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» Legion World » LEGION OUTPOST » Bits o' Legionnaire Business » LMB Onevision: "Journeys and Destinies" (Page 5)

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Author Topic: LMB Onevision: "Journeys and Destinies"
Cobalt Kid

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Cobalt Kid flew through a hallway ripping it apart along with any undead monstrosities he came across. After what seemed like a long time, he began to come to his sense and start looking to see if he could find any of his friends. Up ahead, he heard noises and quickly made his way there.

He saw Lash, whipping through a series of undead dragon creatures that were large and terrifying, but seemed to be unable to present any type of threat to Lash. That seemed to accurately describe everything they were coming across, although Septimus’ goal was obvious to anyone who thought about it: he wanted to tire them out to the point of exhaustion before making any move.

“There you are Cobie! We seem to have lost everyone,” said Lash.

“Yeah, this castle is huge. They might be up ahead,” responded Cobalt, as the two moved to a light up ahead.

It hit them hard in the chest like the wind had been knocked out them completely. There he stood, present among them for the first time. The Wizard who feared the world so much, he wished to see it destroyed. Black sunken eyes and greasy black hair detailed his hard ashen face. A curt smile crossed his lips. He held a chalice in his hand, but otherwise appeared weaponless.

“Welcome to my home,” he said, “you’ve brought me a prize I’ve long desired. I appreciate saving me the trouble to come looking for him again.” Strangely, he turned the cup on its side and poured all the water out of it onto his hand. “You two have the rather unfortunate pleasure of being the first to meet me. I assure you, you won’t be the last. But the boy does seem to care for you. So in that respect, you are not totally useless.

Lash suddenly fell to one knee, as Cobalt followed suit. He wanted to lay on his back to get some air into his lungs—it felt like he couldn’t breath at all. He tried coughing as hard as he could, but nothing came out. What was wrong? Why did his lungs hurt so badly?

“That is what it feels like to drown,” Septimus said, “or so I’m told. One of the more painful ways to die. One of most difficult because it leaves you feeling utterly helpless. Something the boy will learn in time.”

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Iron Rat clutched Elag close to him. The magical shield was holding up fine, but it was beginning to seem like the endless armies of skeletons would take days to destroy, and he was bound to grow tired sooner or later. Arachne and Grey Birdboy were close to him, although he lost everyone else in the early stages of the fray. Elag seemed too calm for what was going on around him, but he heard the boy gasp enough to satisfy his fear that Elag was going to do something rash. He seemed to be normal again, if normal meant being a child scarred for his life.

Arachne hurried across the ceiling using her webbing to take away any mobility that Septimus’ servants had. By now a large group of death knights, the same type of monster that a large group of LMBers had trouble with on Legion World was now attempting to join the fray from an obscure passage way into the hall. Where once this may have caused one of them to falter, the death knights appeared to be nothing more than another in a series of underlings that stood between the LMBers and their target.

LardLad and Invisible Brainiac marched through their own corridor, blasting away at everything that moved near them. IB had never let loose like this before for such an extended period of time, and he was surprised at how good it felt. It was hard keeping up with Lardy, who marched up ahead of him with ease. Lagging behind, IB felt very tired suddenly.

He stopped for a moment, and looked around. The world felt strange and he suddenly smelt smoke. The smoke was a pleasant fragrance, like the smoke from a pipe or from old newspapers. He felt drowsy. His mouth began to dry a little, and he could have sworn it tasted like he had bitten into an orange or a sweet piece of fruit. He opened his eyes suddenly and saw a dark haired figure staring at him with black eyes and hard lines under his eyes that indicated that the man had not slept in a long time. “Come boy,” said the voice in a whisper, “learn what happens to pups who enter my home.”

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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IB opened his eyes and knew instantly that this is what horror meant. Directly across from him was Cobalt Kid, his cloak and shirt ripped off into shreds in the corner. He had been severally beaten and lashed with a whip, so that fresh blood oozed down his torso.

