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Posted by deanlegion on :
I've recently been pouring through my Legion Archive Editions, sketching out things that I find interesting. I'm particularly looking for cool robots and aliens and creatures. From the first Legion story, Adventure Comics #247, there were actually only a few examples of what I'm looking for.... they're in the drawing.

The Invisible Eagle of Neptune had a very small part in the story, but I still thought it was cool. Wouldn't it be scary to be out on the street when this thing flew over?

Saturn Girl commands a giant sea creature, a Denizen of the Deep, to bring a statue to the surface. I think it's great that there are giant sea creatures in the oceans of the 30th century!! Since Denizen of the Deep is the closest thing to a name given for this creature, I chose to call him/her Denzy!

Robots do the physical labor instead of humans. The robot shown in the issue was out cleaning litter off the streets! It actually looks like paper!! Heh!

Okay, so Saturn Girl isn't exactly a cool creature or robot. She is an alien, though a human one. Yeah, every now and then there will be sketches of people in this project. It's true that I like to draw pretty girls, but I suppose I really should have done a drawing of Cosmic Boy to fit into the sci-fi aspect of this project. He had the most far-out costume. Oh well!

Many more sketches from the Archive Editions coming soon!!!  -
Posted by deanlegion on :
Here's a sketch from the second Legion story...

Superboy dug a cavern, back at home in Smallville, and evidently, it lead to a land beneath the surface of the Earth! So this creature came out exploring. The monsters they used to show in these comics were silly by today's standards, so this was my attempt at drawing a monster from the cavern that could scare a kid today. Maybe it'd even scare a grown-up?
Posted by deanlegion on :
I have many, many more sketches to come. It's been really fun and interesting looking through those old stories, with an emphasis on finding the most ficticious parts. In upcoming sketches of robots in particular, I took artistic lisence in altering their body types just to make them look a bit more modern. Most of the time they looked like a bunch of tin cans wired together. I tried to take the basic design of the robot in question, and maintain the most distinguishing features, but streamline it a bit. At least once, my version turned out sillier looking than the original. I'll let you guys decide once they're posted....
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Dean, keep 'em coming! It's always a joy to see your art!
Posted by deanlegion on :
Thanks, Cobe-ster!
Posted by draub on :
Yes, definately keep 'em coming. There's something about them that's fascinating...the old meets new mystique perhaps. The sketches are beautiful.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I love Dean Lee. There, I said it.

Posted by deanlegion on :
Thanks draub and rhino! You spin me round like a record baby!
Posted by crystal-cherry on :
These are great! Cant wait to see more ^_^
Posted by deanlegion on :
In Adv. 282, Zynthia was introduced as Star Boy's girlfriend. I guess Thom's really into blondes (Zynthia, then Nura, and later, his wife...forgot her name). The Parakat was an interesting creature from Xanthu's southern Jungle Mountains. The Parakat can mimic human speech!  -
Posted by deanlegion on :
Action Comics #276, was the Supergirl story about her three supergirlfriends and the Legion. It's so weird that that mask fooled Kara. Didn't she see the big ol planet Saturn on Imra's shirt? Oh well, I can understand when you see someone out of context....

There were other cool things in that issue that I could have sketched out, primarily, the girlfriends themselves, but there was also the romantic spark between Kara and Querl, there was the original Brainiac and KOKO!!! There was Lori and Jerro, the mer-people, there was Krypto.... but what do I focus on? That weird horse/lizard robot the Legionnaires were riding in a parade!
Maybe I'll get this story out again and do more sketches....


