the elements, control and create weather
Info: Priestess had recently seduced Abin Quank so that she could bare his child; she recently gave birth and is on pregnancy leave from the team. After she returned, Priestess learned that her child had become ill and died, she hid it from her teammates, and now she has something special in store for them

Future (Unknown): Future has enhanced strength, he can fly, and he has the ability to project electricity through his eyes
Info: Future is from the future, he came here by a spell cast by Priestess. He has found the Priestess very attractive, but his opinion of her has changed for what she did with Abin Quank. After seeing the Priestess will all the power of the Goddess, he has a new found respect and caring for her, though his thinking that she is fragile may turn out to be a problem

Kid Prime: A transformer of great power and strength, he has vast amounts of blasters and technology built in him
Info: Extremely fond of Miss Terious, Prime became unsettling; it was only through being reunited with his close friend, Sketch Lad that he was able to bounce back
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
I did add a little to some of the bios, more like updates that are going to be needed for this storyline.
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter One

Priestess finds herself alone; she has the symbols needed for a gateway marked on the ground. It’s cold; she has a large blue shawl around her to keep herself warm. She gets on her knees; she can feel the cold grass against her fingers. The symbols begin to glow.

Priestess: Goddess, I need aid if I am to complete what must be done.

The symbols become a blinding light, when the light stops, a man she recognizes stands before her.

Priestess: The God of Strength…
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter Two

Man: Where am I?

He looks at the Priestess, overwhelmed by her looks.

Priestess: You don’t recognize anything?

Man: No.

Priestess: I didn’t think I would summon you from the past.

Man: You know who I am?

She looks him over, pleasantly surprised to find him as handsome as legend tells.

Priestess: You’re Hercules.

Hercules: And you are?

Priestess: Viviane, people call me Priestess.

Hercules: How did I get here?

Priestess: I brought you here, I needed a warrior, I used your story as a guideline, and it seems that I actually got you; this is the second time this has happened.

Hercules: Can’t you send me back?

Priestess: Not for a while, didn’t your wife and children just die?

Hercules is taken back.

Hercules: Yes…

Priestess: And aren’t you looking for a new path, didn’t you want to help others, think of it, you can help people here but at even a higher magnitude.

Hercules: I… suppose I could, um… try and make the best of this situation, what did you need me for?

Priestess: I don’t need you now, but soon. Let’s get you out of those clothes.

Hercules: (he grins) Excuse me?

Priestess: (she looks at him with a catty eye) People will stare if you walk around in that. Come on.

She gets him kevlar pants and boots and silver crested vest armor plate. Afterwards she tells him of the Legion, she uses a spell that allows him to know what is considered ‘common knowledge’ in today’s standards. She concludes that no one must know who he is because he is just thought of as a myth, and that the consequences of knowing that his is real could be devastating. They decide to call him Valiant. They head to Legion headquarters.

Priestess: (thinking) First, I get Hercules descendant, Future, now I get the genuine article, great job, Viviane, why don’t I just get Zeus himself down here, I’m sure the universe would like to know he exists as well.
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter Three

Back at Legion headquarters, Priestess comes storming in with Valiant leaning on her.

Priestess: Quickly, he needs medical attention!

Kid Prime takes Valiant, with Sketch Lad, they head down to the med-lab.

Loser Lad: Who’s he?

Priestess: I don’t know.

Princess Crujectra: And you brought him here!

Mllash: Princess! Viviane, who is this guy?

Priestess: I was outside… meditating, when I was suddenly under siege, they were after me because I was a Legionnaire; they were hired thugs, they had energy blasters. Before I had a chance to strike, he came and fended them off, but one of the assailants managed to come from behind with a surprise attack, I dealt with him and brought him here, it was the least I could do.

Cobalt Kid: And he could be here to infiltrate the base.

Priestess turns sharply around to Cobalt Kid.

Priestess: When have I ever been that naive? Yes, there is a level a trust that I have already put on him, but I feel that it’s justified.

