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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
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Panel 1

Waiter: The plague's long since passed, though its effects still linger. 2 years ago, our moon collided with a weird radioactive asteroid. Then came the fallout...

Panel 2

Tiffany: Oh, no! Radiation?

Waiter: Yes. It had no effect on adults... but every single person on Baskh under 18-sola years died...

Panel 3

Tiffany: *choke!* How horrible!!!

Lester: Even the rich kids? And the cute guys?

Panel 4

Waiter: ESPECIALLY the rich and cute. They were the first kids to go.

Lester: That IS horrible!

Panel 5

Tenzil: Well, now all the funeral gear makes sense.

Taryn: So, did this radiation sterilize the population or something?

Panel 6

Waiter: No children have been born on Baskh since the plague.

Plant Lad: Sterilization? KEWL! That'll come in handy once I score my record deal on Bismoll!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Waiter: Actually, we're not sure why no kids have been born. As far as our best medical scientists can tell, we are all healthy and should be able to bear children.

Taryn: Strange.

Panel 2

Waiter (leaving): Well, I hope you enjoy your meal.

Tenzil (eating napkin): mmm... quite tasty...

Panel 3

Lester: Wait... he never did take our order!

Tiffany: It's okay, I'm sure this... whatever it is... will be fine.

Panel 4

Taryn: I don't think it's a good idea to stay on this planet if there's some weird radiation sickness or something. We have no idea what kind of effect it will have on us...

Tiffany: But, what about my vision of the Westerner's ship being destroyed?

Panel 5

Tenzil: Jillikers! This is a dilemma! Could we maybe get another ship or something?

Westerner: I've kinda grown accustomed to the Setting Sun, but I reckon I wouldn't mind tradin' it in for a newer model, if that would help...

Panel 6

Tiffany: Well, maybe, but then wouldn't we just be selling someone else a death-trap?

Questar: I, Questar, do not approve of that!

Panel 7

Big Toes: Perhaps it would be sagacious to discover the root cause of the malady inflicting the populace of this world and discern its possible effects on ourselves before departing?

[ September 03, 2004, 06:01 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

Tenzil: Big Toes makes a lot of sense... I think. So where do we start? A doctor's office?

Panel 2

Everyone else: NO!

Panel 3

*scene shifts to darkened room with female*

caption: And, watching...

Female: You will come to me, my pretties... come...

Panel 4

Tiffany: Wait a minute! My super-female-intuition is telling me something...!

Lester: Oh, JEEBUS!!!

Panel 5

Tiffany: There's somewhere we have to go-- NOW! We'll get the answers we seek if we do so.

Lester: Great Ergloks! Let's all rush off before we get to eat on my crazy sister's say-so!

Panel 6

*Tiff slams fist onto table*

Tiffany: Are you calling me a liar, Lester? A fraud? GRRRRRRR.... that enrages me...!!!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Noyd: Now, keep it cool, babe. We'll just get a carryout box for the eats, and everyone will be happy.

Lester: Hmph.

Panel 2

Tenzil: Look at it this way, Les: we don't have any better ideas on how to solve our problems, so we might as well follow Tiffany's super-intuition.

Panel 3

caption: Soon...

Noyd: Man, this... whatever it is... is kind of tasty! We may have to go back and get the recipe!

Tiffany: We are approaching the entrance to the cave up ahead. I'm certain that's where will find what we're looking for!

Panel 4

Tenzil: Jumpin' fishhooks! It's fairly dark in there! Are you certain that's where we need to go, Tiff?

Tiffany: Yeah, I know what I'm doing.

Panel 5

Lester: This reminds of that stupid Realm of Darkness.

Questar: My super-vision powers allow me to see the way! There appears to be some sort of doorway in the cave wall!

Panel 6

*Questar opens the door to reveal a well-lit chamber!*

Taryn: It's a room inside the cave!

Noyd: Look at that groovy pool! It's beautiful!

Panel 7

*The gang suddenly start de-aging*

Tenzil: Jillikers! What's happening!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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*full page slpash featuring the entire gang, who have all de-aged to about 3-4 years old, complete with mini versions of their costumes and stuff* note: Noyd's speech impediemnt is intentional

Tenzil Tot: Waaaah! Me not like this!

Taryn Tot: *pinching Tenz' arm* Awww, you a crybaby!

Li'l Westerner: You am fat! Ha ha ha!

Li'l Lester: You am STUPID! Me am TELLING!!!

Tiffany Tot: Me want ice cream!

Li'l Plant Lad: Tippany, you am pwetty!

Questar Tot: Me, Questar, am confused...

Big Toes Tot: *irritated sigh*

Credits/Title run along the bottom: The Super-Road Trip... of SPACE! Part... Whatever, We lost Count: "AGE ain't nothing but a NUMBER"!!

[ September 04, 2004, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Platinum blonde female enters*

Female: Yes! The mists from the special youthening pool worked wonderfully! Now, to present the Baskhians with their new "children"! HAHAHAHAHA!

