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Posted by Frog Kid on :

You can see here a drawing I made last night.


I wanted to change the dynamic of the usual pic of the male heroes with the girls falling at their feets.

I'm still unhappy with the inking; it is the second time I use India Ink, and for the first time, I used only a brush, so the results are not really professional.

Some of you can help me: how can you make a nice starfield?



[ April 01, 2008, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Frog King ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Frog Kid, I can't help you with any art questions but just wanted to say that your sketch is great - it made me laugh. Brainy looks so goofy! It is nice to see the traditional roles reversed also - and suits Andromeda.
Posted by Greybird on :
Such a hilarious picture makes me think that Laurel is an old Stones fan.

"Under my thumb ..."
Posted by Varalent on :
I enjoyed it as well. And I think the starfield looks fine.
Posted by Arachne on :
Here I was about to make a comment on how cool and moody the pic is -- and then I scroll down a bit and see Brainy. [lol] I love it!
Posted by deanlegion on :
This drawing came at the perfect time considering what's going on in the book! Seems Brainy's just a very passionate guy...
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
The expression of the face of B5 is really special. Thanks for sharing this with the group David.
Posted by STU on :
Originally posted by Arachne:
Here I was about to make a comment on how cool and moody the pic is -- and then I scroll down a bit and see Brainy. [lol] I love it!

Me too! Only for me, it was a function of the time it took for the image to load (I've a slow connection).

I particularly love Brainy's lovestruck expression -- very nice! [Smile]
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Here is Triad:

Posted by Frog Kid on :
And I join the pic who was already posted in the Dawnstar Gallery(thanks to Lightning Lad)...
Posted by TriSaber on :
I love that Dawnstar illustration. Great work!
Posted by JT.Hawk on :
Sweet pic of Dawnstar ... amazing.
Posted by Harbinger on :
Looks like Laurel is a woman after my own heart, very nice pose, and the look on brainys' face is priceless [lol]

I like your Triad pose too, don't think I've ever seen her quite like that before!

But your Dawnstar is breath taking! By far the best bit of fan art I've seen in... well weeks probably - there are a lot of talented artists on this board. And Frog Kid, you are definitely up there with the best of them!

Thank you for taking the time to share this with us.

[ December 02, 2003, 02:09 AM: Message edited by: Harbinger ]
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks, lads and lass! Now I'm blushing!
Posted by Varalent on :
Frog Kid, these drawings are terrific. That Dawny is just awesome! I'd love to see that in full color. Bet it would make one hell of a poster! Grey is going to go gaga when he sees it (if he hasn't already!)
Posted by Bevis on :
Originally posted by Frog Kid:
Some of you can help me: how can you make a nice starfield?

Very, very nice drawings David. Especially like the Triad one and the fact that all three girls have quite different physiques suited to their characters. And Brainy is fabulous too. [Big Grin]

As for the starfield, I presume you did it the way that i did it the first time I drew characters with starfield costumes (Mon and Troia) which is to sort of paint the ink around where you want the stars to go so leaving them white. If so you'll know it's hideously time consuming and doesn't always leave the best results. Now however I have a really secret trick. Shhh, don't tel anyone.... white ink. Simple as that. Didn't occur to me for ages until Steve Sadowski (I think, might have been Phil Jimenez) mentioned it. Basically ink the whole area of the starfield completely black and then when it's dry use a small brush and white ink to add the stars. Suddenly it gets so much easier and you can more stars in without it looking bitty. You can also do what Jinenez often does with Troia's costume which is include things like shooting stars which add a feeling of movement to the costume as well.
Posted by Frog Kid on :

For my starfield, I used ink and later painted the star with "gouache", but I found the gouache not clean enough. I never thought of white ink!
Posted by TriSaber on :
I do all my inking digitally in a vector-based drawing program, so it's easy for me to create a fill pattern in Coreldraw by manipulating the values.

I had to figure this out for when the time comes do render Star Boy and the Infinite Man.

[ December 03, 2003, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: TriSaber ]
Posted by Star Boy on :
Traid is awesome - very 'sub-continent'. [Wink]

Dawny in space is inspired too...
Posted by Arachne on :
Really beautiful. [Smile]
Posted by Brown Legion on :

nice pics Frog Kid

i really like that costume you gave Triad

and Dawny rocks too (sigh. wish she had survived the reboot...)
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks, guys.

