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Author Topic: MATTER-EATER LAD: The Series!!!
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

*the gang startled, fearful as a maniacal laughter fills their room*


Panel 2

*image of Mayavale appears*

Mayavale: Well, that was the last of my daily 3-Hour laugh. "Get off this planet"? For shame, old friends... is this any way to treat a loved one? IS it? I suppose it IS the way sub-scum such as yourselves treat a loved one, though...

Panel 3

Taryn: "Loved one"? Are you insane? None of us know you!!

Mayavale: Are you QUITE certain of that, Taffy?

Tenzil: "Taffy"? *chuckle!*

Panel 4

Mayavale: And to answer your question... Yes. Yes, I am quite insane. Have been ever since the knowledge of all my previous and future lifetimes flooded into my brain. Insane. But correct. Everything I tell you, everything I revealed or will reveal is the truth. Awful, maybe, but the truth often is.

Tenzil: Hoo-kay. I think we'll be moseying along now. Questar?

Panel 5

Questar: Yes?

Tenzil: Time to do a little emergency 'porting. Even Sexat would be fine right now.

Panel 6

Lester: NO! We can't leave... my ass! My fat ass! He said he can fix it...!

Panel 7

Mayavale: Questar, eh? Aah, yes. Reges Questar! Although I knew you by another name...

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Questar blasts image of Mayavale*

Questar: No!

Panel 2

*Image of Mayavale has disappeared*

Tenzil: Jumpin' Jupiter! He's gone!

Questar: I will 'port us away!

Panel 3

*Questar 'ports out, leaving the rest of the gang standing in the room*

Panel 4

Taryn: Hmm... do you think he just forgot us? Or did his power malfunction?

Tenzil: Hard to tell, but I suppose we should probably try to find another way out...

Panel 5

*A darkened room, Questar is lying on the floor, with a giant image of Mayavale's head*

caption: Elsewhere...

Giant Mayavale Head: You thought you could get away my pretty? You thought you could escape me? Omniscient, Omnipotent me?

Questar: Nooooo......

Panel 6

Giant Mayavale Head: Well, Nik... let's see who's the wise guy now...

[ August 18, 2004, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

Tenzil: We've GOT to get out of here! That Doctor is off his space-rocker!

Taryn: Agreed.

Tiffany: I tried to warn you all! But did anyone believe me?

Panel 2

Lester: Bah! I'll never believe you have powers.

Tiffany: Well, I think it's fairly obvious that I do.

Panel 3

Plant Lad: Who the sprock CARES who's got powers? We've gotta get OUTTA here! He's... he's powerful, man... and powerful crazy, too!

Tiffany: What did he do to you, Noyd?

Panel 4

Plant Lad: I... I'll never say.

Lester: Use your vaunted psychic powers and find out, sis!

Tiffany: Shut UP, Lester, or I'll have Westerner punch you again.

Panel 5

Westerner: SHUT UP, the lotta ya! That 4-handed, no-feeted fella is missing... ol' yella-haired Questar is missing... looks like that wacky hippie-physician is tryin' to pick us off like the 10 li'l Indians of space.

Tenzil: Feeling better, Santoza?

Westerner: A mite.

Panel 6

Tenzil: Good. I hate to hit a sickly man.

*Tenzil punches Westerner*

Taryn: TENZIL!!!

Tiffany: Oh, JEEBUS, make it STOP...!!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Mayavale: Do you remember, Nik Maroka? Do you remember Cyrus "Bulldog" Hogart? I could have been heavyweight champion of the world with any other manager.

Panel 2

Mayavale: But your mob bosses decided I should throw the fight against the champ. When I refused, you and your thugs left me for dead in the alleyway. But I wasn't dead.

Panel 3

Mayavale: Injured as I was, I made it to the fight. And I was giving the champ the tussle of his life.

Panel 4

Mayavale: Until an assassin's bullet rang out from the stands, ending my quest for the championship as it ended my life. That assassin was in YOUR pay.

Panel 5

Mayavale: Return to your friend, Nik, now that you know why you are doomed!

Panel 6

*Questar reappears in the room with the rest of the gang*

[ August 18, 2004, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

*large panel featuring the re-appeared Questar looking shocked as Tenzil, Westerner, Lester, Taryn, Plant Lad and Tiffany are all fist-fitghting each other*

Questar: WHAT the...!

Panel 2

Questar: STOP it, all of you! My stasis-field isn't very powerful, but it's enough to halt your carnage!

Panel 3

Tenzil: NOOOO!!! MUST KILL!!!

Taryn: Must bite! Must bash! Must slash!

Lester: Die, Sexat-boy! DIE!

Westerner: Diet, fatass! DIET!

Panel 4

Questar: Wee Willy Willikers! That Doctor Mayavale has somehow made you all as unhinged as he!

Plant Lad: I'll sprocking KILL you, man! I'll sprocking eat your EYES on a sundae...!

Panel 5

Questar: Now, Noyd! You KNOW that doesn't sound appetizing. I'm getting us ALL out of here... NOW.

Panel 6

*flash of light*

Panel 7

*everyone is still there*

Questar: uh oh.

