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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Tenz Tot, Taryn Tot, L'il Lesteer, L'il Plant Lad, L'il Westerner, and L'il Questar all rushing towards Glorith*

Panel 2

*Glorith waves her hand, stopping the kids in mid-rush*

Glorith: Now, children! You're supposed to be behaving for your Auntie Glorith!

Panel 3

Glorith: Bah! If you weren't such valuable commodities, I'd turn you all to protoplasmic slime.

Panel 4

Glorith: Then again, I suppose I could just charge the Baskhians for lifting the spell that's keeping them childless, and then I wouldn't have to worry about you rugrats...

Panel 5

Glorith: ...But I think I prefer this plan. Less chance of them asking the wrong questions and figuring out just who it was that inadvertantly caused that radioactive asteroid to collide with their moon in the first place!

Panel 6

*Li'l Big Toes suddenly leaps on Glorith, knocking her down*

Li'l Big Toes: You witch!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator


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From: bIZARRO wORLD | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*Lil BT throttling Glorith in rage*

Lil Big Toes: You murdered an entire planet's children! You practically committed genocide, you reprehensible fiend!

Glorith: *uuurkkk!*

Panel 2

Lil Big Toes: You try ANYTHING... and I mean ANYTHING shifty, and I snap your neck! Do you understand me, woman?

Glorith: *ggguh.... guhhh...*

Panel 3

Lil Big Toes: Good. Now listen VERY closely. You will use your power RIGHT NOW to restore my friends and I to our proper ages. The very nanosecond I sense something amiss, my grip tightens on your neck and you DIE. Do you understand, scum?

Glorith: *gguhhh*

Panel 4

Lil Big Toes: THEN DO IT!!

Glorith: *guuuh*

Panel 5

*shows Tenzil, Tiffany and Lester aging*

Panel 6

*the now restored Big Toes is still strangling Glorith*

Lil Big Toes: And now, for the genocide you have committed against the people of Baskh, YOU DIE ANYWAY!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Tenzil: Big Toes! N0!

Li'l Big Toes: She deserves to pay!

Panel 2

*Suddenly Big Toes is shocked by energy coming from Glorith, releasing his grip on her neck*

Big Toes: Aaaaaarrrggggghhhh!

Panel 3

*Glorith gets up, Big Toes (now fully adult again) lies unconscious on the floor*

Glorith: You fool! You shouldn't have hesitated! Now you DIE!

Panel 4

*Glorith prepares to blast Big Toes*

Panel 5

*The Westerner grabs Glorith from behind*

Westerner: I don't reckon I can let you hurt one of my friends, now can I? Let's just see how tough you are after I absorb yer power...

Panel 6

*Glorith begins to fade away*

Glorith: Bah! This isn't worth the effort any more! But mark my words... if ever our paths cross again, I won't be so merciful!

Panel 7

Tiffany: Is it over? How's Big Toes?

Tenzil: I think he's okay...

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Panel 1

Taryn: Big Toes...?

Big Toes: Dezmund.

Taryn: Huh?

Panel 2

Big Toes: My name... is Dezmund. "Opposable Big Toes Boy" is what the other prisoners of Nardo's stalag called me. A fitting though uninspired name, I suppose.

Panel 3

Taryn: So, ummm... Dezmund... are you... okay?

Dezmund: I must apologize to you all. At times, my passions can get the best of me... and death-- particularly of children--

Panel 4

Lester: Not to mention the rich and cute children!

Dezmund: Indeed.

Panel 5

Plant Lad: So, what now?

Questar: A valid question.

Panel 6

Lester: *real sarcastic* I suppose we should consult the great and wise oracle Tiffany.

Tenzil: Just what I was going to suggest!

Lester: Bah!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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*Three panels along the top of the page, with splash panel underneath*

Panel 1

Tenzil: Tiff?

Tiffany: Hold on a second... I *am* getting a vision... apparently the danger to the Setting Sun is passed...

Panel 2

Tenzil: So we can continue on to Bismoll?

Tiffany: No! We've got to go somewhere else first!

Panel 3

Tenzil: Where?

Tiffany: Somewhere called... Tartarus?

Panel 4

*Shows Eve (Saturn Queen) Aries, viewing the gang on a monitor. Her three thought bubbles are positioned underneath the three panels above*

Thought Bubble 1: Tiffany, it is safe to leave the planet in the Westerner's ship.

Thought Bubble 2: You cannot return to Bismoll yet.

Thought Bubble 3: You must go to Tartarus.

BLURB: Next issue... the Super-Road Trip of Space, Part 9! What wacky hijinks ensure when Tenzil & Friends hook up with the Heroes of Tartarus? Let's just say we think you'll find the storyline infectious!