Future: Viviane is the High Priestess of Avalon, a title given to those of power and wisdom; I think we should be able to trust her judgment.

Priestess cringed at his words, she knew how the Future admired her, and she felt her heart being torn from her chest as he gave her praise.

Mllash: Let’s see how your rescuer is doing.

As they headed down to the med-lab, Princess Crujectra began to ponder.

Princess Crujectra: (thinking) Something doesn’t fit. I don’t know what it is, maybe my telepathy advancing, but something isn’t right here, and the falsehood seems to stem from Priestess, what is she hiding from us?

In the med-lab, Valiant sits-up right.

Mllash: Well?

Kid Prime: His stats are perfectly normal.

Sketch Lad: Although he doesn’t seem to remember anything.

Mllash: Then perhaps our lovely Princess can jog his memory.

Princess Crujectra advances towards Valiant.

Princess Crujectra: This won’t hurt.

She places her hands right above his temples. She sees images of heroism and bravery, and him saving Priestess, but no memory of his name or origin, she sees what power he possesses, but everything else has been clouded.

Princess Crujectra: I don’t know anything about his past, or his name, it’s seems like there is some sort or fog around his mind. I do know that he possesses great strength and courage.

Priestess: He’ll need a place to stay.

Mllash: He can stay here. He’ll need a name.

Priestess: How about ‘Valiant‘?

Sketch Lad: Has a nice ring to it.

Valiant: I like it.

Mllash: There’s a room in the east corridor, Priestess can show you the way.

In the hall, Priestess and Valiant head towards his room.

Priestess: You did wonderful, they didn’t suspect a thing.

Valiant: You don’t mind lying to your friends?

Priestess: It’s for there own good.

Back in the med-lab.

Cobalt Kid: Is that the smartest thing to do?

Loser Lad: Calm down, he saved Viviane, Crujectra saw it.

Mllash: We’ll just have to keep an eye on him while he stays here.
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
More Bios:
Valiant (Hercules): Super-Strength, highly invulnerable, longevity
Info: Was brought from the past to by Priestess, he is the newest recruit to the Legion, he keep his identity secret by claiming selective amnesia

Yellow Kid (William "Billy" Randolph): A link to the cosmic balance of the universe, his powers allow him to focus on the opposite of his divined side, allowing him to sense evil and wreck havoc on balance of order, he’s is also a creative genius
Info: A one time villain of the Legion, he will now be a key to their future, whether he realizes it or not

[ January 08, 2005, 10:28 PM: Message edited by: HighPriestess Viviane ]
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter Four

Yellow Kid sits in his underground base, tinkering away at his latest invention. When he feels eyes upon him, he turns around and finds the Priestess.

Yellow Kid: What are you doing here?

Priestess: I came to see how things are progressing.

Yellow Kid: Couldn’t you just spy on me magically or whatever it is that you do?

Priestess: There’s no need to get so cranky with me. I wasn’t on the team when the Legion defeated your Color Gang, we have never been enemies.

Yellow Kid: If they knew you where down here, they’d…

Priestess: They will do nothing, by the time they realize what I have planned for them it will be too late.

Yellow Kid: How’s the barbarian?

Priestess: He’s far from barbaric, he’s adjusting better than I expected, he’s charming, how can you not like him.

Yellow Kid realizes the affection she feels for Valiant as she speaks about him.

Yellow Kid: Be careful with those emotions.

Priestess: If I want your advice, I’d ask for it. Is it…

Yellow Kid: …coming closer, I can feel it’s presence more than ever before. We can’t act fast enough. Let’s hope you and your friends are prepared.

Priestess: I need not worry about Future or Valiant, but will the others be able to turn on a friend…
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Originally posted by HighPriestess Viviane:
Info: Loser Lad joined the team as the protector of Princess Crujectra. The two have blossomed into a romantic couple. He has recently married the lovely Princess


Loser Lad...married?!? This truly is a strange new world you've created here! [Big Grin]

Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
I forgot that some of you read this, I was just posting spradoically. I told Cobie a while ago that I was going to do this, and I thought I should get to it.

Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter Five

Back at the Legion headquarters, Loser Lad, Mllash and Cobalt Kid test out Valiant’s powers. Above them, Kid Prime is running the equipment to record Valiant’s readings. The three Legionnaires surround Valiant. Cobalt Kid attacks first; he magnetically increases his strength and speed and launches a kick to Valiant’s abdomen. Valiant stumbles back, but recovers. Cobalt Kid then magnetically hurls metal bars at Valiant, Valiant covers himself with his arms as the bars hit him, Cobalt Kid then bends the bars around him, squeezing the breath out of Valiant. Valiant begins to flex and pops the bars off him, Cobalt Kid then attempts another physical assault, but Valiant flings him off.
Loser Lad encloses an anti-gravity field around Valiant, sending him in the air, Valiant in turn back flips, allowing him to reach the ceiling; once he does he dives down towards Loser Lad. Mllash then casts a red energy whip around Valiant and throws him to the ground.
Then Cobalt Kid attacks Valiant from behind. Valiant becomes angered by the sneak attack, but before Valiant can retaliate, Cobalt Kid releases a magnetic force that sends Valiant into the wall.

Kid Prime: COBALT! That’s enough!

Valiant becomes angry and charges towards Cobalt Kid.

Valiant: That was a cowards attack!

Mllash: We had to test all attack styles.

Cobalt Kid and Loser Lad leave and walk to the monitor room.

Loser Lad: What happened in there?

Cobalt Kid: Something came over me; I don’t know what it is?

Loser Lad: Sounds like jealousy.

Cobalt Kid: I don’t get jealous.

Loser Lad: Please, when Future first joined you were so envious you were practically green.

They then enter the monitor room where Sketch Lad is, they drop the conversation.

Sketch Lad: How was the session?

Loser Lad: Interesting to say the least.

Sketch Lad: What’s this? There are some odd energy readings on the screen. I better tell Mllash.

Moments later…

Mllash: Alright, Sketch Lad, alert the team. We’ll be ready for you in the hanger. Looks like it’s time for your first mission, Valiant.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
YK's real name is Billy Randolph...or William if you're in the mood to be more formal. I tend to shy away from William as it gives away a little too much of his actual in print origins (and comes dangerously close to infringing on a heavyweight copyright). [Big Grin] think about it.
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter Six

The Legion has landed where the strange energy had been originating from.

Mllash: Let’s get to work.

The Legion set out to find where the mysterious energy had been coming from. Everyone was focused on the task at hand, except for the two females of the team. Princess Crujectra had her mind of Priestess, and Priestess had her mind elsewhere.

Priestess: (in thought) Are you getting the readings I’m sending over to you?

In the lair of Yellow Kid, a ghostly like form of Priestess hovers in front of him.

Yellow Kid: Yes, I got them. Is it wise to be doing this, Princess Crujectra is becoming very powerful?

Priestess: (in thought) Then you should make hast before she can catch on.

Yellow Kid: Hmph.

He’s quite for a minute; he raises his head and looks at her image.

Yellow Kid: It’s her.

Priestess transparent face turns cold, she looks at Yellow Kid, then she fades away. Her thoughts are back to her body, she walks over to Mllash.

Priestess: I can’t find the source, I have no idea what it is.

Kid Prime: I can.

The Legion looks at their teammate, he stands on the other side of a wall. The team walks over to him, as they turn the corner, their mouths drop; their faces turn white and cold. They view destruction, the entire city torn to shreds, the stained red and charred black.

Valiant: What could have…

Priestess: By the Goddess…

Mllash: Princess?

Princess Crujectra: Not the slightest faint of a thought.

Kid Prime: I’m not picking up any scans of life.

Sketch Lad: We’re too late.