Lash Lad was next to him, equally tortured, although he looked strait ahead, not budging his eyes, as if to will himself to stay awake.

IB then felt the pain in his own shoulders and knew that he too had been severally punished while he was out cold. He did not realize that fresh salt had been placed inside his open wounds, and that Septimus has seared a hot poker across his young flesh. All Invisible Brainiac knew was that he could not find enough air to speak. He was choking on his own horror.

He then heard a slow and steady breathing, and turned to see the master of the terror that no confronted them. Septimus himself. The old wizard looked like they all had known him to look—long black hair, and a tired worn out face, like someone who had been looking too long into the sun. His finger nails were longer than they should have been, and IB saw that he had purple blotches on his cheeks and down his neck. As if he too was another of the undead corpses that roamed so freely in the halls of his castle. He stared at IB, with dark black eyes, and no emotion crept across his face.

“Awake child…” he began, “your friends have been waiting for you.”

“IB, don’t talk,” said Cobalt out loud. Septimus’s face broke out into a grin.

“Please, don’t,” Septimus added to Cobalt’s statement. “In all honesty, I don’t care whether you scream or don’t, since I have enough experience in the matter to know the pain will be far beyond excruciating.” “In fact,” he continued, “it’ll be far more excruciating for those who will be watching,” he grinned, turning so that his eyes meant Lash and Cobalt’s.

“Be as snide as you want,” said Lash to his face, “but I dare you to test it on me.”

“I think not young man,” said Septimus, “although it’s very brave of you to offer yourself instead of your young friend. No…” he added, “I think the only way to end this boy’s pain is for you to call to your friends and tell them to surrender the boy.”

Septimus turned to Invisible Brainiac again. He lifted a hot poker in his hand, and slowly placed it on IB’s naked chest. It seared hot, and IB choked on the pain, turning his head left and right to shake it away.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Iron Rat continued on, holding Elababolus close to himself, and saw Grey Birdboy and Arachne ahead. They were fighting them off in droves, and the never ending army still seemed to have no end in sight.

What is it, he though, that will keep this unholy army in check long enough for them to finally confront their dark master? And then, something seemed to click for him. They were unholy, and he had heard this mass of skeletons and zombies described that way before. By Garin Loremaster, the elf they had meant in the green during the first leg of their journey. Garin had given Stu a flash of Holy Water and told them it would be the greatest weapon against these monsters…

Stu clutched the small flask, and noticed Elag looking on strangely devoid of the horror that the rest of them were feeling. The flask seemed too small to do much, although he felt his spirits rising. Opening it, he called out as loudly as he could to his fellow LMBers.

“Al, Grey! Move!”

He opened the flask, expecting drops to poor out. Instead it was like a stream, or rather, a large river, cascading forth throughout the halls. Instantly, the holy water moved forward, growing in thickness, so that it burned through the feet of the undead armies that lay between the two sets of LMBers. With their feet burnt off, the skeletons fell forward or backward into the growing river and instantly dissolved.

Now, Iron Rat realized, was the time to make some kind of powerplay. Handing Elag to Arachne and Grey Birdboy, who were quickly by his side, Stu instinctly turned back into an animal, this time into a rat, his most powerful form. “Fides!” he screamed at the top of his lungs, calling on the faith he had on his own willpower to make his spell as strong as it could be. Instantly, a bright golden glow surrounded him, although he quickly forced it to turn a bright sickly shade of red. “Katalepsis” he said in what sounded like a hoarse whisper, and the red glow shot out in every direction the hallway went into.

Throughout the castle, the undead became ‘possessed’, although in the way Stu’s ancient spell permitted it. They were possessed in that they no longer had any will to do anything. And because they were creatures long deprived of life, their lack of will ended their existence. Falling to the ground, one in four joined the other undead that were now burning in a holy cascade of fire water that scorched the evil in the castle.