[ September 25, 2004, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

caption: The Royal Palace, Tartarus...

Hakk: Well, Wheez, what do you think of the latest gossip about the Queen?

Wheez: You mean the part about her fiance turning out to be an imposter, or her crippling her entire Tartarus Elite Defense Force with her powers?

Panel 2

Hack: Both!

Wheez: Well, Hack, I hear tell her days as Queen are numbered. The League of Scantily-Clad Overendowed Assassins may have put her in power, but they're a fickle bunch. And they aren't too happy with recent events.

Panel 3

Hack: Hmph. I miss ol' Evillo. We haven't had a good banishing to the Realm of Darkness in ages!

Wheez: Wasn't the Queen supposed to be freeing the prisoners in the Realm of Darkness? Whatever happened to that plan?

Panel 4

Hack: Apparently it wasn't as easy as they thought to open a portal there.

Wheez: Bah. I'm bored. Where's those jars full of evil spirits that Evillo used to keep in the throneroom?

Panel 5

Hack: Why, I've been keeping them in my quarters for a special occassion!

Wheez: Well, let's get them. We need to have some fun!

Panel 6

Hack: Why, yes! I think it's our duty as re-animated corpses to liven the place up a bit!

[ September 29, 2004, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*the HOTties visit Renkil, who is packing to leave*

caption: Saint Vampirius Hospital...

Drura: ....and, well... I apologize.

Renkil: You have nothing to apologize for.

Panel 2

Drura: Well, really, I shouldn't have almost killed you.

Panel 3

Renkil: Drura. Beautiful Drura. Man, the only way a guy like me would ever get an incredible babe like you is to be someone different. My first visit to Tartarus... back when THE KEM SHOW was still filming... left me a little, umm... unbalanced. I ditched the cameras and took off to Earth. I just kind of wandered around in a waking stupor, unsure of anything, until I met a guy who gave me some advice.

Panel 4

Pam: What was the advice?

Renkil: It... doesn't matter. In my fragile mental state, I twisted the advice around. Bought the distorter, stole Tenzil's identity and went back to Tartarus to regain my dignity. I didn't plan on falling in love with Drura. I didn't plan to adore being a member of the HOTties so much. But I did. For the first time ever, I truly felt... happy. Heh. Funny how I had to be someone else to be happy.

Panel 5

Sugyn: NOT funny, lad. Sad, actually.

Renkil: Yeah, well, there you have it. The story of my life. Sad. Doesn't matter anymore. I'll soon be out of your way.

Panel 6

Chet: Not so fast fast fast fast fast fast.

Spaceopoly Lad: Ummm, Chet... let us handle this, buddy.

Incredible Girl: Renkil, you were an invaluable member of the HOTties. We would like you to stay.

Panel 7

*looks to Drura*

Renkil: Stay...? You all... agreed to that?

Drura: Yes.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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*Shot of the Setting Sun approaching Tartarus*

Voice #1 coming from ship: Well, pardner, you say you been to this here planet before?

Voice #2 coming from ship: Oh, yeah! Their former ruler Evillo tried to assassinate me! Come to think of it, we never did figure out why... but our friend Drura's in charge now! She's awesome!

Voice #3 coming from ship: And *how* is going to this hellhole supposed to help in getting me de-fattassed?

Voice #4 coming from ship: Relax, man. I'm sure your sister knows what she's talking about.


From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

caption: A hidden chamber, somewhere on Tartarus...

Breasticca: Let this meeting of the League of Overendowed Assassins come to order!

Panel 2

Juggsella: Can't we PLEASE debate my motion to change our name? "Overendowed assassins"? Puh-LEEZE.

Melony: I don't get you. Your name is JUGGSELLA, for Mordru's sake! Maybe you should change THAT first.

Panel 3

Juggsella: Touche', Melony.

Breasticca: That's QUITE enough! You will turn your attention to our special guests...

Panel 4

Breasticca, off panel: ...Azura... Eve... and Thora!

*large-ish panel featuring the 3 ladies*

Thora: I-- Thora of Taltar-- and my allies are honored to be here. We have much to discuss, my sisters...

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Breastica: I... I hope your not still upset over what happened during your last visit, Thora...

Thora: Whatever do you mean? Oh, you aren't talking about how you completely betrayed our agreement that I would be queen once Evillo was deposed, are you? Why, I've completely forgotton about that?

Panel 2

Jugsella: Look, we made a mistake. Queen Drura certainly wasn't what we expected her to be.

Thora: Bah! It doesn't matter! Just remember our goals are linked together now!

Panel 3

Eve (touching her head, all telepath-like): Speaking of linked, I've got a reading on our key players. They've just landed.