Panel 2

Female: Come, kids! I'm going to take you somewhere fun!

Lester: Fun? Goody! Me am bored with stupid place!

Panel 3

*Scene changes to an orphanage*

caption: Soon...

Female: Have some toys to play with, kids! Auntie Glorith has some business to attend to!

Taryn: Yay! Me play with dollie!

Panel 4

*Tenzil takes a teddy bear*

Tenzil: Me call him Mr. Jenkies!

Lester: Waaah! Me hungry!

Panel 5

*Big Toes climbs up on the counter and opens the space-cabinet, while Westerner and Questar play space-cowboys with toy laser guns*

Westerner: Pow! Pow! Me shoot you!

Questar: No! Me, Questar, use force shield! Me shoot you dead now!

Panel 6

*Big Toes tosses a box of cereal to Lester, Westerner falls over like he's dead*

Westerner: Me hit! Me dead!

Lester: Yummy!

[ September 04, 2004, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

*Li'l Big Toes climbs down and takes a seat in the corner, surveying his allies*

Panel 2

*Li'l Big Toes watching*

caption: Obviously, we've all been reduced in age, to approximately 3-4 years. And how interesting that this Glorith woman should appear afterwards. A Rimborian could see through this tissue-thin plot. Unfortunately, my allies' intelligence decreased along with their ages. They are now, quite literally and in every since of the word, children.

Panel 3

Taryn Tot: Tenzil, come play dollies with me!

Tenzil Tot: NOT dollies! Action figures!

Panel 4

Li'l Plant Lad: Tippany, me am going to kiss you!

Tiffany Tot: *tee hee!*

Panel 5

*Li'l Big Toes watching again*

caption: Unfortunately for Glorith, she couldn't know that I have always had my vast intelligence. Time to find out what her nefarious plans are...

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Li'l Big Toes wanders into the chamber that Glorith has retreated to; Glorith is speaking on a holophone*

Glorith: Yes! That's right! I have eight children, as cute and fun and delightful as you could ask for! And I'm only asking seven billion pollons per head!

Panel 2

Man on Holophone: Seven billion pollons! Why, that's half my fortune! But, I suppose it's worth it to have a child again...

Glorith (noticing Li'l Big Toes): Yes! And here's one of the li'l darlings now! Say "hi" to the nice man on the holophone! He may just be your new daddy!

Panel 3

caption: Perhaps it would be wise to perpetuate her false belief as to my childlike nature...

Li'l Big Toes: Me like him! Him look nice!

Man on holophone: Oh, how I've missed having children! Seven billion pollons is nothing compared to the joy they bring! You've got a deal!

Glorith: I'm glad to be of service!

Panel 4

Glorith (turning off holovid): Now, what exactly are YOU doing in here, you little ruffian! I thought I'd locked all of you in the Nursery! Come!

Panel 5

*Glorith takes Big Toes by the arm and drags him towards the Nursery*

Glorith: Since you DID help me seal the deal, I'm not going to punish you! But I AM going to make sure you don't get out again!

Panel 6

*After pushing Big Toes through the nursery door, Glorith closes it*

Glorith: Now, I'll make sure I input the code to keep the door locked, so the merchandise doesn't escape!

[ September 05, 2004, 08:49 AM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

Li'l Big Toes caption: She turned us into children to sell us! And this childless planet can't be blamed for not asking too many questions-- these people certainly must be heartbroken and desperate.

Panel 2

Li'l Questar: Me, Questar, am sleepy.

Li'l Plant Lad: Me sweepy too!

Panel 3

Li'l Big Toes: Perhaps it would be appropriate for you to engage in afternoon repose.

Lil Lester: You talk stupid!

Panel 4

Li'l Big Toes: *sigh* Me am sweepy too! Me going to lie down on soft mat and rest for a bit!

Panel 5

*Questar, Plant Lad, Westerner and Tiffany follow his lead and lie down*

Li'l Big Toes caption: Excellent. This will keep them from harm's way while I contemplate how best to deal with this Glorith woman.

Panel 6

Li'l Big Toes caption: Now, where have Tenzil, Taryn and Lester gotten off to...?

Panel 7

*notices a hole that has been eaten into the wall*

Li'l Big Toes caption: DAMN.

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Big Toes emerges from hole in wall into the back yard of the "orphanage"*

Li'l Big Toes: *Sigh*. I suppose it would have been unrealistically fortuitous for them to have consumed something other than the exterior wall.

Panel 2

Li'l Big Toes: It would be wise to cover this hole up before the rest of my youthened companions decide to go exploring.

Panel 3

*Li'l Big Toes moves some heavy object to block hole*

Panel 4

Li'l Big Toes: That should take care of that.

Panel 5

Li'l Big Toes: Now, to locate the others. And, of course, they seem to have gotten themselves into trouble.

Panel 6

*The owner of a nearby house pops out to see Tenzil eating his space-mailbox!*

House-owner: What's that pesky kid doing? Wait... kid? Marythu! Come see this!