Grey scooped Stu into his arms, the rat unable to change out of his form. Arachne held Elag close, wondering, “where are our friends?”

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Cobalt looked on in horror, as IB struggled through the most intense pain he may ever feel. Septimus was a bastard, and this would never be forgotten. Cobalt tried desperately to access his new powers, to figure out someway to reach into IB’s soul and heal him. But he could not, his powers somehow blocked by the more proficient mage that now stood sickeningly between them.

Before IB awoke, Septimus had gone to work on Lash and Cobalt. The physical pain was immense, and lesser men would have broke. But Lash had a will of pure iron, and Cobalt was used to this kind of torture. He had endured it once before for months on end, and came out of it a better man. Septimus had now turned to a far deadlier kind of torture, one purely mental.

Cobalt recalled what had just happened moments ago. Septimus seemed to reach into their minds, both at the same time. He recalled their most private moments and gleefully exposed what was they had hid away in the dark recesses of their minds.

He began with Lash. Lash had long ago renounced his retcon powers, but later learned that a Lash from an alternate reality that did not renounce them became the Time Mouse Trapper, one of the LMB’s greatest foes. “Was Lash evil as well?” asked Septimus. “Did he secretly wish for that kind of power at his finger-tips?” “Was he tired of the LMB, of having to deal with their pettiness and infighting? Could he handle more years of having to baby them and deal with their constant coming and going, while he, the founder, was left to make sure the LMB lived on?” All these Septimus asked, and Lash did not break.

Lash smiled at him, and encouraged him to continue. “Don’t hold back, Sep! Get personal!” he laughed. “Aren’t you concerned about my sex life? Ask me about that one time I was too drunk—“

When it became clear that Lash would take too long to break, Septimus moved on to his other target, and eventually found what he was looking for. He stared at Cobalt and recognized some degree of pain there, something that Cobalt could not hide no matter how hard he tried—or pretended to try. “Do you remember the fear of being tortured?” he began, “do you remember the pain of Dr. Hoffman’s cell? Do you remember how you began to long for your torturer to visit you, so you weren’t alone anymore? How embarrassing!”

“Don’t budge, Cobie,” said Lash. Cobalt nodded. He would not.

Septimus renewed his fun. “You’ve killed a man, Cobalt Kid. What kind of hero do you think you are? You’re a killer. You’re like me. You’re like Dr. Hoffman, your supposed arch-nemesis. You too are one and the same. You’re a scared little boy, like Elagabolus, who will not accept that deep down…he is a killer.”

“Go to hell,” replied Cobalt.

And now Septimus realized what it would take to break him. “If I can’t destroy you, I can give you what you want. I can fix your problem my friend. I don’t want to hurt the boy, you realize. What do you care if this boy, this problem of you and your friends, joins me? I can give you what you need. I can give you her.”

As Lash prepared to speak, he suddenly found that he could not. All was quiet.

“How long has it been since you’ve seen her? You must miss her dearly. Imagine, your friends never even truly realized that you two were finally at peace. That there was some closure, that you two were actually, in love. She’s dead now. Space Tart, your dear Fiona, is dead,” continued Septimus, now looking into his eyes. “But time and space are things that have no control over me.”

Now Cobalt looked up, and the two gazed grimly.

“I can give you her. She is dead to you, but not to me. Time is nothing to one such as I. You can have your dear Space Tart back…if I can have Elagabolus.”

And Septimus turned, and with a wave of the hand, a large portal grew, appearing like blue green mist with did not swirl but rippled. “This is the moment of her death. This is the moment she was lost. I will give you this moment. All you have to do is ask.”

Cobalt snapped back to the present, seeing IB being tortured. The portal was feet away from him. Spacey was feet away from him. Things didn’t seem real anymore. Where was this journey taking him?

