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Posted by Numf El on :
Sitting around one drab, dreich Tuesday afternoon the latest batch of Legion World Recruits wondered when they were ever going to get the chance to write some fantastic fiction themselves, instead of having to sit back and read serialisation by such exalted names as Danny Blair, Harbinger and Cobalt Lad.
"It's not fair," said Keith Champagne. "I don't think I'll ever have the ability and nerve to write like them. They've been around for ever, and just have so much experience. How are we supposed to join in?"
"Well" said KinetixgreenZoe, "it looks like somebody has just started up a new Tag Team Thread, and apparently anybody's allowed to join in."
"That looks just perfect," said Gigglebot Girl, "hee hee hee, giggle, giggle giggle, maybe we should all take this opportunity to join in and get to know everyone else."

Suddenly, as if from no-where, the shop-keeper appeared.....

[ April 19, 2004, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: Numf El ]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
And said, “now which one of you would like to try on one of my fancy dress costumes and have an adventure” ?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Interlude one

Numf. If anyone gets that reference to an old children’s TV show, I’ll buy them a beer next time I see them. [LOL]

Ends Interlude One
Posted by Gigglebot Girl on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Interlude one

Numf. If anyone gets that reference to an old children’s TV show, I’ll buy them a beer next time I see them. [LOL]

Ends Interlude One

I am probably wrong ;giggle; ;giggle;

When I use my super powers it scrambles what little intelligence I have, I have had a rather tiring night tonight fighting with the sondy . Unfortunately the sondy defeated gigglebot girl his superpower suction was to powerful for me to fight.

I think the answer is Mr Ben, the owner of the fancy dress parlour.

;giggle giggle giggle; i like his shop giggle giggle giggle;
Posted by Sonnie Bloke on :
Mr Benn Mr Benn Mr Benn.... is that three pints you're owe me now FL?
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Originally posted by Sonnie Bloke:
Mr Benn Mr Benn Mr Benn.... is that three pints you're owe me now FL?

Correct! now in order to claim your prize meet at the Bistol Comics Convention.

And mean while back at the story.....
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Meanwhile back at the story, someone decided this tale needed a villain.

Coincidentally, a dark figure at that very time was launching a dastardly plot to turn the LMBers into Super-Babies!

To this end, he sent...
Posted by Numf El on :
To this end he sent a message to the BBC.......

"There's been some really disturbing news from the Epsilon Quadrant. It's just been broadcast on the BBC World Service, so it must be true!" said CurlyJo, all excitedly.

"I read a survey recently where 79% of people trusted newscasters, but conversely only 21% of the same people trusted newspaper journalists. Don't these people realise that they're all the same except for the smart suits and make-up?" asked Card.

"Giggle, giggle" said Gigglebot Girl.

"Since only we new applicants are around at the moment, maybe it's our chance to show what heroes we really are. Shop-keeper, six of your finest super hero costumes please.... So, what's this problem in the Epsilon Quadrant?" asked Keith Champagne.
Posted by Gigglebot Girl on :
As he twirled his rather impressive looking super hero cloak.

I don’t know” said KinestixgreenZoe “but it must be important if it’s on the BBC World Service”

“Which World though” said GG laughing as she unwrapped a lollypop and put it in her mouth.

“Excuse me” said the old shopkeeper. “I do think the skirts would look better on one of the women.

“oh ,err sorry” mumbled Keith Champagne as he hurriedly swapped with Kinetix.

“that’s better” said the old shop keeper, “now if you would just care to walk through this door way”

The new recruits did so and found them selves not in the old shopkeepers fancy dress shop but rather looking out on……..

[ April 22, 2004, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: Gigglebot Girl ]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
The Super Nursery of Space.

“My Gawd” said CurlyJo “its huge”

“Thank You” said Keith Champagne blushing


“Not that” said CurlyJo, who was despite the protestations rather impressed with the way KC filled out his hired spandex hero costume. “that” as CJ pointed out into the vast hall filled with babies and tot's of all races.