[ October 14, 2003, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: deanlegion ]
Posted by deanlegion on :
There have actually been several Lightning Beasts of Korbal shown in Legion books, but I believe this is the first one. This was shown in the Curt Swan drawn story about the Legion of SuperVillains and the adult Legion of Superheroes, from Superman #147...
Posted by deanlegion on :
Here's Cyclops the Robot from ADV 290...
This is a case where I took extra artistic liscence and altered his bodytype. Cyclops was much taller than a human being, but I thought he should be rather slim, but muscular. I just like the wiring effect in his neck and joints...
Posted by Vee on :
These are all incredible Dean! Looking forward to more as you post them!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Originally posted by deanlegion:
Action Comics #276, was the Supergirl story about her three supergirlfriends and the Legion. It's so weird that that mask fooled Kara. Didn't she see the big ol planet Saturn on Imra's shirt?


Posted by deanlegion on :
Thanks, V and rhino! I have so many sketches to scan and post, I'll never catch up. Hang in there!
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Great stuff Dean! Your figures are as cool as ever, but the robots and creatures are something I haven't seen from you before -- great stuff!

I especially like your #247 collage -- it reminds me of something from an old children's biology text book (super retro Saturn Girl too).

Thanks for the trip into Legion history too -- I feel like I'm learning something [Wink]

[ October 18, 2003, 02:55 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3003 ]
Posted by saturnrings on :
Great Sketches! Love the background info.
Posted by deanlegion on :
Thanks! I do have more coming, I just have to make the time to scan and post em!!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Excellent work (as always) Dean! The monsters and robots do get short shrift in the fan sketching department, it's fun to see your interpretations of these early day classics!
Posted by deanlegion on :
Here are some characters from Action #287...
The Tree Men of planet Arbro, The Chameleon Men (planet never named, could they have been rogue Durlans?) and the kind of robot that was used to steal androids by remote control. Supergirl was the main hero in this issue, btw...
Posted by deanlegion on :
In Act. 287, Lon Duryal is introduced as a major android manufacturer.
Posted by deanlegion on :
I swore that when I drew the Energy Beast, that I wouldn't use the same pose that it seems every other artist uses for it... but I did.

Posted by deanlegion on :
Sorry, don't have my copy of the Archive handy, but this is Luma Lynai of planet Staryl, from the story where Supergirl wants to find a Superwoman for Superman. My question is, what ever happened to Staryl? Does Luma have 30th/31st century descendants?
Posted by deanlegion on :
Ladies and gentlemen, the infamous...

Posted by deanlegion on :
Ladies and gentlemen,
The not very interesting...
Posted by deanlegion on :
Finally! Supergirl meets some supergirlfriends! Girls who she can relate to. Girls who she has SO much in common! Girls who never appear in the issue again, after their initial meeting. [Big Grin]


[ October 22, 2003, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: deanlegion ]
Posted by lil'rhino on :
How much for one of those labor androids?

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
You have such an amazing talent for catching the essence of the minor characters, Dean! Your Lester is fantastic!
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
...and Marla really has that "old super-hero" mentor look that someone (I believe it's Reep) always says should have been his back story.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Good Lord!

I wanna lick that "I'm better than you" smug expression off Lester's face! Hot stuff!!!
Posted by deanlegion on :
Originally posted by lil'rhino:
How much for one of those labor androids?


Hee! Well, the Inventor Androids are worth millions, that's the only comparison I can go by. [Smile]
Posted by deanlegion on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
You have such an amazing talent for catching the essence of the minor characters, Dean! Your Lester is fantastic!

You are very generous to give me that particular compliment. I really appreciate it.
Posted by deanlegion on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
...and Marla really has that "old super-hero" mentor look that someone (I believe it's Reep) always says should have been his back story.

Yeah, why should Jo Nah be the first person to ever be swallowed by an Energy Beast? Maybe it happened to Marla, a long time ago!

It's funny how doing a drawing of a character like Marla makes me more interested in them overall. Now I want to go back and look up how much has been done with him. Who is he really, etc. Hey, maybe I'll even start a topic about him.....

(Thanks, EDE!) [Cosmic Boy]
Posted by deanlegion on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Good Lord!

I wanna lick that "I'm better than you" smug expression off Lester's face! Hot stuff!!!