Tiffany: *maniacal expression* Ha. Haha. HAHAhahahaHAHAHAhahahahha!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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*Big splash panel of the entire gang (who suddenly all have knives) getting ready to stab Questar*

Tenzil: Questar, my dear friend! You have been chosen for the honor of being the first sacrifice in K'revvenna, the great ceremony of spiritual rebirth!

Everyone: HAHAhahahHAHAHAHAHhahahaha!

NEXT ISSUE BLURB: Is this the end of Questar, hero to millions and star of the Questar network? Or does he have a trick up his sleeve that will save him? And how will the gang escape the clutches of the maniacal Mayavale? Find out in "Chance of a Lifetime!"

[ August 18, 2004, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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*Big splash panel similar to the big splash panel on the last page of last issue!"

Caption: Ever since the introduction of Questar, one of the most vocal fans of MATTER-EATER LAD: THE SERIES has been calling for his demise! And when last we saw Reges, he was in a perilous situation indeed! His friends, apparently possessed by the evil lunatic hippy guru Doctor Mayavale, were bent on sacrificing Questar in a bizarre cosmic enlightenment ritual! Will Questar be able to escape? Will he able to help his friends? Where the heck did Opposable Big Toes Boy get off to anyway? Well, gentle reader, turn the page and discover for yourself in "Chance of a Lifetime!"

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

*Doc M appears as gang approaches Questar menacingly*

Mayavale: Excellent! I see my special drugged vxxniarade has had its desired effect! They are all in my power, Nik, and your super-abilities in this lifetime have been all but negated. Soon I shall employ the beauty of karmic riposte! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

Questar: That isn't good, is it?

Mayavale: Not for you.

Panel 2

*Questar is surrounded by the gang*

Questar: >Gulp!<

Panel 3

Mayavale: TAKE him! Follow me... to the CHAMBER OF LIVES!!

Panel 4

Questar: Chamber of Lives...? It doesn't sound so bad.

Mayavale: It is in the Chamber of Lives that I became what I am now.

Panel 5

Questar: Oh. Great.

Mayavale: And it is there, today, that I shall begin step one of MY ASCENTION!

Questar: Ascention?

Panel 6

Mayavale: To GODHOOD!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

Mayavale: You, Nik, must be very excited! Your blood shall be collected and then thrown into the fiery pits of Jolgoth from whence the wheeling mists of the Chamber of Lives emerge! As the blood of mine enemies merges with the sacred vapors, it shall form a special compound which, when inhaled by the chosen saviour of the cosmos, namely myself, shall begat massive changes in my physical form! The last remnants of my human shell shall be discarded like that of a molting insect! And, indeed, I shall be leaving the world of you mere mortal insects behind to traverse on a more cosmic plane! Be glad, my dear Reges, for you shall be first to be sacrificed in the great Avatandan ritual of K'revvenna!

Panel 2

Questar: Because I'm your greatest enemy?

Mayavale: NO! That would be Tenzil here! And that is why he shall be sacrificed last! I'm just using you to practice the ritual! Hmm... I wonder which of your friends will make the fatal stab when the time comes?

Panel 3

Questar: *gulp*!

Questar thoughts: Must... not... give... up! How can I distract him? Hmm... that just might work!

Panel 4

Questar: I, Questar, do feel that it is a great honor to be your first sacrifice, but I was wondering if you could fulfill a last request? I'd really like to hear some more about how all of us betrayed or killed you in our past lives! What did, for instance, Taryn here do to you?

Mayavale: Ah, Taffy! Well, that's an interesting story...

[ August 23, 2004, 06:26 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

*mists have begun to swirl about Doc M*

Mayavale: A mere handful of lifetimes ago, I was a beautiful high school student. Maryanne was my name.

Panel 2

*scene plays out in the mists*

caption: My best friend was Taffy, who was also beautiful but not quite as beautiful as I!

Panel 3

caption: We were both running for Homecoming Queen... I, of course, was the front-runner.

Panel 4

caption: But when the day came to announce the winner, I discovered I had LOST! Taffy was crowned Homecoming Queen instead!

Panel 5

caption: Later, I discovered that Taffy had tampered with the results. I-- Mary-- had actually won!

Panel 6

caption: So I hunted Taffy down and slashed her to tatters for her betrayal most foul!

Panel 7

caption: The police put me in prison for the remainder of my life! TAFFY was the guilty one, not me!

Panel 8

*back to Mayavale*

Mayavale: ANd now, at long last, Taffy will PAY for her crimes!!!!

Panel 9

Questar: "Crimes"? It sounds to me like you are the one who commited the true crime...

Mayavale: SILENCE!!!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Mists begin to swirl again*

Mayavale: In another lifetime, another reality even, Tenzil here was known as Nura Nal, beautiful siren of Naltar!

Panel 2

Mayavale: In this universe, I had gained a great deal of spiritual awareness, much as in this world! And I had realized, as I do now, that I must kill those who betrayed me in order to achieve my ascension!

Panel 3

Mayavale: I captured Nura and two of her comrades in their Legion of Super-Heroes while they were on a deep space mission!

