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Posted by deanlegion on :
It's in the beginning of the five year gap. Nura is the new High Seer, Dirk has begun his political career. You decide where these two are. What do they have to say to each other?

Panel 1


Panel 2, Nura:

Panel 3, Dirk:

Panel 4


Panel 5, Nura:

Posted by New Kid on :
It's in the beginning of the five year gap. Nura is the new High Seer, Dirk has begun his political career. You decide where these two are. What do they have to say to each other?

Panel 1
Dirk: Nura you look absolutely stunning tonight. When are you going to relent and…

Nura: We’ve been through this before Dirk; my duties don’t leave much of an opportunity for a personal life.

Panel 2, Nura: So why don’t you tell me the real reason you asked me here?

Panel 3, Dirk: Well, you see… I need some off earth support during the next cycle… and…

Panel 4
Nura: You were hoping that as high seer I could…

Dirk: Yes.

Panel 5, Nura: Sorry, Dirk but I don’t think that I can help you.
Posted by New Kid on :
Two things:

1. I don't know much about the five-year gap but I thought that Dirk was a Newscaster during the first few issues.

2. I should have posted this first.
Posted by deanlegion on :
So, Nura rejects Dirk in more ways than one! Nice, New Kid. Thanks for playing! [Big Grin]

Dirk wasn't a broadcaster, he was being interviewed for some show. That's if I recall correctly...
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Ooo Fun! Sursprised more aren't trying this.

Setting: Legion has already been disbanded. Dirk is working public relations for Earth Gov through Circe. Dirk as we'll se in a future flashback [Confused] has mother issues. He perceives many women as mother figures which he both loves and despises, particularly those with which he is closest, legionnaires.

Panel 1:
Dirk: So Thom is still off playing planetary champion?

Dreamy: Not happily. He has his eyes, or better, the owner of a local moopsball team has HER eyes on him.

Dirk: And your eyes?

Panel 2:

Dreamy: Mmmmmm

Panel 3:

Dirk: We think alike!

Panel 4:


Panel 5:

Dreamy: No Dirk. We dream alike. Dirk...dreams do not have to come true.

Dirk: (off panel) You know? I will make them.

Dreamy: DIRK! Listen to me. You do NOT want those dreams, your dreams, to come true. Please...this is NOT what you want.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Dean -- THANKS for this and please do it again, I love this kinda stuff! Here's my entry (done OFF-THE-CUFF) ps/ love the Tim Sale-ish final Nura panel. Great job!!!

Panel 1
Dirk: "So that's the plan, Dreamy. And I thought you might want in on ALL of the action... and I do mean ALL.

Nura: "Dirk, Dirk, Dirk..."

Panel 2, Nura: " DO know how to tempt a girl... as always."

Panel 3, Dirk: "Heh. Yeah..."

Panel 4
Nura: "But I really must decline, handsome. There's only ever really been ONE man for me, and I already have my hands full with Naltor. Earthgov will just have to plod along without me."

Dirk: "But-- Dreamy...!"

Panel 5, Nura: (to self) "Be careful, Dirk Morgna... I see nothing but darkness when I look into your future..."
Posted by deanlegion on :
I'm glad you guys are having fun with this! Trust me, it's a treat for me. We all get a lil sum'in sum'in out of it! [Big Grin]

I do have another lil two pager coming up, too. As long as the sketch quality of these isn't too distracting, I can do 'em quick and easy! Stay tuned!
Posted by MLLASH on :
This deserves another go-round what with all the writers here now...
Posted by Valor the M'Onel on :
Panel 1:
Dirk:So you still wanna go?

Panel 2:
Nura:Oh now you say something.
Panel 3:
Dirk:You know I think I'm in love
Panel 4:
Nura:Shhh,let's just do this

Dirk:Thom should never had passed this up
Panel 5
Nura:(Nura starts taking her clothes off)Well come here
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
Cant belive I missed this first time around.

Here goes nothing. [Smile]

Panel 1

Nura "........and there we have it. Its a really good offer Dirk"

Dirk "Sorry Dreamy but I have to sweet a deal with Earth Gov to change my mind now"

Panel 2

Nura "Mmmmmmm, Dirk I dont suppose I could persuade you.......No?"

Panel 3

Dirk "Well dream boat, depends. Are you part of the "benefits" package"

Panel 4

Nura "Sadly Dirk thats not an option I could live with. But Please....for the friendship we once had, reconsider the Earth Gov job

Panel 5

Nura Thinks Dirk is still a handsome devil, Should I try to save him. At least he would have happy memories
Posted by deanlegion on :
Hah! This is great. Each of you writers seem to really know these characters well, and there's very consistent treatment happening. However, you're each going in different directions with the plot, which I think is fantastic! What a tremendous exercise for all of us!
Posted by deanlegion on :
I'd actually like to play, too...

Panel 1
Dirk: --I'm sorry, Nura, what'd you say? I got lost for a minute, looking at you.

Nura: Oh Dirk darling, stop! I'm big as a house, now!

Panel 2
Nura: The High Seer of Naltor no longer fits in the platinum bathing suit once worn by Dream Girl. You're sweet, though.

Panel 3
Dirk: You've GOT to be kidding me. Nura, you look better than ever.

Panel 4
Nura: Right! Well, love, I have to go! Thank you for lunch. It was fabulous. I have a shuttle to catch.

Dirk: What? You're leaving? Now?

Panel 5
Nura: Dirk Morgna, you've made me feel like a real woman again. This was my first break since becoming High Seer, and you made it fantastic. I really appreciate that. Now, you go back to your life on Earth, and I'll go back to mine on Naltor. Remember, we'll always have Ventura!
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Bumped cuz....
cuz it's fun!
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Panel 1
Dirk: Gosh! you sure do look purty!

Nura: I still think you need that booster seat Dirk.

Panel 2, Nura: So what did you call me here for?

Panel 3, Dirk: I thought you knew the future, Dreamy?

Panel 4
Nura: I do. And sometimes I have to live through the sleazy bits.

Dirk: Wh-What will I do???

Panel 5, Nura: Nothing that won't make my lawyers richer.
Posted by Sketch Lad on :
Maybe it's the upcoming Valentine's Day feeling, but I came up with a flirty exchange for these two....

Panel 1
Dirk: How is it that we never got together when we were in the Legion Nura?

Nura: Uh, a rather major obstacle named Thom Kallor!

Panel 2, Nura: Dirk, we would have torn each other apart!

Panel 3, Dirk: Heh! I think you're right about that!

Panel 4
Nura: It's never too late to start, dear.

Dirk: What? Really? Nura, are you sure?

Panel 5, Nura: Sweetie, I already know how great it's going to be! Now let's go!
Posted by Joe-Boy Harvestar on :
Panel 1: So what do you think? is it me?
Panel 2: It is a bit much Dirk.
Panel 3: But I thought Bounce and Lustre were in this season.
Panel 4: Well I're worth it.
Panel 5: Im going to touch my right boob now.

Its all about the hair people!
Ill just be over there

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