[ September 17, 2004, 08:01 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

*woman exits home*

Marythu: Ohhh, LOOK! Children!!! So sweet and adorable! Oh, just LOOK at the cheeks on that little fat kid!

Panel 2

Li'l Big Toes caption: SPROCK! I had hoped to avoid contact with the natives of this planet...!

Panel 3

*woman scoops up Lester in her arms*

Marythu: YOU look like a hugwy widdle guy! Are you hungwy, cutie?

Lester: Me AM hungwy! Nice lady feed li'l Lester?

Panel 4

Marythu *entering home*: Oh, YES! Anything you like!!

Panel 5

Li'l Big Toes caption: Burning embers of hell! This is getting much more complicated than I had planned...

Panel 6

*notices that Tenzil Tot and Taryn Tot have made their way down the entire block, eating mailboxes*

Li'l Big Toes caption: Oh, POOH! I mean... Sprock! Could this age regression be beginning to affect me...?

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Li'l Questar suddenly appears*

Li'l Questar: Me, Questar, come out to play!

Panel 2

Li'l Big Toes: Ah, spit! Questar, we must get the other kids back inside! Before, um, we get in trouble with Auntie Glorith!

Panel 3

Li'l Questar: Me not want to go inside! Me play outside longer!

Panel 4

*Questar takes off running*

Li'l Big Toes: Wait! There's... ice cream!

Panel 5

Li'l Questar: Ice cream? Yummy!

Panel 6

Big Toes: Yes, just 'port Taryn and Tenzil back inside and I'll give you two spacecicles!

Panel 7

Li'l Questar: 'Kay!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

*lil Questar is concentrating*

Panel 2

*a hand smacks lil Questar across the panel*

Panel 3

*Lil Big Toes looks up to see an enraged Glorith*

Glorith: WHAT are you BRATS doing out here???

Panel 4

*Lil Big Toes sees to Questar, who is bawling; speaks to Glorith*

Lil Questar: Whaaaaa!!!

Lil Big Toes: You monstrous harridan! Abominable harpy!!

Panel 5

Glorith: "Monstrous...?" It would seem my age-regression powers had no effect on your brain, little boy.

Lil Big Toes: That is correct!

Panel 6

Glorith: Then understand THIS: I'll kill them all without hesitation if you don't assist me in this operation. My age-altering powers can devolve them all to protoplasm with ease. And I WILL do it if forced to. Now...will you obey me?

Panel 7

*lil Big Toes looks defeated*

Lil Big Toes: ....yes....

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Li'l Tenzil and Taryn are running*

Panel 2

*Li'l Tenzil and Taryn are frozen in their tracks*

Panel 3

Glorith: These two are secure. Now where's that little chubby ruffian?

Li'l Big Toes: He... he went inside that house..

Panel 4

*Glorith begins teleporting everyone*

Glorith: Then we will go get him.

Panel 5

*Inside the house, li'l Lester is enjoying snacks, while the happy couple fawn over him*

Marythu: Isn't he sweet, Georj?

Georj: It's a miracle! A child sent from heaven!

Panel 6

*Marythu and Georj start aging rapidly*

Georj: Marythu, your face...!

Marythu: What's happening to us!

Panel 7

*Marythu and Georj crumble to dust as Glorith and the kids appear*

Glorith: Now, there, these little "miracles" are intended only for the richest families on Baskh. Chubby here belongs to the upper crust!

Li'l Lester: Waaaaggghhh! Me like it here!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Panel 1

caption: shortly, back at the orphanage...

*Glorith and Lil Big Toes speak; the gang can be seen playing in the background*

Glorith: You had best keep a closer watch on your little friends, for their sake. Understood?

Lil Big Toes: You MURDERED that kindly couple! Couldn't you have simply aged them to a point that they couldn't threaten you?

Panel 2

Glorith: That was the plan, but sometimes my powers can be a little unpredictable. Piffle! Why am I even discussing this with you? Don't question me again! Soon I'll have the money I need to buy back my throne on Balduur, and I can leave this mudhole planet in the farthest recesses of my memory. I've planned for so long... I must not fail! I WILL not fail!

Panel 3

Lil Big Toes: Planned... what, exactly?

Panel 4

Glorith: Why, the very scheme you are a part of! Who knew it would take so long for Baskh to get some visitors? I guess no one wants to visit a planet in mourning. Fortunately, your band of travelers stumbled by!

Panel 5

Lil Big Toes: So you came here after the cataclysm that decimated this planet's children? And concocted this ghastly scheme out of sheer greed?

Panel 6

Glorith: *shrugging* Pretty much!

off-panel voice: Enough!

Panel 7

*panel shows Tenz Tot, Taryn Tot, Lil lester, Tiffany Tot, Lil Plant Lad, Lil Westerner and Lil Questar, all battle-ready*

Tenzil Tot: We may be little, but we am NOT stupid! Get Auntie Glorith, gang! She's been BAD!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

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