Here is a sketck of Tellus I still need to ink...

(Image deleted because of the inked version seen below)

[ December 10, 2003, 02:33 AM: Message edited by: Frog Kid ]
Posted by Harbinger on :
Very good! I think thats the best fan pic of Tellus I've seen
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Originally posted by Harbinger:
Very good! I think thats the best fan pic of Tellus I've seen

Thanks, Harbinger. I think I will have to make small change to his chest and back(maybe enlarge it). I'm still not sure. And I know that Quislet will appear on the final image(he was drawn on a different page).
Posted by TriSaber on :
Ooh ... very well done. Makes me wanna tackle Tellus next ... but I got a few ahead of him.
Posted by Varalent on :
Wow, what a great Tellus! Can't wait to see the final version!
Posted by Frog Kid on :
I finally inked the Tellus Sketch. Sorry for the poor quality of the scan. Keep in mind I'm still learning the use of brush for the inking, so everything is not as clean as I'd like.

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Very nice job! Especially if you are still learning to use the brush.

And I like the addition of Quislet. Two of my favorite Steve Lightle creations.
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Very nice job! Especially if you are still learning to use the brush.

Well, thanks. I began inking with a brush 15 days ago.

And I like the addition of Quislet. Two of my favorite Steve Lightle creations.
I love them, too. I could even say I miss them.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Triad is so sweet!

I love the camera angle that you chose for Tellus. Very powerful. Suitable for framing as we say.

Maybe Scott could find a way to make a wallpaper with it? [Big Grin] It would look great on my computer.
Posted by Arachne on :
Great work. You must have taken some time to study Tellus's anatomy. [Smile]
Posted by Satan Claws Cramer on :
Increasingly striking work, Frog Kid! Glad you added Quislet, too.

That pic of Triad made me wonder if she could partially split into three - as Invisible Kid can become partially invisible. Could she "sprout" 3 sets of arms without becoming 3 entire bodies?

(Actually, my first reaction was "Shades of Dr. Mayavale", but that quickly passed.)
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :

The pictue of Tellus and Quislet are simply outstanding. Wow, I haven't seen fan art of that quality in quite some time.

Triad in the eastern influenced picture was also very creative. This is the one that my wife enjoyed the most.

Do you plan to color the Dawnstar and Tellus pictures? Having these as wall paper on the computer would be really cool!

Thanks again for sharing these with the group!

Posted by Greybird on :
{ Maybe Scott could find a way to make a wallpaper with it? }

(1) Right-click on the image above in your browser.
(2) Choose "Set as Wallpaper."

That's it. Easy, no separate file-saving or format-changing needed, but few Windows manuals bother to explain it.

If you've done this before, it'll replace the graphic you used previously as wallpaper. You can copy and save the graphic into another folder by looking for it in your main Windows folder (it'll be a bitmap ending in .bmp).
Posted by Frog Kid on :
I'd like to thanks all the people for the compliment.

And now, let me show you my latest drawing:


Posted by Arachne on :
Nice. You really captured the feel of the 30th century.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
I see the eye-stalk thingy is praying to the icon for the Church of the Iron Son.

I'm telling ya, you can't go wrong with using an upside down space rocket for a clubhouse. The only way to go.

Greybird, thanks. Actually I knew that (some operating systems call it "background" instead of "wallpaper") but the OS will attempt to scale the picture which would cause considerable distortion. That picture would need to be proportionally cropped and I don't have a good graphics program.

[ December 06, 2003, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: Blockade Boy ]
Posted by Star Boy on :
Tellus/Quiz is Awesome... [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Another good one FK. I really like this dedication to Ferro.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Triad is so sweet!

I love the camera angle that you chose for Tellus. Very powerful. Suitable for framing as we say.

Maybe Scott could find a way to make a wallpaper with it? [Big Grin] It would look great on my computer.

Which one? The Tellus/Quislet or Triad? I'll attempt something that'll fit an 800x600 screen without throwing off all the proportions.
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
i'm sorry i haven't taken a look at this topic, sooner !!!!

great pictures !!!! who do you plan, to draw next ???