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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The pain became so much for Invisible Brainiac, that for a few moments, he stopped feeling anything at all. Random thoughts began entering his mind. How could Septimus’ eyes be black, when no one’s eye color had that hue? When was the last time he ate anything but elf bread? Did he remember to keep enough money saved so he could take Sara out to the Beacon when he got home? Why was he wearing this amulet around his neck?

Suddenly, as the pain began rushing back to him, he realized that this last question was the one that he so desperately needed to answer. The amulet, which clung tightly to his neck, had been given to him by the LMBP Spectre. She had promised him that he could always find his way home with it instantaneously. For some reason, she seemed to think that he needed to stay alive at all costs, as if some important future lay ahead of him.

Yet, the thought of leaving his friends didn’t seem to be worthwhile. How could he leave them now, of all times? He could get help. They certainly needed it. And if the Spectre told him he needed to live, he didn’t have much of an argument. He looked up, and saw Lash’s face, which had a single tear rolling down it. Lash was shedding a tear at the sight of IB’s torture. And then he knew.

“Stop.” He said, not loud, but not soft.

Septimus stopped, with surprise and shock on his face. “Impressive, pup.”

“Lash, Cobie, I…”

“It’s Ok IB,” said Lash, “we know.”

Cobalt nodded.

“Ok.” Said IB. “Take me home Spectre.”

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Invisible Brainiac closed his eyes, and then felt relief, as the straps that were holding him upright vanished. Then immense pain as the blood began rushing back into his arms and legs. He vomited.

When he opened his eyes, he was in the Hall of the Fallen Heroes, the home of the LMBP Spectre. He could not stand. He could not yell.

Help. He tried to say. Nothing would come out. HELP. Nothing. He was so close, but he couldn’t move. Now he felt that tears were coming, but he was too exhausted for even that.

And then amazingly, the statue of Space Tart fell over, right next to him.

BOOM. It shook the ground. IB looked into the statue’s eyes. In the backround, he thought his eyes played tricks on him, as if a green cloak flapped in the wind.

Beagle Boy ran in immediately, scouting the area to see what happened.

“What the--?! Are you OK?!” he shouted.

Outdoor Miner teleported in six seconds later. “Beagle Boy, that’s Invisible Brainiac! The LMB who went missing! We thought he was with the others!”

“I’ll run him over,” said Beagz, but OM cut him off.

“No, he looks too hurt. Here, IB, I’ll teleport us to Dr. One’s lab,”

Suddenly, as if the anxiety of going home was gone, IB found he could speak again, although barely.

“I was with them,” he said hoarsely. “They need help.”

End Act V

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Act VI


In the blink of an eye, Invisible Brainiac was gone.

Finally, the LMBers saw the rage and hatred that they knew existed in Septimus. He erupted in anger, and the rafters shook, as if his voice controlled the wind itself.

“You!” He screamed at Lash and Cobalt. “What right do any of you have to interfere with the business of things far beyond any of you?! How dare you attempt to look me in the eye?! I, who have lived centuries, and beaten far greater than any of you!” He threw the hot poker to the ground, and crossed the room to them. “That young one’s audacity will be taken out in your flesh,” he added, gaining his former calm.

“Hey Septimus,” said Lash. “Do us a favor and shut the fuck up. Ok?”

Cobalt laughed. “What does a guy do in a tower all day anyway? With all dead people?”

Now Lash turned to Cobalt. They were both back in high spirits, knowing IB somehow disspeared. “Ewwwwwwwww! I never would have signed on this mission if I knew we were fighting a necrophiliac!”

Septimus’ face went immediately blank. No longer grinning or showing anger, he glared at them. He dropped his robe, showing his withered torso, so that only his pants and boots remained on his body. His body was chalk-white with purple blotches, and he looked slimy and filthy. “I see that you will laugh in the face of death,” he spoke quickly, “I applaud you. We will see if your friends will match it.”

Opening a small pouch, Septimus picked up a pinch of powder. He now turned, and his eyes grew thinner. Lash and Cobalt knew that their moment was at hand.