“Hush” said Card pulling them all behind a large stuffed Lightning Beast, “look over there”

At the end of the Hall a door opened and in walked……..
Posted by Numf El on :
...Time Trapper.
"I'll bet you wondered what had happened to everyone else. Everyone in the universe has been turned back to 6 hours old and housed within this Super Nursery. And only you six can do anything about it," said Time Trapper with an evil cackle.
"But there's only five of us," said Keith Champagne, proving that he could at least count that high.
"And who's going to change all these nappies?" asked CurlyJo.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Just then, Invisible Brainiac popped out of nn interdimensional portal, and, seeing KinetixgreenZoe in a skirt, immediately began flirting with her.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
"Oh IB" said KinetixgreenZoe, girlishly playing with the hem of her skirt, "be a love and do something for me and I will be "greatful" [Wink] later"

"sure Babe" said IB grining from ear to ear.

"Oh good Hold this baby its just been sick down the front of my skirt and I need to go change" and off she went leaving IB holding a baby that looked just like little lash tot.

Keith Champagne turned to Gigglebot Girl and said....

[ May 03, 2004, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Faraway Lad ]
Posted by Gigglebot Girl on :
Come on GG help us out. Only you can help us, We have been turned into babies. Do something please. I don’t like being 6 hours old and I hate this super nursery. It’s boring [Frown]

GG didn’t know what to do. Then her belt started to vibrate [Smile] Super lollypops. Yes I will use my super lollypops to save my friends.

She handed over one of her lollypops to ....
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on : Baby Cobie!

GG watched with a smile on her face as Little Cobie took the lollipop, and...

Stuck it in Fat Cramer's fur!
Posted by Varalent on :
...who hissed at Cobie, unsheathed her claws and said, "Kid, you're about to find out that Wolverine's got nothing on me in the claws department!"

Before she cold start slashing Cobie with her diamond tipped claws, however...

[ May 08, 2004, 07:11 AM: Message edited by: Varalent ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lucien Tot began crying and wailing loudly! Although he was six hours old, he still maintained his powerful nostalgia powers, and his crying stemmed from his longing loudly for his mommy!

His powers kicked in, and suddenly, EDE tot, Varalent Tot and Faraway Tot were all quickly transformed into EDE Mom, Vee Mom and Far Mom! The three super-heroes were babies no longer, but actually thirty year old mothers, who could comfort and nurse all the babies!

Before things could get any weirder (which should happen any second now), a small robot watched on quietly. The robot televised the scene to his master, who watched on mysteriously. "Ridiculous!" he exclaimed! "This is the perfect oppurtunity for me to make my entrance and destroy the LMB!"

Meanwhile, Card, Gigglebot Girl, Kinextzoegreen, Curly Jo and Keith Champaigne were further surprised to see...
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Just how much milk Far mom, EDE mom and Vee mom could get out of their hugemanbreasts. They were filling thousands of bottles to feed all the hungry babies.

Keith Champaigne turned to card and said, get Invisible Brainiac off GG's breasts she's not got any milk and lets.........
Posted by Varalent on :
...have him start changing diapers! He'll need to figure out which babies need changing and which don't, but from the smell in here more than a few do!.

In the meantime, EDEMom turned to VeeMom and said, "Jeepers! How did we get suckered into doing this?"

"More importantly," VeeMom replied "Just how do we get out of doing this? CobieTot has sharp teeth and he keeps biting my mommaries!"

"That's mammaries," FarMom corrected VeeMom

"No, FarMom," VeeMom replied. "THESE are mommaries!"

Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Suddenly, IB was attacked by a gigantic sentient diaper!

All the babies watched in delight as IB flew up in the air, trying to get away from the large dirty diaper.

Just then, the wall crashed and...
Posted by Numf El on :
......Cobie laughed at the new members.
"April Fools!" he shouted.
The were another 12 members, who crowded in behind him, laughing merrily at the scene before them.

"But it's May...." said .................
Posted by Faraway Lad on :

"Yes", laughed Cobalt Kid, "but the joke is that ever since last April we have been playing you all for fools"

"what do you mean" asked Keith Champaign?

Cobalt looked at the five of them coldly. "You insignificant fools" he sneered, "thinking you have been part of the LMB academy all this time"

Gigglebot slowly took the lollypop out of her mouth and frowned.

"all this time" continued Cobalt "we have been watching and training you and now...."