ULTRABOY ... perhaps ????

Posted by Frog Kid on :
Ultra Boy? Why not? Which one? Pre-boot? Post-boot? with or without Phantom Girl/Apparition?
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
Originally posted by Frog Kid:
Ultra Boy? Why not? Which one? Pre-boot? Post-boot? with or without Phantom Girl/Apparition?

i'll leave that up to you !!! which ever version you would enjoy drawing the most [Smile] !!!

Posted by Frog Kid on :
Right now I'm picturing Jo on Rimbor. I'm not sure about his uniform. If he is alone,
any uniform will make the deal. If I decide Tynia is here, since I prefer the Phantom Girl version, it might be pre-crisis. Of course, I could decide to put Kono in the mix, so we could have the TMK version... errr, are you sure you don't want to see Proty? [Eek!]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Which one? The Tellus/Quislet or Triad? I'll attempt something that'll fit an 800x600 screen without throwing off all the proportions.

Tellus/Quislet if you could and if Frog Kid has no objections!

I tried it using Greybird's suggestion but it did stretch quite a bit. I'd rather have cropped than stretched (or shrunk and framed?)
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Originally posted by Blockade Boy:
Tellus/Quislet if you could and if Frog Kid has no objections!

No problem with me, Blockade Boy.

If some of you people want to try to colorize the pics, it would make me happy. I'm always interested by the others takes on my drawing.
Posted by Bevis on :
Only been inking for fifteen days? Bloody hell, I've been using a brush to partially ink most of my stuff for a couple of years now and I'm nowhere near as good at that. Believe me inking with a brush is not an easy skill to master (Phil Jimenez said he doesn't use brushes at all when he's inking because he simply can't do it so just uses pens) so to be that good in just fifteen days is pretty amazing. That plus being just a damn fine artist (the 'camera angle' for the Tellus shot is inspried) makes me feel very jealous.
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Here is a pic of ultra Boy. I had a background planned(a street of Rimbor), but I still need to work on it.

Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
[Cool] picture !!! Frog Kid !!!

but what's happened to Tinya [Frown] ??? i hope she'll be okay ???

Posted by Frog Kid on :
Tinya was knocked out because she is such a bland character since the reboot I can't stand her anymore.

[ December 15, 2003, 06:09 AM: Message edited by: Frog Kid ]
Posted by Varalent on :
Great pic of Jo! LOve how you're able to show movement in your artwork so that it's not static. These are wonderful. How about one of Mon?
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Nice! You can't go wrong with a saving a damsel in distress action shot.

Who is that getting knocked for a loop?
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks guy!

Varalent, I will draw Mon-El one of these day(he is one of my favorite), but it won't be before January. The few next weeks will be busy and I won't be able to draw a lot(and I've got a pic to finish for Christmas).
Blockade Boy, I think it's a guy from Rimbor.


Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Great drawing! I like the dynamic posing of the figures.
Posted by Varalent on :
Originally posted by Frog Kid:
Thanks guy!

Varalent, I will draw Mon-El one of these day(he is one of my favorite), but it won't be before January.

Great, a birthday present! Look forward to seeing it Frog Kid!
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Very realistic drawings you got there. More soon, I hope [Smile]
Posted by andrewnolan2001 on :
Great new pics, Frog Kid. My favorite, of course, is the Ferro pic. One quick question, if I may. Your picture appears to be a memorial of Ferro. Is something going to happen to me?

[ January 04, 2004, 02:13 AM: Message edited by: andrewnolan2001 ]
Posted by STU on :
Hey David! How was Berlin?

Hope you'll have some new pics up soon! [Smile]
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks, guys. Happy new year!
Berlin was great. The fireworks for the new year were impressive, given that EVERYBODY there have fireworks and shoot them!
The ones flying horizontally across the streets were the scariest! And the beers were good!

And now, as promised: Mon-El(any feedback - positive or negative- is welcome)!

Posted by Frog Kid on :
Originally posted by andrewnolan2001:
Great new pics, Frog Kid. My favorite, of course, is the Ferro pic. One quick question, if I may. Your picture appears to be a memorial of Ferro. Is something going to happen to me?