The team in utter disbelief searches the rubble. After hours, with no trace of any survivors, the team leaves to return to their base.
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter Seven

Mllash became dedicated to find out who laid waste to that city. Loser Lad and Princess Crujectra sat together comforting each other. Future and Valiant had gone off to work out their frustrations. Cobalt Kid, Kid Prime and Sketch Lad aided Mllash in any way possible. Priestess observed her teammates for a while; she then decided to retire to her quarters. Princess Crujectra saw her leave. She went after her and caught up with her in the hall way.

Princess Crujectra: Viviane! Hold on.

Priestess: Crujectra, after that I just need some rest.

Princess Crujectra: Why didn’t you tell us about Opal?

Priestess: How do you know…have you been sneaking around in my head?

Princess Crujectra: There’s a lot hidden in there isn’t there?

Priestess: I don’t care to pursue this.

Priestess begins to walk away, Princess Crujectra grabs Priestess’ arm and swings her back into place and pins her to the wall.

Princess Crujectra: Well that’s just too damn bad.

Priestess: How dare you…

Princess Crujectra: Breeding, dear. I’m sorry about your daughter’s death, believe me, I am. But I know you’re up to something and I need you to be honest with me.

Priestess: You want honesty, fine, here’s an honest to Goddess fact. If you don’t your prissy hands off me, I’ll rip them off.

Priestess then shrugs Princess Crujectra off her and stomps to her room.

Princess Crujectra: (thinking) This is far from over, whatever it is you’re hiding, I’ll find out about it, “Priestess.”
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter Eight

It had been days since they saw the destruction, but Mllash had been successful. He was able to find another point where that unique energy signature had been given off. He alerted the team the moment he found out. Everyone suited up and headed out. Before she met the team in the hanger, Priestess made a stop. She wedged herself into a corner and sent a message to Yellow Kid. She then proceeded to the hanger and left with her fellow teammates.

Back at his base, Yellow Kid was awakened by the page Priestess had left him, he looked at the message. It read, “Go here, she’s been found.” He then looks at the coordinates.

Yellow Kid: Egypt?

Yellow Kid jumped into his hover craft of his own design and was able to land with the Legion in Egypt, though he kept his presence hidden, with the aid of Priestess’ spell, not even Princess Crujectra would be able to sense him.
Posted by disaster boy on :
when are legion tryouts?
Posted by HighPriestess Viviane on :
Chapter Nine

The Legion headed to where the energy readings were the highest. But before they could get there, an energy enveloped them and they found themselves in ancient Egypt.

Cobalt Kid: What just happened?

Kid Prime: We passed through some temporal wall.

They turned around and saw their current Egypt. Then the temporal wall fluxed and Yellow Kid walked through.

Sketch Lad: We should have known that he was behind this.

The Legion advanced on Yellow Kid.

Priestess: Stop! I asked him here.

Yellow Kid: Asked?

Loser Lad: You did what?

Priestess: He’s alright now.

Loser Lad: You weren’t part of the team when he and his Color Gang opposed us.

Priestess: You never doubted my intuition before, why do you start now?

Princess Crujectra: You haven’t exactly been the same Priestess who joined the Legion. What do you know that you had to asked him here?

Priestess stares at Princess Crujectra, her eye looked as if she was going to burn a hole right through the Princess’ heart.

Mllash: Aren’t you going to answer?

Priestess: It’s evil and powerful, I was told that it was beyond you and that we would need him.

Cobalt Kid: That sounds like a load of sh…

Future: She has never led us astray before, she’s our teammate, we’re supposed to trust each other.

Priestess: (thinking) Why must he have so mush faith in me? He’s setting himself up for a fall.

Sketch Lad: He’s right. If she can trust him, then we can give him a chance.

Kid Prime: The energy stems the strongest from that pyramid.

Mllash: Then let’s get going, this is bigger then this little squabble.

They traveled towards the pyramid, Yellow Kid walk a few paces behind.
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Chapter Ten

The Legion headed towards the pyramid when the ground started to shake.