The wall exploded and bricks went everywhere, as Lard Lad entered the fray. “You two weren’t planning on dying alone, were ya?!” he roared, as he used his lardforce to rip the cavern in half.

“Fool!” yelled Septimus, instinctly setting the room ablaze.

“Fool? Maybe, but I’ve been waiting for this battle for months it seems, and I’m tired of all this talkin’!”

Lardy used his lardforce like a green lantern’s ring, trying to swat Septimus aside, while dodging his fireballs, which the wizard now hurled.

A piece of debris came close to Lash’s hand, and that was all he needed. Grabbing it, he was quickly free in one hand, and then his whole body. Within seconds, he was cutting Cobalt down. “Good ol’ Lardy,” he smiled, “he knows how to make an entrance…”

As Lash turned to the fight, Cobalt looked into the portal that lay before him. This might be his chance. He could save Spacey. But…what about Elag?

“Do it.” Said a voice, and instantly, Cobalt knew Elag was in his head. Their connection, Cobalt suddenly realized, was far stronger than they had ever thought. “DO IT!!” screamed Elag, so loud that Cobalt almost fell.

“N-no…” said Cobalt, but Elag’s voice grew louder. “Save her, Cobie! Please!”

Cobalt leaped through the portal.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Lard Lad quickly destroyed the room that hosted Septimus’ ancient torture equipment, and the walls to the room subsequently came down too. Septimus, however, was unlike any foe Lard Lad had ever faced.

Opening his mouth, he breathed a black smog into the air, which seemed to pull all the oxygen away from Lardy and Lash. “Hahahahaha!” raved the wizard, at last revealing how mad he had truly gone, “give me the battle I have so desperately been waiting for these last centuries!”

As Lardy and Lash tried to breath, Septimus’ next spell was unleashed as large black wasps began filling the room—although from where, neither could tell. The wasps buzzed in way that would make any man or woman fall down in fear, as their humming echoed in the ears of the LMBers. They stung continually, and did not fall after a sting, but only continued to kill what ever living flesh was near them. Before long, it was unclear what blackness was in front of them, the smog, or the dark black hue of the wasps.

Septimus cackled some distance away, reveling in the moment.

But once more, the LMBers made another grand entrance. A gust of wind knocked the smog and the winds away, as Iron Rat summoned his willpower to blast the room clear. On the other side of the wall, Arachne had erected an enormous web, so that every wasp that touched it, no matter how lightly, did not move again. As the dust began to settle, Grey Birdboy took the spear that he had clutched the whole journey, and hurled at the throat of Septimus.

It missed, but it had the effect Grey wished it to have. It enraged Septimus to the point that the wizard no longer took this as a game. Dodging out of the way, the wizard floated to the middle, not noticing that Elagabolus was not even with them, or that Grey and Arachne were blocking the entrance they had made to the cavern—and were doing so with their lives.

Lard Lad and Lash Lad, on pure instinct, stumbled in their direction. Iron Rat, by now back in human form, rose into the air to meet the dark wizard.

Now was the time for a wizard’s dual.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Willpower and intelligence, the two most important things for any wizard. And both of these had them both in spades. Septimus, one of the strongest to ever live, and Iron Rat, one the greatest of the newer generation.

The battle exploded between the two, and sparks erupted inside the room, inside their minds, and far beyond to other planes that no one else could visit. Arachne looked on in shock, amazed at the light and fire being shot out, and at the velocity which each spell was being hammered out.

Immediately Septimus tried to make it a dual that Stu would remember. There are very few spells that kill with one blast, but Septimus knew all of them. He balanced each spell he used with one of these kills spells, to make sure that Stu knew how serious this was.

The Rat Mage fought back using the skill he had learned in his travels, and ripped a variety of enchantment and charms to make Septimus’ own castle work against him. This worked, but it left Septimus with the upper hand, giving the wizard more time to concoct the spells he needed to physically tear Stu asunder.