Oh, Andrew! I'd never want to hurt you!

Err, could you avoid Nura for the next few weeks. When you'll meet the Fatal Five and a Sun-eater, you'll understand why... Thanks.

Before I forget, I'll add the pic I posted on the other christmas thread. I know most of you already saw it but I prefer to have them at the same place...


[ January 04, 2004, 08:22 AM: Message edited by: Frog Kid ]
Posted by Varalent on :
THANKS!!! Brian! It's great. It's super (well let's not confuse Mon with HIM [Big Grin] ) it's stupendous!

(Can you tell I loved it! Now, If I can convince you to color it one of these days.... *hint, hint*

[Big Grin]
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Lovely art, frog kid. Just lovely!
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks, guys!

Sorry, Varalent, but I don't think I will find the time to colorize it. But maybe someone would like to do it? Anyone?
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
great pictures FK !!!

love the group one !!!

Posted by Frog Kid on :
Wow! i haven't posted since April?

Anyway, here is the pic of the founders I posted in the founders wing, a pic of Sensor Girl, and a pic of various; the last two were published in the 1st issue of Sleepnet(a fanzine created by great Legion fan James Simmons - I'm his artist. We already made 3 issues). You can find it in the Legion APA, Interlac.




[ August 12, 2004, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Frog Kid ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Wow, I really like the Sensor Girl pic! It reminds me of early McFarlane! (which is a good thing!)
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Originally posted by Frog Kid:
Sorry, Varalent, but I don't think I will find the time to colorize it. But maybe someone would like to do it? Anyone?

I might try my hand at it one of these days if you don't mind Kid.

BTW, I love your drawings. You're very talented!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :

I thought I'd work on it and then saved it as a jpeg and lost all the subtle color change I'd worked into it.
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Wow, I really like the Sensor Girl pic! It reminds me of early McFarlane! (which is a good thing!)

Thank you! By early Mc Farlane, are you speaking of his Hulk work, Infinity Inc. work,...?
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Originally posted by Loser Lad:
I might try my hand at it one of these days if you don't mind Kid.[/QB]

I don't mind at all!

BTW, I love your drawings. You're very talented! [/QB]
Thank you!
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:

I thought I'd work on it and then saved it as a jpeg and lost all the subtle color change I'd worked into it.

I like it anyway. Good job.
Posted by Flannel Lass on :
Great stuff. I think my favourite is Imra in her original costume. I LOVE that costume!
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Finally got around to coloring the Mon-El pic I said I'd try. I'm pretty happy with the way it came out. The background is 3D art by Robert Gibala, pinched off the net.


As always, comments and criticism are appreciated. Thank you Frog Kid for allowing me to color it!
Posted by Frog Kid on :
I love it! Great work, Loser Lad!

[ August 30, 2004, 05:26 AM: Message edited by: Frog Kid ]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Thanks Frog Kid! I'm glad you like it! I had a good time doing it. When I get time I'll try to color a few more of your inked pieces.
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Just finished a new Dawnstar pic:


Any feedback, positive or negative, is welcome.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Geez, you are just so talented. All your pictures are great. I hate you [Wink]
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks, Quislet. I love you too:D
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Frog Kid,

The best I can do is stick figures. So I do get a little jealous when someone like you draws so well.

The feathers on Dawnstar seem very well drawn.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Magnifique! I think you should be Barry's fill in artist when he needs a break on the new Legion!
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks, MEL, but I don't think my drawings are consistent enough to be published...
Posted by Greybird on :
Why not aspire to it? You've often shown a great deal of kinetic grace or fluid emotion in a static panel. (I'm thinking of your Christmas card right now.) That's what some professional comics artists haven't quite mastered.

She's seeking a particular target ... someone she's tracking? a way out of this desert? What it is doesn't matter much, because her eyes and attention are put forward first. I like the intensity of her gaze, made to shape the rest of her body, including her far-from-relaxed wings.