I've got another one, still to scan. It's very similar, but he looks even smugger. (Is that a word?)

Thanks, Lash! [Saturn Girl]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I can't wait for you to get to Archive #2! I want to see your rendition of the Legion of Super-Monsters!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Oh no you don't, Lash. Get your internet hands off my man.

Dean, thank you for the fab picture of my sweet baby Lester. It shows his rotten personality rawther well. (The finish of his ship in the background is nice too.) Please post your other drawing - more is Lester.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Hi Teeds! Just want to let you know that whenever you post on the Mission Monitor Board section of Legion World, I will come to your house and do yard work or shovel snow (depending on where you live)! The same deal went for Pov and Lash, and they've already cashed in!

Welcome back, we missed you!
Posted by Arachne on :
Great work, Dean. You managed to cature the feel of those old comics without looking dated.
Posted by deanlegion on :
Thanks for these replies! This has been a really fun project for me. When you take the time to look, there are some VERY interesting characters in those early Legion stories. Lester cracks me up! Yeah, more to come still...
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
Oh no you don't, Lash. Get your internet hands off my man.


There's more than enough of that beautiful smug bastard and his equally beautiful credits for BOTH of us!
Posted by Italian Boy on :
hey dean,

more please!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Yes, more!!

Posted by deanlegion on :
More are coming! I just need to open the book and get proper issue #s and names. I mean, I don't want a lot of vague drawings posted here!
Posted by deanlegion on :
Okay, I'm up to Adventure Comics #301, "The Secret Origin of Bouncing Boy." I already posted my sketch of Lester, so I got a tad out of order there (guess I was excited to share that with all you Spiffany fans....).

When we got a look at the monitor screens, we met a Giant on the planet Grykk and a Lead Monster on the planet Ferno...
Posted by deanlegion on :
Out you phony!

Get Lost!

We don't want your ilk in our club!

People just don't use the word ilk anymore...

Here's Storm Boy!
(nice glasses...)
Posted by deanlegion on :
Finally, the Robot Gladiators!
Posted by deanlegion on :
Lots of fun stuff in Adventure #302!

Here we see some bugs given to the Legion by a guest entomologist, Professor Harding. On the left is the firefly I dubbed the Harding Firefly and on the right is the Winged Wampus and a victim. They come from "various planets." Below, we see some animals Sun Boy encountered on the planet Lurna, famed for it's fantastic creatures. On the left, the Radiation Blast, which I'm sure was supposed to be Radiation Beast, but was misspelled, and on the right, the Hypno-Beast....
Posted by deanlegion on :
And here it is, the reason for Sun Boy's trip to Lurna, the Kryptonian Flame Beast!
Posted by deanlegion on :
Posted by deanlegion on :
In Adv 303, we saw a "colossal space creature" which seized the "Sputnik." Sorry if that's vague. We also met Meglaro and I'll make a trivia question about the girl in this picture. Anyone remember who she is? I affectionately call her Lovey Dovey.
Posted by EDE in LARDLAD's Body on :
Jeepers! That girl looks like she'd sock you if you tried to put the moves on her! [Wink]
Posted by deanlegion on :
That's right!
Posted by deanlegion on :
From Adventure Comics #304, the dreaded Zaryan the Conqueror in probably the ugliest hat EVER! He's accompanied by his Warrior Robots.

From Adv 305, a couple rejects: Dynamo Kid and Antennae Boy...

Posted by deanlegion on :
Also in Adv 305, Marvel Lad was introduced. He actually battled a beast called the Sun Eater! I guess this Sun Eater was forgettable, especially compared to the one we'd meet later....

Posted by deanlegion on :
Here's a rough portrait of Marvel Lad. That is one UGLY costume!