Fire was the first choice, but it quickly evolved into a cascade of lighting and frost, until the invocations became things that resembled green tentacles and yellow oozed that turned solid flesh to liquid death. Stu reacted by turning himself into an eagle, to better concentrate on his spells and become a harder target to hit. Septimus seemed to wither away with each more difficult spell, willing to sacrifice his own flesh if it would allow him to kill these young heroes.

Finally, a thought occurred to him, and he acted on it. “Undead warriors, those who still live!” he screamed aloud, appearing more crazy than ever. I release you! Go and accomplish this final task and you may go to whatever end you wish! Go and kill all who live near this castle! Bring misery and pain! Make all who die the martyrs of this LMB!” Instantly, the remaining warrior horde of undead began exiting the castle.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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In an instant, Grey Birdboy knew what had to be done. Lardy had stumbled over and regained his senses, and he now scooped up Elagabolus in his arms, making sure to hold onto the boy for dear life. Strangely, thought Grey, the boy seemed neither scared nor happy.

But there wasn’t enough time to worry about that now. Stu was holding Septimus off right now, and Lardy had Elag. Arachne, Lash and himself were helping as best they could, the battle was now out of their hands. The remaining portion of Septimus’ undead army was leaving the castle, with orders to kill any living person that they encountered, and Grey knew that there was a monastery and scattered peasants living throughout the entire area. Someone had to stop that army.

They were the LMB, after all, and they took care of all problems. There was no way he’d lose sight of that now, and no way he’d let this army roam free while they destroyed the wizard, no matter how vital it was. Innocents were on the line. Time to get to work.

Grey turned to Arachne and Lash, who already seemed to get the picture. Lash looked exhausted and weak, but hid it as best he could. Arachne looked completely serious and determined, as if suddenly fresh and ready to end this. Her attitude was contagious, and suddenly Grey felt that they could finish the army off for good.

“Let’s go Grey,” she said, turning into a spider and hopping on his shoulder.

“Let’s end this,” he replied.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Lardy watched on, as Septimus and Stu battled a war that would echo in eternity among wizards and mages. He held Elag tightly, and said a quick prayer that this would soon be over. IB was gone, he had gotten that much, and Cobalt suddenly seemed to disappear too. Lash, Grey and Arachne were going to save as many lives as they could, so it was up to him to protect Elag. He would not fail.

“Lard Lad,” said Elag suddenly. “You need to help Stu.” Lardy realized that this was the first time the boy had spoken in awhile.

“Elag, I’m going to stay here and protect you. Don’t worry.”

“No Lardy…” said the boy, visibly getting upset. “He needs you. Go help him! Please!”


“Lardy, don’t let him die! I promise I won’t go anywhere! Please!”

Lard Lad was quiet for the briefest moment, and then slowly nodded. He felt compelled to help him, as if Elag was pushing him with more than just words. But he was needed out there. After all, he wasn’t going to let an LMB brother die…

Iron Rat continued blasting at Septimus, who attacked back with a ferociousness that he had not felt in centuries. Quickly, Lard Lad entered the battle. Now, with the two most powerful LMBers present together, the battle evened up.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Cobalt stepped through the portal, and immediately was gone. And just as immediate, he realized that Elag had forced him through the portal. Their connection was broken completely, and their powers were separated for good. Cobalt was the healer, Elag was the one to bring destruction. And Cobalt realized that Elag had been manipulating them a little all along. He was a scared little boy, and he really just wanted to be safe. But how could they have sent him out into danger, or into the possible hands of Septimus? Cobalt knew that Elagabolus was good, and that he was not destined to be evil. He finally felt it for the first time and really knew that he believed it. But he knew now that Elag influenced their decisions, particularly his own. He needed to feel safe and secure, but what price were they all going to pay now?