More is implied here about her than we see in the usual portrait drawing -- it tells a fragment of a story. I very much like the straightforward portraits, but it's a pleasure to also see her in a setting suggesting action.
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks for the comments, Greybird. When I say I don't think my drawings are consistent, the proof is in this thread. When you look at the various pics I did, some are more realistics(the dawnstar pics, Sensor girl ...), others have a "cartoony" feel(founders, triad, Mon-El)... it is not made on purpose. But I also think one one my problem is I don't trust myself to be that good...

About the pic: At first, she was supposed to look down, toward the valley, but I thought it was be better to make her look the sky. IMO it was interesting to have a "grounded" winged character, not on the ground but not really in the sky either. She is firmly sitting on the rock, but want to fly away.

By the way, it's not a desert in the background: it is a very distant and very dense forrest on StarHaven(but there was now way you could see it - it is supposed to be too far to see the details).

[ October 13, 2004, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Frog Kid ]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Seriously FK, your stuff is really pretty good. I enjoy looking at your pencils. You put some life into the figures and often show snapshots of their lives. This one and the Gim Allon pic are just wonderful.

If you're worried about consistancy you might try a little of what Dean's been doing and look at redrawing a few pages of sequential art using different camera angles or POVs. You'll find some things you didn't know about your skills as you work through an exercise like that.
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Good idea, YK(and thank for the compliment). I found the other day on the web Mr Waid's script To Superman: Birthright #11. I might draw a few pages one of these day...
Posted by Pov on :
[Love] Beautiful, Froggy. As usual! Any plans to ink and color the piece?
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks, PoV, but no thanks. I'm happy with the result, and don't want to mess it with my inking.

But if someone want to try, he or she is welcome...
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Great Dawnstar Frog Kid! Thank you for sharing it!

There's definitely a story to be told there. To me it looks like she's been wounded, knocked out of the sky by an unseen villian, but is still in the fight and readying herself to soar back into the battle.

This would make a great cover!
Posted by White Raven on :
Fantastic Dawny! [Smile]
Posted by Stargazer on :
Awsome job FK.
I have enjoyed looking at your have a gift. I love the pencil of Dawn as well. I bet your inking would be fantastic!
Posted by baycent54 on :
Does anyone there know if there's a way to get a printed copy of some of these pics? (with the artists's permission, of course) I particularly like the Dawnstar pics.
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Sorry, Baycent54, I don't understand your question; In what way do you want a printed copy?

And of course, you can do whatever you want with these pics(as long you don't sell it [Wink] )...

[ October 19, 2004, 04:42 AM: Message edited by: Frog Kid ]
Posted by baycent54 on :
What I want is a way to print a copy of only certain pics without having to print any extra (non-drawing) material.
Posted by Reboot on :
Right-click, hit "Save Picture As," then print from there.

Alternatively, if you're using Firefox, you could just right-click, hit "View Image," then print straight from the browser.
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Waiting for your comments, good or bad...

Posted by Lady Crujectra on :
Very cool! Three of my favorite new costumes! Love what you did with the starfield on Star Boy's costume... very nice.

Just outta curiousity, did you take liberties with the arrows on Ayla's gloves, or were those in one of the previews and I just missed it?
Posted by Belinda Hill on :
Your picture is gorgeous FK, more, more, more please!
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks, Cru & Belinda!

THe arrows on Ayla's glove can be seen on the splash page focusing on Collosal boy vs. the Robot. In fact, I realize now I draw them wrong! They should go down, not up!

[ October 21, 2004, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Frog Kid ]
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Aren't the color better that way?

Posted by Lady Crujectra on :
Oh! When I drew my Ayla pic, I was using the splash page from the 7 page preview for reference, and the arrows weren't visible in that pic.

Learn something new every day [Wink]
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Did you notice the cables behind Brainiac 5's head? I find them...disturbing.
Posted by Lady Crujectra on :
Wow... it didn't even occur to me that those were cables! I thought maybe Brainy had longer hair that was pulled back in a pony tail, and those were just strands flipping around.

I still miss frail little Calvin Brainy [Frown]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
I'm joinin' up cause Starboy wants ME! Awesome pic FK! I love your Alya!
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks MEL! But it's not only Star Boy! Everybody want you!
Posted by knowjack on :
Hey, Frog Kid, just finished looking through your stuff.