Loser Lad: What the…

Then, mammoth sentinels composed of sand appear from the ground.

Priestess: There is magic at work here!

The sand sentinels advance, but before the Legion can attack, a burst of green light takes Mllash, Cobalt Kid, Loser Lad, Princess Crujectra, Sketch Lad and Priestess. Leaving Valiant, Future, Kid Prime and Yellow Kid to handle the sand sentinels.

Kid Prime: Crap! Let’s get to the pyramid.

They try to head towards the temple but are stopped by the sand sentinels.

Valiant fights to his best extant, but his strength is useless when the sentinels turn into an alterable form, submerging Valiant in a mountain of sand.

Kid Prime reveals all his weapons and release a full scale attack, but it only keeps them back.

Future takes to the sky and is grabbed by a sentinel. Future focuses an electric blast on the hand. The sparks hit the sand and turn it to glass. Future then breaks free and continues his assault.

Kid Prime: Future, get Valiant and get over here! Yellow Kid…he’s gone.

Future pulls Valiant out of the sand and stands behind Kid Prime. Kid Prime pulls out a round sphere and launches it into the sky. It then bursts in a frenzy of electricity turning the sand sentinels into glass. They then head to the pyramid only to be stopped by a force field. As Kid Prime analyzed the force field he notices something.

Kid Prime: What is that?

Future: Where?

Kid Prime: Going in the pyramid.

Valiant: It looks like Priestess’ companion.

Kid Prime: Yellow Kid!
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Chapter Eleven

Inside the pyramid, the rest of the Legion finds themselves chained to a wall. They struggle for freedom, but it’s useless, a powerful force is keeping the chains in an indestructible state.

Loser Lad: Where are we?

Sketch Lad: I think we’re in the pyramid.

Cobalt Kid: Who the hell is doing this?

Sketch Lad: Maybe Princess can use her gifts?

Princess Crujectra: I don’t know, my new powers are still a mystery.

Mllash: Give it a try, Princess.

Princess Crujectra: …‘kay…

Princess Crujectra closes her eyes, her forehead crunches together as she pours all her effort into her powers. After a few moments, her face relaxes and she opens her eyes.

Princess Crujectra: All I got was a sense of familiarity.

Mllash: Nothing else, no face, no name?

Princess Crujectra: No…

(giggles are heard from the shadows)

Mllash: Who’s there!?!

Voice: Someone familiar…

Walking forth from the shadows, a female figure appears. She steps into the light, revealing a hair of cyan, and eyes of ice.

Cobalt Kid: Space Tart!

Space Tart: Hi, everybody!
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Chapter Twelve

Space Tart: a former member of the Legion, Space Tart has mysteriously become the enemy, with her ability to warp reality and space; she has become the Legion’s formidable opponent

Space Tart: What’s the matter, aren’t you happy to see me?

Cobalt Kid: Spacey, what’s going on, what are you doing?

Space Tart: I’m doing exactly what I want to do, for a change.

Loser Lad quickly focuses his powers, hoping that he can find the right amount of energy that will dampen the force that has been placed on their chains.

Princess Crujectra: When did we ever constrict you?

Space Tart: You don’t understand, my spirit is in euphoria, my soul is free. The Legion couldn’t offer me that.

Mllash: Did you kill those people?

Space Tart: Mmmhahahahaha! Ohhhh….so much destruction.

Sketch Lad: What are you going to do us?

Space Tart: Isn’t that obvious, I’m going to kill you.

Space Tart walks over to a statue and pulls a long axe off. She turns her head and stares at Princess Crujectra, she then walks over. Princess Crujectra tries to use her illusions, but it doesn’t work.

Space Tart: Hahaha! You powers can’t work on me; I can warp the force on your shackles to keep your powers confined.

Space Tart extends the axe to Princess Crujectra’s neck.

Space Tart: Your pretty looks can’t save you now.

Loser Lad bursts purple energy from his body as he dampens the force restricting them. Cobalt Kid magnetically rips off the chains. He hurls them at Space Tart, she throws her left hand out and the chains burst.