It was too late for all that, he was through the portal. The knowledge of this hit him like a punch in the stomach. This was where Space Tart died. This is where he lost his wife. Like a bucket of cold water was poured on his face, Cobalt’s magnetism kicked in, and he quickly flew through whatever was between them. It was entropy of some kind, some type of naturally force that was eating matter as it touched it. He had read Eryk Davis Ester’s reports on how Legion World was created, and knew that it had something to do with a search for a home, after a variety of homes (including the LMBers old stomping grounds) were destroyed by some evil. He knew Spacey was near.

And then he looked at his belt, and realized he should just turn on his LMB omni-com. He heard the voices and knew he was right. It was Eryk Davis Ester on one end, new to the LMB, and Space Tart on the other.

“Space Tart, come home! Immediately! It’s too dangerous out there! We have to give this world up!”

“No!” yelled back Space Tart, and Cobalt felt like a bullet hit him. It was her voice. “You’re all still in danger. I won’t let you, Shady or Lucien die. Listen to me, I think I know what to do. I can save you all.”

“No!” yelled EDE, and Cobalt realized that up to this point, EDE had never met Cobalt before. “Come home now—“ he was quickly cut off by something or someone. It was Shady, she had grabbed the omni-com.

“Spacey, listen,” said Shady, “you need to come back sweetie. He’s not out there. Don’t give up. Don’t let it all go. You don’t need to make this sacrifice. We’ll figure out another way.”

“I’m sorry Shady,” said Spacey’s voice, and the omni-com went dead.

Cobalt suddenly realized that it was about to happen. Magnetically, he ripped through the clouds, staying on the brink of the entropy, trying to find the point where Spacey was. It ripped through whatever city this was, and suddenly, he realized that if Spacey did not sacrifice herself, all the people in the city would die.

He couldn’t think of that now.

And then up ahead, he saw her. There she was, her blue skin making her obvious to any who cared to look. She looked gorgeous. She looked heroic. This was her final moments, this was her death. She was beautiful. Tears rolled down Cobalt’s eyes, and he realized that he was going to die with her.

Flying full speed at her, he suddenly realized what she was doing. A dead man lay not too far away, and Cobalt knew that this was one of the infamous ‘flame-warriors’ that helped cause terrible strife in the world—which resulted in the creation of Legion World, to get away from these ‘flame-warriors’ and strife. He was dead, and Cobalt knew how. Spacey had pulled something from his ass, a power she had crudely gotten long ago. It was some type of weapon, and she was using it to destroy the entropy.

She leapt into the entropy, and the weapon ignited, as flashes of light went everywhere. Even at top speed, Cobalt was still too late. “NOOOO!” he yelled, “Spacey, no!” He too, flew into the entropy.

They had mere moments, he knew it. “Spacey, don’t! Don’t go! Don’t die! Not yet!”

“Cobie?” she said, bewildered, wondering if this was some sort of illusion brought on by certain death. “You came back for me?” she smiled. “I missed you…”

They began fading away with the entropy, and Cobalt realized that neither his magnetism or healing powers would save him now. And then…

…the spell kicked back in, and the portal reopened. Cobalt and Space Tart quickly fizzled out of the entropy, and reappeared six months in the future. They were both alive.

Above, Septimus rained meteor swarms on Lardy and Iron Rat.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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Lard Lad and Iron Rat dueled with Septimus, although even their combined might seemed to be little match for his power. The battle was stalemated at best, although the more Septimus withered away, the stronger he appeared to get.

Below, Cobalt Kid reappeared, with Space Tart clutched in his arms. Space Tart had been in the entropy for a long time, and her life was slowing ebbing away. She was dying. Had he saved her, and risked so much, just to lose her now. His new found powers kicked in, and he wondered how strange it was that he suddenly have these amazing powers when he needed them most. A familiar blue aura surrounded him, and began healing Space Tart as best he could, trying to repair the physical damage that had been done her, as well as the mental and spiritual in whatever way he could. It was better now, he realized, it was all going to work out. It was meant to be. He had these powers for a reason.