GREAT work! Awesome, awesome, art my friend!
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks, knowjack!
Posted by Frog Kid on :

I draw yesterday my take on the first 2 pages of the preview by Mr Waid & Mr Kitson.

I kept the number of panels, but changed the camera angle, and designed my own aliens/characters. Let me know what you like/dislike, what works and what doesn't work, etc...

I plan to work on the next pages not until next week.

Note that some details are missing because of the quality of the scans.

Posted by RTVU2 on :
Hey Frog Kid!

Great the first page. Great expression on the kids! Great angles too.

Great job on the second page but one minor thing. We know from the preview that the alien was on a talk show, in your first panel on the second page it looks more like just two people speaking. And the jump from that to the planetscape is a bit jarring. However the emotion on the face of the kids are dead on.

Why haven't you tried out for CBR'S Comic Book Idol! You would be perfect! And you already have a great estbalished fan base here!

Great Job!
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks RTVU2!

I agree it could have been better shown that it was a talk show, and I think the problem is I tried too hard to be different from Barry's layout.

Edited to add: Comic books Idol seems interesting, but I always heard too late about it!

[ October 28, 2004, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: Frog Kid ]
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
hey frog kid, that's some awesome layouts you've done there. can't wait to see what you've got next. DAAAMMMMMNNNN, that's really cool!!!! [Smile]
Posted by Future on :
Not bad, Frog! I like what I've got great looking characters and nice lay-outs.

I can't wait to see what you've got for the remaining preview pages, especially Lyle's scene and the legendary splash page.
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN & Future!
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Continuing my own take of the new Legion preview, here is page 3:


Critics are welcome, specially if they show me what and where it could be better.
Posted by minesurfer on :
Cool... a Space Ghost AR appearance. I love Space Ghost. He should be in the Legion.

Seriously, great work FK. I wish I had the capacity for drawing and coloring the way other posters do. Alas I do not, so I just stand back and be impressed.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Is that Space Ghost? I'm thinking Raven from the Titans myself.
Posted by minesurfer on :
You're prolly right Lou. The cape is all wrong for Space Ghost. I still think he should be in the Legion though.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Froggie, another big fan over here! Your work is astounding! Question: Where is your Legion of Subs cover?
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Froggie, another big fan over here! Your work is astounding! Question: Where is your Legion of Subs cover?

You mean this one?

Posted by Frog Kid on :
About my own take on the Legion preview, I must say I'm desesperate: looking at the pages I posted, I can't find one thing I like in it. It is too rushed. I can spot many errors. I think I will re-do them.
Posted by Frog Kid on :
I found 2 old pics I made a long time ago(thought I'd share):

Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
I love the Shady/M'on piece! These'll be perfect if the couples theme wins for the February Museum of Legion Arts update.
Posted by dedman on :
you do some killer pencilwork Frog kid
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Thanks, guys!
Posted by Frog King on :
My, in 2 years I haven't done a lot of drawing, but here are a few I wanted to share with you.

Let's begin with the cover to Interlac 176:  -
Posted by Frog King on :
Here is the christmas-themed cover to Interlac 184 (I don't really like this one - I like the mood but the characters are ugly):  -
Posted by Frog King on :
And here are a few drawings, made for Interlac as well:

This drawing of Krypto was done after a dog picture:

Here is a pic of Supergirl with Streaky (Tried to use Zip-A-Tone for the first time - it's freaking hard to use!!!!!)

And here a drawing of Wildfire (with Zip-A-Tone too - The Kirby dots were done using Gimp, a freeware that allow you to do photoshop like manip)

Posted by Frog King on :
Here is an UNFINISHED Dawnstar desktop pattern; I might end it one day, but I have no time for now:

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
These images aren't showing up for me, FK! [Frown]
Posted by Frog King on :
I can see them. You see nothing at all?
Posted by Future on :
I see them, Frog. And they look great. Even unfinished, I really like that Dawnstar piece. Also digging all the Super Pet appearances.
Posted by Pov on :
For the record, I can see 'em FK. Bummer that FC can't... the Supergirl and Streaky piece would tickle her! [LOL] Streaky looks a bit peeved... [Streaky]

The Dawny desktop looks amazing! I hope you can find the time to finish it someday. [Smile]

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