Posted by deanlegion on :
That's all for Archive Editions #1, but I'll end with a sketch of a Legion World favorite...
Posted by EDE in LARDLAD's Body on :
Can't wait for sketches from Archive #2!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Best thread ever!
Posted by TriSaber on :
These sketches are truly magnificent. I love the new takes you've come up with using the 1950s space monster designs from ADVENTURE COMICS. But if you want a challenge, you might want to try tackling the Super-Moby Dick of Space creature that was responsible for Lightning Lad losing his right arm.

Just a thought. [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Damn Dean! You are getting mighty good with that pen! I'm really disappointed that you didn't try out for CBR Comicbook Idol when they had it. I think you would have stood a decent chance.
Posted by deanlegion on :
Thanks for all the nice comments everbody! Since this is really all I do with my artwork right now, it's nice that it's so well received.

Hey Scott, I never heard of the contest you mentioned. Sounds like it was fun! If you ever see anything like that, feel free to forward a link to me. Can't hurt to look into such things.

I'm feeling all groovy right now! [Smile]
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
I AM BESIDE MYSELF LIKE A CARGGITE. How did I miss the second picture of my future husband, Lester? Ooh, pout you li'l prince!

I like the color/finish of the Flame Beast.

"Lovey Dovey" cracks me up! (So what was her story?)

And am I the only one who thinks of Seahorse while viewing the Antenna Boy sketch?

Dean, I'm so glad you shared these. Thanks!
Posted by deanlegion on :
Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
I AM BESIDE MYSELF LIKE A CARGGITE. How did I miss the second picture of my future husband, Lester? Ooh, pout you li'l prince!

I like the color/finish of the Flame Beast.

"Lovey Dovey" cracks me up! (So what was her story?)

And am I the only one who thinks of Seahorse while viewing the Antenna Boy sketch?

Dean, I'm so glad you shared these. Thanks!

Glad you like the second Lester sketch. It's not that different from the first, just a little bit.

Lovey Dovey is actually Chameleon Boy in disguise. I'll have to look at the story again, but he and Cos had to act like honeymoon tourists for some reason. He told Cos if he tries to get lovey dovey, he'll sock him!

Glad you liked the Flame Beast. I wanted it to have a Komodo Dragon feel. I did several other sketches that didn't work as well. I'd still like to work on a drawing that nails what I'm after.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Originally posted by deanlegion: Glad you like the second Lester sketch. It's not that different from the first, just a little bit.

But ooh, that moue.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I wanted to bump this thread for a few reasons...

1. I love Dean's work here and it deserves to be seen again.

2. I've been waiting for the Fall Custom Con to debut my Lester action figure that was inspired by Dean's drawing on the second page here.

3. Thanks for the inspiration Dean.
Posted by deantitan on :
Hey, thank YOU! I really want to organize these drawings into a sort of online encylopedia, but I really have no idea when I'd ever get around to it...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Dare I ask when we might get sketches from Archive #3?
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Heh! I actually did several and have them sitting in a drawer somewhere! If I may say so... I did some pretty cute drawings of some pretty Lallor Ladies!

I'll have to scan and post sometime, but I have a few other things taking up my time right now...
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Take your time. I know it will be worth it, Dean!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Originally posted by deanlegion:
In Adv. 282, Zynthia was introduced as Star Boy's girlfriend. I guess Thom's really into blondes (Zynthia, then Nura, and later, his wife...forgot her name). The Parakat was an interesting creature from Xanthu's southern Jungle Mountains. The Parakat can mimic human speech!  -

Bump for Cobalt Kid!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Awesome! Thanks, Dean!

Great pic! I love that cute lil' outfit [Big Grin]

Cool parakat too!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Bumped because I often find myself referring to this thread! Currently, there is a discussion about Marvel Lad on the SLSH board.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The Super Woman on page two is really 'knock-your-socks-off' beautiful! I really love that pic Dean. I never really cared for the costume until you drew it.

 - [/QB][/QUOTE]
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Thanks a lot, Cobes! I wish I was patient enough to do nice inks and colors. Alas, I'm appropriately named *Sketch* Lad!

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