Cobalt Kid: How…she couldn’t do that before.

Princess Crujectra: So she got a power boost, we have to stop her!

Space Tart drops the axe and waves her right hand, tossing the Legionnaires to the wall.

Space Tart: My powers have grown to immense proportions, I can now warp reality and space omniscient measures. You fools don’t stand a chance.
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Chapter Thirteen

The Legionnaires lie on the floor, staring at Space Tart, contemplating how to attack their overpowering former ally. Space Tart begins to raise her right hand, signaling that she is going to attack. The Legionnaires take to action. Mllash creates a red energy whip and wraps it around Space Tart’s right hand, he then pulls the whip to his right, so it thrusts her to the floor.

Mllash: Give this up, Space!

Space Tart: Go to hell!

Space Tart gets up, but before she can do anything, Mllash wraps her in a whip, keeping her from moving.

Space Tart: Do you really think this can hold me?

Princess Crujectra: It doesn’t have to.

Space Tart: I don’t think so, mind-witch!

Princess Crujectra: Witch? Why you little twit!!

Space Tart warps the reality in the room and dissolves Mllash’s whip. Loser Lad projects his powers at Space Tart, but she simply reflects it back on the Legion. The team wavers under the attack. Cobalt Kid releases magnetic rings at Space Tart, turning her into a metal magnet. All the metal in the rooms wraps around her.

Cobalt Kid: Please, Spacey, listen to me.

Space Tart: Oh, Des, I’m…what am I doing?

Cobalt Kid: Spacey? It’s going to be ok.

Cobalt Kid walks over to Space Tart.

Priestess: Cobalt! DON’T!

Space Tart throws her metal straight jacket off, she then points at Cobalt Kid, sending his agonizing pain. Sketch Lad focuses his new powers and sends a burst of light that temporarily blinds Space Tart. Sketch Lad gets Cobalt Kid away from her, he focus his illusion and light powers and creates a shackles around Space Tart, she struggle, but can’t get free.

Space Tart: What the hell?!? This is no where near a powerful as Mllash’s whip, why aren’t they going away?

Priestess (thinking): Because you are of dark magic and Sketch Lad’s new power is from my spell of light.

Priestess: Now! We have to stop her before she finds away to free herself!

Priestess releases a blue magical blast that begins to tear Space Tart to threads. The team is shocked at the Priestess’ actions.

Loser Lad: Priestess!

Mllash: What are you doing?

Cobalt Kid: STOP!

The Legion now focus their attention on their teammate. Loser Lad releases an energy dampening field, but it does no good. Mllash tries to whip her, but before it can reach her, it is repelled away. Cobalt Kid releases a full magnetic attack, but it doesn’t even reach her. Princess Crujectra and Sketch Lad cannot create any illusions.

Princess Crujectra: She’s going to kill her!

Priestess: She’s evil…

Before she can finish, Space Tart emits waves and breaks the solid light illusion of Sketch Lad. She then hurls the Legion to the wall, where she the warps the wall to hold them. She then looks at Priestess.

Space Tart: You failed!
Posted by High Priestess Viviane on :
Chapter Fourteen

The heroes hang on the wall, writhing in agony under the force of Space Tart. But before Space Tart can advance, the wall to the left of her explodes, releasing the whirlwind known as Yellow Kid.

Space Tart: Ha! I heard you had gone soft.

Yellow Kid rolls his eyes and spins, but the whirlwind he creates is useless, Space Tart just warps the space around the funnel and watches it dissipate.

Space Tart: You pathetic spinning power will do you no good!

Space Tart begins to warp the reality in her hands, she creates an electric orb. She hurls it at Yellow Kid sending him into the hole in the wall he created. She walks towards Yellow Kid with the intent to kill, she looks over at her former teammates.

Space Tart: You should have let her kill me.

Space Tart stands in front of Yellow Kid.

Space Tart: It’s over for you.

Yellow Kid: You’re evil.