Thora: Good. I assume Loy is with them?

Panel 4

Eve: Of course. But I thought it was her father you really wanted?

Thora: He has his purposes. But so does she. And her litte friend Kem!

Panel 5

*Eve looks somewhat worried*

Azura (to Melony): I have seen you fight, Melony! You have a certain fire in you, almost as though you'd been trained in the combat arenas of Femnaz!

Melony: Why thank you, Azura! Coming from a legendary fighter such as yourself, that's quite the complement!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

caption: meanwhile, on Taltar...

Panel 1

random female slavedriver: Move your cretinous male feet, slaves, or no dinner tonight!

Evillo: *carrying a stone block* I... don't know... how much more... I can take...

Panel 2

Malefico: Pathetic traitorous stripling! To think the likes of YOU sprung from MY loins...

Panel 3

Evillo: You're not looking so hot there either, Pops. Getting a little worn out?

Panel 4

Malefico: Not for much longer, worm.

Evillo: Oh? And how do you figure that? These Taltaran tramps have us all working like sub-dogs...

Panel 5

Malefico: 5... 4... 3...

Evillo: What's with the countdown, Daddy-o?

Malefico: I learned from my imprisonment in the Realm of Darkness, son... learned to ALWAYS be prepared...

Panel 6

*a flash of light with a decidedly female figure inside*

Malefico: Ah... at last...

Panel 7

Malefico, off-panel:

Veilmist: Shall we depart, my liege?

[ October 11, 2004, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Tenzil looking straight at the reader*

Tenzil: Yammering Yukatan! I've got to get a better agent! I'm the one whose name is in the title of this comic book, so shouldn't I appear, oh, at least every other page or so? Jillikers!

Panel 2

*shows Tenz and the gang surrounded by a crowd at the Tartarus spaceport, including numerous papparazi*

caption: So, we'd arrived on Tartarus, and I knew I was a big planetary hero and stuff, but even I was a bit shocked at the reception!

Panel 3

onlooker(s): Tenzil! Oooh, there he is! Tenzil!

Reporter: Mr. Kem! Will you answer a few questions?

Panel 4

Tenzil: Umm... I suppose. Make 'em quick, though! And, uh, one at a time!

Panel 5

Reporter #1: Is your engagement to the Queen still on?

Reporter #2: How are you feeling after the Queen's recent attack on you?

Reporter #3: Is it true the Queen's mad because you secretly wed a zombie princess months ago?

Reporter #4: Will you be resigning your position in the Heroes of Tartarus?

Panel 6

*Close up shot on Tenzil looking confused*

Tenzil: *Gulp*

[ October 11, 2004, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

reporter: Miss Spiffany! How did you feel when you learned your lover was engaged to Drura Sepht?

Tiffany: My lover...? Tenzil, is there something I should know about us...?

Panel 2

reporter: Mister Spiffany! Why are you so fat?

Lester: Shut your stupid face!

Panel 3

reporter: Noyd! Mr. Echad! Did you ever resolve the paternity suits on Simballi?

Plant Lad: Oh, sprock.

Panel 4

Taryn: NO COMMENT! Out of our way! NOW!

Westerner: My kinda gal! Fiesty!

Panel 5

*Taryn shoves through the throng of papparazzi, as the others follow closely behind*

Panel 6

*the gang enters a hover-limo*

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Tenzil: Good thing you omnicommed ahead to book this hover-limo for us, Tiffany! We'd never gotten out of that crowd otherwise!

Tiffany: I had a little premonition that we'd need transportation!

Panel 2

Lester: Hmph. Like anyone couldn't figure out that when you land in a major metropolitan city you're going to need a way to get around. At least it's got plenty of room.

Noyd: Yeah, man, you sure need it.

Panel 3

Lester: Hey! It wasn't so long ago you were porked up yourself, space-rocker boy!

Taryn: Guys, calm down. We need to figure out what's going on. Why did those reporters seem to think Tenzil was engaged to Drura?

Panel 4

Tiffany: And why did they think Tenz and I were lovers?

Westerner: Uh, li'l lady, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you two have been linked in the space-tabloids for months.

Panel 5

Taryn: You read the tabloids, Tim-Thee?

Westerner: I reckon a fella's got to keep up on all the celeb gossip, especially when livin' on a frontier world like Sexat!

Panel 6

Tenzil: Dezmund, you've been rather quiet. What's your take on the situation?

Big Toes: It seems apparent that the populace of this world has a certain set of beliefs regarding your activities which do not correspond to your actual activities. Assuming this is not a mass delusion, then the natural conclusion is that someone else has been performing the actions they are attributing to you.

[ October 12, 2004, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

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