Elagabolus watched all of this, and felt a strange feeling of satisfaction. They had come a long way, and he was no longer scared. He was sure now, that he would never be scared again. He watched the man who had horrified him for so long, Septimus, shirtless and raving like a lunatic, drunk on his own power. Elagabolus felt his own power boiling under his skin, itching to come out, and he knew deep down that he had no need to fear Septimus or anyone ever again. He knew that he could destroy Septimus.

Finally, Lard Lad fell. Long since drained, Lardy could no longer face a thread that he was so unaccustomed to fighting. He had weakened Septimus immensely, and fought as valiantly as he ever had before. Now Stu and Septimus raged on, Stu back in human form, and both wizards with feet planted firmly on the ground. It almost appeared that they would fight with bare hands if need be, but neither had the energy to lift their arms past their chests.

Elagabolus began moving forward. Lardy looked up, and a look of first astonishment, and then the need to stop the boy overtook his face. Elag looked down at him, and put his hand on Lardy’s shoulder. He continued. Stu faced off against Septimus still, although it was clear that victory was no longer on his side. Septimus continued to slice through Stu’s skin with lightning blasts, singing whatever flesh remained unburnt. Suddenly, Stu realized that Elag was so close.

Cobalt continued healing Space Tart, not knowing what was happening, and Elag looked in his direction briefly. With one look, Lardy realized that Elag was making sure that Cobalt did not know.

Finally, Septimus realized the boy was near. He smiled an evil, old grin.

“Come boy, meet your destiny! Fulfill it!”

Elag looked up. “You’re scared of the whole world,” he said. Stu fell to one knee. “I wont’ be scared of anything ever again.”

Elagabolus suddenly grasped Septimus by the calf muscle, as tight as he could. Before Septimus could react, the red aura that surrounded Elag when he used his powers of destruction exploded throughout the room. Months of fear and anger came rushing out, and the power that boiled under his skin now boiled outside of it.

Septimus looked in terror, as the boy quickly burnt his leg asunder, and the red destruction swept through his whole body. The boy looked at him, and his eyes glistened like freshly polished steel. Finally, a grim look of satisfaction overcame the old wizard. “Give it to me boy…give me my answer…”

Septimus was gone. Ashes remained.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Cobalt Kid

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“Elag, no!” screamed Stu. “NOOOO!” he yelled again. This time, Cobalt heard it, and turned around. Lard Lad looked up.

Space Tart gave a crying breath, and life fled back into her. She was alive. Cobalt had healed her. She was safe.

Cobalt quickly realized that things were happening very quickly. He ran to Elag. Elag noticed that he no longer looked tired and sad. He looked young and restless.

“Elag, what happened?! Are you Ok?!” he said.

Stu interjected. “Elag, no! Stop…” he said, realizing it was over. Elag had killed Septimus. The red aura remained around Elag, and they all knew he held the power of destruction in his hands.

“Elag…” whispered Cobalt, “…I’m…so sorry.” A tear came down his face. “I…broke my promise to you. I wasn’t there for you…”

“No,” said Elag finally. “It’s better now. And I’m Ok. He’s dead. He’s gone. I’m sorry I was in your head.”

Cobalt looked at him, and a feeling of failure overwhelmed him. Elag got up, walked over and hugged him. He gave Lardy a hug too.

“Good bye,” he said, and he disappeared.

“No!” said Stu, who also disappeared.

Suddenly, red destruction rained down from Elag everywhere. It flooded the castle, destroying it, melting it into ruins. It poured through the country side, dissolving every skeleton and zombie it touched, finishing off the remains of Septimus’ army so they never walked again.

Elagabolus hovered over the castle and destroyed ever remnant of Septimus that ever existed. Destruction emanated from his hands.

From: If you don't want my peaches, honey... | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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