Panel 4

Mayavale: I had believed her comrades were disposed of, and was preparing to sacrifice the beautiful Nura in the rite of K'revvenna...

Panel 5

Mayavale: When her two friends suddenly interrupted the ceremony! A minor annoyance, for I quickly imprisoned them in my cellular disrupter beams...

Panel 6

Mayavale: But seeing her friends in pain sparked something deep within Nura that I had not expected...

Panel 7

Mayavale: ...and she exploded furiously, striking me with mighty blows!

Panel 8

Mayavale: Even in this lifetime, my shins still bother me from the thrashing I took from Nura! Tenzil, oh beautiful Tenzil! You must suffer for the pain you inflicted...

Panel 9

Tenzil: I... must... suffer... for... wait... a... minute... Jumpin' fishhooks! Didn't I date Nura? How can I be her?

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

Mayavale: Bah! This was in a reality that now no longer exists, short-sighted one!

Tenzil: This reality had no Tenzil Kem...?

Panel 2

Mayavale: It did, but he wasn't you.

Tenzil: Me am confused.

Mayavale: Such is my curse and my blessing. I comprehend it all!

Panel 3

Mayavale: WAIT a minute-- you're no longer drugged...?

Panel 4

Tenzil: Never was. Bismollians can't drink vxxniarade or any other type of regular drinks. I was just playing along to see what your plan was...

Panel 5

Mayavale: Oh? Then I think I shall get directly to YOUR DEATH! SLAVES!! Seize him and sacrifice him!

Panel 6

Taryn: I don't think that's gonna happen.

Mayavale: Taffy...!??!

Taryn: I'm a Bismollian too, Curly.

Panel 7

Mayavale: It matters not. Proceed with the seizing and sacrificing!!!

Panel 8

*Tiffany, Noyd, Lester and Westerner advance menacingly upon Taryn, Tenzil and Questar*

[ August 25, 2004, 06:21 AM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Noyd advances on Questar*

Questar: I, Questar, do not want to harm you, Plant Lad! I advise you to stay back!

Panel 2

*Lester and The Westerner approach Taryn*

Taryn thoughts: Hmm... Daddy may have given me the strength of three men, but Lester and Tim-Thee both way at least as much as three men now! What can I do?

Panel 3

*Tiffany advances on Tenzil*

Tenzil: Jumpin' crackerjacks! Tiffany, you know I like you a lot, but this might not be the best time to be getting so... intimate!

Panel 4

*Taryn super-leaps out of the grasp of the Westerner and Lester*

Panel 5

*Taryn lands on the ping pong table, where she picks up a paddle and ball*

Panel 6

*Tiffany, who is now very close to Tenzil, notices Taryn with the ping pong equipment*

Tiffany: NOOOOO! Can't... play... ping... pong!

From: Liberty City | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
bite into the all-caps

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Panel 1

Tenzil: Tiffany...?

Tiffany: My psychic powers have at last broken Mayavale's hold on my mind! I'm fine now.

Panel 2

Questar: Great! We're taking it all away from him, one of us at a time! I, Questar, am pleased by this!

Panel 3

*Noyd wallops Questar*

Plant Lad: Does THIS please you too, you stupid boy scout?

Questar: No, Noyd! I, Questar, have no desire to cause you harm! Do not force my hand...!

Panel 4

*Plant Lad kicks Questar in the nads*

Questar: ArrrGGGGGGhhhh!

Plant Lad: Doc M said to seize and sacrifice... he didn't say you had to be completely rupture-free for it, though...

Panel 5

*energy crackles around Westerner as he de-fatasses*

Westerner: Awww, YEAH! The energy I accidentally borrowed from Lester has worn off! Ya'll are in for a serious beating now, Tenzil!

Panel 6

Mayavale: YES, Westerner! Subdue him! As painfully as possible!!

Tenzil: Yeesh! I guess Doc Maavale never took the super-Hippocratic oath of space!

Panel 7

Mayavale: I only mouthed the words-- I didn't speak them aloud! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Visit the FULL FRONTAL FANDANGO & laugh along with Lash at http://lashlaugh.wordpress.com/

Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Eryk Davis Ester
Created from the Cosmic Legends of the Universe!

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Panel 1

*Westerner punches Tenzil*

Westerner: I have subdued the Bismollian, master!

Panel 2

*Plant Lad delivers a final blow knocking Questar to the ground*

Plant Lad: The boy scout is down, as well!

Panel 3

Mayavale: Yes! Ye-ess! YESSSS! Now captured the treacherous females!

Panel 4

*Noyd turns into a Venusian Octopus vine and starts tangling up Taryn*

Taryn's thoughts: These vines are too strong to break out of without risking hurting Noyd...

Panel 5

*Tim-Thee menacingly approaches Tiffany, as Lester watches in the background*

Westerner: Now, come along li'l lady! We've got big plans for you!

Panel 6

*Tiffany suddenly punches Tim-Thee, who falls into Lester*

Tiffany: NO! I will not let him hurt us anymore!

Panel 7

*Tiffany rushes Mayavale*

[ August 30, 2004, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: Eryk Davis Ester ]

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