Space Tart: Well, DUH!

Yellow Kid: Yeah, but my other talents allow me to access the cosmic balance, and seeing as I have gone soft, it’s only the evil side that can feel my sting.

Space Tart becomes annoyed and begins to strike, but before she has a chance kill Yellow Kid, he accesses the cosmic balance and wreaks havoc on all the evil in his nearby radius.


Space Tart is hurled across the room, all her holdings are released, and the Legionnaires are set free.

Cobalt Kid and Priestess run over to Space Tart, Cobalt Kid lifts her off the ground.

Cobalt Kid: She’s alive, just unconscious.

Priestess: Yellow Kid was able to rip all the evil from her.

Princess Crujectra: How did she get like this?

Voice: I can answer that.

The room is filled with a green light tossing the Legionnaires around like rag dolls.
Posted by Luna on :
Chapter Fifteen

Out of the shadows, in a long green dress, her red hair pulled out of her face but still hanging long behind her back.

Priestess: Morgause!

Cobalt Kid: You know this woman.

Yellow Kid: She should, it’s her sister.

Princess Crujectra: Ah, great! Anything else up your sleeve, Viviane?

Sorceress: SILENCE!

Sorceress blasts Crujectra’s mouth shut.

Princess Crujectra: Mmmmm….

Morgause: I was the one who gave this little whelp her added powers. The plan was to destroy the Legion, why? Because it would devastate my sister. But the plan went sour when little Yellow Kid became a traitor to the forces of evil.

Yellow Kid: You take the good, you take the bad…

Sorceress mystically takes the air from Yellow Kid’s body.

Sorceress: He’s always been on the irritating side. But none of that matters, your battle with Spacey has left you weak, and know there will be nothing to stop me!

Priestess: Do you think me foolish, there will always be someone to stop you!

Priestess sends out a mental call to here allies. In a flash of light, Pagan Lass and Valiant enter the pyramid.

Sorceress: What is this?

Priestess: My protégé.

Pagan Lass uses her famous tangle web spell and binds Sorceress to the wall. Sorceress breaks free with ease.

Valiant: Get the others down, I’ll handle her.

Sorceress blasts Valiant through the wall, but he stands up, and charges back.

Pagan Lass: He only needs to distract her long enough…

Pagan Lass red hair begins to float, it then grows and pierces the energy around the trapped Legionnaires. The energy begins to glow brighter until it can glow no more, and the Legion is released.
The Legion then encircles Sorceress, the Sorceress cleans herself off, then raises her hands and projects a powerful energy, knocking the Legion back. When the energy dissipates, Sorceress is gone.
Posted by Luna on :
Chapter Sixteen

The Legion stands outside the temple.

Kid Prime: What happened?

Future: Did we win?

Cobalt Kid: We got Space Tart back, that’s all that matters.

Future: When was she involved?

Loser Lad: It’s a painfully long story, just ask my back.

Pagan Lass: We should be going.

Mllash: We?

Priestess: I know you feel betrayed, but I did what I felt was needed to be done, I don’t regret it, I never joined the Legion to make friends, only to pursue my duty. But I no longer need this life. I’m quitting, permanently.

Priestess walks over to Valiant.

Priestess: Thank you for your help, I return you to your time.

Valiant returns from whence he came. Priestess then turns to Sketch Lad and strips him of his light powers.

Priestess: You’ll no longer need these.

Priestess walks to Pagan Lass, purposefully not looking at Cobalt Kid. She stops at Future.

Priestess: Remember, I am beyond your destiny, and you are beyond mine.

Priestess and Pagan Lass teleport away.

Kid Prime: Not even a “good bye?”

Mllash: She just teleported the hot guy away, took some of Sketch Lad’s powers and quit, guess we’ll need to do a member search.

Yellow Kid: You have me.

Loser Lad: I need a cigarette.

Princess Crujectra: Oh know you don’t!

Loser Lad: WOMAN, give me back my cigarette!

The End

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