"LOOK OUT, DUCK" shouted Gigglebot Girl as she threw an explosive lollypop towards Cobalt.

As the lolly exploded with a bright flash, a scream was heard from high above and down fell a wounded Invisible Brainiac, the huge, fouled, diaper also fell landing splat in the face of a blinded Cobalt Kid.

Spluttering and angry Cobalt Shouted "enough of this farce, get them"

The 12 standing behind Cobalt shimmered and changed form into........
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
...into 12 of the Easter Island statues, you know, the ones with those absurdly huge noses.

Of course, because of the sheer size of those schnozzolas (I have no idea if this is the right spelling, and I don't even know if I used the right word), all 12 of those odly mobile statues were powerless against the overpowering smell of the diapers.

"Quick!", said Kinetix, "we have to..."
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
"Get every used and smelly nappy" (quick translation for the American contingent nappy = Diaper) [Smile] "off those babies and throw them at the Easter Island Statues, its the only way to defeat them"

Moving quickly Card and Keith Champaign ran to the first row of babies in the Super Nursery of Space.

Gigglebot Girl felt a strange vibration on her leg, "not now Invisible Brainiac" she said.

"UH what was that GG" said a visible Invisible Brainiac from across the room where he was shovelling dirty nappies up the nose of a statue.

"oh oh  " said GG reaching down to open up the pouch on the utility belt tied around her leg, "this is not good" pulling out her Super Space Early Warning Lollypop (pat pending) she was alarmed to see it flashing red yellow and green

"Watch out" she shouted as...........
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
as a bunch of flying dogs wearing red capes came and started humping people's legs!

"Eek!" screamed GG as a white dog with a particularly slobbery mouth noticed her and started flying towards her.

Just then, Fat Cramer, Stoopid Cat, Jinx and Queen Connie...
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Launched into a savage attack on the dogs. In seconds there was nothing left but white fur and a suspicious yellow liquid on the floor, As the dogs ran in fear form the feline flying squad, Cobalt Kid succeeded in removing the diaper from his face.

“You fools if you think you can defeat me” he cackled maniacally (as all good evil villains do) and then he started to grow, and grow and grow.

From High above the heroes Cobalt shouted something.

“what’s that” said Keith Champaign

“don’t know” said Card, he’s so tall we can’t hear

“I know how to hear him” said Gigglebot Girl and opening a small pouch she realised two small flying robot space ships. “Thunderbot 1 and Thunderbot 3” she said, “reconn pattern omega 3” and the two tiny craft shot off

After a few moments the receivers in their telepathic ear plugs picked up Cobalts ranting’s

“Now, you fools” he was shouting, “now release the……..
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
"now release the...explosive diarrohea bomb!"

Immediately, large pool-sized puddles of disgusting brown watery shit rained down on the LMBers, who wondered why they were being subjected to this!

Vee-Mom turned to EDE Mom and said "Quick EDE, what the hell is happening? And how can that be Cobie, when I'm holding Cobie-tot right now?"

EDE-Mom, legendary for his, er, her quick tag team recaps said the following:

For anyone already lost in this tag thread, here's what has happened so far:

-Keith Champaigne, Gigglebot Girl, KinextzoeGreen, Card and Curly Jo, five of the newest LMB recruits are on active duty.

-they learn that some evil force has turned all the LMBers into babies, making them the LMB super-tots!

-This evil mastermind has robots and says "Ridiculous!" a lot.

-Lucien-tot, wanting his mommy, turned EDE-tot, Faraway-tot and Vee-tot into EDE-Mommy, Vee-Mommy and Faraway-Mommy, making them all grown women.

-a giant sentient diaper attacked as IB joined the others (he is not a tot).

-Cobalt Kid suddenly busted in with 12 Holiday island statues, which were destroyed.

"But how can that be Cobie then EDE?" asked Vee.

"Fools! I'm not Cobalt Kid! I'm really...Man of 10,000 Feces!"

He laughed mainiacally, as he continued to drown the LMBers in liquidy diarrehoea...
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
“quick” said Gigglebot Girl “as long as he is here in this super nursery of space his power will keep getting stronger. He is drawing his strength from all the super tots full nappies. I think I know how to stop him”

Moving quickly following GG’s instructions, Far Mom started to send the super tots faraway. Vee Mom shrank a number of babies and gathered them up in his/her arms and carried them out. EDE Mom was busily loading cribs onto a floating door and was the swimming them out of the room through the hole made by the Man of 10,000 faeces

As Invisible Braininac swam through the rapidly rising pool of liquid poo taking up a position just behind the manically laughing Mof 10KF. As he did so, Keith Champagne started drawing something on the back of card.

Standing waist deep in the pool, Gigglebot Girl opened up a pouch on her arm. Out of it came a small green rocket robot.

“Thunderbot 2” said GG “we need pod 7 quickly”

“F.A.B.” came a small voice as the green machine raised itself up on 4 telescopic legs. A number of small pods swung around underneath stopping at number 7. Within a few seconds the craft had lowered itself onto the pod and with a faint “Thunderbots are go!!!” had flown off.

After a few moment GG nodded to herself and suddenly launched herself into a flailing attack on Mof 10KF as she did so, Keith Champagne suddenly produced the drawing he had been working on. It was hate face.

Mof 10KFscremed in fear at the horrible image and stepped back, tripping over the form of Invisible Braininac and staggering. GG threw dozens of exploding lollypops at him, finally pushing him over. With a low moan the creature fell backwards landing with a huge splash into the liquid diarrhoea. The creature splashed around in the goo for a moment then with a suddenness that was shocking, he stiffened with a look of surprise on his face he felt back into the ooze. As a silence fell over the now empty nursery the heroes heard over their telepathic ear plugs the sound of a small voice saying
“All Thunderbots return to Tracy base, mission successful. The constipator has been delivered via the most direct reverse route”

“but I don’t understand” said Kinetix.

“don’t ask” said Card “your too young”

“Now” said EDE looking in through the hole in the wall “we need to trace Mof 10KF” secret HO, we need to………
Posted by Luna on :
Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
"Oh IB" said KinetixgreenZoe, girlishly playing with the hem of her skirt, "be a love and do something for me and I will be "greatful" [Wink] later"

This sounds a tiny bit slutty. Have you met me before? [Confused]

[ August 09, 2005, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: Luna ]
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Only a few hundred incarnations ago my princess.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
...we need to get cleaned up! You adorable little kids are such a mess!

So EDE mom, Vee mom and Far mom loaded all the tots into a giant bathtub and started scrubbing.

"Good ieda", said IB, trying not to throw up at the overpowering stench. " I don't suppose you'd want to look for a shower where we can both fit, Kinetix... I mean, Luna?"

"You are SOOO all talk, IB", said Luna.

Unbeknownst to the LMB, however, the feces was such a powerful fertilizer that Entropy Spinach was growing right underneath their feet...
Posted by Bevis on :

Gosh, even with the recap I have no idea what's going on here, but i'm loving it so far. [Big Grin]

*end interlude*
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Suddenly, the universe screamed!

You see, this adventure took place more than a year and a half ago in the LMB's history!!

The Universe realized that all new kinds of LMBers would eventually get involved in this story, months before they joined!

People had died, people had left and people had betrayed the team in the year and a half since!

In order to restore order in the timestream, the universe needed an agent, to guide the timestream, and to ensure that entropy and a paradox did not consure all that there ever was and ever shall be.

Thus, the universe plucked a lone figure from the end of time, powerless and defeated. His true identity, supposedly exposed months earlier, but secretly, even he was unsure who he really was.

The universe plucked forth a small mouse with time-travelling powers.

And thus, the Universe restored the full might and power of...



[ August 11, 2005, 09:06 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by Bevis on :
*yawn* said Lucien Tot, unimpressed by the sudden reappearance of the Time Mouse Trapper. For some reason that probably doesn't need explaining, the fact that Lucien Lad had been transformed into Lucien Tot along with most of the LMBP meant that his nostalgia powers were working backwards and he was preremembering that in time he would end up becoming the archnemesisisisis of the Time Mouse Trapper. The catalyst for this emnitity was yet to happen... or was?

Lucien Tot looked at the Time Mouse Trapper and scowled. He burbled incoherently, blew a snot bubble from his nose and then sneezed. In a flash of sparkling light Lucien Tot vanished and in his place stood...

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